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Table 1.

Patients characteristics

Parameters Control group Main group

(n = 30) (n = 42)

Average age of patients, years 42.072.0 20.079.0

Stomach and duodenum diseases, % - 42.9

Application of three-dimensional NLS-research in diagnostics

Cholecystectomy in anamnesis, % - 33.3

Symptoms upon entering into a clinic (%):

of gall bladder and gall-ducts concretions biliousness - 57.1
Ramires A., Huerta D.
Clinic named after Albert Einstein, Brazil acute pancreatitis - 28.6
(Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein)
without spectral-entropic analysis. In case of com- complications in the form of pancreatitis, cholangitis,
mon 2D NLS-graphy the mistakes occur most often rupture or haemorrhage (occur in 5-8%). The death
when dealing with stones of smaller diameter (up to rate when using given method is 0.20.5%. Complete
5 mm.). 2D NLS-diagnostics of choledocholithiasis is removal of concrements using endoscopic retrograde
only 60-70%. cholangiopancreatography per single procedure is pos-
Due to approximate density values of cholesterol sible in 71-75% of patients, when performing several
To determine information value of 3D NLS-graphy in detection Prognostic significance of 3D non-linear picture stone and bile surrounding it the use of X-ray computed procedures in 8493%.
of gall-ducts concretions a retrospective analysis of 42 reconstruction in practical diagnostics is still being tomography does not allow concrements visualizing of The objective of this study is to determine infor-
patients clinical histories was performed. These patients were updated at the present moment. One of the possible the common bile duct especially in case of their small mation value of 3D NLS-graphy in the detection of bile
taken to the clinic with the symptoms of biliary obstruction upcoming trends of usage of the given procedure is sizes and the lack of bile or pancreatic ducts ectasia. ducts concrements.
(concrements of common bile duct) (main group). The control an early detection of pathological changes in gastro- Also because of this the concrements cannot be dif-
intestinal tract organs which requires emergency and ferentiated with major duodenal papilla cancer. In
group consisted of 30 patients with no signs of gastrointestinal MATERIALS AND METHODS OF THE STUDY
scheduled surgical measures. this case the use of 3D NLS-research with spectral-
tract system and hepatobiliopancreatic system diseases who NLS-diagnostics may become a procedure of choice entropic analysis is mostly reasonable in diagnostics Retrospective analysis of 42 case records of patients
were treated at in-patient hospital. Comparative analysis of for detection of concrements and dilatation degree of of complicated cases of choledocholithiasis in case who entered a hospital in 2008-2010 with symptoms of
the results of three-dimensional NLS-research and common bile passages. When examining of patients with cho- of accompanying chronic indurative pancreatitis and biliary obstruction (concrements of common bile duct)
NLS-graphy data in 2D, X-ray computed tomography, ledocholithiasis the classical picture of concrement is also for differential diagnostics of choledocholithia- was performed. These patients formed the main group.
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and a hyperchromogenic structure (5-6 points according sis with pancreatic gland and bile ducts tumors. X-ray The duration of symptoms in the main group patients


to Fleindlers scale) of various forms. The accuracy computed tomography is less sensitive to the detec- varied from 2 days to 3 weeks. The control group con-
intraoperative findings was carried out. The advantages of
of 3D NLS-diagnostics of choledocholithiasis is more tion of choledocholithiasis but it identifies more ac- sisted of 30 patients with no signs of gastrointestinal
3D NLS-graphy in detection of small concrements (5mm. and than 95.0%. curate the side and the cause of extrahepatic biliary tract system and hepatobiliopancreatic system diseases
less) were demonstrated. The response level (94.7%) and the The minimal size of detected concrement in gall obstruction in comparison with 2D NLS-diagnostics. (Table 1) who were treated at in-patient hospital.
specificity (97.4%) of 3D reconstruction of an image methods bladder is about 5 mm. for NLS-diagnostic systems In case of isolated ectasia of the common bile duct At the first stage all patients underwent com-
in detection of small concrements significantly surpass the of the first generation (Metatron-4017, Meta- or general pancreatic duct it is reasonable to use such mon 2D NLS-research of hepatobiliarypancreatic sys-
response level (59.5%) and the specificity (75.1%) of common tron-4019). Acquired image of concrement and gall diagnostic procedure as endoscopic retrograde chol- tem organs including NLS-research of bile-excreting

