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Pt. 80 40 CFR Ch.

I (7101 Edition)

number of revertants per kilometer (or H., Nylund, L., Tokiwa, H., Vink,
mile, or brake-horsepower/hour), and I.G.R., Wang, Y., Warshawsky, D., Re-
standard deviation; and sults of the IPCS Collaborative Study
(g) References. For additional back- on Complex Mixtures Mutation Re-
ground information on this test guide- search 276:2332 (1992).
line, the following references should be (10) Claxton, L., Douglas, G.,
consulted. Krewski, D., Lewtas, J., Matsushita,
(1) 40 CFR 798.5265, The Salmonella H., Rosenkranz, H., Overview, conclu-
typhimurium reverse mutation asay. sions, and recommendations of the
(2) Ames, B.N., McCann, J., IPCS Collaborative Study on Complex
Yamasaki, E. Methods for detecting Mixtures Mutation Research 276:6180
carcinogens and mutagens with the (1992).
Salmonella/mammalian microsome (11) Houk, V.S., Schalkowsky, S., and
mutagenicity test, Mutation Research Claxton, L.D., Development and Vali-
31:347364 (1975). dation of the Spiral Salmonella Assay:
(3) Huisingh, J.L., et al.,Mutagenic An Automated Approach to Bacterial
and Carcinogenic Potency of Extracts Mutagenicity Testing Mutation Re-
of Diesel and Related Environmental search 223:4964 (1989).
Emissions: Study Design, Sample Gen- (12) Jones, E., Richold, M., May, J.H.,
eration, Collection, and Preparation. and Saje, A. The Assessment of the
In: Health Effects of Diesel Engine Mutagenic Potential of Vehicle Engine
Emissions, Vol. II, W.E. Pepelko, R., Exhaust in the Ames Salmonella Assay
M., Danner and N. A. Clarke (Eds.), US Using a Direct Exposure Method Mu-
EPA, Cincinnati, EPA600/980057b, pp. tation Research 97:3540 (1985).
788800 (1980). (13) Maron, D., and Ames, B. N., Re-
(4) [Reserved] vised methods for the Salmonella mu-
(5) Claxton, L.D., Allen, J., Auletta, tagenicity test, Mutation Research,
A., Mortelmans, K., Nestmann, E., 113:173212 (1983).
Zeiger, E. Guide for the Salmonella (14) Prival, M.J., and Mitchell, V.D.
typhimurium/mammalian microsome Analysis of a method for testing azo
tests for bacterial mutagenicity Mu- dyes for mutagenic activity in Sal-
tation Research 189(2):8391 (1987). monella typhimurium in the presence
(6) Claxton, L., Houk, V.S., Allison, of flavin mononucleotide and hamster
J.C., Creason, J., Evaluating the rela- liver S9, Mutation Research 97:103
tionship of metabolic activation sys- 116 (1982).
tem concentrations and chemical dose (15) Rosenkranz, H.S.,
concentrations for the Salmonella Spi- Nitropyrenes: Isolation, identifica-
ral and Plate Assays Mutation Re- tion, and reduction of mutagenic impu-
search 253:127136 (1991). rities in carbon black and toners
(7) Claxton, L., Houk, V.S., Monteith, Science 209:103943 (1980).
L.G., Myers, L.E., Hughes, T.J., As- (16) Stump, F., Snow, R.,,
sessing the use of known mutagens to Trapping gaseous hydrocarbons for
calibrate the Salmonella typhimurium mutagenic testing SAE Technical
mutagenicity assay: I. Without exoge- Paper Series, No. 820776 (1982).
nous activation. Mutation Research (17) Vogel, H.J., Bonner, D.M.
253:137147 (1991). Acetylornithinase of E. coli: partial
(8) Claxton, L., Houk, V.S., Warner, purification and some properties,
J.R., Myers, L.E., Hughes, T.J., As- Journal of Biological Chemistry.
sessing the use of known mutagens to 218:97106 (1956).
calibrate the Salmonella typhimurium [59 FR 33093, June 27, 1994, as amended at 61
mutagenicity assay: II. With exogenous FR 36513, July 11, 1996]
activation. Mutation Research
253:149159 (1991). PART 80REGULATION OF FUELS
(9) Claxton, L., Creason, J., Lares, B.,
Augurell, E., Bagley, S., Bryant, D.W.,
Courtois, Y.A., Douglas, G., Clare, C.B.,
Subpart AGeneral Provisions
Goto, S., Quillardet, P., Jagannath,
D.R., Mohn, G., Neilsen, P.A., Ohnishi, Sec.
Y., Ong, T., Pederson, T.C., Shimizu, 80.1 Scope.


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80
80.2 Definitions. 80.62 Vehicle test procedures to place vehi-
80.3 Test methods. cles in emitter group sub-fleets.
80.4 Right of entry; tests and inspections. 80.6380.64 [Reserved]
80.5 Penalties. 80.65 General requirements for refiners, im-
80.7 Requests for information. porters, and oxygenate blenders.
80.66 Calculation of reformulated gasoline
Subpart BControls and Prohibitions properties.
80.67 Compliance on average.
80.2080.21 [Reserved] 80.68 Compliance surveys.
80.22 Controls and prohibitions. 80.69 Requirements for downstream oxygen-
80.23 Liability for violations. ate blending.
80.24 Controls applicable to motor vehicle 80.70 Covered areas.
manufacturers. 80.71 Descriptions of VOC-control regions.
80.25 [Reserved] 80.72 Procedures for opting out of the cov-
80.26 Confidentiality of information. ered areas.
80.27 Controls and prohibitions on gasoline 80.73 Inability to produce conforming gaso-
volatility. line in extraordinary circumstances.
80.28 Liability for violations of gasoline vol- 80.74 Recordkeeping requirements.
atility controls and prohibitions. 80.75 Reporting requirements.
80.29 Controls and prohibitions on diesel
80.76 Registration of refiners, importers or
fuel quality.
oxygenate blenders.
80.30 Liability for violations of diesel fuel
80.77 Product transfer documentation.
control and prohibitions.
80.78 Controls and prohibitions on reformu-
80.32 Controls applicable to liquefied petro-
lated gasoline.
leum gas retailers and wholesale pur-
80.79 Liability for violations of the prohib-
ited activities.
80.33 Controls applicable to natural gas re-
80.80 Penalties.
tailers and wholesale purchaser-con-
sumers. 80.81 Enforcement exemptions for Cali-
fornia gasoline.
Subpart COxygenated Gasoline 80.82 Conventional gasoline marker. [Re-
80.35 Labeling of retail gasoline pumps; 80.83 Renewable oxygenate requirements.
oxygenated gasoline. 80.8480.89 [Reserved]
80.3680.39 [Reserved]
Subpart EAnti-Dumping
Subpart DReformulated Gasoline
80.90 Conventional gasoline baseline emis-
80.40 Fuel certification procedures. sions determination.
80.41 Standards and requirements for com- 80.91 Individual baseline determination.
pliance. 80.92 Baseline auditor requirements.
80.42 Simple emissions model. 80.93 Individual baseline submission and ap-
80.4380.44 [Reserved] proval.
80.45 Complex emissions model. 80.94 Requirements for gasoline produced at
80.46 Measurement of reformulated gasoline foreign refineries.
fuel parameters. 80.9580.100 [Reserved]
80.47 [Reserved] 80.101 Standards applicable to refiners and
80.48 Augmentation of the complex emis- importers.
sion model by vehicle testing. 80.102 Controls applicable to blendstocks.
80.49 Fuels to be used in augmenting the 80.103 Registration of refiners and import-
complex emission model through vehicle ers.
testing. 80.104 Recordkeeping requirements.
80.50 General test procedure requirements 80.105 Reporting requirements.
for augmentation of the emission models. 80.106 Product transfer documents.
80.51 Vehicle test procedures. 80.10780.124 [Reserved]
80.52 Vehicle preconditioning.
80.5380.54 [Reserved] Subpart FAttest Engagements
80.55 Measurement methods for benzene and
1,3-butadiene. 80.125 Attest engagements.
80.56 Measurement methods for formalde- 80.126 Definitions.
hyde and acetaldehyde. 80.127 Sample size guidelines.
80.5780.58 [Reserved] 80.128 Agreed upon procedures for refiners
80.59 General test fleet requirements for ve- and importers.
hicle testing. 80.129 Agreed upon procedures for down-
80.60 Test fleet requirements for exhaust stream oxygenate blenders.
emission testing. 80.130 Agreed upon procedures reports.
80.61 [Reserved] 80.13180.135 [Reserved]


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Pt. 80 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

Subpart GDetergent Gasoline 80.216 What standards apply to gasoline pro-

duced or imported for use in the GPA?
80.140 Definitions. 80.217 How does a refiner or importer apply
80.141 Interim detergent gasoline program. for the GPA standards?
80.14280.154 [Reserved] 80.218 [Reserved]
80.155 Interim detergent program controls 80.219 Designation and downstream require-
and prohibitions. ments for GPA gasoline.
80.156 Liability for violations of the interim 80.220 What are the downstream standards
detergent program controls and prohibi- for GPA gasoline?
80.157 Volumetric additive reconciliation HARDSHIP PROVISIONS
(VAR), equipment calibration, and rec-
ordkeeping requirements. 80.225 What is the definition of a small re-
80.158 Product transfer documents (PTDs). finer?
80.159 Penalties. 80.230 Who is not eligible for the hardship
80.160 Exemptions. provisions for small refiners?
80.161 Detergent additive certification pro- 80.235 How does a refiner obtain approval as
gram. a small refiner?
80.162 Additive compositional data. 80.240 What are the small refiner gasoline
80.163 Detergent certification options. sulfur standards?
80.164 Certification test fuels. 80.245 How does a small refiner apply for a
80.165 Certification test procedures and sulfur baseline?
standards. 80.250 How is the small refiner sulfur base-
80.166 Carburetor deposit control perform- line and volume determined?
ance test and test fuel guidelines. 80.255 Compliance plans and demonstration
80.167 Confirmatory testing. of commitment to produce low sulfur
80.168 Detergent certification program con- gasoline.
trols and prohibitions. 80.260 What are the procedures and require-
80.169 Liability for violations of the deter- ments for obtaining a hardship exten-
gent certification program controls and sion?
prohibitions. 80.265 How will the EPA approve or dis-
80.170 Volumetric additive reconciliation approve a hardship extension applica-
(VAR), equipment calibration, and rec- tion?
ordkeeping requirements. 80.270 Can a refiner seek temporary relief
80.171 Product transfer documents (PTDs). from the requirements of this subpart?
80.172 Penalties.
80.174 Addresses. 80.275 How are allotments generated and
Subpart HGasoline Sulfur
80.18080.185 [Reserved] 80.280 [Reserved]
80.190 Who must register with EPA under 80.285 Who may generate credits under the
the sulfur program? ABT program?
80.290 How does a refiner apply for a sulfur
80.195 What are the gasoline sulfur stand-
ards for refiners and importers? ABT PROGRAMBASELINE DETERMINATION
80.200 What gasoline is subject to the sulfur 80.295 How is a refinery sulfur baseline de-
standards and requirements? termined?
80.205 How is the annual refinery or im-
80.300 [Reserved]
porter average and corporate pool aver-
age sulfur level determined? ABT PROGRAMCREDIT GENERATION
80.210 What sulfur standards apply to gaso-
line downstream from refineries and im- 80.305 How are credits generated during the
porters? time period 2000 through 2003?
80.211 [Reserved] 80.310 How are credits generated beginning
80.212 What requirements apply to oxygen- in 2004?
ate blenders?
80.21380.214 [Reserved] ABT PROGRAMCREDIT USE
80.315 How are credits used and what are the
GEOGRAPHIC PHASE-IN PROGRAM limitations on credit use?
80.215 What is the scope of the geographic 80.320 [Reserved]
phase-in program? 80.325 [Reserved]


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80
SAMPLING, TESTING AND RETENTION ance applicable to refiners and import-
80.330 What are the sampling and testing re-
quirements for refiners and importers?
Subpart IMotor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
80.335 What gasoline sample retention re- GENERAL INFORMATION
quirements apply to refiners and import-
ers? 80.500 What are the implementation dates
80.340 What standards and requirements for the diesel fuel sulfur control pro-
apply to refiners producing gasoline by gram?
blending blendstocks into previously cer- 80.501 What diesel fuel is subject to the pro-
tified gasoline (PCG)? visions of this subpart?
80.345 [Reserved] 80.50280.519 [Reserved]
80.350 What alternative sulfur standards
and requirements apply to importers who MOTOR VEHICLE DIESEL FUEL STANDARDS AND
transport gasoline by truck? REQUIREMENTS
80.355 [Reserved] 80.520 What are the standards and dye re-
quirements for motor vehicle diesel fuel?
RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING 80.521 What are the standards and identi-
REQUIREMENTS fication requirements for motor vehicle
80.360 [Reserved] diesel fuel additives?
80.365 What records must be kept? 80.522 May used motor oil be dispensed into
80.370 What are the sulfur reporting require- diesel motor vehicles?
ments? 80.523 What diesel fuel designation require-
80.37180.373 [Reserved] ments apply to refiners and importers?
80.524 What sulfur content standard applies
EXEMPTIONS to motor vehicle diesel fuel downstream
80.374 What if a refiner or importer is un- of the refinery or importer?
able to produce gasoline conforming to 80.525 What requirements apply to kerosene
the requirements of this subpart? blenders?
80.375 What requirements apply to Cali- 80.526 [Reserved]
fornia gasoline? 80.527 Under what conditions may motor ve-
80.380 What are the requirements for ob- hicle diesel fuel subject to the 15 ppm
taining an exemption for gasoline used sulfur standard be downgraded as motor
for research, development or testing pur- vehicle diesel fuel subject to the 500 ppm
poses? sulfur standard?
80.52880.529 [Reserved]
80.385 What acts are prohibited under the
gasoline sulfur program? 80.530 Under what conditions can 500 ppm
80.390 What evidence may be used to deter- motor vehicle diesel fuel be produced or
mine compliance with the prohibitions imported?
and requirements of this subpart and li- 80.531 How are motor vehicle diesel fuel
ability for violations of this subpart? credits generated?
80.395 Who is liable for violations under the 80.532 How are credits used and transferred?
gasoline sulfur program? 80.53380.539 [Reserved]
80.400 What defenses apply to persons
deemed liable for a violation of a prohib- GEOGRAPHIC PHASE-IN PROVISIONS
ited act? 80.540 How may a refiner be approved to
80.405 What penalties apply under this sub- produce gasoline under the GPA gasoline
part? sulfur standards in 2007 and 2008?
80.54180.549 [Reserved]
80.410 What are the additional requirements 80.550 What is the definition of a small re-
for gasoline produced at foreign refin- finer under this subpart?
eries having individual small refiner sul- 80.551 How does a refiner obtain approval as
fur baselines, foreign refineries granted a small refiner under this subpart?
temporary relief under 80.270, or base- 80.552 What compliance options are avail-
lines for generating credits during 2000 able to small refiners?
through 2003? 80.553 Under what conditions may the small
refiner gasoline sulfur standards be ex-
tended for a small refiner of motor vehi-
80.415 What are the attest engagement re- cle diesel fuel?
quirements for gasoline sulfur compli- 80.55480.559 [Reserved]


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Pt. 80 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
OTHER HARDSHIP PROVISIONS and requirements of this subpart and li-
ability for violations of this subpart?
80.560 How can a refiner seek temporary re-
lief from the requirements of this sub- 80.612 Who is liable for violations of this
part in case of extreme hardship cir- subpart?
cumstances? 80.613 What defenses apply to persons
80.561 How can a refiner or importer seek deemed liable for a violation of a prohib-
temporary relief from the requirements ited act?
of this subpart in case of extreme 80.614 What penalties apply under this sub-
unforseen circumstances? part?
80.56280.569 [Reserved] 80.61580.619 [Reserved]


80.570 What labeling requirements apply to SUBJECT TO A TEMPORARY COMPLIANCE OP-
retailers and wholesale purchaser-con- TION OR HARDSHIP PROVISION
sumers of motor vehicle diesel fuel?
80.57180.579 [Reserved] 80.620 What are the additional requirements
for motor vehicle diesel fuel produced by
SAMPLING AND TESTING foreign refineries subject to a temporary
80.580 What are the sampling and testing refiner compliance option or hardship
methods for sulfur? provisions?
80.58180.589 [Reserved]
Subpart JGasoline Toxics
80.590 What are the product transfer docu- 80.80080.805 [Reserved]
ment requirements for motor vehicle die- 80.810 Who shall register with EPA under
sel fuel? the gasoline toxics program?
80.591 What are the product transfer docu-
ment requirements for additives to be GASOLINE TOXICS PERFORMANCE
used in motor vehicle diesel fuel? REQUIREMENTS
80.592 What records must be kept? 80.815 What are the gasoline toxics perform-
80.593 What are the reporting and registra- ance requirements for refiners and im-
tion requirements for refiners and im- porters?
porters of motor vehicle diesel fuel sub- 80.820 What gasoline is subject to the toxics
ject to temporary refiner relief stand- performance requirements of this sub-
ards? part?
80.594 What are the pre-compliance report- 80.825 How is the refinery or importer an-
ing requirements? nual average toxics value determined?
80.595 How does a refiner apply for a motor 80.830 What requirements apply to oxygen-
vehicle diesel fuel volume baseline? ate blenders?
80.596 How is a refinery motor vehicle diesel 80.835 What requirements apply to butane
fuel volume baseline calculated? blenders?
80.597 What are the registration require-
80.840 [Reserved]
80.845 What requirements apply to Cali-
80.59880.599 [Reserved]
fornia gasoline?
EXEMPTIONS 80.850 How is the compliance baseline deter-
80.600 What are the requirements for ob- 80.855 What is the compliance baseline for
taining an exemption for motor vehicle refineries or importers with insufficient
diesel fuel used for research, develop- data?
ment or testing purposes? 80.86080.905 [Reserved]
80.601 What requirements apply to motor
vehicle diesel fuel for use in the Terri- BASELINE DETERMINATION
80.602 What exemption applies to diesel fuel 80.910 How does a refiner or importer apply
used in vehicles having a national secu- for a toxics baseline?
rity exemption from motor vehicle emis- 80.915 How are the baseline toxics value and
sions standards? the baseline toxics volume determined?
80.60380.609 [Reserved] 80.92080.980 [Reserved]


80.610 What acts are prohibited under the
diesel fuel sulfur program? 80.985 What records shall be kept?
80.611 What evidence may be used to deter- 80.990 What are the toxics reporting re-
mine compliance with the prohibitions quirements?


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.2
EXEMPTIONS Subpart AGeneral Provisions
80.995 What if a refiner or importer is un-
able to produce gasoline conforming to 80.1 Scope.
the requirements of this subpart? (a) This part prescribes regulations
80.1000 What are the requirements for ob- for the control and/or prohibition of
taining an exemption for gasoline used fuels and additives for use in motor ve-
for research, development or testing pur-
hicles and motor vehicle engines.
These regulations are based upon a de-
VIOLATION PROVISIONS termination by the Administrator that
the emission product of a fuel or addi-
80.1005 What acts are prohibited under the
gasoline toxics program?
tive will endanger the public health, or
80.1010 [Reserved]
will impair to a significant degree the
80.1015 Who is liable for violations under
performance of a motor vehicle emis-
the gasoline toxics program? sion control device in general use or
80.1020 [Reserved] which the Administrator finds has been
80.1025 What penalties apply under this sub- developed to a point where in a reason-
part? able time it would be in general use
were such regulations promulgated;
PROVISIONS FOR FOREIGN REFINERS WITH and certain other findings specified by
80.1030 What are the requirements for gaso- (b) Nothing in this part is intended to
line produced at foreign refineries having preempt the ability of State or local
individual refiner toxics baselines? governments to control or prohibit any
fuel or additive for use in motor vehi-
cles and motor vehicle engines which is
80.1035 What are the attest engagement re- not explicitly regulated by this part.
quirements for gasoline toxics compli-
ance applicable to refiners and import- [38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 38
ers? FR 33741, Dec. 6, 1973; 42 FR 25732, May 19,
80.1040 [Reserved]


80.1045 What additional rulemaking will
As used in this part:
EPA conduct? (a) Act means the Clean Air Act, as
amended (42 U.S.C. 1857 et seq.).
(b) Administrator means the Adminis-
APPENDIX B TO PART 80TEST METHODS FOR trator of the Environmental Protection
APPENDIX C TO PART 80[RESERVED] (c) Gasoline means any fuel sold in
APPENDIX D TO PART 80SAMPLING PROCE- any State 1 for use in motor vehicles
DURES FOR FUEL VOLATILITY and motor vehicle engines, and com-
APPENDIX E TO PART 80TEST FOR DETER- monly or commercially known or sold
GASOLINE AND GASOLINE OXYGENATE (d) Previously certified gasoline, or
BLENDS PCG, means gasoline or RBOB that
APPENDIX F TO PART 80TEST FOR DETER- previously has been included in a batch
for purposes of complying with the
standards in Subparts D, E, H, and J of
this part, as appropriate.
(e) Lead additive means any substance
AUTHORITY: 42 U.S.C. 7414, 7521(l), 7545 and containing lead or lead compounds.
7601(a). (f) [Reserved]
SOURCE: 38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, unless (g) Unleaded gasoline means gasoline
otherwise noted. which is produced without the use of
any lead additive and which contains
16, 1994, EPA published amendments to part
80 containing information collection require- 1 State means a State, the District of Co-

ments. These amendments will not become lumbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,
effective until approval has been given by the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Samoa.


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80.2 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

not more than 0.05 gram of lead per (r) Importer means a person who im-
gallon and not more than 0.005 gram of ports gasoline, gasoline blending
phosphorus per gallon. stocks or components, or diesel fuel
(h) Refinery means any facility, in- from a foreign country into the United
cluding but not limited to, a plant, States (including the Commonwealth
tanker truck, or vessel where gasoline of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands,
or diesel fuel is produced, including Guam, American Samoa, and the
any facility at which blendstocks are Northern Mariana Islands).
combined to produce gasoline or diesel (s) Gasoline blending stock, blendstock,
fuel, or at which blendstock is added to or component means any liquid com-
gasoline or diesel fuel. pound which is blended with other liq-
(i) Refiner means any person who uid compounds to produce gasoline.
owns, leases, operates, controls, or su- (t) Carrier means any distributor who
pervises a refinery. transports or stores or causes the
(j) Retail outlet means any establish- transportation or storage of gasoline or
ment at which gasoline, diesel fuel, diesel fuel without taking title to or
methanol, natural gas or liquefied pe- otherwise having any ownership of the
troleum gas is sold or offered for sale gasoline or diesel fuel, and without al-
for use in motor vehicles. tering either the quality or quantity of
(k) Retailer means any person who the gasoline or diesel fuel.
owns, leases, operates, controls, or su- (u) Ethanol blending plant means any
pervises a retail outlet. refinery at which gasoline is produced
(l) Distributor means any person who solely through the addition of ethanol
transports or stores or causes the to gasoline, and at which the quality or
transportation or storage of gasoline or quantity of gasoline is not altered in
diesel fuel at any point between any any other manner.
gasoline or diesel fuel refinery or im- (v) Ethanol blender means any person
porters facility and any retail outlet who owns, leases, operates, controls, or
or wholesale purchaser-consumers fa- supervises an ethanol blending plant.
cility. (w) Cetane index or Calculated cetane
(m) Lead additive manufacturer means index is a number representing the ig-
any person who produces a lead addi- nition properties of diesel fuel oils
tive or sells a lead additive under his from API gravity and mid-boiling point
own name. as determined by ASTM standard
(n) Reseller means any person who method D 97680, entitled Standard
purchases gasoline or diesel fuel identi- Methods for Calculated Cetane Index of
fied by the corporate, trade, or brand Distillate Fuels. ASTM test method D
name of a refiner from such refiner or 97680 is incorporated by reference.
a distributor and resells or transfers it This incorporation by reference was ap-
to retailers or wholesale purchaser- proved by the Director of the Federal
consumers displaying the refiners Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
brand, and whose assets or facilities 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. A copy may be
are not substantially owned, leased, or obtained from the American Society
controlled by such refiner. for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race
(o) Wholesale purchaser-consumer Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. A copy
means any organization that is an ulti- may be inspected at the Air Docket
mate consumer of gasoline, diesel fuel, Section (A130), Room M1500, U.S. En-
methanol, natural gas or liquefied pe- vironmental Protection Agency, Dock-
troleum gas and which purchases or ob- et No. A8603, 401 M Street SW., Wash-
tains gasoline, diesel fuel, natural gas ington, DC 20460 or at the Office of the
or liquefied petroleum gas from a sup- Federal Register, 800 North Capitol
plier for use in motor vehicles and, in Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC.
the case of gasoline, diesel fuel, meth- (x) Diesel fuel means any fuel sold in
anol or liquefied petroleum gas, re- any state or Territory of the United
ceives delivery of that product into a States and suitable for use in diesel
storage tank of at least 550-gallon ca- motor vehicles, diesel motor vehicle
pacity substantially under the control engines or diesel nonroad engines, and
of that organization. which is commonly or commercially
(p)(q) [Reserved] known or sold as diesel fuel.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.2

(y) Motor vehicle diesel fuel means any (ff) Conventional gasoline means any
diesel fuel, or any distillate product, gasoline which has not been certified
that is used, intended for use, or made under 80.40.
available for use, as a fuel in diesel (gg) Batch of gasoline means a quan-
motor vehicles or diesel motor vehicle tity of gasoline that is homogeneous
engines. with regard to those properties that
(z) Aromatic content is the aromatic are specified for conventional or refor-
hydrocarbon content in volume percent mulated gasoline.
as determined by ASTM standard test (hh) Covered area means each of the
method D 131988, entitled Standard geographic areas specified in 80.70 in
Test Method for Hydrocarbon Types in which only reformulated gasoline may
Liquid Petroleum Products by Fluores- be sold or dispensed to ultimate con-
cent Indicator Adsorption. ASTM test sumers.
method D 131988 is incorporated by (ii) Reformulated gasoline credit means
reference. This incorporation by ref- the unit of measure for the paper
erence was approved by the Director of transfer of oxygen or benzene content
the Federal Register in accordance resulting from reformulated gasoline
with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. which contains more than 2.1 weight
A copy may be obtained from the percent of oxygen or less than 0.95 vol-
American Society for Testing and Ma- ume percent benzene.
terials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, (jj) Oxygenate means any substance
PA 19103. A copy may be inspected at which, when added to gasoline, in-
the Air Docket Section (A130), room creases the oxygen content of that gas-
M1500, U.S. Environmental Protection oline. Lawful use of any of the sub-
Agency, Docket No. A8603, 401 M stances or any combination of these
Street SW., Washington, DC 20460 or at substances requires that they be sub-
the Office of the Federal Register, 800 stantially similar under section
North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, 211(f)(1) of the Clean Air Act, or be per-
Washington, DC. mitted under a waiver granted by the
Administrator under the authority of
(aa) [Reserved]
section 211(f)(4) of the Clean Air Act.
(bb) Sulfur percentage is the percent- (kk) Reformulated gasoline blendstock
age of sulfur in diesel fuel by weight, as for oxygenate blending, or RBOB means
determined using the applicable sam- a petroleum product which, when
pling and testing methodologies set blended with a specified type and per-
forth in 80.580. centage of oxygenate, meets the defini-
(cc) Designated Volatility Nonattain- tion of reformulated gasoline, and to
ment Area means any area designated which the specified type and percent-
as being in nonattainment with the Na- age of oxygenate is added other than
tional Ambient Air Quality Standard by the refiner or importer of the RBOB
for ozone pursuant to rulemaking at the refinery or import facility where
under section 107(d)(4)(A)(ii) of the the RBOB is produced or imported.
Clean Air Act. (ll) Oxygenate blending facility means
(dd) Designated Volatility Attainment any facility (including a truck) at
Area means an area not designated as which oxygenate is added to gasoline
being in nonattainment with the Na- or blendstock, and at which the quality
tional Ambient Air Quality Standard or quantity of gasoline is not altered in
for ozone pursuant to rulemaking any other manner except for the addi-
under section 107(d)(4)(A)(ii) of the tion of deposit control additives.
Clean Air Act. (mm) Oxygenate blender means any
(ee) Reformulated gasoline means any person who owns, leases, operates, con-
gasoline whose formulation has been trols, or supervises an oxygenate blend-
certified under 80.40, which meets ing facility, or who owns or controls
each of the standards and requirements the blendstock or gasoline used or the
prescribed under 80.41, and which con- gasoline produced at an oxygenate
tains less than the maximum con- blending facility.
centration of the marker specified in (nn) Batch of motor vehicle diesel fuel
80.82 that is allowed for reformulated means a quantity of diesel fuel which is
gasoline under 80.82. homogeneous with regard to those


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80.3 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

properties that are specified for motor Finding Aids section of the printed volume
vehicle diesel fuel under subpart I of and on GPO Access.
this part.
(oo) Liquefied petroleum gas means a 80.3 Test methods.
liquid hydrocarbon fuel that is stored The lead and phosphorus content of
under pressure and is composed pri- gasoline shall be determined in accord-
marily of species that are gases at at- ance with test methods set forth in the
mospheric conditions (temperature = 25 appendices to this part.
C and pressure = 1 atm), excluding
[47 FR 765, Jan. 7, 1982]
natural gas.
(pp) Control area means a geographic
80.4 Right of entry; tests and inspec-
area in which only oxygenated gasoline tions.
under the oxygenated gasoline program
may be sold or dispensed, with bound- The Administrator or his authorized
aries determined by section 211(m) of representative, upon presentation of
the Act. appropriate credentials, shall have a
(qq) Control period means the period right to enter upon or through any re-
during which oxygenated gasoline must finery, retail outlet, wholesale pur-
be sold or dispensed in any control chaser-consumer facility, or detergent
area, pursuant to section 211(m)(2) of manufacturer facility; or the premises
the Act. or property of any gasoline or deter-
(rr) Oxygenated gasoline means gaso- gent distributor, carrier, or importer;
line which contains a measurable or any place where gasoline or deter-
amount of oxygenate. gent is stored; and shall have the right
(ss) Tank truck means a truck and/or to make inspections, take samples, ob-
trailer used to transport or cause the tain information and records, and con-
transportation of gasoline or diesel duct tests to determine compliance
fuel, that meets the definition of motor with the requirements of this part.
vehicle in section 216(2) of the Act.
[61 FR 35356, July 5, 1996]
(tt) Natural gas means a fuel whose
primary constituent is methane. 80.5 Penalties.
(uu) Methanol means any fuel sold for
use in motor vehicles and commonly Any person who violates these regu-
known or commercially sold as meth- lations shall be liable to the United
anol or MXX, where XX is the percent States for a civil penalty of not more
methanol (CH3OH) by volume. than the sum of $25,000 for every day of
(vv) Opt-in area. An area which be- such violation and the amount of eco-
comes a covered area under 80.70 pur- nomic benefit or savings resulting from
suant to section 211(k)(6) of the Clean the violation. Any violation with re-
Air Act. spect to a regulation proscribed under
(ww) [Reserved] section 211(c), (k), (l) or (m) of the Act
(xx) Motor vehicle diesel fuel additive which establishes a regulatory stand-
means any substance not composed ard based upon a multi-day averaging
solely of carbon and/or hydrogen, or of period shall constitute a separate day
diesel blendstocks, that is added, in- of violation for each and every day in
tended for adding, used, or offered for the averaging period. Civil penalties
use in motor vehicle diesel fuel subse- shall be assessed in accordance with
quent to the production of diesel fuel section 205(b) and (c) of the Act.
by processing crude oil from refinery [58 FR 65554, Dec. 15, 1993]
processing units, or in diesel motor ve-
hicle fuel systems. 80.7 Requests for information.
(Sec. 211, (Sec. 223, Pub. L. 95-95, 91 Stat. 764, (a) When the Administrator, the Re-
42 U.S.C. 7545(g)) and sec. 301(a) 42 U.S.C. gional Administrator, or their dele-
7602(a), formerly 42 U.S.C. 1857g(a)) of the gates have reason to believe that a vio-
Clean Air Act, as amended)
lation of section 211(c) or section 211(n)
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973] of the Act and the regulations there-
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- under has occurred, they may require
tations affecting 80.2, see the List of CFR any refiner, distributor, wholesale pur-
Sections Affected, which appears in the chaser-consumer, or retailer to report


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.22

the following information regarding re- ably require to enable him to deter-
ceipt, transfer, delivery, or sale of gas- mine whether such refiner, distributor,
oline represented to be unleaded gaso- wholesale purchaser-consumer, re-
line and to allow the reproduction of tailer, or importer has acted or is act-
such information at all reasonable ing in compliance with sections 211(c)
times. and 211(n) of the Act and the regula-
(1) For any bulk shipment of gasoline tions thereunder and shall, upon re-
represented to be unleaded gasoline quest of the Administrator or his au-
which is transferred, sold, or delivered thorized representative, produce and
within the previous 6 months by a re- allow reproduction of any relevant
finer or a distributor to a distributor, records at all reasonable times. Such
wholesale purchaser-consumer or a re- information may include but is not
tail outlet, the refiner or distributor limited to records of unleaded gasoline
shall maintain and provide the fol- inventory at a wholesale purchaser-
lowing information as applicable: consumer facility or a retail outlet, un-
(i) Business or corporate name and leaded pump meter readings at a
address of distributors, wholesale pur- wholesale purchaser-consumer facility
chaser-consumers or retail outlets to or a retail outlet, and receipts pro-
which the gasoline has been trans- viding the date of acquisition of signs,
ferred, sold, or delivered. labels, and nozzles required by 80.22.
(ii) Quantity of gasoline involved. No person shall be required to furnish
(iii) Date of delivery. information requested under this para-
(iv) Storage location of gasoline prior graph if he can establish that such in-
to transit via delivery vessel (e.g., lo- formation is not maintained in the nor-
cation of a bulk terminal). mal course of his business.
(v) Business or corporate name and (Secs. 211, 301, Clean Air Act, as amended (42
address of the person who delivered the U.S.C. 1857f6c, 1857g))
gasoline. [40 FR 36336, Aug. 20, 1975, as amended at 42
(vi) Identification of delivery vessel FR 45307, Sept. 9, 1977; 47 FR 49332, Oct. 29,
(e.g., truck number). This information 1982; 61 FR 3837, Feb. 2, 1996]
shall be supplied by the person in para-
graph (a)(1)(v) of this section who per- Subpart BControls and
formed the delivery, e.g., common or Prohibitions
contract carrier.
(2) For any bulk shipment of gasoline 80.2080.21 [Reserved]
represented to be unleaded gasoline re-
ceived by a retail outlet or a whole- 80.22 Controls and prohibitions.
sale-purchaser-consumer facility with- (a) After December 31, 1995, no person
in the previous 6 months, whether by shall sell, offer for sale, supply, offer
purchase or otherwise, the retailer or for supply, dispense, transport, or in-
wholesale purchaser-consumer shall troduce into commerce gasoline rep-
maintain accessibility to and provide resented to be unleaded gasoline unless
the following information: such gasoline meets the defined re-
(i) Business or corporate name and quirements for unleaded gasoline in
address of the distributor. 80.2(g); nor shall he dispense, or cause
(ii) Quantity of gasoline received. or allow the gasoline other than un-
(iii) Date of receipt. leaded gasoline to be dispensed into
(b) Upon request by the Adminis- any motor vehicle which is equipped
trator, the Regional Administrator, or with a gasoline tank filler inlet which
their delegates, any retailer shall pro- is designed for the introduction of un-
vide documentation of his annual total leaded gasoline.
sales volume in gallons of gasoline for (b) After December 31, 1995, no person
each retail outlet for each calendar shall sell, offer for sale, supply, offer
year beginning with 1971. for supply, dispense, transport, or in-
(c) Any refiner, distributor, whole- troduce into commerce for use as fuel
sale purchaser-consumer, retailer, or in any motor vehicle (as defined in Sec-
importer shall provide such other in- tion 216(2) of the Clean Air Act, 42
formation as the Administrator or his U.S.C. 7550(2)), any gasoline which is
authorized representative may reason- produced with the use of lead additives


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80.23 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

or which contains more than 0.05 gram the gasoline was sold, dispensed, or of-
of lead per gallon. fered for sale, the retailer or wholesale
(c)(e) [Reserved] purchaser-consumer, the reseller (if
(f) Beginning January 1, 1996, every any), and such gasoline refiner shall be
retailer and wholesale purchaser-con- deemed in violation. Except as pro-
sumer shall equip all gasoline pumps as vided in paragraph (b)(2) of this sec-
follows: tion, the refiner shall be deemed in vio-
(1) [Reserved] lation irrespective of whether any
(2) Each pump from which unleaded other refiner, distributor, retailer, or
gasoline is dispensed into motor vehi- wholesale purchaser-consumer or the
cles shall be equipped with a nozzle employee or agent of any refiner, dis-
spout which meets the following speci- tributor, retailer, or wholesale pur-
fications: chaser-consumer may have caused or
(i) The outside diameter of the ter- permitted the violation.
minal end shall not be greater than (2) Where the corporate, trade, or
0.840 inch (2.134 centimeters); brand name of a gasoline refiner or any
(ii) The terminal end shall have a of its marketing subsidiaries does not
straight section of at least 2.5 inches appear on the pump stand and is not
(6.34 centimeters) in length; and displayed at the retail outlet or whole-
(iii) The retaining spring shall termi- sale purchaser-consumer facility from
nate 3.0 inches (7.6 centimeters) from which the gasoline was sold, dispensed,
the terminal end. or offered for sale, the retailer or
(g)(i) [Reserved] wholesale purchaser-consumer and any
(j) After July 1, 1996 every retailer distributor who sold that person gaso-
and wholesale purchaser-consumer line contained in the storage tank
handling over 10,000 gallons (37,854 li- which supplied that pump at the time
ters) of fuel per month shall limit each of the violation shall be deemed in vio-
nozzle from which gasoline or meth- lation.
anol is introduced into motor vehicles (b)(1) In any case in which a retailer
to a maximum fuel flow rate not to ex- or wholesale purchaser-consumer and
ceed 10 gallons per minute (37.9 liters any gasoline refiner or distributor
per minute). The flow rate may be con- would be in violation under paragraph
trolled through any means in the (a) (1) or (2) of this section, the retailer
pump/dispenser system, provided the or wholesale purchaser-consumer shall
nozzle flow rate does not exceed 10 gal- not be liable if he can demonstrate
lons per minute (37.9 liters per minute). that the violation was not caused by
After January 1, 1998 this requirement him or his employee or agent.
applies to every retailer and wholesale (2) In any case in which a retailer or
purchaser-consumer. Any dispensing wholesale purchaser-consumer, a re-
pump that is dedicated exclusively to seller (if any), and any gasoline refiner
heavy-duty vehicles, boats, or air- would be in violation under paragraph
planes is exempt from this require- (a)(1) of this section, the refiner shall
ment. not be deemed in violation if he can
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 39 demonstrate:
FR 16125, May 17, 1974; 39 FR 43283, Dec. 12, (i) That the violation was not caused
1974; 48 FR 4287, Jan. 31, 1983; 56 FR 13768, by him or his employee or agent, and
Apr. 4, 1991; 58 FR 16019, Mar. 24, 1993; 61 FR (ii) That the violation was caused by
3837, Feb. 2, 1996; 61 FR 33039, June 26, 1996] an act in violation of law (other than
the Act or this part), or an act of sabo-
80.23 Liability for violations. tage, vandalism, or deliberate commin-
Liability for violations of paragraphs gling of gasoline which is produced
(a) and (b) of 80.22 shall be determined with the use of lead additives or phos-
as follows: phorus additives with unleaded gaso-
(a)(1) Where the corporate, trade, or line, whether or not such acts are vio-
brand name of a gasoline refiner or any lations of law in the jurisdiction where
of its marketing subsidiaries appears the violation of the requirements of
on the pump stand or is displayed at this part occurred, or
the retail outlet or wholesale pur- (iii) That the violation was caused by
chaser-consumer facility from which the action of a reseller or a retailer


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.24

supplied by such reseller, in violation (c) In any case in which a retailer or

of a contractual undertaking imposed wholesale purchaser-consumer, a re-
by the refiner on such reseller designed seller, and any gasoline refiner would
to prevent such action, and despite rea- be in violation under paragraph (a)(1)
sonable efforts by the refiner (such as of this section, the reseller shall not be
periodic sampling) to insure compli- deemed in violation if he can dem-
ance with such contractual obligation, onstrate that the violation was not
or caused by him or his employee or
(iv) That the violation was caused by agent.
the action of a retailer who is supplied (d) In any case in which a retailer or
directly by the refiner (and not by a re- wholesale purchaser-consumer and any
seller), in violation of a contractual gasoline distributor would be in viola-
undertaking imposed by the refiner on tion under paragraph (a)(2) of this sec-
such retailer designed to prevent such tion, the distributor will not be deemed
action, and despite reasonable efforts in violation if he can demonstrate that
by the refiner (such as periodic sam- the violation was not caused by him or
pling) to insure compliance with such his employee or agent.
contractual obligation, or (e)(1) In any case in which a retailer
(v) That the violation was caused by or his employee or agent or a wholesale
the action of a distributor subject to a purchase-consumer or his employee or
contract with the refiner for transpor- agent introduced gasoline other than
tation of gasoline from a terminal to a unleaded gasoline into a motor vehicle
distributor, retailer or wholesale pur- which is equipped with a gasoline tank
chaser-consumer, in violation of a con- filler inlet designed for the introduc-
tractual undertaking imposed by the tion of unleaded gasoline, only the re-
refiner on such distributor designed to tailer or wholesale purchaser-consumer
prevent such action, and despite rea- shall be deemed in violation.
sonable efforts by the refiner (such as (2) [Reserved]
periodic sampling) to insure compli-
ance with such contractual obligation, (Secs. 211, 301 of the Clean Air Act, as
or amended (42 U.S.C. 1857f6c, 1857g))
(vi) That the violation was caused by [38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 39
a distributor (such as a common car- FR 42360, Dec. 5, 1974; 39 FR 43284, Dec. 12,
rier) not subject to a contract with the 1974; 42 FR 45307, Sept. 9, 1977; 61 FR 3837,
refiner but engaged by him for trans- Feb. 2, 1996]
portation of gasoline from a terminal
to a distributor, retailer or wholesale 80.24 Controls applicable to motor
vehicle manufacturers.
purchaser-consumer, despite reason-
able efforts by the refiner (such as (a) [Reserved]
specification or inspection of equip- (b) The manufacturer of any motor
ment) to prevent such action, or vehicle equipped with an emission con-
(vii) That the violation occurred at a trol device which the Administrator
wholesale purchaser-consumer facility: has determined will be significantly
Provided, however, That if such whole- impaired by the use of gasoline other
sale purchaser-consumer was supplied than unleaded gasoline shall manufac-
by a reseller, the refiner must dem- ture such vehicle with each gasoline
onstrate that the violation could not tank filler inlet having a restriction
have been prevented by such resellers which prevents the insertion of a noz-
compliance with a contractual under- zle with a spout having a terminal end
taking imposed by the refiner on such with an outside diameter of 0.930 inch
reseller as provided in paragraph (2.363 centimeters) or more and allows
(b)(2)(iii) of this section. the insertion of a nozzle with a spout
(viii) In paragraphs (b)(2)(ii) through meeting the specifications of
(vi) hereof, the term was caused 80.22(f)(2).
means that the refiner must dem- [38 FR 26450, Sept. 21, 1973, as amended at 39
onstrate by reasonably specific FR 34538, Sept. 26, 1974; 46 FR 50472, Oct. 13,
showings by direct or circumstantial 1981; 48 FR 29692, June 28, 1983; 51 FR 33731,
evidence that the violation was caused Sept. 22, 1986; 61 FR 3838, Feb. 2, 1996; 61 FR
or must have been caused by another. 8221, Mar. 4, 1996; 61 FR 28766, June 6, 1996]


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80.25 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

80.25 [Reserved] sale, dispense, supply, offer for supply,

or transport gasoline whose Reid vapor
80.26 Confidentiality of information. pressure exceeds the applicable stand-
Information obtained by the Admin- ard. As used in this section and 80.28,
istrator or his representatives pursu- applicable standard means the
ant to this part shall be treated, in so standard listed in this paragraph for
far as its confidentiality is concerned, the geographical area and time period
in accordance with the provisions of 40 in which the gasoline is intended to be
CFR part 2. dispensed to motor vehicles or, if such
area and time period cannot be deter-
[38 FR 33741, Dec. 6, 1973] mined, the standard listed in this para-
graph that specifies the lowest Reid
80.27 Controls and prohibitions on vapor pressure for the year in which
gasoline volatility. the gasoline is being sampled. As used
(a)(1) Prohibited activities in 1991. Dur- in this section and 80.28, regulatory
ing the 1991 regulatory control periods, control periods mean June 1 to Sep-
no refiner, importer, distributor, re- tember 15 for retail outlets and whole-
seller, carrier, retailer or wholesale sale purchaser-consumers and May 1 to
purchaser-consumer shall sell, offer for September 15 for all other facilities.
State May June July Aug. Sept.

Alabama ........................................................................ 10.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 10.5

North of 34 degrees latitude and east of 111 de-
grees longitude ................................................... 9.5 9.0 9.0 9.5 9.5
All areas except North of 34 degrees latitude and
east of 111 degrees longitude ........................... 9.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.5
Arkansas ....................................................................... 10.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 10.5
California: 2
North Coast ............................................................... 10.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
South Coast ............................................................... 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
Southeast ................................................................... 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
Interior ........................................................................ 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
Colorado ........................................................................ 10.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
Connecticut ................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Delaware ....................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
District of Columbia ....................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Florida ........................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Georgia .......................................................................... 10.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 10.5
Idaho ............................................................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
North of 40 Latitude ................................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
South of 40 Latitude ................................................. 10.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 10.5
Indiana ........................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Iowa ............................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Kansas .......................................................................... 10.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 10.5
Kentucky ........................................................................ 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Louisiana ....................................................................... 10.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 10.5
Maine ............................................................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Maryland ........................................................................ 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Massachusetts .............................................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Michigan ........................................................................ 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Minnesota ...................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Mississippi ..................................................................... 10.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 10.5
Missouri ......................................................................... 10.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 10.5
Montana ........................................................................ 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Nebraska ....................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
North of 38 Latitude ................................................. 10.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
South of 38 Latitude ................................................. 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
New Hampshire ............................................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
New Jersey ................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
New Mexico:
North of 34 Latitude ................................................. 9.5 9.0 9.0 9.5 9.5
South of 34 Latitude ................................................. 9.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.5
New York ....................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
North Carolina ............................................................... 10.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 10.5
North Dakota ................................................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.27


State May June July Aug. Sept.

Ohio ............................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5

Oklahoma ...................................................................... 10.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
East of 122 Longitude .............................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
West of 122 Longitude ............................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Pennsylvania ................................................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Rhode Island ................................................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
South Carolina .............................................................. 10.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 10.5
South Dakota ................................................................ 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Tennessee ..................................................................... 10.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 10.5
East of 99 Longitude ................................................ 9.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.5
West of 99 Longitude ............................................... 9.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.5
Utah ............................................................................... 10.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
Vermont ......................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Virginia .......................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
East of 122 Longitude .............................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
West of 122 Longitude ............................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
West Virginia ................................................................. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Wisconsin ...................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Wyoming ....................................................................... 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
1 Standards are expressed in pounds per square inch (psi).
2 California
areas include the following counties:
North CoastAlameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humbolt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Napa, San Benito, San Fran-
cisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma, and Trinity.
InteriorLassen, Modoc, Plumas, Sierra, Siskiyou, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Kern
(except that portion lying east of the Los Angeles County Aqueduct), Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Placer, Sacramento,
San Joaquin, Shasta, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Tulare, Tuolumne, Yolo, Yuba, and Nevada.
South CoastOrange, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angeles (except that portion north of
the San Gabriel mountain range and east of the Los Angeles County Aqueduct).
SoutheastImperial, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles (that portion north of the San Gabriel mountain range and east
of the Los Angeles County Aqueduct), Mono, Inyo, and Kern (that portion lying east of the Los Angeles County Aqueduct).

(2) Prohibited activities in 1992 and be- dispensed to motor vehicles for any
yond. During the 1992 and later high designated volatility nonattainment
ozone seasons no person, including area within such State or, if such area
without limitation, no retailer or and time period cannot be determined,
wholesale purchaser-consumer, and the standard listed in this paragraph
during the 1992 and later regulatory that specifies the lowest Reid vapor
control periods, no refiner, importer, pressure for the year in which the gaso-
distributor, reseller, or carrier shall line is sampled. Designated volatility
sell, offer for sale, dispense, supply, attainment and designated volatility
offer for supply, transport or introduce nonattainment areas and their exact
into commerce gasoline whose Reid boundaries are described in 40 CFR part
vapor pressure exceeds the applicable 81, or such part as shall later be des-
standard. As used in this section and ignated for that purpose. As used in
80.28, applicable standard means: this section and 80.27, high ozone
(i) 9.0 psi for all designated volatility season means the period from June 1
attainment areas; and to September 15 of any calendar year
(ii) The standard listed in this para- and regulatory control period means
graph for the state and time period in the period from May 1 to September 15
which the gasoline is intended to be of any calendar year.
State May June July August September

Alabama ........................................................................ 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8

Arizona .......................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Arkansas ....................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
California ....................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Colorado 2 ...................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Connecticut ................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Delaware ....................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0


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80.27 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)


State May June July August September

District of Columbia ....................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8

Florida ........................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Georgia .......................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Idaho ............................................................................. 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Illinois ............................................................................ 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Indiana ........................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Iowa ............................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Kansas .......................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Kentucky ........................................................................ 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Louisiana ....................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Maine ............................................................................. 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Maryland ........................................................................ 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Massachusetts .............................................................. 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Michigan ........................................................................ 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Minnesota ...................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Mississippi ..................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Missouri ......................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Montana ........................................................................ 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Nebraska ....................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Nevada .......................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
New Hampshire ............................................................. 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
New Jersey ................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
New Mexico ................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
New York ....................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
North Carolina ............................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
North Dakota ................................................................. 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Ohio ............................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Oklahoma ...................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Oregon .......................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Pennsylvania ................................................................. 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Rhode Island ................................................................. 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
South Carolina 3 ............................................................ 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
South Dakota ................................................................ 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Knox County .............................................................. 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
All other volatility nonattainment areas ..................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Texas ............................................................................. 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Utah ............................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Vermont ......................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Virginia .......................................................................... 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
Washington ................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
West Virginia ................................................................. 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Wisconsin ...................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Wyoming ....................................................................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
1 Standards are expressed in pounds per square inch (psi).
2 The standard for 1992 through 2001 in the Denver-Boulder area designated nonattainment for the 1-hour ozone NAAQS in
1991 (see 40 CFR 81.306) will be 9.0 for June 1 through September 15.
3 The standard for nonattainment areas in South Carolina from June 1 until September 15 in 1992 and 1993 was 7.8 psi.

(b) Determination of compliance. Com- the singular in 80.28, these terms shall
pliance with the standards listed in include the plural.
paragraph (a) of this section shall be (d) Special provisions for alcohol blends.
determined by use of one of the sam- (1) Any gasoline which meets the re-
pling methodologies as specified in ap- quirements of paragraph (d)(2) of this
pendix D of this part and the testing section shall not be in violation of this
methodology specified in appendix E of section if its Reid vapor pressure does
this part. not exceed the applicable standard in
(c) Liability. Liability for violations paragraph (a) of this section by more
of paragraph (a) of this section shall be than one pound per square inch (1.0
determined according to the provisions psi).
of 80.28. Where the terms refiner, im- (2) In order to qualify for the special
porter, distributor, reseller, carrier, regulatory treatment specified in para-
ethanol blender, retailer, or wholesale graph (d)(1) of this section, gasoline
purchaser-consumer are expressed in must contain denatured, anhydrous


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.27

ethanol. The concentration of the eth- must include a concise statement of

anol, excluding the required denaturing the purpose(s) of the testing program.
agent, must be at least 9% and no more (4) With respect to the necessity that
than 10% (by volume) of the gasoline. an exemption be granted, the applicant
The ethanol content of the gasoline must demonstrate an inability to
shall be determined by use of one of the achieve the stated purpose in a prac-
testing methodologies specified in ap- ticable manner, during a period of the
pendix F to this part. The maximum year in which the volatility regula-
ethanol content of gasoline shall not tions do not apply, or without per-
exceed any applicable waiver condi- forming or causing to be performed one
tions under section 211(f)(4) of the or more of the prohibited activities
Clean Air Act.
under 80.27(a). If any site of the pro-
(3) Each invoice, loading ticket, bill
posed test program is located in an
of lading, delivery ticket and other
area that has been classified by the Ad-
document which accompanies a ship-
ment of gasoline containing ethanol ministrator as a nonattainment area
shall contain a legible and conspicuous for purposes of the ozone national am-
statement that the gasoline being bient air quality standard, the applica-
shipped contains ethanol and the per- tion must also demonstrate an inabil-
centage concentration of ethanol. ity to perform the test program in an
(e) Testing exemptions. (1)(i) Any per- area that is not so classified.
son may request a testing exemption (5) With respect to reasonableness, a
by submitting an application that in- test program must exhibit a duration
cludes all the information listed in of reasonable length, effect a reason-
paragraphs (e)(3), (4), (5) and (6) of this able number of vehicles or engines, and
section to: utilize a reasonable amount of high
Director (6406J), Field Operations and Sup-
volatility fuel. In this regard, the test-
port Division, U.S. Environmental Protec- ing exemption application must in-
tion Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., clude:
Washington, DC 20460 (i) An estimate of the programs du-
(ii) For purposes of this section, ration;
testing exemption means an exemp- (ii) An estimate of the maximum
tion from the requirements of 80.27(a) number of vehicles or engines involved
that is granted by the Administrator in the test program;
for the purpose of research or emis- (iii) The time or mileage duration of
sions certification. the test program;
(2)(i) In order for a testing exemption (iv) The range of volatility of the fuel
to be granted, the applicant must dem- (expressed in Reid Vapor Pressure
onstrate the following: (RVP)) expected to be used in the test
(A) The proposed test program has a program; and
purpose that constitutes an appro- (v) The quantity of fuel which ex-
priate basis for exemption; ceeds the applicable standard that is
(B) The proposed test program neces- expected to be used in the test pro-
sitates the granting of an exemption; gram.
(C) The proposed test program exhib- (6) With respect to control, a test
its reasonableness in scope; and
program must be capable of affording
(D) The proposed test program exhib-
EPA a monitoring capability. At a
its a degree of control consistent with
minimum, the testing exemption appli-
the purpose of the program and the En-
cation must also include:
vironmental Protection Agencys
(EPAs) monitoring requirements. (i) The technical nature of the test
(ii) Paragraphs (e)(3), (4), (5) and (6) program;
of this section describe what con- (ii) The site(s) of the test program
stitutes a sufficient demonstration for (including the street address, city,
each of the four elements in paragraphs county, State, and zip code);
(e)(2)(i) (A) through (D) of this section. (iii) The manner in which informa-
(3) An appropriate purpose is limited tion on vehicles and engines used in
to research or emissions certification. the test program will be recorded and
The testing exemption application made available to the Administrator;


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80.28 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(iv) The manner in which results of this section have been met. The testing
the test program will be recorded and exemption will be granted in the form
made available to the Administrator; of a memorandum of exemption signed
(v) The manner in which information by the applicant and the Administrator
on the fuel used in the test program (or his delegate), which shall include
(including RVP level(s), name, address, such terms and conditions as the Ad-
telephone number, and contact person ministrator determines necessary to
of supplier, quantity, date received monitor the exemption and to carry
from the supplier) will be recorded and out the purposes of this section. Any
made available to the Administrator; violation of such a term or condition
(vi) The manner in which the dis- shall cause the exemption to be void.
tribution pumps will be labeled to in- [54 FR 11883, Mar. 22, 1989; 54 FR 27017, June
sure proper use of the test fuel; 27, 1989, as amended at 54 FR 33219, Aug. 14,
(vii) The name, address, telephone 1989; 55 FR 32666, June 11, 1990; 56 FR 20548,
number and title of the person(s) in the May 6, 1991; 56 FR 37022, Aug. 2, 1991; 56 FR
organization requesting a testing ex- 64710, Dec. 12, 1991; 57 FR 20205, May 12, 1992;
emption from whom further informa- 58 FR 34370, June 25, 1993; 58 FR 14484, Mar.
tion on the request may be obtained; 17, 1993; 58 FR 26069, Apr. 30, 1993; 58 FR 46511,
and Sept. 1, 1993; 59 FR 15629, 15633, Apr. 4, 1994;
61 FR 16396, Apr. 15, 1996; 63 FR 31631, June 10,
(viii) The name, address, telephone
number and title of the person(s) in the
organization requesting a testing ex- EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 28812, May
emption who will be responsible for re- 24, 2001, 80.27 was amended in the table in
paragraph (a)(2) by revising the entry for
cording and making available to the
Colorado and footnote 2, effective July 23,
Administrator the information speci- 2001. For the convenience of the user, the su-
fied in paragraphs (e)(6)(iii), (iv), and perseded text is set forth as follows.
(v) of this section, and the location in
which such information will be main- 80.27 Controls and prohibitions on gaso-
line volatility.
(7) A testing exemption will be grant-
ed by the Administrator upon a dem- * * * * *
onstration that the requirements of (a) * * *
paragraphs (e)(2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of (2) * * *
State May June July August September

Colorado 2 ................................................................................ 9.0 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8

1 Standardsare expressed in pounds per square inch (psi).
2 The standard for 1992 through 2000 in the Denver-Boulder area designated nonattainment for the 1-hour ozone NAAQS in
1991 (see 40 CFR 81.306) will be 9.0 for June 1 through September 15.

80.28 Liability for violations of gaso- lowing parties shall be deemed in viola-
line volatility controls and prohibi- tion:
tions. (1) The carrier, except as provided in
(a) Violations at refineries or importer paragraph (g)(1) of this section;
(2) The refiner (if he is not an ethanol
facilities. Where a violation of the ap-
blender) at whose refinery the gasoline
plicable standard set forth in 80.27 is
was produced or the importer at whose
detected at a refinery that is not an import facility the gasoline was im-
ethanol blending plant or at an import- ported, except as provided in paragraph
ers facility, the refiner or importer (g)(2) of this section;
shall be deemed in violation. (3) The ethanol blender (if any) at
(b) Violations at carrier facilities. whose ethanol blending plant the gaso-
Where a violation of the applicable line was produced, except as provided
standard set forth in 80.27 is detected in paragraph (g)(6) of this section; and
at a carriers facility, whether in a (4) The distributor and/or reseller, ex-
transport vehicle, in a storage facility, cept as provided in paragraph (g)(3) of
or elsewhere at the facility, the fol- this section.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.28

(c) Violations at branded distributor fa- at a retail outlet or at a wholesale pur-

cilities, reseller facilities, or ethanol chaser-consumer facility displaying
blending plants. Where a violation of the corporate, trade, or brand name of
the applicable standard set forth in a gasoline refiner or any of its mar-
80.27 is detected at a distributor facil- keting subsidiaries, the following par-
ity, a reseller facility, or an ethanol ties shall be deemed in violation:
blending plant which is operating (1) The retailer or wholesale pur-
under the corporate, trade, or brand chaser-consumer, except as provided in
name of a gasoline refiner or any of its paragraph (g)(5) or (g)(8) of this sec-
marketing subsidiaries, the following tion;
parties shall be deemed in violation: (2) The distributor and/or reseller (if
(1) The distributor or reseller, except any), except as provided in paragraph
as provided in paragraph (g)(3) or (g)(8) (g)(3) or (g)(8) of this section;
of this section; (3) The carrier (if any), if the carrier
(2) The carrier (if any), if the carrier caused the gasoline to violate the ap-
caused the gasoline to violate the ap- plicable standard;
plicable standard; (4) The refiner whose corporate,
(3) The refiner under whose cor- trade, or brand name (or that of any of
porate, trade, or brand name (or that of its marketing subsidiaries) is displayed
any of its marketing subsidiaries) the at the retail outlet or wholesale pur-
distributor, reseller, or ethanol blender chaser-consumer facility, except as
is operating, except as provided in provided in paragraph (g)(4) of this sec-
paragraph (g)(4) of this section; and tion; and
(4) The ethanol blender (if any) at
(5) The ethanol blender (if any) at
whose ethanol blending plant the gaso-
whose ethanol blending plant the gaso-
line was produced, except as provided
line was produced, except as provided
in paragraph (g)(6) or (g)(8) of this sec-
in paragraph (g)(6) or (g)(8) of this sec-
(d) Violations at unbranded distributor
(f) Violations at unbranded retail out-
facilities or ethanol blending plants.
lets or wholesale purchaser-consumer fa-
Where a violation of the applicable
cilities. Where a violation of the appli-
standard set forth in 80.27 is detected
cable standard set forth in 80.27 is de-
at a distributor facility or an ethanol
tected at a retail outlet or at a whole-
blending plant not operating under a
sale purchaser-consumer facility not
refiners corporate, trade, or brand
displaying the corporate, trade, or
name, or that of any of its marketing
brand name of a refiner or any of its
subsidiaries, the following parties shall
marketing subsidiaries, the following
be deemcd in violation:
parties shall be deemed in violation:
(1) The distributor, except as pro-
vided in paragraph (g)(3) or (g)(8) of (1) The retailer or wholesale pur-
this section; chaser-consumer, except as provided in
(2) The carrier (if any), if the carrier paragraph (g)(5) or (g)(8) of this sec-
caused the gasoline to violate the ap- tion;
plicable standard; (2) The distributor (if any), except as
(3) The refiner (if he is not an ethanol provided in paragraph (g)(3) or (g)(8) of
blender) at whose refinery the gasoline this section;
was produced or the importer at whose (3) The carrier (if any), if the carrier
import facility the gasoline was im- caused the gasoline to violate the ap-
ported, except as provided in paragraph plicable standard;
(g)(2) of this section; and (4) The ethanol blender (if any) at
(4) The ethanol blender (if any) at whose ethanol blending plant the gaso-
whose ethanol blending plant the gaso- line was produced, except as provided
line was produced, except as provided in paragraph (g)(6) of this section; and
in paragraph (g)(6) or (g)(8) of this sec- (5) The refiner (if he is not an ethanol
tion. blender) at whose refinery the gasoline
(e) Violations at branded retail outlets was produced and/or the importer at
or wholesale purchaser-consumer facili- whose import facility the gasoline was
ties. Where a violation of the applicable imported, except as provided in para-
standard set forth in 80.27 is detected graph (g)(2) of this section.


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80.28 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(g) Defenses. (1) In any case in which (ii) Evidence of an oversight program
a carrier would be in violation under conducted by the distributor or re-
paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the seller, such as periodic sampling and
carrier shall not be deemed in violation testing of gasoline, for monitoring the
if he can demonstrate: volatility of gasoline that the dis-
(i) That the violation was not caused tributor or reseller sells, supplies, of-
by him or his employee or agent; and fers for sale or supply, or transports.
(ii) Evidence of an oversight program (4) In any case in which a refiner
conducted by the carrier, such as peri- would be in violation under paragraphs
odic sampling and testing of incoming (c)(3) or (e)(4) of this section, the re-
gasoline, for monitoring the volatility finer shall not be deemed in violation if
of gasoline stored or transported by he can demonstrate all of the fol-
that carrier. lowing:
(iii) An oversight program under (i) Test results using the sampling
paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this section need and testing methodologies set forth in
not include periodic sampling and test- appendices D and E of this part, or any
ing of gasoline in a tank truck oper- other test method where adequate cor-
ated by a common carrier, but in lieu relation to Method 3 of appendix E of
of such tank truck sampling and test- this part is demonstrated, which show
ing, the common carrier shall dem- evidence that the gasoline determined
onstrate evidence of an oversight pro- to be in violation was in compliance
gram for monitoring compliance with with the applicable standard when
the volatility requirements of 80.27 re- transported from the refinery.
lating to the transport or storage of (ii) That the violation was not caused
gasoline by tank truck, such as appro- by him or his employee or agent; and
priate guidance to drivers on compli- (iii) That the violation:
ance with applicable requirements and (A) Was caused by an act in violation
the periodic review of records normally of law (other than the Act or this part),
received in the ordinary course of busi- or an act of sabotage or vandalism,
ness concerning gasoline quality and whether or not such acts are violations
delivery. of law in the jurisdiction where the
(2) In any case in which a refiner or violation of the requirements of this
importer would be in violation under part occurred, or
paragraphs (b)(2), (d)(3), or (f)(5) of this (B) Was caused by the action of a re-
section, the refiner or importer shall seller, an ethanol blender, or a retailer
not be deemed in violation if he can supplied by such reseller or ethanol
demonstrate: blender, in violation of a contractual
(i) That the violation was not caused undertaking imposed by the refiner on
by him or his employee or agent; and such reseller or ethanol blender de-
(ii) Test results using the sampling signed to prevent such action, and de-
and testing methodologies set forth in spite reasonable efforts by the refiner
appendices D and E of this part, or any (such as periodic sampling and testing)
other test method where adequate cor- to insure compliance with such con-
relation to Method 3 of appendix E of tractual obligation, or
this part is demonstrated, which show (C) Was caused by the action of a re-
evidence that the gasoline determined tailer who is supplied directly by the
to be in violation was in compliance refiner (and not by a reseller), in viola-
with the applicable standard when it tion of a contractual undertaking im-
was delivered to the next party in the posed by the refiner on such retailer
distribution system. designed to prevent such action, and
(3) In any case in which a distributor despite reasonable efforts by the re-
or reseller would be in violation under finer (such as periodic sampling and
paragraph (b)(4), (c)(1), (d)(1), (e)(2), or testing) to insure compliance with such
(f)(2) of this section, the distributor or contractual obligation, or
reseller shall not be deemed in viola- (D) Was caused by the action of a dis-
tion if he can demonstrate: tributor or an ethanol blender subject
(i) That the violation was not caused to a contract with the refiner for trans-
by him or his employee or agent; and portation of gasoline from a terminal


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.28

to a distributor, ethanol blender, re- as periodic sampling and testing of gas-

tailer or wholesale purchaser-consum- oline, for monitoring the volatility of
er, in violation of a contractual under- gasoline that the ethanol blender sells,
taking imposed by the refiner on such supplies, offers for sale or supply or
distributor or ethanol blender designed transports; and
to prevent such action, and despite rea- (iii) That the gasoline determined to
sonable efforts by the refiner (such as be in violation contained no more than
periodic sampling and testing) to in- 10% ethanol (by volume) when it was
sure compliance with such contractual delivered to the next party in the dis-
obligation, or tribution system.
(E) Was caused by a carrier or other (7) In paragraphs (g)(1)(i), (g)(2)(i),
distributor not subject to a contract (g)(3)(i), (g)(4)(ii), (g)(5), and (g)(6)(i) of
with the refiner but engaged by him for this section, the respective party must
transportation of gasoline from a ter- demonstrate by reasonably specific
minal to a distributor, ethanol blender, showings, by direct or circumstantial
retailer or wholesale purchaser-con- evidence, that it or its employee or
sumer, despite reasonable efforts by agent did not cause the violation.
the refiner (such as specification or in- (8) In addition to the defenses pro-
spection of equipment) to prevent such vided in paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(6)
action, or of this section, in any case in which an
(F) Occurred at a wholesale pur- ethanol blender, distributor, reseller,
chaser-consumer facility: Provided, carrier, retailer, or wholesale pur-
however, That if such wholesale pur- chaser-consumer would be in violation
chaser-consumer was supplied by a re- under paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f),
seller or ethanol blender, the refiner of this section, as a result of gasoline
must demonstrate that the violation which contains between 9 and 10 per-
could not have been prevented by such cent ethanol (by volume) but exceeds
resellers or ethanol blenders compli- the applicable standard by more than
ance with a contractual undertaking one pound per square inch (1.0 psi), the
imposed by the refiner on such reseller ethanol blender, distributor, reseller,
or ethanol blender as provided in para- carrier, retailer or wholesale pur-
graph (g)(4)(iii)(B) of this section. chaser-consumer shall not be deemed
(iv) In paragraphs (g)(4)(iii)(A) in violation if such person can dem-
through (E) of this section, the term onstrate, by showing receipt of a cer-
was caused means that the refiner tification from the facility from which
must demonstrate by reasonably spe- the gasoline was received or other evi-
cific showings, by direct or circumstan- dence acceptable to the Administrator,
tial evidence, that the violation was that:
caused or must have been caused by an- (i) The gasoline portion of the blend
other. complies with the Reid vapor pressure
(5) In any case in which a retailer or limitations of 80.27(a); and
wholesale purchaser-consumer would (ii) The ethanol portion of the blend
be in violation under paragraphs (e)(1) does not exceed 10 percent (by volume);
or (f)(1) of this section, the retailer or and
wholesale purchaser-consumer shall (iii) No additional alcohol or other
not be deemed in violation if he can additive has been added to increase the
demonstrate that the violation was not Reid vapor pressure of the ethanol por-
caused by him or his employee or tion of the blend.
agent. In the case of a violation alleged
(6) In any case in which an ethanol against an ethanol blender, distributor,
blender would be in violation under reseller, or carrier, if the demonstra-
paragraphs (b)(3), (c)(4), (d)(4), (e)(5) or tion required by paragraphs (g)(8)(i),
(f)(4) of this section, the ethanol blend- (ii), and (iii) of this section is made by
er shall not be deemed in violation if a certification, it must be supported by
he can demonstrate: evidence that the criteria in para-
(i) That the violation was not caused graphs (g)(8)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this sec-
by him or his employee or agent; and tion have been met, such as an over-
(ii) Evidence of an oversight program sight program conducted by or on be-
conducted by the ethanol blender, such half of the ethanol blender, distributor,


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80.29 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

reseller or carrier alleged to be in vio- visible evidence of being dyed with dye
lation, which includes periodic sam- solvent red 164 (which has a char-
pling and testing of the gasoline or acteristic red color in diesel fuel) shall
monitoring the volatility and ethanol be considered to be available for use in
content of the gasoline. Such certifi- diesel motor vehicles and motor vehi-
cation shall be deemed sufficient evi- cle engines, and shall be subject to the
dence of compliance provided it is not prohibitions of paragraph (a) of this
contradicted by specific evidence, such section.
as testing results, and provided that (2) Compliance with the sulfur, ce-
the party has no other reasonable basis tane, and aromatics standards in para-
to believe that the facts stated in the graph (a) of this section shall be deter-
certification are inaccurate. In the mined based on the level of the applica-
case of a violation alleged against a re- ble component or parameter, using the
tail outlet or wholesale purchaser-con- sampling methodologies specified in
sumer facility, such certification shall 80.330(b), as applicable, and the appro-
be deemed an adequate defense for the priate testing methodologies specified
retailer or wholesale purchaser-con- in 80.580(a) for sulfur, 80.2(w) for ce-
sumer, provided that the retailer or tane index, and 80.2(z) for aromatic
wholesale purchaser-consumer is able content. Any evidence or information,
to show certificates for all of the gaso- including the exclusive use of such evi-
line contained in the storage tank dence or information, may be used to
found in violation, and, provided that establish the level of the applicable
the retailer or wholesale purchaser- component or parameter in the diesel
consumer has no reasonable basis to fuel, if the evidence or information is
believe that the facts stated in the cer- relevant to whether that level would
tifications are inaccurate. have been in compliance with the
[54 FR 11885, Mar. 22, 1989; 54 FR 27017, June standard if the appropriate sampling
27, 1989, as amended at 56 FR 64711, Dec. 12, and testing methodology had been cor-
1991; 58 FR 14484, Mar. 17, 1993; 62 FR 68205, rectly performed. Such evidence may
Dec. 31, 1997] be obtained from any source or loca-
tion and may include, but is not lim-
80.29 Controls and prohibitions on ited to, test results using methods
diesel fuel quality. other than the compliance methods in
(a) Prohibited activities. Beginning Oc- this paragraph (b), business records,
tober 1, 1993 and continuing until the and commercial documents.
implementation dates for subpart I of (3) Determination of compliance with
part 80 as specified in 80.500, except as the requirements of this section other
provided in 40 CFR 69.51, no person, in- than the standards described in para-
cluding but not limited to, refiners, im- graph (a) of this section, and deter-
porters, distributors, resellers, car- mination of liability for any violation
riers, retailers or wholesale purchaser- of this section, may be based on infor-
consumers, shall manufacture, intro- mation obtained from any source or lo-
duce into commerce, sell, offer for sale, cation. Such information may include,
supply, store, dispense, offer for supply but is not limited to, business records
or transport any diesel fuel for use in and commercial documents.
motor vehicles, unless the diesel fuel: (c) Transfer documents. (1) Any person
(1) Has a sulfur percentage, by that transfers custody or title of diesel
weight, no greater than 0.05 percent; fuel for use in motor vehicles which
(2)(i) Has a cetane index of at least contains visible evidence of the dye
40; or solvent red 164 shall provide documents
(ii) Has a maximum aromatic con- to the transferee which state that such
tent of 35 volume percent; and fuel meets the applicable standards for
(3) Is free of visible evidence of the sulfur and cetane index or aromatic
dye solvent red 164; unless it is used in content under these regulations and is
a manner that is tax-exempt as defined only for tax-exempt use in diesel motor
under section 4082 of the Internal Rev- vehicles as defined under section 4082 of
enue Code (26 U.S.C. 4082). the Internal Revenue Code.
(b) Determination of compliance. (1) (2) Any person that is the transferor
Any diesel fuel which does not show or the transferee of diesel fuel for use


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.30

in motor vehicles which contains visi- (1) The distributor or reseller, except
ble evidence of the dye solvent red 164, as provided in paragraph (g)(3) of this
shall retain the documents required section;
under paragraph (c)(1) of this section (2) The carrier (if any), if the carrier
for a period of five years from the date caused the diesel fuel to violate the
of transfer of such fuel and shall pro- standard by fuel switching, blending,
vide such documents to the Adminis- mislabeling, or any other means; and
trator or the Administrators rep- (3) The refiner under whose cor-
resentative upon request. porate, trade, or brand name (or that of
(d) Liability. Liability for violations any of its marketing subsidiaries) the
of paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall distributor or reseller is operating, ex-
be determined according to the provi- cept as provided in paragraph (g)(4) of
sions of 80.30. Any person that vio- this section.
lates paragraph (a)(2) or (c) of this sec- (d) Violations at unbranded distributor
tion shall be liable for penalties in ac- facilities. Where a violation of a diesel
cordance with paragraph (e) of this sec- fuel standard set forth in 80.29 is de-
tion. tected at the facility of a distributor
(e) Penalties. Penalties for violations not operating under a refiners cor-
of paragraph (a) or (c) of this section porate, trade, or brand name, or that of
shall be determined according to the any of its marketing subsidiaries, the
provisions of 80.5. following shall be deemed in violation:
(1) The distributor, except as pro-
[59 FR 35858, July 14, 1994, as amended at 63 vided in paragraph (g)(3) of this sec-
FR 49465, Sept. 16, 1998; 66 FR 5135, Jan. 18, tion;
(2) The carrier (if any), if the carrier
80.30 Liability for violations of diesel caused the diesel fuel to violate the
fuel control and prohibitions. standard by fuel switching, blending,
mislabeling, or any other means; and
(a) Violations at refiners or importers (3) The refiner or importer at whose
facilities. Where a violation of a diesel refinery or import facility the diesel
fuel standard set forth in 80.29 is de- fuel was produced or imported, except
tected at a refinery or importers facil- as provided in paragraph (g)(2) of this
ity, the refiner or importer shall be section.
deemed in violation. (e) Violations at branded retail outlets
(b) Violations at carrier facilities. or wholesale purchaser-consumer facili-
Where a violation of a diesel fuel ties. Where a violation of a diesel fuel
standard set forth in 80.29 is detected standard set forth in 80.29 is detected
at a carriers facility, whether in a at a retail outlet or at a wholesale pur-
transport vehicle, in a storage facility, chaser-consumer facility displaying
or elsewhere at the facility, the fol- the corporate, trade, or brand name of
lowing parties shall be deemed in viola- a refiner or any of its marketing sub-
tion: sidiaries, the following parties shall be
(1) The carrier, except as provided in deemed in violation:
paragraph (g)(1) of this section; and (1) The retailer or wholesale pur-
(2) The refiner or importer at whose chaser-consumer, except as provided in
refinery or import facility the diesel paragraph (g)(5) of this section;
fuel was produced or imported, except (2) The distributor and/or reseller (if
as provided in paragraph (g)(2) of this any), except as provided in paragraph
section. (g)(3) of this section;
(c) Violations at branded distributor or (3) The carrier (if any), if the carrier
reseller facilities. Where a violation of a caused the diesel fuel to violate the
diesel fuel standard set forth in 80.29 standard by fuel switching, blending,
is detected at a distributor or resellers mislabeling, or any other means; and
facility which is operating under the (4) The refiner whose corporate,
corporate, trade or brand name of a re- trade, or brand name, or that of any of
finer or any of its marketing subsidi- its marketing subsidiaries, is displayed
aries, the following parties shall be at the retail outlet or wholesale pur-
deemed in violation: chaser-consumer facility, except as


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80.30 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

provided in paragraph (g)(4) of this sec- (2) In any case in which a refiner or
tion. importer would be in violation under
(f) Violations at unbranded retail out- paragraphs (b)(2), (d)(3), or (f)(4) of this
lets or wholesale purchaser-consumer fa- section, the refiner or importer shall
cilities. Where a violation of a diesel not be deemed in violation if he can
fuel standard set forth in 80.29 is de- demonstrate:
tected at a retail outlet or at a whole- (i) That the violation was not caused
sale purchaser-consumer facility not by him or his employee or agent; and
displaying the corporate, trade, or (ii) Test results, performed in accord-
brand name of a refiner or any of its ance with the applicable sampling and
marketing subsidiaries, the following testing methodologies set forth in
parties shall be deemed in violation: 80.2(w), 80.2(z), 80.2(bb), and 80.580,
(1) The retailer or wholesale pur- which evidence that the diesel fuel de-
chaser-consumer, except as provided in termined to be in violation was in com-
paragraph (g)(5) of this section; pliance with the diesel fuel standards
(2) The distributor (if any), except as of 80.29(a) when it was delivered to the
provided in paragraph (g)(3) of this sec- next party in the distribution system;
tion; (3) In any case in which a distributor
(3) The carrier (if any), if the carrier or reseller would be in violation under
caused the diesel fuel to violate the paragraphs (c)(1), (d)(1), (e)(2) or (f)(2)
standard by fuel switching, blending, of this section, the distributor or re-
mislabeling, or any other means; and seller shall not be deemed in violation
(4) The refiner or importer at whose if he can demonstrate:
refinery or import facility the diesel (i) That the violation was not caused
fuel was produced or imported, except by him or his employee or agent; and
as provided in paragraph (g)(2) of this (ii) Evidence of an oversight program
section. conducted by the distributor or re-
(g) Defenses. (1) In any case in which seller, such as periodic sampling and
a carrier would be in violation under testing of diesel fuel, for monitoring
paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the the sulfur percentage and cetane index
carrier shall not be deemed in violation of the diesel fuel that the distributor
if he can demonstrate: or reseller sells, supplies, offers for sale
(i) Evidence of an oversight program or supply, or transports.
conducted by the carrier, for moni- (4) In any case in which a refiner
toring the diesel fuel stored or trans- would be in violation under paragraphs
ported by that carrier, such as periodic (c)(3) or (e)(4) of this section, the re-
sampling and testing of the cetane finer shall not be deemed in violation if
index and sulfur percentage of incom- he can demonstrate all of the fol-
ing diesel fuel. Such an oversight pro- lowing:
gram need not include periodic sam- (i) Test results, performed in accord-
pling and testing of diesel fuel in a ance with the applicable sampling and
tank truck operated by a common car- testing methodologies set forth in
rier, but in lieu of such tank truck 80.2(w), 80.2(z), 80.2(bb), and 80.580,
sampling and testing the common car- which evidence that the diesel fuel de-
rier shall demonstrate evidence of an termined to be in violation was in com-
oversight program for monitoring com- pliance with the diesel fuel standards
pliance with the diesel fuel require- of 80.29(a) when it was delivered to the
ments of 80.29 relating to the trans- next party in the distribution system;
port or storage of diesel fuel by tank (ii) That the violation was not caused
truck, such as appropriate guidance to by him or his employee or agent; and
drivers on compliance with applicable (iii) That the violation:
requirements and the periodic review (A) Was caused by an act in violation
of records normally received in the or- of law (other than the Act or this part),
dinary course of business concerning or an act of sabotage or vandalism,
diesel fuel quality and delivery; and whether or not such acts are violations
(ii) That the violation was not caused of law in the jurisdiction where the
by the carrier or his employee or violation of the requirements of this
agent. part occurred, or


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.30

(B) Was caused by the action of a re- (5) In any case in which a retailer or
seller or a retailer supplied by such re- wholesale purchaser-consumer would
seller, in violation of a contractual un- be in violation under paragraphs (e)(1)
dertaking imposed by the refiner on or (f)(1) of this section, the retailer or
such reseller designed to prevent such wholesale purchaser-consumer shall
action, and despite reasonable efforts not be deemed in violation if he can
by the refiner (such as periodic sam- demonstrate that the violation was not
pling and testing) to insure compliance caused by him or his employee or
with such contractual obligation, or agent.
(C) Was caused by the action of a re- (6) In paragraphs (g)(1)(iii), (g)(2)(i),
tailer who is supplied directly by the
(g)(3)(i), (g)(4)(ii) and (g)(5) of this sec-
refiner (and not by a reseller), in viola-
tion, the respective party must dem-
tion of a contractual undertaking im-
posed by the refiner on such retailer onstrate by reasonably specific
designed to prevent such action, and showings, by direct or circumstantial
despite reasonable efforts by the re- evidence, that it or its employee or
finer (such as periodic sampling and agent did not cause the violation.
testing) to insure compliance with such (7) In the case of any distributor or
contractual obligation, or reseller that would be in violation
(D) Was caused by the action of a dis- under paragraph (e)(2) or (f)(2) of this
tributor subject to a contract with the section or any wholesale purchaser-
refiner for transportation of diesel fuel consumer or retailer that would be in
from a terminal to a distributor, re- violation under paragraph (e)(1) or
tailer or wholesale purchaser-con- (f)(1) of this section for diesel fuel for
sumer, in violation of a contractual un- use in motor vehicles which contains
dertaking imposed by the refiner on visible evidence of the dye solvent red
such distributor designed to prevent 164, the distributor or reseller or
such action, and despite reasonable ef- wholesale purchaser-consumer or re-
forts by the refiner (such as periodic tailer shall not be deemed in violation
sampling and testing) to ensure com- if he can:
pliance with such contractual obliga- (i) Demonstrate that the violation
tion, or
was not caused by him or his employee
(E) Was caused by a carrier or other
or agent,
distributor not subject to a contract
with the refiner but engaged by him for (ii) Demonstrate that the fuel has
transportation of diesel fuel from a ter- been supplied, offered for supply, trans-
minal to a distributor, retailer or ported or available for tax-exempt use
wholesale purchaser-consumer, despite as defined under section 4082 of the In-
reasonable efforts by the refiner (such ternal Revenue Code, and
as specification or inspection of equip- (iii) Provide evidence from the sup-
ment) to prevent such action, or plier in the form of documentation
(F) Occurred at a wholesale pur- that the fuel met the applicable stand-
chaser-consumer facility: Provided, ards under paragraph (a)(1) of this sec-
however, That if such wholesale pur- tion for sulfur and cetane index or aro-
chaser-consumer was supplied by a re- matics content for use in motor vehi-
seller, the refiner must demonstrate cles.
that the violation could not have been (h) Detection of violations. In para-
prevented by such resellers compli- graphs (a) through (f) of this section,
ance with a contractual undertaking the term is detected at means that
imposed by the refiner on such reseller the violation existed at the facility in
as provided in paragraph (g)(4)(iii)(B) of question, and the existence of the vio-
this section. lation at that facility may be estab-
(iv) In paragraphs (g)(4)(iii) (A)
lished through evidence obtained or
through (E) of this section, the term
created at that facility, at any other
was caused means that the refiner must
demonstrate by reasonably specific location, and by any party.
showings, by direct or circumstantial [55 FR 34138, Aug. 21, 1990, as amended at 59
evidence, that the violation was caused FR 35859, July 14, 1994; 62 FR 68205, Dec. 31,
or must have been caused by another. 1997; 66 FR 5135, Jan. 18, 2001]


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80.32 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

80.32 Controls applicable to liquefied than the cost of additional compression

petroleum gas retailers and whole- equipment.
sale purchaser-consumers.
[59 FR 48490, Sept. 21, 1994]
After January 1, 1998 every retailer
and wholesale purchaser- consumer Subpart COxygenated Gasoline
handling over 13,660 gallons of liquefied
petroleum gas per month shall equip 80.35 Labeling of retail gasoline
each pump from which liquefied petro- pumps; oxygenated gasoline.
leum gas is introduced into motor vehi- (a) For oxygenated gasoline programs
cles with a nozzle that has no greater with a minimum oxygen content per
than 2.0 cm3 dead space from which liq- gallon or minimum oxygen content re-
uefied petroleum gas will be released quirement in conjunction with a credit
upon nozzle disconnect from the vehi- program, the following shall apply:
cle, as measured from the nozzle face (1) Each gasoline pump stand from
which seals against the vehicle recep- which oxygenated gasoline is dispensed
tacle O ring, and as determined by at a retail outlet in the control area
calculation of the geometric shape of shall be affixed during the control pe-
the nozzle. After January 1, 2000 this riod with a legible and conspicuous
requirement applies to every liquefied label which contains the following
petroleum gas retailer and wholesale statement:
purchaser- consumer. Any dispensing
pump shown to be dedicated to heavy- The gasoline dispensed from this pump is
duty vehicles is exempt from this re- oxygenated and will reduce carbon monoxide
quirement. pollution from motor vehicles.

[59 FR 48490, Sept. 21, 1994]

(2) The posting of the above state-
ment shall be in block letters of no less
80.33 Controls applicable to natural than 20-point bold type; in a color con-
gas retailers and wholesale pur- trasting with the intended background.
chaser-consumers. The label shall be placed on the
vertical surface of the pump on each
(a) After January 1, 1998 every re-
side with gallonage and price meters
tailer and wholesale purchaser-con-
and shall be on the upper two-thirds of
sumer handling over 1,215,000 standard
the pump, clearly readable to the pub-
cubic feet of natural gas per month
shall equip each pump from which nat-
(3) The retailer shall be responsible
ural gas is introduced into natural gas
for compliance with the labeling re-
motor vehicles with a nozzle and hose
quirements of this section.
configuration which vents no more
(b) For oxygenated gasoline programs
than 1.2 grams of natural gas to the at-
with a credit program and no minimum
mosphere per refueling of a vehicle
oxygen content requirement, the fol-
complying with 86.0988(d)(1)(iv) of
lowing shall apply:
this chapter, as determined by calcula-
(1) Each gasoline pump stand from
tion of the geometric shape of the noz-
which oxygenated gasoline is dispensed
zle and hose. After January 1, 2000 this
at a retail outlet in the control area
requirement applies to every natural
shall be affixed during the control pe-
gas retailer and wholesale purchaser-
riod with a legible and conspicuous
consumer. Any dispensing pump shown
label which contains the following
to be dedicated to heavy-duty vehicles
is exempt from this requirement.
(b) The provisions of paragraph (a) of The fuel dispensed from this pump meets the
this section can be waived for refueling requirements of the Clean Air Act as part of
stations which were in operation on or a program to reduce carbon monoxide pollu-
tion from motor vehicles.
before January 1, 1998 provided the sta-
tion operator can demonstrate, to the (2) The posting of the above state-
satisfaction of the Administrator, that ment shall be in block letters of no less
compliance with paragraph (a) of this than 20-point bold type; in a color con-
section would require additional com- trasting with the intended background.
pression equipment or other modifica- The label shall be placed on the
tions with costs similar to or greater vertical surface of the pump on each


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.41

side with gallonage and price meters SIMPLE MODEL AVERAGED STANDARDS
and shall be on the upper two-thirds of Continued
the pump, clearly readable to the pub- Per-Gallon Maximum ........................................... 1.30
lic. (c) Phase I complex model per gallon
(3) The retailer shall be responsible standards. The Phase I complex
for compliance with the labeling re- model standards for compliance when
quirements of this section. achieved on a per-gallon basis are as
[57 FR 47771, Oct. 20, 1992] follows:


Subpart DReformulated VOC emissions performance reduction (percent):
Gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 1 35.1
Gasoline Gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 2 15.6
Toxic air pollutants emissions performance reduc-
SOURCE: 59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, unless tion (percent) ........................................................ 15.0
NOX emissions performance reduction (percent) ... 0.0
otherwise noted.
Oxygen content (percent, by weight) ...................... 2.0
Benzene (percent, by volume) ................................ 1.00
80.40 Fuel certification procedures.
(a) Gasoline that complies with one (d) Phase I complex model averaged
of the standards specified in 80.41 (a) standards. The Phase I complex
through (f) that is relevant for the gas- model standards for compliance when
oline, and that meets all other relevant achieved on average are as follows:
requirements prescribed under 80.41,
shall be deemed certified. PHASE I COMPLEX MODEL AVERAGED
(b) Any refiner or importer may, with STANDARDS
VOC emissions performance reduction (percent)
regard to a specific fuel formulation, Gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 1:
request from the Administrator a cer- Standard ...................................................... 36.6
tification that the formulation meets Per-Gallon Minimum .................................... 32.6
one of the standards specified in 80.41 Gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 2:
(a) through (f). Standard ...................................................... 17.1
Per-Gallon Minimum .................................... 13.1
Toxics air pollutants emissions performance reduc-
80.41 Standards and requirements tion (percent) .......................................................... 16.5
for compliance. NOX emissions performance reduction (percent) ..... 1.5
(a) Simple model per-gallon standards. Oxygen content (percent, by weight):
Standard ............................................................. 2.1
The simple model standards for com- Per-Gallon Minimum ........................................... 1.5
pliance when achieved on a per-gallon Benzene (percent, by volume):
basis are as follows: Standard ............................................................. 0.95
Per-Gallon Maximum .......................................... 1.30
Reid vapor pressure (in pounds per square inch):
(e) Phase II complex model per-gallon
Gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 1 7.2 standards. The Phase II complex
Gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 2 8.1 model standards for compliance when
Oxygen content (percent, by weight) ...................... 2.0
Toxic air pollutants emissions reduction (percent) .. 15.0
achieved on a per-gallon basis are as
Benzene (percent, by volume) ................................ 1.00 follows:
(b) Simple model averaged standards. PHASE IICOMPLEX MODEL PER-GALLON
The simple model standards when STANDARDS
achieved on average are as follows: VOC emissions performance reduction (percent):
Gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 1 27.5
SIMPLE MODEL AVERAGED STANDARDS Gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 2 25.9
Reid vapor pressure (in pounds per square inch): Toxic air pollutants emissions performance reduc-
Gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 1: tion (percent) ........................................................ 20.0
Standard ........................................................... 7.1 NOX emissions performance reduction (percent):
Per-Gallon Maximum ........................................ 7.4 Gasoline designated as VOC-controlled .............. 5.5
Gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 2: Gasoline not designated as VOC-controlled ....... 0.0
Standard ........................................................... 8.0 Oxygen content (percent, by weight) ...................... 2.0
Per-Gallon Maximum ........................................ 8.3 Benzene (percent, by volume) ................................ 1.00
Oxygen content (percent, by weight):
Standard ............................................................... 2.1 (f) Phase II complex model averaged
Per-Gallon Minimum ............................................ 1.5
Toxic air pollutants emissions reduction (percent) .. 16.5
standards. The Phase II complex
Benzene (percent, by volume): model standards for compliance when
Standard ............................................................... 0.95 achieved on average are as follows:


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80.41 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

PHASE II COMPLEX MODEL AVERAGED gate mass or cancer-risk basis, toxic

STANDARDS air pollutant emissions from motor ve-
VOC emissions performance reduction (percent): hicles.
Gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 1: (2) In the case of any refinery or im-
Standard ...................................................... 29.0
Per-Gallon Minimum .................................... 25.0
porter subject to the simple model
Gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 2: standards:
Standard ...................................................... 27.4 (i) The annual average levels for sul-
Per-Gallon Minimum .................................... 23.4 fur, T90, and olefins cannot exceed
Toxics air pollutants emissions performance reduc-
tion (percent) .......................................................... 21.5 that refinerys or importers 1990 base-
NOX emissions performance reduction (percent): line levels for each of these param-
Gasoline designated as VOC-Controlled ........... 6.8 eters; and
Gasoline not designated as VOC-Controlled ..... 1.5
Oxygen content (percent, by weight):
(ii) The 1990 baseline levels and the
Standard ............................................................. 2.1 annual averages for these parameters
Per-Gallon Minimum ........................................... 1.5 shall be established using the method-
Benzene (percent, by volume): ology set forth in 80.91 through 80.92;
Standard ................................................................. 0.95
Per-Gallon Maximum ............................................. 1.30 and
Benzene (percent, by volume): (iii) In the case of a refiner that oper-
Standard ............................................................. 0.95 ates more than one refinery, the stand-
Per-Gallon Minimum ........................................... 1.30
ards specified under this paragraph
(g) Oxygen maximum standard. (1) The (h)(2) shall be met using the refinery
per-gallon standard for maximum oxy- grouping selected by the refiner under
gen content, which applies to reformu- 80.101(h).
lated gasoline subject to the simple (i) Use of simple and complex models.
model per-gallon or average standards, (1) During each calendar year 1995
is as follows: through 1997, any refinery or importer
(i) Oxygen content shall not exceed shall be subject to either the simple
3.2 percent by weight from ethanol model standards specified in para-
within the boundaries of any State if graphs (a) and (b) of this section, or the
the State notifies the Administrator Phase I complex model standards speci-
that the use of an oxygenate will inter- fied in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this
fere with attainment or maintenance section, at the option of the refiner or
of an ambient air quality standard or importer, provided that:
will contribute to an air quality prob- (i) No refinery or importer may be
lem. subject to a combination of simple and
(ii) A State may request the standard complex standards during any calendar
specified in paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this year; and
section separately for reformulated (ii) Any refiner or importer that
gasoline designated as VOC-controlled elects to achieve compliance with the
and reformulated gasoline not des- anti-dumping requirements using the:
ignated as VOC-controlled. (A) Simple model shall meet the re-
(2) The standard in paragraph (g)(1)(i) quirements of this subpart D using the
of this section shall apply 60 days after simple model standards; or
the Administrator publishes a notice in (B) Complex model or optional com-
the FEDERAL REGISTER announcing plex model shall meet the require-
such a standard. ments of this subpart D using the com-
(h) Additional standard requirements. plex model standards.
In addition to the standards specified (2) During the period January 1, 1998
in paragraphs (a) through (g) of this through December 31, 1999, any refiner
section, the following standards apply or importer shall be subject to the
for all reformulated gasoline: Phase I complex model standards speci-
(1) The standard for heavy metals, in- fied in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this
cluding lead or manganese, on a per- section.
gallon basis, is that reformulated gaso- (3) Beginning on January 1, 2000, any
line may contain no heavy metals. The refiner or importer shall be subject to
Administrator may waive this prohibi- the Phase II complex model standards
tion for a heavy metal (other than specified in paragraphs (e) and (f) of
lead) if the Administrator determines this section.
that addition of the heavy metal to the (j) Complex model early use. Before
gasoline will not increase, on an aggre- January 1, 1998, the VOC, toxics, and


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.41

NOX emissions performance standards gent passes all VOC emissions reduc-
for any refinery or importer subject to tion surveys in two consecutive years,
the Phase I complex model standards the averaging standards VOC emissions
shall be determined by evaluating all reduction for that covered area begin-
of the following parameter levels in the ning in the year following the second
Phase I complex model (specified in year of passed survey series shall be
80.45) at one time: made less stringent as follows:
(1) The simple model values for ben- (i) The required average VOC emis-
zene, RVP, and oxygen specified in sions reduction shall be decreased by
80.41 (a) or (b), as applicable; 1.0%; and
(2) The aromatics value which, to- (ii) The minimum VOC emissions re-
gether with the values for benzene, duction shall be decreased by 1.0%.
RVP, and oxygen determined under (4) In the event that a covered area
paragraph (j)(1) of this section, meets for which the required VOC emissions
the Simple Model toxics requirement reductions have been made less strin-
specified in paragraph (a) or (b) of this gent fails a subsequent VOC emissions
section, as applicable; reduction survey:
(3) The refinerys or importers indi- (i) The required average VOC emis-
vidual baseline values for sulfur, E300, sion reductions for that covered area
and olefins, as established under 80.91; beginning in the year following this
and subsequent failure shall be made more
(4) The appropriate seasonal value of stringent by increasing the required
E200 specified in 80.45(b)(2). average and the minimum VOC emis-
(k) Effect of VOC survey failure. (1) On sions reduction by 1.0%; and
each occasion during 1995 or 1996 that a (ii) The required VOC emission reduc-
covered area fails a simple model VOC tions for that covered area thereafter
emissions reduction survey conducted shall not be made less stringent regard-
pursuant to 80.68, the RVP require- less of the results of subsequent VOC
ments for that covered area beginning emissions reduction surveys.
in the year following the failure shall (l) Effect of toxics survey failure. (1) On
be adjusted to be more stringent as fol- each occasion during 1995 or 1996 that a
lows: covered area fails a simple model
(i) The required average RVP level toxics emissions reduction survey se-
shall be decreased by an additional 0.1 ries, conducted pursuant to 80.68, the
psi; and simple model toxics emissions reduc-
(ii) The maximum RVP level for each tion requirement for that covered area
gallon of averaged gasoline shall be de- beginning in the year following the
creased by an additional 0.1 psi. year of the failure is made more strin-
(2) On each occasion that a covered gent by increasing the average toxics
area fails a complex model VOC emis- emissions reduction by an additional
sions reduction survey conducted pur- 1.0%.
suant to 80.68, or fails a simple model (2) On each occasion that a covered
VOC emissions reduction survey con- area fails a complex model toxics emis-
ducted pursuant to 80.68 during 1997, sions reduction survey series, con-
the VOC emissions performance stand- ducted pursuant to 80.68, or fails a
ard for that covered area beginning in simple model toxics emissions reduc-
the year following the failure shall be tion survey series conducted pursuant
adjusted to be more stringent as fol- to 80.68 during 1997, the complex
lows: model toxics emissions reduction re-
(i) The required average VOC emis- quirement for that covered area begin-
sions reduction shall be increased by ning in the year following the year of
an additional 1.0%; and the failure is made more stringent by
(ii) The minimum VOC emissions re- increasing the average toxics emissions
duction, for each gallon of averaged reduction by an additional 1.0%.
gasoline, shall be increased by an addi- (3) In the event that a covered area
tional 1.0%. for which the toxics emissions standard
(3) In the event that a covered area has been made more stringent passes
for which required VOC emissions re- all toxics emissions survey series in
ductions have been made more strin- two consecutive years, the averaging


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80.41 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

standard for toxics emissions reduc- (n) Effect of benzene survey failure. (1)
tions for that covered area beginning On each occasion that a covered area
in the year following the second year of fails a benzene content survey series,
passed survey series shall be made less conducted pursuant to 80.68, the ben-
stringent by decreasing the average zene content standards for that covered
toxics emissions reduction by 1.0%. area beginning in the year following
(4) In the event that a covered area the year of the failure shall be made
for which the toxics emissions reduc- more stringent as follows:
tion standard has been made less strin- (i) The average benzene content shall
gent fails a subsequent toxics emis- be decreased by 0.05% by volume; and
sions reduction survey series: (ii) The maximum benzene content
(i) The standard for toxics emissions for each gallon of averaged gasoline
reduction for that covered area begin- shall be decreased by 0.10% by volume.
ning in the year following this subse- (2) In the event that a covered area
quent failure shall be made more strin- for which the benzene standards have
gent by increasing the average toxics been made more stringent passes all
emissions reduction by 1.0%; and benzene content survey series con-
(ii) The standard for toxics emissions ducted in two consecutive years, the
reduction for that covered area there- benzene standards for that covered
after shall not be made less stringent area beginning in the year following
regardless of the results of subsequent the second year of passed survey series
toxics emissions reduction surveys. shall be made less stringent as follows:
(m) Effect of NOX survey or survey se- (i) The average benzene content shall
ries failure. be increased by 0.05% by volume; and
(1) On each occasion that a covered (ii) The maximum benzene content
area fails a NOX emissions reduction for each gallon of averaged gasoline
survey or survey series conducted pur- shall be increased by 0.10% by volume.
suant to 80.68, the required average (3) In the event that a covered area
NOX emissions reductions for that cov- for which the benzene standards have
ered area beginning in the year fol- been made less stringent fails a subse-
lowing the failure shall be increased in quent benzene content survey series:
stringency by an additional 1.0%. (i) The standards for benzene content
(2) In the event that a covered area for that covered area beginning in the
for which required NOX emissions re- year following this subsequent failure
ductions have been made more strin- shall be the more stringent standards
gent passes all NOX emissions reduc- which were in effect prior to the oper-
tion surveys and survey series in two ation of paragraph (n)(2) of this sec-
consecutive years, the required average tion; and
NOX emissions reductions for that cov- (ii) The standards for benzene con-
ered area beginning in the year fol- tent for that covered area thereafter
lowing the second year of passed sur- shall not be made less stringent regard-
veys and survey series shall be de- less of the results of subsequent ben-
creased in stringency by 1.0%. zene content surveys.
(3) In the event that a covered area (o) Effect of oxygen survey failure. (1)
for which the required NOX emissions In any year that a covered area fails an
reductions have been made less strin- oxygen content survey series, con-
gent fails a subsequent NOX emissions ducted pursuant to 80.68, the min-
reduction survey or survey series: imum oxygen content requirement for
(i) The required average NOX emis- that covered area beginning in the year
sion reductions for that covered area following the year of the failure is
beginning in the year following this made more stringent by increasing the
subsequent failure shall be increased in minimum oxygen content standard, for
stringency by 1.0%; and each gallon of averaged gasoline, by an
(ii) The required NOX emission reduc- additional 0.1%; however, in no case
tions for that covered area thereafter shall the minimum oxygen content
shall not be made less stringent regard- standard be greater than 2.0%.
less of the results of subsequent NOX (2) In the event that a covered area
emissions reduction surveys or survey for which the minimum oxygen content
series. standard has been made more stringent


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.41

passes all oxygen content survey series (iii) The refiner or oxygenate blender
in two consecutive years, the minimum is able to show that the volume of
oxygen content standard for that cov- averaged reformulated gasoline from a
ered area beginning in the year fol- refinery or oxygenate blending facility
lowing the second year of passed sur- that supplied the covered area during
vey series shall be made less stringent any year under paragraphs (q)(1) (i) or
by decreasing the minimum oxygen (ii) of this section was less than one
content standard by 0.1%. percent of the reformulated gasoline
(3) In the event that a covered area produced at the refinery or oxygenate
for which the minimum oxygen content blending facility during that year, or
standard has been made less stringent 100,000 barrels, whichever is less.
fails a subsequent oxygen content sur- (2) Adjusted standards for a covered
vey series: area apply to averaged reformulated
(i) The standard for minimum oxygen gasoline that is imported by an im-
content for that covered area begin- porter if:
ning in the year following this subse- (i) The covered area with the ad-
quent failure shall be made more strin- justed standard is located in Petroleum
gent by increasing the minimum oxy- Administration for Defense District
gen content standard by 0.1%; and (PADD) I, and the gasoline is imported
(ii) The minimum oxygen content at a facility located in PADDs I, II or
standard for that covered area there- III;
after shall not be made less stringent
(ii) The covered area with the ad-
regardless of the results of subsequent
justed standard is located in PADD II,
oxygen content surveys.
and the gasoline is imported at a facil-
(p) Effective date for changed minimum
ity located in PADDs I, II, III, or IV;
or maximum standards. In the case of
(iii) The covered area with the ad-
any minimum or maximum standard
justed standard is located in PADD III,
that is changed to be more stringent by
and the gasoline is imported at a facil-
operation of paragraphs (k), (m), (n), or
ity located in PADDs II, III, or IV;
(o) of this section, the effective date
for such change shall be ninety days (iv) The covered area with the ad-
following the date EPA announces the justed standard is located in PADD IV,
change. and the gasoline is imported at a facil-
(q) Refineries, importers, and oxygenate ity located in PADDs II, or IV; or
blenders subject to adjusted standards. (v) The covered area with the ad-
Standards for average compliance that justed standard is located in PADD V,
are adjusted to be more or less strin- and the gasoline is imported at a facil-
gent by operation of paragraphs (k), (l), ity located in PADDs III, IV, or V; un-
(m), (n), or (o) of this section apply to less
averaged reformulated gasoline pro- (vi) Any gasoline which is imported
duced at each refinery or oxygenate by an importer at any facility located
blending facility, or imported by each in any PADD supplies the covered area,
importer as follows: in which case the adjusted standard
(1) Adjusted standards for a covered also applies to averaged gasoline im-
area apply to averaged reformulated ported at that facility by that im-
gasoline that is produced at a refinery porter.
or oxygenate blending facility if: (3) Any gasoline that is transported
(i) Any averaged reformulated gaso- in a fungible manner by a pipeline,
line from that refinery or oxygenate barge, or vessel shall be considered to
blending facility supplied the covered have supplied each covered area that is
area during any year a survey was con- supplied with any gasoline by that
ducted which gave rise to a standards pipeline, or barge or vessel shipment,
adjustment; or unless the refiner or importer is able to
(ii) Any averaged reformulated gaso- establish that the gasoline it produced
line from that refinery or oxygenate or imported was supplied only to a
blending facility supplies the covered smaller number of covered areas.
area during any year that the stand- (4) Adjusted standards apply to all
ards are more stringent than the ini- averaged reformulated gasoline pro-
tial standards; unless duced by a refinery or imported by an


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80.42 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

importer identified in this paragraph [59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
(q), except: FR 36958, July 20, 1994; 61 FR 12041, Mar. 25,
1996; 62 FR 68205, Dec. 31, 1997; 64 FR 37689,
(i) In the case of adjusted VOC stand- July 13, 1999]
ards for a covered area located in VOC
Control Region 1, the adjusted VOC 80.42 Simple emissions model.
standards apply only to averaged refor- (a) VOC emissions. The following
mulated gasoline designated as VOC- equations shall comprise the simple
controlled intended for use in VOC model for VOC emissions. The simple
Control Region 1; and model for VOC emissions shall be used
(ii) In the case of adjusted VOC only in determining toxics emissions:
standards for a covered area located in
Summer = The period of May 1 through Sep-
VOC Control Region 2, the adjusted
tember 15
VOC standards apply only to averaged Winter = The period of September 16 through
reformulated gasoline designated as April 30
VOC-controlled intended for use in EXHVOCS1 = Exhaust nonmethane, non-
VOC Control Region 2. ethane VOC emissions from the fuel in
(r) Definition of PADD. For the pur- question, in grams per mile, for VOC con-
trol region 1 during the summer period.
poses of this section only, the following EXHVOCS2 = Exhaust nonmethane, non-
definitions of PADDs apply: ethane VOC emissions from the fuel in
(1) The following States are included question, in grams per mile, for VOC con-
in PADD I: trol region 2 during the summer period.
EXHVOCW = Exhaust nonmethane, non-
Connecticut New Hampshire ethane VOC emissions from the fuel in
Delaware New Jersey question, in grams per mile, during the
District of Columbia North Carolina winter period.
Florida Pennsylvania EVPVOCS1 = Evaporative nonmethane, non-
Georgia Rhode Island ethane VOC emissions from the fuel in
Maine South Carolina question, in grams per mile, for VOC con-
Maryland Vermont trol region 1 during the summer period.
Massachusetts Virginia EVPVOCS2 = Evaporative nonmethane, non-
New York West Virginia ethane VOC emissions from the fuel in
question, in grams per mile, for VOC con-
(2) The following States are included trol region 2 during the summer period.
in PADD II: RLVOCS1 = Running loss nonmethane, non-
ethane VOC emissions from the fuel in
Illinois Nebraska question, in grams per mile, for VOC con-
Indiana North Dakota trol region 1 during the summer period.
Iowa Ohio RLVOCS2 = Running loss nonmethane, non-
Kansas Oklahoma ethane VOC emissions from the fuel in
Kentucky South Dakota question, in grams per mile, for VOC con-
Michigan Tennessee trol region 2 during the summer period.
Minnesota Wisconsin REFVOCS1 = Refueling nonmethane, non-
Missouri ethane VOC emissions from the fuel in
question, in grams per mile, for VOC con-
(3) The following States are included
trol region 1 during the summer period.
in PADD III: REFVOCS2 = Refueling nonmethane, non-
Alabama Mississippi ethane VOC emissions from the fuel in
Arkansas New Mexico question, in grams per mile, for VOC con-
Louisiana Texas trol region 2 during the summer period.
OXCON = Oxygen content of the fuel in ques-
(4) The following States are included tion, in terms of weight percent (as meas-
in PADD IV: ured under 80.46)
RVP = Reid vapor pressure of the fuel in
Colorado Utah question, in pounds per square inch (psi)
Idaho Wyoming
Montana (1) The following equations shall
comprise the simple model for VOC
(5) The following States are included emissions in VOC Control Region 1 dur-
in PADD V: ing the summer period:
Arizona Oregon EXHVOCS1 = 0.444(1(0.127/2.7)OXCON)
California Washington EVPVOCS1 = 0.79520.2461RVP
Nevada +0.02293RVPRVP


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.42
RLVOCS1 = 0.734+0.1096RVP TOXREDS2 = Total toxics reduction of the
+0.002791RVPRVP fuel in question during the summer period
REFVOCS1 = 0.04((0.1667RVP)0.45) for VOC control region 2 in percent
TOXREDW = Total toxics reduction of the
(2) The following equations shall fuel in question during the winter period in
comprise the simple model for VOC percent
emissions in VOC Control Region 2 dur-
(1) The following equations shall
ing the summer period:
comprise the simple model for toxics
EXHVOCS2 = 0.444 (1 (0.127/2.7) OXCON) emissions in VOC control region 1 dur-
EVPVOCS2 = 0.813 0.2393 RVP + 0.021239 ing the summer period:
RLVOCS2 = 0.2963 0.1306 RVP + 0.016255 TOXREDS1 = [100 (53.2 EXHBEN
REFVOCS2 = 0.04 ((0.1667 RVP) 0.45) ACET BUTA POM)] / 53.2
EXHBEN = [1.884+0.949 FBEN + 0.113
(3) The following equation shall com- (FAROM FBEN)) / 100] 1000
prise the simple model for VOC emis- EXHVOCS1
sions during the winter period: EVPBEN = HSBEN + DIBEN
HSBEN = FBEN (EVPVOCS1 0.679) 1000
EXHVOCW = 0.656 (1 (0.127/2.7) OXCON) [(1.4448 (0.0684 MTBE/2.0) (0.080274
RVP)) / 100]
(b) Toxics emissions. The following DIBEN = FBEN (EVPVOCS1 0.321) 1000
equations shall comprise the simple [(1.3758 (0.0579 MTBE/2.0) (0.080274
model for toxics emissions: RVP)) / 100]
RLBEN = FBEN RLVOCS1 1000 [(1.4448
EXHBEN = Exhaust benzene emissions from (0.0684 MTBE/2.0) (0.080274 RVP)) /
the fuel in question, in milligrams per mile 100]
EVPBEN = Evaporative benzene emissions REFBEN = FBEN REFVOCS1 1000
from the fuel in question, in milligrams [(1.3972 (0.0591 MTBE / 2.0) (0.081507
per mile RVP)) / 100] BUTA = 0.00556 EXHVOCS1
HSBEN = Hot soak benzene emissions from 1000
the fuel in question, in milligrams per mile POM = 3.15 EXHVOCS1
DIBEN = Diurnal benzene emissions from the
fuel in question, in milligrams per mile (i) For any oxygenate or mixtures of
RLBEN = Running loss benzene emissions oxygenates, the formaldehyde and ac-
from the fuel in question, in milligrams etaldehyde shall be calculated with the
per mile following equations:
REFBEN = Refueling benzene emissions from
FORM = 0.01256 EXHVOCS1 1000 [1 +
the fuel in question, in milligrams per mile
(0.421 / 2.7) MTBE + TAME) + (0.358 / 3.55)
MTBE = Oxygen content of the fuel in ques-
ETOH + (0.137 / 2.7) (ETBE + ETAE)]
tion in the form of MTBE, in terms of
ACET = 0.00891 EXHVOCS1 1000 [1 +
weight percent (as measured under 80.46)
(0.078 / 2.7) (MTBE + TAME) + (0.865 / 3.55)
ETOH = Oxygen content of the fuel in ques- ETOH + (0.867 / 2.7) (ETBE + ETAE)]
tion in the form of ethanol, in terms of
weight percent (as measured under 80.46) (ii) When calculating formaldehyde
ETBE = Oxygen content of the fuel in ques- and acetaldehyde emissions using the
tion in the form of ETBE, in terms of equations in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this
weight percent (as measured under 80.46) section, oxygen in the form of alcohols
FORM = Formaldehyde emissions from the which are more complex or have higher
fuel in question, in milligrams per mile
molecular weights than ethanol shall
ACET = Acetaldehyde emissions from the
fuel in question, in milligrams per mile be evaluated as if it were in the form of
POM = Emissions of polycyclic organic mat- ethanol. Oxygen in the form of methyl
ter from the fuel in question, in milligrams ethers other than TAME and MTBE
per mile shall be evaluated as if it were in the
BUTA = Emissions of 1,3-Butadiene from the form of MTBE. Oxygen in the form of
fuel in question, in milligrams per mile ethyl ethers other than ETBE shall be
FBEN = Fuel benzene of the fuel in question, evaluated as if it were in the form of
in terms of volume percent (as measured ETBE. Oxygen in the form of non-
under 80.46) methyl, non-ethyl ethers shall be eval-
FAROM = Fuel aromatics of the fuel in ques-
tion, in terms of volume percent (as meas-
uated as if it were in the form of ETBE.
ured under 80.46) Oxygen in the form of methanol or
TOXREDS1 = Total toxics reduction of the non-alcohol, non-ether oxygenates
fuel in question during the summer period shall not be evaluated with the Simple
for VOC control region 1 in percent Model, but instead must be evaluated


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80.42 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

through vehicle testing under the Com- (3) The following equations shall
plex Model per 80.48. comprise the simple model for toxics
(2) The following equations shall emissions during the winter period:
comprise the simple model for toxics TOXREDW = 100 (55.5 EXHBEN FORM
emissions in VOC control region 2 dur- ACET BUTA POM) / 55.5
ing the summer period: EXHBEN = [(1.884 + 0.949 FBEN + 0.113
(FAROM FBEN)) / 100] 1000
EXHBEN = [(1.884 + 0.949 FBEN + 0.113
(FAROM FBEN)) / 100] 1000 (i) For any oxygenate or mixtures of
EXHVOCS2 oxygenates, the formaldehyde and ac-
EVPBEN = HSBEN + DIBEN etaldehyde shall be calculated with the
HSBEN = FBEN (EVPVOCS2 0.679) 1000 following equations:
[(1.4448 (0.0684 MTBE / 2.0) (0.080274
FORM = 0.01256 EXHVOCS1 1000 [1 +
RVP)) / 100]
(0.421 / 2.7) (MTBE + TAME) + (0.358 / 3.55)
DIBEN = FBEN (EVPVOCS2 0.321) 1000
ETOH + (0.137 / 2.7) (ETBE + ETAE)]
[(1.3758 (0.0579 MTBE / 2.0) (0.080274 ACET = 0.00891 EXHVOCS1 1000 [1 +
RVP)) / 100] (0.078 / 2.7) (MTBE + TAME) + (0.865 / 3.55)
RLBEN = FBEN RLVOCS2 1000 [(1.4448 ETOH + (0.867 / 2.7) (ETBE + ETAE)]
(0.0684 MTBE / 2.0) (0.080274 RVP))
/ 100] (ii) When calculating formaldehyde
REFBEN = FBEN REFVOCS2 1000 and acetaldehyde emissions using the
[(1.3972 (0.0591 MTBE / 2.0) (0.081507 equations in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this
RVP)) / 100] section, oxygen in the form of alcohols
BUTA = 0.00556 EXHVOCS2 1000 which are more complex or have higher
POM = 3.15 EXHVOCS2 molecular weights than ethanol shall
(i) For any oxygenate or mixtures of be evaluated as if it were in the form of
oxygenates, the formaldehyde and ac- ethanol. Oxygen in the form of methyl
etaldehyde shall be calculated with the ethers other than TAME and MTBE
following equations: shall be evaluated as if it were in the
form of MTBE. Oxygen in the form of
FORM = 0.01256 EEXHVOCS2 1000 [1 + ethyl ethers other than ETBE shall be
(0.421 / 2.7) (MTBE + TAME) + (0.358 / 3.55) evaluated as if it were in the form of
ETOH + (0.137 / 2.7) (ETBE + ETAE)] ETBE. Oxygen in the form of non-
ACET = 0.00891 EXHVOCS2 1000 [1 + methyl, non-ethyl ethers shall be eval-
(0.078 / 2.7) (MTBE + TAME) + (0.865 / 3.55)
ETOH + (0.867 / 2.7) (ETBE + ETAE)]
uated as if it were in the form of ETBE.
Oxygen in the form of methanol or
(ii) When calculating formaldehyde non-alcohol, non-ether oxygenates
and acetaldehyde emissions using the shall not be evaluated with the Simple
equations in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this Model, but instead must be evaluated
section, oxygen in the form of alcohols through vehicle testing under the Com-
which are more complex or have higher plex Model per 80.48.
molecular weights than ethanol shall (4) If the fuel aromatics content of
be evaluated as if it were in the form of the fuel in question is less than 10 vol-
ethanol. Oxygen in the form of methyl ume percent, then an FAROM value of
ethers other than TAME and MTBE 10 volume percent shall be used when
shall be evaluated as if it were in the evaluating the toxics emissions equa-
form of MTBE. Oxygen in the form of tions given in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2),
ethyl ethers other than ETBE shall be and (b)(3) of this section.
evaluated as if it were in the form of (c) Limits of the model. (1) The model
ETBE. Oxygen in the form of non- given in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this
methyl, non-ethyl ethers shall be eval- section shall be used as given to deter-
uated as if it were in the form of ETBE. mine VOC and toxics emissions, respec-
Oxygen in the form of methanol or tively, if the properties of the fuel
non-alcohol, non-ether oxygenates being evaluated fall within the ranges
shall not be evaluated with the Simple shown in this paragraph (c). If the
Model, but instead must be evaluated properties of the fuel being evaluated
through vehicle testing under the Com- fall outside the range shown in this
plex Model per 80.48. paragraph (c), the model may not be


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.45

used to determine the VOC or toxics normal and higher emitters (w1 and w2,
performance of the fuel: respectively) given in table 1 shall be
used to calculate the exhaust emission
Fuel parameter Range
performance of any fuel for the appro-
Benzene content ............................. 0.04.9 vol %. priate pollutant and Phase:
RVP ................................................ 6.69.0 psi.1
Oxygenate content ......................... 04.0 wt %. TABLE 1NORMAL AND HIGHER EMITTER
Aromatics content ........................... 055 vol %.
1 Forgasoline sold in California, the applicable RVP range
shall be 6.49.0 psi. Phase I Phase II

(2) The model given in paragraphs (a) VOC & NOX VOC & NOX
toxics toxics
and (b) of this section shall be effective
from January 1, 1995 through December Normal Emitters (w1) 0.52 0.82 0.444 0.738
31, 1997, unless extended by action of Higher Emitters (w2) .. 0.48 0.18 0.556 0.262
the Administrator.
(2) The following properties of the
[59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
baseline fuels shall be used when deter-
FR 36958, July 20, 1994; 61 FR 20738, May 8,
1996] mining baseline mass emissions of the
various pollutants:
80.4380.44 [Reserved]
80.45 Complex emissions model. PROPERTIES
(a) Definition of terms. For the pur- Fuel property Summer Winter
poses of this section, the following
Oxygen (wt %) ................................... 0.0 0.0
definitions shall apply: Sulfur (ppm) ....................................... 339 338
Target fuel = The fuel which is being evalu- RVP (psi) ........................................... 8.7 11.5
E200 (%) ........................................... 41.0 50.0
ated for its emissions performance using
E300 (%) ........................................... 83.0 83.0
the complex model Aromatics (vol %) .............................. 32.0 26.4
OXY = Oxygen content of the target fuel in Olefins (vol %) ................................... 9.2 11.9
terms of weight percent Benzene (vol %) ................................ 1.53 1.64
SUL = Sulfur content of the target fuel in
terms of parts per million by weight (3) The baseline mass emissions for
RVP = Reid Vapor Pressure of the target fuel
VOC, NOX and toxics given in tables 3,
in terms of pounds per square inch
E200 = 200 F distillation fraction of the tar- 4 and 5 of this paragraph (b)(3) shall be
get fuel in terms of volume percent used in conjunction with the complex
E300 = 300 F distillation fraction of the tar- model during the appropriate Phase
get fuel in terms of volume percent and season:
ARO = Aromatics content of the target fuel
in terms of volume percent TABLE 3BASELINE EXHAUST EMISSIONS
BEN = Benzene content of the target fuel in
terms of volume percent Phase I Phase II
OLE = Olefins content of the target fuel in Sum- Sum-
terms of volume percent Exhaust pollutant Winter Winter
mer mer
(mg/ (mg/
MTB = Methyl tertiary butyl ether content (mg/ (mg/
mile) mile)
mile) mile)
of the target fuel in terms of weight per-
cent oxygen VOC ........................... 446.0 660.0 907.0 1341.0
ETB = Ethyl tertiary butyl ether content of NOx ............................ 660.0 750.0 1340.0 1540.0
the target fuel in terms of weight percent Benzene .................... 26.10 37.57 53.54 77.62
oxygen Acetaldehyde ............. 2.19 3.57 4.44 7.25
TAM = Tertiary amyl methyl ether content Formaldehyde ............ 4.85 7.73 9.70 15.34
1,3-Butadiene ............ 4.31 7.27 9.38 15.84
of the target fuel in terms of weight per-
POM .......................... 1.50 2.21 3.04 4.50
cent oxygen
ETH = Ethanol content of the target fuel in
terms of weight percent oxygen TABLE 4BASELINE NON-EXHAUST EMISSIONS
exp = The function that raises the number e (SUMMER ONLY)
(the base of the natural logarithm) to the
power in its domain Phase I Phase II
Phase I = The years 19951999
Non-exhaust pollutant Region Region Region Region
Phase II = Year 2000 and beyond 1 (mg/ 2 (mg/ 1 (mg/ 2 (mg/
mile) mile) mile) mile)
(b) Weightings and baselines for the
complex model. (1) The weightings for VOC ........................... 860.48 769.10 559.31 492.07


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(SUMMER ONLY)Continued
Phase I Phase II

Non-exhaust pollutant Region Region Region Region

1 (mg/ 2 (mg/ 1 (mg/ 2 (mg/
mile) mile) mile) mile)

Benzene .................... 9.66 8.63 6.24 5.50


Summer (mg/mile) Winter (mg/mile)

Pollutant Phase I Phase II Phase I Phase II

Region 1 Region 2 Region 1 Region 2 Region 1 Region 2 Region 1 Region 2

NOX ....................... 660.0 660.0 1340.0 1340.0 750.0 750.0 1540.0 1540.0
VOC ...................... 1306.5 1215.1 1466.3 1399.1 660.0 660.0 1341.0 1341.0
Toxics .................... 48.61 47.58 86.34 85.61 58.36 58.36 120.55 120.55

(c) VOC performance. (1) The exhaust v1 = (0.003641 OXY) + (0.0005219

VOC emissions performance of gaso- SUL) + (0.0289749 RVP) + (0.014470
lines shall be given by the following E200) + (0.068624 E300) +
equations: (0.0323712 ARO) + (0.002858 OLE)
+ (0.0001072 E2002) + (0.0004087
VOCE = VOC(b)+(VOC(b)Yvoc(t)/100)
E3002) + (0.0003481 ARO E300)
Yvoc(t) = (w1Nv)+(w2Hv)1100
(ii) VOC equation for higher emitters.
VOCE = Exhaust VOC emissions in milli- v2 = (0.003626 OXY) + (5.40X105
grams/mile SUL) + (0.043295 RVP) + (0.013504
Yvoc(t) = Exhaust VOC performance of the E200) + (0.062327 E300) + (0.0282042
target fuel in terms of percentage change ARO) + (0.002858 OLE) + (0.000106
from baseline E2002) + (0.000408 E3002) +
VOC(b) = Baseline exhaust VOC emissions as (0.000287 ARO E300)
defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this section
for the appropriate Phase and season (iii) Flat line extrapolations. (A) Dur-
Nv = [exp v1(t)]/[exp v1(b)] ing Phase I, fuels with E200 values
Hv = [exp v2(t)]/[exp v2(b)] greater than 65.83 percent shall be eval-
w1 = Weighting factor for normal emitters as uated with the E200 fuel parameter set
defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section equal to 65.83 percent when calculating
for the appropriate Phase
Yvoc(t) and VOCE using the equations
w2 = Weighting factor for higher emitters as
defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section described in paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and
for the appropriate Phase (ii) of this section. Fuels with E300 val-
v1(t) = Normal emitter VOC equation as de- ues greater than E300* (calculated
fined in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, using the equation E300* =
evaluated using the target fuels properties 80.32+[0.390ARO]) shall be evaluated
subject to paragraphs (c)(1) (iii) and (iv) of with the E300 parameter set equal to
this section E300* when calculating VOCE using the
v2(t) = Higher emitter VOC equation as de- equations described in paragraphs (c)(1)
fined in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section,
evaluated using the target fuels properties
(i) and (ii) of this section. For E300*
subject to paragraphs (c)(1) (iii) and (iv) of values greater than 94, the linearly ex-
this section trapolated model presented in para-
v1(b) = Normal emitter VOC equation as de- graph (c)(1)(iv) of this section shall be
fined in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, used.
evaluated using the base fuels properties (B) During Phase II, fuels with E200
v2(b) = Higher emitter VOC equation as de- values greater than 65.52 percent shall
fined in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, be evaluated with the E200 fuel param-
evaluated using the base fuels properties
eter set equal to 65.52 percent when cal-
(i) Consolidated VOC equation for nor- culating VOCE using the equations de-
mal emitters. scribed in paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and (ii)


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of this section. Fuels with E300 values ARO}]} + {100% 0.556 [exp(v2(et))
greater than E300* (calculated using / exp(v2(b))] [{[(0.000212 E200et)
the equation E300* = 79.75+[0.385 0.01350] E200} + {[(0.000816 E300et)
ARO]) shall be evaluated with the E300 0.06233 (0.00029 AROet)] E300}
parameter set equal to E300* when cal- + {[(-0.00029 E300et) + 0.028204]
culating VOCE using the equations de- ARO}]}
scribed in paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and (ii) (C) During Phase I, the edge target
of this section. For E300* values great- fuel shall be identical to the target fuel
er than 94, the linearly extrapolated for all fuel parameters, with the fol-
model presented in paragraph (c)(1)(iv) lowing exceptions:
of this section shall be used. (1) If the E200 level of the target fuel
(iv) Linear extrapolations. (A) The is less than 33 volume percent, then the
equations in paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and E200 value for the edge target fuel
(ii) of this section shall be used within shall be set equal to 33 volume percent.
the allowable range of E300, E200, and (2) If the aromatics level of the tar-
ARO for the appropriate Phase, as de- get fuel is less than 18 volume percent,
fined in table 6: then the ARO value for the edge tar-
get fuel shall be set equal to 18 vol-
ume percent.
(3) If the aromatics level of the tar-
get fuel is greater than 46 volume per-
THIS SECTION cent, then the ARO value for the edge
Phase I Phase II target fuel shall be set equal to 46 vol-
param- ume percent.
Lower Lower
eter limit Higher limit limit Higher limit (4) If the E300 level of the target fuel
is less than 72 volume percent, then the
E200 .. 33.00 65.83 .............. 33.00 65.52
E300 .. 72.00 Variable1 ........ 72.00 Variable 2
E300 value for the edge target fuel
ARO ... 18.00 46.00 .............. 18.00 46.00 shall be set equal to 72 volume percent.
1 Higher E300 limit = lower of 94.0 or 80.32+[0.390(ARO)].
(5) If the E300 level of the target fuel
2 Higher E300 limit = lower of 94.0 or 79.75+[0.385(ARO)]. is greater than 95 volume percent, then
the E300 value of the target fuel shall
(B) For fuels with E200, E300 and/or
be set equal to 95 volume percent for
ARO levels outside the ranges defined
the purposes of calculating VOC emis-
in table 6, YVOC(t) shall be defined:
sions with the Phase I equation given
(1) For Phase I:
in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(B) of this sec-
YVOC(t) = 100% 0.52 [exp(v1(et)) / tion.
exp(v1(b)) 1] + 100% 0.48 (6) If [80.32+(0.390ARO)] exceeds 94
[exp(v2(et)) / exp(v2(b)) 1] + {100% for the target fuel, then the E300 value
0.52 [exp(v1(et)) / exp(v1(b))] for the edge target fuel shall be set
[{[(0.0002144 E200et) 0.014470] equal to 94 volume percent.
E200} + {[(0.0008174 E300et) (7) If the E200 level of the target fuel
0.068624 (0.000348 AROet)] E300} is less than 33 volume percent, then
+ {[(0.000348 E300et) + .0323712] E200 shall be set equal to (E20033
ARO}]} + {100% 0.48 [exp(v1(et)) / volume percent).
exp(v2(b))}] [{[(0.000212 E200et) (8) If the E200 level of the target fuel
0.01350] E200} + {[(0.000816 E300et) equals or exceeds 33 volume percent,
0.06233 (0.00029 AROet)] E300b then E200 shall be set equal to zero.
+ {[(0.00029 E300}) + 0.028204] (9) If the aromatics level of the tar-
ARO}]} get fuel is less than 18 volume percent,
then ARO shall be set equal to
(2) For Phase II:
(ARO18 volume percent). If the aro-
YVOC(t) = 100% 0.444 [exp(v1(et)) / matics level of the target fuel is less
exp(v1(b)) 1] + 100% 0.556 than 10 volume percent, then ARO
[exp(v2(et)) / exp(v2(b)) 1] + {100% shall be set equal to 8 volume per-
0.444 [exp(v1(et)) / exp(v1(b))] cent.
[{[(0.0002144 E200et) 0.014470] (10) If the aromatics level of the tar-
E200} + {[(0.0008174 E300et) get fuel is greater than 46 volume per-
0.068624 (0.000348 AROet)] E300} cent, then ARO shall be set equal to
+ {[(0.000348 E300et) + 0.0323712] (ARO46 volume percent).


