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Volume I


Milton O. Lee, Ed.

Volume 2


Malcolm Melior, Ed.

Volume 3


Olga Hartman

Volume 4


A. H. Waynick,Ed.

Volume 5


GeorgeA. Llano, Ed.

Volume 6


JarvisB. Hadley,Ed.

Volume 7


Olga Hartman

Volume 8


J. C. F. Tedrow, Ed.

Polychaeta Myzostomidae
and Sedentaria
of Antarctica

Olga Hartman


Publishedwith the aid o] a grant ]rom the National ScienceFoundation




National Academyof Sciences- National ResearchCouncil

Publication No. 1414



Olga Hartman

Copyright 1966 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion

Suite 506, 1145- 19th Street, N. W.
Washington,D.C. 20036

Library of CongressCatalogueCard No. 66-61601

List Price, $10.00

Printed by
Garamond/Pridemark Press, Inc.
Baltimore, Maryland


and othersmdiscussions aimed at developinga me-
dium for the publicationof the papersresultingfrom the intensiveresearchwork
being donein Antarctica. The AntarcticResearchSeriesis designedto providethis
medium,presentingauthoritativework with uniformly high scientificand editorial
standardsfrom leadingscientists engagedin Antarcticresearch.
In a sensethe seriescontinuesa tradition dating from the earliestdays of geo-
graphic explorationand scientificexpeditions--thetradition of the expeditionary
volumeswhich set forth in rich detail everythingthat was seenand studied. But in
muchof the presentAntarcticwork oneexpeditionblendsinto the next, and it is no
longerscientificallymeaningfulto separatethem. However,Antarcticresearchin all
disciplineshas a large degreeof coherenceand deservesthe moderncounterpartto
the expeditionaryvolumesof past decadesand centuries.
Papersappearingin the seriesrepresentoriginal contributions too lengthyor
otherwiseunsuitablefor publicationin the standardscientificjournals. The material
publishedis directednot only to scientistsactivelyengagedin the work but to grad-
uate studentsand scientistsin closelyrelated fields as well. The serieswill serveas
a sourceof informationboth for the specialistand for the layman versedin the
biologicaland physicalsciences.Many of the early volumeswill be cohesivecollec-
tions of researchpapersgroupedarounda centraltheme. An editor for eachbook
is drawn from the disciplineit represents,as are the reviewerson whomeacheditor
Early in 1963 the National ScienceFoundationmade a grant to the American
Geophysical Union to initiate the series,and a Board of AssociateEditorswas ap-
pointedto crystallizeand implementit. To representthe broadnatureof the series,
the membersof the Board were chosenfrom all fields of Antarctic research. They
includeJarvis Hadley, representing
geologyand solid Earth geophysics; Harry W.
Wells,aeronomyand geomagnetism; A. P. Crary, seisinology
and glaciology;George
A. Llano, botanyand zoology;Waldo L. Schmitt,marinebiologyand oceanography;
and Morton J. Rubin, meteorology.AGU staff memberscontributingto the Series
includeJudith McCombs,managingeditor, and Marie L. Webner,styleeditor.

Chairman,Board o/4ssociateEditors
.tintarctic Research Series

Of the Allan HancockFoundationof the Universityof Southern
Californiahas continuedto providespaceand supportto study the polychaetous
annelidsof Antarctica. Salaries of the participantsin the Antarctic project were
partlyprovidedby the NationalScienceFoundation.The chartsandplatesof illus-
trationswere preparedby Carl Petterson.MeredithJones,United StatesNational
Museum,criticallyreadthemanuscript.The staffof the library of theAllan Hancock
Foundation providedthe necessarybibliographic materials.The map sectionof the
AmericanGeographical Societysuppliedthe outlinechartson whichthedistributional
data are recorded.The editorialstaffof the AmericanGeophysical Union, including
Mrs. NancyJarvis,copyeditor,and Mrs. JudithMcCombs, managingeditor,were
mosthelpfuland encouraging in taking this manuscript throughthe editingand
printingprocesses.The authoris very gratefulfor all of this assistance.


The Antarctic Research Series

Harry W. Wells ..................... v

Acknowledgments..................... vii

Introduction to Myzostomidaeand PolychaetaSedentaria .......

SystematicList of Myzostomidaeand PolychaetaSedentaria ....... 2

Descriptionsof Species ................... 7

ZoogeographicSummaries .................. 140

of AntarcticPolychaetes.............. 154

Bibliography....................... 155



Tug SPECIES OF MYZOSTOMIDAE consistsof small (a Expedition,1851-1852, where the type localitiesof
few mm long) aberrantpolychaetes usuallyfoundas thefirstnamedpolychaetes aregiven.Theyare'Buket
parasiteson or in crinoidor ophiuroidechinoderms.Island'and CaboVirgenes(CapeVirgin). The first
They may occurfar moreabundantly than the pub- is a namegivenby the Eugeniestaffto a small,then
lishedrecordsindicate,sincethey are easilyover- inhabited,islandin Bahia San Nicolas(San Niklas
lookedand may fall fromthehostswhendisturbed. Bay), 5315'S, 7107'W. This was first spelled
The bestrepresentedfamiliesof Sedentariaare the Buketten[Skogman,1854-1855,p. 103] and Bou-
with 41 species in 20 genera,and the quettein the Germantranslationfrom the original
Maldanidae,Sabellidae, and Serpulidae,eachwith 24 Swedish by vonEtzel [1856,p. 131]. Kinberg[1866,
speciesin 15, 12, and 14 genera,respectively.The p. 177] gaveit as Buketin the first systematic ac-
Spionidaehave22 species in 12 genera,the Flabelli- countof species, and later [Kinberg,1866,pp. 338-
geridae18 in 6, the Ampharetidae16 in 13, the 353] as Bucket;as suchit was copiedby later re-
Opheliidae15 in 5, theCirratulidae
12 in 6, andother viewers [Ehlers, 1901, p. 203]. Buket, meaning
familieshavefewerthan 10 species in variousnum- bouquet,hasbeenomittedfrom recentmapsof Chile,
bersof genera. and, according to currentresidents in Chile,thereis
Place namesherein are thoseoriginallygiven in now no inhabitedislandin the vicinityof Bahia San
the descriptionsof species,or as emendedin the Nicolas.It is likely that 'BuketIsland'is really Isla
Geographic Namesof Antarctica,Gazetteerno. 14, Sanchez, sincethis smallislandis the onlyislandin
1956. 'Antarctic Peninsula'for 'Palmer Peninsula'is Bahia San Nicolas. Cabo Virgenes, the other type
a more recentchange.Someother namessouthof localityestablished by the Eugenie,is at the eastern
50Slatitudeare givenin the accountof the Eugenie end of the Strait of Magellan.

Myzostomidae Rhynchospio glutaea(Ehlers,1897)

Myzostomum compressurn von Graff, 1884
Spio sp.
Myzostomumcoronatumvon Graff, 1884
Spiophanes bombyx(Claparde,1870)
Spiophanes soderstromi Hartman,1953
hydrocrinivon Graff, 1884
Spiophanes tcherniaiFauvel,1950
Spiophanes spp.

(Mcintosh,1885) Chaetopteridae
Phylo/elix Kinberg, 1866 Chaetopterus
variopedatus(Renier, 1804)
Scoloplos(Leodamas)cirratus(Ehlers,1897) Phyllochaetopterus
Scoloplos(Leodamas)marginatus(Ehlers,1897) Phyllochaetopterus
Scoloplos(Leodamas)ohlini (Ehlers,1901) Spiochaetopterus

Chaetozoneandersencrisis (Augener,1932)
Cirratuluscirratus (Miiller, 1776)
Aedicira belgicae(Fauvel, 1936) Cirratuluspatagonicus (Kinberg,1866)
Paraonisgracilis (Tauber, 1879) ?Cirratulussp.
Cirri/ormiafligera (delleChiaje,1828)
Cirri/ormia nasuta (Ehlers, 1897)
Spionidae Macrochaeta papillosaEhlers,1913
Tharyx cincinnatus(Ehlers, 1908)
Boccardianatrix ( SSderstrSm,
1920) Tharyx epitocaMonro, 1930
Boccardiapolybranchia(Haswell,1885) Tharyx/usi/ormisMonro, 1939
Laonice cirrata ( Sars, 1851) Tharyx sp.
MesospiomooreiGravier, 1911 Timarete antarcticus (Monro, 1930)
Nerine sp.
Polydorapaucibranchis Ehlers,1913
Polydorasocialis( Schmarda,1861) Brada gravieri Mcintosh, 1922
Polydorasp. Brada mammillataGrube, 1877
PrionospiopatagonicaAugener,1923 Brada villosa (Rathke, 1843)
PrionospiopinnataEhlers,1901 FauveliopsischallengeriaeMcintosh, 1922
Prionospiosp. Flabelligera bicolor ( Schmarda,1861)
PygospiodubiaMonro, 1930 FlabelligeragourdoniGravier, 1906

FlabelligeraindutaEhlers,1897 NotomastuslatericeusSars, 1851

FlabelligeramundataGravier, 1906 Notomastus(Clistomastus)lineatus( Claparde,1870)
FlabelligerapennigeraEhlers,1908 Notomastus(Clistomastus)sp.
Flabelligerapergamentacea Ehlers,1913
Flabelligerapicts Ehlers,1913
llyphaguscoronatus Monro, 1939 Arenicolidae
llyphagus wyvillei (Mcintosh, 1885), new combina-
A barenicolaa/finisaffinis (Ashworth,1902)
A barenicolaassimilisassimilis (Ehlers, 1897)
Pherusakerguelarum(Grube, 1878)
A barenicola assimilis brevior Wells, 1963
Pherusalaevis ( Stimpson,1856)
A barenicolaassimilisinsularurnWells, 1963
?Pherusasarsi (Mcintosh, 1922)
?Pherusaswakopianus(Augener, 1918)
Piromisarenosus Kinberg,1867 Maldanidae

Scalibregmidae Axiothella antarctica Monro, 1930
OncoscolexdicranochaetusSchmarda,1861 AxiothellaquadrimaculataAugener,1914
ScalibregmainfiatumRathke,1843 Clymenella?minorArwidsson,1911
?Scalibregmasp. Clymenellasp.
?SclerocheilusminutusGrube, 1863 ?Clymenurasp.
Euclymenegrossa(Baird, 1873)
Isocirrusyungi Gravier,1911
Opheliidae Lumbriclymenella robustaArwidsson,1911
Maldane sarsi Malmgren, 1865
Maldane sarsi antarctica Arwidsson, 1911
Ammotrypanenematoides Ehlers,1913
Maidsnells antarctica Mcintosh, 1885
Micromaldane ornithochaetaMesnil, 1897
Nicomachelumbricalis (Fabricius, 1780)
Euzonus(Thoracophelia)/urci/era (Ehlers, 1897)
KesunabyssorumMonro, 1930
Notoproctus oculatusantarcticusArwidsson,1911
Ophelia bipartitaMonro, 1936
?Petaloproctus sp.
Ophelia praetiosa(Kinberg, 1866)
Travisia kerguelensisMcintosh, 1885
Praxillella kerguelensis(Mcintosh,1885)
Travisiakerguelensis gravieri Monro, 1930
Rhodine antarctica Gravier, 1907
Travisia lithophilaKinberg, 1866
Rhodine intermediaArwidsson,1911
Travisia nigrocinctaEhlers, 1913
Rhodine loveni Malmgren, 1865
Travisia olensEhlers, 1897
Travisia sp.

Sternaspisscutata(Renier, 1807) Myriocheleheeri Malmgren,1867

CapitellacapitataantarcticaMonro, 1930 ldanthyrsusarmatusKinberg,1867
Capitellaperarmata(Gravier, 1911) Phragmatopoma virgini Kinberg, 1867

Pectinariidae Proclea glabrolimbataHessle,1917

Cistenidesehlersi (Hessle,1917) Terebella?bilineataBaird, 1865
TerebellaehlersiGravier, 1907
Thelepidesvenustus Levenstein,1964
AmagesculptaEhlers,1908 Subfamily Artacaminae Chamberlin
Ampharetesp. Artacamaproboscidea
Amythasmembrani/eraBenham,1921 SubfamilyPolycirrinae Hessle
Anobothrus antarcticusMonro, 1939
Hauchiellatribullata (Mcintosh,1869)
Anobothruspatagonicus(Kinberg, 1867)
Melinna buskii Mcintosh, 1922
Melinnctcristata (Sars, 1851)
PolycirrushessleiMonro, 1930
Melinnoides nelsoni Benham, 1927
Neosabellideselongatus(Ehlers, 1912)
PhyllocomuscroceaGrube, 1877
SosanopsiskerguelensisMonro, 1939 SubfamilyThelepinae Hessle
Streblosomabairdi antarcticaMonro, 1936
Terebellidae Thelepusplagiostoma Schmarda,1861
( Quatrefages,
SubfamilyAmphitritinae Hessle terebellid
AmphitritecirrataMiiller, 1771in 1776
Eupistellagrubei (Mcintosh,1885) Trichobranchidae
Lanicefiabellum(Baird, 1865) Ampharetides vanho/]eniEhlers,1913
Lanicidesbilobata (Grube, 1877) Octobranchus antarcticusMonro, 1936
Leaena antarctica Mcintosh, 1885 Octobranchus phyllocomus Hartman,1952
LeaenaarenilegaEhlers, 1913 Terebellideslongicaudatus Hessle,1917
Leaena collaris Hessle, 1917 TerebellidesstroemiiSars, 1835
Levenstein,1964 Terebellides stroemiikerguelensis Mcintosh,1885
Leaena wandelensisGravier, 1907 Trichobranchus glacialisMalmgren,1866
?Loimiamedusa(Savigny,1818) Trichobranchusglacialis antarcticusHessle, 1917
Neoamphitriteanis antarctica(Monro,1936)
Neolepreastreptochaeta(Ehlers,1897) Sabellidae
Nicolea chilensis( Schmarda,1861)
SubfamilyFabriciinae Rioja
Pista abyssicola
Pista corrientis Mcintosh, 1885 Desdemonatrilobata Banse,1957
Pista cristata (Miiller, 1776) Euchoneanalis (KrSyer, 1856)
Pistagod/royi (Gravier,1911) Euchonepallida Ehlers,1908
Pista mirabilis Mcintosh, 1885 Fabricia sabella(Ehrenberg,1837)
Pista spini/era (Ehlers, 1908) Fabricia sp.

JasmineiracaecaEhlers,1913 SubfamilySerpulinae MacLeay

Jasmineiramacrophthalma Ehlers,1913
Oriopsisalata (Ehlers,1897) ApomatusbrownilPixell, 1913
OriopsisalatapectinataBanse,1957 Chitinopomoides wilsoniBenham,1927
Oriopsislimbata (Ehlers,1897) Cystopomatus macintoshiGravier, 1911
OriopsismagnaBanse,1957 DipomatusserpulidesEhlers,1913
SubfamilyMyxicolinae Rioja ?Placostegussp.
MyxicolasulcataEhlers,1912 Serpulaloveni (Kinberg, 1867)
Serpulanarconensis Baird, 1865
SubfamilySabellinae Chamberlin VermiliopsisglacialisMonro, 1939
mediterranea(Leydig,1851) Vermiliopsisnigropileata(Ehlers, 1900)
(Kinberg, 1867) Vermiliopsisnotialis Monro, 1930
Potamethusscotiae (Pixell, 1913)
Potatoiliaantarctica(Kinberg, 1867) SubfamilySpirorbinae Chamberlin
?Potatoilianeglecta(Sars, 1851) Laeospiraborealis(Daudin, 1800)
SabellaoatesianaBenham,1927 Leodoraperrieri (CaulleryandMesnil,1897)
SabellapenicillusLinnaeus,1767 Paradexiospira/alklandicaPixell, 1913
SabellapusillaJohansson, 1922 ParalaeospiraaggregataCaulleryand Mesnil,1897
?SabellaaberransAugener,1926 ParalaeospiraantarcticaPixell, 1913
SabellacostulataGrube, 1877 ParalaeospiraclaparedeiCaulleryandMesnil,1897
?Sabellasp. ParalaeospiralebruniCaulleryandMesnil,1897
ParalaeospiralevinseniCaulleryand Mesnil, 1897
Paralaeospirapatagonica CaulleryandMesnil,1897
SubfamilyFilograninae Rioja SpirorbisnordenskjoldiEhlers,1900
Salmacinadysteri]alklandicaMonro,1930 Spirorbis spp.

Family Myzostomidae Benham Myzostomum compressurn von Graff, 1884

KEY TO GENERA Plate I, fig. 2

Bodyovalto circular,depressed; Myzostoma compressum von Graff, 1884,p. 42, pl. 3,

digestivetubewith lateralcaeca Myzostomum fig. 4. Prince Edward Island, Crozet Islands, in
Bodyelongateand not so depressed; 2516 m, on Bathycrinus aldrichJanusWyville
digestivetube straight . . . Stelechopus
Diagnosis:Coloryellow-brown; bodylaterallycom-
pressed,the middle like a keel, considerablyhigher
than the animal is broad. Length of body 2.3 mm,
GenusMyzostomum Leuckart,1827
width 1.2 mm. Epitheliumsmooth.Lateral margin
Myzostomum antarcticum Stummer-Traunfels, 1908 with 20 cirri; parapodiafeeble. Distal end of neuro-
podialhooksstronglycurved(fig. 2).
Plate I, fig. 1
Myzostoma antarcticum Stummer-Traunfels, 1908,pp.
2-7, pl. I. McMurdo Sound, in 124 fms, on
Antedon adriani Bell. Myzostomum coronaturn von Graff, 1884
Stummer-Traunfels, 1927, p. 132, fig. 120. Sum- Plate I, fig. 3
von Graff, 1884,p. 60, pl. 3,
Diagnosis:Body circular (fig. 1); length0.7 to fig. 9 a-c. Prince Edward Island, CrozetIslands,
6 mm; width 0.7 to 7.5 mm; with 10 parapodialseg- in 1418 m, on BathycrinusaldrichJanus Wyville-
ments.Lateral marginswith 10 pairs of cirri; neuro- Thomson.
podiain ventralposition. Stummer-Traunfels,
1927,p. 203. Summary.
Distribution: McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea; in 124 Diagnosis:Bodycoloredbright ochre-yellow, oval
fm$ o
in shape,narrowedposteriorly,
with lateraltriangular

Plate I

MyzostomumantarcticurnS;ummer-Traunfels(from Stummer-Traunfels,1927, fig. 120).

1. Entire animal, in ventral view, enlarged.
Myzostomumcompressurnvon Graff (from von Graff, 1884, pl. 3, fig. 4 a).
2. Distal end of a neuropodial hook, enlarged.
Myzostomumcoronaturnvon Graff (from von Graff, 1884, pl. 3, fig. 9 b).
3. Entire animal, in ventral view, enlarged.
Myzostomumgerlachei Fauvel (from Fauvel, 1936, fig. 4).
4. Entire animal, in ventral view, X 15.
5. Parapodiumwith dorsal cirrus and spinoussetae, x 80.
Stelechopushydrocrini von Graff (from von Graff, 1884, pl. 16, figs. 2, 6).
6. Anterior end, in ventral view, enlarged.
7. A median parapodium,enlarged.

extensions(fig. 3). Length of body 3.2 mm; width and anus at posteriorend. Length of body 3.5 mm;
2.2 mm. Marginswith 10 pairs of broadcirri; dorsal width 0.9 mm. Bodycoveredwith a chitinizedyellow
surface with longitudinal and transverse furrows. cuticle, transverselystriated,continuedon the para-
Parapodiaplacedfar outwards,feeblydeveloped. podia (fig. 6). Parapodianumber 5 pairs, located
ventrolaterally,each with a long, curvedyellow hook
Distribution: CrozetIslands; abyssal.
(fig. 7). Suckerslacking.
Distribution: CrozetIslands;abyssal.
Myzostomum gerlachei Fauvel,1936
Plate I, figs.4, 5 Family Orbiniidae Hartman
MyzostomaGerlacheiFauvel, 1936, pp. 40-42, fig. 4 KEY TO GENERA
a-f. Alexander Island, 70S, 80 to 83W, on
arm of an ophiuroid. 1. Thoracicneuropodia with distally
pointed setae only .... Haploscoloplos
Diagnosis: Body subcircular,ventrumflat, dorsum Thoracicneuropodia with some
convex and smooth; diameter 2-3 ram. Mouth mar- acicular or curved setae ....... 2
ginal. Bodywith 5 pairs of parapodiaand 10 pairs of Posteriorthoracicneuropodiawith
articulatedlateral cirri, alternatinglongandshort (fig. modified acicular spines ..... Phylo
4). Paired lateral sensoryorgansabsent. Parapodia Posteriorthoracicneuropodiawithout
ventral,with large curvedhooks (fig. 5). modifiedspines .......... 3
Distribution: AlexanderIsland; in unknowndepth. Abdominalneuropodiawith pro-
jectingacicularspines . Scoloplos(Leodamas)
projectingacicularspines Scoloplos(Scoloplos)
GenusStelechopusvon Graff, 1884
Stelechopus hydrocrini von Graff, 1884
GenusHaploscoloplos Monro, 1933
PlateI, figs.6, 7
Haploscoloplos kerguelensis (Mcintosh,1885)
Stelechopus hydrocrinivon Graff, 1884, p. 76, pl. 16,
figs. 1-7. Prince Edward Island, Crozet Islands, PlateII, figs.1, 2
in 1375 fins, on Hydrocrinusand Bathycrinus.
Mcintosh,1885,p. 355, pl. 43,
Diagnosis: Body long and flat, mouth at anterior figs. 6-8; pl. 22A, fig. 19. Off Baie de Londres

Plate II

Haploscoloploskerguelensis (Mcintosh) (from Mcintosh, 1885, pl. 43, figs. 7, 8).

1. Eighth thoracic parapodium, X 40.
2. Twentieth anterior abdominal parapodium, X 40.
Haploscoloplos kerguelensis minutus Hartman (from Hartman, 1953, fig. 11 a).
3. Anterior end with thorax and 7 abdominal segments,in dorsal view, X 50.
Phylo ]elix Kinberg (from Hartman, 1957, pl. 23, fig. 2).
4. Parapodium 15, in anterior view, x 42.
Scoloplos(Leodamas) cirratus (Ehlers) (from Ehlers, 1897, pl. 6, fig. 149).
5. An abdominal parapodium, in posterior view, X 25, acicular spines omitted.
Scoloplos (Leodamas) marginatus (Ehlers) (from Ehlers, 1897, pl. 6, figs. 150, 154).
6. Anterior end with proboscis everted, in left lateral view, x 10.
7. Dorsal half of segment 67, with segmentalorgan on left side everted, x 19.
Scoloplos(Leodamas) ohlini (Ehlers) (from Ehlers, 1901, pl. 21, fig. 12).
8. Parapodium 38, with long branchia, x 30.

(London River) and Baie de l'Oiseau (Christmas Diagnosis: Individuals consistentlysmaller than
Harbor), KerguelenIslands,in 110-120 fms. thoseof stemspecies.Lengthof body 8 mm or less;
Ehlers,1897, p. 97. Off southernSouthAmerica,in width in thorax or widestpart 0.66 ram. Prostomium
10 fms. approximatelyequitriangular(fig. 3). Thorax consists
Ehlers,1901,p. 169. Off southernSouthAmerica. of 9-10 segments.Notopodiaand neuropodiawith
Willey, 1902,p. 275. CapeAdare,in 8-10 fms. only pointedsetae,and postsetallobesprolonged,tri-
Gravier, 1911a, p. 108, pl. 5, figs. 60-63. Port angular. Branchiaepresentfrom setigers10-11, stand-
Lockroy,in 70 m. ing erect over middorsumwherebestdeveloped.
Ehlers, 1913, p. 522. Baie de l'Observatoire(Ob-
servatoryBay), KerguelenIslands,with Macro-
Fauvel, 1916, p. 433, pl. 8, figs. 23-25. Falkland
Augener,1932b,p. 41. SouthGeorgia,in 65 m. GenusPhylo Kinberg,1866
ScoloplosmawsoniBenham,1921, pp. 78-81, pl. 8, Phylo yelix Kinberg,1866
figs. 91-94. Boat Harbor, Commonwealth
Bay, in
2-4.5 fms. Plate II, fig. 4
Monro, 1930, p. 145. CumberlandWest Bay, in Phylo/elix Kinberg,1866,p. 251. Brazil.
23 m, and mouth of Drygalski Fjord, South Hartman, 1953, p. 37. Green Patch, Falkland
Georgia,in 225 m. Islands,from kelp washedin after storm.
Haploscoloplos kerguelensisMonro, 1936, p. 160. Hartman, 1957, pp. 262-265, pl. 23, figs. 1-7.
South Orkney Islands,in 24-36 m. Summary.
Monro, 1939, p. 124. Off KerguelenIslands and :tricia michaelseniEhlers,1897,pp. 88-91, pl. 6, figs.
Mac. Roberston Land, in 3-219 m. 136-140. Strait of Magellan,intertidal to 7 fms.
Hartman, 1957, pp. 275-276, figs. 1-3. Summary. Ehlers,1900a,p. 12. Strait of Magellan.
Diagnosis: Length of body 7.5 to 40 mm; width Ehlers,1901, p. 166. Strait of Magellan.
0.5 to 2 mm. Prostomiumpointedbut not acute,some- Monro, 1930, pp. 144-145, fig. 54. East Falkland,
timeswith transversegroup of brown pigmentgran-
ules in front of posterior border of first segment. Diagnosis:Color of body pale or reddish gray.
Thoracic parapodia (fig. 1) short and setaelonger Length 50 mm or more; width 3-5 ram; segments
than lobes. Branchiaefirst presentfrom setigerous number about 165. Posterior thoracic neuropodia
segments10-16, increasein sizeposteriorly.Thoracic with dark, spear-shaped spines,and midthoracicseg-
parapodia with only long, distally pointed, trans- mentswith ventral fringe. Prostomiumsmall,conical,
versely barred setae. Abdominal parapodia as in abouttwiceas long as wide. Peristomiumsmoothand
fig. 2. achaetous.The evertedproboscisa soft, membranous
Distribution: Falkland and Kerguelen islands; sack. Ventrum of first 11-12 segmentssmooth; seg-
abundantin shallowdepthsto 120 fins. ments thereafter,to segment20-21, with a ventral
fringe of up to 15 filaments. Branchiaefirst present
from setiger5, simple and cirriform; thoseon first
5-10 branchialsegmentswidely separatedmedially;
Haploscoloplos kerguelensis minutus farther back the paired branchiaeapproachmiddor-
sally. Notopodialpostsetallobes (fig. 4) long and
Hartman, 1953
triangular. Neuropodialpostsetallobesfringed,each
PlateII, fig. 3 with transverseseriesof 5-10 long processes.Each
neuropodiumof setigers11 to 19 with anteriortrans-
Haploscoloplos kerguelensisminutusHartman, 1953,
verseseriesof 3-5 dark brown, thick spines.
p. 37, fig. 11 a-c. King EdwardCove (Pot Bay),
SouthGeorgia,in 95 m; off Cumberland Bay, in Distribution: Brazil, Uruguay, Falkland Islands,
20 and 252-310 m. and Strait of Magellan.

GenusScoloplos (Leodamas) Kinberg, 1865 Diagnosis:Length of body about 80 mm; segments

number 102. Thorax consistsof 11-14 or 18-19 seg-
Scoloplos (Leodamas) cirratus (Ehlers, 1897)
ments. Branchiaepresent from sixth setiger, some-
Plate II, fig. 5 what straplike (fig. 7) where best developed,and
continuedposteriorlyto endof body. Thoracicneuro-
Aricia cirrataEhlers,1897,pp. 94-95, pl. 6, figs.148,
podia with acicularhooksonly; pointedsetaeabsent.
149. 4935'S, 6443'W, in 62 fms. Ventral cirri and interramal cirri absent. Prostomium
Scoloplos(Leodamas)cirratusHartman, 1953, p. 38.
bluntly to acutelyconical,longerthan wide, lacking
Port William, Falkland Islands,in 17 m.
visibleeyes. Changefrom thoraxto abdomenabrupt.
Hartman, 1957, p. 290. Summary.
Abdominalnotopodiaas in figure7; neuropodiawith
Diagnosis:Length of body 15-24 mm; width 1.5 single,pale yellow,projectingacicularhooks,distally
mm; segmentsnumber 54-81. Prostomiumconical. slightlycurved. The evertedproboscis(fig. 6) a sim-
Branchiaepresentfrom sixth segment. Abdominal ple, thin-walledpouch.
neuropodiawith projectingacicular spines. Thorax
Distribution: Falkland and Kerguelen islands;
consists of 27-31 setigerous segments. Thoracic
SouthGeorgia;CapeAdare; commonin shallowwater
neuropodiaprovided with acicular setae only. A and less abundant to 270 fms.
ventral cirrus (fig. 5) presentfrom setiger25, con-
tinued through 18 abdominalsegments;occasionally
ventral cirri are bifid. The presenceof a postsetal Scoloplos (Leodamas) marginatus mcleani
(Benham, 1921)
lobe in the last 6 thoracicneuropodiais characteristic.
Furcatespinespresentin notopodia. Aricia marginatamcleaniBenham,1921, p. 78, pl. 9,
Distribution: Falkland Islands and off southern fig. 90. CommonwealthBay, in 25 fms.
South America; in 17-62 fms. Benham, 1927, pp. 96-97. McMurdo Sound, in
222-250 fms.

Diagnosis: Differs from stem species(see above)

Scoloplos (Leodamas) marginatus (Ehlers,1897) in havinga curvedrow of 3-6 spinesbelowand be-
hind the lower end of the third row of thoracic neuro-
Plate II, figs. 6, 7
podial uncini. Lengthof body 48 mm; width about
Aricia marginataEhlers,1897, pp. 95-97, pl. 6, figs. 3 mm. Thoracic segmentsnumber 13-14, and bran-
150-156. South Georgia. chiaefirst presentfrom setiger5 or 6.
Willey, 1902, p. 275, pl. 45, fig. 4. CapeAdare, in
8 fms. Distribution: Ad61ie Coast, Ross Sea; in 25 to 250
Ehlers,1912, p. 23. McMurdo Sound,in 257 fms. fms.
Benham,1921,p. 77. BoatHarbor,in 2-4 fms,and
Commonwealth Bay, in 318 fms. Scoloplos (Leodamas) ohlini (Ehlers,1901)
Monro, 1930, p. 144. SouthGeorgia,in 17-270 m.
Plate II, fig. 8
NainereismarginataFauvel,1916, p. 445, pl. 8, figs.
26-33. Falkland Islands, at low tide. Aricia ohlini Ehlers,1901, pp. 167-169, pl. 21, figs.
Scoloplos marginatusAugener,1932a,p. 109. South 9-13. BancoTribuna (Tribune Bank), Strait of
Georgia,in 20 m. Magellan, in 25 fms.
Augener,1932b, p. 40. SouthGeorgia,in 10 m. Gravier, 1911a, pp. 105-107, pl. 6, figs. 70-73.
Monro, 1936,p. 159. SouthGeorgia,in 18-27 m. PetermannIsland, at low tide, rocks.
Monro, 1939, pp. 123-124. 65o48' to 6746'S,and Aricia cochleataEhlers, 1901, pp. 166-167, pl. 21,
49 to 142E, in 3-640 m. figs. 14-21. BancoTribuna, Strait of Magellan,
Fauvel, 1951, p. 762. Ad61ieCoast,in 10-15 m. in 25 fms.
Scoloplos(Leodamas) marginatus Hartman, 1952, Scoloplos ohliniAugener,1932b,p. 41. BouvetIsland,
p. 232. RossIsland, in 50-58 fms. in 60 m.

Hartman,1953, p. 38. SouthGeorgia,in 1-75 m. Scoloplos(Leodamas)ohlini Hartman,1957,pp. 287-

Hartman, 1957, p. 289. Summary. 289, pl. 31, figs. 6-8. Emendation.
7 8 9 10

. 13 14


Diagnosis:Lengthof body 7.5 mm; width 2.5 mm; Scoloplos(Leodamas) tribulosusHartman, 1957, p.
segmentsnumber about 171. Body slender,without 290. Emended.
ventral papillae. Prostomiumconical; proboscisa
Diagnosis:Length of body about 30-40 mm. An-
simple,globularpouch.First segmentlacksparapodia.
terior thoracic region consists of 25-28 segments;
Segments20 and 21 are transitional. Branchiaefirst
prostomium conical(fig. 1). Anteriorendlacksfringe
presentfrom setiger 6, simple throughout (fig. 8).
or papillae. Branchiaefirst presentfrom setiger 7.
A subpodiallobe, resemblinga ventral cirrus, present
Interramal cirri absent. Abdominalparapodiallobes
from last thoracicsegmentand continuedin abdomen
as in figure 2. Furcate setaepresentin notopodia.
through segment46. Thoracicneuropodialack lobes
Abdominalneuropodiawith projectingacicularspines.
and have palisadedrows of uncini, with or without
pointed setae. Furcate setae present in posterior Distribution: Off southern South America; inter-
thoracic and abdominalnotopodia. Abdominalneuro- tidal.
podia with thick, yellow acicular spines projecting
from distal end of neuropodiallobes.
Scoloplos (Leodamas) sp.
Southern South America, north to
western Mexico. Aricia? sp. Ehlers, 1897, p. 95. Falkland Islands,in
1 fro.
Ehlers, 1913, pp. 521-522. Wilhelm II Coast, in
Scoloplos (Leodamas) tribulosus (Ehlers, 1897) 380 m.

Plate III, figs. 1, 2 Diagnosis: Length of body 27 mm; width 3 mm;

Aricia tribulosa Ehlers, 1897, p. 91, pl. 6, figs. 141- segments number 85. Thorax consistsof 15-19 seg-
147. PuntaArenas,BeagleChannel,and Ushuaia, ments. Thoracic neuropodiawith a postsetalconical
cirrus and with acicular neurosetae. Branchiae first
near Strait of Magellan.
Ehlers, 1901, p. 166. SouthernSouth America. presentfrom setigers4-6.
Scoloplostribulosus Fauvel, 1941, p. 286. Punta Distribution: Falkland Islands and Antarctic con-
Arenas. tinent; in 1-380 m.

Plate III

Scoloplos (Leodamas) tribulosus (Ehlers) (from Ehlers, 1897, pl. 6, figs. 141, 146).
1. Anterior end, in right lateral view, x 14.
2. Parapodium from segment 37, in anterior view, x 28.
Aedicira belgicae (Fauvel) (from Monro, 1939, figs. 16 a, b).
3. Prostomium and first 2 setigerous segments,in dorsal view, x 32.
4. Anterior end, in ventral view, x 32.
Paraonis gracilis (Tauber) (from Monro, 1930, figs. 58 a, c).
5. Anterior end of body, lateral parapodia not shown behind the fifth setiger, x 15.
6. A neuropodial falciger, x 510.
Boccardia Aatrix (SiAderstriAm)(from Hartman, 1948, pl. 16, figs. 6, 7, 8, 9).
7. A bristle-toppedmodified spine from fifth setiger, in lateral view, x 220.
8. A companion falcate spine from fifth setiger, x 220.
9. A bristle-topped spine in posterior view, x 220.
10. Hooded bifid neuropodial uncini from a posterior segment, x 424.
Boccardia polybranchia (Haswell) (from Hartman, 1948, pl. 16, figs. 4, 13).
11. A hooded uncinus from first uncinigerous segment, 424.
12. A bristle-topped and a falcate spine, from fifth setiger, x 220.
Laonice cirrata (Sars) (from Fauvel, 1914, pl. 20, figs. 4, 5, 8).
13. Anterior end of body, palpi fallen away, in dorsal view, x 10.
14. Segments42-45, showinginterramal pouches,in right lateral view, x 10.
15. Hooded uncinus from fiftieth segment, in lateral view, x 500.

FamilyParaonidae Cerruti in the prebranchial

region. Prostomium
TOGENERA antenna
(fig.5). Lower
first setigeroussegment.Branchiaefirst presentfrom
Prostomiumwitt' a median antenna . . ledicira sixth or seventhsetigeroussegment,at first small or
Prostomiumwithout a medianantenna . Paraonis abruptly large, presentthrough 12 to 14 segments.
Setaethroughanterior and branchialregionsslender
and capillary. Abdominalnotopodiawith longpointed
GenusAedicira Hartman,1957 setae;neuropodia with 5 to 6 acicularspines(fig. 6)
in a fan-shapedfascicle,alternatingwith an equal
Aedicira belgicae (Fauvel,1936)
number of very slender,distally pointedsetae,num-
PlateIII, figs.3, 4 bering2 or 3 in a series.
ParaonisbelgicaeFauvel, 1936, pp. 29-31, figs.3 a-e. Distribution: North and South Atlantic oceans;
AlexanderIsland,7048'S,9154'W. Depthnot SouthGeorgia;cosmopolitan;
in shallowto moderate
given. depths.
Aricidea belgicaeMonro, 1939, p. 127, fig. 16. Off
Mac. RobertsonLand, in 219 m.
Hartman, 1953, p. 39, fig. 12a. Off Uruguay, in
80 m, and GrahamCoast,in 400 m, and South Family Spionidae Grube
Georgia,in 75-95 m to 252-310 m. KEY TO GENERA

Diagnosis:Lengthof bodyto 15 mm; width about

1. Fifth setigeroussegmentmodified
2 mm; segments number50 to 75. Prostomium(fig. with special setae ........ 2
3) broad, trilobed, roundedin front, with a pair of
Fifth setigerous
conspicuous nuchalslits; eyesabsent;medianantenna not so modified ......... 3
from fourthsetiger,2. Branchiae
present infront offifth
9-21segments, each segment......... Boccardia
broad atbase
ina slender filament. Branchiae
notpresent before
in ventral
lip sixth
segment ....... Polydora
(fig.4). Setae
in both notopodia3. Branchiae
absent....... Spiophanes
andneuropodia. Branchiae
presentonfew to
Distribution: North and South Atlantic oceans; many segments ......... 4
Antarctica;in considerable
depths. 4. Prostomium prolongedforwardas
a slendercone (pl. IV, fig. 6) . Nerinopsis
Prostomium not prolongedforward
GenusParaonis Grube, 1872 as a slender cone ........ 5
5. Branchiaepresentfrom first
Paraonis gracilis (Tauber, 1879)
setigerous segment andpresent
Plate III, figs.5, 6 on most segments ........ 10
Branchiaepresentfrom second
Paraonis(Paraonides) gracilisMonro, 1930, pp. 150-
or later setigeroussegment,
152, fig. 58 a-d. CumberlandWest Bay, South
presenton few to many segments . . . 6
Georgia,in 23 n.
6. Branchiaelimitedto a few pairs in
Paraonisfili[ormis Hartman, 1953, pp. 39-40, fig.
an anterior region ..... Prionospio
12 b, c. Maiviken, SouthGeorgia,in 75 m, and
Branchiaepresenton mostbody
CumberlandBay, in 252-310 m.
segments ........... 7
ParaonisgracilisHartman, 1957, pp. 330-331. Sum-
7. Hoodeduncinipresentin some
notopodiaand neuropodia .... Nerine
Diagnosis: Length of body 15-18 ram; segments Hooded uncini presentin someneuro-
number50 or more; very slenderwith greatestwidth podiabut not notopodia ..... 8

8. Pygidiumsurroundedby cirri Distribution: Falkland Islandsand South Georgia;

(pl. IV, fig. 3) ...... . . 11 associatedwith sponges,in 107 to 150 m.
Pygidiumsurroundedby a disk . . Nerinides
9. Branchiae fused with dorsal cirri . . Pygospio
Branchiae free from dorsal cirri . . . 10 Boccardia polybranchia (Haswell,1885)
10. Parapodiawith interramalpouches Plate III, figs. 11, 12
on somesegments(pl. III,
fig. 14) ......... Laonice Polydora (Boccardia)polybranchiaEhlers, 1897, p.
Parapodiawithoutinterramal 87. Falkland Islands and Strait of Magellan, in
1-12 fms.
pouches .........
11. Prostomium with frontal horns Ehlers,1900a,p. 12. FalklandIslandsand Strait
(pl. V, fig. 8); pygidium of Magellan.
with a pair of globularpa- Ehlers,1901, pp. 164-165. FalklandIslandsand
pillae ventrally and a pair Strait of Magellan.
of digitiform papillaedorsally. Rhynchospio Pratt, 1901, p. 11. FalklandIslands,in 3 fms.
Prostomium without frontal horns; Benham,1909, p. 246. Sub-Antarctic islandsof
New Zealand.
pygidium with only digitiform
papillae (pl. IV, fig. 3) .... Mesospio Fauvel, 1916, pp. 441-443, figs. 13-20. Falkland
12. Prostomium without frontal horns . . Spio Islands, at low tide.
Prostomium with frontal horns . . Scolelepis SSderstrSm,
1920,p. 256. SouthernSouthAmerica.
Monro, 1939, p. 125. MacquarieIsland,shore.
Fauvel,1941, pp. 287-288. SouthernSouthAmer-

GenusBoccardia Carazzi, 1895 Diagnosis:Length of body 18-33 mm; width

1.5-2.0 mm; segments
numberabout74. Prostomium
Boccardia natrix ( SSderstrSm,1920)
prolongedforwardand frontallyincised;with 2 or 4
Plate III, figs.7-10 eyes,whichmay be indistinct.First segmentlacks
notopodia. Branchiaepresenton setigeroussegments
Polydora polybranchiaFauvel, 1916, p. 441, pl. 8,
2, 3, 4, then from 6 to posteriorend of body, or last
figs. 13-20. FalklandIslands.
10-15 segments may lack them. Modifiedfifth setiger
Polydoranatrix SSderstrSm,1920, p. 254, figs. 165,
with thick spinesof 2 kinds: smoothfalcate, and
166. Falkland Islands,in 137-150 m, with sponge.
(fig. 12), the latterwith a subterminal
Monro,1936,p. 162. SouthGeorgia,in 107 m. constriction.Posteriorneuropodiawith hoodeduncini
Boccardia natrix Hartman, 1948, p. 107, pl. 16,
(fig. 11) in whichthe largeror main fangis acuteto
figs.6-9. Emended.
shaft,and the distalsmallertoothat aboutright angle
Diagnosis: Lengthof body 25 mm; segmentsnum- to it. Color in life dark olive-greenin front and pale
ber about 55. Prostomiumincised at frontal margin, yellowishbrownfartherback.
with 2 pairs of black eyes; carunclecontinuedpos-
Distribution:Sydney,New SouthWales,southern
teriorly to end of secondsetiger. Branchiaepresent South America, and Falkland Islands; chiefly inter-
on setigers2-4 and from segment6 to near end of
tidal and in depthsto 12 fms.
body. Anal disk equally4-lobed. First setigerwith
biramousparapodia,its postsetallobe nearly as large
as thoseon followingsegment.Modified fifth setiger
GenusLaonice Malmgren,1867
with thick hooks of 2 kinds, and a ventral fascicleof
pointed setae. One kind of thick hook is bristle- Laonice cirrata (Sars, 1851)
topped(figs. 7, 9), and the other is falcate (fig. 8). Plate III, figs. 13-15
Hoodedneuropodial uncinipresentfrom setiger7 and
continuedposteriorly;each distally bifid, with both 4onides cirrataFauvel,1914,pp. 220-222,pl. 20, figs.
teethat an obliqueangleto the shaft (fig. 10). 4-9. Review.

LaonicecirrataFauvel,1936,p. 29. AlexanderIsland. figs. 80-83; pl. 8, figs. 84-86. Admiralty Bay,
Monro, 1939, p. 125. Lars and Ingrid Christensen South Shetland Islands, in 10 m.
coasts,Mac. Robertson Land, and Ad(die Coast, Augener, 1923b, pp. 39-40. DeceptionIsland, in
in 219-1206 m. 6-30 m.

Diagnosis:Size of antarcticspecimens not stated; Diagnosis: Length of body 13-15 mm; width 1.0
others from westernEurope large, attain length of mm without parapodia; setigersnumber about 51.
90-120 mm. Body colorless,with brown intestine. Color pale green (preserved);pharynxbrownishand
Prostomium(fig. 13) roundedin front, with an occip- prostomiumsometimes brown. A pair of frontalhorns
ital antenna; 2 pairs of eyesin front of nuchal area. and 2 pairs of eyes in trapezoidalarrangement,the
Branchiaepresentfrom secondsetigerand continued anterior pair larger and farther apart than the poste-
posteriorlyto setiger34-40; well separatedfrom noto- rior; prostomiumlacksoccipitalantenna.Prostomium
narrows back and extends to anterior end of second
podial postsetallobe. Interramal pouches(fig. 14)
first presentat setiger31 or already at setiger 10; setiger. Branchiaepresentfrom secondsetiger,con-
continuedthroughnumeroussegments.Hoodeduncini tinuedback to near end of body, and completelyfree
first presentfrom setigers35-40, distally bidentate from postsetallobes. First parapodiaweakly devel-
oped, their noto- and neuropodiallobes similar to
(fig. 15), the main fang at an acuteangleto the shaft,
and hood distallyrounded. thosefarther back, but smaller. Notopodiawith only
slender,limbatesetae.Parapodiallobes(fig. 1) poste-
Distribution: North and South Atlantic and Pacific
rior to secondsegmentsurpassed by the larger bran-
oceans;antarcticand indopacificregions;cosmopoli- chiae. Hoodedhooksfirst presentfrom aboutneuro-
tan; in shallowto abyssaldepths. podium 15, occurringwith an inferiormostfascicle
of pointed setae; from setiger28, without pointed
setae. Each hook distallycoveredwith hood (fig. 2)
GenusMesospio Gravier,1911 and terminating distally in bifid tip. Pygidium
Mesospio moorei Gravier, 1911
boundedby 2 pairs of short,subequalcirri directed
posteriorly(fig. 3).
Plate IV, figs. 1-3 in shallow
Distribution: South Shetland Islands;
MesospiomooreiGravier, 1911a, pp. 100-105, pl. 7, depths.

Plate IV

Mesospio moorei Gravier (from Gravier, 1911, pl. 7, fig. 83; pl. 8, figs. 84, 86).
1. Parapodium 21, in anterior view, x 49.
2. Distal end of a hoodeduncinus, x 635.
3. Posterior end of body, x 49.
Nerine sp. (from Monro, 1930,figs. 56 a, b).
4. Anterior parapodium,in anterior view, x 28.
5. A bidentatehoodedneuropodialuncinus,x 200.
NerinopsishystricosaEhlers (from Ehlers, 1913, pl. 36, figs. 11, 12 a, b).
6. Anterior end of cleared specimen,through third setiger, in right lateral view, x 36.
7. Distal end of spinous seta from anterior notopodium, x 660.
8. Distal end of neuroseta, x 660.
Polydora monilaris Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1905, pl. 6, figs. 6, 8, 14 b, 15)_
9. Anterior end of body, palpi fallen away, enlarged.
10. Posterior end of body, in dorsal view, enlarged.
11. Distal end of modified spine from fifth setiger, enlarged.
12. Hooded uncinus from a posterior segment, enlarged.
Polydora paucibranchis Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1913, pl. 36, fig. 6).
13. Schematic diagram of prostomium, x 15.