bladder walls accuracy significantly improves when angiopancreatography which is a gold standard of ducts, major duodenal papilla and head of pancreas.
2D NLS-research.
using 3D picture reconstruction mode in Meta- the common bile duct concrements diagnostics for sur- Then the methods of 3D NLS-reconstruction of an im-
tron-4025 systems. geons. Cannulation of the common bile duct and suc- age and other instrumental and laboratory methods
INTRODUCTION One of the main complications of gallstone dis- cessful cholangiography processes are possible more in accordance with medico-economical standards for
NLS-research methods in primary diagnostics of ease is choledocholithiasis which is found more than than in 90% of patients. Concrements of the common given nosological entity were applied to determine
diseases of abdominal cavity organs become more in 10% of patients who had underwent cholecystec- bile duct detected during an operation may also be the nosological form of the disease.
and more available. Up to the present moment the tomy. Concrements in common bile duct are generally removed using endoscopic retrograde cholangiopan- NLS-researches were carried out using Meta-
NLS-images were in 2D which did not cover the di- developed in case of their migration from gall bladder creatography. But there are both multiple contradic- tron-4025 (the IPP, Russia) with the use of continu-
mensioned interrelation of structures under research. through cystic duct (diagnostics in the first 2 years tions against using given invasive technique and its ous spiral scanning and spectral-entropic analysis
Significant information volume and accuracy increase after cholecystectomy). Secondary concrements in
is required to achieve fundamental improvement in common bile duct generally develop 2 years after Table 2. Types of performed researches
NLS-image quality. cholecystectomy. These concrements are associated
That is why appearance of Metatron-4025 systems with bile stasis in common bile duct (the narrowing of Parameters Control group Main group
with 3D pictures feasibility became a new development common bile duct, papillary stenosis, Oddis sphincter (n = 30) (n = 42)
stage of NLS-graphy. The multidimensional reconstruc- dysfunction) or with infection.
tion mode is based on rendering of 3 mutually perpendic- NLS-diagnostics of choledocholithiasis complica- X-ray computed tomography 14 (46.7%) 14 (33.3%)
ular imaging planes of the organ. The advantage of such tions as a method of primary screening has undeniable
method is getting of accurate topographic-anatomical advantages in comparison with other hardware diag- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography - 34 (81.0%)
interrelations between targeted structures which results nostic techniques. Though the detection of choledo-
4 in improvement of picture perception. cholithiasis is difficult and in some cases impossible
Operations - 27 (64.3%)

Pic.1. Patient P. 33 years old. Gall bladder concrements. Pic.2. Patient P. 39 years old. Ultramicro-NLS-graphy. Gall Pic.3. Patient K. 77 years old. A concrement in a gall bladder. - 3D NLS-graphy in multiplanar multidimensional recon-
NLS-gram in superficial reconstruction mode bladder concrements struction mode. B Results of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

mode. 3D reconstruction was achieved with the use of The results of 3D NLS-research were correlated tures modes the sharpness of visualization of volu- duct (Table 4). Used methods of superficial and
mathematical program for information processing and with the results of common NLS-graphy in 2D mode, metric formations located in hard-to-reach parts of multiplanar volumetric reconstruction of pictures
image reconstruction in various formats of 4D Tissue: X-ray computed tomography, endoscopic retrograde common bile duct (pre-papillary part), Vaters pa- of anatomical structures allowed significant im-
- superficial volumetric reconstruction that al- cholangiopancreatography and intraoperative find- pilla or pancreas head areas significantly improves. provement in detectability and finding of concre-
lows receiving realistic superficial image of an object; ings (Table 2). Especially it is important for elderly patients who ments position. The response level (95.2%) and the
- multiplanar volumetric reconstruction of images Statistical analysis of the results received during are not always can be subjected to invasive ma- specificity (97.9%) of 3D reconstruction methods
with formation of a cube, cross section of which can work process was performed using standard methods. nipulations. of picture in detection of concrements exceeds the
be examined in any of three orthogonal projections. One of the common complications of gallstone response level (62.9%) and the specificity (86.8%)
Using multiplanar volumetric reconstruction of pic- disease is choledocholithiasis. Choledocholithia- of a common 2D NLS-research. The main problem in
tures function one can receive multidimensional picture RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION sis with temporary biliary hypertension is the most diagnostics of choledocholithiasis was to determine
of any anatomical structure. After that the data analysis When using surface volumetric reconstruction difficult one for the diagnostics (when the size of the number and real size of concrements.
is performed without presence of the patients. and multiplanar volumetric reconstruction of pic- concrement is a bit smaller than the diameter of X-ray computed tomography was used to confirm
common bile duct, so-called valvular stone). In this the symptoms of bile passages and major pancreatic
Table 3. Information value of various research methods in diagnostics of choledocholithiasis
case the detection of concrements in common bile duct ectasia. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopan-