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(11) If neither of the conditions estab- (8) If the E200 level of the target fuel
lished in paragraphs (c)(1)(iv)(C)(9) and equals or exceeds 33 volume percent,
(10) of this section are met, then ARO then E200 shall be set equal to zero.
shall be set equal to zero. (9) If the aromatics level of the tar-
(12) If the E300 level of the target fuel get fuel is less than 18 volume percent
is less than 72 percent, then E300 shall and greater than or equal to 10 volume
be set equal to (E30072 percent). percent, then ARO shall be set equal
(13) If the E300 level of the target fuel to (ARO18 volume percent). If the
is greater than 94 volume percent and aromatics level of the target fuel is
[80.32+(0.390xARO)] also is greater than less than 10 volume percent, then
94, then E300 shall be set equal to ARO shall be set equal to 8 volume
(E30094 volume percent). If the E300 percent.
level of the target fuel is greater than (10) If the aromatics level of the tar-
95 volume percent and get fuel is greater than 46 volume per-
[80.32+(0.390ARO)] also is greater than cent, then ARO shall be set equal to
94, then E300 shall be set equal to 1 (ARO 46 volume percent).
volume percent. (11) If neither of the conditions estab-
(14) If neither of the conditions estab- lished in paragraphs (c)(1)(iv)(D)(9) and
lished in paragraphs (c)(1)(iv)(C)(12) (10) of this section are met, then ARO
and (13) of this section are met, then shall be set equal to zero.
E300 shall be set equal to zero. (12) If the E300 level of the target fuel
(D) During Phase II, the edge tar- is less than 72 percent, then E300 shall
get fuel is identical to the target fuel be set equal to (E300 72 percent).
for all fuel parameters, with the fol- (13) If the E300 level of the target fuel
lowing exceptions: is greater than 94 volume percent and
(1) If the E200 level of the target fuel (79.75 + (0.385 ARO)) also is greater
is less than 33 volume percent, then the than 94, then E300 shall be set equal to
E200 value for the edge target fuel (E300 94 volume percent). If the E300
shall be set equal to 33 volume percent. level of the target fuel is greater than
(2) If the aromatics level of the tar- 95 volume percent and (79.75 + (0.385
get fuel is less than 18 volume percent, ARO)) also is greater than 94, then
then the ARO value for the edge tar- E300 shall be set equal to 1 volume
get fuel shall be set equal to 18 vol- percent.
ume percent. (2) The winter exhaust VOC emis-
(3) If the aromatics level of the tar- sions performance of gasolines shall be
get fuel is greater than 46 volume per- given by the equations presented in
cent, then the ARO value for the edge paragraph (c)(1) of this section with the
target fuel shall be set equal to 46 vol- RVP value set to 8.7 psi for both the
ume percent. baseline and target fuels.
(4) If the E300 level of the target fuel (3) The nonexhaust VOC emissions
is less than 72 volume percent, then the performance of gasolines in VOC Con-
E300 value for the edge target fuel trol Region 1 shall be given by the fol-
shall be set equal to 72 volume percent. lowing equations, where:
(5) If the E300 level of the target fuel
is greater than 95 volume percent, then VOCNE1 = Total nonexhaust emissions of
the E300 value of the target fuel shall volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
be set equal to 95 volume percent for Region 1 in grams per mile
VOCDI1 = Diurnal emissions of volatile or-
the purposes of calculating VOC emis-
ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 1
sions with the Phase II equation given in grams per mile
in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(B) of this sec- VOCHS1 = Hot soak emissions of volatile or-
tion. ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 1
(6) If [79.75+(0.385ARO)] exceeds 94 in grams per mile
for the target fuel, then the E300 value VOCRL1 = Running loss emissions of volatile
for the edge target fuel shall be set organic compounds in VOC Control Region
equal to 94 volume percent. 1 in grams per mile
(7) If the E200 level of the target fuel VOCRF1 = Refueling emissions of volatile or-
is less than 33 volume percent, then ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 1
in grams per mile
E200 shall be set equal to (E20033
volume percent). (i) During Phase I:


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VOCNE1 = VOCDI1 + VOCHS1 + VOCRL1 + priate baseline emissions given in para-
VOCRF1 graph (b)(3) of this section. Total non-
VOCDI1 = [0.00736 (RVP2)] [0.0790 RVP] exhaust VOC emissions shall be set
+ 0.2553
VOCHS1 = [0.01557 (RVP2)] [0.1671 RVP] equal to zero under winter conditions.
+ 0.5399 (6) Total VOC emissions. (i) Total sum-
VOCRL1 = [0.00279 (RVP2)] + [0.1096 RVP] mer VOC emissions shall be given by
0.7340 the following equations:
VOCRF1 = [0.006668 RVP] 0.0180
VOCS1 = (VOCE / 1000) + VOCNE1
(ii) During Phase II: VOCS2 = (VOCE / 1000) + VOCNE2
VOCNE1 = VOCDI1 + VOCHS1 + VOCRL1 + VOCS1 = Total summer VOC emissions in
VOCRF1 VOC Control Region 1 in terms of grams
VOCDI1 = [0.007385 (RVP2)] [0.08981 per mile
RVP] + 0.3158 VOCS2 = Total summer VOC emissions in
VOCHS1 = [0.006654 (RVP2)] [0.08094 VOC Control Region 2 in terms of grams
RVP] + 0.2846 per mile
VOCRL1 = [0.017768 (RVP2)] [0.18746
(ii) Total winter VOC emissions shall
RVP] + 0.6146
VOCRF1 = [0.004767 RVP] + 0.011859 be given by the following equations:
(4) The nonexhaust VOC emissions VOCW = (VOCE/1000)
performance of gasolines in VOC Con- VOCW = Total winter VOC emissions in
trol Region 2 shall be given by the fol- terms of grams per mile
lowing equations, where: (7) Phase I total VOC emissions per-
VOCNE2 = Total nonexhaust emissions of formance. (i) The total summer VOC
volatile organic compounds in VOC Control emissions performance of the target
Region 2 in grams per mile fuel in percentage terms from baseline
VOCDI2 = Diurnal emissions of volatile or- levels shall be given by the following
ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 2 equations during Phase I:
in grams per mile
VOCHS2 = Hot soak emissions of volatile or- VOCS1% = [100% (VOCS11.306 g/mi)]/
ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 2 (1.306 g/mi)
in grams per mile VOCS2% = [100% (VOCS21.215 g/mi)]/
VOCRL2 = Running loss emissions of volatile
organic compounds in VOC Control Region (1.215 g/mi)
2 in grams per mile VOC1% = Percentage change in VOC
VOCRF2 = Refueling emissions of volatile or- emissions from baseline levels in
ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 2 VOC Control Region 1
in grams per mile VOC2% = Percentage change in VOC
(i) During Phase I: emissions from baseline levels in
VOC Control Region 2
VOCRF2 (ii) The total winter VOC emissions
VOCDI2 = [0.006818 (RVP2)] [0.07682 performance of the target fuel in per-
RVP] + 0.2610 centage terms from baseline levels
VOCHS2 = [0.014421 (RVP2)] [0.16248 shall be given by the following equa-
RVP] + 0.5520
tions during Phase I:
VOCRL2 = [0.016255 (RVP2)] [0.1306
RVP] + 0.2963 VOCW% = [100% (VOCW0.660 g/mi)]/
VOCRF2 = [0.006668 RVP] 0.0180 (0.660 g/mi)
(ii) During Phase II: VOCW% = Percentage change in winter
VOC emissions from baseline levels
VOCRF2 (8) Phase II total VOC emissions per-
VOCDI2 = [0.004775 (RVP2)] [0.05872 formance. (i) The total summer VOC
RVP] + 0.21306 emissions performance of the target
VOCHS2 = [0.006078 (RVP2)] [0.07474
fuel in percentage terms from baseline
RVP] + 0.27117
VOCRL2 = [0.016169 (RVP2)] [0.17206 levels shall be given by the following
RVP] + 0.56724 equations during Phase II:
VOCRF2 = [0.004767 RVP] + 0.011859 VOCS1% = [100% (VOCS11.4663 g/
(5) Winter VOC emissions shall be mi)]/(1.4663 g/mi)
given by VOCE, as defined in paragraph VOCS2% = [100% (VOCS21.3991 g/
(c)(2) of this section, using the appro- mi)]/(1.3991 g/mi)


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(ii) The total winter VOC emissions (iii) Flat line extrapolations. (A) Dur-
performance of the target fuel in per- ing Phase I, fuels with olefin levels less
centage terms from baseline levels than 3.77 volume percent shall be eval-
shall be given by the following equa- uated with the OLE fuel parameter set
tion during Phase II: equal to 3.77 volume percent when cal-
culating NOX performance using the
VOCW% = [100% (VOC 1.341 g/mi)] /
equations described in paragraphs
(1.341 g/mi)
(d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section. Fuels
(d) NOX performance. (1) The summer with aromatics levels greater than 36.2
NOX emissions performance of gaso- volume percent shall be evaluated with
lines shall be given by the following the ARO fuel parameter set equal to
equations: 36.2 volume percent when calculating
NOX = NOX(b)+[NOX(b) Y(t)/100] NOX performance using the equations
described in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) and (ii)
YNOX(t) = (w1 Nn)+(w2 Hn)1 100
of this section.
where (B) During Phase II, fuels with olefin
NOX = NOX emissions in milligrams/mile levels less than 3.77 volume percent
YNOx(t) = NOX performance of target fuel in shall be evaluated with the OLE fuel
terms of percentage change from baseline parameter set equal to 3.77 volume per-
NOX(b) = Baseline NOX emissions as defined cent when calculating NOX perform-
in paragraph (b)(2) of this section for the ance using the equations described in
appropriate phase and season
paragraphs (d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this sec-
Nn = exp n1(t)/exp n1(b)
Hn = exp n2(t)/exp n2(b)
tion. Fuels with aromatics levels great-
w1 = Weighting factor for normal emitters as er than 36.8 volume percent shall be
defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section evaluated with the ARO fuel parameter
for the appropriate Phase set equal to 36.8 volume percent when
w2 = Weighting factor for higher emitters as calculating NOX performance using the
defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section equations described in paragraphs
for the appropriate Phase (d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.
n1(t) = Normal emitter NOX equation as de- (iv) Linear extrapolations. (A) The
fined in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section,
equations in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) and
evaluated using the target fuels properties
subject to paragraphs (d)(1)(iii) and (iv) of (ii) of this section shall be used within
this section the allowable range of SUL, OLE, and
n2(t) = Higher emitter NOX equation as de- ARO for the appropriate Phase, as de-
fined in paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section, fined in the following table 7:
evaluated using the target fuels properties
subject to paragraphs (d)(1)(iii) and (iv) of TABLE 7ALLOWABLE RANGES OF SUL, OLE,
n1(b) = Normal emitter NOX equation as de- GRAPHS/(D)(1)(I) AND (II) OF THIS SECTION
fined in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section,
evaluated using the base fuels properties Phase I Phase II
n2(b) = Higher emitter NOX equation as de- Fuel parameter High High
fined in paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section, Low end Low end
end end
evaluated using the base fuels properties
SUL ........................ 10.0 450.0 10.0 450.0
(i) Consolidated equation for normal OLE ....................... 3.77 19.0 3.77 19.0
emitters. ARO ....................... 18.0 36.2 18.0 36.8

n1 = (0.0018571 OXY) + (0.0006921 (B) For fuels with SUL, OLE, and/or
SUL) + (0.0090744 RVP) + (0.0009310 ARO levels outside the ranges defined
E200)+ (0.0008460 E300)+ (0.0083632 in table 7 of paragraph (d)(1)(iv)(A) of
ARO) + (0.002774 OLE) + this section, Ynox(t) shall be defined as:
(6.63X107 SUL2) + (0.000119 (1) For Phase I:
ARO2) + (0.0003665 OLE2)
YNox(t) = 100% 0.82 [exp(n1(et)) /
(ii) Equation for higher emitters. exp(n1(b))1] + 100% 0.18
n2 = (0.00913 OXY) + (0.000252 SUL) [exp(n2(et))/exp(n2(b))1] + {100% 0.82
+ (0.01397 RVP) + (0.000931 E200) [exp(n1(et)) / exp(n1(b))]
+ (0.00401 E300) + (0.007097 ARO) [{[(0.00000133 SULet) + 0.000692]
+ (0.00276 OLE) + (0.0003665 SUL} + {[(0.000238 AROet) +
OLE2) + (7.995x105 ARO2) 0.0083632] ARO} + {[(0.000733 OLEet)


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0.002774] OLE}]} + {100% 0.18 shall be set equal to 8 volume per-

[exp(n2(et)) / exp(n2(b))] [{0.000252 cent.
SUL} + {[(0.0001599 AROet) + (10) If the aromatics level of the tar-
0.007097] ARO} + {[(0.000732 OLEet) get fuel is greater than or equal to 18
0.00276] OLE{]} volume percent, then ARO shall be set
equal to zero.
(2) For Phase II:
(11) If the olefins level of the target
(C) For both Phase I and Phase II, the fuel is greater than 19 volume percent,
edge target fuel is identical to the then OLE shall be set equal to
target fuel for all fuel parameters, with (OLE19 volume percent).
the following exceptions: (12) If the olefins level of the target
(1) If the sulfur level of the target fuel is less than or equal to 19 volume
fuel is less than 10 parts per million, percent, then OLE shall be set equal
then the value of SUL for the edge to zero.
target fuel shall be set equal to 10 (2) The winter NOX emissions per-
parts per million. formance of gasolines shall be given by
(2) If the sulfur level of the target the equations presented in paragraph
fuel is greater than 450 parts per mil- (d)(1) of this section with the RVP
lion, then the value of SUL for the value set to 8.7 psi.
edge target fuel shall be set equal to (3) The NOX emissions performance of
450 parts per million. the target fuel in percentage terms
(3) If the aromatics level of the tar- from baseline levels shall be given by
get fuel is less than 18 volume percent, the following equations:
then the value of ARO for the edge For Phase I:
target fuel shall be set equal to 18 vol-
ume percent. Summer NOX% = [100% (NOX0.660 g/
(4) If the olefins level of the target mi)]/(0.660 g/mi)
fuel is greater than 19 volume percent, Winter NOX% = [100% (NOX0.750 g/
then the value of OLE for the edge mi)]/(0.750 g/mi)
target fuel shall be set equal to 19 vol-
For Phase II:
ume percent.
(5) If the E300 level of the target fuel Summer NOX% = [100% (NOX1.340 g/
is greater than 95 volume percent, then mi)]/(1.340 g/mi)
the E300 value of the target fuel shall Winter NOX% = [100% (NOX1.540 g/
be set equal to 95 volume percent for mi)]/(1.540 g/mi)
the purposes of calculating NOX emis- Summer NOX% = Percentage change in
sions with the equations given in para- NOX emissions from summer baseline
graph (d)(1)(iv)(B) of this section. levels
(6) If the sulfur level of the target Winter NOX% = Percentage change in
fuel is less than 10 parts per million, NOX emissions from winter baseline
then SUL shall be set equal to levels
(SUL10 parts per million).
(e) Toxics performance(1) Summer
(7) If the sulfur level of the target toxics performance. (i) Summer toxic
fuel is greater than 450 parts per mil- emissions performance of gasolines in
lion, then SUL shall be set equal to VOC Control Regions 1 and 2 shall be
(SUL450 parts per million). given by the following equations:
(8) If the sulfur level of the target
fuel is neither less than 10 parts per TOXICS1 = EXHBZ + FORM + ACET +
million nor greater than 450 parts per BUTA + POM + NEBZ1
million, SUL shall be set equal to TOXICS2 = EXHBZ + FORM + ACET +
zero. BUTA + POM + NEBZ2
(9) If the aromatics level of the tar- where
get fuel is less than 18 volume percent
TOXICS1 = Summer toxics performance in
and greater than 10 volume percent, VOC Control Region 1 in terms of milli-
then ARO shall be set equal to grams per mile.
(ARO18 volume percent). If the aro- TOXICS2 = Summer toxics performance in
matics level of the target fuel is less VOC Control Region 2 in terms of milli-
than 10 volume percent, then ARO grams per mile.


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80.45 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
EXHBZ = Exhaust emissions of benzene in FORM = Emissions of formaldehyde in terms
terms of milligrams per mile, as deter- of milligrams per mile, as determined in
mined in paragraph (e)(4) of this section. paragraph (e)(5) of this section.
FORM = Emissions of formaldehyde in terms ACET = Emissions of acetaldehyde in terms
of milligrams per mile, as determined in of milligrams per mile, as determined in
paragraph (e)(5) of this section. paragraph (e)(6) of this section.
ACET = Emissions of acetaldehyde in terms BUTA = Emissions of 1,3-butadiene in terms
of milligrams per mile, as determined in of milligrams per mile, as determined in
paragraph (e)(6) of this section. paragraph (e)(7) of this section.
BUTA = Emissions of 1,3-butadiene in terms POM = Polycyclic organic matter emissions
of milligrams per mile, as determined in in terms of milligrams per mile, as deter-
paragraph (e)(7) of this section. mined in paragraph (e)(8) of this section.
POM = Polycyclic organic matter emissions
in terms of milligrams per mile, as deter- (ii) The percentage change in winter
mined in paragraph (e)(8) of this section. toxics performance in VOC Control Re-
NEBZ1 = Nonexhaust emissions of benzene in gions 1 and 2 shall be given by the fol-
VOC Control Region 1 in milligrams per lowing equation:
mile, as determined in paragraph (e)(9) of For Phase I:
this section.
NEBZ2 = Nonexhaust emissions of benzene in TOXICW% = [100%(TOXICW58.36 mg/
VOC Control Region 2 in milligrams per mi)] / (58.36 mg/mi)
mile, as determined in paragraph (e)(10) of
this section. For Phase II:
(ii) The percentage change in sum- TOXICW% = [100%(TOXICW120.55
mer toxics performance in VOC Control mg/mi)] / (120.55 mg/mi)
Regions 1 and 2 shall be given by the where
following equations: TOXICW% = Percentage change in winter
For Phase I: toxics emissions in VOC Control Regions 1
and 2 from baseline levels.
TOXICS1% = [100% (TOXICS1 48.61
mg/mi)]/(48.61 mg/mi) (3) The year-round toxics perform-
TOXICS2% = [100% (TOXICS2 47.58 ance in VOC Control Regions 1 and 2
mg/mi)] / (47.58 mg/mi) shall be derived from volume-weighted
performances of individual batches of
For Phase II: fuel as described in 80.67(g).
TOXICS1% = [100% (TOXICS1 86.34 (4) Exhaust benzene emissions shall
mg/mi)] / (86.34 mg/mi) be given by the following equation,
TOXICS2% = [100% (TOXICS2 85.61 subject to paragragh (e)(4)(iii) of this
mg/mi)]/(85.61 mg/mi) section:
where EXHBZ = BENZ(b) + (BENZ(b)
TOXICS1% = Percentage change in summer YBEN(t)/100)
toxics emissions in VOC Control Region 1 YBEN(t) = (w1 Nb) + (w2 Hb) 1
from baseline levels. 100
TOXICS2% = Percentage change in summer
toxics emissions in VOC Control Region 2 where
from baseline levels. EXHBZ = Exhaust benzene emissions in mil-
(2) Winter toxics performance. (i) Win- YBEN(t) = Benzene performance of target fuel
ter toxic emissions performance of gas- in terms of percentage change from base-
olines in VOC Control Regions 1 and 2 line.
shall be given by the following equa- BENZ(b) = Baseline benzene emissions as de-
tion, evaluated with the RVP set at 8.7 fined in paragraph (b)(2) of this section for
psi: the appropriate phase and season.
Nb = exp b1(t)/exp b1(b)
TOXICW = [EXHBZ + FORM + ACET + Hb = exp b2(t)/exp b2(b)
BUTA + POM] w1 = Weighting factor for normal emitters as
defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section
where for the appropriate Phase.
TOXICW = Winter toxics performance in w2 = Weighting factor for higher emitters as
VOC Control Regions 1 and 2 in terms of defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section
milligrams per mile. for the appropriate Phase.
EXHBZ = Exhaust emissions of benzene in b1(t) = Normal emitter benzene equation, as
terms of milligrams per mile, as deter- defined in paragraph (e)(4)(i) of this sec-
mined in paragraph (e)(4) of this section. tion, evaluated using the target fuels


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.45
properties subject to paragraph (e)(4)(iii) of w2 = Weighting factor for higher emitters as
this section. defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section
b2(t) = Higher emitter benzene equation as for the appropriate Phase.
defined in paragraph (e)(4)(ii) of this sec- f1(t) = Normal emitter formaldehyde equa-
tion, evaluated using the target fuels tion as defined in paragraph (e)(5)(i) of this
properties subject to paragraph (e)(4)(iii) of section, evaluated using the target fuels
this section. properties subject to paragraphs (e)(5) (iii)
b1(b) = Normal emitter benzene equation as and (iv) of this section.
defined in paragraph (e)(4)(i) of this sec- f2(t) = Higher emitter formaldehyde equation
tion, evaluated for the base fuels prop- as defined in paragraph (e)(5)(ii) of this sec-
erties. tion, evaluated using the target fuels
b2(b) = Higher emitter benzene equation, as properties subject to paragraphs (e)(5) (iii)
defined in paragraph (e)(4)(ii) of this sec- and (iv) of this section.
tion, evaluated for the base fuels prop- f1(b) = Normal emitter formaldehyde equa-
erties. tion as defined in paragraph (e)(5)(i) of this
(i) Consolidated equation for normal section, evaluated for the base fuels prop-
f2(b) = Higher emitter formaldehyde equation
b1 = (0.0006197 SUL) + (0.003376 as defined in paragraph (e)(5)(ii) of this sec-
E200) + (0.0265500 ARO) + (0.2223900 tion, evaluated for the base fuels prop-
BEN) erties.

(ii) Equation for higher emitters. (i) Consolidated equation for normal
b2 = (0.096047 OXY) + (0.0003370
SUL) + (0.0112510 E300) + (0.0118820 f1 = (0.010226 E300) + (0.007166
ARO) + (0.2223180 BEN) ARO) + (0.0462131 MTB)
(iii) If the aromatics value of the tar- (ii) Equation for higher emitters.
get fuel is less than 10 volume percent, f2 = (0.010226 E300) + (0.007166
then an aromatics value of 10 volume ARO) + (0.031352 OLE) + (0.0462131
percent shall be used when evaluating MTB)
the equations given in paragraphs (e)(4)
(i) and (ii) of this section. If the E300 (iii) If the aromatics value of the tar-
value of the target fuel is greater than get fuel is less than 10 volume percent,
95 volume percent, then an E300 value then an aromatics value of 10 volume
of 95 volume percent shall be used when percent shall be used when evaluating
evaluating the equations in paragraphs the equations given in paragraphs (e)(5)
(e)(4)(i) and (ii) of this section. (i) and (ii) of this section. If the E300
(5) Formaldehyde mass emissions value of the target fuel is greater than
shall be given by the following equa- 95 volume percent, then an E300 value
tion, subject to paragraphs (e)(5) (iii) of 95 volume percent shall be used when
and (iv) of this section: evaluating the equations given in para-
graphs (e)(5) (i) and (ii) of this section.
FORM = FORM(b) + (FORM(b)
YFORM(t) / 100) (iv) When calculating formaldehyde
emissions and emissions performance,
YFORM(t) = [(w1 Nf) + (w2 Hf) 1]
oxygen in the form of alcohols which
are more complex or have higher mo-
where lecular weights than ethanol shall be
FORM = Exhaust formaldehyde emissions in evaluated as if it were in the form of
terms of milligrams/mile. ethanol. Oxygen in the form of methyl
YFORM(t) = Formaldehyde performance of tar- ethers other than TAME and MTBE
get fuel in terms of percentage change shall be evaluated as if it were in the
from baseline. form of MTBE. Oxygen in the form of
FORM(b) = Baseline formaldehyde emissions ethyl ethers other than ETBE shall be
as defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this sec-
tion for the appropriate Phase and season.
evaluated as if it were in the form of
Nf = exp f1(t)/exp f1(b) ETBE. Oxygen in the form of non-
Hf = exp f2(t)/exp f2(b) methyl, non-ethyl ethers shall be eval-
w1 = Weighting factor for normal emitters as uated as if it were in the form of ETBE.
defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section Oxygen in the form of methanol or
for the appropriate Phase. non-alcohol, non-ether oxygenates


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80.45 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

shall not be evaluated with the Com- (i) and (ii) of this section. If the E300
plex Model, but instead must be evalu- value of the target fuel is greater than
ated through vehicle testing per 80.48. 95 volume percent, then an E300 value
(6) Acetaldehyde mass emissions of 95 volume percent shall be used when
shall be given by the following equa- evaluating the equations given in para-
tion, subject to paragraphs (e)(6) (iii) graphs (e)(6) (i) and (ii) of this section.
and (iv) of this section: (iv) When calculating acetaldehyde
ACET = ACET(b) + (ACET(b)YACET(t)/ emissions and emissions performance,
100) oxygen in the form of alcohols which
YACET(t) = [(w1Na) + (w2Ha)1]100 are more complex or have higher mo-
lecular weights than ethanol shall be
where evaluated as if it were in the form of
ACET = Exhaust acetaldehyde emissions in ethanol. Oxygen in the form of methyl
terms of milligrams/mile ethers other than TAME and MTBE
YACET(t) = Acetaldehyde performance of tar-
get fuel in terms of percentage change
shall be evaluated as if it were in the
from baseline form of MTBE. Oxygen in the form of
ACET(b) = Baseline acetaldehyde emissions ethyl ethers other than ETBE shall be
as defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this sec- evaluated as if it were in the form of
tion for the appropriate phase and season ETBE. Oxygen in the form of non-
Na = exp a1(t)/exp a1(b) methyl, non-ethyl ethers shall be eval-
Ha = exp a2(t)/exp a2(b) uated as if it were in the form of ETBE.
w1 = Weighting factor for normal emitters as
defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section
Oxygen in the form of methanol or
for the appropriate phase non-alcohol, non-ether oxygenates
w2 = Weighting factor for higher emitters as shall not be evaluated with the Com-
defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section plex Model, but instead must be evalu-
for the appropriate phase ated through vehicle testing per 80.48.
a1(t) = Normal emitter acetaldehyde equa- (7) 1,3-butadiene mass emissions shall
tion as defined in paragraph (e)(6)(i) of this be given by the following equations,
section, evaluated using the target fuels
properties, subject to paragraphs (e)(6) (iii)
subject to paragraph (e)(7)(iii) of this
and (iv) of this section section:
a2(t) = Higher emitter acetaldehyde equation BUTA = BUTA(b) + (BUTA(b)YBUTA(t)/
as defined in paragraph (e)(6)(ii) of this sec-
tion, evaluated using the target fuels
properties, subject to paragraphs (e)(6) (iii) YBUTA(t) = [(w1Nd) + (w2Hd)1]100
and (iv) of this section where
a1(b) = Normal emitter acetaldehyde equa-
tion as defined in paragraph (e)(6)(i) of this BUTA = Exhaust 1,3-butadiene emissions in
section, evaluated for the base fuels prop- terms of milligrams/mile
erties YBUTA(t) = 1,3-butadiene performance of tar-
f2(b) = Higher emitter acetaldehyde equation get fuel in terms of percentage change
as defined in paragraph (e)(6)(ii) of this sec- from baseline
tion, evaluated for the base fuels prop- BUTA(b) = Baseline 1,3-butadiene emissions
erties as defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this sec-
tion for the appropriate phase and season
(i) Consolidated equation for normal Nd = exp d1(t)/exp d1(b)
emitters. Hd = exp d2(t)/exp d2(b)
a1 = (0.0002631SUL)+ (0.0397860RVP) + w1 = eighting factor for normal emitters as
(0.012172E300) + (0.005525ARO) + defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section
for the appropriate phase
(0.009594MTB) + (0.3165800ETB) +
w2 = Weighting factor for higher emitters as
(0.2492500ETH) defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section
(ii) Equation for higher emitters. for the appropriate Phase.
d1(t) = Normal emitter 1,3-butadiene equa-
a2 = (0.0002627SUL)+ (0.012157E300) + tion as defined in paragraph (e)(7)(i) of this
(0.005548ARO) + (0.055980MTB) + section, evaluated using the target fuels
(0.3164665ETB) + (0.2493259ETH) properties, subject to paragraph (e)(7)(iii)
of this section.
(iii) If the aromatics value of the tar-
d2(t) = Higher emitter 1,3-butadiene equation
get fuel is less than 10 volume percent, as defined in paragraph (e)(7)(ii) of this sec-
then an aromatics value of 10 volume tion, evaluated using the target fuels
percent shall be used when evaluating properties, subject to paragraph (e)(7)(iii)
the equations given in paragraphs (e)(6) of this section.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.45
d1(b) = Normal emitter 1,3-butadiene equa- NEBZ1 = Nonexhaust emissions of volatile
tion as defined in paragraph (e)(7)(i) of this organic compounds in VOC Control Region
section, evaluated for the base fuels prop- 1 in milligrams per mile.
erties. DIBZ1 = Diurnal emissions of volatile or-
d2(b) = Higher emitter 1,3-butadiene equation ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 1
as defined in paragraph (e)(7)(ii) of this sec- in milligrams per mile.
tion, evaluated for the base fuels prop- HSBZ1 = Hot soak emissions of volatile or-
erties. ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 1
in milligrams per mile.
(i) Consolidated equation for normal RLBZ1 = Running loss emissions of volatile
emitters. organic compounds in VOC Control Region
1 in milligrams per mile.
d1 = (0.0001552SUL)+ (0.007253E200) + RFBZ1 = Refueling emissions of volatile or-
(0.014866E300) + (0.004005ARO) + ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 1
(0.0282350OLE) in grams per mile.
VOCDI1 = Diurnal emissions of volatile or-
(ii) Equation for higher emitters. ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 1
d2 = (0.060771OXY)+ (0.007311E200) in milligrams per mile, as determined in
+ (0.008058E300) + (0.004005ARO) paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
VOCHS1 = Hot soak emissions of volatile or-
+ (0.0436960OLE) ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 1
(iii) If the aromatics value of the tar- in milligrams per mile, as determined in
get fuel is less than 10 volume percent, paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
VOCRL1 = Running loss emissions of volatile
then an aromatics value of 10 volume organic compounds in VOC Control Region
percent shall be used when evaluating 1 in milligrams per mile, as determined in
the equations given in paragraphs (e)(7) paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
(i) and (ii) of this section. If the E300 VOCRF1 = Refueling emissions of volatile or-
value of the target fuel is greater than ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 1
95 volume percent, then an E300 value in milligrams per mile, as determined in
of 95 volume percent shall be used when paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
evaluating the equations given in para- (10) Nonexhaust benzene emissions in
graphs (e)(7) (i) and (ii) of this section. VOC Control Region 2 shall be given by
(8) Polycyclic organic matter mass the following equations for both Phase
emissions shall be given by the fol- I and Phase II:
lowing equation:
POM=0.003355VOCE RFBZ2
POM = Polycyclic organic matter HSBZ2 = 10 BEN VOCHS2 [(0.0342
emissions in terms of milligrams per MTB) + (0.080274 RVP) + 1.4448]
mile DIBZ2 = 10 BEN VOCD12 [(0.0290
VOCE = Non-methane, non-ethane ex- MTB) + (0.080274 RVP) + 1.3758]
haust emissions of volatile organic RLBZ2 = 10 BEN VOCRL2
compounds in grams per mile. [(0.0342 MTB) + (0.080274 RVP)
+ 1.4448]
(9) Nonexhaust benzene emissions in RFBZ2 = 10 BEN VOCRF2
VOC Control Region 1 shall be given by [(0.0296 MTB) + (0.081507 RVP)
the following equations for both Phase + 1.3972
I and Phase II:
NEBZ1 = DIBZ1 + HSBZ1 + RLBZ1 + NEBZ2 = Nonexhaust emissions of volatile
RFBZ1 organic compounds in VOC Control Region
HSBZ1 = 10 BEN VOCHS1 [(0.0342 2 in milligrams per mile.
MTB) + (0.080274 RVP) + 1.4448] DIBZ2 = Diurnal emissions of volatile or-
DIBZ1 = 10 BEN VOCD11 [(0.0290 ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 2
MTB) + (0.080274 RVP) + 1.3758] in milligrams per mile.
HSBZ2 = Hot soak emissions of volatile or-
RLBZ1 = 10 BEN VOCRL1 ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 2
[(0.0342 MTB) + (0.080274 RVP) in milligrams per mile.
+ 1.4448] RLBZ2 = Running loss emissions of volatile
RFBZ1 = 10 BEN VOCRF1 organic compounds in VOC Control Region
[(0.0296 MTB) + (0.081507 RVP) 2 in milligrams per mile.
+ 1.3972 RFBZ2 = Refueling emissions of volatile or-
ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 2
where in grams per mile.


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80.46 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
VOCDI2 = Diurnal emissions of volatile or- (1) The sulfur content of gasoline
ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 2 must be determined by use of American
in milligrams per mile, as determined in Society for Testing and Materials
paragraph (c)(4) of this section.
VOCHS2 = Hot soak emissions of volatile or-
(ASTM) standard method D 262298, en-
ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 2 titled Standard Test Method for Sul-
in milligrams per mile, as determined in fur in Petroleum Products by Wave-
paragraph (c)(4) of this section. length Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence
VOCRL2 = Running loss emissions of volatile Spectrometry.
organic compounds in VOC Control Region (2) The sulfur content of butane must
2 in milligrams per mile, as determined in be determined by the use of ASTM
paragraph (c)(4) of this section.
VOCRF2 = Refueling emissions of volatile or-
standard method D 324696, entitled
ganic compounds in VOC Control Region 2 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in
in milligrams per mile, as determined in Petroleum Gas by Oxidative
paragraph (c)(4) of this section. Microcoulometry.
(f) Limits of the model. (1) The equa- (b) Olefins. Olefin content shall be de-
tions described in paragraphs (c), (d), termined using ASTM standard method
and (e) of this section shall be valid D131993, entitled Standard Test
only for fuels with fuel properties that Method for Hydrocarbon Types in Liq-
fall in the following ranges for refor- uid Petroleum Products by Fluorescent
mulated gasolines and conventional Indicator Adsorption.
gasolines: (c) Reid vapor pressure (RVP). Reid
(i) For reformulated gasolines: Vapor Pressure (RVP) shall be deter-
mined using the procedure described in
Fuel property Acceptable range 40 CFR part 80, appendix E, Method 3.
Oxygen ............... 0.04.0 weight percent. (d) Distillation. (1) Distillation param-
Sulfur .................. 0.0500.0 parts per million by weight. eters shall be determined using ASTM
RVP .................... 6.410.0 pounds per square inch. standard method D8690, entitled
E200 ................... 30.070.0 percent evaporated. Standard Test Method for Distillation
E300 ................... 70.0100.0 percent evaporated.
Aromatics ............ 0.050.0 volume percent. of Petroleum Products; except that
Olefins ................ 0.025.0 volume percent. (2) The figures for repeatability and
Benzene ............. 0.02.0 volume percent. reproducibility given in degrees Fahr-
enheit in table 9 in the ASTM method
(ii) For conventional gasoline: are incorrect, and shall not be used.
Fuel property Acceptable range (e) Benzene. (1) Benzene content shall
be determined using ASTM standard
Oxygen ............... 0.004.0 weight percent.
method D360699, entitled Standard
Sulfur .................. 0.01000.0 parts per million by weight.
RVP .................... 6.411.0 pounds per square inch. Test Method for Determination of Ben-
E200 ................... 30.070.0 evaporated percent. zene and Toluene in Finished Motor
E300 ................... 70.0100.0 evaporated percent. and Aviation Gasoline by Gas Chroma-
Aromatics ............ 0.055.0 volume percent.
Olefins ................ 0.030.0 volume percent.
tography; except that
Benzene ............. 0.04.9 volume percent. (2) Instrument parameters shall be
adjusted to ensure complete resolution
(2) Fuels with one or more properties of the benzene, ethanol and methanol
that do not fall within the ranges de- peaks because ethanol and methanol
scribed in above shall not be certified may cause interference with ASTM
or evaluated for their emissions per- standard method D360699 when
formance using the complex emissions present.
model described in paragraphs (c), (d), (f) Aromatics. Aromatics content shall
and (e) of this section. be determined by gas chromatography
[59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59 identifying and quantifying each aro-
FR 36959, July 20, 1994; 62 FR 68206, Dec. 31, matic compound as set forth in para-
1997] graph (f)(1) of this section.
(1)(i) Detector. The detector is an
80.46 Measurement of reformulated atomic mass spectrometer detector
gasoline fuel parameters. (MSD). The detector may be set for ei-
(a) Sulfur. Sulfur content of gasoline ther selective ion or scan mode.
and butane must be determined by use (ii) Method A. (A) The initial study of
of the following methods: this method used a three component


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.46

internal standard using the following stracts Service Registry Number

calculations. (CAS), atomic mass unit (amu) on
(B) The calibration points are con- which the detector must be set at the
structed by calculating an amount corresponding retention time if used in
ratio and response ratio for each level the selective ion mode, retention times
of a particular peak in the instru- in minutes, and boiling point in C.
ments calibration table. (Other, similar, boiling point materials
(C) The amount ratio is the amount can be used which are not found in gas-
of the compound divided by the amount oline.) Retention times are approxi-
of the internal standard for a given mate and apply only to a 60 meter cap-
level. illary column used in the initial study.
(D) The response ratio is the response Other columns and retention times can
of the compound divided by the re- be used.
sponse of the internal standard at this (1) 4-methyl-2-pentanone, 50 vol%
level. [108101], 43.0 amu, 22.8 min., bp 118;
(E) The equation for the curve (2) benzyl alcohol, 25 vol%, [100516],
through the calibration points is cal- 108 amu, 61.7 min., bp 205;
culated using the type fit and origin (3) 1-octanol, [111875], 25 vol%, 56.0
handling specified in the instruments amu, 76.6 min., bp 196;
calibration table. In the initial study (K) At least two calibration mixtures
the fit was a second degree polynomial which bracket the measured total aro-
including a forced zero for the origin. matics concentration must be made
(F) The response of the compound in with a representative mixture of aro-
a sample is divided by the response of matic compounds. The materials and
the internal standard to provide a re- concentrations used in the highest con-
sponse ratio for that compound in the centration calibration level in the ini-
sample. tial study for this method are listed in
(G) A corrected amount ratio for the this paragraph (f)(1)(ii)(K). Also listed
unknown is calculated using the curve is the Chemical Abstracts Service Reg-
fit equation determined in paragragh istry Number (CAS), atomic mass unit
(f)(1)(ii)(E) of this section. (amu) on which the detector must be
(H) The amount of the aromatic com- set for the corresponding retention
pound is equal to the corrected amount time if used in the selective ion mode,
ratio times the Amount of Internal retention times in minutes, and in
Standard. some cases boiling point in C. The
(I) The total aromatics in the sample standards are made in 2,2,4-
is the sum of the amounts of the indi- trimethylpentane (iso-octane), [54084
vidual aromatic compounds in the sam- 1]. Other aromatic compounds, and re-
ple. tention times may be acceptable as
(J) An internal standard solution can long as the aromatic values produced
be made with the following compounds meet the criteria found in the quality
at the listed concentrations in volume assurance section for the aromatic
percent. Also listed is the Chemical Ab- methods.
Concentration (per- Boiling
Compound CAS No. AMU Retention time
cent) point, C

Benzene ................................................. 2.25 vol ................... 71432 78 18.9 min .................. 80.1
Methylbenzene ....................................... 10.0 vol ................... 108883 91 25.5 min .................. 111
Ethylbenzene ......................................... 5.0 vol ..................... 100414 91 34.1 min .................. 136.2
1,3-Dimethylbenzene ............................. 5 vol ........................ 108383 91 35.1 min .................. 136138
1,4-Dimethylbenzene ............................. 106423
1,2-dimethylbenzene .............................. 10 vol ...................... 95476 91 38.1 min .................. 144
(1-methylethyl)-benzene ........................ 2.25 vol ................... 98828 105 42.8 min .................. ....................
Propylbenzene ....................................... 2.25 vol ................... 103651 91 48.0 min .................. 159.2
1-ethyl-2-methylbenzene ........................ 2.25 vol ................... 611143 105 49.3 min .................. 165
1,2,4-trimethylbenzene ........................... 2.25 vol ................... 95636 105 50.9 min .................. 169
1,2,3-trimethylbenzene ........................... 2.25 vol ................... 526738 105 53.3 min .................. ....................
1,3-diethylbenzene ................................. 2.25 vol ................... 141935 119 56.6 min .................. 181
Butylbenzene ......................................... 2.25 vol ................... 104518 91 60.7 min .................. 183
o-Cymene ............................................... 2.25 vol ................... 527844 119 63.9 min .................. ....................
1-ethyl-3-methylbenzene ........................ 2.25 vol ................... 620144 105 64.2 min .................. ....................
m-Cymene .............................................. 2.25 vol ................... 535773 119 69.0 min .................. ....................
p-Cymene ............................................... 2.25 vol ................... 99876 119 73.0 min .................. ....................


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Concentration (per- Boiling

Compound CAS No. AMU Retention time
cent) point, C

Isobutylbenzene ..................................... 2.25 vol ................... 538932 91 75.0 min .................. ....................
Indan ...................................................... 2.25 vol ................... 496117 117 50.0 min .................. ....................
1-methyl-3-propylbenzene ..................... 2.25 vol ................... 1074437 105 78.9 min .................. ....................
2-ethyl-1,4-dimethylbenzene .................. 2.25 vol ................... 1758889 119 83.2 min .................. 187
1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene ................... 2.25 vol ................... 95932 119 83.4 min .................. ....................
1-ethyl-2,4-dimethylbenzene .................. 2.25 vol ................... 874419 119 85.7 min .................. ....................
(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-methylbenzene ..... 2.25 vol ................... 27138212 133 87.3 min .................. ....................
1-ethyl-2,3-dimethylbenzene .................. 2.25 vol ................... 933982 119 88.7 min .................. ....................
1-ethyl-1,4-dimethylbenzene .................. 2.25 vol ................... 874419 119 94.9 min .................. ....................
2-ethyl-1,3-dimethylbenzene .................. 2.25 vol ................... 2870044 119 100.9 min ................ ....................
1-ethyl-3,5-dimethylbenzene .................. 2.25 vol ................... 934747 119 102.5 min ................ ....................
1,2,3,5-tetramethylbenzene ................... 2.25 vol ................... 527537 119 115.9 min ................ ....................
Pentylbenzene ....................................... 2.25 vol ................... 538681 91 116 min ................... ....................
Naphthalene ........................................... 2.25 vol ................... 191203 128 118.4 min ................ 198
3,5-dimethyl-t-butylbenzene ................... 2.25 vol ................... 98191 147 118.5 min ................ 205.3
1-methylnaphthalene .............................. 2.25 vol ................... 90120 142 129.0 min ................ ....................
2-methylnaphthalene .............................. 2.25 vol ................... 91576 142 131.0 min ................ ....................

(iii) Method B. (A) Use a percent nor- ple and meets the following quality
malized format to determine the con- control criteria.
centration of the individual com- (2) Quality assurance. (i) The per-
pounds. No internal standard is used in formance standards will be from re-
this method. peated measurement of the calibration
(B) The calculation of the aromatic mixture, standard reference material,
compounds is done by developing cali- or process control gasoline. The uncer-
bration curves for each compound tainty in the measured aromatics per-
using the type fit and origin handling centages in the standards must be less
specified in the instruments calibra- than 2.0 volume percent in the fuel at
tion table. a 95% confidence level.
(C) The amount of compound in a (ii) If the bias of the standard mean
sample (the corrected amount) is cal- is greater than 2% of the theoretical
culated using the equation determined value, then the standard measurement
in paragraph (f)(1)(ii) of this section for and measurements of all samples meas-
that compound. ured subsequent to the previous stand-
ard measurement that met the per-
(D) The percent normalized amount
formance criteria must be repeated
of a compound is calculated using the
after re-calibrating the instrument.
following equation:
(iii) Replicate samples must be with-
in 3.0 volume percent of the previous
A n = 100 c sample or within 2.0 volume percent of
As the mean at the 95% confidence level.
(3) Alternative test method. (i) Prior to
where: September 1, 2004, any refiner or im-
porter may determine aromatics con-
An = percent normalized amount of a com-
tent using ASTM standard methods D
Ac = corrected amount of the compound
131999, entitled, Standard Test Meth-
As = sum of all the corrected amounts for all od for Hydrocarbon Types in Liquid Pe-
identified compounds in the sample troleum Products by Flourescent Indi-
cator Adsorption, for purposes of
(E) The total aromatics is the sum of meeting any testing requirement in-
all the percent normalized aromatic volving aromatics content; provided
amounts in the sample. that
(F) This method allows quantifica- (ii) The refiner or importer test re-
tion of non-aromatic compounds in the sult is correlated with the method
sample. However, correct quantifica- specified in paragraph (f)(1) of this sec-
tion can only be achieved if the instru- tion.
ments calibration table can identify (g) Oxygen and oxygenate content anal-
the compounds that are responsible for ysis. Oxygen and oxygenate content
at least 95 volume percent of the sam- shall be determined by the gas


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chromatographic procedure using an the methane generated is determined

oxygenate flame ionization detector by a flame ionization detector (FID).
(GC-OFID) as set out in paragraphs (g) (3) Sample handling and preservation.
(1) through (8) of this section. (i) Samples shall be collected and
(1) Introduction; scope of application. stored in containers which will protect
(i) The following single-column, direct- them from changes in the oxygenated
injection gas chromatographic proce- component contents of the gasoline,
dure is a technique for quantifying the such as loss of volatile fractions of the
oxygenate content of gasoline. gasoline by evaporation.
(ii) This method covers the quan- (ii) If samples have been refrigerated
titative determination of the oxygen- they shall be brought to room tempera-
ate content of gasoline through the use ture prior to analysis.
of an oxygenate flame ionization detec- (iii) Gasoline is extremely flammable
tor (OFID). It is applicable to indi- and should be handled cautiously and
vidual organic oxygenated compounds with adequate ventilation. The vapors
(up to 20 mass percent each) in gasoline are harmful if inhaled and prolonged
having a final boiling point not greater breathing of vapors should be avoided.
than 220 C. Samples above this level Skin contact should be minimized.
should be diluted to fall within the (4) Apparatus. (i) A GC equipped with
specified range. an oxygenate flame ionization detec-
(iii) The total concentration of oxy- tor.
gen in the gasoline, due to oxygenated (ii) An autosampler for the GC is
components, may also be determined highly recommended.
with this method by summation of all (iii) A 60-m length, 0.25-mm ID, 1.0-
peak areas except for dissolved oxygen, m film thickness, nonpolar capillary
water, and the internal standard. Sen- GC column (J&W DB1 or equivalent) is
sitivities to each component oxygenate recommended.
must be incorporated in the calcula- (iv) An integrator or other acceptable
tion. system to collect and process the GC
(iv) All oxygenated gasoline compo- signal.
nents (alcohols, ethers, etc.) may be as- (v) A positive displacement pipet (200
sessed by this method. L) for adding the internal standard.
(v) The total mass percent of oxygen (5) Reagents and materials. Gasoline
in the gasoline due to oxygenated com- and many of the oxygenate additives
ponents also may be determined with are extremely flammable and may be
this method by summing all peak areas toxic over prolonged exposure. Meth-
except for dissolved oxygen, water, and anol is particularly hazardous. Persons
the internal standard. performing this procedure must be fa-
(vi) Where trade names or specific miliar with the chemicals involved and
products are noted in the method, all precautions applicable to each.
equivalent apparatus and chemical re- (i) Reagent grade oxygenates for in-
agents may be used. Mention of trade ternal standards and for preparation of
names or specific products is for the as- standard solutions.
sistance of the user and does not con- (ii) Supply of oxygenate-free gasoline
stitute endorsement by the U.S. Envi- for blank assessments and for prepara-
ronmental Protection Agency. tion of standard solutions.
(2) Summary of method. A sample of (iii) Calibration standard solutions
gasoline is spiked to introduce an in- containing known quantities of sus-
ternal standard, mixed, and injected pected oxygenates in gasoline.
into a gas chromatograph (GC) (iv) Calibration check standard solu-
equipped with an OFID. After tions prepared in the same manner as
chromatographic resolution the sample the calibration standards.
components enter a cracker reactor in (v) Reference standard solutions con-
which they are stoichiometrically con- taining known quantities of suspected
verted to carbon monoxide (in the case oxygenates in gasoline.
of oxygenates), elemental carbon, and (vi) Glass standard and test sample
hydrogen. The carbon monoxide then containers (between 5 and 100 Ml capac-
enters a methanizer reactor for conver- ity) fitted with a self-sealing
sion to water and methane. Finally, polytetrafluoroethlene (PTFE) faced


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rubber septum crimp-on or screw-down (iv) Ensure that the prepared stand-
sealing cap for preparation of stand- ard is thoroughly mixed and transfer
ards and samples. approximately 2 Ml of the solution to a
(6) Calibration.(i)(A) Calibration vial compatible with the autosampler
standards of reagent-grade or better if such equipment is used.
oxygenates (such as methanol, absolute (v) At least five concentrations of
ethanol, methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE), each of the expected oxygenates should
di-i-propyl ether (DIPE), ethyl t-butyl be prepared. The standards should be as
ether (ETBE), and t-amyl methyl ether equally spaced as possible within the
(TAME)) are to be prepared gravimetri- range and may contain more than one
cally by blending with gasoline that oxygenate. A blank for zero concentra-
has been previously determined by GC/ tion assessments is also to be included.
OFID to be free of oxygenates. Newly Additional standards should be pre-
acquired stocks of reagent grade pared for other oxygenates of concern.
oxygenates shall be analyzed for con- (vi) Based on the recommended
tamination by GC/FID and GC/OFID be- chromatographic operating conditions
fore use. specified in paragraph (g)(7)(i) of this
(B) Required calibration standards section, determine the retention time
(percent by volume in gasoline): of each oxygenate component by ana-
lyzing dilute aliquots either separately
Number or in known mixtures. Reference
of stand- should be made to the Chemical Ab-
Oxygenate ards
(percent) stracts Service (CAS) registry number
imum) of each of the analytes for proper iden-
Methanol .................................... 0.2512.00 5 tification. Approximate retention
Ethanol ...................................... 0.2512.00 5 times for selected oxygenates under
t-Butanol .................................... 0.2512.00 5 these conditions are as follows:
MTBE ......................................... 0.2515.00 5
(ii) Take a glass sample container Oxygenate CAS time
and its PTFE faced rubber septum seal- utes)
ing cap. Transfer a quantity of an oxy-
genate to the sample container and Dissolved oxygen .......................... 7782447 5.50
Water ............................................. 7732185 7.20
record the mass of the oxygenate to Methanol ........................................ 67561 9.10
the nearest 0.1 mg. Repeat this process Ethanol .......................................... 64175 12.60
for any additional oxygenates of inter- Propanone ..................................... 67641 15.00
2Propanol .................................... 67630 15.70
est except the internal standard. Add t-Butanol ........................................ 75650 18.00
oxygenate-free gasoline to dilute the n-Propanol ..................................... 71238 21.10
oxygenates to the desired concentra- MTBE ............................................. 1634044 23.80
tion. Record the mass of gasoline added 2Butanol ...................................... 15892236 26.30
i-Butanol ......................................... 78831 30.30
to the nearest 0.1 mg, and determine ETBE ............................................. 637923 31.10
and label the standard according to the n-Butanol ....................................... 71363 33.50
mass percent quantities of each oxy- TAME ............................................. 994058 35.30
i-Pentanol ...................................... 137326 38.10
genate added. These standards are not
to exceed 20 mass percent for any indi- (vii) By GC/OFID analysis, determine
vidual pure component due to potential the peak area of each oxygenate and of
hydrocarbon breakthrough and/or loss the internal standard.
of calibration linearity. (viii) Obtain a calibration curve by
(iii) Inject a quantity of an internal performing a least-squares fit of the
standard (such as 2-butanol) and weigh relative area response factors of the ox-
the contents again. Record the dif- ygenate standards to their relative
ference in masses as the mass of inter- mass response factors as follows:
nal standard to the nearest 0.1 mg. The
mass of the internal standard shall Rao = bo Rmo+b1(Rmo)2
amount to between 2 and 6 percent of where:
the mass of the test sample (standard). Rao = relative area response factor of the ox-
The addition of an internal standard ygenate, Ao/Ai
reduces errors caused by variations in Rmo = relative mass response factor of the ox-
injection volumes. ygenate, M/Mi


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.46
Ao = area of the oxygenate peak (C) Ensure that this test sample (gas-
Ai = area of the internal standard peak oline plus internal standard) is thor-
Mo = mass of the oxygenate added to the
oughly mixed and transfer approxi-
calibration standard
Mi = mass of internal standard added to the mately 2 mL of the solution to a vial
calibration standard compatible with the autosampler if
b0 = linear regression coefficient such equipment is used.
b1 = quadratic regression coefficient (iv) After GC/OFID analysis, identify
(7) Procedure. (i) GC operating condi- the oxygenates in the sample based on
tions: retention times, determine the peak
(A) Oxygenate-free helium carrier area of each oxygenate and of the in-
gas: 1.1 Ml/min (2 bar), 22.7 cm/sec at ternal standard, and calculate the rel-
115 C; ative area response factor for each oxy-
(B) Carrier gas split ratio: 1:100; genate.
(C) Zero air FID fuel: 370 Ml/min (2 (v) Monitor the peak area of the in-
bar); ternal standard. A larger than expected
(D) Oxygenate free hydrogen FID peak area for the internal standard
fuel: 15 Ml/min (2 bar); when analyzing a test sample may indi-
(E) Injector temperature: 250 C; cate that this oxygenate is present in
(F) Injection volume: 0.5 L; the original sample. Prepare a new ali-
(G) Cracker reactor temperature: suf- quot of the sample without addition of
ficiently high enough temperature to the oxygenate internal standard. If the
ensure reduction of all hydrocarbons to presence of the oxygenate previously
the elemental states (i.e., Cx H2x > C used as the internal standard can be
+ H2, etc.); detected, then either:
(H) FID temperature: 400 C; and (A) The concentration of this oxygen-
(I) Oven temperature program: 40 C ate must be assessed by the method of
for 6 min, followed by a temperature standard additions; or
increase of 5 C/min to 50 C, hold at 50
(B) An alternative internal standard,
C for 5 min, followed by a temperature
based on an oxygenate that is not
increase of 25 C/min to 175 C, and hold
present in the original sample, must be
at 175 C for 2 min.
utilized with new calibration curves.
(ii) Prior to analysis of any samples,
inject a sample of oxygenate-free gaso- (vi) Calculate the relative mass re-
line into the GC to test for hydro- sponse factor (Rmo) for each oxygenate
carbon breakthrough overloading the based on the relative area response fac-
cracker reactor. If breakthrough oc- tor (Rao) and the calibration equation
curs, the OFID is not operating effec- in paragraph (g)(6)(viii) of this section.
tively and must be corrected before (vii) Calculate the mass percent of
samples can be analyzed. the oxygenate in the test sample ac-
(iii) Prepare gasoline test samples for cording to the following equation:
analysis as follows:
R mo M i (100%)
(A) Tare a glass sample container and Mo % =
its PTFE faced rubber septum sealing
cap. Transfer a quantity of the gasoline
sample to the sample container and where:
record the mass of the transferred sam-
Mo% = mass percent of the oxygenate in the
ple to the nearest 0.1 mg.
test sample
(B) Inject a quantity of the same in-
Ms = mass of sample to which internal stand-
ternal standard (such as 2-butanol) ard is added
used in generating the standards and
weigh the contents again. Record the (viii) If the mass percent exceeds the
difference in masses as the mass of in- calibrated range, gravimetrically di-
ternal standard to the nearest 0.1 mg. lute a portion of the original sample to
The mass of the internal standard shall a concentration within the calibration
amount to between 2 and 6 percent of range and analyze this sample starting
the mass of the test sample (standard). with paragraph (g)(7)(iii) of this sec-
The addition of an internal standard tion.
reduces errors caused by variations in (ix) Report the total weight percent
injection volumes. oxygen as follows:


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(A) Subtract the peak areas due to ing the last duplicate analysis con-
dissolved oxygen, water, and the inter- firmed to be within the compliance
nal standard from the total summed specifications must be repeated. The
peak areas of the chromatogram. specification limits for the range and
(B) Assume the total summed peak relative range of duplicate analyses are
area solely due to one of the minimum performance requirements.
oxygenates that the instrument is cali- The performance of individual labora-
brated for and determine the total tories may indeed be better than these
mass percent as that oxygenate based minimum requirements. For this rea-
on paragraph (g)(7)(vii) of this section. son it is recommended that control
For simplicity, chose an oxygenate charts be utilized to monitor the varia-
having one oxygen atom per molecule. bility of measurements in order to op-
(C) Multiply this concentration by timally detect abnormal situations and
the molar mass of oxygen and divide by ensure a stable measurement process.
the molar mass of the chosen oxygen- (E)(1) For reference purposes, a single
ate to determine the mass percent oxy- laboratory study of repeatability was
gen in the sample. For example, if the conducted on approximately 27 rep-
total peak area is based on MTBE, mul- licates at each of five concentrations
tiply by 16.00 (the molar mass of atom- for each oxygenate. The variation of
ic oxygen) and divide by 88.15 (the MTBE analyses as measured by stand-
molar mass of MTBE). ard deviation was very linear with re-
(x) Sufficient sample should be re- spect to concentration. Where con-
tained to permit reanalysis. centration is expressed as mass per-
(8) Quality control procedures and ac- cent, over the concentration range of
curacy. (i) The laboratory shall rou- 0.25 to 15.0 mass percent this relation-
tinely monitor the repeatability (preci- ship is described by the equation:
sion) of its analyses. The recommenda-
tions are: standard deviation = 0.00784C+0.0187
(A) The preparation and analysis of (2) The other oxygenates of interest,
laboratory duplicates at a rate of one methanol, ethanol, DIPE, ETBE, and
per analysis batch or at least one per TAME, had consistent coefficients of
ten samples, whichever is more fre- variation at one mass percent and
quent. above:
(B) Laboratory duplicates shall be
carried through all sample preparation cient of
steps independently. Oxygenate Concentration vari-
mass percent ation
(C) The range (R) for duplicate sam- percent
ples should be less than the following of point
limits: Methanol ........................................ 1.0712.73 1.43
Ethanol .......................................... 1.0112.70 1.43
Concentra- Upper limit for range DIPE .............................................. 0.9817.70 1.29
Oxygenate tion mass mass percent ETBE ............................................. 1.0018.04 2.00
TAME ............................................. 1.0418.59 1.62
Methanol .................... 0.271.07 0.010+0.043C
Methanol .................... 1.0712.73 0.053C (3) The relationship of standard devi-
Ethanol ....................... 1.0112.70 0.053C
MTBE ......................... 0.2515.00 0.069+0.029C ation and concentration for methanol
DIPE .......................... 0.9817.70 0.048C between 0.27 and 1.07 mass percent was
ETBE ......................... 1.0018.04 0.074C very linear and is described by the
TAME ......................... 1.0418.59 0.060C
where: standard deviation = 0.0118C+0.0027
C = (Co+Cd)/2 (4) Based on these relationships, re-
Co = concentration of the original sample peatability for the selected oxygenates
Cd = concentration of the duplicate sample at 2.0 and 2.7 mass percent oxygen were
R = Range, | Co-Cd|
determined to be as follows, where re-
(D) If the limits in paragraph peatability is defined as the half width
(g)(8)(i)(C) of this section are exceeded, of the 95 percent confidence interval
the sources of error in the analysis (i.e., 1.96 standard deviations) for a sin-
should be determined, corrected, and gle analysis at the stated concentra-
all analyses subsequent to and includ- tion:


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Concentration Re-
(D) Independent reference standards
Mass Volume peat- should be purchased or prepared from
Oxygenate Mass ability
percent percent percent mass materials that are independent of the
oxy- oxy-
oxygen genate genate percent calibration standards and calibration
check standards, and must not be pre-
Methanol .................. 2.0 4.00 3.75 0.11 pared by the same analyst. For the
Ethanol .................... 2.0 5.75 5.41 0.16
MTBE ....................... 2.00 11.00 11.00 0.21 specification limits listed in paragraph
DIPE ........................ 2.0 12.77 13.00 0.32 (g)(8)(ii)(F) of this section, the con-
ETBE ....................... 2.0 12.77 12.74 0.50 centration of the reference standards
TAME ....................... 2.0 12.77 12.33 0.41
Methanol .................. 2.7 5.40 5.07 0.15 should be in the range given in para-
Ethanol .................... 2.7 7.76 7.31 0.21 graph (g)(8)(i)(C) of this section.
MTBE ....................... 2.7 14.88 14.88 0.26
DIPE ........................ 2.7 17.24 17.53 0.43
(E) Independent reference standards
ETBE ....................... 2.7 17.24 17.20 0.67 shall be analyzed at a rate of at least
TAME ....................... 2.7 17.24 16.68 0.55 one per analysis batch and at least one
per 100 samples, whichever is more fre-
(ii) The laboratory shall routinely quent.
monitor the accuracy of its analyses. (F) If the measured concentration of
The recommendations are: an independent reference standard is
(A) Calibration check standards and outside the range of 100.0% 10.0% of
calibration standards may be prepared the theoretical concentration for a se-
from the same oxygenate stocks and by lected oxygenate of 1.0 mass percent or
the same analyst. However, calibration above, the sources of error in the anal-
check standards and calibration stand-
ysis should be determined, corrected,
ards must be prepared from separate
and all analyses subsequent to and in-
batches of the final diluted standards.
cluding the last independent reference
For the specification limits listed in
standard analysis confirmed to be
paragraph (g)(8)(ii)(C) of this section,
within the compliance specifications in
the concentration of the check stand-
that batch must be repeated. The speci-
ards should be in the range given in
fication limits for the accuracy of inde-
paragraph (g)(8)(i)(C) of this section.
pendent reference standards analyses
(B) Calibration check standards shall
be analyzed at a rate of at least one per are minimum performance require-
analysis batch and at least one per 10 ments. The performance of individual
samples, whichever is more frequent. laboratories may be better than these
(C) If the measured concentration of minimum requirements. For this rea-
a calibration check standard is outside son it is recommended that control
the range of 100.0% 6.0% of the theo- charts be utilized to monitor the varia-
retical concentration for a selected ox- bility of measurements in order to op-
ygenate of 1.0 mass percent or above, timally detect abnormal situations and
the sources of error in the analysis ensure a stable measurement process.
should be determined, corrected, and (G) The preparation and analysis of
all analyses subsequent to and includ- spiked samples at a rate of one per
ing the last standard analysis con- analysis batch and at least one per ten
firmed to be within the compliance samples.
specifications must be repeated. The (H) Spiked samples shall be prepared
specification limits for the accuracy of by adding a volume of a standard to a
calibration check standards analyses known volume of sample. To ensure
are minimum performance require- adequate method detection limits, the
ments. The performance of individual volume of the standard added to the
laboratories may indeed be better than sample shall be limited to 5% or less
these minimum requirements. For this than the volume of the sample. The
reason it is recommended that control spiked sample shall be carried through
charts be utilized to monitor the varia- the same sample preparation steps as
bility of measurements in order to op- the background sample.
timally detect abnormal situations and (I) The percent recovery of the spiked
ensure a stable measurement process. sample shall be calculated as follows:


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100% ( C m ( Vo + V1 ) C o Vo )
% Re cov ery =
Cs V1

where: firmed to be within the compliance

Vo = Volume of sample (Ml) specifications must be repeated. The
Vl = Volume of spiking standard added (Ml) specification limits for the range and
Cm = Measured concentration of spiked sam- relative range of duplicate analyses are
minimum performance requirements.
Co = Measured background concentration of
sample The performance of individual labora-
Cs = Known concentration of spiking stand- tories may indeed be better than these
ard minimum requirements. For this rea-
son it is recommended that control
(J) If the percent recovery of any in-
charts be utilized to monitor the varia-
dividual spiked sample is outside the
bility of measurements in order to op-
range 100% 10% from the theoretical
timally detect abnormal situations and
concentration, then the sources of
ensure a stable measurement process.
error in the analysis must be deter-
For reference purposes, a single labora-
mined and corrected, and all analyses
subsequent to and including the last tory study of precision (approximately
analysis confirmed to be within the 35 replicates) yielded the following es-
compliance specifications must be re- timates of method precision:
peated. The maintenance of control Con- Repeat-
charts is one acceptable method or en- centration ability
Oxygenate (Percent)
(weight (volume
suring compliance with this specifica- percent) percent)
Methanol ........................ 2.0 3.7 0.11
(K) (1) Either the range (absolute dif- Ethanol .......................... 2.0 5.4 0.24
ference) or relative range (but not nec- t-Butanol ........................ 2.0 8.8 0.39
essarily both) for duplicate samples MTBE ............................. 2.0 11.0 0.37
shall be less than the following limits:
(4) Repeatability is defined as the
Rel- half width of the 95 percent confidence
Concentra- range interval for a single analysis at the
Oxygenate tion (volume Range (vol- stated concentration.
percent) ume
per- (iii) The laboratory shall routinely
cent) monitor the accuracy of its analyses.
Methanol ............................ 1.012.0 ............ 7.2 At a minimum this shall include:
Ethanol .............................. 3.012.0 ............ 7.1 (A) Calibration check standards and
t-Butanol ............................ 3.012.0 ............ 9.4 calibration standards may be prepared
MTBE ................................. 3.015.0 0.55 9.2
from the same oxygenate stocks and by
(2) Relative range is calculated as the same analyst. However, calibration
follows: check standards and calibration stand-
ards must be prepared from separate
200( R ) batches of the final diluted standards.
Rr = For the specification limits listed in
Co + Cd paragraph (g)(8)(iii)(C) of this section,
the concentration of the check stand-
where: ards should be in the range given in
Rr = relative range paragraph (g)(8)(iii)(C) of this section.
R = range (B) Calibration check standards shall
Co = concentration of the original sample be analyzed at a rate of one per anal-
Cd = concentration of the duplicate sample
ysis batch or at least one per ten sam-
(3) If the limits in paragraph ples, whichever is more frequent.
(g)(8)(ii)(K)(1) of this section are ex- (C) If the measured concentration of
ceeded, the sources of error in the anal- a calibration check standard is outside
ysis should be determined, corrected, the range of 100%10% percent of the
and all analyses subsequent to and in- theoretical concentration for methanol
cluding the last duplicate analysis con- and ethanol, or 100%13% for t-butanol


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.46

and MTBE, the sources of error in the and ethanol, or 100%13% for t-butanol
analysis should be determined, cor- and MTBE, the sources of error in the
rected, and all analyses subsequent to analysis should be determined, cor-
and including the last standard anal- rected, and all analyses subsequent to
ysis confirmed to be within the compli- and including the last independent ref-
ance specifications must be repeated. erence standard analysis confirmed to
The specification limits for the accu- be within the compliance specifications
racy of calibration check standards in that batch must be repeated. The
analyses are minimum performance re- specification limits for the accuracy of
quirements. The performance of indi- independent reference standards anal-
vidual laboratories may indeed be bet- yses are minimum performance re-
ter than these minimum requirements. quirements. The performance of indi-
For this reason it is recommended that vidual laboratories may indeed be bet-
control charts be utilized to monitor ter than these minimum requirements.
the variability of measurements in For this reason it is recommended that
order to optimally detect abnormal sit- control charts be utilized to monitor
uations and ensure a stable measure- the variability of measurements in
ment process. order to optimally detect abnormal sit-
(D) Independent reference standards uations and ensure a stable measure-
shall be purchased or prepared from ment process.
materials that are independent of the
(G) If matrix effects are suspected,
calibration standards and calibration
check standards, and must not be pre- then spiked samples shall be prepared
pared by the same analyst. For the and analyzed as follows:
specification limits listed in paragraph (1) Spiked samples shall be prepared
(g)(8)(iii)(F) of this section, the con- by adding a volume of a standard to a
centration of the reference standards known volume of sample. To ensure
should be in the range given in para- adequate method detection limits, the
graph (g)(8)(iii)(C) of this section. volume of the standard added to the
(E) Independent reference standards sample should be minimized to 5% or
shall be analyzed at a rate of one per less of the volume of the sample. The
analysis batch or at least one per 100 spiked sample should be carried
samples, whichever is more frequent. through the same sample preparation
(F) If the measured concentration of steps as the background sample.
an independent reference standard is (2) The percent recovery of spiked
outside the range of 100%10% of the samples should be calculated as fol-
theoretical concentration for methanol lows:

100 ( C c ( Vo + Vs ) C o Vo )
%Recovery =
Cs Vs

where: sequent to and including the last anal-

Cc = concentration of spiked sample ysis confirmed to be within the compli-
Co = concentration of sample without spiking ance specifications must be repeated.
Cs = known concentration of spiking stand-
The specification limits for the accu-
Vo = volume of sample racy of the percent recovery of spiked
Vs = volume of spiking standard added to the sample analyses are minimum perform-
sample ance requirements. The performance of
(3) If the percent recovery of a spiked individual laboratories may indeed be
sample is outside the range of 100% better than these minimum require-
13% of the theoretical concentration ments. For this reason it is rec-
for methanol and ethanol, or 100% 16% ommended that control charts be uti-
for t-butanol and MTBE, the sources of lized to monitor the variability of
error in the analysis should be deter- measurements in order to optimally
mined, corrected, and all analyses sub-


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80.47 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

detect abnormal situations and ensure North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 700,
a stable measurement process. Washington, DC.
(9)(i) Prior to September 1, 2004, and
[59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
when the oxygenates present are lim- FR 36961, July 20, 1994; 61 FR 58306, Nov. 13,
ited to MTBE, ETBE, TAME, DIPE, 1996; 63 FR 63793, Nov. 17, 1998; 65 FR 6822,
tertiary-amyl alcohol, and C1 to C4 al- Feb. 10, 2000; 65 FR 53189, Sept. 1, 2000; 66 FR
cohols, any refiner, importer, or oxy- 17263, Mar. 29, 2001]
genate blender may determine oxygen
and oxygenate content using ASTM 80.47 [Reserved]
standard method D 481599, entitled
Standard Test Method for Determina- 80.48 Augmentation of the complex
tion of MTBE, ETBE, TAME, DIPE, emission model by vehicle testing.
tertiary-Amyl Alcohol and C1 to C4 Al- (a) The provisions of this section
cohol in Gasoline by Gas Chroma- apply only if a fuel claims emission re-
tography, for purposes of meeting any duction benefits from fuel parameters
testing requirement; provided that that are not included in the complex
(ii) The refiner or importer test re- emission model or complex emission
sult is correlated with the method set model database, or if the values of fuel
forth in paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(8) parameters included in the complex
of this section. emission model set forth in 80.45 fall
(h) Incorporations by reference. ASTM outside the range of values for which
standard methods D 262298 Standard the complex emission model is deemed
Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum valid.
Products by Wavelength Dispersive X- (b) To augment the complex emission
ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, D model described at 80.45, the following
324696 Standard Test Method for Sul- requirements apply:
fur in Petroleum Gas by Oxidative (1) The petitioner must obtain prior
Microcoulometry, D 360699 Stand- approval from the Administrator for
ard Test Method for Determination of the design of the test program before
Benzene and Toluene in Finished Motor beginning the vehicle testing process.
and Aviation Gasoline by Gas Chroma- To obtain approval, the petitioner
tography, D 131999 Standard Test must at minimum provide the fol-
Method for Hydrocarbon Types in Liq- lowing information: the fuel parameter
uid Petroleum Products by Fluorescent to be evaluated for emission effects;
Indicator Adsorption, D 481599 the number and description of vehicles
Standard Test Method for Determina- to be used in the test fleet, including
tion of MTBE, ETBE, TAME, DIPE, model year, model name, vehicle iden-
tertiary-Amyl Alcohol and C1 to C4 Al- tification number (VIN), mileage, emis-
cohols in Gasoline by Gas Chroma- sion performance (exhaust THC emis-
tography, and D 8690 Standard Test sion level), technology type, and manu-
Method for Distillation of Petroleum facturer; a description of the methods
Products, with the exception of the used to procure and prepare the vehi-
degrees Fahrenheit figures in Table 9 of cles; the properties of the fuels to be
D 8690, are incorporated by reference. used in the testing program (as speci-
These incorporations by reference were fied at 80.49); the pollutants and emis-
approved by the Director of the Federal sion categories intended to be evalu-
Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. ated; the precautions used to ensure
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be that the effects of the parameter in
obtained from the American Society question are independent of the effects
for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr of other parameters already included in
Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA the model; a description of the quality
19428. Copies may be inspected at the assurance procedures to be used during
Air Docket Section (LE131), room M the test program; the statistical anal-
1500, U.S. Environmental Protection ysis techniques to be used in analyzing
Agency, Docket No. A9703, 401 M the test data, and the identity and lo-
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460, or at cation of the organization performing
the Office of the Federal Register, 800 the testing.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.48

(2) Exhaust emissions shall be meas- through 80.62, shall be analyzed to de-
ured per the requirements of this sec- termine the effects of the fuel param-
tion and 80.49 through 80.62. eter being tested on emissions accord-
(3) The nonexhaust emission model ing to the following procedure:
(including evaporative, running loss, (1) The analysis shall fit a regression
and refueling VOC and toxics emis- model to the natural logarithm of
sions) shall not be augmented by vehi- emissions measured from addition fuels
cle testing. 1, 2, and 3 only (as specified at 80.49(a)
(4) The Agency reserves the right to and adjusted as per paragraph (c)(1)(iv)
observe and monitor any testing that of this section and 80.49(d)) that in-
is performed pursuant to the require- cludes the following terms:
ments of this section. (i) A term for each vehicle that shall
(5) The Agency reserves the right to reflect the effect of the vehicle on
evaluate the quality and suitability of emissions independent of fuel composi-
data submitted pursuant to the re- tions. These terms shall be of the form
quirements of this section and to re- DiVi, where Di is the coefficient for the
ject, re-analyze, or otherwise evaluate term and Vi is a dummy variable which
such data as is technically warranted. shall have the value 1.0 for the ith ve-
(6) Upon a showing satisfactory to hicle and the value 0 for all other vehi-
the Administrator, the Administrator cles.
may approve a petition to waive the re- (ii) A linear term in the parameter
quirements of this section and 80.49, being tested for each emitter class, of
80.50(a), 80.60(d)(3), and 80.60(d)(4) in the form Ai(P1P1 (avg))Ei, where Ai
order to better optimize the test pro- is the coefficient for the term, P1 is the
gram to the needs of the particular fuel level of the parameter in question, P1
parameter. Any such waiver petition (avg) is the average level of the param-
should provide information justifying eter in question for all seven test fuels
the requested waiver, including an ac- specified at 80.49(a)(1), and Ei is a
ceptable rationale and supporting data. dummy variable representing emitter
Petitioners must obtain approval from class, as defined at 80.62. For normal
the Administrator prior to conducting emitters, E1 = 1 and E2 = 0. For higher
testing for which the requirements in emitters, E1 = 0 and E2 = 1.
question are waived. The Adminis- (iii) For the VOC and NOx models, a
trator may waive the noted require- squared term in the parameter being
ments in whole or in part, and may im- tested for each emitter class, of the
pose appropriate conditions on any form Bi(P1P1 (avg))2Ei, where Bi is
such waiver. the coefficient for the term and where
(c) In the case of petitions to aug- P1 , P1 (avg), and Ei are as defined in
ment the complex model defined at paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section.
80.45 with a new parameter, the effect (iv) To the extent that the properties
of the parameter being tested shall be of fuels 1, 2, and 3 which are incor-
determined separately, for each pollut- porated in the complex model differ in
ant and for each emitter class cat- value among the three fuels, the com-
egory. If the parameter is not included plex model shall be used to adjust the
in the complex model but is rep- observed emissions from test vehicles
resented in whole or in part by one or on those fuels to compensate for those
more parameters included in the differences prior to fitting the regres-
model, the petitioner shall be required sion model.
to demonstrate the emission effects of (v) The Ai and Bi terms and coeffi-
the parameter in question independent cients developed by the regression de-
of the effects of the already-included scribed in this paragraph (c) shall be
parameters. The petitioner shall also evaluated against the statistical cri-
have to demonstrate the effects of the teria defined in paragraph (e) of this
already-included parameters inde- section. If both terms satisfy these cri-
pendent of the effects of the parameter teria, then both terms shall be re-
in question. The emission performance tained. If the Bi term satisfies these
of each vehicle on the fuels specified at criteria and the Ai term does not, then
80.49, as measured through vehicle both terms shall be retained. If the Bi
testing in accordance with 80.50 term does not satisfy these criteria,


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80.48 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

then the Bi term shall be dropped from (iv) All regressions shall include the
the regression model and the model linear and squared terms, and their co-
shall be re-estimated. If, after dropping efficients, estimated in the final re-
the Bi term and re-estimating the gression model described in paragraph
model, the Ai term does not satisfy (c)(1) of this section.
these criteria, then both terms shall be (v) The VOC and NOx regressions
dropped, all test data shall be reported shall include those interactive terms
to EPA, and the augmentation request with other fuel parameters, of the form
shall be denied. Ci(1, j)(P1P1 (avg))(PjPj (avg))Ei,
(2) After completing the steps out- where Ci(1, j) is the coefficient for the
lined in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, term, P1 is the level of the parameter
the analysis shall fit a regression being added to the model, P1 (avg) is
model to a combined data set that in- the average level of the parameter
cludes vehicle testing results from all being added for all seven addition fuels
seven addition fuels specified at specified at 80.49(a), Pj is the level of
80.49(a), the vehicle testing results the other fuel parameter, Pj (avg) is the
used to develop the model specified at centering value for the other fuel pa-
80.45, and vehicle testing results used rameter used to develop the complex
to support any prior augmentation re- model or used in the other parameters
quests which the Administrator deems augmentation study, and Ei is as de-
necessary. fined in paragraph (c)(1) of this section,
(i) The analysis shall fit the regres- which are found to satisfy the statis-
tical criteria defined in paragraph (e)
sion models described in paragraphs
of this section. Such terms shall be
(c)(2) (ii) through (v) of this section to
added to the regression model in a
the natural logarithm of measured
stepwise manner.
(3) The model described in paragraphs
(ii) All regressions shall include a (c) (1) and (2) of this section shall be de-
term for each vehicle that shall reflect veloped separately for normal-emitting
the effect of the vehicle on emissions and higher-emitting vehicles. Each
independent of fuel compositions. emitter class shall be treated as a dis-
These terms shall be of the form DiVi, tinct population for the purposes of de-
where Di is the coefficient for the term termining regression coefficients.
and Vi is a dummy variable which shall (4) Once the augmented models de-
have the value 1.0 for the ith vehicle scribed in paragraphs (c) (1) through (3)
and the value 0 for all other vehicles. of this section have been developed,
Vehicles shall be represented by sepa- they shall be converted to an
rate terms for each test program in uncentered form through appropriate
which they were tested. The vehicle algebraic manipulation.
terms for the vehicles included in the (5) The augmented model described in
test program undertaken by the peti- paragraph (c)(4) of this section shall be
tioner shall be calculated based on the used to determine the effects of the pa-
results from all seven fuels specified at rameter in question at levels between
80.49(a). Note that the Di estimates for the levels in Fuels 1 and 3, as defined at
the petitioners test vehicles in this re- 80.49(a)(1), for all fuels which claim
gression are likely to differ from the Di emission benefits from the parameter
estimates discussed in paragraph in question.
(c)(1)(i) of this section since they will (d)(1) In the case of petitions to aug-
be based on a different set of fuels. ment the complex model defined at
(iii) All regressions shall include ex- 80.45 by extending the range of an ex-
isting complex model terms and their isting complex model parameter, the
coefficients, including those augmenta- effect of the parameter being tested
tions that the Administrator deems shall be determined separately, for
necessary. All terms and coefficients each pollutant and for each technology
shall be expressed in centered form. group and emitter class category, at
The Administrator shall make avail- levels between the extension level and
able upon request existing complex the nearest limit of the core of the
model terms and coefficients in cen- data used to develop the unaugmented
tered form. complex model as follows:


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.48

Data core limits terms shall be estimated by the regres-

Fuel parameter sion. The centering values for these
Lower Upper
terms shall be identical to the cen-
Sulfur, ppm ............................................ 10 450 tering values used to develop the com-
RVP, psi ................................................ 7 10
E200, vol % ........................................... 33 66 plex model described at 80.45.
E300, vol % ........................................... 72 94 (D) If the unaugmented VOC or NOx
Aromatics, vol % .................................... 18 46 complex models do not contain a
Benzene, vol % ..................................... 0.4 1.8
Olefins, vol % ........................................ 1 19 squared term for the parameter being
Oxygen, wt %. extended, such a term should be added
As ethanol .......................................... 0 3.4 in a stepwise fashion after completing
All others: ........................................... 0 2.7
the model described in paragraphs
(2) The emission performance of each (d)(2)(i)(A) through (C) of this section.
vehicle on the fuels specified at The coefficient for this term shall be
80.49(b)(2), as measured through vehi- estimated by the regression. The cen-
cle testing in accordance with 80.50 tering value for this term shall be iden-
through 80.62, shall be analyzed to de- tical to the centering value used to de-
termine the effects of the fuel param- velop the complex model described at
eter being tested on emissions accord- 80.45.
ing to the following procedure: (E) The terms defined in paragraphs
(i) The analysis shall incorporate the (d)(2)(i)(C) and (D) of this section shall
vehicle testing data from the extension be evaluated against the statistical cri-
fuels specified at 80.49(b), the vehicle teria defined in paragraph (e) of this
testing results used to develop the section.
model specified at 80.45, and vehicle (ii) The model described in paragraph
testing results used to support any (d)(2)(i) of this section shall be devel-
prior augmentation requests which the oped separately for normal-emitting
Administrator deems necessary. A re- and higher-emitting vehicles, as de-
gression incorporating the following fined at 80.62. Each emitter class shall
terms shall be fitted to the natural be treated as a distinct population for
logarithm of emissions contained in the purposes of determining regression
this combined data set: coefficients.
(A) A term for each vehicle that shall (e) Statistical criteria. (1) The peti-
reflect the effect of the vehicle on tioner shall be required to submit evi-
emissions independent of fuel composi- dence with the petition which dem-
tions. These terms shall be of the form onstrates the statistical validity of the
Di Vi, where Di is the coefficient for regression described in paragraph (c) or
the term and Vi is a dummy variable
(d) of this section, including at min-
which shall have the value 1.0 for the
ith vehicle and the value 0 for all other
vehicles. Vehicles shall be represented (i) Evidence demonstrating that co-
by separate terms for each test pro- linearity problems are not severe, in-
gram in which they were tested. The cluding but not limited to variance in-
vehicle terms for the vehicles included flation statistics of less than 10 for the
in the test program undertaken by the second-order and interactive terms in-
petitioner shall be calculated based on cluded in the regression model.
the results from all three fuels speci- (ii) Evidence demonstrating that the
fied at 80.49(b)(2). regression residuals are normally dis-
(B) Existing complex model terms tributed, including but not limited to
that do not include the parameter the skewness and Kurtosis statistics
being extended and their coefficients, for the residuals.
including those augmentations that (iii) Evidence demonstrating that
the Administrator deems necessary. overfitting and underfitting risks have
The centering values for these terms been balanced, including but not lim-
shall be identical to the centering val- ited to the use of Mallows Cp criterion.
ues used to develop the complex model (2) The petitioner shall be required to
described at 80.45. submit evidence with the petition
(C) Existing complex model terms which demonstrates that the appro-
that include the parameter being ex- priate terms have been included in the
tended. The coefficients for these regression, including at minimum:


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80.48 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(i) Descriptions of the analysis meth- be set equal to the nearest limit of the
ods used to develop the regressions, in- data core, using the unaugmented com-
cluding any computer code used to ana- plex model.
lyze emissions data and the results of (B) B shall be set equal to the per-
regression runs used to develop the centage change in emissions for the
proposed augmentation, including in- fuel described in paragraph (f)(3)(i) of
termediate regressions produced during this section according to the aug-
the stepwise regression process. mented complex model.
(ii) Evidence demonstrating that the (C) C shall be set equal to the per-
significance level used to include terms centage change in emissions of the ac-
in the model was equal to 0.90. tual fuel being evaluated using the
(f) The complex emission model shall augmented complex model.
be augmented with the results of vehi- (g) EPA reserves the right to analyze
cle testing as follows: the data generated during vehicle test-
(1) The terms and coefficients deter- ing, to use such analyses to determine
mined in paragraph (c) or (d) of this the validity of other augmentation pe-
section shall be used to supplement the titions, and to use such data to update
complex emission model equation for the complex model for use in certifying
the corresponding pollutant and emit- all reformulated gasolines.
ter category. These terms and coeffi-
(h) Duration of acceptance of emis-
cients shall be weighted to reflect the
sion effects determined through vehicle
contribution of the emitter category to
in-use emissions as shown at 80.45.
(1) If the Agency does not accept,
(2) If the candidate parameter is not
modify, or reject a particular aug-
included in the unaugmented complex
mentation for inclusion in an updated
model and is not represented in whole
complex model (performed through
or in part by one or more parameters
rulemaking), then the augmentation
included in the model, the modification
shall remain in effect until the next
shall be accomplished by adding the
update to the complex model takes ef-
terms and coefficients to the complex
model equation for that pollutant,
technology group, and emitter cat- (2) If the Agency does reject or mod-
egory. ify a particular augmentation for in-
(3) If the parameter is included in the clusion in an updated complex model,
complex model but is being tested at then the augmentation shall no longer
levels beyond the current range of the be able to be used as of the date the up-
model, the terms and coefficients de- dated complex model is deemed to take
termined in paragraph (d) of this sec- effect, unless the following conditions
tion shall be used to supplement the and limitations apply:
complex emission model equation for (i) The augmentation in question
the corresponding pollutant. may continue to be used by those fuel
(i) The terms and coefficients of the suppliers which can prove, to the Ad-
complex model described at 80.45 shall ministrators satisfaction, that the fuel
be used to evaluate the emissions per- supplier had already begun producing a
formance of fuels with levels of the pa- fuel utilizing the augmentation at the
rameter being tested that are within time the revised model is promulgated.
the valid range of the model, as defined (ii) The augmentation in question
at 80.45. may only be used to evaluate the emis-
(ii) The emissions performance of sions performance of fuels in conjunc-
fuels with levels of the parameter that tion with the complex emission model
are beyond the valid range of the un- in effect as of the date of production of
augmented model shall be given in per- the fuels.
centage change terms by 100 [(100 + (iii) The augmentation may only be
A) (100 + C) / (100 + B)], where: used for three years of fuel production,
(A) A shall be set equal to the per- or a total of five years from the date
centage change in emissions for a fuel the augmentation first took effect,
with identical fuel property values to whichever is shorter.
the fuel being evaluated except for the (3) The Administrator shall deter-
parameter being extended, which shall mine when sufficient new information


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.49

on the effects of fuel properties on ve- emission model. The properties of the
hicle emissions has been obtained to addition fuels are specified in para-
warrant development of an updated graphs (a) (1) and (2) of this section.
complex model. The addition fuels shall be specified
[59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59 with at least the same level of detail
FR 36962, July 20, 1994] and precision as in 80.43(c), and this
information must be included in the
80.49 Fuels to be used in augmenting petition submitted to the Adminis-
the complex emission model trator requesting augmentation of the
through vehicle testing. complex emission model.
(a) Seven fuels (hereinafter called the (1) The seven addition fuels to be
addition fuels) shall be tested for the tested when augmenting the complex
purpose of augmenting the complex model specified at 80.45 with a new
emission model with a parameter not fuel parameter shall have the prop-
currently included in the complex erties specified as follows:
Fuel property
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sulfur, ppm .................................. 150 150 150 35 35 500 500

Benzene, vol % ........................... 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.3 1.3
RVP, psi ...................................... 7.5 7.5 7.5 6.5 6.5 8.1 8.1
E200, % ...................................... 50 50 50 62 62 37 37
E300, % ...................................... 85 85 85 92 92 79 79
Aromatics, vol % ......................... 27 27 27 20 20 45 45
Olefins, vol % .............................. 9.0 9.0 9.0 2.0 2.0 18 18
Oxygen, wt % .............................. 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.7 2.7 1.5 1.5
Octane, (R+M)/2 ......................... 87 87 87 87 87 87 87
New Parameter 1 ......................... C C+B/2 B C B C B
1C = Candidate level, B = Baseline level.

(i) For the purposes of vehicle test- ical gasoline, its baseline level shall be
ing, the baseline level of the param- zero.
eter shall refer to the level of the pa- (2) The addition fuels shall contain
rameter in Clean Air Act baseline gaso- detergent control additives in accord-
line. The candidate level of the pa- ance with section 211(l) of the Clean
rameter shall refer to the most ex- Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the
treme value of the parameter, relative associated EPA requirements for such
to baseline levels, for which the aug- additives.
mentation shall be valid. (3) The addition fuels shall be speci-
fied with at least the same level of de-
(ii) If the fuel parameter for which
tail and precision as in 80.43(c), and
the fuel supplier is petitioning EPA to
this information shall be included in
augment the complex emission model
the petition submitted to the Adminis-
(hereinafter defined as the candidate trator requesting augmentation of the
parameter) is not specified for Clean complex emission model.
Air Act summer baseline fuel, then the (i) Paraffin levels in Fuels 1 and 2
baseline level for the candidate param- shall be altered from the paraffin level
eter shall be set at the levels found in in Fuel 3 to compensate for the addi-
typical gasoline. This level and the jus- tion or removal of the candidate pa-
tification for this level shall be in- rameter, if necessary. Paraffin levels in
cluded in the petitioners submittal to Fuel 4 shall be altered from the par-
EPA prior to initiating the test pro- affin level in Fuel 5 to compensate for
gram, and EPA must approve this level the addition or removal of the can-
prior to the start of the program. didate parameter, if necessary. Par-
(iii) If the candidate parameter is not affin levels in Fuel 6 shall be altered
specified for Clean Air Act summer from the paraffin level in Fuel 7 to
baseline fuel, and is not present in typ- compensate for the addition or removal


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80.49 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

of the candidate parameter, if nec- ciently small value. At a minimum the

essary. 95% confidence limits (as calculated
(ii) Other properties of Fuels 4 and 6 using a standard t-test) for each pa-
shall not vary from the levels for Fuels rameter must be within the following
5 and 7, respectively, unless such vari- range of the mean measured value of
ations are the naturally-occurring re- each parameter:
sult of the changes described in para-
graphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section. parameter Measurement uncertainty
Other properties of Fuels 1 and 2 shall
not vary from the levels for Fuel 3, un- API gravity .............. 0.2API
less such variations are the naturally- Sulfur content ......... 10 ppm
Benzene content .... 0.02 vol %
occurring result of the changes de- RVP ........................ 0.05 psi
scribed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of Octane .................... 0.2 (R+M/2)
this section. E200 level .............. 2%
(iii) The addition fuels shall be speci- E300 level .............. 2%
fied with at least the same level of de- Oxygenate content 0.2 vol %
Aromatics content .. 0.5 vol %
tail and precision as defined in para- Olefins content ....... 0.3 vol %
graph (a)(5)(i) of this section, and this Saturates content ... 1.0 vol %
information must be included in the Detergent control 2% of the level required by EPAs de-
petition submitted to the Adminis- Additives. tergents rule.
trator requesting augmentation of the
complex emission model. (ii) The 95% confidence limits for
(4) The properties of the addition measurements of fuel parameters for
fuels shall be within the blending toler- which emission reduction benefits are
ances defined in this paragraph (a)(4) claimed and for which tolerances are
relative to the values specified in para- not defined in paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this
graphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section. section must be within 5% of the
Fuels that do not meet these toler- mean measured value.
ances shall require the approval of the (iii) Each test must be conducted in
Administrator to be used in vehicle the same laboratory in accordance
testing to augment the complex emis- with the procedures outlined at 80.46.
sion model: (b) Three fuels (hereinafter called the
extension fuels) shall be tested for
Fuel parameter Blending tolerance
the purpose of extending the valid
Sulfur content ........................ 25 ppm. range of the complex emission model
Benzene content .................... 0.2 vol %. for a parameter currently included in
RVP ....................................... 0.2 psi.
E200 level .............................. 2 %.
the complex emission model. The prop-
E300 level .............................. 4 %. erties of the extension fuels are speci-
Oxygenate content ................ 1.0 vol %. fied in paragraphs (b)(2) through (4) of
Aromatics content .................. 2.7 vol %. this section. The extension fuels shall
Olefins content ....................... 2.5 vol %.
Saturates content .................. 2.0 vol %. be specified with at least the same
Octane ................................... 0.5. level of detail and precision as in
Detergent control additives .... 10% of the level required by 80.43(c), and this information must be
EPAs detergents rule.
Candidate parameter ............. To be determined as part of
included in the petition submitted to
the augmentation process. the Administrator requesting aug-
mentation of the complex emission
(5) The composition and properties of model. Each set of three extension
the addition fuels shall be determined fuels shall be used only to extend the
by averaging a series of independent range of a single complex model pa-
tests of the properties and rameter.
compositional factors defined in para- (1) The extension level shall refer
graph (a)(5)(i) of this section as well as to the level to which the parameter
any additional properties or being tested is to be extended. The
compositional factors for which emis- three fuels to be tested when extending
sion benefits are claimed. the range of fuel parameters already
(i) The number of independent tests included in the complex model or a
to be conducted shall be sufficiently prior augmentation to the complex
large to reduce the measurement un- model shall be referred to as exten-
certainty for each parameter to a suffi- sion fuels.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.49

(2) The composition and properties of (i) The extension fuels shall have the
the extension fuels shall be as de- following levels of the parameter being
scribed in paragraphs (b)(2) (i) and (ii) extended:
of this section.
Extension Extension
Fuel property being extended Extension fuel No. 1 fuel No. 2 fuel No. 3

Sulfur, ppm ............................................ Extension level .................................................................. 80 450

Benzene, vol % ...................................... Extension level .................................................................. 0.5 1.5
RVP, psi ................................................. Extension level .................................................................. 6.7 8.0
E200, % ................................................. Extension level .................................................................. 38 61
E300, % ................................................. Extension level .................................................................. 78 92
Aromatics, vol % .................................... Extension level .................................................................. 20 45
Olefins, vol % ......................................... Extension level .................................................................. 3.0 18
Oxygen, wt % ........................................ Extension level .................................................................. 1.7 2.7
Octane, R+M/2 ....................................... 87 ...................................................................................... 87 87

(ii) The levels of parameters other (c) The addition fuels defined in para-
than the one being extended shall be graph (a) of this section and the exten-
given by the following table for all sion fuels defined in paragraph (b) of
three extension fuels: this section shall meet the following
requirements for blending and meas-
THOSE BEING EXTENDED (1) The properties of the test and ex-
Exten- Exten- Exten-
tension fuels shall be within the blend-
Fuel property sion fuel sion fuel sion fuel ing tolerances defined in this para-
No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 graph (c) relative to the values speci-
Sulfur, ppm .......................... 150 150 150 fied in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this
Benzene, vol % ................... 1.0 1.0 1.0 section. Fuels that do not meet the fol-
RVP, psi .............................. 7.5 7.5 7.5 lowing tolerances shall require the ap-
E200, % ............................... 50 50 50
E300, % ............................... 85 85 85 proval of the Administrator to be used
Aromatics, vol % ................. 25 25 25 in vehicle testing to augment the com-
Olefins, vol % ...................... 9.0 9.0 9.0 plex emission model:
Oxygen, wt % ...................... 2.0 2.0 2.0
Octane, R+M/2 .................... 87 87 87 Fuel parameter Blending tolerance

(3) If the Complex Model for any pol- Sulfur content ........................ 25 ppm.
Benzene content .................... 0.2 vol %.
lutant includes one or more interactive RVP ....................................... 0.2 psi.
terms involving the parameter being E200 level .............................. 2 %.
extended, then two additional exten- E300 level .............................. 4 %.
Oxygenate content ................ 1.5 vol %.
sion fuels shall be required to be tested Aromatics content .................. 2.7 vol %.
for each such interactive term. These Olefins content ....................... 2.5 vol %.
additional extension fuels shall have Saturates content .................. 2.0 vol %.
Octane ................................... 0.5.
the following properties: Candidate parameter ............. To be determined as part of
(i) The parameter being tested shall the augmentation process.
be present at its extension level.
(ii) The interacting parameter shall (2) The extension and addition fuels
be present at the levels specified in shall be specified with at least the
paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section for same level of detail and precision as
extension Fuels 2 and 3. defined in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this
(iii) All other parameters shall be section, and this information must be
present at the levels specified in para- included in the petition submitted to
graph (b)(2)(ii) of this section. the Administrator requesting aug-
(4) All extension fuels shall contain mentation of the complex emission
detergent control additives in accord- model.
ance with Section 211(l) of the Clean (i) The composition and properties of
Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the the addition and extension fuels shall
associated EPA requirements for such be determined by averaging a series of
additives. independent tests of the properties and


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80.49 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

compositional factors defined in para- shall also be made using the complex
graph (c)(2)(ii) of this section as well as model. These adjustments shall be cal-
any additional properties or culated as follows:
compositional factors for which emis- (1) Determine the exhaust emissions
sion benefits are claimed. performance of the actual addition or
(ii) The number of independent tests extension fuels relative to the exhaust
to be conducted shall be sufficiently emissions performance of Clean Air
large to reduce the measurement un- Act baseline fuel using the complex
certainty for each parameter to a suffi- model. For addition fuels, set the level
ciently small value. At a minimum the of the parameter being tested at base-
95% confidence limits (as calculated line levels for purposes of emissions
using a standard t-test) for each pa- performance evaluation using the com-
rameter must be within the following
plex model. For extension fuel #1, set
range of the mean measured value of
the level of the parameter being ex-
each parameter:
tended at the level specified in exten-
Fuel parameter Measurement uncertainty sion fuel #2. Also determine the ex-
API gravity ............................. 0.2 API.
haust emissions performance of the ad-
Sulfur content ........................ 5 ppm. dition fuels specified in paragraph
Benzene content .................... 0.05 vol %. (a)(1) of this section with the level of
RVP ....................................... 0.08 psi.
Octane ................................... 0.1 (R+M/2).
the parameter being tested set at base-
E200 level .............................. 2 %. line levels.
E300 level .............................. 2 %. (2) Calculate adjustment factors for
Oxygenate content ................ 0.2 vol %.
Aromatics content .................. 0.5 vol %. each addition fuel as follows:
Olefins content ....................... 0.3 vol %. (i) Adjustment factors shall be cal-
Saturates content .................. 1.0 vol.% culated using the formula:
Octane ................................... 0.2.

[1 + ( P (actual) 100 )]
Candidate parameter ............. To be determined as part of

the augmentation process.

(iii) Petitioners shall obtain approval [1 + ( P ( nominal ) 100 )]

from EPA for the 95% confidence limits
for measurements of fuel parameters
A = the adjustment factor
for which emission reduction benefits
P(actual) = the performance of the actual
are claimed and for which tolerances fuel used in testing according to the com-
are not defined in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of plex model
this section. P(nominal) = the performance that would
(iv) Each test must be conducted in have been achieved by the test fuel defined
the same laboratory in accordance in paragraph (a)(1) of this section accord-
with the procedures outlined at 80.46. ing to the complex model (as described in
(v) The complex emission model de- paragraph (d)(1) of this section).
scribed at 80.45 shall be used to adjust
(ii) Adjustment factors shall be cal-
the emission performance of the addi-
culated for each pollutant and for each
tion and extension fuels to compensate
for differences in fuel compositions emitter class.
that are incorporated in the complex (3) Multiply the measured emissions
model, as described at 80.48. Compen- from each vehicle by the corresponding
sating adjustments for naturally-re- adjustment factor for the appropriate
sulting variations in fuel parameters addition or extension fuel, pollutant,
shall also be made using the complex and emitter class. Use the resulting ad-
model. The adjustment process is de- justed emissions to conduct all mod-
scribed in paragraph (d) of this section. eling and emission effect estimation
(d) The complex emission model de- activities described in 80.48.
scribed at 80.45 shall be used to adjust (e) All fuels included in vehicle test-
the emission performance of addition ing programs shall have an octane
and extension fuels to compensate for number of 87.5, as measured by the
differences in fuel parameters other (R+M)/2 method following the ASTM
than the parameter being tested. Com- D4814 procedures, to within the meas-
pensating adjustments for naturally- urement and blending tolerances speci-
resulting variations in fuel parameters fied in paragraph (c) of this section.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.55

(f) A single batch of each addition or (2) Formaldehyde and Acetelaldehyde

extension fuel shall be used throughout emissions measured per 80.56.
the duration of the testing program.
80.52 Vehicle preconditioning.
[59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
FR 36962, July 20, 1994] (a) Initial vehicle preconditioning
and preconditioning between tests with
80.50 General test procedure require- different fuels shall be performed in ac-
ments for augmentation of the emis- cordance with the General vehicle
sion models. handling requirements per 40 CFR
(a) The following test procedure must 86.13296, up to and including the com-
be followed when testing to augment pletion of the hot start exhaust test.
the complex emission model described (b) The preconditioning procedure
at 80.45. prescribed at 40 CFR 86.13296 shall be
(1) VOC, NOX, CO, and CO2 emissions observed for preconditioning vehicles
must be measured for all fuel-vehicle between tests using the same fuel.
combinations tested.
(2) Toxics emissions must be meas- 80.5380.54 [Reserved]
ured when testing the extension fuels
per the requirements of 80.49(a) or 80.55 Measurement methods for ben-
when testing addition fuels 1, 2, and 3 zene and 1,3-butadiene.
per the requirements of 80.49(a). (a) Sampling for benzene and 1,3-bu-
(3) When testing addition fuels 4, 5, 6, tadiene must be accomplished by bag
and 7 per the requirements of 80.49(a), sampling as used for total hydro-
toxics emissions need not be measured. carbons determination. This procedure
However, EPA reserves the right to re- is detailed in 40 CFR 86.109.
quire the inclusion of such measure- (b) Benzene and 1,3-butadiene must
ments in the test program prior to ap- be analyzed by gas chromatography.
proval of the test program if evidence Expected values for benzene and 1,3-bu-
exists which suggests that adverse tadiene in bag samples for the baseline
interactive effects of the parameter in fuel are 4.0 ppm and 0.30 ppm respec-
question may exist for toxics emis- tively. At least three standards rang-
sions. ing from at minimum 50% to 150% of
(b) The general requirements per 40 these expected values must be used to
CFR 86.13096 shall be met. calibrate the detector. An additional
(c) The engine starting and restart- standard of at most 0.01 ppm must also
ing procedures per 40 CFR 86.13690 be measured to determine the required
shall be followed. limit of quantification as described in
(d) Except as provided for at 80.59, paragraph (d) of this section.
general preparation of vehicles being (c) The sample injection size used in
tested shall follow procedures detailed the chromatograph must be sufficient
in 40 CFR 86.13096 and 86.13196. to be above the laboratory determined
limit of quantification (LOQ) as de-
80.51 Vehicle test procedures.
fined in paragraph (d) of this section
The test sequence applicable when for at least one of the bag samples. A
augmenting the emission models control chart of the measurements of
through vehicle testing is as follows: the standards used to determine the re-
(a) Prepare vehicles per 80.50. sponse, repeatability, and limit of
(b) Initial preconditioning per quantitation of the instrumental meth-
80.52(a)(1). Vehicles shall be refueled od for 1,3-butadiene and benzene must
randomly with the fuels required in be reported.
80.49 when testing to augment the (d) As in all types of sampling and
complex emission model. analysis procedures, good laboratory
(c) Exhaust emissions tests, dyna- practices must be used. See, Lawrence,
mometer procedure per 40 CFR 86.13790 Principals of Environmental Analysis,
with: 55 Analytical Chemistry 14, at 22102218
(1) Exhaust Benzene and 1,3Buta- (1983) (copies may be obtained from the
diene emissions measured per 80.55; publisher, American Chemical Society,
and 1155 16th Street NW., Washington, DC


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80.56 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

20036). Reporting reproducibility con- chapter, two impingers or cartridges

trol charts and limits of detection must be connected in series to detect
measurements are integral procedures breakthrough of the first impinger or
to assess the validity of the chosen an- cartridge.
alytical method. The repeatability of (b) In addition, sufficient sample
the test method must be determined by must be drawn through the collecting
measuring a standard periodically dur- cartridges or impingers so that the
ing testing and recording the measured measured quantity of aldehyde is suffi-
values on a control chart. The control ciently greater than the minimum
chart shows the error between the limit of quantitation of the test meth-
measured standard and the prepared od for at least a portion of the exhaust
standard concentration for the periodic test procedure. The limit of quantita-
testing. The error between the meas- tion is determined using the technique
ured standard and the actual standard defined in 80.55(d).
indicates the uncertainty in the anal- (c) Each of the impinger samples are
ysis. The limit of detection (LOD) is quantitatively transferred to a 25 mL
determined by repeatedly measuring a volumetric flask (5 mL more than the
blank and a standard prepared at a sample impinger volume) and brought
concentration near an assumed value to volume with ACN. The cartridge
of the limit of detection. If the average samples are eluted in reversed direc-
concentration minus the average of the tion by gravity feed with 6mL of ACN.
blanks is greater than three standard The eluate is collected in a graduated
deviations of these measurements, then test tube and made up to the 5mL
the limit of detection is at least as low mark with ACN. Both the impinger and
as the prepared standard. The limit of cartridge samples must be analyzed by
quantitation (LOQ) is defined as ten HPLC without additional sample prep-
times the standard deviation of these aration.
measurements. This quantity defines (d) The analysis of the aldehyde de-
the amount of sample required to be rivatives collected is accomplished
measured for a valid analysis. with a high performance liquid chro-
(e) Other sampling and analytical matograph (HPLC). Standards con-
techniques will be allowed if they can sisting of the hydrazone derivative of
be proven to have equal specificity and formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are
equal or better limits of quantitation. used to determine the response, repeat-
Data from alternative methods that ability, and limit of quantitation of the
can be demonstrated to have equiva- HPLC method chosen for acetaldehyde
lent or superior limits of detection, and formaldehyde.
precision, and accuracy may be accept- (e) Other sampling and analytical
ed by the Administrator with indi- techniques will be allowed if they can
vidual prior approval. be proven to have equal specificity and
equal or better limits of quantitation.
80.56 Measurement methods for Data from alternative methods that
formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.
can be demonstrated to have equiva-
(a) Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde lent or superior limits of detection,
will be measured by drawing exhaust precision, and accuracy may be accept-
samples from heated lines through ei- ed by the Administrator with indi-
ther 2,4Dinitrophenylhydrazine vidual prior approval.
(DNPH) impregnated cartridges or
impingers filled with solutions of 80.5780.58 [Reserved]
DNPH in acetonitrile (ACN) as de-
scribed in 86.109 and 86.140 of this 80.59 General test fleet requirements
chapter for formaldehyde analysis. Di- for vehicle testing.
luted exhaust sample volumes must be (a) The test fleet must consist of only
at least 15 L for impingers containing 198991 MY vehicles which are techno-
20 ml of absorbing solution (using more logically equivalent to 1990 MY vehi-
absorbing solution in the impinger re- cles, or of 198688 MY vehicles for
quires proportionally more gas sample which no changes to the engine or ex-
to be taken) and at least 4 L for car- haust system that would significantly
tridges. As required in 86.109 of this affect emissions have been made


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.60

through the 1990 model year. To be twice the applicable emissions stand-
technologically equivalent vehicles at ard shall be placed in the normal emit-
minimum must have closed-loop sys- ter group.
tems and possess adaptive learning. (2) Each vehicle with an exhaust THC
(b) No maintenance or replacement emissions rate which is greater than
of any vehicle component is permitted two times the applicable emissions
except when necessary to ensure oper- standard shall be placed in the higher
ator safety or as specifically permitted emitter group.
in 80.60 and 80.61. All vehicle mainte- (d) The test vehicles in each emitter
nance procedures must be reported to group must conform to the require-
the Administrator. ments of paragraphs (d)(1) through (4)
(c) Each vehicle in the test fleet shall of this section.
have no fewer than 4,000 miles of accu- (1) Test vehicles for the normal emit-
mulated mileage prior to being in- ter sub-fleet must be selected from the
cluded in the test program. list shown in this paragraph (d)(1). This
[59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59 list is arranged in order of descending
FR 36962, July 20, 1994] vehicle priority, such that the order in
which vehicles are added to the normal
80.60 Test fleet requirements for ex- emitter sub-fleet must conform to the
haust emission testing. order shown (e.g., a ten-vehicle normal
(a) Candidate vehicles which conform emitter group sub-fleet must consist of
to the emission performance require- the first ten vehicles listed in this
ments defined in paragraphs (b) paragraph (d)(1)). If more vehicles are
through (d) of this section shall be ob- tested than the minimum number of
tained directly from the in-use fleet vehicles required for the normal emit-
and tested in their as-received condi- ter sub-fleet, additional vehicles are to
tion. be added to the fleet in the order speci-
(b) Candidate vehicles for the test fied in this paragraph (d)(1), beginning
fleet must be screened for their ex- with the next vehicle not already in-
haust VOC emissions in accordance cluded in the group. The vehicles in the
with the provisions in 80.62. normal emitter sub-fleet must possess
(c) On the basis of pretesting pursu- the characteristics indicated in the
ant to paragraph (b) of this section, the list. If the end of the list is reached in
test fleet shall be subdivided into two adding vehicles to the normal emitter
emitter group sub-fleets: the normal sub-fleet and additional vehicles are
emitter group and the higher emitter desired then they shall be added begin-
group. ning with vehicle number one, and
(1) Each vehicle with an exhaust must be added to the normal emitter
total hydrocarbon (THC) emissions sub-fleet in accordance with the order
rate which is less than or equal to in table A:
Veh. No. Fuel system Catalyst Air injection EGR Manufacturer

1 ........... Multi ...................... 3W ........................ No Air ................... EGR ..................... 1 GM.

2 ........... Multi ...................... 3W ........................ No Air ................... No EGR ................ 2 Ford.
3 ........... TBI ........................ 3W ........................ No Air ................... EGR ..................... 3 GM.
4 ........... Multi ...................... 3W+OX ................ Air ......................... EGR ..................... 4 Ford.
5 ........... Multi ...................... 3W ........................ No Air ................... EGR ..................... 1 Honda.
6 ........... Multi ...................... 3W ........................ No Air ................... No EGR ................ 2 GM.
7 ........... TBI ........................ 3W ........................ No Air ................... EGR ..................... 3 Chrysler.
8 ........... Multi ...................... 3W+OX ................ Air ......................... EGR ..................... 4 GM.
9 ........... TBI ........................ 3W+OX ................ Air ......................... EGR ..................... 7 Chrysler.
10 ......... Multi ...................... 3W ........................ Air ......................... EGR ..................... 5 Toyota.
11 ......... Multi ...................... 3W ........................ No Air ................... EGR ..................... 1 Ford.
12 ......... Multi ...................... 3W ........................ No Air ................... No EGR ................ 2 Chrysler.
13 ......... Carb ..................... 3W+OX ................ Air ......................... EGR ..................... 9 Toyota.
14 ......... TBI ........................ 3W ........................ No Air ................... EGR ..................... 3 Ford.
15 ......... Multi ...................... 3W+OX ................ Air ......................... EGR ..................... 4 GM.
16 ......... Multi ...................... 3W ........................ No Air ................... EGR ..................... 1 Toyota.
17 ......... Multi ...................... 3W ........................ No Air ................... No EGR ................ 2 Mazda.
18 ......... TBI ........................ 3W ........................ No Air ................... EGR ..................... 3 GM.


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80.61 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)


Veh. No. Fuel system Catalyst Air injection EGR Manufacturer

19 ......... Multi ...................... 3W+OX ................ Air ......................... EGR ..................... 4 Ford.
20 ......... Multi ...................... 3W ........................ No Air ................... EGR ..................... 1 Nissan.


Tech group Fuel system Catalyst Air injection EGR

1 ................ Multi .................................. 3W .................................... No Air ................................ EGR.