GenusNetinc Johnston,1838 GenusPolydora Bosc,1802

Nerine sp. Polydora monilaris Ehlers,1905
Plate IV, figs. 4, 5 Plate IV, figs. 9-12

Nerinesp. Ehlers,1908,p. 108. 5428'S,330'E,in Polydora monilaris Ehlers, 1905, pp. 43-44, pl. 6,
457 m. figs. 5-15. French Pass, Elmslie Bay, off New
Monro, 1930, p. 148, figs. 56 a, b. 64e20'S,
6301'W, in 160-335 m. Hartman, 1953, p. 44. BeagleChannel,in 35 m.

Diagnosis:Length of anterior 24 segmentsis 15 Diagnosis:Length of body 4.5-6 mm; width 0.25

mm; width 3 mm. The body thick, massive,the bran- mm; segmentsnumber 29-39. Prostomiumweakly
chiae giving it a foliaceousappearance.Prostomium incisedin front, lackseyes. First segmentfusedwith
lackseyes.Branchiaepresentfrom secondsetigerand prostomium,with notosetaejust behindpalpal inser-
continuedthrough at least 24 segments;theselarge tion, and neurosetaein line with those farther back.
and fusedwith the notopodialpostsetallobe (fig. 4). Modified fifth segmentabouttwice as long as others
Notopodialand neuropodialsetaelimbatethroughat (fig. 9), withthickspinesdistallyrecurvedanddistally
least 21 segments.Single rows of about 15 uncini bifid (fig. 11). Branchiaenumber6 pairs, limitedto
(fig. 5) from segment22, with limbate setae. Re- segments 7-12. Hoodeduncinipresentfrom seventh
ferred to Nerine, even though the presenceof noto- neuropodium,each distally bifid (fig. 12) with the
podial uncini is not established,becausethe first main fang nearly at right anglesto shaft. Anal end
setigerhas notosetae. with disklikepygidium,mediallyincised(fig. 10).
The last 7 to 9 notopodialpairswith fasciclesof thick,
Distribution: Antarctic Peninsula; in 160-335 m.
awl-shapedspines, resemblingthose of Polydora
caulleryiMesnil,with whichthis species may be allied.
Distribution: South of New Zealand and southern
SouthAmerica; in shallowdepths.
GenusNerinopsis Ehlers,1912
Polydora paucibranchis Ehlers,1913
Nerinopsis hystricosa Ehlers,1912
Plate IV, fig. 13
Plate IV, figs. 6-8
Polydora paucibranchisEhlers, 1913, pp. 510-511,
NerinopsishystricosaEhlers, 1912, pp. 22-23. Vic- pl. 36, fig. 6. Baie de l'Observatoire,Kerguelen
toria Land, in 4-10 fms. Islands,in intertidal algal zone.
Ehlers,1913, pp. 512-513, pl. 36, figs. 7-13. Wil-
Diagnosis: Length of body 5 mm; width I mm;
helm II Coastand Victoria Land, in 150-3000 m.
segmentsnumber 42. Body linear, dorsoventrally
Benham,1927,p. 97. McMurdoSound,in 20 fms.
flattened. Prostomium (fig. 13) medially incised,
Diagnosis:Length of body 2.5-3 mm; segments widestin region of the 4 black eyes,taperingposte-
number 21 to 25. Body colorless,coiled when pre- riorly to a short caruncle. Notopodiumof setiger4
served; large notosetaedirected far laterally. Pro- (sic) with a fascicle of thick, brown hooks terminat-
stomiumprolongedforward as a cone (fig. 6), some- ing distallyin a simpletooth. Branchiaepresentfrom
what retractile; 4 eyes in subquadratearrangement. setiger5 (sic) numberonly 7 pairs, with the first 4
Setae simple, capillary (fig. 8) or slightly curved, pairslongestand the last 3 pairsvery small. Hooded
othersthicker and serratedalong distal free end (fig. uncinifirst presentfrom neuropodium7 and continued
7). Pygidiumwith a pair of thin lobes,the 2 forming in moreposteriorsegments.Pygidiumweaklydisklike.
an encompassing membranewith a small threadlike First 3 setigeroussegmentseach with small, dorsal
cirrus within. Perhapsa larval form. lobes. Differsfrom typicalPolydorain that the modi-
fied segmentis the 4th insteadof 5th setiger.
Distribution: Antarctica,easternsector; pelagicin
10 to 3000 m. Distribution:KerguelenIslands;in intertidal zones.

Polydora socialis ( Schmarda,1861) anterior eyesmuch the larger and the posteriorreni-
form. Parapodia with notopodialand neuropodial
Plate V, figs. 1, 2
postsetallobes,thoseof the first setigerlarger than
LeucodoresocialisSchmarda,1861, p. 64. Southern thoseof the branchialregion; thoseof notopodiaex-
Chile. tend beyond the branchiae. Postsetallobes large to
Polydoranear socialisHartman,1953,p. 43. Falkland segment16, then small and reduced. Branchiaepres-
Islands, in 25-30 m. ent from first setiger;9-12 pairs; thosein front long-
est and decreasing in lengthposteriorly;slenderand
Diagnosis:Length of body 10 mm or less. Bran-
tonguelike. Setae slender and capillary in anterior
chiae presentfrom setiger9 and number about 23
and posteriorsegments.Hoodeduncini first present
pairs; each is short, straplike,and inconspicuousor
in segments 24-30, eachuncinuswith a main fangand
absentfrom last 10 to 15 segments.Prostomiumpro-
2 smallerteeth; occasionally a third very smalltooth.
longedforward and mediallyincised,withoutvisible
Pygidiumwith 3 shortcirri, with the lateral pair oval
eyespots.Prostomialcarunclelow, extendsback to and the median one threadlike.
aboutsetiger4. Modifiedspinesof fifth setigerfalcate
(fig. 1) with a slight bossin the concavity. Neuro- Distribution: Patagoniaand Graham Coast.
podial uncini distally hoodedand bifid, with both
teethobliqueto the shaft (fig. 2). Pygidiuma broad,
flaring disk. Prionospio pinnata Ehlers,1901
Distribution: Southern Chile; Falkland Islands; Plate V, fig. 3
easternPacific; in shallowdepths.
Prionospiopinnata Ehlers, 1901, pp. 163-164. Tal-
cahuano, Chile, in 5 fms.
Hartman,1953, p. 43. FalklandIslands,in 16 m.
Polydora sp.
Diagnosis:Length of 25 anterior segmentsis 10.5
Polydora ciliata Fauvel, 1916, p. 440. Falkland Is-
mm; width 1-1.5 mm; segments numberat least 100.
lands,in a Trophon shell.
Prostomiumlackseyespots;its shapetriangularwith
Diagnosis:Adult specimensoccupyingV-shaped posteriorend terminating in a point without an an-
with broad tenna. Each palpuslong, extendsback to about seg-
galleriesin the shellof a living gastropod,
band of yellow ova or embryosin compactedmass ment 10 and with a large, broad, encompassing flap
along dorsal side of adult, with most larvae in 3- at its base. First five segmentseachwith large, mem-
setigerstage,eachwith 4 large black eyes,believedto branousdorsal and ventral postsetallobes (fig. 3);
representa speciesdifferent from those diagnosed notopodiallobesoval and distallypointed,exceeding
above. neuropodiallobe. Posteriorlobesreduced. Branchiae
number3 pairs; all are pinnate (fig. 3), resembling
Distribution: Falkland Islands; boring in shell of
one another; carried erect over dorsum; each bran-
Trophon sp.
chia with a thick, transverselyringed stalk, with the
individualpinnaelongerthan the shaftis broad; near
the branchialtip the pinnaediminishin length. Tubes
GenusPrionospio Malmgren,1867 thick-walled,constructedof mud.
Prionospio patagonica Augener,1923 Distribution: Southern Chile and Falkland Islands;
PrionospiopatagonicaAugener,1923a,pp. 3-5. West in shallowdepths.
Patagonia,in Abra Kelly, mud.
Hartman,1953, p. 42. GrahamCoast.
Prionospio sp.
Diagnosis:Lengthof body22 mm or only 3-5 mm;
segmentsnumber more than 100. Color yellowish Prionospiosp. Ehlers,1897, p. 86. 'Puerto Bridges,'
gray. Prostomiumbluntly rounded,with 2 pairs of southernPatagonia,in 7 fms.
black eyespotsin trapezoidalarrangement,with the Ehlers, 1901, p. 173. SouthernPatagonia.




Diagnosis:Anterior end with 3 or 4 pairs of pin- setiger 17-20, continuedposteriorly.Each uncinus

nately dividedbranchiae.A few segments behindthe simple,falcate(fig. 7). Thisspecies is characterized
branchialregion with large, foliaceouslobesdirected by the interruptedarrangement of the branchiae.
dorsally,nearly meetingmiddorsally,resemblingen- Distribution: South Georgia; in 23 m.
compassing collars.
Distribution: Southern South America; in shallow
depth. GenusRhynchospio Hartman, 1936
Rhynchospio glutaea (Ehlers,1897)
GenusPygospio Claparde,1863 Plate V, figs. 8-10
Pygospio dubia Monro, 1930 ScolecolepisglutaeaEhlers, 1897, pp. 83-85; pl. 5,
figs.129-132; pl. 6, figs.133-135. PuntaArenas,
Plate V, figs. 4-7 in 2 fms, sand.
Pygospiodubia Monro, 1930, pp. 146-148, fig. 55 Ehlers,1901, p. 165. Punta Arenas.
a-i. CumberlandWestBay, SouthGeorgia,in 23 Scolecolepis
cornieraEhlers,1913, pp. 509-510, pl.
m, mud and stones. 36, fig. 5. Baie de l'Observatoire,Kerguelen
Diagnosis:Lengthof body about 10 ram; width 1
Monro, 1939, pp. 125-126, fig. 14. Port Jeanne
mm at widestpart; taperedto bothends. Prostomium
d'Arc, KerguelenIslands; MacquarieIsland, in-
(fig. 4) lacksfrontal horns and eyes. Branchiaedigi-
tertidal; Atlas Cove, Heard Island, intertidal.
tate, presenton secondand third setigers,completely
Microspioglutaea Augener, 1932a, p. 108. South
separatefrom dorsal lamella. Branchiaeon setigers
7 to 13 about twice as large as thoseon anterior seg-
Rhynchospio glutaeaHartman,1953,p. 42. Summary.
ments and fused with dorsal lamella, exceptfor tip,
which is free (fig. 5). Setigers1, 4, and 5 lack bran- Diagnosis:Lengthof body 10-24 mm; width 1-1.3
chiae. Neuropodiawith uncini (fig. 6) from about mm; segmentsnumber 40-90. Prostomiumwith

Plate V

Polydora socialis (Schmarda) (from Hartman, 1941, pl. 48, figs. 41, 42.)
1. Distal end of modified spine from fifth setiger, x 290'.
2. Distal end of hooded uncinus from 7th setiger, x 290.
Prionospiopinnata Ehlers (from Berkeley and Berkeley, 1952, fig. 56).
3. Anterior end of body with palpi fallen away, in right lateral view, enlarged.
Pygospiodubia Monro (from Monro, 1930, figs. 55 a, d, e, g).
4. Prostomium and attached palpi, in dorsal view, x 10.
5. Tenth parapodium, in anterior view, x 85.
6. A posterior parapodium, in anterior view, x 80.
7. Neuropodial uncinus, x 370.
Rhynchospioglutaea (Ehlers) (from Ehlers, 1897, pl. 5, fig. 130; pl. 6, figs. 134, 135).
8. Anterior end, palpi fallen away, in dorsal view, x 28.
9. Parapodium 35, in anterior view, x 48.
10. Uncini from neuropodium35, x 580.
Spio obtusaEhlers (from Ehlers, 1913, pl. 36, figs. 1, 2, 3).
11. Prostomium, in dorsal view, x 12.
12. Parapodium from posterior half of body, in anterior view, X 100.
13. Distal end of neuropodial uncinus from a posterior parapodium, x 620.
Spiophanesbombyx (Claparde) (from Berkeley and Berkeley, 1952, figs. 40, 41, 43).
14. Anterior end of body, palpi fallen away, in dorsal view, enlarged.
15. Posterior end of body, showing anal appendages,enlarged.
16. Geniculate neuropodial seta, enlarged.

frontalhorns(fig. 8); narrowedposteriorly;extends podiasmallerthan thosefollowing;notopodia with

backto second segment;witha pairof smalleyespots.large,broadlobesandfiliformbranchiae, completely
Branchiae firstpresentfromsecond setiger;occuron separated from the postsetal
lobes(fig. 12). Noto-
all segments to endof body;eacha simplestraplike podiaprovided withonlycapillary
lobe free from postsetal lamellae.Hoodeduncini posteriorneuropodiawith slenderhoodeduncini
presentin neuropodia from aboutsetigers16-18, oc- distallybifid (fig. 13).
(fig. Distribution'
in considerable
9). Each uncinus distally
with a pair of ventralglobularpapillaeand a pair of
slender,longerdorsallobes. Rhynchospio
is closeto
(seeabove). Spiosp.
Straitof Magellan;
is- Spiosp.Ehlers,
1908,p. 108.Bassin
dela Gazelle,
landsof NewZealand; SouthGeorgia;
in shallow Kerguelen Islands.
Diagnosis'Length20 ram; width I mm; segments
number74. Prostomiumlongerthan wide, narrowest
GenusScolelepisBlainville,1828 in front; eyesnot noted. Branchiaepresenton all
segments.Anterior segmentswith only pointedsetae.
1827) Neuropodia,
vulgarisEhlers,1897, p. 86. Punta unciniand accompanying capillarysetae.Anal end
Arenas,Straitof Magellan,in 2 fms,sand. with a pair of flat cirri and a pair of low, rounded
Ehlers,1901,p. 165. Strait of Magellan. lobes.
Diagnosis:A fragmentof about60 segments, lacks Distribution:KerguelenIslands.
posteriorend, with only capillarysetaein both noto-
podia and neuropodiaof all segments.Branchiae
fused with notopodialpostsetallobe. Both generic GenusSpiophanes Grube,1860
and specificnamesin doubtbecause of unknownchar- Spiophanesbombyx (Claparde,1870)
acterof pygidium,andpresence of onlypointedsetae
in parapodia. Plate V, figs. 14-16

Distribution: Strait of Magellan; in 2 fms. Spiophanes

bombyxFauvel,1916, p. 439. Falkland
Islands, at low tide.
Augener,1932b, p. 39. Port Lockroy,in 70 m, in
GenusSpio Fabricius,1785 gravel.

SpioobtusaEhlers,1913 Diagnosis:
Lengthof body18 mm; width1.5 min.
Constructingtough tubes externally covered with
11-13 quartz
a pairofhorns
Ehlers, 1908, pp. 108-109. East of 14); terminates
in a triangularlobe ex-
BouvetIsland, in 539 m. tending to first segment.Eyes 4, more or less con-
SpioobtusaEhlers,1913,pp. 508-509,pl. 36, figs. spicuous.
First4 segments
1-4. McMurdo Sound, Wilhelm II Coast, in erectover dorsum.Large, arcuategenitalspines(fig.
385 m. 16) in neuropodiaof first segment.Anterior para-
ofbody 14+ram;
setae. Hooded
numbermore than
in Pygidium
an antenna;with 2 pairs of small,blackeyespots. Distribution: NorthandSouthAtlantic;Pacificand
Anteriorsegments concealedby the large,medially subantarctic seas;cosmopolitan;
in shallowdepths;
notopodiallobes. First para- usuallyin gravellysands.

Spiophanessoderstromi Hartman,1953 Diagnosis:Lengthabout3.5 mm; width 0.4 mm;

segmentsnumber 26. Prostomiumwith a pair of
1-3 frontal
Spiophanes si;derstri;mi
Hartman, 1953, p. 41, figs. a large ventral disk and a pair of small processes
14 a-c. Off CumberlandBay, SouthGeorgia;in shorterthanthe pygidiumis wide.
252-310 m.
Distribution: Antarctic Peninsula; in 400 m.
Diagnosis:Length of body 15 mm; segmentsnum-
ber 45. Anterior 14 segmentsdepressed,thereafter
slenderer. Prostomiumwith 4 black eyes in trape- ?Spiophanes and spionidlarva
zoidal arrangement.Branchiaeabsent. First 4 pairs
?Spiophanes larva Ehlers, 1913, pp. 514-515, pl. 37,
of notosetallobesenlarged,abruptlyabsentthereafter.
figs. 1-3. Wilhelm II Coast,in 300-400 m.
Genital interramalpouchespresentfrom setiger5-7.
Augener,1929, p. 310. 7220'S, in 0-400 m.
Dorsal ciliary ridges present from segment 15.
Fauvel, 1936, p. 29. 6951'S, 7049'S,pelagic.
Genital spines (fig. 1) conspicuousin anterior seg-
Stp-Bowitz,1951, p. 12. 6549'S, 5840'W, in
ments. Neuropodialuncini presentfrom segment15 0-250 m.
or 16, each distally tridentate (fig. 2). Anterior
neuropodiawith normalsetaedistallybroad,terminate Diagnosis:Immature,or larval forms,not definitely
in slendertip (fig. 3). referrableto a genusor species.
Distribution: South Georgia; in moderatedepths. Distribution: Antarctic areas; pelagic.

Spiophanes tcherniai Fauvel,1951 Family Chaetopteridae Johnston

Plate VI, figs. 4-6
fig. 1. Body
andplump, inthick,
1 a-g.Cape
Coast,in 15m. U-shaped
tube....... Chaetopterus
Body long and slender,in long,
Diagnosis'Bodyfiliform;prostomium triangular, slender,
tube........ 2
in front,witha pairof lateral
horns and2 2. Prostomium
witha pairof an-
witha long,cirriform tennae
anda pairof much
notosetallobe. Other anterior notopodiawith a cirri- longer palpi; middle region
form postsetallobe and distallypointedsetae;neuro- with foliaceous notopodia,
podia with shorter setaeand a single thick inferior bilobed neuropodia,and ac-
genital spine directed ventrolaterally. From about cessorybranchial lobes be-
setigers14-16 each of 3 successivenotopodiawith 3 tween notopodia and neuro-
or 4 large paleal spineswith accompanying fine setae. podia ....... Phyllochaetopterus
Uncini first presentin neuropodium17, occurin trans- Prostomiumwith a pair of long palpi
verserows of about 5 (fig. 4); eachuncinusdistally but without antennae ........ 3
witha hood(fig.5, left)orsome-3. Notopodia
what dentate(fig. 5, right). Pygidiumwith 2 short and foliaceous.......... 4
at base(fig.6). Notopodia
Distribution: Ad61ie Coast, Antarctica; in 15 m. or with singlelobe .... Mesochaetopterus
4. Middle region with accessorybranchial
neuropodia ........ Telepsavus
Spiophanes sp.
Middle regionwithout accessory lobe
Spiophanessp. Hartman, 1953, p. 41. Antarctic betweennotopodiaand
Peninsula, in 400 m. neuropodia ...... Spiochaetopterus

GenusChaetopterus Cuvier, 1827 of secondand third regions.Tube parchmentlikeand

U-shaped,taperedat bothends.
Chaetopterus variopedatus (Renier, 1804)
Distribution: Atlantic and Pacific oceans;Antarc-
Plate VI, figs. 7-9 tic waters; cosmopolitan;in shallow and moderate
Chaetopterusantarcticus Kinberg, 1867, p. 338.
'Bucket (sic) Island,' Strait of Magellan.
Chaetopterus variopedatus Ehlers,1897,p. 109. Strait
of Magellan,in 8 fms. GenusPhyllochaetopterus Grube,1863
Ehlers,1900a,p. 14. Strait of Magellan. Phyllochaetopterus socialis Claparde,1870
Ehlers,1901,p. 182. Strait of Magellan.
Monro, 1930, p. 152. CapeHorn, GoughIsland, Plate VI, fig. 10
and FalklandIslands,in 1-156 m, sand,shelland Phyllochaetopterus socialisFauvel,1916,pp. 451-454,
pl. 9, figs. 44-47, Falkland Islands.
Monro, 1936, p. 162. 52-53S, 66-71W, in 14- Fauvel,1941,p. 289. CapeHorn.
102 m.
Phyllochaetopterus pictusMonro,1930,p. 154.
Augener,1932b,pp. 45-46. BouvetIsland,in 200-
380 m. Diagnosis:Anteriorpartsof animalswith pigmen-
Monro, 1939, p. 132. KerguelenIslands,in 50m. tation consistingof punctatered-brownspots,chiefly
Hartman, 1953, p. 45. Port William, Falkland on tentacles, buccalregion,prostomium,and ventrum
Islands,in 22 m. of thoracic segments; or baseof thoracicparapodia
with dark spotsand pigmentation variable. Lengthof
Diagnosis: Length of body 100-250 mm; width body, posteriorlyincomplete,about 15 mm; width
12-25 mm. Body divided into 3 regions (fig. 7); about1 mm. The long,paired palpi with red bands.
anterior with 9 or 10 uniramousparapodia;middle Thoraxwith 11 to 12 or 13 to 14 setigerous segments;
regionwith 5 biramoussegments;posteriorwith vari- middleregionwith 6 to 7 or 8 segments; posteriorre-
able number (20-70) of segments.First region with gion with many segments.Prostomimnwith rounded
modifiedthick hooks (fig. 8) in fourth setiger,and antennae (fig. 10). Thoracic notosetaeof 2 kinds:
paddle-shaped setaeon others. Middle region with a with 2 blackeyes. A pair of muchsmallerposterior
pair of winglikeappendages on first segment,a modi- antennae (fig. 10). Thoracic notosetaeof 2 kinds;
fied suckerlikeorgan on second,and fan-shapednoto- lanceolateand asymmetrically spatulate;the superior-
podia on other segments.Posteriorparapodiawith most broadestand distally dentatealong the cutting
bilobed neuropodia. Uncini (fig. 9) in neuropodia edge. Fourth (modified)setigerwith a pair of giant

Plate VI

SpiophanessoderstromiHartman (from Hartman, 1953, pl. 14, figs. a, b, c).

1. Neuropodial setae from segment 15, x 455.
2. Neuropodial uncinus from a posterior segment, x 1528.
3. A broad seta from segment 15, x 1925.
Spiophanestcherniai Fauvel (from Fauvel, 1951, figs. 1 a, b, g).
4. A_ posterior parapodium, in anterior view, enlarged.
5. Hooded uncini from a posterior neuropodium, x 500.
6. Posterior end of body, x 80.
erus variopedatus (Renier) (from Joyeux-Laffuie, 1890, pl. 15, figs. 1, 4, 9).
7. Entire body, in dorsal view, slightly enlarged.
8. Modified .eta from fourth segment, x 50.
9. Uncinus from a posterior segment, in lateral view, x 400.
Phyllochaetopterussocialis Claparde (from Claparde, 1868, pl. 21, fig. 1).
10. Entire body, in dorsal view, x 5.

yellowspines,eachdistallyexcavateand with a nar- Distribution' Strait of Magellan;in 32 fms,rocky

rowed neck region. Tubes aggregated,pale yellow, bottom.
somewhattranslucentanteriorly where they are ir-
regularlyannulated. Family Cirratulidae Carus
Distribution: MediterraneanSea; Atlantic and In- KEY TO GENERA
dian oceans;Falkland Islands; in shallowdepths.
1. With composite setae(pl. VIII,
fig. 1) in parapodia .... Macrochaeta
With only simplesetaein parapodia . . . 2
2. All setaeslenderand capillary ..... 3
Phyllochaetopterus sp. Monro, 1930, pp. 153-154. Somesetaeacicularor spinelike
Off Signy Island, South Orkney Islands,in 244- (pl. VII, fig. 2) ......... 4
728 m. 3. Dorsumof severalanteriorsegments
Fauvel,1951,p. 764. Ad61ieCoast. with long, tentacularcirri (pl.
VIII, fig. 7) ........ Timarete
Diagnosis:Tubeslarge; to 22 mm long; 4-5 mm
The dorsumof only1 anteriorseg-
wide; probably incomplete;indistinctlyannulated.
mentwithlongtentacularcirri . . . Tharyx
Thoracicregionwith 9 setigers;12 mm long; 5 mm
4. A pair of long,thickpalpiinsertedin
wide. Anterior region yellowishgreen and middle
front of setigeroussegments . . Chaetozone
through posteriorregionsdark green, with a white
Without a pair of thick palpi ..... 5
glandularcushionon ventral side of setigers6-8. 5. Dorsal series of tentacles inserted on
Giant seta of fourth setiger obliquelytruncatedat
or beforefirst setigerous segment
distalend. Medianregionof body with 2 (possibly
(pl. VII, fig. 4) ...... Cirratulus
more) setigers,each with bilobed notopodiaand a Dorsal series of tentacles inserted on
largeaccessory lamellabetweennotopodiaand neuro-
setigerbehindsecondor third (pl.
podia. Posteriorregion with many segments;each
VII, fig. 9) ........ Cirri/ormia
with projectingnotopodiaand fascicleof 4-6 lanceo-
late setae; neuropodiabilobed; each with subtri-
angularuncini; cutting edgeof uncini with numerous
fine teeth. GenusChaetozoneMalmgren,1867
Distribution: South Orkney Islands and Ad61ie Chaetozoneandersenensis(Augener,1932),
Coast. new combination

PlateVII, figs.1-3
GenusSpiochaetopterus Sars,1853 Heterocirrusandersenensis
Augener,1932b,pp. 46-
47, fig. 3 a-e. 6850'S,90,35'W,in 226-380 m.
Spiochaetopteruspatagonicus Kinberg,1867
Caulleriella andersenensisHartman, 1959, p. 401.
SpiochaetopteruspatagonicusKinberg,1867,pp. 338- Samelocality.
339. CaboVirgenes,Patagonia,in 32 fms,rocky.
Diagnosis:Lengthof body37 mm for 80 segments,
Studer,1889, pp. 291-292. Patagonia,in 45.7 and
80.5 m.
or 23 mm for 30 segments;width about4 mm. Color
grayish yellow, without markings; eyes not visible.
Ehlers,1901,p. 183. Straitof Magellan,in 32 fms.
Posteriorthird of body narrowedand anal opening
Diagnosis: Known only from a slenderanterior dorsal. Prostomium and buccalregionsimilarto that
fragment. Prostomiumsemiglobular;buccalsegment of Cirratuluscirratus (see below) but prostomium
twiceas longas first; with a pair of long palpi. Seg- blunter. Buccalregion with 3 segments, smoothor
ments10 and 11 elongate,with slenderhastatepaleae biannulate.Lateral branchiaepresent,usuallyI pair
and smalllateral lobes. The long paleaein segments to a segment.First setigerwith a pair of long, thick
7-9 are most numerousand thickest. Tubes trans- palpi. Setaesimplecapillary (fig. 1)present through-
lucentandannulated. out. Simple,distallyentire,acicularspines(fig. 2) in

posteriorthird of body; thosein notopodiaaccom- or paler. Prostomiumbluntly conical,with a row of

panied by about 8 capillary setae, of which the 2 4 to 8 eyeson each side (fig. 4). Branchiaepresent
uppermostare greatly prolonged; acicular setae in from first setiger,continuedposteriorlynearly to end.
neuropodiawith shortercapillarysetae.Posteriormost Two groups of tentacular cirri, one on either side,
parapodiawith slendererspines(fig. 3). The species dorsalto the first setigerousfascicle. Capillary setae
is here referred to Chaetozone because the acicular in notopodia and neuropodia; in addition, thicker
spinesare distallyentire,not bifid, as in Caulleriella spinespresentfrom aboutneuropodium10 and noto-
Chamberlin. podium 20, continued posteriorly. In median and
posterior segmentslateral branchiae inserted high
Off Antarctica, western sector; in
above the notopodial papilla. Small, presumably
juvenile stages(fig. 5) may be presentamong ten-

GenusCirratulus Lamarck, 1801

Specimensfrom the shore of Macquarie Island
[Benham,1921] measureonly 12 mm long by 1 mm
Cirratulus cirratus (Miiller, 1776) wide, have 40-45 setigers,and a dark gray body;
they may be anotherspecies.The prostomiumis very
PlateVII, figs.4, 5
blunt, dark, and lacks eyespots.Two annuli precede
CirratuluscirratusFauvel,1916, p. 447, pl. 8, fig. 12. the first setiger,which has 4 to 6 thick, groovedten-
Falkland Islands,at low tide. tacles; branchiaeare continuedto the posteriorend.
Benham,1921, p. 81. Boat Harbor and Macquarie
Distribution: Atlantic and Pacific oceans;Antarctic
Island,in rock pools,2-4 fms.
waters; cosmopolitan; in intertidal to moderate
Monro, 1930, pp. 154-155. SouthGeorgia,in 15-
270 m, in mud, sand,gravel, and stonebottoms.
Augener,1932a,p. 111. SouthGeorgia.
Monro, 1936, p. 161. SouthGeorgia,in 18-130 m. Cirratulus patagonicus (Kinberg,1866)
Fauvel, 1936, p. 31. Strait of Magellan area.
Monro, 1939,pp. 127-128. 6738'S,to 6746'S,in Plate VII, figs. 6-8
17-163 m, SouthGeorgiaand KerguelenIslands, ArchidicepatagonicaKinberg, 1866, p. 255. 'Buket
intertidal to 30 m.
Island,' Strait of Magellan.
Fauvel,1941,p. 287. KerguelenIslands. Kinberg,1858-1910,p. 65, pl. 25, fig. 3 a-g. Strait
Fauvel, 1951, p. 765. Ad.lie Coast. of Magellan.
Hartman,1953,p. 46. SouthGeorgiaand Falkland Ehlers,1901, p. 186. Strait of Magellan.
Islands,in 2 to 210 m.
Knox,1962,p. 345. Mac.Robertson Land. Diagnosis:Lengthof body 135 ram; segments num-
Promenia ]ucunda Kinberg, 1866, p. 254. 'Buket ber about 185. Prostomium short,lackseyes (fig. 6).
Island,' Strait of Magellan. Buccal segment somewhat triannulate. Dorsaltentacles
Ehlers,1897, pp. 113-114. Strait of Magellanand attachedto fourth segment,number about 4 pairs.
Falkland Islands, in 1-8 fms. First postbuccalsegmentbroadly exposedmedially.
Ehlers,1900a,p. 14. Strait of Magellan. Branchiae lateral, presenton all segments,inserteda
Ehlers,190'1,p. 185. Straitof Magellan. short distance abovethe notopodialpapilla (fig. 7).
Kinberg,1858-1910,p. 64, pl. 25, fig. 2. 'Buket Setae slender, capillary in anteriorsegments;posterior
Island.' segments with acicular (fig. 8) spines. Differs from
Pratt, 1901, p. 12. FalklandIslands,at low tide. C. cirratus in lacking prostomial eyes.
Promenia]ulgida Ehlers, 1897, pp. 114-116, pl. 7, Distribution: Strait of Magellan; in shallowdepths.
figs. 174-176. South Georgia,among seaweeds.
Ehlers,1913, p. 539. Baie de l'Observatoire, Ker-
guelenIslands,on stonesand with Lithothamnion. ?Cirratulus sp.
Diagnosis: Length of body 10.5 to 28 mm; width ?Cirratulus sp. Gravier, 1911a, pp. 99-100. Peter-

3-4 mm. Color uniformly deep purple (preserved) mann Island, at low tide, amongrocks.
o OoOo 1o



Diagnosis:Lengthof body 7 mm; segmentsnum- Distribution: MediterraneanSea; Atlantic Ocean;

ber 67; uniformbrown.Branchiae
presentfromthird FalklandIslands;cosmopolitan;in intertidalandshal-
segment,originate from same segmentas dorsal ten- low depths.
tacles. Prostomiumwith eyespots.Setae entirely
slenderand capillary;acicularsetaeabsent. Cirri[ormia nasuta (Ehlers,1897)
Distribution:PalmerArchipelago;amongrocks. TimaretenasutaEhlers,1897,pp. 112-113(in part).
Strait of Magellan,in 1-12 fms.
GenusCirri[ormia Hartman,1936 Ehlers,1900a,p. 14. Strait of Magellan.
Cirri/ormia filigera (delleChiaje,1828) Ehlers,1901, p. 185. Strait of Magellan.
Cirri/ormia nasutaHartman, 1948, pp. 112-113.
Plate VII, figs. 9-11 Puerto Harberton (HalbertonHarbor), southern
South America.
AudouiniafiligeraEhlers,1897,pp. 110-111. Pata-
gonia, intertidal to 10 fms. Hartman, 1953, pp. 46-47. Port Louis Harbour,
Ehlers,1900a,p. 14. SouthernSouthAmerica. FalklandIslands,in 4 m, on rockyalgalbottom.
Ehlers,1901, pp. 183-184. SouthernSouthAmer- Diagnosis:Dorsaltentacles
arisefrom third setiger-
ous segment;8 to 10 pairs, they leave bare a broad
Fauvel,1916,pp. 446-447. FalklandIslands,at low middorsal
3 dark areas,oneon the prostomial tip, and a pair
Fauvel,1941,p. 286. BahiaOrange,Patagonia. of ovalareasat thesides;in lateralview,prostomium
Diagnosis:Lengthof body33 to 63 mm; widthto dorsallyarched.First 2 bodyringsapodous, but the
groove separating them not continuous across the
5 mm. Prostomium (fig. 9) with pigmentspotsat
base,but withouteyes.Buccalregiondistinctly tri- ventrum. Lateral branchiaein posteriorregion of
body inserteda considerabledistanceabovethe noto-
annulate.Tentacular filaments in twogroups, slightly
separatedmedially,insertedon setigerous segments podial ridge (about half-wayto the middorsum).
4 or 5, or alreadyon third, or only1 side. Branchiae Acicular spinespale, distally curved; alternating
presentfrom firstsetiger,thosein medianandposte- with slendercapillarysetae;presentfrom aboutseg-
rior segments insertedabovenotopodialpapilla (fig. ment 33; middle and posteriorsegments with about
10). Acicularspines(fig. 11) firstpresentin neuro- 3 sets
of spines
and capillary
setaein eachnotopodium
podia21-25, and in notopodia 28-36; and neuropodium.
from setigers
falcate;thosein posterior
partof body Distribution: SouthernSouth America; Falkland
brown. Islands; in littoral zones.

Plate VII

(Augener)(fromAugener,1932b,figs.3 c, d, e).
1. Short notosetafrom posteriorsegment,x 160.
2. Neuropodialspine from posteriorsegment,x 160.
3. Neuropodialspinefrom last segment,x 160.
cirratus(Mfiller) (fromEhlers,1897,pl. 7, fig.175,andFauvel,1916,pl. 8, fig.12).
4. Anterior end, in dorsal view, X 5.
5. Anteriorend of larva taken from amongbranchiaeof adult, x 60.
patagonicus (Kinberg)(fromKinberg,1858-1910, pl. 25, figs.3 b, f, g).
6. Anteriorend throughfirst 3 setigerous
in dorsalview,enlarged.
7. Parapodium30, showinginsertionof branchia, y' 10.
8. An acicularseta from parapodium30, x 233.
Cirri/ormiafiligera (delle Chiaje) (from Fauvel,1927,figs.32 h, i, k).
9. Anteriorend of body,the dorsaltentaclesfallen away,in dorsalview, x 3.
10. Crosssectionof body in middle region, x 4.
11. Notopodial acicular spine, x 150.

GenusMacrochaeta Grube, 1850 Diagnosis:Lengthof body18 mm; width 1.5 mm;

segments number 110. Prostomiumbluntly conical,
Macrochaeta papillosa Ehlers,1913
lackseyes,not clearlyseparable from buccalregion;
Plate VIII, figs. 1, 2 the latter consistingof 3 smoothrings,with the last
onebearingthe firstpair of branchiae(fig. 3). Thick,
Macrochaeta papillosaEhlers,1913, pp. 539-542, pl.
groovedpalpi insertedon first setiger, above the
41, figs. 13-18. Wilhelm II Coast, in 380-385
fm$o lateral branchiae.Segmentsthrough60 much wider
than long, their width 6 to 12 timestheir length;
Fauvel,1936, pp. 31-32. 70S,8084'W.
farther back, proportionatelyless wide, their width
Diagnosis:Color in life translucentochre-yellow. about3 timestheirlength.All setaeslender,capillary,
Lengthof body 21 mm or only 11-12 mm; width 1-2 with notosetaemuch longer than neurosetae,increas-
mm; segments number34 to 50 or more. Bodycylin- ingly long in posterior segments.Lateral branchiae
drical, very fragile, externallycoveredwith papillae usually 1 pair to a segment,and each somewhatan-
encrustedwith white precipitate.Prostomiumbroad, nulatedby contraction.
subconical,with a frontal papilla (fig. 2); with 4 Chaetozone cincinnatusAugener (1923b, p. 81)
black eyesin trapezoidalarrangement and a pair of from Auckland Islands, to which Heterocirrus cin-
smallerspotsin front. A pair of thick palpi inserted cinnatus Ehlers has been referred, is a different
anteriorly. First 3 segmentsshorterthan thosefollow- species,since it has acicular hooks characteristicof
ing, eachwith a cirruslikeappendage and long, neuro- the genusChaetozone(see above).
podialcomposite setaewith falcateappendage(fig. 1).
Distribution: Vicinity of Kerguelen Islands; in
Notosetaefirst presentfrom fourth setiger; theseare 88 m.
long, capillary,and few in a fascicle.Neurosetaeyel-
low, usuallyone in a fascicle.Bodyluminescent.
Distribution: Wilhelm II Coast, Ross Sea; Alex-
ander Island; abundantin coastalareas, in moderate Tharyx epitoca Monro, 1930
depths. Plate VIII, fig. 4
GenusTharyx Websterand Benedict,1887 Tharyx epitocaMonro, 1930, pp. 157-158, fig. 62.
Antarctic Peninsula,64eS, 63e to 65W, in 93-
Tharyx cincinnatus (Ehlers,1908) 335 m.
Plate VIII, fig. 3 Hartman, 1953, pp. 47-48. South Georgia and
Antarctic Peninsula.
Ehlers,1908, p. 129, pl. 17,
fig. 17. East of Kerguelen Islands, 48e57'S, Diagnosis:Length of epitokalfemale 10-27 mm;
70 eE, in 88 m. width 0.8-3 ram; segmentsnumberabout50. Body

Plate VIII

Macrochaetapapillosa Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1913, pl. 41, figs. 15, 18).
1. Distal end of a compositeneuropodialuncinus, x 200.
2. Anteriorendwithattached
palpi,in dorsalview,X 40. ! I'
Tharyx cincinnatus(Ehlers) (from Ehlers, 1908, pl. 17, fig. 15).
3. Anterior end of body, in right lateral view, x 22.
Tharyx epitoca Monro (from Monro, 1930, fig. 62).
4. Anterior end with attached palpi, and branchiae indicated by broken lines, in dorsal view, X 15.
Tharyx ]usi/ormis Monro (from Monro, 1939, figs. 18 a, b).
5. Entire animal, in dorsal view, X 6.
6. Anterior end, with attached palpi and a branchia, x 14.
Timarete antarcticus (Monro) (from Ehlers, 1897,pl. 7, fig. 177).
7. Anterior end of body, in dorsal view, X 9.

but last 20 setigerslack ova. Setaeentirelyslenderandcapillary.Possibly
Prostomiumlong,depressed(fig.4); lackseyes;fused individualsof Tharyxepitoca(seeabove).
with the 3 buccalsegments so that segmentallinesare
Distribution: Off SouthGeorgia; in 60-251 m.
indistinct. First setiger,or last buccalsegment,with
a pair of laterallyinsertedbranchiaeand a pair of
thick, grooved,coiled palpi. Lateral branchiaecon- GenusTimarete Kinberg, 1866
tinue on segments throughthe anteriortwo-thirdsof
Timarete antarcticus (Monro, 1930)
body. Setaeall of onekind, slender,very long,and
capillary. Differs from Tharyx cincinnatus(see Plate VIII, fig. 7
above) in havingthe first branchiaeinsertedon same
Timarete nasuta Ehlers, 1897, pl. 7, fig. 177 only.
segmentas groovedpalpi.
Punta Arenas, South America.
Distribution: Antarctic Peninsula; in 93-335 m. Hartman, 1948, p. 113. Summary.
Cirratulus antarcticusMonro, 1930, p. 155, fig. 59.
South Georgia,in 23-270 m.
Tharyx ]usi]ormis Monro, 1939 Monro, 1936, p. 161. South Georgia.
Monro, 1939,p. 128. KerguelenIslands,in 2-20 m.
Plate VIII, figs. 5, 6 Timarete antarcticusHartman, 1953, p. 47. South
Tharyx ]usi/ormisMonro, 1939, pp. 129-130, fig. Georgia,in 75-310 m.
18 a-b. Off Mac. Roberston Land, in 219 m. Diagnosis:Lengthof body about 26 mm; width 2
Bodyshort, thick,spindle-shaped,
re- mm;segments crowded. Prostomium short,broad,
lacks color.
Length 15mm; flaplike, withouteyes(fig.7), partlyoverhungme-
width3 ram,butdiminishing to 1 mmat either ex- diallybythefirstsegment. Branchiae present
number 50-60.Prostomium short,thirdsetigerandcontinuedposteriorlyonmost seg-
(fig.6). Buccal regionfollowed
by ments. First25pairsofparapodiawithconspicuous
2 rings,
of whichthesecond bears a pairof thick, cushionlike
pads(fig.7) representing
bases ofbran-
notvisible onfirstsetigerous chiae.Posteriorbranchiae inserted immediately
butperhapsbroken off;theycontinue over above thenotopodialbases.Setae all of onekind,
of body,in lateralinsertion,long,slender,
(fig.5). Setae veryslender, Distribution'SouthernSouth America; Kerguelen
andof2 kinds, longer andshorter,with Islands;
in shallow
depths to310m.
the latter abouta third the lengthof the former; both
presentin notopodiaand neuropodiaof the anterior
region; neurosetae longerthan notosetae in the poste- Family Flabelligeridae Saint-Joseph
rior region. Anus terminal. KEY TO GENERA
Distribution: Off Mac. Roberston Land; in 219 m.
1. Neurosetaecomposite(pl. X, fig. 7) . Flabelligera
Neurosetaesimple(pl. IX, fig. 9) or accom-
paniedby somecompositeonesin
Tharyx spp. anterior segments ......... 2
2. Oral branchiaeinsertedon long, tongue-
Tharyx sp. Monro, 1930, p. 159. CumberlandWest like extension ........ Piromis
Bay, SouthGeorgia,in 60-251 m. Oral branchiae inserted on low membrane
Cirratulus li/ormis Monro, 1936, p. 161. South
surroundingthe prostomium...... 3
Georgia,in 168 m, mud.
3. All setaesimpleand capillary . . . llyphagus
Diagnosis:Body slender and threadlike; length Some setae acicular ......... 4
about5 mm and width 1 mm; segments number30 to 4. Anteriorend of bodywith cephaliccage
50. First setigeroussegmentwith a pair of branchiae (pl. XIII, fig. 9) ....... Pherusa
and a pair of tentacles.Prostomiumwithouteyespots. Anterior end without cephaliccage . . . 5

5. Tubicolous, constructing arenaceous verserowsof papillaeresemblingwarts (fig. 3); most

cylindrical tube ...... Fauveliopsis prominentin posteriorregion of body. Each segment
Not tubicolous,but sometimesnestling . Brada with a transverserow of 8 larger and more numerous
smaller papillae. First segment lacks parapodia.
Notosetae(fig. 4) few in a parapodium. Neurosetae
usually5 to 8 in a fascicle,eachslightlycurved,thick,
GenusBrada Stimpson,1854 simple, and acicular. All setaetransverselystriated.
Brada gravieri Mcintosh,1922 The paired ventral nephridialpapillae open on fifth
setiger, immediatelybehind the fourth setiger. Bran-
Plate IX, figs. 1, 2 chial filamentsvery numerous,170-180 in larger, and
Brada gravieri Mcintosh, 1922, pp. 7-8, pl. 1, figs. about 60 filamentsin smallerspecimens.
4-6. 5001'S, 12304'E, in 1800 fms.
Distribution: KerguelenIslands;Falkland Islands.
Diagnosis:Body long, ovoid; length 5 mm, width
2 mm (fig. 2). Surfaceuniformlycoveredwith white
globigerinaooze,adheringto the epithelialpapillae;
Brada villosa ( Rathke, 1843)
the latter extremelylong, slender, and filamentous.
Notosetae in minute tufts, translucent, each very Plate IX, figs. 5, 6
slender,the tip apt to be bent. Neurosetaemuch
longer, straight,translucent,without transversebars Brada mammillataEhlers, 1897, p. 109. Strait of
Magellan, in 7 fms.
(fig. 1) characteristic
of mostmembersof this family.
Ehlers, 1901, p. 180. Strait of Magellan.
Distribution:Australianquadrantof Antarctica;in Brada villosaMonro, 1930, p. 161. Off Signy Island,
1800 fms. South Orkney Islands,in 244-344 m, and Brans-
field Strait, South Shetland Islands, in 200 m.
Augener,1932b,p. 53. 6850'S,9035'W, in 150-
350 m.
Brada mammillata Grube, 1877 Monro, 1939, p. 132. 6648'S, 7124'E, in 540 m.
Plate IX, figs. 3, 4 Hartman, 1953, p. 51. King Edward Cove, South
Georgia,in 24-52 m.
Brada mammillataGrube, 1877a, p. 69. Kerguelen
Islands. Diagnosis: Length of body 35-50 mm; setigers
Grube,1877b,p. 541. KerguelenIslands. number29 or 30; color pale gray, surfacethickly in-
Studer,1878, pp. 111-119, pl. 5, figs. 1-10, Anse crustedby sand grains. Surfacewith papillae (fig.
Betsy,KerguelenIslands,in 5.-10 fms. 5) smaller than in B. mammillata (see above). Para-
Ehlers, 1913, p. 531. Baie de l'Observatoire, podia usuallywith circletsof papillaeat their bases.
KerguelenIslands. Neurosetalfascicleof third setigeras in figure 6.
Monro, 1930, p. 162. Off Cape Bowles,Clarence Distribution: North and South Atlantic oceans;
Island, in 342 m. Antarcticwaters; cosmopolitan;in moderatedepths.
Augener,1932b, pp. 54-56. Redescription
of type
Monro, 1939, p. 131. KerguelenIslands,in 20-
150 m. GenusFauveliopsis Mcintosh,1922
Fauvel,1941,pp. 288-289. KerguelenIslands.
Fauveliopsis challengeriae Mcintosh,1922
Hartman, 1953, p. 51. Port Louis Harbour and
Green Patch, Falkland Islands,in 7-8 m. Plate IX, figs. 7-10
Diagnosis:Length of body 21 or 45 to 100 mm; FauveliopsischallengeriaeMcintosh, 1922, pp. 5-7,
width 9 to 16 mm; segments number28-31. Color, pl. 1, figs.7, 8; pl. 2, figs.1-8. Midway between
in alcohol, dark reddish or grayish brown, with very Australia and Antarctica, in 1950 fms, in diato-
little sandincrustation.Surfaceepitheliumwith trans- maceous ooze.


