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Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 537544

Comparative culturing of Pleurotus spp. on coee pulp and

wheat straw: biomass production and substrate biodegradation
Dulce Salmones , Gerardo Mata a, Krzysztof N. Waliszewski b

Laboratorio de Hongos Comestibles, Departamento de Hongos, Instituto de Ecologa, P.O. Box 63, 91070 Xalapa, Mexico
Departamento de Ingeniera Qumica y Bioqumica, Instituto Tecnologico de Veracruz, P.O. Box 1420, 91808 Veracruz, Mexico

Received 16 September 2003; received in revised form 16 June 2004; accepted 17 June 2004
Available online 15 September 2004


The results of the cultivation of six strains of Pleurotus (P. djamor (2), P. ostreatus (2) and P. pulmonarius (2)) on coee pulp and
wheat straw are presented. Metabolic activity associated with biomass of each strain was determined, as well as changes in lignin and
polysaccharides (cellulose and hemicellulose), phenolic and caeine contents in substrate samples colonized for a period of up to 36
days. Analysis were made of changes during the mycelium incubation period (16 days) and throughout dierent stages of fructi-
cation. Greater metabolic activity was observed in the wheat straw samples, with a signicant increase between 4 and 12 days of
incubation. The degradation of polysaccharide compounds was associated with the fruiting stage, while the reduction in phenolic
contents was detected in both substrates samples during the rst eight days of incubation. A decrease was observed in caeine con-
tent of the coee pulp samples during fruiting stage, which could mean that some caeine accumulates in the fruiting bodies.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pleurotus; Coee pulp; Wheat straw; Biomass; Biodegradation

1. Introduction conversion of an agricultural waste to human food.

Among edible mushrooms evaluated for this commer-
Coee pulp, one of the principal byproducts of wet- cial activity, Pleurotus strains appear promising, prima-
processed coee (Coea arabica L.), which constitutes rily because their biological eciencies can exceed 100%
almost 40% of the wet weight of the coee berry, is rich (wet base) (Martnez-Carrera et al., 1985; Martnez-
in carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and appreciable Carrera, 1989).
quantities of tannins, caeine and potassium (Bresanni, In the present study, two strains each of Pleurotus
1979). Approximately 100,000 tons of coee pulp are ostreatus, Pleurotus pulmonarius and Pleurotus djamor
generated each year in Mexico, and the majority of this were cultured on coee pulp and wheat straw. The pur-
waste has no further economic use; instead, coee grow- pose was to characterize dierences in biomass produc-
ers generally spread it in the eld where it is allowed to tion by the vegetative stage and fruiting bodies
decompose. production of the strains, as well as changes in lignin
Diverse technologies have been proposed for utilizing and polysaccharide contents (cellulose and hemicellu-
the byproducts generated by the coee industry (Pandey lose) of the substrates attributable to dierential use
et al., 2000). Culturing edible mushrooms on coee pulp by strains. The degradation of toxic components, partic-
seems especially attractive, since it represents a direct ularly phenols and caeine, was also studied. The prac-
tical goal of this investigation was to identify possible
Corresponding author: Fax: +52 228 8187809. advantages for substituting the commercially popular
E-mail address: (D. Salmones). wheat straw substrate with the agroindustrial waste,

0960-8524/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
538 D. Salmones et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 537544