2 ................ Multi .................................. 3W .................................... No Air ................................ No EGR.
3 ................ TBI .................................... 3W .................................... No Air ................................ EGR.
4 ................ Multi .................................. 3W+OX ............................. Air ..................................... EGR.
5 ................ Multi .................................. 3W .................................... Air ..................................... EGR.
6 ................ TBI .................................... 3W .................................... Air ..................................... EGR.
7 ................ TBI .................................... 3W+OX ............................. Air ..................................... EGR.
8 ................ TBI .................................... 3W .................................... No Air ................................ No EGR.
9 ................ Carb .................................. 3W+OX ............................. Air ..................................... EGR.

Legend: 80.61 [Reserved]

Fuel system:
Multi = Multi-point fuel injection 80.62 Vehicle test procedures to
TBI = Throttle body fuel injection place vehicles in emitter group sub-
Carb = Carburetted fleets.
Catalyst: One of the two following test proce-
3W = 3Way catalyst dures must be used to screen candidate
3W+OX = 3Way catalyst plus an oxidation
vehicles for their exhaust THC emis-
sions to place them within the emitter
Air Injection:
Air = Air injection
group sub-fleets in accordance with the
EGR = Exhaust gas recirculation requirements of 80.60.
(a) Candidate vehicles may be tested
(2) Test vehicles for the higher emit- for their exhaust THC emissions using
ter sub-fleet shall be selected from the the Federal test procedure as detailed
in-use fleet in accordance with para- in 40 CFR part 86, with gasoline con-
graphs (a) and (b) of this section and forming to requirements detailed in 40
with 80.59. Test vehicles for the higher CFR 86.11390. The results shall be used
emitter sub-fleet are not required to in accordance with the requirements in
follow the pattern established in para- 80.60 to place the vehicles within their
graph (d)(1) of this section. respective emitter groups.
(3) The minimum test fleet size is 20 (b) Alternatively, candidate vehicles
vehicles. Half of the vehicles tested may be screened for their exhaust THC
must be included in the normal emitter emissions with the IM240 short test
sub-fleet and half of the vehicles tested procedure.1 The results from the IM240
must be in the higher emitter sub-fleet. shall be converted into results com-
If additional vehicles are tested beyond parable with the standard exhaust FTP
the minimum of twenty vehicles, the as detailed in this paragraph (b) to
additional vehicles shall be distributed place the vehicles within their respec-
equally between the normal and higher tive emitter groups in accordance with
emitter sub-fleets. the requirements of 80.60.
(4) For each emitter group sub-fleet,
70 9.5% of the sub-fleet must be LDVs, 1 EPA Technical Report EPAAATSS911.
& 30 9.5% must be LDTs. LDTs in- Copies may be obtained by ordering publica-
clude light-duty trucks class 1 (LDT1), tion number PB92104405 from the National
and light-duty trucks class 2 (LDT2) up Technical Information Service, 5285 Port
to 8500 lbs GVWR. Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.65

(1) A candidate vehicle with IM240 on either a per-gallon or average basis.

test results <0.367 grams THC per vehi- For any specific averaging period and
cle mile shall be classified as a normal parameter all batches of gasoline or
emitter. RBOB shall be designated as being sub-
(2) A candidate vehicle with IM240 ject to the per-gallon standard, or all
test results 0.367 grams THC per vehi- batches of gasoline and RBOB shall be
cle mile shall be classified as a higher designated as being subject to the aver-
emitter. age standard. For any specific aver-
aging period and parameter a refiner
80.6380.64 [Reserved] for a refinery, or any importer or oxy-
80.65 General requirements for refin- genate blender, may not designate cer-
ers, importers, and oxygenate tain batches as being subject to the
blenders. per-gallon standard and others as being
subject to the average standard.
(a) Date requirements begin. The re-
(ii) In the event any refiner for a re-
quirements of this subpart D apply to
finery, or any importer or oxygenate
all gasoline produced, imported, trans-
blender, fails to meet the requirements
ported, stored, sold, or dispensed:
(1) At any location other than retail of paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section and
outlets and wholesale purchaser-con- for a specific averaging period and pa-
sumer facilities on or after December 1, rameter designates certain batches as
1994; and being subject to the per-gallon stand-
(2) At any location on or after Janu- ard and others as being subject to the
ary 1, 1995. average standard, all batches produced
(b) Certification of gasoline and RBOB. or imported during the averaging pe-
Gasoline or RBOB sold or dispensed in riod that were designated as being sub-
a covered area must be certified under ject to the average standard shall, ab
80.40. initio, be redesignated as being subject
(c) Standards must be met on either a to the per- gallon standard. This redes-
per-gallon or on an average basis. (1) Any ignation shall apply regardless of
refiner or importer, for each batch of whether the batches in question met or
reformulated gasoline or RBOB it pro- failed to meet the per-gallon standard
duces or imports, shall meet: for the parameter in question.
(i) Those standards and requirements (d) Designation of gasoline. Any re-
it designated under paragraph (d) of finer or importer of gasoline shall des-
this section for per-gallon compliance ignate the gasoline it produces or im-
on a per-gallon basis; and ports as follows:
(ii) Those standards and require- (1) All gasoline produced or imported
ments it designated under paragraph shall be properly designated as either
(d) of this section for average compli- reformulated or conventional gasoline,
ance on an average basis over the ap- or as RBOB.
plicable averaging period; except that (2) All gasoline designated as refor-
(iii) Refiners and importers are not mulated or as RBOB shall be further
required to meet the oxygen standard properly designated as:
for RBOB. (i) Either VOC-controlled or not
(2) Any oxygenate blender, for each VOC-controlled;
batch of reformulated gasoline it pro- (ii) In the case of gasoline or RBOB
duces by blending oxygenate with designated as VOC-controlled, either
RBOB shall, subsequent to the addition intended for use in VOC-Control Region
of oxygenate, meet the oxygen stand- 1 or VOC-Control Region 2 (as defined
ard either per-gallon or average over in 80.71);
the applicable averaging period. (iii) [Reserved]
(3)(i) For each averaging period, and (A) Gasoline must be designated as
separately for each parameter that oxygenated fuels program reformulated
may be met either per-gallon or on av- gasoline if such gasoline:
erage, any refiner shall designate for (1) Has an oxygen content that is
each refinery, and any importer or oxy- greater than or equal to 2.0 weight per-
genate blender shall designate, its gas- cent; and
oline or RBOB as being subject to the (2) Arrives at a terminal from which
standard applicable to that parameter gasoline is dispensed into trucks used


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80.65 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

to deliver gasoline to an oxygenated digits of the year in which the batch

fuels control area within five days was produced, and a unique number for
prior to the beginning of the the batch, beginning with the number
oxygenated fuels control period for one for the first batch produced or im-
that control area. ported each calendar year and each
(B) Gasoline may be designated as subsequent batch during the calendar
oxygenated fuels program reformulated year being assigned the next sequential
gasoline if such gasoline has an oxygen number (e.g., 43215432195000001, 4321
content that is greater than or equal to 5432195000002, etc.).
2.0 weight percent, regardless of wheth- (e) Determination of properties. (1)
er the gasoline is intended for use in Each refiner or importer shall deter-
any oxygenated fuels program control mine the value of each of the prop-
area during an oxygenated fuels pro- erties specified in paragraph (e)(2)(i) of
gram control period. this section for each batch of reformu-
(iv) For gasoline or RBOB produced, lated gasoline it produces or imports
imported, sold, dispensed or used dur- prior to the gasoline leaving the refin-
ing the period January 1, 1995 through ery or import facility, by collecting
December 31, 1997, either as being sub- and analyzing a representative sample
ject to the simple model standards, or of gasoline taken from the batch, using
to the complex model standards; the methodologies specified in 80.46.
(v) For each of the following param- This collection and analysis shall be
eters, either gasoline or RBOB which carried out either by the refiner or im-
meets the standard applicable to that porter, or by an independent labora-
parameter on a per-gallon basis or on tory. A batch of simple model reformu-
average: lated gasoline may be released by the
(A) Toxics emissions performance; refiner or importer prior to the receipt
(B) NOX emissions performance in the of the refiners or importers test re-
case of gasoline certified using the sults except for test results for oxygen
complex model. and benzene, and RVP in the case of
(C) Benzene content; VOC-controlled gasoline.
(D) With the exception of RBOB, oxy- (2) In the event that the values of
gen content; any of these properties is determined
(E) In the case of VOC-controlled gas- by the refiner or importer and by an
oline or RBOB certified using the sim- independent laboratory in conformance
ple model, RVP; and with the requirements of paragraph (f)
(F) In the case of VOC-controlled gas- of this section:
oline or RBOB certified using the com- (i) The results of the analyses con-
plex model, VOC emissions perform- ducted by the refiner or importer for
ance; and such properties shall be used as the
(vi) In the case of RBOB, as RBOB basis for compliance determinations
that may be blended with: unless the absolute value of the dif-
(A) Any oxygenate; ferences of the test results from the
(B) Ether only; two laboratories is larger than the fol-
(C) Any renewable oxygenate; lowing values:
(D) Renewable ether only;
Fuel property Range
(E) Non-VOC controlled renewable
ether only. Sulfur content ............................................ 25 ppm
(3) Every batch of reformulated or Aromatics content ..................................... 2.7 vol %
Olefins content .......................................... 2.5 vol %
conventional gasoline or RBOB pro- Benzene content ....................................... 0.21 vol %
duced or imported at each refinery or Ethanol content ......................................... 0.4 vol %
import facility, or each batch of Methanol content ...................................... 0.2 vol %
MTBE (and other methyl ethers) content 0.6 vol %
blendstock produced and sold or trans- ETBE (and other ethyl ethers) content ..... 0.6 vol %
ferred if blendstock accounting is re- TAME ........................................................ 0.6 vol %
quired under 80.102(e), shall be as- t-Butanol content ....................................... 0.6 vol %
RVP ........................................................... 0.3 psi
signed a number (the batch number), 50% distillation (T50) ................................ 5 F
consisting of the EPA-assigned refiner, 90% distillation (T90) ................................ 5 F
importer or oxygenate blender reg- E200 .......................................................... 2.5 vol %
istration number, the EPA-assigned fa- E300 .......................................................... 3.5 vol %
API Gravity ................................................ 0.3 API
cility registration number, the last two


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.65

(ii) In the event the values from the (2)(i) Any refiner or importer shall
two laboratories for any property fall designate one independent laboratory
outside these ranges, the refiner or im- for each refinery or import facility at
porter shall use as the basis for compli- which reformulated gasoline or RBOB
ance determinations: is produced or imported. This inde-
(A) The larger of the two values for pendent laboratory will collect samples
the property, except the smaller of the and perform analyses in compliance
two results shall be used for with the requirements of this para-
oxygenates; or
graph (f) of this section.
(B) The refiner shall have the gaso-
line analyzed for the property at one (ii) Any refiner or importer shall
additional independent laboratory. If identify this designated independent
this second independent laboratory ob- laboratory to EPA under the registra-
tains a result for the property that is tion requirements of 80.76.
within the range, as listed in paragraph (iii) In order to be considered inde-
(e)(2)(i) of this section, of the refiners pendent:
or importers result for this property, (A) The laboratory shall not be oper-
then the refiners or importers result ated by any refiner or importer, and
shall be used as the basis for compli- shall not be operated by any subsidiary
ance determinations. or employee of any refiner or importer;
(f) Independent analysis requirement. (B) The laboratory shall be free from
(1) Any refiner or importer of reformu- any interest in any refiner or importer;
lated gasoline or RBOB shall carry out and
a program of independent sample col-
(C) The refiner or importer shall be
lection and analyses for the reformu-
free from any interest in the labora-
lated gasoline it produces or imports,
which meets the requirements of one of tory; however
the following two options: (D) Notwithstanding the restrictions
(i) Option 1. The refiner or importer in paragraphs (f)(2)(iii) (A) through (C)
shall, for each batch of reformulated of this section, a laboratory shall be
gasoline or RBOB that is produced or considered independent if it is owned or
imported, have the value for each prop- operated by a gasoline pipeline com-
erty specified in paragraph (e)(2)(i) of pany, regardless of ownership or oper-
this section determined by an inde- ation of the gasoline pipeline company
pendent laboratory that collects and by refiners or importers, provided that
analyzes a representative sample from such pipeline company is owned and
the batch using the methodologies operated by four or more refiners or
specified in 80.46. importers.
(ii) Option 2. The refiner or importer (iv) Use of a laboratory that is
shall have a periodic independent test- debarred, suspended, or proposed for
ing program carried out for all refor-
debarment pursuant to the Govern-
mulated gasoline produced or im-
ported, which shall consist of the fol- mentwide Debarment and Suspension
lowing: regulations, 40 CFR part 32, or the De-
(A) An independent laboratory shall barment, Suspension and Ineligibility
collect a representative sample from provisions of the Federal Acquisition
each batch of reformulated gasoline Regulations, 48 CFR part 9, subpart 9.4,
that the refiner or importer produces shall be deemed noncompliance with
or imports; the requirements of this paragraph (f).
(B) EPA will identify up to ten per- (v) Any laboratory that fails to com-
cent of the total number of samples ply with the requirements of this para-
collected under paragraph (f)(1)(ii)(A) graph (f) shall be subject to debarment
of this section; and or suspension under Governmentwide
(C) The designated independent lab- Debarment and Suspension regula-
oratory shall, for each sample identi- tions, 40 CFR part 32, or the Debar-
fied by EPA under paragraph ment, Suspension and Ineligibility reg-
(f)(1)(ii)(B) of this section, determine ulations, Federal Acquisition Regula-
the value for each property using the tions, 48 CFR part 9, subpart 9.4.
methodologies specified in 80.46.


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80.65 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(3) Any refiner or importer shall, for (iv) To supply to EPA, upon EPAs
all samples collected or analyzed pur- request, any sample collected or a por-
suant to the requirements of this para- tion of any such sample.
graph (f), cause its designated inde- (4) Any refiner that produces refor-
pendent laboratory: mulated gasoline using computer-con-
(i) At the time the designated inde- trolled in-line blending equipment is
pendent laboratory collects a rep- exempt from the independent sampling
resentative sample from a batch of re- and testing requirements specified in
formulated gasoline, to: paragraphs (f)(1) through (3) of this sec-
(A) Obtain the refiners or importers tion and from the requirement of para-
assigned batch number for the batch graph (e)(1) of this section to obtain
being sampled; test results for each batch prior to the
(B) Determine the volume of the gasoline leaving the refinery, provided
batch; that such refiner:
(C) Determine the identification (i) Obtains from EPA an exemption
number of the gasoline storage tank or from these requirements. In order to
tanks in which the batch was stored at seek such an exemption, the refiner
the time the sample was collected; shall submit a petition to EPA, such
(D) Determine the date and time the petition to include:
batch became finished reformulated (A) A description of the refiners
gasoline, and the date and time the computer-controlled in-line blending
sample was collected; operation, including a description of:
(E) Determine the grade of the batch (1) The location of the operation;
(e.g., premium, mid-grade, or regular); (2) The length of time the refiner has
and used the operation;
(F) In the case of reformulated gaso- (3) The volumes of gasoline produced
line produced through computer-con- using the operation since the refiner
trolled in-line blending, determine the began the operation or during the pre-
date and time the blending process vious three years, whichever is shorter,
began and the date and time the blend- by grade;
ing process ended, unless exempt under (4) The movement of the gasoline
paragraph (f)(4) of this section; produced using the operation to the
(ii) To retain each sample collected point of fungible mixing, including any
pursuant to the requirements of this points where all or portions of the gas-
paragraph (f) for a period of 30 days, ex- oline produced is accumulated in gaso-
cept that this period shall be extended line storage tanks;
to a period of up to 180 days upon re- (5) The physical lay-out of the oper-
quest by EPA; ation;
(iii) To submit to EPA periodic re- (6) The automated control system,
ports, as follows: including the method of monitoring
(A) A report for the period January and controlling blend properties and
through March shall be submitted by proportions;
May 31; a report for the period April (7) Any sampling and analysis of gas-
through June shall be submitted by oline that is conducted as a part of the
August 31; a report for the period July operation, including on-line, off-line,
through September shall be submitted and composite, and a description of the
by November 30; and a report for the methods of sampling, the methods of
period October through December shall analysis, the parameters analyzed and
be submitted by February 28; the frequency of such analyses, and
(B) Each report shall include, for any written, printed, or computer-
each sample of reformulated gasoline stored results of such analyses, includ-
that was analyzed pursuant to the re- ing information on the retention of
quirements of this paragraph (f): such results;
(1) The results of the independent (8) Any sampling and analysis of gas-
laboratorys analyses for each prop- oline produced by the operation that
erty; and occurs downstream from the blending
(2) The information specified in para- operation prior to fungible mixing of
graph (f)(3)(i) of this section for such the gasoline, including any such sam-
sample; and pling and analysis by the refiner and


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.66

by any purchaser, pipeline or other car- Any refiner for each refinery, any oxy-
rier, or by independent laboratories; genate blender for each oxygenate
(9) Any quality assurance procedures blending facility, and any importer
that are carried out over the operation; shall exclude from all compliance cal-
and culations the volume and properties of
(10) Any occasion(s) during the pre- any reformulated gasoline that is pro-
vious three years when the refiner ad- duced at another refinery or oxygenate
justed any physical or chemical prop- blending facility or imported by an-
erty of any gasoline produced using the other importer.
operation downstream from the oper- [59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
ation, including the nature of the ad- FR 36962, July 20, 1994; 59 FR 39289, Aug. 2,
justment and the reason the gasoline 1994; 59 FR 60715, Nov. 28, 1994; 62 FR 60135,
had properties that required adjust- Nov. 6, 1997]
ment; and
(B) A description of the independent 2, 1994, 80.65 was amended by revising para-
audit program of the refiners com- graph (d)(2)(vi) effective September 1, 1994.
puter-controlled in-line blending oper- At 59 FR 60715, Nov. 28, 1994, the amendment
ation that the refiner proposes will sat- was stayed effective September 13, 1994.
isfy the requirements of this paragraph
(f)(4); and 80.66 Calculation of reformulated
(ii) Carries out an independent audit gasoline properties.
program of the refiners computer-con- (a) All volume measurements re-
trolled in-line blending operation, such quired by these regulations shall be
program to include: temperature adjusted to 60 degrees
(A) For each batch of reformulated Fahrenheit.
gasoline produced using the operation, (b) The percentage of oxygen by
a review of the documents generated weight contained in a gasoline blend,
that is sufficient to determine the based upon its percentage oxygenate by
properties and volume of the gasoline volume and density, shall exclude de-
produced; naturants and water.
(B) Audits that occur no less fre- (c) The properties of reformulated
quently than annually; gasoline consist of per-gallon values
(C) Reports of the results of such au- separately and individually determined
dits submitted to the refiner, and to on a batch-by-batch basis using the
EPA by the auditor no later than Feb- methodologies specified in 80.46 for
ruary 28 of each year; each of those physical and chemical pa-
(D) Audits that are conducted by an rameters necessary to determine com-
auditor that meets the non-debarred pliance with the standards to which
criteria specified in 80.125 (a) and/or the gasoline is subject, and per-gallon
(d); and values for the VOC, NOX, and toxics
(iii) Complies with any other require- emissions performance standards to
ments that EPA includes as part of the which the gasoline is subject.
exemption. (d) Per-gallon oxygen content shall
(g) Marking of conventional gasoline. be determined based upon the weight
[Reserved] percent oxygen of a representative
(h) Compliance audits. Any refiner and sample of gasoline, using the method
importer of any reformulated gasoline set forth in 80.46(g). The total oxygen
or RBOB, and any oxygenate blender of content associated with a batch of gas-
any RBOB who meets the oxygen oline (in percent-gallons) is calculated
standard on average, shall have the re- by multiplying the weight percent oxy-
formulated gasoline and RBOB it pro- gen content times the volume.
duced, imported, or blended during (e) Per-gallon benzene content shall
each calendar year audited for compli- be determined based upon the volume
ance with the requirements of this sub- percent benzene of a representative
part D, in accordance with the require- sample of a batch of gasoline by the
ments of subpart F, at the conclusion method set forth in 80.46(e). The total
of each calendar year. benzene content associated with a
(i) Exclusion from compliance calcula- batch of gasoline (in percent-gallons) is
tions of gasoline received from others. calculated by multiplying the volume


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80.67 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

percent benzene content times the vol- 80.41 for per-gallon compliance, and
ume. does not have the option of meeting
(f) Per-gallon RVP shall be deter- standards on average.
mined based upon the measurement of (2)(i)(A) A refiner or importer that
RVP of a representative sample of a produces or imports reformulated gaso-
batch of gasoline by the sampling line that exceeds the average standards
methodologies specified in appendix D for oxygen or benzene (but not for
of this part and the testing method- other parameters that have average
ology specified in appendix E of this standards) may use such gasoline to
part. The total RVP value associated offset reformulated gasoline which
with a batch of gasoline (in RVP-gal- does not achieve such average stand-
lons) is calculated by multiplying the ards, but only if the reformulated gaso-
RVP times the volume. line that does not achieve such average
(g)(1) Per gallon values for VOC and standards is sold to ultimate con-
NOX emissions reduction shall be cal- sumers in the same covered area as was
culated using the methodology speci- the reformulated gasoline which ex-
fied in 80.45 that is appropriate for the ceeds average standards; provided that
gasoline. (B) Prior to the beginning of the
(2) Per-gallon values for toxic emis- averaging period when the averaging
sions performance reduction shall be approach described in paragraph
established using: (a)(2)(i)(A) of this section is used, the
(i) For gasoline subject to the simple refiner or importer obtains approval
model, the methodology under 80.42 from EPA. In order to seek such ap-
that is appropriate for the gasoline; proval, the refiner or importer shall
and submit a petition to EPA, such peti-
(ii) For gasoline subject to the com- tion to include:
plex model, the methodology specified (1) The identification of the refiner
in 80.45 that is appropriate for the and refinery, or importer, the covered
gasoline. area, and the averaging period; and
(3) The total VOC, NOX, and toxic (2) A detailed description of the pro-
emissions performance reduction val- cedures the refiner or importer will use
ues associated with a batch of gasoline to ensure the gasoline is produced by
(in percent reduction-gallons) is cal- the refiner or is imported by the im-
culated by multiplying the per-gallon porter and is used only in the covered
percent emissions performance reduc- area in question and is not used in any
tion times the volume of the batch. other covered area, and the record
[59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59 keeping, reporting, auditing, and other
FR 36963, July 20, 1994] quality assurance measures that will
be followed to establish the gasoline is
80.67 Compliance on average. used as intended; and
The requirements of this section (C) The refiner or importer properly
apply to all reformulated gasoline and completes any requirements that are
RBOB produced or imported for which specified by EPA as conditions for ap-
compliance with one or more of the re- proval of the petition.
quirements of 80.41 is determined on (ii) Any refiner or importer that
average (averaged gasoline). meets the requirements of paragraph
(a) Compliance survey required in order (a)(2)(i) of this section will be deemed
to meet standards on average. (1) Any re- to have satisfied the compliance survey
finer, importer, or oxygenate blender requirements of 80.68 for the covered
that complies with the compliance sur- area in question.
vey requirements of 80.68 has the op- (b) Scope of averaging. (1) Any refiner
tion of meeting the standards specified shall meet all applicable averaged
in 80.41 for average compliance in ad- standards separately for each of the re-
dition to the option of meeting the finers refineries;
standards specified in 80.41 for per-gal- (2)(i) Any importer shall meet all ap-
lon compliance; any refiner, importer, plicable averaged standards on the
or oxygenate blender that does not basis of all averaged reformulated gas-
comply with the survey requirements oline and RBOB imported by the im-
must meet the standards specified in porter; except that


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.67

(ii) Any importer to whom different formance specified in 80.41 which are
standards apply for gasoline imported applicable to that refinery or importer.
at different facilities by operation of (d) Toxics emissions reduction and ben-
80.41(i), shall meet the averaged zene compliance on average. (1) The aver-
standards separately for the averaged aging period for the requirements for
reformulated gasoline and RBOB im- benzene content and toxics emission
ported into each group of facilities that performance is January 1 through De-
is subject to the same standards; and cember 31 of each year.
(3) Any oxygenate blender shall meet (2) The reformulated gasoline and
the averaged standard for oxygen sepa- RBOB produced at any refinery or im-
rately for each of the oxygenate blend- ported by any importer during the
ers oxygenate blending facilities, ex- toxics emissions performance and ben-
cept that any oxygenate blender may zene averaging periods that is des-
group the averaged reformulated gaso- ignated for average compliance for
line produced at facilities at which gas- these parameters shall on average meet
oline is produced for use in a single the standards specified for toxics emis-
covered area. sions performance and benzene in 80.41
(c) RVP and VOC emissions perform- which are applicable to that refinery or
ance reduction compliance on average. (1) importer.
The VOC-controlled reformulated gaso- (3) Each gallon of reformulated gaso-
line and RBOB produced at any refin- line may not exceed the maximum
ery or imported by any importer dur- standard for benzene content specified
ing the period January 1 through Sep- in 80.41 which is applicable to that re-
tember 15 of each calendar year which finery or importer.
is designated for average compliance (e) NOX compliance on average. (1) The
for RVP or VOC emissions performance averaging period for NOX emissions
on average must meet the standards performance is January 1 through De-
for RVP (in the case of a refinery or cember 31 of each year.
importer subject to the simple model (2) The requirements of this para-
standards) or the standards for VOC graph (e) apply separately to reformu-
emissions performance reduction (in lated gasoline and RBOB in the fol-
the case of a refinery or importer sub- lowing categories:
ject to the complex model standards)
(i) All reformulated gasoline and
which are applicable to that refinery or
RBOB that is designated as VOC-con-
importer as follows:
trolled; and
(i) Gasoline and RBOB designated for
(ii) All reformulated gasoline and
VOC Control Region 1 must meet the
RBOB that is not designated as VOC-
standards for that Region which are
applicable to that refinery or importer;
and (3) The reformulated gasoline and
(ii) Gasoline and RBOB designated RBOB produced at any refinery or im-
for VOC Control Region 2 must meet ported by any importer during the NOX
the standards for that Region which averaging period that is designated for
are applicable to that refinery or im- average compliance for NOX shall on
porter. average meet the standards for NOX
(2) In the case of a refinery or im- specified in 80.41 that are applicable
porter subject to the simple model to that refinery or importer.
standards, each gallon of reformulated (f) Oxygen compliance on average. (1)
gasoline and RBOB designated as being The averaging period for the oxygen
VOC-controlled may not exceed the content requirements is January 1
maximum standards for RVP specified through December 31 of each year.
in 80.41(b) which are applicable to that (2) The requirements of this para-
refiner or importer. graph (f) apply separately to reformu-
(3) In the case of a refinery or im- lated gasoline in the following cat-
porter subject to the complex model egories:
standards, each gallon of reformulated (i) All reformulated gasoline;
gasoline designated as being VOC-con- (ii) [Reserved]
trolled must equal or exceed the min- (iii) In the case of reformulated gaso-
imum standards for VOC emissions per- line certified under the simple model,


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80.67 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

that which is designated as VOC- con- n

ACTUAL TOTAL = ( Vi parm i )
(3) The reformulated gasoline pro-
duced at any refinery or imported by i =1
any importer during the oxygen aver-
aging period that is designated for av-
Vi = the volume of gasoline batch i
erage compliance for oxygen shall on
parmi = the parameter value of gasoline
average meet the standards for oxygen batch i
specified in 80.41 that is applicable to n = the number of batches of gasoline pro-
that refinery or importer. duced or imported during the averaging pe-
(4) The reformulated gasoline that is riod
produced at any oxygenate blending fa-
(2) For each standard, compare the
cility by blending RBOB with oxygen-
actual total with the compliance total.
ate that is designated for average com-
(3) For the VOC, NOX, and toxics
pliance for oxygen shall on average
emissions performance and oxygen
meet the standards for oxygen specified
standards, the actual totals must be
in 80.41 that is applicable to that oxy-
equal to or greater than the compli-
genate blending facility.
ance totals to achieve compliance.
(5) Each gallon of reformulated gaso- (4) For RVP and benzene standards,
line must meet the applicable min- the actual total must be equal to or
imum requirements, and in the case of less than the compliance totals to
simple model reformulated gasoline achieve compliance.
the minimum and maximum require- (5) If the actual total for the oxygen
ments, for oxygen content specified in standard is less than the compliance
80.41. total, or if the actual total for the ben-
(g) Compliance calculation. To deter- zene standard is greater than the com-
mine compliance with the averaged pliance total, credits for these param-
standards in 80.41, any refiner for each eters must be obtained from another
of its refineries at which averaged re- refiner, importer or (in the case of oxy-
formulated gasoline or RBOB is pro- gen) oxygenate blender in order to
duced, any oxygenate blender for each achieve compliance:
of its oxygenate blending facilities at (i) The total number of oxygen cred-
which oxygen averaged reformulated its required to achieve compliance is
gasoline is produced, and any importer calculated by subtracting the actual
that imports averaged reformulated total from the compliance total oxy-
gasoline or RBOB shall, for each aver- gen; and
aging period and for each portion of (ii) The total number of benzene cred-
gasoline for which standards must be its required to achieve compliance is
separately achieved, and for each rel- calculated by subtracting the compli-
evant standard, calculate: ance total from the actual total ben-
(1)(i) The compliance total using the zene.
following formula: (6) If the actual total for the oxygen
standard is greater than the compli-
n ance total, or if the actual total for the
COMPLIANCE TOTAL = Vi std benzene standard is less than the com-
i =1 pliance totals, credits for these param-
eters are generated:
where (i) The total number of oxygen cred-
Vi = the volume of gasoline batch i its which may be traded to another re-
std = the standard for the parameter being finery, importer, or oxygenate blender
evaluated is calculated by subtracting the com-
n = the number of batches of gasoline pro- pliance total from the actual total for
duced or imported during the averaging pe- oxygen; and
riod (ii) The total number of benzene cred-
its which may be traded to another re-
finery or importer is calculated by sub-
(ii) The actual total using the fol- tracting the actual total from the com-
lowing formula: pliance total for benzene.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.68

(h) Credit transfers. (1) Compliance transfer improperly created credits;

with the averaged standards specified and
in 80.41 for oxygen and benzene (but (iii) Where any credit transferor has
for no other standards or requirements) in its balance at the conclusion of any
may be achieved through the transfer averaging period both credits which
of oxygen and benzene credits provided were properly created and credits
that: which were improperly created, the
(i) The credits were generated in the properly created credits will be applied
same averaging period as they are first to any credit transfers before the
used; transferor may apply any credits to
(ii) The credit transfer takes place no
achieve its own compliance.
later than fifteen working days fol-
lowing the end of the averaging period (i) Average compliance for reformulated
in which the reformulated gasoline gasoline produced or imported before Jan-
credits were generated; uary 1, 1995. In the case of any reformu-
(iii) The credits are properly created; lated gasoline that is intended to be
(iv) The credits are transferred di- used beginning January 1, 1995, but
rectly from the refiner, importer, or that is produced or imported prior to
oxygenate blender that creates the that date:
credits to the refiner, importer, or oxy- (1) Any refiner or importer may meet
genate blender that uses the credits to standards specified in 80.41 for average
achieve compliance; compliance for such gasoline, provided
(v) Oxygen credits are generated, the refiner or importer has the option
transferred, and used: of meeting standards on average for
(A) In the case of gasoline subject to 1995 under paragraph (a) of this section,
the simple model standards, only in the and provided the refiner or importer
following categories: elects to be subject to average stand-
(1) VOC-controlled; and ards under 80.65(c)(3); and
(2) Non-VOC-controlled. (2) Any average compliance gasoline
(B) [Reserved] under paragraph (i)(1) of this section
(vi) Oxygen credits generated from
shall be combined with average compli-
gasoline subject to the complex model
ance gasoline produced during 1995 for
standards are not used to achieve com-
pliance for gasoline subject to the sim- purposes of compliance calculations
ple model standards; under paragraph (g) of this section.
(vii) Oxygen credits are not used to [38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 62
achieve compliance with the minimum FR 60135, Nov. 6, 1997; 62 FR 68207, Dec. 31,
oxygen content standards in 80.41; and 1997]
(viii) Benzene credits are not used to
achieve compliance with the maximum 80.68 Compliance surveys.
benzene content standards in 80.41. (a) Compliance survey option 1. In
(2) No party may transfer any credits order to satisfy the compliance survey
to the extent such a transfer would re- requirements, any refiner, importer, or
sult in the transferor having a negative oxygenate blender shall properly con-
credit balance at the conclusion of the
duct a program of compliance surveys
averaging period for which the credits
in accordance with a survey program
were transferred. Any credits trans-
plan which has been approved by the
ferred in violation of this paragraph
are improperly created credits. Administrator of EPA in each covered
(3) In the case of credits that were area which is supplied with any gaso-
improperly created, the following pro- line for which compliance is achieved
visions apply: on average that is produced by that re-
(i) Improperly created credits may finer or oxygenate blender or imported
not be used to achieve compliance, re- by that importer. Such approval shall
gardless of a credit transferees good be based upon the survey program plan
faith belief that it was receiving valid meeting the following criteria:
credits; (1) The survey program shall consist
(ii) No refiner, importer, or oxygen- of at least four surveys which shall
ate blender may create, report, or


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80.68 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

occur during the following time peri- (2) This initial survey schedule shall
ods: one survey during the period Janu- be adjusted as follows:
ary 1 through May 31; two surveys dur- (i) In the event one or more ozone
ing the period June 1 through Sep- nonattainment areas in addition to the
tember 15; and one survey during the nine specified in 80.70, opt into the re-
period September 16 through December formulated gasoline program, the num-
31. ber of surveys to be conducted in the
(2) The survey program shall meet year the area or areas opt into the pro-
the criteria stated in paragraph (c) of gram and in each subsequent year shall
this section. be increased according to the following
(3) In the event that any refiner, im- formula:
porter, or oxygenate blender fails to
properly carry out an approved survey V
opt in
program, the refiner, importer, or oxy-
ANSi = NSi + NSi
genate blender shall achieve compli- V
ance with all applicable standards on a orig
per-gallon basis for the calendar year
in which the failure occurs, and may where:
not achieve compliance with any ANSi = the adjusted number of surveys for
standard on an average basis during year i; i = the opt-in year and each subse-
this calendar year. This requirement to quent year
NSi = the number of surveys according to the
achieve compliance per-gallon shall schedule in paragraph (b)(1) of this section
apply ab initio to the beginning of any in year i; i = the opt-in year and each sub-
calendar year in which the failure oc- sequent year
curs, regardless of when during the Vopt-in = the total volume of gasoline supplied
year the failure occurs. to the opt-in covered areas in the year pre-
(b) Compliance survey option 2. A re- ceding the year of the opt-in
finer, importer, or oxygenate blender Vorig = the total volume of gasoline supplied
shall be deemed to have satisfied the to the original nine covered areas in the
year preceding the year of the opt-in
compliance survey requirements de-
scribed in paragraph (a) of this section (ii) In the event that any covered
if a comprehensive program of surveys area fails a survey or survey series ac-
is properly conducted in accordance cording to the criteria set forth in
with a survey program plan which has paragraph (c) of this section, the an-
been approved by the Administrator of nual decreases in the numbers of sur-
EPA. Such approval shall be based veys prescribed by paragraph (b)(1) of
upon the survey program plan meeting this section, as adjusted by paragraph
the following criteria: (b)(2)(i) of this section, shall be ad-
(1) The initial schedule for the con- justed as follows in the year following
duct of surveys shall be as follows: the year of the failure. Any such ad-
(i) 120 surveys shall be conducted in justment to the number of surveys
1995; shall remain in effect so long as any
(ii) 80 surveys shall be conducted in standard for the affected covered area
1996; has been adjusted to be more stringent
(iii) 60 surveys shall be conducted in as a result of a failed survey or survey
1997; series. The adjustments shall be cal-
(iv) 70 surveys shall be conducted in culated according to the following for-
1998 and thereafter. mula:

ANSi = failed ( NS i 1 NS i ) + NS i


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.68
where: model samples that are collected pur-
ANSi = the adjusted number of surveys in suant to the applicable survey design
year i; i = the year after the failure and in a single covered area during any
each subsequent year consecutive seven-day period and that
Vfailed = the total volume of gasoline supplied are not excluded under paragraph (c)(6)
to the covered area which failed the survey
or survey series in the year of the failure
of this section.
Vtotal = the total volume of gasoline supplied (iii)(A) The simple model portion of
to all covered areas in the year of the fail- each survey shall be representative of
ure all gasoline certified using the simple
NSi = the number of surveys in year i accord- model which is being dispensed in the
ing to the schedule in paragraph (b)(1) of covered area.
this section and as adjusted by paragraph
(B) The complex model portion of
(b)(2)(i) of this section; i = the year after
the failure and each subsequent year each survey shall be representative of
all gasoline certified using the complex
(3) The survey program shall meet model which is being dispensed in the
the criteria stated in paragraph (c) of covered area.
this section. (2) Beginning on January 1, 1998:
(4) On each occasion the comprehen- (i) A survey shall consist of all sam-
sive survey program does not occur as ples that are collected pursuant to the
specified in the approved plan with re- applicable survey design in a single
gard to any covered area: covered area during any consecutive
(i) Each refiner, importer, and oxy- seven-day period and that are not ex-
genate blender who supplied any refor- cluded under paragraph (c)(6) of this
mulated gasoline or RBOB to the cov- section.
ered area and who has not satisfied the
(ii) A survey shall be representative
survey requirements described in para-
of all gasoline which is being dispensed
graph (a) of this section shall be
in the covered area.
deemed to have failed to carry out an
approved survey program; and (3) A VOC survey and a NOX survey
shall consist of any survey conducted
(ii) The covered area will be deemed
during the period June 1 through Sep-
to have failed surveys for VOC and NOX
tember 15.
emissions performance, and survey se-
ries for benzene and oxygen, and toxic (4)(i) A toxics, oxygen, and benzene
and NOX emissions performance. survey series shall consist of all sur-
(c) General survey requirements. (1) veys conducted in a single covered area
During the period January 1, 1995 during a single calendar year.
through December 31, 1997: (ii) A NOX survey series shall consist
(i) Any sample taken from a retail of all surveys conducted in a single
gasoline storage tank for which the covered area during the periods Janu-
three most recent deliveries were of ary 1 through May 31, and September 16
gasoline designated as meeting: through December 31 during a single
(A) Simple model standards shall be calendar year.
considered a simple model sample; (5)(i) Each simple model sample in-
or cluded in a survey shall be analyzed for
(B) Complex model standards shall be oxygenate type and content, benzene
considered a complex model sample. content, aromatic hydrocarbon con-
(ii) A survey shall consist of the com- tent, and RVP in accordance with the
bination of a simple model portion and methodologies specified in 80.46; and
a complex model portion, as follows: (ii) Each complex model sample in-
(A) The simple model portion of a cluded in a survey shall be analyzed for
survey shall consist of all simple model oxygenate type and content, olefins,
samples that are collected pursuant to benzene, sulfur, and aromatic hydro-
the applicable survey design in a single carbons, E200, E300, and RVP in ac-
covered area during any consecutive cordance with the methodologies speci-
seven-day period and that are not ex- fied in 80.46.
cluded under paragraph (c)(6) of this (6)(i) The results of each survey shall
section. be based upon the results of the anal-
(B) The complex model portion of a ysis of each sample collected during
survey shall consist of all complex the course of the survey, unless the


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80.68 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

sample violates the applicable per-gal- emissions equation at 80.42(a)(2) with

lon maximum or minimum standards RVP = 8.1 and OXCON = 2.0 for covered
for the parameter being evaluated plus areas located in VOC-Control Region 2;
any enforcement tolerance that applies and
to the parameter (e.g., a sample that (C) The covered area shall have failed
violates the benzene per-gallon max- the simple model VOC survey if the
imum plus any benzene enforcement VOC emissions reduction average of all
tolerance but meets other per-gallon survey samples is less than VOC emis-
maximum and minimum standards sions reduction survey standard cal-
would be excluded from the benzene culated under paragraph (c)(8)(i)(B) of
survey, but would be included in the this section.
surveys for parameters other than ben- (ii) The results of each complex
zene). model VOC emissions reduction survey
(ii) Any sample from a survey that shall be determined as follows:
violates any standard under 80.41, or (A) For each complex model sample
that constitutes evidence of the viola- from the survey series, the VOC emis-
tion of any prohibition or requirement sions reduction percentage shall be de-
under this subpart D, may be used by termined based upon the tested param-
the Administrator in an enforcement eter values for that sample and the ap-
action for such violation. propriate methodology for calculating
(7) Each laboratory at which samples VOC emissions reduction at 80.45;
in a survey are analyzed shall partici- (B) The covered area shall have failed
pate in a correlation program with the complex model VOC survey if the
EPA to ensure the validity of analysis VOC emissions reduction percentage
results. average of all survey samples is less
(8)(i) The results of each simple than the applicable per-gallon standard
model VOC survey shall be determined for VOC emissions reduction.
as follows: (9)(i) The results of each simple
(A) For each simple model sample model toxics emissions reduction sur-
from the survey, the VOC emissions re- vey series conducted in any covered
duction percentage shall be determined area shall be determined as follows:
based upon the tested values for RVP (A) For each simple model sample
and oxygen for that sample as applied from the survey series, the toxics emis-
to the VOC emissions reduction equa- sions reduction percentage shall be de-
tion at 80.42(a)(1) for VOC-Control Re- termined based upon the tested param-
gion 1 and 80.42(a)(2) for VOC-Control eter values for that sample and the ap-
Region 2; propriate methodology for calculating
(B) The VOC emissions reduction sur- toxics emissions performance reduc-
vey standard applicable to each cov- tion at 80.42.
ered area shall be calculated by using (B) The annual average of the toxics
the VOC emissions equation at emissions reduction percentages for all
80.42(a)(1) with RVP = 7.2 and OXCON samples from a survey series shall be
= 2.0 for covered areas located in VOC- calculated according to the following
Control Region 1 and using the VOC formula:

n1 n2
TER 1, i TER 2 ,i
AATER = i =1 0.468 + i =1 0.532
n1 n2

where TER1,i = the toxics emissions reduction for

AATER = the annual average toxics emis- sample i of gasoline collected during the
sions reduction high ozone season


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.68
TER2,i = the toxics emissions reduction for the covered area shall have failed a
sample i of gasoline collected outside the benzene survey series.
high ozone season (12) For any oxygen content survey
n1 = the number of samples collected during
series conducted in any covered area
the high ozone season
n2 = the number of samples collected outside
the average oxygen content for all
the high ozone season samples from the survey series shall be
calculated. If this annual average is
(C) The covered area shall have failed less than 2.00 percent by weight, the
the simple model toxics survey series if covered area shall have failed an oxy-
the annual average toxics emissions re- gen survey series.
duction is less than the simple model (13) Each survey program shall:
per-gallon standard for toxics emis- (i) Be planned and conducted by a
sions reduction. person who is independent of the re-
(ii) The results of each complex finer or importer (the surveyor). In
model toxics emissions reduction sur- order to be considered independent:
vey series conducted in any covered (A) The surveyor shall not be an em-
area shall be determined as follows: ployee of any refiner or importer;
(A) For each complex model sample (B) The surveyor shall be free from
from the survey series, the toxics emis- any obligation to or interest in any re-
sions reduction percentage shall be de- finer or importer; and
termined based upon the tested param- (C) The refiner or importer shall be
eter values for that sample and the ap- free from any obligation to or interest
propriate methodology for calculating in the surveyor; and
toxics emissions reduction at 80.45; (ii) Include procedures for selecting
(B) The annual average of the toxics sample collection locations, numbers
emissions reduction percentages for all of samples, and gasoline compositions
samples from a survey series shall be which will result in:
calculated according to the formula (A) Simple model surveys rep-
specified in paragraph (c)(9)(i)(B) of resenting all gasoline certified using
this section; and the simple model being dispensed at re-
(C) The covered area shall have failed tail outlets within the covered area
the complex model toxics survey series during the period of the survey; and
if the annual average toxics emissions (B) Complex model surveys rep-
reduction is less than the applicable resenting all gasoline certified using
per-gallon complex model standard for the complex model being dispensed at
toxics emissions reduction. retail outlets within the covered area
(10) The results of each NOX emis- during the period of the survey; and
sions reduction survey and survey se- (iii) Include procedures such that the
ries shall be determined as follows: number of samples included in each
(i) For each sample from the survey survey assures that:
and survey series, the NOX emissions (A) In the case of simple model sur-
reduction percentage shall be deter- veys, the average levels of oxygen, ben-
mined based upon the tested parameter zene, RVP, and aromatic hydrocarbons
values for that sample and the appro- are determined with a 95% confidence
priate methodology for calculating level, with error of less than 0.1 psi for
NOX emissions reduction at 80.45; and RVP, 0.05% for benzene (by volume),
(ii) The covered area shall have failed and 0.1% for oxygen (by weight); and
the NOX survey or survey series if the (B) In the case of complex model sur-
NOX emissions reduction percentage veys, the average levels of oxygen, ben-
average for all survey samples is less zene, RVP, aromatic hydrocarbons,
than the applicable Phase I or Phase II olefins, T50, T90 and sulfur are deter-
complex model per-gallon standard for mined with a 95% confidence level,
NOX emissions reduction. with error of less than 0.1 psi for RVP,
(11) For any benzene content survey 0.05% for benzene (by volume), 0.1% for
series conducted in any covered area oxygen (by weight), 0.5% for olefins (by
the average benzene content for all volume), 5 F. for T50 and T90, and 10
samples from the survey series shall be ppm for sulfur; or an equivalent level
calculated. If this annual average is of precision for the complex model-de-
greater than 1.000 percent by volume, termined emissions parameters; and


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80.68 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(iv) Require that the surveyor shall: zene, aromatic hydrocarbon, and olefin
(A) Not inform anyone, in advance, of content, E200, E300, and RVP, the cal-
the date or location for the conduct of culated NOX and toxics emissions re-
any survey; duction percentage, and for each sur-
(B) Upon request by EPA made with- vey conducted during the period June 1
in thirty days following the submission through September 15, the calculated
of the report of a survey, provide a du- VOC emissions reduction percentage;
plicate of any gasoline sample taken (I) The name and address of each lab-
during that survey to EPA at a loca- oratory where gasoline samples were
tion to be specified by EPA each sam- analyzed;
ple to be identified by the name and ad- (J) A description of the methodology
dress of the facility where collected, utilized to select the locations for sam-
the date of collection, and the classi- ple collection and the numbers of sam-
fication of the sample as simple model ples collected;
or complex model; and (K) For any samples which were ex-
(C) At any time permit any rep- cluded from the survey, a justification
resentative of EPA to monitor the con- for such exclusion; and
duct of the survey, including sample
(L) The average toxics emissions re-
collection, transportation, storage, and
duction percentage for simple model
analysis; and
samples and the percentage for com-
(v) Require the surveyor to submit to
plex model samples, the average ben-
EPA a report of each survey, within
zene and oxygen percentages, and for
thirty days following completion of the
each survey conducted during the pe-
survey, such report to include the fol-
riod June 1 through September 15, the
lowing information:
average VOC emissions reduction per-
(A) The identification of the person
centage for simple model samples and
who conducted the survey;
the percentage for complex model sam-
(B) An attestation by an officer of
ples, and the average NOX emissions re-
the surveyor company that the survey
duction percentage for all complex
was conducted in accordance with the
model samples;
survey plan and that the survey results
are accurate; (14) Each survey shall be conducted
(C) If the survey was conducted for at a time and in a covered area selected
one refiner or importer, the identifica- by EPA no earlier than two weeks be-
tion of that party; fore the date of the survey.
(D) The identification of the covered (15) The procedure for seeking EPA
area surveyed; approval for a survey program plan
(E) The dates on which the survey shall be as follows:
was conducted; (i) The survey program plan shall be
(F) The address of each facility at submitted to the Administrator of EPA
which a gasoline sample was collected, for EPAs approval no later than Sep-
the date of collection, and the classi- tember 1 of the year preceding the year
fication of the sample as simple model in which the surveys will be conducted;
or complex model; and
(G) The results of the analyses of (ii) Such submittal shall be signed by
simple model samples for oxygenate a responsible corporate officer of the
type and oxygen weight percent, ben- refiner, importer, or oxygenate blend-
zene content, aromatic hydrocarbon er, or in the case of a comprehensive
content, and RVP, the calculated survey program plan, by an officer of
toxics emission reduction percentage, the organization coordinating the sur-
and for each survey conducted during vey program.
the period June 1 through September 15 (16)(i) No later than December 1 of
the VOC emissions reduction percent- the year preceding the year in which
age calculated using the methodology the surveys will be conducted, the con-
specified in paragraph (c)(8)(i) of this tract with the surveyor to carry out
section; the entire survey plan shall be in ef-
(H) The results of the analyses of fect, and an amount of money nec-
complex model samples for oxygenate essary to carry out the entire survey
type and oxygen weight percent, ben- plan shall be paid to the surveyor or


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.69

placed into an escrow account with in- (5) Transfer ownership of the RBOB
structions to the escrow agent to pay only to an oxygenate blender who is
the money over to the surveyor during registered with EPA as such, or to an
the course of the conduct of the survey intermediate owner with the restric-
plan. tion that it only be transferred to a
(ii) No later than December 15 of the registered oxygenate blender;
year preceding the year in which the (6) Have a contract with each oxygen-
surveys will be conducted, the Admin- ate blender who receives any RBOB
istrator of EPA shall be given a copy of produced or imported by the refiner or
the contract with the surveyor, proof importer that requires the oxygenate
that the money necessary to carry out blender, or, in the case of a contract
the plan has either been paid to the with an intermediate owner, that re-
surveyor or placed into an escrow ac- quires the intermediate owner to re-
count, and if placed into an escrow ac- quire the oxygenate blender to:
count, a copy of the escrow agreement. (i) Comply with blender procedures
[59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59 that are specified by the contract and
FR 36963, July 20, 1994; 62 FR 12576, Mar. 17, are calculated to assure blending with
1997; 62 FR 68207, Dec. 31, 1997] the proper type and amount of oxygen-
80.69 Requirements for downstream (ii) Allow the refiner or importer to
oxygenate blending.
conduct quality assurance sampling
The requirements of this section and testing of the reformulated gaso-
apply to all reformulated gasoline line produced by the oxygenate blend-
blendstock for oxygenate blending, or er;
RBOB, to which oxygenate is added at (iii) Stop selling any gasoline found
any oxygenate blending facility. to not comply with the standards under
(a) Requirements for refiners and im- which the RBOB was produced or im-
porters. For any RBOB produced or im- ported; and
ported, the refiner or importer of the (iv) Carry out the quality assurance
RBOB shall: sampling and testing that this section
(1) Produce or import the RBOB such
requires the oxygenate blender to con-
that, when blended with a specified
type and percentage of oxygenate, it
(7) Conduct a quality assurance sam-
meets the applicable standards for re-
pling and testing program to be carried
formulated gasoline;
(2) In order to determine the prop- out at the facilities of each oxygenate
erties of RBOB for purposes of calcu- blender who blends any RBOB produced
lating compliance with per-gallon or or imported by the refiner or importer
averaged standards, conduct tests on with any oxygenate, to determine
each batch of the RBOB by: whether the reformulated gasoline
(i) Adding the specified type and which has been produced through
amount of oxygenate to a representa- blending complies with the applicable
tive sample of the RBOB; and standards, using the methodology spec-
(ii) Determining the properties and ified in 80.46 for this determination.
characteristics of the resulting gaso- (i) The sampling and testing program
line using the methodology specified in shall be conducted as follows:
80.65(e); (A) All samples shall be collected
(3) Carry out the independent anal- subsequent to the addition of oxygen-
ysis requirements specified in 80.65(f); ate, and either:
(4) Determine properties of the RBOB (1) Prior combining the resulting gas-
which are sufficient to allow parties oline with any other gasoline; or
downstream from the refinery or im- (2) In the case of truck splash blend-
port facility to establish, through sam- ing, subsequent to the delivery of the
pling and testing, if the RBOB has been gasoline to a retail outlet or wholesale
altered or contaminated such that it purchaser-consumer facility provided
will not meet the applicable reformu- that the three most recent deliveries to
lated gasoline standards subsequent to the retail outlet or wholesale pur-
the addition of the specified type and chaser facility were of gasoline pro-
amount of oxygenate; duced using that refiners or importers


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RBOB, and provided that any discrep- (2) In the case of RBOB which is
ancy found through the retail outlet or blended with oxygenate in gasoline de-
wholesale purchaser facility sampling livery trucks through the use of com-
is followed-up with measures reason- puter-controlled in-line blending equip-
ably designed to discover the cause of ment, a rate of not less than one sam-
the discrepancy; and ple for every 100,000 barrels of RBOB
(B) Sampling and testing shall be at produced or imported by that refiner or
one of the following rates: importer that is blended by that blend-
(1) In the case of RBOB which is er, or one sample every two months,
blended with oxygenate in a gasoline whichever is more frequent; or
storage tank, a rate of not less than (3) In the case of RBOB which is
one sample for every 400,000 barrels of blended with oxygenate in gasoline de-
RBOB produced or imported by that re- livery trucks without the use of com-
finer or importer that is blended by puter-controlled in-line blending equip-
that blender, or one sample every ment, a rate of not less than one sam-
month, whichever is more frequent; or ple for each 25,000 barrels of RBOB pro-
(2) In the case of RBOB which is duced or imported by that refiner or
blended with oxygenate in gasoline de- importer which is blended, or one sam-
livery trucks through the use of com- ple every two weeks, whichever is more
puter-controlled in-line blending equip- frequent;
ment, a rate of not less than one sam- (D) Continue the increased frequency
ple for every 200,000 barrels of RBOB of sampling and testing until the re-
produced or imported by that refiner or sults of ten consecutive samples and
importer that is blended by that blend- tests indicate the gasoline complies
er, or one sample every three months, with applicable standards, at which
whichever is more frequent; or time the sampling and testing may be
(3) In the case of RBOB which is conducted at the original frequency;
blended with oxygenate in gasoline de-
(iii) This quality assurance program
livery trucks without the use of com-
is in addition to any quality assurance
puter-controlled in-line blending equip-
requirements carried out by other par-
ment, a rate of not less than one sam-
ple for each 50,000 barrels of RBOB pro-
duced or imported by that refiner or (8) A refiner or importer of RBOB
importer which is blended, or one sam- may, in lieu of the contractual and
ple per month, whichever is more fre- quality assurance requirements speci-
quent; fied in paragraphs (a) (6) and (7) of this
(ii) In the event the test results for section, base its compliance calcula-
any sample indicate the gasoline does tions on the following assumptions:
not comply with applicable standards (i) In the case of RBOB designated for
(within the correlation ranges specified any-oxygenate, assume that ethanol
in 80.65(e)(2)(i)), the refiner or im- will be added;
porter shall: (ii) In the case of RBOB designated
(A) Immediately take steps to stop for ether-only, assume that MTBE will
the sale of the gasoline that was sam- be added; and
pled; (iii) In the case of any-oxygenate and
(B) Take steps which are reasonably ether-only designated RBOB, assume
calculated to determine the cause of that the volume of oxygenate added
the noncompliance and to prevent fu- will be such that the resulting refor-
ture instances of noncompliance; mulated gasoline will have an oxygen
(C) Increase the rate of sampling and content of 2.0 weight percent;
testing to one of the following rates: (9) Any refiner or importer who does
(1) In the case of RBOB which is not meet the contractual and quality
blended with oxygenate in a gasoline assurance requirements specified in
storage tank, a rate of not less than paragraphs (a) (6) and (7) of this sec-
one sample for every 200,000 barrels of tion, and who does not designate its
RBOB produced or imported by that re- RBOB as ether-only or any-oxygenate,
finer or importer that is blended by shall base its compliance calculations
that blender, or one sample every two on the assumption that 4.0 volume per-
weeks, whichever is more frequent; or cent ethanol is added to the RBOB; and


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.69

(10) Specify in the product transfer 4321432195001, 4321432195002, etc.);

documentation for the RBOB each oxy- and
genate type or types and amount or (iii) Meet the compliance audit re-
range of amounts which is consistent quirements specified in 80.65(h).
with the designation of the RBOB as (c) Additional requirements for terminal
any-oxygenate, or ether-only, and storage tank blending. Any oxygenate
which, if blended with the RBOB will blender who produces reformulated
result in reformulated gasoline which: gasoline by blending any oxygenate
(i) Has VOC, toxics, or NOX emissions with any RBOB in any gasoline storage
reduction percentages which are no tank, other than a truck used for deliv-
lower than the percentages that formed ering gasoline to retail outlets or
the basis for the refiners or importers wholesale purchaser-consumer facili-
compliance determination for these pa- ties, shall, for each batch of reformu-
rameters; lated gasoline so produced determine
(ii) Has a benzene content and RVP the oxygen content and volume of this
level which are no higher than the val- gasoline prior to the gasoline leaving
ues for these characteristics that the oxygenate blending facility, using
formed the basis for the refiners or im- the methodology specified in 80.46.
porters compliance determinations for (d) Additional requirements for distribu-
these parameters; and tors dispensing RBOB into trucks for
(iii) Will not cause the reformulated blending. Any distributor who dispenses
gasoline to violate any standard speci- any RBOB into any truck which deliv-
fied in 80.41. ers gasoline to retail outlets or whole-
(b) Requirements for oxygenate blend- sale purchaser-consumer facilities,
ers. For all RBOB received by any oxy- shall for such RBOB so dispensed:
genate blender, the oxygenate blender (1) Transfer the RBOB only to an ox-
shall: ygenate blender who has registered
(1) Add oxygenate of the type(s) and with the Administrator of EPA as such;
amount (or within the range of (2) Transfer any RBOB designated as
amounts) specified in the product ether-only RBOB only if the dis-
transfer documents for the RBOB; tributor has a reasonable basis for
(2) Designate each batch of the re- knowing the oxygenate blender will
sulting reformulated gasoline as meet- blend an oxygenate other than ethanol
ing the oxygen standard per-gallon or with the RBOB; and
on average; (3) Obtain from the oxygenate blend-
(3) Meet the standard requirements er the oxygenate blenders EPA reg-
specified in 80.65(c) and 80.67(f), the istration number.
record keeping requirements specified (e) Additional requirements for oxygen-
in 80.74, and the reporting require- ate blenders who blend oxygenate in
ments specified in 80.75; and trucks. Any oxygenate blender who ob-
(4) In the case of each batch of refor- tains any RBOB in any gasoline deliv-
mulated gasoline which is designated ery truck shall:
for compliance with the oxygen stand- (1) On each occasion it obtains RBOB
ard on average: from a distributor, supply the dis-
(i) Determine the volume and the tributor with the oxygenate blenders
weight percent oxygen of the batch EPA registration number;
using the testing methodology speci- (2) Conduct a quality assurance sam-
fied in 80.46; pling and testing program to determine
(ii) Assign a number to the batch (the whether the proper type and amount of
batch number), beginning with the oxygenate is added to RBOB. The pro-
number one for the first batch pro- gram shall be conducted as follows:
duced each calendar year and each sub- (i) All samples shall be collected sub-
sequent batch during the calendar year sequent to the addition of oxygenate,
being assigned the next sequential and either:
number, and such numbers to be pre- (A) Prior combining the resulting
ceded by the oxygenate blenders reg- gasoline with any other gasoline; or
istration number, the facility number, (B) Subsequent to the delivery of the
and the second two digits of the year in gasoline to a retail outlet or wholesale
which the batch was produced (e.g., purchaser-consumer facility provided


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80.70 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

that the three most recent deliveries to not less than one sample per each fifty
the retail outlet or wholesale pur- occasions RBOB and oxygenate are
chaser facility were of gasoline that blended in a truck by that oxygenate
was produced by that oxygenate blend- blender, or one sample every two
er and that had the same oxygenate re- weeks, whichever is more frequent; and
quirements, and provided that any dis- (D) This increased frequency shall
crepancy in oxygenate type or amount continue until the results of ten con-
found through the retail outlet or secutive samples and tests indicate the
wholesale purchaser facility sampling gasoline complies with applicable
is followed-up with measures reason- standards, at which time the frequency
ably designed to discover the cause of may revert to the original frequency.
the discrepancy; [59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
(ii) Sampling and testing shall be at FR 36964, July 20, 1994; 62 FR 60135, Nov. 6,
one of the following rates: 1997]
(A) In the case computer-controlled
in-line blending is used, a rate of not 80.70 Covered areas.
less than one sample per each five hun- For purposes of subparts D, E, and F
dred occasions RBOB and oxygenate of this part, the covered areas are as
are loaded into a truck by that oxygen- follows:
ate blender, or one sample every three (a) The Los Angeles-Anaheim-River-
months, whichever is more frequent; or side, California, area, comprised of:
(B) In the case computer-controlled (1) Los Angeles County;
in-line blending is not used, a rate of (2) Orange County;
not less than one sample per each one (3) Ventura County;
hundred occasions RBOB and oxygen- (4) That portion of San Bernadino
ate are blended in a truck by that oxy- County that lies south of latitude 35
genate blender, or one sample per degrees, 10 minutes north and west of
month, whichever is more frequent; longitude 115 degrees, 45 minutes west;
(iii) Sampling and testing shall be of and
the gasoline produced through one of (5) That portion of Riverside County,
the RBOB-oxygenate blends produced which lies to the west of a line de-
by that oxygenate blender; scribed as follows:
(iv) Samples shall be analyzed for ox- (i) Beginning at the northeast corner
ygenate type and oxygen content using of Section 4, Township 2 South, Range
the testing methodology specified at 5 East, a point on the boundary line
80.46; and common to Riverside and San
(v) In the event the testing results Bernadino Counties;
for any sample indicate the gasoline (ii) Then southerly along section
does not contain the specified type and lines to the centerline of the Colorado
amount of oxygenate (within the River Aqueduct;
ranges specified in 80.70(b)(2)(i)): (iii) Then southeasterly along the
(A) Immediately stop selling (or centerline of said Colorado River Aque-
where possible, to stop any transferee duct to the southerly line of Section 36,
of the gasoline from selling) the gaso- Township 3 South, Range 7 East;
line which was sampled; (iv) Then easterly along the township
(B) Take steps to determine the line to the northeast corner of Section
cause of the noncompliance; 6, Township 4 South, Range 9 East;
(C) Increase the rate of sampling and (v) Then southerly along the easterly
testing to one of the following rates: line of Section 6 to the southeast cor-
(1) In the case computer-controlled ner thereof;
in-line blending is used, a rate of not (vi) Then easterly along section lines
less than one sample per each two hun- to the northeast corner of Section 10,
dred and fifty occasions RBOB and oxy- Township 4 South, Range 9 East;
genate are loaded into a truck by that (vii) Then southerly along section
oxygenate blender, or one sample every lines to the southeast corner of Section
six weeks, whichever is more frequent; 15, Township 4 South, Range 9 East;
or (viii) Then easterly along the section
(2) In the case computer-controlled lines to the northeast corner of Section
in-line blending is not used, a rate of 21, Township 4 South, Range 10 East;


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.70

(ix) Then southerly along the eas- (2) The following New Jersey coun-
terly line of Section 21 to the southeast ties:
corner thereof; (i) Bergen;
(x) Then easterly along the northerly (ii) Essex;
line of Section 27 to the northeast cor- (iii) Hudson;
ner thereof; (iv) Hunterdon;
(xi) Then southerly along section (v) Middlesex;
lines to the southeast corner of Section (vi) Monmouth;
34, Township 4 South, Range 10 East; (vii) Morris;
(xii) Then easterly along the town- (viii) Ocean;
ship line to the northeast corner of (ix) Passaic;
Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 10 (x) Somerset;
East; (xi) Sussex;
(xiii) Then southerly along the eas- (xii) Union; and
terly line of Section 2, to the southeast (3) The following New York counties:
corner thereof; (i) Bronx;
(xiv) Then easterly along the north- (ii) Kings;
erly line of Section 12 to the northeast (iii) Nassau;
corner thereof; (iv) New York (Manhattan);
(xv) Then southerly along the range (v) Queens;
line to the southwest corner of Section (vi) Richmond;
18, Township 5 South, Range 11 East; (vii) Rockland;
(xvi) Then easterly along section (viii) Suffolk;
lines to the northeast corner of Section (ix) Westchester;
24, Township 5 South, Range 11 East; (x) Orange; and
and (xi) Putnam.
(xvii) Then southerly along the range (e) The Philadelphia-Wilmington-
line to the southeast corner of Section Trenton area, comprised of:
36, Township 8 South, Range 11 East, a (1) The following Delaware counties:
point on the boundary line common to (i) New Castle; and
Riverside and San Diego Counties. (ii) Kent;
(b) San Diego County, California. (2) Cecil County, Maryland;
(3) The following New Jersey coun-
(c) The Greater Connecticut area,
comprised of:
(i) Burlington;
(1) The following Connecticut coun-
(ii) Camden;
(iii) Cumberland;
(i) Hartford;
(iv) Gloucester;
(ii) Middlesex; (v) Mercer;
(iii) New Haven; (vi) Salem; and
(iv) New London; (4) The following Pennsylvania coun-
(v) Tolland; ties:
(vi) Windham; and (i) Bucks;
(2) Portions of certain Connecticut (ii) Chester;
counties, described as follows: (iii) Delaware;
(i) In Fairfield County, the City of (iv) Montgomery; and
Shelton; and (v) Philadelphia.
(ii) In Litchfield County, all cities (f) The Chicago-Gary-Lake County,
and townships except the towns of Illinois-Indiana-Wisconsin area, com-
Bridgewater and New Milford. prised of:
(d) The New York-Northern New Jer- (1) The following Illinois counties:
sey-Long Island-Connecticut area, (i) Cook;
comprised of: (ii) Du Page;
(1) Portions of certain Connecticut (iii) Kane;
counties, described as follows: (iv) Lake;
(i) In Fairfield County, all cities and (v) McHenry;
townships except Shelton City; (vi) Will;
(ii) In Litchfield County, the towns of (2) Portions of certain Illinois coun-
Bridgewater and New Milford; ties, described as follows:


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80.70 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(i) In Grundy County, the townships ty Line proceeding to the east along
of Aux Sable and Goose Lake; and the county line to the intersection of
(ii) In Kendall County, Oswego town- county road 567 and the Jefferson-
ship; and Bullitt County Line;
(3) The following Indiana counties: (B) Proceeding south on county road
(i) Lake; and 567 to the junction with Ky 1116 (also
(ii) Porter. known as Zoneton Road);
(g) The Baltimore, Maryland area, (C) Proceeding to the south on KY
comprised of: 1116 to the junction with Hebron Lane;
(1) The following Maryland counties: (D) Proceeding to the south on He-
(i) Anne Arundel; bron Lane to Cedar Creek;
(ii) Baltimore; (E) Proceeding south on Cedar Creek
(iii) Carroll; to the confluence of Floyds Fork turn-
(iv) Harford; ing southeast along a creek that meets
(v) Howard; and Ky 44 at Stallings Cemetery;
(2) The City of Baltimore. (F) Proceeding west along Ky 44 to
(h) The Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, the eastern most point in the
Texas area, comprised of the following Shepherdsville city limits;
Texas counties: (G) Proceeding south along the
(1) Brazoria; Shepherdsville city limits to the Salt
(2) Fort Bend; River and west to a point across the
(3) Galveston; river from Mooney Lane;
(4) Harris; (H) Proceeding south along Mooney
(5) Liberty; Lane to the junction of Ky 480;
(6) Montgomery; (I) Proceeding west on Ky 480 to the
(7) Waller; and junction with Ky 2237;
(8) Chambers. (J) Proceeding south on Ky 2237 to
(i) The Milwaukee-Racine, Wisconsin the junction with Ky 61 and proceeding
area, comprised of the following Wis- north on Ky 61 to the junction with Ky
consin counties: 1494;
(1) Kenosha; (K) Proceeding south on Ky 1494 to
(2) Milwaukee; the junction with the perimeter of the
(3) Ozaukee; Fort Knox Military Reservation;
(4) Racine; (L) Proceeding north along the mili-
(5) Washington; and tary reservation perimeter to
(6) Waukesha. Castleman Branch Road;
(j) The ozone nonattainment areas (M) Proceeding north on Castleman
listed in this paragraph (j) are covered Branch Road to Ky 44;
areas for purposes of subparts D, E, and (N) Proceeding a very short distance
F of this part. The geographic extent of west on Ky 44 to a junction with Ky
each covered area listed in this para- 1020; and
graph (j) shall be the nonattainment (O) Proceeding north on Ky 1020 to
area boundaries as specified in 40 CFR the beginning.
part 81, subpart C: (ii) Portion of Oldham County de-
(1) Sussex County, Delaware; scribed as follows:
(2) District of Columbia portion of (A) Beginning at the intersection of
the Washington ozone nonattainment the Oldham-Jefferson County Line
area; with the southbound lane of Interstate
(3) The following Kentucky counties: 71;
(i) Boone; (B) Proceeding to the northeast along
(ii) Campbell; the southbound lane of Interstate 71 to
(iii) Jefferson; and the intersection of Ky 329 and the
(iv) Kenton; southbound lane of Interstate 71;
(4) Portions of the following Ken- (C) Proceeding to the northwest on
tucky counties: Ky 329 to the intersection of Zaring
(i) Portion of Bullitt County de- Road on Ky 329;
scribed as follows: (D) Proceeding to the east-northeast
(A) Beginning at the intersection of on Zaring Road to the junction of
Ky 1020 and the Jefferson-Bullitt Coun- Cedar Point Road and Zaring Road;


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.70

(E) Proceeding to the north-north- (S) Proceeding northwest along the

east on Cedar Point Road to the junc- Oldham-Jefferson County Line to the
tion of Ky 393 and Cedar Point Road; beginning.
(F) Proceeding to the south-south- (5) The following Maine counties:
east on Ky 393 to the junction of coun- (i) Androscoggin;
ty road 746 (the road on the north side (ii) Cumberland;
of Reformatory Lake and the Reform- (iii) Kennebec;
atory); (iv) Knox;
(G) Proceeding to the east-northeast (v) Lincoln;
on county road 746 to the junction with (vi) Sagadahoc;
Dawkins Lane (also known as Saddlers (vii) York;
Mill Road) and county road 746; (6) The following Maryland counties:
(i) Calvert;
(H) Proceeding to follow an electric
(ii) Charles;
power line east-northeast across from
(iii) Frederick;
the junction of county road 746 and
(iv) Montgomery;
Dawkins Lane to the east-northeast
(v) Prince Georges;
across Ky 53 on to the La Grange Water
(vi) Queen Annes; and
Filtration Plant; (vii) Kent;
(I) Proceeding on to the east-south- (7) The entire State of Massachu-
east along the power line then south setts;
across Fort Pickens Road to a power (8) The following New Hampshire
substation on Ky 146; counties:
(J) Proceeding along the power line (i) Strafford;
south across Ky 146 and the Seaboard (ii) Merrimack;
System Railroad track to adjoin the (iii) Hillsborough; and
incorporated city limits of La Grange; (iv) Rockingham;
(K) Then proceeding east then south (9) The following New Jersey coun-
along the La Grange city limits to a ties:
point abutting the north side of Ky 712; (i) Atlantic;
(L) Proceeding east-southeast on Ky (ii) Cape May; and
712 to the junction of Massie School (iii) Warren;
Road and Ky 712; (10) The following New York coun-
(M) Proceeding to the south-south- ties:
west and then north-northwest on (i) Dutchess;
Massie School Road to the junction of (ii) The portion of Essex County that
Ky 53 and Massie School Road; consists of the portion of Whiteface
(N) Proceeding on Ky 53 to the north- Mountain above 4,500 feet in elevation.
northwest to the junction of Moody (11) The entire State of Rhode Island;
Lane and Ky 53; (12) The following Texas counties:
(O) Proceeding on Moody Lane to the
(i) Collin;
south-southwest until meeting the city
(ii) Dallas;
limits of La Grange; (iii) Denton; and
(P) Then briefly proceeding north fol- (iv) Tarrant;
lowing the La Grange city limits to the (13) The following Virginia areas:
intersection of the northbound lane of (i) Alexandria;
Interstate 71 and the La Grange city (ii) Arlington County;
limits; (iii) Fairfax;
(Q) Proceeding southwest on the (iv) Fairfax County;
northbound lane of Interstate 71 until (v) Falls Church;
intersecting with the North Fork of (vi) Loudoun County;
Currys Fork; (vii) Manassas;
(R) Proceeding south-southwest be- (viii) Manassas Park;
yond the confluence of Currys Fork to (ix) Prince William County;
the south-southwest beyond the con- (x) Stafford County;
fluence of Floyds Fork continuing on (xi) Charles City County;
to the Oldham-Jefferson County Line; (xii) Chesterfield County;
and (xiii) Colonial Heights;


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80.71 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(xiv) Hanover County; wholesale purchaser-consumers on

(xv) Henrico County; June 1, 1999. As of the effective date for
(xvi) Hopewell; retailers and wholesale purchaser-con-
(xvii) Richmond; sumers, the St. Louis, Missouri ozone
(xviii) Chesapeake; nonattainment area is a covered area.
(xix) Hampton; The geographical extent of the covered
(xx) James City County; area listed in this paragraph shall be
(xxi) Newport News; the nonattainment boundaries for the
(xxii) Norfolk; St. Louis ozone nonattainment area as
(xxiii) Poquoson; specified in 40 CFR 81.326.
(xxiv) Portsmouth; [59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
(xxv) Suffolk; FR 36964, July 20, 1994; 60 FR 2699, Jan 11,
(xxvi) Virginia Beach; 1995; 60 FR 35491, July 10, 1995; 61 FR 35680,
(xxvii) Williamsburg; and July 8, 1996; 62 FR 30270, June 3, 1997; 63 FR
(xxviii) York County. 43049, Aug. 11, 1998; 63 FR 52104, Sept. 29, 1998;
(k) Any other area currently or pre- 64 FR 10371, Mar. 3, 1999]
viously designated as a nonattainment
area for ozone under 40 CFR 50.9 and 80.71 Descriptions of VOC-control re-
part D of Title I of the Clean Air Act,
as of November 15, 1990, or any time (a) Reformulated gasoline covered
later, may be included on petition of areas which are located in the fol-
the governor of the state in which the lowing States are included in VOC-Con-
area is located. Effective one year after trol Region 1:
an area has been reclassified as a se- Alabama Missouri
vere ozone nonattainment area, such Arizona Nevada
severe area shall also be a covered area Arkansas New Mexico
for purposes of this subpart D. California North Carolina
(l) Upon the effective date for re- Colorado Oklahoma
moval under 80.72(a), the geographic District of Columbia Oregon
Florida South Carolina
area covered by such approval shall no
Georgia Tennessee
longer be considered a covered area for Kansas Texas
purposes of subparts D, E and F of this Louisiana Utah
part. Maryland Virginia
(m) The prohibitions of section Mississippi
211(k)(5) will apply to all persons other
(b) Reformulated gasoline covered
than retailers and wholesale purchaser-
areas which are located in the fol-
consumers July 3, 1997. The prohibi-
lowing States are included in VOC-Con-
tions of section 211(k)(5) will apply to
trol Region 2:
retailers and wholesale purchaser-con-
sumers August 4, 1997. As of the effec- Connecticut New Hampshire
tive date for retailers and wholesale Delaware New Jersey
purchaser-consumers, the Phoenix, Ari- Idaho New York
Illinois North Dakota
zona ozone nonattainment area is a
Indiana Ohio
covered area. The geographical extent Iowa Pennsylvania
of the covered area listed in this para- Kentucky Rhode Island
graph shall be the nonattainment Maine South Dakota
boundaries for the Phoenix ozone non- Massachusetts Vermont
attainment area as specified in 40 CFR Michigan Washington
81.303. The Phoenix, Arizona ozone non- Minnesota West Virginia
attainment area is a covered area until Montana Wisconsin
Nebraska Wyoming
June 10, 1998. As of June 10, 1998, the
Phoenix area will no longer be a cov- (c) Reformulated gasoline covered
ered area. areas which are partially in VOC Con-
(n) The prohibitions of section trol Region 1 and partially in VOC Con-
211(k)(5) of the act will apply to all per- trol Region 2 shall be included in VOC
sons other than retailers and wholesale Control Region 1, except in the case of
purchaser-consumers on May 1, 1999. the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton
The prohibitions of section 211(k)(5) of CMSA which shall be included in VOC
the act will apply to retailers and Control Region 2.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.72

80.72 Procedures for opting out of (iii) If the State is not withdrawing
the covered areas. any such pending plan submission and
(a) In accordance with paragraph (b) does not intend to submit a revision to
of this section, the Administrator may any such approved plan provision or
approve a petition from a state asking pending plan submission, describe why
for removal of any opt-in area, or por- no revision is necessary;
tion of an opt-in area, from inclusion (iv) If reformulated gasoline is relied
as a covered area under 80.70. If the upon in any pending plan submission,
Administrator approves a petition, he other than as a contingency measure
or she shall set an effective date as pro- consisting of a future opt-in, and the
vided in paragraph (c) of this section. Agency has found such pending plan
The Administrator shall notify the submission complete or made a protec-
state in writing of the Agencys action tiveness finding under 40 CFR 51.448
on the petition and the effective date and 93.128, demonstrate whether the re-
of the removal when the petition is ap- moval of the reformulated gasoline
proved. program will affect the completeness
(b) To be approved under paragraph and/or protectiveness determinations;
(a) of this section, a petition must be (4) The Governor of a State, or his or
signed by the Governor of a State, or her authorized representative, shall
his or her authorized representative, submit additional information upon re-
and must include the following: quest of the Administrator,
(1) A geographic description of each (c)(1) For opt-out petitions received
opt-in area, or portion of each opt-in on or before December 31, 1997, except
area, which is covered by the petition; as provided in paragraphs (c)(2) and
(2) A description of all ways in which (c)(3) of this section, the Administrator
reformulated gasoline is relied upon as shall set an effective date for removal
a control measure in any approved of an area under paragraph (a) of this
State or local implementation plan or section as requested by the Governor,
plan revision, or in any submission to but no less than 90 days from the Agen-
the Agency containing any proposed
cys written notification to the state
plan or plan revision (and any associ-
approving the opt-out petition, and no
ated request for redesignation) that is
later than December 31, 1999.
pending before the Agency when the
petition is submitted; and (2) For opt-out petitions received on
or before December 31, 1997, except as
(3) For any opt-in areas covered by
provided in paragraph (c)(3) of this sec-
the petition for which reformulated
gasoline is relied upon as a control tion, where RFG is contained as an ele-
measure as described under paragraph ment of any plan or plan revision that
(b)(2) of this section, the petition shall has been approved by the Agency,
include the following information: other than as a contingency measure
(i) Identify whether the State is consisting of a future opt-in, then the
withdrawing any such pending plan effective date under paragraph (a) of
submission; this section shall be the date requested
(ii)(A) Identify whether the State in- by the Governor, but no less than 90
tends to submit a revision to any such days from the effective date of Agency
approved plan provision or pending approval of a revision to the plan that
plan submission that does not rely on removes RFG as a control measure.
reformulated gasoline as a control (3)(i) The Administrator may extend
measure, and describe the alternative the deadline for submitting opt-out pe-
air quality measures, if any, that the titions in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of
State plans to use to replace reformu- this section for a state if:
lated gasoline as a control measure; (A) The Governor or his authorized
(B) A description of the current sta- representative requests an extension
tus of any proposed revision to any prior to December 31, 1997;
such approved plan provision or pend- (B) The request indicates that there
ing plan submission, as well as a pro- is active or pending legislation before
jected schedule for submission of such the state legislature that was intro-
proposed revision; duced prior to March 28, 1997;


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80.73 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(C) The legislation is concerning opt- approval of a revision to the plan that
ing out of or remaining in the reformu- removes RFG as a control measure.
lated gasoline program; and (d) The Administrator shall publish a
(D) The request demonstrates that notice in the FEDERAL REGISTER an-
the legislation cannot reasonably be nouncing the approval of any petition
acted upon prior to December 31, 1997. under paragraph (a) of this section, and
(ii) The Administrator may extend the effective date for removal.
the deadline until no later than May [61 FR 35680, July 8, 1996, as amended at 62
31, 1998. If the deadline is extended, FR 54558, Oct. 20, 1997]
then opt-out requests from that state
received during the extension shall be 80.73 Inability to produce con-
considered under the provisions of forming gasoline in extraordinary
paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section. circumstances.
(4) For opt-out petitions received In appropriate extreme and unusual
January 1, 1998 through December 31, circumstances (e.g., natural disaster or
2003, except as provided in paragraph Act of God) which are clearly outside
(c)(5) of this section, the Administrator the control of the refiner, importer, or
shall set an effective date for removal oxygenate blender and which could not
of an area under paragraph (a) of this have been avoided by the exercise of
section as requested by the Governor prudence, diligence, and due care, EPA
but no earlier than January 1, 2004 or may permit a refiner, importer, or oxy-
90 days from the Agencys written noti- genate blender, for a brief period, to
fication to the state approving the opt- distribute gasoline which does not
out petition, whichever date is later. meet the requirements for reformu-
(5) For opt-out petitions received lated gasoline, if:
January 1, 1998 through December 31, (a) It is in the public interest to do so
2003, where RFG is contained as an ele- (e.g., distribution of the nonconforming
ment of any plan or plan revision that gasoline is necessary to meet projected
has been approved by the Agency, shortfalls which cannot otherwise be
other than as a contingency measure compensated for);
consisting of a future opt-in, then the (b) The refiner, importer, or oxygen-
effective date for removal of an area ate blender exercised prudent planning
under paragraph (a) of this section and was not able to avoid the violation
shall be the date requested by the Gov- and has taken all reasonable steps to
ernor, but no earlier than January 1, minimize the extent of the noncon-
2004, or 90 days from the effective date formity;
of Agency approval of a revision to the (c) The refiner, importer, or oxygen-
plan that removes RFG as a control ate blender can show how the require-
measure, whichever date is later. ments for reformulated gasoline will be
(6) For opt-out petitions received on expeditiously achieved;
or after January 1, 2004, except as pro- (d) The refiner, importer, or oxygen-
vided in paragraph (c)(7) of this sec- ate blender agrees to make up air qual-
tion, the Administrator shall set an ef- ity detriment associated with the non-
fective date for removal of an area as conforming gasoline, where prac-
requested by the Governor, but no less ticable; and
than 90 days from the Agencys written (e) The refiner, importer, or oxygen-
notification to the state approving the ate blender pays to the U.S. Treasury
opt-out petition. an amount equal to the economic ben-
(7) For opt-out petitions received on efit of the nonconformity minus the
or after January 1, 2004, where RFG is amount expended, pursuant to para-
contained as an element of any plan or graph (d) of this section, in making up
plan revision that has been approved the air quality detriment.
by the Agency, other than as a contin-
gency measure consisting of a future 80.74 Recordkeeping requirements.
opt-in, then the effective date for re- All parties in the gasoline distribu-
moval of an area under paragraph (a) of tion network, as described in this sec-
this section shall be the date requested tion, shall maintain records containing
by the Governor, but no less than 90 the information as required in this sec-
days from the effective date of Agency tion. These records shall be retained


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.74

for a period of five years from the date (5) In the case of any refinery or im-
of creation, and shall be delivered to porter subject to the simple model
the Administrator of EPA or to the Ad- standards, the calculations used to de-
ministrators authorized representative termine the 1990 baseline levels of sul-
upon request. fur, T90, and olefins, and the calcula-
(a) All regulated parties. Any refiner, tions used to determine compliance
importer, oxygenate blender, carrier, with the standards for these param-
distributor, reseller, retailer, or whole- eters; and
sale-purchaser who sells, offers for sale, (6) In the case of any refinery or im-
dispenses, supplies, offers for supply, porter subject to the complex model
stores, transports, or causes the trans- standards before January 1, 1998, the
portation of any reformulated gasoline calculations used to determine the
or RBOB, shall maintain records con- baseline levels of VOC, toxics, and NOx
taining the following information: emissions performance.
(1) The product transfer documenta- (c) Refiners, importers and oxygenate
tion for all reformulated gasoline or blenders of averaged gasoline. In addition
RBOB for which the party is the trans- to other requirements of this section,
feror or transferee; and any refiner, importer, and oxygenate
(2) For any sampling and testing on blender who produces or imports any
RBOB or reformulated gasoline: reformulated gasoline for which com-
(i) The location, date, time, and stor- pliance with one or more applicable
age tank or truck identification for standard is determined on average
each sample collected; shall maintain records containing the
(ii) The identification of the person following information:
who collected the sample and the per- (1) The calculations used to deter-
son who performed the testing; mine compliance with the relevant
(iii) The results of the tests; and standards on average, for each aver-
(iv) The actions taken to stop the aging period and for each quantity of
sale of any gasoline found not to be in gasoline for which standards must be
compliance, and the actions taken to separately achieved; and
identify the cause of any noncompli- (2) For any credits bought, sold, trad-
ance and prevent future instances of ed or transferred pursuant to 80.67(h),
noncompliance. the dates of the transactions, the
(b) Refiners and importers. In addition names and EPA registration numbers
to other requirements of this section, of the parties involved, and the num-
any refiner and importer shall, for all ber(s) and type(s) of credits trans-
reformulated gasoline and RBOB pro- ferred.
duced or imported, maintain records (d) Oxygenate blenders. In addition to
containing the following information: other requirements of this section, any
(1) Results of the tests to determine oxygenate blender who blends any oxy-
reformulated gasoline properties and genate with any RBOB shall, for each
characteristics specified in 80.65; occasion such terminal storage tank
(2) Results of the tests for the pres- blending occurs, maintain records con-
ence of the marker specified in 80.82; taining the following information:
(3) The volume of gasoline associated (i) The date, time, location, and iden-
with each of the above test results tification of the blending tank or truck
using the method normally employed in which the blending occurred;
at the refinery or import facility for (ii) The volume and oxygenate re-
this purpose; quirements of the RBOB to which oxy-
(4) In the case of RBOB: genate was added; and
(i) The results of tests to ensure that, (iii) The volume, type, and purity of
following blending, RBOB meets appli- the oxygenate which was added, and
cable standards; and documents which show the source(s) of
(ii) Each contract with each oxygen- the oxygenate used.
ate blender to whom the refiner or im- (e) Distributors who dispense RBOB
porter transfers RBOB; or into trucks. In addition to other re-
(iii) Compliance calculations de- quirements of this section, any dis-
scribed in 80.69(a)(8) based on an as- tributor who dispenses any RBOB into
sumed addition of oxygenate; a truck used for delivering gasoline to


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80.75 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

retail outlets shall, for each occasion shall be submitted by May 31 of each
RBOB is dispensed into such a truck, year beginning in 1995;
obtain records identifying: (ii) The second quarterly report shall
(1) The name and EPA registration include information for reformulated
number of the oxygenate blender that gasoline or RBOB produced or imported
received the RBOB; and from April 1 through June 30, and shall
(2) The volume and oxygenate re- be submitted by August 31 of each year
quirements of the RBOB dispensed. beginning in 1995;
(f) Conventional gasoline requirement. (iii) The third quarterly report shall
In addition to other requirements of include information for reformulated
this section, any refiner and importer gasoline or RBOB produced or imported
shall, for all conventional gasoline pro- from July 1 through September 30, and
duced or imported, maintain records shall be submitted by November 30 of
showing the blending of the marker re- each year beginning in 1995; and
quired under 80.82 into conventional (iv) The fourth quarterly report shall
gasoline, and the results of the tests include information for reformulated
showing the concentration of this gasoline or RBOB produced or imported
marker subsequent to its addition. from October 1 through December 31,
(g) Retailers before January 1, 1998. and shall be submitted by the last day
Prior to January 1, 1998 any retailer of February of each year beginning in
that sells or offers for sale any refor- 1996.
mulated gasoline shall maintain at (2) The following information shall
each retail outlet the product transfer be included in each quarterly report for
documentation for the most recent each batch of reformulated gasoline or
three deliveries to the retail outlet of RBOB which is included under para-
each grade of reformulated gasoline graph (a)(1) of this section:
sold or offered for sale at the retail (i) The batch number;
outlet, and shall make such docu- (ii) The date of production;
mentation available to any person con- (iii) The volume of the batch;
ducting any gasoline compliance sur- (iv) The grade of gasoline produced
vey pursuant to 80.68. (i.e., premium, mid-grade, or regular);
(v) For any refiner or importer:
80.75 Reporting requirements. (A) Each designation of the gasoline,
Any refiner, importer, and oxygenate pursuant to 80.65; and
blender shall report as specified in this (B) The properties, pursuant to
section, and shall report such other in- 80.65 and 80.66;
formation as the Administrator may (vi) For any importer, the PADD in
require. which the import facility is located;
(a) Quarterly reports for reformulated and
gasoline. Any refiner or importer that (vii) For any oxygenate blender, the
produces or imports any reformulated oxygen content.
gasoline or RBOB, and any oxygenate (3) Information pertaining to gaso-
blender that produces reformulated line produced or imported during 1994
gasoline meeting the oxygen standard shall be included in the first quarterly
on average, shall submit quarterly re- report in 1995.
ports to the Administrator for each re- (b) Reports for gasoline or RBOB pro-
finery or oxygenate blending facility at duced or imported under the simple
which such reformulated gasoline or model(1) RVP averaging reports. (i)
RBOB was produced and for all such re- Any refiner or importer that produced
formulated gasoline or RBOB imported or imported any reformulated gasoline
by each importer. or RBOB under the simple model that
(1) The quarterly reports shall be for was to meet RVP standards on average
all such reformulated gasoline or (averaged reformulated gasoline)
RBOB produced or imported during the shall submit to the Administrator,
following time periods: with the third quarterly report, a re-
(i) The first quarterly report shall in- port for each refinery or importer for
clude information for reformulated such averaged reformulated gasoline or
gasoline or RBOB produced or imported RBOB produced or imported during the
from January 1 through March 31, and previous RVP averaging period. This


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.75

information shall be reported sepa- average is greater or lesser than the

rately for the following categories: applicable standard;
(A) Gasoline or RBOB which is des- (H) The applicable T90 distillation
ignated as VOC-controlled intended for point standard under 80.41(h)(2)(i) in
areas in VOC-Control Region 1; and degrees Fahrenheit;
(B) Gasoline or RBOB which is des- (I) The average T90 distillation point
ignated as VOC-controlled intended for in degrees Fahrenheit; and
VOC-Control Region 2. (J) The difference between the appli-
(ii) The following information shall cable T90 distillation point standard
be reported: under 80.41(h)(2)(i) in degrees Fahr-
(A) The total volume of averaged re- enheit and the average T90 distillation
formulated gasoline or RBOB in gal- point under paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(I) of
lons; this section in degrees Fahrenheit, in-
(B) The compliance total value for dicating whether the average is greater
RVP; and or lesser than the applicable standard.
(C) The actual total value for RVP. (c) VOC emissions performance aver-
(2) Sulfur, olefins and T90 averaging re- aging reports. (1) Any refiner or im-
ports. (i) Any refiner or importer that porter that produced or imported any
produced or imported any reformulated reformulated gasoline or RBOB under
gasoline or RBOB under the simple the complex model that was to meet
model shall submit to the Adminis- the VOC emissions performance stand-
trator, with the fourth quarterly re- ards on average (averaged reformu-
port, a report for such reformulated lated gasoline) shall submit to the
gasoline or RBOB produced or imported Administrator, with the third quar-
during the previous year: terly report, a report for each refinery
(A) For each refinery or importer; or or importer for such averaged reformu-
(B) In the case of refiners who oper- lated gasoline produced or imported
ate more than one refinery, for each during the previous VOC averaging pe-
grouping of refineries as designated by riod. This information shall be re-
the refiner pursuant to 80.41(h)(2)(iii). ported separately for the following cat-
(ii) The following information shall egories:
be reported: (i) Gasoline or RBOB which is des-
(A) The total volume of reformulated ignated as VOC-controlled intended for
gasoline or RBOB in gallons; areas in VOC-Control Region 1; and
(B) The applicable sulfur content (ii) Gasoline or RBOB which is des-
standard under 80.41(h)(2)(i) in parts ignated as VOC-controlled intended for
per million; VOC-Control Region 2.
(C) The average sulfur content in (2) The following information shall
parts per million; be reported:
(D) The difference between the appli- (i) The total volume of averaged re-
cable sulfur content standard under formulated gasoline or RBOB in gal-
80.41(h)(2)(i) in parts per million and lons;
the average sulfur content under para- (ii) The compliance total value for
graph (b)(2)(ii)(C) of this section in VOC emissions performance; and
parts per million, indicating whether (iii) The actual total value for VOC
the average is greater or lesser than emissions performance.
the applicable standard; (d) Benzene content averaging reports.
(E) The applicable olefin content (1) Any refiner or importer that pro-
standard under 80.41(h)(2)(i) in volume duced or imported any reformulated
percent; gasoline or RBOB that was to meet the
(F) The average olefin content in vol- benzene content standards on average
ume percent; (averaged reformulated gasoline)
(G) The difference between the appli- shall submit to the Administrator,
cable olefin content standard under with the fourth quarterly report, a re-
80.41(h)(2)(i) in volume percent and port for each refinery or importer for
the average olefin content under para- such averaged reformulated gasoline
graph (b)(2)(ii)(F) of this section in vol- that was produced or imported during
ume percent, indicating whether the the previous toxics averaging period.


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80.75 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(2) The following information shall (2)(i) The following information shall
be reported: be included in each report required by
(i) The volume of averaged reformu- paragraph (f)(1) of this section:
lated gasoline or RBOB in gallons; (A) The total volume of averaged
(ii) The compliance total content of RBOB in gallons;
benzene; (B) The total volume of averaged re-
(iii) The actual total content of ben- formulated gasoline in gallons;
zene; (C) The compliance total content for
(iv) The number of benzene credits oxygen;
generated as a result of actual total (D) The actual total content for oxy-
benzene being less than compliance gen;
total benzene; (E) The number of oxygen credits
(v) The number of benzene credits re- generated as a result of actual total ox-
quired as a result of actual total ben- ygen being greater than compliance
zene being greater than compliance total oxygen;
total benzene; (F) The number of oxygen credits re-
(vi) The number of benzene credits quired as a result of actual total oxy-
transferred to another refinery or im- gen being less than compliance total
porter; and oxygen;
(vii) The number of benzene credits (G) The number of oxygen credits
obtained from another refinery or im- transferred to another refinery, im-
porter. porter, or oxygenate blending facility;
(e) Toxics emissions performance aver- and
aging reports. (1) Any refiner or im- (H) The number of oxygen credits ob-
porter that produced or imported any tained from another refinery, importer,
reformulated gasoline or RBOB that or oxygenate blending facility.
was to meet the toxics emissions per- (ii) The information required by
formance standards on average (aver- paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section shall
aged reformulated gasoline) shall sub- be reported separately for the following
mit to the Administrator, with the categories:
fourth quarterly report, a report for (A) For gasoline subject to the simple
each refinery or importer for such model standards:
averaged reformulated gasoline that (1) Gasoline designated as VOC-con-
was produced or imported during the trolled; and;
previous toxics averaging period. (2) Gasoline designated as non-VOC-
(2) The following information shall controlled.
be reported: (B) For gasoline subject to the Phase
(i) The volume of averaged reformu- I or Phase II complex model standards:
lated gasoline or RBOB in gallons; (1) Gasoline which is designated as
(ii) The compliance value for toxics OPRG; and
emissions performance; and (2) Gasoline which is designated as
(iii) The actual value for toxics emis- non-OPRG.
sions performance. (iii) The results of the compliance
(f) Oxygen averaging reports. (1) Any calculations required in 80.67(f) shall
refiner, importer, or oxygenate blender also be included in each report required
that produced or imported any refor- by paragraph (f)(1) of this section, for
mulated gasoline that was to meet the each of the following categories:
oxygen standards on average (aver- (A) All reformulated gasoline;
aged reformulated gasoline) shall sub- (B) Gasoline which is designated as
mit to the Administrator, with the non-OPRG; and
fourth quarterly report, a report for (C) For gasoline subject to the simple
each refinery and oxygenate blending model standards, gasoline which is des-
facility at which such averaged refor- ignated as VOC-controlled.
mulated gasoline was produced and for (g) NOX emissions performance aver-
all such averaged reformulated gaso- aging reports. (1) Any refiner or im-
line imported by each importer during porter that produced or imported any
the previous oxygen averaging period. reformulated gasoline or RBOB that


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.75

was to meet the NOX emissions per- aged reformulated gasoline was pro-
formance standard on average (aver- duced submit to the Administrator,
aged reformulated gasoline) shall sub- with the fourth quarterly report, a re-
mit to the Administrator, with the port that contains the identity of each
fourth quarterly report, a report for covered area that was supplied with
each refinery or importer for such any averaged reformulated gasoline
averaged reformulated gasoline that produced at each refinery or blended by
was produced or imported during the each oxygenate blender during the pre-
previous NOX averaging period. vious year.
(2) The following information shall (j) Additional reporting requirements for
be reported: certain importers. In the case of any im-
(i) The volume of averaged reformu- porter to whom different standards
lated gasoline or RBOB in gallons; apply for gasoline imported at different
(ii) The compliance value for NOX facilities by operation of 80.41(q)(2),
emissions performance; and such importer shall submit separate re-
(iii) The actual value for NOX emis- ports for gasoline imported into facili-
sions performance. ties subject to different standards.
(3) The information required by para- (k) Reporting requirements for early use
graph (g)(2) of this section shall be re- of the complex model. Any refiner for
ported separately for the following cat- any refinery, or any importer, that
egories: elects to be subject to complex model
(i) Gasoline and RBOB which is des- standards under 80.41(i)(1) shall report
ignated as VOC-controlled; and such election in writing to the Admin-
(ii) Gasoline and RBOB which is not istrator no later than sixty days prior
designated as VOC-controlled. to the beginning of the calendar year
(h) Credit transfer reports. (1) As an ad- during which such standards would
ditional part of the fourth quarterly re- apply. This report shall include the re-
port required by this section, any re-
finerys or importers baseline values
finer, importer, and oxygenate blender
for VOC, NOX, and toxics emissions per-
shall, for each refinery, importer, or
formance, in milligrams per mile.
oxygenate blending facility, supply the
following information for any oxygen (l) Reports for per-gallon compliance
or benzene credits that are transferred gasoline. In the case of reformulated
from or to another refinery, importer, gasoline or RBOB for which compliance
or oxygenate blending facility: with each of the standards set forth in
(i) The names, EPA-assigned reg- 80.41 is achieved on a per-gallon basis,
istration numbers and facility identi- the refiner, importer, or oxygenate
fication numbers of the transferor and blender shall submit to the Adminis-
transferee of the credits; trator, by the last day of February of
(ii) The number(s) and type(s) of each year beginning in 1996, a report of
credits that were transferred; and the volume of each designated reformu-
(iii) The date(s) of transaction(s). lated gasoline or RBOB produced or im-
(2) For purposes of this paragraph (h), ported during the previous calendar
oxygen credit transfers shall be re- year for which compliance is achieved
ported separately for each of the fol- on a per-gallon basis, and a statement
lowing oxygen credit types: that each gallon of this reformulated
(i) For gasoline subject to the simple gasoline or RBOB met the applicable
model standards: standards.
(A) VOC controlled; and (m) Reports of compliance audits. Any
(B) Non-VOC controlled. refiner, importer, and oxygenate blend-
(ii) [Reserved] er shall cause to be submitted to the
(i) Covered areas of gasoline use report. Administrator, by May 31 of each year,
Any refiner or oxygenate blender that the report of the compliance audit re-
produced or imported any reformulated quired by 80.65(h).
gasoline that was to meet any reformu- (n) Report submission. The reports re-
lated gasoline standard on average quired by this section shall be:
(averaged reformulated gasoline) (1) Submitted on forms and following
shall, for each refinery and oxygenate procedures specified by the Adminis-
blending facility at which such aver- trator; and


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80.76 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(2) Signed and certified as correct by identified, which shall be used in all re-
the owner or a responsible corporate ports to the Administrator.
officer of the refiner, importer, or oxy- (e)(1) Any refiner, importer, or oxy-
genate blender. genate blender shall submit updated
[59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59 registration information to the Admin-
FR 36964, July 20, 1994; 60 FR 65574, Dec. 20, istrator within thirty days of any occa-
1995; 62 FR 60135, Nov. 6, 1997] sion when the registration information
previously supplied becomes incom-
80.76 Registration of refiners, im- plete or inaccurate; except that
porters or oxygenate blenders. (2) EPA must be notified in writing of
(a) Registration with the Adminis- any change in designated independent
trator of EPA is required for any re- laboratory at least thirty days in ad-
finer and importer, and any oxygenate vance of such change.
blender that produces any reformu- [59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
lated gasoline. FR 36965, July 20, 1994]
(b) Any person required to register
shall do so by November 1, 1994, or not 80.77 Product transfer documenta-
later than three months in advance of tion.
the first date that such person will On each occasion when any person
produce or import reformulated gaso- transfers custody or title to any refor-
line or RBOB, or conventional gasoline mulated gasoline or RBOB, other than
or applicable blendstocks, whichever is when gasoline is sold or dispensed for
later. use in motor vehicles at a retail outlet
(c) Registration shall be on forms or wholesale purchaser-consumer facil-
prescribed by the Administrator, and ity, the transferor shall provide to the
shall include the following informa- transferee documents which include
tion: the following information:
(1) The name, business address, con- (a) The name and address of the
tact name, and telephone number of transferor;
the refiner, importer, or oxygenate
(b) The name and address of the
(2) For each separate refinery and ox-
(c) The volume of gasoline which is
ygenate blending facility, the facility
being transferred;
name, physical location, contact name,
telephone number, and type of facility; (d) The location of the gasoline at
and the time of the transfer;
(3) For each separate refinery and ox- (e) The date of the transfer;
ygenate blending facility, and for each (f) The proper identification of the
importers operations in a single gasoline as conventional or reformu-
PADD: lated;
(i) Whether records are kept on-site (g) In the case of reformulated gaso-
or off-site of the refinery or oxygenate line or RBOB:
blending facility, or in the case of im- (1) The proper identification as:
porters, the registered address; (i)(A) VOC-controlled for VOC-Con-
(ii) If records are kept off-site, the trol Region 1; or VOC-controlled for
primary off-site storage facility name, VOC-Control Region 2; or Not VOC-con-
physical location, contact name, and trolled; or
telephone number; and (B) In the case of gasoline or RBOB
(iii) The name, address, contact name that is VOC-controlled for VOC-Control
and telephone number of the inde- Region 1, the gasoline may be identi-
pendent laboratory used to meet the fied as suitable for use either in VOC-
independent analysis requirements of Control Region 1 or VOC-Control Re-
80.65(f). gion 2;
(d) EPA will supply a registration (ii) [Reserved]
number to each refiner, importer, and (iii) Prior to January 1, 1998, certified
oxygenate blender, and a facility reg- under the simple model standards or
istration number for each refinery and certified under the complex model
oxygenate blending facility that is standards; and


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.78

(2) The minimum and/or maximum or oxygenate blenders, the EPA-as-

standards with which the gasoline or signed registration number of those
RBOB conforms for: persons.
(i) Benzene content;
[59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
(ii) Except for RBOB, oxygen con- FR 36965, July 20, 1994; 62 FR 60136, Nov. 6,
tent; 1997; 62 FR 68207, Dec. 31, 1997]
(iii) In the case of VOC-controlled
gasoline subject to the simple model 80.78 Controls and prohibitions on
standards, RVP; reformulated gasoline.
(iv) In the case of gasoline subject to (a) Prohibited activities. (1) No person
the complex model standards: may manufacture and sell or dis-
(A) Prior to January 1, 1998, the NOx tribute, offer for sale or distribution,
emissions performance minimum, and dispense, supply, offer for supply, store,
for VOC-controlled gasoline the VOC transport, or cause the transportation
emissions performance minimum, in of any gasoline represented as reformu-
milligrams per mile; and lated and intended for sale or use in
(B) Beginning on January 1, 1998, for any covered area:
VOC-controlled gasoline, the VOC
(i) Unless each gallon of such gaso-
emissions performance minimum; and
line meets the applicable benzene max-
(3) Identification of VOC-controlled
imum standard specified in 80.41;
reformulated gasoline or RBOB as gas-
(ii) Unless each gallon of such gaso-
oline or RBOB which contains ethanol,
line meets the applicable oxygen con-
or which does not contain any ethanol.
(h) Prior to January 1, 1998, in the
case of reformulated gasoline or RBOB (A) Minimum standard specified in
subject to the complex model stand- 80.41; and
ards: (B) In the case of gasoline subject to
(1) The name and EPA registration simple model standards, maximum
number of the refinery at which the standard specified in 80.41;
gasoline was produced, or importer (iii) Unless each gallon is properly
that imported the gasoline; and designated as oxygenated fuels pro-
(2) Instructions that the gasoline or gram reformulated gasoline, within
RBOB may not be combined with any any oxygenated gasoline program con-
other gasoline or RBOB that was pro- trol areas during the oxygenated gaso-
duced at any other refinery or was im- line control period;
ported by any other importer; (iv) Unless the product transfer docu-
(i) In the case of reformulated gaso- mentation for such gasoline complies
line blendstock for which oxygenate with the requirements in 80.77; and
blending is intended: (v) During the period May 1 through
(1) Identification of the product as September 15 for all persons except re-
RBOB and not reformulated gasoline; tailers and wholesale purchaser-con-
(2) The designation of the RBOB as sumers, and during the period June 1
suitable for blending with: through September 15 for all persons
(A) Any-oxygenate; including retailers and wholesale pur-
(B) Ether-only; or chaser-consumers:
(C) Other specified oxygenate type(s) (A) Unless each gallon of such gaso-
and amount(s); and line is VOC-controlled for the proper
(3) The oxygenate type(s) and VOC Control Region, except that gaso-
amount(s) which the RBOB requires in line designated for VOC-Control Region
order to meet the properties claimed 1 may be used in VOC-Control Region 2;
by the refiner or importer of the RBOB; (B) Unless each gallon of such gaso-
(4) Instructions that the RBOB may line that is subject to simple model
not be combined with any other RBOB standards has an RVP which is less
except other RBOB having the same re- than or equal to the applicable RVP
quirements for oxygenate type(s) and maximum specified in 80.41;
amount(s), or, prior to blending, with (C) Unless each gallon of such gaso-
reformulated gasoline; and line that is subject to complex model
(j) In the case of transferrers or standards has a VOC emissions reduc-
transferees who are refiners, importers tion percentage which is greater than


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80.78 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

or equal to the applicable minimum fied by the refiner or importer at the

specified in 80.41. time the RBOB was produced or im-
(2) No refiner or importer may ported; or
produce or import any gasoline rep- (ii) Other RBOB for which the same
resented as reformulated or RBOB, and oxygenate type and amount (or range
intended for sale or use in any covered of amounts) was specified by the re-
area: finer or importer.
(i) Unless such gasoline meets the (8) No person may combine any VOC-
definition of reformulated gasoline or controlled reformulated gasoline that
RBOB; and is produced using ethanol with any
(ii) Unless the properties of such gas- VOC-controlled reformulated gasoline
oline or RBOB correspond to the prod- that is produced using any other oxy-
uct transfer documents. genate during the period January 1
(3) No person may manufacture and through September 15.
sell or distribute, or offer for sale or (9) Prior to January 1, 1998:
distribution, dispense, supply, or offer (i) No person may combine any refor-
for supply, store, transport or cause mulated gasoline or RBOB that is sub-
the transportation of gasoline rep- ject to the simple model standards
resented as conventional which does with any reformulated gasoline or
not contain at least the minimum con- RBOB that is subject to the complex
centration of the conventional gasoline model standards, except that such gas-
marker specified in 80.82. olines may be combined at a retail out-
(4) Gasoline shall be presumed to be let or wholesale purchaser-consumer
intended for sale or use in a covered facility;
area unless: (ii) No person may combine any re-
(i) Product transfer documentation formulated gasoline subject to the
as described in 80.77 accompanying complex model standards that is pro-
such gasoline clearly indicates the gas- duced at any refinery or is imported by
oline is intended for sale and use only any importer with any other reformu-
outside any covered area; or lated gasoline that is produced at a dif-
(ii) The gasoline is contained in the ferent refinery or is imported by a dif-
storage tank of a retailer or wholesale ferent importer, unless the other refin-
purchaser-consumer outside any cov- ery or importer has an identical base-
ered area. line for meeting complex model stand-
(5) No person may combine any refor- ards during this period; and
mulated gasoline with any non-oxygen- (iii) No person may combine any
ate blendstock except: RBOB subject to the complex model
(i) A person that meets each require- standards that is produced at any re-
ment specified for a refiner under this finery or is imported by any importer
subpart; and with any RBOB that is produced at a
(ii) The blendstock that is added to different refinery or is imported by a
reformulated gasoline meets all refor- different importer, unless the other re-
mulated gasoline standards without re- finery or importer has an identical
gard to the properties of the reformu- baseline for meeting complex model
lated gasoline to which the blendstock standards during this period.
is added. (10) No person may combine any re-
(6) No person may add any oxygenate formulated gasoline with any conven-
to reformulated gasoline, except that tional gasoline and sell the resulting
such oxygenate may be added to refor- mixture as reformulated gasoline.
mulated gasoline provided that such (b) Liability. Liability for violations
gasoline is used in an oxygenated fuels of paragraph (a) of this section shall be
program control area during an determined according to the provisions
oxygenated fuels control period. of 80.79.
(7) No person may combine any refor- (c) Determination of compliance. Com-
mulated gasoline blendstock for oxy- pliance with the standards listed in
genate blending with any other gaso- paragraph (a) of this section shall be
line, blendstock, or oxygenate except: determined by use of one of the testing
(i) Oxygenate of the type and amount methodologies specified in 80.46, ex-
(or within the range of amounts) speci- cept that where test results using the


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.79

testing methodologies specified in rect or circumstantial evidence, that

80.46 are not available or where such the carrier caused the violation.
test results are available but are in (b) Defenses for prohibited activities. (1)
question, EPA may establish non- In any case in which a refiner, im-
compliance with standards using any porter, oxygenate blender, carrier, dis-
information, including the results of tributor, reseller, retailer, or wholesale
testing using methods that are not in- purchaser-consumer would be in viola-
cluded in 80.46. tion under paragraph (a) of this sec-
(d) Dates controls and prohibitions tion, it shall be deemed not in viola-
begin. The controls and prohibitions tion if it can demonstrate:
specified in paragraph (a) of this sec- (i) That the violation was not caused
tion apply at any location other than by the regulated party or its employee
retail outlets and wholesale purchaser- or agent;
consumer facilities on or after Decem- (ii) That product transfer documents
ber 1, 1994, at any location on or after account for all of the gasoline in the
January 1, 1995. storage tank found in violation and in-
dicate that the gasoline met relevant
[59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59 requirements; and
FR 36965, July 20, 1994; 62 FR 60136, Nov. 6,
(iii)(A) That it has conducted a qual-
1997; 62 FR 68207, Dec. 31, 1997]
ity assurance sampling and testing pro-
80.79 Liability for violations of the gram, as described in paragraph (c) of
prohibited activities. this section; except that
(B) A carrier may rely on the quality
(a) Persons liable. Where the gasoline assurance program carried out by an-
contained in any storage tank at any other party, including the party that
facility owned, leased, operated, con- owns the gasoline in question, provided
trolled or supervised by any refiner, that the quality assurance program is
importer, oxygenate blender, carrier, carried out properly.
distributor, reseller, retailer, or whole- (2)(i) Where a violation is found at a
sale purchaser-consumer is found in facility which is operating under the
violation of the prohibitions described corporate, trade or brand name of a re-
in 80.78(a), the following persons shall finer, that refiner must show, in addi-
be deemed in violation: tion to the defense elements required
(1) Each refiner, importer, oxygenate by paragraph (b)(1) of this section, that
blender, carrier, distributor, reseller, the violation was caused by:
retailer, or wholesale purchaser-con- (A) An act in violation of law (other
sumer who owns, leases, operates, con- than the Act or this part), or an act of
trols or supervises the facility where sabotage or vandalism;
the violation is found; (B) The action of any reseller, dis-
(2) Each refiner or importer whose tributor, oxygenate blender, carrier, or
corporate, trade, or brand name, or a retailer or wholesale purchaser- con-
whose marketing subsidiarys cor- sumer supplied by any of these persons,
porate, trade, or brand name, appears in violation of a contractual under-
at the facility where the violation is taking imposed by the refiner designed
found; to prevent such action, and despite
(3) Each refiner, importer, oxygenate periodic sampling and testing by the
blender, distributor, and reseller who refiner to ensure compliance with such
manufactured, imported, sold, offered contractual obligation; or
for sale, dispensed, supplied, offered for (C) The action of any carrier or other
supply, stored, transported, or caused distributor not subject to a contract
the transportation of any gasoline with the refiner but engaged by the re-
which is in the storage tank containing finer for transportation of gasoline, de-
gasoline found to be in violation; and spite specification or inspection of pro-
(4) Each carrier who dispensed, sup- cedures and equipment by the refiner
plied, stored, or transported any gaso- which are reasonably calculated to pre-
line which is in the storage tank con- vent such action.
taining gasoline found to be in viola- (ii) In this paragraph (b), to show
tion, provided that EPA demonstrates, that the violation was caused by any
by reasonably specific showings by di- of the specified actions the party must


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80.80 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

demonstrate by reasonably specific the amount of economic benefit or sav-

showings, by direct or circumstantial ings resulting from each such viola-
evidence, that the violation was caused tion.
or must have been caused by another. (b) Any violation of a standard for
(c) Quality assurance program. In average compliance during any aver-
order to demonstrate an acceptable aging period, or for per-gallon compli-
quality assurance program for reformu- ance for any batch of gasoline, shall
lated gasoline at all points in the gaso- constitute a separate violation for each
line distribution network, other than and every standard that is violated.
at retail outlets and wholesale pur- (c) Any violation of any standard
chaser-consumer facilities, a party based upon a multi-day averaging pe-
must present evidence of the following. riod shall constitute a separate day of
(1) Of a periodic sampling and testing violation for each and every day in the
program to determine if the applicable averaging period. Any violation of any
maximum and/or minimum standards credit creation or credit transfer re-
for oxygen, benzene, RVP, or VOC quirement shall constitute a separate
emission performance are met. day of violation for each and every day
(2) That on each occasion when gaso- in the averaging period.
line is found in noncompliance with (d)(1)(i) Any violation of any per- gal-
one of the requirements referred to in lon standard or of any per-gallon min-
paragraph (c)(1) of this section: imum or per-gallon maximum, other
(i) The party immediately ceases than the standards specified in para-
selling, offering for sale, dispensing, graph (e) of this section, shall con-
supplying, offering for supply, storing, stitute a separate day of violation for
transporting, or causing the transpor- each and every day such gasoline giv-
tation of the violating product; and ing rise to such violations remains any
(ii) The party promptly remedies the place in the gasoline distribution sys-
violation (such as by removing the vio- tem, beginning on the day that the gas-
lating product or adding more com- oline that violates such per-gallon
plying product until the applicable standard is produced or imported and
standards are achieved). distributed and/or offered for sale, and
(3) An oversight program conducted ending on the last day that any such
by a carrier under paragraph (c)(1) of gasoline is offered for sale or is dis-
this section need not include periodic pensed to any ultimate consumer for
sampling and testing of gasoline in a use in any motor vehicle; unless
tank truck operated by a common car- (ii) The violation is corrected by al-
rier, but in lieu of such tank truck tering the properties and characteris-
sampling and testing the common car- tics of the gasoline giving rise to the
rier shall demonstrate evidence of an violations and any mixture of gasolines
oversight program for monitoring com- that contains any of the gasoline giv-
pliance with the requirements of 80.78 ing rise to the violations such that the
relating to the transport or storage of said gasoline or mixture of gasolines
gasoline by tank truck, such as appro- has the properties and characteristics
priate guidance to drivers on compli- that would have existed if the gasoline
ance with applicable requirements and giving rise to the violations had been
the periodic review of records normally produced or imported in compliance
received in the ordinary course of busi- with all per-gallon standards.
ness concerning gasoline quality and (2) For the purposes of this paragraph
delivery. (d), the length of time the gasoline in
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 62 question remained in the gasoline dis-
FR 68207, Dec. 31, 1997] tribution system shall be deemed to be
twenty-five days; unless the respective
80.80 Penalties. party or EPA demonstrates by reason-
(a) Any person that violates any re- ably specific showings, by direct or cir-
quirement or prohibition of subpart D, cumstantial evidence, that the gasoline
E, or F of this part shall be liable to giving rise to the violations remained
the United States for a civil penalty of any place in the gasoline distribution
not more than the sum of $25,000 for system for fewer than or more than
every day of each such violation and twenty-five days.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.81

(e)(1) Any reformulated gasoline that 80.81 Enforcement exemptions for

is produced or imported and offered for California gasoline.
sale and for which the requirements to (a)(1) The requirements of subparts
determine the properties and charac- D, E, F and J of this part are modified
teristics under 80.65(f) is not met, or in accordance with the provisions con-
any conventional gasoline for which tained in this section in the case of
the refiner or importer does not sample California gasoline.
and test to determine the relevant (2) For the purposes of this section,
properties, shall be deemed: California gasoline means any gaso-
(i)(A) Except as provided in para- line that is sold, intended for sale, or
graph (e)(1)(i)(B) of this section to have made available for sale as a motor ve-
the following properties: hicle fuel in the State of California and
Sulfur content970 ppm (i) Is manufactured within the State
Benzene content5 vol % of California;
RVP (summer)11 psi (ii) Is imported into the State of
50% distillation250 F California from outside the United
90% distillation375 F States; or
Oxygen content0 wt % (iii) Is imported into the State of
Aromatics content50 vol % California from inside the United
Olefins content26 vol % States and that is manufactured at a
(B) To have the following properties refinery that does not produce refor-
in paragraph (e)(1)(i)(A) of this section mulated gasoline for sale in any cov-
unless the respective party or EPA ered area outside the State of Cali-
demonstrates by reasonably specific fornia.
(b)(1) Any refiner, importer, or oxy-
showings, by direct or circumstantial
genate blender of gasoline that is sold,
evidence, different properties for the
intended for sale, or made available for
gasoline giving rise to the violations; sale as a motor fuel in the State of
and California is, with regard to such gaso-
(ii) In the case of reformulated gaso- line, exempt from the compliance sur-
line, to have been designated as meet- vey provisions contained in 80.68.
ing all applicable standards on a per- (2) Any refiner, importer, or oxygen-
gallon basis. ate blender of California gasoline is,
(2) For the purposes of paragraph with regard to such gasoline, exempt
(e)(1) of this section, any refiner or im- from the independent analysis require-
porter that fails to meet the inde- ments contained in 80.65(f).
pendent analysis requirements of (3) Any refiner, importer, or oxygen-
80.65(f) may not use the results of ate blender of California gasoline that
sampling and testing that is carried elects to meet any benzene content, ox-
out by that refiner or importer as di- ygen content, or toxics emission reduc-
rect or circumstantial evidence of the tion standard specified in 80.41 on av-
properties of the gasoline giving rise to erage for any averaging period speci-
the violations, unless this failure was fied in 80.67 that is in part before
not caused by the refiner or importer. March 1, 1996, and in part subsequent to
such date, shall, with regard to such
(f) Any violation of any affirmative
gasoline that is produced or imported
requirement or prohibition not in- prior to such date, demonstrate com-
cluded in paragraph (c) or (d) of this pliance with each of the standards
section shall constitute a separate day specified in 80.41 for each of the fol-
of violation for each and every day lowing averaging periods in lieu of
such affirmative requirement is not those specified in 80.67:
properly accomplished, and/or for each (i) January 1 through December 31,
and every day the prohibited activity 1995; and
continues. For those violations that (ii) March 1, 1995, through February
may be ongoing under subparts D, E, 29, 1996.
and F of this part, each and every day (4) The compliance demonstration re-
the prohibited activity continues shall quired by paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this
constitute a separate day of violation. section shall be submitted no later


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80.81 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

than May 31, 1996, along with the re- part F of this part, except where such
port for the first quarter of 1996 re- requirements apply to the renewable
quired to be submitted under oxygenate requirements contained in
80.75(a)(1)(i). 80.83.
(c) Any refiner, importer, or oxygen- (d) Any refiner, importer, or oxygen-
ate blender of California gasoline that ate blender that produces or imports
is manufactured or imported subse- gasoline that is sold, intended for sale,
quent to March 1, 1996, and that meets or made available for sale as a motor
the requirements of the California vehicle fuel in the State of California
Phase 2 reformulated gasoline regula- subsequent to March 1, 1996, shall dem-
tions, as set forth in Title 13, Cali- onstrate compliance with the stand-
fornia Code of Regulations, sections ards specified in 80.41 and 80.90 by ex-
2260 et seq., is, with regard to such gas-
cluding the volume and properties of
oline, exempt from the following re-
such gasoline from all conventional
quirements (in addition to the require-
gasoline and reformulated gasoline
ments specified in paragraph (b) of this
that it produces or imports that is not
(1) The parameter value reconcili- sold, intended for sale, or made avail-
ation requirements contained in able for sale as a motor vehicle fuel in
80.65(e)(2); the State of California subsequent to
(2) The designation of gasoline re- such date. The exemption provided in
quirements contained in 80.65(d), ex- this section does not exempt any re-
cept in the case of RBOB that is des- finer or importer from demonstrating
ignated as any renewable oxygenate, compliance with such standards for all
non-VOC controlled renewable ether gasoline that it produces or imports.
only, or renewable ether only; (e)(1) The exemption provisions con-
(3) The reformulated gasoline and tained in paragraphs (b)(2), (b)(3), (c),
RBOB compliance requirements con- and (f) of this section shall not apply
tained in 80.65(c); under the circumstances set forth in
(4) The marking of conventional gas- paragraphs (e)(2) and (e)(3) of this sec-
oline requirements contained in tion.
80.65(g) and 80.82; (2) Such exemption provisions shall
(5) The annual compliance audit re- not apply to any refiner, importer, or
quirements contained in 80.65(h), ex- oxygenate blender of California gaso-
cept where such audits are required line with regards to any gasoline for-
with regard to the renewable oxygen- mulation that it produces or imports is
ate requirements contained in 80.83; certified under Title 13, California Code
(6) The downstream oxygenate blend- of Regulations, section 2265 or section
ing requirements contained in 80.69, 2266 (as amended July 2, 1996), unless:
except where such requirements apply (i) Written notification option. (A) The
to the renewable oxygenate require- refiner, importer, or oxygenate blend-
ments contained in 80.83; er, within 30 days of the issuance of
(7) The record keeping requirements
such certification:
contained in 80.74 and 80.104, except
(1) Notifies the Administrator of such
that records required to be maintained
under Title 13, California Code of Regu- certification;
lations, section 2270, shall be main- (2) Submits to the Administrator
tained for a period of five years from copies of the applicable certification
the date of creation and shall be deliv- order issued by the State of California
ered to the Administrator or to the Ad- and the application for certification
ministrators authorized representative submitted by the regulated party to
upon request; the State of California; and
(8) The reporting requirements con- (3) Submits to the Administrator a
tained in 80.75 and 80.105; written demonstration that all gaso-
(9) The product transfer documenta- line formulations produced, imported
tion requirements contained in 80.77; or blended by the refiner, importer or
and oxygenate blender for use in California
(10) The compliance attest engage- meets each of the complex model per-
ment requirements contained in sub- gallon standards specified in 80.41(c).