Diagnosis: Tubicolous;
lengthof body17 mm; Diagnosis:Colorof anterior
regionlemon-green or
shapesubcylindrical; segmentsnumber34. Cuticle darkblue,thoraxandabdominal regions red-brown
smooth, pale,iridescent,
withoutepithelialpapillae to gray.Length10-50mm;width1.5to 8 mm;seg-
(figs.8, 9). Firstparapodium with3 curved, thick mentsnumber35 to 50. Bodylong,spindle-shaped
setae. Prostomium and oral apparatus
not known. (fig. 4), covered witha pale,translucent,gelatinous
Anteriorend (fig. 7) lackscephalic
cage.Setaeof sheath.Dorsumarched, ventrum flat betweenpara-
anteriormost segments
shortandnomoreconspicuous podialbases.Segmental groovesvisibleonlyposte-
thanthose in moreposterior
segments.Segments 1-5 riorly. Cephalicappendages includea pair of thick
6-8 narrowed,
increasingin palpi (fig. 5) and pairedbundlesof slenderer ilia-
widthagainto aboutsegment 18-20,thendiminishingments.Thefirstsegment aslongasnext3 together;
to segment33, or posteriorend. Median segmentsits anteriorrim continuous all around,with an en-
with midventralgroove. Parapodialow, papillar. circlingseriesof long,slender
Posteriorendterminatesin a pairof short,triangular Cephalic
setaepaleyellow,slender, weaklycurved,
cirri continuous
with the pygidialring. Interramal transversely
striated.Parapodiafromsecond segment
papillaepear-shaped(fig. 10), locatedmidwaybe- with conicalnotopodia and neuropodia. Notosetae
tweennotopodia andneuropodia. Anteriorsetae(fig. long,slender,
camerated capillary.Fromthird seg-
9) thickerthanposterior ones.The genusappears mentthe setaeshorterand directed laterally.Each
alliedto Brada(seeabove). neuropodiumwith1 or 2 thickacicular spines(fig.
6) distally falcate.
Distribution: Australian sector of Antarctica;
abyssal. Distribution:New Zealand;ChathamIslands;in
depthsto 383 m.

GenusFlabelligera Sars,1829
1861) Flabelligera
4-6 Plate
p.21,fig.a-c,pl. Flabelligera
p. 536.Port
Zealand. Charcot.
1907,pp.35-37, pl.3,fig.28;pl.4,figs.
29-30. Port Charcot, in 40 m.
II Coast,in 383 m.
1950,p. 22. Off New Diagnosis:
Lengthof body21 mm;width3.5mm;
Zealand. setigerous
number 19. Anteriorendgrayish

Plate IX

BradagravieriMcintosh (from Mcintosh,1922,pl. 1, figs.4, 6).

1. Thick neurosetaeextending from parapodium, x 350.
2. Entire animal, oral tube extended,enlarged.
Brada mammillataGrube (from Studer,1878,pl. 5, figs. 1, 6).
3. Entire animal, in left lateral view, x 2.
4. Notosetae,basally embeddedin parapodium,enlarged.
Bradavillosa (Rathke) (from Mcintosh,1915,pl. 95, fig. 12, pl. 102, fig. 2 a).
5. Entire body, in left lateral view, enlarged.
6. Neurosetalfascicle from third segment,enlarged.
challengeriae Mcintosh(from Mcintosh,1922,pl. 1, fig. 8; pl. 2, figs.2, 4, 5).
7. Anterior end, in ventral view, enlarged.
8. Entire animal, in ventral view, enlarged.
9. Acicular spinesfrom an anterior parapodium,x 700.
10. Pear-shapedpapilla from first parapodium, x 350.


yellow, coveredwith grains of fine sand. The anterior groovesnot visible. Body coveredwith long-stemmed
part of the body surroundedby a semitransparent papillaeterminatingin slenderor clayatetips. Ce-
sheath. Notopodiatypically with 5 or 6 slendersetae, phaliccageformedby setaeof first setiger.Oral ten-
transverselystriated (fig. 8). Neuropodia usually tacleslong, slender,numerous, all cirriform; palpi
with singlelarge,composite falcigers(fig. 7) in which thickandcylindrical.Notosetae typicallystriatedand
the appendage is stronglycurved. Parapodialpapillae capillary. Neuropodiafrom secondsetigerwith 1 or
long, slender,distally enlarged (fig. 9). 2 compound (fig. 3) or pseudocompound hooks.
/lugener [1927, p. 223] consideredthis identical DiffersfromFlabelligeraaffinisSarsin havinglonger,
with Flabelligeramundata (see below). slendereroral tentacles;neuropodiawith single,
brown, acicularspines.
Distribution: Port Charcot; in 40 m.
Distribution: Patagoniaand Falkland Islands; in

Flabelligera induta Ehlers,1897

Plate X, figs. 1-3 Flabelligera mundata Gravier,1906
Flabelligerainduta Ehlers,1897, pp. 105-107, pl. 7, Plate XI, figs. 1-4
figs. 168-173. South Georgia; StanleyHarbour,
Falkland Islands,in 1 fro; Patagonia,in 3 fins. FlabelligeramundataGravier,1906, p. 537. Port
Ehlers, 1900a, p. 14. South Georgia.
Ehlers, 1901, p. 179. South Georgia. Gravier,19'07,pp. 37-39, pl. 4, figs.31, 32; text
figs. 22, 23. Port Charcot,in 40 m.
Hartman, 1953, p. 50. King Edward Cove, South
Georgia, in 20 m, and Falkland Islands, in Gravier, 1911a, p. 4. DeceptionIsland, King
7-40 mo GeorgeIsland,in 32-420 m.
Flabelligeraaffinis Fauvel, 1916, p. 450. Falkland Ehlers,1912,p. 25. CoulmanIsland,in 10 fins.
Islands, at low tide. Ehlers,1913,pp. 535-537,pl. 41, figs.1-12. Wil-
helm II Coast,in 385 m.
Monro, 1930, p. 160, fig. 63. Falkland Islandsand
South Georgia,southto 6633'S, in 0-270 m. Benham,1921, p. 108. 64 to 65S,southof New
Zealand, in 110-325 fins.
Augener,1932a,p. 112. SouthGeorgia,in 20 m.
Monro, 1936, p. 164. 43 to 48S, 65W, in 67 to Benham,1927,p. 129. McMurdoSound,RossSea,
in 200-250 fins.
Monro,1930,p. 161. EnderbyLand,in 93-126m.
Diagnosis: Length of body 22-28 ram; width 4-5 Augener,1932b, p. 51. Bouvet Island, Peter I
ram; colorlessor gray; segmentsnumber about 40. Island,DeceptionIsland,Port Lockroy,in 50--
Coveredwith thick mucussheath(fig. 1). Segmental 300 m.

Plate X

Flabelligerainduta Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1897,pl. 7, figs. 169, 171, 172).

1. Anterior end, in left lateral view, x 6.
2. Parapodium with portion of body wall, x 25.
3. Falcate uncinusand a partially developedhook, X 92.
Flabelligerabicolor (Schmarda) (from Ehlers,1905,pl. 7, figs.1, 2, 4).
4. Entire animal, in ventrolateral view, enlarged.
5. Anteriorend of bodywith palpi extended,in left lateralview,enlarged.
6. Neuropodialfalciger with some attached tissue, enlarged.
FlabelligeragourdoniGravier (from Gravier,1907,pl. 4, figs.29, 30; text fig. 19).
7. Compositeneuropodialfalciger embeddedin neuropodium,x 85.
8. Distal end of a notopodial seta, x 900.
9. Long papillae separatedfrom parapodium, X 320.

Monro, 1939, p. 130. Off Enderby Land, in 209- Diagnosis:Lengthof body 14 ram; segments num-
180 m.
ber 28-30. Color yellowishgray. First 2 segments
Hartman, 1952, p. 233. MargueriteBay, in 35-115 with capillarysetaedirectedforwardto form cephalic
cage. Bodycoveredwith thin mucoidsheath,with seg-
Hartman, 1953, p. 50. FalklandIslandsand South mental,paired raised areas (fig. 5). Setae of first
Georgia, in 75 and 160 m. segmentlongest and directed forward; other setae
Knox, 1962,p. 345. Mac. RobertsonLand. largely concealedby fleshy, prolonged,filamentous
Diagnosis: Length to 62 or 70-98 ram; width 9 papillae(fig. 6). Neuropodiaeachwith 1 or 2 bronze-
ram; segments number 14 to 26. Body short,thick, coloredcomposite falcigersin whichthe appendage
coveredwith thick, gelatinous,semi-opaquesheath skewed in relation to the shaft. Pygidiumsurrounded
with pro- by a circlet of low papillae.
without incrustations.First 3 to 4 segments
longedsetae (fig. 1). Oral tentaclesnumerousand Distribution: KerguelenIslands; Strait of Magel-
all cirriform. Epithelial papillae with long stalk lan; SouthGeorgia; in shallowto moderatedepths.
medially inflated (fig. 4). Notopodialsetaeslender,
transverselystriated (fig. 2). Neuropodial setae
thicker,number5 to 6 in a parapodium;eachis com-
posite,falcate,basallystriated (fig. 3). Flabelligera pergamentacea Ehlers,1913

Distribution: Antarctic seas,circumpolar;in shal- Plate XI, figs. 7-9

low to moderatedepths. Flabelligera
Ehlers,1913,pp. 533-534,
pl. 40, figs. 1-6. Wilhelm II Coast,in 380-385 m.
Diagnosis:Body spindle-shaped; length 15 ram;
Flabelligera pennigera Ehlers,1908 width 3 ram; or length21 mm and width4 min. Seg-
mentsnumber 20, count basedon fasciclesof large
Plate XI, figs. 5, 6
neuropodial hooks.Bodycoveredwith a white,glisten-
FlabelligerapennigeraEhlers,1908, pp. 123-124, pl. ing mucoidsheath,without indicationsof segmenta-
16, figs. 9, 10. KerguelenIslands. tion (fig. 7). The mucoidsheatheasilybrokenaway
Ehlers,1913, p. 531. Baie de l'Obervatoire,Kergue- in large pieces.Buccalregion,whenclearedof mucus,
len Islands, and Wilhelm II Coast, in 170 m. revealsan encirclingband of capillary setaedirected
Monro, 1930, p. 161. SouthGeorgia,in 17-178 m. forward (fig. 7), yellow in color and transversely
Fauvel, 1941, p. 288. SouthernSouthAmerica. barred (fig. 8). Notosetaenumber5 to 6 in a fascicle;
Fauvel, 1951, p. 765. Ad.61ieCoast,in 10-15 m. neurosetaemuch thicker, composite (fig. 9), and
Hartman, 1953, p. 51. King Edward Cove, South fewerin a fascicle.Differsfrom Flabelligeragourdoni
Georgia,in 22 m. (see above), which has a brown, sand-coveredouter

Plate XI

Flabelligera mundata Gravier (from Gravier, 1907, pl. 4, figs. 31, 32; text figs. 22, 23).
1. Anterior end of body showingpartly evertedpalpi, cephalictentacles,and cephaliccage, x 11.
2. Distal end of notopodial seta, x 500.
3. Distal end of compositefalcigerous neuroseta, X 500.
4. Two long epithelial papillae, x 133.
Flabelligera pennigeraEhlers (from Ehlers, 1908, pl. 16, figs. 9, 10).
5. Entire animal, in right lateral view, X 10.
6. A setal fascicle surroundedby mucoid covered epithelium and long papillae, x 32.
Flabelligera pergamentaceaEhlers (from Ehlers, 1913, pl. 40, figs. 2, 5, 6).
7. Anterior end, cephalic cage cleared of mucoid sheath, in left lateral view, x 20.
8. Setal fascicle with oral tentacles and epithelial papillae, from first segment, x 105.
9. A falcigerous neuroseta, in lateral view, X 150.

sheath;F. pergamentacea has a white, smoothsheath; like, coveredwith dense,furlike, cirriform papillae
notosetae coarser in the first than in the second. coatedwith mud. Cephaliccageformedby setaeof
first setiger (fig. 4), which may be half as long as
Distribution: Wilhelm II Coast; in 380-385 m.
the body; all setaesimple,barredtransversely, number
about 16 on a side. Setaeof secondsegmentlonger
than normal body setae and also directed forward.
Flabelligera picta Ehlers,1913
Setae of other notopodia (fig. 5) resemblethose in
Plate XII, figs. 1-3 front. Oral cavity with a pair of massive,grooved
palpi and about 10 thick, cylindricaltentacles.Setae
Flabelligerapicta Ehlers, 1913, pp. 532-533, pl. 40,
emergedirectly from body wall, without apparent
figs. 7-10. Wilhelm II Coast,in 380 m.
parapodial lobes. Neurosetaenumber about 7 in a
Diagnosis:Length of body more than 24 mm; seg- fascicle,are shorterand thicker (fig. 6) than noto-
ments number about 38; body cylindrical, covered setae,obliquelystriated,and terminatein slendertips.
with hyaline mucoid sheath. Ground color of body Posteriormost neurosetaewith rows of hairs (fig. 6).
pale greenishgray; dorsalside of eachsegmentwith Surfacepapillaelong, cylindrical,and simple. This
transverserow of dark pigmentspots,the rowssingle speciesresembles llyphaguswyvillei (seebelow), with
or partly double (fig. 2). Epitheliumsmooth,without which it may be synonymous.
incrustations. Oral tentaclesfew and short (fig. 1);
Distribution:Easternsectorof Antarctica;abyssal.
palpi contractedto crescenticshape. Buccalsegment
with long, capillary setaedirectedforward to form
cage. All other segmentswith notopodialcapillary
setaeand ventral falcate,compositehooks (fig. 3). llyphagus wyvillei (Mcintosh,1885)
new combination
Distribution: Wilhelm II Coast; in 380 m.
Plate XII, figs. 7, 8
TrophoniawyvilleiMcintosh,1885, pp. 366-370, pl.
Genusllyphagus Chamberlin,1919 44, fig. 6; pl. 23A, figs.11-14; pl. 36A, figs.5-7;
llyphagus coronatus Monro, 1939 pl. 37A, fig. 1. 5355'S, 10835'E,in 1950 fms.

Plate XII, figs. 4-6 Diagnosis:Lengthof body 73 mm; width 28 mm;

segmentsnumberabout23 (fig. 8). Setaeof first seg-
llyphaguscoronatusMonro, 1939, pp. 130-131, figs. ment greatly prolongedto form cephaliccage. The
19 a-c. Off Lars and Ingrid Christensencoasts, anteriorend of body with a slightmedianprojection
in 1266 m.
from whichpurplishfrilled oral tentaclesextend. En-
Diagnosis:Length of body 42 mm; width 7 mm; tire surfacecoveredwith densecoatof long papillae,
setigerous segmentsnumber18; bodyflaccidandsack- their tips smoothlyrounded. Neuropodialarger and

Plate XII

Flabelligera picta Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1913, pl. 40, figs. 8, 9, 10).
1. Anterior end showingprojecting paired palpi and distal ends of oral tentacles,in left lateral view, X 18.
2. Four median segments,in right lateral view, X 18.
3. A compositeneuropodial falciger, X 590.
Ilyphagus coronatusMonro (from Monro, 1939, figs. 19 a, b, c).
4. Anterior end of body, in ventral view, X 5.
5. Distal end of a notoseta, 100.
6. Distal end of a neuroseta, 60.
Ilyphagus wyvillei (Mcintosh) (from Mcintosh, 1885, pl. 44, fig. 6; pl. 23a, fig. 13).
7. Neuroseta from tenth parapodium, X 40.
8. Entire animal, in ventral view, somewhatenlarged.


11 12 13


more conspicuous than notopodia. All setaedistally Augener, 1923b, p. 52. Peter I Island, in 226-
pointed, entire, transverselystriated (fig. 7), with 270 m.

neurosetaeproportionatelyshorter and thicker than Monro, 1936, p. 163. 5459'S, 3524'W, in 130 m.
the notosetae.Posteriorendof bodybroadlyrounded. Monro, 1939, p. 130. Near entranceto Bras Bo-
Distribution: Eastern sector of Antarctica; in linder, KerguelenIslands,in 20-30 and 150 m.
abyssaldepth. Diagnosis:Length10-30 ram; width 2-4 ram; seg-
ments number 25-30. Surface epithelium sparsely
papillatedexceptbetweenparapodiawhere papillae
GenusPherusa Oken, 1807 are long and digitate. Cephaliccageformedof setae
Pherusa kerguelarum ( Grube,1878) of first 2 segments.Notosetaelong, iridescent,in
spreading fascicles,strongly cross-striated.Long,
Plate XIII, figs. 1, 2
slenderhooksfirst presentfrom third setiger.Typical
TrophoniakerguelarumGrube, 1877b, p. 539. 'Suc- notosetaebroadly striated (fig. 1). Neurofalcigers
cessfulBay,' Kerguelen Islands. with transversestriations close together (fig. 2).
Mcintosh,1885, p. 364, pl. 44, figs.9, 10; pl. 23A, Differs from the more widely dispersedP. plumosa
figs. 4-6. CumberlandBay and Kerguelen Is- (Miiller) in having sparseinstead of densesurface
lands, in 127 fms. papillation,and in havingacicularspinesfirst present
Ehlers, 1897, p. 107. South Georgia, among sea- from third insteadof fourth setiger.
Distribution: South Georgia; Kerguelen Islands;
Ehlers,1900a, p. 14. SouthGeorgia.
RossSea; in shallowto moderatedepths.
Ehlers,1901, p. 180. SouthGeorgia.
Ehlers,1912, p. 26. McMurdoSound,RossSea,in
300 fms.
Ehlers, 1913, p. 531. Baie de l'Observatoire, Pherusa laevis ( Stimpson,1856)
Plate XIII, fig. 9
StylarioidesplumosusAugener, 1932a, pp. 112-113.
Coal Harbor, South Georgia, in 13 m. Stylarioidesxanthotrichus Ehlers,1908, pp. 119-120,
StylarioideskerguelarumMonro, 1930, p. 159. South pl. 16, fig. 1.
Georgia,in 17-270 m. StylarioideslaevisDay, 1955,pp. 421-422. Emended.

Plate XIII

Pherusa kerguelarum (Grube) (from Mcintosh, 1885, pl. 23, figs. 4, 5).
1. Part of notoseta from tenth parapodium, X 350.
2. Neuroseta from tenth parapodium (with attached protozoan), x 90.
?Pherusa sarsi (Mcintosh) (from Mcintosh, 1922, pl. 3, figs. 4, 6, 8).
3. Tip of a spinousneuroseta, x 350.
4. Simple long neuroseta, X 90.
5. Distal end of a neuropodial falciger, X 350.
PherusaswakopianusAugener (from Ehlers, 1908, pl. 16, figs. 2, and Augener, 1918, fig. 62 a, b)
6. Entire animal, in left lateral view, X 4.
7. Compositeneuropodial falciger from an anterior segment, X 226.
8. Entire falciger from a median neuropodium, X 226.
Pherusa laevis (Stimpson) (from Ehlers, 1908, pl. 16, fig. 1).
9. Entire animal, in ventral view, X 4.
Piromis arenosusKinberg (from Kinberg, 1858-1910, pl. 26, figs. 3 b, g, s, u).
10. Anterior end, in ventral view, X 5.
11. Anterior end, in dorsal view, X 5.
12. Neuropodial falcate seta, X 230.
13. Notopodial seta, X 230.

Diagnosis: Length 25-30 ram; segmentsnumber Hartman, 1953, p. 51. King Edward Cove, South
65-68. Body brownish or reddish, without sandy Georgia,in 12-20 m, and Falkland Islands,in
covering,anteriorly barrel-shaped,posteriorlytaper- 22 m.

ing (fig. 9). Epithelialpapillaenumerous,squat,not Kirkegaard,1959, pp. 40-42, figs. 5, 6. Off south-
conspicuous.Setae of first 3 segmentsdirected for- west Africa, in 22-200 m.
ward to form a cephaliccage. Neuropodialfalcigerous
Diagnosis:Body shaggy,thickly clothedwith long
spinespresentfrom fourth setiger.
papillae (fig. 6). Length of body about 29-39 mm,
Distribution:Off SouthAfrica; not yet knownfrom of which the posteriorsixth comprisesa slendertail
Antarctic areas, but has been confusedwith P. region. Cephaliccage formed by long, iridescent
swakopianus (seebelow). slendersetaeof first 2 segments.Oral cavity with a
pair of large groovedpalpi and 25-30 pairs of long,
slender tentacles,thus not as in the genusPherusa,
where the typical numberis 4 pairs. Neurosetaeof
?Pherusa sarsi (Mcintosh, 1922)
anteriormostsegments composite(fig. 7), fartherback
Plate XIII, figs. 3-5 simple (fig. 8). Neuropodiafrom secondor third
segmenthave at most 2 to 4 setaein a fascicle.
Trophoniasarsi Mcintosh,1922, pp. 8-9, pl. 3, figs.
3-8. 6226'S, 9544'E, in 1975 fms, diatoma- Distribution: Southwest Africa; South Georgia;
ceous ooze.
Falkland Islands;in shallowto moderatedepths.
Diagnosis:Lengthperhaps50 mm or more; width
3-4 ram. Epitheliumaboutparapodiawith manylong,
clavatepapillae,eachwith slenderstalk and terminat-
GenusPiromis Kinberg,1867
ing in bulboustip. Presenceof cephalic cage not
described. Anterior setae slender, long, hairlike. Piromis arenosus Kinberg, 1867
Neuropodia with 3 kinds of setae: the most con-
Plate XIII, figs. 10-13
spicuousare long and smooth (fig. 4), with flat base
to a pointedtip; a second
Kinberg,1867,p. 338. NatalBay
minutelyserratedthroughdistalhalf (fig. 3); and the (Port Natal), South Africa.
third kind are large, translucent,curved at tip, ter- Kinberg, 1858-1910, p. 68, pl. 26, fig. 3. South
minating in a blunt hook with an accessoryflange, Africa.

outer curvedregion serrated(fig. 5). Hartman,1948,pp. 117-118, pl. 15, figs.7-9. Sum-
The generic statusis questionedbecausethe oral mary.

name ispreoc- Diagnosis'
by Styarioides
sarsiMcintosh(1908),a ber72. Epithelium
(Miiller). shelly
Distribution: Antarctica, easternsector; abyssal. rangedin longitudinalrows,with a pair on eachseg-
ment below neuropodia,and another row ventro-
roedial; eachpapilla is long, clavate;sparsetufts of
papillae emerge from parapodial lobes, and other
?Pherusa swakopianus (Augener,1918)
papillae are irregularly dispersedover the dorsum.
Plate XIII, figs. 6-8 Setae of first 3 segmentsproject forward to form
cage; those of fourth segmentshorter, but also di-
StylarioidesxanthotrichusEhlers, 1908, pp. 119-121,
rectedforward. Setaeof segments1 to 4 thicker and
pl. 16, fig. 2. Off SouthAfrica.
longerthan thosefarther back; all taper to pointed
Stylarioidesswakopianus Augener,1918, pp. 433-437,
tips and are closelycross-striated(fig. 13). Neuro-
pl. 7, fig. 234; text figs.61, 62. SouthwestAfrica,
podia with falcate neurosetae,about 6 in a fascicle.
terminatedistallyin bifid tip (fig. 12).
Monro, 1930, pp. 159-160. Tristan da Cunha, in
4046 m. Distribution: South Africa.

Family Scalibregmidae Malmgren ventral lower lip. Pygidium short, without append-
ages. Branchiae absent.
Distribution: Originally from southeasternAus-
1. Body long,vermiform......... 2
tralia, also from Antarctica and Chile; in intertidal to
Body short,maggotlike..... Oncoscolex
shallow depths.
2. Parapodiawith dorsaland ventral
cirri; first setiger with slender
capillarysetae....... Scalibregma
GenusScalibregma Rathke,1843
first setigerwith thick,curved Scalibregma inflatum Rathke,1843
acicular spines ...... Sclerocheilus
Plate XIV, figs.6-8
infiatumEhlers,1900a,p. 14. Strait of
Magellan,in 4-15 fms.
GenusOncoscolex Schmarda, 1861
Ehlers,1901,p. 180. PuertoEugenia,in 10-15 fms.
Oncoscolex dicranochaetus Schmarda,1861 Ashworth,1901, pp. 237-309, pls. 13-15. Review
and Emendation.
Plate XIV, figs. 1-5
Monro, 1930,p. 163. SouthGeorgia,in 110-247 m.
OncoscolexdicranochaetusSchmarda, 1861, p. 55, Fauvel,1941,p. 289. BahiaSan Gregorio(Gregory
fig. a-d, pl. 26, fig. 206, New South Wales, Bay), Strait of Magellan.
Australia, in sand.
New Diagnosis'
5 to25-56
Zealand. 5-10mm;segments
60. Prostomium
broadlyT-shaped (fig. 6), withoutvisibleeyes.First
Ehlers,1912,p. 26. McMurdoSound,RossSea,in
6-25 fms. segment a smoothring. Thoracicregionthroughabout
tenth segmentsomewhatinflated; posterior region
Ehlers, 1913, pp. 537-538. Wilhelm II Coast,in
385 m. tapering. First 3 setigeroussegmentstriannulate,the
parapodiaemergingfrom the middle ring; all other
Furreg, 1925, pp. 176-177. Emendation.
segmentstetraannulate,with parapodiaon the third
Hartman, 1952, p. 233. MargueriteBay, in 40 fms.
ring. Branchiaenumber 4 pairs, insertedon para-
EumeniaoculataEhlers, 1901, pp. 181-182, pl. 22,
podial segments2 to 5; each dendriticallybranched
figs. 15, 16. Chile.
(fig. 7). Parapodia biramous throughout; those in
Gravier, 1911a, p. 112, pl. 4, fig. 44. Petermann
anterior 14 to 15 segmentssmall, conical; those in
Island, at low tide, among rocks.
posteriorregionwith dorsaland ventralcirri (fig. 8).
Fauvel, 1951, p. 766. Ad61ieCoast,in 15 m.
Sclerocheilusantarcticus Ashworth, 1915, p. 421.
Most setae slenderand capillary, or spinousalong
Scotia Bay, South Okney Islands, in 10 fms; their free length. Furcatesetaeoccursparselyin both
Petermann Island, at low water. notopodia and neuropodia. Color in life vermilion
red, parapodialight yellowand branchiaedeepred.
Diagnosis:Two speciesmay be involved,as indi-
Distribution: Arctic to sub-Antarctic seas, cosmo-
catedby Ashworth[1915, pl. 37]; one from South
politan; eurybathic.
Orkney Islands (figs. 1, 2) with blunt prostomium;
another from Petermann Island, with laterally pro-
longedprostomium (figs.3, 4). Lengthof bodyvaries
from only 10 mm with 32 setigeroussegments, to 34 ?Scalibregma sp.
mm long with 46 segments[Ehlers,1908]. Bodyuni-
?Scalibregmasp. Ehlers, 1913, p. 538. Kerguelen
formly thick or taperingposteriorly;surfaceepithe- Islands.
lium reticulated,especiallyin front. Parapodiaconi-
cal, with a ventral cirrus (fig. 5); capillary and Diagnosis:Lengthof body 1.5 to 2 mm; segments
furcatesetaepresent.Buccalsegmenta smoothring, number15 to 21. Prostomium with or withouteyes;
separated midventrally.First setigeroussegmentforms prostomiumas long as, or longerthan, the first seg-

ment, which is smooth; all other segmentswith bi- 2. Body with deep midventralgroove (pl.
ramousparapodia.Setaecapillaryand furcate. XV, fig. 2) ........... 3
Body without deep midventralgroove. Travisia
3. Body linear; midventralgroove
throughoutlength ..... Ammotrypane
Body thick; midventral groove only
posteriorly(pl. XVI, fig. 3) ...... 4
GenusSclerocheilus Grube, 1863 4. Anterior end marked off from thoracicregion
?Sclerocheilus minutus Grube, 1863 (pl. XVI, fig. 3) . . Euzonus(Thoracophelia)
Anterior end not marked off from thoracic
Plate XIV, figs. 9, 10 region (pl. XVI, fig. 8) ..... Ophelia
minutusFauvel, 1951, p. 765. Cape
Margerie, Ad61ieCoast, in 15 m.
Ashworth,1915, pl. 37, figs.7, 8. Emendation. GenusAmmotrypane Rathke,1843
Diagnosis:Prostomiumbroadly bilobed (fig. 9), Ammotrypane breviata Ehlers,1913
with ocularpatches.First segment
with acicularspines Plate XV, figs. 1-3
(fig. 10); other segmentswith capillarysetaeand
Ammotrypane breviataEhlers,1913,pp. 523-524, pl.
fewerfurcatespines.Specificidentityof the Antarctic
39, figs. 1-7. Wilhelm II Coast,in 385 m.
record is in doubt becausethe posteriorend is not
known. Monro, 1930, p. 165. Off Signy Island, South
Orkney Islands,in 244-344 m.
Distribution: Mediterranean Sea; ?Antarctica; in Monro, 1936, p. 165. 47o37' to 5029'S; 58 to
15 m. 60W; in 141 to 219 m.
Monro,1939,pp. 133-134. EnderbyLand,in 219-
220 m.

Hartman, 1953, p. 48. King Edward Cove, South

Family Opheliidae Malmgren Georgia,in 20 m.
OphelinabreviataAugener,1932b,p. 42. Port Lock-
roy, Peter I Island, in 70-96 m.
1. Without branchine;body grub-shaped Diagnosis:Lengthvariesfrom 17 to 34 mm; width
(pl. XVI, fig. 6) ....... Kesun to 2 mm; segments number24 to 28. Dorsumarched,
With branchine(pl. XV, fig. 1); body ventrumgrooved. Branchinepresenton all setigerous
short to long ........ 2 segmentsbut the first and last 4 (figs. 1, 2). Anal

Plate XIV

OncoscolexdicranochaetusSchnarda (from Ashworth, 1915, pl. 37, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6).

1. Anterior end from South Orkney Islands specimen,in dorsal view, x 25.
2. Anterior end, from same specimen,in ventral view, x 25.
3. Anterior end from Petermann Island specimen,in dorsal view, x 35.
4. Anterior end from same specimen, in ventral view, x 35.
5. Parapodium 24 from specimenshown in figs. 1, 2, x 30.
Scalibregma inflatum Rathke (from Ashworth, 1901, pl. 13, figs. 3, 4, 8).
6. Anterior end through first branchial segment,in dorsal view, x 22.
7. Second setigerous or first branchial segment, in anterior view, x 16.
8. Parapodium 35, in anterior view, x 20.
Sclerocheilusminutus Grube (from Ashworth, 1915, pl. 37, figs. 7, 8).
9. Anterior end through first 2 setigeroussegments,in dorsal view, x 35.
10. First setigeroussegment,in right lateral view, x 40.

cylinder smooth (fig. 2) or faintly and irregularly Diagnosis:Threadlike,yellowishwhite, glistening,

ringed,with the dorsalbeakmoreprominentthan the resemblinga nematode.Length30 ram; width 1 ram;
ventral one. Prostomiumconical,longer than wide, segmentsnumber 30. Prostomium bluntly conical,
terminatesin a small palpode (fig. 1). First setiger about as long as first 2 segments,
in line with mouth; smaller than next setiger. Bran- in a palpode.Bodylackssegmentalfurrows. Ventrum
chiae long, filamentous(fig. 3). with a medianlongitudinalfurrow. Each side with a
longitudinal furrow, along which small parapodia
Distribution: Antarctica; in moderatedepths.
emerge. Branchiaeabsent. Pygidiumwith a postanal
appendage,appearing annulate in transmittedlight,
about as long as last 2 segments.
Ammotrypane gymnopyge Ehlers, 1908
Distribution: Antarctica, easternsector; abyssal.
Plate XV, figs. 4-6
zlmmotrypanegymnopygeEhlers, 1908, p. 118, pl.
17, figs. 1-4. Bassin de la Gazelle, Kerguelen Ammotrypane scaphigera Ehlers,1901
Islands (depth not stated).
Hartman, 1952, p. 233. Peter I Island,in 30 fms. Plate XV, figs. 7-9
Hartman, 1953, p. 48. Port William and Port Ammotrypane scaphigera Ehlers,1900b,p. 218. Strait
Albemarle, Falkland Islands, in 10-30 m; King of Magellan,in 10 fms.
EdwardCove,SouthGeorgia,in 12-15 m. Ehlers, 1901, p. 172, pl. 22, figs. 1-4. Strait of
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 12 mm; width 1.5 mm; Magellan.
setigeroussegmentsnumber 26. Branchiae present Monro, 1936, p. 165. 4922'S, 6010'W, in 249-
239 m.
on all but first and last 3 or 4 body segments(fig. 5).
Prostomiumthick, conical (fig. 4), lackseyes. Para- Hartman, 1953, p. 48. King Edward Cove, South
podial lobesbroadlyrounded(fig. 6). Posteriorend Georgia, in 30 m.
lacks an anal tube (fig. 5). Diagnosis:Lengthof body 20-21 mm; width about
Distribution: Kerguelen and Falkland islands; 1 mm in middle region, taperingto both ends; seg-
South Georgiaand Antarctica; in shallowdepths. ments number39. Prostomium(fig. 7) aboutas long
as first 4 segments,terminatesin front in a slender
palpode. Branchiae (fig. 9) flat, translucent,extend
distallybeyondthe setae,presenton all but the first
Ammotrypane nematoides Ehlers,1913
1 and last 6 setigers.Anal end scoop-shaped, with a
AmmotrypanenematoidesEhlers, 1913, pp. 524-525. ventralconcavity(fig. 8), and a pair of large, cirri-
6532'S, 8530'E, in 2725 m. form processesinserted ventrally. A long, very

Plate XV

Ammotrypane breviata Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1913, pl. 39, figs. 3, 4, 7).
1. Anterior end of body through seventh setigerous segment,in ventral view, X 10.
2. Posterior end of body with anal tube, in ventral view, X 10.
3. A median segment, in lateral view, X 24.
Ammotrypane gymnopyge Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1908, pl. 17, figs. 2, 3, 4).
4. Prostomium and first 2 setigeroussegments,in dorsal view, x 30.
5. Posterior end, in right lateral view, X 30.
6. A median setigeroussegment,in dorsal view, x 300.
Ammotrypane scaphigera Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1901, pl. 22, figs. 2-4).
7. Anterior end of body, in ventral view, x 40.
8. Posterior end of body, in three-quarter view, showing anal processes,X 55.
9. Parapodium with branchia, in ventral view, X 180.
i 4


slender,annulatedfilamentextendsthroughthe length GenusEuzonus Grube, 1866

of the funnel, but may fall off in preservation.
Thoracophelia Ehlers,1897
Distribution: Strait of Magellan; South Georgia;
Euzonus (Thoracophelia) ]urci]era Ehlers,1897
in shallowto moderatedepths.
Plate XVI, figs.3-5
Thoracophelia/urci/era Ehlers,1897,pp. 101-103, pl.
7, figs. 164-167. Strait of Magellan,intertidal,in
Ammotrypane syringopygeEhlers,1901 Ehlers, 1901, p. 175. Strait of Magellan.
Plate XVI, figs. 1, 2 Fauvel,1941,p. 290. PuntaArenas,Strait of Magel-
Ammotrypane aulopyge Ehlers,1897,pp. 100-121,pl. Diagnosis:Length of body 20-25 ram; segments
6, figs.157, 158. SouthGeorgia,in seaweed. number 36-38. Anterior end of body set off from
Ehlers,1900a,p. 13. Strait of Magellan,in 4 to 10 thorax by a deep groove (fig. 3). Setaeof first seg-
ment very small or absent. Branchiaepresentfrom
Ammotrypane syringopyge Ehlers,1901, pp. 171-172. setiger13, simple,bifid (fig. 4), or trifid. Last 6 seg-
Strait of Magellan,in 10 fms. mentswithoutbranchiae.Pygidiumwith a triangular
Ehlers,1913, p. 523. Baie de l'Observatoire, Ker- ventralflap (fig. 5) and a dorsalflangeof 13 to 15
guelenIslands,on Macrocystis. long papillae.
Fauvel,1936,pp. 32-33. 70S,8048'W,depthnot
stated. Distribution:Strait of Magellan;intertidal,in sand.
Fauvel,1951,p. 767. KerguelenIslands,with algae.
Diagnosis:Bodytranslucent, with brownbranchiae; GenusKesun Chamberlin, 1919
length8 mm for 23-28 setigers.Branchiaenumber
Kesun abyssorum Monro, 1930
18 pairs,presentfrom the secondsetigerand lacking
from the last 4 to 5 setigers. Segmentsuniannulate Plate XVI, figs. 6, 7
(fig. 1). Anal tubecylindrical,compressed,
Kesunabyssorum Monro, 1930, pp. 167-169, figs.69
ing in a circletof smallsubequalpapillae(fig. 2) a-c. 27 mi southwestof DeceptionIsland,South
or with the inferior one much larger.
Shetland Islands, in 1080 m.
Distribution: Strait of Magellan; South Georgia; Augener,1932b,p. 44. BridgemanIsland,in 750 m.
Alexander Island; Kerguelen Islands; in shallow Monro,1939,p. 133. EnderbyLand and Lars and
depths. Ingrid Christensencoasts,in 193-1266 m.

Plate XVI

Ammotrypanesyringopyge(Ehlers) (from Ehlers, 1897,pl. 6, figs. 157, 158).

1. Entire body, in dorsal view, x 14.
2. Posterior end of body, in three-quarter view, x 80.
Euzonus(Thoracophelia)/urci/era Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1897,pl. 7, figs.164, 165, 166).
3. Entire body, in left lateral view, x 6.
4. Second branchial segment, x 25.
5. Posterior end, in posterior view, x 9.
Kesun abyssorumMonro (from Monro, 1930, figs. 69 a, c).
6. Entire body, in left lateral view, x 3.5.
7. Posterior end of body, in left lateral view, x 10.
Ophelia bipartita Monro (from Monro, 1936, figs. 29 a, b).
8. Anterior end of body, in right lateral view, x 3.
9. Pygidial processes,in posterior view, x 14.


Diagnosis:Body spindle-to grub-shaped.Length setigersabranchiate,and last 4 with prolongedsetae.

15-21 ram; width 6 mm at widest part; segments Pygidiumwith a pair of thick papillae (fig. 9) con-
number 23-25. Branchiae absent (fig. 6). Prosto- tinuous with the lateral ridges, and 16 slenderer
mium short, blunt, smooth; buccalregion of 3 rings. papillae. Nephridial pores presentbetweensetigers
Entire surfaceof body, exceptprostomium,granular 12 and 16.
or finely vesicular. Each annulusmarked by a row
Distribution: South Georgia; in shallowdepths.
of fine, distinctvesicularpapillae. Setal fascicleslie
in deepgrooveson last 10 segments.Anal cylinder
aboutas long as last 2 segments,faintly longitudinally Ophelia praetiosa (Kinberg, 1866)
furrowed (fig. 7). Nephridioporespresentfrom seti-
Plate XVII, figs. 1-3
gers 3 to 14, and 4 pairs of giant nephridiopores on
setigers7 to 10. Nitetis praetiosaKinberg, 1866, p. 257. Cabo Vir-
genes,Patagonia,in 32 fms.
Distribution: Antarctic islands; in near-abyssal Ehlers,1901, p. 175. Patagonia.
depths. Kinberg,1858-1910,p. 67, pl. 25, fig. 7. Patagonia.
Ophelia praetiosaHartman, 1948, pp. 115-116. Re-
GenusOphelia Savigny,1818
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 60 mm; segments num-
Ophelia bipartita Monro, 1936 ber 31 or more (fig. 1). Body consistsof 8 prebran-
chial, 18 branchial,and 5 postbranchial segments(the
Plate XVI, figs. 8, 9
anteriormostbranchiaenot shownin fig. 1). Prebran-
Opheliabipartita Monro, 1936, pp. 166-167, fig. 29a, chial segmentspentannulate,with each ring again
b. South Georgia, in 35 m. biannulate. Branchial segmentsless clearly cross-
striated. First parapodiabiramous,in line with oral
Diagnosis:Body massive;length 63 mm; width 7
aperture. Interparapodialpores6 pairs, in segments
mm; segmentsnumber 31. Color in alcohol gray.
11/12 to 16/17. Parapodia with short lobes, with
Body divided into two regionsat setiger8 (fig. 8),
slender,smoothsetae(fig. 3). Pygidiumwith a pair
followedby 23 setigerous segments with a deepmid-
of large ventral lobesand a circlet of 14 to 19 shorter
ventral sulcus. Prostomiuma small pointed cone.
processes (fig. 2), all directedposteriorly(the original
Branchiaepresentfrom setiger 10, continuedon 17
figure showsthem spreadout radially).
segments;those in middle of body long enoughto
meet middorsally;all are marginallycrenate. Last 5 Distribution:Patagonia;in shallowdepths.

Plate XVII

Ophelia praetiosaKinberg (from Kinberg, 1858-1910, pl. 25, figs. 7 a, f, x).

1. Entire animal, in dorsal view, X 1.
2. Posterior end with anal appendagesflattened, posterior view, enlarged.
3. Twelfth parapodium, enlarged.
Travisia kerguelensis (Ehlers) (fig. 4 from Willey, 1904, pl. 42, fig. 1, and fig. 5 from Monro, 1930, fig. 67 a).
4. Entire animal with conspicuouslaciniations in posteriorregion, in right lateral view, enlarged.
5. Posterior end of body showing pygidium with faint laciniations, x 15.
Travisia kerguelensisgravieri Monro (from Monro, 1930, fig. 68).
6. Posterior end of body with pygidium lacking laciniations, X 20.
Travisia lithophila Kinberg (from Kinberg, 1858-1910, pl. 25, figs. 4 c, f, x).
7. Anterior end of body, in dorsal view, enlarged.
8. Anterior end showingoral slit, in ventral view, enlarged.
9. Posterior end, in dorsal view, enlarged.
10. Tenth parapodium, enlarged.
Travisia olens Ehlers (from Monro, 1930, fig. 66).
11. Posterior end of body, in dorsal view, X 15.

GenusTravisia Johnston,1840 ments,and in having a pair of shortdorsalanal cirri

at end of anal cylinder (fig. 6).
Travisia kerguelensis Mcintosh, 1885
Distribution: Antarctic Peninsula; in moderate
Plate XVII, figs.4, 5
Mcintosh,1885, pp. 357-359,
pl. 43, fig. 10; pl. 36A, figs. 1, 2. Anse Betsy,
KerguelenIslands,in 25 fms. Travisia lithophila Kinberg,1866
Ehlers,1897, p. 97. Strait of Magellan,in 20--25
fms. Plate XVII, figs. 7-10
Ehlers,1900a,p. 13. Strait of Magellan. Travisia lithophilaKinberg, 1866, p. 256. Off Port
Ehlers,1901, p. 170. Strait of Magellan. Jackson,New South Wales, in 12-20 fms.
Willey, 1902,p. 276. CapeAdare,in 7-10 fms. Kinberg, 1858-1910, p. 66, pl. 25, fig. 4. New
Ehlers,1912, p. 23. CapeAdare, in 17-20 fms. South Wales.
Monro, 1930, pp. 165-167, fig. 67. 5348' to Augener,1922, pp. 32-33. Redescription of type.
6317'S, 35e to 58eW, in 160-970 m. Hartman, 1952, p. 232. 6525'S, 10113'E; in 100
Augener,1932b,pp. 43-44. Peter I and Deception fms.
islands, in 30-36 m.
Monro, 1936, p. 165. 45e to 50eS, 58 to 59eW, in Diagnosis:Lengthof body48 mm; setigersnumber
141-545 m. 52-53. Body prolonged,spindle-shaped. Epithelium
Monro, 1939, p. 133. Enderbyand Mac. Roberston finely reticulated. Prostomium with a pair of nuchal
lands, in 219-220 m. organs at postectal margins (fig. 7); first setigerand
Fauvel,1941,pp. 290-291. Off CapeHorn. oral slit (fig. 8) in same transverse line. Branchiae
Hartman, 1953, p. 48. Port Albemarle,Falkland presentfrom secondsetiger. Parapodiainconspicuous
Islands, in 40 m. in anterior region, better developedfrom setigers13
Knox, 1962, p. 346. Mac. RoberstonLand. or 14, and increasingin sizefartherback; neuropodia
vanishon last 10 segments, and notopodiaon last 2
Diagnosis:Length of body 20-40 mm; width 7-8 to 3. A genital pore, locatedin front of neurosetal
mm; segmentsnumber23-27. Body dull whitish,ap- fascicle,presentfrom setigers3 to 14 but not large
pearingminutelydotted;thickestat middleand taper- beforesetiger7. Typical parapodiawith inconspicu-
ing to both ends (fig. 4). The last 10 to 11 segments ous lobes and long branchiae (fig. 10). Pygidium
with parapodiaand lateral crenulations, the degreeof with evertedanal disk (fig. 9).
laciniations increasing posteriorly. Anal cylinder
Distribution: Southeastern Australia and eastern
abrupt after the last parapodialsegment(fig. 5),
about as long as the last 4 segments.Branchiaere- sector of Antarctica; in shallow to moderate depths.
tractile, inconspicuous.
Distribution:Strait of Magellan;KerguelenIslands;
Antarctic areas; Falkland Islands; in shallow to mod- Travisia nigrocincta Ehlers,1913
erate depths. TravisianigrocinctaEhlers,1913, p. 525. 6532'S;
85 30'E; in 2725 m.