coee pulp. In addition, this study permitted the identi- without mycelia, were prepared and these served as con-
cation of those strains most capable of developing in trol groups. The time required for the complete coloni-
coee pulp. This research is part of a series of investiga- zation of samples of either substrate was established as
tions that are focused on optimizing the use of coee 16 days of incubation at 28 1 C, in total darkness
pulp as a medium for mushroom cultures. (Velazquez-Cedeno et al., 2002). Later, samples colo-
nized were placed, without their plastic bags, in a con-
trolled environment and under conditions favorable
2. Methods for the induction of fruiting; i.e., with an average ambi-
ent temperature of 24 5 C, an relative humidity of
2.1. Strains 84 6%, 400 m3 of air circulating per hour, and
11 1 h of natural illumination daily. Samples were cul-
The following six strains of Pleurotus were studied: tured under these conditions for 36 days. During the
IE-38 and IE-49 of P. ostreatus (Jacq.: Fr.) Kumm experiment, the samples in the following stages (S) were
and IE-137 of P. pulmonarius (Fr.) Quel. were obtained collected and analyzed: 4, 8, 12, and 16 days of incuba-
from commercial strains available in Europe and Asia; tion (S2, S3, S4, and S5, respectively); rst appearance
IE-121 of P. djamor (Fr.) Boedjin was isolated from a of primordia (S6); beginning of rst harvest (S7); and
wild specimen in Mexico and nally, IE-218 of P. dja- one week after nishing rst harvest (S8). Control sam-
mor and IE-225 of P. pulmonarius were obtained from ples were collected at 0, 16, and 36 days of incubation
genetic crosses of monosporic cultures in our labora- (S1, S5, and S9, respectively). All collections were frozen
tory. All cultures were deposited in the culture collection at 20 C, lyophilized, pulverized in a domestic blender,
of the Instituto de Ecologa (Xalapa, Mexico). and then stored at 4 C.

2.2. Culture conditions 2.3. Estimation of biomass production during the vegeta-
tive stage of the culture
Spawn was prepared from sorghum seeds that had
been hydrated to a moisture content of 55% by weight. Biomass production was estimated from mycelial
Two hundred grams of hydrated grains (wet weight) metabolism during the substrate colonization phase
were placed in polypropylene bags, and then sterilized and was determined using the method of uorescein
at 121 C for 1 h (Gaitan-Hernandez et al., 2002). Once diacetate hydrolysis (FDA; Sigma) (Inbar et al., 1991;
cooled, each bag of sorghum seeds was inoculated with Mata et al., 2002). This determination requires sterile
mycelia from one of the six pre-cultured Pleurotus culture conditions, and for this reason, only sample
strains. Inoculated bags were incubated in darkness at stages under active incubation and covered with plastic
27 C until mycelia had completely covered the sorghum lids were analyzed (i.e., S1S5, inclusive). This experi-
grains. This process took approximately 23 weeks to ment was undertaken by placing 0.2 g of lyophilized
complete. material per strain, per substrate, per collection stages
Coee pulp was collected at a coee processing plant (i.e., S2S5) in each of ve, sterile test tubes (N = 6
(located in Coatepec, Veracruz, Mexico), air-dried to a strains 2 substrates 5 tubes 4 collection stages =
moisture content of 1820%, and then stored at ambient 300 total tubes). In three tubes, 3 ml of FDA (10 mg/l)
temperature. Dry wheat straw was broken into 13 cm were added, and in the two remaining tubes (considered
fragments with an electric thresher and also stored un- as controls) 3 ml of phosphate buer solution (60 mM,
der identical conditions as the coee pulp. In all experi- pH 7.6) were added. Test tubes were incubated at 30
ments, each of these substrates was rehydrated in water C for 10 min, after which time the reaction was halted
for 12 h, and then excess moisture was allowed to run o by the addition of 3 ml of acetone. The suspension was
until a moisture content of 60% (5%) was reached. Fol- ltered (Wattman lter, No. 1) and the remaining solu-
lowing this treatment, substrates were placed in polypro- tion was detected having a spectrophotometric absorb-
pylene bags and sterilized at 121 C for 1 h. Two ency of 490 nm (Spectronic Genesys 5, Macedar, NY).
hundred gram samples (wet weight) of wheat straw or One unit of metabolic activity was dened as 1 lmol
coee pulp were established for (1) estimating biomass of FDA hydrolyzed min 1 g 1 (dry weight). Control
in the vegetative stage, (2) analyzing ber components, samples were analyzed for the stages S1 and S5 (N = 2
(3) measuring phenolic contents, and (4) assessing caf- substrates 5 tubes 2 collection stages = 20 tubes).
feine concentrations.
Each 200 g sample was seeded with 10 g (5% inocula- 2.4. Analysis of ber components
tion) of spawn and incubated at 27 C in total darkness.
Eight sample replicates 6 strains 2 substrates were The ber component of all colonized substrates was
prepared (N = 96 total samples) in order to undertake determined with a ber analyzer (Ankom, Model 200/
the analyses. In parallel, three samples per substrate, 220, Macedar, NY). Using the detergent analysis
D. Salmones et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 537544 539

