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Research Proposal and Timeline

Danyal Chaudry
G/T Independent Research

Title: The Antibiotic Resistance Apocalypse

Introduction and Overview of Research:

The problem that is attempted at being solved by this research is the issue of antibiotic
resistance, and what solutions there are that are possible to combat it. What is being endeavored
to be proven here is that solutions exist that will be cheap and efficient, with new and cutting
edge technology (CRISPR).
Background and Rationale:
Penicillin was first discovered in 1928. Ever since then, we have used antibiotics as a way to
easily cure bacterial infections, and we began taking it as more and more of a commodity rather
than a scientific miracle. Previous to the discovery of penicillin, any cut or wound had the
possibility of being fatal, but antibiotics changed all of that. But over the past 80 years, our
irresponsible use of antibiotics has created resistance in bacteria to these wonder drugs, and is
threatening to throw us back into the health dark ages. The CDC estimates that 2 million people
in the United States contract these sorts of diseases and 23,000 die per year (CDC). With the
increasing resistance in bacteria, and the fact that the health industry has not developed a new
antibiotic in 25 years, the future is looking gloomy for us.
Antibiotic resistance and how we deal with this issue will change the world and how we
live in it. We are about to lose the power of one of the greatest miracles science has ever given
us, antibiotics. Anyone and everyone will be greatly impacted by the outcome of what is to
happen. Antibiotics have been saving millions of lives, and without them, even a simple cut or
minor wound could become fatal(Healy). Let alone childbirth and the like. The issue is so
important that the CDC and the WHO declared it their most severe health threats. If this
problem is not solved, it has the potential to kill millions of people. The CDC estimates that 2
million people in the US contract diseases from these microbes annually, and by 2050, it will kill
more people than cancer(Kline). Research into this topic is very important, and will decide the
future of the world and how we live in it as we know it.
Research Methodology:
Research Question: How severe is the issue of antibiotic resistance in the 21st century,
and what role will it play for us going forward?
Hypothesis: Antibiotic resistance will play a major role in the world during the 21st
century, and will greatly change the way we inhabit this planet in the years to come.
In the paper, the elements of the causes, ramifications, and solutions will be discussed.
Agricultural practices, overuse and misuse, deaths, CRISPR, bacteriophages, etc.
Research Methodology: The research methodology that will be used will be a quantitative
correlational method. This research design model was chosen because it fits the research,
as the research will examine the correlation between the variables of antibiotic resistance
and its ramifications.
Data Collection: Primary document analysis and data analysis methods of data collection
will be used for this research, as professionals and their work can be accessed and
reviewed for real scientific merit. Primary research will be created by delving into and
discussing new alternatives and possibilities, such as CRISPR.

Product Objectives:
The product of this research will be a school club to raise awareness and further research
in the biological and scientific field. The audience is projected to be high school students
that are interested in the scientific field, and hope to further their experiences in biology,
etc. They will be communicated to the specific target audiences by spreading messages
and announcements in the school that a club exists and all are welcome.

Logistical Considerations:
It will not cost any extra money for the product, but it will require effort to start the club. A
group of students have to be assembles, a room has to be found, a formal request has to be filed,
To prepare for my research project so far, I have completed a paper, and I am working on the
data collection and analysis.
March 2-Third Quarter Conference to discuss data collection and finalization of research.
March 5- Begin contacting professionals for interviews.
March 20- Transcribe interviews and complete interviews.
March 21- Begin looking for papers for meta-analysis.
March 29- Complete meta-analysis of papers.
April 5- Data collection and analysis complete.
April 7- Submit data collection and analysis for review.
April 8- Begin working on synthesis paper, incorporating data collection and analysis.
April 14- Complete synthesis paper and submit for review.
April 16- Work on display board.
May 1- Complete display board.
May 3- Begin work on final product.
May 15- Complete organization and paperwork for final product, school club.
May 16- Work on improving and fixing oral presentation.
May 20- Present oral presentation.


CDC. (2016, September 8). Biggest Threats. Retrieved September 29, 2016, from
CDC website:
Healy, M. (2016, July 12). Deadly Medical Disaster Slowly Unfolds. Los Angeles
Times. Retrieved from SIRS Knowledge Source database.
Kline, K. E. (2016, September 16). Investigation of First Identified mcr-1 Gene
in an Isolate from a U.S. Patient Pennsylvania, 2016. Retrieved October
23, 2016, from website:

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