Travisia kerguelensis gravieri Monro, 1930 Diagnosis:Length of body 34 mm; width 6 mm;
segmentsnumber 25; shapespindle-form.Segmental
Plate XVII, fig. 6 groovesobscure.Epitheliumthin-walled;body black-
ringed. Prostomiumshort,conical,lacksappendages.
Travisia kerguelensis gravieri Monro, 1930, p. 167,
Oral aperturea medianlongitudinalfurrow extending
fig. 68. 64e48' to 64e56'S, 63 to 65W; in 295
and 315 m. through first 3 segments.Anterior segmentstrian-
nulatedand posteriorsegments biannulated,the para-
Diagnosis:This differs from the stem speciesin podiaon the anteriorring. Notopodiaandneuropodia
absenceof papillationor laciniationsof terminal seg- closetogether. Branchiaeperhapsabsent. Posterior

end a short cone, the anal aperture boundedby Augener,1932b,p. 56. BridgemanIsland,in 750m.
papillae. Diagnosis'
Distribution:Wilhelm II Coast;in abyssaldepths. conspicuous
shield on ventral side of posteriorend
(fig. 1). Anterior thoracic segmentswith acicular
spines,frequentlywithdrawninto anteriorend.
Travisia olens Ehlers, 1897
Distribution: Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific oceans; Ant-
Plate XVII, fig. 11 arctic areas; cosmopolitan;
in moderatedepths.
TravisiaolensEhlers,1897,p. 98, pl. 6, figs.162-163.
Strait of Magellan, in 30 fms.
Ehlers, 1900a, p. 13. Strait of Magellan. Family Capitellidae Grube
Ehlers,1901, p. 170. Strait of Magellan.
Gravier, 1911a, p. 113. Admiralty Bay, South KEY TO GENERA
Shetland Islands, at low tide.
Thorax consistsof 9 setigerous
Augener,1922, pp. 35-36. Redescriptionof type
segments .......... Capitella
Thorax consistsof 11 setigerous
Monro, 1930, p. 165, fig. 66. FalklandIslands,in
115 m.
segments ......... Notomastus
Augener,1932b, p. 43. SouthGeorgia,in 10 m.
Diagnosis' Length of body varies from 12 to 78
20to32.Lateral Genus
of parapodia
(fig. 11) onlast15 or 16 Capitellacapitata(Fabricius,
segments,thus differing from T. kerguelensis(see
1897,p. 117. Straitof
3 to 14. Magellan
in 1-10fms.
Ehlers,1901, p. 188. Strait of Magellan.
Straitof Magellan;
in shallow South
in 38m.
depths. Augener,1932a, p. 110. SouthGeorgia,in 20 m.
Hartman, 1953, p. 49. King Edward Cove and
Travisia sp. Maiviken, South Georgia, in 1-75 m; Cumber-
land East Bay (SouthFjord), SouthGeorgia,in
Travisiasp. Ehlers,1913, p. 525. 6531S,8414E;
in 2450 m.
195 m; Green Patch, Falkland Islands,in 7 m.

10mm. Diagnosis' First7 body segments withcapillary
20. setae
in notopodia and nearopodia. Notopodia ofseg-
ments8 and 9 with thick, longspines,and neuropodia
sector;in abyssal withsmalleruncini,like thosein abdominal
depths. Distribution'
estuarine areas.
Family Sternaspidae Carus
GenusSternaspis Otto, 1821
Sternaspis scutata (Renier,1807) Capitella capitata antarctica Monro, 1930

Plate XVIII, fig. 1 Capitellacapitatavar. antarcticaMonro, 1930,p. 164.

South Georgia,on kelp root.
scutataMonro, 1930, pp. 178-179. South
Georgia,SouthShetlandIslands,and Antarctic Diagnosis:Lengthof body110 mm; width2 mm;
Peninsula,in 155-1080 m. segments
number120. Setigeroussegments
8 and 9


lack capillarysetae.Male individualswith thick spine- GenusNotomastus Sars, 1851

like setaein which thoseof eighthsetigeroverliethose
Notomastus latericeus Sars, 1851
of ninth. Number of spinesin eighth setiger5 to 6,
and in ninth, 4 on either side. Abdominal tori better Plate XVIII, figs. 8, 9
developedthan in the stem species,C. capitata (see
above). NotomastuslatericeusEhlers, 1897, p. 117. Punta
Arenas, Strait of Magellan, intertidal.
Distribution: South Georgia; associatedwith kelp Ehlers,1901, p. 188. Strait of Magellan.
Ehlers, 1908, p. 130. East and south of Bouvet
Island, in 439 and 457 m.
Fauvel, 1916, p. 455. Whale Bay, South Orkney
Capitella perarmata (Gravier, 1911) Islands; at low tide.
Plate XVIII, figs. 2-6 Monro, 1930,p. 164. Cumberland WestBay, South
Georgia; in 110-160 m.
IsomastusperarmatusGravier, 1911a, p. 113, pl. 8, Augener, 1932b, p. 44. Peter I and Bridgeman
figs. 88-93; pl. 9, figs. 94-108. Admiralty Bay, islands; in 226-750 m.
South Shetland Islands; Petermann Island; low
Monro, 1939, pp. 132-133. Enderby and Mac.
tide to 10 m, mud and rocks.
Robertson lands; Sabrina coast; Kerguelen
Benham,1921, p. 105. Commonwealth Bay, George
Islands; intertidal to 1777 m.
Coast, in 3.5 fms, mud.
Hartman,1953, p. 49. Maiviken,SouthGeorgia;in
Augener, 1932b, pp. 44-45. Port Lockroy, South 75 m.
Georgia, in 40-50 m.
Monro, 1939, p. 132. 'Grotto Bay,' Kerguelen Diagnosis:Thoracic epitheliumconspicuously areo-
Islands, in 10 m. lated. Prostomiumconical, depressed,with paired
patch of eyespots(fig. 8). First segmenta smooth,
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 2545 mm; width about
biannulatedring. Next 11 segmentswith capillary
3 mm; segments number18-30 or more. First 7 seg-
setaein notopodiaand neuropodia. Abdominal seg-
mentswith capillarysetaeonly (fig. 2); neuropodiaof
ments with long-handledhooks in both rami. Ab-
setigers8 and 9 (figs. 3-4) with capillary setae,or
dominalnotopodiaof a segmentseparated by a narrow
also some long-handledhooded hooks (figs. 5-6).
Otherwise as in Capitella capitata (see above).
median space (fig. 9). Upper edges of abdominal
neuropodiaprolongedas a triangular vesicle. Con-
Distribution: South Shetland Islands; South spicuous genitalporeslocatedon anteriorabdominal
Georgia; KerguelenIslands; in shallowdepths. segments,betweenand behindthe podial rami.


Sternaspis scutate (Renier) (from Fauvel, 1927, fig. 76 a).

1. Entire body of animal, in ventral view, X 5.
Capitella perarmata (Gravier) (from Gravier, 1911, pl. 8, figs. 89, 92, 93, 97, 98).
2. Anterior end of body through tenth segment,in right lateral view, X 17.5.
3. Thoracic segments8 and 9 of male individual, in dorsalview, x 17.5.
4. Last 3 thoracic and first abdominal segment of female, in right lateral view, x 17.5.
5. Outer notoseta, from ninth segment, of male, x 85.
6. Notosetae from middle series of ninth setiger, x 85.
Notomastus (Clistomastus) lineatus (Claparde) (from Eisig, 1887, pl. 2, fig. 2).
7. Last 2 thoracic and first 2 abdominal segments,in dorsal view, enlarged.
NotomastuslatericeusSars (from Fauvel, 1927, figs. 49 b, c).
8. Prostomium with ocular spots, in dorsal view, enlarged.
9. Anterior abdominal segments showing genital pores posterior to parapodia, in dorsal view, enlarged.

Distribution: Arctic boreal, Atlantic and Pacific Ehlers, 1913, p. 539. Baie de l'Observatoire,Ker-
oceans;Antarctica; cosmopolitan;in shallowto great guelenIslands,with Macrocystis.
depths. Fauvel, 1916, p. 455. Stanley Harbour, Falkland
Islands, at low tide.
Abarenicola affinis affinis Wells, 1963, p. 142.
Notomastus (Clistomastus) lineatus Emended.
Diagnosis:Body consistsof 19 setigers;first bran-
Plate XVIII, fig. 7 chiaeon setiger7. Statocysts
present.First 3 setiger-
lineatusMonro, 1930, p. 164. 5351' ous annuli very conspicuously developed(fig. 1).
30"S, 3618'30"W, in 245 m. Nephridia6 pairs, openon setigers4 to 9.
Diagnosis:Lengthrangesfrom 14 to 100 mm. Pros- Distribution: New Zealand; Kerguelenand Falk-
tomiumconical,with pairedeyespots. Thoracicepithe- landsislands;MacquarieIsland; intertidal.
lium areolatedthrough first 6 segments.First segment
a smoothring. Segments2 to 12 with pointedsetae
in neuropodiaand notopodia. Abdominal segments
with long-handledhooks. Anterior abdominalnoto- Abarenicola assimilisassimilis (Ehlers,1897)
podia approachmiddorsallyso as to be nearly con- Arenicola assimilisEhlers, 1897, p. 103. South
tinuous(fig. 7). Lateralspacebetweennotopodiaand Georgiaand Strait of Magellan,in 1-2 fms.
neuropodiawith a vesicularorgan. Ehlers,1900a,p. 13. Strait of Magellan.
Distribution: Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic and Ehlers,1901, p. 177. Strait of Magellan.
Pacific oceans,?Falkland Islands; cosmopolitan;in Fauvel, 1936, p. 32. Patagonia.
moderatedepths. AbarenicolaassimilisassimilisWells, 1963, p. 133.

Notomastus (Clistomastus) sp. Diagnosis:Lengthof body 32-110 mm, excluding

tail end; colordarkto verypalegrayishbrown. Seg-
sp. Hartman,1953,p. 50. mentsinclude20 setigers.First branchiaeon setiger
King Edward Cove,SouthGeorgia; in 2-8 m. 8 or 9. Nephridia6 pairs,openingon setigers
4 to 9.
Oesophagealcaeca number 1 q- 4 to 1 q- 7.
Diagnosis: Prostomiumwithout eyes; body con-
sistsof 11 thoracicand 9 abdominalsetigers,a poste- Distribution:BeagleChannel,Strait of Magellan;
rior part lacking. Abdominalnotopodiawidely sepa- South Georgia; under stones.
rated middorsally.
Distribution: SouthGeorgia; in shallowdepths.
Abarenicola assimilis brevior Wells,1963

Family Arenicolidae Johnston Plate XIX, figs. 2, 3

The lugworms of southern regions have been Arenicolaassimilis Ehlers,1897,p. 103. BeagleChan-
emendedby Wells (1963, pp. 121-159). A barenicola, nel, Strait of Magellan.
with 5 subspecies
in 2 species,is represented. Ehlers, 1901, p. 13. Ensenada Santa Susana
(SusannaCove), Strait of Magellan.
ArenicolaclaparediPratt, 1901, p. 12. FalklandIs-
GenusAbarenicola Wells, 1959 lands.

Abarenicola affinis affinis (Ashworth,1902) Arenicolaassimilis

affinisAshworth,1912,p. 124,pl.
10, fig. 29; pl. 13, fig. 45; text figs. 56-58.
Plate XIX, fig. 1
Strait of Magellan.
ArenicolaassimilisaffinisBenham,1909, pp. 246-247. Abarenicolaassimilisbrevior Wells, 1963, p. 133.
MacquarieIsland. Lapataia,BeagleChannel.

Diagnosis'Lengthof body 26 to 95 mm, without 3. Neuropodialuncini of anteriorsegments

tail; segmentsinclude 19 setigers. Lateral lobe of rostrate,with shortstem (pl.
prostomiumbroadly Y-shaped (fig. 2) and surface XXII, fig. 3) ...... Micromaldane
epitheliumareolated. First branchiaepresentfrom Neuropodialuncini of anterior segments
setiger 7 or 8. Oesophageal caecaone long anterior with long stems ......... 4
and 9 to 14 (fig. 3) shorter. 4. Pygidiumwith well developedplaque
,4. claparediPratt (1901) from the FalklandIslands (pl. XXII, fig. 7) ...... Nicomache
is not the sameas this speciesfrom the Mediterranean Pygidium without, or with weakly
Sea (fig. 5), in which the prostomiumis not broadly developed, plaque ........ 5
Y-shaped. 5. Nuchalorganscrescentic.... Notoproctus
Distribution' Strait of Magellan and Falkland Is- Nuchal organsV-shaped. . Lumbriclymenella
lands. 6. Anal poredorsalto analplaque(pl.
XXI, fig. 11) .......... 7
Anal pore within anal plaque ..... 8
Abarerticola assimilis irtsularum Wells, 1963 7. Cephalicplaquewith conspicuous keel. Maldane
Cephalicplaquewithout keel .... ,4sychis
Plate XIX, fig. 4 8 Anal cirri numerousand none clearly
midventral ......... Isocirrus
,4renicolaassimilisaffinisEhlers,1912,p. 25. Auck-
land Island. Anal cirri with 1 clearly midventral . . . 9
9. A deepencirclingcollar on fourth
Benham, 1921, p. 108. Macquarie Island, under
stones. setigeroussegment ..... Clymenella
Without collar on fourth setigerous
Monro, 1939, p. 133. 'Bras Bossire,'Kerguelen
Islands, shore. segment ............ 10
10. Posterior end without funnellike
Fauvel, 1952, p. 298. Port-aux-Franqais,
Islands. depression ........ Praxillella
,4barenicolaassimilisinsularurnWells, 1963, p. 134. Posteriorend with funnellikedepression . . 11
KerguelenIslands,intertidal. 11. Each of first 3 neuropodiawith one or a
few thick spines ...... Euclymene
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 150 mm; width 18 mm; Eachof first 3 neuropodiawith rostrate
segmentsinclude 19 setigers. First branchiae on uncini like those farther back . . ,4xiothella
setiger8 and continuedon 12 segments.Setigerous First neuropodiawithoutsetaeor
annuli widely separatedin anteriorend of body (fig. spines.......... Maldanella
4). Oesophageal caecanumber1 long q- 4 to 6 short.
Distribution: Auckland and Macquarie islands;
KerguelenIslands. GenusAsychisKinberg,1867
Asychis amphiglypta (Ehlers,1897)
Family Maldanidae Malmgren Plate XIX, fig. 6
Ehlers,1897,p. 119,pl. 8, figs.
1. Anterior end without a distinctcephalic 187-193. South Georgia.
plaque ............ 2 ,4sychis
1911,p. 35, pl. 1,
Anterior end with a distinct cephalic 27-31; pl. 2, figs. 55-58. South Georgia and
plaque (pl. XXI, fig. 8) ...... 6 South Shetland Islands, in 75 to 360 m.
2. Somesegments with collars(pl. XXIII, Monro, 1930, p. 172. South Georgiaand Palmer
fig. 10); uncini in double rows. . Rhodine Archipelago,in 23 to 391 m.
withoutcollars;unciniin single Monro, 1936,pp. 169-170,fig. 31. SouthGeorgia,
rows ............. 3 in 88-273 m.
. i


Diagnosis:Length of body 100-230 mm; width 4 other (fig. 7). First setigerwith 3 ventral uncini;
mm; segmentsinclude 19 setigers. Cephalicplaque other neuropodiawith more numerousrostrateuncini
very oblique,with smoothmargin,dividedinto 3 lobes (fig. 9) in singleseries.Anusa shortconesurrounded
by a pair of deep lateral notches.First setigerlacks by circletof about15 short,equallylong cirri, and a
neuropodial hooks. Posterior end with a single muchlongermidventralcirrus (fig. 8).
achaetouspreanal segment.Ventral plaque (fig. 6)
Distribution: South Orkney Islands and Peter I
oblique;ventrallyit forms a deeppouchseparatedby
Island; in 200-344 m.
deep lateral incisionsfrom the more dorsal part of
the plaque; its margin smoothor with 3 small cirri, a
pair lateral and one terminal.
Axiothella quadrimaculata Augener,1914
Distribution: South Georgia and Palmer Archi-
pelago; in moderatedepths. Plate XX, fig. 1

Nicomache sp.Ehlers,1913,pp. 544-545,pl. 42, figs.

12-15. Baie de l'Observatoire,
GenusAxiothella Verrill, 1900 Axiothellaquadrimaculata Augener,1914,pp. 70-72,
Axiothella antarctica Monro, 1930 pl. 1, fig. 10. SouthwesternAustralia, in 11-
12.5 m.
Plate XIX, figs. 7-9 Monro, 1939, pp. 135-136. PasseRoyale (Royal
Sound), KerguelenIslands,in 20-50 m.
AxiothellaantarcticaMonro, 1930, pp. 175-176, figs.
72 a-c. Off Signy Island, SouthOrkney Islands, Diagnosis:Length 6 mm; width 0.5 mm; body
in 207-344 m.
with 17 to 18 setigers,and one preanal asetigerous
Augener,1932b, p. 49. Peter I Island, 6850'S, segment.Anal funnel with a distal crenulatemargin
9035'W, in 200 m. (fig. 1). Prostomium(fig. 1) with two groupsof
Monro, 1936,p. 168, fig. 30. SouthOrkneyIslands, ocelli. Each of the first 8 setigerous
with 1
in 244-344 m.
or 2 dark spotsat eitherside; eachsideof buccalseg-
ment with a pair of spots. Rostrateuncini without
Diagnosis:Fragment with 8 setigeroussegments;
barbules. Somesetaesubspatulate.
length 36 mm; width 1 mm. Color uniformly pale
green exceptfor white glandularareas. Prostomium Distribution: SouthwesternAustralia; New Zealand;
without eyes. Nuchal organs long, parallel to each KerguelenIslands; in shallowdepths.

Plate XIX

Abarenicola affinis affinis (Ashworth) (from Wells, 1963, fig. 4).

1. Anterior end with proboscis everted, in left lateral view, x 5.
Abarenicola assimilis brevior Wells (from Ashworth, 1912, pl. 13, fig. 45 and text fig. 57).
2. Anterior end of body, in dorsal view, enlarged.
3. Oesophagealglands at anterior end of alimentary canal, enlarged.
A barenicolaassimilisinsularumWells (from Wells, 1963, fig. 4).
4. Anterior end of body, in left lateral view, x 5.
Abarenicola claparedi (Levinsen) (from Wells, 1963, fig. 7).
5. Anterior end of body, in left lateral view, x 5.
Asychisamphiglypta (Ehlers) (from Monro, 1936, fig. 31).
6. Anal plaque, with 3 short cirriform processes,x 5.
Axiothella antarctica Monro (from Monro, 1930, figs. 72 a, c, and Monro, 1936,fig. 30).
7. Cephalic plaque, in dorsal view, x 25.
8. Anal end, in left lateral view, x 28.
9. Distal end of uncinus,in lateral view, x 1600.


GenusClymenella Verrill, 1873 Clymenella sp.

Clymenella ?minor Arwidsson,1911 Clymenellasp. Arwidsson,1911, p. 24. FalklandIs-
lands, in 16-17 m, in gravel, sand, shale,with
Plate XX, figs. 2-6
Clymenella?minor Arwidsson,1911, p. 24, pl. 1,
Diagnosis:Like precedingspeciesin that the ante-
figs. 17-22, pl. 2, figs. 44-46. FalklandIslands,
in 7-8 m.
rior marginof the fourthsetigerhas a collar. Differs
in that setigers5 to 8 havetheir anteriorpart banded,
Monro, 1930, p. 171. East Falkland,in 95-115 m.
and neuropodia1 to 3 haveweaklydeveloped hooks.
?Monro,1939, pp. 134-135. 6550'S,5423'E,off
EnderbyLand, in 220 m. Distribution: Falkland Islands; in shallowdepth,
Clymeneminor Fauvel, 1916, p. 460. Falkland Is- gravel,sand.
lands, at low tide.
Fauvel, 1936, pp. 33-34. Patagoniaand Falkland
Islands. GenusEuclymene Verrill, 1900
Diagnosis:Length of body 50 to 85 ram; width Euclymene grossa (Baird, 1873)
2.7-3 or 5 ram; bodywith 18 setigerous and 3 preanal
Plate XX, figs. 11-13
asetigerous segments.Cephalicplaque with straight
nuchalorgans (fig. 2). Prostomiumwith small ocelli ClymenegrossaBaird,1873,p. 95. Straitof Magellan.
wherelobejoins first segment(fig. 4). Fourthsetiger Ehlers,1901, pp. 190-192, pl. 25, figs. 1-4. En-
with a deepcollarat anteriormargin.First 3 segments senadaSantaSusana,Strait of Magellan,in sand.
eachwith 1 to 3 thick spinelikehooks(fig. 5). Neuro-
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 99 to 125 ram; width 6
setaefarther back, rostrate (fig. 6). Anal plaquesur-
ram; segments include19 setigerous and I long, pre-
roundedby a circletof about30 cirri alternatinglong
anal asetigerous (fig. 11). First 3 neuropodiaeach
and short, and a longer midventralone (fig. 3).
with singleacicularspines;other neuropodiawith a
Distribution: Falkland Islandsand EnderbyLand; series of rostrate uncini, each uncinus with barbules
in shallowto moderatedepths,fine sand, shell and (fig. 13). Cephalicplaquewith straightnuchalor-
kelp. gansand dorsaledgewith about12 crenulations(fig.

Plate XX

Axiot.hella quadrimaculata Augener (from Augener, 1914, pl. 1, fig. 10).

1. Entire animal, in right lateral view, x 62.
Clymenella minor Arwidsson (from Arwidsson,1911, pl. 1, figs. 17, 21, 22; pl. 2, figs. 44, 45).
2. Cephalic plaque with proboscis everted, in dorsal view, x 10.
3. Anal plaque, in posterior view, x 10.
4. Prostomial end, in ventral view, x 24.
5. Neuropodialsets from an anterior segment,enlarged.
6. Rostrate uncinus,in lateral view, enlarged.
?Clymenurasingularis (maldanid,genusindeterminable) (from Gravier,1907,pl. 5, figs. 38, 40, 41, 42, as Leiochonesingu-
7. Anterior end of body, in left lateral view, x 36.
8. Prostomium, in ventral view, x 36.
9. Posterior region of body, in right lateral view, x 36.
10. Neuropodial uncinus, in lateral view, x 635.
Euclymenegrossa (Baird) (from Ehlers, 1901, pl. 25, figs. 1, 3, 4).
11. Entire body, in right lateral view, x 1.
12. Cephalic plaque, in dorsalview, x 3.
13. Neuropodial uncinus,in lateral view, x 260.

12). Anal plaque surroundedby circlet of 14 to 30 and hook-shaped(fig. 1), comprisinglessthan half
shortlobes,alternatingirregularlyshorterand longer. of lengthof plaqueand followedby area transversely
ridged. Dorsal margin of plaque weakly crenulated.
Distribution:Strait of Magellan;intertidal,in sand.
First 3 setigeroussegmentswith thick acicular spines
(fig. 2), 1 in a fascicle. Rostrateuncini (fig. 3) from
fourth setiger. Well developedglandularbandsin first
GenusIsocirrus Arwidsson,1907
8 to 9 setigers,in front of setal ring. Notosetaeof
Isocirrus yungi Gravier, 1911 2 kinds: narrowly bordered with barbed tips, and
capillary barbedsetae. Anal plaquesurroundedby a
Plate XXI, figs. 1-3 circlet of 30 short cirri.
lsocirrusyungi Gravier, 1911a, pp. 122-125, pl. 9,
Distribution: Antarctic Peninsula; South Georgia;
fig. 109, pl. 10, figs. 115-120. PetermannIsland,
South Shetland Islands; Ross Sea; in intertidal to
at low tide, rocks.
Benham,1921, p. 106. 6632'S, 14139'E, in 157
fms, ooze.
Benham,1927, p. 128. McMurdo Sound,RossSea,
in 158-250 fms. GenusLumbriclymenella Arwidsson,1911
Clymene(Isocirrus)yungi Monro, 1930,pp. 171-172. Lumbriclymenella robusta Arwidsson,1911
South Georgia, South Shetlands,and Palmer
Archipelago,in 93-1080 m. Plate XXI, figs.4-7
Monro, 1936, p. 167. Off StromhessHarbor, South
LumbriclymenellarobustaArwidsson,1911, pp. 3-7,
Georgia,and PalmerArchipelago,in 93-178 m.
pl. 1, figs. 14; pl. 2, figs. 32-36. Maiviken,
Monro, 1939, p. 134. 6432'S, 6645'S,in 110-300
South Georgia,in 75 m.
Fauvel, 1916, pp. 456.457. Falkland Islands, in
Knox, 1962, p. 346. Mac. RoberstonLand. sand.
Diagnosis:Lengthof body to 170 mm; body with Monro, 1930, p. 170. 54'02'S to 6207'S,43 to
18 setigerousand 6 preanal asetigeroussegments. 62W, in 9-350 m.
Cephalic plaque almost at right angles to axis of Augener,1932b, p. 49. BouvetIsland and South
body, lacks keel. Nuchal organs slightly diverging Georgia,in 70-300 m, sand,gravel.

Plate XXI

Isocirrusyungi Gravier (from Gravier, 1911a,pl. 9, fig. 109; pl. 10, figs. 119, 120).
1. Cephalic plaque with prostomiumabove, showingtransverseridges, X 7.
2. Distal end of acicular seta from third segment, X 85.
3. Rostrate neuropodial uncinus, X 320.
Lumbriclymenellarobusta Arwidsson (from Arwidsson,1911, pl. 1, figs. 2, 4; pl. 2, figs. 34, 36).
4. Anterior end of body, in right lateral view, X 4.
5. Posterior end of body, in right lateral view, X 4.
6. Neurosetafrom an anterior neuropodium,enlarged.
7. Rostrate uncinus from a typical neuropodium,enlarged.
Maldane sarsi Malmgren (from Arwidsson,1907, pl. 6, figs. 196, 197).
8. Anterior end of body, in dorsal view, X 13.
9. Posterior end with anal plaque, in ventral view, X 10.
Maldane sarsi antarctica Arwidsson (from Arwidsson,1911, pl. 1, figs. 23, 26).
10. Anterior end of body indicating pigmentedareas,in right lateral view, X 5.
11. Posterior end of body, with everted proctodaeum,in right lateral view, X 5.
Maldanella antarctica Mcintosh (from Mcintosh, 1885, pl. 47, figs. 1, 2).
12. Anterior end of body, in right lateral view, X 1.
13. Cephalic plaque, in dorsal view, enlarged.

Monro, 1936,p. 169. 42 to 52S,60 to 61W, in Distribution:Boreal, Atlantic, Pacific,Arctic, and

90 to 350 m. Antarctic seas; cosmopolitan;in eurybathicdepths.
Monro, 1939, p. 136. Mac. RoberstonLand, in
163 m.

ofbody80-100mm;width2 to3 Maldane
of 19 setigerous
and3 preanal Plate
segments.Bodyvery slender.Dorsumof
anteriorend pigmented reddish brown.WithoutMaldane sarsiantarcticaArwidsson,1911,p. 32,pl.
cephalic(fig.4) or anal(fig.5) plaques.
Nuchal 1, figs.23-36;pl. 2, figs.50-54.Graham Coast
organsV-shaped. First4 neuropodiawithacicular andSouth Georgia,in 75-360m.
spines(fig.6); thereafter
(fig. Monro,1930,p. 169. PalmerArchipelago and
7). Analendupturned, witha shorttongue-shapedSouth ShetlandIslands, in 160-1080m.
process. Augener,1932b,p. 48. Bridgeman Island,in 750

Islands; Monro,
1936,p. 168.OffSignyIsland,
inmoderate Orkney Islands,
depths. Monro,
1939,p. 134.6703'S,
Hartman,1953, p. 10. SouthGeorgiaand Graham
Coast,in 75-360 m.
?Lumbriclymenella sp.
Diagnosis'Length of body 17 to 106 mm; width 2
sp.Ehlers,1913,p. 548. 6532'S,mm;bodywith19setigerous
and2 preanal
in 2725m. oussegments
(fig.11). Cephalic
witha long
A fragment,
55mmlongby1 mmwide.Analendwitha short, divergent,
thatof Notoproctus
or entire
A glandular
unknown. centondorsalsurface
lacks neurosetae; others with rows of uncini.
Distribution: Easternsectorof Antarctica; abyssal.
Graham Coast.

GenusMaldane Grube, 1860

Maldane sarsi Malmgren,1865 GenusMaldanella Mcintosh,1885

Plate XXI, figs.8, 9 Maldanella antarctica Mcintosh,1885

Plate XXI, figs. 12, 13
Maldane sarsi Ehlers, 1908, p. 132. East of Bouvet
Island, in 439-457 m, volcanicrock. MaldanellaantarcticaMcintosh,1885, pp. 394-396,
Fauvel, 1941, p. 291. Off Cape Horn, dredged. pl. 47, figs. 1, 2; pl. 25A, fig. 11. 4646'S,
4531'E, in 1375 fms.
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 55 to 110 mm; width 3
Monro, 1939, p. 135. Heard Island; Ingrid
to 3.5 ram; body with 19 setigerousand 2 preanal
Coastand Leopoldand Astrid Coast;
asetigeroussegments.Cephalicplaque with smooth
PrinceEdwardIsland, in depthsto 1266 m.
marginsand raisedkeel (fig. 8). Nuchalorgansshort.
Anal plaqueoblique,with entire marginsexceptfor Diagnosis:Length of body 110-125 mm; width
lateralnotches(fig. 9). Firstsetigerlacksneuropodia; 5-7 mm; body with 19 setigerousand 4 preanal
rostrateuncini presentfrom secondsetiger. Anterior asetigeroussegments. Nuchal organs short and
end of body pigmentedwith brown or dark patches, straight;edgeof cephalicplaquesomewhat crenulated
continuedon posteriorsegments.Tube cylindrical, laterally,and dorsalsurfacetransversely
ridged (fig.
thicklycoatedwith silty mud. 13). First 7 setigeroussegments crowded(fig. 12),

with glandularrings anteriorly; thereafter,segments Nicomache sp.

longer and glandular areas confinedto parapodial
parts. From fifteenthsetigerthe lateral pads joined Plate XXII, figs. 8-10
acrossthe backby a glandularband,and socontinued Nicomachesp. Monro, 1930, p. 173, figs. 71 a-g.
to end of body. Pygidial funnel surroundedby 30 Antarctic Peninsula, in 315 m.
short,equal cirri. Tube soft, mud-covered.
Monro, 1939, p. 136. Mac. RoberstonLand, in
Distribution: Crozet Islands and eastern sector of 219 m.

Antarctica;in abyssaldepths.
Diagnosis:Length of 8 anterior setigersis 52 mm
and width 4 mm; first 2 segmentsdorsally reddish
brown,mostintensealongcephalickeel (fig. 8), other-
GenusMicromaldane Mesnil, 1897 wise unpigmented.Prostomiumbluntly rounded in
Micromaldane ornithochaeta Mesnil, 1897 front, lackseyespots.Mouth very large, with folded
posterior lip. Anterior end with buccal segmentas
Plate XXII, figs. 1-5 long as first setiger. First 3 setigersall aboutequally
MicromaldaneornithochaetaFauvel, 1951, p. 767. long; fourth shorter,and setigers5, 6, and 7 about
Cape Margerie, Ad61ieCoast. equalto combinedlengthsof setigers2 and3. Presetal
glandularareason setigers4 to 7; reducedto area of
Diagnosis: Body short, posteriorly incomplete; uncinigerous padson setiger8. First 3 setigerseach
length4 to 6 mm; width 0.2 to 0.5 mm. Anterior end with 1 or 2 large simple acicular spinesin a neuro-
of body rounded (fig. 1), with 2 groups of eyes. podium. Anal funnelboundedby shortlobesof equal
Nuchal organsnearly straightand parallel. Notosetae size (fig. 9). Notosetaeof 3 kinds; some thick,
linear, geniculate,with serratedcuttingedge (fig. 4) borderedwith hirsutetip (fig. 10), othersdelicateand
and shorter,spatulate,with striations(fig. 5). Pygid- pennate, and still others simple capillary. Typical
ium broadly funnellike (fig. 2). Neurosetaerostrate, rostrateuncini with 3 teeth abovemain fang.
with shortstem (fig. 3).
Distribution: South Georgia, Antarctic Peninsula,
Distribution: France; Ireland; Ad61ie Coast. and Mac. Robertson Land; in 75 to 315 m.

GenusNicomache Malmgren,1865
GenusNotoproctus Arwidsson,1907
Nicomache lumbricalis (Fabricius,1780)
Notoproctus oculatus antarcticus Arwidsson,1911
Plate XXII, figs.6, 7
Plate XXII, figs. 11, 12
NicomachelumbricalisEhlers,1908,p. 134. 5428'S,
0330'E, in 457 m. Notoproctusoculatusvar. antarcticus Arwidsson,1911,
pp. 8-11, pl. 2, figs. 37, 38. Graham Coast,in
Diagnosis:Known for an anterior end only, which 920 m.
agrees with the boreal Nicomachelumbricalis (Fa-
bricius). Bodyconsistsof 22 setigerous
and 2 preanal Ehlers,1913, p. 547. 65>27'S,80>33'E,in 3397 m.
asetigeroussegments.Anterior end without distinct Monro, 1939, pp. 136-137, fig. 20 a-d. Mac.
plaque (fig. 6); anal end with simple plaque (fig. RobertsonLand and Lars and Ingrid Christensen
7). Dorsumof first 3 segmentsreddishbrown. Seg- coasts, in 218-437 m.
ments7 and 8 glandular. Tubes cylindrical,straight
Diagnosis:Length of body 30 mm; width 1 mm;
or somewhatcurved, coveredwith fine sand or coarser
with 18 setigerous
and 3 preanalasetigerous
or with 19 setigersand 2 preanalasetigerous
Distribution: Arctic boreal, Atlantic, Pacific, and
Cephalicshield well developedand at almost right
cosmopolitanareas; southof BouvetIsland; in mod- anglesto main axis of body, its marginswith lateral
erate depths. notches. Nuchal groovestransverseand crescentic;

11 12





eyesabsent. Usually setigeroussegments1 to 4 with minatesdistallyin a curvedfang surmounted

by 1 or
straight,slenderspines(fig. 11). Rostratespineswith 2 teeth (fig. 14).
large main fang and at least4 teethabove (fig. 12). Distribution: Antarctic Peninsula.
Tubesstraight,free from one another,sand-incrusted.

Distribution:Off Antarcticmainland;in deepto GenusPraxillella Verrill, 1881

Praxilella abyssorum (Mcintosh,1885)
Plate XXII, figs. 15, 16
Praxilla abyssorum Mcintosh,1885,pp. 408-409, pl.
GenusPetaloproctus Quatrefages,
1865 46, figs. 10, 11; pl. 37A, fig. 5; pl. 39A, figs.1,
10. 5255'S, 10835'E, in 1950 fms; between
?Petaloproctus sp. Antarctica and Australia.

Plate XXII, figs. 13, 14 Diagnosis:Lengthof body58 mm; widthhardly2

mm; consistsof 19 segments.Cephalicplaqueoblique
sp. Gravier, 1907, pp. 44-46, pl. 5, (fig. 16), with a slightlythickenedmarginall around
figs. 43, 44; text figs. 27-29. Wiencke Island,
from stomach of fish.
and a pair of deep,lateral notches(fig. 15). Eachof
the first 4 setigerswith thick, simplespinesin neuro-
Diagnosis:Lengthof 5 anteriorsegmentsis 25 ram; podia. Notosetaeof 2 kinds, some limbate, others
width 3 mm. Prostomiumlacksdistinctplaque (fig. slender,capillary. Rostratehooksfrom setiger5, each
13), fused with first segment.Segmentsincreasein hookwith a large fang surmounted by 3 smallerteeth.
length from first to third. Notosetaeof 2 kinds, both Tube whitish,composedalmostentirely of diatoms,
long, slender; one with coarse,dark shaft, the other massivereticulatedstructures,perhapsradiolarians,
slendererand colorless.Each of first 4 neuropodia and slender,cylindricalspicules;lined by a hyaline
with 2 or 3 thick spines,terminatingdistallyin blunt
tip. Rostrateuncini presentfrom setiger5; eachter- Distribution:Antarctica,easternsector;abyssal.

Plate XXII

MicromaldaneornithochaetaMesnil (from Fauvel, 1927, fig. 67 m, n, o, q, r).

1. Anterior end of body, in ventrolateralview, x 65.
Posterior region, in lateral view, x 60.
Abdominal rostrate uncinus, X 420.
Geniculate notopodial seta, in lateral view, X 420.
Spatulare notopodial seta, enlarged.
Nicomachelumbricalis (Fabricius) (from Arwidsson,1907, pl. 2, figs. 63, 67).
6. Anterior end of body,in right lateral view, X 6.
7. Posterior end, in ventral view, X 4.5.
Nicomachesp. (from Monro, 1930, figs. 71 a, c, g).
8. Anterior end throughfirst setigeroussegment,in dorsalview, X 7.
9. Anal funnel and posteriorend of body, in left lateral view, X 7.
10. Tip of thick, hirsute seta, X 192.
NotoproctusoculatusantarcticusArwidsson(from Arwidsson,1911, pl. 2, figs. 37, 38).
11. Acicular seta from anterior neuropodium,enlarged.
12. Rostrate uncinus from posterior neuropodium, enlarged.
Petaloproctussp. (from Gravier, 1907, pl. 5, fig. 43; text fig. 29).
13. Anterior end of body, in ventrolateralview, X 6.
14. Rostrate neuropodial uncinus, in lateral view, X 120.
Praxillella abyssorum(Mcintosh) (from Mcintosh, 1885, pl. 46, figs. 10, 11).
15. Cephalic plaque, in dorsal view, enlarged.
16. Anterior end of body, in right lateral view, enlarged.


Praxi!!e!!a kerguelensis (Mcintosh,1885) conicalto globularpapillae. Each of first 3 neuro-

podia with simple,thick spines.Anterior marginsof
Plate XXIII, fig. 1
fourth and fifth segmentswith a collar (fig. 1). Next
Praxilla kerguelensisMcintosh,1885, pp. 405-406, pl. 5 segments with conspicuously markedwhite band at
46, fig. 7; pl. 25A, fig. 6. Off Baie de Londres, anteriormargin. Setal fascicleswith alternatingthick
KerguelenIslands,in 110 fms. and slender setae, the thick with modified narrow
Ehlers,1900a, p. 14. Strait of Magellan,in 10-15 wings, and the slenderwith tapered tips. Rostrate
fms. uncini eachwith 5 teeth abovethe main fang.
Clymenekerguelensis Ehlers, 1897, p. 122. Beagle
Distribution:KerguelenIslands;Strait of Magellan;
Channel, in 1-2 fm.
Antarctica;in shallowto moderatedepths.
Ehlers,1901, p. 192. Strait of Magellan,in 1-15
Fauvel,1916,p. 457. FalklandIslands,at low tide,
in sand.
GenusRhodine Malmgren,1865
Monro,1930,p. 171. Cumberland WestBay,South Three specieshave beenrecordedin this genus,all
Georgia,in 110 m, mud and rock. diagnosedbelow,but it is possiblethat they are refer-
Monro,1939,p. 134. 6703'W,7429'E,in 437 m. able to the cosmopolitanR. loveni Malmgren (see
ClymeneassimilisEhlers,1897,p. 123. BeagleChan- Monro, 1930, p. 170, and Monro, 1939, p. 136).
nel, Strait of Magellan.
Ehlers,1901, p. 192. Strait of Magellan.
Praxilla assimilisEhlers, 1900a, p. 15. Puerto Euge- Rhodine antarctica Gravier, 1907
nia, BeagleChannel,in 10-15 fms.
Plate XXlII, figs. 6-8
Praxillella antarcticaArwidsson,1911, pp. 19-24, pl.
1, figs.12-15; pl. 2, figs.42-43. GrahamCoast, Rhodine antarcticaGravier, 1907, pp. 39-42, pl. 4,
in 360 m. figs. 33-37. Port Charcot,in 40 m.
Augener, 1932b, p. 51. Peter I Island and Port
Diagnosis:Lengthof bodyto 87 mm; width 2.8-4
Lockroy, in 70-380 m.
mm; body with 19 setigerous and 6 preanalasetiger-
ous segments,in which the first 3 preanalsegments Diagnosis:Lengthof body about 17 mm; width 0.9
butno setae,andthelast3 aresmooth mm. Prostomiumfusedwith first setigeroussegment,
rings. Cephalicplaquewith expandedmargin and lackinga transversefold, and not set off from buccal
lateralnotches(fig. 1). Probosciswith large,distinct, region. Anterior margin of secondsegmentcollared


Praxillella kerguelensis(Mcintosh) (from Mcintosh, 1885,pl. 46, fig. 7).

1. Anterior end of body with everted proboscis,in left lateral view, enlarged.
Rhodine intermedia Arwidsson (from Arwidsson, 1911, pl. 1, figs. 5, 7, 10; pl. 2, fig. 39).
2. Anterior end of body showingcollarsand pigmentedareas, in left lateral view. X 5.
3. Prostomium and nuchal ridges, in dorsal view, x 5.
4. Seventeenthsetiger, in dorsal view, x 5.
5. Posteriorneuropodialuncinus,in lateral view, enlarged.
Rhodine antarctica Gravier (from Gravier, 1907, pl. 4, figs. 33, 35, 36).
6. Entire body, in left lateral view, X 11.
7. Anal plaque, in posteriorview, x 29.
8. Neuropodialuncinus,in lateral view, x 635.
Rhodine loveni Malmgren (from Arwidsson,1907, pl. 2, figs. 39 a, 50, and Gravier, 1911, pl. 11, fig. 133).
9. Anterior end of body to sixth setiger, in dorsal view, x 4.
10. Posterior end of body, in ventrolateral view, x 7.5.
11. Rostrate uncinus, in lateral view, X 635.

(fig. 6) andthird onelessso. The second

andthird Rhodine loveni Malmgren,1865
longerthan thosefollowing,and,
Segments Plate
14 to 19 with glandularbandsin front of uncinal Rhodine
loveniWilley,1902,p. 276. Off CapeAdare,
ridges (fig. 6). Uncini occur in double rows on in 8 fms.
setigers5 to 12, and in singlerows from setiger13 Gravier, 1911a,pp. 125-128, pl. 9, figs. 110-112;
to the end; the last 4 segmentsvery short. Rostral pl. 10, fig. 114; pl. 11, fig. 133. Off CapeAdare,
uncini with a transversegroove acrosswidest part in8m.
(fig. 8). Anal plaquewith entire raisedmargin (fig.
Diagnosis:Length of body 70-80 mm; segments
7). Differs from A. loveniby lackingtransversefold
behind head. number at least 24. Tube externallycoveredwith
agglutinatedparticlesof blackand red sand. Cephalic
Distribution: Off Thurston Island and Palmer end separatedfrom body segments by dorsalgrooves
in 40-380m. anda lowkeel (fig. 9). Second
andthird segments
eachwith a collarincisedmiddorsally(fig. 9). Setiger-
oussegments17 to 24 campanulate,with collars,which
increasein depthposteriorly(fig. 10). Ventral glan-
1911 dular
4to9. Neuropodial
PlateXXIII, figs.2-5 in doublerowsfrom setigers5 to 14, and in single
seriesthereafter; each uncinuswith large beak sur-
pl. mounted
1, figs.5-11; pl. 2, figs.3941. SouthGeorgia,in
1-75 m. Distribution: Arctic boreal; Atlantic, Pacific, and
1921,pp. 105-106.Commonwealth
Bay, Antarctica;
in eurybathic
Boat Harbor, in 3.5 fms.
Monro, 1930, p. 170, fig. 70. SouthGeorgia,in 17-
270 m. Genus indeterminable

Monro, 1939, p. 136. Tie Longue (Long Island), Plate XX, figs. 7-10
Kerguelen Islands,in 2-20 m.
Knox, 1962, p. 346. Mac. RoberstonLand. LeiochonesingularisGravier,1907, pp. 42-44, pl. 5,
figs.38--42; text figs.25, 26. BoothIsland,at low
Diagnosis: Tube uniformly slender,straight, well tide.
with dark, largesandgrains;measures2 ?[Leiochone]
1911,p. 31. King
mm outside,
and 1.2 mm insidediameter.Lengthof EdwardCove,SouthGeorgia,in 2-8 m.
large specimensis 67 mm, width 1.1 mm, and seg-
endof 12segmentsDiagnosis'Length
ofbody 14mm; width 0.6mm;
by1.7mm wide.
number 19.Body slenderand lacking pig-
ment. Prostomiumbroadly rounded, with series of
secondsetigerlong and slender. Nuchal organs ap-
(fig.3). Collars
(fig.7) in crescentic
segments2 and 3 (fig. 2) only slightly, or not at all, boundedby a thick lower lip (fig. 8). Peristomium
incised middorsally. Posterior collars reappear on fused with prostomiumand separatedfrom the first
to setigerous
6 segments
2 shorter,
andsegments9 to17proportionately
(fig. 4). Setigeroussegments3 to 9 or 10 with seg- longer (fig. 9). Each of first 3 setigerswith I or 2
mentalbandsbelowand at sidesof parapodia. Uncini thick acicular spinesin neuropodia,thereafterwith
4 to14.Uncini withlargeseries
of short-handled
byI (fig.5) orfewteeth. Pygidium
This speciesdoes not ally itself with Clymenura
Distribution: South Georgia; KerguelenIslands; Verrill (-- LeiochoneArwidsson,1970) becauseit
Port Charcot;Commonwealth Bay and Antarctica;in seemsto lack a large, midventralgland shieldchar-
shallowdepths. acteristicof the latter. The short-handled rostrate

hooks recall those of Micromaldane ornithochaeta

(fig. 1). Tube membranous,externallycoveredwith
(seeabove) but the 2 speciesdiffer in other respects. globigerina, internally lined with tough membrane.
Prostomiumroundedin front, lacksappendages.First
Distribution: Booth Island, Palmer Peninsula,and
3 setigeroussegmentsshortest,with notopodialcapil-
South Georgia; in intertidal depths.
laries, without neuropodia. Other segmentslonger,
cylindrical,with uncinalridgesand long setae. Each
uncinuswith long stem and recurred, bifid tip.
Genus and species indeterminable
Distribution: Arctic boreal; Atlantic, Pacific, and
?Leiochonesp. Ehlers, 1913, pp. 547-548. Baie de other oceans; Alexander Island and Mac. Robertson
l'Observatoire,KerguelenIslands. Land; in eurybathicdepths.
Diagnosis:Lengthof body5.5 mm; width 1 mm for
8 anterior segments.Prostomiumwith a pair of black
eyespots in irregular transverserows. Cephalicplaque GenusOwehis delle Chiaje, 1844
with a low crest; nuchalfurrowsconvergeposteriorly.
Buccalsegmenta smoothring fusedwith cephalicend. ?Owehis sp.
First 5 segmentsshorterthan thosefollowing,with
the first one the shortest.Each of first 3 setigerswith ?Owehissp. Ehlers,1913,p. 548. 6532'S,8530'E,
in 2725 m.
a row of 2 or 3 hooks on a side, these with a main
fang surmounted by 7 smallteeth. Uncinifrom fourth Diagnosis:Known for tube fragmentsonly; these
setigerare rostrateand occurin a singlerow; poste- taperedto bothextremitiesand externallycoveredwith
riorly theycometo number7 in a row. Tubecovered coarsesand grains.
with coarse sand grains.
Distribution: Cosmopolitan;Antarctica; in mod-
Distribution:KerguelenIslands. erateto abyssaldepths.

