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Year 9 Health
Weighting: 15%

Task Description: Create a 3-day meal plan using the knowledge they have learnt of the Food for Health website

Planning/Use of Used time well during Used time well during Used some of the time Did not use class time to Did not use class time to
Class Time each class period. each class period. well during each class focus on the project OR focus on the project
Focused on getting the Usually focused on period. There was some often distracted others. AND often distracted
project done. Never getting the project done focus on getting the others.
distracted others. and never distracted project done but
others. occasionally distracted
Understanding of Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Shows a limited Shows no
Food Groups and understanding of the understanding of the understanding of some understanding of the understanding of the
Serving Suggestions food groups and serving food groups and serving parts of the food groups food groups and serving food groups and serving
suggestions suggestions and serving suggestions suggestions suggestions
Range of Foods At least 12 different 11-9 different foods are 8-7 different foods are 6-5 different foods are Less than 4 different
Used foods are used used throughout the used throughout the used throughout the foods are used
throughout the three- three-day meal plan three-day meal plan three-day meal plan throughout the three-
day meal plan day meal plan
Use of ICT to create Makes excellent use of Makes good use of font, Makes use of font, Use of font, colour, Uses little to no tools to
an attractive font, colour, graphics, colour, graphics, effects, colour, graphics, effects, graphics, effects etc. but create the infographic
infographic effects, etc. to enhance etc. to enhance to etc. but occasionally these often distract
the presentation. presentation. these detract from the from the presentation
presentation content. content.

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