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.81

(B) If the Administrator determines a violation of subpart D, E or F of this

that the written demonstration sub- part or for a violation of the California
mitted under paragraph (e)(2)(i)(A) of Phase 2 reformulated gasoline regula-
this section does not demonstrate that tions set forth in Title 13, California
all certified gasoline formulations Code of Regulations, sections 2260 et
meet each of the complex model per- seq., effective 90 days after the date of
gallon standards specified in 80.41(c), final agency or district court adjudica-
the Administrator shall provide notice tion of such penalty assessment.
to the party (by first class mail) of (ii) Any refiner, importer, or oxygen-
such determination and of the date on ate blender subject to the provisions of
which the exemption provisions speci- paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section may
fied in paragraph (e)(1) of this section submit a petition to the Administrator
shall no longer be applicable, which for relief, in whole or in part, from the
date shall be no earlier than 90 days applicability of such provisions, for
after the date of the Administrators good cause. Good cause may include a
notification. showing that the violation for which a
(ii) Compliance survey option. The penalty was assessed was not a sub-
compliance survey requirements of stantial violation of the Federal or
80.68 are met for each covered area in California reformulated gasoline regu-
California for which the refiner, im- lations.
porter or oxygenate blender supplies (f) In the case of any gasoline that is
gasoline for use in the covered area, ex- sold, intended for sale, or made avail-
cept that: able for sale as a motor vehicle fuel in
(A) The survey series must determine the State of California subsequent to
compliance only with the oxygen con- March 1, 1996, any person that manu-
tent standard of 2.0 weight-percent; factures, sells, offers for sale, dis-
(B) The survey series must consist of penses, supplies, offers for supply,
at least four surveys a year for each stores, transports, or causes the trans-
covered area; portation of such gasoline is, with re-
(C) The surveys shall not be included gard to such gasoline, exempt from the
in determining the number of surveys following prohibited activities provi-
under 80.68(b)(2); sions:
(D) In the event a survey series con- (1) The oxygenated fuels provisions
ducted under this paragraph (e)(2)(ii) contained in 80.78(a)(1)(iii);
fails in accordance with 80.68(c)(12),
(2) The product transfer provisions
the provisions of 80.41(o), (p) and (q)
contained in 80.78(a)(1)(iv);
are applicable, except that if the sur-
(3) The oxygenate blending provisions
vey series failure occurs in a year in
contained in 80.78(a)(7); and
which the applicable minimum oxygen
content is 1.7 weight percent, the com- (4) The segregation of simple and
pliance survey option of this section complex model certified gasoline provi-
shall not be applicable for any future sion contained in 80.78(a)(9).
year; and (g)(1) Any refiner that operates a re-
(E) Not withstanding 80.41(o), in the finery located outside the State of
event a covered area passes the oxygen California at which California gasoline
content series in a year, the minimum (as defined in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of
oxygen content standard for that cov- this section) is produced shall, with re-
ered area beginning in the year fol- gard to such gasoline, provide to any
lowing the passed survey series shall be person to whom custody or title of
made less stringent by decreasing the such gasoline is transferred, and each
minimum oxygen content standard by transferee shall provide to any subse-
0.1%, except that in no case shall the quent transferee, documents which in-
minimum oxygen content standard be clude the following information:
less than that specified in 80.41(d). (i) The name and address of the
(3)(i) Such exemption provisions shall transferor;
not apply to any refiner, importer, or (ii) The name and address of the
oxygenate blender of California gaso- transferee;
line who has been assessed a civil, (iii) The volume of gasoline which is
criminal or administrative penalty for being transferred;


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80.82 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(iv) The location of the gasoline at refiner of California gasoline may de-
the time of the transfer; termine the properties of gasoline as
(v) The date and time of the transfer; specified under 80.65(e)(1) at off site
(vi) The identification of the gasoline tankage provided that:
as California gasoline; and (i) The samples are properly collected
(vii) In the case of transferrors and under the terms of a current and valid
transferrees who are refiners, import- protocol agreement between the refiner
ers or oxygenate blenders, the EPA- as- and the California Air Resources Board
signed registration number of such per- with regard to sampling at the off site
sons. tankage and consistent with require-
(2) Each refiner and transferee of ments prescribed in Title 13, California
such gasoline shall maintain copies of Code of Regulations, sections 2260 et
the product transfer documents re- seq.(as amended July 2, 1996); and
quired to be provided by paragraph (ii) The refiner provides a copy of the
(g)(1) of this section for a period of five protocol agreement to EPA upon re-
years from the date of creation and quest.
shall deliver such documents to the Ad-
[59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
ministrator or to the Administrators
FR 36965, July 20, 1994; 59 FR 39289, Aug. 2,
authorized representative upon re- 1994; 59 FR 60715, Nov. 28, 1994; 63 FR 34825,
quest. June 26, 1998; 64 FR 49997, Sept. 15, 1999; 66 FR
(h)(1) For the purposes of the batch 17263, Mar. 29, 2001]
sampling and analysis requirements
contained in 80.65(e)(1)and
Aug. 2, 1994, 80.81 was amended by revising
80.101(i)(1)(i)(A), any refiner, importer paragraphs (c)(2), (c)(5), (c)(6), and (c)(10) ef-
or oxygenate blender of California gas- fective September 1, 1994. At 59 FR 60715,
oline may use a sampling and/or anal- Nov. 28, 1994, the amendment was stayed ef-
ysis methodology prescribed in Title fective September 13, 1994.
13, California Code of Regulations, sec-
tions 2260 et seq. (as amended July 2, 80.82 Conventional gasoline marker.
1996), in lieu of any applicable method- [Reserved]
ology specified in 80.46, with regards
80.83 Renewable oxygenate require-
to ments.
(i) Such gasoline; or
(ii) That portion of its gasoline pro- (a) Definition of renewable oxygenate.
duced or imported for use in other For purposes of subparts D and F of
areas of the United States, provided this part, renewable oxygenate is de-
that: fined as provided in this paragraph (a).
(A) The gasoline must be produced by (1) In the case of oxygenate added to
a refinery that is located in the state reformulated gasoline or RBOB that is
of California that produces California not designated as VOC-controlled or
gasoline, or imported into California that is not subject to the additional re-
from outside the United States as Cali- quirements associated with an ex-
fornia Phase 2 gasoline; tended non-commingling season pursu-
(B) The gasoline must be classified as ant to 80.83(i), renewable oxygenate
conventional gasoline upon exportation shall be:
from the California; and (i) An oxygenate that is derived from
(C) The refiner or importer must cor- non-fossil fuel feedstocks; or
relate the results from the applicable (ii) An ether that is produced using
sampling and /or analysis methodology an oxygenate that is derived from non-
prescribed in Title 13, California Code fossil fuel feedstocks.
of Regulations, sections 2260 et seq. (as (2) In the case of oxygenate added to
amended July 2, 1996), with the method reformulated gasoline or RBOB that is
specified at 80.46, and such correlation designated as VOC-controlled or that is
must be adequately demonstrated to subject to the additional requirements
EPA upon request. associated with an extended non-com-
(2) Nothwithstanding the require- mingling season pursuant to 80.83(i),
ments of 80.65(e)(1) regarding when renewable oxygenate shall be an ether
the properties of a batch of reformu- that meets the requirements of para-
lated gasoline must be determined, a graph (a)(1)(ii) or (a)(3) of this section.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.83

(3) An oxygenate other than those (i) Derived from a source other than
ethers specified in paragraphs (a)(1) or petroleum, coal, natural gas, or peat;
(a)(2) of this section may be considered or
a renewable oxygenate if the Adminis- (ii) Derived from a product:
trator approves a petition to that ef- (A) That was produced using petro-
fect. The Administrator may approve leum, coal, natural gas, or peat
such a petition if it is demonstrated to through a substantial transformation
the satisfaction of the Administrator of the fossil fuel;
that the oxygenate does not cause vol- (B) When the product was initially
atility increases in gasoline that are produced, it was not commonly used to
non-linear in nature (i.e., a non-linear generate energy (e.g. automobile tires);
vapor pressure blending curve). The and
Administrator may approve a petition (C) The product was sold or trans-
subject to any appropriate conditions ferred for a use other than energy gen-
or limitations. eration, and was later treated as a
(4)(i) Oxygenate shall be renewable waste product.
only if the refiner, importer, or oxy- (b) Renewable oxygenate standard. (1)
genate blender who uses the oxygenate The reformulated gasoline and refor-
is able to establish in the form of docu- mulated gasoline produced using RBOB
mentation that the oxygenate was pro- that is produced by any refiner at each
duced from a non-fossil fuel feedstock. refinery, or is imported by any im-
(ii)(A) Any person who produces re- porter, shall contain a volume of re-
newable oxygenate, as defined in para- newable oxygenate such that the refor-
graph (a)(1) of this section, or who mulated gasoline and reformulated
stores, transports, transfers, or sells gasoline produced using RBOB, on av-
such renewable oxygenate, and where erage, has an oxygen content from such
such renewable oxygenate is intended renewable oxygenate that is equal to or
greater than 0.30 wt% for the period of
to be used in the production of gaso-
December 1, 1994 through December 31,
line, shall maintain documents that
1995, and 0.60 wt% beginning on Janu-
state the renewable source of the oxy-
ary 1, 1996.
genate, and shall supply to any trans-
(2) The averaging period for the re-
feree of the oxygenate documents
newable oxygenate standard specified
which state the oxygenate is from a re-
in paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall
newable source.
(B) Any person who imports oxygen- (i) Each calendar year; except that
ate that is represented by the importer (ii)Any reformulated gasoline and
to be renewable oxygenate, as defined RBOB that is produced or imported
in paragraph (a) of this section, shall prior to January 1, 1995 shall be aver-
maintain documents, obtained from aged with reformulated gasoline and
the person who produced the oxygen- RBOB produced or imported during
ate, that include a certification signed 1995.
by the owner or chief executive officer (3)(i) The oxygenate used to meet the
of the company that produced the oxy- standard under paragraph (b)(1) of this
genate that states: section may also be used to meet any
(1) The nature of the feedstock for oxygen standard under 80.41; except
the oxygenate; and that
(2) A description of the manner in (ii) The renewable oxygenate added
which the oxygenate meets the renew- by a downstream oxygenate blender
able definition under paragraph (a) of shall not be used by any refiner or im-
this section. porter to meet the oxygen standard
(iii) No person may represent any ox- under 80.41, except through the trans-
ygenate as renewable unless the oxy- fer of oxygen credits.
genate meets the renewable definition (c) Downstream oxygenate blending
under paragraph (a) of this section. using renewable oxygenate. (1) In the
(5) For purposes of this section, an case of any refiner that produces
oxygenate shall be considered to be de- RBOB, or any importer that imports
rived from non-fossil fuel feedstocks RBOB, the oxygenate that is blended
only if the oxygenate is: with the RBOB may be included with


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80.83 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

the refiners or importers compliance

calculations under paragraph (d) of this n
section only if: CTro = Vi 0.60
(i) The oxygenate meets the applica- i =1
ble renewable oxygenate definition
under paragraph (a) of this section; and where
(ii) The refiner or importer meets the CTro = the compliance total for renewable ox-
downstream oxygenate blending over- Vi = the volume of reformulated gasoline or
sight requirements specified in RBOB batch i
80.69(a)(6) and (7); or n = the number of batches of reformulated
(iii)(A) In the case of RBOB des- gasoline and RBOB produced or imported
ignated for any renewable oxygenate during the averaging period
the refiner or importer assumes that (iii) The renewable oxygen actual
ethanol will be blended with the RBOB; total using the following formula:
(B) In the case of RBOB designated
ATro = ( Vi RO i )
for renewable ether only or non-
VOC controlled renewable ether only ,
the refiner or importer assumes that i =1
ETBE will be blended with the RBOB;
ATro = the actual total for renewable oxygen
(C) In the case of any renewable ox- Vi = the volume of gasoline or RBOB batch i
ygenate, non-VOC controlled renew- ROi = the oxygen content, in wt%, in the
able ether only and renewable ether form of renewable oxygenate of gasoline or
only RBOB, the refiner or importer RBOB batch i
assumes that the volume of oxygenate n = the number of batches of gasoline or
RBOB produced or imported during the
added will be such that the resulting averaging period
reformulated gasoline will have an ox-
ygen content of 2.0 wt%. (iv) Compare the renewable oxygen
(2)(i) No person may combine any ox- actual total with the renewable oxygen
compliance total.
ygenate with RBOB designated as any
(2)(i) The actual total must be equal
renewable oxygenate unless the oxy-
to or greater than the compliance to-
genate meets the criteria specified in tals to achieve compliance, subject to
paragraph (a) of this section. the credit transfer provisions of para-
(ii) No person may combine any oxy- graph (e) of this section.
genate with RBOB designated as re- (ii) If the renewable oxygen actual
newable ether only or non-VOC con- total is less than the renewable oxygen
trolled renewable ether only unless compliance total, renewable oxygen
the oxygenate meets the criteria speci- credits must be obtained from another
fied in paragraph (a) of this section. refinery or importer in order to achieve
(d) Compliance calculation. (1) Any re- compliance.
finer for each of its refineries, and any (iii) The total number of renewable
importer shall, for each averaging pe- oxygen credits required to achieve
riod, determine compliance with the compliance is calculated by sub-
renewable oxygenate standard by cal- tracting the renewable oxygen actual
culating: total from the renewable oxygen com-
(i) Prior to January 1, 1996, renewable pliance total.
oxygen compliance total using the fol- (iv) If the renewable oxygen actual
total is greater than the renewable ox-
lowing formula:
ygen compliance total, renewable oxy-
gen credits are generated.
CTro = Vi 0.30
(v) The total number of renewable ox-
ygen credits which may be traded to a
i =1 refiner for a refinery, or to another im-
porter, is calculated by subtracting the
(ii) Beginning on January 1, 1996, the
renewable oxygen compliance total
renewable oxygen compliance total
from the renewable oxygen actual
using the following formula: total.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.83

(e) Credit transfers. Compliance with (ii) The compliance total for renew-
the renewable oxygenate standard able oxygen;
specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this sec- (iii) The actual total for renewable
tion may be achieved through the oxygen;
transfer of renewable oxygen credits, (iv) The number of renewable oxygen
provided that the credits meet the cri- credits generated as a result of actual
teria specified in 80.67(h)(1) (i) total renewable oxygen being greater
through (iv) and 80.67(h) (2) and (3). than compliance total renewable oxy-
(f) Recordkeeping. Any refiner or im- gen;
porter, or any oxygenate blender who (v) The number of renewable oxygen
blends oxygenate with any RBOB des- credits required as a result of actual
ignated as any renewable oxygenate, total renewable oxygen being less than
non VOC controlled renewable ether compliance total renewable oxygen;
only or renewable ether only shall (vi) The number of renewable oxygen
for a period of five years maintain the credits transferred to another refinery
records specified in this paragraph (f) or importer;
in a manner consistent with the re- (vii) The number of renewable oxygen
quirements under 80.74, and deliver credits obtained from another refinery
such records to the Administrator upon or importer; and
request. The records shall contain the (viii) For any renewable oxygen cred-
following information: its that are transferred from or to an-
(1)(i) Documents demonstrating the other refinery or importer, for any
renewable nature and source of the ox- such transfer:
ygenate used, consistent with the re- (A) The names, EPA-assigned reg-
quirements of paragraph (a)(3) of this istration numbers and facility identi-
section; fication numbers of the transferor and
(ii) The volume, type, and purity of transferee of the credits;
any renewable oxygenate used; and (B) The number of renewable oxygen
(iii) Product transfer documentation credits that were transferred; and
for all renewable oxygenate, reformu- (C) The date of the transaction.
lated gasoline, or RBOB for which the (h) Renewable oxygenate requirements
party is the transferor or transferee. for reformulated gasoline used in the
(2) The requirements of this para- State of California. (1) Any refiner or
graph (f) shall apply in addition to the importer of California gasoline, as de-
recordkeeping requirements specified fined in 80.81, shall meet the renew-
in 80.74(e). able oxygenate standard specified in
(g) Reporting requirements. (1) Any re- paragraph (a) of this section for all re-
finer for each refinery, or any im- formulated gasoline or RBOB used in
porter, shall for each batch of reformu- any reformulated gasoline covered area
lated gasoline and RBOB include in the as specified in 80.70.
quarterly reports for reformulated gas- (2) Any California gasoline shall be
oline required by 80.75(a) the total presumed to be used in a reformulated
weight percent oxygen and the weight gasoline covered area:
percent oxygen attributable to renew- (i)(A) If the gasoline is produced at a
able oxygenate contained in the gaso- refinery that is located within a refor-
line, or contained in the RBOB subse- mulated gasoline covered area; or
quent to oxygenate blending if allowed (B) If the gasoline is transported to a
under paragraph (c) of this section. facility that is located within a refor-
(2) Any refiner for each refinery, or mulated gasoline covered area, or to a
any importer, shall submit to the Ad- facility from which gasoline is trans-
ministrator, with the fourth quarterly ported by truck into a reformulated
report required by 80.75(a), a report gasoline covered area; unless
for all reformulated gasoline and RBOB (ii) The refiner or importer is able to
that was produced or imported during establish with documentation that the
the previous calendar year averaging gasoline was used outside any reformu-
period, that includes the following in- lated gasoline covered area.
formation: (3) Any California gasoline shall be
(i) The total volume of reformulated considered to be designated as VOC-
gasoline and RBOB; controlled (for purposes of paragraph


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80.83 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(a)(1) of this section) if the Reid vapor (2) The tentative effective date will
pressure of the gasoline, or RBOB sub- correspond with the first day of the
sequent to oxygenate blending, is in- next complete non-commingling season
tended to meet a standard of: beginning not less than one year after
(i) 7.8 psi or less in the case of gaso- receipt of the petition.
line intended for use before March 1, (B) If the Administrator receives ad-
1996; or verse comments or information dem-
(ii) 7.0 psi or less in the case of gaso- onstrating to the satisfaction of the
line intended for use on or after March Administrator that the criteria of
1, 1996. paragraph (i)(1)(i) of this section have
(i) Special provisions for shoulder sea- not been met, that the tentative effec-
son. (1) The Governor of any State may tive date is not reasonable, or that
petition for an extension of the non-
other good reasons exist to deny the
commingling season for any or all re-
petition, then the Administrator may
formulated gasoline covered areas
within the State pursuant to 80.70. reject the Governors request for an ex-
(i) Such petition must satisfy the fol- tended non-commingling season, in
lowing criteria: whole or in part, or may delay the ef-
(A) Evidence showing an increase in fective date by up to two (2) additional
the market share and/or use of years. Absent receipt of such adverse
oxygenates which produce commin- comments or information, EPA shall
gling-related RVP increases in the publish a notice in the FEDERAL REG-
area(s) that are covered by the peti- ISTER announcing its approval of the
tion; petition and specifying an effective
(B) Evidence demonstrating a pattern date for the extended non-commingling
of exceedances for the period for which season.
the extension is sought, including (2) In the case of any refiner that pro-
ozone monitoring data for the pre- duces RBOB, or any importer that im-
ceding three(3) years of the reformu- ports RBOB, the oxygenate that is
lated gasoline program; blended with the RBOB may be in-
(C) An analysis showing that the pat- cluded with the refiners or importers
tern of ozone exceedances is likely to compliance calculations under para-
continue even with implementation of graph (d) of this section only if:
other ozone air quality control meas- (i) The oxygenate meets the applica-
ures and/or programs currently planned ble renewable oxygenate definition
by the State; and under paragraph (a) of this section; and
(D) Evidence that the responsible (ii) In the case of RBOB designated
State agency or authority has given for non VOC controlled ether only
the public an opportunity for a public the refiner or importer assumes that
hearing and the submission of written ETBE or other oxygenate that does not
comments with respect to the petition.
exhibit volatility-related commingling
(ii) Effective data and publication of
effects when mixed with other gaso-
lines and approved by the EPA Admin-
(A) If the Administrator determines
istrator under subparagraph (a)(3) of
that the petition meets the require-
this section will be blended with the
ments of paragraph (i)(1)(i) of this sec-
tion, to the satisfaction of the Admin- RBOB and so labels the transfer docu-
istrator, then EPA shall publish a no- mentation.
tice in the FEDERAL REGISTER announc- [59 FR 39290, Aug. 2, 1994]
ing its intention to establish the non-
commingling season as requested by
2, 1994, 80.83 was added effective September
the Governor, and specifying a ten- 1, 1994, except for paragraphs (g) and (h),
tative effective date. which will not become effective until ap-
(1) The Administrator shall provide proval has been given by the Office of Man-
the public with an opportunity for a agement and Budget. At 59 FR 60715, Nov. 28,
hearing and the submission of written 1994, this section was stayed, effective Sep-
comments. tember 13, 1994.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.90

80.8480.89 [Reserved] 80.90 Conventional gasoline baseline

emissions determination.
Subpart EAnti-Dumping (a) Annual average baseline values. For
any facility of a refiner or importer of
SOURCE: 59 FR 7860, Feb. 16, 1994, unless
conventional gasoline, the annual aver-
otherwise noted. age baseline values of the facilitys ex-
haust benzene emissions, exhaust
toxics emissions, NOx emissions, sulfur,
olefins and T90 shall be determined
using the following equation:



where paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section in the

BASELINE = annual average baseline value equation specified in paragraph (a) of
of the facility, this section.
SUMRBASE = summer baseline value of the
(c) Baseline exhaust benzene emis-
SUMRVOL = summer baseline gasoline vol- sionscomplex model. The complex
ume of the facility, per 80.91, model annual average baseline exhaust
WNTRBASE = winter baseline value of the benzene emissions for any facility of a
facility, refiner or importer of conventional
WNTRVOL = winter baseline gasoline vol- gasoline shall be determined as follows:
ume of the facility, per 80.91.
(1) The summer and winter complex
(b) Baseline exhaust benzene emis- model baseline exhaust benzene emis-
sionssimple model. (1) Simple model sions shall be determined separately
exhaust benzene emissions of conven- using the facilitys oxygenated indi-
tional gasoline shall be determined vidual baseline fuel parameter values
using the following equation: for summer and winter (per 80.91), re-
EXHBEN = (1.884 + 0.949 BZ + 0.113 spectively, in the appropriate complex
(AR BZ)) model for exhaust benzene emissions
described in 80.45.
(2) The complex model annual aver-
EXHBEN = exhaust benzene emissions, age baseline exhaust benzene emissions
BZ = fuel benzene value in terms of volume
percent (per 80.91), and of the facility shall be determined
AR = fuel aromatics value in terms of vol- using the emissions values determined
ume percent (per 80.91). in paragraph (c)(1) of this section in
the equation specified in paragraph (a)
(2) The simple model annual average
of this section.
baseline exhaust benzene emissions for
any facility of a refiner or importer of (d) Baseline exhaust toxics emissions.
conventional gasoline shall be deter- The annual average baseline exhaust
mined as follows: toxics emissions for any facility of a
(i) The simple model baseline exhaust refiner or importer of conventional
benzene emissions shall be determined gasoline shall be determined as follows:
separately for summer and winter (1) The summer and winter baseline
using the facilitys oxygenated indi- exhaust emissions of benzene, form-
vidual baseline fuel parameter values aldehyde, acetaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene,
for summer and winter (per 80.91), re- and polycyclic organic matter shall be
spectively, in the equation specified in determined using the oxygenated indi-
paragraph (b)(1) of this section. vidual baseline fuel parameter values
(ii) The simple model annual average for summer and winter (per 80.91), re-
baseline exhaust benzene emissions of spectively, in the appropriate complex
the facility shall be determined using model for each exhaust toxic (per
the emissions values determined in 80.45).


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80.91 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(2) The summer and winter baseline finery, refiner or importer, as applica-
total exhaust toxics emissions shall be ble, shall consist of:
determined separately by summing the (i) An estimate of the quality, com-
summer and winter baseline exhaust position and volume of its 1990 gaso-
emissions of each toxic (per paragraph line, or allowable substitute, based on
(d)(1) of this section), respectively. the requirements specified in 80.91
(3) The annual average baseline ex- through 80.93; and
haust toxics emissions of the facility (ii) Its baseline emissions values cal-
shall be determined using the emis- culated per paragraph (f) of this sec-
sions values determined in paragraph tion; and
(d)(2) of this section in the equation (iii) Its 19901993 blendstock-to-gaso-
specified in paragraph (a) of this sec- line ratios calculated per 80.102.
tion. (2)(i) The quality and composition of
(e) Baseline NOX emissions. The annual the 1990 gasoline of a refinery, refiner
average baseline NOX emissions for any or importer, as applicable, shall be the
facility of a refiner or importer of con- set of values of the following fuel pa-
ventional gasoline shall be determined rameters: benzene content; aromatic
as follows: content; olefin content; sulfur content;
(1) The summer and winter baseline distillation temperature at 50 and 90
NOX emissions shall be determined percent by volume evaporated; percent
using the baseline individual baseline evaporated at 200 F and 300 F; oxygen
fuel parameter values for summer and content; RVP.
winter (per 80.91), respectively, in the (ii) A refiner, per paragraph (b)(3)(i)
appropriate complex model for NOX of this section, shall also determine the
(per 80.45). API gravity of its 1990 gasoline.
(2) The annual average baseline NOX (3) The methodology outlined in this
emissions of the facility shall be deter- section shall be followed in deter-
mined using the emissions values de- mining a baseline value for each fuel
termined in paragraph (e)(1) of this sec- parameter listed in paragraph (a)(2) of
tion in the equation specified in para- this section.
graph (a) of this section. (b) Requirements for refiners, blenders
(3) The requirements specified in and importers(1) Requirements for pro-
paragraphs (e) (1) and (2) of this section ducers of gasoline and gasoline
shall be determined separately using blendstocks. (i) A refinery engaged in
the oxygenated and nonoxygenated in- the production of gasoline blendstocks
dividual baseline fuel parameters, per from crude oil and/or crude oil deriva-
80.91. tives, and the subsequent mixing of
(f) Applicability of Phase I and Phase II those blendstocks to form gasoline,
models. The requirements of paragraphs shall have its baseline fuel parameter
(d) and (e) of this section shall be de- values determined from Method 1, 2
termined separately for the applicable and/or 3-type data as described in para-
Phase I and Phase II complex models graph (c) of this section, provided the
specified in 80.45. refinery was in operation for at least 6
(g) Calculation accuracy. Emissions months in 1990.
values calculated per the requirements (ii) A refinery which was in operation
of this section shall be determined to for at least 6 months in 1990, was shut
four (4) significant figures. Sulfur, down after 1990, and which restarts
olefin and T90 values calculated per the after June 15, 1994, and for which insuf-
requirements of this section shall be ficient 1990 and post-1990 data was col-
determined to the same number of dec- lected prior to January 1, 1995 from
imal places as the corresponding value which to determine an individual base-
listed in 80.91(c)(5). line, shall have the values listed in
[59 FR 7860, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59 paragraph (c)(5) of this section as its
FR 36965, July 20, 1994] individual baseline parameters.
(iii) A refinery which was in oper-
80.91 Individual baseline determina- ation for less than 6 months in 1990
tion. shall have the values listed in para-
(a) Baseline definition. (1) The base- graph (c)(5) of this section as its indi-
line or individual baseline of a re- vidual baseline parameters.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.91

(2) Requirements for producers or im- data) and volume records of gasoline
porters of gasoline blendstocks only. A re- produced in or shipped from the refin-
finer or importer of gasoline ery in 1990, excluding exported gaso-
blendstocks which did not produce or line. The measured fuel parameter val-
import gasoline in 1990 and which pro- ues and volumes of batches, or ship-
duces or imports post-1994 gasoline ments if not batch blended, shall be
shall have the values listed in para- used except that data on produced gas-
graph (c)(5) of this section as its indi- oline which was also shipped shall be
vidual baseline parameters. included only once.
(3) Requirements for purchasers of gaso- (ii) Gasoline blendstock which left a
line and/or gasoline blendstocks. (i) A re- facility in 1990 and which could become
finer or refinery, as applicable, solely gasoline solely upon the addition of ox-
engaged in the production of gasoline ygenate shall be included in the base-
from gasoline blendstocks and/or gaso- line determination.
line which are simply purchased and (A) Fuel parameter values of such
blended to form gasoline shall have its blendstock shall be accounted for as if
individual baseline determined using the gasoline blendstock were blended
Method 1-type data (per paragraph (c) with ten (10.0) volume percent ethanol.
of this section) from every batch of 1990 (B) If the refiner or importer can pro-
gasoline. vide evidence that such gasoline
(ii) If Method 1-type data on every blendstock was not blended per para-
batch of the refiners or refinerys 1990 graph (c)(1)(ii)(A) of this section, and
gasoline does not exist, that refiner or that such gasoline blendstock was
refinery shall have the values listed in blended with another oxygenate or a
paragraph (c)(5) of this section as its different volume of ethanol, the fuel
individual baseline parameters. parameter values of the final gasoline
(4) Requirements for importers of gaso- (including oxygenate) shall be included
line and/or gasoline blendstocks. (i) An in the baseline determination.
importer of gasoline shall determine an (C) If the refiner or importer can pro-
individual baseline value for each fuel vide evidence that such gasoline
parameter listed in paragraph (a)(2) of blendstock was not blended per para-
this section using Method 1-type data graph (c)(1)(ii)(A) or (B) of this section,
on every batch of gasoline imported by and that such gasoline blendstock was
that importer into the United States in sold with out further changes down-
1990. stream, the fuel parameter values of
(ii) An importer which is also a for- the original product shall be included
eign refiner must determine its indi- in the baseline determination.
vidual baseline using Method 1, 2 and/ (iii) Data on 1990 gasoline purchased
or 3-type data (per paragraph (c) of this or otherwise received, including
section) if it imported at least 75 per- intracompany transfers, shall not be
cent, by volume, of the gasoline pro- included in the baseline determination
duced at its foreign refinery in 1990 of a refiners or importers facility if
into the United States in 1990. the gasoline exited the receiving refin-
(iii) An importer which cannot meet ery unchanged from its arrival state.
the criteria of paragraphs (b)(4)(i) or (2) Method 2-type data. Method 2-type
(ii) of this section for baseline deter- data shall consist of 1990 gasoline
mination shall have the parameter val- blendstock quality data and 1990
ues listed in paragraph (c)(5) of this blendstock production records, specifi-
section as its individual baseline pa- cally the measured fuel parameter val-
rameter values. ues and volumes of blendstock used in
(5) Requirements for exporters of gaso- the production of gasoline within the
line and/or gasoline blendstocks. A re- refinery. Blendstock data shall include
finer shall not include quality or vol- volumes purchased or otherwise re-
ume data on its 1990 exports of gasoline ceived, including intracompany trans-
blendstocks or gasoline in its baseline fers, if the volumes were blended as
determination. part of the refiners or importers 1990
(c) Data types(1) Method 1-type data. gasoline. Henceforth in 80.91 through
(i) Method 1-type data shall consist of 80.93, blendstock(s) or gasoline
quality (composition and property blendstock(s) shall include those


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products or streams commercially left a facility and which could become

blended to form gasoline. gasoline solely upon the addition of ox-
(3) Method 3-type data. (i) Method 3- ygenate shall be included in the base-
type data shall consist of post-1990 gas- line determination, per the require-
oline blendstock and/or gasoline qual- ments specified in paragraph (c)(1)(ii)
ity data and 1990 blendstock and gaso- of this section.
line production records, specifically (4) Hierarchy of data use. (i) A refiner
the measured fuel parameter values or importer must determine a baseline
and volumes of blendstock used in the fuel parameter value using only Meth-
production of gasoline within the refin- od 1-type data if sufficient Method 1-
ery. Blendstock data shall include vol- type data is available, per paragraph
umes purchased or otherwise received, (d)(1)(ii) of this section.
including intracompany transfers, if (ii) If a refiner has insufficient Meth-
the volumes were blended as part of the od 1-type data for a baseline parameter
refiners or importers 1990 gasoline. value determination, it must supple-
(ii) In order to use Method 3-type ment that data with all available
data, the refiner or importer must do Method 2-type data, until it has suffi-
all of the following: cient data, per paragraph (d)(1)(iii) of
(A) Include a detailed discussion this section.
comparing its 1990 and post-1990 refin- (iii) If a refiner has insufficient
ery operations and all other differences Method 1- and Method 2-type data for a
which would cause the 1990 and post- baseline parameter value determina-
1990 fuel parameter values to differ; tion, it must supplement that data
and with all available Method 3-type data,
(B) Perform the appropriate calcula- until it has sufficient data, per para-
tions so as to adjust for the differences graph (d)(1)(iii) of this section.
determined in paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(A) of (iv) The protocol for the determina-
this section; and tion of baseline fuel parameter values
(C) Include a narrative, discussing in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (iii) of
the methodology and reasoning for the this section shall be applied to each
adjustments made per paragraph fuel parameter one at a time.
(c)(3)(ii)(B) of this section. (5) Anti-dumping statutory baseline. (i)
(iii) In order to use post-1990 gasoline The summer anti-dumping statutory
data, either of the following must be baseline shall have the set of fuel pa-
shown for each blendstock-type in- rameter values identified as summer
cluded in 1990 gasoline, excluding bu- in 80.45(b)(2). The anti-dumping sum-
tane: mer API gravity shall be 57.4 API.
(A) The post-1990 volumetric fraction (ii) The winter anti-dumping statu-
of a blendstock is within (+/)10.0 per- tory baseline shall have the set of fuel
cent of the volumetric fraction of that parameter values identified as win-
blendstock in 1990 gasoline. For exam- ter in 80.45(b)(2), except that winter
ple, if a 1990 blendstock constituted 30 RVP shall be 8.7 psi. The anti-dumping
volume percent of 1990 gasoline, this winter API gravity shall be 60.2 API.
criterion would be met if the post-1990 (iii) The annual average anti-dump-
volumetric fraction of the blendstock ing statutory baseline shall have the
in post-1990 gasoline was 27.033.0 vol- following set of fuel parameter values:
ume percent.
Benzene, volume percent1.60
(B) The post-1990 volumetric fraction Aromatics, volume percent28.6
of a blendstock is within (+/)2.0 vol- Olefins, volume percent10.8
ume percent of the absolute value of RVP, psi8.7
the 1990 volumetric fraction. For exam- T50, degrees F207
ple, if a 1990 blendstock constituted 5 T90, degrees F332
volume percent of 1990 gasoline, this E200, percent46
criterion would be met if the post-1990 E300, percent83
volumetric fraction of the blendstock Sulfur, ppm338
API Gravity, API59.1
in post-1990 gasoline was 37 volume
percent. (iv) The annual average anti-dumping
(iv) If using post-1990 gasoline data, statutory baseline shall have the fol-
post-1990 gasoline blendstock which lowing set of emission values:


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.91
Exhaust benzene emissions, simple model (C) Less than the minimum require-
6.45 ments specified in paragraph (d)(1) of
Exhaust benzene emissions, complex model this section may be allowed, upon peti-
33.03 mg/mile tion and approval (per 80.93), if it can
Exhaust toxics emissions, Phase I50.67 mg/
be shown that the available data is suf-
Exhaust toxics emissions, Phase II104.5 mg/
ficient in quality and quantity to use
mile in the baseline determination.
NOX emissions, Phase I714.4 mg/mile (ii) Method 1 sampling requirements. At
NOX emissions, Phase II1461. mg/mile least half of the batches, or shipments
if not batch blended, in a calendar
(d) Data collection and testing require- month shall have been sampled over a
ments(1) Minimum sampling require- minimum of six months in 1990.
ments(i) General requirements. (A) (iii) Method 2 sampling requirements.
Data shall have been obtained for at (A) Continuous blendstock streams
least three months of the refiners or shall have been sampled at least week-
importers production of summer gaso- ly over a minimum of six months in
line and at least three months of its 1990.
production of winter gasoline. When (B) For blendstocks produced on a
method 1 per batch RVP data is avail- batch basis, at least half of all batches
able, a month is considered equivalent of a single blendstock type produced in
to 4 weeks of seasonal data. a calendar month shall have been sam-
(1) Method 1, per batch, actual RVP pled over a minimum of six months in
data will be used to define that batch 1990.
as either summer fuel or winter fuel. (iv) Method 3 sampling requirements
Summer fuel is defined as fuel pro- (A) Blendstock data. (1) Post-1990 con-
duced and intended for sale to satisfy tinuous blendstock streams shall have
Federal summer volatility standards. been sampled at least weekly over a
When such per batch actual RVP data minimum of six months.
is not available, data is allocated per (2) For post-1990 blendstocks pro-
month as follows. A summer month is duced on a batch basis, at least half of
defined as any month during which all batches of a single blendstock type
more than 50 percent (by volume) of produced in a calendar month shall
the gasoline produced by a refiner met have been sampled over a minimum of
the Federal summer gasoline volatility six months.
requirements. Winter shall be any (B) Gasoline data. At least half of the
month which could not be considered a post-1990 batches, or shipments if not
summer month under this definition. batch blended, in a calendar month
(2) The three months which compose shall have been sampled over a min-
the summer and the winter data do not imum of six months in order to use
have to be consecutive nor within the post-1990 gasoline data.
same year. (2) Sampling beyond todays date. The
(3) If, in 1990, a refiner marketed all necessity and actual occurrence of data
of its gasoline only in an area or areas collection after todays date must be
which experience no seasonal changes shown.
relative to gasoline requirements, e.g., (3) Negligible quantity sampling. Test-
Hawaii, only 3 months of data are re- ing of a blendstock stream for a fuel
quired. parameter listed in this paragraph
(B) Once the minimum sampling re- (d)(3) is not required if the refiner can
quirements have been met, data collec- show that the fuel parameter exists in
tion may cease. Additional data may the stream at less than or equal to the
only be included for the remainder of amount, on average, shown in this
the calendar year in which the min- paragraph (d)(3) for that fuel param-
imum sampling requirements were eter. Any fuel parameter shown to
met. In any case, all data collected exist in a refinery stream in negligible
through the date of collection of the amounts shall be assigned a value of
last data point included in the deter- 0.0:
mination of a baseline fuel parameter Aromatics, volume percent1.0
value must be utilized in the baseline Benzene, volume percent0.15
determination of that fuel parameter. Olefins, volume percent1.0


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80.91 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
Oxygen, weight percent0.2 This volume shall be determined to the
Sulfur, ppm30.0 nearest milliliter.
(4) Sample compositing. (i) Samples of (H) The appropriate volumes of each
gasoline or blendstock which have been shipments sample shall be thoroughly
retained, but not analyzed, may be mixed and the solution analyzed per
mixed prior to analysis and analyzed, the methods normally employed at the
as described in paragraphs (d)(4)(iii) (A) refinery.
through (H) of this section, for the re- (5) Test methods. (i) If the test meth-
quired fuel parameters. Samples must ods used to obtain fuel parameter val-
be from the same season and year and ues of gasoline and gasoline
must be of a single grade or of a single blendstocks differ or are otherwise not
type of batch-produced blendstock. equivalent in precision or accuracy to
the corresponding test method speci-
(ii) Blendstock samples of a single
fied in 80.46, results obtained under
blendstock type obtained from contin-
those procedures will only be accept-
uous processes over a calendar month
able, upon petition and approval (per
may be mixed together in equal vol-
80.93), if the procedures are or were in-
umes to form one blendstock sample
dustry-accepted procedures for meas-
and the sample subsequently analyzed
uring the properties of gasoline and
for the required fuel parameters.
gasoline blendstocks at the time the
(iii)(A) Samples shall have been col-
measurement was made.
lected and stored per the method nor-
(ii) Oxygen content may have been
mally employed at the refinery in
determined analytically or from oxy-
order to prevent change in product
genate blending records.
composition with regard to baseline
(A) The fuel parameter values, other
properties and to minimize loss of vola-
than oxygen content, specified in para-
tile fractions of the sample.
graph (a) of this section, must be estab-
(B) Properties of the retained sam- lished as for any blendstock, per the re-
ples shall be adjusted for loss of butane quirements of this paragraph (d).
by comparing the RVP measured right (B) All oxygen associated with allow-
after blending with the RVP deter- able gasoline oxygenates per 80.2(jj)
mined at the time that the supple- shall be included in the determination
mental properties are measured. of the baseline oxygen content, if oxy-
(C) The volume of each batch or ship- gen content was determined analyt-
ment sampled shall have been noted ically.
and the sum of the volumes calculated (C) Oxygen content shall be assumed
to the nearest hundred (100) barrels. to be contributed solely by the oxygen-
(D) For each batch or shipment sam- ate which is indicated on the blending
pled, the ratio of its volume to the records, if oxygen content was deter-
total volume determined in paragraph mined from blending records.
(d)(4)(iii)(C) of this section shall be de- (6) Data quality. Data may be ex-
termined to three (3) decimal places. cluded from the baseline determination
This shall be the volumetric fraction of if it is shown to the satisfaction of the
the shipment in the mixture. Director of the Office of Mobile
(E) The total minimum volume re- Sources, or designee, that it is not
quired to perform duplicate analyses to within the normal range of values ex-
obtain values of all of the required fuel pected for the gasoline or blendstock
parameters shall be determined. sample, considering unit configuration,
(F) The volumetric fraction deter- operating conditions, etc.; due to:
mined in paragraph (d)(4)(iii)(D) of this (i) Improper labeling; or
section for each batch or shipment (ii) Improper testing; or
shall be multiplied by the value deter- (iii) Other reasons as verified by the
mined in paragraph (d)(4)(iii)(E) of this auditor specified in 80.92.
section. (e) Baseline fuel parameter determina-
(G) The resulting value determined in tion(1) Closely integrated gasoline pro-
paragraph (d)(4)(iii)(F) of this section ducing facilities. Each refinery or blend-
for each batch or shipment shall be the ing facility must determine a set of
volume of each batch or shipments baseline fuel parameter values per this
sample to be added to the mixture. paragraph (e). A single set of baseline


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.91

fuel parameters may be determined, plicable equation listed in paragraphs

upon petition and approval, for two or (e)(2) (ii) through (iv) of this section,
more facilities under either of the fol- except that average baseline winter
lowing circumstances: RVP shall be 8.7 psi.
(i) Two or more refineries or sets of (ii) Product included in parameter de-
gasoline blendstock-producing units of terminations. In each of the equations
a refiner engaged in the production of listed in paragraphs (e)(2) (ii) through
gasoline per paragraph (b)(1) of this (iv) of this section, the following shall
section which are geographically proxi- apply:
mate to each other, yet not within a (A) All gasoline produced to meet
single refinery gate, and whose 1990 op- EPAs 1990 summertime volatility re-
erations were significantly inter- quirements shall be considered summer
connected. gasoline. All other gasoline shall be
(ii) A gasoline blending facility oper- considered winter gasoline.
ating per paragraph (b)(3) of this sec- (B)(1) Baseline total annual 1990 gaso-
tion received at least 75 percent of its line volume shall be the larger of the
1990 blendstock volume from a single total volume of gasoline produced in or
refinery, or from one or more refineries shipped from the refinery in 1990.
which are part of an aggregate baseline
(2) Baseline summer gasoline volume
per 80.101(h). The blending facility and
shall be the total volume of low vola-
associated refinery(ies) must be owned
tility gasoline which met EPAs 1990
by the same refiner.
summertime volatility requirements.
(iii) For facilities determined to be
Baseline summer gasoline volume shall
closely integrated gasoline producing
facilities and for which EPA has grant- be determined on the same basis (pro-
ed a single set of baseline fuel param- duced or shipped) as baseline total an-
eter values per this paragraph (e)(1)(i): nual gasoline volume.
(A) All reformulated gasoline and (3) Baseline winter gasoline volume
anti-dumping standards shall be met shall be the baseline total annual gaso-
by such closely integrated facilities on line volume minus the baseline sum-
an aggregate basis; mer gasoline volume.
(B) A combined facility registration (C) Fuel parameter values shall be
shall be submitted under 80.76 and determined in the same units and at
80.103; and least to the same number of decimal
(C) Record keeping requirements places as the corresponding fuel param-
under 80.74 and 80.104 and reporting eter listed in paragraph (c)(5) of this
requirements under 80.75 and 80.105 section.
shall be met for such closely integrated (D) Volumes shall be reported to the
facilities on an aggregate basis. nearest barrel or to the degree at
(2) Equations(i) Parameter determina- which historical records were kept.
tions. Average baseline fuel parameters (iii) Method 1. Summer and winter
shall be determined separately for Method 1-type data, per paragraph
summer and winter using summer and (c)(1) of this section, shall be evaluated
winter data (per paragraph (d)(1)(i)(A) separately according to the following
of this section), respectively, in the ap- equation:

n gs

ps T (
X gis Vgis SG gis )
X bs = gs
i =1 n

( )
n gs

Vgis SG gis
g =1 s

i =1

where: Xbs = summer or winter baseline value of fuel

parameter X for the refinery


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80.91 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
s = season, summer or winter, per paragraph Xgis = parameter value of grade g gasoline
(d)(1)(i)(A)(1) of this section sample i in season s
g = separate grade of season s gasoline pro- Vgis = volume of season s grade g gasoline
duced by the refinery in 1990 sample i
ps = total number of different grades of sea- SGgis = specific gravity of season s grade g
son s gasoline produced by the refinery in gasoline sample i (used only for fuel pa-
rameters measured on a weight basis)
Tgs = total volume of season s grade g gaso-
line produced in 1990 (iv) Method 2. Summer and winter
Ns = total volume of season s gasoline pro-
Method 2-type data, per paragraph
duced by the refinery in 1990
i = separate batch or shipment of season s (c)(2) of this section, shall be evaluated
1990 gasoline sampled separately according to the following
ngs = total number of season s samples of equation:
grade g gasoline

n js p js
T js

X (
ijs X ijs Vijs SG ijs )
= i =1 + i =1 p
( )
j=1 N s
n js Vijs SG ijs

i = 1

where Xijs = parameter value of sample i of season

Xbs = Summer or winter baseline value of s blendstock j
fuel parameter for the refinery pjs = number of samples of season s batch-
s = season, summer or winter, per paragraph produced blendstock j
(d)(1)(i)(A)(1) of this section Vijs = volume of batch of sample i of season
j = type of blendstock (e.g., reformate, s blendstock j
isomerate, alkylate, etc.) SGijs = specific gravity of sample i of season
ms = total types of blendstocks in season s s blendstock j (used only for fuel param-
1990 gasoline eters measured on a weight basis)
Tjs = total 1990 volume of blendstock j used in
the refinerys season s gasoline (v) Method 3. (A) Post-1990
Ns = total volume of season s gasoline pro- Blendstock. Summer and winter Meth-
duced in the refinery in 1990
od 3-type data, per paragraph (c)(3) of
i = sample of blendstock j
njs = number of samples of season s this section, shall be evaluated sepa-
blendstock j from continuous process rately according to the following equa-
streams tion:

n js p js

ms T X ijs ( X ijs Vijs SG ijs )
X bs = js
i =1
+ i =1
n js p js
j =1 N s

( Vijs SG ijs)

i =1

where ms = total types of blendstocks in season s

Xbs = Summer or winter baseline value of 1990 gasoline
fuel parameter X for the refinery Tjs = total 1990 volume of blendstock j used in
s = season, summer or winter, per paragraph the refinerys season s gasoline
(d)(1)(i)(A)(1) of this section Ns = total volume of season s gasoline pro-
j = type of blendstock (e.g., reformate, duced in the refinery in 1990
isomerate, alkylate, etc.) i=sample of post-1990 season s blendstock j


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.91
njs = number of samples of post-1990 season s SGijs = specific gravity of sample i of season
blendstock j from continuous process s blendstock j (used only for fuel param-
streams eters measured on a weight basis)
Xijs = parameter value of sample i of post-1990
season s blendstock j (B) Post-1990 gasoline. Summer and
pjs = number of samples of post-1990 season s winter Method 3-type gasoline data,
batch-produced blendstock j per paragraph (c)(3) of this section,
Vijs = volume of post-1990 batch of sample i of shall be evaluated separately according
season s blendstock j tothe following equation:

n gs
ps T (
X gis Vgis SG gis )
= i =1 n
X bs

g =1 N s
( )

Vgis SG gis

i =1

where: baseline T50 and T90 values, if the base-

Xbs = Summer or winter baseline value of line T50 and T90 values are otherwise
fuel parameter X for the refinery acceptable:
s = season, summer or winter, per paragraph
(d)(1)(i)(A)(1) of this section E200 = 147.91 (0.49 T50)
g = separate grade of season s gasoline pro- E300 = 155.47 (0.22 T90)
duced by the refinery in 1990
ps = total number of different grades of sea- (4) Oxygen in the baseline. Baseline
son s gasoline produced by the refinery in fuel parameter values shall be deter-
1990 mined on both an oxygenated and non-
Tgs = total volume of season s grade g gaso- oxygenated basis.
line produced in 1990
Ns = total volume of season s gasoline pro-
(i) If baseline values are determined
duced by the refinery in 1990 first on an oxygenated basis, per para-
i = separate batch or shipment of post-1990 graph (e) of this section, the calcula-
season s gasoline sampled tions in paragraphs (e)(4)(i) (A) through
ngs = total number of samples of post-1990 (C) of this section shall be performed to
season s grade g gasoline determine the value of each baseline
Xgis = parameter value of post-1990 grade g parameter on a non-oxygenated basis.
season s gasoline sample i
Vgis = volume of post-1990 season s grade g
(A) Benzene, aromatic, olefin and sul-
gasoline sample i fur content shall be determined on a
SGgis = specific gravity of post-1990 season s non-oxygenated basis according to the
grade g gasoline sample i (used only for following equation:
fuel parameters measured on a weight
basis) UV = [AV/(100OV)] 100
(3) Percent evaporated determination. where
(i) Baseline E200 and E300 values shall UV = non-oxygenated parameter value
be determined directly from actual AV = oxygenated parameter value
measurement data. OV = 1990 oxygenate volume as a percent of
total production
(ii) If the data per paragraph (e)(3)(i)
of this section are unavailable, upon (B) Reid vapor pressure (RVP) shall
petition and approval, baseline E200 be determined on a non-oxygenated
and E300 values shall be determined basis according to the following equa-
from the following equations using the tion:

n n
UR = BR (OVi OR i ) 100 100 OVi 100
i =1 i =1


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where calculations in paragraphs (e)(4)(ii) (A)
UR = non-oxygenated RVP (baseline value) through (C) of this section shall be per-
BR = oxygenated RVP formed to determine the value of each
i = type of oxygenate used in 1990
baseline parameter on an oxygenated
n = total number of different types of
oxygenates used in 1990 basis.
OVi = 1990 volume, as a percent of total pro- (A) Benzene, aromatic, olefin and sul-
duction, of oxygenate i fur content shall be determined on an
ORi = blending RVP of oxygenate i oxygenated basis according to the fol-
(C) Test data and engineering judge- lowing equation:
ment shall be used to estimate T90,
AV = UV (100 OV) / 100
T50, E300 and E200 baseline values on a
non-oxygenated basis. Allowances shall where
be made for physical dilution and dis- AV = oxygenated parameter value
tillation effects only, and not for refin- UV = non-oxygenated parameter value
ery operational changes, e.g., decreased OV = 1990 oxygenate volume as a percent of
reformer severity required due to the total production
octane value of oxygenate which would
reduce aromatics. (B) Reid vapor pressure (RVP) shall
(ii) If baseline values are determined be determined on an oxygenated basis
first on a non-oxygenated basis, the according to the following equation:

n n
BR = UR 100 ( OVi ) + (OVi OR i ) 100
i =1 i =1

where (A) Refinery modification projects

BR = oxygenated RVP involving gasoline blendstock or dis-
UR = non-oxygenated RVP tillate producing units which were
i = type of oxygenate under construction in 1990; or
n = total number of different types of (B) Refinery modification projects in-
oxygenates volving gasoline blendstock or dis-
OVi = 1990 volume, as a percent of total pro- tillate producing units which were con-
duction, of oxygenate i tracted for prior to or in 1990 such that
ORi = blending RVP of oxygenate i the refiner was committed to pur-
(C) Test data and engineering judge- chasing materials and constructing the
ment shall be used to estimate T90, project.
(ii) The modifications discussed in
T50, E300 and E200 baseline values on
paragraph (e)(5)(i) of this section must
an oxygenated basis. Allowances shall
have been initiated with intent of com-
be made for physical dilution and dis-
plying with a legislative or regulatory
tillation effects only, and not for refin-
environmental requirement enacted or
ery operational changes, e.g., decreased
promulgated prior to January 1, 1991.
reformer severity required due to the (iii) When comparing emissions or
octane value of oxygenate which would parameter values determined with and
reduce aromatics. without the anticipated work-in-
(5) Work-in-progress. A refiner may, progress adjustment, at least one of
upon petition and approval (per 80.93), the following situations results when
be allowed to account for work- in- comparing annual average baseline val-
progress at one or more of its refineries ues per 80.90:
in 1990 in the determination of that re- (A) A 2.5 percent or greater difference
finerys baseline fuel parameters using in exhaust benzene emissions (per
Method 1, 2 or 3-type data if it meets 80.90); or
the requirements specified in this para- (B) A 2.5 percent or greater difference
graph (e)(5). in total exhaust toxics emissions (per
(i) Work-in-progress shall include: 80.90(d)); or


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.91

(C) A 2.5 percent or greater difference (F) A 10.0 percent or greater dif-
in NOX emissions (per 80.90(e)); or ference in T90 values.
(D) A 10.0 percent or greater dif- (iv) The requirements of paragraph
ference in sulfur values; or (e)(5)(iii) of this section shall be deter-
(E) A 10.0 percent or greater dif- mined according to the following equa-
ference in olefin values; or tion:

Unadjusted Value Adjusted Value

Percent Difference = 100
Unadjusted Value

(v) The capital involved in the work- (4) NOX emissions, 750.1 mg/mile in
in-progress is at least: Phase I, 1534. mg/mile in Phase II.
(A) 10.0 percent of the refinerys de- (viii) When compliance is achieved
preciated book value as of the work-in- using the simple model, per 80.41 and/
progress start-up date; or or 80.101, the baseline values of sulfur,
(B) $10 million. olefins and T90 are the values resulting
(vi) Sufficient data shall have been from the work-in-progress baseline ad-
obtained since reliable operation of the justment, not to exceed the larger of:
work-in-progress was achieved. Such (A) The unadjusted annual average
data shall be used in the determination baseline value of each fuel parameter
of the baseline value, due to the work- specified in paragraph (e)(5)(viii) of this
in-progress, of each of the fuel param- section; or
eters specified in 80.91(a)(2)(i) and as (B) The following values:
verification of the effect of the work- (1) Sulfur, 355 ppm;
in-progress. (2) Olefins, 11.3 volume percent;
(A) The baseline value, due to the (3) T90, 349 F; or
work-in-progress, of each of the fuel (C) An adjusted annual average base-
parameters specified in 80.91(a)(2)(i) line fuel parameter value for sulfur,
shall be used in the determination of olefins and T90 such that exhaust emis-
the emissions specified in 80.90. sions of VOC, toxics, and NOX do not
exceed the complex model emission
(B) The baseline values of sulfur,
levels specified in paragraph
olefins and E300, due to the work-in-
(e)(5)(vii)(B) of this section. In the peti-
progress, shall be used in the deter-
tion for a work-in-progress adjustment,
mination of the emissions specified in
the refiner shall specify sulfur, olefins
and T90 values that meet these emis-
(vii) The annual average baseline val- sion levels.
ues of exhaust benzene emissions, per (ix) All work-in-progress adjustments
80.90(b) and 80.90(c), exhaust toxics must be accompanied by:
emissions, per 80.90(d), and NOX emis- (A) Unadjusted and adjusted fuel pa-
sions, per 80.90(e), are the values re- rameters, emissions, and volumes; and
sulting from the work-in-progress base- (B) A description of the current sta-
line adjustment, not to exceed the larg- tus of the work-in-progress (i.e., the re-
er of: finery modification project) and the
(A) The unadjusted annual average date on which normal operations were
baseline value of each emission speci- achieved; and
fied in this paragraph (e)(5)(vii); or (C) A narrative describing the situa-
(B) The following values: tion, the types of calculations, and the
(1) Exhaust benzene emissions, sim- reasoning supporting the types of cal-
ple model, 6.77; culations done to determine the ad-
(2) Exhaust benzene emissions, com- justed values.
plex model, 34.68 mg/mile; (6) Baseline adjustment for extenuating
(3) Exhaust toxics emissions, 53.20 circumstances. (i) Baseline adjustments
mg/mile in Phase I, 109.7 mg/mile in may be allowed, upon petition and ap-
Phase II; proval (per 80.93), if a refinery had


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80.91 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

downtime of a gasoline blendstock pro- its 1990 gasoline production must be

ducing unit for 30 days or more in 1990 greater than or equal to 0.15.
due to: (2) For a refiner per paragraph
(A) Unplanned, unforeseen cir- (e)(7)(i)(A)(2) of this section, the ratio
cumstances; or of each of its refinerys 1990 JP4 pro-
(B) Non-annual maintenance (turn- duction to its 1990 gasoline production
around). must be greater than or equal to 0.15.
(ii) Fuel parameter and volume ad- (3) For a refiner per paragraph
justments shall be made by assuming (e)(7)(i)(A)(3) of this section, the ratio
that the downtime did not occur in of the refiners 1990 JP4 production to
1990. its 1990 gasoline production must be
(iii) All extenuating circumstance greater than or equal to 0.15, when de-
adjustments must be accompanied by: termined across all of its refineries.
(A) Unadjusted and adjusted fuel pa- Such a refiner must comply with its
rameters, emissions, and volumes; and anti-dumping requirements on an ag-
(B) A description of the current sta- gregate basis, per 80.101(h), across all
tus of the extenuating circumstance of its refineries.
and the date on which normal oper- (ii) Fuel parameter and volume ad-
ations were achieved; and justments shall be made by assuming
(C) A narrative describing the situa- that no JP4 was produced in 1990.
tion, the types of calculations, and the (iii) All adjustments due to 1990 JP
reasoning supporting the types of cal- 4 production must be accompanied by:
culations done to determine the ad- (A) Unadjusted and adjusted fuel pa-
justed values. rameters, emissions, and volumes; and
(7) Baseline adjustments for 1990 JP4 (B) A narrative describing the situa-
production. (i) Baseline adjustments tion, the types of calculations, and the
may be allowed, upon petition and ap- reasoning supporting the types of cal-
proval (per 80.93), if a refinery pro- culations done to determine the ad-
duced JP4 jet fuel in 1990 and all of justed values.
the following requirements are also (8) Baseline adjustments due to in-
met: creasing crude sulfur content.
(A) Refinery type. (i) Baseline adjustments may be al-
(1) The refinery is the only refinery lowed, upon petition and approval (per
of a refiner such that it cannot form an 80.93), if a refinery meets all of the
aggregate baseline with another refin- following requirements:
ery (per 80.101(h)); or (A) The refinery does not produce re-
(2) The refinery is one refinery of a formulated gasoline. If the refinery
multi-refinery refiner for which all of produces reformulated gasoline at any
the refiners refineries produced JP4 time in a calendar year, its compliance
in 1990; or baseline shall revert to its unadjusted
(3) The refinery is one refinery of a baseline for that year and all subse-
multi-refinery refiner for which not all quent years;
of the refiners refineries produced JP (B) Has an unadjusted baseline sulfur
4 in 1990. value which is less than or equal to 50
(B) No refinery of a given refiner pro- parts per million (ppm);
duces reformulated gasoline. If any re- (C) Is not aggregated with one or
finery of the refiner produces reformu- more other refineries (per 80.101(h)). If
lated gasoline at any time in a cal- a refinery which received an adjust-
endar year, the compliance baselines of ment per this paragraph (e)(8) subse-
all the refiners refineries receiving a quently is included in an aggregate
baseline adjustment per this paragraph baseline, its compliance baseline shall
(e)(7) shall revert to the unadjusted revert to its unadjusted baseline for
baselines of each respective refinery that year and all subsequent years;
for that year and all subsequent years. (D) Can show that installation of the
(C) 1990 JP4 to gasoline ratio. refinery units necessary to process
(1) For a refiner per paragraph higher sulfur crude oil supplies to com-
(e)(7)(i)(A)(1) of this section, the ratio ply with the refinerys unadjusted
of its refinerys 1990 JP4 production to baseline would cost at least $10 million


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.91

or be greater than or equal to 10 per- less than or equal to 1.0 percent by vol-
cent of the depreciated book value of ume (vol%).
the refinery as of January 1, 1995; (ii) Adjusted baseline values.
(E) Can show that it could not rea- (A) The adjusted baseline shall have
sonably or economically obtain crude an annual average sulfur value of 30
oil from an alternative source that ppm, and an annual average olefin
would permit it to produce conven- value of 1.0 vol%.
tional gasoline which would comply (B) The adjusted baseline shall have a
with its unadjusted baseline; summer sulfur value of 30 ppm, and a
(F) Has experienced an increase of summer olefin value of 1.0 vol%.
greater than or equal to 25 percent in (C) The adjusted baseline shall have a
the average sulfur content of the crude winter sulfur value of 30 ppm, and a
oil used in the production of gasoline winter olefin value of 1.0 vol%.
in the refinery since 1990, calculated as (f) Baseline volume and emissions de-
follows: termination(1) Individual baseline vol-
ume. (i) The individual baseline volume
( CSHI CS90 ) of a refinery described in paragraph
100 = CS%CHG (b)(1)(i) of this section shall be the
CS90 larger of the total gasoline volume pro-
duced in or shipped from the refinery
in 1990, excluding gasoline blendstocks
CSHI = highest annual average crude sulfur and exported gasoline, and including
(in ppm), of the crude slates used in the
production of gasoline, determined over
the oxygenate volume associated with
the years 19911994; any product meeting the requirements
CS90 = 1990 annual average crude slate sulfur specified in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this
(in ppm), of the crude slates used in the section.
production of gasoline; (ii) Gasoline brought into the refin-
CS%CHG = percent change in average sulfur ery in 1990 which exited the refinery, in
content of crude slate; 1990, unchanged shall not be included
(G) Can show that gasoline sulfur in determining the refinerys baseline
changes are directly and solely attrib- volume.
utable to the crude sulfur change, and (iii) If a refiner is allowed to adjust
not due to alterations in refinery oper- its baseline per paragraphs (e)(5)
ation nor choice of products. through (e)(7) of this section, its indi-
vidual baseline volume shall be the vol-
(ii) The adjusted baseline sulfur
ume determined after the adjustment.
value shall be the actual baseline sul-
(iv) The individual baseline volume
fur value, in ppm, plus 100 ppm.
for facilities deemed closely inte-
(iii) All adjustments made pursuant grated, per paragraph (e)(1) of this sec-
to this paragraph (e)(8) must be accom- tion, shall be the combined 1990 gaso-
panied by: line production of the facilities, so long
(A) Unadjusted and adjusted fuel pa- as mutual volumes are not double-
rameters and emissions; and counted, i.e., volumes of blendstock
(B) A narrative describing the situa- sent from the refinery to the blending
tion, the types of calculations, and the facility should not be included in the
reasoning supporting the types of cal- blending facilitys volume.
culations done to determine the ad- (v) The baseline volume of a refiner,
justed values. per paragraph (b)(3) of this section,
(9) Baseline adjustment for low sulfur shall be the larger of the total gasoline
and olefins. volume produced in or shipped from the
(i) Baseline adjustments may be al- refinery in 1990, excluding gasoline
lowed if a refinery meets all of the fol- blendstocks and exported gasoline.
lowing requirements: (vi) The baseline volume of an im-
(A) The unadjusted annual average porter, per paragraph (b)(4) of this sec-
baseline sulfur value of the refinery is tion, shall be the total gasoline volume
less than or equal to 30 parts per mil- imported into the U.S. in 1990.
lion (ppm); (2) Individual baseline emissions. (i) In-
(B) The unadjusted annual average dividual annual average baseline emis-
baseline olefin value of the refinery is sions (per 80.90) shall be determined


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for every refinery, refiner or importer, described in paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this

as applicable. section.
(ii) If the baseline fuel value for aro- (E) Any extension of the Simple
matics, olefins, and/or benzene (deter- Model valid range limits is applicable
mined per paragraph (e) of this section) only to the Simple Model. Likewise
is higher than the high end of the valid any extension of the Complex Model
range limits specified in 80.42(c)(1) if valid range limits is applicable only to
compliance is being determined under the Complex Model.
the Simple Model, or in 80.45(f)(1)(ii) if (F) The valid range extensions cal-
compliance is being determined under culated in paragraphs (f)(2)(ii)(A), (B),
the Complex Model, then the valid and (C) of this section are applicable to
range limits may be extended for con- both the baseline fuel and target fuel
ventional gasoline in the following for the purposes of determining the
manner: compliance status of conventional gas-
(A) The new high end of the valid olines. The extended valid range limit
range for aromatics is determined from represents the maximum value for that
the following equation: parameter above which fuels cannot be
NAROLIM = AROBASE + 5.0 volume evaluated with the applicable compli-
percent ance model.
(G) Under the Simple Model, baseline
where and compliance calculations shall sub-
NAROLIM = The new high end of the valid scribe to the following limitations:
range limit for aromatics, in volume per- (1) If the aromatics valid range has
cent been extended per paragraph
AROBASE = The seasonal baseline fuel value
(f)(2)(ii)(A) of this section, an aro-
for aromatics, in volume percent
matics value equal to the high end of
(B) The new high end of the valid the valid range specified in 80.42(c)(1)
range for olefins is determined from shall be used for the purposes of calcu-
the following equation: lating the exhaust benzene fraction.
NOLELIM = OLEBASE + 3.0 volume (2) If the fuel benzene valid range has
percent been extended per paragraph
(f)(2)(ii)(C) of this section, a benzene
where value equal to the high end of the valid
NOLELIM = The new high end of the valid range specified in 80.42(c)(1) shall be
range limit for olefins, in volume percent used for the purposes of calculating the
OLEBASE = The seasonal baseline fuel value exhaust benzene fraction.
for olefins, in volume percent
(H) Under the Complex Model, base-
(C) The new high end of the valid line and compliance calculations shall
range for benzene is determined from subscribe to the following limitations:
the following equation: (1) If the aromatics valid range has
NBENLIM = BENBASE + 0.5 volume been extended per paragraph
percent (f)(2)(ii)(A) of this section, an aro-
matics value equal to the high end of
where the valid range specified in
NBENLIM = The new high end of the valid 80.45(f)(1)(ii) shall be used for the pur-
range limit for benzene, in volume percent poses of calculating emissions perform-
BENBASE = The seasonal baseline fuel value ances.
for benzene, in volume percent
(2) If the olefins valid range has been
(D) The extension of the valid range extended per paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(B) of
is limited to the applicable summer or this section, an olefins value equal to
winter season in which the baseline the high end of the valid range speci-
fuel values for aromatics, olefins, and/ fied in 80.45(f)(1)(ii) shall be used for
or benzene exceed the high end of the the target fuel for the purposes of cal-
valid range as described in paragraph culating emissions performances.
(f)(2)(ii) of this section. Also, the exten- (3) If the benzene valid range has
sion of the valid range is limited to use been extended per paragraph
by the refiner whose baseline value for (f)(2)(ii)(C) of this section, a benzene
aromatics, olefins, and/or benzene was value equal to the high end of the valid
higher than the valid range limits as range specified in 80.45(f)(1)(ii) shall


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.92

be used for the target fuel for the pur- down refinerys contributions to the
poses of calculating emissions perform- aggregate baseline.
ances. (ii) A refinery exchanges owners.
EDITORIAL NOTE: At 62 FR 68207, Dec. 31, (A) All aggregate baselines affected
1997, 80.91 was amended by adding paragraph by the exchange shall be recalculated
(f)(2)(ii); however, (f)(2)(ii) already exists. to reflect the addition or subtraction of
The recently added subparagraph appears the baseline exhaust emissions, sulfur,
below. olefin and T90 values and volumes of
(ii) [Reserved] that refinery.
(iii) Facilities deemed closely inte- (B) The new owner may elect to es-
grated, per paragraph (e)(1) of this sec- tablish an individual baseline for the
tion, shall have a single set of annual refinery or to include it in an aggre-
average individual baseline emissions.
gate baseline.
(iv) Aggregate baselines (per
(C) If the refinery was part of an ag-
80.101(h)) must have the NOX emis-
sions of all refineries in the aggregate gregate of three or more refineries, the
determined on the same basis, using ei- remaining refineries in the aggregate
ther oxygenated or non-oxygenated from which that refinery was removed
baseline fuel parameters. will have a new aggregate baseline. If
(3) Geographic considerations requiring the refinery was part of an aggregate of
individual conventional gasoline compli- only two refineries, the remaining re-
ance baselines. (i) Anyone may petition finery will have an individual baseline.
EPA to establish separate baselines for (g) Inability to meet the requirements of
refineries located in and providing con- this section. If a refiner or importer is
ventional gasoline to an area with a unable to comply with one or more of
limited gasoline distribution system if the requirements specified in para-
it can show that the area is experi- graphs (a) through (f) of this section, it
encing increased toxics emissions due may, upon petition and approval, ac-
to an ozone nonattainment area opting commodate the lack of compliance in a
into the reformulated gasoline pro- reasonable, logical, technically sound
gram pursuant to section 211(k)(6) of manner, considering the appropriate-
the Act. ness of the alternative. A narrative of
(ii) If EPA agrees with the finding of the situation, as well as any calcula-
paragraph (f)(4)(i) of this section, it tions and results determined, must be
shall require that the baselines of such documented.
refineries be separate from refineries
[59 FR 7860, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
not located in the area.
FR 36966, July 20, 1994; 60 FR 6032, Feb. 1,
(iii) If two (2) or more of a refiners 1995; 60 FR 40008, Aug. 4, 1995; 62 FR 9883,
refineries are located in the geographic Mar. 4, 1997; 62 FR 68207, Dec. 31, 1997]
area of concern, the refiner may aggre-
gate the baseline emissions and sulfur, EDITORIAL NOTE: At 62 FR 68207, Dec. 31,
olefin and T90 values of the refineries 1997, 80.91 was amended by revising para-
graph (e)(1)(iii); however, (e)(1)(iii) did not
or have an individual baseline for one
exist in the 1997 edition of this volume.
or more of the refineries, per paragraph
(f)(3) of this section. 80.92 Baseline auditor requirements.
(4) Baseline recalculations. Aggregate
baseline exhaust emissions (per 80.90) (a) General requirements. (1) Each re-
and baseline sulfur, olefin and T90 val- finer or importer is required to have its
ues and aggregate baseline volumes individual baseline determination
shall be recalculated under the fol- methodology, resulting baseline fuel
lowing circumstances: parameter, volume and emissions val-
(i) A refinery included in an aggre- ues, and 19901993 blendstock-to-gaso-
gate baseline is entirely shutdown. If line ratios (per 80.102) verified by an
the shutdown refinery was part of an auditor which meets the requirements
aggregate baseline, the aggregate base- described in this section. A refiner or
line emissions, aggregate baseline sul- importer which has the anti-dumping
fur, olefin and T90 values and aggre- statutory baseline as its individual
gate volume shall be recalculated to baseline is exempt from this require-
account for the removal of the shut- ment.


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80.92 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(2) An auditor may be an individual (ii) Have a total of more than 10 per-
or organization, and may utilize con- cent of its net worth with the refiner
tractors and subcontractors to assist in or importer; nor
the verification of a baseline. (iii) Receive compensation for the
(3) If an auditor is an organization, audit which is dependent on the out-
one or more persons shall be designated come of the audit.
as primary analyst(s). The primary an- (c) Technical ability. All of the fol-
alyst(s) shall meet the requirements lowing criteria must be met by the
described in paragraphs (c) (2) and (3) of auditor in order to demonstrate its
this section and shall be responsible for technical capability to perform the
the baseline audit per paragraph (f) of baseline audit:
this section. (1) The auditor shall be technically
(b) Independence. The auditor, its capable of evaluating a baseline deter-
contractors, subcontractors and their mination. It shall have personnel fa-
organizations shall be independent of miliar with petroleum refining proc-
the submitting organization. All of the esses, including associated computa-
criteria listed in paragraphs (b) (1) and tional procedures, methods of product
(2) of this section must be met by every analysis and economics, and expertise
individual involved in substantive as- in conducting the auditing process, in-
pects of the baseline verification. cluding skills for effective data gath-
(1) Previous employment criteria. (i) ering and analysis.
None of the auditing personnel, includ- (2) The primary analyst must under-
ing any contractor or subcontractor stand all technical details of the entire
personnel, involved in the baseline baseline audit process.
verification for a refiner or importer (3)(i) The primary analyst shall have
shall have been employed by the re- worked at least five (5) years in either
finer or importer at any time during refinery operations or as a consultant
the three (3) years preceding the date for the refining industry.
of hire of the auditor by the refiner or (ii) If one or more computer models
importer for baseline verification pur- designed for refinery planning and/or
poses. economic analysis are used in the
(ii) Auditor personnel may have been verification of an individual baseline,
a contractor or subcontractor to the the primary analyst must have at least
refiner or importer, as long as all other three (3) years experience working with
criteria listed in this section are met. the model(s) utilized in the
(iii) Auditor personnel may also have verification.
developed the baseline of the refiner or (iii) EPA may, upon petition, waive
importer whose baseline they are au- one or more of the requirements speci-
diting, but not as an employee (per fied in paragraph (c)(3) of this section
paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section). if the technical capability of the pri-
Those involved only in the develop- mary analyst is demonstrated to the
ment of the baseline of the refiner or satisfaction of the Director of the Of-
importer need not meet the require- fice of Mobile Sources, or designee.
ments specified in this section. (d) Auditor qualification statement. A
(2) Financial criteria. Neither the pri- statement documenting the qualifica-
mary analyst, nor the auditing organi- tions of the auditor, primary ana-
zation nor any organization or indi- lyst(s), contractors, subcontractors and
vidual which may be contracted or sub- their organizations must be submitted
contracted to supply baseline to EPA (Fuel Studies and Standards
verification expertise shall: Branch, Baseline Auditor, U.S. EPA,
(i) Have received more than one quar- 2565 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI
ter of its revenue from the refiner or 48105).
importer during the year prior to the (1) Timing. (i) The auditor qualifica-
date of hire of the auditor by the re- tion statement may be submitted by
finer or importer for auditing purposes. the refiner or importer prior to base-
Income received from the refiner or im- line submission (per 80.93) or by a po-
porter to develop the baseline being au- tential auditor at any time. The audi-
dited is excepted; nor tor will be deemed certified when all


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.93

qualifications are met, to the satisfac- (ii) Verifying that all calculations
tion of the Director of the Office of Mo- are performed correctly;
bile Sources, or designee. If no response (iii) Verifying that all adjustments to
is received from EPA within 45 days of the data and/or calculations to account
application or todays date, whichever for post-1990 data, work-in-progress,
is later, the auditor shall be deemed and/or extenuating or other cir-
certified. cumstances, as allowed per 80.91, are
(ii) The auditor qualification state- valid and performed correctly.
ment may be submitted by the refiner (2) The primary analyst shall prepare
or importer with its baseline submis- and sign a statement, to be included in
sion (per 80.93). If the auditor does not the baseline submission of the refiner
meet the criteria specified in this sec- or importer, stating that:
tion, the baseline submission will not (i) He/she has thoroughly reviewed
be accepted. the sampling methodology and baseline
(2) Content. The auditor qualification calculations; and
statement must contain all of the fol- (ii) To the best of his/her knowledge,
lowing information and may contain the requirements and intentions of the
additional information which may aid rulemaking are met in the baseline de-
EPAs review of the qualification state- termination; and
ment: (iii) He/she agrees with the final
(i) The name and address of each per- baseline parameter, volume and emis-
son and organization involved in sub- sion values listed in the baseline sub-
stantive aspects of the baseline audit, mission.
including the auditor, primary ana-
(3) The auditor may be subject to de-
lyst(s), others within the organization,
barment under U.S.C. 1001 if it displays
and contractors and subcontractors;
gross incompetency, intentionally
(ii) The refiners and/or importers for
commits an error in the verification
which the auditor, its contractors and
process or misrepresents itself or infor-
subcontractors and their organizations
mation in the baseline verification.
do not meet the independence criteria
described in paragraph (b) of this sec- 80.93 Individual baseline submission
tion; and and approval.
(iii) The technical qualifications and
experience of each person involved in (a) Submission timing. (1) Each refiner,
the baseline audit, including a showing blender or importer shall submit two
that the requirements described in copies of its individual baseline to EPA
paragraph (c) of this section are met. (Fuel Studies and Standards Branch,
(e) Refiner and importer responsibility. Baseline Submission, U.S. EPA, 2565
(1) Each refiner and importer required Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105)
to have its baseline verified by an audi- not later than June 1, 1994.
tor (per paragraph (a)(1) of this section) (2) If a refiner must collect data after
is responsible for utilizing an auditor December 15, 1993 (per 80.91(d)(2)), it
for baseline verification which meets shall submit two copies of its indi-
the requirements specified in para- vidual baseline to EPA (per 80.93(a)(1))
graphs (b) and (c) of this section. by September 1, 1994.
(2) A refiners or importers baseline (3)(i) All petitions required for base-
submission will not be accepted until it line adjustments or methodology devi-
has been verified using an auditor ations will be approved or disapproved
which meets the requirements specified by the Director of the Office of Mobile
in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this sec- Sources, or designee. All instances
tion. where a showing or other proof is re-
(f) Auditor responsibilities. (1) The quired are also subject to approval by
auditor must verify that all baseline the Director of the Office of Mobile
submission requirements are fulfilled. Sources, or designee.
This includes, but is not limited to, the (ii) Petitions, showings, and other
following: associated proof may be submitted to
(i) Verifying that all data is correctly EPA prior to submittal of the indi-
accounted for; vidual baseline (per paragraphs (a)(1)


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80.93 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

and (a)(2) of this section). EPA will at- (A) The company is complying with
tempt to review and approve, dis- the requirements as a refiner, blender
approve or otherwise comment on the or importer, as appropriate;
petition, etc., prior to the deadline for (B) The data used in the baseline de-
baseline submittal. termination is the extent of the data
(iii) In the event that EPA does not available for the determination of all
comment on the petition prior to the required baseline fuel parameters;
deadline for baseline submittal, the re- (C) All calculations and procedures
finer or importer must still comply followed per 80.90 through 80.93 have
with the applicable baseline submittal been done correctly;
deadline. (D) Proper adjustments have been
(iv) Petitions submitted prior to the made to the data or in the calcula-
deadline for baseline submittals shall tions, as applicable;
be submitted to the EPA at the fol- (E) The requirements and intentions
lowing address: Fuels Studies and of the rulemaking have been met in de-
termining the baseline fuel param-
Standards Branch, Baseline Petition,
eters; and
U.S. EPA, 2565 Plymouth Road, Ann
(F) The baseline fuel parameter val-
Arbor, Michigan 48105.
ues determined for each facility rep-
(4) If a baseline recalculation is re- resent that facilitys 1990 gasoline to
quired per 80.91(f), documentation and the fullest extent possible.
recalculation of all affected baselines (ii) A refiner or importer which is
shall be submitted to EPA within 30 permitted to utilize the parameter val-
days of the previous baseline(s) becom- ues specified in 80.91(c)(5), and does so,
ing inaccurate due to the cir- shall submit a statement signed by the
cumstances outlined in 80.91(f). chief executive officer of the company,
(b) Submission content. (1) Individual or designee, indicating that insuffi-
baseline submissions shall include, at cient data exist for a baseline deter-
minimum, the information specified in mination by the types of data allowed
this paragraph (b). for that entity, as specified in 80.91.
(i) During its review and evaluation (4) The auditor-related requirements
of the baseline submission, EPA may are:
require a refiner or importer to submit (i) Name, address, telephone number
additional information in support of and date of hire of each auditor hired
the baseline determination. for baseline verification, whether or
(ii) Additional information which not the auditor was retained through
may assist EPA during its review and the baseline approval process.
evaluation of the baseline may be in- (ii) Identification of the auditor re-
cluded at the submitters discretion. sponsible for the verification. A copy of
(2) Administrative information shall this auditors qualification statement,
include: per 80.92, must be included if the audi-
(i) Name and business address of the tor has not been approved by EPA, per
refiner or importer; 80.92;
(iii) Indication of the primary ana-
(ii) Name, business address and busi-
lyst(s) involved in each refinerys base-
ness phone number of the company
line verification; and
(iv) The signed auditor verification
(iii) Address and physical location of statement, per 80.92.
each refinery, terminal or import facil- (5) The following baseline informa-
ity; tion for each refinery, refiner or im-
(iv) Address and physical location porter, as applicable, shall be provided:
where documents which are supportive (i) Individual baseline fuel parameter
of the baseline determination for each values, on an oxygenated and non-
facility are kept; oxygenated basis, and on a summer and
(3) The chief executive officer state- winter basis, per 80.91;
ment shall be: (ii) Individual baseline exhaust emis-
(i) A statement signed by the chief sions shall be shown separately, on a
executive officer of the company, or summer, winter and annual average
designee, which states that: basis (per 80.90) as follows:


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(A) Simple model exhaust benzene (c) Additional baseline submission re-
emissions; quirements when Method 1-, 2- and/or 3-
(B) Complex model exhaust benzene type data is utilized. All requirements of
emissions; this paragraph shall be reported sepa-
(C) Complex model exhaust toxics rately for each facility, unless the fa-
emissions, for Phase I; cilities are closely integrated, per
(D) Complex model exhaust NOX 80.91.
emissions, for Phase I, using (1) General. The following informa-
oxygenated individual baseline fuel pa- tion shall be provided:
rameters; (i) The number of months in 1990 dur-
(E) Complex model exhaust NOX ing which the facility was operating;
emissions, for Phase I, using non- (ii) 1990 summer gasoline production
oxygenated individual baseline fuel pa- volume, per 80.91, total and by grade,
rameters; for all gasoline produced but not ex-
(F) Complex model exhaust toxics ported;
emissions, for Phase II; (iii) 1990 winter gasoline production
(G) Complex model exhaust NOX volume, per 80.91, total and by grade,
emissions, for Phase II, using for all gasoline produced, excluding
oxygenated individual baseline fuel pa- gasoline exported; and
rameters; and (iv) Whether this facility is actually
(H) Complex model exhaust NOX two facilities which are closely inte-
emissions, for Phase II, using non- grated, per 80.91.
oxygenated individual baseline fuel pa- (2) Baseline values. The following
rameters; shall be included for each fuel param-
(iii) Individual 1990 baseline gasoline eter for which a baseline value is re-
volumes, per 80.91, shall be shown sep- quired, per 80.91:
arately on a summer, winter and an- (i) Narrative of the development of
nual average basis; and the baseline value of the fuel param-
(iv) Blendstock-to-gasoline ratios for eter, including discussion of the sam-
each calendar year 1990 through to 1993, pling and calculation methodologies,
per 80.102. technical judgment used, effects of pe-
(6) Confidential business information. tition results on calculated values, and
(i) Upon approval of an individual any additional information which may
baseline, EPA will publish the indi- assist EPA in its review of the base-
vidual annualized baseline exhaust line;
emissions, on an annual average basis, (ii) Identification of the data-type(s),
specified in paragraph (b)(5)(ii) of this per 80.91, used in the determination of
section. Such individual baseline ex- a given fuel parameter;
haust emissions shall not be considered (iii) Identification of test method. If
confidential. In addition, the reporting not per 80.46, include a narrative, ex-
information required under plain differences and describing ade-
80.75(b)(2)(ii) (D), (G) and (J), and quacy, per 80.91;
80.105(a)(4)(i) (E), (H) and (K) shall not (iv) Documentation that the min-
be considered confidential. imum sampling requirements per 80.91
(ii) Information in the baseline sub- have been met;
mission which the submitter desires to (v) Petition and narrative, if needed,
be considered confidential business in- for use of less than the minimum re-
formation (per 40 CFR part 2, subpart quired data, per 80.91;
B) must be clearly identified. If no (vi) Identification of instances of
claim of confidentiality accompanies a sample compositing per 80.91;
submission when it is received by EPA, (vii) Identification of streams for
the information may be made available which one or more parameter values
to the public without further notice to were deemed negligible per 80.91; and
the submitter pursuant to the provi- (viii) Discussion of the calculation of
sions of 40 CFR part 2, subpart B. oxygenated or non-oxygenated fuel pa-
(7) Information related to baseline rameter values from non-oxygenated or
determination as specified in 80.91 and oxygenated values, respectively, per
paragraph (c) of this section. 80.91.


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80.93 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(3) Method 1. If Method 1-type data is the refinerys gasoline are required, by
utilized in the baseline determination, blendstock type shall be provided:
the following information on 1990 (i) First and last sampling dates;
batches of gasoline, or shipments if not (ii) The following shall be indicated
batch blended, are required by grade separately on a summer and winter
shall be provided: basis, by month:
(i) First and last sampling dates; (A) Number of post-1990 months sam-
(ii) The following shall be indicated pled;
separately on a summer and winter (B) Each type of blendstock used in
basis, by month: 1990 gasoline and total number of
(A) Number of months sampled; blendstocks. Include all blendstocks
(B) Number of 1990 batches, or ship- produced, purchased or otherwise re-
ments if not batch blended; ceived which were blended to produce
(C) Total volume of all batches or gasoline within the facility. Identify
shipments; all blendstocks not produced in the fa-
(D) Number of batches or shipments cility but used in the facilitys 1990
sampled; gasoline;
(E) Total volume of all batches or (C) Total volume of each blendstock
shipments sampled; used in gasoline in 1990;
(F) Baseline fuel parameter value, (D) Identification of post-1990
per 80.91; and blendstock streams as batch or contin-
(iii) A showing that data was avail- uous;
able on every batch of 1990 gasoline, if (E) Number of post-1990 blendstock
applicable, per 80.91 (b)(3) or (b)(4). samples from continuous blendstock
(4) Method 2. If Method 2-type data is streams;
utilized in the baseline determination, (F) Number of post-1990 blendstock
the following information on each type samples from batch processes, includ-
of 1990 blendstock used in the refinerys ing volume of each batch sampled; and
gasoline are required, by blendstock
(G) Baseline fuel parameter value,
type shall be provided:
per 80.91; and
(i) First and last sampling dates; and
(iii) Support documentation showing
(ii) The following shall be indicated
that the criteria of 80.91 for using
separately on a summer and winter
Method 3-type blendstock data are
basis, by month:
(A) Number of months sampled;
(6) Method 3, post-1990 gasoline data.
(B) Each type of blendstock used in
The following information on post-1990
1990 gasoline and total number of
batches of gasoline, or shipments if not
blendstocks. Include all blendstocks
batch blended, are required by grade:
produced, purchased or otherwise re-
(i) First and last sampling dates;
ceived which were blended to produce
gasoline within the facility. Identify (ii) The following shall be indicated
all blendstocks not produced in the fa- separately for summer and winter pro-
cility but used in the facilitys 1990 duction, by month:
gasoline; (A) Number of post-1990 months sam-
(C) Total volume of each blendstock pled;
used in gasoline in 1990; (B) Number of post-1990 batches, or
(D) Identification of blendstock shipments if not batch blended;
streams as batch or continuous; (C) Total volume of all post-1990
(E) Number of blendstock samples batches or shipments;
from continuous blendstock streams; (D) Number of post-1990 batches or
(F) Number of blendstock samples shipments sampled;
from batch processes, including volume (E) Volume of each post-1990 batch or
of each batch sampled; and shipment sampled; and
(G) Baseline fuel parameter value, (F) Baseline fuel parameter value,
per 80.91. per 80.91; and
(5) Method 3, blendstock data. The fol- (iii) Support documentation showing
lowing information on each type of that the criteria of 80.91 for using
post-1990 gasoline blendstock used in post-1990 gasoline data are met.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.94

(7) Work-in-progress (WIP). All of the (E) Yield structures for other prin-
following must be included in support cipal units in the refinery (including
of a WIP adjustment (per 80.91(e)(5)): but not limited to Alkylation, Polym-
(i) Petition including identification erization, Isomerization,
of the specific baseline emission(s) or Etherification, Steam Cracking).
parameter for which the WIP adjust- (d) Requirements for petition appli-
ment is desired; cable to Puerto Rico gasoline.
(ii) Showing that all WIP criteria, (1) Any refiner or importer with
per 80.91(e)(5), are met; Puerto Rico gasoline, or Puerto Rico
(iii) Unadjusted and adjusted baseline and U.S. Virgin Islands gasoline, in its
fuel parameters, emissions and volume individual baseline may petition EPA
for the facility; and to use the summer Complex Model to
(iv) Narrative, per 80.91 (e)(5). evaluate its Puerto Rico and Virgin Is-
(8) Extenuating circumstances. All of lands gasoline for compliance under
the following must be included in sup- 80.101.
port of an extenuating circumstance (2) The petition must be sent to: U.S.
adjustment (per 80.91 (e)(6) through EPA, Fuels and Energy Division, 2000
(e)(7)): Traverwood, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
(i) Petition including identification (3) The petition must include the fol-
of the allowable circumstance, per lowing:
80.91 (e)(6) through (e)(7); (i) Identification of the refinery;
(ii) Showing that all applicable cri- (ii) Identification of contact person;
teria, per 80.91 (e)(6) through (e)(7), (iii) A revised individual baseline de-
are met; termination, wherein the baseline
(iii) Unadjusted and adjusted baseline Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
fuel parameters, emissions and volume gasoline has been evaluated using the
for the facility; and summer Complex Model. The calcula-
(iv) Narrative, per 80.91. tions should be clearly and fully de-
(9) Other baseline information. Nar- scribed and displayed.
rative discussing any aspects of the (iv) Baseline auditor agreement with
baseline determination not already in- the revised baseline.
dicated per the requirements of para- (4) EPA reserves the right to request
graph (c)(8) of this section shall be pro- additional information. If such infor-
vided. mation is not forthcoming in a timely
(10) Refinery information. The fol- manner, the petition will not be ap-
lowing information, on a summer or proved.
winter basis, shall be provided: [59 FR 7860, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
(i) Refinery block flow diagram, FR 36968, July 20, 1994; 60 FR 65575, Dec. 20,
showing principal refining units; 1995; 64 FR 30910, June 9, 1999]
(ii) Principal refining unit charge
rates and capacities; 80.94 Requirements for gasoline pro-
(iii) Crude types utilized (names, duced at foreign refineries.
gravities, and sulfur content) and crude (a) Definitions. (1) A foreign refinery is
charge rates; and a refinery that is located outside the
(iv) Information on the following United States, including the Common-
units, if utilized in the refinery: wealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Is-
(A) Catalytic Cracking Unit: conver- lands, Guam, American Samoa, and the
sion, unit yields, gasoline fuel param- Commonwealth of the Northern Mar-
eter values (per 80.91(a)(2)); iana Islands (collectively referred to in
(B) Hydrocracking Unit: unit yields, this section as the United States).
gasoline fuel parameter values (per (2) A foreign refiner is a person who
80.91(a)(2)); meets the definition of refiner under
(C) Catalytic Reformer: unit yields, 80.2(i) for foreign refinery.
severities; (3) FRGAS means gasoline produced
(D) Bottoms Processing Units (in- at a foreign refinery that has been as-
cluding, but not limited to, coking, ex- signed an individual refinery baseline
traction and hydrogen processing): gas- and that is imported into the United
oline stream yields; States.


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80.94 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(4) Non-FRGAS means gasoline that is (c) General requirements for foreign re-
produced at a foreign refinery that has finers with individual refinery baselines.
not been assigned an individual refin- Any foreign refiner of a refinery that
ery baseline, gasoline produced at a has been assigned an individual base-
foreign refinery with an individual re- line under paragraph (b) of this section
finery baseline that is not imported shall designate all gasoline produced at
into the United States, and gasoline the foreign refinery that is exported to
produced at a foreign refinery with an the United States as either certified
individual baseline during a year when FRGAS or as non-certified FRGAS, ex-
the foreign refiner has opted to not cept as provided in paragraph (c)(3) of
participate in the FRGAS program this section.
under paragraph (c)(3) of this section. (1)(i) In the case of certified FRGAS,
(5) Certified FRGAS means FRGAS the the foreign refiner shall meet all re-
foreign refiner intends to include in the quirements that apply to refiners
foreign refinerys NOX and exhaust under 40 CFR part 80, subparts D, E and
toxics compliance calculations under F.
(ii) If the foreign refinery baseline is
80.101(g), and does include in these
assigned, or a foreign refiner begins
compliance calculations when reported
early use of a refinery baseline under
to EPA.
paragraph (r) of this section, on a date
(6) Non-certified FRGAS means other than January 1, the compliance
FRGAS that is not certified FRGAS. baseline for the initial year shall be
(b) Baseline establishment. Any foreign calculated under 80.101(f) using an ad-
refiner may submit to EPA a petition justed baseline volume, as follows:
for an individual refinery baseline,
under 80.90 through 80.93. AV1990 = (D/365) V1990
(1) The provisions for baselines as where:
specified in 80.90 through 80.93 shall AV1990 = Adjusted 1990 baseline volume
apply to a foreign refinery, except D = Number of days remaining in the year,
where provided otherwise in this sec- beginning with the day the foreign refinery
tion. baseline is approved or the day the foreign
refiner begins early use of a refinery base-
(2) The baseline for a foreign refinery line, whichever is later
shall reflect only the volume and prop- V1990 = Foreign refinerys 1990 baseline vol-
erties of gasoline produced in 1990 that ume.
was imported into the United States.
(2) In the case of non-certified
(3) A baseline petition shall establish
FRGAS, the foreign refiner shall meet
the volume of conventional gasoline the following requirements, except the
produced at a foreign refinery and im- foreign refiner shall substitute the
ported into the United States during name non-certified FRGAS for the
the calendar year immediately pre- names reformulated gasoline or
ceding the year the baseline petition is RBOB wherever they appear in the
submitted. following requirements:
(4) In making determinations for for- (i) The designation requirements in
eign refinery baselines EPA will con- 80.65(d)(1);
sider all information supplied by a for- (ii) The recordkeeping requirements
eign refiner, and in addition may rely in 80.74 (a), and (b)(3);
on any and all appropriate assumptions (iii) The reporting requirements in
necessary to make such a determina- 80.75 (a), (m), and (n);
tion. (iv) The registration requirements in
(5) Where a foreign refiner submits a 80.76;
petition that is incomplete or inad- (v) The product transfer document
equate to establish an accurate base- requirements in 80.77 (a) through (f),
line, and the refiner fails to cure this and (j);
defect after a request for more infor- (vi) The prohibition in 80.78(a)(10),
mation, then EPA shall not assign an (b) and (c); and
individual refinery baseline. (vii) The independent audit require-
(6) Baseline petitions under this para- ments in 80.125 through 80.127, 80.128
graph (b) of this section must be sub- (a) through (c), and (g) through (i), and
mitted before January 1, 2002. 80.130.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.94

(3)(i) Any foreign refiner that has (i) The certification shall include the
been assigned an individual baseline report of the independent third party
for a foreign refinery under paragraph under paragraph (f) of this section, and
(b) of this section may elect to classify the following additional information:
no gasoline imported into the United (A) The name and EPA registration
States as FRGAS, provided the foreign number of the refinery that produced
refiner notifies EPA of the election no the FRGAS;
later than November 1 of the prior cal- (B) The identification of the gasoline
endar year. as certified FRGAS or non-certified
(ii) An election under paragraph FRGAS;
(c)(3)(i) of this section shall: (C) The volume of FRGAS being
(A) Be for an entire calendar year transported, in gallons;
averaging period and apply to all gaso- (D) A declaration that the FRGAS is
line produced during the calendar year being included in the compliance base-
at the foreign refinery that is imported line calculations under 80.101(f) for
into the United States; and the refinery that produced the FRGAS;
(B) Remain in effect for each suc- and
ceeding calendar year averaging pe- (E) In the case of certified FRGAS:
riod, unless and until the foreign re- (1) The values for each parameter re-
finer notifies EPA of a termination of quired to calculate NOX and exhaust
the election. The change in election toxics emissions performance as deter-
shall take effect at the beginning of mined under paragraph (f) of this sec-
the next calendar year. tion; and
(iii) A foreign refiner who has aggre- (2) A declaration that the FRGAS is
gated refineries under 80.101(h) shall being included in the compliance cal-
make the same election under para- culations under 80.101(g) for the refin-
graph (c)(3)(i) of this section for all re- ery that produced the FRGAS.
fineries in the aggregation. (ii) The certification shall be made
(d) Designation, product transfer docu- part of the product transfer documents
ments, and foreign refiner certification. for the FRGAS.
(1) Any foreign refiner of a foreign re- (e) Transfers of FRGAS to non-United
finery that has been assigned an indi- States markets. The foreign refiner is re-
vidual baseline shall designate each sponsible to ensure that all gasoline
batch of FRGAS as such at the time classified as FRGAS is imported into
the gasoline is produced, unless the for- the United States. A foreign refiner
eign refiner has elected to classify no may remove the FRGAS classification,
gasoline exported to the United States and the gasoline need not be imported
as FRGAS under paragraph (c)(3)(i) of into the United States, but only if:
this section. (1)(i) The foreign refiner excludes:
(2) On each occasion when any person (A) The volume of gasoline from the
transfers custody or title to any refinerys compliance baseline calcula-
FRGAS prior to its being imported into tions under 80.101(h); and
the United States, the following infor- (B) In the case of certified FRGAS,
mation shall be included as part of the the volume and parameter values of
product transfer document information the gasoline from the compliance cal-
in 80.77 and 80.106: culations under 80.101(g);
(i) Identification of the gasoline as (ii) The exclusions under paragraph
certified FRGAS or as non-certified (e)(1)(i) of this section shall be on the
FRGAS; and basis of the parameter and volumes de-
(ii) The name and EPA refinery reg- termined under paragraph (f) of this
istration number of the refinery where section; and
the FRGAS was produced. (2) The foreign refiner obtains suffi-
(3) On each occasion when FRGAS is cient evidence in the form of docu-
loaded onto a vessel or other transpor- mentation that the gasoline was not
tation mode for transport to the imported into the United States.
United States, the foreign refiner shall (f) Load port independent sampling,
prepare a certification for each batch testing and refinery identification. (1) On
of the FRGAS that meets the following each occasion FRGAS is loaded onto a
requirements: vessel for transport to the United


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80.94 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

States a foreign refiner shall have an the load port, and from this review de-
independent third party: termine:
(i) Inspect the vessel prior to loading (A) The refinery at which the FRGAS
and determine the volume of any tank was produced; and
bottoms; (B) That the FRGAS remained seg-
(ii) Determine the volume of FRGAS regated from:
loaded onto the vessel (exclusive of any (1) Non-FRGAS and non-certified
tank bottoms present before vessel FRGAS; and
loading); (2) Other certified FRGAS produced
(iii) Obtain the EPA-assigned reg- at a different refinery, except that cer-
istration number of the foreign refin- tified FRGAS may be combined with
ery; other certified FRGAS produced at re-
(iv) Determine the name and country fineries that are aggregated under
of registration of the vessel used to 80.101(h);
transport the FRGAS to the United (3) The independent third party shall
States; and submit a report:
(v) Determine the date and time the
(i) To the foreign refiner containing
vessel departs the port serving the for-
the information required under para-
eign refinery.
graphs (f) (1) and (2) of this section, to
(2) On each occasion certified FRGAS
accompany the product transfer docu-
is loaded onto a vessel for transport to
ments for the vessel; and
the United States a foreign refiner
shall have an independent third party: (ii) To the Administrator containing
(i) Collect a representative sample of the information required under para-
the certified FRGAS from each vessel graphs (f) (1) and (2) of this section,
compartment subsequent to loading on within thirty days following the date
the vessel and prior to departure of the of the independent third partys inspec-
vessel from the port serving the foreign tion. This report shall include a de-
refinery; scription of the method used to deter-
(ii) Prepare a volume-weighted vessel mine the identity of the refinery at
composite sample from the compart- which the gasoline was produced, that
ment samples, and determine the val- the gasoline remained segregated as
ues for sulfur, benzene, gravity, E200 specified in paragraph (n)(1) of this sec-
and E300 using the methodologies spec- tion, and a description of the gasolines
ified in 80.46, by: movement and storage between produc-
(A) The third party analyzing the tion at the source refinery and vessel
sample; or loading.
(B) The third party observing the for- (4) A person may be used to meet the
eign refiner analyze the sample; third party requirements in this para-
(iii) Determine the values for aro- graph (f) only if:
matics, olefins, RVP and each oxygen- (i) The person is approved in advance
ate specified in 80.65(e)(2) for the gaso- by EPA, based on a demonstration of
line loaded onto the vessel, by: ability to perform the procedures re-
(A) Completing the analysis proce- quired in this paragraph (f);
dures under paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this (ii) The person is independent under
section for the additional parameters; the criteria specified in 80.65(f)(2)(iii);
or and
(B) Obtaining from the foreign re- (iii) The person signs a commitment
finer the test results of samples col- that contains the provisions specified
lected from each shore tank containing in paragraph (i) of this section with re-
gasoline that was loaded onto the ves- gard to activities, facilities and docu-
sel, and calculating the parameter val- ments relevant to compliance with the
ues for the gasoline loaded onto the requirements of this paragraph (f).
vessel from the tank parameter values (g) Comparison of load port and port of
and the gasoline volume from each entry testing. (1)(i) Any foreign refiner
such shore tank that was loaded; and any United States importer of cer-
(iv) Review original documents that tified FRGAS shall compare the results
reflect movement and storage of the from the load port testing under para-
certified FRGAS from the refinery to graph (f) of this section, with the port


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.94

of entry testing as reported under para- (h) Attest requirements. The following
graph (o) of this section, for the vol- additional procedures shall be carried
ume of gasoline, for the parameter val- out by any foreign refiner of FRGAS as
ues for sulfur, benzene, gravity, E200 part of the attest engagement for each
and E300, and for the NOX and exhaust foreign refinery under 40 CFR part 80,
toxics emissions performance; except subpart F.
that (1) Include in the inventory reconcili-
(ii) Where a vessel transporting cer- ation analysis under 80.128(b) and the
tified FRGAS off loads this gasoline at tender analysis under 80.128(c) non-
more than one United States port of FRGAS in addition to the gasoline
entry, and the conditions of paragraph types listed in 80.128 (b) and (c).
(g)(2)(i) of this section are not met at (2) Obtain separate listings of all
the first United States port of entry, tenders of certified FRGAS, and of non-
the requirements of paragraph (g)(1) certified FRGAS. Agree the total vol-
and (g)(2) of this section do not apply ume of tenders from the listings to the
at subsequent ports of entry if the gasoline inventory reconciliation anal-
United States importer obtains a cer- ysis in 80.128(b), and to the volumes
tification from the vessel owner or his determined by the third party under
immediate designee that the vessel has paragraph (f)(1) of this section.
not loaded any gasoline or blendstock (3) For each tender under paragraph
between the first United States port of (h)(2) of this section where the gasoline
entry and the subsequent port of entry. is loaded onto a marine vessel, report
(2)(i) The requirements of paragraph as a finding the name and country of
(g)(2)(ii) apply if: registration of each vessel, and the vol-
umes of FRGAS loaded onto each ves-
(A)(1) The temperature-corrected vol-
umes determined at the port of entry
(4) Select a sample from the list of
and at the load port differ by more
vessels identified in paragraph (h)(3) of
than one percent; or
this section used to transport certified
(2) For any parameter specified in FRGAS, in accordance with the guide-
paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this section, the lines in 80.127, and for each vessel se-
values determined at the port of entry lected perform the following:
and at the load port differ by more (i) Obtain the report of the inde-
than the reproducibility amount speci- pendent third party, under paragraph
fied for the port of entry test result by (f) of this section, and of the United
the American Society of Testing and States importer under paragraph (o) of
Materials (ASTM); unless this section.
(B) The NOX and exhaust toxics emis- (A) Agree the information in these
sions performance, in grams per mile, reports with regard to vessel identifica-
calculated using the port of entry test tion, gasoline volumes and test results.
results, are each equal to or less than (B) Identify, and report as a finding,
the NOX and exhaust toxics emissions each occasion the load port and port of
performance calculated using the load entry parameter and volume results
port test results; differ by more than the amounts al-
(ii) The United States importer and lowed in paragraph (g) of this section,
the foreign refiner shall treat the gaso- and determine whether the foreign re-
line as non-certified FRGAS, and the finer adjusted its refinery calculations
foreign refiner shall: as required in paragraph (g) of this sec-
(A) Exclude the gasoline volume and tion.
properties from its conventional gaso- (ii) Obtain the documents used by the
line NOX and exhaust toxics compli- independent third party to determine
ance calculations under 80.101(g); and transportation and storage of the cer-
(B) Include the gasoline volume in its tified FRGAS from the refinery to the
compliance baseline calculation under load port, under paragraph (f) of this
80.101(f), unless the foreign refiner es- section. Obtain tank activity records
tablishes that the United States im- for any storage tank where the cer-
porter classified the gasoline only as tified FRGAS is stored, and pipeline
conventional gasoline and not as refor- activity records for any pipeline used
mulated gasoline. to transport the certified FRGAS, prior


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80.94 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

to being loaded onto the vessel. Use demonstration of ability to perform

these records to determine whether the the procedures required in 80.125
certified FRGAS was produced at the through 80.130 and this paragraph (h);
refinery that is the subject of the at- and
test engagement, and whether the cer- (iii) Sign a commitment that con-
tified FRGAS was mixed with any non- tains the provisions specified in para-
certified FRGAS, non-FRGAS, or any graph (i) of this section with regard to
certified FRGAS produced at a dif- activities and documents relevant to
ferent refinery that was not aggregated compliance with the requirements of
under 80.101(h). 80.125 through 80.130 and this para-
(5)(i) Select a sample from the list of graph (h).
vessels identified in paragraph (h)(3) of (i) Foreign refiner commitments. Any
this section used to transport certified foreign refiner shall commit to and
and non-certified FRGAS, in accord- comply with the provisions contained
ance with the guidelines in 80.127, and in this paragraph (i) as a condition to
for each vessel selected perform the being assigned an individual refinery
following: baseline.
(ii) Obtain a commercial document of (1) Any United States Environmental
general circulation that lists vessel ar- Protection Agency inspector or auditor
rivals and departures, and that in- will be given full, complete and imme-
cludes the port and date of departure of diate access to conduct inspections and
the vessel, and the port of entry and audits of the foreign refinery.
date of arrival of the vessel. Agree the (i) Inspections and audits may be ei-
vessels departure and arrival locations ther announced in advance by EPA, or
and dates from the independent third unannounced.
party and United States importer re- (ii) Access will be provided to any lo-
ports to the information contained in cation where:
the commercial document.
(A) Gasoline is produced;
(6) Obtain separate listings of all
(B) Documents related to refinery op-
tenders of non-FRGAS, and perform
erations are kept;
the following:
(i) Agree the total volume of tenders (C) Gasoline or blendstock samples
from the listings to the gasoline inven- are tested or stored; and
tory reconciliation analysis in (D) FRGAS is stored or transported
80.128(b). between the foreign refinery and the
(ii) Obtain a separate listing of the United States, including storage tanks,
tenders under paragraph (h)(6) of this vessels and pipelines.
section where the gasoline is loaded (iii) Inspections and audits may be by
onto a marine vessel. Select a sample EPA employees or contractors to EPA.
from this listing in accordance with (iv) Any documents requested that
the guidelines in 80.127, and obtain a are related to matters covered by in-
commercial document of general cir- spections and audits will be provided to
culation that lists vessel arrivals and an EPA inspector or auditor on re-
departures, and that includes the port quest.
and date of departure and the ports and (v) Inspections and audits by EPA
dates where the gasoline was off loaded may include review and copying of any
for the selected vessels. Determine and documents related to:
report as a finding the country where (A) Refinery baseline establishment,
the gasoline was off loaded for each including the volume and parameters,
vessel selected. and transfers of title or custody, of any
(7) In order to complete the require- gasoline or blendstocks, whether
ments of this paragraph (h) an auditor FRGAS or non-FRGAS, produced at
shall: the foreign refinery during the period
(i) Be independent of the foreign re- January 1, 1990 through the date of the
finer; refinery baseline petition or through
(ii) Be licensed as a Certified Public the date of the inspection or audit if a
Accountant in the United States and a baseline petition has not been ap-
citizen of the United States, or be ap- proved, and any work papers related to
proved in advance by EPA based on a refinery baseline establishment;


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.94

(B) The parameters and volume of refinery baseline, and all other actions
FRGAS; to comply with the requirements of 40
(C) The proper classification of gaso- CFR part 80, subparts D, E and F relat-
line as being FRGAS or as not being ing to the establishment and use of an
FRGAS, or as certified FRGAS or as individual refinery baseline constitute
non-certified FRGAS; actions or activities covered by and
(D) Transfers of title or custody to within the meaning of 28 U.S.C.
FRGAS; 1605(a)(2), but solely with respect to ac-
(E) Sampling and testing of FRGAS; tions instituted against the foreign re-
(F) Work performed and reports pre- finer, its agents, officers, and employ-
pared by independent third parties and ees in any court or other tribunal in
by independent auditors under the re- the United States for conduct that vio-
quirements of this section, including lates the requirements applicable to
work papers; and the foreign refiner under 40 CFR part
(G) Reports prepared for submission 80, subparts D, E and F, including such
to EPA, and any work papers related to conduct that violates Title 18 U.S.C.
such reports. section 1001, Clean Air Act section
(vi) Inspections and audits by EPA 113(c)(2), or other applicable provisions
may include taking samples of gasoline of the Clean Air Act.
or blendstock, and interviewing em- (6) The foreign refiner, or its agents,
ployees. officers, or employees, will not seek to
(vii) Any employee of the foreign re- detain or to impose civil or criminal
finer will be made available for inter- remedies against EPA inspectors or
view by the EPA inspector or auditor, auditors, whether EPA employees or
on request, within a reasonable time EPA contractors, for actions performed
period. within the scope of EPA employment
(viii) English language translations related to the provisions of this sec-
of any documents will be provided to tion.
an EPA inspector or auditor, on re-
(7) The commitment required by this
quest, within 10 working days.
paragraph (i) shall be signed by the
(ix) English language interpreters
owner or president of the foreign re-
will be provided to accompany EPA in-
finer business.
spectors and auditors, on request.
(2) An agent for service of process lo- (8) In any case where FRGAS pro-
cated in the District of Columbia will duced at a foreign refinery is stored or
be named, and service on this agent transported by another company be-
constitutes service on the foreign re- tween the refinery and the vessel that
finer or any officer, or employee of the transports the FRGAS to the United
foreign refiner for any action by EPA States, the foreign refiner shall obtain
or otherwise by the United States re- from each such other company a com-
lated to the requirements of 40 CFR mitment that meets the requirements
part 80, subparts D, E and F. specified in paragraphs (i) (1) through
(3) The forum for any civil or crimi- (7) of this section, and these commit-
nal enforcement action related to the ments shall be included in the foreign
provisions of this section for violations refiners baseline petition.
of the Clean Air Act or regulations pro- (j) Sovereign immunity. By submitting
mulgated thereunder shall be governed a petition for an individual foreign re-
by the Clean Air Act, including the finery baseline under this section, or
EPA administrative forum where al- by producing and exporting gasoline to
lowed under the Clean Air Act. the United States under an individual
(4) United States substantive and refinery baseline under this section,
procedural laws shall apply to any civil the foreign refiner, its agents, officers,
or criminal enforcement action against and employees, without exception, be-
the foreign refiner or any employee of come subject to the full operation of
the foreign refiner related to the provi- the administrative and judicial en-
sions of this section. forcement powers and provisions of the
(5) Submitting a petition for an indi- United States without limitation based
vidual refinery baseline, producing and on sovereign immunity, with respect to
exporting gasoline under an individual actions instituted against the foreign


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80.94 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

refiner, its agents, officers, and em- judgment that results from an adminis-
ployees in any court or other tribunal trative or judicial enforcement action
in the United States for conduct that for conduct in violation of 40 CFR part
violates the requirements applicable to 80, subparts D, E and F, including such
the foreign refiner under 40 CFR part conduct that violates Title 18 U.S.C.
80, subparts D, E and F, including such section 1001, Clean Air Act section
conduct that violates Title 18 U.S.C. 113(c)(2), or other applicable provisions
section 1001, Clean Air Act section of the Clean Air Act.
113(c)(2), or other applicable provisions (5) On any occasion a foreign refiner
of the Clean Air Act. bond is used to satisfy any judgment,
(k) Bond posting. Any foreign refiner the foreign refiner shall increase the
shall meet the requirements of this bond to cover the amount used within
paragraph (k) as a condition to being 90 days of the date the bond is used.
assigned an individual refinery base- (l) Blendstock tracking. For purposes
line. of blendstock tracking by any foreign
(1) The foreign refiner shall post a refiner under 80.102 by a foreign re-
bond of the amount calculated using finer with an individual refinery base-
the following equation: line, the foreign refiner may exclude
Bond = G $0.01 from the calculations required in
80.102(d) the volume of applicable
blendstocks for which the foreign re-
Bond = amount of the bond in U.S. dollars
G = the largest volume of conventional gaso- finer has sufficient evidence in the
line produced at the foreign refinery and form of documentation that the
exported to the United States, in gallons, blendstocks were used to produce gaso-
during a single calendar year among the line used outside the United States.
most recent of the following calendar (m) English language reports. Any re-
years, up to a maximum of five calendar port or other document submitted to
years: the calendar year immediately pre-
EPA by any foreign refiner shall be in
ceding the date the baseline petition is
submitted, the calendar year the baseline the English language, or shall include
petition is submitted, and each succeeding an English language translation.
calendar year (n) Prohibitions. (1) No person may
(2) Bonds shall be posted by: combine certified FRGAS with any
(i) Paying the amount of the bond to non-certified FRGAS or non-FRGAS,
the Treasurer of the United States; and no person may combine certified
(ii) Obtaining a bond in the proper FRGAS with any certified FRGAS pro-
amount from a third party surety duced at a different refinery that is not
agent that is payable to satisfy United aggregated under 80.101(h), except as
States judicial judgments against the provided in paragraph (e) of this sec-
foreign refiner, provided EPA agrees in tion.
advance as to the third party and the (2) No foreign refiner or other person
nature of the surety agreement; or may cause another person to commit
(iii) An alternative commitment that an action prohibited in paragraph (n)(1)
results in assets of an appropriate li- of this section, or that otherwise vio-
quidity and value being readily avail- lates the requirements of this section.
able to the United States, provided (o) United States importer requirements.
EPA agrees in advance as to the alter- Any United States importer shall meet
native commitment. the following requirements.
(3) If the bond amount for a foreign (1) Each batch of imported gasoline
refinery increases the foreign refiner shall be classified by the importer as
shall increase the bond to cover the being FRGAS or as non-FRGAS, and
shortfall within 90 days of the date the each batch classified as FRGAS shall
bond amount changes. If the bond be further classified as certified
amount decreases, the foreign refiner FRGAS or as non-certified FRGAS.
may reduce the amount of the bond be- (2) Gasoline shall be classified as cer-
ginning 90 days after the date the bond tified FRGAS or as non-certified
amount changes. FRGAS according to the designation
(4) Bonds posted under this paragraph by the foreign refiner if this designa-
(k) shall be used to satisfy any judicial tion is supported by product transfer


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.94

documents prepared by the foreign re- FRGAS under paragraph (o)(2) of this
finer as required in paragraph (d) of section.
this section, unless the gasoline is clas- (ii) The baseline applicable to a
sified as non-certified FRGAS under United States importer who has not
paragraph (g) of this section. been assigned an individual importer
(3) For each gasoline batch classified baseline under 80.91(b)(4) shall be the
as FRGAS, any United States importer baseline specified in paragraph (p) of
shall perform the following procedures. this section.
(i) In the case of both certified and (p) Importer Baseline. (1) Each cal-
non-certified FRGAS, have an inde- endar year starting in 2000, the Admin-
pendent third party: istrator shall calculate the volume
(A) Determine the volume of gasoline weighted average NOX emissions of im-
in the vessel; ported conventional gasoline for a
(B) Use the foreign refiners FRGAS multi-year period (MYANOx). This cal-
certification to determine the name culation:
and EPA-assigned registration number (i) Shall use the Phase II Complex
of the foreign refinery that produced Model;
the FRGAS; (ii) Shall include all conventional
(C) Determine the name and country gasoline in the following categories:
of registration of the vessel used to (A) Imported conventional gasoline
transport the FRGAS to the United that is classified as conventional gaso-
States; and line, and included in the conventional
(D) Determine the date and time the gasoline compliance calculations of im-
vessel arrives at the United States port porters for each year; and
of entry. (B) Imported conventional gasoline
(ii) In the case of certified FRGAS, that is classified as certified FRGAS,
have an independent third party: and included in the conventional gaso-
(A) Collect a representative sample line compliance calculations of foreign
from each vessel compartment subse- refiners for each year;
quent to the vessels arrival at the (iii)(A) In 2000 only, shall be for the
United States port of entry and prior 1998 and 1999 averaging periods and also
to off loading any gasoline from the shall include all conventional gasoline
vessel; classified as FRGAS and included in
(B) Prepare a volume-weighted vessel the conventional gasoline compliance
composite sample from the compart- calculations of a foreign refiner for
ment samples; and 1997, and all conventional gasoline
(C) Determine the values for sulfur, batches not classified as FRGAS that
benzene, gravity, E200 and E300 using are imported during 1997 beginning on
the methodologies specified in 80.46, the date the first batch of FRGAS ar-
by: rives at a United States port of entry;
(1) The third party analyzing the and
sample; or (B) Starting in 2001, shall include im-
(2) The third party observing the im- ported conventional gasoline during
porter analyze the sample the prior three calendar year averaging
(4) Any importer shall submit reports periods.
within thirty days following the date (2)(i) If the volume-weighted average
any vessel transporting FRGAS arrives NOX emissions (MYANOx), calculated in
at the United States port of entry: paragraph (p)(1) of this section, is
(i) To the Administrator containing greater than 1,465 mg/mile, the Admin-
the information determined under istrator shall calculate an adjusted
paragraph (o)(3) of this section; and baseline for NOX according to the fol-
(ii) To the foreign refiner containing lowing equation:
the information determined under
paragraph (o)(3)(ii) of this section. ABNOx = 1,465 mg/mile (MYANOx
(5)(i) Any United States importer 1,465 mg/mile)
shall meet the requirements specified where:
for conventional gasoline in 80.101 for ABNOx = Adjusted NOX baseline, in mg/mile
any imported conventional gasoline MYANOx = Multi-year average NOX emissions,
that is not classified as certified in mg/mile