Family Oweniidae Rioja

Family Sabellariidae Johnston
(pl. XXIV, fig. 1); lackstesselated Opercularpaleaein 2 visiblerows;
anterior end with thick dorsal nuchal
peristomialmembrane..... Myriochele
Bodylarger; anteriorend with tesselated hooks .......... Idanthyrsus
lobes ............ Owehis Opercularpaleaein 3 visiblerows; without
thick dorsal nuchal hooks . . Phragmatopoma

GenusMyriochele Malmgren, 1867

Myriochele heeri Malmgren,1867 GenusIdanthyrsus Kinberg, 1867

Plate XXIV, fig. 1 Idanthyrsus armatus Kinberg, 1867

Myriocheleheeri Augener,1932b,p. 47. Port Lock- Plate XXIV, figs. 2-5

roy and BridgemanIsland,in 90-750 m. Pallasia sexungulaEhlers, 1897, p. 125, pl. 8, figs.
Fauvel,1936, p. 33. 7000'S, 8048'W. 194-202. Strait of Magellan, in 12-13 fms.
Monro, 1939, p 137. Off Mac. RoberstonLand, in
Ehlers, 1900a, p. 15. Admiralty Sound,Strait of
219 m.
Magellan, in 20 fms.
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 10 mm; width 0.8 mm; PallasiaarmataEhlers,1901, p. 195. Strait of Magel-
segmentsnumber about 27. Body long, vermiform lan.

Sabellaria macropaleaPratt, 1901, p. 13. Falkland Kinberg, 1858-1910, pp. 70-71, pl. 27, fig. 4.
Islands, intertidal, under stone. Strait of Magellan.
ldanthyrsusarmatusMonro, 1930, p. 177, fig. 73. Hartman, 1944, pp. 351-352, pl. 35, figs. 77, 78.
East Falkland, in 79-115 m. Strait of Magellan.
Monro, 1936, p. 172. Falkland Islands; South SabellariamacropaleaPratt, 1901, p. 13. Falkland
Georgia;very commonin shallowdepths. Islands, intertidal, under stones.
Pallasia pennata Fauvel, 1941, pp. 291-292. Punta
Arenas, Strait of Magellan. Diagnosis:Operculumdistallysubcircular(fig. 6),
with dark convexdisk,composed of 3 rowsof paleae;
Diagnosis:Length of body 7-10 mm. Operculum
outermostpaleaeeachwith 2 teeth at outer distal mar-
with 2 rowsof paleae; opercularpeduncles completely
gin. Anterior thoracic notosetalpaleae, with broad
separated.Paleaegoldenor yellow,the outerrow di-
tip (fig. 7); farther back notosetaeslenderer,laterally
rectedout (fig. 2), each with lateral serrations(fig.
serrated (fig. 8). Abdominal uncini usually each
4). Inner paleaelong,smooth,with narrow,transverse
with 6 teeth along the cutting edge.
striae. Nuchal hooksnumber 2 or 3 pairs. Thoracic
parapodiawith broad, flat, paleal setae(fig. 3). Ab- Distribution: Strait of Magellan; Falkland Islands;
dominal neuropodiawith uncini marginally dentate intertidal.
(fig. 5). Branchiaepresenton all but the last few
Distribution: Chile, sub-Antarctic islands, South Family Pectinariidae Quatrefages
Georgia,and FalklandIslands;intertidaland in mod-
erate depths. GenusCistenides Malmgren,1866

Cistenides ehlersi (Hessle, 1917)

GenusPhragmatopoma MSrch, 1863
Plate XXIV, figs. 9-13
Phragmatopoma virgini Kinberg, 1867
Pectinaria belgicaEhlers, 1901, pp. 204-205. Puerto
Plate XXIV, figs. 6-8 Harberton,Strait of Magellan,in 10-20 fms.
Phragmatopoma Firgini Kinberg, 1867, p. 349, Pectinaria ehlersi Hessle, 1917, p. 77, pl. 1, fig. 1,
'Bucket (sic) Island,' Strait of Magellan. text fig. 3. Tierra del Fuego.

Plate XXIV

Myriochele heeri Malmgren (from Malmgren, 1867, pl. 8, fig. 37).

1. Entire animal, in left lateral view, enlarged.
ldanthyrsusarmatusKinberg (from Monro, 1930, fig. 73, and Ehlers, 1897, pl. 8, figs. 196, 197, 202).
2. Anterior end of body, in ventral view, X 9.
3. Secondparapodium, in posteior view, x 14.
4. Palea from outer series of operculum, x 46.
5. Abdominal uncinus,in lateral view, x 490.
Phragmatopomavirgini Kinberg (from Kinberg, 1858-1910, pl. 27, figs. 4 b, gu, and gs.
6. Anterior end of body, in dorsal view, enlarged.
7. Thoracic palea from third parapodium,enlarged.
8. Thoracic notoseta from segment 17, enlarged.
Cistenidesehlersi (Hessle) (from Nilsson, 1928, figs. 10 a, b, and Hessle, 1917, figs. 3 b, c, e).
9. Anterior end, in ventral view, x 7.
10. Posterior end, in left lateral view, x 27
11. Scaphalhook, x 200.
12. Short seta, X 200.
13 Uncinus. in lateral view, x 690.

Monro, 1936, pp. 172-173. 4922'S,6010'W,in 6. Branchiaenumber4 pairs ...... 7

242-249 m. Branchiae number 3 pairs ...... 10
Fauvel,1941, p. 292. AngosturaMurray (Murray Branchiaenumber2 pairs (pl. XXVI,
Narrows),off CapeHorn. fig. 6) ......... Melinnoides
ehlersiNilsson,1928, pp. 7. Posterior
endof bodyinflated(pl.XXVI,
33-37,fig.10. Patagonia. fig. 2) ......... Grubianella
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 21 mm; width 3 mm; Posterior end of body not inflated . . . 8
segments include
17 setigers,
of which13,or from 8. Branchiaefoliose (pl.XXVII,
4 to 6, areuncinigerous.
membrane (fig. fig.4) ......... Phyllocomus
9) with20to30processes.
Paleaenumberto15pairs. Branchiaenotfoliose ........ 9
Posteriorend of body with a pigmentedsaddle(fig. 9. Fifteenthnotopodium shoved
10) anda slenderer,
caudalend. Notosetae of 2 kinds: dorsal.......... Sosanopsis
withhirsutetips (fig. 12) Fifteenthnotopodium notshoved
and otherswith curvedtips stronglydenticulated on dorsal ........... 4mage
concaveside.Eachuncinus with4 largeteeth(fig. 10. Thoracic
17...... 11
13) in addition
to seriesof smaller
ones.Scaphal Thoracic setigers
14. . Neosabellides
curved(fig.11). Tubearenaceous,
11. Oraltentacles
bya folded
distally. membrane(pl.XXV,fig.8) . . . 4mythas
Straitof Magellan
andvicinity;in Oraltentacles
to 300m. (pl.XXVII,fig.6) ...... Samytha

GenusAmage Malmgren, 1866

Family Ampharetidae Malmgren
Amage sculpta Ehlers, 1908
Plate XXV, figs. 1, 2
1. Anteriorend with a pair of large dorsal
hooksand a serratedmembrane(pl. Amage sculptaEhlers, 1908, p. 141, pl. 20, figs. 1-9.
XXVI, fig. 4) behindbranchial East of Bouvet Island, in 439--457 m.
bases........... Melinna Hessle,1917, p. 121. Erebusand Terror Gulf,
Anterior end withoutlarge dorsalhooks GrahamCoast,in 360 m.
....... 2 Benham,
1927,p. 121. RossSea,in 160fms.
2. Paleae
end(pl.XXV, Monro,
fig.3) ............ 3 OrkneyIslands,and Deception
absentat anterior
end(pl.XXV, Shetland
in 244-1080
fig. 1) ............ 6 Monro,
1936,p. 174.Schollaert
3. Paleal
thoracic Archipelago,
number15, the
first one very small...... Sosane Diagnosis:Bodythick,sluglike,abruptlytapered
conspicuous, thefirst posteriorly
(fig. 1). Lengthabout30 mm; width6
onenot small .......... 4 mm at widest part. Branchiaein each of 2 groups,
4. Thoracicsetigers
number14. . . Ampharetenot fusedbasally,andthe 2 groupswidelyseparated
number15 or more. . . 5 medially.First 2 pairs of thoracicnotopodia
5. Eleventhnotopodiumshoveddorsal; setaemoreor lessenclosedwithinthenotopodial
thoraxwith 15 setigers.... Anobothrus Abdominalneuropodia
number10 pairs. Dorsalcirri
Eleventhnotopodium notshoved
dorsal; well developed. Thoracicsetaeare borderedand
thoraxwith 17 setigers
.... Amphicteis capillary. Neuropodialuncini usuallywith 4 teeth

in lateral view (fig. 2), and in single rows, or the GenusAmphicteis Grube, 1850
third in a row may be paired.
Amphicteis gunneri antarctica Hessle,1917
Distribution: Bouvet Island; Graham Coast; Ross
Sea; South Orkney Islands; in moderatedepths. Plate XXV, figs. 6, 7

AmphicteisgunneriantarcticaHessle,1917, pp. 116-

117, pl. 1, fig. 10; text fig. 2lb. 5411' to
GenusAmpharete Malmgren, 1866
6519'S, 36o18' to 5648'W, in 5-400 m.
Ampharete kerguelensis Mcintosh,1885 Monro,1930,p. 184. SouthGeorgia;SouthOrkney
and South Shetlandislands,in 110-500 m.
Plate XXV, figs. 3-5
Augener,1932a,p. 113. SouthGeorgia,in 13 m.
AmpharetekerguelensisMcintosh, 1885, p. 426, pl. Augener,1932b,p. 57. SouthGeorgia,in 65-90 m.
47, fig. 10; pl. 26A, figs. 22-24. Cumberland Monro, 1936, p. 113. SouthGeorgia; SouthOrkney
Bay, KerguelenIslands,in 127 fms. and South Sandwich islands, in 244 to 653 m;
Ehlers,1913,p. 550. Wilhelm II Coast,in 350 m. Burdwood Bank, in 171-169 m.
Hessle,1917, p. 100. SouthGeorgiaand Kerguelen Monro, 1939, p. 138. Kerguelen Islands, in 10-
Islands, in 64-310 m. 132 m.

Augener,1932b,p. 57. BridgemanIslandand Port Hartman, 1952, p. 233. Rossand Peter I islands,in
Lockroy, in 90-750 m. 30-50 fins.
Monro, 1936,p. 173. 5458'S,3500'W,in 90-0 m. Hartman, 1953, p. 52. South Georgia,in moderate
Monro, 1939, p. 138. KerguelenIslands,in 150 m. depths.
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 10 to 20 ram; width 1.5 Diagnosis: Thoracicpaleaevery muchlongerthan
to 2 mm; consistsof 14 thoracic and 12 abdominal notosetae;eachterminatesdistallyin very slendertip
parapodialsegments.Thoracicpaleaenumber7 to 8 (fig. 7). Body consistsof 17 thoracicand 15 abdom-
on a side (fig. 3); eachthick and taperingto a long, inal setigeroussegments.Branchiae arranged in 2
slendertip (fig. 4). Branchiae4 pairs, insertedin a groupsof 4 each,the 2 groupsclearlyseparatedby a
straightrow (fig. 3), joined acrossdorsumby a trans- fold. Thoracicuncinifirst presentfrom fourthsetiger.
versefold. Dorsal cirri in abdomenvery little devel- Thoracic notosetaeare borderedcapillaries; each of
oped. Thoracicsetaeare borderedcapillaries.Tho- thoracic uncini with 5 to 7 teeth in a single row.
racic uncini with 2 vertical rows of 5 to 7 teeth (fig. Abdominalparapodiawith a prolongeddorsal cirrus
5) in a row. Abdominal uncini with 3 vertical rows (fig. 6). Tube constructedof mud, thick-walledover
of about 5 teeth each. Anus papillated. Tube thick- a membranous lining.
walled,of mud, with spongespicules.
Distribution:SouthGeorgia; SouthOrkney, South
Distribution: Kerguelen Islands; South Shetland Sandwich,and Kerguelenislands; RossSea; in 5 to
Islands;Antarctica; in moderatedepths. 400 m.

Ampharete sp. GenusAmythas Benham,1921

Ampharetesp. Fauvel, 1951, p. 767. Ad.61ieCoast. Amythas membrani]era Benham,1921
Diagnosis:Known for only 4 anterior setigerous Plate XXV, figs. 8-10
segments,3 mm long by 2 mm wide. Mouth sur-
mountedby a foliosemembrane. Branchiaenumber Amythasmembrani[eraBenham,1921, p. 102, pl. 10,
4 pairs, eachlong, wrinkled,recurvedat tip. Prosto- figs. 124-132. 6506'S, 9613'E, in 325 fins.
mium with brown eyes. Not clearly separablefrom Monro, 1939, pp. 141-142, figs. 24. a-d. Common-
either Anobothruspatagonicaor Ampharetekergue. wealth Bay, Ad61ieCoast; in 437 m.
lensis (see above).
Diagnosis:Body thick in front, tapersposteriorly;
Distribution: Ad61ie Coast. color brownishred in alcohol. Length of 29 setiger-

11 12

. 1


ous segmentsis 36 ram; width 9 mm acrossthorax or Diagnosis: Lengthof body without branchiaeabout
widest part. Thorax with 17 setigers. Prostomium 12 mm; width 1 mm; including15 thoracicand 12 ab-
entire or feebly trilobed, followedby a segmentpartly dominalsetigeroussegments.Prostomiumtrilobed,its
concealedby the branchial segment. Peristomium median lobe narrow and projecting in front of the
forminga ring behindthe prostomiumand, ventrally, outer paired lobes (fig. 13). Branchiae4 pairs, with
a lowerlip. The arch abovethe mouththicklycovered 3 pairs insertedin a transverseline, with the middle
with short, papilliform, clavate,smoothtentacles;be- one of each seriesprolonged(fig. 11) and the other
low this, a foldedmembraneoccupyingthe oral cavity 2 pairs shorter, the fourth pair inserted behind
(fig. 8). Branchiaenumber3 pairs, insertedin linear the 2 outer pairs; all branchiaesomewhatciliated.
arrangement,the 2 inner pairs extendingbackto about Oral tentacleswith short, papillar, lateral processes.
setiger15, the outermostpair considerably shorter;all First setigerimmediatelybehind the paleal fascicles,
fusedbasallyand insertedon a raisedfold; all bran- but obscure. Eleventh parapodium shoved dorsal,
chiae cirriform. Setae narrowly limbate, terminating its setaefaintly hirsute at tip. Thoracic uncini each
in delicatetips. Thoracicunciniwith 4 teethin lateral with 2 vertical rows of 4 teeth. Abdominal uncini
view, in each of 2 rows (fig. 9). Abdominal uncini broader, shorter, each with about 4 vertical rows of
eachwith 2 verticalrows of 3 to 4 teeth (fig. 10). 3 to 4 teeth (fig. 12). Abdominalparapodiawithout
dorsal cirri.
Distribution: Antarctica, eastern sector;
erate depths. Distribution: Off Lars and Ingrid Christensen
coasts;in moderatedepths.

GenusAnobothrus Levinsen,1883
Anobothrus patagonicus (Kinberg, 1867)
Anobothrus antarcticus Monro, 1939
Plate XXV, fig. 14
Plate XXV, figs. 11-13
AmpharetepatagonicaKinberg, 1867, p. 343. Pata-
AnobothrusantarcticusMonro, 1939, pp. 139-140, gonia.
figs. 22 a-e. Off Lars and Ingrid Christensen Ehlers, 1897, p. 129. Beagle Channel, Strait of
coasts, in 437 m. Magellan, in 7 fms.

Plate XXV

Amage sculpta Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1908, pl. 20, figs. 2, 9).
1. Entire body, in dorsalview, X 10.
2. Uncini, in frontal and lateral views, X 760.
Ampharete kerguelensisMcintosh (from Mcintosh, 1885, pl. 47, fig. 10; pl. 26a, figs. 23, 24).
3. Anterior end of body, in dorsal view, enlarged.
4. Distal end of palea from middle of the series, x 700.
5. Thoracic uncinus,in lateral view, X 700.
Amphicteis gunneri antarctica Hessle (from Hessle, 1917, pl. 1, fig. 10; text fig. 21 b).
6. Abdominal parapodium, enlarged.
7. Distal end of palea, enlarged.
Amythas membrani/era Benham (from Monro, 1939, figs. 24, a, c, d).
8. Oral region and tentacular membrane, seen from front, X 5.
9. Thoracic uncini, in frontal view, x 800.
10. Abdominal uncini, in frontal view, X 800.
Anobothrus antarcticus Monro (from Monro, 1939, figs. 22 a, b, c).
11. Branchial region, in dorsalview, x 140.
12. Abdominal uncinus,in frontal view, X 1400.
13. ?rostomium, in dorsal view, X 40.
Anobothruspatagonicus(Kinberg) (from Monro, 1939, fig. 21).
14. Anterior region, branchiae fallen away, in dorsal view, X 90.


Ehlers,1900a,p. 15. Strait of Magellan,in 4-32 9544'E, in 1800-1975 fms.

fms. Hessle,1917, p. 122. Summary.
Ehlers,1901,p. 206. Strait of Magellan. Diagnosis:
Lengthof bodyabout60 mm; width4.5
Gravier,1907, pp. 46-47. BiscoeBay, in 110 m. mm. The prostomium(fig. 1) a flat arch in front,
Ehlers,1913,p. 551. WilhelmII Coast,in 385 and with a prominent
rim beneath
whichthe smoothoral
3397 m.
tentacles extend. Paleae absent. First setal fascicle
AnobothruspatagonicaHessle,1917, p. 107. Cabo inconspicuous,
in frontof second
Virgenesand Wilhelm II Coast,in 75-140 m. fascicle. Uncini presentfrom fourth setigerousseg-
Benham,1927,p. 119. RossSea,in 160 fms. ment. Branchiae 4 pairs,large,insertedsothat those
Monro, 1939,p. 138, fig. 21. Commonwealth Bay, on a side are widely separatedfrom oppositeside
Ad61ie Coast.
(fig. 1). Posteriorendof bodyenlarged, with convex
Diagnosis:Lengthof body19 mm; widthof thorax dorsum,flat ventrum,and a pair of laterallydirected,
2 mm; segments include15 thoracicand 18 abdomi- long,cirriformprocesses (fig. 2). Tubesstiff,formed
nal setigers;a smallerspecimen 9 mm long has 15 of gray mud with smallwhite globules,radiolarian
thoracic and 16 abdominalsetigers. Paleae small, skeletons,and lined by a membranous sheath.
scarcelylargerthannotosetae.Medianlobeof prosto-
Distribution: Antarctica, easternsector; in abyssal
mium wide (fig. 14) and the anteriorprostomialmar-
gin an unbrokenarc. Branchiae4 pairs, all about
equalin size,extendbackto setiger8; insertedso
that3 pairsarein a nearlystraighttransverse
thefourthpair behindthe2 innermost pairs(fig. 14). GenusMelinna Malmgren, 1867
Oral tentaclessmooth.Eleventhparapodiumshoved Melinna buskii Mcintosh, 1922
Plate XXVI, fig. 3
Distribution: Southern South America; Adlie
Coast,Palmer Archipelago;in shallowto moderate Melinna buskii Mcintosh,1922, pp. 9-10, pl. 2, fig.
depths. 10. Australianquadrantof Antarctica,in 1950

Genus Grubianella Mcintosh, 1885 Diagnosis:Thoracic setigeroussegmentsnumber

Grubianella antarctica Mcintosh, 1885 probably17, but only 14 or 15 distinguished.
golden,taper distally,with narrowwings. Posterior
Plate XXVI, figs. 1, 2 end terminatingin 2 long, slendercirri. Uncini tri-
GrubianellaantarcticaMcintosh, 1885, pp. 432-434, angular,with 5 teethin a row (fig. 3). Tube soft,
pl. 48, figs. 1, 2; pl. 28A, fig. 6. 6226'S, woolyin texture,madeup of minutediatoms,sponge

Plate XXVI

Grubianella antarctica Mcintosh (from Mcintosh, 1885, pl. 48, figs. 1, 2).
1. Anterior end of body, branchiaefrom left side removed,in dorsalview, enlarged.
2. Posteriorend of body, in dorsal view, enlarged.
Melinna buskii Mcintosh (from Mcintosh, 1922, pl. 2, fig. 10).
3. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, x 700.
Melinna cristata (Sars) (from Wollebaek, 1912, pl. 14, figs, 4, 6).
4. Anterior end of body, in dorsalview, enlarged.
5. Large dorsalhook, in lateral view, enlarged.
Melinnoides nelsoni Benham (from Benham, 1927, pl. 3, figs. 74, 78, 80, 81).
6. Anterior end, in left lateral view, x 25.
7. Uncinus, in lateral view, x 520.
8. Thoracic uncinus,in frontal view, enlarged.
9. Abdominal uncinus,in frontal view, enlarged.

spicules,and radiolarians,incorporatedin secretion with white sand and with siliceousspongespicules

of the occupant. projectingout from the tube.
Distribution: Australian quadrant of Antarctica; Distribution: McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea; in 200
abyssal. fms.

Genus Neosabellides Hessle, 1917

Melinna cristata (Sars, 1851)
Neosabellides elongatus (Ehlers, 1912)
Plate XXVI, figs. 4, 5
Plate XXVII, figs. 1-3
Melinna cristata Ehlers, 1908, p. 144. Near Bouvet
Island, in 457 m. SabellideselongatusEhlers, 1912, p. 27. Mount
Terror, Ross Island, in 500 fms.
Monro, 1930, p. 181. CumberlandWest Bay, South
Georgia,in 110 m. Ehlers, 1913, pp. 551--553,pl. 42, figs. 1-6. Wil-
helm II Coast, in 385 m.
Lengthof body65 mm; width8 mm; Neosabellides
1917,p. 104. 6420'
segments number64. Prostomiumtrilobed. Branchiae to 6436'S, 5638' to 5742'W, in 125-150 m.
number4 pairs,thoseof a sidebasallyfused. Crestof Benham,1927, p. 117, pl. 3, figs.82-86. McMurdo
fifth segmentwith 7 to 15 crenulations(fig. 4). Large Sound, in 190-300 fms.
dorsal hooks behind branchial bases,with sharply Monro, 1930, p. 183. 5400'S, 3638'W, in 122-
recurvedtips (fig. 5). Tube long,thick, coveredwith 160 m.
black mud. Monro, 1936,p. 175. 5458'S,3500'W,in 97-0 m.
Distribution: Arctic boreal, north and south At- Monro, 1939, p. 140. 6507' to 6645'S,in 180-
502 m.
lantic, South Georgia, and Antarctica; in moderate
depths. Hartman, 1953, p. 52. 6420' to 6436'S, 5638'
to 5742'W, in 125-200 m.

Diagnosis:Length of body, extractedfrom long,

Genus Melinnoides Benham, 1927 cylindricaltube, is 25 mm; width 1 ram. Branchiae
number 3 pairs, the 2 setswell separatedmedially.
Melinnoides nelsoni Benham, 1927 Setigersinclude14 thoracicnotopodia(fig. 1) and 19
Plate XXVI, figs. 6-9 abdominal setigers. Paleae absent. Oral tentacles
papillated. Thoracic notopodiawithout dorsal cirri.
1927,pp. 115-117,pl. Thoracic
3, figs.73-81. McMurdoSound,in 200 fms. racicuncinieachwith 2 verticalrowsof 4 teeth;ab-
with3 vertical
of4 to5
tional 3.5 mm for branchiae; width 1 mm; segments teeth (fig. 3). Posteriorend terminatingin a pair of
cirri(fig.2) and
a dorsal
verylong, slender,
Prostomiumsubquadrate,without eyes. Buccal seg-
ment overlappeddorsallyand almostcoveredby sec- Distribution:Antarcticmainlandand offshoreis-
ond segment(fig. 6); ventrallyforminga largelower lands; in moderatedepths.
lip transversely
grooved.Secondsegmentwith 2 pairs
of branchiae,each one nearly cylindrical. Thoracic
14, the firstonewithout
visible Genus
fromthird Phyllocomus
notopodialsegment;unciniwith 3 or 4 teeth (fig. 7)
(fig.8). Abdomi- Plate
nal uncini with more numerousrows (fig. 9). Tube PhyllocomuscroceaGrube, 1877b,pp. 543-544. Be-
measuresabout 30 mm long by 3 mm wide, covered tweenCrozetand Kerguelenislands.

Mcintosh, 1885, pp. 427-428, pl. 47, fig. 11; pl. GenusSosane Malmgren, 1866
26A, fig. 25; pl. 37A, fig. 6. Off Heard Island,in
75 fms. Sosane sp.
Hessle,1917, p. 123. 6420'S, 5638'W, in 150 m. Sosane? sp. Ehlers, 1908, p. 143. East of Bouvet
Monro, 1930, pp. 181-183, fig. 75. Bransfield Island, in 439 m.
Strait, South Shetland Islands, in 152-200 m.
Diagnosis:A fragment, with characteristicsof the
Monro, 1936, p. 174. South SandwichIslands,in
99 to 329 m.
genus;paleaedeveloped but inconspicuous. Branchiae
4 pairs, smooth,slender. Thorax with 15 setigerous
Augener,1932b,p. 82. PrincessMartha Coast,in
220 m.
segments, the first small; notopodiaof setiger13 not
as originally described,thus the questionable identi-
Monro, 1939, p. 141. 6507'S, 10729'E, and off fication. Tube of thick mud.
Knox Coast, in 640 m.
Phyllocomusdibranchiata Benham, 1921, p. 97. Distribution: Bouvet Island; in 439 m.
66e32'S, 141e39'E, in 157 fms.
Diagnosis:Length of body 30 to 83 mm; width 4 GenusSosanopsisHessle,1917
to 7 ram; including15 thoracicand about45 abdomi-
Sosanopsiskerguelensis Monro, 1939
nal parapodia. Prostomiumlarge, rounded (fig. 5),
splashedwith dark red pigmentwhichextendsirregu- Plate XXVII, figs. 8-10
larly to undersurfaceof buccal segmentand along
Sosanopsis kerguelensisMonro, 1939, p. 140, fig. 23.
dorsumto fifth setigerous segment.Branchiae4 pairs
Near entranceto Bras Bolinder, Kerguelen Is-
(fig. 4), eachflat, leaflike, for about of length,ter-
lands, in 20-30 m.
minatingin a cirriform tip; insertedin 2 transverse
serieswith 3 in one row and the fourth directly in Diagnosis:Length23 mm; width 3 ram; segments
front of the innermostpair. Tubeshorny, tough, in- number 29, of which 15 are thoracic and 14 abdomi-
crustedwith sandgrainsand detritus. nal. Prostomiumtrilobed, with a wide median part
(fig. 8). Oral tentaclessmooth. Paleae absent.Bran-
Distribution: Kerguelen,SouthShetland,and South
chiae number4 pairs, arrangedin 2 groups,with 3
Sandwichislands; Knox Coast; Heard Island; in mod-
pairs in an anterior row and a fourth pair farther
back (fig. 8). The 2 median branchiaelargest, ex-
tend back to about setiger 7. First notopodium,
GenusSamytha Malmgren, 1866 presentin third segment,reducedand inconspicuous.
Thoracicuncini from fourth setiger. Thirteenthnoto-
Samytha ?speculatrix Ehlers, 1913 podium shoveddorsally, its setae distally fine and
Plate XXVII, figs.6, 7 hirsute. Thoracic uncini with 3 vertical rows, each
with about 4 teeth and a large median fang (fig. 9).
Samytha (?)speculatrixEhlers, 1913, pp. 554-555, Abdominal uncini short, thick, with numerous teeth
pl. 42, figs. 9-11. Wilhelm II Coast,RossSea,in above fang (fig. 10). Anal end surroundedby a
350 m.
crenateedge and a pair of lateral, subulatecirri in
Hessle,1917, p. 128. RossSea. line with the neuropodiallobes. Tubes slender,con-
structed of mud.
Diagnosis:Length of body 11-13.5 mm; width 2.5
mm; segmentsnumber 26. Peristomiumwith many Distribution:KerguelenIslands;in shallowdepths.
eyespots.Branchiaenumber3 pairs (fig. 6). Anterior
end lackspaleal spines. Capillary setaepresentfrom
Family TerebeHidae Malmgren
third segment,continued on 17 segments.The ab-
dominalregion,as originallyshown(fig. 6), probably KEY TO SUBFAMILIES
regenerated.Thoracic uncini with 4 teeth in lateral
Anterior end prolongedas a proboscis
view (fig. 7).
(pl. XXVIII, fig. 3) ..... Artacaminae
Distribution: Wilhelm II Coast,Ross Sea; in 350 m. Anterior end not prolongedas a proboscis. . 2

9 10


2. Tentacularregion of anterior end enlarged 6. First 3 segmentswith large lateral lobes;

as a prominentlobe; branchiae branchiaenumber3 pairs, eachwith 3
absent ......... Polycirrinae to 4 filamentsunited at base . . Thelepides
Tentacularregionof anteriorend not First 3 segmentswithout lateral lobes;
enlarged;branchiaepresentor absent. . . 3 branchiae simple ...... Neoleprea
3. Uncini in double rows in some thoracic 7. Somethoracicnotosetaedistallydenticu-
segments;branchiaeoften branched,if late (pl. XXXIII, fig. 1) ...... 8
present......... Amphitritinae Thoracic notosetaedistallyentire or
Uncini in singlerows throughout;bran- smooth ............ 9

as filiformlobes. . Thelepinae 8. Stemof branchiae
of a
side basally connected . . . Amphitrite
Stem of branchiaelong; nephridia of a
sidefree from one another. . Neoamphitrite
SubfamilyAmphitritinae Hessle
9. Tube cylindrical,flaring distally into a
KEY TO GENERA fanlike process........ Lanice
Tube not flaring out fanlike distally . . . 10
1. Branchiae present ......... 3
Branchiae absent ......... 2 10. Dorsal side of cephaliclobe with many
eyes ............. 11
2. Uncini presentfrom sixth segment. . Proclea
Dorsalsideof cephaliclobewithouteyes. . 12
Uncini presentfrom fifth segment. . Leaena
3. Uncini pectiniform,with marginal teeth 11. Branchiaenumber 2 pairs; anterior seg-
ments without lateral lobes .... Nicolea
in a singlerow ........ Loimia
Uncini avicular, with a large fang sur- Branchiae number 3 pairs; segments2 to
(pl.XXXII, 4 with
..... Eupolymnia
fig. 13) ........... 4 12. Branchiae
number1 to 3 pairs, each
4. Thoracic
number richlydivided
....... 13
17 or 18 ........... 5 Branchiaenumber2 pairs, insertedon
Thoracic setigeroussegmentsnumber secondand third segments,each one a
more than 20 ........ Terebella single filament ....... Eupistella
5. Thoracicnotosetaepresentfrom fourth 13. Nephridiabasallyconnected; branchiae
distinct segment ......... 7 number2 pairs ....... Lanicides
Thoracicnotosetaepresentfrom third Nephridiabasallyfree from oneanother;
segment............ !5 branchiaenumber 1 to 3 pairs. . . Pista


Neosabellideselongatus(Ehlers) (from Ehlers, 1913, pl. 42, figs. 1, 5, 6).

1. Entire animal, in left lateral view, X 20.
2. Anal end with long and short processes, X 100.
3. Uncini, in lateral and frontal views, X 820.
PhyllocomuscroceaGrube (from Monro, 1930, figs. 75 a, b).
4. Anterior end of body with attached branchiae, in dorsal view, X 8.5.
5. Prostomium, in dorsal view, X 9.
Samytha ?speculatrixEhlers (from Ehlers, 1913, pl. 42, figs. 9, 11).
6. Entire animal, in right lateral view, X 14.
7. Uncinus, in lateral view, x 1050.
SosanopsiskerguelensisMonro (from Monro, 1939, figs. 23 a, c, d),
8. Anterior end of body, branchiae fallen away, in dorsal view, X 140.
9. Thoracic uncinus, in frontal view, X 1200.
10. Abdominal uncinus,in frontal view, X 1600.

GenusAmphitrite Miiller, 1771 Benham, 1921, p. 82. CommonwealthBay, to

6632'S, in 157 fms.
Amphitrite cirrata Miiller, 1771
Benham,1927, p. 104. McMurdo Sound,in 158-
Plate XXVIII, fig. 1 250 fms.
Monro, 1930, p. 189. SouthShetlandIslandsand
Amphitritecirrata Benham,1927, p. 103. McMurdo
South Georgia,in 110-391 m.
Sound, Ross Sea, in 222-241 fms.
Augener, 1932b, p. 58. Bouvet Island, Deception
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 38 mm; width to 4 mm. Island, BridgemanIsland, and Port Lockroy, in
The first segmentnarrow dorsallyand laterally,pro- 50-750 m.
longedforward on ventral side to form a wide lower Monro, 1936, p. 177. 5000' to 6700'S,5600' to
lip; eyes absent. Secondand third segmentswiden 6900'W, in 203-242 m.
ventrally to form longitudinally folded membranes. Fauvel, 1936, pp. 34-35. Strait of Magellan.
Branchiae3 pairs, on segments 2, 3, and 4, eachwith Monro, 1939, p. 143. Enderby Land, in 157 to
a group of filamentsarising from a very short,thick 640 m.
base (fig. 1). Setae first presentfrom fourth seg- Fauvel, 1941, p. 292. Bahia Orange, Kerguelen
ment,occurin verticalfascicles.Setaedistallydenticu- Islands.
late. Knox, 1962, p. 347. Mac. RobertsonLand.
Levenstein,1964, p. 176. Eastern sector of Ant-
Distribution: Arctic, boreal Atlantic and Pacific
arctica, in 60 and 180 m.
oceans,Antarctica;cosmopolitan;in moderatedepths.
Terebella (Amphitrite) kerguelensis
Grube, 1877b, p.
546. KerguelenIslands.

Diagnosis:Lengthof body75 to 150 mm; widthto 5

Amphitrite kerguelensis Mcintosh, 1876 mm; consistsof 17 thoracicand many abdominalse-
Plate XXVIII, fig. 2 tigerous segments.Cephalic region with 4 lobes, a
ventral one, a pair in front of and beneaththe first
AmphitritekerguelensisMcintosh,1876, p. 321. Ker- branchiae,and a fan-shapedone extendingventrally
guelenIslands. from base of last branchiae. Branchiae number 3
Mcintosh, 1879, p. 260, pl. 15, fig. 13. Kerguelen pairs (fig. 2), with the third pair attachedto a high
dorsalcollar formedby the fourth segment.Nephrid-
Mcintosh,1885, pp. 443-444, pl. 48, fig. 7; pl. 49, ial papillae,one below each setigeroustubercleof the
fig. 1. KerguelenIslands,in 20-60 fms. first 6 segments,and a similar pair belowthe second
Ehlers,1897, p. 130. Strait of Magellan,in 7 fms. branchiae. Ventral scutes number 12 or 13. Tube
Ehlers,1901, p. 208. Strait of Magellan. measures 90-100 mm longby 23 mm wide, with walls
Gravier, 1911a,p. 129. Admiralty Bay, SouthShet- of thick mud about 6 mm and lumen about 11 mm
lands, in 57 m. in diameter.
Ehlers,1908, p. 145. 5428'S, 0330'E, in 457 m.
Ehlers, 1913, p. 556. Baie de l'Observatoire,Ker- Distribution:KerguelenIslands; Strait of Magellan;
guelenIslands. mainland of Antarctica; in shallow to moderate
Hessle,1917, p. 186. SouthGeorgia,in 75 m. depths.


Amphitrite cirrata Miiller (from Wollebaek, 1912, pl. 31, fig. 1).
1. Anterior end of body, in left lateral view, enlarged.
Amphitrite kerguelensisMcintosh (from Mcintosh, 1885, pl. 49, fig. 1).
2. Entire animal, partly encasedin tube, in right lateral view, enlarged.
Artacama proboscideaMalmgren (from Mcintosh, 1885, pl. 51, fig. 6).
3. Entire animal, in right lateral view, enlarged.

- '""



GenusEupistella Chamberlin,1919 dorsalside of first segment(fig. 8). Paired lateral

lobeson second,third, and fourth segments,
with last
Eupistella grubei (Mcintosh,1885) pair thesmallest. Branchiaenumber3 pairs,inserted
Plate XXXI, figs. 1, 2 on segments 2, 3, and4, subequalin sizeor thethird
pair the smallest,eachwith a shortstemanda tuft
EupistagrubeiMcintosh,1885,pp. 459-460,pl. 49, of manyterminalfilaments. Buccalsegment collarlike,
figs.6, 7; pl. 28A, fig. 1. OfftheRio dela Plata, withoutlaterallobes. Thoracicsetaenarrowlylimbate
South America, in 2650 fms.
andsmoothat cuttingedge.Unciniin doublerowson
1964, pp. 174-175, fig. 1. 6551' to
setigers7 to 16 (fig. 9). Eachuncinuswith a main
6418'S, 9430' to 9141'E, in 430 to 919 m.
fang,a pair of largeteeth,andsurmounted
by a crest
Diagnosis:Lengthof bodyto 30 mm; width2 mm; of 1 to 5 denticles.Nephridialpapillaeon segments
thorax with 17 setigeroussegments.First segmenta 3to8.
smoothring. Pairedlaterallappetson secondand Distribution:Chieflynorthtemperate,
third segments (fig. 1). Branchiaeon secondand Falkland Islands; in moderatedepths.
third segments,eacha slenderfilament.Setaefirst
presenton fourth segment;eachfascicledorsalto
thoseof secondsetiger.Setaeslightlylimbate,smooth GenusLanice Malmgren, 1866
at cuttingedge. Uncinaltori from secondsetigerous
Lanice abe!lum (Baird, 1865)
or fifth segment.Unciniwith broadbaseandsmaller
teethalongcuttingedge(fig. 2). Plate XXXI, fig. 7
Distribution: Off Rio de la Plata (La Plata River); Terebella(Lanice) /labellureBaird, 1865, p. 157.
easternsectorof Antarctica;deepto abyssal. 'Narcon Island,' easternsectorof Antarctica.
/labellumEhlers,1908,pp. 146-147,pl. 20,
fig. 15. Off EastAfrica.
GenusEupolymnia Verrill, 1900 Lanice/labellum
Fauvel,1941,p. 293. OffCapeHorn,
Eupolymnia nebulosa(Montagu,1818)
Diagnosis:Tube measures
about 150 mm long,
Plate XXIX, figs.8, 9
at distal
Polymnianebulosa Monro,1936,p. 180. OffFalkland orificethroughwhichthe tentacles(fig. 7) project.
Islands, in 368-463 m. Bodyof tubecylindrical,
Diagnosis:Lengthof body50-100 mm; width3-8 Distribution: Southern South America; off east
mm. A veryconspicuous across Africa; northeast
darkbandof eyespots AtlanticOcean,in moderatedepths.

Plate XXIX

Pista god/royi (Gravier) (from Gravier,1911a,pl. 10, figs. 124, 125).

1. Anterior end of thorax, branchialregion,in right lateral view, x 17.5.
2. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, x 635.
Pista mirabilis('Mcintosh)(from Mcintosh,1885,pl. 51, fig. 2, and Monro,1930,fig. 76).
3. Tube, slightly enlarged.
4. Long-handled thoracicuncinus,from first setiger,in lateralview, x 400.
Pistaspini/era(Ehlers) (from Ehlers,1908,pl. 20, figs.11, 13, 14).
5. Anterior end of body, in left lateral view, x 1.5.
6. Tube, in lateral view, x 1.
7. Another tube with longitudinal angulations,x 1.
nebulosa(Montagu) (fromFauvel,1927,fig.89 a, d).
8. Anterior end of body, in right lateral view, x 4.
9. Part of double row of uncini, X 150.

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Genus Lanicides Hessle, 1917 ments2 and 3, eachdistallyarborescent(fig. 8). A

pair of largelaterallobeson third segmentbeneaththe
Lanicides bilobata ( Grube, 1877)
second pair of branchiae,
anda muchsmallerpair be-
Plate XXXI, figs. 8-10 low and in front of the larger pair. First notopodia
on fourth segment,and first uncini on fifth segment;
Terebella (Phyzelia) bilobata Grube, 1877b, p. 548. the latter in doublerowsfrom segments 10 to 11, con-
Strait of Magellan,in 60 fms. tinuing to segment20. Anterior uncini long-handled
Terebella (Phyzelia) VayssiereiGravier, 1911a, pp. (fig. 10), fartherbackshort (fig. 9). Largenephridial
130-133, pl. 10, figs. 121-123; pl. 11, figs. 134-- papillae on segments6 and 7. Tube constructedof
135. Alexander Island, in 250 m. thick mud, with incorporatedsandgrainsand sponge
Benham,1921, p. 84. Boat Harbor, 6700'S, in spicules.
3.54 fms.

Nicolea bilobata Ehlers, 1912, pp. 27-28. Victoria Distribution: Antarctic mainland; in shallow to

Land, McMurdo Sound, in 10-130 fms. moderatedepths.

Ehlers, 1913, pp. 558-559. Wilhelm II Coast,in
350-380 m.

Augener,1932a, p. 114. CumberlandBay, South

Georgia,in 20 m. GenusLeaena Malmgren,1866
Lanicides vayssiereiHessle, 1917, p. 166. South
Leaena antarctica Mcintosh,1885
Georgia,in 20-310 m.
Benham, 1927, p. 102. Cape Adare, McMurdo Plate XXXI, figs. 11, 12
Sound, in 45-350 fms.
Monro, 1930, pp. 188-189, fig. 78. SouthGeorgia, LeaenaantarcticaMcintosh,1885, p. 462, pl. 48, figs.
in 18-270 m. 9, 10; pl. 28A, figs. 10, 11. 6226'S, 9544'E, in
1975 fms.
Monro, 1939,p. 145. 6746'S,in 163 m.
Hartman, 1952, p. 234. Marguerite Bay, Ross Is-
Ehlers,1897, p. 133. SouthGeorgia.
land, in 35-58 fms. Ehlers, 1900a, p. 16. Strait of Magellan,in 7-12
Martin, 1952,p. 356. CapeRoyds,RossIsland,in
58 fms. Ehlers,1901, p. 210. Strait of Magellan.
Lanicides bilobata Augener, 1932b, pp. 63-64. LeaenaabranchiataEhlers, 1913, p. 563. Wilhelm II
Coast, in 385 m.
DeceptionIsland, Port Lockroy,in 20-50 m.
LeaenaabranchiataantarcticaHessle,1917, p. 197.
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 23 to 115 ram; segments 5400' to 6400'S, 3618 ' to 5636'W, in 150--
number61 to 110. Branchiae2 pairs, insertedon seg- 310 m.

Plate XXX

Photographsof tubes of various Sedentaria (from Gravier, 1911a, pl. 12, figs. 156 to 177) (all natural size).
1 (156). Pista spini/era (Ehlers).
2 (157). Streblosoma bairdi antarctica Monro.
3 (158). terebellid.
4 (159-161). Streblosoma bairdi antarctica Monro.
5 (162). terebellid.
6 (163-165). Streblosoma sp.
7 (166). terebellid.
8 (167-169). Streblosoma sp.
9 (170). Helicosiphon biscoeensisGravier.
10 (171-175). Serpula narconensis Baird.
11 (176, 177). Paralaeospiraaggregata (Caullery and Mesnil).
3 4 7






Benham,1927, p. 106. McMurdo Sound,in 222- Leaena arenilega Ehlers, 1913

241 fms.
Plate XXXI, figs. 13-15
Monro, 1930, p. 188. SouthGeorgia,in 220-270 m.
Monro, 1936, p. 178. East of JasonLight, South LeaenaarenilegaEhlers,1913, pp. 564-565, pl. 44,
Georgia,in 238-270 m. figs. 8-13. Wilhelm II Coast,in 350-385 m.
Benham,1921, p. 89. Commonwealth Bay, George
Levenstein,1964, p. 177. 6406'S, 9826'E, in
V Coast, in 15 fms.
470-525 m.

Diagnosis:Lengthof body40 mm,plustentacles of

Diagnosis:kengthof body 5-16 mm; width about1 10-12 mm. Segmentsnumber about 70, cylindrical
mm; segmentsnumber to 50, of which 10 to 11 are in shapebut tapering slightly posteriorly(fig. 14).
thoracic setigers. Eyes absent. Lateral lobes on seg- Secondsegmentshortdorsally,enlargedlaterallyand
ments 2, 3, and 4, with the last the smallest. Third projectingforward (fig. 13). First notosetaepresent
segmentwith an inconspicuous dorsalcollar. Ventral on third segmentand uncini from fourth one. First
gland shieldson 10 segments.Thoracic setae with 6 or 7 notopodiaweaklydeveloped, the setaeemerging
broad wings (fig. 12) and attenuatetips. Uncini directly from the body wall, thereafternotopodia
small, each with a large fang and a row of larger larger and papillar. Uncinigerous ridges short
teeth surmountedby 3 rows of smaller ones, these throughout. Each uncinuswith a large fang, sur-
seenas seriesof teeth in lateral view (fig. 11). The mountedby many smallerteethin severalrows (fig.
posteriorend an expandedcup or funnel. Tube thin, 15). Ventral gland shieldspresenton 11 segments,
translucent,chitinized within, coated with a friable quadratein shapeexceptthoseon the first 4 segments,
layer of soft gray mud. which are narrower transverse bands. Posterior end
terminatesin 2 pairs of filiform papillae (fig. 14).
Distribution: Ross Sea; South Georgia; southern
end of South America; Wilhelm II Coast; in shallow Distribution: Wilhelm II Coast and Commonwealth
to moderatedepths. Bay; in shallowto moderatedepths.

Plate XXXI

Eupistella grubei (Mcintosh) (from Levenstein, 1964, figs. 1 a, b).

