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Skittles Lab

Coral Bleaching
What is this?
This lab shows the effects of coral bleaching through a fun little activity that can be performed at
home with a simple set of items listed below.

What is Ocean Acidification?

It is when CO2 (a type of gas that is like the smoke that comes out of cars) store up in the
atmosphere and then the ocean absorbs it. When the ocean absorbs it, it hurts the ocean and the
creatures and coral in it.

What you will need:

- A plate
- Warm water
- Skittles

1. Place the skittles on outer edges of plate.
2. Fill the plate with warm water till it reaches the skittles.
3. Watch the skittles for 8 minutes.
4. Congrats! Youre finished!

What were your results:

What this shows is the effect of coral bleaching and ocean acidification affects it. There are small
creatures called: zooxanthellae, and they live on the coral to help it grow and protect it. This lab
shows that the zooxanthellae will leave the coral because of ocean acidification and leaving the
coral to become weak, frail, and colorless looking.

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