method (Van Soest and Wine, 1967), both the neutral strates were prepared (N = 120 total bags). Sixteen days
detergent ber (NDF) and the acid detergent ber following inoculation (or earlier if primordia were
(ADF) were extracted. Lignin fractions were determined observed) the plastic covers were removed and sam-
with sulfuric acid (72%), and the cellulose content was ples were transferred to a room with adequate condi-
estimated directly from ADF-lignin. Hemicellulose was tions for the development of fruiting bodies (Section
arithmetically calculated as NDF ADF. Material ana- 2.2). Samples were maintained under these environmen-
lyzed corresponded to S1, S5, and S8 stages and S9 for tal conditions until the completion of the culture cycles
control samples. of 36 days. Strain productivity, reported as biologi-
cal eciency (BE), was calculated as percent fresh
2.5. Variation in phenolic content and caeine weight of fruiting bodies with respect to dry weight of
To determine the concentration of phenolic com-
pounds, 1 g of lyophilized substrate was mixed with 10 2.7. Statistical analysis
ml of distilled sterile water and the solution agitated
with a rotor at 45 rpm for 30 min. The resulting suspen- Means and standard deviations were calculated, and
sions were passed through an inert nylon cloth and cen- signicant dierences were estimated using the Tukey
trifuged twice at 10,016g, for 15 min each time. multiple-range test at p < 0.05. In addition, correlation
Supernatants were maintained at 4 C. Phenols present analysis were made between biological eciencies and
in the substrates were determined by adding Folin and metabolic activity in order to nd out relations between
Ciocalteu reagent to the supernatant (Box, 1983). After biomass production during vegetative and reproductive
1 h of incubation at 37 C, absorbency was read to 750 stages.
nm and results were expressed in mM of water-soluble
phenols per gram of substrate. Material corresponded
to the S2S8 stages and was analyzed in three replicates 3. Results and discussion
(N = 6 strains 2 substrates 7 collection stages 3
repetitions = 252 vials). Control samples were analyzed Metabolic activities for the six Pleurotus strains on
for the stages of S1, S2, S5, and S9 (N = 2 substrates 3 coee pulp and wheat straw substrates are shown in
collection stages 3 repetitions = 18 vials). Fig. 1. No activity was detected for the control samples
The analysis of caeine was based on Newmans at any time, whereas metabolic activity was recorded for
method (1981), but modied as follows: 0.5 g of sample colonized samples of both substrates starting at the
(dehydrated and pulverized) was mixed with chloro- fourth day of incubation.
form, sodium metabisulte, and an acetic acid/NaOH Statistically signicant increases in metabolic activity
buer (pH 6.5). This solution was then agitated in an on wheat straw samples were observed for all strains be-
ice bath for 45 min, and the chloroform layer separated tween S2 and S3, and between S3 and S4. Strains IE-
with a Wattman No. 1 lter paper. The chloroform in 121, and IE-218 attained their maximum activities at
solution was evaporated over a hot water bath and the S3, whereas IE-38, IE-49, IE-137 and IE-225 reached
caeine adhering to the walls of the receptacle was redis- maximum activities at S4. The highest metabolic level
solved in 10 ml of 50% ethanol. Caeine concentrations among all strains was noted from IE-225.
were read at an absorbency level of 294 nm. Collection Metabolic activity on coee pulp samples increased
stages subjected to analysis corresponded to S1, S5, between S2 and S3, although this was only statistically
and S8. This test was carried on three replicates per con- signicant for strains IE-49, IE-218, and IE-225. IE-
dition (N = 6 strains 3 collection stages 3 tubes = 54 38, IE-49, IE-137 and IE-225 strains continued to in-
tubes). Three replicates of the control samples (S1, S5, crease metabolic activities between S3 and S4; however,
and S9 collection stages) were also analyzed. In addi- this was only signicantly dierent for IE-38, IE-49 and
tion, caeine content in the fruiting bodies of IE-225 IE-225. Maximum metabolic activities were noted at S3
strain were quantied. Results were recorded as percent- for P. djamor strains (IE-121 and IE-218), and S4 for the
age of caeine per gram of dry matter. other four strains. IE-225 showed the greatest metabolic
level of all strains tested on coee pulp, which was also
2.6. Determination of strain productivity the case with wheat straw. Although it was not possible
to establish a correlation between values for metabolic
For the production of fruiting bodies, the sample size activity and the biological eciencies measured for each
was incremented to 2 kg of sterile substrate (500 g dry strain, it is interesting to note that IE-225 showed high
weight). Each sample was placed in a plastic bag, homo- metabolic activities and yields in both substrates. This
geneously mixing the substrate with 100 g of spawn (5% nding suggests that in Pleurotus species (as well as in
inoculation ratio) and incubating the mixture in dark- other mushroom species under culture) the ability of
ness at 28 C. Ten sample replicates 6 strains 2 sub- strains to grow on a new substrate is related to their
540 D. Salmones et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 537544

