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COLGIO ALIANA DATA:___/____/________ Incio...............

Aluno (a)________________________________________________________ Trmino............

Disciplina: Ingls 9 ANO PESO: NOTA:
Professora: Martina Emille

2 Avaliao I BIMESTRE 5,0

Plantar opcional, mas colher obrigatrio. A sua vida depende de suas escolhas.

As questes devem ser respondidas de caneta AZUL ou PRETA;
Questes rasuradas sero anuladas;
Voc est sendo avaliado nos seguintes contedos: Grafia; Vocabulrio; Simple present; Simple past; Question tag;
Bom trabalho!

Texto para questes 01 a 05

Europe Sweet or Sour
European leaders, take heart: it is possible to resolve cross-border differences to the satisfaction of
all. Eurostar, the new rail line that connects London, Paris and Brussels, has come up with a simple yet
decidedly tasteful solution to an age-old debate over how to cap off a meal.
Britons traditionally prefer to finish with a cheese course. The rest of Europe is more comfortable,
serving the cheese before dessert makes an appearance. The issue sparked spirited debates among the
trains multinational crews, catering managers and passengers in the dining cars. Finally, a Solomonic
decision: cheese and dessert are served simultaneously and passengers decide which comes first.
Glossary: To take heart: encorajar-se. To cap off: terminar. Catering: abastecimento.

01. The text talks about

A) British restaurants.
B) European leaders.
C) intercultural problems.
D) political troubles.
02. Eurostar is the name of
A) the Brussels restaurant that serves very tasteful food.
B) the company that serves food on the London-Paris trains.
C) the line that marks the border between Paris and Brussels.
D) the railway company that links three cities in Europe.
03. Passengers on the train from London to Paris
A) can eat either cheese or dessert first.
B) have to eat cheese and dessert together.
C) may only eat the cheese when in Britain.
D) need to eat both the cheese and dessert.
04. British people prefer to
A) avoid eating any cheese.
B) have cheese for dessert.
C) leave cheese for the end.
D) taste all types of cheese.
05. The people concerned with the issue DID NOT include
A) catering managers.
B) European leaders.
C) staff on trains.
D) train passengers.
Simple present
06. Men say that women never invent things, but scientists ____________agree.
A) does not
B) are not
C) not
D) do not
E) did not
07. Researchers ___________ that eliminating allergens may help prevent asthma.
A) has suspected
B) suspecting
C) suspects
D) suspect
08. Birds often ___________ the stars.
A) is following
B) are following
C) follows
D) follow
E) following
09. John is a good student, so he ___________ to school every day.
A) go
B) goes
C) to go
D) going
E) come
Simple past
10. Uma das seguintes alternativas contm apenas verbos irregulares; indique-a.
A) suppose, commit, cut, destroy
B) cut, get, see, devastate
C) devastate, take, eat, see
D) remake, cut, eat, get
11. Assinale o verbo que possui a mesma forma no presente, passado e particpio passado.
A) bind
B) lay
C) can
D) cost
E) dive
12. When Barbara __________ home last night she __________ so tired that she ________ straight to her
bedroom and __________ asleep.
A) arrived; was; went; fell.
B) arrived; is; went; fell.
C) arrived; was; went; felt.
D) arrived; was; go; fell.
E) arrives; was; goes; fell.
13. The interrogative form of the sentence
The French captain learned the language of the indians is:
A) Did the French captain learn the language of the indians?
B) Does the French captain learn the language of the indians?
C) Is the French captain learning the language of the indians?
D) Is the French captain going to learn the language of the indians?
E) Didnt the French captain learn the language of the indians?
Question tag
14. Qual das alternativas NO completa a frase a seguir corretamente? Give me a can of beer,
A) cant you
B) can you
C) will you
D) wont you
E) do you
15. Complete: You like English, __________?
A) dont you
B) do you
C) like you
D) does you
E) are you
16. Complete the sentences with question tags and then mark the CORRECT alternative:
I. Im afraid Im a little late, ______________?
II. She left at 10 oclock, _________________?
III. He likes apple pie, __________________?
A) am I - doesnt she - didnt he
B) arent I - didnt she - doesnt he
C) I am - did he - does he
D) arent I - didnt she - didnt he
E) arent I - doesnt she - like he
17. Sarah ___________ classes lately, has she?
A) didnt attend
B) hadnt attended
C) hasnt attended
D) havent attended
E) doesnt attend
18. We cannot have the report typed for tomorrow, _________?
A) cannot we
B) cant we
C) have we
D) havent we
E) can we
19. Complete CORRECTLY: They havent developed a diet to reduce weight gain, ____________?
A) do they
B) have they
C) did he
D) said he
E) should he
20. He shouldnt have said that, _________?
A) hasnt he B) doesnt he C) did he
D) said he E) should he

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