1. Anterior end of body,in dorsalview, enlarged.
2. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, enlarged.
Leaena pseudobranchiaLevenstein (from Levenstein,1964, fig. 3 a, b).
3. Anterior end through fourth setigeroussegment,in dorsal view, enlarged.
4. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, enlarged.
Thelepides venustusLevenstein (from Levenstein, 1964, fig. 4 a, b).
5. Anterior end through fourth setigeroussegment,in dorsal view, enlarged.
6. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, enlarged.
Lanice fiabellum (Baird) (from Ehlers, 1908, pl. 20, fig. 15).
7. Tentacular filaments projecting from distal end of tube, x 1.
Lanicides bilobata (Grube) (from Gravier, 1911a, pl. 10, figs. 121, 122; pl. 11, fig. 135).
8. Distal end of first branchia, x 36.
9. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, x 635.
10. Long-handled thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, x 320.
Leaena antarctica Mcintosh (from Mcintosh, 1885, pl. 28A, figs. 10, 11).
11. Thoracic uncinus,in lateral view, x 620.
12. Long and short limbate setae, x 350.
Leaena arenilega Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1913, pl. 44, figs. 9, 11, 13).
13. Anterior end of body, in right lateral view, x 24.
14. Posterior end of body, in lateral view, x 24.
15. Abdominal uncini, in lateral and frontal views, x 1055.



Leaena collaris Hessle, 1917 resemblingvery short branchiae (fig. 3). Thoracic
setaebroadlylimbate. Thoracicunciniwith main fang
Plate XXXII, figs. 1-4
surmountedby 3 rows of shorterteeth (fig. 4).
LeaenacollarisHessle,1917,p. 198, pl. 2, figs.9, 10;
Distribution: Antarctica, eastern sector; in 206 m.
text fig. 52. South Georgia, in 95-250 m.
Monro, 1930, p. 188. SouthGeorgia,in 238-270 m.
Monro, 1936, p. 178. CumberlandBay, South
Georgia, in 110-250 m. Leaena wandelensis Gravier, 1907

Diagnosis:Length of body 30-70 ram; width 3-4 Plate XXXII, figs. 5-7
ram; segments number55. Anterior end withouteyes.
Leaenawandelensis Gravier, 1907, pp. 50-52, pl. 5,
Lateral lobes (fig. 1) on segments2, 3, and 4; third figs. 47-48, text figs. 32-34. Port Charcot,Booth
segmentwith a well developedlobedor crenulatedcol- Island, in 48 m.
lar on dorsalsurface(fig. 2). Thoracicsetigersnum-
Gravier, 1911a, pp. 137-138. DeceptionIsland,
ber 17, of which 11 have gland shields. Setae with South Shetlands,in 32 m.
broad wings (fig. 3) and long, slendertips. Uncini Benham,1927, pp. 107-111. McMurdo Sound,Ross
in long series, each with a main fang (fig. 4) sur- Sea, in 140-300 fins.
mountedby 4 or 5 rows of smallteeth. Distinguished Hartman,1952, p. 236. RossIsland,in 58-100 fins.
from other speciesby its crenulatedcollar.
Leaenawandelensis Levenstein,1964, p. 177. Eastern
Distribution: South Georgia; in moderatedepths. sector of Antarctica.

Diagnosis:Lengthof body 50 mm; width 3.2 mm;

segmentsnumber about 60, of which 15 are thoracic
Leaena pseudobranchia Levenstein,1964
setigers.A collar broadlycoversthe ventrum;2 pairs
Plate XXXI, figs. 3, 4 of lateral lobes (fig. 5) on the next 2 segments.Noto-
setae presentfrom fourth segmentand uncini from
Leaenapseudobranchia Levenstein,1964, p. 178, fig.
fifth, the latter in single rows on the first 4, then in
3. Easternsector,in 206 m.
distinct double rows from setigers7 to 15. Noto-
Diagnosis: Anterior segmentswith lateral lobes; setaebroadly limbate (fig. 6), terminatingin pointed
segments3 and 4 eachwith a pair of minuteprocesses tips. Thoracic uncini with a large fang surmounted


Leaena collaris Hessle (from Hessle, 1917, pl. 2, figs. 9, 10; text figs. 52 a, c).
1. Anterior end of body, in left lateral view, X 10.
2. Anterior end of body, in dorsal view, X 10.
3. Distal end of long thoracic seta, X 400.
4. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, X 650.
Leaena wandelensisGravier (from Gravier, 1907, pl. 5, fig. 46; text figs. 33, 34).
5. Anterior end of body, in ventrolateral view, x 11.
6. Limbate notopodialseta,in lateral view, X 400.
7. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, X 800.
Loimia ?medusa(Savigny) (from Monro, 1931, fig. 1).
8. Entire body, in left lateral view, enlarged.
Lysilla loveni macintoshi Gravier (from Monro, 1930, fig. 82, and Gravier, 1907, fig. 37).
9. Genital-nephridial orifices in fourth to sixth setigers, X 7.5.
10. Spatulate notopodial seta, x 800.
Neoamphitriteaffinis antarctica (Monro) (from Monro, 1930, figs. 79 a, b, c).
11. Branchial region through third setigerous segment, in right lateral view, X 7.2.
12. Distal end of a thoracic seta, in lateral view, X 158.
13. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, X 500.

by severalrows of smallerteeth (fig. 7). Leaena uncinuswith about4 rows of teeth (fig. 13) above
arenilega (see above) has been consideredidentical the main fang.
[Benham, 1927, p. 107], a conclusionthat may be
Distribution: Antarctic mainland, westernsector; in
justifiable. L. wandelensis
Gravier has priority.
Distribution: Antarctic continent and South Shet-
land Islands;in shallowto moderatedepths.
Neoamphitrite ?variabilis (Risso,1826)
Amphitritevariabilis Ehlers, 1900b, p. 220. Puerto
GenusLoimia Malmgren, 1866 Condor, southernSouth America, in 50 fms.
Ehlers, 1901, p. 208. SouthernSouth America.
Loimia ?medusa (Savigny,1818)
XXXII,fig.8 Diagnosis'
arctica (see above) in that lateral lobes are small on
Loimia ?medusaMonro, 1931, p. 212, fig. 1. Off segments 2, 3, and 4, and nephridialpapillaeare
SouthAfrica. presenton segments3 to 8. The species
is questioned
Monro,1936,p. 180. Off SouthAfrica,in 0-161 m, becausethis is moretypicallya warmwaterform.
m,pelagic. Distribution'
Diagnosis: Small, postlarval, pelagic terebellids, America.
measuring15 mm long, with 3 pairs of dendritic
branchiae(fig. 8). Thoracicunciniare pectinate,with
5 to 6 teethof subequal
sizein a singlerow. The Genus
records are north of 4000'S, but in considerable
depths. Neoleprea
inwarmseas, Plate
as Lepreastreptochaeta
pl. 8,
larvalstages. figs.203-205.Straitof Magellan
Islands, in 1 fm.
Ehlers,1901, p. 208. FalklandIslands.
Ehlers,1913, p. 560. KerguelenIslands.
1917 Fauvel,
Neoamphitrite anis antarctica (Monro,1936) pod shell.
Benham,1921, p. 94. Macquarie Island, in rock
11-13 pool.
Amphitrite edwardsiMonro, 1930, pp. 189-191, fig. Neolepreastreptochaeta
Hessle,1917, p. 192. 5100'
79. West Falkland, in 81-156 m. to 5800'S, 5700' to 5800'W, in 7-40 m.
Amphitrite a/finis antarctica Monro, 1936, p. 177. Monro, 1930, p. 188. SouthGeorgiaand Falkland
5000' to 5300'S, 6200' to 7000'W, in 14- Islands, in 105-270 m.
162 m. Monro, 1936, p. 180. 5339'S, 7054'W, in 14-
78 m.
Diagnosis:Length of body to 120 mm; segments
Monro, 1939, p. 143. Port Jeanned'Arc, Kerguelen
number about 90. Thorax thick and archeddorsally;
Islands, shore.
eyespotsabsent. Three pairs of branchiae,richly
branched(fig. 11). Laterallobesof secondand third Diagnosis:Length of body 55 mm; width 5 mm in
segmentslarge, those on fourth only slightly devel- front and 2 mm behind; segmentsnumber93-100.
oped. Nephridiapresenton segments 3 to 12. Ventral Thorax with 17 setigers.Color uniformlyyellowto
gland shieldson 11 segments.Notosetae(fig. 12) gray. Prostomiumlarge, with many tentacles;eyes
limbate and terminatingin a long, denticulatedtip. absent.First 2 segments
lack setae.Branchiae2 pairs,
Uncini in double rows on setigers7 to 16. Each on secondand third segments,the firstpair largerand

setmoredeeplythan the second,and bothdendritically Thoracic setae present from first postbranchialseg-
branched. Gland shieldsdecreasein width posteriorly ment, and uncini from second setigeroussegment.
and are absent from last 4 thoracic segments.First Setaelimbate and smooth. Each uncinuswith a large
setaefrom secondbranchial segment.Somenotosetae fang belowa row of 2 to 5 teeth,the latter surmounted
(fig. 1) distallymodified,with dentations(not shown by severalrows of small denticles.
in figure). Thoracic uncini in single seriesin first
Distribution: Strait of Magellan; sub-Antarcticis-
8, then in doublerowsin last thoracicsegments.Each
lands, and antarctic mainland; in shallow to moderate
uncinuswith large fang surmounted by smalldenticles
(fig. 2). Nephridialpapillae7 pairs, locatedbetween
notopodiaand neuropodiaof setigers3 to 9.
GenusPista Malmgren, 1866
Distribution: Southern South America; Falkland
Islands;MacquarieIsland; SouthGeorgia;Kerguelen Pista abyssicola Mcintosh, 1885
Islands; intertidal to shallowdepths,or to 270 m.
Plate XXXIII, fig. 3

GenusNicolea Malmgren, 1866 Pista abyssicolaMcintosh,1885,pp. 453-454, pl. 27A,

fig. 33; pl. 38A, fig. 1. BetweenAustralia and
Nicolea chilensis ( Schmarda,1861) Antarctica, in 1950 fms.
Phyzelia (Terebella) chilensisSchmarda,1861, p. 40, Diagnosis:An anterior fragmentwith length of 48
pl. 25, fig. 200. Chile. mm; width 4 mm. A single branchial processat-
PhyzeliaAgassiziKinberg,1867,p. 345. Rada York tached, this with a long, transverselybarred pedicle
(York Bay), Strait of Magellan. and distal loose seriesof filamentsin whorls. Long-
NicoleaagassiziEhlers,1897,p. 132. Strait of Magel- handled uncinus (fig. 3) striated from the crown
lan and Falkland Islands, in 1-8 fms. downward;lower part of uncinusmassive.Tube light
Ehlers, 1900b, p. 220. Strait of Magellan,in 5-25 gray and somewhatfriable, composedof hyaline,
fins. brittle, chitinizedbase, coatedwith fragmentsof dia-
Willey, 1902, p. 279. Franklin Island,CapeAdare, toms and radiolarians.
in 10-24 fms.
NicoleachilensisEhlers,1901, pp. 208-209. Strait of Distribution: Southof Australia; in abyssaldepths.
Magellan, in 5-25 fms.
Ehlers,1913, p. 559. Wilhelm II Coast,Patagonia, Pista corrientis Mcintosh, 1885
Falkland Islands.
Fauvel, 1916, p. 464. Falkland Islands,in Macro- Plate XXXIII, figs. 4-9
Pista corrientisMcintosh, 1885, pp. 457-458, pl. 48,
Hessle,1917, pp. 172-173. 5100' to 55c>00'S,
fig. 11; pl. 27A, fig. 35. Off Rio de la Plata,
5800' to 65e00'W, in 17-150 m.
South America, in 600 fms.
Monro, 1930, p. 191. Tristan da Cunha,in 40-46
Hessle,1917, p. 158, pl. 2, figs. 2, 3. 54c>11'S,
m, and East Falkland, in 115-165 m.
3618'W, in 252-310 m.
Monro, 1936, p. 179. 50e00' to 51e00'S,39e00' to
Monro, 1930, p. 187, fig. 77. Falklandand South
3960'W, in 90-118 m.
Shetland islands, in 105-391 m.
Fauvel, 1936, p. 35. Puerto Toro, intertidal.
Monro, 1939, p. 144. 66e45'S, 62c>03'E,in 219 m.
Monro, 1939, p. 143. KerguelenIslands,shore.
Fauvel,1951, p. 769. Ad61ieCoast,in 15 m.
Levenstein,1964, p. 175. Eastern sector of Ant-
Hartman, 1952, p. 234. RossIsland, in 58 fms.
arctica, in 73-138 m.
Levenstein,1964, p. 173. Antarctic easternsector,
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 38-70 mm; width 5-6 in 51-639 m.

mm; segments numberabout68; generalcolorroseto Nicolea symbranchiata Ehlers,1913,pp. 556-558,pl.

brown. Branchiae2 pairs, eachwith long stalkand 44, figs. 1-6. Wilhelm II Coast,in 350-385 m.
eye- Pistasymbranchiata
distallybranched.Anterior end with conspicuous Benham,1927,p. 98. McMurdo
spots;laterallobesabsent.Glandshieldsnumber17. Soundand CapeAdare,RossSea,in 45-300 fms.

Diagnosis:Typically a small species,containedin Levenstein,1964, p. 173. 6621'06"S, 10641'02"

sandy tubesbristling with siliceousspicules.Length E, in 550 m.
of body 20-28 mm; width about 1 mm. Secondor
buccal segmentwith a pair of large, lateral lobes Diagnosis:kength of body to 90 mm; segments
clude 17 thoracic and more than 80 abdominal se-
projecting far forward (fig. 4); the lobes of next
segmentsmuch smaller. Branchiaenumber 2 pairs, tigers. Branchiae2 pairs, sometimesunequalin size,
eachwith thick, long stemand spreadingtuft of short with the first pair the larger; each with a long stem
filaments(fig. 7). Thoracicsetaewith shorttips and and distal densetuft of filaments(fig. 10). Anterior
broad lateral wings (fig. 9). Anteriormostthoracic end with 3 pairs of lateral lobes,in segments2, 3, and
uncini with long stem,decreasingposteriorly;in me- 4, with the middlepair the largest.Ventral scutespres-
dian segments, the crownwith a largefangsurmounted ent on 20 segments.Notopodialsetaebroadly limbate.
by severalsmallerteeth (fig. 8) and in posteriortho- Long-handleduncini of first segmentwith slender
racicsegments the basestill shorter(fig. 5); eachwith shaft, decreasingin thicknessposteriorlyto fifth se-
severalrows of teeth, seenin frontal view (fig. 6). tiger (fig. 11).

Distribution: Off Rio de la Plata, South America; Distribution: North and south Atlantic oceans; Ant-
Falkland Islands; South Shetland Islands; Ross Sea; arctica; cosmopolitan;eurybathic.
in shallowto moderatedepths.

Pista godjroyi (Gravier, 1911)

Pista cristata (Miiller, 1776)
Plate XXIX, figs. 1, 2
Plate XXXIII, figs. 10, 11
ScioneGodjroyiGravier,1911a,pp. 135-137, pl. 10,
Pista cristataEhlers,1900b,p. 221. PuertoMadryn,
figs. 124-126. Admiralty Bay, King George
southern South America, intertidal.
Island, in 75 m.
Ehlers,1901, p. 213. SouthernSouthAmerica.
Gravier, 1907, p. 53. Port Charcot,in 25-40 m. Fauvel, 1936, p. 35. 7000'S, 8048'W, near Char-
cot Island.
Gravier, 1911a, pp. 133-134. DeceptionIsland, in
150 m. Monro, 1939, p. 144. 6645'S, to 6703'S, in 219-
437 m.
Hessle,1917, pp. 154-155. Summary.
Augener,1932b,p. 60. BridgemanIsland,in 750 m. Levenstein, 1964, p. 175, fig. 2. 6451'08"S,
Uschakov,1955, p. 386. Easternsectorof Antarc- 13230'E, in 322 m, and 4340'S, 5935'E, in
tica. 399-500 m.


Neoleprea streptochaeta(Ehlers) (from Ehlers, 1897, pl. 8, figs. 204, 205).

1. Distal end of a thoracic notoseta, x 366.
2. Thoracic uncinus, in frontal view, x 550.
Pista abyssicolaMcintosh (from Mcintosh, 1885, pl. 27a, fig. 33).
3. Long-handleduncinus from an anterior neuropodium, x 470.
Pista corrientis Mcintosh (from Monro, 1930, figs. 77 a, b, c, and Ehlers, 1913, pl. 44, figs. 3, 6 a, 6 b).
4. Anterior end of body, in ventral view, x 14.
5. Thoracic uncinus from setiger 16, in lateral view, x 650.
6. Thoracic uncinus, in frontal view, x 850.
7. First branchia, in lateral view, x 17.
8. Thoracic uncinus from median thoracic segment, in lateral view, X 438.
9. Limbate thoracic notoseta, x 240.
Pista cristata (Miiller) (from Wollebaek, 1912, pl. 30, figs. 1, 3).
10. Anterior end of body, in left lateral view, enlarged.
11. Thoracic uncinus from fifth setigerous segment, x 320.

Pista god/royi Benham, 1927, pp. 100-101, pl. 2, many lobes. Uncini in first thoracicneuropodialong-
figs. 59, 60; pl. 6, fig. 193. McMurdo Sound, handled (fig. 4), farther back much shorter-handled.
Ross Sea, in 140-300 fms. Tube long, cylindrical or taperingbasally,with long
attachedprojections(fig. 3).
Diagnosis:Tube characteristic, undulatingor twist-
ing, the walls of fine brown sandmixed with black Distribution: Off southeastern South America and
particles,with thornlikeprocesses at regularintervals, islandsof Antarctica; in moderatedepths.
in spiral arrangement.Length of body 8-50 mm;
width 2-2.7 mm, taperingposteriorlyto a width of
Pista spinijera (Ehlers, 1908)
1.2 mm. Segmentsinclude 17 thoracicsetigers,of
which 14 haveventralshields.Anterior segments lack Plate XXIX, figs. 5-7; Plate XXX, fig. 1
lateral lobes. Branchiaea singlepair, insertedon sec-
Scione spini/era Ehlers, 1908, pp. 152-153, pl. 20,
ondsegment(fig. 1), eachwith a longthickstemand
figs.10-14. Eastof BouvetIsland,in 439-463 m.
a close tuft of terminal filaments. Third segment
Gravier, 1911a, pp. 134-135, pl. 12, fig. 156. Mar-
laterally reduced.First setigerous fascicleon fourth
gueriteBay, in 250 m.
segmentand first uncini on fifth segment.Anterior
Ehlers, 1913, p. 561, pl. 44, fig. 7. Wilhelm II
segments lack long-handled uncini. Thoracicuncini
Coast, in 385 m.
with a largefang surmounted by 2 smallerteeth,seen
Pistaspini/eraAugener,1932b,p. 60. BouvetIsland
in profile (fig. 2).
and Port Lockroy, in 120-300 m.
Distribution: Antarctic continent; in moderate
Diagnosis:The tube is characteristic;long,tapering
basally, somewhatspirally twisted and ridged (pl.
XXX, fig. 1), with longlateralprojections(fig. 6, 7).
Pista mirabilis Mcintosh, 1885 Lengthof body 105 mm; width 6 mm; segments num-
ber about134, of which 17 are thoracicsetigers.The
Plate XXIX, figs. 3, 4 anal end terminates in a circlet of 12 threadlike cirri.

Pista mirabills Mcintosh,1885, pp. 454-457, pl. 51, Branchiae1 pair, each one with a thick stem,bifur-
figs.1, 2; pl. 27A, fig. 34; pl. 38A, fig. 2. Off the catedandthenagaindividednumerous times(fig. 5).
mouth of the Rio de la Plata, in 600 fms. The first 3 segments
with irregularlydividedventral
Benham,1927, p. 99. McMurdoSoundand Cape
Adare, in 45-250 fms. First segmentwith a pair of long, ventral, semi-
Monro,1930,pp. 186-187,fig. 76. ClarenceIsland, circular laterallobes;secondsegmentwith shortlobes,
South Shetland Islands, in 342 m. laterally concealed by the third segment.The fourth
Monro, 1936, p. 181. SouthGeorgia. segment the first setiger;uncini from the secondse-
Monro, 1939, p. 144. Knox Coastand Lars and tiger. Anterior uncini lack a longhandle.
Ingrid Christensen coasts,in 193 to 640 m. Distribution: East of Bouvet Island; west of Ant-
Levenstein,1964, p. 174. Eastern sector of Ant- arctic Peninsula; Wilhelm II Coast; in moderate
arctica, in 100-900 m. depths.
Scione mirabills Ehlers, 1913, p. 562. Wilhelm II
Coast, in 350-385 m.
GenusProclea Saint Joseph,1894
Benham,1921, p. 85, pl. 9, figs.97-100. Common-
wealthBay, in abyssaldepths. Proclea glabrolimbata Hessle,1917
Diagnosis:Lengthof body to 76 mm; width to 4 Plate XXXIV, figs. 1-3
mm. Lateral lobe of third segmentlarge, rounded;
ProcleaglabrolimbataHessle,1917, pp. 201-203, pl.
that of next, or first setiger,hardly developed.Body
2, figs. 11, 12; text fig. 54. GrahamCoast,in
coloreddull orangeor pale brown. Thoracicsetigers 360 m.
number17; ventralglandshieldsto aboutsegment13.
Branchiae1 pair, eachonewith a thick,longbase,ter- Diagnosis:Lengthof bodyabout50 mm; branchiae
minatingin 3 main branches, eachagaindividedinto and eyesabsent(fig. 2). Segments 2, 3, and 4 with

lateral lobes,thoseof secondsegmentlargestand pro- Fauvel, 1951, p. 768. Ad61ieCoast,in 10-15 m.

longedmoreventrallythan others. Setaefirst present Hartman, 1952, p. 234. Marguerite Bay, RossIs-
from fourth segmentand on 16 segments.Gland land, in 35-40 fms.
shieldson 10 segments.Setaeof first 8 segments dis- Knox, 1962, pp. 346-347. Mac. RobertsonLand.
tally hirsute (fig. 1), and thoe of last 8 segments,in Levenstein,1964, p. 177. Eastern sector of Ant-
part, short, laterally pectinate(fig. 3). Uncini in arctica, in 190-604 m.
singlerows,eachwith a main fang surmounted by a
broad, thick head with about 5 rows of smaller and Diagnosis:Length of body 100-145 mm, without
larger teeth. tentacles; width to 8 mm; segments numberabout90;
body tapersposteriorly. Color (preserved)uniformly
Distribution: Graham Coast, Antarctica; in 360 m. pale. Thoracic setigersnumber about 54. Branchiae
3 pairs, the first pair on secondsegment;each richly
Genus Terebella Linnaeus, 1767 branched. First 2 segmentswithout setae,third with
first notosetae. Lateral lobes absent. Notosetae den-
Terebella ?bilineata Baird, 1865 ticulated along much of their distal length (fig. 5).
Terebella ?bilineataBaird, 1865, p. 157. Falkland Thoracic uncini each with a large fang and several
Islands. smaller teeth (fig. 4). Tube thick and mud-walled.
Distribution: Antarctic mainland and South
Diagnosis:Length of body about 75 mm. Bran-
chiae3 pairs,eachwith many filaments.Thoracicse- Georgia; in moderatedepths.
tigersnumberabout36, followedby manyabdominal
segments.Tube irregular, about 100-115 mm long,
denselycoated with stonesand shells,coarselyce- GenusThelepides Gravier, 1911
mented together over a thin transparentmembrane.
Animal in life with 2 fine stripesextendinglongitudi- Thelepides koehleri Gravier, 1911
nally alongdorsum;dorsalsurfacetingedwith purple. Plate XXXVI, figs. 5-8
Distribution: Falkland Islands.
ThelepideskoehleriGravier, 1911a, pp. 138-141, pl.
10, figs. 127-132. Admiralty Bay and Deception
Terebella ehlersi Gravier, 1907 Island, South Shetlands,low tide to 36 m.
Gravier, 191lb, p. 315. South ShetlandIslands.
Plate XXXIV, figs. 4, 5
Diagnosis: Length of body 21 mm; width 2 mm;
TerebellaehlersiGravier, 1907, pp. 47-50, pl. 5, figs.
segmentsnumber 31. Thoracic setigers17. Ventrum
45, 46; text figs.30, 31. WienckeIsland, in 30 m.
of first segmentforms a lower lip. Branchiae3 pairs,
Gravier, 1911a, p. 130. Port Lockroy,in 6-70 m,
on segments 2, 3, and 4, decreasingin sizeposteriorly;
among algae, rocks.
each of the first pair with 4 filamentsin transverse
Ehlers,1913,p. 556. Wilhelm II Coast,in 350 m.
series,with the longestfilamentmedial,diminishingin
Hessle,1917, p. 190. 5412' to 6436'S,3628' to
size laterally; secondand third pairs similar, but
57e42'W, in 75-250 m.
smaller (fig. 5). First segmentwith a pair of large
Benham,1921, p. 82. Commonwealth Bay, in 0-60
lateral lobes; secondsegmentwith a similar pair of
lobes,but smaller;third segmentwith a pair of foliose
Benham,1927, p. 105. McMurdo Soundand Cape
lobesdorsally. First setaefrom segmentfollowingthe
Adare, in 45-250 fms.
third branchialone, and uncini first from secondsetig-
Monro, 1930, p. 185. South Georgia and Palmer
erous segment. Thoracic setae limbate, marginally
Archipelago,in 93-270 m.
smooth(fig. 8). Thoracicuncini avicular,with a large
Augener,1932b, p. 58. PrincessMartha Coast,in
50-220 m.
fang (fig. 6) surmounted by transverseseriesof teeth
(fig. 7). Uncini in singlerows on first 6 uncinigerous
Monro, 1939, p. 142. Enderbyand Mac. Robertson
segments, and in doublerowsfrom seventh.
lands; Lars and Ingrid Christensencoasts; in
17-437 m. Distribution: DeceptionIsland; in shallowdepths.

Thelepides venustus Levenstein,1964 Monro, 1930, pp. 191-192. SouthGeorgia,in 18-

251 m.
Plate XXXI, figs. 5, 6
Augener,1932b,p. 66. SouthGeorgia,in 65-70 m.
1964, p. 179, fig. 4. Monro, 1939, pp. 146-147. KerguelenIslands,in
6526' to 6552'S, 94e55' to 111%0'E, in 397 4-55 m; Lars and Ingrid Christensencoasts,in
and 197 m. 437 m.
Fauvel,1941, p. 295. Bahia Orangeand Strait of
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 50 ram; width 3 mm; Magellanarea.
with 17 thoracic and about 63 abdominal segments.
Firstsegment a plainring. Segments2 and3 each Diagnosis: Lengthof body75-82mm; width6-8
with laterallappets.Segment 4 with smallerlateral ram.Buccalregiontransformed intothickproboscis
lobes.Segment 3 dorsallycrossedby 4 crenulatedcovered with coarsepapillae(fig. 3). Branchiae 3
lobes(fig.5) behindtheinsertionof thefilamentous pairs,eachwitha stalkanddivided distally
branchiae.Latternumber3 on a side,separated mid- ments.Thoraxwith 17 setigerous segments. Ventral
dorsally.Firstsetaeonfourth,anduncinifromfifth scutes numberabout10. Setaefirst presentfrom
segment. Thoracic setaelimbate,
marginally smooth.fourth,anduncinifromfifth segment, the latterin
Thoracicuncini avicular,with a largemain fang (fig. singleseries.
6) surmounted by about4 teethin a row, and lesser Distribution: Arctic, boreal Atlantic, and Pacific
ones at sides.
oceans;sub-Antarcticand Antarctic seas;in shallow
Distribution:Antarctica,easternsector;in 197 and to moderatedepths.
397 m.

SubfamilyPolycirrinae Hessle
SubfamilyArtacaminae Chamberlin
GenusArtacama Malmgren, 1866
1. Setae and uncini absent ..... Hauchiella
Artacama proboscidea Malmgren,1866
Setaeor also uncini present....... 2
Plate XXVIII, fig. 3 2. Uncini present........ Polycirrus
Uncini absent.......... Lysilla
Mcintosh,1885, pp. 477-478,
pl. 51, fig. 6; pl. 28A, figs.23-25. Kerguelen
Genus Hauchiella Levinsen, 1893
Ehlers,1913,p. 568. Baie de l'Observatoire,
guelenIslands. Hauchiella tribullata (Mcintosh, 1869)
Ehlers,1900a,p. 16. Straitof Plate XXXV, fig. 1
Magellan,in 10-20 fms.
Ehlers,1901,p. 213. Strait of Magellan. Hauchiella tribullata Hessle, 1917, pp. 233-234,
Hessle,1917, pp. 194-195,pl. 2, fig. 13. South 5140' to 5417'S, 5744' to 3628'W, in 17-
25 m.
Georgia,in 20-250 m.


Hessle(from Hessle,1917,pl. 2, fig. 11; text figs.54 c, d).
1. Long thoracicseta from one of 8 last parapodia,x 600.
2. Anterior end of body,in right lateral view, x 6.
3. Short thoracic seta from one of 8 last parapodia, x 600.
TerebellaehlersiGravier (from Gravier,1907,pl. 5, fig. 45; text fig. 31).
4. Thoracic uncinus,in lateral view, x 635.
5. Thoracicnotopodialsetawith serratedtip, x 400.




Monro, 1930,p. 197. Cumberland

EastBay, South Monro, 1939,p. 147. Mac. RobertsonLand,in 17 m.
Georgia, in 220-247 m. Levenstein,1964, p. 181. Eastern sector of Ant-
Monro, 1936, pp. 184-185. SouthGeorgia,in 230- arctica, in 736 m.
250 m.
Diagnosis:Lengthof body to 80 mm; width 5 mm.
Diagnosis:Length of body 30-49 mm; without Setaeenclosed in a layerof tissue.Conspicuous
setae or uncini; lacking ventral scutes,but with a orifices (fig. 9) in setigeroussegments4 to 6. Noto-
raisedmidventralarea (fig. 1). Segments6, 7, and setaespatulate,with broadwingsdistally (fig. 10).
8 each with a pair of circular, truncatedpapillae,
consistingof a raisedring and an elevationin center, Distribution: South Georgia; Palmer Archipelago;
Wilhelm II Coast;in moderatedepths.
perhapsactingas suckers.Anteriornephridialonger
than posterior.Eyeslacking. Ventralsurfaceof first
segmentforms lower lip. Posteriorend tapering.
GenusPolycirrus Grube, 1850
Distribution:Northwestern Europe; SouthGeorgia;
off Antarcticmainland; in moderatedepths. Polycirrus antarcticus (Willey, 1902)

Plate XXXV, figs. 2, 3

GenusLysilla Malmgren, 1866 EreuthoantarcticaWilley, 1902, p. 281, pl. 42, fig. 6;
Lysilla loveni macintoshi Gravier, 1907 pl. 46, fig. 6. Cape Adare, washedin after a
Plate XXXII, figs. 9, 10
Diagnosis: Length of body about 15 mm, but in-
LysillaMaclntoshiGravier,1907,pp. 56-58, text fig.
completeposteriorly.Posterior3/5 of body swollen
37. Port Charcot, in 20-40 m.
and ovigerous(fig. 2). Thorax consistsof 11 setiger-
Ehlers,1913,p. 567. Wilhelm II Coast,in 385 m.
ous segments,followed by 12 segmentswith uncini,
Lysilla loveni macintoshi Hessle, 1917, p. 231. these in single rows. Uncini with long shank and
5412'S, 3650'W, to 5524'S, 3622'W, in 195- distal teeth (fig. 3).
250 m.

Monro, 1930, p. 197, fig. 82. South Georgia,in Distribution: Cape Adare, Antarctica; from un-
160-335 m. known depth.

Plate XXXV

Hauchiella tribullata (Mcintosh) (from Ehlers, 1913, pl. 44, fig. 15).
1. Entire animal, in ventral view, X 10.
Polycirrusantarcticus(Willey) (from Willey, 1902, pl. 42, fig. 6; pl. 46, fig. 6).
2. Entire animal, with large ova, in left lateral view, enlarged.
3. Thoracic uncinus,in lateral view, enlarged.
Polycirrushamiltoni Benham (from Monro, 1930, figs. 80 a, b, c).
4. Larger kind of notoseta,in lateral view, X 324.
5. Smaller kind of notoseta, X 485.
6. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, X 1266.
PolycirrushessleiMonro (from Monro, 1930,figs. 81 a, c).
7. Anterior end of body, in ventral view, X 5.1.
8. Uncini, in lateral and frontal views, X 1750.
PolycirrusinsignisGravier (from Gravier, 1907, text figs. 35, 36).
9. Distal end of notopodial seta, X 460.
10. Uncinus, in lateral view, X 830.
Polycirruskerguelensis(Mcintosh) (from Gravier, 1911, pl. 11, fig. 136).
11. Uncinus, in lateral view, x 635.

Polycirrus hamiltoni Benham,1921 Distribution: North of Antarctic Peninsula; in

Plate XXXV, figs. 4-6
PolycirrushamiltoniBenham,1921, p. 94, pl. 9, figs.
101-106. MacquarieIsland. Polycirrus insignis Gravier, 1907
Monro, 1930, pp. 194-195, fig. 80. Falkland Is-
Plate XXXV, figs. 9, 10
lands, in 17-115 m.
Fauvel, 1936, p. 37. Strait of Magellan. PolycirrusinsignisGravier, 1907, pp. 54-56, figs. 35,
Monro, 1939, p. 147. MacquarieIsland,shore. 36. Port Charcot, in 40 m.
Fauvel, 1951, p. 770. CapeMargerie,in 50-60 m.
Diagnosis:Tubes of dark sand grains attachedto
rocksat low water, containingpink worms; about25- Diagnosis:Length25 mm; width 3 mm; color uni-
35 mm long; 2 mm wide; consistingof 30-34 setiger- formly brown. Bodyconsists of 11 thoracicand 28-31
ous segments.Tentaclesnumerous. Uncini first from abdominalsegments.A ventralcollarwith undulating
seventhor not beforeeleventhsegment.A medianven- border at anteriorend. Setaepresentfrom fourth seg-
tral shield on first or peristomalsegment,followed ment, on 11 segments;uncinigeroussegments number
by 13 segments with gland shields.Notopodiapresent 14. Notosetae slightlylimbate and faintly denticulate
from secondsegmentand repeatedon mostbody seg- at cutting edge (fig. 9). Uncini with long, faintly
ments. Setae of 2 kinds: some with distal flange striatedbase (fig. 10) and a large fang surmounted
laterally denticulated(fig. 4); othersslenderer,lack- by 2 smallerteeth. Ventral scutesdisappearat tho-
ing flange,but with coarserdenticulationsat edges racicsegments 8 to 11. Nephridialpapillaeof setigers
(fig. 5). Neuropodiafirst from notopodium7 or not 4 and 5 long and cylindrical.
before 12 or 13. Uncini in singleseries,eachwith a Distribution: Graham and Ad61iecoasts;Port Char-
short base (fig. 6), a large fang surmountedby 2 cot; in shallowdepths.
teeth with a thin, curvedundividedhood abovethem.
Distribution:Falkland Islands; MacquarieIsland;
in shallowdepths. Polycirrus kerguelensis (Mcintosh,1885)
Plate XXXV, fig. 11
Ereuthokerguelensis Mcintosh,1885, p. 474, pl. 28A,
Polycirrus hesslei Monro, 1930 figs.20, 21. Off KerguelenIslands,in 110 fms.
Plate XXXV, figs. 7, 8 Ehlers, 1913, pp. 565-566. Wilhelm II Coast,in
385 m.
PolycirrushessleiMonro, 1930, pp. 195-197, fig. 81. PolycirruskerguelensisMcintosh,1885, p. 475. Off
5100'S, 5100' to 58e53'W, in 121-130 m. KerguelenIslands,in 127 fms.
Monro, 1936, p. 184. 5338'S, 70e54'30"W, in Gravier, 1911a, pp. 141-143, pl. 11, fig. 136. Port
14-78 m. Circumcision and Petermann Island, Antarctic
Peninsula,low tide to 6 m.
Diagnosis:Length of body 70 mm; width 4 mm;
Hessle, 1917, p. 221. Off South Georgia, in 22-
segments numberabout125. Bodyswollenandarched 310 m.
dorsallyin thoracicregionand taperingin the abdo-
Monro, 1930, p. 194. Off South Georgia,in 120-
men. Ventral gland shieldson first and secondseg- 270 m.
ment and anteriorpart of third segment,fusedinto a
Augener,1932b,p. 67. Port Lockroy,in 6-70 m.
large shield-shapedmass(fig. 7); 10 pairs of ventral
Monro, 1936, p. 184. SouthGeorgia.
gland shields,includingthe first. Setaefrom second
Monro, 1939, p. 147. KerguelenIslands,shore.
segment,and uncini from fourteenthsetiger. Noto-
Hartman, 1952, p. 236. MargueriteBay, in 40 fms.
setaelong, slender,very narrowlybordered.Abdom-
inal uncini with a main fang surmountedby a Diagnosis:Length of body 30 mm; width 3 mm,
crescentof 6 denticles(fig. 8). Intestinefilled with withoutparapodia.Dorsumrugoseand large buccal
sand. surfacealmostpapillose.Notopodialsegments number

11 to 15, andneuropodia presentfrom first to third smooth,narrowborder,and a shorterone without

lastnotopodia.Ventralglandshieldsof firstandsec- wings. Uncini first presentfrom fourth setiger;in
ond segments forminga broad plate dividedby a anteriorregioneachuncinuswith a transverse row
grooveinto a largeranterioranda smallerposterior of 2 to 3 teethabovethe main fang (figs. 1, 2);
part. Lateralpadswell developed on first 3 to 5 abdominal unciniwith morenumerous teeth(figs.3,
setigeroussegments. Setaelimbate,with wingslater- 4). Tubes composed of thick mud walls, closely
ally serrated.Uncinieachwith a longshaft(fig. 11), spiraled(pl. XXX, figs.2, 4).
a main fang, and surmounted by 2 teeth abovethe
Distribution: Off South Georgia and KerguelenIs-
fang. lands in 130 and 20 m.
Distribution: KerguelenIslands; South Georgia;
Victoria Land; Wilhelm I! Coast; shore to moderate
depths. GenusThelepus Leuckart, 1849
Thelepus cincinnatus (Fabricius,1780)
sp. Plate
XXXVI, figs.
fms. 45,fig.6. Cape
in8 fms.
ofMagellan. Benham,1921,pp.91-93.Southeast
No diagnosis
given. in 15-30.fms.
Thelepus cincinnatusHessle, 1917, p. 212. South
depths. Georgia,
Benham,1927, p. 111. McMurdo Soundand Cape
Adare, in 45-300 fms.
Hessle Monro,
KEY TO GENERA Orkney Islands,and Palmer Archipelago,in 18-
present from
second 391m.
......... Streblosoma
Augener,1932b, p.65.Deception andSouth Sand-
wich islands,Port Lockroyand BouvetIsland,in
fromthird 50-200
.......... Thelepus
in 99-161 m, and 4800' to 5500'S, 3500' to
6400'W, in 130-341 m.
1872 Fauvel,
Streblosoma bairdi antarctica Monro, 1936 Monro, 1939, p. 145. Ad61ie Coast and Mac.
RobertsonLand, in 17-640 m.
PlateXXX, figs.2 and 4; Plate XXXVI, figs.1-4
Fauvel, 1951, p. 770. Ad61ieCoast,in 50-60 m.
Streblosomabairdi antarcticaMonro, 1936, p. 182, Hartman, 1952, p. 236. Ross Island, Marguerite
fig. 32. Off SouthGeorgia,in 130 m. Bay, in 35-58 fms.
Monro, 1939, p. 146, fig. 25. PasseRoyale,Ker- Levenstein,1964, pp. 179-180. Easternsectorof
guelenIslands, in 20 m. Antarctica, in 140-1180 m.
Diagnosis: Length of body 30-105 mm; width Diagnosis:Lengthof body 140-190 mm; width to
2-5 mm; setigeroussegments55 to 75. Notopodial 7.5 ram; segmentsnumber 90-105; or only 30-40
setigersnumber25 to 51. Eyesnotvisible.The buccal mm long and with fewer segments.Sides of body
segmentforms a swollenlower lip. Ventral surface thick, roughened, very glandular,continuous
with the
glandularfor first 20 setigeroussegments,the glands large ventralglandshields,which are indistinctand
bestdeveloped on first 10 segments.Branchiae3 pairs, number about 10 to 30, each crossedby furrows.
eachof 1 or 2 simplefilaments.Nephridialpapillae Peristomium with manyeyespots.Branchiaenumber
not visible. Notosetae of 2 kinds:a longerkind with 2 pairs (fig. 9), eachwith many filaments;inserted


on segments 2 and 3; thoseof a pair mediallysepa- Distribution:First off New Zealand;Kerguelen

rated. Notosetaefirst presentfrom secondbranchial Islands;Strait of Magellan;Antarcticeasternsector;
segment,continuedposteriorlynearly to end of body. in shallowto moderatedepths.
Uncini present from third setigeroussegment,the
tori extendingventrally nearly to the gland shields.
Notosetaeof 2 kinds, longer and slender,and shorter
Thelepus setosus( Quatrefages,
and broadlylimbate(fig. 10). Uncini in singleseries,
each with a large fang (fig. 12) surmountedby 2 Neottisspectabilis
Verrill,1875,pp.65-66. Kerguelen
teeth abovethe main fang and a smallermediantooth Islands, in 12 fms.
(fig. 11). Nephridiain segments 4 to 7. Tube mem- Neottisantarctica
Mcintosh,1876,p. 321. Kerguelen
branous, covered with sand and gravel, its surface Islands.
rough and uneven. Mcintosh,1879, p. 261, pl. 15, figs. 14, 15. Ker-
Distribution: Arctic boreal; north Atlantic and Pa- guelen Islands.
cific oceans;Antarctica; cosmopolitan;in shallowto Mcintosh,1885, pp. 472-473, pl. 52, fig. 1. Off
moderatedepths. Marion Island,in 69 fms; off KerguelenIslands
and Heard Island, in 120 and 75 fms; Strait of
Magellan, in 55 fms.
Thelepus plagiostoma Schmarda,1861
Ehlers,1897,pp. 133-134. Strait
ThelepusantarcticusKinberg, 1867, p. 345. 'Buket of Magellan, Falkland Islands, and South
Island,' Rada York, Strait of Magellan. Georgia,in 1-7 fms.
Ehlers, 1901, p. 210. Strait of Magellan. Ehlers,1900a,p. 16. Strait of Magellan,intertidal
ThelepusMclntoshiGrube, 1877b,p. 511. Kerguelen to 120 fms.
Ehlers,1901,pp. 210-211. Strait of Magellan.
Thelepus plagiostomaHessle, 1917, pp. 214-215. Pratt, 1901, p. 14. Falkland Islands,shore.
Gravier,1907, pp. 53-54. Port Charcotand Booth
Levenstein,1964, p. 180. Eastern sector of Ant- Island, in 20-40 m.
arctica, in 0-80 m. Ehlers,1908, p. 146. BouvetIsland, in 567 m.
Diagnosis:Length of body about 50 mm; width 4 Ehlers,1913, p. 561. KerguelenIslands,in Macro-
mm; segments number about 60. Branchiae3 pairs, cystisholdfasts.
eachconsisting of simplefilaments.Possiblyconfused Thelepussetosus Fauvel,1916,pp. 466471, figs.3-6.
with T. setosus(see below). FalklandIslands,low tide, with Macrocystis.


Streblosomabairdi antarctica Monro (from Monro, 1936, figs. 32 c-f).

1. Thoracic uncinus,in lateral view, X 700.
2. Thoracic uncinus,in frontal view, X 700.
3. Abdominal uncinus,in lateral view, X 700.
4. Abdominal uncinus, in frontal view, x 700.
Thelepideskoehleri Gravier (from Gravier, 1911, pl. 10, figs. 127, 129, 130, 132).
5. Anterior end through 5 thoracic setigeroussegments,in dorsal view, x 17.5.
6. Thoracic limbate seta, in lateral view, X 385.
7. Thoracic uncinus,in lateral view, X 635.
8. Thoracic uncinus, in frontal view, X 635.
Thelepuscincinnatus(Fabricius) (from Wollebaek, 1912, pl. 24, fig. 1; pl. 25, figs. 3, 5, 6).
9. Anterior end of body, in left lateral view, enlarged.
10. Short limbate thoracic seta, X 320.
11. Thoracic uncini, in three-quarterview, X 320.
12. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, X 520.

Benham,1921, p. 91. MacquarieIsland, in rock 2. Branchiaefree from each other. Octobranchus

pools. Branchiaefusedto form 2
Monro, 1930, p. 193. FalklandIslandsand South groups ......... .4mpharetides
Georgia,in 0-131 m. Branchiaefusedto form a single
Augener,1932a,p. 115. SouthGeorgia. group .......... Terebellides
Augener,1932b,p. 64. SouthGeorgiaand Bouvet
Island, in 16-300 m.
Monro, 1936, p. 182. Antarctic and sub-Antarctic

p.36.Patagonia. Genus
Monro,1939,p. 145. Kerguelen
Islands,shoreto Ampharetidesvanho]'jeniEhlers,1913
69 m, common.
Islands. Leopold
in 2725 m.

Diagnosis:Lengthof bodyto 150 mm; width5-10 Hessle,1917, p. 136. Leopoldand Astrid Coast.
mm; color uniformly pale yellow to light brown,
Diagnosis:Length of body 23 mm; width 2 mm,
branchiaered and tentaclesorange colored. Cuticle
taperingposteriorlyto 1 mm. Prostomiumwith large
of thoracic dorsum smooth,posterior region some-
laterallobesand smalltentacles.Consisting of 17 tho-
what rugose. Segmentswith notosetaevariable, from
racic and about 35 abdominal segments. Dorsum
30 to 55, usually35 to 38; abdominalsegments num-
arched; ventrum of first 3 segmentsarchedand lack-
ber 30 to 50. Buccal segmentwith band of many
ing ventral gland shields;next 15 segmentsmedially
smalleyespots.Branchiaenumber3 pairs, with the
depressed.First segmenttwice as long ventrally as
first on the presetigerous
segmentand the next2 pairs
succeedingsegments.Branchiae in 2 groups of 4
on the first 2 setigerous
each, the distal part of each branchiawith lamellae.
sisting of many slender filaments. Ventral gland
Notopodia present from secondsegment,the first
shieldsnumber about 20-22. Nephridialpapillae on
notopodiasmall, the next larger; each with simple,
segments 2 to 5. Notosetaeof two kinds,all limbate,
slender capillary setae. Uncini presentfrom about
the longer with slendererwings, the shorter with
ninth notopodia,continuedthrough last 9 thoracic
broader ones. Uncini in single rows; each with a
and all abdominal segments.Each uncinus with a
large fang surmountedby 3 to 5 smallerteeth in 2
large fang, surmounted by 2 teethin eachof two rows.
rows. Tube membranous,coveredwith gravel and
shellfragmentsand algal bits, or with sandonly. Distribution:Off Leopoldand Astrid Coast; in
Harborsa polynoid,HarmothoespinosaKinberg. abyssaldepths.
Distribution: Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans;
Antarcticwaters; in shallowto moderatedepths.
terebellid, indeterminable
GenusOctobranchus Marion and Bobretzky,1875
terebellid,Fauvel,1936, p. 37. 7000'S,8048'W.
Octobranchus antarcticus Monro, 1936
Postlarvalstageonly; not identified.
Plate XXXVII, figs. 1-4
OctobranchusantarcticusMonro, 1936, pp. 185-187,
fig. 33. 6421%,6258'W, in 278-500 m.
Family Trichobranchidae Malmgren
Diagnosis:Length of body, lackingposteriorend,
TOGENERA 17mm;width
2 mm;setigerous
1. Branchiaethreadlike,not fused;without taclesand all branchiaelost except1 of fourth pair
chitinizedstomachregion. . Trichobranchus (fig. 1). Prostomiumwith a horseshoe-shapedupper
Branchiaemore or lessfusedbasally . . . 2 lobewithoutfolds; a bandof dark eyespots dorsally.