duct is quite difficult. The complexity of diagnostics creatography procedure (response level and accu-
is in the absence or insignificant dilatation of bile racy more than 99%) had priority in confirmation
Research methods Information value indicators Indicator values, %
ducts and small sizes of concrements. of choledocholithiasis diagnosis. But the use of
2D NLS-graphy response level 62.9 Choledocholithiasis was diagnosed in 39 of 42 given method in 23.5% of cases was accompanied by
patients upon performance of a common 2D NLS- the development of complications (technical compli-
specificity 86.8 examination. In case of 3D reconstruction of NLS-
accuracy 78.6 image the concrements in common bile duct were
detected in 40 out of 42 patients. In 2 patients the
3D NLS-graphy response level 95.2 concrements with diameter less than 3 mm. were not
detected during NLS-inspection (in the beginning
specificity 97.9
of 3D NLS-graphy method application when
accuracy 97.1 concrements were located in the ampulla of major
duodenal papilla and the absence of common bile
X-ray computed response level 64.3 duct dilatation). In these cases choledocholithiasis
specificity 89.4 was detected as a result of diagnostic endoscopic
retrograde cholangiopancreatography performance.
accuracy 86.4 It should be noted that information value of
2D NLS-graphy and 3D NLS-research in detection
Endoscopic retrograde response level 99.7
cholangiopancreatography of concrements of common bile duct surpasses the
specificity 100.0 information value of X-ray computed tomography
which was only able to detect concrements of 6 mm.
accuracy 99.3 in diameter and more (Table 3).
Intraoperative discoveries response level 100.0 The use of 3D processing modes of NLS-picture
allowed slight improvement of small concrements
specificity 100.0 visualization (4 mm. and less) especially in case
Pic.4. Patient S. 33 years old. Choledocholithiasis. A concre-
of lack of biliary hypertension symptoms or insig- ment in an ampoule of major duodenal papilla. NLS in ultra-
6 accuracy 100.0
nificant increase of the diameter of common bile microscanning mode 7
Table 4. Information value of NLS-research in detection of common bile duct concrements

Concrement sizes 2D NLS-graphy 3D NLS-graphy






5 mm. and less (n = 19) 59.5 75.1 73.6 94.7 97.4 96.3 Modern NLS-diagnostics of space-occupying
More than 6 mm. (n = 23) 65.7 89.4 82.3 95.7 98.2 97.8 masses of pancreas
cations upon removal of concrements, haemorrhage, precision technological effective special research D.A. Landau, L.A. Yankina, O.R. Kozhemyakin, A.T. Pogasyan
development of acute pancreatitis). method targeted at solution of clearly marked clini- Russian scientific center on non-linear diagnostics of
From biomedical blood measurements the fol- cal problem. In the present time the methods of 3D the International Academy of non-linear diagnostics systems, Moscow
lowing valid changes were received: precipitation NLS-research allow more demonstrable presentation
of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, total bilirubin of received results and it makes easier to interpret
level increase (mainly caused by the direct fraction), them by clinicians. 3D NLS-graphy expands opportu- INTRODUCTION condition is unquestionable. At the same time, recent
amylases (in case of acute pancreatitis appearing), nities of the common 2D NLS-research due to space Malignant pancreatic neoplasms incidence in Rus- development of new computed NLS-technologies forces
alkaline phosphatase and aminotransferase and also pattern and cross-sections previously not available sia was 9.2 cases per 100 thousand people (3% of all us to reconsider importance of this method in search of
carbohydrate antigen (CA-19-9) in patients with for examination. The use of specific data (especially malignant neoplasms) in 2009. High incidence rate of space-occupying processes in pancreas and puts this
evident biliousness more than 37 IU/ml. It should on the stage of application of the new technique) malignant pancreatic tumors is peculiar to group of method forward. It became possible after introduction
again be noted that various types of operative in- does not exclude the use of generally accepted algo- people above 75 (45.8%). On the other hand constantly of new NLS-technologies, such as three-dimensional
terventions on gall bladder and bile passages were rithm of patient examination but it allows more ac- improving methods of surgical treatment require more NLS-graphy, ultramicroscanning with spectral-entropic
performed in 27 patients (64.3%) who suffered from curate interpretation of the obtained results. Given precise and well-timed diagnosing of pancreas diseases. analysis (SEA), NLS-angiography and others into a prac-
choledocholithiasis. technique may be used at an early stage of patient It is especially pressing at pancreas cancer, diagnosing tice. These technologies provide very high space reso-
As can be seen from the above, 3D NLS-graphy is examination because of its availability, relative low- of which still remains one of the most difficult tasks of lution of NLS-research, allow to evaluate morphological
an all purpose screening diagnostics method of hepa- price of the research systems and saving of the time the modern diagnostics. Low percentage of pancreas character of neoplasms non-invasively, acquire precise
tobiliary system organs diseases. This is a new high- needed for drawing of the conclusion. cancer operability (less than 10% on the average) and topographically oriented images of various blood vessels.
unsatisfactory distant results of extensive and standard In this work we tried to specify diagnostic po-
gastropancreaticoduodenal exsection are related, first of tential of new non-linear technologies at search and
all, to diffused character of the disease in patients at the differentiated diagnosing of space-occupying affec-
moment of surgical intervention. That is why a precise tions of pancreas.


diagnostics of pancreas cancer at the early stages is the
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Pic. 1. 3D NLS-graphy. Hyperchromogenic tumor of pancreas Pic. 2. NLS-graphy. Cystic form of chronic pancreatitis; in pan-
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