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80.94 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(ii) For the 1998 and 1999 multi-year (ii) EPA has made a provisional find-
averaging period only the value of ing that the baseline petition is com-
ABNOx shall not be larger than 1,480 mg/ plete;
mile regardless of the calculation (iii) The foreign refiner has made the
under paragraph (p)(2)(i) of this sec- commitments required in paragraph (i)
tion. of this section;
(3)(i) Notwithstanding the provisions (iv) The persons who will meet the
of 80.91(b)(4)(iii), the baseline NOX independent third party and inde-
emissions values applicable to any pendent attest requirements for the
United States importer who has not foreign refinery have made the com-
been assigned an individual importer mitments required in paragraphs
baseline under 80.91(b)(4) shall be the (f)(3)(iii) and (h)(7)(iii) of this section;
more stringent of the statutory base- and
line value for NOX under 80.91(c)(5), or (v) The foreign refiner has met the
the adjusted NOX baseline calculated in bond requirements of paragraph (k) of
paragraph (p)(2) of this section. this section.
(ii) On or before June 1 of each cal- (2) In any case where a foreign refiner
endar year, the Administrator shall an- uses an individual refinery baseline be-
nounce the NOX baseline that applies fore final approval under paragraph
to importers under this paragraph (p). (r)(1) of this section, and the foreign re-
If the baseline is an adjusted baseline, finery baseline values that ultimately
it shall be effective for any conven- are approved by EPA are more strin-
tional gasoline imported beginning 60 gent than the early baseline values
days following the Administrators an- used by the foreign refiner, the foreign
nouncement. If the baseline is the stat- refiner shall recalculate its compli-
utory baseline, it shall be effective ance, ab initio, using the baseline val-
upon announcement. A baseline shall ues approved by EPA, and the foreign
remain in effect until the effective date refiner shall be liable for any resulting
of a subsequent change to the baseline violation of the conventional gasoline
pursuant to this paragraph (p). requirements.
(q) Withdrawal or suspension of a for- (s) Additional requirements for peti-
eign refinerys baseline. EPA may with- tions, reports and certificates. Any peti-
draw or suspend a baseline that has tion for a refinery baseline under para-
been assigned to a foreign refinery graph (b) of this section, any report or
where: other submission required by para-
(1) A foreign refiner fails to meet any graphs (c), (f)(2), or (i) of this section,
requirement of this section; and any certification under paragraph
(2) A foreign government fails to (d)(3) or (g)(1)(ii) of this section shall
allow EPA inspections as provided in be:
paragraph (i)(1) of this section; (1) Submitted in accordance with pro-
(3) A foreign refiner asserts a claim cedures specified by the Administrator,
of, or a right to claim, sovereign immu- including use of any forms that may
nity in an action to enforce the re- specified by the Administrator.
quirements in 40 CFR part 80, subparts (2) Be signed by the president or
D, E and F; or owner of the foreign refiner company,
(4) A foreign refiner fails to pay a or in the case of (g)(1)(ii) the vessel
civil or criminal penalty that is not owner, or by that persons immediate
satisfied using the foreign refiner bond designee, and shall contain the fol-
specified in paragraph (k) of this sec- lowing declaration:
tion. I hereby certify: (1) that I have actual au-
(r) Early use of a foreign refinery base- thority to sign on behalf of and to bind [in-
line. (1) A foreign refiner may begin sert name of foreign refiner or vessel owner]
using an individual refinery baseline with regard to all statements contained
before EPA has approved the baseline, herein; (2) that I am aware that the informa-
tion contained herein is being certified, or
provided that: submitted to the United States Environ-
(i) A baseline petition has been sub- mental Protection Agency, under the re-
mitted as required in paragraph (b) of quirements of 40 CFR part 80, subparts D, E
this section; and F and that the information is material


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.101
for determining compliance under these reg- plicable complex model under 80.45,
ulations; and (3) that I have read and under- shall not exceed the refiners or im-
stand the information being certified or sub- porters 1990 average exhaust benzene
mitted, and this information is true, com-
plete and correct to the best of my knowl-
edge and belief after I have taken reasonable (3) Complex model standards. (i) An-
and appropriate steps to verify the accuracy nual average levels of exhaust toxics
thereof. emissions and NOX emissions, weighted
I affirm that I have read and understand by volume for each batch and cal-
that the provisions of 40 CFR part 80, sub- culated using the applicable complex
parts D, E and F, including 40 CFR 80.94 (i), model under 80.45, shall not exceed
(j) and (k), apply to [insert name of foreign the refiners or importers compliance
refiner or vessel owner]. Pursuant to Clean
baseline for exhaust toxics and NOX
Air Act section 113(c) and Title 18, United
States Code, section 1001, the penalty for fur- emissions, respectively.
nishing false, incomplete or misleading in- (ii) Annual average levels of RVP,
formation in this certification or submission benzene, aromatics, olefins, sulfur,
is a fine of up to $10,000, and/or imprisonment E200 and E300 shall not be greater than
for up to five years. the conventional gasoline complex
[62 FR 45563, Aug. 28, 1997] model valid range limits for the param-
eter under 80.45(f)(1)(ii), or the refiner
80.9580.100 [Reserved] or importers annual 1990 baseline for
the parameter if outside the valid
80.101 Standards applicable to refin- range limit, whichever is greater.
ers and importers. (c) Applicability of standards. (1) For
Any refiner or importer of conven- each averaging period prior to January
tional gasoline shall meet the stand- 1, 1998, a refiner or importer shall be
ards specified in this section over the subject to either the Simple Model or
specified averaging period, beginning Optional Complex Model Standards, at
on January 1, 1995. their option, except that any refiner or
(a) Averaging period. The averaging importer shall be subject to:
period for the standards specified in (i) The Simple Model Standards if the
this section shall be January 1 through refiner or importer uses the Simple
December 31, except as provided in Model Standards for reformulated gas-
paragraph (k) of this section. oline; or
(b) Conventional gasoline compliance (ii) The Optional Complex Model
standards(1) Simple model standards. Standards if the refiner or importer
The simple model standards are the used the Complex Model Standards for
following: reformulated gasoline.
(i) Annual average exhaust benzene (2) Beginning January 1, 1998, each
emissions, calculated according to refiner and importer shall be subject to
paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section, shall the Complex Model Standards for each
not exceed the refiners or importers averaging period.
compliance baseline for exhaust ben- (d) Product to which standards apply.
zene emissions; Any refiner for each refinery, or any
(ii) Annual average levels of sulfur importer, shall include in its compli-
shall not exceed 125% of the refiners or ance calculations:
importers compliance baseline for sul- (1) Any conventional gasoline pro-
fur; duced or imported during the averaging
(iii) Annual average levels of olefins period;
shall not exceed 125% of the refiners or (2) Any non-gasoline petroleum prod-
importers compliance baseline for ucts that are produced or imported and
olefins; and sold or transferred from the refinery or
(iv) Annual average values of T90 group of refineries or importer during
shall not exceed 125% of the refiners or the averaging period, if required pursu-
importers compliance baseline for T ant to 80.102(e)(2), unless the refiner
90. or importer is able to establish in the
(2) Optional complex model standards. form of documentation that the petro-
Annual average levels of exhaust ben- leum products were used for a purpose
zene emissions, weighted by volume for other than the production of gasoline
each batch and calculated using the ap- within the United States;


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80.101 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(3) Any gasoline blending stock pro- (1) Gasoline that was not produced at
duced or imported during the averaging the refinery or was not imported by the
period which becomes conventional importer;
gasoline solely upon the addition of ox- (2) Blendstocks that have been in-
ygenate; cluded in another refiners compliance
(4)(i) Any oxygenate that is added to calculations, pursuant to 80.102(e)(2)
conventional gasoline, or gasoline or otherwise;
blending stock as described in para- (3) California gasoline as defined in
graph (d)(3) of this section, where such 80.81(a)(2); and
gasoline or gasoline blending stock is (4) Gasoline that is exported.
produced or imported during the aver- (f) Compliance baseline determinations.
aging period; (1) In the case of any refiner or im-
(ii) In the case of oxygenate that is porter for whom an individual baseline
added at a point downstream of the re- has been established under 80.91, the
finery or import facility, the oxygenate individual baseline for each parameter
may be included only if the refiner or or emissions performance shall be the
importer can establish the oxygenate compliance baseline for that refiner or
was in fact added to the gasoline or importer.
gasoline blendstock produced, by show- (2) In the case of any refiner or im-
ing that the oxygenate was added by: porter for whom the anti-dumping stat-
(A) The refiner or importer; or utory baseline applies under 80.91, the
(B) By a person other than the re- anti-dumping statutory baseline for
finer or importer, provided that the re- each parameter or emissions perform-
finer or importer: ance shall be the compliance baseline
(1) Has a contract with the oxygenate for that refiner or importer.
blender that specifies procedures to be (3) [Reserved]
followed by the oxygenate blender that (4) Any compliance baseline under
are reasonably calculated to ensure paragraph (f)(1) of this section shall be
blending with the amount and type of adjusted for each averaging period as
oxygenate claimed by the refiner or follows:
importer; and (i) If the total volume of the conven-
(2) Monitors the oxygenate blending tional gasoline, RBOB, reformulated
operation to ensure the volume and gasoline, and California gasoline as de-
type of oxygenate claimed by the re- fined in 80.81(a)(2), produced or im-
finer or importer is correct, through ported by any refiner or importer dur-
periodic audits of the oxygenate blend- ing the averaging period is equal to or
er designed to assess whether the over- less than that refiners or importers
all volumes and type of oxygenate pur- 1990 baseline volume as determined
chased and used by the oxygenate under 80.91(f)(1), the compliance base-
blender are consistent with the oxygen- line for each parameter or emissions
ate claimed by the refiner or importer performance shall be that refiners or
and that this oxygenate was blended importers individual 1990 baseline; or
with the refiners or importers gaso- (ii) If the total volume of the conven-
line or blending stock, periodic sam- tional gasoline, RBOB, reformulated
pling and testing of the gasoline pro- gasoline, and California gasoline as de-
duced subsequent to oxygenate blend- fined in 80.81(a)(2), produced or im-
ing, and periodic inspections to ensure ported by any refiner or importer dur-
the contractual requirements imposed ing the averaging period is greater
by the refiner or importer on the oxy- than that refiners or importers 1990
genate blender are being met. baseline volume as determined under
(e) Product to which standards do not 80.91(f)(1), the compliance baseline for
apply. Any refiner for each refinery, or each parameter or emissions perform-
any importer, shall exclude from its ance shall be calculated according to
compliance calculations: the following formula:


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.101

CB i = B i 1990 + DB i 1 1990
Va Va

Where: (iii) Any refiner or importer with

CBi = The compliance baseline value for pa- Puerto Rico gasoline, or Puerto Rico
rameter or emissions performance i. and U.S. Virgin Islands gasoline, in its
Bi = The refiners or importers individual individual baseline and which has met
baseline value for parameter or emission the requirements specified in para-
performance i calculated according to graph (g)(1)(ii)(B) of this section, and
the methodology in 80.91. whose total volume of conventional
DBi = The anti-dumping statutory baseline gasoline, RBOB, reformulated gasoline,
value for parameter or emissions per- and California gasoline, as defined in
formance i, as specified at 80.91(c)(5)(iii)
80.81(a)(2), produced or imported by
or (c)(5)(iv), respectively.
the refiner or importer during the aver-
V1990 = The 1990 baseline volume as deter-
mined under 80.91(f)(1).
aging period is greater than that refin-
Va = The total volume of reformulated gaso- ers or importers 1990 baseline volume
line, conventional gasoline, RBOB, and as determined under 80.91(f)(1), must
California gasoline as defined in calculate the compliance baseline for
80.81(a)(2) produced or imported by a re- each parameter or emissions perform-
finer or importer during the averaging ance according to the following for-
period. mula:

V V1990s V1990s V1990 Vas V1990 Vas

CB i = B i 1990 + BS i + DBA i 1 1 + DBS i 1
Va Va Va Va Va Va

where: Vas = volume of conventional gasoline sup-

plied during the averaging period to
CBi = the compliance baseline value for emis-
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
sions performance i
i = exhaust toxics or NOX emissions perform-
Bi = the refiners or importers individual an-
nual baseline for emissions performance i
under 80.91 for gasoline supplied to
areas subject to volatility standards (4) Any compliance baseline under
under 80.27 paragraph (f)(1) of this section shall be
BSi = the refiners or importers individual adjusted for each averaging period as
baseline as determined under 80.91 using follows:
the summer Complex Model, for gasoline (g) Compliance calculations(1)(i) Sim-
supplied to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Vir- ple model calculations. In the case of any
gin Islands, for emissions performance i
refiner or importer subject to an indi-
DBAi = annual anti-dumping statutory base-
line value for emissions performance i
vidual refinery baseline, the annual av-
under 80.91(c)(5)(iv) erage value for each parameter or
DBSi = the summer statutory baseline value emissions performance during the aver-
for emissions performance i under aging period, calculated according to
80.45(b)(3), table 5 the following methodologies, shall be
Va = total volume of RFG, conventional gas- less than or equal to the refiners or
oline, RBOB, oxygenates and California importers standard under paragraph
gasoline as defined under 80.81(a)(2) pro- (b) of this section for that parameter.
duced or imported during the averaging
period (A) The average value for sulfur, T
V1990 = 1990 baseline volume under 80.91(f)(1) 90, olefin, benzene, and aromatics for
V1990s = 1990 baseline volume of gasoline sup- an averaging period shall be calculated
plied to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin as follows:


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80.101 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
PARMi = the value of the parameter being
( Vi PARM i SG i )
evaluated for batch i as determined in ac-
cordance with the test methods specified in
APARM = i =1 n = the number of batches of conventional

Vi SG i
gasoline and other products included under
paragraph (d) of this section produced or
i =1 imported during the averaging period
SGi = specific gravity of batch i (only appli-
where cable for sulfur)
APARM = the average value for the param-
eter being evaluated (B) Exhaust benzene emissions under
Vi = the volume of conventional gasoline or the Simple Model for an averaging pe-
other products included under paragraph riod are calculated as follows:
(d) of this section, in batch i

EXHBEN = 1.884 + ( 0.949 BZ ) + ( 0.113 ( AR BZ ))

where for that parameter using the formula

EXHBEN = the average exhaust benzene specified at 80.67.
emissions for the averaging period (ii) Calculate the actual total for the
BZ = the average benzene content for the
averaging period for sulfur, T90,
averaging period, calculated per paragraph
(g)(1)(i)(A) of this section olefins, exhaust benzene emissions, ex-
AR = the average aromatics content for the haust toxics and exhaust NOX emis-
averaging period, calculated per paragraph sions, as applicable, based upon the
(g)(1)(i)(A) of this section value of the parameter for each batch
(ii) Complex Model calculations. of conventional gasoline and gasoline
(A) Exhaust benzene, exhaust toxics, blendstocks, if applicable, using the
and exhaust NOX emissions perform- formula specified at 80.67.
ance for each batch shall be calculated (iii) The actual total for exhaust ben-
in accordance with the applicable zene emissions, exhaust toxics and ex-
model under 80.45. haust NOX emissions, shall not exceed
(B) A refiner which has Puerto Rico the compliance total, and the actual
gasoline, or Puerto Rico and U.S. Vir- totals for sulfur, olefins and T90 shall
gin Islands gasoline, in its baseline not exceed 125% of the compliance to-
shall use the summer Complex Model tals, as required under the applicable
to evaluate its averaging period Puerto model.
Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands gasoline (3) Exhaust toxics and NOX emissions
provided it has petitioned the Agency, performance of a blendstock batch
per 80.93(d), and has received Agency shall be determined as follows:
approval on the petition, and has re- (i) Determine the volume and prop-
vised its individual baseline, such that erties of the blendstock.
the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Is- (ii) Determine the blendstock volume
lands gasoline in its individual baseline fraction (F) based on the volume of
has been evaluated using the summer blendstock, and the volume of gasoline
Complex Model. with which the blendstock is blended,
(2) In the case of any refiner or im- using the following equation:
porter subject to the anti-dumping
statutory baseline, the refiner or im- Vb
porter shall determine compliance F=
using the following methodology: Vb + Vg
(i) Calculate the compliance total for
the averaging period for sulfur, T90, where:
olefins, exhaust benzene emissions, ex- F = blendstock volume fraction
haust toxics and exhaust NOX emis- Vb = volume of blendstock
sions, as applicable, based upon the Vg = volume of gasoline with which the
anti-dumping statutory baseline value blendstock is blended


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.101

(iii) For each parameter required by (EEP) of the blendstock, in mg/mi,

the complex model, calculate the pa- using the following equation:
rameter value that would result by
combining, at the blendstock volume
fraction (F), the blendstock with a gas- EEPj =
HEPj BEPj (1 F ) )
oline having properties equal to the re- F
finerys or importers baseline, using
the following formula: where:
EEPj = equivalent emissions performance of

CPj =
( ) (
BAPj Vg + BLPj Vb ) the blendstock for emissions performance j
BEPj = emissions performance j of a gasoline
Vg + Vb having the properties of the refinerys
HEPj = emissions performance j of a hypo-
thetical blendstock/gasoline blend
CPj = calculated value for parameter j F = blendstock volume fraction
BAPj = baseline value for parameter j
j = exhaust toxics or NOX emissions perform-
BLPj = value of parameter j for the
blendstock or oxygenate
j = each parameter required by the complex (vi) For each blendstock batch, the
model volume, and exhaust toxics and NOX
(A) The baseline value shall be the equivalent emissions performance
refinerys summer or winter base- (EEP) shall be included in the refin-
line, based on the summer or win- erys compliance calculations.
ter classification of the gasoline pro- (4) Compliance calculations under
duced as determined under paragraphs this subpart E shall be based on com-
(g)(5) or (g)(6) of this section. In the putations to the same degree of accu-
case of a refinery that is aggregated racy that are specified in establishing
under paragraph (h) of this section, the individual baselines under 80.91.
refinery baseline shall be used, and not (5) The emissions performance of gas-
the aggregate baseline. oline that has an RVP that is equal to
(B) The sulfur content and oxygen or less than the RVP required under
wt% computations under paragraph 80.27 (summer gasoline) shall be de-
(g)(3)(iii) of this section shall be ad- termined using the applicable summer
justed for the specific gravity of the complex model under 80.45.
gasoline and blendstock using specific
(6) The emissions performance of gas-
gravities of 0.749 for summer gaso-
oline that has an RVP greater than the
line and of 0.738 for winter gasoline.
RVP required under 80.27 (winter
(C) In the case of summer gasoline,
where the blendstock is ethanol and gasoline) shall be determined using
the volume fraction calculated under the applicable winter complex model
paragraph (g)(3)(ii) is equal to or great- under 80.45, using an RVP of 8.7 psi for
er than 0.015, the value for RVP cal- compliance calculation purposes under
culated under paragraph (g)(3)(iii) of this subpart E.
this section shall be 1.0 psi greater (7)(i) For the 1998 averaging period
than the RVP of the gasoline with any refiner or importer may elect to
which the blendstock is blended. determine compliance with the re-
(iv) Using the summer or winter com- quirement for exhaust NOX emissions
plex model, as appropriate, calculate performance either with or without the
the exhaust toxics and NOX emissions inclusion of oxygenates in its compli-
performance, in mg/mi, of: ance calculations, in accordance with
(A) A hypothetical gasoline having 80.91(e)(4), provided that the baseline
properties equal to those calculated in exhaust NOX emissions performance is
paragraph (g)(3)(iii) of this section calculated using the same with- or
(HEP); and without-oxygen approach.
(B) A gasoline having properties (ii)(A) Any refiner or importer must
equal to the refinerys or importers use the with- or without-oxygen ap-
baseline (BEP). proach elected under paragraph (g)(7)(i)
(v) Calculate the exhaust toxics and of this section for all subsequent aver-
NOX equivalent emissions performance aging periods; except that


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(B) In the case of any refiner or im- (i) Be made as part of the report for
porter who elects to determines com- the 1995 averaging period required by
pliance for the calendar year 1998 aver- 80.105;
aging period without the inclusion of (ii) Apply for the 1995 averaging pe-
oxygenates, such refiner or importer riod and for each subsequent averaging
may elect to include oxygenates in its period, and may not thereafter be
compliance calculations for the 1999 changed; and
averaging period. (iii) Apply for purposes of the
(iii) Any refiner or importer who blendstock tracking and accounting
elects to use the with-oxygen approach provisions under 80.102.
under paragraph (g)(7)(ii)(B) of this sec- (3)(i) Any standards under this sec-
tion must use this approach for all sub- tion shall apply, and compliance cal-
sequent averaging periods. culations shall be made, separately for
(8) Emissions performance of conven- each refinery or refinery group; except
tional gasoline with parameters outside that
the complex model valid range limits. Not- (ii) Any refiner that produces conven-
withstanding the provisions of tional gasoline for distribution to a
80.45(f)(2), in the case of any param- specified geographic area which is the
eter value that does not fall within the subject of a petition approved by EPA
complex model range limit in pursuant to 80.91(f)(3) shall achieve
80.45(f)(1)(ii), the refiner or importer compliance separately for gasoline sup-
shall determine the emissions perform- plied to such specified geographic area.
ance of the batch using the following (i) Sampling and testing. (1) Any re-
parameter values: finer or importer shall for each batch
of conventional gasoline, and other
Parameter value to use for cal- products if included in paragraph (d) of
Parameter outside the culating
range limit this section:
Exhaust toxics NOX (i)(A) Determine the value of each of
Sulfur ................................. Test value1 .... Test value.1 the properties required for determining
RVP (summer only): compliance with the standards that are
< 6.4 psi ..................... 6.4 psi ............ 6.4 psi. applicable to the refiner or importer,
> 11.0 psi ................... Test value1 .... Test value.1 by collecting and analyzing a rep-
Aromatics ........................... Test value1 .... Test value.1
Olefins ................................ Test value1 .... Test value.1
resentative sample of gasoline or
Benzene ............................. Test value1 .... Test value.1 blendstock taken from the batch, using
E200: the methodologies specified in 80.46;
< 30% ......................... Test value1 .... 30% except that
> 70% ......................... 70% ............... Test value.1
E300 < 70% ....................... Test value1 .... Test value.1
(B) Any refiner that produces gaso-
line by combining blendstock with gas-
1 Test value is the value for a parameter determined pursu-
ant to paragraph 80.101(i)(1)(i) of this section. oline that has been included in the
compliance calculations of another re-
(h) Refinery grouping for determining finer or of an importer may for such
compliance. (1) Any refiner that oper- gasoline meet this sampling and test-
ates more than one refinery may: ing requirement by collecting and ana-
(i) Elect to achieve compliance indi- lyzing a representative sample of the
vidually for the refineries; or blendstock used subsequent to each re-
(ii) Elect to achieve compliance on ceipt of such blendstock if the compli-
an aggregate basis for a group, or for ance calculation method specified in
groups, of refineries, some of which paragraph (g)(3) of this section is used.
may be individual refineries; provided (ii) Assign a number to the batch (the
that batch number), as specified in
(iii) Compliance is achieved for each 80.65(d)(3);
refinery separately or as part of a (2) For the purposes of meeting the
group; and sampling and testing requirements
(iv) The data for any refinery is in- under paragraph (i)(1) of this section,
cluded only in one compliance calcula- any refiner or importer may, prior to
tion. analysis, combine samples of gasoline
(2) Any election by a refiner to group collected from more than one batch of
refineries under paragraph (h)(1) of this gasoline or blendstock (composite
section shall: sample), and treat such composite


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.101

sample as one batch of gasoline or aging period requested, the petition

blendstock provided that the refiner or must include:
importer: (i) The business name and address of
(i) Meets each of the requirements the affected refinery and any loca-
specified in 80.91(d)(4)(iii) for the sam- tion(s) where the refiner conducts oper-
ples contained in the composite sam- ations.
ple; (ii) The name, address, phone num-
(ii) Combines samples of gasoline ber, fax number, and e-mail address of
that are produced or imported over a the responsible corporate officer and
period no longer than one month; contact person who can provide clari-
(iii) Uses the total of the volumes of fication and explanation with regard to
the batches of gasoline that comprise any information in the petition.
the composite sample, and the results (iii) A detailed explanation of why
of the analyses of the composite sam- the refinery is eligible for an alter-
ple, for purposes of compliance calcula- native anti-dumping compliance period
tions under paragraph (g) of this sec- under paragraph (k)(1) of this section,
tion; and including:
(iv) Does not combine summer and (A) Documentation the refinery has
winter gasoline, as specified under never produced gasoline that was sub-
paragraphs (g) (5) and (6) of this sec- ject to the anti-dumping standards
tion, in a composite sample. under subpart E of this part and
(j) Evasion of standards through ex- (B) Documentation demonstrating
porting and importing gasoline. Notwith- the hardship the refinery will experi-
standing the requirements of this sec- ence meeting the anti-dumping statu-
tion, no refiner or importer shall ex- tory baseline NOX standard.
port gasoline and import the same or (iv) The length of the averaging pe-
other gasoline for the purpose of evad- riod requested and a justification for
ing a more stringent baseline require- why that length of averaging period is
ment. required.
(k) Petitions for an alternative anti- (v) An estimate as to when the refin-
dumping averaging period. ery can produce gasoline that will meet
(1) Eligibility for petition. (i) The Ad- the statutory baseline standard for
ministrator may grant an averaging NOX.
period of two, three, four or five years (vi) The refinerys estimated gasoline
upon petition of a refiner who: production and annual average NOX
(A) Activates or plans to activate level for each of the years for which
conventional gasoline production at a the alternative averaging period is re-
refinery that has never produced gaso- quested.
line subject to the anti-dumping re- (vii) A detailed description of the
quirements of subpart E of this part; current refinery equipment and con-
and figuration.
(B) Faces substantial, demonstrated (viii) A detailed description of
hardship in meeting the anti-dumping changes to the refinery equipment the
statutory baseline NOX standard during refiner intends to complete in order to
the early years of production. begin producing gasoline that will
(ii) The Administrator will consider allow the refinery to comply with the
the refiners or refinerys compliance overall alternative averaging period
with all applicable Federal, state, and NOX standard, and for such changes the
local environmental statutes or re- intended dates for events the refiner
quirements in evaluating the petition, believes are appropriate for dem-
including, but not limited to, any ap- onstrating reasonable progress towards
plicable stationary source requirement completion of the changes, including
or standards. the following events:
(2) Contents of a petition. A petition (A) Sign the design contract;
for a four or five year averaging period (B) Obtain necessary permits;
must be submitted by June 1, 2001. A (C) Obtain construction financing
petition for a two or three year aver- commitments;
aging period must be submitted by (D) Begin construction.
June 1, 2003. Regardless of the aver- (E) Complete construction


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80.101 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(ix) The current nominal crude ca- ble, acknowledging that they will be
pacity of the refinery as reported to liable for any violations.
the Energy Information Administra- (xiv) Any other information the Ad-
tion (EIA) of the Department of Energy ministrator may require in order to
(DOE). fully evaluate the refiners petition.
(x) A detailed explanation of the re- (xv) The signature of a responsible
finers plans to finance capital im- corporate officer, certifying that the
provements at the refinery in order to information contained in the petition
meet all current applicable EPA gaso- is true.
line and diesel fuel quality standards. (3) NOX standards and other require-
ments applicable to refineries operating
(xi) A demonstration that the refiner
under an alternative anti-dumping aver-
has the funds and identified sources
aging period. If a petition by a refiner is
from which to purchase stationary
approved, the standards described in
source NOX credits sufficient to offset
this paragraph shall be the standards
the maximum projected NOX deficit as applicable to the refinery identified in
calculated in accordance with para- the petition for purposes of the anti-
graph (k)(4)(ii) of this section on a dumping program during the period of
quarterly basis. the alternative averaging period. Ex-
(xii) A full disclosure and expla- cept as specifically modified by this
nation of any matters of non-compli- section, the refinery must continue to
ance or violations of any environ- comply with all other standards appli-
mental statutes or requirements for cable under the anti-dumping stand-
which the refiner has received notifica- ards of subpart E of this part.
tion by any state, local, or Federal (i) A refinery shall meet the fol-
agency. lowing deadlines for compliance with
(xiii) A signed agreement by any par- the statutory baseline, depending on
ent company or, in the case of a joint the length of the alternative averaging
venture, individual partners, if applica- period applicable to the refinery:
Compliance period
Length of compliance must start no. Refinery must comply with the Statutory Baseline NOX standard, on average,
period in years later than January for gasoline produced beginning with the
1st of

2 ................................. 2004 7th quarter and all subsequent quarters.

3 ................................. 2003 10th quarter and all subsequent quarters.
4 ................................. 2002 13th quarter and all subsequent quarters.
5 ................................. 2001 20th quarter and all subsequent quarters.

(ii) By the end of the applicable al- NOXDef = the NOX deficit in tons for the quar-
ternative averaging period, the gaso- ter(s) the refiners annual average NOX per-
line that the refinery has produced formance exceeds the applicable NOx
standard of 1461 mg/mile.
over the entire averaging period must NOXad = the average volume weighted NOx
result in a net NOX benefit (compared emissions performance for the quarter(s)
to the statutory baseline) that is at the refiner exceeds the applicable NOX
least twice as large as the total NOX standard, measured in mg/mile.
deficit generated during the period of Gd = the volume of gasoline produced during
time during which the refinery pro- the quarter(s) the refiner exceeds the ap-
duced gasoline that did not comply plicable NOX standard, measured in gal-
with the statutory baseline. For the lons.
purposes of this paragraph, the NOX NOX Benefit:
deficit and the NOX benefit in tons

( )
shall be calculated in accordance with
the following equations: NO X Ben = 1461 NO Xab * G b * 2.7 10 8
NOX Deficit: Where:

( )
NOXBen = the NOX benefit in tons during the
NO X Def = NO Xad 1461 * G d * 2.7 10 quarter(s) the refiners annual average NOX
performance is below the applicable NOX
Where: standard of 1461 mg/mile.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.101
NOXab = the average volume weighted NOX (A) Quarterly batch reports and anti-
emissions performance for the quarter(s) dumping averaging reports for gasoline
the refiner is below the applicable NOX produced during each quarter; and
standard, measured in mg/mile.
Gb = the volume of gasoline produced during (B)(1) Documents that demonstrate
the quarter(s) the refiner is below the ap- compliance with the requirements
plicable NOX standard, measured in gal- under paragraph (k)(3)(iii) and (k)(3)(iv)
lons. of this section. including a calculation
(iii) For each quarter for which the of the NOX deficit or benefit for that
refinery produces gasoline for which quarter and a current total, based upon
there is a NOX deficit, the refiner shall all quarters, indicating the current
purchase and bank stationary source NOX deficit or NOX benefit balance for
NOx credits that are equal to or greater the refinery; and
than the amount of the NOX deficit (2) A statement of the number of NOX
generated during the previous quarter, credits purchased or sold during the
and provide written demonstration of quarter and a current total, based upon
such transaction to the Administrator. all quarters, indicating the current bal-
These NOX credits are in addition to ance of NOX credits; and
any credits purchased during any pre- (3) Any contractual documents, or
vious quarters. NOX deficit is to be cal- other documents, evidencing the pur-
culated on a quarterly basis in accord- chasing and banking of NOX credits.
ance with the equation in paragraph (vii) The Administrator may specify,
(k)(3)(ii) of this section. No NOX credits as part of the approved petition, dead-
purchased by the refiner may con- lines by which a refiner is obligated to
tribute to the refinerys compliance take certain actions (including those
with the requirements of paragraphs listed in paragraph (k)(2)(viii) of this
(k)(3)(i) and (k)(3)(ii). The refinery may section) demonstrating reasonable
sell NOX credits purchased under this progress toward completion of the re-
paragraph once the standard in para- finery changes necessary to produce
graph (k)(3)(i) is met and in an amount gasoline that will allow the refinery to
equal to the NOX benefit generated, as comply with the overall alternative
calculated on a quarterly basis.
averaging period NOX standard.
(iv) (A) The refinery shall not gen-
erate marketable credits or allotments (viii) The refiner shall submit reports
under the Tier 2 gasoline program pro- demonstrating compliance with dead-
visions of Subpart H of this part during line requirements under paragraph
the entire alternative averaging period (k)(3)(vii) of this section no later than
and shall provide a written statement, 30 days after the applicable deadline
on a quarterly basis, certifying that occurs. Upon failure to meet a deadline
the refinery has not generated, pro- requirement under paragraph (k)(3)(vii)
duced, sold, or transferred any such of this section, the Administrator may
marketable credits or allotments under accelerate the date by which the re-
Subpart H of this part. finer would have to produce gasoline
(B) If the final quarter of the alter- that complies with the annual average
native averaging period ends on a date statutory baseline NOX standard under
other than December 31, then the re- paragraph (k)(3)(i) of this section such
finer may generate credits for that por- that the gasoline produced by the re-
tion of the year that was not subject to finery beginning with the quarter im-
the alternative averaging period. mediately following the quarter during
(v) The refinery shall market any which the failure occurred (and during
conventional gasoline it produces that each subsequent quarter) would have to
is subject to the requirements of 80.27 meet that standard. The acceleration
as 9.0 RVP gasoline until the standard of the requirement under paragraph
in paragraph (k)(3)(i) of this section is (k)(3)(i) of this section, regarding com-
met. pliance with the annual average statu-
(vi) A refinery that has been granted tory baseline NOX standard, does not
an averaging period under this section affect the applicability of any other
must submit the following reports to standard or requirement applicable to
the Administrator within 30 days of the the refinery under this or any other
end of each calendar quarter: section of the Act (e.g., the refinery


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80.102 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

must still comply with the overall al- (ii) The Administrator will approve
ternative averaging period NOX stand- or disapprove any application for a dif-
ard by producing gasoline that over- ferent alternative compliance period,
complies with the annual average stat- in writing, within six months of re-
utory NOX standard by twice as much ceipt, and in the case of an approval
as the early NOX deficit generated by will include any conditions or other re-
the refinery). quirements to which the approval is
(ix) The refiner shall comply with subject;
any condition or requirement pre- (iii) Accept as specifically modified
scribed by the Administrator as part of by this section, such refinery must
the petition approval. continue to comply with all other
(x) The refinery must comply with all standards and other requirements ap-
standards in this paragraph and with plicable under the conventional gaso-
all applicable anti-dumping standards line anti-dumping standards; and
in Subpart E of this section, except the (iv) No application may result in an
NOX standard. alternative compliance period that ex-
(4) Approval or disapproval of petitions. tends beyond January 1, 2006.
The Administrator will approve or dis- (7) Violations under this paragraph (k).
approve the petition within six months Any person who fails to meet a stand-
ard or other requirement under this
of receipt, in writing, and in the case of
paragraph (k) shall be liable for pen-
an approval will include any conditions
alties under 80.5. Additionally, in the
or requirements to which the approval
event that the refiner fails to achieve
is subject.
the required NOX benefit calculated
(5) Effective date for alternative aver- under paragraph (k)(3)(ii) of this sec-
aging period. (i) For an approved peti- tion, any NOX credits still banked
tion, the alternative averaging period under paragraph (k)(3)(iii) of this sec-
shall become effective with the first tion shall be forfeit.
day of the next calendar quarter, un-
less the first day of a later calendar [59 FR 7860, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
quarter is requested. FR 36968, July 20, 1994; 60 FR 40008, Aug. 4,
1995; 62 FR 9884, Mar. 4, 1997; 62 FR 68207, Dec.
(ii) If the final quarter of the alter- 31, 1997; 64 FR 30910, June 9, 1999; 64 FR 37689,
native averaging period ends on a date July 13, 1999; 65 FR 54431, Sept. 8, 2000]
other than December 31, then the re-
finer must demonstrate compliance 80.102 Controls applicable to
with anti-dumping standards for gaso- blendstocks.
line produced during the remainder of (a) For the purposes of this subpart
that year and must demonstrate such E:
compliance via the annual report as (1) All of the following petroleum
specified in 80.105. products that are produced by a refiner
(6) Refinery request for a change in al- or imported by an importer shall be
ternative averaging period. At any point considered applicable blendstocks:
during the pendency of an alternative (i) Reformate;
conventional gasoline anti-dumping (ii) Light coker naphtha;
compliance period the Administrator (iii) FCC naphtha;
may, upon application by a refiner, ap- (iv) Benzene/toluene/xylene;
prove a different alternative compli- (v) Pyrolysis gas;
ance period for a refinery already oper- (vi) Aromatics;
ating subject to an alternative compli- (vii) Polygasoline; and
ance period. In any such case: (viii) Dimate; and
(i) A refinery for which a change in (2) Any gasoline blendstock with
the applicable alternative compliance properties such that, if oxygenate only
period is approved shall thereafter op- is added to the blendstock the result-
erate as if the refinery had originally ing blend meets the definition of gaso-
requested and received such alter- line under 80.2(c), shall be considered
native compliance period, and shall be gasoline.
subject to the standards and other re- (b)(1) Any refiner or importer of con-
quirements applicable under such al- ventional gasoline or blendstocks shall
ternative compliance period. determine the baseline blendstock-to-


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.102

gasoline ratio for each calendar year

1990 through 1993 according to the fol- BG a =
lowing formula:
BG by = where:
Vg BGa = Blendstock-to-gasoline ratio for the
current averaging period
where: Vbs = Volume of applicable blendstock pro-
duced or imported and subsequently trans-
BGby = Blendstock-to-gasoline ratio for base ferred to others during the averaging pe-
year riod
Vbs = Volume of applicable blendstock pro- Vg = Volume of conventional gasoline, refor-
duced or imported and transferred to oth- mulated gasoline and RBOB produced or
ers during the calendar year, and used to imported during the averaging period, ex-
produce gasoline cluding California gasoline as defined in
Vg = Volume of gasoline produced or im- 80.81(a)(2)
ported during the calendar year
(ii) For each averaging period until
(2)(i) Only those volumes of applica- January 1, 1998, calculate the peak
ble blendstocks for which the refiner is year blendstock-to-gasoline ratio per-
able to demonstrate the blendstock centage change according to the fol-
was used in the production of gasoline lowing formula:
may be included in baseline
blendstock-to-gasoline ratios under BG BG
paragraph (b)(1) of this section. a p
PC p = 100
(ii) The baseline volume data for ap-
plicable blendstocks and gasoline shall BG p
be confirmed through the baseline
audit requirements specified in 80.92 where:
and submitted in accordance with the PCp = Peak year blendstock-to-gasoline ratio
requirements of 80.93. percentage change
BGa = Blendstock-to-gasoline ratio for the
(c) Any refiner or importer shall cal- averaging period calculated under para-
culate the baseline cumulative graph (d)(1)(i) of this section
blendstock-to-gasoline ratio according BGp = Largest one year blendstock-to-gaso-
to the following formula: line ratio calculated under paragraph (b) of
this section
Vbs,i (2) Beginning on January 1, 1998, for
each averaging period any refiner or
i =1
BGC base = n
importer shall:

(i) Determine the running cumulative
Vg,i compliance period blendstock-to-gaso-
i =1 line ratio according to the following
BGCbase = Baseline cumulative blendstock-to- n
gasoline ratio
Vbs,i = Volume of applicable blendstock pro-
i =1
duced or imported and transferred to oth- BGC comp = n
ers during calendar year i
Vg,i = Volume of gasoline produced or im-
ported during calendar year i i =1
i = each year, 1990 through 1993, for which a
blendstock-to-gasoline ratio is calculated where:
under paragraph (b) of this section BGCcomp = Running cumulative compliance
period blendstock-to-gasoline ratio
(d)(1) For each averaging period, any
Vbs,i = Volume of applicable blendstock pro-
refiner or importer shall: duced or imported and transferred to oth-
(i) Determine the averaging period ers during averaging period i
blendstock-to-gasoline ratio according Vg,i = Volume of conventional gasoline, refor-
to the following formula: mulated gasoline and RBOB produced or


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80.102 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
imported during averaging period i, exclud- under paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this sec-
ing California gasoline as defined in tion is more than ten.
(2) Any refiner or importer that ex-
i = The current averaging period, and each of
the three immediately preceding averaging ceeds the blendstock-to-gasoline ratio
periods percentage change threshold shall,
without further notification:
(ii) Calculate the cumulative
(i) Include all blendstocks produced
blendstock-to-gasoline ratio percent-
or imported and transferred to others
age change according to the following
formula: in its compliance calculations under
80.101(g) for two averaging periods be-
ginning on January 1 of the averaging
BGC comp BGC base period subsequent to the averaging pe-
PC c = 100 riod when the exceedance occurs;
BGC base (ii) Provide transfer documents to
the recipient of such blendstock that
contain the language specified at 80.
PCc = Cumulative blendstock-to-gasoline
ratio percentage change
106(b); and
BGCcomp = Running cumulative compliance (iii) Transfer such blendstock in a
period blendstock-to-gasoline ratio as de- manner such that the ultimate blender
termined in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this sec- of such blendstocks has a reasonable
tion basis to know that such blendstock has
BGCbase = Baseline cumulative blendstock-to- been accounted for.
gasoline ratio calculated under paragraph
(c) of this section (3) Any refiner or importer that has
previously exceeded the blendstock-to-
(3) For purposes of this paragraph (d), gasoline ratio percentage change
all applicable blendstocks produced or threshold, and subsequently exceeds
imported shall be included, except the threshold for an averaging period
those for which the refiner or importer and is not granted a waiver pursuant to
has sufficient evidence in the form of paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section, shall,
documentation that the blendstocks without further notification, meet the
were: requirements specified in paragraphs
(i) Exported; (e)(2) (i) through (iii) of this section for
(ii) Used for other than gasoline four averaging periods, beginning on
blending purposes; January 1 of the averaging period fol-
(iii) Transferred to a refiner that lowing the averaging period when the
used the blendstock as a feedstock in subsequent exceedance occurs.
a refining process during which the
(f)(1) The refiner or importer
blendstock underwent a substantial
blendstock accounting requirements
chemical or physical transformation;
specified under paragraph (e) of this
section shall not apply in the case of
(iv) Transferred between refineries
any refiner or importer:
which have been grouped pursuant to
80.101(h) by a refiner for the purpose (i) Whose 1990 baseline value for each
of determining compliance under this regulated fuel property and emission
subpart; or performance, as determined in accord-
(v) Used to produce California gaso- ance with 80.91 and 80.92, is less strin-
line as defined in 80.81(a)(2). gent than the anti-dumping statutory
(e)(1) Any refiner or importer shall baseline value for that parameter or
have exceeded the blendstock-to-gaso- emissions performance;
line ratio percentage change threshold (ii) Whose averaging period
if: blendstock-to-gasoline ratio, cal-
(i) The peak year blendstock-to-gaso- culated according to paragraph (d)(1)(i)
line ratio percentage change calculated of this section, is equal to or less than
under paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this sec- .0300; or
tion is more than ten; or (iii) Who obtains a waiver from EPA,
(ii) Beginning on January 1, 1998, the provided that a petition for such a
cumulative blendstock-to-gasoline waiver is filed no later than fifteen
ratio percentage change calculated days following the end of the averaging


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.104

period for which the blendstock-to-gas- mines compliance on the basis of

oline ratio percentage change thresh- blendstocks properties under
old is exceeded. 80.101(g)(3).
(2)(i) EPA may grant the waiver re- (2)(i) The results of tests performed
ferred to in paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of this in accordance with 80.101(i);
section if the level of blendstock pro- (ii) The volume of the batch;
duction was the result of extreme or (iii) The batch number;
unusual circumstances (e.g., a natural (iv) The date of production, importa-
disaster or act of God) which clearly tion or receipt;
are outside the control of the refiner or (v) The designation regarding wheth-
importer, and which could not have er the batch is summer or winter gaso-
been avoided by the exercise of pru- line;
dence, diligence, and due care.
(vi) The product transfer documents
(ii) Any petition filed under para-
for any conventional gasoline produced
graph (f) of this section shall include
or imported;
information which describes the ex-
treme or unusual circumstance which (vii) The product transfer documents
caused the increased volume of for any conventional gasoline received;
blendstock produced or imported, the (viii) For any gasoline blendstocks
steps taken to avoid the circumstance, received by or transferred from a re-
and the steps taken to remedy or miti- finer or importer, documents that re-
gate the effect of the circumstance. flect:
(g) Notwithstanding the require- (A) The identification of the product;
ments of paragraphs (a) through (f) of (B) The date the product was trans-
this section, any refiner or importer ferred; and
that transfers applicable blendstock to (C) The volume of product;
another refiner or importer with a less (ix) In the case of any refinery-pro-
stringent baseline requirement, either duced or imported products listed in
directly or indirectly, for the purpose 80.102(a) that are excluded under
of evading a more stringent baseline 80.102(d)(3), documents which dem-
requirement, shall include such onstrate that basis for exclusion; and
blendstock(s) in determining compli- (x) In the case of oxygenate that is
ance with the applicable requirements added by a person other than the re-
of this subpart. finer or importer under
80.101(d)(4)(ii)(B), documents that sup-
[59 FR 7860, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
FR 36969, July 20, 1994]
port the volume of oxygenate claimed
by the refiner or importer, including
80.103 Registration of refiners and the contract with the oxygenate blend-
importers. er and records relating to the audits,
Any refiner or importer of conven- sampling and testing, and inspections
tional gasoline must register with the of the oxygenate blender operation.
Administrator in accordance with the (xi) In the case of blendstocks that
provisions specified at 80.76. are included in refinery compliance
calculations using the procedures
80.104 Recordkeeping requirements. under 80.101(g)(3), documents that re-
Any refiner or importer shall main- flect the volume of blendstock and the
tain records containing the informa- volume of gasoline with which the
tion as required by this section. blendstock is blended.
(a) Beginning in 1995, for each aver- (b) Any refiner or importer shall re-
aging period: tain the documents required in this
(1) Documents containing the infor- section for a period of five years from
mation specified in paragraph (a)(2) of the date the conventional gasoline or
this section shall be obtained for: blendstock is produced or imported,
(i) Each batch of conventional gaso- and deliver such documents to the Ad-
line, and blendstock if blendstock ac- ministrator of EPA upon the Adminis-
counting is required under 80.102(e)(2); trators request.
or [59 FR 7860, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
(ii) Each batch of blendstock received FR 36969, July 20, 1994; 62 FR 68208, Dec. 31,
in the case of any refiner that deter- 1997]


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80.105 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

80.105 Reporting requirements. (J) The average T90 distillation point

under 80.101(g) in degrees Fahrenheit;
(a) Beginning with the 1995 averaging
period, and for each subsequent aver- and
aging period, any refiner for each refin- (K) The difference between the appli-
ery or group of refineries at which any cable T90 distillation point standard
conventional gasoline is produced, and under 80.101(b)(1)(iv) in degrees Fahr-
any importer that imports any conven- enheit and the average T90 distillation
tional gasoline, shall submit to the Ad- point under paragraph (a)(4)(i)(J) of
ministrator a report which contains this section in degrees Fahrenheit, in-
the following information: dicating whether the average is greater
(1) The total gallons of conventional or lesser than the applicable standard.
gasoline produced or imported; (ii) If using the optional complex
(2)(i) The total gallons of applicable model, the applicable exhaust benzene
blendstocks produced or imported and emissions standard and the average ex-
transferred to others that are not ex- haust benzene emissions, under
cluded under 80.102(d)(3); and 80.101(b)(2) and (g).
(ii) The total gallons of applicable (iii) If using the complex model:
blendstocks produced or imported and (A) The applicable exhaust toxics
transferred to others that are excluded emissions standard and the average ex-
under 80.102(d)(3); haust toxics emissions, under
(3) The total gallons of blendstocks 80.101(b)(3) and (g); and
included in compliance calculations (B) The applicable NOX emissions
pursuant to 80.102(e)(2); standard and the average NOX emis-
(4)(i) If using the simple model: sions, under 80.101(b)(3) and (g).
(A) The applicable exhaust benzene (5) The following information for
emissions standard under each batch of conventional gasoline or
80.101(b)(1)(i); batch of blendstock included under
(B) The average exhaust benzene paragraph (a) of this section:
emissions under 80.101(g); (i) The batch number;
(C) The applicable sulfur content (ii) The date of production;
standard under 80.101(b)(1)(ii) in parts (iii) The volume of the batch;
per million;
(iv) The grade of gasoline produced
(D) The average sulfur content under (i.e., premium, mid-grade, or regular);
80.101(g) in parts per million; and
(E) The difference between the appli-
(v) The properties, pursuant to
cable sulfur content standard under
80.101(i); and
80.101(b)(1)(ii) in parts per million and
the average sulfur content under para- (6) Such other information as EPA
graph (a)(4)(i)(D) of this section in may require.
parts per million, indicating whether (b) The reporting requirements of
the average is greater or lesser than paragraph (a) of this section do not
the applicable standard; apply in the case of any conventional
(F) The applicable olefin content gasoline or gasoline blendstock that is
standard under 80.101(b)(1)(iii) in vol- excluded from a refiners or importers
ume percent; compliance calculation pursuant to
(G) The average olefin content under 80.101(e).
80.101(g) in volume percent; (c) For each averaging period, each
(H) The difference between the appli- refiner and importer shall cause to be
cable olefin content standard under submitted to the Administrator of
80.101(b)(1)(iii) in volume percent and EPA, by May 30 of each year, a report
the average olefin content under para- in accordance with the requirements
graph (a)(4)(i)(G) of this section in vol- for the Attest Engagements of 80.125
ume percent, indicating whether the through 80.131.
average is greater or lesser than the (d) The report required by paragraph
applicable standard; (a) of this section shall be:
(I) The applicable T90 distillation (1) Submitted on forms and following
point standard under 80.101(b)(1)(iv) in procedures specified by the Adminis-
degrees Fahrenheit; trator of EPA;


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.125

(2) Submitted to EPA by the last day 80.10780.124 [Reserved]

of February each year for the prior cal-
endar year averaging period; and Subpart FAttest Engagements
(3) Signed and certified as correct by
the owner or a responsible corporate SOURCE: 59 FR 7875, Feb. 16, 1994, unless
officer of the refiner or importer. otherwise noted.
[59 FR 7860, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59 80.125 Attest engagements.
FR 36969, July 20, 1994; 60 FR 65575, Dec. 20,
1995] (a) Any refiner, importer, and oxy-
genate blender subject to the require-
80.106 Product transfer documents. ments of this subpart F shall engage an
independent certified public account-
(a)(1) On each occasion when any per-
ant, or firm of such accountants (here-
son transfers custody or title to any inafter referred to in this subpart F as
conventional gasoline, the transferor CPA), to perform an agreed-upon
shall provide to the transferee docu- procedure attestation engagement of
ments which include the following in- the underlying documentation that
formation: forms the basis of the reports required
(i) The name and address of the by 80.75 and 80.105.
transferor; (b) The CPA shall perform the attes-
(ii) The name and address of the tation engagements in accordance with
transferee; the Statements on Standards for Attes-
(iii) The volume of gasoline being tation Engagements.
transferred; (c) The CPA may complete the re-
(iv) The location of the gasoline at quirements of this subpart F with the
assistance of internal auditors who are
the time of the transfer;
employees or agents of the refiner, im-
(v) The date of the transfer;
porter, or oxygenate blender, so long as
(vi) In the case of transferors or such assistance is in accordance with
transferees who are refiners or import- the Statements on Standards for Attes-
ers, the EPA-assigned registration tation Engagements.
number of those persons; and (d) Notwithstanding the require-
(vii) The following statement: This ments of paragraph (a) of this section,
product does not meet the require- any refiner, importer, or oxygenate
ments for reformulated gasoline, and blender may satisfy the requirements
may not be used in any reformulated of this subpart F if the requirements of
gasoline covered area. this subpart F are completed by an
(2) The requirements of paragraph auditor who is an employee of the re-
(a)(1) of this section apply to product finer, importer, or oxygenate blender,
that becomes gasoline upon the addi- provided that such employee:
tion of oxygenate only. (1) Is an internal auditor certified by
(b) On each occasion when any person the Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc.
transfers custody or title to any (hereinafter referred to in this subpart
F as CIA); and
blendstock that has been included in
(2) Completes the internal audits in
the refiners or importers compliance
accordance with the Codification of
calculations under 80.102(e)(2), the Standards for the Professional Practice
transferor shall provide to the trans- of Internal Auditing.
feree documents which include the fol- (e) Use of a CPA or CIA who is
lowing statement: For purposes of the debarred, suspended, or proposed for
Anti-Dumping requirements under 40 debarment pursuant to the Govern-
CFR part 80, subpart E, this blendstock mentwide Debarment and Suspension
has been accounted for by the refiner Regulations, 40 CFR part 32, or the De-
that produced it, and must be excluded barment, Suspension, and Ineligibility
from any subsequent compliance cal- Provisions of the Federal Acquisition
culations. Regulations, 48 CFR part 9, subpart 9.4,


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80.126 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

shall be deemed in noncompliance with (c) Designation records shall include

the requirements of this section. laboratory analysis reports that iden-
(f) The following documents are in- tify whether gasoline meets the re-
corporated by reference: the State- quirements for a given designation;
ments on Standards for Attestation operational and accounting reports of
Engagements, Codification of State- product storage; and product transfer
ments on Auditing Standards, written documents.
by the American Institute of Certified (d) Oxygenate blender records shall in-
Public Accountants, Inc., 1991, and pub- clude laboratory analysis reports; re-
lished by the Commerce Clearing
finer, importer and oxygenate blender
House, Inc., Identification Number
contracts; quality assurance program
059021, and the Codification of Stand-
records; product transfer documents;
ards for the Professional Practice of In-
ternal Auditing, written and published oxygenate purchasing, inventory, and
by the Institute of Internal Auditors, usage records; and daily tank inven-
Inc., 1989, Identification Number ISBN tory gauging reports, meter tickets,
0894132075. These incorporations by and product transfer documents.
reference were approved by the Direc- (e) Product transfer documents shall
tor of the Federal Register in accord- include documents that reflect the
ance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR transfer of ownership or physical cus-
part 51. Copies of the Statements on tody of gasoline or blendstock, includ-
Standards for Attestation Engage- ing invoices, receipts, bills of lading,
ments may be obtained from the Amer- manifests, and pipeline tickets.
ican Institute of Certified Public Ac- (f) A tender means the physical trans-
countants, Inc., 1211 Avenue of the fer of custody of a volume of gasoline
Americas, New York, New York 10036, or other petroleum product all of which
and copies of the Codification of Stand- has the same identification (reformu-
ards for the Professional Practice of In- lated gasoline, conventional gasoline,
ternal Auditing may be obtained from RBOB, and other non-finished gasoline
the Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc., petroleum products), and characteris-
249 Maitland Avenue, Altamonte tics (time and place of use restrictions
Springs, Florida 327014201. Copies may
for reformulated gasoline).
be inspected at the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of the Air (g) Volume records shall include sum-
Docket, 401 M St., SW., Washington, maries of gasoline produced or im-
DC., or at the Office of the Federal ported that account for the volume of
Register, 800 North Capitol Street, each type of gasoline produced or im-
NW., suite 700, Washington DC. ported. The volumes shall be based on
tank gauges or meter reports and tem-
[59 FR 7875, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
perature adjusted to 60 degrees Fahr-
FR 36969, July 20, 1994]
80.126 Definitions.
80.127 Sample size guidelines.
The following definitions shall apply
for the purposes of this subpart F: In performing the attest engagement,
(a) Averaging compliance records shall the auditor shall sample relevant popu-
include the calculations used to deter- lations to which agreed-upon proce-
mine compliance with relevant stand- dures will be applied using the methods
ards on average, for each averaging pe- specified in this section, which shall
riod and for each quantity of gasoline constitute a representative sample.
for which standards must be achieved (a) Sample items shall be selected in
separately. such a way as to comprise a simple
(b) Credit trading records shall include random sample of each relevant popu-
worksheets and EPA reports showing lation; and
actual and complying totals for oxygen (b) Sample size shall be determined
and benzene; credit calculation work- using one of the following options:
sheets; contracts; letter agreements; (1) Option 1. Determine the sample
and invoices and other documentation size using the following table:
evidencing the transfer of credits.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.128

SAMPLE SIZE, BASED UPON POPULATION SIZE formulated gasoline, RBOB, conven-
tional gasoline, and non-finished-gaso-
No. in population (N) Sample size
line petroleum products.
66 and larger ......................... 29 (1) Test the mathematical accuracy
4165 ..................................... 25
2640 ..................................... 20
of the calculations contained in the
025 ....................................... N or 19, whichever is smaller. listings.
(2) Agree the listings of tenders vol-
(2) Option 2. Determine the sample umes to the gasoline inventory rec-
size in such a manner that the sample onciliation in paragraph (b) of this sec-
size is equal to that which would result tion.
by using the following parameters and (3) Agree the listings of tenders vol-
standard statistical methodologies: umes, where applicable, to the EPA re-
Confidence Level95% ports.
Expected Error Rate0% (d) Select a representative sample
Maximum Tolerable Error Rate10% from the listing of reformulated gaso-
(3) Option 3. The auditor may use line tenders, and for this sample:
some other form of sample selection (1) Agree the volumes to the product
and/or some other method to determine transfer documents;
the sample size, provided that the re- (2) Compare the product transfer doc-
sulting sample affords equal or better uments designation for consistency
strength of inference and freedom from with the time and place, and compli-
bias (as compared with paragraphs ance model designations for the tender
(b)(1) and (2) of this section), and that (VOC-controlled or non-VOC-con-
the auditor summarizes the substitute trolled, VOC region for VOC-controlled,
methods and clearly demonstrates summer or winter gasoline, and simple
their equivalence in the final report on or complex model certified); and
the audit. (3) Trace back to the batch or
batches in which the gasoline was pro-
80.128 Agreed upon procedures for duced or imported. Obtain the refiners
refiners and importers.
or importers internal laboratory anal-
The following are the minimum at- yses for each batch and compare such
test procedures that shall be carried analyses for consistency with the anal-
out for each refinery and importer. yses results reported to EPA and to the
Agreed upon procedures may vary from time and place designations for the
the procedures stated in this section tenders product transfer documents.
due to the nature of the refiners or im- (e) Select a representative sample
porters business or records, provided from the listing of RBOB tenders, and
that any refiner or importer desiring to for this sample:
modify procedures obtains prior ap-
(1) Agree the volumes to the original
proval from EPA.
product transfer documents;
(a) Read the refiners or importers
reports filed with EPA for the previous (2) Determine that the requisite con-
year as required by 80.75, 80.83(g), and tract was in place with the downstream
80.105. blender designating the required blend-
(b) Obtain a gasoline inventory rec- ing procedures, or that the refiner or
onciliation analysis for the current importer accounted for the RBOB using
year from the refiner or importer the assumptions in 80.69(a)(8) in the
which includes reformulated gasoline, case of RBOB designated as any oxy-
RBOB, conventional gasoline, and non- genate, or ether only, or using the
finished-gasoline petroleum products. assumptions in 80.83(c)(1)(ii) (A) and
(1) Test the mathematical accuracy (B) in the case of RBOB designated as
of the calculations contained in the any renewable oxygenate, non VOC
analysis. controlled renewable ether only, or
(2) Agree the beginning and ending renewable ether only;
inventories to the refiners or import- (3) Review the product transfer docu-
ers perpetual inventory records. ments for the indication of the type
(c) Obtain separate listings of all and amount of oxygenate required to
tenders during the current year of re- be added to the RBOB;


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80.128 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(4) Trace back to the batch or (i) Determine if the refiner or im-
batches in which the RBOB was pro- porter had a contract in place with the
duced or imported. Obtain refiners or downstream blender during the period
importers internal lab analysis for oxygenate was blended;
each batch and agree the consistency (ii) Determine if the refiner or im-
of the type and volume of oxygenate porter has records reflecting that it
required to be added to the RBOB with conducted physical inspections of the
that indicated in applicable tenders downstream blending operation during
product transfer documents; the period oxygenate was blended;
(5) Agree the sampling and testing (iii) Obtain a listing from the refiner
frequency of the refiners or importers or importer of the batches of conven-
downstream oxygenated blender qual- tional gasoline or conventional sub-oc-
ity assurance program with the sam- tane blendstock, and the compliance
pling and testing rates as required in calculations which include oxygenate
80.69(a)(7); and blended by the downstream oxygenate
(6) In the case of RBOB designated as blender, and test the mathematical ac-
any renewable oxygenate, non VOC curacy of the calculations contained in
controlled renewable ether or renew- this listing;
able ether only, review the docu- (iv) Obtain a listing from the down-
mentation from the producer of the ox- stream oxygenate blender of the oxy-
ygenate to determine if the oxygenate genate blended with conventional gaso-
meets the requirements of 80.83(a). line or sub-octane blendstock that was
produced or imported by the refiner or
(f) Select a representative sample of
importer. Test the mathematical accu-
reformulated gasoline and RBOB
racy of the calculations in this listing.
batches produced by computerized in-
Agree the overall oxygenate blending
line blending, and for this sample:
listing obtained from the refiner or im-
(1) Obtain the composite sample in- porter with the listing obtained from
ternal laboratory analyses results; and the downstream oxygenate blender. Se-
(2) Agree the results of the internal lect a representative sample of oxygen-
laboratory analyses to the quarterly ate blending listing obtained from the
batch information submitted to the downstream oxygenate blender, and for
EPA. this sample:
(g) Select a representative sample (A) Using product transfer docu-
from the listing of the tenders of con- ments, determine if the oxygenate was
ventional gasoline and conventional blended with conventional gasoline or
gasoline blendstock that becomes gaso- conventional sub-octane blendstock
line through the addition of oxygenate that was produced by the refiner or im-
only, and for this sample: ported by the importer; and
(1) Agree the volumes to the product (B) Agree the oxygenate volume with
transfer documents; the refiners or importers listing of ox-
(2) For a representative sample of ygenate claimed for this gasoline;
tenders, trace back to the batch or (v) Obtain a listing of the sampling
batches in which the gasoline was pro- and testing conducted by the refiner or
duced or imported. Obtain the refiners importer over the downstream oxygen-
or importers internal laboratory anal- ate blending operation. Select a rep-
yses for each batch and compare such resentative sample of the test results
analyses for consistency with the anal- from this listing, and for this sample
yses results reported to EPA; and agree the tested oxygenate volume
(3) Where the refiner or importer has with the oxygenate use listings from
included oxygenate that is blended the refiner or importer, and from the
downstream of the refinery or import oxygenate blender; and
facility in its compliance calculations (vi) Obtain a copy of the records re-
in accordance with 80.101(d)(4)(ii), ob- flecting the refiner or importer audit
tain a listing of each downstream oxy- over the downstream oxygenate blend-
genate blending operation from which ing operation. Review these records for
the refiner or importer is claiming oxy- indications that the audit included re-
genate for use in compliance calcula- view of the overall volumes and type of
tions, and for each such operation: oxygenate purchased and used by the


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.128

oxygenate blender to be consistent (i) Agree the volumes to records sup-

with the oxygenate claimed by the re- porting the transfer of the tender to
finer or importer and that this oxygen- another person;
ate was blended with the refiners or (ii) Trace back to the batch or
importers gasoline or blending stock. batches in which the non-finished-gaso-
(h) In the case of a refiner or im- line petroleum product was produced or
porter that is not exempt from imported. Obtain the refiners or im-
blendstock tracking under 80.102(f): porters internal laboratory analysis
(1) Obtain listings for those tenders for each batch and compare such anal-
of non-finished-gasoline classified by ysis for consistency with the product
the refiner or importer as: type assigned by the refiner or im-
porter (e.g., reformate, light coker
(i) Applicable blendstock which is in-
naphtha, etc.), and that this product
cluded in the refiners or importers
type is included in the applicable
blendstock tracking calculations pur-
blendstock list at 80.102(a); and
suant to 80.102(b) through (d);
(iii) Obtain the documents that dem-
(ii) Applicable blendstock which is onstrate the purpose for which the
exempt pursuant to 80.102(d)(3) from product was used, and agree that the
inclusion in the refiners or importers documented purpose is one of those
blendstock tracking calculations pur- specified at 80.102(d)(3).
suant to 80.102 (b) through (d); and (7) Select a representative sample
(iii) All other non-finished-gasoline from the listing of all other non-fin-
petroleum products. ished-gasoline petroleum products, and
(2) Test the mathematical accuracy for such sample:
of the calculations contained in the (i) Agree the volumes to records sup-
analysis. porting the transfer of the tender to
(3) Agree the listings of tenders vol- another person;
umes to the gasoline inventory rec- (ii) Trace back to the batch or
onciliation in paragraph (b) of this sec- batches in which the non-finished-gaso-
tion. line petroleum product was produced or
(4) Agree the EPA report for the vol- imported. Obtain the refiners or im-
ume classified as applicable blendstock porters internal laboratory analysis
pursuant to the requirements of for each batch and compare such anal-
80.102. ysis for consistency with the product-
(5) Select a representative sample type assigned by the refiner or im-
from the listing of applicable porter (e.g., alkylate, isobutane, etc.),
blendstock which is reported to EPA, and agree that this product type is ex-
and for such sample: cluded from the applicable blendstock
list at 80.102(a).
(i) Agree the volumes to records sup-
(i) In the case of a refiner or importer
porting the transfer of the tender to
required to account for blendstocks
another person; and
produced or imported under
(ii) Trace back to the batch or 80.102(e)(2):
batches in which the non-finished-gaso- (1) Obtain listings for those tenders
line petroleum product was produced or of non-finished-gasoline tenders classi-
imported. Obtain the refiners or im- fied by the refiner or importer as:
porters internal laboratory analysis (i) Blendstock which is included in
for each batch and compare such anal- the compliance calculations for the re-
ysis for consistency with the product finery or importer; and
type assigned by the refiner or im- (ii) All other non-finished-gasoline
porter (e.g., reformate, light coker petroleum products;
naphtha, etc.), and that this product (2) Test the mathematical accuracy
type is included in the applicable of the calculations contained in the
blendstock list at 80.102(a). listings under paragraph (i)(1) of this
(6) Select a representative sample section;
from the listing of applicable (3) Agree the listings of tenders vol-
blendstock which is exempt from inclu- umes to the gasoline inventory rec-
sion in the blendstock tracking report onciliation in paragraph (b) of this sec-
to EPA, and for such sample: tion;


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80.129 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(4) Select a representative sample (1) Test the mathematical accuracy

from the listing of blendstock tenders of the calculations contained in the
which are included in the compliance analysis.
calculations for the refinery or im- (2) Agree the beginning and ending
porter, and for such sample: inventory to the blenders perpetual in-
(i) Agree the volumes to records sup- ventory records.
porting the transfer of the tender to (3) Agree the analysis, where applica-
another person; ble, to the EPA reports.
(ii) Review the product transfer docu- (c) Obtain a listing of all RBOB re-
ments for the statement indicating the ceipts for the previous year.
blendstock has been accounted-for, and (1) Test the mathematical accuracy
may not be included in another partys of the volumetric calculations con-
compliance calculations; and tained in the listing.
(iii) Trace back to the batch or (2) Agree the volumetric calculations
batches in which the blendstock was of RBOB receipts to the calculations
produced or imported. Obtain the refin- contained in the material balance anal-
ers or importers internal laboratory ysis.
analyses for each batch and compare (3) Select a representative sample of
such analyses for consistency with the RBOB receipts from the listing. Review
analyses results reported to EPA; and the product transfer documents for the
(5) Select a representative sample indication of the type and volume of
from the listing of tenders of non-fin- oxygenate required to be added to the
ished-gasoline petroleum products that RBOB.
are excluded from the refiners or im- (d) Obtain a listing of all reformu-
porters compliance calculations, and lated gasoline batches produced by the
for such sample confirm that docu- blender during the previous year.
ments demonstrate the petroleum (1) Test the mathematical accuracy
products were used for a purpose other of the volumetric calculations con-
than the production of gasoline within tained in the listing.
the United States. (2) Agree the volumetric calculations
contained in the listing to the calcula-
[59 FR 7875, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59
FR 36969, July 20, 1994; 59 FR 39292, Aug. 2,
tions contained in the material balance
1994; 62 FR 60136, Nov. 6, 1997] analysis.
(3) Select a representative sample of
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 59 FR 39292, Aug. the batches from the listing, and for
2, 1994, 80.128 was amended by revising para-
these batches:
graphs (a) and (e)(2); removing and at the
end of paragraph (e)(4); removing the period (i) Obtain the blenders records that
at the end of paragraph (e)(5) and adding ; indicate the volume and type of oxy-
and in its place; and adding paragraph (e)(6) genate that was blended, the volume of
effective September 1, 1994. At 59 FR 60715, RBOB that was blended and the prod-
Nov. 28, 1994, the amendment was stayed ef- uct transfer documents for the RBOB,
fective September 13, 1994. and the internal lab analysis where ap-
80.129 Agreed upon procedures for (ii) Agree the consistency of the type
downstream oxygenate blenders.
and volume of oxygenate added to the
The following are the procedures to RBOB with that indicated to be added
be carried out at each oxygenate blend- in the RBOBs product transfer docu-
ing facility that is subject to the re- ments;
quirements of this subpart F: (iii) In the case of RBOB designated
(a) Read the oxygenate blenders re- as any renewable oxygenate, non
ports filed with the EPA for the pre- VOC controlled renewable ether only,
vious year as required by 80.75 and or renewable ether only, review the
80.83(g). documentation from the producer of
(b) Obtain a material balance anal- the oxygenate to determine if the oxy-
ysis summarizing receipts of RBOB and genate meets the requirements of
oxygenate to the blender, and the de- 80.83(a);
liveries of reformulated gasoline from (iv) Recalculate the actual oxygen
the blender. content based on the volumes blended


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.140

and agree to the report to EPA on oxy- have the meaning given them in 40
gen; and CFR part 80, subpart A, or, if not de-
(v) Review the time and place des- fined in 40 CFR part 80, subpart A, shall
ignations in the product transfer docu- have the meaning given them in 40
ments prepared for the batch by the CFR part 79, subpart A.
blender, for consistency with the time Additization means the addition of de-
and place designations in the product tergent to gasoline or post-refinery
transfer documents for the RBOB (e.g. component in order to create deter-
VOC-controlled or non-VOC-controlled, gent-additized gasoline or detergent-
VOC region for VOC-controlled, and additized post-refinery component.
simple or complex model). Automated detergent blending facility
(e) Agree the sampling and testing means any facility (including, but not
frequency of the blenders quality as- limited to, a truck or individual stor-
surance program with the sampling age tank) at which detergent is blended
and testing rates required in 80.69. with gasoline or post-refinery compo-
[59 FR 7875, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59 nent, by means of an injector system
FR 36969, July 20, 1994; 59 FR 39292, Aug. 2, calibrated to automatically deliver a
1994; 62 FR 60136, Nov. 6, 1997] prescribed amount of detergent.
Base gasoline means any gasoline that
2, 1994, 80.129 was amended by revising para- does not contain detergent.
graphs (a), (d)(3)(iii) and (d)(3)(iv), and add- Carburetor deposits means the deposits
ing paragraph (d)(3)(v) effective September 1, formed in the carburetor during oper-
1994. At 59 FR 60715, Nov. 28, 1994, the amend- ation of a carburetted gasoline engine
ment was stayed effective September 13, 1994. which can disrupt the ability of the
carburetor to maintain the proper air/
80.130 Agreed upon procedures re- fuel ratio.
ports. Carrier of detergent means any dis-
(a) Reports. (1) The CPA or CIA shall tributor of detergent who transports or
issue to the refiner, importer, or blend- stores or causes the transportation or
er a report summarizing the procedures storage of detergent without taking
performed and the findings in accord- title to or otherwise having any owner-
ance with the attest engagement or in- ship of the detergent, and without al-
ternal audit performed in compliance tering either the quality or quantity of
with this subpart. the detergent.
(2) The refiner, importer or blender Deposit control effectiveness means the
shall provide a copy of the auditors re- ability of a detergent additive package
port to the EPA within the time speci- to prevent the formation of deposits in
fied in 80.75(m). gasoline engines.
(b) Record retention. The CPA or CIA Deposit control efficiency means the
shall retain all records pertaining to degree to which a detergent additive
the performance of each agreed upon package at a given concentration in
procedure and pertaining to the cre- gasoline is effective in limiting the for-
ation of the agreed upon procedures re- mation of deposits. The addition of in-
port for a period of five years from the active ingredients to a detergent addi-
date of creation and shall deliver such tive package, to the extent that this
records to the Administrator upon re- addition dilutes the concentration of
quest. the detergent-active components, re-
duces the deposit control efficiency of
80.13180.135 [Reserved] the package.
Detergent additive package means any
Subpart GDetergent Gasoline chemical compound or combination of
chemical compounds, including carrier
SOURCE: 59 FR 54706, Nov. 1, 1994, unless oils, that may be added to gasoline, or
otherwise noted. to post-refinery component blended
with gasoline, in order to control de-
80.140 Definitions. posit formation. Carrier oil means an
The definitions in this section apply oil that may be added to the package
only to subpart G of this part. Any to mediate or otherwise enhance the
terms not defined in this subpart shall detergent chemicals ability to control


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80.141 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

deposits. A detergent additive package the manual addition of detergent, or at

may contain non-detergent-active com- which detergent is blended with these
ponents such as corrosion inhibitors, substances by any means that is not
antioxidants, metal deactivators, and automated.
handling solvents. Intake valve deposits (IVD) means the
Detergent blender means any person deposits formed on the intake valve(s)
who owns, leases, operates, controls or during operation of a gasoline engine,
supervises the blending operation of a as evaluated by weight.
detergent blending facility, or imports Leaded gasoline means gasoline which
detergent-additized gasoline or deter- is produced with the use of any lead ad-
gent-additized post-refinery compo- ditive or which contains more than 0.05
nent. gram of lead per gallon or more than
Detergent blending facility means any 0.005 gram of phosphorus per gallon.
facility (including, but not limited to, Manufacturer of detergent means any
a truck or individual storage tank) at person who owns, leases, operates, con-
which detergent is blended with gaso- trols, or supervises a facility that man-
line or post-refinery component. ufactures detergent. Pursuant to the
Detergent-active components means the definition in 40 CFR 79.2(f), a manufac-
components of a detergent additive turer of detergent is also considered an
package which act to prevent the for- additive manufacturer.
mation of deposits, including, but not Post-refinery component means any
necessarily limited to, the actual de- gasoline blending stock or any oxygen-
tergent chemical and any carrier oil (if ate which is blended with gasoline sub-
present) that acts to enhance the de- sequent to the gasoline refining proc-
tergents ability to control deposits. ess.
Detergent-additized gasoline (also Repeatability of a test method means
called detergent gasoline) means any the amount of random error which is
gasoline that contains base gasoline expected to affect the results obtained
and detergent. for a given test substance, when the
Detergent-additized post-refinery com- test is replicated by a single operator
ponent means any post-refinery compo- in a given laboratory within a short pe-
nent that contains detergent. riod of time, using the same apparatus
Distributor of detergent means any per- under constant operating conditions.
son who transports or stores or causes Quantitatively, it is the difference be-
the transportation or storage of deter- tween two such single results that
gent at any point between its manufac- would be exceeded in the long run in
ture and its introduction into gasoline. only one out of twenty normal and cor-
Fuel injector deposits (also known as rect replications of the test method.
port fuel injector deposits or PFID) [59 FR 54706, Nov. 1, 1994, as amended at 61
means the deposits formed on fuel in- FR 35356, July 5, 1996]
jector(s) during and after operation of
a gasoline engine, as evaluated by the 80.141 Interim detergent gasoline
reduction in the gasoline flow rate program.
through the fuel injector(s). (a) Effective dates of requirements. (1)
Gasoline means any fuel for use in Until June 30, 1997, the products listed
motor vehicles and motor vehicle en- in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (iii) of
gines, including both highway and off- this section must comply with either
highway vehicles and engines, and the interim program requirements de-
commonly or commercially known or scribed in this section or the certifi-
sold as gasoline. The term gasoline cation program requirements described
is inclusive of base gasoline, detergent in 80.161. Beginning July 1, 1997, the
gasoline, and base gasoline or deter- listed products must comply with the
gent gasoline that has been commin- requirements in 80.161. These dates
gled with post-refinery component. and requirements apply to:
Hand blending detergent facility means (i) All gasoline sold or transferred to
any facility (including, but not limited a party who sells or transfers gasoline
to, a truck or individual storage tank) to the ultimate consumer;
at which detergent is blended with gas- (ii) All additized post-refinery com-
oline or post-refinery component by ponent (PRC); and


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.141

(iii) All detergent additives sold or this subpart, under the provisions of
transferred for use in gasoline or PRC paragraph (g) of this section.
for compliance with the requirements (1) Compositional data. The
of this subpart. compositional data supplied to EPA by
(2) Until July 31, 1997, all gasoline the additive manufacturer for purpose
sold or transferred to the ultimate con- of registering a detergent additive
sumer must contain detergent addi- package under 79.21(a) of this chapter
tive(s) meeting either the interim re- must include:
quirements of this 80.141 or the cer- (i) A complete listing of the compo-
tification program requirements of nents of the detergent additive pack-
80.161. Beginning August 1, 1997, such age, using standard chemical nomen-
gasoline must contain detergent addi- clature when possible or providing the
tive(s) meeting the certification re- chemical structure of any component
quirements of 80.161. for which the standard chemical name
(b) Applicability of gasoline and PRC is not precise. Polymeric components
detergency requirement; responsible par- may be reported as the product of
ties. (1) Except as specifically exempted other chemical reactants, provided
in 80.160, the detergency requirements that the supporting data specified in
of this subpart apply to all gasoline, 80.162(b) is also reported for such com-
whether intended for on-highway or ponents.
nonroad use, including conventional, (ii) The weight and/or volume percent
reformulated, oxygenated, and leaded (as applicable) of each component of
gasolines, as well as the gasoline com- the package, with variability in these
ponent of fuel mixtures of gasoline and amounts restricted according to the
alcohol fuels, gasoline used as marine provisions of paragraph (c)(2) of this
fuel, gasoline service accumulation section.
fuel (as described in 86.11394(a)(1) of (iii) For each detergent-active com-
this chapter), the gasoline component ponent of the package, classification
of fuel mixtures of gasoline and meth- into one of the following designations:
anol used for service accumulation in (A) Polyalkyl amine;
flexible fuel vehicles (as described in (B) Polyether amine;
86.11394(d) of this chapter), gasoline (C) Polyalkylsuccinimide;
used for factory fill purposes, and all (D) Polyalkylaminophenol;
additized PRC. (E) Detergent-active carrier oil; and
(2) Pursuant to paragraphs (c) (F) Other detergent-active compo-
through (f) of this section, compliance nent.
with these requirements is the respon- (2) Allowable variation in compositional
sibility of parties who directly or indi- data. (i) A single detergent additive
rectly sell or dispense gasoline to the registration may contain no variation
ultimate consumer as well as parties in the identity of any of the detergent-
who manufacture, supply, or transfer active components identified pursuant
detergent additives or detergent- to paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of this section.
additized post-refinery components. (ii) A single detergent additive reg-
(c) Detergent registration requirements. istration may specify a range of con-
To be eligible for use by fuel manufac- centrations for identified detergent-ac-
turers in complying with the gasoline tive components, provided that, if each
detergency requirements of this sub- such component were present in the de-
part, a detergent additive package tergent additive package at the lower
must be registered by its manufacturer bound of its reported range of con-
under 40 CFR part 79 according to the centration, the minimum rec-
specifications in paragraphs (c) (1) ommended concentration reported in
through (3) of this section. After evalu- accordance with the requirements of
ating the adequacy of registration data paragraph (c)(3) of this section would
provided by the detergent manufac- still provide the deposit control effec-
turer pursuant to these requirements, tiveness claimed by the detergent reg-
if EPA finds the data to be deficient, istrant.
EPA may disqualify the detergent (iii) The identity or concentration of
package for use in complying with the non-detergent-active components of
gasoline detergency requirements of the detergent additive package may


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80.141 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

vary under a single registration, pro- sent or faxed to the address in

vided that the range of such variation 80.174(c).
is specified in the registration, and (3) Minimum recommended concentra-
that such variability does not reduce tion. (i) The lower boundary of the rec-
the deposit control effectiveness of the ommended range of concentration for
additive package as compared with the the detergent additive package in gaso-
level of effectiveness claimed by the line, which the additive manufacturer
detergent registrant pursuant to the must report pursuant to the registra-
requirements of paragraph (c)(3) of this tion requirements in 79.21(d) of this
section. chapter, must equal or exceed the min-
(iv) Except as provided in paragraph imum concentration which the manu-
(c)(2)(v) of this section, detergent addi- facturer has determined to be nec-
tive packages which do not satisfy essary for the control of deposits in the
these restrictions must be separately associated fuel type, pursuant to para-
registered. EPA may disqualify an ad- graph (e) of this section. The minimum
ditive for use in satisfying the require- recommended concentration shall be
ments of this subpart if EPA deter- provided to EPA in units of gallons of
mines that the variability included detergent additive package per thou-
within a given detergent additive reg- sand gallons of gasoline or PRC, re-
istration may reduce the deposit con- ported to four digits. This concentra-
trol effectiveness of the detergent tion is the lowest additive concentra-
package such that it could invalidate tion (LAC) referred to elsewhere in this
the minimum recommended concentra- subpart.
tion reported in accordance with the (ii) The minimum concentration re-
requirements of paragraph (c)(3) of this ported in the detergent registration ac-
section. cording to the provisions of paragraph
(v) A change in minimum concentra- (c)(3)(i) of this section must also be
tion requirements resulting from a communicated in writing by the addi-
modification of detergent additive tive manufacturer to each fuel manu-
composition shall not require a new de- facturer who purchases the subject de-
tergent additive registration or a tergent for purpose of compliance with
change in existing registration if: the gasoline detergency requirements
(A) The modification is effected by a of this subpart, and to any additive
detergent blender only for its own use manufacturer who purchases the sub-
or for the use of parties which are sub- ject additive with the intent of resell-
sidiaries of, or share common owner- ing it to a fuel manufacturer for this
ship with, the blender, and the modi- purpose.
fied detergent is not sold or transferred (iii) Pursuant to the requirements of
to other parties; and paragraph (e) of this section, EPA may
(B) The modification is a dilution of require the additive manufacturer to
the additive for the purpose of ensuring submit data to support the deposit con-
proper detergent flow in cold weather; trol effectiveness of the detergent
and package at the specified minimum ef-
(C) Gasoline is the only diluting fective concentration. EPA may dis-
agent used; and qualify an additive for use in satisfying
(D) The diluted detergent is subse- the requirements of this subpart upon
quently added to gasoline at a rate finding that the supporting data is in-
that attains the detergents registered adequate. Manufacturers may be sub-
minimum recommended concentration, ject to the liabilities and enforcement
taking into account the dilution; and actions in 80.156 and 80.159 if such a
(E) EPA is notified, either before or finding is made.
within seven days after the dilution ac- (iv) Once included in the registration
tion, of the identity of the detergent, for a detergent additive package, the
the identity of the diluting material, minimum concentration recommended
the amount or percentage of the dilu- by the detergent manufacturer to de-
tion, the change in treat rate neces- tergent blenders and other users of the
sitated by the dilution, and the loca- detergent additive, pursuant to para-
tions and time period of diluted deter- graph (c)(3)(ii) of this section, may not
gent usage. The notification shall be be changed without first notifying


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.141

EPA. The notification must be sent by cation must be sent by certified mail
certified mail to the address specified to the address specified in 80.174(b).
in 80.174(b). Changes to the minimum (3) At its discretion, EPA may re-
recommended concentration must be quire that the detergent blender sub-
supported by available test data pursu- mit the test data purported to substan-
ant to paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this sec- tiate the claimed effectiveness of the
tion. lower concentration of the detergent
(v) A manufacturer may use a single additive. EPA may also require the
set of test data to demonstrate the de- manufacturer of the subject detergent
posit control effectiveness of more additive to submit test data substan-
than one registered detergent additive tiating the minimum recommended
product, provided that: concentration specified in the deter-
(A) The additive products contain all gent additive registration. In either
of the same detergent-active compo- case, EPA will send a letter to the ap-
nents and no detergent-active compo- propriate party, and the supporting
nents other than those contained in data will be due to EPA within 30 days
common; and of receipt of EPAs letter.
(B) The minimum concentration rec- (i) If the detergent blender fails to
ommended for the use of each such ad- submit the required supporting data to
ditive product is specified such that, EPA in the allotted time period, or if
when each additive product is mixed in EPA judges the submitted data to be
gasoline at the recommended con- inadequate to support the detergent
centration, each of its detergent-active blenders claim that the lower con-
components will be present at a final centration provides a level of deposit
concentration no less than the lowest control consistent with the require-
concentration for that component ments of this section, then EPA will
shown to be effective by the data avail- disapprove the use of the detergent at
able for the tested additive product. the lower concentration. Further, the
(d) The rate at which a detergent detergent blender may be subject to ap-
blender treats gasoline with a deter- plicable liabilities and penalties pursu-
gent additive package must be no less ant to 80.156 and 80.159 for any gaso-
than the minimum recommended con- line or PRC it has additized at the
centration reported for the subject de- lower concentration.
tergent additive pursuant to paragraph (ii) If the detergent manufacturer
(c)(3) of this section, except under the fails to submit the required test data
following conditions: to EPA within the allotted time period,
(1) If a detergent blender believes EPA will proceed on the assumption
that the minimum treat rate rec- that data are not available to substan-
ommended by the manufacturer of a tiate the minimum recommended con-
detergent additive exceeds the amount centration specified in the detergent
of detergent actually required for effec- registration, and the subject additive
tive deposit control, and possesses sub- may be disqualified for use in com-
stantiating data consistent with the plying with the requirements of this
guidelines in paragraph (e) of this sec- subpart, pursuant to the procedures in
tion, then, upon informing EPA in paragraph (g) of this section. The de-
writing of these circumstances, the de- tergent manufacturer may also be sub-
tergent blender may use the detergent ject to applicable liabilities and pen-
at a lower concentration. alties pursuant to 80.156 and 80.159.
(2) The notification to EPA must (iii) If both parties submit the re-
clearly specify the name of the deter- quired information, EPA will evaluate
gent product and its manufacturer, the the quality and results of both sets of
concentration recommended by the de- test data in relation to each other and
tergent manufacturer, and the lower to industry-consensus test practices
concentration which the detergent and standards, in a manner consistent
blender intends to use. The notification with the guidelines described in para-
must also attest that data are avail- graph (e) of this section. EPA will ap-
able to substantiate the deposit control prove or disapprove the use of the de-
effectiveness of the detergent at the in- tergent at the lower concentration, and
tended lower concentration. The notifi- will inform both the detergent blender


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80.141 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

and the detergent manufacturer of the (2) EPA will evaluate the adequacy of
results of its analysis within 60 days of other supporting data according to the
receipt of both sets of data. following guidelines:
(e) Demonstration of deposit control ef- (i) Test fuel guidelines.
ficiency. At its discretion, EPA may re- (A) The gasoline used in the sup-
quire a detergent additive registrant to porting tests must contain the deter-
provide test data to support the deposit gent-active components of the subject
control effectiveness of a detergent at detergent additive package in an
the minimum concentration rec- amount which corresponds to the min-
ommended, pursuant to paragraph imum recommended concentrations re-
(c)(3) of this section and 79.21(d) of corded in the respective detergent reg-
this chapter. The required supporting istration, or less than this amount.
(B) The test fuels must not contain
data must be submitted to EPA within
any detergent-active components other
30 days of receipt of EPAs request.
than those recorded in the subject de-
EPA will notify the submitter, within
tergent registration.
60 days after receiving the supporting (C) The test fuels used must be rea-
data, whether the data is adequate to sonably typical of in-use fuels in their
support the deposit control efficiency tendency to form deposits. Test fuel
claimed. Subject to the procedures taken directly from commercial refin-
specified in paragraph (g) of this sec- ery production stock is acceptable.
tion, if the supporting data are not Specially refined low-deposit-forming
submitted or if EPA finds the data in- fuels such as indolene are not accept-
sufficient, the detergent may be dis- able. Other specially blended test fuels
qualified for use by fuel manufacturers will be evaluated by EPA for accept-
in complying with the requirements of ability based on the extent to which
this subpart. EPA will use the fol- such fuels adequately represent the de-
lowing guidelines in determining the posit-forming tendency of typical (av-
adequacy of the supporting data: erage) in-use fuels, as reflected in the
(1) CARB-based supporting test data. levels of the following fuel parameters:
For detergent additives which are cer- sulfur content, aromatic content,
tified by the California Air Resources olefin content, T90, and oxygenate
Board (CARB) for use in the State of content.
California (pursuant to Title 13, section (D) The composition of the blended
2257 of the California Code of Regula- test fuel(s) used in carburetor deposit
tions), the CARB certification data control testing, conducted to support
constitutes adequate support of the de- the claimed effectiveness of detergents
tergents effectiveness under this sec- used in leaded gasoline, should be rea-
tion, with the exception that CARB de- sonably typical of in-use gasoline in its
tergent certification data specific to tendency to form carburetor deposits
California Phase II reformulated gaso- (or more severe than typical in-use
fuels) as defined by the olefin and sul-
line (pursuant to Title 13, Chapter 5,
fur content. Test data using leaded
Article 1, Subarticle 2, California Code
fuels is preferred for this purpose, but
of Regulations, Standards for Gasoline
data collected using unleaded fuels
Sold Beginning March 1, 1996) will not may also be acceptable provided that
be considered adequate support for de- some correlation with additive per-
tergent effectiveness in gasolines that formance in leaded fuels is available.
do not conform to the compositional (ii) Test procedure guidelines.
specifications for Californias Phase II (A) To be acceptable, test data sub-
reformulated gasoline. For CARB- mitted to support the deposit control
based supporting data to be used to effectiveness of a detergent additive
demonstrate detergent performance, must derive from testing conducted in
the minimum recommended concentra- conformity with good engineering
tion reported in the detergent additive practices.
registration must be no less than the (B) For demonstration of fuel injec-
concentration of the detergent-active tor and intake valve deposit control
components reported in the subject performance, the tests specified in
CARB detergent certification. 80.165, or other vehicle-based tests


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.141

using generally accepted industry pro- erally accepted vehicle, engine, or

cedures and standards, are preferred. bench test procedure for carburetor de-
Engine-based tests may also be accept- posit control will be considered ade-
able, assuming a reasonable correla- quate. Port and throttle body fuel in-
tion with vehicle-based tests and jector deposit control test data will
standards can be demonstrated. Bench also be considered to be adequate dem-
test data may be acceptable to dem- onstration of an additives ability to
onstrate fuel injector deposit control control carburetor deposits. Examples
performance, assuming the results can of acceptable test procedures for dem-
be correlated with vehicle- or engine- onstration of carburetor deposit con-
based tests and standards. Bench test- trol, in addition to the fuel injector
ing will not be considered acceptable test procedures listed above in para-
for demonstration of IVD control per- graph (e)(2)(ii)(B)(2) of this section, are
formance. Examples of acceptable test contained in the following references:
procedures are contained in the fol- (1) Fuel Injector, Intake Valve, and
lowing references: Carburetor Detergency Performance of
(1) Intake Valve Deposit Test Proce- Gasoline Additives, C.H. Jewitt et al.,
SAE Technical Paper No. 872114, 1987.
(i) Intake Valve DepositsFuel De-
tergency Requirements Revisited, Bill (2) Carburetor Cleanliness Test Pro-
Bitting et al., Society of Automotive cedure, State-of-the-Art Summary, Re-
Engineers, SAE Technical Paper No. port: 19731981, Coordinating Research
872117, 1987.1 Council, CRC Report No. 529.3
(ii) BMW10,000 Miles Intake Valve (f) Detergent identification test proce-
Test Procedure, March 1, 1991, Section dure. (1) At its discretion, EPA may re-
2257, Title 13, California Code of Regu- quire the additive registrant to submit
lations. an analytical procedure capable of
(iii) identifying the detergent additive in
(iv) Effect on Intake Valve Deposits its pure state. The test procedure will
of Ethanol and Additives Common to be due to EPA within 30 days of the
the Available Ethanol Supply, registrants receipt of the request. Sub-
Clifford Shilbolm et al., SAE Technical ject to the provisions in paragraph (g)
Paper Series No. 902109, 1990. of this section, if the registrant fails to
(2) Fuel Injector Deposit Test Proce- submit an analytical procedure, or if
dures: EPA judges a submitted procedure to
(i) Test Method for Evaluating Port be inadequate, EPA may deny or with-
Fuel Injector (PFI) Deposits in Vehicle draw the detergents eligibility to be
Engines, March 1, 1991, Section 2257, used to satisfy the detergency require-
Title 13, California Code of Regula- ments in this section.
tions. (2) The analytical procedure sub-
(ii) A Vehicle Test Technique for mitted by the registrant must be able
Studying Port Fuel Injector Deposits to both qualitatively and quan-
A Coordinating Research Council Pro- titatively identify each component of
gram, Robert Tupa et al., SAE Tech- the detergent additive package. To be
nical paper No. 890213, 1989. acceptable, the procedure must provide
(iii) The Effects of Fuel Composition results that conform to reasonable and
and Additives on Multiport Fuel Injec- customary standards of repeatability
tor Deposits, Jack Benson et al., SAE and reproducibility, and reasonable and
Technical Paper Series No. 861533, 1986. customary limits of detection and ac-
(iv) Injector DepositsThe Tip of
curacy, for the type of test in question.
Intake System Deposit Problems,
Brian Taneguchi, et al., SAE Technical (3) A fourier transform infrared spec-
Paper Series No. 861534, 1986. troscopy (FTIR)-based procedure, in-
(C) For demonstration of carburetor cluding an actual infrared spectrum of
deposit control performance, any gen- the detergent additive package and
each component part of the detergent
1 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE),

400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 3 Coordinating Research Council Inc.

150960001. (CRC), 219 perimeter Center Parking, At-
2 [Reserved] lanta, Georgia, 30346.


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80.141 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

package obtained from this test meth- istrant may request an informal hear-
od, is preferred. ing concerning the notice. Any such re-
(g) Disqualification of a detergent addi- quest shall state with specificity the
tive package. (1) When EPA makes a information the registrant wishes to
preliminary determination that a de- present at such a hearing. If an infor-
tergent additive registrant has failed mal hearing is requested, EPA shall
to comply with the requirements of schedule such a hearing within 90 days
paragraph (c), (d)(3)(ii), (e), or (f) of from the date of receipt of the request.
this section, either by failing to submit If an informal hearing is held, the sub-
required information for a subject de- ject matter of the hearing shall be con-
tergent additive or by submitting in- fined solely to whether or not the reg-
formation which EPA deems inad- istrant has complied with the specific
equate, EPA shall notify the additive data requirements which provide the
registrant by certified mail, return re- basis for the proposed disqualification.
ceipt requested, setting forth the basis If an informal hearing is held, the des-
for that determination and informing ignated presiding officer may be any
the registrant that the detergent may EPA employee, the hearing procedures
lose its eligibility to be used to comply shall be informal, and the hearing shall
with the detergency requirements of not be subject to or governed by 40
this section. CFR part 22 or by 5 U.S.C. 554, 556, or
(2) If EPA determines that the deter- 557. A verbatim transcript of each in-
gent registration was created by fraud formal hearing shall be kept and the
or other misconduct, such as a neg-
Administrator shall consider all rel-
ligent disregard for the truthfulness or
evant evidence and arguments pre-
accuracy of the required information
sented at the hearing in making a final
or of the application, the detergent
decision concerning a proposed can-
registration will be considered void ab
initio and the revocation of qualifica-
tion will be retroactive to January 1, (5) If a registrant who has received a
1995 or the date on which the additive notice of intent to disqualify submits a
product was first registered, whichever timely written response, and the Ad-
is later. ministrator decides after reviewing the
(3) The registrant will be afforded 60 response and the transcript of any in-
days from the date of receipt of the no- formal hearing to disqualify the deter-
tice of intent of detergent disqualifica- gent for use in complying with the re-
tion to submit written comments con- quirements of this subpart, the Admin-
cerning the notice, and to demonstrate istrator shall issue a final disqualifica-
or achieve compliance with the specific tion order, forward a copy of the dis-
data requirements which provide the qualification order to the registrant by
basis for the proposed disqualification. certified mail, and promptly publish
If the registrant does not respond in the disqualification order in the FED-
writing within 60 days from the date of ERAL REGISTER. Any disqualification
receipt of the notice of intent of dis- order issued after receipt of a timely
qualification, the detergent disquali- written response by the registrant
fication shall become final by oper- shall become legally effective five days
ation of law and the Administrator after it is published in the FEDERAL
shall notify the registrant of such dis- REGISTER.
qualification. If the registrant responds (6) Upon making a final decision to
in writing within 60 days from the date disqualify a detergent additive package
of receipt of the notice of intent to dis- pursuant to this paragraph (g), EPA
qualify, the Administrator shall review shall inform all fuel manufacturers and
and consider all comments submitted secondary additive manufacturers
by the registrant before taking final whose product registrations report the
action concerning the proposed dis- potential use of the disqualified deter-
qualification. All correspondence re- gent that such detergent is no longer
garding a disqualification must be sent eligible for compliance with the re-
to the address specified in 80.174(b). quirements of this subpart. Such fuel
(4) As part of a written response to a manufacturers and secondary additive
notice of intent to disqualify, a reg- manufacturers shall have 45 days in


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.155

which to stop using the ineligible de- (iii) The gasoline is composed of a
tergent additive package and sub- gasoline commingled with a post-refin-
stitute an eligible detergent additive. ery component (PRC), and both of
When applicable, EPA shall also notify these components have been additized
such parties that the detergent reg- in conformity with the detergent com-
istration had been created by fraud or position and use specifications of a de-
other misconduct, pursuant to para- tergent registered under 40 CFR part
graph (g)(2) of this section. 79, and in accordance with at least the
minimum concentration specifications
[59 FR 54706, Nov. 1, 1994, as amended at 61
FR 35356, July 5, 1996; 61 FR 58747, Nov. 18, of that detergent as registered under 40
1996] CFR part 79 or as otherwise provided
under 80.141(d).
80.14280.154 [Reserved] (b) No person shall blend detergent
into gasoline or PRC unless such per-
80.155 Interim detergent program son complies with the volumetric addi-
controls and prohibitions. tive reconciliation requirements of
(a)(1) No person shall sell, offer for 80.157.
sale, dispense, supply, offer for supply, (c) No person shall sell, offer for sale,
transport, or cause the transportation dispense, supply, offer for supply, store,
of gasoline to the ultimate consumer transport, or cause the transportation
for use in motor vehicles or in any off- of any gasoline, detergent, or deter-
road engines (except as provided in gent-additized PRC unless the product
80.160), or to a gasoline retailer or transfer document for the gasoline, de-
wholesale purchaser-consumer, and no tergent or detergent-additized PRC
person shall detergent-additize gaso- complies with the requirements of
line, unless such gasoline is additized 80.158.
in conformity with the requirements of (d) No person shall refine, import,
80.141. No person shall cause the pres- manufacture, sell, offer for sale, dis-
ence of any gasoline in the gasoline pense, supply, offer for supply, store,
distribution system unless such gaso- transport, or cause the transportation
line is additized in conformity with the of any detergent that is to be used as a
requirements of 80.141. component of detergent-additized gaso-
(2) Gasoline has been additized in line or detergent-additized PRC, unless
conformity with the requirements of such detergent conforms with the com-
80.141 when the detergent component position specifications of a detergent
satisfies the requirements of 80.141 registered under 40 CFR part 79 and the
and when: detergent otherwise complies with the
(i) The gasoline has been additized in requirements of 80.141. No person shall
conformity with the detergent com- cause the presence of any detergent in
position and purpose-in-use specifica- the detergent, PRC, or gasoline dis-
tions of an applicable detergent reg- tribution systems unless such deter-
istered under 40 CFR part 79, and in ac- gent complies with the requirements of
cordance with at least the minimum 80.141.
concentration specifications of that de- (e)(1) No person shall sell, offer for
tergent as registered under 40 CFR part sale, dispense, supply, offer for supply,
79 or as otherwise provided under transport, or cause the transportation
80.141(d); or of detergent-additized PRC, unless the
(ii) The gasoline is composed of two PRC has been additized in conformity
or more commingled gasolines and with the requirements of 80.141. No
each component gasoline has been person shall cause the presence in the
additized in conformity with the deter- PRC or gasoline distribution systems
gent composition and purpose-in-use of any detergent-additized PRC that
specifications of a detergent registered fails to conform to the requirements of
under 40 CFR part 79, and in accord- 80.141.
ance with at least the minimum con- (2) PRC has been additized in con-
centration specifications of that deter- formity with the requirements of
gent as registered under 40 CFR part 79 80.141 when the detergent component
or as otherwise provided under satisfies the requirements of 80.141
80.141(d); or and:


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80.156 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(i) The PRC has been additized in ac- and each such party that caused the
cordance with the detergent composi- gasoline that is in violation to be
tion and use specifications of a deter- present in the gasoline distribution
gent registered under 40 CFR part 79, system; and
and in accordance with at least the (iii) Each gasoline carrier who dis-
minimum concentration specifications pensed, supplied, stored, or transported
of that detergent as registered under 40 any gasoline in the storage tank con-
CFR part 79 or as otherwise provided taining gasoline found to be in viola-
under 80.141(d); or tion, and each detergent carrier who
(ii) The PRC is composed of two or dispensed, supplied, stored, or trans-
more commingled PRCs, and each com- ported the detergent component of any
ponent has been additized in accord- post-refinery component or gasoline in
ance with the detergent composition the storage tank containing gasoline
and use specifications of a detergent found to be in violation, provided that
registered under 49 CFR part 79, and in the EPA demonstrates, by reasonably
accordance with at least the minimum specific showings by direct or cir-
concentration specifications of that de- cumstantial evidence, that the gasoline
tergent as registered under 40 CFR part
or detergent carrier caused the viola-
79 or as otherwise provided under
(2) Post-refinery component non-con-
[61 FR 35358, July 5, 1996] formity. Where detergent-additized PRC
contained in any storage tank at any
80.156 Liability for violations of the facility owned, leased, operated, con-
interim detergent program controls
and prohibitions. trolled or supervised by any gasoline
refiner, importer, carrier, distributor,
(a) Persons liable(1) Gasoline non- reseller, retailer, wholesale purchaser-
conformity. Where gasoline contained in consumer, oxygenate blender, deter-
any storage tank at any facility owned, gent manufacturer, carrier, dis-
leased, operated, controlled or super- tributor, or blender, is found in viola-
vised by any gasoline refiner, importer, tion of the prohibitions specified in
carrier, distributor, reseller, retailer, 80.155(e), the following persons shall
wholesale purchaser-consumer, oxygen-
be deemed in violation:
ate blender, or detergent blender, is
(i) Each gasoline refiner, importer,
found in violation of any of the prohi-
carrier, distributor, reseller, retailer,
bitions specified in 80.155(a), the fol-
lowing persons shall be deemed in vio- wholesale-purchaser consumer, oxygen-
lation: ate blender, detergent manufacturer,
(i) Each gasoline refiner, importer, carrier, distributor, or blender, who
carrier, distributor, reseller, retailer, owns, leases, operates, controls or su-
wholesale purchaser-consumer, oxygen- pervises the facility (including, but not
ate blender, or detergent blender, who limited to, a truck or individual stor-
owns, leases, operates, controls or su- age tank) where the violation is found;
pervises the facility (including, but not (ii) Each gasoline refiner, importer,
limited to, a truck or individual stor- distributor, reseller, retailer, whole-
age tank) where the violation is found; sale-purchaser consumer, oxygenate
(ii) Each gasoline refiner, importer, blender, detergent manufacturer, dis-
distributor, reseller, retailer, wholesale tributor, or blender, who sold, offered
purchaser-consumer, oxygenate blend- for sale, dispensed, supplied, offered for
er, detergent manufacturer, dis- supply, stored, detergent additized,
tributor, or blender, who refined, im- transported, or caused the transpor-
ported, manufactured, sold, offered for tation of the detergent-additized PRC
sale, dispensed, supplied, offered for (or the detergent component of the
supply, stored, detergent additized, PRC) that is in violation, and each
transported, or caused the transpor- such party that caused the PRC that is
tation of the detergent-additized gaso- in violation to be present in the PRC or
line (or the base gasoline component, gasoline distribution systems; and
the detergent component, or the deter- (iii) Each carrier who dispensed, sup-
gent-additized post-refinery component plied, stored, or transported any deter-
of the gasoline) that is in violation, gent-additized post-refinery component


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.156

in the storage tank containing post-re- (4) Volumetric additive reconciliation.

finery component in violation, and Where a violation of the volumetric ad-
each detergent carrier who dispensed, ditive reconciliation requirements es-
supplied, stored, or transported the de- tablished by 80.155(b) has occurred,
tergent component of any detergent- the following persons shall be deemed
additized post-refinery component in violation:
which is in the storage tank containing (i) Each detergent blender who owns,
detergent-additized post-refinery com- leases, operates, controls or supervises
ponent found to be in violation, pro- the facility (including, but not limited
vided that the EPA demonstrates by to, a truck or individual storage tank)
reasonably specific showings by direct where the violation has occurred; and
or circumstantial evidence, that the (ii) Each gasoline refiner, importer,
gasoline or detergent carrier caused carrier, distributor, reseller, retailer,
the violation. wholesale purchaser-consumer, or oxy-
(3) Detergent non-conformity. Where genate blender, and each detergent
the detergent (prior to additization) manufacturer, carrier, distributor, or
contained in any storage tank or con- blender, who refined, imported, manu-
tainer found at any facility owned, factured, sold, offered for sale, dis-
leased, operated, controlled or super- pensed, supplied, offered for supply,
vised by any gasoline refiner, importer, stored, transported, or caused the
carrier, distributor, reseller, retailer, transportation of the detergent-
wholesale purchaser-consumer, oxygen- additized gasoline, the base gasoline
ate blender, detergent manufacturer, component, the detergent component,
carrier, distributor, or blender, is found or the detergent-additized post-refin-
in violation of the prohibitions speci- ery component, of the gasoline that is
fied in 80.155(d), the following persons in violation, provided that the EPA
shall be deemed in violation: demonstrates, by reasonably specific
(i) Each gasoline refiner, importer, showings by direct or circumstantial
carrier, distributor, reseller, retailer, evidence, that such person caused the
wholesale-purchaser consumer, oxygen- violation.
ate blender, detergent manufacturer, (5) Product transfer document. Where a
carrier, distributor, or blender, who violation of 80.155(c) is found at a fa-
owns, leases, operates, controls or su- cility owned, leased, operated, con-
pervises the facility (including, but not trolled, or supervised by any gasoline
limited to, a truck or individual stor- refiner, importer, carrier, distributor,
age tank) where the violation is found; reseller, retailer, wholesale purchaser-
(ii) Each gasoline refiner, importer, consumer, oxygenate blender, deter-
distributor, reseller, retailer, wholesale gent manufacturer, carrier, dis-
purchaser-consumer, oxygenate blend- tributor, or blender, the following per-
er, detergent manufacturer, dis- sons shall be deemed in violation: each
tributor, or blender, who sold, offered gasoline refiner, importer, carrier, dis-
for sale, dispensed, supplied, offered for tributor, reseller, retailer, wholesale-
supply, stored, transported, or caused purchaser consumer, oxygenate blend-
the transportation of the detergent er, detergent manufacturer, carrier,
that is in violation, and each such distributor, or blender, who owns,
party that caused the detergent that is leases, operates, control or supervises
in violation to be present in the deter- the facility (including, but not limited
gent, gasoline, or PRC distribution sys- to, a truck or individual storage tank)
tems; and where the violation is found.
(iii) Each gasoline or detergent car- (b) Branded refiner vicarious liability.
rier who dispensed, supplied, stored, or Where any violation of the prohibitions
transported any detergent which is in specified in 80.155 has occurred, with
the storage tank or container con- the exception of violations of 80.155(c),
taining detergent found to be in viola- a refiner will also be deemed liable for
tion, providing that EPA dem- violations occurring at a facility oper-
onstrates, by reasonably specific ating under such refiners corporate,
showings by direct or circumstantial trade, or brand name or that of any of
evidence, that the gasoline or deter- its marketing subsidiaries. For pur-
gent carrier caused the violation. poses of this section, the word facility


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80.156 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

includes, but is not limited to, a truck including, but not limited to, periodic
or individual storage tank. review of product transfer documents
(c) Defenses. (1) In any case in which by the refiner to ensure compliance
a gasoline refiner, importer, dis- with such contractual obligation; or
tributor, carrier, reseller, retailer, (C) The action of any gasoline or de-
wholesale-purchaser consumer, oxygen- tergent carrier, or other gasoline or de-
ate blender, detergent distributor, car- tergent distributor not subject to a
rier, or blender, is in violation of any contract with the refiner but engaged
of the prohibitions of 80.155, pursuant by the refiner for transportation of
to paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section gasoline, post-refinery component, or
as applicable, the regulated party shall detergent, to a gasoline or detergent
be deemed not in violation if it can distributor, oxygenate blender, deter-
demonstrate: gent blender, gasoline retailer or
(i) That the violation was not caused wholesale purchaser consumer, despite
by the regulated party or its employee specification or inspection of proce-
or agent (unless otherwise provided in dures or equipment by the refiner
this paragraph (c)); which are reasonably calculated to pre-
(ii) That product transfer documents vent such action.
account for the gasoline, detergent, or (ii) In this paragraph (c)(2), to show
detergent-additized post-refinery com- that the violation was caused by any
ponent in violation and indicate that of the specified actions, the party must
the gasoline, detergent, or detergent- demonstrate by reasonably specific
additized post-refinery component sat- showings, by direct or circumstantial
isfied relevant requirements when it evidence, that the violation was caused
left their control; and or must have been caused by another.
(iii) That the party has fulfilled the (3) Detergent blender. In any case in
requirements of paragraphs (c) (2) or (3) which a detergent blender is liable for
of this section, as applicable. violating any of the prohibitions of
(2) Branded refiner. (i) Where a brand- 80.155, the detergent blender shall not
ed refiner, pursuant to paragraph (b) of be deemed in violation if it can dem-
this section, is in violation of any of onstrate, in addition to the defense re-
the prohibitions of 80.155 as a result of quirements stated in paragraph (c)(1) of
violations occurring at a facility (in- this section, the following:
cluding, but not limited to, a truck or (i) That it obtained or supplied, as
individual storage tank) which is oper- appropriate, prior to the detergent
ating under the corporate, trade or blending, accurate written instructions
brand name of a refiner or that of any from the detergent manufacturer or
of its marketing subsidiaries, the re- other party with knowledge of such in-
finer shall be deemed not in violation if structions, specifying the detergents
it can demonstrate, in addition to the minimum recommended concentration
defense requirements stated in para- (lowest additive concentration) pursu-
graph (c)(1) of this section, that the ant to 80.141(c)(3) and, if applicable,
violation was caused by: the limitations of this concentration
(A) An act in violation of law (other for use in leaded product.
than these regulations), or an act of (ii) That it has implemented a qual-
sabotage or vandalism, whether or not ity assurance program that includes,
such acts are violations of law in the but is not limited to, a periodic review
jurisdiction where the violation of the of its supporting product transfer and
prohibitions of 80.155 occurred; or volume measurement documents to
(B) The action of any gasoline re- confirm the correctness of its product
finer, importer, reseller, distributor, transfer and volumetric additive rec-
oxygenate blender, detergent manufac- onciliation documents created for all
turer, distributor, blender, or retailer products it additized.
or wholesale purchaser-consumer sup- (4) Detergent manufacturer(i) Pre-
plied by any of these persons, in viola- sumptive liability affirmative defense.
tion of a contractual undertaking im- Notwithstanding the provisions of
posed by the refiner designed to pre- paragraph (c)(1) of this section, in any
vent such action, and despite the im- case in which a detergent manufac-
plementation of an oversight program, turer is liable for violating any of the


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.156

prohibitions of 80.155, the detergent more than one year prior to the manu-
manufacturer shall be deemed not in facturers notification by EPA of the
violation if it can demonstrate each of possible violation, then the manufac-
the following: turer must provide either:
(A) Product transfer documents (1) Test results for the batch in ques-
which account for the detergent com- tion as specified in the paragraph
ponent of the product in violation and (c)(4)(i)(C) of this section; or
which indicate that such detergent sat- (2) The following materials:
isfied all relevant requirements when (i) Documentation of the measured
it left the detergent manufacturers viscosity, density, and basic nitrogen
control; and content of the detergent batch in ques-
(B) Written blending instructions tion, or any other such physical param-
which, pursuant to 80.141(c)(3)(ii), eters which the manufacturer normally
were supplied by the detergent manu- uses to ensure production quality con-
facturer to its customer who purchased trol, which establishes conformity with
or obtained from the manufacturer the the manufacturers quality control
detergent component of the product de- standards for such parameters; and
termined to be in violation. The writ-
(ii) If the detergent registration iden-
ten blending instructions must have
tifies polymeric component(s) of the
been supplied by the manufacturer
detergent package as the product(s) of
prior to the customers use or sale of
other chemical reactants, documenta-
the detergent. The instructions must
tion that the reagents used to syn-
accurately identify the minimum rec-
thesize the detergent batch in question
ommended concentration (lowest addi-
tive concentration) specified in the de- were the same as those specified in the
tergents 40 CFR part 79 registration, registration and that they met the
and must also accurately identify if manufacturers normal acceptance cri-
the detergent, at that concentration, is teria for such reagents, reported pursu-
only registered as effective for use in ant to 80.162(b)(1).
leaded gasoline. (ii) Detergent manufacturer causation
(C) If the detergent batch used in the liability. In any case in which a deter-
noncomplying product was produced gent manufacturer is liable for a viola-
less than one year before the manufac- tion of 80.155, and the manufacturer
turer was notified by EPA of the pos- establishes an affirmative defense to
sible violation, then the manufacturer such liability pursuant to paragraph
must provide FTIR or other test re- (c)(4)(i) of this section, the detergent
sults for the batch of detergent used in manufacturer will nonetheless be
the noncomplying product, performed deemed liable for the violation of
in accordance with the detergent test- 80.155 if EPA can demonstrate, by rea-
ing procedure submitted by the manu- sonably specific showings by direct or
facturer, or available for submission, circumstantial evidence, that the de-
pursuant to 80.141(f). tergent manufacturer caused the viola-
(1) The analysis may have been con- tion.
ducted on the subject detergent batch (5) Defense against liability where more
at the time it was manufactured, or than one party may be liable for VAR vio-
may be conducted on a sample of that lations. In any case in which a party is
batch which the manufacturer retained presumptively or vicariously liable for
for such purpose at the time the batch a violation of 80.155 due to a failure to
was manufactured. meet the VAR requirements 80.157, ex-
(2) The test results must accurately cept for the VAR record requirements
establish that, when it left the manu- pursuant to 80.157(g), such party shall
facturers control, the detergent com- not be deemed liable if it can establish
ponent of the product determined to be the following:
in violation was in conformity with the (i) Prior to the violation it had en-
chemical composition and concentra- tered into a written contract with an-
tion specifications reported pursuant other potentially liable detergent
to 80.141(c)(1); blender party (the assuming party),
(D) If the detergent batch used in the under which that other party assumed
noncomplying product was produced legal responsibility for fulfilling the


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80.156 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

VAR requirement that had been vio- pliance period may begin earlier, thus
lated; including use of the uncombined origi-
(ii) The contract included reasonable nal detergent within the same period,
oversight provisions to ensure that the provided that the 31-day limitation
assuming party fulfilled its VAR re- pursuant to 80.157(a)(6) is not exceed-
sponsibilities (including, but not lim- ed; and
ited to, periodic review of VAR records) (v) The VAR formula record must
and the oversight provision was actu- also satisfy the requirements in one of
ally implemented by the party raising the following paragraphs (c)(7)(v)(A)
the defense; through (C) of this section, whichever
(iii) The assuming party is fiscally applies to the commingling event. If
sound and able to pay its penalty for neither paragraph (c)(7)(v)(A) nor (B) of
the VAR violation; and this section initially applies, then the
(iv) The employees or agents of the blender may drain and subsequently re-
party raising the defense did not cause deliver the original detergent into the
the violation. tank in restricted amounts, in order to
(6) Defense to liability for gasoline non- meet the conditions of paragraph
conformity violations caused solely by the (c)(7)(v)(A) or (B) of this section. Other-
addition of misadditized ethanol or other wise, the blender must comply with
PRC to the gasoline. In any case in paragraph (c)(7)(v)(C) of this section.
which a party is presumptively or vi- (A) If both detergents have the same
cariously liable for a gasoline non-con- LAC, and the original detergent ac-
formity violation of 80.155(a) caused
counts for no more than 20 percent of
solely by another partys addition of
the tanks total delivered volume after
misadditized ethanol or other PRC to
addition of the new detergent, then the
the gasoline, the former party shall not
VAR formula record is required to
be deemed liable for the violation pro-
identify only the use of the new deter-
vided that it can establish that is has
fulfilled the requirements of para-
graphs (c)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section. (B) If the two detergents have dif-
(7) Detergent tank transitioning de- ferent LACs and the original detergent
fenses. The commingling of two deter- accounts for 10 percent or less of the
gents in the same detergent storage tanks total delivered volume after ad-
tank will not be deemed to violate or dition of the new detergent, then the
cause violations of any of the provi- VAR formula record is required to
sions of this subpart, provided the fol- identify only the use of the new deter-
lowing conditions are met: gent, and must attain the LAC of the
(i) The commingling must occur dur- new detergent. If the original deter-
ing a legitimate detergent gents LAC is greater than that of the
transitioning event, i.e., a shift from new detergent, then the compliance pe-
the use of one detergent to another riod may begin earlier than the date of
through the delivery of the new deter- the commingling event (pursuant to
gent into the same tank that contains paragraph (c)(7)(iv) of this section)
the original detergent; and only if the original detergent does not
(ii) If the new detergent is restricted exceed 10 percent of the total detergent
to use in leaded gasoline, then such re- used during the compliance period.
striction must be applied to the com- (C) If neither of the preceding para-
bined detergents; and graphs (c)(7)(v)(A) or (B) of this section
(iii) The commingling event must be applies, then the VAR formula record
documented, either on the VAR for- must identify both of the commingled
mula record or on attached supporting detergents, and must use and attain
records; and the higher LAC of the two detergents.
(iv) Notwithstanding any contrary Once the commingled detergent has
provisions in 80.157, a VAR formula been depleted by an amount equal to
record must be created for the com- the volume of the original detergent in
bined detergents. The VAR compliance the tank at the time the new detergent
period must begin no later than the was added, subsequent VAR formula
time of the commingling event. How- records must identify and use the LAC
ever, at the blenders option, the com- of only the new detergent.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.157

(8) Defense to liability for noncompli- oline, detergent, and PRC must be ex-
ance with leaded-only use restrictions. A pressed to the nearest gallon (or small-
party shall not be deemed liable for er units), except that detergent vol-
violations of 80.155(a) or (e) caused umes of five gallons or less must be ex-
solely by the additization or use of gas- pressed to the nearest tenth of a gallon
oline or PRC in violation of leaded- (or smaller units). However, if the
only use restrictions, provided that the blenders equipment cannot accurately
conditions specified in 80.169(c)(9) are measure to the nearest tenth of a gal-
met. lon, then such volumes must be round-
(d) Detergent manufacturer causation ed downward to the next lower gallon.
liability. In any case in which a deter- PRC included in the reconciliation
gent manufacturer is liable for a viola- must be identified. Each VAR formula
tion of 80.155 pursuant to paragraph record must also contain the following
(a) of this section, and the manufac- information:
turer establishes affirmative defense to (a) Automated blending facilities. In
such liability pursuant to paragraph (c) the case of an automated detergent
of this section, the detergent manufac- blending facility, for each VAR period,
turer will be liable for the violation of for each detergent storage system and
80.155 pursuant to this paragraph (d) each detergent in that storage system,
of this section, provided that EPA can the following must be recorded:
demonstrate, by reasonably specific (1) The manufacturer and commer-
showings by direct or circumstantial cial identifying name of the detergent
evidence, that the detergent manufac- additive package being reconciled, and
turer caused the violation. the LAC specified in the detergent reg-
[59 FR 54706, Nov. 1, 1994, as amended at 61 istration for use with the applicable
FR 35358, July 5, 1996] type of gasoline (i.e., unleaded or lead-
ed). The LAC must be expressed in
80.157 Volumetric additive reconcili- terms of gallons of detergent per thou-
ation (VAR), equipment calibra- sand gallons of gasoline or PRC, and
tion, and recordkeeping require- expressed to four digits. If the specified
ments. LAC is only effective for use with lead-
This section contains requirements ed gasoline, the record must so indi-
for automated detergent blending fa- cate. If the detergent storage system
cilities and hand-blending detergent fa- which is the subject of the VAR for-
cilities. All gasolines and all PRC in- mula record is a proprietary system
tended for use in gasoline must be under the control of a customer, this
additized, unless otherwise noted in fact must be indicated on the record.
supporting VAR records, and must be (2) The total volume of detergent
accounted for in VAR records. The blended into gasoline and PRC, in ac-
VAR reconciliation standard is at- cordance with one of the following
tained under this section when the ac- paragraphs, as applicable.
tual concentration of detergent used (i) For a facility which uses in-line
per VAR formula record equals or ex- meters to measure detergent usage, the
ceeds the lowest additive concentra- total volume of detergent measured,
tion (LAC) specified for that detergent together with supporting data which
pursuant to 80.141(c)(3), or, if appro- includes one of the following: the be-
priate, under 80.141(d). A separate ginning and ending meter readings for
VAR formula record must be created each meter being measured, the me-
for leaded gasoline additized with a de- tered batch volume measurements for
tergent registered for use only with each meter being measured, or other
leaded gasoline, or used at a concentra- comparable metered measurements.
tion that is registered as effective for The supporting data may be supplied
leaded gasoline only. Detergent so used on the VAR formula record or in the
must be accurately and separately form of computer printouts or other
measured, either through the use of a comparable VAR supporting docu-
separate storage tank, a separate mentation.
meter, or some other measurement sys- (ii) For a facility which uses a gauge
tem that is able to accurately distin- to measure the inventory of the deter-
guish its use. Recorded volumes of gas- gent storage tank, the total volume of