Buccalsegments form a thick lower lip. Secondseg- Genus Terebellides Sars, 1835
ment prolongedforward as a ventral lappet with an
Terebellides longicaudatus Hessle,1917
unevenlobededge. Third segmentwith a pair of less
spatulateventrolaterallappetsjoined acrossthe ven- Plate XXXVII, figs. 9-12
trum. Fourthand fifth segments with largelateraland
Terebellideslongicaudatus Hessle,1917, p. 139, pl.
ventral collars,open dorsally; sixth segmentwith a
1, fig. 17, text fig. 30. South Georgia,in 75-
pair of small,round lappetsat sidesof body below 310 m.
notopodia. Thoracic setigersnumber 16; first noto-
Monro, 1930, p. 199. South Georgia and Palmer
podia on fifth, or last, branchial segment. Uncini
Archipelago,in 110-500 m.
presentfrom setigers4 to 8. Ventral gland shields
absent. Thoracic uncini with long shaft (fig. 4) ter- Diagnosis:Lengthof body 75 to 95 ram; segments
minatingin a largefang surmounted by crestof den-
includeup to 19 thoracicand about55 abdominal.
ticles. Abdominaluncini avicular,with a large fang
Segments3 and 4 with large lateral lobes (fig. 9).
surmountedby 2 transverserows of smallerteeth First notopodiummay be greatlyreducedor nearly
(fig. 3) abovethe basalfang (fig. 2). coveredby the large laterallobesof the fourth seg-
Distribution: Palmer Archipelago;in moderate ment. Thoracicuncini very numerousin a fascicle;
depth. eachuncinuswith a longshaftterminating in a large
fang nearly at right anglesto the stalk (fig. 10) and
surmounted by a crownof about6 teethand smaller
denticles(fig. 11). First neuropodiumwith modified
Octobranchus phyllocomus Hartman, 1952 acicularspinesdistally somewhatbent (fig. 12).
Distribution: South Georgia and Palmer Archipel-
Plate XXXVII, figs. 5-8
ago; in 75-500 m.
Octobranchus phyllocomusHartman, 1952, pp. 233-
234, figs.1-12. Off CapeRoyds,RossIslands,in
50 fms. Terebellides stroemii Sars, 1835
Plate XXXVIII, figs. 1-3
Diagnosis:Length about 20 mm (posteriorlyin-
complete);width 3.3 mm; consisting of 16 thoracic Terebellidesstriimi Ehlers, 1897, p. 134. Strait of
and 6 abdominalsetigeroussegments.Buccalsegment Magellan area.
with dark eyespots.A largeU-shapedmembraneabout Ehlers, 1900a, p. 16. Strait of Magellan, in 10-
the oral apertureto whichthe tentaclesare attached. 12 fms.
A pair of laterallobesat sidesof mouth.Anteriorend Ehlers, 1908, p. 154. BouvetIsland, in 439 m.
(fig. 5) of thorax with 4 pairs of lateral lobes,all Augener, 1932b, p. 66. Port Lockroy and Bouvet
continued across ventrum; first lobes smallest and Island, in 90-200 m.
largely concealedby the much larger secondpair.
Diagnosis: Length of body 25-38 ram; segments
Third and fourthpairs of lobesprogressively smaller.
number 30-34. Thoracic setigersnumber 18 and
Branchiaenumber 4 pairs, each with a broad base
abdominal segmentsmore numerous. Buccal region
and a distal slenderfilament,the secondpair with the
without eyes. First 3 segmentswith slight lateral lap-
broadestbase. First notopodiasmall, conical,others
pets. A singlelarge branchia,distallydividedinto 4
larger. Setaeof 2 kinds, somelonger and broader,
others short and slender. Thoracic uncini first from
branches,each pectinatelydivided (fig. 1), inserted
betweensegments 3 and 4. Notosetaefirst from third
fifth setiger,number 15-25 in a single row; each
segmentand uncini from sixth setigeroussegment.
uncinuswith a long stalk and with a large distal fang
Each notosetalong and limbate. First neuropodia
surmountedby a crescentof denticles(fig. 8). Ab-
with acicular, geniculatespines (fig. 3); thereafter
dominaluncini avicular (fig. 7), terminatingdistally
uncini with long handle,terminatingin a large fang;
in a large fang surmounted by two transverse rowsof
abdominal uncini avicular, with large fang and
denticles (fig. 6).
smaller teeth (fig. 2). Tube membranous,covered
Distribution: Ross Island; in 50 fins. with sand.
2 3


9 10 11


Distribution: Arctic, boreal Atlantic, and Pacific GenusTrichobranchus Malmgren, 1866

oceans;Antarctic waters; cosmopolitan;in moderate
and shallowdepths. Trichobranchus glacialis Malmgren, 1866

Plate XXXVIII, figs. 8-10

Trichobranchus glacialisEhlers,1900b,p. 221. Strait

Terebellides stroemii kerguelensis Mcintosh,1885 of Magellan,in 7-10 fms.
Ehlers,1901, p. 214. Strait of Magellan.
Plate XXXVIII, figs. 4-7
Ehlers, 1913, pp. 566-567. Wilhelm II Coast.
Terebellidesstroemikerguelensis Mcintosh, 1885, p.
Diagnosis:Lateral lobesof first segmentlarge and
480, pl. 29A, figs. 7, 8; pl. 38A, fig. 4. Off Ker-
guelenIslands,in 110 fms. semicircular, fully free from one another. Buccal
Monro, 1939, p. 147. Ad61ie Coast and Mac. segmentwith numerouseyespots;this segmentraised
Roberston Land, in 219-640 m. (With syn- and transversely ridged (fig. 8). Laterallobeson sec-
onymy.) ond and third segmentsmaller than those of first.
Levenstein,1964, p. 181. Eastern sector of Ant- Branchiae 3 pairs, each threadlike, free from one
arctica, in 408 and 182 m. another, but those of third pair approachingmid-
TerebellidesminutusHessle,1917, p. 138, Patagonia. dorsally. Thorax with 15 setigeroussegments,with
Monro, 1930, p. 198, fig. 83 a-d. South Georgia uncini present from first setiger. Thoracic uncini
Bay, in 238-270 m. long-handled, terminating distally in a hooked tip
(fig. 10). Abdominal uncini avicular, with dentate
Diagnosis: Length of body 42 mm for specimen margin (fig. 9).
with 35 abdominalsegments.First pair of notopodia
fully developed;first neuropodia with geniculate Distribution: Arctic, boreal Atlantic oceans; Strait
setae (fig. 4); anterior segmentslack lateral lappets. of Magellanand Antarcticareas; in shallowdepths.
Thoracic uncini with conspicuouslycurved necks
(fig. 5). Number of teeth in abdominaluncini (fig.
7) varies from 4 to 6, with 5 (fig. 6) the most usual
number. Trichobranchus glacialis antarcticus Hessle,1917

Distribution: Southern South America; Kerguelen TrichobranchusglacialisantarcticusHessle,1917, p.

Islands; South Georgia and Graham Coast; in mod- 132. Patagonia,in 29-310 m.
eratedepths. Hartman, 1952, p. 233. RossIsland, in 50 fms.


OctobranchusantarcticusMonro (from Monro, 1936, figs. 33 a, e, f, g).

1. Anterior end of body, in left lateral view, x 12.
2. Abdominal uncinus, in lateral view, X 1000.
3. Abdominal uncinus,in frontal view, X 1000.
4. Long-handledthoracic uncinus, x 120.
Octobranchusphyllocomus Hartman (from Hartman, 1952, figs. 1, 10, 11, 12).
5. Anterior end of body, in right lateral view, X 7.
6. Abdominal uncinus, in frontal view, x 2935.
7. Abdominal uncinus,in lateral view, x 2935.
8. Distal end of thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, x 1856.
Terebellides longicaudatus Hessle (from Hessle, 1917, pl. 1, fig. 17; text figs. 30 a, b, c).
9. Anterior end of body, in right lateral view, x 5.
10. Thoracic long-handleduncinus, X 600.
11. Abdominal uncinus,in frontal view, x 1300.
12. Modified seta from first neuropodium, x 200.

Diagnosis:This differsfrom stem only in lacking, Genus Desdemona Banse, 1957

insteadof having,eyeson buccalsegment. Desdemona trilobata Banse, 1957
Distribution: Patagoniaand RossIsland; in mod-
Plate XXXIX, figs.7-10
erate depth.
Desdemonatrilobata Banse,1957, pp. 92-94, fig. 8
a-d. Port Foster, Falkland Islands,in 22 m, sand.
Family Sabellidae Malmgren
Diagnosis:Length of body 3.5 mm, of which 1.2
is tentacular crown; width 0.35 mm. Tentacular
1. Bodyencasedin thick gelatinous radiolegnumber4 pairs and lack a palmatemembrane.
sheath ......... Myxicolinae Peristomiumwith a very high collar (fig. 7) deeply
Body not encasedin gelatinoussheath . . . 2 incisedmiddorsally,and with a pair of dark embedded
2. Thoracic neuropodiawith long-handled eyes. Thoracic setigersnumber 8 and abdominal6.
uncini .......... Fabriciinae Thoracic setaelong, slender,and capillary; thoracic
Thoracicneuropodiawith short, avicular uncini long-handled, distally hooked. Abdominal
uncini .......... Sabellinae uncini with short base and many teeth along cutting
edge (fig. 10). Body terminatesin a medianrounded
lobe (figs. 8, 9) and a pair of lateral flanges,emerging
SubfamilyFabriciinae Rioja from the last few setigeroussegments.
Distribution: Falkland Islands; in shallowdepth.
1. Posteriorend with an anal vent (pl.
XXXIX, fig. 13) ...... . Euchone
Posterior end without such anal vent. . . . 2
GenusEuchone Malmgren, 1866
2. Posteriorend with a pair of lateral flanges
on last 3 setigeroussegments(pl. Euchone analis (KriSyer,1856)
XXXIX, fig. 9) ...... Desdemona
EuchoneanalisAugener,1932b,pp. 84-85. Port Lock-
Posteriorend taperingto a narrow pygidium. 3
roy, in 140 m.
Abdomen consistsof 3 setigerous
segments.......... Fabricia Diagnosis:Color of body rust-yellow;length30-50
Abdomen consistsof 6 setigerous mm, excluding tentacular crown; segmentsnumber
segments.......... Oriopsis about 37. Collar ventrolateral. Radioleg numbering
Abdomen consists of 15 or more 14, each with many pinnules and terminating in a
setigeroussegments..... Jasmineira long, bare tip.


Terebellidesstroemii Sars (from Wollebaek, 1912, pl. 18, figs. 1, 7, 9).

1. Anterior end of body, in left lateral view, x 8.
2. Abdominal uncinus, in lateral view, x 760.
3. Thoracic neurosetaefrom first neuropodium, x 75.
TerebellidesstroemiikerguelensisMcintosh (from Monro, 1930, figs. 83 a, b, c, d, as Terebellidesminutus).
4. Modified seta from first thoracic neuropodium, x 310.
5. Thoracic uncinus from more posterior neuropodium, x 500.
6. Abdominal uncinus, in frontal view, x 1250.
7. Abdominal uncinus, in lateral view, x 1250.
Trichobranchusglacialis Malmgren (from Wollebaek, 1912, pl. 19, figs. 1, 6 a, 7).
8. Anterior end of body, in left lateral view, enlarged.
9. An abdominal uncinus, in lateral view, x 880.
10. A long-handledthoracic uncinus, x 880.


Distribution: Arctic Ocean; Palmer Archipelago; ing to anterior border of first ventral gland shield
in moderatedepths. (fig. 12); inner dorsaledgesof collar fusedin their
lower part with 2 lamellae,which are continuouswith
a pair of fleshypadsat baseof tentacularcrown (fig.
Euchone pallida Ehlers, 1908 11). Radioleslack palmate web. Notosetaeslender;
none spatulare.Thoracic uncini with distal fang and
Plate XXXIX, figs. 11-15
terminal teeth (fig. 15). Abdominal uncini avicular,
Euchonepallida Ehlers, 1908, p. 159, pl. 21, figs. with large fang and many distal denticles(fig. 14).
10-15; pl. 22, figs. 1-4. East of KerguelenIs- Posteriorendwith a largeventcomprising10 or more
lands. setigeroussegments(fig. 13).
Ehlers,1913, p. 574. Wilhelm II Coast.
Distribution: Kerguelen Islands; South Georgia;
Benham, 1927, p. 139, pl. 4, figs. 126-130. Mc- South Shetland Islands; mainland of Antarctica; in
Murdo Sound, Ross Sea, in 180-300 fms.
Monro, 1930, pp. 203-204. South Georgia and
South Shetland Islands, in 179-525 m.
Augener,1932b, p. 70. Bridgeman,Peter I, and
Genus Fabricia Blainville, 1828
South Sandwich islands, Port Lockroy, in 60-
750 m. Fabricia sabella (Ehrenberg,1837)
Monro, 1936, p. 190. South Georgia, in 230-250 Baie de
Fabricia sabella Ehlers, 1913, p. 577.
m, and South Sandwich Islands, in 155-322 m.
l'Observatoire, Kerguelen Islands.
Monro, 1939, p. 148. Enderbyand Mac. Roberston
lands, in 180-219 m. Diagnosis:Lengthof body nearly 2.0 mm with ten-
Hartman, 1952, p. 236. RossIsland, in 50-58 fms. tacular radioles and about 1.68 mm without radioles.
Anterior segments brownish,posteriorpaler. Pygidium
Diagnosis:Length of body 45-63 mm without ten-
with many small eyesinsteadof the pair of pigment
tacular crown, which may be about 15 mm long;
spotstypical of the species.Mature in January.
smallerspecimens 20 mm long with crown of 10 mm.
Thorax consistsof 8 and abdomenof 32-36 setigerous Distribution: North Atlantic and Pacific oceans;
segments.Collar delicate,its midventralcleft extend- cosmopolitan;KerguelenIslands; in intertidaldepths.


Amphiglena mediterranea (Leydig) (from Rioja, 1923, fig. 49).

1. Anterior end, in ventral view, x 100.
Bispira magalhaensis(Kinberg) (from Fauvel, 1916, pl. 9, figs. 34, 38, 39, 40, 43).
2. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, x 210.
3. Abdominal uncinus, in lateral view, x 210.
4. Pick-axe seta, from thoracicneuropodium,x 500.
5. Short thoracic notoseta, x 210.
6. Long thoracic notoseta, x 210.
Desdemonatrilobata Banse (from Banse, 1957, figs. 8 a, b, c, d).
7. Collar segment,in dorsal view, enlarged.
8. Posterior end of body, in ventral view, enlarged.
9. Posteriorend of body, in right lateral view, enlarged.
10. Abdominaluncinus,in lateral view, enlarged.
Euchonepallida Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1908,pl. 21, figs. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 a).
11. Anterior end of body with base of radioles and first 5 thoracic setigeroussegments,in dorsal view, x 10.
12. Anterior end of body, in ventral view, x 10.
13. Posterior end of body with pygidial funnel, in ventral view, X 10.
14. Abdominal uncinus, in lateral view, x 710.
15. Long-handledthoracic uncinus, in lateral view, x 710.

I,9 1

_ ,.



Fabricia sp. Jasmineira macrophthalma Ehlers, 1913

Fabricia sp. Ehlers,1913, p. 578. Wilhelm II Coast; Jasmineiramacrophthalma Ehlers,1913, pp. 578-579.
in 380-385 m. No diagnosisgiven. Wilhelm II Coast, in 385 m.

Diagnosis:Length of body 4.3 mm, of which 1.3

mm is that of radioles;greatestwidth at first segment.
GenusJasmineira Langerhans,1880 Thorax consistsof 8 and abdomen of 12 setigerous
Jasmineira caeca Ehlers, 1913 segments.Radiolesnumber3 pairs, fusedbasallyby
a palmatemembrane;each terminatesdistallyin a
Plate XL, figs. 1-3 long, bare filament. Buccalsegmentwith a pair of
Jasmineira caeca Ehlers, 1913, p. 579. Baie de large, semicircular dark eyes. Collar membrane
l'Observatoire,KerguelenIslands. large, membranous, extendsforward beyondbaseof
Jasmineirascotti Benham, 1927, p. 131, pl. 3, figs. radioles. Thoracic notosetae capillary to narrowly
100-107. McMurdo Sound, RossSea, in 140 fms. limbate. Uncini present from secondsetiger; each
Monro, 1930,p. 205, fig. 85. 5459'S,3524'W,in long-stemmed, terminatingdistallyin a simpletooth.
130 m. Abdominal uncini short, each with a main fang and
many small denticles.Pygidiumwth a large, round,
Diagnosis:Length of body 9 mm and tentacular triangularlobe larger than last segment,withouteye-
crown another 4 mm. Color lacking. Consistsof 8 spots.
thoracic and 15 abdominal setigers. Radioles may
have a web through a third of their basal length. Distribution: Wilhelm II Coast;in moderatedepth.
Dorsal side of thorax with a pair of prominent glan-
dular padsextendingfrom third setigerto baseof the
head region. Thoracicsetae(fig. 1) wingedto spatu-
late; thoracic uncini with long handle (fig. 2), ter-
GenusOriopsis Caulleryand Mesnil, 1896
minating distally in a large fang, acuteto shaft, and
smallerdenticles.Abdominalsetaeslenderand capil- Oriopsis alata (Ehlers, 1897)
lary; uncini avicular, but with long stem (fig. 3),
terminating in a large fang and crest of 8 rows of Plate XL, figs. 8-10
denticles.Tubes incrustedwith sand grains and small
black stones.
Fabricia alata Ehlers, 1897, pp. 135-137, pl. 9, figs.
206-210. South Georgia and Strait of Magellan,
Distribution: KerguelenIslands and Ross Sea; in in 1-2 fms.

depthsto 140 fms. Ehlers,1901, p. 218. Strait of Magellan.

Plate XL

Jasmineira caeca Ehlers (from Monro, 1930, figs. 85 a, b, c).

1. Limbate thoracic seta, x 240.
2. Thoracic uncinus,in lateral view, x 430.
3. Abdominal uncinus, in lateral view, x 357.
Myxicola sulcata Ehlers (from Ehlers, 1912, pl. 3, figs. 5, 8, 11, 12).
4. Entire body of animal, in ventral view, x 3.
5. Radiolar filaments from ventral end of tentacular crown, x 6.
6. Uncini, in frontal view, x 1410.
7. Uncinus, in lateral view, x 1410.
Oriopsisalata (Ehlers) (from Hartman, 1953, figs. 21 a, d, e).
8. Anterior end of body, in ventral view, x 33.6.
9. Long-handledthoracic uncinus, in lateral view, x 840.
10. Abdominal uncinus,in lateral view, x 1176.


7 8





Ehlers,1913, pp. 577-578. Baie de l'Observatoire, Diagnosis:Length 4 mm; width 0.15 mm. Differs
KerguelenIslands. from stemspeciesin havinga more conspicuouscollar-
Hartman,1953,p. 55. Maiviken (May Bay), South like fold on first segment,and thoracic uncini (fig.
Georgia,intertidal. 1) have more numerousteeth; abdominaluncini (fig.
Oriopsisalata Banse,1957, p. 73. SouthGeorgia,in- 2) are also more highly denticulate.
Diagnosis:Lengthof body4 mm, of whichradioles Georgia.
compriseabout a third; body widestat segments 5
to 8; total numberof setigers14. Thorax with 8 and
abdomenwith 6 setigers.Radioles4 pairs, eachwith
a flat base(fig. 8) and2 rowsof slenderpinnulesand
a long slendertip. First segmentlackscollar and Oriopsis limbata (Ehlers, 1897)
has no setae;eyesabsent.Thoracichooks(fig. 10)
with longhandle,terminalfang,and smallerdenticles. Plate XLI, figs. 3-6
Abdominal uncini short, avicular, with thick base and
Oria limbata Ehlers, 1897, pp. 137-139, pl. 9, figs.
manysmallerteethdistally(fig. 9). Pygidiuma coni-
211-216. South Patagonia, in 5 fms.
cal lobe without eyes.
Ehlers, 1901, p. 218. Strait of Magellan.
Distribution: South Georgia; Kerguelen Islands; Ehlers, 1913, pp. 579-580. Wilhelm II Coast,in
Strait of Magellan; in intertidaland shallowdepths. 385 m.

Fauvel, 1916, p. 476. Roy Cove, Falkland Island,

at low tide.
Benham,1927, p. 130. CapeAdare, in 45-50 fms.
Oriopsis alata pectinata Banse,1957 Augener,1932b,p. 71. SouthGeorgia,in 40 m.
Monro, 1936, p. 189. SouthOrkney Islands,in 24-
Plate XLI, figs. 1, 2
36 m; South Georgia,shore.
OriopsisalatapectinataBanse,1957,pp. 74-75, fig. 2. Oridia limbata Monro, 1939, p. 148. Macquarie Is-
CampbellIsland,AucklandIsland,SouthGeorgia. land, shore.

Plate XLI

Oriopsisalata pectinataBanse (from Banse,1957, figs. 2 b, c).

1. Long-handledthoracic uncinus, in lateral view, enlarged.
2. Abdominal uncinus,in lateral view, enlarged.
Oriopsislimbata (Ehlers) (from Hartman, 1953, figs. 20 a, b, c, d).
3. Abdominal uncinus, in lateral view, x 3682.
4. Abdominal uncinus, in frontal view, x 3682.
5. Thoracic, long-handleduncinus,in lateral view, x 1950.
6. Thoracic, long-handleduncinus, in frontal view, x 1950.
Oriopsismagna Banse (from Banse, 1957, figs. 6 c, d, e).
7. Anterior end of body,tentacularcrownremoved,in ventral view, enlarged.
8. Abdominal uncinus,in lateral view, enlarged.
9. Long-handledthoracicuncinus,in lateral view, enlarged.
Potamilla antarctica (Kinberg) (from Gravier, 1907, figs. 39, 10,41).
10. Thoracic, broadly limbate seta, x 400.
11. Pick-axe seta from thoracic neuropodium, x 400.
12. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, x 400.
Potamilla neglecta (Sars) (from Monro, 1939, figs. 26 a, b).
13. Pick-axe thoracic neuroseta, x 700.
14. Radiolar base and collar region of body, in dorsal view, X 16.

Hartman, 1953, p. 54, figs. 20 a-d. SouthGeorgia, SubfamilyMyxicolinae Rioja

in 30-75 m; Falkland Islands,in 1-40 m; Beagle
GenusMyxicola Koch in Renier, 1847
Channel, in 140 m.
Oriopsislimbata Banse,1957, p. 76. RossSea, South Myxicola sulcata Ehlers, 1912
Georgia,and South Orkney Islands,littoral and
Plate XL, figs. 4-7
in deepwater.
MyxicolasulcataEhlers,1912, pp. 29-30, pl. 3, figs.
Diagnosis:Length of body 2 to 5 ram, of which 5-12. Victoria Land, Ross Sea, in 130 fms.
radiolescomprisea third of total length. Cephalic
andpygidial eyespresent.Bodyconsists of 8 thoracic Diagnosis: Colorof bodyyellowish gray;length31
and5 or 6 abdominalsetigers. Collarpresent, longestmm,ofwhich tentacularcrown is 13mm.Thorax with
ventrallywhereit formsa pair of smalltriangular9 andabdomen with 34 setigerous segments.Ten-
midventrally;lacksdorsallobes.Tentaculartacularcrownwithabout13 pairsof radioles fused
number 3 pairs,eachwitha border, pinnules,at basewitha palmate membrane. Endsof ventral
numbering about7 pairs,anda longfreetip. Tho- radiolar serieswithshorter filamentousradioles
racicsetaelimbate;thoracic uncini(figs.5, 6) with ally'pectinated (fig. 5). Collarlacking(fig. 4);
longhandle terminatingin a largefangacuteto shaft, ventrum of firstsegment prolonged forwardasa tri-
a singlelargetooth,andseveral smaller teeth.Ab- angular median lobe.Notosetae of thoraxcapillary,
dominalsetaevery slenderand capillary;uncini slender, somedistally bent;thoracic neuropodialack
withshortbase(fig.3) andmanydenticlessetae.Abdominal uncinishort,avicular, with2 teeth
in several
rows(fig.4). in lateral(fig.7) view,and2 or 3 teeth(fig.6) in
frontal view.
Distribution: Southern South America; South
Distribution: Ross Sea; in 130 fms.
Georgia; Falkland and South Orkney islands; main-
land of Antarctica;in intertidalto moderatedepths.
Subfamily Sabellinae Chamberlin

1. Anterior end without collar; anal end

Oriopsis magna Banse,1957 with eyespots....... Amphiglena
Anteriorendwith collar; anal endusually
Plate XLI, figs. 7-9 without eyes ........... 2
2. Tentacularradioleswith pairedstylodes
Oriopsis magna Banse, 1957, pp. 87-88, fig. 6 c-e.
(short filamentsalong outer side); tho-
SouthGeorgia,intertidalto 40 m, in seaweedwith
racicneuropodiawith only avicular
hooks ......... Branchiomma

Diagnosis: Length of body 6 mm, of which ten- Radioleswithout stylodes;thoracicneuro-

podiawith avicularhooks(pl. XLI, fig.
tacular crown comprises1/5 of length. Segments
12) and a secondkind of seta ..... 3
include8 thoracicand 5 abdominalsetigers.Radioles
3. Thoracichooksavicularwith long
number5 pairs, eachwith a marginedrachisand 9 to handle .......... Potamethus
12 pairs of pinnules.Bucalsegmentwith a pair of Thoracic hooks avicular with short handle . . 4
(fig.7). Notosetae
4. Baseof radioles
uncinilong- podiawithpaleae
setae. Bispira
handled(fig. 9) with a large fang distallyand 3 to Baseof radiolesnot spiraled;paleaeabsent. . 5
4 rows of smaller teeth. Abdominal uncini short, 5. Thoracicnotosetaeof 2 abruptlydifferent
avicular(fig. 8), with a seriesof about12 teeth. kinds,slender andspatulate
(pl. XLI,
endlackseyes. fig. 10) .......... Potamilla
intergradingfrom slender
Distribution: South Georgia; intertidalto 40 m. subspatulate,
not abruptlydifferent. . Sabella

GenusAmphiglena Claparde,1864 andpick-axesetae(fig. 4). Abdominalnotopodia with

avicularsetae (fig. 3), and neuropodiawith slender
Amphiglena mediterranea (Leydig, 1851) setae.

XXXIX,fig.1 Distribution'
Straitof Magellan
1913,pp.576-577. lands;in littoraldepths.
Wilhelm II Coast, in 350 m.
Fauvel, 1951, p. 772. Saint Paul Island, Ad61ie Genus Branchiomma K511iker, 1858
Branchiomma sp.
Diagnosis:Length of body, includingradioles,17
?Dasychonesp. Gravier, 1911a, pp. 146-147, pl. 10,
mm, or only 8 mm long; setigersnumber 36 to 51.
fig. 13; pl. 11, figs. 142-144. King George Is-
Thoracicsetigersnumber9 or 10. Branchialradioles land, South Shetlands,in 420 m.
numberup to 20, eachradiole with large brownpig-
mentedspotor eye;terminates in longnudetip. Diagnosis' Lengthof body14 mm,lacking ten-
collarreducedtoa pairofventrallobes(fig. tacularcrown;setigers
number52; coloruniformly
1). Analendwithmanysmalleyespots. Thoracicbrown.Pygidium withnumerouseyespots.Thoracic
limbate andspatulatein notopodia,
and notopodia andabdominalneuropodiawithlimbate
hooks withpick-axe setaein neuropodia. setae;
andabdominal notopodia
hooks in notopodia, withshort-handled
hooks.Thegenus may
andspatulate setaein neuropodia.Thetube bequestionable because
coveredwithsand grains.
A good accountradioles remains
is givenin Rioja [1923, pp. 3841, figs.49-57], for Distribution:SouthShetlandIslands;in moderate
fromSpain. depths.
Distribution: Mediterranean Sea; Atlantic areas;
Antarctica; in moderatedepths. Genus Potamethus Chamberlin, 1919
Potamethus scotiae (Pixell, 1913)
Plate XLII, figs. 1-4
PotamisscotiaePixell, 1913, pp. 356-357, fig. 7. Off
1856 Princess
1867) 1410fms.
2-6 Diagnosis'
mm is tentacularcrown; greatestwidth 5 mm; color
SabellamagalhaensisKinberg,1867,p. 353. 'Bucket of bodygreenish brown,preserved.Segments marked
(sic) Island,'Straitof Magellan. off by segmental constrictions.
Thoraxwith 8 and
Ehlers,1901,p. 215. Straitof Magellan. abdomen with52 setigerous
segments. Radioles num-
Kinberg,1858-191.0, p. 72, pl. 27, fig. 7. Straitof ber 16 on oneand 15 on otherside,with the 4 ven-
Magellan. tralmostpairs the smallest.The singleventralmost
mariaePratt,1901,p. 15. Falkland Islands. pair attached to a membrane to form a pair of
BispiramagalhaensisFauvel,1916,p. 471,pl. 9, figs. pouches, thesemembranes medially
joinedbya fissure.
34-43. Falkland Islands. Collarreduced or veryobliqueandlongest ventrally.
Monro,1930,p. 201. EastFalkland, in 1-16 m. Thoracic setaelimbateandspatulate(fig.4) in noto-
ofbody33and13mmforthe podia, andlong-handled
by (fig.2) in neuropodia.
Abdominal parapodia
bases of radioles
hooks(fig.3) in notopodiaandcapillary
Tho- setae
racicnotopodiawith limbateand palealsetae(figs.5 Distribution:Off Princess
MarthaCoast;in abyssal
and 6); thoracicneuropodiawith avicular (fig. 2) depth.


GenusPotamilla Malmgren, 1866 Coast,CapeAdare, and Granite Harbor, in 45 to

250 fms.
Potamilla antarctica (Kinberg, 1867)
Augener, 1932b, p. 68. Bouvet Island, South
Plate XLI, figs. 10-12 Georgia; PrincessMartha Coast; Elephant and
Adelaide islands; in 50 to 620 m.
Laonomeantarctica Kinberg, 1867, p. 354. Rada Fauvel, 1936, p. 37. Strait of Magellan.
York, Strait of Magellan. Monro, 1936, p. 188. Many stationsin Antarctic
Ehlers,1897, p. 135. SouthGeorgiaand Strait of seas.

Magellan, in 2-12 fms. Monro, 1939, pp. 148-149. MacquarieIsland,Mac.

Ehlers,1900a,p. 17. Strait of Magellan. RobertsonLand, and Ad61ieCoast,in 17 to 640 m.
Ehlers, 1901, p. 216. Strait of Magellan. Fauvel, 1941, p. 295. Patagonia.
Ehlers,1912, p. 29. CapeArmitage,RossIsland; Fauvel, 1951, p. 770. Ad.61ieCoast,in 10 to 60 m.
in 100-180 fms.
Hartman, 1952, p. 236. Ross Island, Marguerite
Potamilla antarctica Gravier, 1907, pp. 59-62, figs. Bay, and Knox Coast,in 35 to 110 fms.
38-43. Booth Island, Biscoe Bay. Hartman, 1953, p. 53. Numerousstationsin Ant-
Gravier,1911a,p. 144. MargueriteBay,Port Lock- arctic regions.
roy, Peltier Channel,in 70-254 m.
Ehlers, 1913, pp. 575-576. Baie de l'Observatoire, Diagnosis:Length of larger specimens42.5 to 92
KerguelenIslands; Wilhelm II Coast;in 385 m. mm, of which tentacular crown is 22 mm; smaller
Pixell, 1913, pp. 355-356. TussacIsland (Tussock ones26 to 35 mm and width 2 to 3.5 mm. Segments
Island) and Cape Pembroke,Falkland Islands, include8 thoracicand to 58 abdominalsetigers.Ten-
shore. tacular crown uncoloredand without eyes on bran-
Fauvel,1916, p. 474. FalklandIslands,at low tide. chial base, thoracic dorsum and thoracic tori brown
Benham,1921, p. 109. MacquarieIsland and Boat or speckled,and branchiaetransverselybrown-barred.
Harbor, Ad.61ieCoast, in 25 to 157 fms. In life the ventral shieldsflesh-colored
to orange,and
Monro, 1930, pp. 199-201. South Georgia and branchiaegray with white and brown bands. Radioles
Falkland Islands, in 1 to 391 m. numberabout 15 pairs of long and 3 pairs of shorter
Benham, 1927, p. 143. McMurdo Sound, Oates ventral groups;tip of eachbare. Thoracicnotopodia

Plate XLII

Potamethusscotiae (Pixell) (from Pixell, 1913, pl. 49, figs. 7 b, d, e, h).

1. Distal end of long-handledthoracic uncinus,the long handle not shown, x 220.
2. Pick-axe seth from thoracic neuropodium, x 220.
3. Shorter-handled abdominal uncinus, x 220.
4. Distal end of inferior limbate seth, x 150.
Sabella oatesiana Benham (from Benham, 1927, pl. 4, figs. 117, 120, 121, 122).
5. A short thoracic seth, x 260.
6. A pick-axe seth from thoracic neuropodium, x 520.
7. Thoracic uncinus,in lateral view, X 260.
8. Abdominal uncinus, in lateral view, x 260.
Sabella pusilla Johansson (from Johansson,1922, pl. 1, fig. 6).
9. Base of radioles and collar region, dorsal view, enlarged.
ParalaeospirapatagonicaCaullery and Mesnil (from Augener, 1932b,fig. 7, and Caullery and Mesnil, 1897, pl. 8, fig. 12).
10. Distal end of operculum, in lateral view, x 105.
11. Entire tube, in lateral view, X 7.
Leodora perrieri (Caullery and Mesnil) (from Caullery and Mesnil, 1897, pl. 8, figs. 15 a, c, 16 a, and Augener, 1932b,fig. 6 b).
12. Distal end of operculum, x 105.
13. Distal end of another operculum, x 105.
14. Collar seth,in lateral view, x 810.
15. Entire tube, seen from the top, x 11.5.

with limbateandspatulate(fig. 10) setae;neuropodia Genus Sabella Linnaeus, 1767

with avicularhooks(fig. 12) and pick-axesetae(fig. Sabella oatesiana Benham, 1927
11). Abdominalnotopodiawith avicularhooksand
neuropodiawith limbatesetae. Tubeshorny brown, Plate XLII, figs. 5-8
irregularly spiraled, or adornedwith horny spines
Sabella oatesianaBenham, 1927, p. 135, pl. 4, figs.
[Monro, 1939, p. 149]. Incubateseggsinside bran-
116-122. Oates Coast, in 180-200 fms.
chial crown. Considereda common,variable species.
Monro, 1936, p. 187. 4507'S, 6454'W, in 82-
Distribution: Southern South America to mainland 88 m.

of Antarctica;in shoreto moderatedepths.

Diagnosis:Lengthof body to 44 mm; width 3 mm;
segmentsnumber about 50. Radioles 12 mm long,
eachwith scatteredeyespots
varyingwidelyin number
1932 anddistribution,
2 conspicuous
1932b,p. bands,
or spots
limitedto 2 or 3 ona radiole.Minute
69. AdelaideIsland,AntarcticPeninsula;
in 620 spotsbetweenparapodialbranches
exceptthe first,
m, rocks. and 2 groupsof spotson the pygidium.Radioles
number about 20 pairs, with slendersmoothtips; a
Diagnosis:kength of body 25 to 34 mm; width 1 palmatemembraneconnectsradiolesfor about 1/4
Color of body yellowishwhite. Setigersnumber 8 natesat notopodiumof secondsetiger,is slightlyin-
num-cised ventrolaterally,
andformsa pairof round,
20. Thoracic
witha middorsal
in- ventral
cision, and with two short, ventrolaterallobes. Tube notosetaeof 1 kind; others with setae of 2 kinds,
60 to 75 mm long, very slender,resemblesa smooth longer and shorter (fig. 5), with winglike borders.
in its smallersize,slendererbody,and smooth in front and curvedposteriorly. Pick-axesetae (fig.
tube. 6) each
witha longslender
Distribution:AdelaideIsland; in 620 m, rocky (fig. 8) resemble
thoseof thorax.
bottom. Distribution'

?Potatoilia neglecta ( Sars, 1851)

Plate XLI, figs. 13, 14
Sabella penicillus Linnaeus,1767
PotamillaneglectaMonro, 1939, p. 149, fig. 26. Off
Lars and Ingrid Christensencoasts,in 1266 m. SabellapavoninaAugener,1932b, p. 67. Bridgeman
and Peter I islands, in 80 to 750 m.
Diagnosis: Length of body 22 mm, of which
radiolesmeasure2 mm. Consistingof 8 thoracicand Diagnosis:Lengthof body26 mm, of which13 mm
35 abdominalsetigers.Collar (fig. 14) high dorsally is tentacularcrown; color grayishyellow. Segments
and closedto form a pair of dorsalpockets,one on include 8 thoracicand about 60 abdominalsetigers.
each side of the median division; slopingventrally Radioles10 pairs,withouteyes,with 8 reddishbrown
into a high, roundedmidventralpart. Thoracicsetae transversecolorbars. Collar quadrilobate,
with a pair
symmetrically spatulate;pick-axesetae(fig. 13) with of dorsaland a pair of ventrolaterallobes.Thoracic
very long taperingtips. Tube thin, friable,of mud. setaeincludelongerandshorterlimbatein notopodia,
These characteristicsresemblethose of Potamethus and short avicular, with pick-axe hooks, in neuro-
(see above); hencethe questionableidentity. podia.
Distribution:Off Lars and Ingrid Christensen
coasts; Distribution: Northeast Atlantic shores; Antarctic
in 1266 m. areas; in moderatedepths.

Sabe!!a pusilia Johansson,

1922 is 10 mm; width 4 mm. Radioles measure about 19
mm. Thoracic collar 2 mm high. Ventrum of thorax
Plate XLII, fig. 9
crossedby dark color bands. Otherwiseunknown.
1922,pp. 5-6, pl. 1, fig. 6.
Distribution: KerguelenIslands.
Port Foster, Falkland Islands, in 10-12 m;
Ushuaia, southern South America, in 10 m.

Diagnosis: Known for a single incompletelyde- ?Sabe!!a sp.

2.5 mm long; ?Sabella
p. 17. Straitof Magellan,
thorax is 6.5 mm long, and 0.75 m wide. Radioles in 52 fms.
7 pairs,
fourth Ehlers,
1901,p. 215. Puerto
in 8-50fms.
or fifth of lengthfree of pinnules.Pigmentand eye-
Collar(fig.9) a slight
folddorsally, Diagnosis'
Tubehornybrown; bodypaleflesh-
in colored;
a thirdof totallength;
onventralsideto forma pairof triangular
by a broadincision.Thoraxwith8 Distribution:
SouthAmerica;in shallow
neuropodialsetae,numberingabout6 in a fascicle.
Distribution: Falkland Islands and southern South
depths. Family

1. Body symmetrical;tubesnot spiraledor

SPECIES coiled ............. 2
1926 Bodyasymmetrical;
(pl. XLVI, fig. 10) ..... Spirorbinae
Fauvel,1951,p. 771. CapeMar- 2. Tentacular
gerie, Ad61ieCoast. operculum ........ Filograninae
Diagnosis:Lengthof body65 mm, of whichradioles Tentacularcrownwith 1, rarely 2, radioles
measure25 mm; width of body 7 mm. Tentacular modified as an operculum. . . Serpulinae
crown and anterior thoracic segmentsregenerated.
Color pale gray-yellow.Ventral gland shieldswith a
broad median brown band. Dorsum of abdomen with SubfamilyFilograninae Rioja
pale brown, irregularly strewnspots. Radiolesnum- GenusSalmacina Claparde,1870
ber about 14 pairs and are free to base, each with
many dark red spotsalonglength. Collar with dorsal Salmacina dysteri ]alklandica Monro, 1930
endsbroadlyseparatedat middle,with deepmidven- Plate XLIV, figs. 6-8
tral incision, and laterally entire. Thoracic setae as
in the genus. Salmacinadysteri /alklandicaMonro, 1930, p. 213,
fig. 90. East Falkland, in 79 m.
Distribution: Off northern New Zealand and Adlie
Coast;in shallowdepths. Diagnosis: Delicate, smoothwhite tubes, more or
lessstraight and lying fiat on fragmentsof calcareous
polyzoans.Body consistsof 7 thoracic setigers;ten-
tacular radiolesnumber4 pairs. Collar setae(fig. 6)
Sabe!!a costulata Grube, 1877
without notch above the toothed spur as in stem
SabellacostulataGrube,1877b,p. 548. Kerguelen species.Thoracicsicklelikesetae denticulate(fig.
Islands. 7). Abdominalsetae(fig. 8) denticulate
or distally
Diagnosis:An incompletespecimenlacking ten-
22 mm long,of whichthorax Distribution:EastFalkland;in shallowdepth.




SubfamilySerpulinae MacLeay GenusApomatus Philippi, 1844

KEY TO GENERA Apomatus brownii Pixell, 1913
Plate XLIII, figs. 1-3
1. Tube longitudinallyridgedor keeled(pl.
XLV, fig. 6) ........... 5 Apomatusbrownil Pixell, 1913, p. 349. 7122'S,
Tube cylindricalor transversely ridged (pl. 1634'W, in 1410 fms.
XLV, fig. 1) ........... 2 Diagnosis:Total lengthof body (presumably with
Tube threadlike,straight,and free for most radioles) 16 to 27 mm; width 2 mm. Radioles num-
of its length;operculumglobular(pl. ber 15 pairs,spirallycoiledand 6-10 mm long; each
XLIII, fig. 11) ...... Cystopomatus slender,with long pinnulesextendingdistallyto near
2. Tube smoothor spirally twistedor fluted tips of radioles. Operculumtransparent,globular,on
and taperingdistally (pl. XLIV, figs. seconddorsalradiole,or alsoa rudimentaryone. Col-
1, 2); operculumwith flat disk (pl. lar setaefew, 5 or 6 in a fascicle,each with small fin
XLIV, fig. 3) ....... Helicosiphon at base (fig. 1). Uncini first present from second
Tube not taperingor twisted;operculum segment,eachwith 7 or 8 teeth (fig. 2) alongcutting
otherwise ............ 3
edge. Abdomenwith a very shortasetigerous region,
3. Tentacular crown with 2 radioles modified
followedby 80 to 110 crowdedsegments;abdominal
with a distal funnellikeoperculum(pl. uncinieachwith 7 or 8 teethalongcuttingedge (fig.
XLIII, fig. 12) ....... Dipomatus 3). Tube nearly cylindrical, measuresabout 50 mm
Operculaoccur singly from stalkslacking long, externally smooth, except for inconspicuous
pinnules ............ 4 growth lines.
4. Operculum globular ...... ,4pomatus
Distribution:Off PrincessMartha Coast;abyssal.
Operculumfunnel-shaped (pl. XLIV, fig.
10) ............ Serpula
5. Operculumconical,with spines(pl. XLV, GenusChitinopomoides Benham,1927
fig. 12) or withoutspines(pl. XLV, Chitinopomoides wilsoni Benham, 1927
fig. 2) ......... l/ermiliopsis
6. Operacularplate dark horny and concave Plate XLIII, figs. 4-7
(pl. XLIII, fig. 4) .... Chitinopomoides Chitinopomoides wilsoniBenham,1927,pp. 156-158,
Opercularplate with small brown pl. 5, figs. 162-173. McMurdo Sound,RossSea,
hooks .......... Placostegus in 200 fms.


ztpomatusbrownii Pixell (from Pixell, 1913,figs. 2 a, d, e).

1. Distal end of collar seta, x 375.
2. Thoracic uncinus,in lateral view, x 375.
3. Abdominal uncinus,in lateral view, x 375.
Chitinopomoideswilsoni Benham (from Benham, 1927, pl. 5, figs. 162, 166, 168, 170).
4. Distal end of operculum, in lateral view, x 16.
5. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, x 520.
6. Lower seta of thoracic notopodia, with oblique toothed edge, x 520.
7. Distal end of collar seta, in lateral view, x 360.
CystopomatusrnacintoshiGravicr (frcm Gravier, 1911a, pl. 11, figs. 146, 147, 149, 152).
8. Anterior end of body, in dorsal view, x 29.
9. Collar seta, in lateral view, X 635.
10. Marginal toothed edge of thoracic uncinus, x 635.
11. Distal end of operculum, in lateral view, x 36.
Dipomatus serpulidesEhlers (from Ehlers, 1913, pl. 46, fig. 3).
12. Entire animal, reconstructedfrom dried specimen, X 50.

Diagnosis:Lengthof body25 mm, of whichradioles of its length, attachedexternally to tubes of Serpula

are 5 mm and thorax 3 mm; width 1.5 mm. Radioles narconensis(see below). Animal extracted from tube
number14 pairs; thoracicsetigersnumber7. Opercu- measures12 mm long, of which radioles are 4 mm.
lum (fig. 4) with a dark, horny,concaveplate,a black Radiolesproportionatelylong and slender (fig. 8);
line around its edge. Collar a continuousmembrane collarlarge, oblique,and longestventrally. Operculum
exceptfor deepmiddorsalincision. Collar setaeof 2 (fig. 11) on a long peduncle,terminatingin a trans-
kinds, some long, curved, limbate, and dentate on lucent, globular vesicle. Thoracic setigersnumber 6;
convexmargin; othersthicker, with a blunt knob (fig. the first with fine capillary setaeand modifiedsetae
7). Other thoracic setae distally oblique, with ser- marginally serrated (fig. 9). Thoracic uncini with
rated edge (fig. 6). Thoracic uncini with more than many marginalteeth (fig. 10).
12 teeth (fig. 5) abovethe larger fang. Tube coiled
Distribution: Petermann Island; western base of
aroundsimplecoral,measuresabout1.5 mm in diam-
Antarctic Peninsula,in shallowdepths.
eter, with a compressed keel along its middle, and
i or 2 ill-definedridgesalong the sides; apertureof
tube circular.