Fig. 1. Metabolic activities (uorescein diacetate hydrolysis) recorded for Pleurotus strains during the rst 16 days of incubation on wheat straw and
coee pulp substrates.

metabolic activity during early stages of mycelial coloni- more related to the detoxication of this substrate than
zation. Although high metabolic activity does not guar- to an increase in mycelial biomass.
antee high sporophore production, this activity depends Consumption of the main ber components of the
on the ability of the strain to utilize nutrients available two substrates at S5, S8 and S9 are presented in Table 1.
in the substrate, some of which will be indispensable By the end of 16-day incubation period, the polysaccha-
to the morphogenesis of fruiting bodies. ride content of the substrates had been very little con-
In addition this study demonstrated that Pleurotus sumed by the mycelia. However, consumption was
strains cultured on wheat straw represented more bio- noticeable after the rst harvest. Although results dem-
logical activity than strains cultured on coee pulp. This onstrated that all six strains consumed lignocellulose,
result suggests that the complex chemical composition degradation percentage varied with each strain. In par-
of the coee pulp impedes its ecient conversion to ticular, IE-49 (P. ostreatus) eciently degraded hemicel-
mycelium. In parallel studies (Savoie et al., submitted lulose on coee pulp and wheat straw and lignin on
for publication), we found that laccase and Mn-peroxi- wheat straw, whereas the two P. djamor strains (IE-
dase activity of Pleurotus strains on coee pulp is greater 121 and IE-218) showed a preference for the cellulose
than that taking place on wheat straw; suggesting that it of coee pulp. The remaining strains, IE-38, IE-137
is likely associated with a greater level of enzymatic and IE-225, were distinguished by a high consumption
detoxication of the coee pulp substrate compared to of lignin when grown on coee pulp. In general, a great-
the less-complex, wheat straw substrate. Both results er decrease in lignocellulosic compounds was observed
are in agreement with previous studies of Lentinula for wheat straw samples than for coee pulp.
and Pleurotus (Mata and Perez-Merlo, 1999; Salmones Cellulose to lignin ratios varied for both substrates
and Mata, 2002), in which mycelial metabolic activity during the experiment (Table 1). The wheat straw, con-
during the rst few days of colonizing coee pulp was trol samples showed ratios from 4.55 to 4.75, whereas
D. Salmones et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 537544 541

