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finishing us all o. Throughout the campaign
launch event, Marichuyscohort referred to her as

spokesperson, never candidate a key little

detail that speaks to the collective nature of the
MARICHUY Were not going out to ask for votes, says
Bettina Cruz, an indigenous Binni Zaa from
PARA Oaxaca and a council member. The point of
getting a candidate on the ballot, she explains, is
PRESIDENTE to use the attention surrounding the electoral
process to organize at a grassroots level across

the country. The Indigenous Government Council

and our spokesperson are inserting ourselves
because were also part of this country, and were
going to speak out, she says. Our proposals are
about organizing, about rescuing the country and
about a way of life thats new and dierent from
the one thats dragging us into a debacle of
civilization, not only on a national level but all of
Like the Zapatista uprising, the move to put an
indigenous woman on the July 2018 ballot is a
swipe from below at Mexicos dominant
economic, political and social order. The
campaign promises to be anything but politics as
usual and draws on indigenous governance
philosophies and communalism, rather than
polling, focus-group testing or other usual tactics.
For the first time in Mexican groups together representatives of dozens of
nationalities and tribes from across Mexico. The
That aspect may beparticularly hard for people
history, an indigenous woman CNI says its newly formed Indigenous
accustomed to party politics to understand. It
comes fromtraditional governance models used
is running for president. Government Councilwill adhere to a seven-point
philosophy: serve and not self-serve; construct
in indigenous communities, where collective
The countryhasnt had an indigenous president bodies like popular assemblies outrank individual
and not destroy; obey and not order; propose
for 145 years, and a woman has never held the positionslike mayor.
and not impose; convince and not conquer;
highest oce. But gender and heritage arent the work from below and not seek to climb; It also comes at a time when Native
only aspects that set Mara de Jess Patricio represent and not replace. groupsworldwide are fighting to defend their
apart from her contenders. Marichuy, as shes rights and territory from interests that seek to
Marichuy says that winning the presidency or
known, is a57-year-old traditional Nahua healer profit from resources on their ancestral lands,
even getting votes at all isnt the aim of their
from southern Jalisco. engaging in multiple disputes over resource
venture into the electoral arena. Our participation
As a traditional healer Marichuy, forests and fields extraction on their land. This can include
is for life; its to bring together our communities
are her pharmacies, depending for cures on trees government-backed activities like building an
that have been hit hard for years and years and
and plants within thriving local ecosystems, aqueduct or issuing permits to foreign mining
that, I think, right now need to look for a way to
maintaining a healthy environment which is a core companies against local wishes to illegal
keep on existing, Patricio told followers and
value for so many indigenous cultures. Marichuy logging of old-growth forests by organized crime
reporters gathered in Chiapas. She clarified that
became involved in Zapatista-inspired struggles at groups. The disputes pitting indigenous
the eort isnt just for indigenous people, but for
least as early as 1996 when she participated in the self-determination against the pursuit of profit
Mexicans from all walks of society, to join forces
formation of the Indigenous National Congress, within their territories is what the Indigenous
to be able to destroy this system that is generally
known by the Spanish acronymCNI, which Government Council calls a capitalist war.


Palestinian Prisoners Day, April 17- 1,500 Palestinian prisoners out of nearly prisoners movement. The Palestinian prisoners movement is at the core
6,500 imprisoned in Israeli jails launched their strike for a series of demands of the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people as a whole; far from a
on. Victory came 40 days later at the end of May. The key accomplishment of side issue of the movement, it represents the Palestinian people and
the strike is the restoration of the second monthly family visit, cancelled last their resistance.
year by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). under the Fundamentally, the Palestinian prisoners movement is and remains a voice
pretext of budget cuts, despite pledges from at least August 2016 to cover and a power of resistance that continues to confront the occupier on a daily
the costs of the second monthly visit for Palestinian prisoners. Far from a basis. This strike was not only about family visits, medical care and basic
neutral bystander, the ICRC was in fact a party to this strike and a human rights; fundamentally, it was an assertion of Palestinian
participant in the confiscation of the rights of Palestinian prisoners. resistance, rejection of the occupier, and power to struggle, not only for
Included in the achievements of the strike: specific demands, but for freedom, return and liberation.
periodic entry of private external physicians to examine ill prisoners samidoun.net
allowing visits from family members of the second class, including
grandparents and grandchildren
increasing the amount prisoners may have in their canteen (prison store,
where nearly all necessities of life must be purchased from and Israeli
corporation) accounts
adding 3 satellite channels to the prisoners TV access
transferring the Ramla prison hospital to the old section which includes
several rooms and a recreation area
installation of a public telephone for women prisoners, child prisoners and ill
prisoners to communicate on a daily basis with their family members
family visits to be increased to 60 minutes from 45 minutes
photographs with parents once annually
increasing the quantities of meat, vegetables and fruits for prisoners
allowing the introduction of clothing such as trousers and bags
providing each prisoner with 1 liter olive oil, 1 kilo coee, 1/2 kilo baklava
and 1/2 kilo zaatar.
The Palestinian prisoners made clear through the Strike of Dignity and
Freedom the power of Palestinian unity. The imprisoned leadership of all
Palestinian trends stood together to confront the occupier, while that
unity was felt in struggle, on the streets and inside prison walls and the
eects of that unity have been felt in the achievement of the prisoners
The hunger strikers demanded that the Israeli occupation speak with their
chosen leadership and defeated all attempts to circumvent the prisoners
direction, leadership and choices. More than that, however, they
demonstrated once again that the true, respected leadership of the
Palestinian national liberation movement itself is found in the Palestinian

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