Distribution: Ross Sea; in 200 fms. GenusDipomatus Ehlers, 1913

Dipomatus serpulides Ehlers,1913
GenusCystopomatus Gravier, 1911 Plate XLIII, fig. 12
Cystopomatus macintoshi Gravier, 1911 DipomatusserpulidesEhlers, 1913, pp. 583-584, pl.
46, figs. 3-5. 6547'S, 8800'E, in 400 m.
Plate XLIII, figs. 8-11
Diagnosis:Lengthof body 3 mm, of whichradioles
Cystopomatus MaclntoshiGravier, 1911a, p. 149, pl.
measurei m. Tubes solitary, calcareous,thin-walled,
11, figs. 145-152. Petermann Island, low tide,
cylindrical, and smooth. Tentacular crown with 2
radiolesdistallymodifiedas opercula(fig. 12). Each
Gravier, 1911b,pp. 315-316. PetermannIsland.
operculumfunnellike, marginally serrated. Peristo-
Fauvel,1936,pp. 39-40. 7000' to 7119'S,80%8'
to 8737'W.
mium with a pair of embeddedeyes. Collar large,
flaring. First setigeroussegmentwith a pair of large
Diagnosis: Tube white, to 50 mm long by 0.6 m setal fascicles,each seta with a winglike expansion.
wide, slenderand threadlike,straightand free for most Notosetaeof other thoracicsegmentscapillary; uncini

Plate XLIV

Helicosiphon biscoeensisGravier (from Monro, 1930, fig. 91, and Gravier, 1907, pl. 5, figs. 50, 52; text figs. 46, 47).
1. Entire tube attachedto stone, x 3.1.
2. Entire tube, not attached, x 6.
3. Distal end of operculum, in lateral view, X 62.
4. Thoracic uncinial plaque, in lateral view, X 8333.
5. Distal end of abdominal seta, x 8333.
Salmacina dysteri /alklandica Monro (from Monro, 1930, figs. 90 a, b, c).
6. Collar seta,in lateral view, x 670.
7. Distal end of thoracic sicklelike seta, in lateral view, x 883.
8. Abdominal seta, in lateral view, X 730.
Serpula loveni (Kinberg) (from Monro, 1930, figs. 86 b, c, d, g, h).
9. Operculum, in lateral view, x 23.
10. Distal end of operculum, X 23.
11. Collar seta, X 290.
12. Thoracic uncinus, in lateral view, X 500.
13. Abdominal seta, in lateral view, x 880.

with few marginalteeth. Thorax and abdomensepa- GenusSerpula Linnaeus,1758

rated by a long, asetigerousregion.
Serpula loveni (Kinberg, 1867)
Distribution: Off Wilhelm II Coast; in 400 m.
Plate XLIV, figs. 9-13
ZopyrusloveniKinberg,1867, p. 351. 'Bucket(sic)
GenusHelicosiphon Gravier, 1907 Island,' Strait of Magellan.
Ehlers,1901, p. 219. Strait of Magellan,in 15-150
Helicosiphon biscoeensisGravier, 1907 fms.

Plate XXX, fig. 9; Plate XLIV, figs. 1-5 Serpula loveni Monro, 1930, pp. 206-208, fig. 86.
Gough Island, southAtlantic Ocean,in 90-120 m.
Helicosiphonbiscoeensis Gravier, 1907, pp. 63-68, pl.
5, figs. 49-52; text figs. 44.-47. BiscoeBay, in Diagnosis:Length of body about 15 mm; consists
110 m. of 7 thoracic and more numerousabdominal setiger-
Gravier, 1911a,pl. 12, fig. 170. ous segments.Tentacularcrown with 14 pairs of
Monro, 1930, p. 214. BransfieldStrait, SouthShet- radioles, eachwith long, filiform tip. Operculumwith
land Islands, in 200 m. distal flaring cup marginallycrenulatedwith 12 to 24
lobes (fig. 10), its pedunclesubterminallyinflated
Diagnosis: Tube white, calcareous,smooth (pl. (fig. 9). Collartrilobed,with a largeventralpart and
XLIV, fig. 2) or twisted(fig. 1), basallyattachedto 2 lateral lobes fused with the thoracic membrane. Col-
a rock (pl. XXX). Animal within measuresabout13 lar setaeof 2 kinds,capillaryand knobbed(fig. 11)
mm long by 0.95 m wide at greatestwidth. Body with terminal denticulations. Thoracic uncini mar-
consistsof 4 thoracic setigers,of which last 3 are ginally with 6 or 7 teeth (fig. 12). Abdominalsetae
uncinigerous;more numerous abdominal segments. distallybroad,oblique,with dentations(fig. 13).
Thorax and abdomenseparatedby a smoothinterval.
Tentacular radiolesnumber about 11 in all, each with Distribution:Strait of Magellanand southAtlantic
short pinnules;the dorsalmostradiole on one side Ocean, in shallowto moderatedepths.
modifiedas an operculumwith slenderpeduncle,dis-
tally expandedwith a slightlyconcave,smooth,horny
disk (fig. 3). Thoracic uncini with many marginal
denticulations(fig. 4). Abdominalsetaedistally ob- Serpula narconensis Baird, 1865
lique, with dentateedge (fig. 5). Plate XXX, fig. 10, andPlate XLV, fig. 1
Distribution: Palmer Archipelagoand South Shet- SerpulaNarconensisBaird, 1865, p. 21. 'Narcon Is-
land Islands;in moderatedepths. land.'
SerpulapatagonicaGrube,1877a,pp. 550-551. Pata-
gonia, in 60 fms; KerguelenIslands.
GenusPlacostegus Philippi, 1844 Serpula narconensismagellanicaMcintosh, 1885, pp.
518-519, pl. 55, fig. 2; pl. 31a, figs.24, 25. Strait
?Placostegus sp.
of Magellan, in 175 fms.
?Placostegus sp. Ehlers,1900a,p. 17, Strait of Magel- Serpula vermicularisEhlers, 1897, p. 140. Strait of
lan, in 150 fms. Magellan,in 60 fms.
Ehlers,1901, p. 222. Strait of Magellan. Ehlers, 1900a, p. 17. Strait of Magellan, in 15-150
Ehlers, 1913, pp. 581-582. Wilhelm II Coast,in fms.
350-385 m. Ehlers, 1901, p. 219. Strait of Magellan.
Gravier, 1907, pp. 62-63. BoothIsland,in 40 m.
Diagnosis:Tubes ridged, calcareous;distal end of
Gravier, 1911a, pp. 147-148, pl. 12, figs. 171-174.
operculumwith a plate adornedwith small brown
PetermannIsland, low tide, to 380 m.
hooks; otherwise unknown.
Pixell, 1913, p. 348, pl. 49, fig. 1. ScotiaBay, South
Distribution: Southern South America and Antarc- Orkney Islands,BurdwoodBank, in depthsto 56
tic mainland; in moderatedepths. fms.

Monro, 1930, p. 206. South Georgia and Palmer wrinkledpedicle.Collarhigh, trilobed,with a pair of
Archipelago,in 93-728 m. laterallobesand a very large ventralpart. Thoracic
Monro, 1936, p. 191. Numerous stationsin Ant- membrane low and continued to end of thorax. Tho-
arctic regions. racic setigers number 7 and abdominal are more
Serpula vermicularisnarconensisEhlers, 1912, p. 31. numerous. Collar setae simple, capillary. Thoracic
Ross Sea, in 10-100 fms. uncini with 7 or 8 teeth (fig. 4), of which the basal
Ehlers, 1913, p. 581. Wilhelm II Coast,in 385 m. one is largest.Abdominalsetaedistallyexpandedand
Benham,1921, p. 112. New Zealand sector,in 25- denticulated(fig. 3). Abdominal uncini similar to
400 fms. thoracic uncini but smaller.Tube fixed to substratum,
Benham,1927, p. 145. McMurdo Sound,in 45-300 with 3 longitudinalkeels,one median and dorsal,the
fms. othersdorsolateral(fig. 5).
Augener,1923b,p. 71. BouvetIsland,in 200-300 m.
Distribution:Lars and Ingrid Christensen coasts,in
Fauvel, 1936, p. 38. ThroughoutAntarcticareas. 540 m.
Monro, 1939, pp. 149-150. Off Enderbyand Mac.
Robertsonlands, in 163-540 m.
Fauvel, 1941, p. 295. Off CapeHorn, dredged.
Hartman, 1952, p. 237. Ross Island, Knox Coast, Vermiliopsis nigropileata (Ehlers, 1900)
and MargueriteBay, in 35-150 fms. Plate XLV, figs. 6-8
Knox, 1962, p. 347. Mac. RobertsonLand.
VermilianigropileataEhlers,1900b,p. 222. Strait of
Diagnosis:Tubesof large specimens measureto 130 Magellan.
mm long by 8 mm wide, often tinged with yellow; Ehlers,1901,pp. 219-222, pl. 25, figs. 14-23. Strait
sometimeswith successive raised rings (pl. XXX, fig. of Magellan at Bahia Harris (Puerto Harris), in
10); smallertubesonly 75 mm long and 4 mm wide, 15 fms, rocky bottom.
without color, and with few or no successive rings.
Specimenremoved from tube, 23-30 mm long by Diagnosis:Lengthof body 0.94 to 1.15 mm; width
about 0.4 m. Consists of 7 thoracic and 22 to 24 ab-
1-2 mm across,consistsof 60 to 70 setigerousseg-
ments;largerspecimens to 35 mm longby 4 mm wide, dominal setigers,the thorax and abdomenseparated
with 80 to 90 segments.Operculumon long peduncle, by a smoothinterval. Tentacular crown with 7 radi-
distallyfunnellike(pl. XLV, fig. 1), extendingbeyond oles,each of which has about 15 pairs of pinnules,
tips of radioles. Tubes massedor solitary. Collar and a slenderopercularpeduncle(fig. 8). Operculum
setaewith 2 or 4 smallerprocesses subdistally. thick, spindle-shaped,dark violet to black or horny
brown. Thoracicuncini eachwith about 10 marginal
Distribution: ThroughoutAntarctic area into Strait teeth at edge and a larger basal fang (fig. 7). Tube
of Magellanregion; in low tide to moderatedepths. chalky white, completelyattached to hard surface,
tapers basally, longitudinallykeeled, with a thick,
middorsalridge (fig. 6); aperturecircular in cross
GenuslZermiliopsis Saint Joseph,1894
Vermiliopsis glacialis Monro, 1939 Distribution:Strait of Magellan,in shallowbottoms,
with rocks.
Plate XLV, figs. 2-5
glacialisMonro, 1939,p. 151, fig. 27. Off
Lars and Ingrid Christensencoasts,in 540 m.
Vermiliopsis notialis Monro, 1930
Diagnosis:Lengthof body about 11 mm; width 1
Plate XLV, figs. 9-12
mm; tentacularradioles6 mm of total length;speci-
menslackcolor. Tentacularcrownwith about15 pairs Vermiliopsisnotialis Monro, 1930, p. 209, fig. 87.
of radioles,eachwith short,filiform tip, basallycon- SouthGeorgia,in 132-148 m.
nectedby a low palmatemembrane.Operculum(fig. Monro, 1936, p. 191. 5459'S, 3524'W, in 130 m.
2) short, pyriform, with flat calcareoustop on a Fauvel, 1936, p. 39. 7000'S to 7119'S.

Diagnosis:Tube fully attachedto substratum,with GenusLaeospira Caulleryand Mesnil, 1897

3 parallel,toothedridgesor crestsand a largecircular
Laeospira borealis ( Daudin, 1800)
aperture at distal end. Length of animal about 10
mm; width 0.5 m. Tentacular crown with about 6 SpirorbisborealisPratt, 1901, p. 16. Falkland Is-
pairs of radioles,pinnulescontinuedto the tip. Oper- lands, in spongeon stone; intertidal.
cularstalksmo6thand cylindrical;operculumwith an
Diagnosis:Tube sinistral; thorax with 3 setigerous
inflated base and a cuplike disk coveredwith long
and abdomenwith 20 to 35 setigerous segments.Setae
chitinousspines(fig. 12). Thorax with 5 and abdo-
of first or collar segment with crenulated aileron.
men with more numeroussetigers. Thoracic setaein
Incubationof juvenileswithin the tube.
part modifiedto resemble4pomatus-like setae (fig.
10); uncini with 10 (fig. 9) to 12 teeth along the Distribution:Southwestern
Europe; cosmopolitan;
cutting edge. Abdominal neurosetaedistally oblique Falkland Islands, on stones; intertidal.
and dentatealongcuttingedge (fig. 11).
Distribution: South Georgia; Falkland Islands; in
moderatedepths. GenusLeodora Saint Joseph,1894
Leodora perrieri (Caulleryand Mesnil,1897)
Plate XLII, figs. 12-15
SubfamilySpirorbinae Chamberlin
Spirorbis(Romanchella)Perrieri CaulleryandMesnil,
1897, pp. 208-210, figs. 15, 16, 17. Patagonia.
1. Tube dextrallyspiraled.... Paradexiospira Ehlers,1900a,p. 18. Strait of Magellan,in 20 fms.
Tube sinistrallyspiraled ........ 2 Ehlers,1901, p. 223. Strait of Magellan.
2. Thorax consistsof 3 setigeroussegments. . 3 Gravier, 1907, p. 63. Port Charcot,in 20-40 m.
Thorax consistsof 4 setigerousseg- Ehlers,1912,p. 31. CapeAdare,in 13-20 fms.
ments ......... Paralaeospira Spirorbisperrieri Ehlers, 1913, p. 585. Wilhelm II
3. Setaeof first setigersimple,limbate. . Leodora Coast,in 385 m; Baie de l'Observatoire,Kergue-
Setaeof first setigerwith a crenulatedaileron. 4 len Islands.
4. Distal end of tube recumbent . . . Laeospira Augener,1932b, pp. 72-73, fig. 6. SouthGeorgia,
Distal end of tube somewhaterect . . Spirorbis in 16-30 m.

Plate XLV

Serpula narconensisBaird (from Mcintosh, 1885, pl. 55, fig. 2).

1. Tubes and anterior end of body with operculum, in lateral view, enlarged (the small attached circular bodies are ascid-
I/ermiliopsis glacialis Monro (from Monro, 1939, figs. 27 a, c, d, e).
2. Distal end of operculum, x 12.
3. Abdominal neuroseta, x 250.
4. Thoracic uncinus, x 500.
5. Cross section of tube, x 5.
lZermiliopsisnigropileata (Ehlers) (from Ehlers, 1901, pl. 25, figs. 15, 22, 23).
6. Entire tube, x 3.
7. Thoracic uncinus,in lateral view, x 1500.
8. Anterior end of body with operculumand tentacular crown, x 50.
I/ermiliopsisnotialis Monro (from Monro, 1930, figs. 87 a, g, h, i).
9. Thoracic uncinus,in lateral view, x 875.
10. Modified 'zlpomatus-like'seta, x 750.
11. Geniculate abdominal seta, x 154.
12. Operculum and radioles, X 53.




11 12 16


Fauvel, 1936, p. 40. Strait of Magellan. Diagnosis: Tubes measure about 3 mm across.
Monro, 1939,p. 153. KerguelenIslands,in 4-20 m; Body consistsof 4 thoracic and about 20 abdominal
MacquarieIsland, shore,attachedto algae. setigers.Collar setaesmall,of 2 kinds,somefinely
Knox, 1962, p. 347. Mac. RobertsonLand. serratedalong cutting edge (fig. 5), otherswith a
Diagnosis: Tubes about 2 mm across,sinistrally largeknob (fig. 4). Operculum flat-topped,oblique,
spiraled(fig. 15), with keelswhichmay be poorlyde- sometimes with a massive,basallybifid talon (fig. 3);
veloped,and with ladderlikecross-ridges.Operculum in older specimens, the talon may be lacking. Ten-
with one or severalobliqueplatesand a long, trowel- tacular radiolesnumber 10. Tubes dextrally coiled,
shapedtalon (fig. 13); or theseterminalplatessome- with 3 longitudinalridges,the medianridgesometimes
what flaring (fig. 12). Thorax with 3 setigers;col- endingin an overhangingprojection;terminalpart
lar setaesmoothand limbate (fig. 14). Incubationin of tube sometimes ascending.
the tube.
Distribution:Falkland Islands,in shallowdepths,
on stones.
Distribution: SouthernSouth America; Kerguelen
Islands; mainlandof Antarctica;MacquarieIsland;
shoreto shallowdepths,usuallyon algae. GenusParalaeospira Caulleryand Mesnil, 1897
Paralaeospira aggregata Caulleryand Mesnil,1897
GenusParadexiospira Caulleryand Mesnil,1897
Plate XXX, fig. 11, and Plate XLVI, figs. 6-9
Paradexiospira ]alklandica Pixell, 1913
Spirorbis (Paralaeospira) aggregatusCaullery and
Plate XLVI, figs. 3-5 Mesnil, 1897, p. 203, pl. 8, fig. 9. Patagonia.
Paradexiospira ]alklandicusPixell, 1913,pp. 352-353, SpirorbisaggregatusEhlers,1901, p. 224. Patagonia.
pl. 49, fig. 5. StanleyHarbour, Falkland Islands, Gravier, 1911a, p. 5. PetermannIsland, at low tide,
on stone, in 4-5 fms. on rocks.

Plate XLVI

Spirorbis nordenskjoldiEhlers (from Gravier, 1911a, pl. 11, figs. 153, 154).
1. Distal end of operculum,in lateral view, X 85.
2. Distal end of collar seta, in lateral view, X 635.
Paradexiospirajalklandica Pixell (from Pixell, 1913, pl. 49, figs. 5 a, b, c).
3. Distal end of operculum, 36.
4. Modified collar seta, X 375.
5. Thoracic notopodial seta, X 375.
ParalaeospiraaggregataCaullery and Mesnil (from Caullery and Mesnil, 1897, pl. 8, figs. 9 a, b, c, and Augener, 1932b, fig.
6. Distal end of operculum, X 93.
7. Distal end of collar seta, X 810.
8. Distal end of abdominal seta, x 810.
9. Entire tubes attached to kelp fragment, X 11.5.
Paralaeospira antarctica Pixell (from Pixell, 1913, pl. 49, figs. 3 a, b, c).
10. Tube with juveniles at center of whorl, X 12.
11. Distal end of operculum, in lateral view, X 48.
12. Collar seta in lateral view, 375.
Paralaeospiraclaparedei Caullery and Mesnil (from Caullery and Mesnil, 1897, pl. 8, fig. 10).
13. Distal end of operculum, X 93.
Paradexiospiralebruni Caullery and Mesnil (from Caullery and Mesnil, 1897, pl. 8, figs. 13 a, b).
14. Distal end of operculum,in lateral view, X 105.
15. Opercular talon, in frontal view, X 105.
ParadexiospiralevinseniCaullery and Mesnil (from Caullery and Mesnil, 1897,pl. 8, fig. 14).
16. Distal end of collar seta, X 810.

Augener,1932b, pp. 75-76, fig. 8. Crozetand Ker- Fauvel, 1941, p. 296. KerguelenIslands,attached
guelenislands. to algae.
Monro, 1939, p. 152. MacquarieIsland,shore.
Diagnosis:Tube sinistrallycoiled, with very large
Fauvel, 1951, p. 772. Ad61ieCoast,in 10-15 m.
umbilicus,recumbentor last spiral elevated. Body
Diagnosis:Tubes small, massedor aggregated(pl. consistsof 4 thoracicand about 15 abdominalsetiger-
XXX, fig. 11); aperturesinistral (pl. XLII, fig. 9); ous segments.Setae of first or collar segmentwith
coil loose. Body measuresto 9 mm long, of which 1 crenulated aileron. Operculum an oval calcareous
mm is length of radioles. Thorax consistsof 4 tho- plaquewith shorttalon (fig. 13).
racic and abdomenof about 35 setigeroussegments.
Distribution: Patagonia,Falkland Islands; Kergue-
Collar setae (fig. 7) with aileron and marginally
len Islands;intertidal,on algae.
crenulated.Abdominalsetaedistally geniculate(fig.
8). Operculumcup-shapedand with a short talon
(fig. 6). Incubationin the tube. Paralaeospira lebruni Caulleryand Mesnil, 1897
Distribution: Patagonia; Kerguelen Islands; Mac- Plate XLVI, figs. 14, 15
quarie Island; mainland of Antarctica; intertidal to
shallowdepths,usuallyon hard surfaces. Spirorbis (Paralaeospira)Lebruni Caulleryand Mes-
nil, 1897, pp. 206-207, pl. 8, fig. 13. Patagonia.
Monro, 1939, p. 152. Heard and Kerguelenislands,
Paralaeospira antarctica Pixell, 1913
Spirorbis Lebruni Ehlers, 1900a, p. 18. Strait of
Plate XLVI, figs. 10-12 Magellan, in 20-25 fms.
Spirorbis (Paralaeospira)antarcticusPixell, 1913, p. Ehlers,1901, p. 223. Strait of Magellan.
351, pl. 49, figs.3 a-c. ScotiaBay, SouthOrkney Fauvel, 1916, p. 477. Falkland Islands.
Islands, in 10 fms, on Fucus. Augener, 1932b, p. 74. Discussionof synonymy.
?Fauvel,1941,p. 296. Off CapeHorn.
Diagnosis:Length of animal over 10 mm; radioles
number9, and the secondon left side forms pedicle Diagnosis:Tube sinistrallycoiled,calcareous, large,
of operculum.Body consistsof 4 thoracicand about with ladderlike ridges. Setaeof first or collar segment
20 abdominalsetigeroussegments.Opercularplate with crenulatedaileron. Operculumthick and massive
flat, convex, or conical, with a thin, flat talon and (fig. 14), its distal end blunt or conical,with thick
smallcircularperforationsin calcareous plate,through talon (fig. 15). Incubation in the tube. Augener
which thornlike spiculesproject (fig. 11). Collar [1932b, p. 74] considers this near P. patagonicaand
setaefew, small, simple bladeswith marginal serra- P. levinseni (see below).
tions (fig. 12). Tube measuresabout 4 mm across, Distribution: Patagonia, Falkland and Heard Is-
is thick, sinistrallycoiled (fig. 10), the upper surface lands; intertidal, on clam shells and rocks.
concave,the aperturewith a middorsalspine.
Distribution: South Orkney Islands,in 10 fms, on
Fucus. Paralaeospira levinseni Caullery and Mesnil, 1897
Plate XLVI, fig. 16
Spirorbis (Paralaeospira) levinseni Caullery and
Paralaeospira claparedei Caulleryand Mesnil, 1897
Mesnil,1897,p. 207, pl. 8, fig. 14. BahiaOrange,
Plate XLVI, fig. 13 Patagonia,on rock.
Ehlers,1901, p. 224. Strait of Magellan.
Spirorbis (Paralaeospira) Claparedei Caullery and
Monro, 1939,p. 153, fig. 28. CapeDenison,George
Mesnil, 1897, p. 204, pl. 8, fig. 10. Patagonia,
V Coast,in 3-13 m, on algae.
shore,on algae.
SpirorbisclaparedeiEhlers, 1901, p. 224. Patagonia. Diagnosis:Tube sinistrally coiled. Thorax with 4
Fauvel, 1916, p. 477. Falkland Islands. setigeroussegments;setae in collar segmentwith

crenulatedaileron (fig. 16). Operculumwith flat- GenusSpirorbis Daudin, 1800

toppedor somewhatcuppeddisk; without talon, or
with talon a minute knob at one side. Incubation in
Spirorbis nordenskjoldi Ehlers, 1900
the tube. Plate XLVI, figs. 1, 2
Distribution: Patagoniaand GeorgeV Coast,in in- SpirorbisnordenskjoldiEhlers,1900b,p. 222. Strait
tertidal or shallowbottoms,on algaeand rocks. of Magellan.
Ehlers,1901,p. 223. PuntaDelgada,Magellanarea,
on algae.
Ehlers, 1908, pp. 165-166. East of BouvetIsland,
in 439 m.
Paralaeospira patagonica Caulleryand
Mesnil, 1897
Gravier,1911a,pp. 153-155, pl. 11, figs. 153, 154.
Petermann Island, low tide, on rocks.
Plate XLII, figs. 10, 11 Benham, 1921, p. 113. Boat Harbor, Common-
wealthBay, in 3-50 fms.
Spirorbis (Paralaeospira)patagonicusCaulleryand
Mesnil, 1897, pp. 205-206, pl. 8, fig. 12. Bahia Diagnosis:Tubes aggregated,chalky white, sinis-
Orange,Patagonia,on nullipores. trally coiled and distal end somewhaterect; upper
Spirorbispatagonicus Ehlers,1901,p. 224. Patagonia. surfacesmooth. Body consistsof 3 thoracicand 8 to
Pixell, 1913, p. 352. Stanley Harbour, Falkland 9 abdominal setigers; radioles number about 7.
Islands, in 4-5 fms. Operculum(fig. 1) distally inflated hemispherical,
Augener,1932b, p. 73, fig. 7. Port Lockroy, South with flat disk. Collar setae with crenulated aileron
Georgia,in 70-120 m, on algaeand stones. (fig. 2). Incubationin tube.
Monro, 1939, p. 152. KerguelenIslands,shore,on Distribution: Southern South America and main-
algae and clam shells.
land of Antarctica,in intertidalto shallowdepths,on
Diagnosis:A large form, isolated or aggregated rocksor other hard surfaces,and on algae.
tubes that are sinistral; tubes recumbent or somewhat
ascending(fig. 11), measure6-7 mm long by 1-1.5
Spirorbis spp.
mm wide, with 1 to 3 longitudinalkeels. Operculum
(fig. 10) flat-topped,
with a long, centraltalon. Tho- Spirorbissp.Benham,1927,p. 158. McMurdoSound,
rax with 4 setigeroussegments.Setae of collar seg- in 50 fms, on valvesof pectenshells.
ment with crenulated aileron. Augener,1932a,p. 116. SouthGeorgia,in 20 m.
Hartman, 1952, p. 237. RossIsland, in 58 fms.
Distribution: Patagonia; Falkland Islands; South
Georgia; in intertidal depthsto 120 m, on algae, or Distribution: South Georgia and mainland of Ant-
hard surfaces. arctica,in shallowdepths.

THE BEST EXPLORED AREAS in latitudes south of 50S

Eucranta villosa notJails,South Georgia, in 82-88 m.
latitudeare in the ScotiaRidgequadrant;theyinclude Harmothoecilielytris,easternAntarcticsector,in 900
the southern end of South America through the mo

Palmer Archipelago.The Falkland Islandsand South Harmothoegourdoni,MargueriteBay,in 254 m.

Georgiaare equallywell known,as are the more dis- Harmothoe hartmanae, eastern Antarctic sector, in
tant South Sandwichand Kerguelenislands,which lie 165-540 m.
along routes followed by many round-the-worldex- Harmothoe monroi, easternsector,in 540 m.
peditions. The sub-Antarcticislands,Auckland,Mac- Hololepidadustrails,South Georgia,in 135-267 m.
quarie, and Heard, have been best recordedthrough ?Lagiscadarwini, Strait of Magellan, in 164 fms.
investigationsoriginating in New Zealand and Aus- Macelloidesantarctica, easternsector,in 630-639 m.
tralia. As a result, the polychaetesare best known Nemidia notJails,easternsector,in 474 m.
along an encircling band betweenthe sub-Antarctic Paramphinomedustrails,South Orkney Islands, in
(seeChart 1, dashedline) and AntarcticConvergence 244-344 m.
(dotted line). Least known areas are those south of Anaitides adarensis,RossSea, in 100 m.
the Antarctic Circle, includingthe Weddell Sea, Marie Austrophyllummonroi, South Georgia,in 88-273 m.
Byrd and QueenMaud lands, and other coasts;inter- Lacydoniamikrops,Antarctica,in 382-385 m.
tidal and littoral zones of the continent are least Ophiodromuscomatus,Antarctica,in 180 fms.
known. Orseisfimbriata, SouthGeorgia,in 75 m.
The 457 speciesand subspecies of polychaetes in- Orsels mathal, Port Charcot, in 40 m.
clude212 errantiate,5 parasitic,and at least240 sed- ?Orselssp., SouthGeorgia,in 220-247 m.
entary species. Among the Errantia, 46 are known Oxydromusincomptus,Wilhelm II Coast,in 380 m.
through single records; they include: Exogoneminuscula,South Georgia and Falkland Is-
Ten littoral species,in depthsof 10 fms or less: lands, in 12-148 m.
Autolytuslongstaflfi,RossSea, in 10 fms. Odontosyllis sp., Patagonia,in 35 and 100 m.
Eurysyllis ehlersi, Ross Island, in 10 m. Pionosyllisepipharynx,SouthGeorgia,in 250-310 m.
Langerhansiaanops, Strait of Magellan area, inter- Nephtysabranchiata,Antarctica,in 385 m.
tidal. Nephtysserratus,FalklandIslands,in 40 m.
Phyllosyllisalbida, SouthGeorgia,intertidal. Glycerakerguelensis, KerguelenIslands,in 127 fms.
Pionosyllisanops,SouthGeorgia,intertidal. Paronuphis antarctica, South Shetland Islands, in
Procerasteaperrieri, Falkland Islands, intertidal. 1080 m.
Syllidesliouvillei, PetermannIsland, intertidal. Lumbrineris antarctica, Antarctica, in 500 m.
Syllidia inermis,RossSea,in 10 fms. Notocirruslorum, Strait of Magellan,to 62 fms.
Goniada]alklandica,Falkland Islands,in 3 fms. Dorvillea ]urcata, South Georgia,in 250-310 m.
Lumbrinerismacquariensis, MacquarieIsland.
Two pelagicspecies' Five parasitic speciesare known through single
Harmothoebenthophilaintermedia,off SouthGeorgia.
Sheila bathypelagica,
sub-Antarctic,in 850-1100 m. Myzostomumantarcticum,RossSea, in 124 fms.
Twenty-nine species occur in moderately deep Myzostomumcompressum, CrozetIslands,in 2516 m.
benthos: Myzostomumcoronatum,CrozetIslands,in 1418 m.
Antinoella setobarba, South Shetland Islands, in Myzostomumgerlachei,AlexanderIsland.
391 m. Stelecbopus


Amongthe 240 speciesof Sedentaria,59 are known Leaenapseudobranchia, easternsectorof Antarctica.

throughsinglerecords;they include: Proclea glabrolimbata,Antarctica, in 360 m.
Polycirrusantarcticus,CapeAdare, washedin.
Thirteen speciesin littoral zones:
Thelepidesvenustus,easternsectorof Antarctica.
Polydorapaucibranchis, KerguelenIslands,intertidal. Octobranchusantarcticus,Palmer Archipelago.
Spiophanes tcherniai,Adlie Coast,in 15 m. Octobranchus phyllocomus,RossSea, in 50 fms.
Cirratuluspatagonicus, 'BuketIsland,'Strait of Magel- Myxicola sulcata,RossSea,in 130 fms.
lan, littoral.
Jasmineiramacrophthalma,Antarctica, in 385 m.
Travisia lithophila,easternsectorof Antarctica,lit- Potamilla antarctica christenseni,Antarctic Peninsula,
in 620 m.
Capitellacapitataantarctica,SouthGeorgia,on kelp. ?Sabella aberrans, Ad61ie Coast.
Terebella ?bilineata, Falkland Islands.
Thelepideskoehleri,South SheltandIslands,littoral. Salmacinadysteri]alklandica,Falkland Islands,in 79
Desdemonatrilobata, Falkland Islands, littoral. m.

Oriopsisalatapectinata,SouthGeorgia;Campbelland Chitinopomoides
wilsoni,RossSea,in 200 fms.
Auckland islands.
Dipomatusserpulides,Wilhelm II Coast,in 400 m.
Oriopsismagna,SouthGeorgia,intertidal. Vermiliopsis glacialis, Lars and Ingrid Christensen
Sabellapusilla,Patagoniaand FalklandIslands,lit- coasts,in 540 m.
Vermiliopsisnigropileata, Strait of Magellan, in 15
]alklandica,Falkland Islands,in 4-5 fms.

antarctica,SouthOrkneyIslands,in 10 Fourteenof theseuniquespeciesoccurin depthsof
100 m or more:

Thirty-twoof theseuniquespecies
occurin moderate Brada gravieri, Australian quadrant of Antarctica.
depths: Fauveliopsischallengeriae,Australian quadrant of
in 20-310 m. Ilyphagus coronatus,Lars and Ingrid Christensen
Pygospiodubia, SouthGeorgia,in 23 m.
Ilyphaguswyvillei, easternsector.
Spiophanessoderstromi,South Georgia.
?Pherusa sarsi, eastern sector.
Chaetozoneandersenensis,western sector of Antarc-
tica. Ammotrypanenematoides, easternsector.
Travisia nigrocincta,easternsector.
Tharyx cincinnatus,KerguelenIslands,in 88 m.
Praxillella abyssorum,Australianquadrant.
Tharyx ]usi/ormis,Mac. RobertsonLand, in 219 m.
Grubianella antarctica, eastern sector.
Flabelligeragourdoni,Port Charcot,in 40 m.
Melinna buskii,Australianquadrant.
Flabelligerapergamentacea,WilhelmII Coast,in 380-
385 m. Pista abyssicola,Antarctica.
Flabelligerapicta, Wilhelm II Coast,in 380 m. Ampharetidesvanhoffeni,Antarctica.
Potamethus scotiae, Antarctica.
Ophelia bipartita, South Georgia,in 35 m.
Opheliapraetiosa,Patagonia,in 32 fms. Apomatusbrownil, Antarctica.
Travisia kerguelensisgravieri, AntarcticPeninsula,inAbout 75% of the polychaetesnamed are known
295-315 m.
throughtwo or more records.The distributionsof the
Anobothrusantarcticus,Lars and Ingrid Christensen 34 commonestspeciesare plottedin Charts 1-5.
coasts,in 437 m. Chart i shows the known distribution of the follow-
Melinnoides nelsoni, Ross Sea, in 200 fms.
ing scaleworms'
Samytha ?speculatrix,Ross Sea, in 350 m.
kerguelensis,KerguelenIslands,in 20-30 Laetmoniceproducta, from 12 localities, in depths
m. from low tide, to 640 m.

Barrukia cristata, from 16 localities, in 3.5 to 800 m. Chart 3 shows the known distribution of 11 other
Eucranta mollis, from 11 localities, in 40 to 900 m. errant species,comingfrom 10 or morelocalities:
Harmothoe crosetensis, from 12 localities,in 102-1600
fms o Tomopteriscarpenterii,from 19 localities,pelagic,to
2800 m.
ttarmothoe exanthema, from 9 localities, in 10 to 132
from 17 localities,pelagic,
to 1750 m.
from 12 localities,low tide, to
350 m. .dutolytuscharcoti,from 11 localities,in 3 to 270 m.
Harmothoemagellanica,from 17 localities,in 5 to Eusylliskerguelensis, from 14 localities,in 2 to 2916
800 m.

Harmothoespinosa,from 27 localities,low tide, to Exogoneheterosetosa,

from 10 localities,low tide, to
160 fms.
1080 m.
from 15 localities,low tide, Trypanosyllisgigantea, from 12 localities,in 16 to
474 m.
to 300 fms.
Polyeunoalaevis,from 20 localities,in 35 to 400 fms. Neantheskerguelensis,
from 16 localities,intertidal,to
420 m.
Polynoeantarctica,from 10 localities,intertidal,to
187 m. Platynereismagalhaensis,
from 12 localities,in 2 to
625 m.
All but two of theserangewidely throughoutsub- .dglaophamus macroura,from 17 localities,low tide,
Antarcticand Antarcticareas,and are presentin all to 970 m.
quadrants; the exceptions,
Harmothoe exanthema and Glyceracapitata,from 13 localities,in 1 to 2725 m.
Polynoeantarctica,are limitedto the Straitof Magel- Lumbrineris magalhaensis,from 20 localities,inter-
lan region. tidal, to 600 m.
Chart 2 showsthe known distributionof the phyl-
lodocidsand their relatedpelagicfamilies;12 species, All of thesespeciesoccurin all quadrants,and in
each recorded 8 or more times, are: all latitudes south to the mainland of Antarctica.

Chart 4 showsthe mostabundantlyrecordedseden-

4naitidespatagonica,from 8 localities,in littoral
depths,to 500 m. tary speciesof the familiesOrbiniidaethroughAm-
.dustrophyllum charcoti,from8 localities,in 40 to 437 pharetidae:
Haploscoloplos kerguelensis,
from 12 localities,in 3
Eteonesculpta,from 10 localities, intertidal,to 234 m. to 219 m, chiefly in lessthan 100 m and in lati-
Eulaliasubuli]era,from 9 localities,intertidal,to 360 tudes 48 to 67S.
Scoloplos marginatus,from 12 localities,in 2 to 640
polyphylla,from9 localities, in 6 to 315 m. m, andusuallyin lessthan 100m.
Notaliapicta, from 9 localities,in 2 to 437 m. Chaetopterus variopedatus,from 8 localities,in 1 to
Steggoamagalhaensis, from16 localities, intertidal,to 380 m, usuallysub-Antarctic, in shallowdepths.
400 fms.
Cirratulus cirratus, from 10 localities, intertidal to
from13 localities,
pelagic, 380 m, and usuallyin shallowdepths.
to 950 m.
Flabelligera mundata, from 14 localities,in 10 to
Vanadisantarctica,from 9 localities,pelagic,to 2000 325 fms, usuallyin latitudessouthof 64S.
Oncoscolex dicranochaetus, from 9 localities, inter-
Pelagobialongicirrata,from 10 localities,pelagic,to tidal to 385 m.
1000 m.
4mmotrypanebreviata, from 7 localities,in 20 to
levinseni,from 11 localities,pelagic,to 344 m.
2200 m.
from 8 localities,in 20 fms to
mulleri,from 10 localities,pelagic,to 970 m.
1000 m.
Notomastuslatericeus, from 9 localities, in shallow
All of thesespeciesare circum-Antarctic,
and occur depthsto 1777 m.
in latitudes from 53 to 64S. Isocirrusyungi,from 17 localities,in 93 to 1080 m.

robusta,from 11 localities,low tide All of thesespecies,exceptasnotedotherwise,
to 391 m. in all quadrantsand latitudes.
Praxillella kerguelensis,from 12 localities,in 40 to Abyssalspecies,or thoseknownonly from depths
437 m. of 1000 metersor more, include'
Cistenides ehlersi, from 7 localities, in 10 to 300 m,
Paronuphisabyssorum ?Pherusa sarsi
chieflysouthernend of SouthAmerica.
Amagesculpta,from 7 localities,in 244 to 1080 m. Paronuphisbenthaliana Ammotrypanenematoides
Nothria armandi Kesunabyssorum
Ampharetekerguelensis,from 70 localities,in 64 to
750 m. Onuphispaucibranchis Travisiasp.
Amphicteisgunneri antarctica,from 9 localities,in 5 Myzostomumcompressum Praxillella abyssorum
to 500 m. Myzostomum coronatum Grubianella antarctica
Anobothruspatagonicus,from 8 localities, in 8 to Brada gravieri Melinna buskii
3397 m.
Fauveliopsischallengeriae Ampharetides vanho#eni
Neosabellideselongatus,from 11 localities, in 97 to llyphaguscoronatus Potamethus scotiae
1000 m.
llyphaguswyvillei Apomatusbrownii
Phyllocomuscrocea,from 9 localities,in 97 to 640 m.
All of thesespecies,exceptthosenotedabove,occur Cosmopolitan species,or thoseknownfrom widely
in all quadrants,and through all latitudes,to about scatteredparts of the world, compriselessthan 10%
of the total numberof polychaetes;excludingthe
Chart 5 showsthe mostabundantlyrecordedseden- pelagicspecies, which are largelycosmopolitan; they
tary speciesof the families Terebellidae,Sabellidae, includethe following:
and Serpulidae:
Anaitides ?madeirensis Lumbrinerisnr. impatiens
Amphitrite kerguelensis,from 28 localities,in inter-
Exogone ?verugera A rabella iricolor
tidal to 640 m.
Lanicides bilobata, from 11 localities,in 20 to 380 m. Langerhansia cornuta Paraonis gracilis
Laonice cirrata
Lanicidesvayssierei,from 15 localities,in 6 to 310 m. Typosyllisarmillaris
Leaena antarctica, from 8 localities, in 7 to 1975 fms. Typosyllisbrachychaeta Spiophanes bombyx
Nicolea chilensis, from 24 localities, intertidal to 380 Typosyllishyalina Chaetopterus variopedatus
m, and chieflysub-Antarctic. Typosyllisvariegata Phyllochaetopterus socialis
Pista corrientis, from 13 localities, in 15 to 400 m. Sphaerodorum?gracilis Cirratulus cirratus
Pista (as Axionice) mirabills, from 25 localities, in Glyceracapitata Cirri]ormiajligera
110 to 640 m. Brada villosa
Nothria conchylega
Terebella ehlersi, from 29 localities, in 50 to 437 m. Nothria iridescens Scalibregmainflatum
Polycirrus kerguelensis,from 15 localities, shore to
Sternaspisscutata Amphitrite cirrata
270 m.
Capitellacapitata Eupolymnianebulosa
Thelepuscincinnatus,from 36 localities,in 17 to 640 Notomastus latericeus Pista cristata
Notomastus lineatus Thelepuscincinnatus
Thelepussetosus,from 18 localities,shoreto 567 m,
Maldane sarsi Thelepussetosus
chieflyMagellan area.
Nicomache lumbricalis Terebellides stroemii
Euchonepallida, from 24 localities,in 50 to 750 m.
Oriopsislimbata,from 18 localities,shoreto 385 m. Rhodine loveni Fabricia sabella
Potamilla antarctica, from 25 localities, shore to 250 Myriocheleheeri ?Potamillaneglecta
fms. Melinna cristata Laeospiraborealis
Serpulavermicularis,from 12 localities,shoreto 150
fms. It must be concludedthat Antarctica,throughsub-
Serpula narconensis,from 39 localities,in 10 m to Antarctic realms, has a highly endemicfauna, and
300 fms. that many speciesrange through littoral to abyssal
Leodoraperrieri, from 20 localities,shoreto 385 m. depths.
Chart 1

/ sou




West go'


Laetmonice producta

Barrukia cristata
Eucranta mollis
Harmothoe exanthema

Harmothoe lagiscoides
( Harmothoe magellanica
Harmothoe spinosa
13 Hermadlon magalhaensJs
[] Polyeunoa laevis
Polynoe antarctica ?

140' -




E asl 90






East / 140 / .
Chart 2

West 0F'a

t [] BOL

7o /



Analtides patagonica
Q Austrophyllum charcoti

O Eulalia subulifera


4ll Genetyllis polyphylla
Notalia picta
Steggoa magalaensis

Rhynchonereella bongraini
3 Vanadis

I'1 Pelagobia Iongicirrata


Travisiopsis levinseni
Typhloscolex mulleri

/' 150'





90' East






Chart 3






90 West



'omopteris carpenterli
I IO e Tomopteris
4 Autolytu, charcote

Exo g one heterosetosa

Trypanosyllls gleantea


0 Neonthis kerguelensis


I'! Glycera copitata




/ 50



Easf 9





Chart 4



" " /

80' /

90' Wesi


I00' e sco,op,
..... ......

0 Cirrotulus cirratus


Flabelligero mundata

Oncoscolex dicranochaetus

( Ammotrypane

A Lumbriclymenello

e Amphicteis
O Anobothr
N.... bellideselongatus

' ', 510__



/ \
/ \



East 0







Chart 5





/ iI

90' West



Amitrlte kerguelensis
Axionice rnirobilis
0 Lanicides bilobato
0 Lanicides Yayssierei
Leoena ontarctica
Nicolea chilensls

Terebella ehlersi

[] Polycirrus kerguelensis
[] Thelepus cincinnatus
Thelepus spectahilis

Z Euchone pallida
Oriopsis limbata
Potamilla antarctica ..........
+ Serpula vermicularis
0 Serpula vermicularis -arconermsis


0 150'
',, / 170 West
_/ /




Eas gO'





Wes 180 Eas


THE POLYCHAETOUS ANNELIDS of Antarctica are known Ophioglyceraeximia, GONIADIDAE, lengthto 760 mm,
mainly through dredging records from expeditions width 13 mm;
whose objectiveswere other than collecting these Eunice/rauen/eldi,EUNICIDAE, to 300 mm by 6 mm;
organisms.As a resultmany of the recordsare based Chaetopterus variopedatus,CHAETOPTERIDAE, to 250
on specimenscoming from widely scatteredplaces, mm by 25 mm;
rather than on faunal complexes from selectedor well Asychis amphiglypta,MALDANIDAE, to 230 mm by
spacedlocalities. This partly accountsfor the large 4 ram;
numbersknown throughsinglerecordsand, perhaps, Aglaophamusmacroura, NEPHTYDAE, to 200 mm
also the large numberof uniquespecies(see above). by 15 ram;
Most speciesare known only from Antarctic re- Thelepuscincinnatus,TEREBELLDAE, to 190 mm by
gionsor in latitudessouthof 50S. The geographic 7.5 mm;
isolationof the continentand the extremelylow and Laetmoniceproducta,APHaODTDAE, to 180 mm by
uniform temperaturesfrom intertidal to near-abyssal 50 ram;
depthsare significant. It may be for these reasons
Nicon ehlersi,NEaEIDAE, to 175 mm by 8 ram;
that the specieshave both a circum-Antarcticand a
Nereiseugeniae,NEaEDAE, to 170 mm by 3 ram;
broad verticalrangeextendingfrom littoral to abyssal
Augeneria tentaculata,LUMBRINERIDAE, to 170 mm
depths. Fewer than 10% are cosmopolitan or bipolar
by 4 mm;
Isocirrusyungi, MALDANDAE, to 170 mm long;
The 10 best representedfamilies are the POLY-
DAE,AMPHARETIDAE, ANDOPHELIIDAE. The sparsityof Austrophyllum charcoti,PHYLLODOCIDAE, to 150 mm
families better known in warm seasis outstanding; by 6 mm;
this includes the families EUNICIDAE,AMPHINOMIDAE, Thelepussetosus,TEREBELLIDAE, to 150 mm by 10


Maximum sizesof individualsare noteworthy,and Cirratulus patagonicus,CIRRATULIDAE,to 135 mm

comparewith someof the largestknownpolychaetes. long; and
They includethe following: Eunereispatagonica,NEaEIDAE,to 130 mm by 6 mm.


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ERRATA for Polychaeta Errantia o! Antarctica

For Ehlers, 1912a, read 1908, throughout text and in bibliogra- For Ehlers, 1912b, read 1912, throughouttext and in bibliogra-
phy. phy.
p. 129, for Gravier 1960a, read 1906a, and for 1960b read

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