Table 1
Cell wall compositions for wheat straw and coee pulp substrates colonized with Pleurotus strains
Strain Mycelial growth stages NDF Hemicellulose Cellulose Lignin Cellulose:Lignin ratio
Wheat straw
Control S1 91.3 31.4 49.2 10.8 4.55
S5 90.1 32.1 47.5 10.0 4.75
S9 89.4 32.7 46.2 10.1 4.57
P. djamor
IE-121 S5 83.2 25.6 47.4 10.2 4.64
S8 65.6 20.6 37.4 7.6 4.92
IE-218 S5 78.2 26.4 42.6 9.1 4.68
S8 58.3 19.6 33.5 5.2 6.44
P. ostreatus
IE-38 S5 72.3 27.3 38.8 6.1 6.36
S8 68.4 22.3 40.5 5.6 7.23
IE-49 S5 72.6 22.3 40.7 8.8 4.62
S8 58 17.8 35.5 4.7 7.55
P. pulmonarius
IE-137 S5 78.8 28.3 42.7 7.8 5.47
S8 68.1 20.9 41.1 5.9 6.96
IE-225 S5 56.6 29.4 42.1 9.1 4.62
S8 58.9 20.9 33.4 4.6 7.26
Coee pulp
Control S1 67.7 17.1 24.5 26 0.94
S5 64.4 15.3 23.2 25.9 0.89
S9 63.5 15.1 23 25 0.92
P. djamor
IE-121 S5 59.3 14 23.5 21.8 1.07
S8 51.2 13.3 18.3 19.7 0.92
IE-218 S5 54 14.2 20.4 19.4 1.05
S8 51.9 13.4 18.9 19.6 0.96
P. ostreatus
IE-38 S5 55.9 14.2 22.3 19.4 1.14
S8 50.1 12.1 23 15 1.53
IE-49 S5 55.6 11.2 23.3 21.1 1.10
S8 53.6 11 22.3 20.3 1.09
P. pulmonarius
IE-137 S5 50.9 11.2 24.3 15.4 1.57
S8 49.5 11.5 24.1 13.9 1.73
IE-225 S5 57 14.3 22.9 19.8 1.15
S8 47.9 12.2 21.5 14.2 1.51
Values for each cell wall component were calculated as percent dry weights and were measured during the mycelial growth stages S1, S5 and S8 (or S9
for control samples).

the colonized straw samples attained ratios from 4.62 may have functioned as an important source of carbon
(IE-121) to 7.55 (IE-49). Control samples for coee pulp during developmental stages previous to primordia for-
showed ratios of 0.890.94, whereas values in degraded mation, as has been proposed for Agaricus bisporus (Sa-
coee pulp ranged from 0.92 (IE-121) to 1.73 (IE-137). voie, 1998).
These results conrm the importance of the cellulose Variation in the phenolic content of substrates (Fig.
content of the substrate in the production of fruiting 2) during the culture cycle is an important aspect in
bodies, as previously indicated by other authors (Geetha the adaptation of the strain, especially since the capacity
and Sivaprakasam, 1998; Thomas et al., 1998). How- of a substrate to resist degradation has been partially
ever, it was not possible to correlate these same data attributed to its array of phenolic compounds (Fermor
for the coee pulp substrate because it is likely that, in and Macauley, 1991). In the present study, the wheat
this substrate, the mushroom received nutrition and en- straw cultures showed a reduction in phenolic contents
ergy from the abundant free sugars that were present during the rst eight days of incubation (0.030.06
(Elas, 1978), and thus made limited use of the cellulose mM/l) from initial concentration of 0.93 mM/l. By S4
fraction. The preceding nding is also backed up by the S7, these values were maintained between 0.42 and
minimal variation in cellulose that was observed during 0.62 mM/l. In the wheat straw control samples no de-
the culture cycle. Additionally, the hemicellulose frac- crease was observed for the duration of the experiment.
tion, although less abundant than the cellulose fraction, The coee pulp samples presented the same pattern: the
542 D. Salmones et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 537544

Fig. 2. Phenolic concentrations of wheat straw and coee pulp substrates measured during the growth and fruiting stages of dierent Pleurotus