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80.157 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

detergent shall be calculated from the centration adjustment information

following equation: may be supplied on the VAR formula
record or in the form of computer
Detergent Volume = (A) (B) + (C)
printouts or other comparable VAR
supporting documentation. No con-
where: centration setting is permitted below
A = Initial detergent inventory of the tank the applicable LAC, except as may be
B = Final detergent inventory of the tank modified pursuant to 80.141(d) or as
C = Sum of any additions to detergent inven- described in paragraph (a)(7) of this
tory section.
D = Sum of any withdrawals from detergent
(6) The dates of the VAR period,
inventory for purposes other than the
additization of gasoline or PRC. which shall be no longer than thirty-
one days. If the VAR period is contem-
The value of each variable in this equa- poraneous with a calendar month, then
tion must be separately recorded on specifying the month will fulfill this
the VAR formula record. In addition, a requirement; if not, then the beginning
list of each detergent addition included and ending dates and times of the VAR
in variable C and a list of each deter- period must be listed. The times may
gent withdrawal included in variable D be supplied on the VAR formula record
must be provided, either on the for- or in supporting documentation. Any
mula record or as VAR supporting doc- adjustment to any detergent con-
umentation. centration rate more than 10 percent
(3) The total volume of gasoline plus over the concentration rate initially
PRC to which detergent has been set in the VAR period shall terminate
added, together with supporting data that VAR period and initiate a new
which includes one of the following: VAR period, except as provided in para-
The beginning and ending meter meas- graph (a)(7) of this section.
urements for each meter being meas- (7) The concentration setting for a
ured, the metered batch volume meas- detergent injector may be set below
urements for each meter being meas- the applicable LAC, or it may be ad-
ured, or other comparable metered justed more than 10 percent above the
measurements. The supporting data concentration initially set in the VAR
may be supplied on the VAR formula period without terminating that VAR
record or in the form of computer period, provided that:
printouts or other comparable VAR (i) The purpose of the change is to
supporting documentation. If gasoline correct a batch misadditization prior
has intentionally been overadditized in to the end of the VAR period and prior
anticipation of the later addition of to the transfer of the batch to another
unadditized PRC, then the total vol- party, or to correct an equipment mal-
ume of gasoline plus PRC recorded function; and
must include the expected amount of (ii) The concentration is immediately
unadditized PRC to be added later. In returned after the correction to a con-
addition, the amount of gasoline which centration that fulfills the require-
was overadditized for this purpose ments of paragraphs (a)(5) and (6) of
must be specified. this section; and
(4) The actual detergent concentra- (iii) The blender creates and main-
tion, calculated as the total volume of tains documentation establishing the
detergent added (pursuant to para- date and adjustments of the correction;
graph (a)(2) of this section), divided by and
the total volume of gasoline plus PRC (iv) If the correction is initiated only
(pursuant to paragraph (a)(3) of this to rectify an equipment malfunction,
section). The concentration must be and the amount of detergent used in
calculated and recorded to four digits. this procedure is not added to gasoline
(5) A list of each detergent con- in the compliance period, then this
centration rate initially set for the de- amount is subtracted from the deter-
tergent that is the subject of the VAR gent volume listed on the VAR formula
record, together with the date and de- record.
scription of each adjustment to any (8) If unadditized gasoline has been
initially set concentration. The con- transferred from the facility, other


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.157

than bulk transfers from refineries or (3) A certification of correctness by

pipelines to non-retail outlets or non- the creator of the VAR record.
WPC facilities, the total amount of (d) Electronically-generated VAR for-
such gasoline must be specified. mula and supporting records. (1) Elec-
(b) Non-automated facilities. In the tronically-generated records are ac-
case of a facility in which hand blend- ceptable for VAR formula records and
ing or any other non-automated meth- supporting documentation (including
od is used to blend detergent, for each PTDs), provided that they are com-
detergent and for each batch of gaso- plete, accessible, and easily readable.
line and each batch of PRC to which VAR formula records must also be
the detergent is being added, the fol- stored with access and audit security,
lowing shall be recorded: which must restrict to a limited num-
(1) The manufacturer and commer- ber of specified people those who have
cial identifying name of the detergent the ability to alter or delete the
additive package being reconciled, and records. In addition, parties maintain-
the LAC specified in the detergent reg- ing records electronically must make
istration for use with the applicable available for EPA use the hardware and
type of gasoline (i.e., unleaded or lead- software necessary to review the
ed). The LAC must be expressed in records.
terms of gallons of detergent per thou- (2) Electronically-generated VAR for-
sand gallons of gasoline or PRC, and mula records may use an electronic
expressed to four digits. If the specified user identification code to satisfy the
LAC is only effective for use with lead- signature requirements of paragraph
ed gasoline, the record must so indi- (c)(1) of this section, provided that:
cate. (i) The use of the ID is limited to the
(2) The date of the additization that record creator; and
is the subject of the VAR formula (ii) A paper record is maintained,
record. which is signed and dated by the VAR
(3) The volume of added detergent. formula record creator, acknowledging
(4) The volume of the gasoline and/or that the use of that particular user ID
PRC to which the detergent has been on a VAR formula record is equivalent
added. If gasoline has intentionally to his/her signature on the document.
been overadditized in anticipation of (e) Automated detergent blenders
the later addition of unadditized PRC, must calibrate their detergent equip-
then the total volume of gasoline plus ment once in each calendar half year,
PRC recorded must include the ex- with the acceptable calibrations being
pected amount of unadditized PRC to no less than one hundred twenty days
be added later. In addition, the amount apart. Equipment recalibration is also
of gasoline which was overadditized for required each time the detergent pack-
this purpose must be specified. age is changed, unless written docu-
(5) The brand (if known), grade, and mentation indicates that the new de-
leaded/unleaded status of gasoline, and/ tergent package has the same viscosity
or the type of PRC. as the previous detergent package. De-
(6) The actual detergent concentra- tergent package change calibrations
tion, calculated as the volume of added may be used to satisfy the semiannual
detergent (pursuant to paragraph (b)(3) requirement provided that the calibra-
of this section), divided by the volume tions occur in the appropriate half cal-
of gasoline and/or PRC (pursuant to endar year and are no less than one
paragraph (b)(4) of this section). The hundred twenty days apart.
concentration must be calculated and (f) The following VAR supporting
recorded to four digits. documentation must also be created
(c) Every VAR formula record cre- and maintained:
ated pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) (1) For all automated detergent
of this section shall contain the fol- blending facilities, documentation re-
lowing: flecting performance of the calibra-
(1) The signature of the creator of the tions required by paragraph (e) of this
VAR record; section, and any associated adjust-
(2) The date of the creation of the ments of the automated detergent
VAR record; and equipment;


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80.158 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(2) For all hand-blending facilities (2) Except as provided in paragraph

which are terminals, a record speci- (g)(3) of this section, other hand-blend-
fying, for each calendar month, the ing detergent facilities which phys-
total volume in gallons of transfers ically blend detergent into gasoline
from the facility of unadditized base must make immediately available to
gasoline; EPA, upon request, the preceding two
(3) For all detergent blending facili- months of VAR formula records and
ties, product transfer documents for all VAR supporting documentation.
gasoline, detergent and detergent- (3) Facilities which have centrally
additized PRC transferred into or out maintained records at other locations,
of the facility; in addition, bills of lad- or have customers who maintain their
ing, transfer, or sale for all unadditized own records at other locations for their
PRC transferred into the facility; proprietary detergent systems, and
(4) For all automated detergent which can document this fact to the
blending facilities, documentation es- Agency, may have until the start of
tablishing the brands (if known) and the next business day after the request
grades of the gasoline which is the sub- to supply VAR supporting documenta-
ject of the VAR formula record; tion, or longer if approved by the Agen-
(5) For all hand blending detergent cy.
blenders, the documentation, if in the (4) In this paragraph (g) of this sec-
partys possession, supporting the vol- tion, the term immediately available
umes of gasoline, PRC, and detergent means that the records must be pro-
reported on the VAR formula record; vided, electronically or otherwise,
and within approximately one hour of
(6) For all detergent blending facili- EPAs request, or within a longer time
ties, documentation establishing the frame as approved by EPA.
curing of a batch or amount of [59 FR 54706, Nov. 1, 1994, as amended at 61
misadditized gasoline or PRC, or the FR 35360, July 5, 1996]
curing of a use restriction on the
additized gasoline or PRC, and pro- 80.158 Product transfer documents
viding at least the following informa- (PTDs).
tion: the date of the curing procedure; (a) Contents. For each occasion when
the problem that was corrected; the any gasoline refiner, importer, reseller,
amount, name, and LAC of the original distributor, carrier, retailer, wholesale
detergent used; the amount, name, and purchaser-consumer, oxygenate blend-
LAC of the added curing detergent; and er, detergent manufacturer, dis-
the actual detergent concentration at- tributor, carrier, or blender, transfers
tained in, and the volume of, the total custody or title to any gasoline, deter-
cured product. gent, or detergent-additized PRC other
(g) Document retention and avail- than when detergent-additized gasoline
ability. All detergent blenders shall re- is sold or dispensed at a retail outlet or
tain the documents required under this wholesale purchaser-consumer facility
section for a period of five years from to the ultimate consumer, the trans-
the date the VAR formula records and feror shall provide to the transferee,
supporting documentation were cre- and the transferee shall acquire from
ated, and shall deliver them upon re- the transferor, documents which accu-
quest to the EPA Administrator or the rately include the following informa-
Administrators authorized representa- tion:
tive. (1) The names and addresses of the
(1) Except as provided in paragraph transferee and transferor; the address
(g)(3) of this section, automated deter- requirement may be fulfilled, in the al-
gent blender facilities and hand-blend- ternative, through separate docu-
er facilities which are terminals, which mentation which establishes said ad-
physically blend detergent into gaso- dresses and is maintained by the par-
line, must make immediately available ties and made available to EPA for the
to EPA, upon request, the preceding same length of time as required for the
twelve months of VAR formula records PTDs, provided that the normal busi-
plus the preceding two months of VAR ness procedure of these parties is not
supporting documentation. to identify addresses on PTDs.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.158

(2) The date of the transfer. (b) Gasoline may not be additized
(3) The volume of product trans- with a detergent authorized only for
ferred. the control of carburetor deposits and
(4)(i) The identity of the product whose product transfer document
being transferred (i.e., its identity as states For use with leaded gasoline
base gasoline, detergent, detergent- only, and gasoline may not be
additized gasoline, or specified deter- additized at the lower concentration
gent-additized oxygenate or detergent- specified for a detergent authorized at
additized gasoline blending stock that a lower concentration for the control
comprises a detergent-additized PRC). of carburetor deposits only, unless the
PTDs for detergent-additized gasoline product transfer document for the gas-
or PRC are not required to identify the oline to be additized identifies it as
particular detergent used to additize leaded gasoline.
the product.
(c) Use of product codes and other non-
(ii) If the product being transferred
regulatory language. (1) Product codes
consists of two or more different types
and other non-regulatory language
of product subject to this regulation,
i.e., base gasoline, detergent-additized may not be used as a substitute for the
gasoline, or specified detergent- specified PTD warning language speci-
additized PRC, then the PTD for the fied in paragraph (a)(6) of this section
commingled product must identify for base gasoline, except that:
each such type of component contained (i) The specified warning language
in the commingled product. may be omitted for bulk transfers of
(5) If the product being transferred is base gasoline from a refinery to a pipe-
base gasoline, then in addition to the line if there is a prior written agree-
base gasoline identification, the fol- ment between the parties specifying
lowing warning must be stated on the that all such gasoline is unadditized
PTD: Not for sale to the ultimate con- and will not be transferred to the ulti-
sumer. If, pursuant to 80.160(a), the mate consumer;
product being transferred is exempt (ii) Product codes may be used as a
base gasoline to be used for research, substitute for the specified warning
development, or test purposes only, the language provided that the PTD is an
following warning must also be stated electronic data interchange (EDI) doc-
on the PTD: For use in research, de- ument being used solely for the trans-
velopment, and test programs only. fer of title to the base gasoline, and
(6) The name of the detergent addi- provided that the product codes other-
tive as reported in its registration wise comply with the requirements of
must be used to identify the detergent this section.
package on its PTD. (2) Product codes and other language
(7) If the product being transferred is not specified in this section may other-
leaded gasoline, then the PTD must wise be used to comply with PTD infor-
disclose that the product contains lead mation requirements, provided that
and/or phosphorous, as applicable.
they are clear, accurate, and not mis-
(8) If the product being transferred is
detergent that is only authorized for
the control of carburetor deposits, then (3) If product codes are used, they
the following must be stated on the de- must be standardized throughout the
tergents transfer document: For use distribution system in which they are
with leaded gasoline only. used, and downstream parties must be
(9) If the product being transferred is informed of their full meaning.
detergent-additized gasoline that has (d) PTD exemption for small transfers of
been overadditized in anticipation of additized gasoline. Transfers of
the later (or earlier) addition of PRC, additized gasoline are exempt from the
then the PTD must include a state- PTD requirements of this section pro-
ment that the product has been vided all the following conditions are
overadditized to account for a specified followed:
volume in gallons, or a specified per- (1) The product is being transferred
centage of the products total volume, by a distributor who is not the prod-
of additional, specified PRC. ucts detergent blender; and


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80.159 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(2) The recipient is a wholesale pur- (d) Post-refinery component non-con-

chaser-consumer (WPC) or other ulti- formity. Any violation of 80.155(e) shall
mate consumer of gasoline, for its own constitute a separate day of violation
use only or for that of its agents or em- for each and every day the post-refin-
ployees; and ery component in violation remains at
(3) The volume of additized gasoline any place in the post-refinery compo-
being transferred is not greater than nent or gasoline distribution system,
550 gallons. beginning on the day that the post-re-
(e) Recordkeeping period. Any person finery component is in violation of the
creating, providing or acquiring prod- respective prohibition and ending on
uct transfer documentation for gaso- the last day that detergent-additized
line, detergent, or detergent-additized gasoline containing the post-refinery
PRC, except as provided in paragraph component is offered for sale or is dis-
(d) of this section, shall retain the doc- pensed to any ultimate consumer.
uments required by this section for a
(e) Product transfer document non-con-
period of five years from the date the
formity. Any violation of 80.155(c) shall
product transfer documentation was
created, received or transferred, as ap- constitute a separate day of violation
plicable, and shall deliver such docu- for every day the product transfer doc-
ments to EPA upon request. WPCs are ument is not fully in compliance. This
not required to retain PTDs of is to begin on the day that the product
additized gasoline received by them. transfer document is created or should
have been created and to end at the
[61 FR 35362, July 5, 1996, as amended at 62 later of the following dates: Either the
FR 60001, Nov. 6, 1997]
day that the document is corrected and
80.159 Penalties. comes into compliance, or the day that
gasoline not additized in conformity
(a) General. Any person who violates with interim detergent program re-
any prohibition or affirmative require- quirements, as a result of the product
ment of 80.155 shall be liable to the
transfer document non-conformity, is
United States for a civil penalty of not
offered for sale or is dispensed to the
more than the sum of $25,000 for every
ultimate consumer.
day of such violation and the amount
of economic benefit or savings result- (f) Volumetric additive reconciliation
ing from the violation. (VAR) record keeping non-conformity.
(b) Gasoline non-conformity. Any vio- Any VAR recordkeeping violation of
lation of 80.155(a) shall constitute a 80.155(b) shall constitute a separate
separate day of violation for each and day of violation for every day that
every day the gasoline in violation re- VAR recordkeeping is not fully in com-
mains at any place in the gasoline dis- pliance. Each element of the VAR
tribution system, beginning on the day record keeping program that is not in
that the gasoline is in violation of the compliance shall constitute a separate
respective prohibition and ending on violation for purposes of this section.
the last day that such gasoline is of- (g) Volumetric additive reconciliation
fered for sale or is dispensed to any ul- (VAR) compliance standard non-con-
timate consumer. formity. Any violation of the VAR com-
(c) Detergent non-conformity. Any vio- pliance standard established in 80.157
lation of 80.155(d) shall constitute a shall constitute a separate day of vio-
separate day of violation for each and lation for each and every day of the
every day the detergent in violation re- VAR compliance period in which the
mains at any place in the gasoline or standard was violated.
detergent distribution system, begin- (h) Volumetric additive reconciliation
ning on the day that the detergent is in (VAR) equipment calibration non-con-
violation of the prohibition and ending
formity. Any VAR equipment calibra-
on the last day that detergent-
tion violation of 80.155(b) shall con-
additized gasoline, containing the sub-
stitute a separate day of violation for
ject detergent as a component thereof,
is offered for sale or is dispensed to any every day a VAR equipment calibra-
ultimate consumer. tion requirement is not met.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.161

80.160 Exemptions. or offering for sale, dispensing, or

(a) Research, development, and testing transfer as automotive racing fuel or
exemptions. Any detergent that is ei- as aircraft engine fuel, maintains docu-
ther in a research, development, or test mentation identifying the product as
status, or is sold to petroleum, auto- racing fuel, restricted for non-highway
mobile, engine, or component manufac- use in racing motor vehicles, or as
turers for research, development, or aviation fuel, restricted for use in air-
test purposes, or any gasoline to be craft, as applicable;
used by, or under the control of, petro- (2) Each pump stand at a regulated
leum, additive, automobile, engine, or partys facility, from which such fuel is
component manufacturers for research, dispensed, is labeled with the applica-
development, or test purposes, is ex- ble fuel identification and use restric-
empted from the provisions of the in- tions described in paragraph (b)(1) of
terim detergent program, provided this section; and
(3) The fuel is not sold, dispensed,
(1) The detergent (or fuel containing transferred, or offered for sale, dis-
the detergent), or the gasoline, is kept pensing, or transfer for highway use in
segregated from non-exempt product, a motor vehicle.
(c) California gasoline exemptions. (1)
and the party possessing the product
Gasoline or PRC which is additized in
maintains documentation identifying
the State of California is exempt from
the product as research, development,
the VAR provisions in 80.155(b) and
or testing detergent or fuel, as applica-
ble, and stating that it is to be used (e) and 80.157, provided that:
(i) For all such gasoline or PRC,
only for research, development, or test-
ing purposes; and whether intended for sale within or
(2) The detergent (or fuel containing outside of California, records of the
the detergent), or the gasoline, is not type required for California gasoline
sold, dispensed, or transferred, or of- (specified in title 13, California Code of
fered for sale, dispensing, or transfer Regulations, section 2257) are main-
from a retail outlet. It shall also not be tained; and
sold, dispensed, or transferred, or of- (ii) Such records, with the exception
fered for sale, dispensing, or transfer of daily additization records, are main-
from a wholesale purchaser-consumer tained for a period of five years from
facility, unless such facility is associ- the date they were created and are de-
ated with detergent, fuel, automotive, livered to EPA upon request.
or engine research, development or (2) Gasoline or PRC that is trans-
testing; and ferred and/or sold solely within the
(3) The party using the product for State of California is exempt from the
research, development, or testing pur- PTD provisions of the interim deter-
poses, or the party sponsoring this gent program, specified in 80.155(c)
usage, notifies the EPA, on at least an and 80.158.
annual basis and prior to the use of the (3) Nothing in this paragraph (c) ex-
product, of the purpose(s) of the pro- empts such gasoline or PRC from the
gram(s) in which the product will be requirements of 80.155(a) and (e), as
used and the anticipated volume of the applicable. EPA will base its deter-
product to be used. The information mination of California gasolines con-
must be submitted to the address or formity with the detergents LAC on
fax number provided in 80.174(c). the additization records required by
(b) Racing fuel and aviation fuel ex- CARB, or records of the same type.
emptions. Any fuel that is refined, sold, [61 FR 35363, July 5, 1996]
dispensed, transferred, or offered for
sale, dispensing, or transfer as auto- 80.161 Detergent additive certifi-
motive racing fuel or as aircraft engine cation program.
fuel, is exempted from the provisions of (a) Effective dates and applicability of
this subpart, provided that: requirements. (1) As of July 1, 1997:
(1) The fuel is kept segregated from (i) Detergent additives for the con-
non-exempt fuel, and the party pos- trol of port fuel injector deposits
sessing the fuel for the purposes of re- (PFID) and/or intake valve deposits
fining, selling, dispensing, transferring, (IVD) in gasoline engines may not be


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80.161 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

transferred or sold for use in compli- judges the testing or materials to be

ance with this subpart unless such ad- inadequate, or if the detergent fails
ditives have been certified according to EPA confirmatory deposit control per-
the requirements of this section. formance testing pursuant to 80.167,
(ii) Except as provided in the Administrator may deny or with-
80.169(c)(8), PFID and IVD control ad- draw the detergents eligibility to be
ditives may not be added to gasoline or used to satisfy the detergency require-
post-refinery component (PRC) for ments of this subpart.
compliance with this subpart unless (1) The detergent additive manufac-
such additives have been certified ac- turer must properly register the deter-
cording to the requirements of this sec- gent additive under 40 CFR part 79. For
tion. this purpose:
(iii) Gasoline may not be sold or (i) The compositional data required
transferred to a party who sells or under 79.21(a) of this chapter shall in-
transfers gasoline to the ultimate con- clude the information specified in
sumer unless such gasoline contains 80.162.
detergent additives which have been (ii) The minimum recommended addi-
certified according to the requirements tive concentration required under
of this section. 79.21(d) of this chapter shall be re-
(2) Beginning August 1, 1997, all gaso- ported to EPA in units of gallons of de-
line sold or transferred to the ultimate tergent additive package per 1000 gal-
consumer must contain detergent addi- lons of gasoline or PRC, provided to
tive(s) which have been certified, ac- four digits. This concentration is the
cording to the requirements of this sec- lowest additive concentration (LAC)
tion, to be effective for the control of referred to in 80.170, and shall be re-
PFID and IVD in gasoline engines. ported as follows:
(3) Except as specifically exempted in (A) For a detergent additive reg-
80.173, these detergency requirements istered for use in unleaded gasoline,
apply to all gasoline, whether intended the minimum concentration must be
for on-highway or nonroad use, includ- determined and reported for each cer-
ing conventional, oxygenated, reformu- tification option under which the man-
lated, and leaded gasolines, as well as ufacturer wishes to certify the additive
the gasoline component in mixtures of pursuant to 80.163.
petroleum and alcohol fuels, gasoline (1) In the case of a detergent certified
used as marine fuel, gasoline service for use in California gasoline based on
accumulation fuel (as described in an existing certification granted by the
86.11394(a)(1) of this chapter), the gas- California Air Resources Board
oline component of fuel mixtures of pe- (CARB), pursuant to 80.163(d), the
troleum and methanol used for service minimum recommended concentration
accumulation in flexible fuel vehicles must equal or exceed the amount speci-
(as described in 86.11394(d) of this fied in the CARB certification.
chapter), the gasoline used for factory (2) In the case of any other detergent
fill purposes, and all additized PRC. certification option, the minimum rec-
(4) The specific controls and prohibi- ommended concentration must equal
tions applicable to persons subject to or exceed the amount mixed into the
these regulations are set forth in associated test fuel specified in 80.164,
80.168. which was shown to satisfy the PFID
(b) Detergent additive certification re- and IVD deposit control performance
quirements. For a detergent additive tests and standards specified in 80.165.
package to be certified as eligible for (B) For a detergent registered for use
use by detergent blenders in complying in leaded gasoline, the minimum rec-
with the gasoline detergency require- ommended concentration must be no
ments of this subpart, the require- less than the amount shown to be need-
ments listed in this paragraph (b) must ed for control of carburetor deposits,
be satisfied for such detergent. Subject pursuant to the test procedure and test
to the provisions of paragraph (e) of fuel guidelines in 80.166.
this section, if the certifier fails to (C) Once it has been registered by
conduct the specified tests or to submit EPA, the minimum recommended con-
the specified materials, or if EPA centration specified by a detergent


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.161

manufacturer to detergent blenders other conditions to prolong sample

and other users of the additive, pursu- shelf life, shall be provided.
ant to paragraph (c) of this section, (iv) If the certifying party wishes to
may not be changed without first noti- claim that the sample or any accom-
fying EPA. Such notification should be panying documents are entitled to spe-
sent by certified mail to the address cial handling for reasons of business
specified in 80.174(b). The change in confidentiality, the party must clearly
minimum concentration must be sup- identify the sample or documents as
ported by existing certification data or such. EPA will handle any samples or
else the notification to EPA must be documents with such claims according
accompanied by new certification in- to the regulations at 40 CFR part 2.
formation which demonstrates that the (v) The sample shall be submitted to
modification is consistent with the re- EPA, at the address provided in
quirements of paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(A) 80.174(a), within seven days of the date
and (B) of this section.
on which the certification letter for
(D) A manufacturer may use a single
the detergent package is sent to EPA
set of certification test data to dem-
as required by paragraph (b)(3) of this
onstrate the deposit control effective-
ness of more than one registered deter-
gent additive product, provided that: (3) The detergent additive manufac-
(1) The additive products contain all turer (or other certifying party) shall
of the same detergent-active compo- submit a certification letter for the de-
nents and no detergent-active compo- tergent additive package to the address
nents other than those contained in in 80.174(b). The party must use cer-
common; and tified or express mail with return re-
(2) The minimum concentration rec- ceipt service. The letter shall be signed
ommended for the use of each such ad- by a person legally authorized to rep-
ditive product is specified such that, resent the certifying party and shall
when each additive product is mixed in contain the following information:
gasoline at the recommended con- (i) Identifying information.
centration, each of its detergent-active (A) The name and address of the de-
components will be present at a final tergent additive manufacturer.
concentration no less than the lowest (B) In any case where the certifier is
concentration of that component which not the detergent additive manufac-
was present when the tested additive turer, such as in the case of a fuel-spe-
product met the PFID and IVD per- cific certification pursuant to
formance standards specified in 80.165. 80.163(c), the name and address of the
(2) The detergent additive manufac- certifier.
turer (or other certifying party) must (C) The commercial identifying name
submit to EPA a sample of the actual of the detergent additive product as
detergent additive package which was registered under the requirements of
used in the certification testing speci- 79.21 of this chapter.
fied in 80.164 or, if such sample is not
(ii) A statement attesting that:
available, then a sample which has the
(A) The detergent package which is
same composition as the package used
in certification testing. the subject of this certification has
(i) The sample volume shall be be- been tested according to applicable
tween 250 ml and 500 ml. procedural and test fuel requirements
(ii) The sample shall be packaged in in this subpart and has met the appli-
a container which has a resealable clo- cable performance standards; and
sure and which will maintain sample (B) The testing was conducted in a
integrity for at least one year. The manner consistent with good engineer-
container shall be labeled with the ing practices; and
name and address of the manufacturer (C) Complete documentation of the
and the name of the detergent additive test fuel formulation and IVD dem-
package. onstration procedures, detergent per-
(iii) Any known shelf life limitations, formance test procedures, and test re-
and any available information on opti- sults are available for EPAs inspection
mal temperature, light exposure, or upon request.


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80.161 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(iii) The name and location of the (percent flow restriction demonstrated
laboratory(ies) at which the certifi- in the PFID test and milligrams of de-
cation testing was conducted and the posit per valve demonstrated in the
dates during which the testing was IVD test).
conducted. (ix) For each option under which cer-
(iv) For each option under which cer- tification of the detergent is sought,
tification is sought pursuant to 80.163, the minimum recommended concentra-
specifications of the test fuel(s) in tion which the certifying party seeks
which the detergent underwent per- to establish for the detergent additive
formance testing. These fuel specifica- package, pursuant to paragraph
tions must include: (b)(1)(ii) of this section.
(A) The sulfur content in weight per- (4) EPA will acknowledge receipt of
cent. the detergent certification letter. The
(B) The T90 distillation point in de- effective date of certification will be
grees Fahrenheit. the sooner of 60 days from the date on
(C) The olefin content in volume per- which EPA receives the certification
cent. letter, or the certifiers receipt of
(D) The aromatic content in volume EPAs acknowledgement of the certifi-
percent. cation letter. However, neither the pas-
(E) The identity and volume percent sage of 60 days nor EPAs acknowledge-
of any oxygenate compound. ment will signify acceptance by EPA of
(F) The source of the test fuel(s) and/ the validity of the information in the
or fuel blend stocks used to formulate certification letter or the adequacy or
the test fuel(s). potency of the detergent sample sub-
(v) In the case of a national or PADD mitted pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of
certification (pursuant to 80.163 (a) or this section. EPA may elect at any
(b)) for which the test fuel was spe- time to review the detergent certifi-
cially formulated from refinery blend cation data, analyze the submitted de-
stocks, the results of the IVD dem- tergent additive sample, or subject the
onstration test, pursuant to detergent additive package to confirm-
80.164(b)(3). atory testing as described in 80.167
(vi) In the case of a fuel-specific de- and, where appropriate, may disqualify
tergent certification, pursuant to a detergent certification according to
80.163(c), the definition of the seg- the provisions in paragraph (e) of this
regated gasoline pool, including any section.
permitted PRC, for which the certifi- (c) The minimum concentration re-
cation is sought, and the fuel param- ported in the detergent registration ac-
eter percentile distributions deter- cording to the provisions of paragraph
mined for the subject gasoline pool, as (b)(1)(ii) of this section, plus any re-
specified in 80.164(c). The percentile strictions in use associated with that
distributions must include all of the concentration, must be accurately
fuel parameters listed in paragraph communicated in writing by the addi-
(b)(3)(iv) (A) through (D) of this sec- tive manufacturer to each fuel manu-
tion, along with any other fuel param- facturer or detergent blender who pur-
eter(s) which the certifier wishes to use chases the subject detergent for pur-
to define the certification fuel. As pose of compliance with the gasoline
specified in 80.164(c)(1)(iv), the proce- detergency requirements of this sub-
dures used to measure the additional part, and to any additive manufacturer
parameters must be identified, as well who purchases the subject additive
as the levels of these additional param- with the intent of reselling it to a fuel
eters present in the test fuel(s). manufacturer for this purpose.
(vii) In the case of a certification for (d) The rate at which a detergent
California gasoline based on an exist- blender treats gasoline with a deter-
ing certification granted by CARB, gent additive package must be no less
pursuant to 80.163(d), a copy of the than the minimum recommended con-
CARB certificate. centration reported for the subject de-
(viii) The test concentration(s) of the tergent additive pursuant to paragraph
subject detergent additive in each test (b)(1)(ii) of this section, except under
fuel, and the corresponding test results the following conditions:


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.161

(1) If a detergent blender possesses (ii) If the detergent manufacturer

deposit control performance test re- fails to submit the required test data
sults as specified in 80.165 or 80.166 to EPA within the allotted time period,
which show that the minimum treat EPA will proceed on the assumption
rate recommended by the manufac- that data are not available to substan-
turer of a detergent additive product tiate the minimum recommended con-
exceeds the amount of that detergent centration specified in the detergent
actually required for effective deposit registration, and the subject additive
control, then, upon informing EPA in may be disqualified for use in com-
writing of these circumstances, the de- plying with the requirements of this
tergent blender may use the detergent subpart, pursuant to the procedures in
at the lower concentration substan- paragraph (e) of this section. The de-
tiated by these test results. tergent manufacturer may also be sub-
(2) The notification to EPA must ject to applicable liabilities and pen-
clearly specify the name of the deter- alties in 80.169 and 80.172.
gent product and its manufacturer, the (iii) If both parties submit the re-
concentration recommended by the de- quired information, EPA will evaluate
tergent manufacturer, and the lower the quality and results of both sets of
concentration which the detergent test data, and will either approve or
blender intends to use. The notification disapprove the use of the lower treat
must also attest that the required data rate submitted by the detergent blend-
are available to substantiate the de- er. EPA will inform both parties of the
results of its analysis.
posit control effectiveness of the deter-
(e) Disqualification of a detergent addi-
gent at the intended lower concentra-
tive package. (1) When EPA makes a
tion. The notification must be sent by
preliminary determination that a de-
certified mail to the address specified
tergent additive certifier has failed to
in 80.174(b).
comply with the detergent certifi-
(3) At its discretion, EPA may re- cation requirements of this section, in-
quire that the detergent blender sub- cluding a failure to submit required
mit the test data purported to substan- materials for a detergent additive or
tiate the claimed effectiveness of the submission of materials which EPA
lower concentration of the detergent deems inadequate, or if a detergent ad-
additive. In addition, EPA may require ditive fails confirmatory testing con-
the manufacturer of the subject deter- ducted pursuant to 80.167, EPA shall
gent additive to submit test data sub- notify the additive certifier by cer-
stantiating the minimum rec- tified mail, return receipt requested,
ommended concentration specified in setting forth the basis for that deter-
the detergent additive registration. In mination and informing the certifier
either case, EPA will send a letter to that the detergent may lose its eligi-
the appropriate party; the supporting bility to be used to comply with the de-
data will be due to EPA within 30 days tergency requirements of this section.
of receipt of EPAs letter. (2) If EPA determines that the deter-
(i) If the detergent blender fails to gent certification was created by fraud
submit the required supporting data to or other misconduct, such as a neg-
EPA in the allotted time period, or if ligent disregard for the truthfulness or
EPA judges the submitted data to be accuracy of the required information,
inadequate to support the detergent the detergent certification will be con-
blenders claim that the lower con- sidered void ab initio and the disquali-
centration provides a level of deposit fication will be retroactive to July 1,
control consistent with the require- 1997 or the date on which the additive
ments of this section, then EPA will product was first certified, whichever
disapprove the use of the detergent at is later.
the lower concentration. Further, the (3) The certifier will be afforded 60
detergent blender may be subject to ap- days from the date of receipt of the no-
plicable liabilities and penalties pursu- tice of intent of detergent disqualifica-
ant to 80.169 and 80.172 for any gaso- tion to submit written comments con-
line or PRC it has additized at the cerning the notice, and to demonstrate
lower concentration. or achieve compliance with the specific


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80.162 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

requirements which provide the basis disqualification order to the certifier

for the proposed disqualification. If the by certified mail. Notice of the dis-
certifier does not respond in writing qualification order will also be pub-
within 60 days from the date of receipt lished in the FEDERAL REGISTER. The
of the notice of intent of disqualifica- disqualification will become effective
tion, the detergent disqualification as of the date on which the copy of the
shall become final and the Adminis- order is received by the certifier. If the
trator shall notify the certifier of such certifier is also a blender of the dis-
final disqualification order. If the cer- qualified additive, then the certifier
tifier responds in writing within 60 must stop using the ineligible deter-
days from the date of receipt of the no- gent upon receipt of the disqualifica-
tice of intent to disqualify, the Admin- tion order.
istrator shall review and consider all (6) Within 10 days of receipt of EPAs
comments submitted by the certifier notification of the final decision to dis-
before taking final action concerning qualify a detergent additive package
the proposed disqualification. All cor- pursuant to this paragraph (e), the de-
respondence regarding a disqualifica- tergent certifier must submit to EPA,
tion must be sent to the address pro- at the address specified in 80.174(b), a
vided in 80.174(b). list of its customers who use the dis-
(4) As part of a written response to a qualified detergent. Failure to do so
notice of intent to disqualify, a cer- may subject the certifier to liabilities
tifier may request an informal hearing for violations of 80.168 that result
concerning the notice. Any such re- from the use of the uncertified deter-
quest shall state with specificity the gent. EPA shall inform the certifiers
information the certifier wishes to customers by certified mail that the
present at such a hearing. If an infor- detergent is no longer eligible for com-
mal hearing is requested, EPA shall pliance with the requirements of this
schedule such a hearing within 90 days subpart. These parties must stop using
from the date of receipt of the request. the ineligible detergent additive pack-
If an informal hearing is held, the sub- age and substitute an eligible deter-
ject matter of the hearing shall be con- gent additive within 45 days of receiv-
fined solely to whether or not the cer- ing the notification, or within 45 days
tifier has complied with the specific re- of publication of the disqualification
quirements which provide the basis for notice in the FEDERAL REGISTER,
the proposed disqualification. If an in- whichever occurs sooner.
formal hearing is held, the designated [61 FR 35364, July 5, 1996, as amended at 61
presiding officer may be any EPA em- FR 58747, Nov. 18, 1996]
ployee, the hearing procedures shall be
informal, and the hearing shall not be 80.162 Additive compositional data.
subject to or governed by 40 CFR part For a detergent additive product to
22 or by 5 U.S.C. 554, 556, or 557. A ver- be eligible for use by detergent blend-
batim transcript of each informal hear- ers in complying with the gasoline de-
ing shall be kept and the Adminis- tergency requirements of this subpart,
trator (or designee) shall consider all the compositional data to be supplied
relevant evidence and arguments pre- to EPA by the additive manufacturer
sented at the hearing in making a final for the purpose of registering a deter-
decision concerning a proposed dis- gent additive package under 79.21(a) of
qualification. this chapter must include the items
(5) If a certifier who has received a listed in this section. In the case of
notice of intent to disqualify submits a items requiring measurement or other
timely written response, and the Ad- technical analysis, and for which a spe-
ministrator (or designee) decides after cific test procedure is not stipulated
reviewing the response and the tran- herein, the procedure must conform to
script of any informal hearing to dis- reasonable and customary standards of
qualify the detergent for use in com- repeatability and reproducibility, and
plying with the requirements of this reasonable and customary limits of de-
subpart, the Administrator (or des- tection and accuracy for the type of
ignee) shall issue a final disqualifica- test procedure or analytic procedure in
tion order and forward a copy of the question. At EPAs request, detailed


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.162

documentation of any such test proce- posit control effectiveness of the addi-
dure must be submitted within 10 days tive package as compared with the
of the registrants receipt of EPAs re- level of effectiveness demonstrated
quest. during certification testing.
(a) A complete listing of the compo- (iii) Except as provided in paragraph
nents of the detergent additive package (a)(3)(iv) of this section, detergent ad-
and the weight and/or volume percent ditive packages which do not satisfy
(as applicable) of each component of the restrictions in this paragraph (a)(3)
the package. must be separately registered. EPA
(1) When possible, standard chemical may disqualify an additive for use in
nomenclature shall be used or the satisfying the requirements of this sub-
chemical structure of the component part if EPA determines that the varia-
shall be given. Polymeric components bility included within a given deter-
may be reported as the product of gent additive registration may reduce
other chemical reactants, provided the deposit control effectiveness of the
that the supporting data specified in detergent package such that it may in-
paragraph (b) of this section is also re- validate the minimum recommended
ported. concentration reported in accordance
(2) Each detergent-active component with the applicable requirements of
of the package shall be classified into 80.161(b)(1)(ii).
one of the following designations: (iv) A change in minimum concentra-
(i) Polyalkyl amine; tion requirements resulting from a
(ii) Polyether amine; modification of detergent additive
(iii) Polyalkylsuccinimide; composition shall not require a new de-
(iv) Polyalkylaminophenol; tergent additive registration or a
(v) Detergent-active petroleum-based change in existing registration if:
carrier oil; (A) The modification is effected by a
(vi) Detergent-active synthetic car- detergent blender only for its own use
rier oil; and or for the use of parties which are sub-
(vii) Other detergent-active compo- sidiaries of, or share common owner-
nent (identify category, if feasible.) ship with, the blender, and the modi-
(3) Composition variability. fied detergent is not sold or transferred
(i) The composition of a detergent to other parties; and
additive reported in a single additive (B) The modification is a dilution of
registration (and the detergent addi- the additive for the purpose of ensuring
tive product sold under a single addi- proper detergent flow in cold weather;
tive registration) may not: and
(A) Include detergent-active compo- (C) Gasoline is the only diluting
nents which differ in identity from agent used; and
those contained in the detergent addi- (D) The diluted detergent is subse-
tive package at the time of certifi- quently added to gasoline at a rate
cation testing; or that attains the detergents registered
(B) Include a range of concentration minimum recommended concentration,
for any detergent-active component taking into account the dilution; and
such that, if the component were (E) EPA is notified, either before or
present in the detergent additive pack- within seven days after the dilution ac-
age at the lower bound of the reported tion, of the identity of the detergent,
range, the deposit control effectiveness the identity of the diluting material,
of the additive package would be re- the amount or percentage of the dilu-
duced as compared with the level of ef- tion, the change in treat rate neces-
fectiveness demonstrated during cer- sitated by the dilution, and the loca-
tification testing. tions and time period of diluted deter-
(ii) The identity or concentration of gent usage. The notification shall be
non-detergent-active components of sent or faxed to the address in
the detergent additive package may 80.174(c).
vary under a single registration, pro- (b) For detergent-active polymers
vided that the range of such variation and detergent-active carrier oils which
is specified in the registration and that are reported as the product of other
such variability does not reduce the de- chemical reactants:


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80.162 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(1) Identification of the reactant ma- package and monitoring its production
terials and the manufacturers accept- quality control.
ance criteria for determining that (1) Such parameters shall include
these materials are suitable for use in (but need not be limited to) viscosity,
synthesizing detergent components. density, and basic nitrogen content,
The manufacturer must maintain docu- unless the additive manufacturer spe-
mentation, and submit it to EPA upon cifically requests, and EPA approves,
request, demonstrating that the ac- the substitution of other parameter(s)
ceptance criteria reported to EPA are which the manufacturer considers to be
the same criteria which the manufac- more appropriate for a particular addi-
turer specifies to the suppliers of the tive package. The request must be
reactant materials. made in writing and must include an
(2) A Gel Permeation Chromatograph
explanation of how the requested phys-
(GPC), providing the molecular weight
ical parameter(s) are helpful as indi-
distribution of the polymer or deter-
cator(s) of detergent production qual-
gent-active carrier oil components and
ity control. EPA will respond to such
the concentration of each
chromatographic peak representing requests in writing; the additional pa-
more than one percent of the total rameters are not approved until the
mass. For these results to be accept- certifier receives EPAs written ap-
able, the GPC test procedure must in- proval.
clude equipment calibration with a pol- (2) The manufacturer shall identify a
ystyrene standard or other readily at- standardized measurement method,
tainable and generally accepted cali- consistent with the chemical and phys-
bration standard. The identity of the ical nature of the detergent product,
calibration standard must be provided, which will be used to measure each pa-
together with the GPC characteriza- rameter. The documented ASTM re-
tion of the standard. peatability for the method shall also be
(c) For non-detergent-active carrier cited. The manufacturers target value
oils, the following parameters: for each parameter in the detergent
(1) T10, T50, and T90 distillation package, and the expected range of pro-
points, and end boiling point, measured duction values for each parameter,
according to applicable test procedures shall be specified.
cited in 80.46. (3) EPA will consider the parameter
(2) API gravity and viscosity measurements to be an acceptable
(3) Concentration of oxygen, sulfur, basis for establishing an affirmative
and nitrogen, if greater than or equal defense to presumptive liability, if the
to 0.5 percent (by weight) of the carrier expected range of variability differs
oil from the target value by an amount no
(d) Description of an FTIR-based greater than five times the standard
method appropriate for identifying the
repeatability of the test procedure, or
detergent additive package and its de-
by no more than 10 percent of the tar-
tergent-active components (polymers,
get value, whichever is less. However,
carrier oils, and others) both quali-
tatively and quantitatively, together in the case of nitrogen analysis or
with the actual infrared spectra of the other procedures for measuring con-
detergent additive package and each centrations of specific chemical com-
detergent-active component obtained pounds or elements, when the target
by this test method. value is less than 10 parts per million,
(e) To provide a basis for establishing a range of variability up to 50 percent
an affirmative defense to presumptive of the target value will be considered
liability pursuant to acceptable.
80.169(c)(4)(i)(D)(2)(i), specific physical (4) If a manufacturer wishes to rely
parameters must be identified which on measurement methods or produc-
the manufacturer considers adequate tion variability ranges which do not
and appropriate, in combination with conform to the above limitations, then
other information and sampling re- the manufacturer must receive prior
quirements under this subpart, for written approval from EPA in order to
identifying the detergent additive be assured that any related parameter


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.163

measurements will be considered an ac- tion, except that, pursuant to

ceptable basis for establishing an af- 80.164(a)(2)(ii), the certification test
firmative defense. A request for such fuel shall contain no ethanol or other
allowance must be made in writing. It oxygenate. A detergent certified under
must fully justify the adequacy of the this suboption is eligible to be used at
test procedure, explain why a broader a conforming LAC only in gasoline
range of variability is required, and that does not contain an oxygenate
provide evidence that the production component.
detergent will perform adequately (ii) National oxygenate-specific sub-
throughout the requested range of vari- option. The requirements for certifi-
ability. cation under this suboption are the
[61 FR 35366, July 5, 1996] same as those in paragraph (a)(1) of
this section, except that, pursuant to
80.163 Detergent certification op- 80.164(a)(2)(iii), the certification test
tions. fuel shall contain an oxygenate com-
To be used to satisfy the detergency pound other than ethanol. A detergent
requirements under 80.161(a), a deter- certified under this suboption is eligi-
gent additive must be certified in ac- ble to be used at a conforming LAC
cordance with the requirements of one only in gasoline that contains no oxy-
or more of the options and suboptions genate component other than the one
described in this section. Where a cer- present in the test fuel.
tification option makes an additive eli- (2) National premium certification op-
gible for use in a particular gasoline, tion. To be certified under this option,
that additive is also eligible for use in a candidate detergent must meet the
PRC which will be added to the par- deposit control performance test re-
ticular gasoline. Under each option, quirements and standards specified in
the lowest additive concentration 80.165 using test fuels that conform to
(LAC) or minimum recommended con- the requirements in 80.164(b)(1), Table
centration registered for a detergent 1, Line 2. A detergent certified under
additive package, pursuant to this option is eligible to be used at a
80.161(b)(1)(ii), must equal or exceed conforming LAC only in premium
the lowest detergent treat rate shown grade gasoline, with or without an oxy-
to be needed in the designated test fuel genate component.
in order to meet the deposit control (i) National premium nonoxygenate sub-
performance requirements specified in option. The requirements for certifi-
80.165. cation under this suboption are the
(a) National certification. A detergent same as those in paragraph (a)(2) of
certified under a national certification this section, except that, pursuant to
option is eligible for use in gasoline 80.164(a)(2)(ii), the certification test
which can be sold or dispensed any- fuel shall contain no ethanol or other
where within the United States or its oxygenate. A detergent certified under
territories (subject to approved State this suboption is eligible to be used at
programs). a conforming LAC only in premium
(1) National generic certification option. grade gasoline that does not contain an
To be certified under this option, a oxygenate component.
candidate detergent must meet the de- (ii) National premium oxygenate-spe-
posit control performance test require- cific suboption. The requirements for
ments and standards specified in certification under this suboption are
80.165 using test fuels that conform to the same as those in paragraph (a)(2) of
the requirements in 80.164(b)(1), Table this section, except that, pursuant to
1, Line 1. A detergent certified under 80.164(a)(2)(iii), the certification test
this option is eligible to be used at a fuel shall contain an oxygenate com-
conforming LAC in any grade of gaso- pound other than ethanol. A detergent
line, with or without an oxygenate certified under this suboption is eligi-
component. ble to be used at a conforming LAC
(i) National nonoxygenate suboption. only in gasoline that is premium grade
The requirements for certification and contains no oxygenate component
under this suboption are the same as other than the one present in the test
those in paragraph (a)(1) of this sec- fuel.


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80.163 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(b) Petroleum Administrative Defense posit control performance test require-

District (PADD) Certification. A deter- ments and standards specified in
gent certified under a PADD certifi- 80.165 using test fuels that conform to
cation option is eligible for use in gaso- the requirements in 80.164(b)(1), Table
line which can be sold or dispensed to 2, for a selected PADD. A detergent
the ultimate purchaser, or to those certified under this option is eligible to
parties who sell or dispense to the ulti- be used at a conforming LAC only in
mate consumer, only within the PADD gasoline that is premium grade (with
for which the certification was grant- or without an oxygenate component)
ed. The States and jurisdictions in- and is ultimately dispensed in the se-
cluded within each PADD are specified lected PADD.
in 79.59(b)(3)(i) through (v), except (i) PADD premium nonoxygenate sub-
that, for purposes of PADD certifi- option. The requirements for certifi-
cation, the State of California is ex- cation under this suboption are the
cluded from PADD V. same as those in paragraph (b)(2) of
(1) PADD generic certification option. this section, except that, pursuant to
To be certified under this option, a 80.164(a)(2)(ii), the certification test
candidate detergent must meet the de- fuel shall contain no ethanol or other
posit control performance test require- oxygenate. A detergent certified under
ments and standards specified in this suboption is eligible to be used at
80.165 using test fuels that conform to a conforming LAC only in gasoline
the requirements in 80.164(b)(1), Table that is premium grade, contains no ox-
2, for a selected PADD. A detergent ygenate component, and is ultimately
certified under this option is eligible to dispensed in the selected PADD.
be used at a conforming LAC in any (ii) PADD premium oxygenate-specific
grade of gasoline, with or without an suboption. The requirements for certifi-
oxygenate component, provided that cation under this suboption are the
the gasoline is ultimately dispensed in same as those in paragraph (b)(2) of
the selected PADD. this section, except that, pursuant to
(i) PADD nonoxygenate suboption. The 80.164(a)(2)(iii), the certification test
requirements for certification under fuel shall contain an oxygenate com-
this suboption are the same as those in pound other than ethanol. A detergent
paragraph (b)(1) of this section, except certified under this suboption is eligi-
that, pursuant to 80.164(a)(2)(ii), the ble to be used at a conforming LAC
certification test fuel shall contain no only in gasoline that is premium grade,
ethanol or other oxygenate. A deter- contains no oxygenate component
gent certified under this suboption is other than the one present in the test
eligible to be used at a conforming fuel, and is ultimately dispensed in the
LAC only in gasoline that is selected PADD.
nonoxygenated and is ultimately dis- (c) Fuel-specific certification. Except as
pensed in the selected PADD. provided in paragraph (c)(3) of this sec-
(ii) PADD oxygenate-specific suboption. tion, to be certified under the fuel-spe-
The requirements for certification cific certification option, a candidate
under this suboption are the same as detergent must meet the deposit con-
those in paragraph (b)(1) of this sec- trol performance test requirements and
tion, except that, pursuant to standards specified in 80.165 using test
80.164(a)(2)(iii), the certification test fuels that conform to the requirements
fuel shall contain an oxygenate com- of 80.164(c).
pound other than ethanol. A detergent (1) A detergent certified under this
certified under this suboption is eligi- option is eligible to be used at a con-
ble to be used at a conforming LAC forming LAC only in the defined gaso-
only in gasoline that contains no oxy- line pool reported in the certification
genate component other than the one letter pursuant to 80.161(b)(3).
present in the test fuel and is ulti- (i) The gasoline pool may only in-
mately dispensed in the selected clude gasoline produced or distributed
PADD. from the facilities covered by the fuel
(2) PADD premium certification option. survey which was used to define the
To be certified under this option, a fuel-specific certification test fuels,
candidate detergent must meet the de- pursuant to 80.164(c)(1).


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.164

(ii) The gasoline pool must be kept of California Phase II reformulated

segregated from any other gasoline gasoline (pursuant to Title 13, Chapter
prior to blending with the detergent 5, Article 1, Subarticle 2, California
additive. Code of Regulations, Standards for
(iii) Depending on the oxygenate Gasoline Sold Beginning March 1, 1996).
components added to the test fuel pur- The grade(s) of California gasoline
suant to 80.164(a)(2), the gasoline pool which may be so additized, and the ox-
may be inclusive of all grades and all ygenate(s) which may be present, are
oxygenate blending characteristics as specified in the CARB certification
(i.e., generic), or may be restricted to for the detergent in question.
non-oxygenated gasoline, or to gasoline (2) The gasoline must be either:
containing a specific oxygenate com- Additized in California; or sold or dis-
pound. The certification may also be pensed to the ultimate consumer in
restricted to premium grade gasoline. California (or to parties who sell or dis-
Any such use restrictions must be spec- pense to the ultimate consumer in
ified in the certification letter. Provi- California); or both additized and ulti-
sions in 80.168 and 80.171(a)(9) through mately dispensed in California.
(12) related to such use restrictions (3) A certification under this option
also apply. will continue to be valid only as long
(2) Detergent certification under this as the CARB certification remains
option entails special initial and an- valid. The certifier must cease selling
nual reporting requirements, specified or using a detergent immediately upon
under 80.161(b)(3)(vi) and 80.164(c)(3), being notified by CARB that the CARB
which necessitate that the responsible certification for this detergent has
party have control over and access to been invalidated, and must notify EPA
the segregated gasoline pool for which within 7 days of receipt of this notifica-
the detergent is certified. For this rea- tion.
son, the certifying party under this op-
tion is likely to be (but is not required [61 FR 35368, July 5, 1996]
to be) a fuel manufacturer or detergent
80.164 Certification test fuels.
blender, rather than the additive man-
ufacturer. (a) General requirements. This section
(3) If a certifier demonstrates that provides specifications for the test
the required test fuel representing a fuels required in conjunction with the
segregated pool of gasoline meets the certification options described in
deposit control performance standards 80.163. For each such certification op-
specified in 80.165 in the absence of a tion, the associated test fuel must
detergent additive, or using a deter- meet or exceed the levels of four basic
gent additive which has only PFID- fuel parameters (aromatics, fuel sulfur,
control activity, then this gasoline olefins, and T90) prescribed here and
pool (and PFID detergent, if applica- may also contain specified oxygenate
ble) can be certified accordingly under compounds. In addition, pursuant to
the fuel-specific option. paragraph (b)(3) of this section, some
(4) Gasoline properly additized with a fuels must undergo an IVD demonstra-
detergent certified under the fuel-spe- tion test before they are eligible to be
cific option may be transferred or sold used as test fuels under this certifi-
anywhere within the United States and cation program. Test fuel characteris-
its territories (subject to approved tics must be reported to EPA in the de-
State programs). tergent certification letter required
(d) CARB-Based Certification. A valid pursuant to 80.161(b)(3).
certification under section 2257 of Title (1) Quantitative specifications for the
13, California Code of Regulations four basic fuel parameters, provided in
(CARB certification) may be the basis paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section,
for a certification under the following refer to the levels of these parameters
restrictions and conditions: in the base gasoline prior to the addi-
(1) A detergent certified under this tion of any oxygenate. The levels of the
option may be used at the LAC speci- basic fuel parameters must be meas-
fied in the CARB certification only in ured in accordance with applicable pro-
gasoline that meets the requirements cedures in 80.46.


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80.164 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(2) Oxygenate components of certifi- (4) Certification test requirements

cation test fuels must be of fuel grade may be satisfied for a detergent addi-
quality. The type and amount of oxy- tive using more than one batch of test
genate to be blended into the test fuel fuel, provided that each batch satisfies
(if any) shall be as follows: all applicable test fuel requirements
(i) To certify a detergent for generic under this section.
use (i.e., for use in gasoline containing (5) Unless otherwise required by this
any oxygenate compound, as well as for section, finished test fuels must con-
use in nonoxygenated gasoline), the form to the requirements for commer-
finished test fuel shall contain ethanol cial gasoline described in ASTM D 4814
at 10 volume percent. 95c, Standard Specification for Auto-
(ii) To certify a detergent specifically motive Spark-IgnitionEngine Fuel,
for use in nonoxygenated gasoline, no which is incorporated by reference.
oxygenate compounds shall be added to This incorporation by reference was ap-
the test fuel. proved by the Director of the Federal
Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
(iii) To certify a detergent specifi-
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be
cally for use in gasoline blended with a
inspected at U.S. EPA, OAR, 401 M St.,
specified oxygenate compound other SW., Washington, DC 20460, or at the
than ethanol, the specified oxygenate Office of the Federal Register, 800
must be added to the test fuel in an North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700,
amount such that the finished fuel con- Washington, DC. Copies of this mate-
tains the oxygenate at the highest con- rial may be obtained from ASTM, 1916
centration at which the specific oxy- Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.
genate may be used in in-use gasoline. (b) National and PADD certification
(3) No detergent-active substance test fuels.(1) Test fuels for the national
other than the detergent additive pack- generic and premium certification op-
age undergoing testing may be added tions must contain levels of the des-
to a certification test fuel. Typical ignated fuel parameters which meet or
nondetergent additives, such as anti- exceed the applicable values in Table 1.
oxidants, corrosion inhibitors, and Test fuels for the PADD generic certifi-
metal deactivators, may be present in cation options must contain levels of
the test fuel at the discretion of the ad- the designated fuel parameters which
ditive certifier. In addition, any non- meet or exceed the applicable values in
detergent additives (other than oxy- Table 2. Test fuels for the PADD pre-
genate compounds) which are com- mium certification options must con-
monly blended into gasoline and which tain levels of the designated fuel pa-
are known or suspected to affect IVD rameters which meet or exceed the ap-
or PFID formation, or to reduce the plicable values in Table 3. Oxygenate
ability of the detergent in question to requirements for the respective non-
control such deposits, should be added oxygenate and oxygenate-specific sub-
to the test fuel for certification test- options are specified in paragraph (a)(2)
ing. of this section.
Required minimum fuel parameter values
Certification option Sulfur Olefins (vol- Aromatics Oxygenate (volume
T90 (F)
(weight %) ume %) (volume %) %)

1. National Generic ....................................... 0.034 339 11.4 31.1 10% Ethanol.

2. National Premium ..................................... 0.016 332 6.5 35.9


Required minimum fuel parameter values
Certification option Sulfur Olefins (vol- Aromatics Oxygenate (volume
T90 (F)
(weight %) ume %) (volume %) %)

PADD 1 Generic ........................................... 0.039 343 15.4 32.1

PADD 2 Generic ........................................... 0.034 338 10.3 29.3


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.164


Required minimum fuel parameter values
Certification option Sulfur Olefins (vol- Aromatics Oxygenate (volume
T90 (F)
(weight %) ume %) (volume %) %)

PADD 3 Generic ........................................... 0.032 343 12.9 29.8 10% Ethanol.

PADD 4 Generic ........................................... 0.050 326 10.0 27.1
PADD 5 Generic ........................................... 0.021 337 7.6 34.5


Required minimum fuel parameter values
Certification option Sulfur Olefins (vol- Aromatics Oxygenate (volume
T90 (F)
(weight %) ume %) (volume %) %)

PADD 1 Premium .......................................... 0.018 332 9.2 38.6

PADD 2 Premium .......................................... 0.014 333 6.0 34.3
PADD 3 Premium .......................................... 0.015 334 6.0 34.6 10% Ethanol.
PADD 4 Premium .......................................... 0.040 319 6.0 22.3
PADD 5 Premium .......................................... 0.011 332 4.3 36.7

(2) National and PADD certification blend stocks must themselves undergo
test fuels must either be formulated to testing to demonstrate their deposit-
specification from normal refinery forming tendency. For this purpose,
blend stocks, or drawn from finished the unadditized, nonoxygenated test
gasoline supplies. The source of such fuel must be subjected to the IVD con-
samples must be normally-operating trol test procedure described in
gasoline production or distribution fa- 80.165(b). At the discretion of the test-
cilities located in the U.S. Samples er, the duration of the demonstration
must not be drawn from a segregated test may be less than 10,000 miles, pro-
gasoline pool that is or will be covered vided the results satisfy the standard
by a fuel-specific certification under of this paragraph. In order to qualify
80.163(c) on the date when the certifi- for use in certification testing, the for-
cation information under this option is mulated fuels test results must meet
submitted to EPA. or exceed the values shown in Table 4
(3) To be eligible for use in detergent for the relevant certification option. If
additive certification testing, in addi- the demonstration test results do not
tion to the specifications above, na- meet these criteria, then the formu-
tional and PADD test fuels which are lated fuel may not be used for deter-
specially formulated from refinery gent certification testing.
Minimum required deposit level in IVD demonstration test
(mg/valve, average)
Certification option
National PADD 1 PADD 2 PADD 3 PADD 4 PADD 5

Generic .................................................. 290 290 260 290 260 260

Premium ................................................ 260 260 235 260 235 235

(c) Fuel-specific certification test fuels. with 80.163(c). These values must be
(1) Test fuels required for fuel-specific determined by the certifier as follows:
certification must contain levels of (i) At least once monthly for at least
each of the four basic fuel parameters one complete year prior to the certifi-
(aromatics, olefins, T90, and fuel sul- cation, the certifier must measure the
fur) at no less than their respective levels of the required parameters in
65th percentile values in the segregated representative fuel samples contrib-
gasoline pool for which the detergent uted to the segregated gasoline pool by
certification is sought in accordance each participating refinery, terminal,


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80.164 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

or other fuel production or distribution specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this sec-

facility. The fuel parameters must be tion.
measured in accordance with the test (2) Fuel-specific certification test
procedures in 80.46. If the applica- fuels must either be formulated to
bility of the fuel-specific certification specification from the same refinery
is to be limited to premium gasoline, blend stocks which are normally used
then the required fuel compositional to blend the gasolines included in the
data must be collected only from sam- subject gasoline pool, or drawn from
ples of premium gasoline. the finished fuel supplies which con-
(ii) The fuel composition survey re- tribute to this pool of gasoline. Fuel-
sults, weighted according to the per- specific certification test fuels need
centage of gasoline contributed to the not undergo an IVD demonstration test
segregated gasoline pool from each par- prior to use in certification testing.
ticipating facility, shall be used to con- (3) The certifier must submit an an-
struct a percentile distribution of the nual report to EPA within 30 days of
measured values for each of the fuel pa- the anniversary of the initial certifi-
rameters. cation effective date. Failure to submit
(iii) Data from more than one year the annual report by the required date
may be used to construct the required will invalidate the fuel-specific certifi-
statistical distribution provided that cation and may subject the certifier to
only the total data from complete con- liability and penalties under 80.169
secutive years is used and that all sur- and 80.172. The purpose of the annual
report is to update the information on
vey data must have been collected
the composition of the segregated gaso-
within three years of the date the cer-
line pool that was characterized by the
tification information is submitted to
initial fuel survey.
(i) For this purpose, the same fuel
(iv) At the discretion of the certifier, survey and statistical analysis require-
other fuel parameters may be used to ments that were conducted pursuant to
define the certification test fuels in ad- paragraphs (c)(1)(i),(ii), and (iv) of this
dition to the four required parameters. section must be repeated, using data
To be taken into account by EPA in for the most current twelve-month pe-
case of confirmatory testing pursuant riod from each of the production/dis-
to 80.167, such additional parameters tribution facilities that contributed to
must be surveyed and analyzed accord- the original fuel survey.
ing to the same requirements applica- (ii) The annual report must present
ble to the four standard parameters. In the percentile distributions for each
addition, any optional parameters fuel parameter as determined from the
must be measured using test proce- new survey data and, for each meas-
dures which conform to reasonable and ured fuel parameter, must compare the
customary standards of repeatability newly determined 50th percentile value
and reproducibility, and reasonable and with the 60th percentile value for that
customary limits of detection and ac- parameter as determined in the origi-
curacy for the type of test procedure or nal fuel survey.
analytic procedure in question. (iii) If the new 50th percentile level
(v) Using the percentile distributions for any fuel parameter is greater than
calculated from the survey data for the or equal to the 60th percentile level re-
four required parameters and any addi- ported in the initial certification, then
tional discretionary parameters, the the fuel-specific certification is no
65th percentile value for each such pa- longer valid. In such instance, the cer-
rameter shall be determined. Prior to tifier must immediately discontinue
the addition of any oxygenate com- the sale and use of the subject deter-
pound, the fuel-specific certification gent under the conditions of the fuel-
test fuel shall contain each specified specific certification and must imme-
parameter at a level or concentration diately notify any downstream cus-
no less than this 65th percentile value. tomers/recipients of the subject deter-
Test fuel oxygenate requirements for gent that the certification is no longer
generic, nonoxygenate, and oxygenate- valid and that their use of the deter-
specific certification suboptions are gent must discontinue within seven


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.165

days. To avoid liability and penalties OAR, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC
under 80.169 and 80.172, the certifier 20460, or at the Office of the Federal
must take these remedial steps within Register, 800 North Capitol Street,
45 days of the anniversary of the origi- NW., suite 700, Washington, DC. Copies
nal fuel-specific certification. Down- of this material may be obtained from
stream customers/recipients must dis- ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA
continue usage of the detergent within 19103.
seven days of receipt of notification of (2) At the option of the certifier, fuel
the detergents invalidity to avoid such injector flow may be measured at in-
liability. tervals during the 10,000 mile test cycle
(4) The fuel composition survey re- described in ASTM D 559894, in addi-
sults which support the original test tion to the flow measurements required
fuel specifications and the annual sta- at the completion of the test cycle, but
tistical analyses, along with related not more than every 1,000 miles.
documentation on test methods and (b) Intake valve deposit control testing.
statistical procedures, shall be retained The required test fuel must produce
by the certifier for a period of at least the accumulation of less than 100 mg of
five years, and shall be made available intake valve deposits on average when
to EPA upon request. tested in accordance with ASTM D
[61 FR 35369, July 5, 1996] 550094, Standard Test Method for Ve-
hicle Evaluation of Unleaded Auto-
80.165 Certification test procedures motive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel for
and standards. Intake Valve Deposit Formation, 1994,
This section specifies the deposit which is incorporated by reference.
control test requirements and perform- This incorporation by reference was ap-
ance standards which must be met in proved by the Director of the Federal
order to certify detergent additives for Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
use in unleaded gasoline, pursuant to 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be
80.161(b)(1)(ii)(A)(2). These standards inspected at U.S. EPA, OAR, 401 M St.,
must be met in the context of the spe- SW., Washington, DC 20460, or at the
cific test procedures identified in para- Office of the Federal Register, 800
graphs (a) and (b) of this section, ex- North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700,
cept as provided in paragraph (c) of Washington, DC. Copies of this mate-
this section. In any case, the testing rial may be obtained from ASTM, 1916
must be conducted and the perform- Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.
ance standards met when the subject (c) If conducted using test fuels
detergent additive is mixed in a test meeting all relevant requirements of
fuel meeting all relevant requirements 80.164, and completed prior to Sep-
of 80.164, including the deposit-form- tember 3, 1996, then the PFID and IVD
ing tendency demonstration specified control test procedures required for de-
in 80.164(b)(3), if applicable. Complete tergent certification in California
test documentation must be submitted (specified in section 2257 of Title 13,
by the certifying party within 30 days California Code of Regulations) will
of receipt of a written request from also be considered acceptable. Cali-
EPA for such records. fornia Air Resources Board, Test
(a) Fuel injector deposit control testing. Method for Evaluating Port Fuel Injec-
(1) The required test fuel must produce tor (PFI) Deposits in Vehicle Engines,
no more than 5% flow restriction in March 1, 1991, and California Air Re-
any one injector when tested in accord- sources Board, BMW10,000 Miles In-
ance with ASTM D 559894, Standard take Valve Test Procedure, March 1,
Test Method for Evaluating Unleaded 1991, are incorporated by reference.
Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine This incorporation by reference was ap-
Fuel for Electronic Port Fuel Injector proved by the Director of the Federal
Fouling, 1994, which is incorporated Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
by reference. This incorporation by ref- 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be
erence was approved by the Director of inspected at U.S. EPA, OAR, 401 M St.,
the Federal Register in accordance SW., Washington, DC 20460, or at the
with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Office of the Federal Register, 800
Copies may be inspected at U.S. EPA, North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700,


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80.166 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

Washington, DC. Copies of this mate- port: 19731981, Coordinating Research

rial may be obtained from the Cali- Council, CRC Report No. 529, Coordi-
fornia Air Resource Board, Stationary nating Research Council Inc. (CRC), 219
Source Division, 2020 L Street, PO Box perimeter Center Parking, Atlanta,
2815, Sacramento, CA, 95814. Georgia, 30346.
[61 FR 35371, July 5, 1996]
(b) Carburetor Deposit Control Test
Fuel Guidelines. (1) The gasoline used in
80.166 Carburetor deposit control the tests described in paragraph (a) of
performance test and test fuel this section must contain the deter-
guidelines. gent-active components of the subject
EPA will use the guidelines in this detergent additive package in an
section to evaluate the adequacy of amount which corresponds to the min-
carburetor deposit control test data, imum recommended concentration re-
used to support the minimum con- corded in the respective detergent reg-
centration recommended for detergents istration, or less than this amount.
used in leaded gasoline pursuant to (2) The test fuel must not contain
80.161(b)(1)(ii)(B). any detergent-active components other
(a) Carburetor Deposit Control Test than those recorded in the subject de-
Procedure and Performance Standard tergent certification.
Guidelines. For demonstration of carbu- (3) The composition of the test fuel
retor deposit control performance, any used in carburetor deposit control test-
generally accepted vehicle, engine, or ing, conducted to support the claimed
bench test procedure and associated effectiveness of detergents used in
performance standard for carburetor leaded gasoline, should be reasonably
deposit control will be considered ade- typical of in-use gasoline in its tend-
quate. Port and throttle body fuel in- ency to form carburetor deposits (or
more severe than typical in-use fuels)
jector deposit control test data will
as defined by the olefin and sulfur con-
also be considered to be adequate dem-
tent. A test fuel conforming to these
onstration of an additives ability to
compositional guidelines may be sam-
control carburetor deposits. Examples
pled directly from finished gasolines or
of acceptable test procedures for dem-
may be blended to specification using
onstration of carburetor deposit con-
typical refinery blend stocks. Test data
trol, in addition to the fuel injector
using leaded fuels is preferred for this
test procedure listed in 80.165(a), are
purpose, but data collected using un-
contained in the following references:
leaded fuels may also be acceptable
(1) Test Method for Evaluating Port
provided that some correlation with
Fuel Injector (PFI) Deposits in Vehicle
additive performance in leaded fuels is
Engines, March 1, 1991, Section 2257, available.
Title 13, California Code of Regula-
tions. [61 FR 35372, July 5, 1996]
(2) A Vehicle Test Technique for
Studying Port Fuel Injector Deposits 80.167 Confirmatory testing.
A Coordinating Research Council Pro- EPA may test a detergent to confirm
gram, Robert Tupa et al., SAE Tech- that the required performance levels
nical paper No. 890213, 1989. are met. Based on the findings of this
(3) The Effects of Fuel Composition confirmatory testing, a detergent cer-
and Additives on Multiport Fuel Injec- tification may be denied or revoked
tor Deposits, Jack Benson et al., SAE under the provisions of 80.161(e).
Technical Paper Series No. 861533, 1986. (a) Confirmatory testing conducted
(4) Injector DepositsThe Tip of In- to evaluate the validity of detergent
take System Deposit Problems, Brian certifications under the national,
Taneguchi, et al., SAE Technical Paper PADD, or fuel-specific options will gen-
Series No. 861534, 1986. erally entail a single vehicle test using
(5) Fuel Injector, Intake Valve, and the procedures detailed in 80.165. The
Carburetor Detergency Performance of test fuel(s) used in conducting confirm-
Gasoline Additives, C.H. Jewitt et al., atory certification testing will contain
SAE Technical Paper No. 872114, 1987. the specified fuel parameters at or
(6) Carburetor Cleanliness Test Pro- below the minimum levels specified in
cedure, State-of-the-Art Summary, Re- 80.164, and will otherwise conform to


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.168

the applicable certification test fuel line, unless such gasoline is additized
specifications therein. in conformity with the requirements of
(b) Confirmatory certification test- 80.161. No person shall cause the pres-
ing conducted to evaluate the validity ence of any gasoline in the gasoline
of CARB-based detergent certifications distribution system unless such gaso-
will use the subject detergent in test line is additized in conformity with the
fuel(s) containing the relevant fuel pa- requirements of 80.161.
rameters at levels no greater than the (2) Gasoline has been additized in
maximum levels for which the CARB conformity with the requirements of
certification was granted. The test pro- 80.161 when the detergent component
cedures will be conducted pursuant to satisfies the requirements of 80.161
the procedures specified under section and when:
2257 of Title 13, California Code of Reg- (i) The gasoline has been additized in
conformity with the detergent com-
(c) Confirmatory testing conducted
position and purpose-in-use specifica-
to evaluate the validity of registration
tions of a detergent certified in accord-
and certification information specific
ance with this subpart, and in accord-
to detergent use in leaded gasoline will
use the subject detergent in a test fuel ance with at least the minimum con-
containing the test fuel parameters at centration specifications of that deter-
levels no greater than those prescribed gent as certified or as otherwise pro-
in 80.164. EPA will make all reason- vided under 80.161(d); or
able efforts to use the same test proce- (ii) The gasoline is composed of two
dure for confirmatory testing purposes or more commingled gasolines and
as was used by the certifier in con- each component gasoline has been
ducting deposit control performance additized in conformity with the deter-
testing. gent composition and purpose-in-use
(d) When EPA decides to conduct specifications of a detergent certified
confirmatory testing on a fuel or addi- in accordance with this subpart, and in
tive which is not readily available in accordance with at least the minimum
the open market, EPA may request concentration specifications of that de-
that the detergent certifier and/or tergent as certified or as otherwise pro-
manufacturer of such fuel or additive vided under 80.161(d); or
furnish a sample in the needed quan- (iii) The gasoline is composed of a
tity. If testing is conducted to evaluate gasoline commingled with a post-refin-
the validity of a detergent certification ery component (PRC), and both of
under the fuel-specific option, the de- these components have been additized
tergent blender must supply EPA with in conformity with the detergent com-
test fuel, or with blend stocks with position and use specifications of a de-
which to formulate such test fuel, in tergent certified in accordance with
sufficient quantity to conduct the spec- this subpart, and in accordance with at
ified deposit control performance test- least the minimum concentration spec-
ing. The fuel or additive manufacturer ifications of that detergent as certified
shall comply with a sample request or as otherwise provided under
made pursuant to this paragraph with- 80.161(d).
in 30 days of receipt of the request. (b) No person shall blend detergent
[61 FR 35372, July 5, 1996] into gasoline or PRC unless such per-
son complies with the volumetric addi-
80.168 Detergent certification pro- tive reconciliation requirements of
gram controls and prohibitions. 80.170.
(a)(1) No person shall sell, offer for (c) No person shall sell, offer for sale,
sale, dispense, supply, offer for supply, dispense, supply, offer for supply, store,
transport, or cause the transportation transport, or cause the transportation
of gasoline to the ultimate consumer of any gasoline, detergent, or deter-
for use in motor vehicles or in any off- gent-additized PRC, unless the product
road engines (except as provided in transfer document for the gasoline, de-
80.173), or to a gasoline retailer or tergent or detergent-additized PRC
wholesale purchaser-consumer, and no complies with the requirements of
person shall detergent-additize gaso- 80.171.


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80.169 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(d) No person shall refine, import, any storage tank at any facility owned,
manufacture, sell, offer for sale, dis- leased, operated, controlled or super-
pense, supply, offer for supply, store, vised by any gasoline refiner, importer,
transport, or cause the transportation carrier, distributor, reseller, retailer,
of any detergent that is to be used as a wholesale purchaser-consumer, oxygen-
component of detergent-additized gaso- ate blender, or detergent blender, is
line or detergent-additized PRC unless found in violation of any of the prohi-
such detergent conforms with the com- bitions specified in 80.168(a), the fol-
position specifications of a detergent lowing persons shall be deemed in vio-
certified in accordance with this sub- lation:
part and the detergent otherwise com-
(i) Each gasoline refiner, importer,
plies with the requirements of 80.161.
No person shall cause the presence of carrier, distributor, reseller, retailer,
any detergent in the detergent, PRC, wholesale purchaser-consumer, oxygen-
or gasoline distribution systems unless ate blender, or detergent blender, who
such detergent complies with the re- owns, leases, operates, controls or su-
quirements of 80.161. pervises the facility (including, but not
(e)(1) No person shall sell, offer for limited to, a truck or individual stor-
sale, dispense, supply, offer for supply, age tank) where the violation is found;
transport, or cause the transportation (ii) Each gasoline refiner, importer,
of detergent-additized PRC unless the distributor, reseller, retailer, wholesale
PRC has been additized in conformity purchaser-consumer, oxygenate blend-
with the requirements of 80.161. No er, detergent manufacturer, dis-
person shall cause the presence in the tributor, or blender, who refined, im-
PRC or gasoline distribution systems ported, manufactured, sold, offered for
of any detergent-additized PRC that sale, dispensed, supplied, offered for
fails to conform to the requirements of supply, stored, detergent additized,
80.161. transported, or caused the transpor-
(2) PRC has been additized in con- tation of the detergent-additized gaso-
formity with the requirements of line (or the base gasoline component,
80.161 when the detergent component the detergent component, or the deter-
satisfies the requirements of 80.161 gent-additized post-refinery component
and when: of the gasoline) that is in violation,
(i) The PRC has been additized in ac- and each such party that caused the
cordance with the detergent composi-
gasoline that is in violation to be
tion and use specifications of a deter-
present in the gasoline distribution
gent certified in accordance with this
system; and
subpart and in conformity with at least
the minimum concentration specifica- (iii) Each gasoline carrier who dis-
tions of that detergent as certified or pensed, supplied, stored, or transported
as otherwise provided under 80.161(d), any gasoline in the storage tank con-
or taining gasoline found to be in viola-
(ii) The PRC is composed of two or tion, and each detergent carrier who
more commingled PRCs, and each com- dispensed, supplied, stored, or trans-
ponent has been additized in accord- ported the detergent component of any
ance with the detergent composition PRC or gasoline in the storage tank
and use specifications of a detergent containing gasoline found to be in vio-
certified in accordance with this sub- lation, provided that EPA dem-
part, and in conformity with at least onstrates, by reasonably specific
the minimum concentration specifica- showings by direct or circumstantial
tions of that detergent as certified or evidence, that the gasoline or deter-
as otherwise provided under 80.161(d). gent carrier caused the violation.
[61 FR 35373, July 5, 1996] (2) Post-refinery component non-con-
formity. Where detergent-additized PRC
80.169 Liability for violations of the contained in any storage tank at any
detergent certification program facility owned, leased, operated, con-
controls and prohibitions. trolled or supervised by any gasoline
(a) Persons Liable(1) Gasoline non- refiner, importer, carrier, distributor,
conformity. Where gasoline contained in reseller, retailer, wholesale purchaser-


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.169

consumer, oxygenate blender, deter- wholesale purchaser-consumer, oxygen-

gent manufacturer, carrier, dis- ate blender, detergent manufacturer,
tributor, or blender, is found in viola- carrier, distributor, or blender, who
tion of the prohibitions specified in owns, leases, operates, controls or su-
80.168(e), the following persons shall pervises the facility (including, but not
be deemed in violation: limited to, a truck or individual stor-
(i) Each gasoline refiner, importer, age tank) where the violation is found;
carrier, distributor, reseller, retailer, (ii) Each gasoline refiner, importer,
wholesale-purchaser consumer, oxygen- distributor, reseller, retailer, wholesale
ate blender, detergent manufacturer, purchaser-consumer, oxygenate blend-
carrier, distributor, or blender, who er, detergent manufacturer, dis-
owns, leases, operates, controls or su- tributor, or blender, who sold, offered
pervises the facility (including, but not for sale, dispensed, supplied, offered for
limited to, a truck or individual stor- supply, stored, transported, or caused
age tank) where the violation is found; the transportation of the detergent
(ii) Each gasoline refiner, importer, that is in violation, and each such
distributor, reseller, retailer, wholesale party that caused the detergent that is
purchaser-consumer, oxygenate blend- in violation to be present in the deter-
er, detergent manufacturer, dis- gent, gasoline, or PRC distribution sys-
tributor, or blender, who sold, offered tems; and
for sale, dispensed, supplied, offered for (iii) Each gasoline or detergent car-
supply, stored, detergent additized, rier who dispensed, supplied, stored, or
transported, or caused the transpor- transported any detergent which is in
tation of the detergent-additized PRC the storage tank or container con-
(or the detergent component of the taining detergent found to be in viola-
PRC) that is in violation, and each tion, provided that EPA demonstrates,
such party that caused the PRC that is by reasonably specific showings by di-
in violation to be present in the PRC or rect or circumstantial evidence, that
gasoline distribution systems; and the gasoline or detergent carrier
(iii) Each carrier who dispensed, sup- caused the violation.
plied, stored, or transported any deter- (4) Volumetric additive reconciliation.
gent-additized PRC in the storage tank Where a violation of the volumetric ad-
containing PRC that is in violation, ditive reconciliation requirements es-
and each detergent carrier who dis- tablished by 80.168(b) has occurred,
pensed, supplied, stored, or transported the following persons shall be deemed
the detergent component of any deter- in violation:
gent-additized PRC which is in the (i) Each detergent blender who owns,
storage tank containing detergent- leases, operates, controls or supervises
additized PRC found to be in violation, the facility (including, but not limited
provided that EPA demonstrates by to, a truck or individual storage tank)
reasonably specific showings by direct where the violation has occurred; and
or circumstantial evidence, that the (ii) Each gasoline refiner, importer,
gasoline or detergent carrier caused carrier, distributor, reseller, retailer,
the violation. wholesale purchaser-consumer, or oxy-
(3) Detergent non-conformity. Where genate blender, and each detergent
the detergent (prior to additization) manufacturer, carrier, distributor, or
contained in any storage tank or con- blender, who refined, imported, manu-
tainer found at any facility owned, factured, sold, offered for sale, dis-
leased, operated, controlled or super- pensed, supplied, offered for supply,
vised by any gasoline refiner, importer, stored, transported, or caused the
carrier, distributor, reseller, retailer, transportation of the detergent-
wholesale purchaser-consumer, oxygen- additized gasoline, the base gasoline
ate blender, detergent manufacturer, component, the detergent component,
carrier, distributor, or blender, is found or the detergent-additized PRC of the
in violation of the prohibitions speci- gasoline that is in violation, provided
fied in 80.168(d), the following persons that EPA demonstrates, by reasonably
shall be deemed in violation: specific showings by direct or cir-
(i) Each gasoline refiner, importer, cumstantial evidence, that such person
carrier, distributor, reseller, retailer, caused the violation.


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80.169 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(5) Product transfer document. Where a tions occurring at a facility (including,

violation of 80.168(c) is found at a fa- but not limited to, a truck or indi-
cility owned, leased, operated, con- vidual storage tank) which is operating
trolled, or supervised by any gasoline under the corporate, trade or brand
refiner, importer, carrier, distributor, name of a refiner or that of any of its
reseller, retailer, wholesale purchaser- marketing subsidiaries, the refiner
consumer, oxygenate blender, deter- shall be deemed not in violation if it
gent manufacturer, carrier, dis- can demonstrate, in addition to the de-
tributor, or blender, the following per- fense requirements stated in paragraph
sons shall be deemed in violation: each (c)(1) of this section, that the violation
gasoline refiner, importer, carrier, dis- was caused by:
tributor, reseller, retailer, wholesale (i) An act in violation of law (other
purchaser-consumer, oxygenate blend- than these regulations), or an act of
er, detergent manufacturer, carrier, sabotage or vandalism, whether or not
distributor, or blender, who owns, such acts are violations of law in the
leases, operates, control or supervises jurisdiction where the violation of the
the facility (including, but not limited prohibitions of 80.168 occurred; or
to, a truck or individual storage tank) (ii) The action of any gasoline re-
where the violation is found. finer, importer, reseller, distributor,
(b) Branded Refiner Vicarious Liability. oxygenate blender, detergent manufac-
Where any violation of the prohibitions turer, distributor, blender, or retailer
specified in 80.168 has occurred, with or wholesale purchaser-consumer sup-
the exception of violations of 80.168(c), plied by any of these persons, in viola-
a refiner will also be deemed liable for tion of a contractual undertaking im-
violations occurring at a facility oper- posed by the refiner designed to pre-
ating under such refiners corporate, vent such action, and despite the im-
trade, or brand name or that of any of plementation of an oversight program,
its marketing subsidiaries. For pur- including, but not limited to, periodic
poses of this section, the word facility review of product transfer documents
includes, but is not limited to, a truck by the refiner to ensure compliance
or individual storage tank. with such contractual obligation; or
(c) Defenses. (1) In any case in which (iii) The action of any gasoline or de-
a gasoline refiner, importer, dis- tergent carrier, or other gasoline or de-
tributor, carrier, reseller, retailer, tergent distributor not subject to a
wholesale purchaser-consumer, oxygen- contract with the refiner but engaged
ate blender, detergent distributor, car- by the refiner for transportation of
rier, or blender, is in violation of any gasoline, PRC, or detergent, to a gaso-
of the prohibitions of 80.168, pursuant line or detergent distributor, oxygen-
to paragraph (a) or (b) of this section ate blender, detergent blender, gasoline
as applicable, the regulated party shall retailer or wholesale purchaser con-
be deemed not in violation if it can sumer, despite specification or inspec-
demonstrate: tion of procedures or equipment by the
(i) That the violation was not caused refiner which are reasonably calculated
by the regulated party or its employee to prevent such action.
or agent (unless otherwise provided in (iv) In this paragraph (c)(2), to show
this paragraph (c)); that the violation was caused by any
(ii) That product transfer documents of the specified actions, the party must
account for the gasoline, detergent, or demonstrate by reasonably specific
detergent-additized PRC in violation showings, by direct or circumstantial
and indicate that the gasoline, deter- evidence, that the violation was caused
gent, or detergent-additized PRC satis- or must have been caused by another.
fied relevant requirements when it left (3) Detergent blender. In any case in
the partys control; and which a detergent blender is liable for
(iii) That the party has fulfilled the violating any of the prohibitions of
requirements of paragraphs (c) (2) or (3) 80.168, the detergent blender shall not
of this section, as applicable. be deemed in violation if it can dem-
(2) Branded refiner. Where a branded onstrate, in addition to the defense re-
refiner is in violation of any of the pro- quirements stated in paragraph (c)(1) of
hibitions of 80.168 as a result of viola- this section, the following:


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.169

(i) That it obtained or supplied, as must provide FTIR test results for the
appropriate, prior to the detergent batch in question.
blending, accurate written instructions (1) The FTIR analysis may have been
from the detergent manufacturer or conducted on the subject detergent
other party with knowledge of such in- batch at the time it was manufactured,
structions, specifying the appropriate or may be conducted on a sample of
LAC for the detergent, as specified in that batch which the manufacturer re-
80.161(b)(1)(ii), together with any use tained for such purpose at the time the
restrictions which pertain to this LAC batch was manufactured.
pursuant to the detergents certifi- (2) To establish that, when it left the
cation; and manufacturers control, the detergent
(ii) That it has implemented a qual- component of the noncomplying prod-
ity assurance program that includes, uct was in conformity with the chem-
but is not limited to, a periodic review ical composition and concentration
of its supporting product transfer and specifications reported pursuant to
volume measurement documents to 80.161(b), the FTIR test results for the
confirm the correctness of its product detergent batch used in the noncom-
transfer and volumetric additive rec- plying product must, in EPAs judg-
onciliation documents created for all ment, be consistent with the FTIR re-
products it additized. sults submitted at the time of registra-
(4) Detergent manufacturer. (i) Pre- tion pursuant to 80.162(d).
sumptive Liability Affirmative Defense.
(D) If the detergent batch used in the
Notwithstanding the provisions of
noncomplying product was produced
paragraph (c)(1) of this section, in any
more than one year prior to the manu-
case in which a detergent manufac-
facturers notification by EPA of the
turer is liable for violating any of the
possible violation, then the manufac-
prohibitions of 80.168, the detergent
turer must provide either:
manufacturer shall be deemed not in
violation if it can demonstrate each of (1) FTIR test results for the batch in
the following: question as specified in the preceding
(A) Product transfer documents paragraph (c)(4)(i)(C) of this 80.169(c);
which account for the detergent com- or
ponent of the product in violation and (2) The following materials:
which indicate that such detergent sat- (i) Documentation for the batch in
isfied all relevant requirements when question, showing that its measured
it left the detergent manufacturers viscosity, density, and basic nitrogen
control. content, or any other such physical pa-
(B) Written blending instructions rameter(s) which EPA may have ap-
which, pursuant to 80.161(c), were sup- proved for monitoring production qual-
plied by the detergent manufacturer to ity control, were within the acceptable
its customer who purchased or ob- range of production values specified in
tained from the manufacturer the de- the certification pursuant to 80.162(e);
tergent component of the product de- and
termined to be in violation. The writ- (ii) If the detergent registration iden-
ten blending instructions must have tifies polymeric component(s) of the
been supplied by the manufacturer detergent package as the product(s) of
prior to the customers use or sale of other chemical reactants, documenta-
the detergent. The instructions must tion that the reagents used to syn-
accurately specify both the appropriate thesize the detergent batch in question
LAC for the detergent, pursuant to were the same as those specified in the
80.161(b)(1)(ii), plus any use restric- registration and that they met the
tions which may pertain to this LAC manufacturers normal acceptance cri-
pursuant to the detergents certifi- teria reported pursuant to 80.162(b)(1).
cation. (ii) Detergent manufacturer causation
(C) If the detergent batch used in the liability. In any case in which a deter-
noncomplying product was produced gent manufacturer is liable for a viola-
less than one year before the manufac- tion of 80.168, and the manufacturer
turer was notified by EPA of the pos- establishes an affirmative defense to
sible violation, then the manufacturer such liability pursuant to


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80.169 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

80.169(c)(4)(i), the detergent manufac- sions of this subpart, provided the fol-
turer will nonetheless be deemed liable lowing conditions are met:
for the violation of 80.168 if EPA can (i) The commingling must occur dur-
demonstrate, by reasonably specific ing a legitimate detergent
showings by direct or circumstantial transitioning event, i.e., a shift from
evidence, that the detergent manufac- the use of one detergent to another
turer caused the violation. through the delivery of the new deter-
(5) Defense against liability where more gent into the same tank that contains
than one party may be liable for VAR vio- the original detergent; and
lations. In any case in which a party is (ii) Any use restrictions applicable to
presumptively or vicariously liable for the new detergents certification also
a violation of 80.170, except for the apply to the combined detergents; and
VAR record requirements pursuant to (iii) The commingling event must be
80.170(g), such party shall not be documented, either on the VAR for-
deemed liable if it can establish the mula record or on attached supporting
following: records; and
(i) Prior to the violation it had en- (iv) Notwithstanding any contrary
tered into a written contract with an- provisions in 80.170, a VAR formula
other potentially liable detergent record must be created for the com-
blender party (the assuming party), bined detergents. The VAR compliance
under which that other party assumed period must begin no later than the
legal responsibility for fulfilling the time of the commingling event. How-
VAR requirement that had been vio- ever, at the blenders option, the com-
lated; pliance period may begin earlier, thus
(ii) The contract included reasonable including use of the uncombined origi-
oversight provision to ensure that the nal detergent within the same period,
assuming party fulfilled its VAR re- provided that the 31-day limitation
sponsibilities (including, but not lim- pursuant to 80.170(a)(6) is not exceed-
ited to, periodic review of VAR records) ed; and
and the oversight provision was actu- (v) The VAR formula record must
ally implemented by the party raising also satisfy the requirements in one of
the defense; the following paragraphs (c)(7)(v) (A)
(iii) The assuming party is fiscally through (C) of this section, whichever
sound and able to pay its penalty for applies to the commingling event. If
the VAR violation; and neither paragraph (c)(7)(v) (A) nor (B)
(iv) The employees or agents of the of this section initially applies, then
party raising the defense did not cause the blender may drain and subse-
the violation. quently redeliver the original deter-
(6) Defense to liability for gasoline non- gent into the tank in restricted
conformity violations caused solely by the amounts, in order to meet the condi-
addition of misadditized ethanol or other tions of paragraph (c)(7)(v) (A) or (B) of
PRC to the gasoline. In any case in this section. Otherwise, the blender
which a party is presumptively or vi- must comply with paragraph
cariously liable for a gasoline non-con- (c)(7)(v)(C) of this section.
formity violation of 80.168(a) caused (A) If both detergents have the same
solely by another partys addition of LAC, and the original detergent ac-
misadditized ethanol or other PRC to counts for no more than 20 percent of
the gasoline, the former party shall not the tanks total delivered volume after
be deemed liable for the violation, pro- addition of the new detergent, then the
vided that it can establish that it has VAR formula record is required to
fulfilled the defense requirements of identify only the use of the new deter-
paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and (ii) of this sec- gent.
tion. (B) If the two detergents have dif-
(7) Detergent tank transitioning de- ferent LACs and the original detergent
fenses. The commingling of two deter- accounts for 10 percent or less of the
gents in the same detergent storage tanks total delivered volume after ad-
tank will not be deemed to violate or dition of the new detergent, then the
cause violations of any of the provi- VAR formula record is required to


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.169

identify only the use of the new deter- gated (cured) by application of the
gent, and must attain the LAC of the procedures in this paragraph (c)(9). A
new detergent. If the original deter- party shall not be liable for violations
gents LAC is greater than that of the of 80.168(a) or (e) caused solely by the
new detergent, then the compliance pe- additization or subsequent use of gaso-
riod may begin earlier than the date of line or PRC in violation of such use re-
the commingling event (pursuant to striction, provided that the following
paragraph (c)(7)(iv) of this section) steps and conditions are applied before
only if the original detergent does not EPA has identified the nonconformity
exceed 10 percent of the total detergent and prior to the sale or transfer of non-
used during the compliance period. conforming product to the ultimate
(C) If neither of the preceding para- consumer:
graphs (c)(7)(v) (A) or (B) of this sec-
(i) Additional detergent must be
tion applies, then the VAR formula
added in sufficient quantity to provide
record must identify both of the com-
effective deposit control, taking into
mingled detergents, and must use and
account both the amount of detergent
attain the higher LAC of the two deter-
gents. Once the commingled detergent previously added and the final antici-
has been depleted by an amount equal pated volume and composition of the
to the volume of the original detergent subject fuel product.
in the tank at the time the new deter- (ii) The additional detergent may be
gent was added, subsequent VAR for- either the original detergent or a dif-
mula records must identify and use the ferent detergent, so long as the addi-
LAC of only the new detergent. tional detergent has been separately
(8) Transition from noncertified to cer- certified both for use with the subject
tified detergent. Notwithstanding the fuel product and for use with the type
prohibitions in 80.161(a)(3) and 80.168, of fuel product associated with the re-
after June 30, 1997, the addition to gas- striction which the party wishes to ne-
oline or PRC of a detergent which has gate by the curing procedure. Deter-
not been certified pursuant to 80.161 gents which have not been separately
shall not be deemed to violate or cause certified for both types of fuel products
violations of provisions of this subpart, are not eligible to be used for this cur-
provided that all of the following con- ing procedure.
ditions are met: (iii) If a fuel product has been deter-
(i) The detergent was received by the gent additized under the conditions of
detergent blender prior to July 1, 1997 a use-restricted certification which
and is used prior to January 1, 1998. would preclude the addition of an oxy-
Documentation which supports these genate or other PRC, then such oxy-
dates must be maintained for at least genate or other PRC may nevertheless
five years and must be available for be added to that fuel product under
EPAs inspection upon request; this curing procedure, provided that
(ii) The detergent is added to gaso- additional eligible detergent is added,
line or PRC only in combination with a in an amount which equals or exceeds
certified detergent and, at any one the number of gallons (DA) derived
time, accounts for no more than 10 per- from the following equation:
cent of the detergent tanks delivered
volume; Additional Detergent Volume = DA =
(iii) The total volume of detergent Vp(LAC2 LAC1) + V(1 p)LAC2
added to the gasoline or PRC is suffi- where:
cient to attain the LAC of the certified
V = Final volume of fuel product (in gallons)
detergent; and
p = Fraction of final fuel product composed
(iv) Use restrictions associated with
of the original (uncombined) fuel product
the certified detergent are adhered to.
LAC2 = Detergents LAC certified for the
(9) Procedures for curing use restric- final combined fuel product (in gallons of
tions. In the case of a fuel product detergent per 1,000 gallons of fuel product)
which has been additized with a deter- LAC1 = Detergents LAC certified for the
gent under the conditions of a use-re- original (uncombined) fuel product (in gal-
stricted certification (pursuant to lons of detergent per 1,000 gallons of fuel
80.163), the use restriction can be ne- product)


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80.170 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(iv) In other instances in which gaso- gent used under different certification
line or PRC has been additized in viola- options must be accurately and sepa-
tion of a detergent use restriction, and rately measured, either through the
no additional fuel components are to be use of a separate storage tank, a sepa-
added, such use restriction can be rate meter, or some other measure-
cured by the addition of eligible deter- ment system that is able to accurately
gent in an amount which equals or ex- distinguish its use. Recorded volumes
ceeds the number of gallons (DA) de- of gasoline, detergent, and PRC must
rived from the following equation, be expressed to the nearest gallon (or
which is a simplified version of the pre- smaller units), except that detergent
vious equation: volumes of five gallons or less must be
Additional Detergent Volume = DA = expressed to the nearest tenth of a gal-
V(LAC2 LAC1) lon (or smaller units). However, if the
blenders equipment cannot accurately
measure to the nearest tenth of a gal-
V = Volume of fuel product (in gallons) to be
lon, then such volumes must be round-
cured of the use restriction
LAC2 = Detergents LAC certified for the fuel ed downward to the next lower gallon.
product without the use restriction (in gal- PRC included in the reconciliation
lons of detergent per 1,000 gallons of fuel must be identified. Each VAR formula
product) record must also contain the following
LAC1 = Detergents LAC certified for the fuel information:
product with the use restriction to be
(a) Automated blending facilities. In
cured (in gallons of detergent per 1,000 gal-
lons of fuel product) the case of an automated detergent
blending facility, for each VAR period,
(v) In all such instances, a curing for each detergent storage system and
VAR must be created and maintained, each detergent in that storage system,
which documents the use of the appro- the following must be recorded:
priate equation as specified above, and (1) The manufacturer and commer-
otherwise complies with the require-
cial identifying name of the detergent
ments of 80.170(f)(6).
additive package being reconciled, the
[61 FR 35373, July 5, 1996, as amended at 61 LAC, and any use restriction applicable
FR 58747, Nov. 18, 1996] to the LAC. The LAC must be ex-
pressed in terms of gallons of detergent
80.170 Volumetric additive reconcili-
ation (VAR), equipment calibration, per thousand gallons of gasoline or
and recordkeeping requirements. PRC, and expressed to four digits. If
the detergent storage system which is
This section contains requirements the subject of the VAR formula record
for automated detergent blending fa-
is a proprietary system under the con-
cilities and hand-blending detergent fa-
trol of a customer, this fact must be in-
cilities. All gasoline and all PRC in-
dicated on the record.
tended for use in gasoline must be
additized unless otherwise noted in (2) The total volume of detergent
supporting VAR records, and must be blended into gasoline and PRC, in ac-
accounted for in VAR records. The cordance with one of the following
VAR reconciliation standard is at- paragraphs (a)(2)(i) or (ii) of this sec-
tained under this section when the ac- tion, as applicable.
tual concentration of detergent used (i) For a facility which uses in-line
per VAR formula record equals or ex- meters to measure detergent usage, the
ceeds the applicable LAC certified for total volume of detergent measured,
that detergent pursuant to together with supporting data which
80.161(b)(3)(ix) or, if appropriate, includes one of the following: the be-
80.161(d). If a given detergent package ginning and ending meter readings for
has been certified under more than one each meter being measured, the me-
certification option pursuant to tered batch volume measurements for
80.163, then a separate VAR formula each meter being measured, or other
record must be created for gasoline or comparable metered measurements.
PRC additized on the basis of each cer- The supporting data may be supplied
tification and its respective LAC. In on the VAR formula record or in the
such cases, the amount of the deter- form of computer printouts or other


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.170

comparable VAR supporting docu- (5) A list of each detergent con-

mentation. centration rate initially set for the de-
(ii) For a facility which uses a gauge tergent that is the subject of the VAR
to measure the inventory of the deter- record, together with the date and de-
gent storage tank, the total volume of scription of each adjustment to any
detergent shall be calculated from the initially set concentration. The con-
following equation: centration adjustment information
may be supplied on the VAR formula
Detergent Volume = (A) (B) + (C) record or in the form of computer
(D) printouts or other comparable VAR
where: supporting documentation. No con-
A = Initial detergent inventory of the tank
centration setting is permitted below
B = Final detergent inventory of the tank
the applicable certified LAC, except as
C = Sum of any additions to detergent inven- may be modified pursuant to 80.161(d)
tory or as described in paragraph (a)(7) of
D = Sum of any withdrawals from detergent this section.
inventory for purposes other than the (6) The dates of the VAR period,
additization of gasoline or PRC. which shall be no longer than thirty-
one days. If the VAR period is contem-
The value of each variable in this equa- poraneous with a calendar month, then
tion must be separately recorded on specifying the month will fulfill this
the VAR formula record. In addition, a requirement; if not, then the beginning
list of each detergent addition included and ending dates and times of the VAR
in variable C and a list of each deter- period must be listed. The times may
gent withdrawal included in variable D be supplied on the VAR formula record
must be provided, either on the for- or in supporting documentation. Any
mula record or as VAR supporting doc- adjustment to any detergent con-
umentation. centration rate more than 10 percent
(3) The total volume of gasoline plus over the concentration rate initially
PRC to which detergent has been set in the VAR period shall terminate
added, together with supporting data that VAR period and initiate a new
which includes one of the following: VAR period, except as provided in para-
the beginning and ending meter meas- graph (a)(7) of this section.
urements for each meter being meas- (7) The concentration setting for a
ured, the metered batch volume meas- detergent injector may be set below
urements for each meter being meas- the applicable LAC, or it may be ad-
ured, or other comparable metered justed more than 10 percent above the
measurements. The supporting data concentration initially set in the VAR
may be supplied on the VAR formula period without terminating that VAR
record or in the form of computer period, provided that:
printouts or other comparable VAR (i) The purpose of the change is to
supporting documentation. If gasoline correct a batch misadditization prior
has intentionally been overadditized in to the end of the VAR period and prior
anticipation of the later addition of to the transfer of the batch to another
unadditized PRC, then the total vol- party, or to correct an equipment mal-
ume of gasoline plus PRC recorded function; and
must include the expected amount of (ii) The concentration is immediately
unadditized PRC to be added later. In returned after the correction to a con-
addition, the amount of gasoline which centration that fulfills the require-
was overadditized for this purpose ments of paragraphs (a) (5) and (6) of
must be specified. this section; and
(4) The actual detergent concentra- (iii) The blender creates and main-
tion, calculated as the total volume of tains documentation establishing the
detergent added (pursuant to para- date and adjustments of the correction;
graph (a)(2) of this section), divided by and
the total volume of gasoline plus PRC (iv) If the correction is initiated only
(pursuant to paragraph (a)(3) of this to rectify an equipment malfunction,
section). The concentration must be and the amount of detergent used in
calculated and recorded to four digits. this procedure is not added to gasoline


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80.170 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

within the compliance period, then this (2) The date of the creation of the
amount is subtracted from the deter- VAR record; and
gent volume listed on the VAR formula (3) A certification of correctness by
record. the creator of the VAR record.
(8) If unadditized gasoline has been (d) Electronically-generated VAR
transferred from the facility, other formula and supporting records.
than bulk transfers from refineries or (1) Electronically-generated records
pipelines to non-retail outlets or non- are acceptable for VAR formula records
WPC facilities, the total amount of and supporting documentation (includ-
such gasoline must be specified. ing PTDs), provided that they are com-
(b) Non-automated facilities. In the plete, accessible, and easily readable.
case of a facility in which hand blend- VAR formula records must also be
ing or any other non-automated meth- stored with access and audit security,
od is used to blend detergent, for each which must restrict to a limited num-
detergent and for each batch of gaso- ber of specified people those who have
line and each batch of PRC to which the ability to alter or delete the
the detergent is being added, the fol- records. In addition, parties maintain-
lowing shall be recorded: ing records electronically must make
(1) The manufacturer and commer- available to EPA the hardware and
cial identifying name of the detergent software necessary to review the
additive package being reconciled, the records.
LAC, and any use restriction applicable (2) Electronically-generated VAR for-
to the LAC. The LAC must be ex- mula records may use an electronic
pressed in terms of gallons of detergent user identification code to satisfy the
per thousand gallons of gasoline or signature requirements of paragraph
PRC, and expressed to four digits. (c)(1) of this section, provided that:
(2) The date of the additization that (i) The use of the ID is limited to the
is the subject of the VAR formula record creator; and
record. (ii) A paper record is maintained,
(3) The volume of added detergent. which is signed and dated by the VAR
(4) The volume of the gasoline and/or formula record creator, acknowledging
PRC to which the detergent has been that the use of that particular user ID
added. If gasoline has intentionally on a VAR formula record is equivalent
been overadditized in anticipation of to his/her signature on the document.
the later addition of unadditized PRC, (e) Automated detergent blenders
then the total volume of gasoline plus must calibrate their detergent equip-
PRC recorded must include the ex- ment once in each calendar half year,
pected amount of unadditized PRC to with the acceptable calibrations being
be added later. In addition, the amount no less than one hundred twenty days
of gasoline which was overadditized for apart. Equipment recalibration is also
this purpose must be specified. required each time the detergent pack-
(5) The brand (if known), grade, and age is changed, unless written docu-
leaded/unleaded status of gasoline, and/ mentation indicates that the new de-
or the type of PRC. tergent package has the same viscosity
(6) The actual detergent concentra- as the previous detergent package. De-
tion, calculated as the volume of added tergent package change calibrations
detergent (pursuant to paragraph (b)(3) may be used to satisfy the semiannual
of this section), divided by the volume requirement provided that the calibra-
of gasoline and/or PRC (pursuant to tions occur in the appropriate half cal-
paragraph (b)(4) of this section). The endar year and are no less than one
concentration must be calculated and hundred twenty days apart.
recorded to four digits. (f) The following VAR supporting
(c) Every VAR formula record cre- documentation must also be created
ated pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) and maintained:
of this section shall contain the fol- (1) For all automated detergent
lowing: blending facilities, documentation re-
(1) The signature of the creator of the flecting performance of the calibra-
VAR record; tions required by paragraph (e) of this


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.171

section, and any associated adjust- (2) Except as provided in paragraph

ments of the automated detergent (g)(3) of this section, other hand-blend-
equipment; ing detergent facilities which phys-
(2) For all hand-blending facilities ically blend detergent into gasoline
which are terminals, a record speci- must make immediately available to
fying, for each VAR period, the total EPA, upon request, the preceding two
volume in gallons of transfers from the months of VAR formula records and
facility of unadditized base gasoline; VAR supporting documentation.
(3) For all detergent blending facili- (3) Facilities which have centrally
ties, product transfer documents for all maintained records at other locations,
gasoline, detergent and detergent- or have customers who maintain their
additized PRC transferred into or out own records at other locations for their
of the facility; in addition, bills of lad- proprietary detergent systems, and
ing, transfer, or sale for all unadditized which can document this fact to the
PRC transferred into the facility; Agency, may have until the start of
(4) For all automated detergent the next business day after the EPA re-
blending facilities, documentation es- quest to supply VAR supporting docu-
tablishing the brands (if known) and mentation, or longer if approved by the
grades of the gasoline which is the sub- Agency.
ject of the VAR formula record; and (4) In this paragraph (g) of this sec-
(5) For all hand blending detergent tion, the term immediately available
blenders, the documentation, if in the means that the records must be pro-
partys possession, supporting the vol- vided, electronically or otherwise,
umes of gasoline, PRC, and detergent within approximately one hour of
reported on the VAR formula record. EPAs request, or within a longer time
(6) For all detergent blending facili- frame as approved by EPA.
ties, documentation establishing the [61 FR 35377, July 5, 1996]
curing of a batch or amount of
misadditized gasoline or PRC, or the 80.171 Product transfer documents
curing of a use restriction on the (PTDs).
additized gasoline or PRC, and pro- (a) Contents. For each occasion when
viding at least the following informa- any gasoline refiner, importer, reseller,
tion: the date of the curing procedure; distributor, carrier, retailer, wholesale
the problem that was corrected; the purchaser-consumer, oxygenate blend-
amount, name, and LAC of the original er, detergent manufacturer, dis-
detergent used; the amount, name, and tributor, carrier, or blender, transfers
LAC of the added curing detergent; and custody or title to any gasoline, deter-
the actual detergent concentration at- gent, or detergent-additized PRC other
tained in, and the volume of, the total than when detergent-additized gasoline
cured product. is sold or dispensed at a retail outlet or
(g) Document retention and avail- wholesale purchaser-consumer facility
ability. All detergent blenders shall re- to the ultimate consumer, the trans-
tain the documents required under this feror shall provide to the transferee,
section for a period of five years from and the transferee shall acquire from
the date the VAR formula records and the transferor, documents which accu-
supporting documentation are created, rately include the following informa-
and shall deliver them upon request to tion:
the EPA Administrator or the Admin- (1) The name and address of the
istrators authorized representative. transferee and transferor; the address
(1) Except as provided in paragraph requirement may be fulfilled, in the al-
(g)(3) of this section, automated deter- ternative, through separate docu-
gent blender facilities and hand-blend- mentation which establishes said ad-
er facilities which are terminals, which dresses and is maintained by the par-
physically blend detergent into gaso- ties and made available to EPA for the
line, must make immediately available same length of time as required for the
to EPA, upon request, the preceding PTDs, provided that the normal busi-
twelve months of VAR formula records ness procedure of these parties is not
plus the preceding two months of VAR to identify addresses on PTDs.
supporting documentation. (2) The date of the transfer.


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80.171 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(3) The volume of product trans- of PRC, then the PTD must include a
ferred. statement that the product has been
(4)(i) The identity of the product overadditized to account for a specified
being transferred (i.e., its identity as volume in gallons, or a specified per-
base gasoline, detergent, detergent- centage of the products total volume,
additized gasoline, or specified deter- of additional, specified PRC.
gent-additized oxygenate or detergent- (10) If a detergent package has been
additized gasoline blending stock that certified under only one certification
comprises a detergent-additized PRC). option, and that option places a use re-
PTDs for detergent-additized gasoline striction on the respective LAC, then
or PRC are not required to identify the the PTD must identify the detergent as
particular detergent used to additize use-restricted; the PTD for a detergent
the product. package certified with more than one
(ii) If the product being transferred LAC must identify that the detergent
consists of two or more different types has special use options available.
of product subject to this regulation, (11) Base gasoline designated for fuel-
i.e., base gasoline, detergent-additized specific certification.
gasoline, or specified detergent- (i) The PTD for segregated base gaso-
additized PRC, component, then the line intended for additization with a
PTD for the commingled product must specific fuel-specific detergent pursu-
identify each such type of component ant to 80.163(c) must indicate that it
contained in the commingled product. is for use with the designated, fuel-spe-
(5) If the product being transferred is cific detergent.
base gasoline, then in addition to the (ii) A PTD for base gasoline may not
base gasoline identification, the fol- indicate that the product is for use
lowing warning must be stated on the with a designated, fuel-specific deter-
PTD: Not for sale to the ultimate con- gent, unless the entire quantity of base
sumer. If, pursuant to 80.173(a), the gasoline is from the segregated fuel
product being transferred is exempt supply specified in the detergents cer-
base gasoline to be used for research, tification and the gasoline contains
development, or test purposes only, the only those oxygenates or PRCs, if any,
following warning must also be stated specified and approved in the deter-
on the PTD: For use in research, de- gents certification.
velopment, and test programs only. (iii) If, pursuant to 80.163(c)(3), the
(6) The name of the detergent addi- fuel-specific certification for the seg-
tive as reported in its registration regated pool of gasoline has established
must be used to identify the detergent that no detergent additives are nec-
package on its PTD. essary for such gasoline to comply with
(7) If the product being transferred is this subpart, then the PTD must iden-
leaded gasoline, then the PTD must tify this gasoline as detergent-equiva-
disclose that the product contains lead lent gasoline.
and/or phosphorous, as applicable. (b) Use of product codes and other non-
(8) If the product being transferred is regulatory language. (1) Product codes
gasoline or PRC that has been and other non-regulatory language
additized with detergent under a may not be used as a substitute for the
PADD-specific or CARB-based certifi- specified PTD warning language speci-
cation, or under a certification option fied in paragraph (a)(6) of this section
which creates an oxygenate or PRC use for base gasoline, except that:
restriction, then the PTD for the (i) The specified warning language
additized product must identify the ap- may be omitted for bulk transfers of
plicable use restriction. The PTD for base gasoline from a refinery to a pipe-
commingled additized gasolines or line if there is a prior written agree-
PRCs containing such restrictions ment between the parties specifying
must indicate the applicable restric- that all such gasoline is unadditized
tion(s) from each component. and will not be transferred to the ulti-
(9) If the product being transferred is mate consumer;
detergent-additized gasoline or PRC (ii) Product codes may be used as a
that has been overadditized in antici- substitute for the specified warning
pation of the later (or earlier) addition language provided that the PTD is an


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.172

electronic data interchange (EDI) doc- United States for a civil penalty of not
ument being used solely for the trans- more than the sum of $25,000 for every
fer of title to the base gasoline, and day of such violation and the amount
provided that the product codes other- of economic benefit or savings result-
wise comply with the requirements of ing from the violation.
this section. (b) Gasoline non-conformity. Any vio-
(2) Product codes and other non-regu- lation of 80.168(a) shall constitute a
latory language may not be used in separate day of violation for each and
place of the PTD language specified in every day the gasoline in violation re-
paragraph (a)(11) of this section regard- mains at any place in the gasoline dis-
ing detergent package use restrictions. tribution system, beginning on the day
(3) Product codes and other language that the gasoline is in violation of the
not specified in this section may other- respective prohibition and ending on
wise be used to comply with PTD infor- the last day that such gasoline is of-
mation requirements, provided that fered for sale or is dispensed to any ul-
they are clear, accurate, and not mis- timate consumer.
leading. (c) Detergent non-conformity. Any vio-
(4) If product codes are used, they lation of 80.168(d) shall constitute a
must be standardized throughout the separate day of violation for each and
distribution system in which they are every day the detergent in violation re-
used, and downstream parties must be mains at any place in the gasoline or
informed of their full meaning. detergent distribution system, begin-
(c) PTD exemption for small transfers of ning on the day that the detergent is in
additized gasoline. Transfers of violation of the prohibition and ending
additized gasoline are exempt from the on the last day that detergent-
PTD requirements of this section pro- additized gasoline, containing the sub-
vided all the following conditions are ject detergent as a component thereof,
satisfied: is offered for sale or is dispensed to any
(1) The product is being transferred ultimate consumer.
by a distributor who is not the prod- (d) Post-refinery component non-con-
ucts detergent blender; and formity. Any violation of 80.168(e) shall
(2) The recipient is a wholesale pur- constitute a separate day of violation
chaser-consumer (WPC) or other ulti- for each and every day the PRC in vio-
mate consumer of gasoline, for its own lation remains at any place in the PRC
use only or for that of its agents or em- or gasoline distribution system, begin-
ployees; and ning on the day that the PRC is in vio-
(3) The volume of additized gasoline lation of the respective prohibition and
being transferred is no greater than 550 ending on the last day that detergent-
gallons. additized gasoline containing the PRC
(d) Recordkeeping Period. Any person is offered for sale or is dispensed to any
creating, providing or acquiring prod- ultimate consumer.
uct transfer documentation for gaso- (e) Product transfer document non-con-
line, detergent, or detergent-additized formity. Any violation of 80.168(c) shall
PRC shall retain the documents re- constitute a separate day of violation
quired by this section for a period of for every day the PTD is not fully in
five years from the date the product compliance. This is to begin on the day
transfer documentation was created, that the PTD is created or should have
received or transferred, as applicable, been created and to end at the later of
and shall deliver such documents to the following dates:
EPA upon request. WPCs are not re- (1) The day that the document is cor-
quired to retain PTDs of additized gas- rected and comes into compliance; or
oline received by them. (2) The day that gasoline not
[61 FR 35379, July 5, 1996, as amended at 62 additized in conformity with detergent
FR 60001, Nov. 6, 1997] certification program requirements, as
a result of the PTD non-conformity, is
80.172 Penalties. offered for sale or is dispensed to the
(a) General. Any person who violates ultimate consumer.
any prohibition or affirmative require- (f) Volumetric additive reconciliation
ment of 80.168 shall be liable to the recordkeeping non-conformity. Any VAR


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80.173 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

recordkeeping violation of 80.168(b) facility, unless such facility is associ-

shall constitute a separate day of vio- ated with detergent, fuel, automotive,
lation for every day that VAR record- or engine research, development or
keeping is not fully in compliance. testing; and
Each element of the VAR record keep- (3) The party using the product for
ing program that is not in compliance research, development, or testing pur-
shall constitute a separate violation poses, or the party sponsoring this
for purposes of this section. usage, notifies the EPA, on at least an
(g) Volumetric additive reconciliation annual basis and prior to the use of the
compliance standard non-conformity. Any product, of the purpose(s) of the pro-
violation of the VAR compliance stand- gram(s) in which the product will be
ard established in 80.170 shall con- used and the anticipated volume of the
stitute a separate day of violation for product to be used. The information
each and every day of the VAR compli- must be submitted to the address or
ance period in which the standard was fax number specified in 80.174(c).
violated. (b) Racing fuel and aviation fuel ex-
(h) Volumetric additive reconciliation emptions. Any fuel that is refined, sold,
equipment calibration non-conformity. dispensed, transferred, or offered for
Any VAR equipment calibration viola- sale, dispensing, or transfer as auto-
tion of 80.168(b) shall constitute a sep- motive racing fuel or as aircraft engine
arate day of violation for every day a fuel, is exempted from the provisions of
VAR equipment calibration require- this subpart, provided that:
ment is not met. (1) The fuel is kept segregated from
[61 FR 35380, July 5, 1996, as amended at 61 non-exempt fuel, and the party pos-
FR 58747, Nov. 18, 1996] sessing the fuel for the purposes of re-
fining, selling, dispensing, transferring,
80.173 Exemptions. or offering for sale, dispensing, or
(a) Research, development, and testing transfer as automotive racing fuel or
exemptions. Any detergent that is ei- as aircraft engine fuel, maintains docu-
ther in a research, development, or test mentation identifying the product as
status, or is sold to petroleum, auto- racing fuel, restricted for non-highway
mobile, engine, or component manufac- use in racing motor vehicles, or as
turers for research, development, or aviation fuel, restricted for use in air-
test purposes, or any gasoline to be craft, as applicable;
used by, or under the control of, petro- (2) Each pump stand at a regulated
leum, additive, automobile, engine, or partys facility, from which such fuel is
component manufacturers for research, dispensed, is labeled with the applica-
development, or test purposes, is ex- ble fuel identification and use restric-
empted from the provisions of the de- tions described in paragraph (b)(1) of
tergent certification program, provided this section; and
that: (3) The fuel is not sold, dispensed,
(1) The detergent (or fuel containing transferred, or offered for sale, dis-
the detergent), or the gasoline, is kept pensing, or transfer for highway use in
segregated from non-exempt product, a motor vehicle.
and the party possessing the product (c) California gasoline exemptions. (1)
maintains documentation identifying Gasoline or PRC which is additized in
the product as research, development, the State of California is exempt from
or testing detergent or fuel, as applica- the VAR provisions in 80.168 (b) and
ble, and stating that it is to be used (e) and 80.170, provided that:
only for research, development, or test- (i) For all such gasoline or PRC,
ing purposes; and whether intended for sale within or
(2) The detergent (or fuel containing outside of California, records of the
the detergent), or the gasoline, is not type required for California gasoline
sold, dispensed, or transferred, or of- (specified in title 13, California Code of
fered for sale, dispensing, or transfer, Regulations, section 2257) are main-
from a retail outlet. It shall also not be tained; and
sold, dispensed, or transferred or of- (ii) Such records, with the exception
fered for sale, dispensing, or transfer of daily additization records, are main-
from a wholesale purchaser-consumer tained for a period of five years from


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.195

the date they were created and are de- GENERAL INFORMATION
livered to EPA upon request.
(2) Gasoline or PRC that is trans- 80.18080.185 [Reserved]
ferred and/or sold solely within the
State of California is exempt from the 80.190 Who must register with EPA
PTD provisions of the detergent certifi- under the sulfur program?
cation program, specified in 80.168(c) (a) Refiners and importers who are
and 80.171. registered by EPA under 80.76 are
(3) Nothing in this paragraph (c) ex- deemed to be registered for purposes of
empts such gasoline or PRC from the this subpart.
requirements of 80.168 (a) and (e), as (b) Refiners and importers subject to
applicable. EPA will base its deter-
the standards in 80.195 who are not
mination of California gasolines con-
formity with the detergents LAC on registered by EPA under 80.76 must
the additization records required by provide to EPA the information re-
CARB, or records of the same type. quired by 80.76 by November 1, 2003, or
not later than three months in advance
[61 FR 35380, July 5, 1996] of the first date that such person pro-
80.174 Addresses. duces or imports gasoline, whichever is
(a) The detergent additive sample re-
(c) Refiners with any refinery subject
quired under 80.161(b)(2) shall be sent
to the small refiner standards under
to: Manager, Fuels and Technical Anal-
ysis Group, Testing Services Division, 80.240, or refiners subject to the geo-
U.S. Environmental Protection Agen- graphic phase-in area (GPA) standards
cy, National Vehicle and Fuel Emis- under 80.216, who are not registered by
sions Laboratory, 2565 Plymouth Road, EPA under 80.76 must provide to EPA
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105. the information required under 80.76
(b) Other detergent registration and by December 31, 2000.
certification data, and certain other in- (d) Any refiner who plans to generate
formation which may be specified in credits or allotments under 80.305 or
this subpart, shall be sent to: Deter- 80.275 in any year prior to 2004 who is
gent Additive Certification, Director, not registered by EPA under 80.76
Fuels and Energy Division, U.S. Envi- must register under 80.76 no later
ronmental Protection Agency (6406J), than September 30 of the year prior to
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Wash- the first year of credit generation. Any
ington, DC 20460. refiner who plans to generate credits in
(c) Notifications to EPA regarding 2000 who is not registered by EPA
program exemptions, detergent dilu-
under 80.76 must register under 80.76
tion and commingling, and certain
no later than May 10, 2000.
other information which may be speci-
fied in this subpart, shall be sent to: GASOLINE SULFUR STANDARDS
Detergent Enforcement Program, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 80.195 What are the gasoline sulfur
Suite 214, 12345 West Alameda Park- standards for refiners and import-
way, Denver, CO 80228, (FAX 303969 ers?
(a)(1) The gasoline sulfur standards
[61 FR 35381, July 5, 1996] for refiners and importers, excluding
gasoline produced by small refiners
Subpart HGasoline Sulfur subject to the standards at 80.240, and
gasoline designated as GPA gasoline
SOURCE: 65 FR 6823, Feb. 10, 2000, unless under 80.219(a), are as follows:
otherwise noted.