substrate initially registered 2.10 mM/l of phenolic com- because a rapid reduction in phenolic concentration
pounds, but this amount was drastically reduced during would accelerate colonization, and consequently, de-
S2 and S3 from 0.10 to 0.58 mM/l. In previous similar crease the risks of invasion by mold contaminants, such
studies of Pleurotus developing on coee pulp (Murrieta as Trichoderma and Monilia, species frequently found in
et al., 2002; Salmones and Mata, 2002), there was a sig- decomposing coee pulp.
nicant negative relationship between phenolic concen- In our experiment, the caeine content of the coee
tration in the substrate and laccase activity during the pulp substrate decreased during mycelial growth (espe-
rst week of culturing. These authors demonstrated that cially during the development of fruiting bodies), such
enzymatic activity not only contributed to the nutrition that by the end of the rst harvest it was as much as
of the vegetative stages of Pleurotus strains (as observed 50% lower than the control (Fig. 3). However, caeine
for other edible mushrooms, including Lentinula edodes was not actually lost during this process, part of this
and Agaricus bisporus (Mata and Savoie, 1998; Savoie, compound was transferred to the sporophores during
1998)), but that laccase also actively participated in their development, since the fruiting bodies analyzed
detoxifying the coee pulp. This is particularly impor- showed concentrations between 0.17% and 0.22% of caf-
tant for the use of coee pulp as a growth medium feine. Our results are in accordance with previous stud-

Fig. 3. Caeine loss measured in coee pulp samples during the growth and development of dierent Pleurotus strains.
D. Salmones et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 537544 543

ies reported by Leifa et al. (2000) and Fan et al. (2003), 125% for IE-38 when cultured on coee pulp. Neverthe-
who documented that Pleurotus as did not have the abil- less, it is important to note that the lower biological e-
ity to degrade caeine when cultured on coee pulp and ciencies reported in this study were derived from
coee husks. Even so, it is necessary to establish through basidiocarp weights from only one or two harvests
further studies, if the afore mentioned characteristic is (70% of the expected total production), whereas the
attributable to all cultivated species of Pleurotus, as well higher eciencies reported in the earlier studies were de-
as its implications in the nutritional quality of the mush- rived from 3 to 5 harvests (representing approximately
rooms harvested. more than 95% of the total expected production). Thus,
Data on the production of fruiting bodies are pre- the dierences in biological eciencies observed between
sented in Table 2. Each of the six Pleurotus strains this study and earlier works might likely be explained by
showed optimal mycelial growth on both substrates, dierences in the number and weights of harvests.
and all samples were completely colonized during the Therefore, the suitability of a mushroom-culturing
rst week of culturing. Strains cultured on wheat straw substrate depends, in great part, on its composition,
developed fruiting bodies earlier than strains cultured availability, and cost. In this regard, the advantages of
on coee pulp. P. djamor strains were the most preco- coee pulp are (1) it is an adequately nutritive substrate
cious of all species and strains tested, forming their rst for mushroom growth and development, (2) it is cur-
primordia after 11 days of incubation on wheat straw rently available as a no-cost, agricultural waste product,
and after 13 days of incubation on coee pulp. One to and (3) it can be dehydrated and stored for long periods
two harvests were obtained during the 20 days in which of time with no apparent eect on mushroom yields, a
samples were maintained in the production area. Aver- factor osetting its seasonal availability as fresh material
age biological eciencies (expressed as percentages) (Martnez-Carrera et al., 1996). Knowledge gained to
were recorded as 30.5 (18.5) to 77.1 (43.8) on wheat date about culturing Pleurotus on coee pulp shows that
straw and as 40.2 (4.7) to 86.5 (40.9) on coee pulp. this substrate has advantages over alternative waste sub-
The greatest average biological eciencies corresponded strates and might serve as a substitute for wheat straw.
to IE-225 on wheat straw and IE-49 on coee pulp. In However, more studies will be necessary to nd strains
spite of the early development of primordia in P. dja- able to eciently degrade coee pulp, particularly phen-
mor, productivities of these strains were low, especially ols and caeine, since many factors may aect this sub-
for IE-121. In addition, four of the strains studied strates composition and the availability of its nutrients
(i.e., IE-38, IE-49, IE-218, and IE-225) were able to in- for culturing mushrooms. Such factors might include,
crease their productivities when cultured on coee pulp. but are not limited to (1) dierences in methods used
Comparing the results of this study on biological e- to separate the coee beans from the pulp, (2) phyto-
ciencies with previous reports for some of these strains, chemical dierences in pulp that can be attributed to dif-
a decrease in values was clearly seen in the present study. ferent bean varieties, and (3) dierences in cropping
For example, Salmones et al. (1997) and Mestizo-Valdes systems used to grow coee in the eld. The conse-
(1997) reported biological eciencies of 72.4% and quences of these factors on mushroom yields are already
93.3% for the IE-121 and IE-218 strains, respectively, well known for straw-based substrate (Chalaux et al.,
when cultured on wheat straw; whereas Velazquez- 1995; Labuschange et al., 2000). In addition, mushroom
Cedeno et al. (2002) recorded a biological eciency of resistance to attack by antagonistic molds might be