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80.195 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

Gasoline sulfur standards for the

averaging period

January 1,
January 1, January 1, 2006 and
2004 2005 subsequent

Refinery or Importer Average ............................................................................ (1) 30.00 30.00

Corporate Pool Average .................................................................................... 120.00 90.00 (1)

Per-Gallon Cap .................................................................................................. 300 300 80

1 Not applicable.

(2) The sulfur standards and all com- (4) The corporate pool average stand-
pliance calculations for sulfur under ards do not apply to approved small re-
this subpart are in parts per million finers subject to the small refiner gaso-
(ppm) and volumes are in gallons. line sulfur standards under 80.240.
(3) The averaging period is January 1 (5)(i) Joint ventures, in which two or
through December 31 of each year. more parties collectively own and oper-
(4) The standards under this para- ate one or more refineries, will be
graph (a) for all imported gasoline treated as a separate refiner under this
shall be met by the importer. section.
(b)(1) The refinery or importer an- (ii) One partner to a joint venture
nual average gasoline sulfur standard may include one or more joint venture
is the maximum average sulfur level refineries in its corporate pool for pur-
allowed for gasoline produced at a re- poses of complying with the corporate
finery or imported by an importer dur- pool average standards. The joint ven-
ing each calendar year starting Janu- ture will be in compliance for such
ary 1, 2005. joint venture refinery(ies) if the part-
(2) The annual average sulfur level is ners corporate pool average meets the
calculated in accordance with 80.205. corporate pool average standards. The
joint venture entity must demonstrate
(3) The refinery or importer annual
compliance with the corporate pool av-
average gasoline sulfur standard may
erage standards for any refinery(ies)
be met using credits as provided under
owned by the joint venture that are not
80.275 or 80.315.
included in one partners corporate
(4) In 2005 only, the refinery or im-
porter annual average sulfur standard (d)(1) The per-gallon cap standard is
may be met using credits or allotments the maximum sulfur level allowed for
as provided under 80.275 or credits as each batch of gasoline produced or im-
provided under 80.315. ported starting January 1, 2004.
(c)(1) The corporate pool average gas- (2) In 2004 only, a refiner or importer
oline sulfur standards applicable in 2004 may produce or import gasoline with a
and 2005 are the maximum average sul- per-gallon sulfur content greater than
fur levels allowed for a refiners or im- 300 ppm, to a maximum of 350 ppm, pro-
porters gasoline production from all of vided the following conditions are met:
the refiners refineries or all gasoline (i) The refinery or importer becomes
imported by an importer in a calendar subject to an adjusted per-gallon cap
year. The corporate pool average standard in 2005, calculated using the
standards for a party that is both a re- following formula:
finer and an importer are the max-
imum average sulfur levels allowed for
all the partys combined gasoline pro- Where:
duction from all refineries and im- ACS=Adjusted cap standard.
ported gasoline in a calendar year. Smax=Maximum sulfur content of any
(2) The corporate pool average is cal- gasoline produced at a refinery or
culated in accordance with the provi- imported by an importer during
sions of 80.205. 2004.
(3) The corporate pool average stand- (ii) The adjusted cap standard cal-
ard may be met using sulfur allotments culated under paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this
under 80.275. section applies to all gasoline produced


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.205

at a refinery or imported by an im-

(Vi S i )
porter during 2005.
(iii) The refinery or importer remains
i =1
subject to the 30.00 average standard Sa = n
under paragraph (a) of this section for
(iv) The provisions of this paragraph
i =1
(d)(2) apply to gasoline designated as Where:
GPA gasoline under 80.219(a).
Sa=The refinery or importer annual av-
(v) The provisions of this paragraph
erage sulfur value, or corporate
(d)(2) do not apply to small refiners as
pool average sulfur value, as appli-
defined in 80.225.
[65 FR 6823, Feb. 10, 2000; 65 FR 10598, Feb. 28, Vi=The volume of gasoline produced or
2000] imported in batch i.
Si=The sulfur content of batch i deter-
80.200 What gasoline is subject to the mined under 80.330.
sulfur standards and requirements? n=The number of batches of gasoline
For the purpose of this subpart, all produced or imported during the
reformulated and conventional gaso- averaging period.
line and RBOB, collectively called i=Individual batch of gasoline produced
gasoline unless otherwise specified, or imported during the averaging
is subject to the standards and require- period.
ments under this subpart, with the fol- (b) All annual refinery or importer
lowing exceptions: average or corporate pool average cal-
(a) Gasoline that is used to fuel air- culations shall be conducted to two
craft, racing vehicles or racing boats decimal places.
that are used only in sanctioned racing (c) A refiner or importer may include
events, provided that: oxygenate added downstream from the
(1) Product transfer documents asso- refinery or import facility when calcu-
ciated with such gasoline, and any lating the sulfur content, provided the
pump stand from which such gasoline following requirements are met:
is dispensed, identify the gasoline ei- (1) For oxygenate added to conven-
ther as gasoline that is restricted for tional gasoline, the refiner or importer
use in aircraft, or as gasoline that is must comply with the requirements of
restricted for use in racing motor vehi- 80.101(d)(4)(ii).
cles or racing boats that are used only (2) For oxygenate added to RBOB, the
in sanctioned racing events; refiner or importer must comply with
(2) The gasoline is completely seg- the requirements of 80.69(a).
regated from all other gasoline (d) Refiners and importers must ex-
throughout production, distribution clude from compliance calculations all
and sale to the ultimate consumer; and of the following:
(3) The gasoline is not made available (1) Gasoline that was not produced at
for use as motor vehicle gasoline, or the refinery;
dispensed for use in motor vehicles, ex- (2) In the case of an importer, gaso-
cept for motor vehicles used only in line that was imported as Certified Sul-
sanctioned racing events. fur-FRGAS;
(b) California gasoline as defined in (3) Blending stocks transferred to
80.375. others;
(c) Gasoline that is exported for sale (4) Gasoline that has been included in
outside the U.S. the compliance calculations for an-
other refinery or importer; and
80.205 How is the annual refinery or (5) Gasoline exempted from standards
importer average and corporate under 80.200.
pool average sulfur level deter- (e)(1) A refiner or importer may ex-
mined? ceed the refinery or importer annual
(a) The annual refinery or importer average sulfur standard specified in
average and corporate pool average 80.195 for a given averaging period for
gasoline sulfur level is calculated as any calendar year through 2010, cre-
follows: ating a compliance deficit, provided


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80.210 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

that in the calendar year following the location other than at a retail outlet
year the standard is not met, the refin- or wholesale purchaser-consumer facil-
ery or importer shall: ity, and starting March 1, 2005 the sul-
(i) Achieve compliance with the re- fur content of gasoline at any down-
finery or importer annual average sul- stream location, shall not exceed 326
fur standard specified in 80.195; and ppm.
(ii) Use additional sulfur credits suf- (3) Except as provided in 80.220(a),
ficient to offset the compliance deficit starting February 1, 2006 the sulfur
of the previous year. content of gasoline at any downstream
(2) No refiner or importer may have a location other than at a retail outlet
compliance deficit in any year after or wholesale purchaser-consumer facil-
2010. Any deficit that exists in 2010 ity, and starting March 1, 2006 the sul-
must be made up in 2011. fur content of gasoline at any down-
(f) For refiners subject to the cor- stream location, shall not exceed 95
porate pool average who produce some ppm.
GPA gasoline, the refinery average sul- (c) Standards for gasoline that qualifies
fur value for its GPA gasoline shall be for SRGAS downstream standards. In
the average sulfur value after applying the case of any gasoline that qualifies
credits. for SRGAS downstream standards
under paragraph (d) of this section, the
80.210 What sulfur standards apply sulfur standard shall be the down-
to gasoline downstream from refin- stream standard for the gasoline cal-
eries and importers? culated under paragraph (f) of this sec-
The sulfur standard for gasoline at tion. In the case of mixtures of gaso-
any point in the gasoline distribution line that qualify for different SRGAS
system downstream from refineries and downstream standards, the sulfur
import facilities, including gasoline at standard shall be the highest down-
facilities of distributors, carriers, oxy- stream standard applicable to any of
genate blenders, retailers and whole- the SRGAS in the mixture.
sale purchaser-consumers (down- (d) Gasoline that qualifies for SRGAS
stream location), shall be determined downstream standards. Gasoline quali-
in accordance with the provisions of fies for SRGAS downstream standards
this section. if all of the following conditions are
(a) Definition. SRGAS means gasoline met:
that is subject to the standards under (1) The gasoline must be comprised in
80.240 or 80.270, including Certified whole or part of SRGAS.
Sulfur-FRGAS as defined in 80.410, ex- (2) Product transfer documents appli-
cept that no batch of gasoline may be cable to the gasoline when received at
classified as SRGAS if the actual sul- that location must represent that the
fur content is less than the applicable gasoline contains SRGAS.
per-gallon refinery cap standard speci- (3) Except as provided in paragraph
fied in 80.195. (d)(4) of this section, the gasoline must
(b) Standards for gasoline that does not have been sampled and tested at that
qualify for SRGAS downstream stand- location subsequent to the most recent
ards. The following standards apply to receipt of gasoline at that location,
any gasoline that does not qualify for and the test result must show a sulfur
SRGAS downstream standards under content greater than:
in paragraph (d) of this section: (i) 350 ppm starting February 1, 2004;
(1) Starting February 1, 2004 the sul- (ii) 300 ppm starting February 1, 2005;
fur content of gasoline at any down- and
stream location other than at a retail (iii) 80 ppm (or in the GPA, 300 ppm)
outlet or wholesale purchaser-con- starting February 1, 2006.
sumer facility, and starting March 1, (4) This sampling and testing condi-
2004 the sulfur content of gasoline at tion does not apply for gasoline at any
any downstream location, shall not ex- retail outlet, wholesale purchaser-con-
ceed 378 ppm. sumer facility, or contained in any
(2) Except as provided in 80.220(a), transport truck.
starting February 1, 2005 the sulfur (e) Product transfer document informa-
content of gasoline at any downstream tion for SRGAS. (1) On each occasion


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.215

when any refiner or importer of S 80.211 [Reserved]

RGAS transfers custody or title to
such gasoline, the refiner or importer 80.212 What requirements apply to
shall provide to the transferee docu- oxygenate blenders?
ments that include the following infor- Effective January 1, 2004, oxygenate
mation: blenders who blend oxygenate into gas-
(i) Identification of the gasoline as oline downstream of the refinery that
being SRGAS; and produced the gasoline or the import fa-
(ii) The downstream standard appli- cility where the gasoline was imported,
cable to the batch of gasoline under are not subject to the requirements of
paragraph (f) of this section. this subpart applicable to refiners for
(2) Where gasoline in whole or part is this gasoline, but are subject to the re-
classified as SRGAS when received by quirements and prohibitions applicable
the transferor, and where the gasoline to downstream parties and the prohibi-
transferred meets the conditions under tion specified in 80.385(e).
paragraph (d) of this section, the trans-
feror shall provide to the transferee, on 80.21380.214 [Reserved]
each occasion when custody or title to
gasoline is transferred, documents that GEOGRAPHIC PHASE-IN PROGRAM
include the following information:
(i) Identification of the gasoline as S 80.215 What is the scope of the geo-
RGAS; and graphic phase-in program?
(ii) The applicable downstream (a) Geographic phase-in area. (1) The
standard under paragraph (c) of this following states comprise the geo-
section. This does not apply when gaso- graphic phase-in area (GPA) subject to
line is sold or dispensed for use in the provisions of the geographic phase-
motor vehicles at a retail outlet or in program: North Dakota, Montana,
wholesale purchaser-consumer facility. Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New
(3) No person shall classify gasoline Mexico, and Alaska.
as being SRGAS except as provided in (2) In addition, the following counties
paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this sec- within the states identified in para-
tion. graph (a)(2)(i) of this section and the
(4) Product codes may be used to con- following Federal Indian reservations
vey the information required by para- in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section
graphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this section if are included in the GPA:
such codes are clearly understood by (i) The list of counties follows:
each transferee.
(f) Downstream standards applicable to Arizona
SRGAS when produced or imported. (1)
The downstream standard applicable to Apache
any gasoline classified as SRGAS Coconino
when produced or imported shall be Gila
calculated using the following equa- Greenlee
tion: Navajo
D=Downstream sulfur standard. Banner
S=The sulfur content of the refiners Box Butte
batch determined under 80.330. Cheyenne
(2) Where more than one SRGAS
batch is combined, prior to shipment, Deuel
at the refinery or import facility where Garden
the SRGAS is produced or imported, Keith
the downstream standard applicable to Kimball
the mixture shall be the highest down- Morrill
stream standard, calculated under Scotts Bluff
paragraph (f)(1) of this section, for any Sheridan
SRGAS contained in the mixture. Sioux


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80.215 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

Nevada Spokane
Eureka Walla Walla
Humboldt Whitman
Lander Yakima
Lincoln (ii) The list of Federal Indian res-
White Pine ervations follows: Burns Paiute, Chey-
enne River, Colville, Duck Valley, Ely
Oregon Colony, Fort Apache, Fort McDermitt,
Goshute, Haulapai, Havasupai, Hopi,
Kalispel, Navajo, Pine Ridge, Rosebud,
Yakama, San Carlos, Spokane, Stand-
Grant ing Rock, Summit Lake, Te-Moak,
Harney Umatilla, Winnemucca.
Malheur (3) Contiguous tribal reservations of
Morrow a particular tribe are included in the
Sherman GPA if a portion of the tribal reserva-
Umatilla tion is within the GPA state or county.
Union (4) Any dispensing facility located
Wallowa partially within a GPA county or trib-
Wheeler al reservation land shall be considered
fully within the GPA for purposes of
South Dakota this program.
(b) Duration of the program. (1) The
geographic phase-in program applies to
the 2004, 2005, and 2006 annual aver-
aging periods, except as provided in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
Fall River (2) Subject to the provisions of
Haakon 80.540, the geographic phase-in pro-
Harding gram shall also apply to the 2007 and
Jackson 2008 annual averaging period for refin-
Jones ers approved for GPA standards in 2007
Lawrence and 2008 under 80.540.
Meade (c) Persons eligible. Any refiner or im-
Mellette porter who produces or imports gaso-
Pennington line for use in the geographic area
Perkins under paragraph (a) of this section is
Shannon eligible to apply for the geographic
Stanley phase-in program. The provisions of
Todd the geographic phase-in program shall
Ziebach apply to imported gasoline through the
[65 FR 6823, Feb. 10, 2000, as amended at 66
Adams FR 5136, Jan. 18, 2001; 66 FR 19306, Apr. 13,
Asotin 2001]
Benton EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19306, Apr.
Chelan 13, 2001, 80.215 was amended by revising
Columbia paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) and by adding
Douglas paragraph (a)(4), effective July 12, 2001. For
Ferry the convenience of the user, the superseded
Franklin text is set forth as follows.
Garfield 80.215 What is the scope of the geographic
Grant phase-in program?
Kittitas (a) * * *
Lincoln (2) Additional counties or tribal lands in
Okanogan states adjacent to the states identified in
Pend Oreille paragraph (a) of this section will be included


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.216
in the GPA if any of the following criteria is (c) The refinery or importer annual
met: average sulfur level is calculated in ac-
(i) Approximately 50% or more of the total cordance with the provisions of 80.205.
volume of gasoline in the county or tribal
(d) The refinery or importer annual
land in 1999, as measured at the terminal(s)
and bulk station(s) in the county or tribal average standard under paragraph (a)
land, was received from a refinery or refin- of this section may be met using sulfur
eries located in the area specified in para- allotments or credits as provided under
graph (a)(1) of this section; or 80.275 and 80.315.
(ii) Approximately 50% or more of the total (e) Gasoline produced by approved
volume of gasoline dispensed in the county small refiners subject to the standards
or tribal land in 1999 was received from a re- under 80.240 is not subject to the
finery or refineries located in the area speci-
standards under paragraphs (a) and (b)
fied in paragraph (a)(1) of this section; or
(iii) Approximately 50% or more of the of this section.
total commercial and private dispensing out- (f)(1) A refiner or importer whose gas-
lets in the county or tribal land in 1999 were oline production or volume of imported
supplied by gasoline produced by a refinery gasoline in 2004 or 2005 is comprised of
or refineries located in the area specified in 50% of gasoline designated as GPA
paragraph (a)(1) of this section. gasoline under 80.219 shall not be re-
(3) The criteria of paragraphs (a)(2)(i), (ii) quired to meet the corporate pool aver-
and (iii) of this section are without regard to
age standards under 80.195 for its gaso-
the method of gasoline delivery (e.g, pipe-
line, truck, rail or barge). The criteria of line production or imported gasoline
paragraphs (a)(2)(ii) and (a)(2)(iii) of this sec- during the applicable averaging period.
tion are without regard to whether the gaso- (2) A refiner or importer whose gaso-
line was transported directly from the refin- line production or volume of imported
ery to the dispensing outlet or distributed gasoline in 2004 or 2005 is comprised of
through a terminal or bulk station. less than 50% of gasoline designated as
GPA gasoline under 80.219 must meet
* * * * * the corporate pool average standards
under 80.195 for all the refiners gaso-
80.216 What standards apply to gaso- line production or the importers vol-
line produced or imported for use ume of imported gasoline during the
in the GPA? applicable averaging period.
(a)(1) The refinery or importer an- (g) The provisions for compliance
nual average sulfur standard for gaso- deficits under 80.205(e) do not apply to
line produced or imported for use in gasoline subject to the standards under
the geographic area under 80.215 shall paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
be the lesser of:
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66
(i) 150.00 ppm; or FR 19306, Apr. 13, 2001]
(ii) The refinerys or importers 1997/
1998 average sulfur level, calculated in EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19306, Apr.
13, 2001, 80.216 was amended by revising
accordance with 80.295, plus 30 ppm.
paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and (a)(2), effective July
(2) In the case of any refinery whose 12, 2001. For the convenience of the user, the
actual annual sulfur average decreases superseded text is set forth as follows.
to a level lower than the refinerys an-
nual average sulfur standard estab- 80.216 What standards apply to gasoline
produced or imported for use in the
lished under paragraph (a)(1) of this GPA?
section during the period 2000 through
(a)(1) * * *
2003, the standard applicable to that re- (i) 150 ppm; or
finery from 2004 through 2006 shall be
the lowest average sulfur content for
any year in which the refinery gen- * * * * *
erated allotments or credits under (2) In the case of any refinery whose actual
80.275(a) or 80.305 plus 30 ppm, not to annual sulfur average decreases to a level
exceed 150.00 ppm. lower than the refinerys annual average sul-
fur standard established under paragraph
(b) The per-gallon cap standard for
(a)(1) of this section during the period 2000
gasoline produced or imported for use through 2003, the standard applicable to that
in the GPA under paragraph (a) of this refinery from 2004 through 2006 shall be the
section shall be 300 ppm, except as lowest average sulfur content for any year in
specified in 80.195(d). which the refinery generated allotments or


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80.217 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
credits under 80.275(a) or 80.305 plus 30 duced or imported that is subject to
ppm, not to exceed 150 ppm. the standards under 80.216 as GPA
* * * * * (b) Product transfer documents. (1) On
each occasion that any person trans-
80.217 How does a refiner or im- fers custody or title to gasoline des-
porter apply for the GPA stand- ignated as GPA gasoline, other than
when gasoline is sold or dispensed for
(a) To apply for the GPA standards use in motor vehicles at a retail outlet
under 80.216, a refiner or importer or wholesale purchaser-consumer facil-
must submit an application in accord- ity, the transferor shall provide to the
ance with the provisions of 80.290. transferee documents that include the
(b) Applications under paragraph (a) following information:
of this section must be submitted by (i) Identification of the gasoline as
May 1, 2001. being GPA gasoline;
(c)(1) If approved, EPA will notify the (ii) A statement that the gasoline
refiner or importer of each refinerys or may not be distributed or sold for use
the importers annual average sulfur outside the geographic phase-in area.
standard for gasoline produced for use (2) Except for transfers to truck car-
in the GPA for the 2004 through 2006 riers, retailers and wholesale pur-
annual averaging periods. chaser-consumers, product codes may
(2) If disapproved, the refiner or im- be used to convey the information re-
porter must comply with the standards quired by paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
in 80.195 for gasoline produced for use tion if such codes are clearly under-
in the GPA. stood by each transferee.
(d) If EPA finds that a refiner or im-
(3) The requirements under para-
porter provided false or inaccurate in-
graph (b)(1) of this section are in addi-
formation on its application under this
tion to the requirement under
section, upon notice from EPA, the re-
80.210(e), where appropriate, to iden-
finers or importers application will be
tify gasoline as being SRGAS.
void ab initio.
(c) GPA gasoline use prohibitions. (1)
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66 All parties in the distribution system,
FR 19306, Apr. 13, 2001] including refiners, importers, distribu-
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19306, Apr. tors, carriers, oxygenate blenders, re-
13, 2001, 80.217 was amended by revising tailers and wholesale purchaser-con-
paragraph (b), effective July 12, 2001. For the sumers, are prohibited from:
convenience of the user, the superseded text (i) Selling, offering for sale, dis-
is set forth as follows.
pensing, distributing, storing or trans-
80.217 How does a refiner or importer porting GPA gasoline for use outside
apply for the GPA standards? the geographic phase-in area; and
(ii) Commingling GPA gasoline with
* * * * * gasoline not designated as GPA gaso-
(b) Applications under paragraph (a) of this
line unless the mixture is classified as
section must be submitted by December 31, GPA gasoline.
2000. (2) Gasoline not designated as GPA
gasoline may be distributed or sold for
* * * * * use in the geographic phase-in area.

80.218 [Reserved] 80.220 What are the downstream

standards for GPA gasoline?
80.219 Designation and downstream (a) GPA gasoline. (1) During the pe-
requirements for GPA gasoline. riod February 1, 2004 through January
The requirements and prohibitions 31, 2005, the sulfur content of GPA gas-
specified in this section apply during oline at any downstream location other
the period January 1, 2004 through De- than at a retail outlet or wholesale
cember 31, 2006. purchaser-consumer facility, and dur-
(a) Designation. Any refiner or im- ing the period March 1, 2004 through
porter shall designate any gasoline pro- February 28, 2005, the sulfur content of


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.230

GPA gasoline at any downstream loca- number of employees as specified in

tion shall not exceed 378 ppm. paragraph (a) of this section shall in-
(2) During the period February 1, 2005 clude all employees of the govern-
through January 31, 2007, the sulfur mental entity.
content of GPA gasoline at any down- (c) If, without merger with, or acqui-
stream location other than at a retail sition of, another business unit, a com-
outlet or wholesale purchaser-con- pany with approved small refiner sta-
sumer facility, and during the period tus under 80.235 exceeds 1,500 employ-
March 1, 2005 through February 28, 2007, ees, or a corporate crude capacity of
the sulfur content of GPA gasoline at 155,000 bpcd after January 1, 1999, it
any downstream location shall not ex- will be considered a small refiner for
ceed 326 ppm. the duration of the small refiner pro-
(b) GPA gasoline mixed with SRGAS. gram.
Notwithstanding the requirements in (d) Notwithstanding the definition in
paragraph (a) of this section, the sulfur paragraph (a) of this section, refiners
standard applicable to a mixture of who acquire and/or reactivate a refin-
GPA gasoline and SRGAS gasoline at ery that was shutdown or was non-
a downstream location shall be the operational between January 1, 1998,
greater of the standard under para- and January 1, 1999, may apply for
graph (a) of this section or the stand- small refiner status in accordance with
ard determined under 80.210. the provisions of 80.235. The employee
(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of (1500 annual average) and crude oil ca-
this section, the sulfur content stand- pacity criteria (155,000 bpcd) for small
ard of 326 ppm at any downstream loca- refiner status for such refineries will be
tion may be extended as provided under determined in accordance with the pro-
80.540(m). visions of 80.235(f).
[65 FR 6823, Feb. 10, 2000, as amended at 66 [38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66
FR 5136, Jan. 18, 2001] FR 19306, Apr. 13, 2001]
HARDSHIP PROVISIONS 13, 2001, 80.225 was amended by revising
paragraph (d), effective July 12, 2001. For the
80.225 What is the definition of a convenience of the user, the superseded text
small refiner? is set forth as follows.
(a) A small refiner is defined as any
person, as defined by 42 U.S.C. 7602(e), 80.225 What is the definition of a small re-
who: (1)(i) Produces gasoline at a refin-
ery by processing crude oil through re-
finery processing units; * * * * *
(ii) Employed an average of no more (d) Notwithstanding the definition in para-
than 1,500 people, based on the average graph (a) of this section, refiners who ac-
number of employees for all pay peri- quire a refinery after January 1, 1999, or re-
activate a refinery that was shutdown or was
ods from January 1, 1998, to January 1,
non-operational between January 1, 1998, and
1999; and January 1, 1999, may apply for small refiner
(iii) Had an average crude capacity status in accordance with the provisions of
less than or equal to 155,000 barrels per 80.235.
calendar day (bpcd) for 1998.
(2) For the purpose of determining 80.230 Who is not eligible for the
the number of employees and crude ca- hardship provisions for small refin-
pacity under paragraph (a)(1) of this ers?
section, the refiner shall include the (a) The following are not eligible for
employees and crude capacity of any the hardship provisions for small refin-
subsidiary companies, any parent com- ers:
pany and subsidiaries of the parent (1) Refiners with refineries built after
company, and any joint venture part- January 1, 1999;
ners. (2) Refiners who exceed the employee
(b) The definition under paragraph or crude oil capacity criteria under
(a) of this section applies to domestic 80.225(a) on January 1, 1999, but who
and foreign refiners. For any refiner meet these criteria after that date, re-
owned by a governmental entity, the gardless of whether the reduction in


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80.235 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

employees or crude capacity is due to refiner status, plus any subsidiary

operational changes at the refinery or companies, any parent company and
a company sale or reorganization; subsidiaries of the parent company,
(3) Importers; and and any joint venture partners:
(4) Refiners who produce gasoline (1)(i) A listing of the name and ad-
other than by processing crude oil dress of each location where any em-
through refinery processing units. ployee worked during the 12 months
(b)(1) Refiners who qualify as small preceding January 1, 1999; the average
under 80.225, and subsequently employ number of employees at each location
more than 1,500 people as a result of based upon the number of employees
merger with or acquisition of or by an- for each pay period for the 12 months
other entity, are disqualified as small preceding January 1, 1999; and the type
refiners. If this occurs the refiner shall of business activities carried out at
notify EPA in writing no later than 20 each location; or
days following this disqualifying event.
(ii) In the case of a refiner who ac-
(2) Any refiner who qualifies as small
quires a refinery after January 1, 1999,
under 80.225 may elect to meet the
standards under 80.195 by notifying or reactivates a refinery that was shut-
EPA in writing no later than November down between January 1, 1998, and Jan-
15 prior to the year the change will uary 1, 1999, a listing of the name and
occur. address of each location where any em-
(3) Any refiner whose status changes ployee of the refiner worked since the
under paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this sec- refiner acquired or reactivated the re-
tion shall meet the standards under finery; the average number of employ-
80.195 beginning with the first aver- ees at any such acquired or reactivated
aging period subsequent to the status refinery during each calendar year
change. since the refiner acquired or reac-
tivated the refinery; and the type of
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66 business activities carried out at each
FR 19307, Apr. 13, 2001]
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19307, Apr. (2) The total corporate crude oil ca-
13, 2001, 80.230 was amended by revising
pacity of each refinery as reported to
paragraph (a)(1), effective July 12, 2001. For
the convenience of the user, the superseded the Energy Information Administra-
text is set forth as follows. tion (EIA) of the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE), or, in the case of a for-
80.230 Who is not eligible for the hardship eign refiner, a comparable reputable
provisions for small refiners?
source, such as a professional publica-
(a) * * *
(1) Refiners of refineries built after Janu-
tion or trade journal. The information
ary 1, 1999; submitted to EIA or the comparable
reputable source is presumed to be cor-
* * * * * rect. In cases where a company, domes-
tic or foreign, disagrees with this infor-
80.235 How does a refiner obtain ap- mation, the company may petition
proval as a small refiner? EPA with appropriate data to correct
(a) Applications for small refiner sta- the record within 60 days after the
tus must be submitted to EPA by De- company submits its application for
cember 31, 2000, except for applications small refiner status.
submitted pursuant to 80.225(d), which (3) A letter signed by the president,
must be submitted by June 1, 2002. chief operating or chief executive offi-
(b) Applications for small refiner sta- cer of the company, or his/her designee,
tus must be sent to: U.S. EPA, Attn: stating that the information contained
Sulfur Program (6406J), 1200 Pennsyl- in the application is true to the best of
vania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460. his/her knowledge.
For commercial delivery: U.S. EPA, (4) Name, address, phone number, fac-
Attn: Sulfur Program (6406J), 501 3rd simile number and E-mail address (if
Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001. available) of a corporate contact per-
(c) The small refiner status applica- son.
tion must contain the following infor- (d) For joint ventures, the total num-
mation for the company seeking small ber of employees includes the combined


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.240

employee count of all corporate enti- EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19307, Apr.
ties in the venture. 13, 2001, 80.235 was amended by revising
(e) For government-owned refiners, paragraphs (c)(2), (f), and (g)(1), effective
the total employee count includes all July 12, 2001. For the convenience of the
user, the superseded text is set forth as fol-
government employees.
(f) Approval of small refiner status
for refiners who apply under 80.225(d) 80.235 How does a refiner obtain approval
will be based on all information sub- as a small refiner?
mitted under paragraph (c) of this sec-
tion. The information submitted must * * * * *
show that the refiner employed an av-
erage of no more than 1500 people and (c) * * *
had an average crude oil capacity less (2) The total corporate crude capacity of
each refinery as reported to the Energy In-
than or equal to 155,000 bpcd. Where ap-
formation Administration (EIA) of the U.S.
propriate, the employee and crude oil Department of Energy (DOE). The informa-
capacity criteria for such refiners will tion submitted to EIA is presumed to be cor-
be based on the most recent 12 months rect. In cases where a company disagrees
of operation. with this information, the company may pe-
(g) EPA will notify a refiner of ap- tition EPA with appropriate data to correct
proval or disapproval of small refiner the record within 60 days after the company
status by letter. submits its application for small refiner sta-
(1) If approved, EPA will notify the tus.
refiner of each refinerys applicable an-
nual average sulfur standard, baseline * * * * *
volume, and per-gallon cap standard
(f) Approval of small refiner status for re-
under 80.240 for the 20042007 aver-
finers who apply under 80.225(d) will be
aging periods. based on all information submitted under
(2) If disapproved, the refiner must paragraph (c) of this section. Where appro-
comply with the standards in 80.195. priate, the employee and crude oil capacity
(h) If EPA finds that a refiner pro- criteria for such refiners will be based on the
vided false or inaccurate information most recent 12 months of operation.
on its application for small refiner sta- (g) * * *
tus, upon notice from EPA the refiners (1) If approved, EPA will notify the refiner
small refiner status will be void ab of each refinerys applicable baseline stand-
initio. ard and volume, and per-gallon cap under
(i) Upon notification to EPA, an ap- 80.240.
proved small refiner may withdraw its
status as a small refiner. Effective on * * * * *
January 1 of the year following such
notification, the small refiner will be- 80.240 What are the small refiner
come subject to the standards at gasoline sulfur standards?
80.195. (a) The gasoline sulfur standards for
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66 an approved small refiner are as fol-
FR 19307, Apr. 13, 2001] lows:
Temporary sulfur standards for small refiners applica-
ble from January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2007
Refinery baseline sulfur level
Annual average Per gallon cap

0 to 30 ..................................................................................................... 30.00 300

31 to 200 ................................................................................................. Baseline level 300
201 to 400 ............................................................................................... 200.00 300
401 to 600 ............................................................................................... 50% of baseline Factor of 1.5 times the av-
erage standard.
601 and above ........................................................................................ 300.00 450


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80.245 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(b) The refinery annual average sul- the refiner generated allotments or
fur standards must be met on an an- credits.
nual calendar year basis for each refin- (e) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of
ery owned by a small refiner. The refin- this section, the temporary sulfur
ery annual average sulfur level is cal- standards for small refiners may be ex-
culated in accordance with the provi- tended as provided under 80.553.
sions of 80.205. [65 FR 6823, Feb. 10, 2000, as amended at 66
(c)(1) The refinery annual average FR 5136, Jan. 18, 2001]
standards specified in paragraph (a) of
this section apply to the volume of gas- 80.245 How does a small refiner
oline produced by a small refiners re- apply for a sulfur baseline?
finery up to the lesser of: (a) Any refiner seeking small refiner
(i) 105% of the baseline gasoline vol- status must apply for a refinery sulfur
ume as determined under 80.250(a)(1); baseline by the deadline under 80.235
or for each of the refiners refineries by
(ii) The volume of gasoline produced providing the following information:
at that refinery during the averaging (1) A sulfur baseline and baseline vol-
period by processing crude oil. ume for every refinery calculated in
(2) If a refiner exceeds the volume accordance with 80.250.
limitation in paragraph (c)(1) of this (2) The following information for
section during any averaging period, each batch of gasoline produced in
the annual average sulfur standard ap- 19971998:
plicable to the refiner for that aver- (i) Batch number assigned to the
aging period is calculated as follows: batch under 80.65(d) or 80.101(i);
(ii) Volume; and
(Vb S b ) + ( AF (Va Vb )) (iii) Sulfur content.
Ssr = (3) For any refiner that acquires and/
Va or reactivates a refinery that was shut
Where: down or non-operational between Janu-
Ssr=Small refiner annual average sulfur ary 1, 1997, and December 31, 1998, the
standard. average sulfur level and average vol-
ume of gasoline produced during each
Vb=Applicable volume under paragraph
annual averaging period that the refin-
(c)(1) of this section.
ery was in operation after the refinery
Va=Averaging period gasoline volume.
was acquired and/or reactivated. EPA
Sb=Small refiner sulfur baseline as de-
will evaluate all of the information and
termined under 80.250. data submitted by the refiner in deter-
AF=Adjustment factor (120 in 2004; 90 mining the appropriate sulfur baseline
in 2005; and 30 in 2006 and there- for the refinery. Where EPA concludes
after). that the data submitted reasonably re-
(3) The small refiner average stand- flects current sulfur levels, the refin-
ards under paragraph (a) of this section erys baseline will be determined based
may be met using sulfur allotments or on the average sulfur content of gaso-
credits as provided under 80.275 or line produced by the refinery during
80.315. the most recent annual averaging pe-
(4) The provisions for compliance riod in which the refinery was in oper-
deficits under 80.205(e) do not apply to ation.
small refiners subject to the standards (b) The sulfur baseline application
under this section. must be submitted to the address speci-
(d) In the case of any refiner with fied in 80.235(b).
small refiner status who generates sul- (c)(1) Foreign refiners who do not
fur allotments or credits pursuant to have an approved individual refinery
80.275(a) or 80.305, the baseline appli- baseline under 80.94 must follow the
cable to that refiners refinery for pur- procedures specified in 80.410(b).
poses of establishing the standard for (2) Foreign refiners who have an ap-
the refinery under paragraph (a) of this proved individual refinery baseline
section beginning in 2004 shall be the under 80.94, but one that was not in ef-
lowest annual average sulfur content fect for purposes of anti-dumping com-
for any year during the period in which pliance during the 19971998 annual


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.250

averaging periods, must comply with Where:

the requirements of this section for the VB=Baseline volume.
gasoline produced at the refinery and VI=Volume of gasoline batch i.
imported into the United States during
each of the annual averaging periods in n = Total number of batches of gasoline pro-
which the refinery was subject to its duced from January 1, 1997, through De-
individual anti-dumping baseline. EPA cember 31, 1998 (or the total number of
batches of gasoline pursuant to
will evaluate all of the information and
80.245(a)(3); or, for a foreign refinery, the
data submitted under this section in total number of batches of gasoline pro-
determining the foreign refinerys sul- duced and imported into the U.S. from
fur baseline pursuant to this para- January 1, 1997, through December 31, 1998,
graph. Where EPA concludes that the or the total number of batches of gasoline
data submitted reasonably reflects cur- produced and imported into the U.S. pursu-
rent sulfur levels, the refinerys base- ant to 80.245(c)(2)).
line will be determined based on the i = Individual batch of gasoline produced
annual average sulfur level and volume from January 1, 1997, through December 31,
of gasoline produced by the foreign re- 1998 (or individual batch of gasoline pursu-
finery and imported into the U.S. dur- ant to 80.245(a)(3); or, for a foreign refin-
ing the most recent annual averaging ery, individual batch of gasoline produced
period in which the refinery was sub- and imported into the U.S. from January 1,
ject to its individual anti-dumping 1997, through December 31, 1998, or indi-
baseline. vidual batch of gasoline produced and im-
ported into the U.S. pursuant to
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66 80.245(c)(2)).
FR 19307, April 13, 2001]
(2) The small refiner sulfur baseline
is determined for each refinery as fol-
13, 2001, 80.245 was amended by revising
paragraphs (a)(3) and by adding paragraph lows:
(c), effective July 12, 2001. For the conven-
(Vi S i )
ience of the user, the superseded text is set
forth as follows.
i =1
80.245 How does a small refiner apply for Sb = n
a sulfur baseline?
(a) * * * Vi
(3) For any refiner who acquires a refinery i =1
after January 1, 1999, or reactivates a refin-
ery that was shut down or non-operational Where:
between January 1, 1998, and January 1, 1999, Sb=Small refiner sulfur baseline.
the average sulfur level and average volume Vi=Volume of gasoline batch i.
of gasoline produced during each year the re-
finery was in operation after the refinery
Si=Sulfur content of batch i.
was acquired or reactivated. Where appro- n = Total number of batches of gasoline pro-
priate, the baseline sulfur level and volume duced from January 1, 1997, through De-
for such refineries will be determined based cember 31, 1998 (or the total number of
on the annual average for the most recent batches of gasoline pursuant to
year of operation. 80.245(a)(3); or, for a foreign refinery, the
total number of batches of gasoline pro-
* * * * * duced and imported into the U.S. from
January 1, 1997, through December 31, 1998,
80.250 How is the small refiner sulfur or the total number of batches of gasoline
baseline and volume determined? produced and imported into the U.S. pursu-
(a)(1) The small refiner baseline vol- ant to 80.245(c)(2)).
ume is determined for each refinery as i = Individual batch of gasoline produced
follows: from January 1, 1997, through December 31,
1998 (or individual batch of gasoline pro-
n duced pursuant to 80.245(a)(3); or, for a

(Vi ) foreign refinery, individual batch of gaso-

line produced and imported into the U.S.
i =1
Vb = from January 1, 1997, through December 31,
2 1998, or individual batch of gasoline pro-
duced and imported into the U.S. pursuant
to 80.245(c)(2)).


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80.255 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(3) Any refiner who, under 80.69 or gible for a hardship extension under
80.101(d)(4), included oxygenate blend- 80.260.
ed downstream in compliance calcula- (a) Compliance commitment. By no
tions for 19971998 must include this ox- later than June 1, 2004, any refiner who
ygenate in the baseline calculations for is approved for small refinery stand-
sulfur content under this section. ards must submit a preliminary report
(4) Sulfur baseline calculations under to EPA which outlines the refiners
this section shall be conducted to two timeline for compliance and a project
decimal places. plan which discusses permits, capital
(b) [Reserved] commitments and engineering plans
(c) If at any time a small refinery for making the necessary modifica-
baseline is determined to be incorrect, tions to produce gasoline that meets
the corrected baseline applies ab initio the 30 ppm refinery average and 80 ppm
and the annual average standards and per-gallon cap sulfur standards under
cap standards are deemed to be those 80.195 on or before January 1, 2008.
applicable under the corrected infor- Documents showing activities and
mation. progress in these areas should be pro-
vided, if available.
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66
FR 19307, Apr. 13, 2001] (b) Demonstration of Progress. (1)(i) By
no later than June 1, 2005, the small re-
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19307, Apr. finer must submit a report to EPA that
13, 2001, 80.250 was amended by revising the
states in detail the progress toward
definitions of n and i following the
equations in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2), by compliance with the 30 ppm refinery
adding paragraphs (a)(3) and (a)(4), and by re- average and 80 ppm cap sulfur stand-
moving and reserving paragraph (b), effec- ards to date based on their timeline
tive July 12, 2001. For the convenience of the and project plan. The report must in-
user, the superseded text is set forth as fol- clude:
lows. (A) Copies of approved permits for
80.250 How is the small refiner sulfur construction of the equipment, or the
baseline and volume determined? permit application if approval is still
(a) (1) * * * pending;
(B) Copies of contracts for design and
n=Total number of batches of gasoline pro-
construction; and
duced from January 1, 1997, through De-
cember 31, 1998. (C) Any available evidence of having
i=Individual batch of gasoline produced from secured the necessary financing to
January 1, 1997, through December 31, complete the required construction;
1998. (ii) If the refiner anticipates any dif-
(2) * * * ficulties in meeting its compliance
commitments under this section, the
n=Total number of batches of gasoline pro- refiner must submit a detailed report
duced from January 1, 1997, through De-
of all efforts made to date and the fac-
cember 31, 1998.
i=Individual batch of gasoline produced from tors that may cause delay, including
January 1, 1997, through December 31, costs, specification of engineering or
1998. other design work needed and reasons
for delay, specification of equipment
needed and any reasons for delay, po-
* * * * * tential equipment suppliers and his-
(b) Foreign refiners who do not have an ap- tory of negotiations, and any other rel-
proved refinery baseline under 80.94 must evant information. If unavailability of
follow the procedures specified in 80.410(b). equipment is a factor, the report must
include a discussion of other options
* * * * * considered and the reasons these other
options are not feasible.
80.255 Compliance plans and dem- (2) By no later than June 1, 2006, the
onstration of commitment to small refiner must submit to EPA evi-
produce low sulfur gasoline. dence that on-site construction has
The requirements of this section begun and that, absent unforeseen dif-
apply to any refiner approved for small ficulties, the small refiner will be pro-
refiner standards who wishes to be eli- ducing complying gasoline by January


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.260

1, 2008. If construction has not begun, (2) A detailed analysis of the reasons
the refiner must demonstrate that it the refinery is unable to produce gaso-
has made all reasonable efforts to line meeting the standards of 80.195 in
begin construction, that substantial 2008, including costs, specification of
progress is being made to begin con- equipment still needed, potential
struction as soon as possible, and that equipment suppliers, and efforts al-
construction can be completed in time ready completed to obtain the nec-
to begin production of gasoline that essary equipment;
complies with the standards of 80.195 (3) If unavailability of equipment is
by January 1, 2008. part of the reason for the inability to
(c) Additional information. The Admin- comply, a discussion of other options
istrator may request any additional in- considered, and the reasons these other
formation necessary to determine a re- options are not feasible;
finers commitment and/or progress to- (4) If relevant, a demonstration that
ward meeting the standards in 80.195 a needed or lower cost technology is
by 2008. immediately unavailable, but will be
(d) Failure to comply with requirements. available in the near future, and full
Any small refiner who fails to submit information regarding when and from
the progress reports required under what sources it will be available;
this section will not be eligible for a (5) Schematic drawings of the refin-
hardship extension under 80.260. ery configuration as of January 1, 1999,
and as of the date of the hardship ex-
80.260 What are the procedures and tension application, and any planned
requirements for obtaining a hard- future additions or changes;
ship extension? (6) If relevant, a demonstration that
(a) An approved small refiner who a temporary unavailability exists of
has filed the reports specified in 80.255 engineering or construction resources
may apply to EPA for a hardship ex- necessary for design or installation of
tension of the small refiner standards the needed equipment;
for calendar years 2008 and 2009. The (7) If sources of crude oil lower in sul-
application must be submitted in writ- fur than what the refiner is currently
ing no later than January 1, 2007, to using are available, full information
U.S. EPA, Attn: Sulfur Program regarding the availability of these dif-
(6406J), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., ferent crude sources, the sulfur content
Washington, DC 20460. For commercial of those crude sources, the cost of the
(non-postal) delivery: U.S. EPA, Attn: different crude sources over the past
Sulfur Program, 501 3rd Street NW, five years, and an estimate of gasoline
Washington, DC 20001. sulfur levels achievable by the refinery
(b) The application must specify the if the lower sulfur crude sources were
factors that demonstrate a significant used;
economic hardship and must provide a (8) A discussion of any sulfur reduc-
detailed discussion regarding the in- tions that can be achieved from cur-
ability of the refinery to produce gaso- rent levels;
line meeting the requirements of (9) The date the refiner anticipates
80.195. Such an application must in- compliance with the standards in
clude, at a minimum, the following in- 80.195 can be achieved at its refinery;
formation: (10) An analysis of the economic im-
(1) Documentation of efforts made to pact of compliance on the refiners
obtain necessary financing, including: business (including financial state-
(i) Copies of loan applications for the ments from the last 5 years, or for any
necessary financing of the construction time period up to 10 years, at EPAs re-
of appropriate sulfur reduction tech- quest); and
nology and other equipment procure- (11) Any other information regarding
ments or improvements; and other strategies considered, including
(ii) If financing has been disapproved strategies or components of strategies
or is otherwise unsuccessful, docu- that do not involve installation of
ments supporting the basis for that dis- equipment, and why meeting the stand-
approval and evidence of efforts to pur- ards in 80.195 beginning in 2008 is in-
sue other means of financing; feasible.


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80.265 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(c) The hardship extension applica- ance with the standards specified at
tion must contain a letter signed by 80.195 must be achieved or what in-
the president or the chief operating or terim sulfur levels or schedules apply,
chief executive officer of the company, if any.
or his/her designee, stating that the in- (2) If disapproved, beginning January
formation contained in the application 1, 2008, the refinery is subject to the re-
is true to the best of his/her knowledge. quirements in 80.195. Refiners who re-
ceive an extension for the 2008 aver-
80.265 How will the EPA approve or aging period shall meet the standards
disapprove a hardship extension
application? in 80.195 beginning on January 1, 2009,
unless EPA grants an extension of the
(a) EPA will evaluate each applica- hardship relief for an additional year.
tion for hardship extension on a case- If such an additional extension is
by-case basis. The factors considered granted, the refiner shall meet the
for a hardship extension may include: standards in 80.195 on January 1, 2010.
The refiners financial position and ef- (d) Refiners who receive a hardship
forts to obtain capital funding; the re- extension may be required to meet
finers efforts to procure necessary more stringent standards than those
equipment, obtain design and engineer- which apply to them during 2007, and/or
ing services and construction contrac- could be required to offset excess sulfur
tors; the availability of desulfurization levels. EPA may impose reasonable
equipment; and any other relevant fac-
conditions on an extension, such as re-
tor. An extension will be granted for a
quiring segregation of the small refin-
refinery for the 2008 averaging period if
ers gasoline or requiring the gasoline
the small refiner who owns the refinery
to be sold for use in older vehicles only.
adequately demonstrates that severe
economic hardship would result if com- 80.270 Can a refiner seek temporary
pliance with the standards in 80.195 is relief from the requirements of this
required in 2008, or that compliance subpart?
with the standard in 2008 is not feasible
for reasons beyond the refiners con- (a) EPA may permit a refiner to
trol, and that the refiner has made the produce and distribute gasoline which
best efforts possible to achieve compli- does not meet the requirements of this
ance with the national standards by subpart if the refiner demonstrates
January 1, 2008. Upon reapplication by that:
the refiner, if EPA determines that fur- (1) Unusual circumstances exist that
ther relief is appropriate, EPA may impose extreme hardship and signifi-
grant a further extension through the cantly affect ability to comply by the
2009 averaging period. In no case will a applicable date; and
further extension for the 2009 averaging (2) It has made best efforts to comply
period be granted unless the refiner with the requirements of this subpart
demonstrates conclusively that it has (including making efforts to obtain
financing in place and that it will be credits and/or allotments).
able to complete construction and (b) Applications must be submitted
meet the national gasoline sulfur to EPA by September 1, 2000. Relief
standards no later than December 31, may be granted from some or all of the
2009. requirements of this subpart, at EPAs
(b) EPA may request more informa- discretion; however, EPA reserves the
tion, if necessary, for evaluation of the right to deny applications for appro-
application. If requested information is priate reasons, including unacceptable
not submitted within the time speci- environmental impact. Approval to dis-
fied in EPAs request, or any exten- tribute gasoline which does not meet
sions granted, the application may be the requirements of this subpart may
denied. be granted for such time period as EPA
(c) EPA will notify the refiner of ap- determines is appropriate, but shall
proval or disapproval of hardship ex- not extend beyond January 1, 2008.
tension by letter. (c)(1) Applications must include a
(1) If approved, EPA will also notify plan demonstrating how the refiner
the refiner of the date that full compli- will comply with the requirements of


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.275

this subpart as expeditiously as pos- (2) If the average sulfur content of

sible. The plan shall include a showing the gasoline produced at a refinery is
that contracts are or will be in place less than the refinerys baseline as de-
for engineering and construction of termined under 80.295 and is 60 ppm or
desulfurization equipment, a plan for less, allotments and credits may be
applying for and obtaining any permits generated using the following proce-
necessary for construction, a descrip- dures. This paragraph (a) does not
tion of plans to obtain necessary cap- apply to importers.
ital, and a detailed estimate of when (i) If the average sulfur content of
the requirements of this subpart will the gasoline produced at a refinery is
be met. less than or equal to 30, and the refin-
(2) Applications must include a de- erys sulfur baseline is greater than
tailed description of the refinery con- 120, the following procedures apply:
figuration and operations, including, at SATypeB = (30 Saa) V
a minimum, the following information:
SATypeA = (V 90) 0.8
(i) The portion of gasoline production
CR = (SBase 120) V
that is produced using an FCC unit;
(ii) The refinerys hydrotreating ca- (ii) If the average sulfur content of
pacity; the gasoline produced at a refinery is
(iii) The refinerys total reformer less than or equal to 30, and the refin-
unit throughput capacity; erys sulfur baseline is greater than 30
(iv) The refinerys total crude capac- but less than or equal to 120, the fol-
ity; lowing procedures apply:
(v) Total crude capacity of any other SATypeB = (30 Sa) V
refineries owned by the same entity; SATypeA = ((SBase 30) V) 0.8
(vi) Total volume of gasoline produc-
(iii) If the average sulfur content of
tion at the refinery;
the gasoline produced at a refinery is
(vii) Total volume of other refinery
less than or equal to 30, and the refin-
products; and
erys sulfur baseline is less than or
(viii) Geographic location(s) in which
equal to 30, the following procedures
gasoline will be sold.
(3) Applications must include, at a
minimum, the following information: SATypeB = ( SBase Sa) V
(i) Detailed description of efforts to (iv) If the average sulfur content of
obtain capital for refinery investments; the gasoline produced at a refinery is
(ii) Bond rating of entity that owns greater than 30, and the refinerys sul-
the refinery; and fur baseline is greater than 120, the fol-
(iii) Estimated capital investment lowing procedures apply:
needed to comply with the require- SATypeA = ((120 Sa) V) 0.8
ments of this subpart by the applicable CR = (SBase 120) V
(4) Applicants must also provide any (v) If the average sulfur content of
other relevant information requested the gasoline produced at a refinery is
by EPA. greater than 30, and the refinerys sul-
(d) EPA may impose any reasonable fur baseline is less than or equal to 120,
conditions on waivers granted under the following procedures apply:
this section. SATypeA = ((SBase Sa) V) 0.8
(vi) For purposes of the equations
under paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (v)
80.275 How are allotments generated of this section, the following defini-
and used? tions apply:
(a) Generation of allotments and credits SATypeB = Type B sulfur allotments gen-
in 2003. (1) During 2003 only, any domes- erated.
tic or foreign refiner may have the op- SATypeA = Type A sulfur allotments gen-
tion to generate credits in accordance erated.
with the provisions of 80.305 or gen- CR = Credits generated.
erate allotments and credits under SBase = Refinerys sulfur baseline value
paragraph (a)(2) of this section. under 80.295.


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80.275 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

Sa = Average sulfur content of the gas- sulfur allotments to meet their annual
oline produced at the refinery dur- average refinery or importer standards.
ing 2003 (or for a foreign refinery, (d) Transfers of sulfur allotments. Sul-
all gasoline produced during 2003 fur allotments generated under this
that was imported into the U.S.). section may be transferred, provided
V = Volume of gasoline produced at the that:
refinery during 2003 (or for a for- (1) No allotment may be transferred
eign refinery, all gasoline produced more than twice: The first transfer by
during 2003 that was imported into the refiner or importer who generated
the U.S.). the allotment may only be made to a
(b) Generation of allotments in 2004 and refiner or importer who intends to use
2005. During 2004 and 2005 only, refiners the allotment; if the transferee cannot
and importers that have corporate pool use the allotment, it may make the
average sulfur levels below the cor- second, and final, transfer only to a re-
porate pool average standards under finer or importer who intends to use
80.195 may generate sulfur allotments the allotment. In no case may an allot-
separately for each year using the fol- ment be transferred more than twice
lowing procedures. before being used or terminated.
(1) If the average sulfur content of (2) The allotment transferor must
the gasoline produced or imported is apply any allotments necessary to
less than 30 the following procedures meet the transferors corporate pool
apply: average standard before transferring
SATypeB = (30 Sa) Va allotments to any other refiner or im-
porter or before converting allotments
SATypeA = (SPS 30) Va
into credits.
(2) If the average sulfur content of (3) The transferor must supply to the
the gasoline produced or imported is transferee records indicating the year
equal to or greater than 30 the fol- of generation and type of the allot-
lowing procedures apply: ments, the identity of the refiner or
SATypeA = (SPS Sa) Va importer who generated the allot-
(3) For purposes of the equations ments, and the identity of the transfer-
under paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this ring party, if it is not the same part
section, the following definitions that generated the allotments.
apply: (4) The transferor must inform the
transferee whether any transferred al-
SATypeB = Type B sulfur allotments gen-
lotments are Type A allotments or
Type B allotments, as defined in para-
SATypeA = Type A sulfur allotments gen- graphs (a) and (b) of this section.
erated. (5) In the case of allotments that
Sa = Corporate pool average sulfur level have been calculated or created im-
for the year. properly, or are otherwise determined
SPS = Corporate pool average standard to be invalid, the following provisions
(120 in 2004; 90 in 2005). apply:
Va = Total volume of gasoline produced (i) Invalid allotments cannot be used
and/or imported during the year. to achieve compliance with the trans-
(c) Use of sulfur allotments to meet ferees corporate pool average standard
standards. (1) Refiners and importers or be converted to credits, regardless of
may use Type A and Type B sulfur al- the transferees good faith belief that
lotments to meet the corporate pool the allotments were valid.
average standards under 80.195, except (ii) The refiner or importer who used
that if allotments generated in 2003 or the allotments, and any transferor of
2004 are used to meet the corporate the allotments, must adjust their allot-
pool standard in 2005 the allotments ment records and reports and sulfur
generated in 2003 or 2004 shall be re- calculations as necessary to reflect the
duced in value by 50%. proper allotments.
(2) Small refiners subject to the (iii) Any allotments remaining after
standards under 80.240, and refiners correcting for the improperly created
and importers of gasoline designated as allotments must first be applied to cor-
GPA gasoline under 80.219(a), may use rect the invalid transfers before the


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.285

transferor may transfer any other al- (b) Credit generation beginning in 2004.
lotments or before converting allot- (1) Credits may be generated beginning
ments into credits. in 2004 under 80.310 by:
(e) Conversion of allotments into cred- (i) Refiners for any refinery, and im-
its. A refiner or importer may convert porters subject to the standards under
allotments into credits using the fol- 80.195;
lowing procedures: (ii) Refiners and importers of gaso-
(1) Type A allotments may be con- line designated as GPA gasoline under
verted into credits with the same re- 80.219, using the refinerys annual av-
quirements and limitations on use that erage sulfur standard for GPA gasoline
apply under 80.315 to credits generated established under 80.216(a)(for any
in 2000 through 2003. party generating credits under both
(2) Type B allotments may be con- paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section and
verted into credits with the same re- this paragraph (b)(1)(ii), such credits
quirements and limitations on use that must be calculated separately); or
apply under 80.315 to credits generated (iii) Small refiners for any refinery
in 2004 and later, based on the year of subject to the standards under 80.240,
creation of the allotment. using refinerys standard established
under 80.240.
(f) Small refiners. Small refiners sub-
ject to the standards under 80.240 may (2) Generation of credits under 80.310
for all imported gasoline shall be
not generate sulfur allotments under
through the importer.
paragraph (b) of this section.
(3) Oxygenate blenders may not gen-
(g) GPA gasoline. GPA gasoline that
erate credits under 80.310.
is included in the refiners or import-
ers corporate pool average under [38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66
80.216(f)(2) must be included in the cal- FR 19307, Apr. 13, 2001]
culations under paragraph (b) of this EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19307, Apr.
section. No refiner or importer may 13, 2001, 80.285 was amended by revising
generate allotments in 2004 or 2005 who paragraphs (a)(1)(i), (a)(1)(ii), (a)(1)(iii),
is not required to meet the corporate (b)(1)(i), (b)(1)(ii) and (b)(2), effective July 12,
pool average standards. 2001. For the convenience of the user, the su-
perseded text is set forth as follows.
AVERAGING, BANKING AND TRADING 80.285 Who may generate credits under
TION (a) * * *
(1) * * *
80.280 [Reserved] (i) Refiners who establish a sulfur baseline
under 80.295;
80.285 Who may generate credits (ii) Foreign refiners with approved base-
under the ABT program? lines under 80.94, or baselines established in
accordance with 80.410; or
(a) Credit generation in 2000 through (iii) Small refiners for any refinery subject
2003. (1) Credits may be generated in to the standards under 80.240, using their
2000 through 2003 under 80.305 by refin- small refiner baseline established under
ers who produce gasoline from crude 80.250.
oil, and are:
(i) Refiners who establish a sulfur * * * * *
baseline under 80.295 for a refinery;
(b) * * *
(ii) Foreign refiners for refineries (1) * * *
with an approved baseline under 80.94, (i) Refiners and importers subject to the
or refineries with baselines established standards under 80.195;
in accordance with 80.290(d); or (ii) Refiners and importers of gasoline des-
(iii) Small refiners for any refinery ignated as GPA gasoline under 80.219, using
subject to the standards under 80.240, the lesser of: 150 ppm; or the refiners or im-
using their small refiner baseline es- porters baseline calculated under 80.295; or
the refinerys lowest annual average sulfur
tablished under 80.250 for that refin- content for any year from 2000 through 2003
ery. during which the refiner generated credits
(2) Importers and oxygenate blenders (for any party generating credits under both
may not generate credits under 80.305. paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section and this


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80.290 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
paragraph (b)(1)(ii), such credits must be cal- down or non-operational between Janu-
culated separately); or ary 1, 1997, and December 31, 1998, the
average sulfur level of gasoline pro-
* * * * * duced during each annual averaging pe-
(2) Generation of credits for all imported riod that the refinery was in operation
gasoline shall be through the importer. after the refinery was acquired and/or
reactivated. EPA will evaluate all of
* * * * * the data submitted by the refiner in de-
termining the appropriate sulfur base-
80.290 How does a refiner apply for a line for the refinery. Where EPA con-
sulfur baseline? cludes that the data submitted reason-
(a) The refiner must submit an appli- ably reflects current sulfur levels, the
cation to EPA which includes the in- refinerys baseline will be determined
formation required under paragraph (c) based on the average sulfur content of
of this section no later than September the refinerys gasoline production dur-
30 of the year in which the refiner ing the most recent annual averaging
plans to begin generating credits, or period the refinery was in operation.
the refiner or an importer plans to sell (d)(1) Foreign refiners who do not
gasoline in the geographic phase-in have an approved refinery baseline
area in accordance with 80.217. under 80.94 must follow the procedures
(b) The sulfur baseline request must specified in 80.410(b).
be sent to: U.S. EPA, Attn: Sulfur Pro- (2) Foreign refiners who have an ap-
gram (6406J), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., proved individual refinery baseline
NW Washington, DC 20460. For com- under 80.94, but one that was not in ef-
mercial (non-postal) delivery: U.S. fect for purposes of anti-dumping com-
EPA, Attn: Sulfur Program, 501 3rd pliance during the 19971998 annual
Street NW., Washington, DC 20001. averaging periods, must comply with
(c) The sulfur baseline application the requirements of this section for the
must include the following informa- gasoline produced at the refinery and
tion: imported to the U.S. during each an-
(1) A listing of the names and ad- nual averaging period in which the re-
dresses of all refineries owned by the finery was subject to its individual
corporation for which the refiner is ap- anti-dumping baseline. EPA will evalu-
plying for a sulfur baseline. ate all of the information and data sub-
(2) The annual average gasoline sul- mitted under this section in deter-
fur baseline for gasoline produced in mining a foreign refinerys sulfur base-
19971998, for each refinery for which
line pursuant to this paragraph (d).
the refiner is applying for a sulfur
Where EPA concludes that the data
baseline, calculated in accordance with
submitted reasonably reflects current
sulfur levels, a foreign refinerys base-
(3) A letter signed by the president,
line sulfur level under this paragraph
chief operating or chief executive offi-
will be determined based on the aver-
cer, of the company, or his/her dele-
age sulfur level of gasoline produced by
gate, stating that the information con-
tained in the sulfur baseline deter- the foreign refinery and imported to
mination is true to the best of his/her the U.S. during the most recent annual
knowledge. averaging period in which the refinery
(4) Name, address, phone number, fac- was subject to its individual anti-
simile number and E-mail address of a dumping baseline.
corporate contact person. (e) Within 60 days of receipt of an ap-
(5) The following information for plication under this section, EPA will
each batch of gasoline produced in notify the refiner of approval of the re-
19971998: finerys baseline or of any deficiencies
(i) Batch number assigned to the in the application.
batch under 80.65(d) or 80.101(i); (f) If at any time the baseline sub-
(ii) Volume; and mitted in accordance with the require-
(iii) Sulfur content. ments of this section is determined to
(6) For any refiner that acquires and/ be incorrect, EPA will notify the re-
or reactivates a refinery that was shut finer of the corrected baseline.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.305

(g) Any refiner that seeks temporary produced and imported into the U.S. pursu-
relief under 80.270 shall apply for a re- ant to 80.290(d)(2)).
finery sulfur baseline in accordance (b) Any refiner who, under 80.65 or
with the provisions of this section and 80.101(d)(4), included oxygenate blend-
80.295, and if applicable, 80.410(b), no ed downstream in compliance calcula-
later than September 1, 2000. tions for 19971998 must include this ox-
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66 ygenate in the baseline calculations for
FR 19308, Apr. 13, 2001] sulfur content under paragraph (a) of
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19308, Apr. this section.
13, 2001, 80.290 was amended by adding para- (c) Sulfur baseline calculations under
graph (c)(6) and by revising paragraph (d), ef- this section shall be conducted to two
fective July 12, 2001. For the convenience of decimal places.
the user, the superseded text is set forth as
follows. [38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66
FR 19308, Apr. 13, 2001]
80.290 How does a refiner apply for a sul-
fur baseline? EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19308,
80.295 was amended by revising the defini-
* * * * * tions of n and i following the equation
in paragraph (a), by revising paragraph (b)
(d) Foreign refiners who do not have an ap- and by adding paragraph (c), effective July
proved refinery baseline under 80.94 must 12, 2001. For the convenience of the user, the
follow the procedures specified in 80.410(b). superseded text is set forth as follows.
80.295 How is a refinery sulfur base- 80.295 How is a refinery sulfur baseline
line determined? determined?
(a) A refinerys gasoline sulfur base- (a) * * *
line for the purpose of generating cred- n=Total number of batches of gasoline pro-
its during years 2000 through 2003 is duced during January 1, 1997 through De-
calculated using the following equa- cember 31, 1998.
tion: i=Individual batch of gasoline produced dur-
ing January 1, 1997 through December 31,
n 1998.
(Vi Si) (b) Any refiner who, under 80.65 or
i =1
S Base = n
80.101(d)(4), included oxygenate blended
downstream in compliance calculations for
Vi 19971998 must include this oxygenate in the
baseline calculations for sulfur content
i =1
under paragraph (a) of this section.
SBase=Sulfur baseline value. 80.300 [Reserved]
Vi=Volume of gasoline batch i.
Si=Sulfur content of gasoline batch i. ABT PROGRAMCREDIT GENERATION
n = Total number of batches of gasoline pro- 80.305 How are credits generated
duced during January 1, 1997 through De- during the time period 2000
cember 31, 1998 (or the total number of through 2003?
batches of gasoline pursuant to
80.290(c)(6); or, for a foreign refinery, the (a) Credits must be calculated as fol-
total number of batches of gasoline pro- lows:
duced and imported into the U.S. during CRa=Va (SBase Sa)
January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1998,
or, the total number of batches of gasoline Where:
produced and imported into the U.S. pursu- CRa=Credits generated for the aver-
ant to 80.290(d)(2)). aging period.
i = Individual batch of gasoline produced
during January 1, 1997 through December Va = Total volume of gasoline produced dur-
31, 1998 (or individual batch of gasoline pro- ing the averaging period at the refinery (or
duced pursuant to 80.290(c)(6); or, for a for a foreign refinery, the total volume of
foreign refinery, individual batch of gaso- gasoline produced during the averaging pe-
line produced and imported into the U.S. riod at the refinery that was imported into
during January 1, 1997 through December the U.S. in accordance with the require-
31, 1998, or, individual batch of gasoline ments of 80.410)


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80.310 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

SBase=Sulfur baseline value for the re- period is less than 0.90 of the refiners base-
finery established under 80.250 or line under 80.250 or 80.295.
Sa = Actual annual average sulfur level, cal- * * * * *
culated in accordance with the provisions
of 80.205, for gasoline produced during the 80.310 How are credits generated be-
averaging period by the refinery, exclusive ginning in 2004?
of any credits, (or for a foreign refinery, (a) A refiner for any refinery, or an
the actual average sulfur level, calculated importer, may generate credits in 2004
in accordance with the provisions of
and thereafter if the annual average
80.205, for gasoline produced during the
averaging period at the refinery that was sulfur level for gasoline produced or
imported into the U.S., in accordance with imported for the averaging period is
the requirements of 80.410, exclusive of less than the applicable refinery or im-
any credits.) porter annual average sulfur standard
(b) The refiner may include any for that refinery or importer in that
oxygenates included in its RFG or con- year.
ventional gasoline volume under 80.65 (b) Credits are calculated as follows:
and 80.101(d)(4), respectively, for the CRa=Va (SStd Sa)
purpose of generating credits. Where:
(c) Credits under this program are in CRa=Credits generated for the aver-
units of ppm-gallons. aging period.
(d) Refiners may generate credits for Va=Total annual volume gasoline pro-
gasoline produced during an averaging duced at a refinery or imported
period for a refinery only if the annual during the averaging period.
average sulfur level for the gasoline Sstd = 30 ppm; or the sulfur standard for
produced at that refinery during the a small refinery established under
averaging period is less than 0.90 of the 80.240; or, for gasoline designated
refinerys baseline under 80.250 or as GPA gasoline under 80.219, the
80.295. standard for GPA gasoline estab-
(e) Credits generated in accordance lished for a refinery under
with paragraph (a) of this section must 80.216(a).
be identified by the year of creation.
Sa = Actual annual average sulfur level,
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66 calculated in accordance with the
FR 19308, Apr. 13, 2001] provisions of 80.205, for gasoline
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19308, produced at a refinery or imported
80.305 was amended by revising the defini- during the averaging period, exclu-
tions of Va and Safollowing the equation sive of any credits.
in paragraph (a), and by revising paragraph (c) Credits generated in accordance
(d), effective July 12, 2001. For the conven- with this section must be identified by
ience of the user, the superseded text is set
the year of creation.
forth as follows.
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66
80.305 How are credits generated during FR 19308, Apr. 13, 2001]
the time period 2000 through 2003?
(a) * * * EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19308,
Va=Total volume of gasoline produced during 80.310 was amended by revising the defini-
the averaging period at the refinery. tions of Sstd and Sa following the equation in
paragraph (b), effective July 12, 2001. For the
convenience of the user, the superseded text
* * * * * is set forth as follows.
Sa=Actual annual average sulfur level for
gasoline produced during the averaging 80.310 How are credits generated begin-
period by the refinery exclusive of any ning in 2004?
* * * * *
* * * * * (b) * * *
(d) Refiners may generate credits for gaso- Sstd=30 ppm; or the sulfur standard for a
line produced during an averaging period small refinery established under 80.240;
only if the annual average sulfur level for or, for gasoline designated as GPA gaso-
the gasoline produced during the averaging line under 80.219, the lesser of 150 ppm,


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.315
the refinerys or importers baseline cal- ard before transferring credits to any
culated under 80.295, or the refinerys other refiner or importer.
lowest annual average sulfur content for
(vi) No credits may be transferred
any year from 2000 through 2003 during
which the refinery generated credits or that would result in the transferor hav-
allotments. ing a negative credit balance.
Sa=Actual annual average sulfur level of gas- (vii) Each transferor must supply to
oline produced at a refinery or imported the transferee records indicating the
during the averaging period exclusive of years the credits were generated, the
any credits. identity of the refiner or importer who
generated the credits, and the identity
* * * * * of the transferring party, if it is not
the same party that generated the
(2) In the case of credits that have
80.315 How are credits used and been calculated or created improperly,
what are the limitations on credit or are otherwise determined to be in-
use? valid, the following provisions apply:
(a) Credit use. Credits may be used to (i) Where a refiners baseline has
meet the applicable refinery or im- been determined to be incorrect under
porter annual average sulfur standards 80.250(c) or 80.290(f), any credits gen-
under 80.195, 80.216, or 80.240, pro- erated, banked, used or traded must be
vided that: adjusted to reflect the corrected base-
(1) Sulfur credits used were generated line.
pursuant to the requirements of this (ii) Invalid credits cannot be used to
subpart; and achieve compliance with the trans-
(2) The requirements of paragraphs ferees averaging standard, regardless
(b) and (c) of this section are met. of the transferees good faith belief
(b) Credit transfers. (1) Credits ob- that the credits were valid.
tained from other persons may be used (iii) The refiner or importer who used
to meet the annual average standards the credits, and any transferor of the
specified in 80.195, 80.216, or 80.240 if credits, must adjust their credit
all the following conditions are met: records and reports and sulfur calcula-
(i) The credits are generated and re- tions as necessary to reflect the proper
ported according to the requirements credits.
of this subpart. (iv) Any properly created credits ex-
(ii) The credits are used in compli- isting in the transferors credit balance
ance with the limitations regarding the after correcting the credit balance, and
appropriate periods for credit use in after the transferor applies credits as
this subpart. needed to meet the average standard at
(iii) Any credit transfer takes place the end of the compliance year, must
no later than the last day of February first be applied to correct the invalid
following the calendar year averaging transfers before the transferor trades
period when the credits are used. or banks the credits.
(iv) No credit may be transferred (c) Limitations on credit use. (1) Cred-
more than twice: The first transfer by its generated prior to 2004 may only be
the refiner or importer who generated used for demonstrating compliance
the credit may only be made to a re- with the refinery or importer annual
finer or importer who intends to use average standards under 80.195 during
the credit; if the transferee cannot use the 2005 and 2006 averaging periods.
the credit, it may make the second, Such credits may be used to dem-
and final, transfer only to a refiner or onstrate compliance with the stand-
importer who intends to use the credit. ards under 80.216 during the 2004
In no case may a credit be transferred through 2006 averaging periods, and
more than twice before being used or with the standards under 80.240 during
terminated. the 2004 through 2007 averaging periods,
(v) The credit transferor must apply and the 2008 and 2009 averaging periods,
any credits necessary to meet the if allowed under the terms of a hard-
transferors applicable average stand- ship extension under 80.265.


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80.320 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(2) Credits generated in 2004 or later under paragraph (a)(1) of this section
may only be used for demonstrating prior to the gasoline leaving the refin-
compliance with standards during an ery, provided that the refiner obtains
averaging period within five years of an exemption from this requirement
the year of generation. from EPA. To obtain such exemption,
(3) A refiner or importer possessing the refiner must:
credits must use all credits prior to (A) Have been granted an in-line
falling into compliance deficit under blending exemption under 80.65(f)(4);
80.205(e). or
(4) Credits may not be used to meet (B) If the refiner has not been grant-
corporate pool average standards under ed an exemption under 80.65(f)(4), sub-
80.195. mit to EPA all of the information re-
quired under 80.65(f)(4)(i)(A). A letter
80.320 [Reserved] signed by the president, chief operating
or chief executive officer of the com-
80.325 [Reserved]
pany, or his/her designee, stating that
SAMPLING, TESTING AND RETENTION RE- the information contained in the sub-
QUIREMENTS FOR REFINERS AND IM- mission is true to the best of his/her
PORTERS belief must accompany any submission
under this paragraph (a)(4)(i)(B).
80.330 What are the sampling and (ii) Refiners who seek an exemption
testing requirements for refiners under paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section
and importers? must comply with any request by EPA
(a) Sample and test each batch of gaso- for additional information or any other
line. (1) Refiners and importers shall requirements that EPA includes as
collect a representative sample from part of the exemption.
each batch of gasoline produced or im- (iii) Within 60 days of EPAs receipt
ported and test each sample to deter- of a submission under paragraph
mine its sulfur content for compliance (a)(4)(i)(B) of this section, EPA will no-
with requirements under this subpart tify the refiner if the exemption is not
prior to the gasoline leaving the refin- approved or of any deficiencies in the
ery or import facility, using the sam- refiners submission, or if any addi-
pling and testing methods provided in tional information is required or other
this section. requirements are included in the ex-
(2) Except as provided in paragraph emption pursuant to paragraph
(a)(3) of this section, the requirements (a)(4)(ii) of this section. In the absence
of this section apply beginning Janu- of such notification from EPA, the ef-
ary 1, 2004, or January 1 of the first fective date of an exemption under
year of allotment or credit generation paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section for
under 80.275 or 80.305, whichever is refiners who do not hold an exemption
earlier. under 80.65(f)(4) is 60 days from EPAs
(3) Prior to January 1, 2004: receipt of the refiners submission
(i) Any refiner may release gasoline under paragraph (a)(4)(i)(B) of this sec-
from the refinery prior to obtaining tion.
the test results required under para- (iv) EPA reserves the right to modify
graph (a)(1) of this section. the requirements of an exemption
(ii) Any refiner of conventional gaso- under paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this sec-
line may combine samples of gasoline tion, in whole or in part, at any time,
from more than one batch of gasoline if EPA determines that the refiners
or blendstock prior to analysis and operation does not effectively or ade-
treat such composite sample as one quately control, monitor or document
batch of gasoline or blendstock pursu- the sulfur content of the refinerys gas-
ant to the requirements of 80.101(i)(2). oline production, or if EPA determines
(4)(i) Beginning January 1, 2004, any that any other circumstances exist
refiner who produces gasoline using which merit modification of the re-
computer-controlled in-line blending quirements of an exemption, such as
equipment is exempt from the require- advancements in the state of the art
ment of paragraph (a)(1) of this section for in-line blending measurement
to obtain the test results required which allow for additional control or


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.330

more accurate monitoring or docu- when the butane constitutes a batch of

mentation of sulfur content. If EPA gasoline.
finds that a refiner provided false or in- (2) Except as provided in paragraph
accurate information in any submis- (d)(1) of this section, any ASTM sulfur
sion required for an exemption under test method for gaseous fuels may be
this section, upon notification from used for quality assurance testing
EPA, the refiners exemption will be under 80.340(b)(4) and 80.400, if the
void ab initio. protocols of the ASTM method are fol-
(b) Sampling methods. For purposes of lowed and the alternative method is
paragraph (a) of this section, refiners correlated to the method provided in
and importers shall sample each batch
of gasoline by using one of the fol-
lowing methods: (e) Incorporations by reference. ASTM
(1) Manual sampling of tanks and standard practices D 405795, D 417795
pipelines shall be performed according and D 584295 are incorporated by ref-
to the applicable procedures specified erence. These incorporations by ref-
in one of the two following methods: erence were approved by the Director
(i) American Society for Testing and of the Federal Register in accordance
Materials (ASTM) method D 405795, with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
entitled Standard Practice for Manual Copies may be obtained from the Amer-
Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum ican Society for Testing and Materials,
Products. 100 Barr Harbor Dr., West
(ii) Samples collected under the ap- Conshohocken, PA 19428. Copies may be
plicable procedures in ASTM method D inspected at the Air Docket Section
584295, entitled Standard Practice for (LE131), room M1500, U.S. Environ-
Sampling and Handling of Fuels for mental Protection Agency, Docket No.
Volatility Measurement, may be used A9703, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.,
for measuring sulfur content if there is Washington, DC 20460, or at the Office
no contamination present that could of the Federal Register, 800 North Cap-
affect the sulfur test result. itol Street, NW., Suite 700, Wash-
(2) Automatic sampling of petroleum ington, DC.
products in pipelines shall be per-
formed according to the applicable pro- [38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66
cedures specified in ASTM method D FR 19309, Apr. 13, 2001]
417795, entitled Standard Practice for EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19308,
Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and 80.330 was amended by revising paragraphs
Petroleum Products. (a)(3) and (a)(4), effective July 12, 2001. For
(c) Test method for measuring the sulfur the convenience of the user, the superseded
content of gasoline. (1) For purposes of text is set forth as follows.
paragraph (a) of this section, refiners
and importers shall use the method 80.330 What are the sampling and testing
requirements for refiners and importers?
provided in 80.46(a)(1) to measure the
sulfur content of gasoline they produce (a) * * *
or import. (3) Prior to January 1, 2004, for purposes of
meeting the sampling and testing require-
(2) Except as provided in 80.350 and
ments of this section for conventional gaso-
in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, any line, any refiner may, prior to analysis, com-
ASTM sulfur test method for liquefied bine samples of gasoline from more than one
fuels may be used for quality assurance batch of gasoline or blendstock and treat
testing under 80.400, or to determine such composite sample as one batch of gaso-
whether gasoline qualifies for a S line or blendstock pursuant to the require-
RGAS downstream standard, if the pro- ments of 80.101(i)(2).
tocols of the ASTM method are fol- (4) Any refiner who produces reformulated
lowed and the alternative method is gasoline or conventional gasoline using com-
correlated to the method provided in puter-controlled in-line blending equipment
80.46(a)(1). may meet the testing requirement of para-
(d) Test method for sulfur in butane. (1) graph (a)(1) of this section under the terms
Refiners and importers shall use the of an exemption granted under 80.65(f)(4).
method provided in 80.46(a)(2) to
measure the sulfur content of butane * * * * *


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80.335 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

80.335 What gasoline sample reten- must be signed and dated by the same
tion requirements apply to refiners person who signs the annual report:
and importers?
I certify that I have made inquiries that
(a) Sample retention requirements. Be- are sufficient to give me knowledge of the
ginning January 1, 2004, or January 1 of procedures to collect and store gasoline sam-
the first year allotments or credits are ples, and I further certify that the proce-
generated under 80.275 and 80.305, dures meet the requirements of the ASTM
whichever is earlier, any refiner or im- procedures required under 40 CFR 80.330.
porter shall: (d) Prior to January 1, 2004, for pur-
(1) Collect a representative portion of poses of complying with the require-
each sample analyzed under 80.330(a), ments of this section, refiners who ana-
of at least 330 ml in volume; lyze composited samples under
(2) Retain sample portions for the 80.330(a)(3) must retain portions of the
most recent 20 samples collected, or for composited samples. Portions of sam-
each sample collected during the most ples of each batch comprising the com-
recent 21 day period, whichever is posited samples are not required to be
greater, not to exceed 90 days for any retained.
given sample; (e) For purposes of complying with
(3) Comply with the gasoline sample the requirements of this section for
handling and storage procedures under RBOB, a sample of each RBOB batch
80.330(b) for each sample portion re- produced plus a sample of the ethanol
tained; and used to conduct the handblend testing
(4) Comply with any request by EPA pursuant to 80.69 must be retained.
[38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 2001, as amended at 66
(i) Provide a retained sample portion FR 19309, Apr. 13, 2001]
to the Administrators authorized rep-
resentative; and EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19309,
80.335 was amended by revising paragraph
(ii) Ship a retained sample portion to (a)(2) and by adding paragraphs (d) and (e),
EPA, within 2 working days of the date effective July 12, 2001. For the convenience of
of the request, by an overnight ship- the user, the superseded text is set forth as
ping service or comparable means, to follows.
the address and following procedures
specified by EPA, and accompanied 80.335 What gasoline sample retention re-
quirements apply to refiners and import-
with the sulfur test result for the sam- ers?
ple determined under 80.330(a). (a) * * *
(b) Sample retention requirement for (2) Retain sample portions for the most re-
samples subject to independent analysis cent 20 samples collected, or for each sample
requirements. (1) Any refiner or im- collected during the most recent 21 day pe-
porter who meets the independent riod, whichever is greater;
analysis requirements under 80.65(f)
for any batch of reformulated gasoline * * * * *
or RBOB will have met the require-
ments of paragraph (a) of this section, 80.340 What standards and require-
provided the independent laboratory ments apply to refiners producing
meets the requirements of paragraph gasoline by blending blendstocks
(a) of this section for the gasoline into previously certified gasoline
batch. (PCG)?
(2) For samples retained by an inde- (a) Any refiner who produces gasoline
pendent laboratory under paragraph (b) by blending blendstock into PCG must
of this section, the test results re- meet the requirements of 80.330 to
quired to be submitted under para- sample and test every batch of gasoline
graph (a) of this section shall be the as follows:
test results determined under 80.65(e). (1)(i) Sample and test to determine
(c) Sampling compliance certification. the volume and sulfur content of the
Any refiner or importer shall include PCG prior to blendstock blending.
with each annual report filed under (ii) Sample and test to determine the
80.370, the following statement, which volume and sulfur content of the gaso-
must accurately reflect the facts and line subsequent to blendstock blending.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.350

(iii) Calculate the volume and sulfur ing must be immediately before trans-
content of the blendstock, by sub- fer of butane to the butane blender.
tracting the volume and sulfur content (ii) The testing must be performed by
of the PCG from the volume and sulfur the method specified in 80.46(a)(2).
content of the gasoline subsequent to (iii) The butane blender must obtain
blendstock blending. The blendstock is a copy of the butane suppliers test re-
a batch for purposes of compliance cal- sults, at the time of each transfer of
culations and reporting. For purposes butane to the butane blender, that re-
of this paragraph (a), compliance with flect the sulfur content of each load of
the applicable cap standard under butane supplied to the butane blender.
80.195(a) shall be determined based on (3) The sulfur content and volume of
the sulfur content of the gasoline sub- each batch of gasoline produced is that
sequent to blendstock blending. of the butane the refiner blends into
(2) In the alternative, a refiner may gasoline for purposes of calculating
sample and test each batch of compliance with the standards in
blendstock when received at the refin- 80.195 and 80.216.
(4) The refiner must conduct a qual-
ery to determine the volume and sulfur
ity assurance program of sampling and
content, and treat each blendstock re-
testing for each butane supplier that
ceipt as a separate batch for purposes
demonstrates the butane sulfur con-
of compliance calculations for the an-
tent does not exceed the applicable per-
nual average sulfur standard and for gallon sulfur standard in paragraph
reporting. This alternative applies only (b)(1) of this section. The frequency of
if every batch of blendstock used at a butane sampling and testing, for each
refinery during an averaging period has butane supplier, must be one sample
a sulfur content that is equal to, or for every 500,000 gallons of butane re-
less than, the applicable per-gallon cap ceived, or one sample every 3 months,
standard under 80.195 or 80.216. whichever results in more frequent
(b) Refiners who blend only butane sampling.
into PCG may meet the sampling and (5) If any of the requirements of this
testing requirements by using sulfur section are not met, in whole or in
test results of the butane supplier, pro- part, for any butane blended into gaso-
vided that the following requirements line, that butane is deemed in violation
are also met: of the gasoline sulfur standards in
(1) The sulfur content of the butane 80.195 or 80.216, as applicable.
received from the butane supplier must
not exceed the following sulfur stand- 80.345 [Reserved]
ards on a per-gallon basis as follows:
80.350 What alternative sulfur stand-
(i) 120 ppm in 2004, and 30 ppm for 2005 ards and requirements apply to im-
and any subsequent year; porters who transport gasoline by
(ii) Except that the per-gallon sulfur truck?
content of butane blended to PCG that Importers who import gasoline into
is designated as GPA gasoline shall not the United States by truck may com-
exceed 150 ppm from January 1, 2004, ply with the following requirements in-
through December 31, 2006. stead of the requirements to sample
(2) The refiner obtains test results and test every batch of gasoline under
from the butane supplier that dem- 80.330, and the annual sulfur average
onstrate that the sulfur content of and per-gallon cap standards otherwise
each load of butane supplied does not applicable to importers under 80.195
exceed the applicable per-gallon sulfur and 80.216:
standard under paragraph (b)(1) of this (a) Alternative standards. The im-
section through test results of samples ported gasoline must comply with the
of the butane contained in the storage standards in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2)
tank from which the butane blender is of this section as follows:
supplied. (1) The applicable average standards,
(i) Testing for the sulfur content of corporate average standards and per-
the butane by the supplier must be sub- gallon standards under 80.195(a)(1), ex-
sequent to each receipt of butane into cept that imported gasoline designated
the suppliers storage tank, or the test- for use in the geographic phase-in area


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80.350 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

from January 1, 2004, through Decem- R = 105 ((S+2)/104)0.4

ber 31, 2006 must comply with an aver- Where:
age standard of 150 ppm and a per-gal-
lon standard of 300 ppm; or R = ASTM reproducibility.
(2) In 2004, a per-gallon standard of S = Sulfur content based on the termi-
120 ppm, and in 2005 and subsequent nals test result.
years a per-gallon standard of 30 ppm, (4) The frequency of the quality as-
except that imported gasoline des- surance sampling and testing must be
ignated for use in the geographic at least one sample for each fifty of an
phase-in area from January 1, 2004, importers trucks that are loaded at a
through December 31, 2006 must comply terminal, or one sample per month,
with a per-gallon standard of 150 ppm. whichever is more frequent.
(b) Terminal testing. The importer (d) Party required to conduct quality
may use test results for sulfur content assurance testing. The quality assurance
testing conducted by the terminal op- program under paragraph (c) of this
erator, for gasoline contained in the section shall be conducted by the im-
storage tank from which trucks used to porter. In the alternative, this testing
transport gasoline into the United may be conducted by an independent
States are loaded, for purposes of dem- laboratory that meets the criteria
onstrating compliance with the stand- under 80.65(f)(2)(iii), provided the im-
ards in paragraph (a) of this section, porter receives, no later than 21 days
provided the following conditions are after the sample was taken, copies of
met: all results of tests conducted.
(1) The sampling and testing shall be (e) Assignment of batch numbers. The
performed after each receipt of gaso- importer must treat each truck load of
line into the storage tank, or imme- imported gasoline as a separate batch
diately before each transfer of gasoline for purposes of assigning batch num-
to the importers truck. bers and maintaining records under
(2) The sampling and testing shall be 80.365, and reporting under 80.370.
performed using the methods specified
(f) EPA inspections of terminals. EPA
in 80.330(b) and 80.46(a)(1), respec-
inspectors or auditors, and auditors
conducting attest engagements under
(3) At the time of each transfer of
80.415, must be given full and imme-
gasoline to the importers truck for im-
port to the U.S., the importer must ob- diate access to the truck-loading ter-
tain a copy of the terminal test result minal and any laboratory at which
that indicates the sulfur content of the samples of gasoline collected at the
truck load. terminal are analyzed, and must be al-
(c) Quality assurance program. The im- lowed to conduct inspections, review
porter must conduct a quality assur- records, collect gasoline samples, and
ance program, as specified in this para- perform audits. These inspections or
graph, for each truck loading terminal. audits may be either announced or un-
(1) Quality assurance samples must announced.
be obtained from the truck-loading ter- (g) Certified Sulfur-FRGAS. This sec-
minal and tested by the importer, or by tion does not apply to Certified Sulfur-
an independent laboratory, and the ter- FRGAS.
minal operator must not know in ad- (h) Reporting requirements. Any im-
vance when samples are to be col- porter who elects to comply with the
lected. alternative standards in paragraph (a)
(2) The sampling and testing must be of this section shall comply with the
performed using the methods specified following requirements:
in 80.330(b) and 80.46(a)(1), respec- (1) All importer recordkeeping and
tively. reporting requirements under 80.365
(3) The quality assurance test results and 80.370, except as provided in para-
for sulfur must differ from the ter- graph (h)(2) of this section.
minal test result by no more than the (2) An importer who elects to comply
ASTM reproducibility of the terminals with the alternative standards in para-
test results, as determined by the fol- graph (a)(2) of this section must certify
lowing equation: in the annual report whether it is in


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.365

compliance with the applicable per-gal- (b) Additional records that refiners and
lon batch standard set forth in para- importers must keep. Beginning January
graph (a)(2) of this section, in lieu of 1, 2004, or January 1 of the first year al-
providing the information required by lotments or credits are generated
80.370(a) regarding annual average sul- under 80.275 or 80.305, whichever is
fur content and compliance with the earlier, any refiner for each of its refin-
average standard under 80.195. eries, and any importer for the gasoline
(i) Effect of noncompliance. If any of it imports, shall keep records that in-
the requirements of this section are clude the following information:
not met, all gasoline imported by the (1) For each batch of gasoline pro-
truck importer during the time any re- duced or imported:
quirements are not met is deemed in (i) The batch volume;
violation of the gasoline sulfur average (ii) The batch number assigned under
and per-gallon cap standards in 80.195 80.65(d)(3) and the appropriate des-
or 80.216, as applicable. Additionally,
ignation under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of
if any requirement is not met, EPA
this section; except that if composite
may notify the importer of the viola-
samples of conventional gasoline rep-
tion and, if the requirement is not ful-
resenting multiple batches produced
filled within 10 days of notification, the
subsequent to December 31, 2003, are
truck importer may not in the future
tested under 80.101(i)(2) for anti-dump-
use the sampling and testing provisions
ing compliance purposes, for purposes
in this section in lieu of the provisions
of this subpart a separate batch num-
in 80.330.
ber must be assigned to each batch
80.355 [Reserved] using the batch numbering procedures
under 80.65(d)(3);
RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING (iii) The date of production or impor-
REQUIREMENTS tation; and
(iv) If appropriate, the designation of
80.360 [Reserved] the batch as GPA gasoline under
80.365 What records must be kept? 80.219, California gasoline under
80.375, exempt gasoline for research
(a) Records that must be kept. Begin- and development under 80.380, or for
ning January 1, 2004, any person who export outside the United States.
produces, imports, sells, offers for sale, (2) Information regarding credits and
dispenses, distributes, supplies, offers allotments, separately kept for credits
for supply, stores, or transports gaso- and for allotments; separately kept ac-
line, shall keep records that contain cording to the year of creation for the
the following information: credits and for the allotments; and for
(1) The product transfer document in- credit generation or use starting in
formation required under 80.77, 80.106, 2004, separately kept for GPA gasoline
80.210 and 80.219; and and other gasoline. Information shall
(2) For any sampling and testing for
be kept separately for different types
sulfur content required under this sub-
of allotments and credits generated
under 80.275(e)(1), 80.275(e)(2), 80.305
(i) The location, date, time and stor-
and 80.310:
age tank or truck identification for
each sample collected; (i) The number in the refiners or im-
(ii) The name and title of the person porters possession at the beginning of
who collected the sample and the per- the averaging period;
son who performed the test; (ii) The number generated;
(iii) The results of the test as origi- (iii) The number used;
nally printed by the testing apparatus, (iv) If any were obtained from or
or where no printed result is produced, transferred to other parties, for each
the results as originally recorded by other party its name, its EPA refiner
the person who performed the test; and or importer registration number, and
(iv) Any record that contains a test the number obtained from, or trans-
result for the sample that is not iden- ferred to, the other party;
tical to the result recorded under para- (v) The number that expired at the
graph (a)(2)(iii) of this section. end of the averaging period;


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80.370 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(vi) The number of allotments, by transferred, used or terminated, which-

type, that were converted into credits ever is later.
under 80.275(e); (e) Make records available to EPA. On
(vii) The number in the refiners or request by EPA the records required in
importers possession that will carry paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this sec-
over into the subsequent averaging pe- tion shall be provided to the Adminis-
riod; and trators authorized representative. For
(viii) Contracts or other commercial records that are electronically gen-
documents that establish each transfer erated or maintained the equipment
of credits and allotments from the and software necessary to read the
transferor to the transferee. records shall be made available, or if
(3) The calculations used to deter- requested by EPA, electronic records
mine the applicable refiner baseline shall be converted to paper documents
under 80.250 or 80.295. which shall be provided to the Admin-
(4) The calculations used to deter- istrators authorized representative.
mine compliance with the applicable 80.370 What are the sulfur reporting
sulfur average standards of 80.195, requirements?
80.216, 80.240, or 80.270.
Beginning with the 2004 averaging pe-
(5) The calculations used to deter-
riod, or the first year credits or allot-
mine the number of credits or allot-
ments are generated under 80.275 or
ments generated under 80.305, 80.310
80.305, whichever is earlier, and con-
or 80.275.
tinuing for each averaging period
(6) The calculations used to deter-
thereafter, any refiner or importer
mine any applicable adjusted cap
shall submit to EPA annual reports
standard under 80.195(d).
that contain the information required
(7) A copy of all reports submitted to in this section, and such other informa-
EPA under 80.370. tion as EPA may require.
(c) Additional records importers must (a) Refiner and importer annual re-
keep. Any importer shall keep records ports. Any refiner, for each of its refin-
that identify and verify the source of eries, and any importer for the gasoline
each batch of certified Sulfur-FRGAS it imports, shall submit a report for
and non-certified Sulfur-FRGAS im- each calendar year averaging period
ported and demonstrate compliance that includes the following informa-
with the requirements for importers tion, and in the case of a refiner or im-
under 80.410(o). porter producing or importing both
(d) Length of time records must be kept. GPA gasoline and other gasoline, the
The records required in this section information shall be separately re-
shall be kept for five years from the ported:
date they were created; except that: (1) The EPA importer, or refiner and
(1) Transfers of credits and allotments. refinery facility registration numbers;
Records relating to credit and allot- (2) The applicable baseline, average
ment transfers, except as provided in standard, and adjusted cap standard as
paragraph (d)(2) of this section, shall be follows:
kept by the transferor for 5 years from (i) For the years 2000 through 2003,
the date the credits or allotments are the applicable baseline under 80.250 or
transferred, and shall be kept by the 80.295.
transferee for 5 years from the date the (ii) For the 2004 averaging period and
credits or allotments were transferred, subsequent averaging periods:
used or terminated, whichever is later. (A) All applicable average standards
(2) Early credits. (i) Where the party under 80.195, 80.216, 80.240 or 80.270;
generating the credits does not trans- (B) All applicable adjusted cap stand-
fer the credits, records must be kept ards under 80.195(d), with the 2005 re-
for 5 years from the date of creation, port identifying both the 2004 and 2005
use or termination whichever is later. applicable adjusted cap standards;
(ii) Where early credits are trans- (3) The total volume of gasoline pro-
ferred, records relating to such credits duced or imported;
shall be kept by both parties for 5 (4) The annual average sulfur content
years from the date the credits were of the gasoline produced or imported;


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.374

(5) The annual average sulfur level (2) The total gallons of certified Sul-
after inclusion of any credits and allot- fur-FRGAS and non-certified Sulfur-
ments; FRGAS imported from each foreign re-
(6) Information, separately provided, finer and refinery.
for credits and allotments, and sepa- (c) Corporate pool average reports. (1)
rately by year of creation, as follows: Annual reports filed under this section
(i) The number of credits and allot- for the 2004 and 2005 averaging periods
ments at the beginning of the aver- must include the partys corporate pool
aging period; average as determined under 80.205.
(ii) The number of credits and allot- (2) If the party submitting the annual
ments generated; report under paragraph (c)(1) of this
(iii) The number of credits and allot- section is a refiner with more than one
ments used; refinery or is a refiner who also im-
(iv) If any credits or allotments were ports gasoline, then for the purposes of
obtained from or transferred to other this paragraph, the party shall report
parties, for each other party its name the information required for individual
and EPA refiner or importer registra- refineries and for importers under
tion number, and the number of credits paragraph (a) of this section, also in
or allotments obtained from or trans- the aggregate for all the gasoline pro-
ferred to the other party; duced and imported during the cal-
(v) The number of credits and allot- endar year.
ments that expired at the end of the (3) Refiners and importers exempted
averaging period; from corporate pool standards under
(vi) The number of credits and allot- 80.216 or 80.240 are exempt from re-
ments that will carry over into the porting the information required under
subsequent averaging period; and paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this sec-
(vii) The number of each type of al- tion.
lotments converted to credits; (d) Report submission. Any annual re-
(7) For each batch of gasoline pro- port required under this section shall
duced or imported during the averaging be:
period: (1) Signed and certified as meeting
(i) The batch number assigned under all of the applicable requirements of
80.65(d)(3) and the appropriate des- this subpart by the owner or a respon-
ignation under 80.365; except that if sible corporate officer of the refiner or
composite samples of conventional gas- importer; and
oline representing multiple batches (2) Submitted to EPA no later than
produced subsequent to December 31, the last day of February for the prior
2003, are tested under 80.101(i)(2) for calendar year averaging period.
anti-dumping compliance purposes, for (f) Attest reports. Attest reports for re-
purposes of this subpart a separate finer and importer attest engagements
batch number must be assigned to each required under 80.415 shall be sub-
batch using the batch numbering pro- mitted to the Administrator by May 31
cedures under 80.65(d)(3); of each year for the prior calendar year
(ii) The date the batch was produced; averaging period.
(iii) The volume of the batch; and
(iv) The sulfur content of the batch 80.37180.373 [Reserved]
as determined under 80.330; and
(8) When submitting reports under EXEMPTIONS
this paragraph (a), any importer shall
exclude certified Sulfur-FRGAS. 80.374 What if a refiner or importer
(b) Additional reporting requirements is unable to produce gasoline con-
for importers. Any importer shall report forming to the requirements of this
the following information for Sulfur- subpart?
FRGAS imported during the averaging In appropriate extreme and unusual
period: circumstances (e.g., natural disaster or
(1) The EPA refiner and refinery reg- Act of God) which are clearly outside
istration numbers of each foreign re- the control of the refiner or importer
finer and refinery where the certified and which could not have been avoided
Sulfur-FRGAS was produced; and by the exercise of prudence, diligence,


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80.375 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

and due care, EPA may permit a re- (2) Determine the sulfur content of
finer or importer, for a brief period, to gasoline at off site tankage as per-
distribute gasoline which does not mitted in 80.81(h)(2).
meet the requirements of this subpart
provided the refiner or importer meets 80.380 What are the requirements for
obtaining an exemption for gasoline
all the criteria, requirements and con- used for research, development or
ditions contained in 80.73 (a) through testing purposes?
Any person may request an exemp-
80.375 What requirements apply to tion from the provisions of this subpart
California gasoline? for gasoline used for research, develop-
ment or testing (R&D) purposes by
(a) Definition. For purposes of this submitting to EPA an application that
subpart California gasoline means any includes all the information listed in
gasoline designated by the refiner as paragraph (b) of this section.
for use in California. (a) Criteria for an R&D exemption. For
(b) California gasoline exemption. Cali- an R&D exemption to be granted, the
fornia gasoline that complies with all proposed test program must:
the requirements of this section is ex- (1) Have a purpose that constitutes
empt from all other provisions of this an appropriate basis for exemption;
subpart. (2) Necessitate the granting of an ex-
(c) Requirements for California gaso- emption;
line. The requirements are: (3) Be reasonable in scope; and
(1) Each batch of California gasoline (4) Have a degree of control con-
must be designated as such by its re- sistent with the purpose of the pro-
finer or importer; gram and EPAs monitoring require-
(2) Designated California gasoline ments.
must be kept segregated from gasoline (b) Information required to be sub-
that is not California gasoline, at all mitted. To demonstrate each of the four
points in the distribution system; elements in paragraphs (a)(1) through
(3) Designated California gasoline (4) of this section, the application re-
must ultimately be used in the State of quired under this section must include
California and not used elsewhere; the following information:
(4) In the case of California gasoline (1) A statement of the purpose of the
produced outside the State of Cali- program demonstrating that the pro-
fornia, the transferors and transferees gram has an appropriate R&D purpose.
must meet the product transfer docu- (2) An explanation of why the stated
ment requirements under 80.81(g); and purpose of the program cannot be
achieved in a practicable manner with-
(5) Gasoline that is ultimately used
out performing one or more of the pro-
in any part of the United States out-
hibited acts under 80.385.
side of the State of California must
(3) To demonstrate the reasonable-
comply with the standards and require- ness of the scope of the program:
ments of this subpart, regardless of any (i) An estimate of the programs be-
designation as California gasoline. ginning and ending dates;
(d) Use of California test methods and (ii) An estimate of the maximum
off site sampling procedures. In the case number of vehicles and engines in-
of any gasoline that is not California volved in the program, and the number
gasoline and that is either produced at of miles and engine hours that will be
a refinery located in the State of Cali- accumulated on each;
fornia or is imported from outside the (iii) The sulfur content of the gaso-
United States into the State of Cali- line expected to be used in the pro-
fornia, the refiner or importer may, gram; and
with regard to such gasoline: (iv) The quantity of gasoline that ex-
(1) Use the sampling and testing ceeds the applicable sulfur standard
methods approved in Title 13 of the that is expected to be used in the pro-
California Code of Regulations instead gram.
of the sampling and testing methods (4) With regard to control, a dem-
required under 80.330; and onstration that the program affords


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.385

EPA a monitoring capability, including a wholesale purchaser-consumer facil-

at a minimum: ity, unless the wholesale purchaser-
(i) A description of the technical and consumer facility is associated with
operational aspects of the program; the R&D program that uses the gaso-
(ii) The site(s) of the program (in- line.
cluding street address, city, county, (d) Memorandum of exemption. The Ad-
State, and ZIP code); ministrator will grant an R&D exemp-
(iii) The manner in which informa- tion upon a demonstration that the re-
tion on vehicles and engines used in quirements of this section have been
the program will be recorded and made met. The R&D exemption will be grant-
available to EPA; ed in the form of a memorandum of ex-
(iv) The manner in which results of emption signed by the applicant and
the program will be recorded and made the Administrator (or delegate), which
available to EPA; may include such terms and conditions
(v) The manner in which information as the Administrator determines nec-
on the gasoline used in the program essary to monitor the exemption and
(including quantity, sulfur content, to carry out the purposes of this sec-
name, address, telephone number and tion, including restoration of motor ve-
contact person of the supplier, and the hicle emissions control systems. Any
date received from the supplier), will violation of such a term or condition of
be recorded and made available to the exemption or any requirement
EPA; under this section will cause the ex-
(vi) The manner in which distribu- emption to be void ab initio.
tion pumps will be labeled to insure (e) Effects of exemption. Gasoline that
proper use of the gasoline where appro- is subject to an R&D exemption under
priate; this section is exempt from other pro-
(vii) The name, address, telephone visions of this subpart provided that
number and title of the person(s) in the the gasoline is used in a manner that
organization requesting an exemption complies with the memorandum of ex-
from whom further information on the emption granted under paragraph (d) of
application may be obtained; and this section.
(viii) The name, address, telephone
number and title of the person(s) in the VIOLATION PROVISIONS
organization requesting an exemption
who is responsible for recording and 80.385 What acts are prohibited
under the gasoline sulfur program?
making available the information spec-
ified in paragraphs (b)(4)(iii), (iv) and No person shall:
(v) of this section, and the location in (a) Averaging violation. Produce or
which such information will be main- import gasoline that does not comply
tained. with the applicable sulfur average
(c) Additional requirements. (1) The standard under 80.195, 80.216 or
product transfer documents associated 80.240.
with R&D gasoline must identify the (b) Cap standard violation. Produce,
gasoline as such, and must state that import, sell, offer for sale, dispense,
the gasoline is to be used only for re- supply, offer for supply, store or trans-
search, development, or testing pur- port gasoline that does not comply
poses. with the applicable sulfur cap standard
(2) The R&D gasoline must be des- under 80.195, 80.216, 80.210, 80.220 or
ignated by the refiner or importer as 80.240.
exempt R&D gasoline. (c) Causing an averaging, cap standard,
(3) The R&D gasoline must be kept or geographic phase-in area (GPA) use
segregated from non-exempt gasoline violation. Cause another person to com-
at all points in the distribution system mit an act in violation of paragraph
of the gasoline. (a), (b), or (f) of this section.
(4) The R&D gasoline must not be (d) Causing violating gasoline to be in
sold, distributed, offered for sale or dis- the distribution system. Cause gasoline
tribution, dispensed, supplied, offered to be in the distribution system which
for supply, transported to or from, or does not comply with an applicable sul-
stored by a gasoline retail outlet, or by fur cap standard under 80.195, 80.210,


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80.390 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

80.216, 80.220 or 80.240; a sulfur aver- 80.385(a), is liable for a violation of

age standard under 80.195, 80.216 or 80.385(c).
80.240; or a GPA use prohibition under (3) Cap standard violation. Any re-
80.219(c). finer, importer, distributor, reseller,
(e) Denatured ethanol violation. Blend carrier, retailer, wholesale purchaser-
into gasoline denatured ethanol with a consumer, or oxygenate blender who
sulfur content higher than 30 ppm. owned, leased, operated, controlled or
(f) GPA use violation. Produce, im- supervised a facility where a violation
port, sell, offer for sale, dispense, sup- of 80.385 (b) occurred, is deemed in vio-
ply, offer for supply, store or transport lation of 80.385(b).
gasoline that does not comply with a (4) Causing a cap standard violation.
GPA use prohibition under 80.219(c). Any refiner, importer, distributor, re-
seller, carrier, retailer, wholesale pur-
80.390 What evidence may be used to chaser-consumer, or oxygenate blender
determine compliance with the pro-
hibitions and requirements of this who produced, imported, sold, offered
subpart and liability for violations for sale, dispensed, supplied, offered for
of this subpart? supply, stored, transported, or caused
(a) Compliance with the sulfur stand- the transportation or storage of gaso-
ards of this subpart shall be deter- line that violates 80.385(b), is deemed
mined based on the sulfur level of the in violation of 80.385(c).
gasoline, measured using the meth- (5) GPA use violation. Any refiner, im-
odologies specified in 80.330(b) and porter, distributor, reseller, carrier, re-
80.46(a). Any evidence or information, tailer, wholesale purchaser-consumer,
including the exclusive use of such evi- or oxygenate blender who produced,
dence or information, may be used to imported, sold, offered for sale, dis-
establish the sulfur level of gasoline if pensed, supplied, offer for supply,
the evidence or information is relevant stored, transported, or caused the
to whether the sulfur level of gasoline transportation or storage of gasoline
would have been in compliance with that violates 80.385(f), is deemed in
the standards if the appropriate sam- violation of 80.385(f).
pling and testing methodology had (6) Causing a GPA use violation. Any
been correctly performed. Such evi- refiner, importer, distributor, reseller,
dence may be obtained from any source carrier, retailer, wholesale purchaser-
or location and may include, but is not consumer, or oxygenate blender who
limited to, test results using methods causes another party to violate
other than those specified in 80.330(b) 80.385(f), is deemed liable for a viola-
and 80.46(a), business records, and com- tion of 80.385(c).
mercial documents. (7) Branded refiner/importer liability.
(b) Determinations of compliance Any refiner or importer whose cor-
with the requirements of this subpart porate, trade, or brand name, or whose
other than the sulfur standards, and marketing subsidiarys corporate,
determinations of liability for any vio- trade, or brand name appeared at a fa-
lation of this subpart, may be based on cility where a violation of 80.385(b) or
information obtained from any source (f) occurred, is deemed in violation of
or location. Such information may in- 80.385(b) or (f), as applicable.
clude, but is not limited to, business (8) Causing violating gasoline to be in
records and commercial documents. the distribution system. Any refiner, im-
porter, distributor, reseller, carrier, or
80.395 Who is liable for violations oxygenate blender, who owned, leased,
under the gasoline sulfur program? operated, controlled or supervised a fa-
(a) Persons liable for violations of pro- cility from which gasoline was released
hibited acts.(1) Averaging violation. into the distribution system which
Any refiner or importer who violates does not comply with an applicable sul-
80.385(a) is liable for the violation. fur cap standard, a sulfur averaging
(2) Causing an averaging violation. Any standard, or a GPA use prohibition, is
refiner, importer, distributor, reseller, deemed in violation of 80.385(d).
carrier, retailer, wholesale purchaser- (9) Carrier causation. In order for a
consumer, or oxygenate blender who carrier to be liable under paragraph
causes another party to violate (a)(2), (4), (6), or (8) of this section, EPA


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.400

must demonstrate, by reasonably spe- (b) In the case of a violation found at

cific showing by direct or circumstan- a facility operating under the cor-
tial evidence, that the carrier caused porate, trade or brand name of a re-
the violation. finer or importer, or a refiners or im-
(10) Denatured ethanol violation. Any porters marketing subsidiary, the re-
oxygenate blender who violates finer or importer must show, in addi-
80.385(e) is liable for the violation. tion to the defense elements required
(11) Parent corporation liability. Any under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this
parent corporation is liable for any vio- section, that the violation was caused
lations of this subpart that are com- by:
mitted by any of its wholly-owned sub- (1) An act in violation of law (other
sidiaries. than the Clean Air Act or this part 80),
(12) Joint venture liability. Each part- or an act of sabotage or vandalism;
ner to a joint venture is jointly and (2) The action of any refiner, im-
severally liable for any violation of porter, retailer, distributor, reseller,
this subpart that occurs at the joint oxygenate blender, carrier, retailer or
venture facility or is committed by the wholesale purchaser-consumer in viola-
joint venture operation. tion of a contractual agreement be-
(b) Persons liable for failure to meet tween the branded refiner or importer
other provisions of this subpart. (1) Any and the person designed to prevent
refiner, importer, distributor, reseller, such action, and despite periodic sam-
carrier, wholesale purchaser-consumer, pling and testing by the branded re-
retailer, or oxygenate blender who fails finer or importer to ensure compliance
to meet a provision of this subpart not with such contractual obligation; or
addressed in paragraph (a) of this sec- (3) The action of any carrier or other
tion is liable for a violation of that distributor not subject to a contract
provision. with the refiner or importer, but en-
(2) Any refiner, importer, distributor, gaged for transportation of gasoline,
reseller, carrier, wholesale purchaser- despite specifications or inspections of
consumer, retailer, or oxygenate blend- procedures and equipment which are
er who caused another person to fail to reasonably calculated to prevent such
meet a requirement of this subpart not action.
addressed in paragraph (a) of this sec- (c) Under paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion, is liable for causing a violation of tion for any person to show that a vio-
that provision. lation was not caused by that person,
or under paragraph (b) of this section
80.400 What defenses apply to per- to show that a violation was caused by
sons deemed liable for a violation of any of the specified actions, the person
a prohibited act? must demonstrate by reasonably spe-
(a) Any person deemed liable for a cific showing, by direct or circumstan-
violation of a prohibition under 80.395 tial evidence, that the violation was
(a)(3) through (8), will not be deemed in caused or must have been caused by an-
violation if the person demonstrates other person and that the person as-
that: serting the defense did not contribute
(1) The violation was not caused by to that other persons causation.
the person or the persons employee or (d) Quality assurance and testing pro-
agent; and gram. To demonstrate an acceptable
(2) The person conducted a quality quality assurance and testing program
assurance sampling and testing pro- under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, a
gram, as described in paragraph (d) of person must present evidence of the
this section. A carrier may rely on the following:
quality assurance program carried out (1) A periodic sampling and testing
by another party, including the party program to ensure the gasoline the per-
who owns the gasoline in question, pro- son sold, dispensed, supplied, stored, or
vided that the quality assurance pro- transported, meets the applicable sul-
gram is carried out properly. Retailers fur standard; and
and wholesale purchaser-consumers are (2) On each occasion when gasoline is
not required to conduct quality assur- found not in compliance with the appli-
ance programs. cable sulfur standard:


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80.405 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(i) The person immediately ceases (c)(1) Any person liable under
selling, offering for sale, dispensing, 80.395(a)(3), (4), (5), or (6) for a viola-
supplying, offering for supply, storing tion of an applicable sulfur per gallon
or transporting the non-complying cap standard under 80.195, 80.210,
product; and 80.216, 80.220 or 80.240, a GPA use
(ii) The person promptly remedies prohibition under 80.219(c), or of caus-
the violation and the factors that ing another party to violate a cap
caused the violation (for example, by standard or a GPA use prohibition, is
removing the non-complying product subject to a separate day of violation
from the distribution system until the for each and every day the non-com-
applicable standard is achieved and plying gasoline remains any place in
taking steps to prevent future viola- the gasoline distribution system.
tions of a similar nature from occur- (2) Any person liable under
ring). 80.395(a)(8) for causing gasoline to be
(3) For any carrier who transports in the distribution system which does
gasoline in a tank truck, the quality not comply with an applicable sulfur
assurance program required under this cap standard, a sulfur averaging stand-
paragraph (d) need not include periodic ard, or a GPA use prohibition, is sub-
sampling and testing of gasoline in the ject to a separate day of violation for
tank truck, but in lieu of such tank each and every day that the non-com-
truck sampling and testing, the carrier plying gasoline remains any place in
shall demonstrate evidence of an over- the gasoline distribution system.
sight program for monitoring compli- (3) For purposes of paragraph (c) of
ance with the requirements of this sub- this section, the length of time the gas-
part relating to the transport or stor- oline in question remained in the gaso-
age of gasoline by tank truck, such as line distribution system is deemed to
appropriate guidance to drivers regard- be twenty-five days, unless a person
ing compliance with the applicable sul- subject to liability or EPA dem-
fur standard and product transfer docu- onstrates by reasonably specific
ment requirements, and the periodic showings, by direct or circumstantial
review of records received in the ordi- evidence, that the non-complying gaso-
nary course of business concerning gas- line remained in the gasoline distribu-
oline quality and delivery. tion system for fewer than or more
than twenty-five days.
80.405 What penalties apply under (d) Any person liable under 80.395(b)
this subpart? for failure to meet, or causing a failure
(a) Any person liable for a violation to meet, a provision of this subpart is
under 80.395 is subject to civil pen- liable for a separate day of violation
alties as specified in section 205 of the for each and every day such provision
Clean Air Act for every day of each remains unfulfilled.
such violation and the amount of eco-
nomic benefit or savings resulting from PROVISIONS FOR FOREIGN REFINERS
(b) Any person liable under
80.410 What are the additional re-
80.395(a)(1) or (2) for a violation of the quirements for gasoline produced
applicable sulfur averaging standard or at foreign refineries having indi-
causing another party to violate that vidual small refiner sulfur base-
standard during any averaging period, lines, foreign refineries granted
is subject to a separate day of violation temporary relief under 80.270, or
for each and every day in the averaging baselines for generating credits
period. Any person liable under during 2000 through 2003?
80.395(b) for a failure to fulfill any re- (a) Definitions. (1) A foreign refinery
quirement for credit or allotment gen- is a refinery that is located outside the
eration, transfer, use, banking, or def- United States, the Commonwealth of
icit correction, is subject to a separate Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam,
day of violation for each and every day American Samoa, and the Common-
in the averaging period in which in- wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
valid credits or allotments are gen- (collectively referred to in this section
erated or used. as the United States).


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.410

(2) A foreign refiner is a person who sider all information supplied by a for-
meets the definition of refiner under eign refiner, and in addition may rely
80.2(i) for a foreign refinery. on any and all appropriate assumptions
(3) A small foreign refiner is a refiner necessary to make such determina-
that meets the definition of a small re- tions.
finer under 80.225. (3) Where a foreign refiner submits a
(4) Sulfur-FRGAS means gasoline petition that is incomplete or inad-
produced at a foreign refinery that has equate to establish an accurate base-
been assigned an individual refinery line, and the refiner fails to cure this
sulfur baseline under 80.250 or 80.295, defect after a request for more infor-
or has been granted temporary relief mation, EPA will not assign an indi-
under 80.270, and that is imported into vidual refinery sulfur baseline.
the United States. (c) General requirements for foreign re-
(5) Non-Sulfur-FRGAS means gaso- finers with individual refinery sulfur
line that is produced at a foreign refin- baselines. A foreign refiner of a refinery
ery that has not been assigned an indi- that has been assigned an individual
vidual refinery sulfur baseline, gaso- sulfur baseline under 80.250 or 80.295
line produced at a foreign refinery with must designate all gasoline produced at
an individual refinery sulfur baseline the foreign refinery that is exported to
that is not imported into the United the United States as either Certified
States, and gasoline produced at a for- Sulfur-FRGAS or as Non-Certified Sul-
eign refinery with an individual sulfur fur-FRGAS, except as provided in para-
baseline during a year when the foreign graph (c)(3) of this section.
refiner has opted to not participate in (1) In the case of Certified Sulfur-
the Sulfur-FRGAS program under FRGAS, the foreign refiner must meet
paragraph (c)(3) of this section. all provisions that apply to refiners
(6) Certified Sulfur-FRGAS means under this subpart H.
Sulfur-FRGAS the foreign refiner in- (2) In the case of Non-Certified Sul-
tends to include in the foreign refin- fur-FRGAS, the foreign refiner shall
erys sulfur compliance calculations meet all the following provisions, ex-
under 80.205 pursuant to 80.240 or cept the foreign refiner shall substitute
80.270 or credit calculations under the name Non-Certified Sulfur-FRGAS
80.305 or 80.310 and allotment calcula- for the names reformulated gasoline
tions under 80.275(a), and does include or RBOB wherever they appear in
in these compliance calculations when the following provisions:
reported to EPA. (i) The designation requirements in
(7) Non-Certified Sulfur-FRGAS this section;
means Sulfur-FRGAS that is not Cer- (ii) The recordkeeping requirements
tified Sulfur-FRGAS. under 80.365;
(b) Baseline establishment. Any foreign (iii) The reporting requirements in
refiner who does not have an approved 80.370 and this section;
refinery baseline under 80.94 may sub- (iv) The product transfer document
mit a petition to the Administrator for requirements in this section;
an individual refinery sulfur baseline (v) The prohibitions in this section
pursuant to 80.245 and 80.250, a base- and 80.385; and
line for generating credits or allot- (vi) The independent audit require-
ments under 80.290 and 80.295, or a ments under 80.415, paragraph (h) of
baseline for temporary refinery relief this section, 80.125 through 80.127,
under 80.270 and 80.295. 80.128(a),(b),(c),(g) through (i), and
(1) The refiner shall follow the proce- 80.130.
dures specified in 80.91 through 80.93 (3)(i) Any foreign refiner that gen-
to establish the volume and sulfur con- erates sulfur credits under 80.305 dur-
tent of gasoline that was produced at ing the period 2000 through 2003, or al-
the foreign refinery and imported into lotments under 80.275(a) during 2003,
the United States during 1997 and 1998 and any small refiner generating cred-
for purposes of establishing baselines its under 80.310, shall designate all
under 80.250 or 80.295. Sulfur-FRGAS as Certified Sulfur-
(2) In making determinations for for- FRGAS for any year that such credits
eign refinery baselines EPA will con- are generated.