Table 2
Productivity of Pleurotus strains, expressed as biological eciencies, during 36 days of culturing
Strains Wheat straw Coee pulp
Primordia initiation (days) Biological eciencies (%) Primordia initiation (days) Biological eciencies (%)
P. djamor
IE-121 1112 40.4(10.5)bca 1320 40.2(4.7)bc
IE-218 1114 30.5(18.5)c 1523 61.8(31.4)abc
P. ostreatus
IE-38 1819 50.2(15.8)abc 1832 71.6(28.1)ab
IE-49 1719 54.2(11.8)abc 1731 86.5(40.9)a
P. pulmonarius
IE-137 1819 66.4(24.7)abc 2232 50.3(27.9)abc
IE-225 1632 77.1(43.8)ab 2331 80.5(34.4)ab
Values for biological eciencies per strain, per substrate, correspond to averages for 10 replicates and are expressed as percentages. Standard
deviations appear in parentheses. Dierent small-case letters following the data entries indicate signicant dierences among strains p < 0.05 (Tukeys
multiple range test).
544 D. Salmones et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 537544

increased by inducing the production of lignocellulolytic Pandey, A. (Eds.), Coee Biotechnology and Quality. Kluwer
enzymes during the early stages of substrate coloni- Academic Press, Dordrecht, pp. 427436.
Martnez-Carrera, D., 1989. Simple technology to cultivates Pleurotus
zation (Murrieta et al., 2002). Finally, coee pulp on coee pulp. Mush. J. Tropics 7, 1323.
degraded by mushroom cultures might have further Martnez-Carrera, D., Guzman, G., Soto, C., 1985. The eect of
post-production value in the elaboration of forages, ver- fermentation of coee pulp in the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus
micomposts, and organic fertilizers. This possibility in Mexico. Mush. Newsletter Tropics 6, 2128.
deserves further attention and experimentation. Martnez-Carrera, D., Morales, P., Martnez, W., Sobal, M., Aguilar,
A., 1996. Large-scale drying of coee pulp for rural development in
tropical America. Mush. Sci. 13, 805811.
Mata, G., Perez-Merlo, R., 1999. Seleccion de cepas del shiitake
Acknowledgments Lentinula edodes, para su cultivo en pulpa de cafe. In: San Blas, G.,
Iturriaga, T. (Comps.), Proc. 3rd Latin American Mycological
The authors are indebted to Ms. C. Rosa Elena Congress, Caracas, p. 78.
Caballero and Ms. C. Aracelly Vega, from Universidad Mata, G., Savoie, J.M., 1998. Extracellular enzyme activities in six
Lentinula edodes strains during cultivation in wheat straw. World J.
de Chiriqui (Panama), and Dr. Jean-Michel Savoie,
Microbiol. Biotechnol. 14, 17.
from INRA (France), for their collaboration in caeine Mata, G., Gaitan-Hernandez, R., Perez-Merlo, R., Ortega, C., 2002.
and metabolic activities techniques. This work was sup- Improvement of shiitake spawn for culturing on pasteurized wheat
ported in part with nancial assistance from CONA- straw. In: Sanchez, J.E., Huerta, G., Montiel, E. (Eds.), Mushroom
CYT (project no. 28530-N). Biology and Mushroom Products. Universidad Autonoma de
Morelos, Cuernavaca, pp. 303309.
Mestizo-Valdes, L., 1997. Entrecruzamiento y evaluacion de la
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