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80.410 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(ii) Any foreign refiner that has been (A) The name and EPA registration
assigned an individual sulfur baseline number of the refinery that produced
for a foreign refinery under 80.250 or the Sulfur-FRGAS;
80.295 may elect to classify no gaso- (B) The identification of the gasoline
line imported into the United States as as Certified Sulfur-FRGAS or Non-Cer-
Sulfur-FRGAS, provided the foreign re- tified Sulfur-FRGAS;
finer notifies EPA of the election no (C) The volume of Sulfur-FRGAS
later than November 1 of the prior cal- being transported, in gallons;
endar year. (D) In the case of Certified Sulfur-
(iii) An election under paragraph FRGAS:
(c)(3)(ii) of this section shall: (1) The sulfur content as determined
(A) Apply to an entire calendar year under paragraph (f) of this section; and
averaging period, and apply to all gaso- (2) A declaration that the Sulfur-
line produced during the calendar year FRGAS is being included in the compli-
at the foreign refinery that is used in ance calculations under 80.205 or cred-
the United States; and it calculations under 80.305 or allot-
(B) Remain in effect for each suc- ments under 80.275(a) for the refinery
ceeding calendar year averaging pe- that produced the Sulfur-FRGAS.
riod, unless and until the foreign re- (ii) The certification shall be made
part of the product transfer documents
finer notifies EPA of a termination of
for the Sulfur-FRGAS. Prior to 2004,
the election. The change in election
the information required under para-
shall take effect at the beginning of
graph (d)(3)(i)(D)(1) of this section may
the next calendar year.
be omitted from the product transfer
(d) Designation, product transfer docu- documents that accompany the gaso-
ments, and foreign refiner certification. line, provided that such information is
(1) Any foreign refiner of a foreign re- provided to the United States importer
finery that has been assigned an indi- prior to collection of the representa-
vidual sulfur baseline must designate tive sample required under paragraph
each batch of Sulfur-FRGAS as such at (o)(3)(ii)(A) of this section.
the time the gasoline is produced, un- (e) Transfers of Sulfur-FRGAS to non-
less the refinery has elected to classify United States markets. The foreign re-
no gasoline exported to the United finer is responsible to ensure that all
States as Sulfur-FRGAS under para- gasoline classified as Sulfur-FRGAS is
graph (c)(3)(ii) of this section. imported into the United States. A for-
(2) On each occasion when any person eign refiner may remove the Sulfur-
transfers custody or title to any Sul- FRGAS classification, and the gasoline
fur-FRGAS prior to its being imported need not be imported into the United
into the United States, it must include States, but only if:
the following information as part of (1)(i) The foreign refiner excludes:
the product transfer document infor- (A) The volume of gasoline from the
mation in this section: refinerys compliance calculations
(i) Identification of the gasoline as under 80.205; and
Certified Sulfur-FRGAS or as Non-Cer- (B) In the case of Certified Sulfur-
tified Sulfur-FRGAS; and FRGAS, the volume and sulfur content
(ii) The name and EPA refinery reg- of the gasoline from the compliance
istration number of the refinery where calculations under 80.205 or credit cal-
the Sulfur-FRGAS was produced. culations under 80.305.
(3) On each occasion when Sulfur- (ii) The exclusions under paragraph
FRGAS is loaded onto a vessel or other (e)(1)(i) of this section shall be on the
transportation mode for transport to basis of the sulfur content and volumes
the United States, the foreign refiner determined under paragraph (f) of this
shall prepare a certification for each section; and
batch of the Sulfur-FRGAS that meets (2) The foreign refiner obtains suffi-
the following requirements: cient evidence in the form of docu-
(i) The certification shall include the mentation that the gasoline was not
report of the independent third party imported into the United States.
under paragraph (f) of this section, and (f) Load port independent sampling,
the following additional information: testing and refinery identification. (1) On


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.410

each occasion Sulfur-FRGAS is loaded graphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section, to
onto a vessel for transport to the accompany the product transfer docu-
United States a foreign refiner shall ments for the vessel; and
have an independent third party: (ii) To the Administrator containing
(i) Inspect the vessel prior to loading the information required under para-
and determine the volume of any tank graphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section,
bottoms; within thirty days following the date
(ii) Determine the volume of Sulfur- of the independent third partys inspec-
FRGAS loaded onto the vessel (exclu- tion. This report shall include a de-
sive of any tank bottoms present be- scription of the method used to deter-
fore vessel loading); mine the identity of the refinery at
(iii) Obtain the EPA-assigned reg- which the gasoline was produced, as-
istration number of the foreign refin- surance that the gasoline remained
ery; segregated as specified in paragraph
(iv) Determine the name and country (n)(1) of this section, and a description
of registration of the vessel used to of the gasolines movement and storage
transport the Sulfur-FRGAS to the between production at the source refin-
United States; and ery and vessel loading.
(v) Determine the date and time the (4) The independent third party must:
vessel departs the port serving the for- (i) Be approved in advance by EPA,
eign refinery.
based on a demonstration of ability to
(2) On each occasion Certified Sulfur-
perform the procedures required in this
FRGAS is loaded onto a vessel for
paragraph (f);
transport to the United States a for-
eign refiner shall have an independent (ii) Be independent under the criteria
third party: specified in 80.65(e)(2)(iii); and
(i) Collect a representative sample of (iii) Sign a commitment that con-
the Certified Sulfur-FRGAS from each tains the provisions specified in para-
vessel compartment subsequent to graph (i) of this section with regard to
loading on the vessel and prior to de- activities, facilities and documents rel-
parture of the vessel from the port evant to compliance with the require-
serving the foreign refinery; ments of this paragraph (f).
(ii) Prepare a volume-weighted vessel (g) Comparison of load port and port of
composite sample from the compart- entry testing. (1)(i) Except as described
ment samples, and determine the value in paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this section,
for sulfur in accordance with the meth- any foreign refiner and any United
odology and requirements specified in States importer of Certified Sulfur-
80.330, by: FRGAS shall compare the results from
(A) The third party analyzing the the load port testing under paragraph
sample; or (f) of this section, with the port of
(B) The third party observing the for- entry testing as reported under para-
eign refiner analyze the sample; graph (o) of this section, for the vol-
(iii) Review original documents that ume of gasoline and the sulfur value.
reflect movement and storage of the (ii) Where a vessel transporting Cer-
certified Sulfur-FRGAS from the refin- tified Sulfur-FRGAS off loads this gas-
ery to the load port, and from this re- oline at more than one United States
view determine: port of entry, and the conditions of
(A) The refinery at which the Sulfur- paragraph (g)(2)(i) of this section are
FRGAS was produced; and met at the first United States port of
(B) That the Sulfur-FRGAS remained entry, the requirements of paragraph
segregated from: (g)(2) of this section do not apply at
(1) Non-Sulfur-FRGAS and Non-Cer- subsequent ports of entry if the United
tified Sulfur-FRGAS; and States importer obtains a certification
(2) Other Certified Sulfur-FRGAS from the vessel owner, that meets the
produced at a different refinery. requirements of paragraph (s) of this
(3) The independent third party shall section, that the vessel has not loaded
submit a report: any gasoline or blendstock between the
(i) To the foreign refiner containing first United States port of entry and
the information required under para- the subsequent port of entry.


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80.410 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(2)(i) The requirements of this para- States importer under paragraph (o) of
graph (g)(2) apply if: this section.
(A) The temperature-corrected vol- (A) Agree the information in these
umes determined at the port of entry reports with regard to vessel identifica-
and at the load port differ by more tion, gasoline volumes and test results.
than one percent; or (B) Identify, and report as a finding,
(B) The sulfur value determined at each occasion the load port and port of
the port of entry is higher than the sul- entry parameter and volume results
fur value determined at the load port, differ by more than the amounts al-
and the amount of this difference is lowed in paragraph (g) of this section,
greater than the reproducibility and determine whether the foreign re-
amount specified for the port of entry finer adjusted its refinery calculations
test result by the American Society of as required in paragraph (g) of this sec-
Testing and Materials (ASTM). tion.
(ii) The United States importer and (ii) Obtain the documents used by the
the foreign refiner shall treat the gaso- independent third party to determine
line as Non-Certified Sulfur-FRGAS, transportation and storage of the Cer-
and the foreign refiner shall exclude
tified Sulfur-FRGAS from the refinery
the gasoline volume and properties
to the load port, under paragraph (f) of
from its gasoline sulfur compliance
this section. Obtain tank activity
calculations under 80.205.
records for any storage tank where the
(h) Attest requirements. The following
Certified Sulfur-FRGAS is stored, and
additional procedures shall be carried
out by any foreign refiner of Sulfur- pipeline activity records for any pipe-
FRGAS as part of the applicable attest line used to transport the Certified
engagement for each foreign refinery Sulfur-FRGAS, prior to being loaded
under 80.415: onto the vessel. Use these records to
(1) The inventory reconciliation anal- determine whether the Certified Sul-
ysis under 80.128(b) and the tender fur-FRGAS was produced at the refin-
analysis under 80.128(c) shall include ery that is the subject of the attest en-
Non-Sulfur-FRGAS in addition to the gagement, and whether the Certified
gasoline types listed in 80.128(b) and Sulfur-FRGAS was mixed with any
(c). Non-Certified Sulfur-FRGAS, Non-Sul-
(2) Obtain separate listings of all fur-FRGAS, or any Certified Sulfur-
tenders of Certified Sulfur-FRGAS, and FRGAS produced at a different refin-
of Non-Certified Sulfur-FRGAS. Agree ery.
the total volume of tenders from the (5)(i) Select a sample from the list of
listings to the gasoline inventory rec- vessels identified in paragraph (h)(3) of
onciliation analysis in 80.128(b), and this section used to transport certified
to the volumes determined by the third and Non-Certified Sulfur-FRGAS, in
party under paragraph (f)(1) of this sec- accordance with the guidelines in
tion. 80.127, and for each vessel selected
(3) For each tender under paragraph perform the following:
(h)(2) of this section where the gasoline (ii) Obtain a commercial document of
is loaded onto a marine vessel, report general circulation that lists vessel ar-
as a finding the name and country of rivals and departures, and that in-
registration of each vessel, and the vol- cludes the port and date of departure of
umes of Sulfur-FRGAS loaded onto the vessel, and the port of entry and
each vessel.
date of arrival of the vessel. Agree the
(4) Select a sample from the list of vessels departure and arrival locations
vessels identified in paragraph (h)(3) of
and dates from the independent third
this section used to transport Certified
party and United States importer re-
Sulfur-FRGAS, in accordance with the
guidelines in 80.127, and for each ves- ports to the information contained in
sel selected perform the following: the commercial document.
(i) Obtain the report of the inde- (6) Obtain separate listings of all
pendent third party, under paragraph tenders of Non-Sulfur-FRGAS, and per-
(f) of this section, and of the United form the following:


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.410

(i) Agree the total volume of tenders (C) Gasoline or blendstock samples
from the listings to the gasoline inven- are tested or stored; and
tory reconciliation analysis in (D) Sulfur-FRGAS is stored or trans-
80.128(b). ported between the foreign refinery and
(ii) Obtain a separate listing of the the United States, including storage
tenders under paragraph (h)(6) of this tanks, vessels and pipelines.
section where the gasoline is loaded (iii) Inspections and audits may be by
onto a marine vessel. Select a sample EPA employees or contractors to EPA.
from this listing in accordance with (iv) Any documents requested that
the guidelines in 80.127, and obtain a are related to matters covered by in-
commercial document of general cir- spections and audits will be provided to
culation that lists vessel arrivals and an EPA inspector or auditor on re-
departures, and that includes the port quest.
and date of departure and the ports and (v) Inspections and audits by EPA
dates where the gasoline was off loaded may include review and copying of any
for the selected vessels. Determine and documents related to:
report as a finding the country where (A) Refinery baseline establishment,
the gasoline was off loaded for each including the volume and sulfur con-
vessel selected. tent, and transfers of title or custody,
(7) In order to complete the require- of any gasoline or blendstocks, whether
ments of this paragraph (h) an auditor Sulfur-FRGAS or Non-Sulfur-FRGAS,
shall: produced at the foreign refinery during
(i) Be independent of the foreign re- the period January 1, 1997 through the
finer; date of the refinery baseline petition or
(ii) Be licensed as a Certified Public through the date of the inspection or
Accountant in the United States and a audit if a baseline petition has not
citizen of the United States, or be ap- been approved, and any work papers re-
proved in advance by EPA based on a lated to refinery baseline establish-
demonstration of ability to perform ment;
the procedures required in 80.125 (B) The volume and sulfur content of
through 80.130 and this paragraph (h); Sulfur-FRGAS;
and (C) The proper classification of gaso-
line as being Sulfur-FRGAS or as not
(iii) Sign a commitment that con-
being Sulfur-FRGAS, or as Certified
tains the provisions specified in para-
Sulfur-FRGAS or as Non-Certified Sul-
graph (i) of this section with regard to
activities and documents relevant to
(D) Transfers of title or custody to
compliance with the requirements of
80.125 through 80.130, 80.415 and this
(E) Sampling and testing of Sulfur-
paragraph (h).
(i) Foreign refiner commitments. Any
(F) Work performed and reports pre-
foreign refiner shall commit to and
pared by independent third parties and
comply with the provisions contained
by independent auditors under the re-
in this paragraph (i) as a condition to
quirements of this section and 80.415
being assigned an individual refinery
including work papers; and
sulfur baseline.
(G) Reports prepared for submission
(1) Any United States Environmental to EPA, and any work papers related to
Protection Agency inspector or auditor such reports.
will be given full, complete and imme- (vi) Inspections and audits by EPA
diate access to conduct inspections and may include taking samples of gasoline
audits of the foreign refinery. or blendstock, and interviewing em-
(i) Inspections and audits may be ei- ployees.
ther announced in advance by EPA, or (vii) Any employee of the foreign re-
unannounced. finer will be made available for inter-
(ii) Access will be provided to any lo- view by the EPA inspector or auditor,
cation where: on request, within a reasonable time
(A) Gasoline is produced; period.
(B) Documents related to refinery op- (viii) English language translations
erations are kept; of any documents will be provided to


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80.410 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

an EPA inspector or auditor, on re- (8) In any case where Sulfur-FRGAS

quest, within 10 working days. produced at a foreign refinery is stored
(ix) English language interpreters or transported by another company be-
will be provided to accompany EPA in- tween the refinery and the vessel that
spectors and auditors, on request. transports the Sulfur-FRGAS to the
(2) An agent for service of process lo- United States, the foreign refiner shall
cated in the District of Columbia will obtain from each such other company a
be named, and service on this agent commitment that meets the require-
constitutes service on the foreign re- ments specified in paragraphs (i)(1)
finer or any employee of the foreign re- through (7) of this section, and these
finer for any action by EPA or other- commitments shall be included in the
wise by the United States related to foreign refiners baseline petition.
the requirements of this subpart H.
(j) Sovereign immunity. By submitting
(3) The forum for any civil or crimi-
a petition for an individual foreign re-
nal enforcement action related to the
finery baseline under this section, or
provisions of this section for violations
by producing and exporting gasoline to
of the Clean Air Act or regulations pro-
mulgated thereunder shall be governed the United States under an individual
by the Clean Air Act, including the refinery sulfur baseline under this sec-
EPA administrative forum where al- tion, the foreign refiner, its agents and
lowed under the Clean Air Act. employees, without exception, become
(4) United States substantive and subject to the full operation of the ad-
procedural laws shall apply to any civil ministrative and judicial enforcement
or criminal enforcement action against powers and provisions of the United
the foreign refiner or any employee of States without limitation based on
the foreign refiner related to the provi- sovereign immunity, with respect to
sions of this section. actions instituted against the foreign
(5) Submitting a petition for an indi- refiner, its agents and employees in
vidual refinery sulfur baseline, pro- any court or other tribunal in the
ducing and exporting gasoline under an United States for conduct that violates
individual refinery sulfur baseline, and the requirements applicable to the for-
all other actions to comply with the re- eign refiner under this subpart H, in-
quirements of this subpart H relating cluding conduct that violates Title 18
to the establishment and use of an in- U.S.C. section 1001 and Clean Air Act
dividual refinery sulfur baseline con- section 113(c)(2).
stitute actions or activities that sat- (k) Bond posting. Any foreign refiner
isfy the provisions of 28 U.S.C. section shall meet the requirements of this
1605(a)(2), but solely with respect to ac- paragraph (k) as a condition to being
tions instituted against the foreign re- assigned an individual refinery sulfur
finer, its agents and employees in any baseline.
court or other tribunal in the United
(l) The foreign refiner shall post a
States for conduct that violates the re-
bond of the amount calculated using
quirements applicable to the foreign
the following equation:
refiner under this subpart H, including
conduct that violates Title 18 U.S.C. Bond=G$ 0.01
section 1001 and Clean Air Act section where:
(6) The foreign refiner, or its agents Bond=amount of the bond in U. S. dol-
or employees, will not seek to detain or lars.
to impose civil or criminal remedies G=the largest volume of gasoline pro-
against EPA inspectors or auditors, duced at the foreign refinery and
whether EPA employees or EPA con- exported to the United States, in
tractors, for actions performed within gallons, during a single calendar
the scope of EPA employment related year among the most recent of the
to the provisions of this section. following calendar years, up to a
(7) The commitment required by this maximum of five calendar years:
paragraph (i) shall be signed by the the calendar year immediately pre-
owner or president of the foreign re- ceding the date the baseline peti-
finer business. tion is submitted, the calendar


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.410

year the baseline petition is sub- the foreign refiner shall increase the
mitted, and each succeeding cal- bond to cover the amount used within
endar year. 90 days of the date the bond is used.
(2) Bonds shall be posted by: (l) [Reserved]
(i) Paying the amount of the bond to (m) English language reports. Any re-
the Treasurer of the United States; port or other document submitted to
(ii) Obtaining a bond in the proper EPA by an foreign refiner shall be in
amount from a third party surety English language, or shall include an
agent that is payable to satisfy United English language translation.
States administrative or judicial judg- (n) Prohibitions. (1) No person may
ments against the foreign refiner, pro- combine Certified Sulfur-FRGAS with
vided EPA agrees in advance as to the any Non-Certified Sulfur-FRGAS or
third party and the nature of the sur- Non-Sulfur-FRGAS, and no person may
ety agreement; or combine Certified Sulfur-FRGAS with
(iii) An alternative commitment that any Certified Sulfur-FRGAS produced
results in assets of an appropriate li- at a different refinery, until the im-
quidity and value being readily avail- porter has met all the requirements of
able to the United States, provided paragraph (o) of this section, except as
EPA agrees in advance as to the alter- provided in paragraph (e) of this sec-
native commitment. tion.
(3) If the bond amount for a foreign (2) No foreign refiner or other person
refinery increases, the foreign refiner may cause another person to commit
shall increase the bond to cover the an action prohibited in paragraph (n)(1)
shortfall within 90 days of the date the of this section, or that otherwise vio-
bond amount changes. If the bond lates the requirements of this section.
amount decreases, the foreign refiner (o) United States importer requirements.
may reduce the amount of the bond be- Any United States importer shall meet
ginning 90 days after the date the bond the following requirements:
amount changes. (1) Each batch of imported gasoline
(4) Bonds posted under this paragraph
shall be classified by the importer as
(k) shall:
being Sulfur-FRGAS or as Non-Sulfur-
(i) Be used to satisfy any judicial
FRGAS, and each batch classified as
judgment that results from an adminis-
Sulfur-FRGAS shall be further classi-
trative or judicial enforcement action
fied as Certified Sulfur-FRGAS or as
for conduct in violation of this subpart
Non-certified Sulfur-FRGAS.
H, including where such conduct vio-
lates Title 18 U.S.C. section 1001 and (2) Gasoline shall be classified as Cer-
Clean Air Act section 113(c)(2); tified Sulfur-FRGAS or as Non-Cer-
(ii) Be provided by a corporate surety tified Sulfur-FRGAS according to the
that is listed in the United States De- designation by the foreign refiner if
partment of Treasury Circular 570 this designation is supported by prod-
Companies Holding Certificates of Au- uct transfer documents prepared by the
thority as Acceptable Sureties on Fed- foreign refiner as required in paragraph
eral Bonds and Acceptable Reinsuring (d) of this section, unless the gasoline
Companies (Available from the U.S. is classified as Non-Certified Sulfur-
Department of the Treasury, Financial FRGAS under paragraph (g) of this sec-
Management Service, Surety Bond tion.
Branch, 3700 East-West Highway, Room (3) For each gasoline batch classified
6A04, Hyattsville, Md. 20782. Also avail- as Sulfur-FRGAS, any United States
able on the internet at http:// importer shall perform the following; and procedures:
(iii) Include a commitment that the (i) In the case of both Certified and
bond will remain in effect for at least Non-Certified Sulfur-FRGAS, have an
five (5) years following the end of latest independent third party:
averaging period that the foreign re- (A) Determine the volume of gasoline
finer produces gasoline pursuant to the in the vessel;
requirements of this Subpart H. (B) Use the foreign refiners Sulfur-
(5) On any occasion a foreign refiner FRGAS certification to determine the
bond is used to satisfy any judgment, name and EPA-assigned registration


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80.410 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

number of the foreign refinery that (iv) Importer testing under paragraph
produced the Sulfur-FRGAS; (o)(3) of this section.
(C) Determine the name and country (2) These alternative procedures must
of registration of the vessel used to ensure Certified Sulfur-FRGAS re-
transport the Sulfur-FRGAS to the mains segregated from Non-Certified
United States; and Sulfur-FRGAS and from Non-Sulfur-
(D) Determine the date and time the FRGAS until it is imported into the
vessel arrives at the United States port United States. The petition will be
of entry. evaluated based on whether it ade-
(ii) In the case of Certified Sulfur- quately addresses the following:
FRGAS, have an independent third (i) Provisions for monitoring pipeline
party: shipments, if applicable, from the re-
(A) Collect a representative sample finery, that ensure segregation of Cer-
from each vessel compartment subse- tified Sulfur-FRGAS from that refinery
quent to the vessels arrival at the from all other gasoline;
United States port of entry and prior (ii) Contracts with any terminals
to off loading any gasoline from the and/or pipelines that receive and/or
vessel; transport Certified Sulfur-FRGAS,
(B) Prepare a volume-weighted vessel that prohibit the commingling of Cer-
composite sample from the compart- tified Sulfur-FRGAS with any of the
ment samples; and following:
(C) Determine the sulfur value using (A) Other Certified Sulfur-FRGAS
the methodologies specified in 80.330, from other refineries;
by: (B) All Non-Certified Sulfur-FRGAS;
(1) The third party analyzing the or
sample; or (C) All Non-Sulfur-FRGAS;
(2) The third party observing the im- (iii) Procedures for obtaining and re-
porter analyze the sample. viewing truck loading records and
(4) Any importer shall submit reports United States import documents for
within thirty days following the date Certified Sulfur-FRGAS to ensure that
any vessel transporting Sulfur-FRGAS such gasoline is only loaded into
arrives at the United States port of trucks making deliveries to the United
entry: States; and
(i) To the Administrator containing (iv) Attest procedures to be con-
the information determined under ducted annually by an independent
paragraph (o)(3) of this section; and third party that review loading records
(ii) To the foreign refiner containing and import documents based on volume
the information determined under reconciliation, or other criteria, to
paragraph (o)(3)(ii) of this section. confirm that all Certified Sulfur-
(5)(i) Any United States importer FRGAS remains segregated throughout
shall meet the requirements specified the distribution system and is only
in 80.195 for any imported gasoline loaded into trucks for import into the
that is not classified as Certified Sul- United States.
fur-FRGAS under paragraph (o)(2) of (3) The petition required by this sec-
this section. tion must be submitted to EPA along
(p) Truck imports of Certified Sulfur- with the application for small refiner
FRGAS produced at a small refinery. (1) status and individual refinery sulfur
Any refiner whose Certified Sulfur- baseline and standards under 80.240
FRGAS is transported into the United and this section.
States by truck may petition EPA to (q) Withdrawal or suspension of a for-
use alternative procedures to meet the eign refinerys baseline. EPA may with-
following requirements: draw or suspend a baseline that has
(i) Certification under paragraph been assigned to a foreign refinery
(d)(5) of this section; where:
(ii) Load port and port of entry sam- (1) A foreign refiner fails to meet any
pling and testing under paragraphs (f) requirement of this section;
and (g) of this section; (2) A foreign government fails to
(iii) Attest under paragraph (h) of allow EPA inspections as provided in
this section; and paragraph (i)(1) of this section;


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.410

(3) A foreign refiner asserts a claim (2) Be signed by the president or

of, or a right to claim, sovereign immu- owner of the foreign refiner company,
nity in an action to enforce the re- or by that persons immediate des-
quirements in this subpart H; or ignee, and shall contain the following
(4) A foreign refiner fails to pay a declaration:
civil or criminal penalty that is not I hereby certify: (1) that I have actual au-
satisfied using the foreign refiner bond thority to sign on behalf of and to bind [in-
specified in paragraph (k) of this sec- sert name of foreign refiner] with regard to
tion. all statements contained herein; (2) that I
(r) Early use of a foreign refinery base- am aware that the information contained
line. (1) A foreign refiner may begin herein is being certified, or submitted to the
using an individual refinery baseline United States Environmental Protection
Agency, under the requirements of 40 CFR.
before EPA has approved the baseline,
Part 80, subpart H, and that the information
provided that: is material for determining compliance
(i) A baseline petition has been sub- under these regulations; and (3) that I have
mitted as required in paragraph (b) of read and understand the information being
this section; certified or submitted, and this information
(ii) EPA has made a provisional find- is true, complete and correct to the best of
ing that the baseline petition is com- my knowledge and belief after I have taken
reasonable and appropriate steps to verify
the accuracy thereof.
(iii) The foreign refiner has made the I affirm that I have read and understand
commitments required in paragraph (i) the provisions of 40 CFR Part 80, subpart H,
of this section; including 40 CFR 80.410 [insert name of for-
(iv) The persons who will meet the eign refiner]. Pursuant to Clean Air Act sec-
independent third party and inde- tion 113(c) and Title 18, United States Code,
pendent attest requirements for the section 1001, the penalty for furnishing false,
foreign refinery have made the com- incomplete or misleading information in this
certification or submission is a fine of up to
mitments required in paragraphs $10,000, and/or imprisonment for up to five
(f)(3)(iii) and (h)(7)(iii) of this section; years.
(v) The foreign refiner has met the [38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 66
FR 19309, Apr. 13, 2001]
bond requirements of paragraph (k) of
this section. EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 66 FR 19309, Apr.
(2) In any case where a foreign refiner 13, 2001, 80.410 was amended by revising
uses an individual refinery baseline be- paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(3)(ii), (f)(2)(ii) introduc-
tory text, and (s) introductory text, effective
fore final approval under paragraph July 12, 2001. For the convenience of the
(r)(1) of this section, and the foreign re- user, the superseded text is set forth as fol-
finery baseline values that ultimately lows.
are approved by EPA are more strin-
gent than the early baseline values 80.410 What are the additional require-
ments for gasoline produced at foreign
used by the foreign refiner, the foreign refineries having individual small refiner
refiner shall recalculate its compli- sulfur baselines, foreign refineries grant-
ance, ab initio, using the baseline val- ed temporary relief under 80.270, or
ues approved by EPA, and the foreign baselines for generating credits during
2000 through 2003?
refiner shall be liable for any resulting
violation of the conventional gasoline
requirements. * * * * *
(s) Additional requirements for peti- (d) * * * (1) Any foreign refiner of a foreign
tions, reports and certificates. Any peti- refinery that has been assigned an individual
tion for a refinery baseline under sulfur baseline must designate each batch of
80.250 or 80.295, any alternative pro- Sulfur-FRGAS as such at the time the gaso-
cedures under paragraph (p) of this sec- line is produced, unless the refiner has elect-
ed to classify no gasoline exported to the
tion, and any certification under para-
United States as Sulfur-FRGAS under para-
graph (d)(3) of this section shall be: graph (c)(3)(i) of this section.
(1) Submitted in accordance with pro-
cedures specified by the Administrator,
including use of any forms that may be * * * * *
specified by the Administrator; and (3) * * *


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80.415 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
(ii) The certification shall be made part of baseline level under paragraph (a)(1) of
the product transfer documents for the Sul- this section, report as a finding the
fur-FRGAS. lowest annual sulfur level as the new
baseline value. For GPA gasoline add
* * * * * 30 ppm to obtain the GPA standard, not
(f) * * * to exceed 150 ppm.
(2) * * * (4) If the refinery being reviewed is a
(ii) Prepare a volume-weighted vessel com- small refinery and the annual volume
posite sample from the compartment sam- under paragraph (b)(2) of this section is
ples, and determine the value for sulfur greater than the baseline volume, cal-
using the methodology specified in 80.330 culate the applicable standard in ac-
cordance with 80.240(c).
(5) Obtain a written representation
* * * * * from the company representative stat-
(s) Additional requirements for petitions, re- ing the sulfur value that the company
ports and certificates. Any petition for a refin- used as its baseline and agree that
ery baseline under 80.250 or 80.295, any al- number to paragraphs (a)(1) through
ternative procedures under paragraph (r) of (a)(4) of this section and to the reports
this section, any report or other submission
to EPA.
required by paragraphs (c), (f)(2), or (i) of
this section, and any certification under (b) EPA reports. (1) Obtain and read a
paragraph (d)(3) of this section shall be: copy of the refinerys or importers an-
nual sulfur reports filed with EPA for
the year.
* * * * *
(2) Agree the yearly volume of gaso-
ATTEST ENGAGEMENTS line reported to EPA in the sulfur re-
ports with the inventory reconciliation
80.415 What are the attest engage- analysis under 80.128.
ment requirements for gasoline sul- (3) For the years 2004 through 2006,
fur compliance applicable to refin- calculate the annual volume and aver-
ers and importers? age sulfur level for gasoline classified
In addition to the requirements for as GPA gasoline under 80.216 and
attest engagements that apply to refin- 80.219, and calculate the annual volume
ers and importers under 80.125 and average sulfur level for gasoline
through 80.130, and 80.410, the attest not classified as GPA gasoline, and
engagements for importers and refiners agree these values with the values re-
must include the following procedures ported to EPA.
and requirements each year. (4) Except as provided in paragraph
(a) Baseline. (1) Obtain the EPA sul- (b)(3) of this section, calculate the an-
fur baseline approval letter for the re- nual average sulfur level for all gaso-
finery to determine the refinerys ap- line and agree that value with the
plicable sulfur baseline and baseline value reported to EPA.
volume under 80.250 or 80.295. (5) Obtain and read a copy of the re-
(2) If the year being reviewed is 2004 finerys or importers sulfur credit re-
through 2006 (2007 for refineries with port.
small refiner status) and the refinery (c) Credit generation before 2004. In the
or importer produced or imported any case of a refinery that only generates
GPA gasoline under 80.216 or the re- credits during 2000 through 2003:
finer has approved status for a small (1) Obtain a written representation
refinery: from the company representative stat-
(i) Obtain the refinerys annual sulfur ing the refinery produces gasoline from
reports for 2000 through 2003; and crude oil.
(ii) Determine whether the annual (2) Compute and report as a finding
average sulfur level for any year cred- the sulfur baseline from paragraph (a)
its were generated for 2000 through 2003 of this section multiplied by 0.9.
was less than the baseline level under (3) Obtain the annual average sulfur
paragraph (a)(1) of this section. level from paragraph (b)(4) of this sec-
(3) If the annual average sulfur con- tion.
tent for any year credits were created (4) If the sulfur value under para-
for 2000 through 2003 was less than the graph (c)(3) of this section is less than


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.415

the sulfur value under paragraph (c)(2) the applicable standard under 80.240,
of this section, compute and report as compute and report as a finding the
a finding the difference between the difference between the sulfur level
annual average sulfur level and the re- under paragraph (d)(7) of this section
finerys sulfur baseline from paragraph and the appropriate standard under
(a) of this section. 80.240.
(5) Compute and report as a finding (9) Compute and report as a finding
the total number of sulfur credits gen- the total number of sulfur credits gen-
erated by multiplying the value in erated by multiplying the value cal-
paragraph (c)(4) of this section by the culated in paragraph (d)(8) of this sec-
volume of gasoline in paragraph (b)(2) tion by the volume of gasoline in para-
of this section, and agree this value graph (b)(4) of this section, and agree
with the value reported to EPA. this number with the number reported
(d) Credit generation in 2004 and there- to EPA.
after. The following procedures shall be (e) Credit purchases and sales. The fol-
completed for a refinery or importer lowing attest procedures shall be com-
that generates credits in 2004 and pleted for a refinery or importer that is
thereafter: a transferor or transferee of credits
(1) Obtain the annual average sulfur during an averaging period:
level for gasoline not classified as GPA (1) Obtain contracts or other docu-
from paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
ments for all credits transferred to an-
(2) If the sulfur value under para-
other refinery or importer during the
graph (d)(1) of this section is less than
year being reviewed; compute and re-
30 ppm, compute and report as a find-
port as a finding the number and year
ing the difference between the sulfur
of creation of credits represented in
level under paragraph (d)(1) of this sec-
these documents as being transferred
tion and 30 ppm.
away; and agree with the report to
(3) Compute and report as a finding
the total number of sulfur credits gen-
erated by multiplying the value cal- (2) Obtain contracts or other docu-
culated in paragraph (d)(2) of this sec- ments for all credits received during
tion by the volume of gasoline not clas- the year being reviewed; compute and
sified as GPA in paragraph (b)(3) of this report as a finding the number and
section, and agree this number with year of creation of credits represented
the number reported to EPA. in these documents as being received;
(4) Obtain the annual average sulfur and agree with the report to EPA.
level for gasoline classified as GPA (f) Credits required for non-GPA gaso-
from paragraph (b)(3) of this section. line. The following attest procedures
(5) If the sulfur value under para- shall be completed for refineries and
graph (d)(4) of this section is less than importers in 2005 and thereafter (2004
the applicable level under 80.310, com- and thereafter for refineries having
pute and report as a finding the dif- standards under 80.240):
ference between the sulfur level under (1) Obtain the annual average sulfur
paragraph (d)(4) of this section and the level for gasoline not classified as GPA
appropriate level in 80.310 . from paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
(6) Compute and report as a finding (2) If the value in paragraph (f)(1) of
the total number of sulfur credits gen- this section is greater than 30 ppm (or
erated by multiplying the value cal- greater than the small refinery stand-
culated in paragraph (d)(5) of this sec- ard), compute and report as a finding
tion by the volume of gasoline classi- the difference between 30 ppm (or the
fied as GPA in paragraph (b)(3) of this standard under 80.240) and the value
section, and agree this number with in paragraph (f)(1) of this section.
the number reported to EPA. (3) Compute and report as a finding
(7) If the refiner has an approved sta- the total sulfur credits required by
tus as a small refinery, obtain the an- multiplying the value in paragraph
nual average sulfur level for gasoline (f)(2) of this section times the volume
from paragraph (b)(4) of this section. of gasoline not classified as GPA in
(8) If the sulfur value under para- paragraph (b)(3) of this section, and
graph (d)(7) of this section is less than agree with the report to EPA.


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80.415 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(4) Obtain the refiners or importers section or Type A sulfur allotments

representation as to the portion of the created under paragraph (i) of this sec-
deficit under paragraph (f)(3) of this tion and converted to credits were cre-
section that was resolved with credits, ated before 2004, and if so, report as a
the portion that was resolved with al- finding this number of expired credits.
lotments in 2005 only or that was car- (3) If the year being reviewed is 2008
ried forward as a deficit under 80.205, and thereafter, determine whether any
and agree with the report to EPA (re- credits identified in paragraph (h)(1) of
fineries subject to standards under this section or Type B sulfur allot-
80.240 cannot carry deficits forward). ments created under paragraph (i) of
(g) Credits required for GPA gasoline. this section and converted to credits
The following attest procedures shall were created more than 5 years before
be completed in 2004 through 2006 for a the year being reviewed, and if so, re-
refinery or importer that produces gas- port as a finding this number of expired
oline subject to the geographic phase- credits (for example, unused credits
in area standards under 80.216: created during the 2004 averaging pe-
(1) Obtain the annual average sulfur riod expire at the end of the 2009 aver-
level for the refinerys or importers aging period).
GPA gasoline from paragraph (b)(3) of (i) Optional credit and allotment gen-
this section. eration in 2003. The following require-
(2) If the value in paragraph (g)(1) of ments apply to any refinery that gen-
this section is greater than the refin- erates credits and allotments in 2003
erys or importers baseline plus 30 ppm under 80.275(a):
under 80.216, as determined in para- (1) Obtain a written representation
graph (a) of this section or 150 ppm, from the company representative stat-
whichever is less, compute and report ing the refinery produces gasoline from
as a finding the difference between the crude oil.
annual average sulfur level and the (2) Obtain the refinery baseline value
baseline level plus 30 ppm, or 150 ppm, from paragraph (b)(1) of this section,
whichever is less. the annual volume from paragraph
(3) Compute and report as a finding (b)(2) of this section and the annual av-
the total sulfur credits and/or allot- erage sulfur level from paragraph (b)(4)
ments required by multiplying the of this section.
value in paragraph (g)(2) of this section
(3) Based on the annual sulfur level
times the volume of GPA gasoline from
and refinery baseline, determine which
paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
equation under 80.275(a)(2) applies.
(4) Obtain the refiners or importers
(4) Using the applicable equations
representation as to the portion of the
under 80.275(a)(2), recalculate the sul-
deficit under paragraph (g)(3) of this
fur allotments, by type, and credits
section that was resolved with credits,
and report as a finding.
or the portion that was resolved with
allotments in 2004 or 2005 only (compli- (j) Credit reconciliation. The following
ance deficits for GPA gasoline cannot attest procedures shall be completed
be carried forward. each year credits were in the refiners
(h) Credit expiration. The following at- or importers possession at any time
test procedures shall be completed for during the year:
a refinery or importer that possesses (1) Obtain the credits remaining or
credits during an averaging period: the credit deficit from the previous
(1) Obtain a list of all credits in the year from the refiners or importers
refiners or importers possession at report to EPA for the previous year.
any time during the year being re- (2) Compute and report as a finding
viewed, identified by the year of cre- the net credits remaining at the con-
ation of the credits. clusion of the year being reviewed by
(2) If the year being reviewed is 2006 totaling:
and thereafter, except in the case of (i) Credits remaining from the pre-
gasoline produced for use in the GPA vious year; plus
and gasoline produced by small refin- (ii) Credits generated under para-
ers, determine whether any credits graphs (c), (d) and (i) of this section;
identified in paragraph (h)(1) of this plus


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.415

(iii) Allotments generated under allotments can be generated in that

paragraph (i) of this section which are year.
converted to credits; plus (3) Allotment purchases and sales. (i)
(iv) Credits purchased under para- Obtain contracts or other documents
graph (e) of this section; minus for all allotments transferred to an-
(v) Credits sold under paragraph (e) other company during the year being
of this section; minus reviewed; compute and report as a find-
(vi) Credits used under paragraphs (f) ing the number of allotments rep-
and (g) of this section; minus resented in these documents as being
(vii) Credits expiring under para- transferred away; and agree with the
graph (h) of this section; minus report to EPA.
(viii) Credit deficit from the previous (ii) Obtain contracts or other docu-
year. ments for all allotments received dur-
(3) Agree the credits remaining or the ing the year being reviewed; compute
credit deficit at the conclusion of the and report as a finding the number of
year being reviewed with the report to allotments represented in these docu-
EPA. ments as being received; and agree
(4) If the refinery or importer had a with the report to EPA.
credit deficit for both the previous year (4) Allotments required. (i) For 2004, if
and the year being reviewed, report the corporate pool average is greater
this fact as a finding. than 120 ppm, compute and report as a
(k) Sulfur allotments in 2004 and 2005. finding the number of allotments re-
The following requirements apply to quired by multiplying the amount the
any refinery or importer that is subject corporate pool average is above 120
to corporate pool average standards ppm times the corporate pool volume,
under 80.195: and agree with the report to EPA.
(1) Corporate pool average. (i) Obtain (ii) For 2005, if the corporate pool av-
the annual average sulfur level for the erage is greater than 90 ppm, compute
refiner or importer from the sulfur re- and report as a finding the number of
port filed with EPA for all gasoline allotments required by multiplying the
subject to corporate pool standards (all amount the corporate pool average is
gasoline produced and imported, except above 90 ppm times the corporate pool
that if 50% or greater of the gasoline volume, and agree with the report to
volume was GPA gasoline the refiner EPA.
or importer is not subject to the cor- (iii) Obtain the number of allotments
porate pool average). used to meet standards for GPA gaso-
(ii) Compute and report as a finding line determined in paragraph (g) of this
the companys gasoline volume subject section.
to corporate pool standards and aver-
(5) Allotment reconciliation. (i) Com-
age sulfur level for gasoline subject to
pute and report as a finding the net al-
corporate pool standards, and agree
lotments remaining at the conclusion
with the values reported to EPA.
of the year being reviewed by totaling
(2) Allotment generation. (i) For 2004, if
the corporate pool average is less than
120 ppm, compute and report as a find- (A) Generated under paragraphs (i)(4)
ing the number and type of sulfur al- and (k)(2) of this section; plus
lotments generated in accordance with (B) Purchased under paragraph (k)(3)
the applicable provisions under of this section; minus
80.275(b). (C) Sold under paragraph (k)(3) of
(ii) For 2005, if the corporate pool av- this section; minus
erage is less than 90 ppm, compute and (D) Used under paragraph (k)(4) of
report as a finding the number and this section for demonstrating compli-
type of sulfur allotments generated in ance with the corporate pool average.
accordance with the applicable provi- (ii) Report as a finding any allot-
sions under 80.275(b). ments generated in 2003 or 2004 that are
(iii) If the refiner or importer pro- used to meet the corporate pool stand-
duced and imported 50% or more of its ards in 2005 that were not reduced to
gasoline for GPA use in 2004 or 2005, no 50% of their original value.


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80.500 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(iii) If the companys net allotments where authorized under, and subject to,
remaining are less than zero, report an applicable provision of this Subpart.
this fact as a finding. (2) Beginning June 1, 2010, the sulfur
content standard of 80.520(c) shall no
Subpart IMotor Vehicle Diesel longer apply to any motor vehicle die-
sel fuel produced or imported by any
Fuel refiner or importer.
(3) Beginning October 1, 2010, the sul-
SOURCE: 66 FR 5136, Jan. 18, 2001, unless fur content standard of 80.520(c) shall
otherwise noted. no longer apply to any motor vehicle
diesel fuel at any downstream location
GENERAL INFORMATION other than a retail or wholesale pur-
chaser-consumer facility.
80.500 What are the implementation
dates for the diesel fuel sulfur con- (4) Beginning December 1, 2010, the
trol program? sulfur content standard of 80.520(c)
shall no longer apply to any motor ve-
The implementation dates for stand- hicle diesel fuel.
ards for motor vehicle diesel fuel and (e) Other provisions. All other provi-
diesel fuel additives, and for other pro- sions of this subpart apply beginning
visions of this subpart, are as follows: June 1, 2006, unless another date is
(a) Implementation date for standards specified.
applicable to production or importation of (f) For purposes of this subpart, the
motor vehicle diesel fuel, and to motor ve- term downstream location shall
hicle diesel fuel additives. Except as pro- mean any point in the diesel fuel dis-
vided in paragraph (d) of this section, tribution system downstream from re-
beginning June 1, 2006: fineries and import facilities, including
(1) The standards and requirements diesel fuel at facilities of distributors,
under 80.520(a) and (b) shall apply to carriers, retailers, kerosene blenders,
any motor vehicle diesel fuel produced and wholesale purchaser-consumers.
or imported by any refiner or importer;
and 80.501 What diesel fuel is subject to
(2) The standards and requirements the provisions of this subpart?
under 80.521 shall apply to any motor (a) Included fuel and additives. The
vehicle diesel fuel additive. provisions of this subpart apply to
(b) Implementation date for standards motor vehicle diesel fuel as defined in
applicable to motor vehicle diesel fuel 80.2(y), motor vehicle diesel fuel addi-
downstream of the refinery or importer. tives as defined in 80.2(xx), and motor
Except as provided in paragraphs (c) oil that is used as or intended for use
and (d) of this section, beginning July as fuel in diesel motor vehicles or is
15, 2006, the standards and require- blended with diesel fuel for use in die-
ments under 80.520(a) and (b) shall sel motor vehicles at any downstream
apply to any motor vehicle diesel fuel location, as provided in 80.500(f).
at any downstream location. (b) Excluded fuel. The provisions of
(c) Implementation date for standards this subpart do not apply to motor ve-
applicable to motor vehicle diesel fuel at hicle diesel fuel that is designated for
retail outlets and wholesale purchaser- export outside the United States, and
consumer facilities. Except as provided identified for export by a transfer docu-
in paragraph (d) of this section, begin- ment as required under 80.590.
ning September 1, 2006, the standards
80.50280.519 [Reserved]
and requirements under 80.520(a) and
(b) shall apply to any motor vehicle MOTOR VEHICLE DIESEL FUEL
diesel fuel at any retail outlet or STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS
wholesale purchaser-consumer facility.
(d) Implementation date for motor vehi- 80.520 What are the standards and
cle diesel fuel subject to the 500 ppm sul- dye requirements for motor vehicle
fur content standard in 80.520(c). (1) Be- diesel fuel?
ginning June 1, 2006, the sulfur content (a) Standards. All motor vehicle die-
standard of 80.520(c) shall apply to sel fuel is subject to the following per-
motor vehicle diesel fuel, but only gallon standards:


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.523

(1) Sulfur content. 15 parts per million diesel fuel, except for those diesel fuel
(ppm) maximum, except as provided in additives which are only sold in con-
paragraph (c) of this section; tainers for use by the ultimate con-
(2) Cetane index and aromatic content. sumer of motor vehicle diesel fuel and
(i) A minimum cetane index of 40; or which are subject to the requirements
(ii) A maximum aromatic content of of 80.591(d).
35 volume percent. (b) Any motor vehicle diesel fuel ad-
(b) Dye requirements. (1) All motor ve- ditive that is added, intended for add-
hicle diesel fuel shall be free of visible ing, used, or offered for use in motor
evidence of dye solvent red 164 (which vehicle diesel fuel subject to the 15
has a characteristic red color in diesel ppm sulfur content standard may have
fuel), except for motor vehicle diesel a sulfur content exceeding 15 ppm pro-
fuel that is used in a manner that is vided that:
tax exempt under section 4082 of the In- (1) The additive is added or used in
ternal Revenue Code. the motor vehicle diesel fuel in a quan-
(2) Any diesel fuel that does not show tity less than 1% by volume of the re-
visible evidence of dye solvent red 164 sultant additive/diesel fuel mixture;
shall be considered to be motor vehicle (2) The product transfer document
diesel fuel and subject to all the re- pursuant to 80.591 indicates that the
quirements of this subpart for motor additive may exceed the 15 ppm sulfur
vehicle diesel fuel, except for diesel standard, that improper use of the ad-
fuel designated or classified for use ditive may result in non-complying
only in: fuel, and that the additive complies
(i) The State of Alaska as provided with the sulfur information require-
under 40 CFR 69.51; or ments of 80.591(b)(3); and
(ii) Jet aircraft, a research and devel- (3) The additive is not used or in-
opment testing program exempted tended for use by an ultimate con-
under 80.600, or motor vehicles covered sumer in diesel motor vehicles.
by an exemption under 80.602.
(c) Pursuant and subject to the provi- 80.522 May used motor oil be dis-
sions of 80.53080.532, 80.552(a), 80.560 pensed into diesel motor vehicles?
80.561, and 80.620, only motor vehicle No person may introduce used motor
diesel fuel produced or imported in full oil, or used motor oil blended with die-
compliance with the requirements of sel fuel, into the fuel system of model
those provisions is subject to the fol- year 2007 or later diesel motor vehicles,
lowing per-gallon standard for sulfur unless both of the following require-
content: 500 ppm maximum. ments have been met:
(d) Kerosene and any other distillate (a) The vehicle or engine manufac-
product, that meets the definition of turer has received a Certificate of Con-
motor vehicle diesel fuel, is subject to formity under 40 CFR Part 86 and the
the standards and requirements under certification of the vehicle or engine
this section. configuration is explicitly based on
emissions data with the addition of
80.521 What are the standards and motor oil; and
identification requirements for (b) The oil is added in a manner and
motor vehicle diesel fuel additives? rate consistent with the conditions of
(a) Except as provided in paragraph the Certificate of Conformity.
(b) of this section, any motor vehicle
diesel fuel additive that is added, in- 80.523 What diesel fuel designation
tended for adding, used, or offered for requirements apply to refiners and
use in motor vehicle diesel fuel subject importers?
to the 15 ppm sulfur content standard, Any refiner or importer shall accu-
at any downstream location must: rately and clearly designate all fuel it
(1) Have a sulfur content not exceed- produces or imports for use in diesel
ing 15 ppm; and motor vehicles as either motor vehicle
(2) Be accompanied a product trans- diesel fuel meeting the 15 ppm sulfur
fer document pursuant to 80.591 indi- standard under 80.520(a)(1) or as motor
cating that the additive complies with vehicle diesel fuel meeting the 500 ppm
the 15 ppm standard for motor vehicle sulfur standard under 80.520(c).


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80.524 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

80.524 What sulfur content standard (c) For purposes of compliance with
applies to motor vehicle diesel fuel 80.524(b)(1), the product transfer docu-
downstream of the refinery or im- ments must indicate that the fuel to
porter? which kerosene is added complies with
(a) Except as provided in paragraph the 500 ppm sulfur standard for motor
(b) of this section or otherwise in the vehicle diesel fuel and is for use only in
provisions of this Subpart I, the 15 ppm model year 2006 and older diesel motor
sulfur content standard of 80.520(a) vehicles, or the fuel is properly down-
shall apply to all motor vehicle diesel graded pursuant to the provisions of
fuel at any downstream location. 80.527 to motor vehicle diesel fuel sub-
(b) Prior to the October 1, 2010 and ject to the 500 ppm sulfur standard.
December 1, 2010 dates specified in (d) Kerosene that a kerosene blender
80.500(d)(3) and (4), the 500 ppm sulfur adds or intends to add to motor vehicle
content standard of 80.520(c) shall diesel fuel subject to the 15 ppm sulfur
apply to motor vehicle diesel fuel at content standard must meet the 15 ppm
any downstream location, provided the sulfur content standard, and the fol-
following conditions are met: lowing requirements:
(1) The product transfer documents (1) The product transfer document re-
comply with the requirements of ceived by the kerosene blender indi-
80.590, including indicating that the cates that the kerosene is motor vehi-
fuel complies with the 500 ppm sulfur cle diesel fuel that complies with the 15
standard for motor vehicle diesel fuel ppm sulfur content standard; or
and is for use only in model year 2006 (2) The kerosene blender has test re-
and older diesel motor vehicles, or the sults indicating the kerosene complies
fuel is downgraded pursuant to the pro- with the 15 ppm sulfur standard.
vision of 80.527 to motor vehicle diesel
80.526 [Reserved]
fuel subject to the 500 ppm sulfur
standard; 80.527 Under what conditions may
(2) The motor vehicle diesel fuel is motor vehicle diesel fuel subject to
not represented or intended for sale or the 15 ppm sulfur standard be
use as subject to the 15 ppm sulfur con- downgraded as motor vehicle diesel
tent standard, and is not dispensed, or fuel subject to the 500 ppm sulfur
intended to be dispensed, into model standard?
year 2007 and later motor vehicles by a (a) Definition. As used in this section,
retailer or wholesale purchaser-con- downgrade means changing the classi-
sumer; and fication of motor vehicle diesel fuel
(3) For retailers or wholesale pur- subject to the 15 ppm sulfur standard
chaser-consumers, the pump labeling under 80.520(a)(1) to motor vehicle die-
requirements of 80.570(a) are satisfied. sel fuel subject to the 500 ppm sulfur
standard under 80.520(c). A downgrade
80.525 What requirements apply to occurs when the change in classifica-
kerosene blenders? tion takes place. Changing the classi-
(a) For purposes of this subpart, a fication of motor vehicle diesel fuel
kerosene blender means any refiner subject to the 15 ppm sulfur standard
who produces motor vehicle diesel fuel under 80.520(a)(1) to any fuel that is
by adding kerosene to motor vehicle not motor vehicle diesel fuel is not a
diesel fuel downstream of the refinery downgrade for purposes of this section
that produced the motor vehicle diesel and is not limited by the provisions of
fuel or of the import facility where the this section.
motor vehicle diesel fuel was imported, (b) Who may downgrade. Any person
without altering the quality or quan- in the motor vehicle diesel fuel dis-
tity of the motor vehicle diesel fuel in tribution system who has custody or
any other manner. title to motor vehicle diesel fuel may
(b) Kerosene blenders are not subject downgrade it.
to the requirements of this subpart ap- (c) Downgrading limitation. (1) Except
plicable to refiners of motor vehicle as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of
diesel fuel, but are subject to the re- this section, a person described in para-
quirements and prohibitions applicable graph (c)(4) of this section may not
to downstream parties. downgrade a total of more than 20% of


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.530

the motor vehicle diesel fuel (by vol- sale, or dispense motor vehicle diesel
ume) that is subject to the 15 ppm sul- fuel that is subject to the 15 ppm sulfur
fur standard of 80.520(a)(1) while such standard under 80.520(a)(1) are exempt
person has title to or custody of such from the volume limitations of para-
fuel. In addition, a refiner or importer graph (c)(1) of this section.
may only downgrade (subject to the (2) A retailer or wholesale purchaser-
20% limit) motor vehicle diesel fuel consumer who does not sell, offer for
designated under 80.523 as subject to sale, or dispense motor vehicle diesel
15 ppm sulfur standard under fuel subject to the 15 ppm sulfur stand-
80.520(a)(1) after it has been so des- ard under 80.520(a)(1) may not down-
ignated and after it has been moved grade a volume of motor vehicle diesel
from the refinerys, or import facili- fuel classified as subject to the 15 ppm
tys, storage tank or other vessel where sulfur standard greater than 20% of the
the diesel fuel batch was designated as total volume of motor vehicle diesel
subject to the sulfur standard of fuel that it sells, offers for sale, or dis-
80.520(a) under 80.523. penses annually.
(2) The limitation of paragraph (c)(1) (f) Product transfer documents. If the
of this section applies separately to custody or title to any motor vehicle
each person who has custody or title of diesel fuel that is downgraded under
the fuel when it is downgraded. this section is transferred, the product
(3) Compliance with the limitation of transfer documents under 80.590 for
paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall be such fuel must reflect the change in
on an annual, calendar year basis (ex- classification to motor vehicle diesel
cept in 2006 compliance shall be for the fuel subject to the 500 ppm sulfur
period June 1, 2006 through December standard.
31, 2006, and in 2010 compliance shall be (g) Recordkeeping requirement. Any
for the period January 1 through May person subject to the provisions of this
31). section, as described in paragraph (c)(4)
(4) The limitation of this section ap- of this section, who downgrades any
plies to persons who sell, offer for sale, motor vehicle diesel fuel previously
dispense, supply, store or transport die- classified as subject to the 15 ppm sul-
sel fuel. The limitation does not apply fur standard under 80.520(a)(1) during
to persons who are transferred custody any calendar year, must make and
or title to motor vehicle diesel fuel maintain records sufficient to show
when it is dispensed into motor vehi- compliance with the requirements and
cles at retail outlets. limitations of this section.
(d) Diesel fuel in violation of the 15 ppm (h) Termination of downgrading limita-
standard. Where motor vehicle diesel tions. The provisions of this section
fuel subject to the sulfur standard of shall not apply after May 31, 2010.
80.520(a)(1) is found to be in violation
80.52880.529 [Reserved]
of any standard under 80.520(a) and is
consequently downgraded, the person, TEMPORARY COMPLIANCE OPTION
or persons, having custody and title to
the fuel at the time it is found to be in 80.530 Under what conditions can
violation must include the volume of 500 ppm motor vehicle diesel fuel
such fuel toward its 20% volume limi- be produced or imported?
tation under paragraph (c)(1) of this (a) Beginning June 1, 2006, a refiner
section, unless the person, or persons, or importer may produce or import
demonstrates that it did not cause the motor vehicle diesel fuel subject to the
violation. 500 ppm sulfur content standard of
(e) Special provisions for retail outlets 80.520(c) if all of the following require-
and wholesale purchaser-consumer facili- ments are met:
ties. Notwithstanding the provisions of (1) Each batch of motor vehicle diesel
paragraph (c)(1) of this section, retail- fuel subject to the 500 ppm sulfur con-
ers and wholesale purchaser-consumers tent standard must be designated by
shall comply with the downgrading the refiner or importer as subject to
limitation as follows: such standard, pursuant to 80.523.
(1) Retailers and wholesale pur- (2) The refiner or importer must meet
chaser-consumers who sell, offer for the requirements for product transfer


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80.531 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

documents in 80.590 for each batch (i) The refiner or importer complies
subject to the 500 ppm sulfur content with the volume limit in paragraph
standard. (a)(3) of this section; and
(3)(i) The volume V500 of diesel fuel (ii) The refiner or importer produces
that is produced or imported during a or imports a volume of motor vehicle
compliance period, as provided in para- diesel fuel subject to the 15 ppm sulfur
graph (a)(5) of this section, may not ex- standard, or obtains credits properly
ceed the following volume limit: generated and used pursuant to the re-
(A) For compliance periods prior to quirements of 80.531 and 80.532 that
2010, 20% of the volume Vt of diesel fuel represent a volume of motor vehicle
that is produced or imported during a diesel fuel, equal to the volume of the
compliance period plus an additional exceedence for the prior compliance pe-
volume of motor vehicle diesel fuel rep- riod.
resented by credits properly generated (b) After May 31, 2010, no refiner or
and used pursuant to the requirements importer may produce or import motor
of 80.531 and 80.532. vehicle diesel fuel subject to the 500
(B) For the compliance period of Jan- ppm sulfur content standard pursuant
uary 1, 2010 through May 31, 2010, the to this section.
volume of motor vehicle diesel fuel rep-
80.531 How are motor vehicle diesel
resented by credits properly generated fuel credits generated?
and used pursuant to the requirements
of 80.531 and 80.532. (a) Generation of credits from June 1,
(ii) The terms V500 and Vt have the 2006 through December 31, 2009. (1) A re-
meaning specified in 80.531(a)(2). finer or importer may generate credits
(4) Compliance with the volume limit during the period June 1, 2006 through
in paragraph (a)(3) of this section must December 31, 2009, for motor vehicle
be determined separately for each re- diesel fuel produced or imported that is
finery. For an importer, such compli- designated as subject to the 15 ppm sul-
ance must be determined separately for fur content standard under
each Credit Trading Area (as defined in 80.520(a)(1). Credits may be generated
80.531) into which motor vehicle diesel only if the volume of motor vehicle
fuel is imported. If a party is both a re- diesel fuel designated under 80.523 as
finer and an importer, such compliance subject to the 15 ppm sulfur standard of
shall be determined separately for the 80.520(a) exceeds 80% of the total vol-
refining and importation activities. ume of diesel fuel produced or imported
(5) Compliance with the volume limit as described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
in paragraph (a)(3) of this section shall section.
be determined on a calendar year basis, (2) The number of credits generated
where the calendar year period is from shall be calculated for each compliance
January 1st through December 31st. period (as specified in 80.530(a)(5)) as
For the year 2006, compliance shall be follows:
determined for the period June 1, 2006 C = V15 (0.80 Vt)
through December 31, 2006. For the Where:
year 2010, compliance shall be deter- C = the positive number of credits generated,
mined for the period of January 1, 2010 in gallons.
through May 31, 2010. V15 = the total volume in gallons of motor
vehicle diesel fuel produced or imported
(6) Any motor vehicle diesel fuel pro-
that is designated under 80.523 as subject
duced or imported above the volume to the standards of 80.520(a) during the
limit in paragraph (a)(3) of this section compliance period.
shall be subject to the 15 ppm sulfur V500 = the total volume in gallons of motor
content standard. However, for any vehicle diesel fuel produced or imported
compliance period prior to and includ- that is designated under 80.523 as subject
ing 2009, a refiner or importer may ex- to the 500 ppm sulfur standard under
ceed the volume limit in paragraph 80.520(c) plus the total volume of any
other diesel fuel (not including V15, or die-
(a)(3) of this section by no more than 5
sel fuel that is dyed in accordance with
percent of the volume Vt of diesel fuel 80.520(b) at the refinery or import facility
produced or imported during the com- where the diesel fuel is produced or im-
pliance period, provided that for the ported) represented as having a sulfur con-
immediately following calendar year: tent not exceeding 500 ppm.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.531
Vt = V15 + V500. (7) No refinery may generate credits
(3) Credits shall be generated and des- under both this paragraph (a) and
ignated as follows: under paragraph (e) of this section.
(i) Credits shall be generated sepa- (b) Generation of early credits from
rately for each refinery of a refiner. June 1, 2001 through May 31, 2005. (1) Be-
(ii) Credits shall be generated sepa- ginning June 1, 2001, a refiner or im-
rately for each credit trading area porter may generate one credit for
(CTA), as defined in paragraph (a)(5) of each gallon of motor vehicle diesel fuel
this section, into which motor vehicle meeting the sulfur content standard in
diesel fuel is imported by an importer. 80.520(a)(1) that is used in vehicles
(iii) Credits shall be designated sepa- with engines that are certified to meet
rately by year of generation and by the model year 2007 heavy duty engine
CTA of generation. In the case of a re- PM standard under 40 CFR 86.00711, or
finer, credits shall also be designated vehicles with retrofit technologies that
by refinery, and in the case of an im- achieve emission levels equivalent to
porter, credits shall also be designated the 2007 NOX or PM emission standard
by port of import. verified as part of a retrofit program
(iv) Credits may not be generated by administered by EPA or a state. Such
both a foreign refiner and by an im- refiners and importers must comply
porter for the same motor vehicle die- with the requirements of paragraphs
sel fuel. (b) and (d) of this section.
(4) Credits shall be generated by a (2)(i) Any refiner or importer plan-
foreign refiner as provided in 80.620(c) ning to generate credits under this
and this section. paragraph must provide notice of in-
(5) For purposes of this subpart, the tent to generate early credits at least
CTAs are: 120 calendar days prior to the date it
(i) PADDs 1, 2, 3 and 4, as described in begins generating credits under this
80.41(r), except as provided in para- paragraph by submitting such notice to
graph (a)(5)(iv) of this section. The Attn: Early Diesel Credits Notice, at
CTAs shall be designated as CTA 1, 2, 3, the address in 80.595.
and 4, respectively, and correspond to (ii) The notice shall include a de-
PADD 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively; tailed plan that demonstrates that the
(ii) CTA 5 shall correspond to PADD motor vehicle diesel fuel meeting the
5, as described in 80.41(r), except as 15 ppm sulfur standard of 80.520(a)(1)
provided in paragraphs (a)(5)(iii) and for which credits are generated under
(iv) of this section; this paragraph will be used in vehicles
(iii) The states of Hawaii and Alaska with engines that are certified to meet
shall each be treated as a separate CTA the model year 2007 heavy duty engine
and not a part of CTA 5. Alaska shall PM standard under 40 CFR 86.00711 or
be CTA 6. Hawaii shall be CTA 7; in vehicles with retrofit technologies
(iv) If any state (through a waiver of that achieve emission levels equivalent
federal preemption under Section to the 2007 NOX or PM emission stand-
211(c)(4) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. ard verified as part of a retrofit pro-
7545(c)(4)) implements a law or regula- gram administered by EPA or a state.
tion that requires a greater volume of The notice must include the refiners
motor vehicle diesel fuel to meet a sul- or importers detailed plan for ensuring
fur standard of less than or equal to 15 that all motor vehicle diesel fuel that
ppm than the volume that is required generates early credits under this para-
under this subpart, no motor vehicle graph will be segregated from all other
diesel fuel produced in that state or motor vehicle diesel fuel not meeting
imported directly into that state may the sulfur standard under 80.520(a)(1),
generate credits under this subpart, ef- from the refinery or import facility to
fective on the implementation date of its ultimate use in motor vehicles.
the sulfur program under the state (3) No credits may be generated
statute or regulation that implements under this paragraph (b) after May 31,
the more stringent state requirements. 2005.
(6) No credits may be generated (4) A refiner or importer may gen-
under this paragraph (a) after Decem- erate credits under this paragraph and
ber 31, 2009. also generate credits under paragraph


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80.531 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(a) of this section, and a small refiner, (2) Credits generated under para-
as defined under 80.550, may generate graphs (b) and (c) of this section shall
credits under this paragraph (b) and be generated separately by CTA as de-
paragraph (e) of this section. fined in paragraph (a)(5) of this section
(c) Generation of early credits from and must be designated by CTA of gen-
June 1, 2005 through May 31, 2006. (1) Be- eration, and by the refiner and refin-
ginning June 1, 2005, a refiner or im- ery, or by importer and port of import,
porter may generate one credit for as applicable.
each gallon of motor vehicle diesel fuel (3) Credits may not be generated for
that is dispensed at retail outlets or at the same fuel by both a foreign refiner
wholesale-purchaser consumer facili- and an importer.
ties exclusively as motor vehicle diesel (4) The plan under paragraph (b)(2)(ii)
fuel meeting the 15 ppm sulfur stand- or (c)(2)(ii) of this section must include
ard in 80.520(a)(1). Such refiners and provisions to include information on
importers must comply with the re- product transfer documents and on
quirements of this paragraph (c) and pump stands dispensing the fuel identi-
paragraph (d) of this section. fying the fuel as 15 ppm sulfur content
(2)(i) Any refiner or importer plan- motor vehicle diesel fuel. The plan
ning to generate credits under this must also identify the specific retail
paragraph must provide notice of in- outlets or wholesale purchaser-con-
tent to generate early credits at least sumer facilities that the fuel will be
120 calendar days prior to the date it provided to. The Administrator may
begins generating credits under this require a refiner or importer to submit
paragraph (c). additional information, as needed.
(ii) The notice shall include a de- (5) In addition to the reporting re-
tailed plan that demonstrates that the quirements under paragraph (d)(1) of
motor vehicle diesel fuel meeting the this section, the refiner or importer
sulfur standard under 80.520(a)(1) will must submit a report to the Adminis-
be dispensed exclusively at retail out- trator no later than the last day of
lets or at wholesale-purchaser con- February for the prior calendar year
sumer facilities as 15 ppm sulfur con- period (or for the period June 1, 2001
tent motor vehicle diesel fuel. The plan through December 31, 2001, the period
must demonstrate that the refiner or June 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005,
importer will assure that all motor ve- or the period January 1, 2006 through
hicle diesel fuel that generates early May 31, 2006, as applicable) dem-
credits under this paragraph (c) will be onstrating that all the motor vehicle
segregated from all other motor vehi- diesel fuel produced or imported for
cle diesel fuel from the refinery or im- which credits were generated met the
port facility to its ultimate use in applicable requirements of paragraph
motor vehicles. (b), (c), or (d)(4) of this section. If the
(3) No credits may be generated Administrator finds that such credits
under this paragraph after May 31, 2006. did not in fact meet the requirements
(4) A refiner or importer may gen- of paragraphs (b)(1) and (c)(1) of this
erate credits under this paragraph (c) section, as applicable, or if the Admin-
and also generate credits under para- istrator determines that there is insuf-
graph (a) of this section, and a small ficient information to determine the
refiner, as defined under 80.550, may validity of such credits, the Adminis-
generate credits under this paragraph trator may deny the credits submitted
(c) and paragraph (e) of this section. in whole or in part.
(d) Additional requirements for early (e) Credits generated by small refiners.
credits. Early credits generated under (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section paragraph (a) of this section, a small
are subject to the following additional refiner that is approved by the EPA as
requirements: a small refiner under 80.551(g) may
(1) The designation requirements of generate credits under 80.552(b). Such
80.523, and all recordkeeping and an- a small refiner may generate one credit
nual reporting requirements of 80.592, for each gallon of motor vehicle diesel
80.593 and 80.594. fuel produced that is designated under


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.532

80.523 as subject to the 15 ppm sulfur (i) The credits were generated in the
standard under 80.520(a)(1). same CTA as the CTA in which credits
(2)(i) Credits may be generated under are used to achieve compliance;
this paragraph (e) and 80.552(b) only (ii) The credits are used in compli-
during the compliance periods begin- ance with the time period limitations
ning June 1, 2006 and ending on May 31, for credit use in this subpart;
2010. Credits shall be designated sepa- (iii) Any credit transfer takes place
rately by refinery, separately by CTA no later than the last day of February
of generation, and separately by an- following the compliance period when
nual compliance period. The annual the credits are used;
compliance period for 2006 shall be (iv) No credit may be transferred
June 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006. more than twice, as follows: The first
The annual compliance period for 2010 transfer by the refiner or importer who
shall be January 1, 2010 through May generated the credit may only be made
31, 2010. to a refiner or importer who intends to
(ii) The small refiner must meet the use the credit; if the transferee cannot
requirements of paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(2) use the credit, it may make a second
and (d)(3) of this section, and the rec- and final transfer only to a refiner or
ordkeeping and reporting requirements importer who intends to use the credit.
of 80.592, 80.593 and 80.594. In no case may a credit be transferred
(iii) In addition, a foreign refiner more than twice before being used or
that is approved by the Administrator terminated;
to generate credits under 80.552(b)
(v) The credit transferor must apply
shall comply with the requirements of
any credits necessary to meet the
transferors annual compliance re-
80.532 How are credits used and quirements before transferring credits
transferred? to any other refinery or importer;
(vi) No credits may be transferred
(a) Credit use. Credits generated
that would result in the transferor hav-
under 80.531 may be used to meet the
ing a negative credit balance; and
volume limit of 80.530(a)(3) provided
that: (vii) Each transferor must supply to
(1) The credits were generated and re- the transferee records indicating the
ported according to the requirements year the credits were generated, the
of this subpart; and identity of the refiner (and refinery) or
(2) The requirements of paragraphs importer who generated the credits,
(b), (c), (d), and (e) of this section are the CTA of credit generation, and the
met. identity of the transferring party, if it
(b) Credits generated under 80.531 is not the same party who generated
may be used by a refinery or by an im- the credits.
porter to comply with section 80.530 by (2) In the case of credits that have
applying one credit for every gallon of been calculated or created improperly,
motor vehicle diesel fuel needed to or are otherwise determined to be in-
meet compliance with the volume limit valid, the following provisions apply:
of 80.530(a)(3). (i) Invalid credits cannot be used to
(c) Credits generated may be banked achieve compliance with the trans-
for use or transfer in a later compli- ferees volume requirements regardless
ance period or may be transferred to of the transferees good faith belief
another refinery or importer for use as that the credits were valid.
provided in paragraph (d) of this sec- (ii) The refiner or importer who used
tion. the credits, and any transferor of the
(d) Credit transfers. (1) Credits ob- credits, must adjust their credit
tained from another refinery or from records, reports and compliance cal-
another importer, including early cred- culations as necessary to reflect the
its and small refiner credits as de- proper credits.
scribed in 80.531 (b), (c) (d), and (e), (iii) Any properly created credits ex-
may be used to satisfy the volume isting in the transferors credit balance
limit of 80.530(a)(3) if all the following after correcting the credit balance, and
conditions are met: after the transferor applies credits as


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80.53380.539 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

needed to meet the compliance require- provisions of paragraph (b) of this sec-
ments at the end of the compliance pe- tion are satisfied. In approving an ap-
riod, must first be applied to correct plication, the Administrator shall es-
the invalid transfers before the trans- tablish a motor vehicle diesel fuel vol-
feror trades or banks the credits. ume baseline under 80.595 and 80.596.
(e) Limitations on credit use. (1) Cred- (d) Starting June 1, 2006, and con-
its may not be used to achieve compli- tinuing through December 31, 2008, all
ance with any requirements of this motor vehicle diesel fuel produced by a
subpart other than the volume limit of refiner that has been approved under
80.530(a)(3), unless specifically ap- paragraph (c) of this section to produce
proved by the Administrator pursuant gasoline subject to the GPA gasoline
to a hardship relief petition under sulfur content standards in 2007 and
80.560 or 80.561. 2008, must be accurately designated
(2) A refiner or importer possessing under 80.523 as meeting the 15 ppm
credits must use all credits in its pos- sulfur content standard of 80.520(a)(1).
session prior to applying the credit def- (e) The total volume of motor vehicle
icit provisions of 80.530(a)(6). diesel fuel produced for use in the
(3) No credits may be used to meet United States and designated as meet-
compliance with this subpart subse- ing the 15 ppm sulfur content standard
quent to the compliance period ending under paragraph (d) of this section
May 31, 2010. must meet or exceed 85% of the base-
line volume established under para-
80.53380.539 [Reserved] graph (c) of this section, except that
GEOGRAPHIC PHASE-IN PROVISIONS for the year 2006, the total volume
must meet or exceed 50% of the base-
80.540 How may a refiner be ap- line volume.
proved to produce gasoline under (f) Compliance with the volume re-
the GPA gasoline sulfur standards quirements in paragraph (e) of this sec-
in 2007 and 2008? tion shall be determined on a calendar
(a) A refiner that has been approved year basis, except that for the year 2006
by EPA under 80.217 for the geo- compliance shall be determined for the
graphic phase-in area (GPA) gasoline period June 1, 2006 through December
sulfur content standards under 80.216 31, 2006.
may apply to EPA for approval to (g) If a refiner fails to comply with
produce gasoline subject to the GPA the requirements of paragraph (d) of
standards in 2007 and 2008. Such appli- this section, or if the approval of the
cation shall be submitted to EPA, at application, including the baseline, was
the address provided in 80.595(b), by based on false or inaccurate informa-
December 31, 2001. A foreign refiner tion, the approval to produce gasoline
must apply under the provisions of subject to the GPA gasoline sulfur con-
paragraph (n) of this section. tent standards under this section dur-
(b) The refiner must submit an appli- ing the years 2007 and 2008 shall be void
cation in accordance with the provi- ab initio, and gasoline produced for use
sions of 80.595 and 80.596. The applica- in the GPA must meet the gasoline sul-
tion must also include information, as fur content standards of subpart H of
provided in 80.594(c), demonstrating this Part as if there had been no ap-
that starting no later than June 1, 2006, proval to produce gasoline subject to
all motor vehicle diesel fuel produced the GPA gasoline sulfur content stand-
by the refinery for United States use ards in 2007 and 2008.
will comply with the 15 ppm sulfur con- (h) If for any compliance period a re-
tent standard under 80.520(a)(1), and finer fails to meet the volume require-
that the volume of motor vehicle diesel ments in paragraph (e) of this section,
fuel produced will comply with the vol- the approval to produce gasoline sub-
ume requirements of paragraph (e) of ject to the GPA gasoline sulfur content
this section. standards shall be void for that compli-
(c) The Administrator may approve a ance period and for all succeeding com-
refiners application to produce gaso- pliance periods, and gasoline produced
line subject to the GPA gasoline sulfur for use in the GPA must meet the gaso-
content standards in 2007 and 2008 if the line sulfur standards under subpart H


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.540

of this subpart as if there had been no (2) During the period of March 1, 2005
approval to produce gasoline subject to through February 28, 2009, the sulfur
the GPA gasoline sulfur content stand- content of GPA gasoline at any down-
ards under this section in 2007 and 2008. stream location shall not exceed 326
(i) A refiner that is approved for pro- ppm.
duction of gasoline subject to the GPA (n) A foreign refiner may apply to the
gasoline sulfur standards under this Administrator to produce gasoline that
section in 2007 and 2008 must meet all is subject to the gasoline sulfur stand-
applicable recordkeeping and reporting ards for GPA gasoline under 80.216 for
requirements of 80.592, 80.593, and the compliance years 2007 and 2008.
80.594, and shall meet all the record- Such application must be submitted to
keeping and reporting requirements the EPA, at the address in 80.595(b),
under 80.219, 80.365 and 80.370.
by December 31, 2001.
(j) A refiner approved to produce gas-
(1) The Administrator may approve
oline subject to the GPA gasoline sul-
such interim GPA gasoline sulfur
fur standards under this section in 2007
and 2008 may not generate or use cred- standards for the foreign refiner pro-
its under 80.531(a) or (e), or 80.532 un- vided that the foreign refiner applies
less the approval is vacated as provided for a gasoline sulfur baseline under
in paragraph (k) of this section. paragraph (n)(2) of this section and
(k) A refiner may petition the Ad- complies with:
ministrator to vacate approval to (i) The requirements of paragraphs
produce gasoline subject to the GPA (b) through (l) of this section;
gasoline sulfur content standards in (ii) The requirements for the import
2007 and 2008. EPA may grant such a of motor vehicle diesel fuel under
petition, effective January 1 of the 80.620; and
compliance period following EPAs re- (iii) All applicable gasoline require-
ceipt of such petition (or effective June ments for refiners under subpart H of
1, in 2006, if applicable). Upon such ef- this Part, including the foreign refiner
fective date and thereafter, gasoline requirements under 80.410, the attest
produced for use in the GPA must meet requirements of 80.415, the record-
the gasoline sulfur content standards keeping and reporting requirements of
under subpart H of this Part as if there 80.365 and 80.370, the designation and
had been no approval to produce gaso- product transfer document require-
line subject to the GPA gasoline sulfur ments of 80.219, the sampling and test-
content standards under this section in ing requirements of 80.330, and the
2007 and 2008. Upon such effective date, sample retention requirements of
the refiner shall not be subject to the 80.335.
requirements of this section.
(2) The refiner must submit an appli-
(l) The provisions of this section
cation for a gasoline sulfur baseline
shall apply separately for each refinery
under the provisions of 80.216(a),
of a refiner.
80.295, and 80.410(b).
(m) If any refinery is approved for
production of gasoline subject to GPA (3) After review of the foreign refin-
gasoline sulfur content standards ers individual refinery gasoline sulfur
under this section in 2007 and 2008, the baseline, its individual refinery motor
GPA downstream gasoline sulfur stand- vehicle diesel fuel baseline, and other
ard under 80.220(a)(2) shall apply as information submitted with the appli-
follows: cation, the Administrator may approve
(1) During the period of February 1, such baselines and the application for
2005 through January 31, 2009, the sul- GPA gasoline sulfur standards for 2007
fur content of GPA gasoline at any and 2008.
downstream location other than at a (o) An importer is not eligible for ap-
retail outlet or wholesale purchaser- proval to import gasoline subject to
consumer facility shall not exceed 326 the GPA standards in 2007 or 2008 under
ppm. this section.


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80.54180.549 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

80.54180.549 [Reserved] to operational changes at the refinery

or a company sale or reorganization;
(4) Refiners who produce motor vehi-
80.550 What is the definition of a
small refiner under this subpart? cle diesel fuel other than by processing
crude oil through refinery processing
(a) A small refiner is defined as any units.
person, as defined by 42 U.S.C. 7602(e), (f)(1) Refiners who qualify as small
who: refiners under this section and who
(1) Produces diesel fuel at a refinery subsequently employ more than 1500
by processing crude oil through refin- people as a result of merger with or ac-
ery processing units; quisition of another entity, are dis-
(2) Employed an average of no more qualified as small refiners. If this oc-
than 1,500 people, based on the average curs, the refiner shall notify EPA in
number of employees for all pay peri- writing no later than 20 days following
ods from January 1, 1999, to January 1,
this disqualifying event.
2000; and
(2) Any refiner whose status changes
(3) Had an average crude capacity
under this paragraph shall comply with
less than or equal to 155,000 barrels per
the sulfur standard of 80.520(a)(1) be-
calendar day (bpcd) for 1999.
ginning January 1 of the calendar year
(b) For the purpose of determining
the number of employees and crude ca- following the disqualifying event in
pacity under paragraph (a) of this sec- paragraph (f)(1) of this section.
tion, the refiner shall include the em- (g) Notwithstanding the criteria in
ployees and crude capacity of any sub- paragraph (a) of this section, any small
sidiary companies, any parent com- refiner that has been approved by EPA
pany and subsidiaries of the parent as a small refiner under 80.235 and
company in which the parent has 50% meets the criteria of paragraph (a)(1) of
or greater ownership, and any joint this section, will be considered a small
venture partners. refiner under this section as well, for
(c) The definition under paragraph (a) as long as they are a small refiner
of this section applies to domestic and under 80.225. The provisions of para-
foreign refiners. For any refiner owned graph (f) of this section apply to any
by a governmental entity, the number such refiner.
of employees as specified in paragraph
(a) of this section shall include all em- 80.551 How does a refiner obtain ap-
proval as a small refiner under this
ployees and total crude capacity of the subpart?
government of which the governmental
entity is a part. (a)(1) Applications for small refiner
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of status must be submitted to EPA by
paragraph (a) of this section, a refiner December 31, 2001 as part of the refin-
that acquires a refinery after January ers registration under 80.597.
1, 2000, or reactivates a refinery that (2) In the case of a refiner who ac-
was shutdown or was non-operational quires a refinery after January 1, 2000,
between January 1, 1999, and January 1, or reactivates a refinery that was shut-
2000, may apply for small refiner status down between January 1, 1999, and Jan-
in accordance with the provisions of uary 1, 2000, the application for small
80.551(c)(1)(ii). refiner status must be submitted to
(e) Ineligible parties. The following are EPA by June 1, 2003.
ineligible for the small refiner provi- (b) Applications for small refiner sta-
sions: tus must be sent via certified mail with
(1) Refiners or refineries built or return receipt or express mail with re-
started up after January 1, 2000; turn receipt to: U.S. EPAAttn: Diesel
(2) Persons who exceed the employee Small Refiner Status (6406J), 1200
or crude oil capacity criteria under Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (6406J),
this section on January 1, 2000, but who Washington, DC 20460 (certified mail/
meet these criteria after that date, re- return receipt) or Attn: Diesel Small
gardless of whether the reduction in Refiner Status, Transportation and Re-
employees or crude oil capacity is due gional Programs Division,501 3rd


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.552

Street, NW (6406J), Washington, DC (ii) An extension of the duration of

20001 (express mail/return receipt). its small refiner gasoline sulfur stand-
(c) The small refiner status applica- ard under 80.553, pursuant to the pro-
tion must contain the following infor- visions of 80.552(c).
mation for the company seeking small (4) A letter signed by the president,
refiner status, plus any subsidiary chief operating or chief executive offi-
companies, any parent company and cer of the company, or his/her designee,
subsidiaries of the parent company in stating that the information contained
which the parent has 50% or greater in the application is true to the best of
ownership, and any joint venture part- his/her knowledge.
ners: (5) Name, address, phone number, fac-
(1)(i) A listing of the name and ad- simile number and e-mail address (if
dress of each location where any em- available) of a corporate contact per-
ployee worked during the 12 months son.
preceding January 1, 2000; the average (d) For joint ventures, the total num-
number of employees at each location ber of employees includes the combined
based upon the number of employees employee count of all corporate enti-
for each pay period for the 12 months ties in the venture.
preceding January 1, 2000; and the type (e) For government-owned refiners,
of business activities carried out at the total employee count includes all
each location; or government employees.
(f) Approval of small refiner status
(ii) In the case of a refiner who ac-
for refiners who apply under 80.550(d)
quires a refinery after January 1, 2000,
will be based on all information sub-
or reactivates a refinery that was shut-
mitted under paragraph (c) of this sec-
down between January 1, 1999, and Jan-
tion, except as provided in 80.550(d).
uary 1, 2000, a listing of the name and
(g) EPA will notify a refiner of ap-
address of each location where any em-
proval or disapproval of small refiner
ployee of the refiner worked since the
status by letter. If disapproved, the re-
refiner acquired or reactivated the re-
finer must comply with the sulfur
finery; the average number of employ-
standard in 80.520, except as otherwise
ees at any such acquired or reactivated provided in this subpart.
refinery during each calendar year (h) If EPA finds that a refiner pro-
since the refiner acquired or reac- vided false or inaccurate information
tivated the refinery; and the type of on its application for small refiner sta-
business activities carried out at each tus, upon notice from EPA the refiners
location. small refiner status will be void ab
(2) The total corporate crude capac- initio.
ity of each refinery as reported to the (i) Upon notification to EPA, an ap-
Energy Information Administration proved small refiner may withdraw its
(EIA) of the U.S. Department of Energy status as a small refiner. Effective on
(DOE) for the most recent 12 months of January 1 of the year following such
operation. The information submitted notification, the small refiner will be-
to EIA is presumed to be correct. In come subject to the sulfur standard of
cases where a company disagrees with 80.520 unless one of the hardship pro-
this information, the company may pe- visions of this subpart apply.
tition EPA with appropriate data to
correct the record when the company 80.552 What compliance options are
submits its application for small re- available to small refiners?
finer status. EPA may accept such al- (a) A refiner that has been approved
ternate data at its discretion. by EPA as a small refiner under
(3) An indication of whether the re- 80.551(g) may produce motor vehicle
finer, for each refinery, is applying for: diesel fuel subject to the 500 ppm sulfur
(i) The ability to produce motor vehi- content standard pursuant to the pro-
cle diesel fuel subject to the 500 ppm visions of 80.530, except that the vol-
sulfur content standard under 80.520(c) ume limits of 80.530(a)(3) shall only
or generate credits under 80.531, pur- apply to that volume V500 of diesel fuel
suant to the provisions of 80.552(a) or that is produced or imported during a
(b); or calendar year that exceeds 105% of the


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80.553 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

baseline volume established under include information, as provided in

80.595. The calendar year period shall 80.594, demonstrating that starting no
be from January 1st through December later than June 1, 2006, all motor vehi-
31st. For the period June 1, 2006 cle diesel fuel produced by the refiner
through December 31, 2006, the volume will comply with the 15 ppm sulfur con-
limits shall only apply to that volume tent standard under 80.520(a)(1), and
VV500 that exceeds 60% of the baseline that the volume of motor vehicle diesel
volume. fuel produced will comply with the vol-
(b) A refiner that has been approved ume requirements of paragraph (e) of
by EPA as a small refiner under this section.
80.551(g) may generate motor vehicle (c) The Administrator may approve
diesel fuel credits pursuant to the pro- an application for extension of the
visions of 80.531, except that for pur- small refiner gasoline sulfur standards
poses of 80.531(a) the term Credit shall if the provisions of paragraph (b) of
equal VV15, without further adjust- this section and 80.595 and 80.596 are
ment. satisfied. In approving an application
(c) A refiner that has been approved for extension, the Administrator shall
by EPA as a small refiner under establish a motor vehicle diesel fuel
80.551(g) may apply for an extension of volume baseline under 80.595 and
the duration of its small refiner gaso- 80.596.
line sulfur standards pursuant to (d) Beginning June 1, 2006, and con-
80.553. tinuing through December 31, 2010, all
(d) A refiner that produces motor ve- motor vehicle diesel fuel produced by a
hicle diesel fuel under the provisions of refiner that has received an extension
paragraph (a) of this section or gen- of its small refiner gasoline sulfur
erates credits under the provisions of standards under this section must be
paragraph (b) of this section may not accurately designated under 80.523 as
receive an extension of its small re- meeting the 15 ppm sulfur content
finer gasoline sulfur standard under standard under 80.520(a)(1).
the provisions of paragraph (c) of this
(e) The total volume of motor vehicle
section. A refiner that receives an ex-
diesel fuel produced for use in the
tension of its small refiner gasoline
United States and designated as meet-
sulfur standard under the provisions of
ing the 15 ppm sulfur content standard
paragraph (c) of this section may not
under paragraph (d) of this section
produce motor vehicle diesel fuel under
must meet or exceed 85% of the base-
the provisions of paragraph (a) of this
line volume established under para-
section and may not generate credits
graph (c) of this section, except that
under the provisions of paragraph (b) of
for the year 2006, the total volume
this section.
must meet or exceed 50% of the base-
(e) The provisions of this section
line volume.
shall apply separately for each refinery
owned or operated by a small refiner. (f) Compliance with the volume re-
quirements in paragraph (e) of this sec-
80.553 Under what conditions may tion shall be determined on a calendar
the small refiner gasoline sulfur year basis, except that for the year 2006
standards be extended for a small compliance shall be determined for the
refiner of motor vehicle diesel fuel? period June 1, 2006 through December
(a) A refiner that has been approved 31, 2006.
by EPA for small refiner gasoline sul- (g) If a refiner fails to comply with
fur standards under 80.240 may apply, the requirements of paragraph (d) of
under 80.551, for an extension of the this section, or if approval of the appli-
duration of its small refiner gasoline cation, including the baseline, was
sulfur standards through the calendar based on false or inaccurate informa-
year 2010 annual averaging period. tion, the extension of the applicable
(b) As part of its application, the re- small refiner gasoline sulfur standards
finer must submit an application for a under this section shall be void ab
motor vehicle diesel fuel baseline in ac- initio, and all gasoline produced by the
cordance with the provisions of 80.595 refinery must meet the gasoline sulfur
and 80.596. The application must also standards under subpart H of this Part


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.560

as if there had been no extension of the 80.55480.559 [Reserved]

small refiner gasoline sulfur standards.
(h) If for any compliance period a re- OTHER HARDSHIP PROVISIONS
finer fails to meet the volume require-
ments in paragraph (e) of this section, 80.560 How can a refiner seek tem-
porary relief from the requirements
the extension of the small refiner gaso- of this subpart in case of extreme
line sulfur standards shall be void for hardship circumstances?
that compliance period and for all suc-
ceeding compliance periods and all gas- (a) EPA may, at its discretion, grant
a refiner, for one or more of its refin-
oline produced by the refinery must
eries, temporary relief from some or all
meet the gasoline sulfur standards
of the provisions of this subpart. Such
under subpart H of this part as if there
relief shall be no less stringent than
had been no extension of the small re- the small refiner compliance options
finer gasoline sulfur standards under specified in 80.552. EPA may grant
this section for such compliance peri- such relief provided that the refiner
ods. demonstrates that:
(i) A refiner that is approved for an (1) Unusual circumstances exist that
extension of the interim small refiner impose extreme hardship and signifi-
gasoline sulfur standards under this cantly affect the refiners ability to
section must meet all applicable rec- comply by the applicable date; and
ordkeeping and reporting requirements (2) It has made best efforts to comply
of 80.592, 80.593, and 80.594, and shall with the requirements of this subpart.
meet all the recordkeeping and report- (b) Applications must be submitted
ing requirements under 80.210, 80.365 to EPA by June 1 2002 to the following
and 80.370. Any foreign refiner shall address: Applications for small refiner
meet all additional requirements under status must be sent via certified mail
80.620 and 80.410. with return receipt or express mail
(j) A refiner approved for the small with return receipt to: U.S. EPA-Attn:
refiner gasoline sulfur standards exten- Diesel Hardship (6406J), 1200 Pennsyl-
sion under this section may not gen- vania Avenue, NW (6406J), Washington,
erate or use credits under 80.531(a) or DC 20460 (certified mail/return receipt)
(e), or 80.532. or Attn: Diesel Hardship, Transpor-
(k) A refiner may petition the Ad- tation and Regional Programs Divi-
ministrator to vacate an extension of sion, 501 3rd Street, NW (6406J), Wash-
the small refiner gasoline sulfur con- ington, DC 20001 (express mail/return
tent standards. EPA may grant such a receipt). EPA reserves the right to
petition, effective January 1 of the deny applications for appropriate rea-
compliance period following receipt of sons, including unacceptable environ-
mental impact. Approval to distribute
such petition (or effective June 1, 2006,
motor vehicle diesel fuel not subject to
if applicable). Upon such effective date,
the 15 ppm sulfur standard may be
all gasoline produced by the refiner granted for such time period as EPA
must meet the gasoline sulfur content determines is appropriate, but shall
standards under subpart H of this Part not extend beyond May 31, 2010.
as if there had been no extension of the (c) Applications must include a plan
small refiner gasoline sulfur content demonstrating how the refiner will
standards under this section. Upon comply with the requirements of this
such effective date, the refiner shall subpart as expeditiously as possible.
not be subject to the requirements of The plan shall include a showing that
this section. contracts are or will be in place for en-
(l) The provisions of this section gineering and construction of
shall apply separately for each refinery desulfurization equipment a plan for
of a refiner. applying for and obtaining any permits


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80.560 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

necessary for construction or oper- violations that are discovered shall be

ation, projected timeline for beginning reported to EPA within 48 hours of dis-
and completing construction, and for covery.
beginning actual operation of such (f) Applications under this section
equipment, and a description of plans must be accompanied by:
to obtain necessary capital, and a de- (1) A letter signed by the president,
tailed estimate of when the require- chief operating or chief executive offi-
ments of this subpart will be met.
cer of the company, or his/her designee,
(d) Applicants must provide, at a
stating that the information contained
minimum, the following information:
(1) Detailed description of efforts to in the application is true to the best of
obtain capital for refinery investments his/her knowledge.
and efforts made to obtain credits for (2) The name, address, phone number,
compliance under 80.531; facsimile number and e-mail address of
(2) Bond rating of entity that owns a corporate contact person.
the refinery (in the case of joint ven- (g) Applicants must also provide any
tures, include the bond rating of the other relevant information requested
joint venture entity and the bond rat- by EPA.
ings of all partners; in the case of cor- (h) Refiners who are granted a hard-
porations, include the bond ratings of ship relief standard for any refinery,
any parent or subsidiary corporations); and importers of fuel subject to tem-
and porary refiner relief standards, may
(3) Estimated capital investment not distribute the diesel fuel subject to
needed to comply with the require-
the sulfur standard under 80.520(c) for
ments of this subpart by the applicable
date. use in model year 2007 and later vehi-
(e) In addition to the application re- cles and must comply with all applica-
quirements of paragraph (b) of this sec- ble provisions of this subpart, includ-
tion, a refiners application for tem- ing the provisions of this subpart.
porary relief under this paragraph (i) EPA may impose any reasonable
must also include a compliance plan. conditions on waivers under this sec-
Such compliance plan shall dem- tion, including limitations on the re-
onstrate how the refiner will engage in finerys volume of motor vehicle diesel
a quality assurance testing program to fuel subject to a temporary refiner re-
ensure that its motor vehicle diesel lief standards.
fuel subject solely to the sulfur stand- (j) The provisions of this section are
ards under 80.520(c) has not caused available only to refineries that
motor vehicle diesel fuel subject to the produce diesel fuel from crude.
15 ppm standard 80.520(a)(1) to fail to (k) The individual refinery sulfur
comply with that standard. The qual- standard and the compliance plan will
ity assurance program must at least
be approved or disapproved by the Ad-
include periodic sampling and testing
ministrator, and approval will be effec-
at the partys own facilities and at
tive when the refiner (or importer, as
downstream facilities in the refiners
applicable, in the case of compliance
or importers diesel fuel distribution
system, to determine compliance with plans) receives an approval letter from
the applicable sulfur standards for both EPA. If disapproved, the refiner or im-
categories of motor vehicle diesel fuel; porter must comply with the motor ve-
examination at the partys own facili- hicle diesel fuel standard under
ties and at applicable downstream fa- 80.520(a)(1) by the appropriate compli-
cilities, of product transfer documents ance date specified in 80.500.
to confirm appropriate transfers and (l) If EPA finds that a refiner pro-
deliveries of both products; and inspec- vided false or inaccurate information
tion of retailer and wholesale pur- on its application for small refiner sta-
chaser-consumer pump stands for the tus, upon notice from EPA the refiners
presence of the labels and warning small refiner status will be void ab
signs required under this section. Any initio.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.570

80.561 How can a refiner or importer 80.56280.569 [Reserved]

seek temporary relief from the re-
quirements of this subpart in case LABELING REQUIREMENTS
of extreme unforseen cir-
cumstances? 80.570 What labeling requirements
apply to retailers and wholesale
In appropriate extreme, unusual, and purchaser-consumers of motor vehi-
unforseen circumstances (e.g., natural cle diesel fuel?
disaster or refinery fire) which are
(a) Any retailer or wholesale pur-
clearly outside the control of the re-
chaser-consumer who sells, dispenses,
finer or importer and which could not
or offers for sale or dispensing, motor
have been avoided by the exercise of vehicle diesel fuel subject to the 500
prudence, diligence and due care, EPA ppm sulfur standard of 80.520(c), must
may permit a refiner or importer, for a prominently and conspicuously display
brief period, to distribute motor vehi- in the immediate area of each pump
cle diesel fuel which does not meet the stand from which motor vehicle fuel
requirements of this subpart if: subject to the 500 ppm standard is of-
(a) It is in the public interest to do so fered for sale or dispensing, the fol-
(e.g., distribution of the nonconforming lowing legible label, in block letters of
diesel fuel is necessary to meet pro- no less than 36-point bold type, printed
jected shortfalls which cannot other- in a color contrasting with the back-
wise be compensated for); ground:
(b) The refiner or importer exercised HIGH-SULFUR DIESEL FUELWARNING
prudent planning and was not able to
May damage model year 2007 and later high-
avoid the violation and has taken all way vehicles.
reasonable steps to minimize the ex- Federal Law prohibits use in these vehicles.
tent of the nonconformity;
(c) The refiner or importer can show (b) Any retailer or wholesale pur-
how the requirements for motor vehi- chaser-consumer who sells, dispenses,
cle diesel fuel will be expeditiously or offers for sale or dispensing, motor
vehicle diesel fuel subject to the 15
ppm sulfur standard of 80.520(a)(1),
(d) The refiner or importer agrees to must affix the following conspicuous
make up any air quality detriment as- and legible label, in block letters of no
sociated with the nonconforming less than 36-point bold type, and print-
motor vehicle diesel fuel, where prac- ed in a color contrasting with the
ticable; background, to each pump stand:
(e) The refiner or importer pays to
the U.S. Treasury an amount equal to LOW-SULFUR DIESEL FUEL
the economic benefit of the noncon- Recommended for use in all diesel vehicles.
formity minus the amount expended Required for model year 2007 and later vehi-
pursuant to paragraph (d) of this sec-
tion, in making up the air quality det- (c) Any retailer or wholesale pur-
riment; and chaser-consumer who sells, dispenses,
(f) In the case of motor vehicle diesel or offers for sale or dispensing, diesel
fuel distributed under this section that fuel for nonroad equipment that does
does not meet the 15 ppm sulfur stand- not meet the standards for motor vehi-
ard under 80.520(a)(1), such diesel fuel cle diesel fuel, must affix the following
shall not be distributed for use in conspicuous and legible label, in block
model year 2007 or later motor vehi- letters of no less than 36-point bold
cles, and must meet all the require- type, and printed in a color contrasting
ments and prohibitions of this subpart with the background, to each pump
applicable to diesel fuel meeting the
sulfur standard under 80.520(c), or to NONROAD DIESEL FUELWARNING
diesel fuel that is not motor vehicle May damage or destroy highway engines and
diesel fuel, as applicable. their emission controls.


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80.57180.579 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
Federal Law prohibits use in any highway ve- (ii) For diesel fuel and diesel fuel ad-
hicle. ditives subject to the 500 ppm standard
(d) The labels required by paragraphs of 80.520(c), sulfur content may be de-
(a) through (c) of this section must be termined using ASTM D 545399,
placed on the vertical surface of each Standard Test Method for Determina-
pump housing and on each side with tion of Total Sulfur in Light Hydro-
gallonage and price meters. The labels carbons, Motor Fuels and Oils by Ul-
shall be on the upper two-thirds of the traviolet Fluorescence, or ASTM D
pump, in a location where they are 642800, entitled Test Method for
clearly readable by the public. Total Sulfur in Liquid Aromatic Hy-
drocarbons and Their Derivatives by
80.57180.579 [Reserved] Oxidative Combustion and Electro-
chemical Detection, provided that the
SAMPLING AND TESTING refiner or importer test result is cor-
related with the appropriate method
80.580 What are the sampling and specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this sec-
testing methods for sulfur? tion.
(a) Diesel fuel and diesel fuel additives. (4) Adjustment Factor for downstream
For purposes of 80.520 and 80.521, the test results. An adjustment factor of
sulfur content of diesel and diesel fuel negative 2 ppm shall be applied to the
additives is to be determined in accord- test results, to account for test varia-
ance with this section. bility, but only for testing of motor ve-
hicle diesel fuel identified as subject to
(1) Sampling method. The applicable
the 15 ppm sulfur standard of
sampling methodology provided in
80.520(a)(1), at a downstream location
as defined in 80.500(f).
(2) Test method for sulfur. (i) For die- (b) Incorporation by reference. ASTM
sel fuel and diesel fuel additives sub- Standard Methods D 262298, Standard
ject to the 15 ppm sulfur standard of Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum
80.520(a)(1), the American Society for Products by Wavelength Dispersive X-
Testing and Materials (ASTM) stand- ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, D
ard method D 642899, entitled Test 312096, Standard Test Method for
Method for Total Sulfur in Liquid Aro- Trace Quantities of Sulfur in Light
matic Hydrocarbons and Their Deriva- Liquid Petroleum Hydrocarbons by
tives by Oxidative Combustion and Oxidative Microcoulometry, D 642899,
Electrochemical Detection. Test Method for Total Sulfur in Liq-
(ii) For diesel fuel and diesel fuel ad- uid Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their
ditives subject to the 500 ppm sulfur Derivatives by Oxidative Combustion
standard of 80.520(c), ASTM standard and Electrochemical Detection, and D
method D 262298, Standard Test 545300, Standard Test Method for De-
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- termination of Total Sulfur in Light
ucts by X-Ray Spectrometry. Hydrocarbons, Motor Fuels and Oils by
(3) Alternative test methods for sulfur. Ultraviolet Fluorescence, are incor-
(i) For diesel fuel and diesel fuel addi- porated by reference. This incorpora-
tives subject to the 15 ppm standard of tion by reference was approved by the
80.520(a)(1), sulfur content may be de- Director of the Federal Register in ac-
termined using ASTM D 545399, enti- cordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR
tled Standard Test Method for Deter- part 51. Copies may be obtained from
mination of Total Sulfur in Light Hy- the American Society for Testing and
drocarbons, Motor Fuels and Oils by Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Dr., West
Ultraviolet Fluorescence, or ASTM D Conshohocken, PA 194282959. Copies
312096, entitled Standard Test Meth- may be inspected at the Air Docket
od for Trace Quantities of Sulfur in Section (LE131), Room M1500, U.S.
Light Liquid Petroleum Hydrocarbons Environmental Protection Agency,
by Oxidative Microcoulometry, pro- Docket No. A9906, 401 M Street, SW,
vided that the refiner or importer test Washington, DC 20460, or at the Office
result is correlated with the appro- of the Federal Register, 800 North Cap-
priate method specified in paragraph itol Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington,
(a)(2) of this section. DC.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.591

80.58180.589 [Reserved] This fuel is motor vehicle diesel fuel for

tax-exempt use only, in accordance with Sec-
RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING tion 4082 of the Internal Revenue Code.
REQUIREMENTS (g) Except for transfers to truck car-
riers, retailers or wholesale purchaser-
80.590 What are the product transfer consumers, product codes may be used
document requirements for motor
to convey the information required
vehicle diesel fuel?
under this section if such codes are
On each occasion that any person clearly understood by each transferee.
transfers custody or title to motor ve- Codes used to convey the statement in
hicle diesel fuel, including distillates paragraph (e)(1) of this section must
used or intended to be used as motor contain the number 15, and codes
vehicle diesel fuel, except when such used to convey the statement in para-
fuel is dispensed into motor vehicles at graph (e)(2) of this section must con-
a retail outlet or wholesale purchaser- tain the number 500.
facility, the transferor must provide to (h) Beginning June 1, 2001 and ending
the transferee documents identifying May 31, 2005, any transfer subject to
the fuel as motor vehicle diesel fuel, this section, which is also subject to
and which include the following infor- the early credit provisions of 80.531(b),
mation: must comply with all applicable re-
(a) The name and address of the quirements of this section except those
transferor and transferee. in paragraph (e) of this section.
(b) The volume of motor vehicle die- (i) Beginning June 1, 2005 and ending
sel fuel which is being transferred. May 31, 2006, any transfer subject to
(c) The location of the motor vehicle this section, which is also subject to
diesel fuel at the time of the transfer. the early credit requirements of
(d) The date of the transfer. 80.531(c), must comply with all appli-
(e) Except as provided in 40 CFR cable requirements of this section.
69.51, an accurate statement, as appli-
cable, that: 80.591 What are the product transfer
document requirements for addi-
(1) This fuel complies with the 15 tives to be used in diesel fuel?
ppm low sulfur standard for motor ve-
hicle diesel fuel.; (a) Except as provided in paragraphs
(2) This fuel complies with the 500 (b) and (d) of this section, on each occa-
ppm high sulfur standard for motor ve- sion that any person transfers custody
hicle diesel fuel and is for use only in or title to a motor vehicle diesel fuel
additive to a party in the additive dis-
MY 2006 and older diesel motor vehi-
tribution system or in the motor vehi-
cle diesel fuel distribution system for
(3) This is high sulfur motor vehicle
use downstream of the diesel fuel re-
diesel fuel for use only in Guam, Amer-
finer, the transferor must provide to
ican Samoa, or the Northern Mariana
the transferee documents which iden-
tify the additive, and:
(4) This diesel fuel is for export use
(1) Identify the name and address of
only.; the transferor and transferee; the date
(5) This diesel fuel is for research, of transfer; the location at which the
development, or testing purposes transfer took place; the volume of ad-
only.; ditive transferred; and
(6) This diesel fuel is for use in die- (2) Indicates compliance with the 15
sel vehicles having an EPA-approved ppm sulfur standard by inclusion of the
national security exemption only.. following statement:
(f) For motor vehicle diesel fuel that
contains visible evidence of the dye The sulfur content of this diesel fuel addi-
tive does not exceed 15 ppm.
solvent red 164, and is intended to be
used in a manner that is tax-exempt as (b) On each occasion that any person
defined under section 4082 of the Inter- transfers custody or title to a motor
nal Revenue Code, the following state- vehicle diesel fuel additive subject to
ment: the requirements of 80.521(b), to a


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80.592 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

party in the additive distribution sys- of 15 ppm: This diesel fuel additive
tem or in the motor vehicle diesel fuel does not comply with federal low sulfur
distribution system for use in diesel content requirements for use in model
fuel downstream of the diesel fuel re- year 2007 and newer diesel motor vehi-
finer, the transferor must provide to cles..
the transferee documents which iden-
tify the additive, and: 80.592 What records must be kept?
(1) Identify the name and address of (a) Records that must be kept by parties
the transferor and transferee; the date in the motor vehicle diesel fuel and motor
of transfer; the location at which the
vehicle diesel fuel additive distribution
transfer took place; the volume of ad-
systems. Beginning June 1, 2006, or for a
ditive transferred.
refiner the first compliance period in
(2) Indicate the high sulfur potential
which the refiner is generating early
of the additive by inclusion of the fol-
credits under 80.531(b) or (c), which-
lowing statement:
ever is earlier, any person who pro-
This motor vehicle diesel fuel additive may duces, imports, sells, offers for sale,
exceed the federal 15 ppm sulfur standard. dispenses, distributes, supplies, offers
Improper use of this additive may result in for supply, stores, or transports motor
non-complying diesel fuel.
vehicle diesel fuel subject to the provi-
(3) Includes the following informa- sions of this subpart, must keep the
tion: following records:
(i) The additives maximum sulfur (1) The applicable product transfer
concentration; documents required under 80.590 and
(ii) The maximum recommended con- 80.591;
centration in volume percent for use of (2) For any sampling and testing for
the additive in diesel fuel; and sulfur content, cetane index or aro-
(iii) The contribution to the sulfur matics content of motor vehicle diesel
level of the fuel, in ppm, that would re- fuel or motor vehicle diesel fuel addi-
sult if the additive is used at the max- tives, conducted as part of a quality as-
imum recommended concentration. surance program or otherwise:
(c) Except for transfers of motor ve-
(i) The location, date, time and stor-
hicle diesel fuel additives to truck car-
age tank or truck identification for
riers, retailers or wholesale purchaser-
each sample collected;
consumers, product codes may be used
to convey the information required (ii) The name and title of the person
under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this sec- who collected the sample and the per-
tion, if such codes are clearly under- son who performed the testing; and
stood by each transferee. Codes used to (iii) The results of the tests for sulfur
convey the statement in paragraph content (including where applicable
(a)(2) of this section must contain the the test results with and without appli-
number 15 and codes used to convey cation of the adjustment factor under
the statement in paragraph (b)(2) of 80.580(a)(4)) or other standard content,
this section may not contain such and the volume of product in the stor-
number. age tank or container from which the
(d) For those motor vehicle diesel sample was taken;
fuel additives which are sold in con- (3) The actions the party has taken,
tainers for use by the ultimate con- if any, to stop the sale or distribution
sumer of diesel fuel, each transferor of any motor vehicle diesel fuel found
must have displayed on the additive not to be in compliance with the sulfur
container, in a legible and conspicuous standards specified in this subpart, and
manner, either of the following state- the actions the party has taken, if any,
ments, as applicable: to identify the cause of any noncompli-
(1) This diesel fuel additive complies ance and prevent future instances of
with the federal low sulfur content re- noncompliance.
quirements for use in diesel motor ve- (b) Additional records to be kept by re-
hicles.; or finers and importers of motor vehicle die-
(2) For those additives sold in con- sel fuel subject to temporary refiner relief
tainers for use by the ultimate con- standards, small refiner standards, and
sumer, with a sulfur content in excess early credit provisions. Beginning June


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.593

1, 2006, or for a refiner the first compli- (10) A copy of reports submitted to
ance period in which the refiner is gen- EPA under 80.593.
erating early credits under 80.531(b) or (c) Additional records importers must
(c), whichever is earlier, any refiner keep. Any importer shall keep records
producing motor vehicle diesel fuel that identify and verify the source of
subject to the sulfur standard under each batch of certified diesel fuel pro-
80.520(a)(1), for each of its refineries, gram foreign refiner (DFR)-Diesel and
and any importer importing such non-certified DFR-Diesel imported and
motor vehicle diesel fuel, shall keep demonstrate compliance with the re-
records that include the following in- quirements under 80.620.
formation for each batch of motor ve- (d) Length of time records must be kept.
hicle diesel fuel produced or imported: The records required in this section
(1) The batch volume. shall be kept for five years from the
(2) The batch number, assigned under date they were created, except that
the batch numbering procedures under records relating to credit transfers
80.65(d)(3). shall be kept by the transferor for 5
(3) The date of production or import. years from the date the credits were
(4) A record designating the batch as transferred, and shall be kept by the
meeting the 500 ppm sulfur standard or transferee for 5 years from the date the
the 15 ppm sulfur standard. credits were transferred, used or termi-
(5) For foreign refiners, the designa- nated, whichever is later.
tions and other records required to be (e) Make records available to EPA. On
kept under 80.620. request by EPA the records required in
(6) In the case of importers, the des- paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this sec-
ignations and other records required tion must be made available to the Ad-
under 80.620(o). ministrator or the Administrators au-
(7) Information regarding credits, thorized representative. For records
kept separately for each calendar year that are electronically generated or
compliance period, kept separately for maintained the equipment and soft-
each refinery and in the case of import- ware necessary to read the records
ers, kept separately for imports into shall be made available, or if requested
each CTA, as follows: by EPA, electronic records shall be
(i) The number of credits in the refin- converted to paper documents which
ers or importers possession at the be- shall be provided to the Administra-
ginning of the calendar year; tors authorized representative.
(ii) The number of credits generated;
(iii) The number of credits used; 80.593 What are the reporting and
(iv) If any were obtained from or registration requirements for refin-
transferred to other parties, for each ers and importers of motor vehicle
such other party, its name, its EPA re- diesel fuel subject to temporary re-
finer relief standards?
finer or importer registration number
consistent with 80.593(d), in the case Beginning with 2006, or the first com-
of credits generated by an importer the pliance period during which credits are
port and CTA of import of the diesel generated under 80.531(b) or (c),
fuel that generated the credits, and the whichever is earlier, any refiner or im-
number obtained from, or transferred porter who produces or importes motor
to, the other party; vehicle diesel fuel subject to the 500
(v) The number in the refiners or im- ppm sulfur standard under 80.520(c), or
porters possession that will carry over any refiner or importer who generates,
into the subsequent calendar year com- uses, obtains or transfers credits under
pliance period; and 80.530 through 80.532, and continuing
(vi) Commercial documents that es- for each year thereafter, must submit
tablish each transfer of credits from to EPA annual reports that contain the
the transferor to the transferee. information required in this section,
(8) The calculations used to deter- and such other information as EPA
mine compliance with the volume re- may require:
quirements of this subpart. (a) Refiners and importers. Refiners
(9) The calculations used to deter- and importers must report the fol-
mine the number of credits generated. lowing information separately for each


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80.594 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

refinery or CTA, in the case of import- (6) The reporting requirements under
ers, subject to a phase-in sulfur stand- 80.620, if applicable.
ard, small refiner standard or tem- (7) For each batch of motor vehicle
porary refiner relief sulfur standard, or diesel fuel produced or imported during
who generates, uses or transfers credits the compliance period:
under 80.530 through 80.532: (i) The batch number assigned using
(1) The refiners name and the EPA the batch numbering conventions
refinery registration number. under 80.65(d)(3) and the appropriate
(2) For all motor vehicle diesel fuel designation under 80.523;
produced for use in the United States (ii) The date the batch was produced;
during the compliance period: and
(i) The total volume of motor vehicle (iii) The volume of the batch, in gal-
diesel fuel produced; lons.
(ii) The volume, in gallons, that com- (8) When submitting reports under
plied with a sulfur content standard of this paragraph (a), any importer shall
500 ppm; and exclude certified DFR-Diesel.
(iii) The volume, in gallons, that (b) Additional reporting requirements
complied with the 15 ppm sulfur con- for importers. Importers of motor vehi-
tent standard. cle diesel fuel subject to the 500 ppm
(3) The percentage of the volume sulfur standard must report the fol-
motor vehicle diesel fuel produced dur- lowing information:
ing the calendar year that met the 15 (1) The importers name and EPA
ppm sulfur standard and the percent- registration number.
age that met the 500 ppm sulfur stand- (2) For each foreign refinery from
ard prior to the application of any vol- which motor vehicle diesel fuel is im-
ume credits. ported that is subject to a sulfur stand-
(4) The percentage of volume of ard under 80.520(c), the importer must
motor vehicle diesel fuel produced report, for each batch of diesel fuel im-
meeting the 15 ppm sulfur standard ported, the information required to be
after the inclusion of any credits. reported under 80.620(o).
(5) Information regarding credits, (c) Report submission. Any annual re-
separately for each refinery and for port required by this section shall be:
credits or debits related to imported (1) Signed and certified as meeting
motor diesel fuel, separately by im- all the applicable requirements of this
porter and separately by CTA of import subpart by the owner or a responsible
as follows: corporate officer of the refiner or im-
(i) The CTA of the refiners refinery porter; and
or the importers or the foreign refin- (2) Submitted to EPA no later than
ers CTA and port of importation; the last day of February for the prior
(ii) The number of credits at the be- calendar year period.
ginning of the compliance period;
(iii) The number of credits generated; 80.594 What are the pre-compliance
(iv) The number of credits used; reporting requirements?
(v) If any credits were obtained from (a) Beginning on June 1, 2003, and on
or transferred to other refineries or im- June 1, 2004 and June 1, 2005, all refin-
port ports, for each other refinery or ers and importers planning to produce
importer, its name, address (or Port) or import motor vehicle diesel fuel sub-
and CTA, EPA refinery or importer ject to the provisions of this subpart,
registration number, and the number shall submit the following information
of credits obtained from or transferred to EPA:
to the other refinery or importer (by (1) Any changes to the information
import CTA); submitted for the company registra-
(vi) The number of credits, if any, tion;
that will carry over to the subsequent (2) Any changes to the information
compliance period; and submitted for any refinery or import
(vii) The number of credits in deficit facility registration;
that must be made up for the following (3) An estimate of the annual produc-
year; tion or importation, in gallons, after


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.595

June 1, 2006, for each refinery and im- that the production or importation of
port facility, of 15 ppm motor vehicle 15 ppm sulfur motor vehicle diesel fuel
diesel fuel produced from crude oil and, commenced by June 1, 2006.
if applicable, 500 ppm motor vehicle
diesel fuel produced from crude oil, and 80.595 How does a refiner apply for a
the volumes of each grade of motor ve- motor vehicle diesel fuel volume
hicle diesel fuel produced from other baseline?
sources; (a) Any small refiner applying for ex-
(4) If expecting to participate in the tension of the duration of its small re-
temporary compliance options provi- finer gasoline sulfur standards of
sions and the credit trading program, 80.240, under 80.552(c) and 80.553, or
estimates of the number of credits to any refiner applying for an extension of
be generated and/or used each year the the duration of the GPA standards
program is applicable; under 80.540 must apply for a motor
(5) Information regarding engineer- vehicle diesel fuel volume baseline by
ing plans (e.g., design and construc- December 31, 2001. A separate volume
tion), the status of obtaining any nec- baseline must be sought for each refin-
essary permits, and capital commit- ery for which application of the provi-
ments for making the necessary modi- sions of 80.553 or 80.540 is sought.
fications to produce low sulfur motor (b) The volume baseline must be sent
vehicle fuel, and actual construction via certified mail with return receipt
progress. The pre-compliance reports or express mail with return receipt to:
due 2004 and 2005 must provide an up- U.S. EPA-Attn: Diesel Baseline (6406J),
date of the progress in each of these 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (6406J),
areas. Washington, DC 20460 (certified mail/
(b) Beginning on June 1, 2003, all ap- return receipt) or Attn: Diesel Base-
proved small refiners shall submit the line, Transportation and Regional Pro-
following additional information to grams Division, 501 3rd Street, NW
EPA, as applicable: (6406J), Washington, DC 20001 (express
(1) In the case of a refinery with an mail/return receipt).
approved application under 80.552(a): (c) The motor vehicle diesel fuel vol-
(i) A showing that sufficient sources ume baseline application must include
of 15 ppm motor vehicle diesel fuel will the following information:
likely be available in its marketing (1) A listing of the names and ad-
area after June 1, 2006 and through dresses of all refineries owned by the
2010; refiner for which the refiner is applying
(ii) If after 2003 the sources of 15 ppm for a motor vehicle diesel fuel volume
motor vehicle diesel fuel decrease, the baseline.
pre-compliance reports for 2004 and/or (2) The average annual volume (in
2005 must identify this change and gallons) of motor vehicle diesel fuel
must include a supplementary showing produced for U.S. use in 1998 and 1999,
that the sources of 15 ppm motor vehi- for each refinery for which the refiner
cle diesel fuel are still sufficient. is applying for such baseline, cal-
(2) In case of a refinery with an ap- culated in accordance with 80.596. The
proved application under 80.552(c), a refiner shall follow the procedures, ap-
demonstration that by June 1, 2006 its plicable to volume baselines and using
motor vehicle diesel fuel will be at 15 motor vehicle diesel fuel instead of
ppm sulfur at a volume at least 85% of gasoline, specified in 80.91 through
its baseline motor vehicle diesel fuel 80.93 to establish the volume of motor
volume. vehicle diesel fuel that was produced
(c) For each refiner and importer ap- for U.S. use in 1998 and 1999 for pur-
proved under 80.540, a demonstration poses of establishing a volume baseline
that by June 1, 2006 all of its motor ve- under this section.
hicle diesel fuel will be at 15 ppm sulfur (3) A letter signed by the president,
at a volume of at least 85% of its base- chief operating, or chief executive offi-
line motor vehicle diesel fuel volume. cer of the company, or his/her delegate,
(d) By July 1, 2006, each refiner and stating that the information contained
importer of motor vehicle diesel fuel in the volume baseline determination
shall submit a report to EPA stating is true to the best of his/her knowledge.


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80.596 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(4) Name, address, phone number, fac- 80.596 How is a refinery motor vehi-
simile number, and e-mail address (if cle diesel fuel volume baseline cal-
availabale) of a corporate contact per- culated?
son. (a) For purposes of this subpart, a re-
(5) The following information for finerys motor vehicle diesel fuel vol-
each batch of motor vehicle diesel fuel ume baseline is calculated using the
produced for U.S. use in 1998 and 1999: following equation:
(i) Batch number assigned to the
batch under procedures such as those
in 80.65(d) or 80.101(i), or, if unavail- (Vi )
i =1
able, such other identifying informa- VBase =
m /12
tion as is available; and
(ii) Volume of the batch, in gallons.
VBase = Volume baseline value.
(6) For a refinery that was not in op- Vi = Volume of motor vehicle diesel fuel
eration during part or all of the period batch i.
1998 and 1999, the information required n = Total number of batches of motor vehicle
under this paragraph (c) for the motor diesel fuel produced for U.S. use during
vehicle diesel fuel produced for U.S. January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1999
use during the most recent calendar (or the total number of batches of motor
year that the refinery was in operation vehicle diesel fuel produced during the
after the refinery was reactivated. most recent calendar year the refinery was
in operation after being reactivated pursu-
(d) Within 120 days of receipt of an ant to 80.595(c)(6)); or, for a foreign refin-
application under this section, EPA ery, the total number of batches of motor
will notify the refiner of an approval of vehicle diesel fuel produced and imported
the refinerys baseline, or of any defi- into the U.S. during January 1, 1998
ciencies in the application. through December 31, 1999 (or the total
(e) If at any time the baseline sub- number of batches of motor vehicle diesel
fuel produced and imported into the U.S.
mitted in accordance with the require-
during the most recent calendar year the
ments of this section is determined to refinery was in operation after being reac-
be incorrect, EPA will notify the re- tivated pursuant to 80.595(c)(6)).
finer of the corrected baseline. The cor- i = Individual batch of motor vehicle diesel
rected baseline shall apply to all appli- fuel produced during January 1, 1998
cable compliance calculations under through December 31, 1999 (or individual
this subpart. batch of motor vehicle diesel fuel pro-
(f)(1) If insufficient information is duced during the most recent calendar
year the refinery was in operation after
available for the Administrator to es- being reactivated pursuant to
tablish a baseline under the provisions 80.595(c)(6)); or, for a foreign refinery,
of paragraph (c) of this section and individual batch of motor vehicle diesel
80.596(a), the refiner shall submit ad- fuel produced and imported into the U.S.
ditional information sufficient for the during January 1, 1998 through December
Administrator to establish a baseline. 31, 1999 (or individual batch of motor ve-
hicle diesel fuel produced and imported
(2) To satisfy the requirements of
into the U.S. during the most recent cal-
paragraph (f)(1) of this section, the Ad- endar year the refinery was in operation
ministrator may require, and consider, after being reactivated pursuant to
any information pertinent to establish 80.595(c)(6)).
a baseline, including: m = Number of months in the baseline period
(i) Motor vehicle diesel fuel produc- (24 except in the case of a startup or reac-
tion volumes for other years; tivation).
(ii) Crude capacity of the refinery; (b) If insufficient information is
(iii) The ratio, or the typical ratio, available for the Administrator to es-
for other similarly sized or configured tablish a baseline under paragraph (a)
refineries, between motor vehicle die- of this section, the baseline may be de-
sel fuel production and gasoline pro- termined under the provisions of
duction. 80.595(f).


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.600

80.597 What are the registration re- gram and EPAs monitoring require-
quirements? ments.
Refiners having any refinery that is (c) Information required to be sub-
subject to a sulfur standard under mitted. To demonstrate each of the ele-
80.520(c), and importers importing ments in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4)
such diesel fuel, must provide EPA the of this section, the person requesting
information under 80.76 no later than an exemption must include the fol-
December 31, 2001, if such information lowing information in the written re-
has not been provided under the provi- quest required under paragraph (a) of
sions of this part. In addition, for each this section:
import facility, the same identifying (1) A concise statement of the pur-
information as required for each refin- pose of the program demonstrating
ery under 80.76(c) must be provided. that the program has an appropriate
R&D purpose.
80.59880.599 [Reserved] (2) An explanation of why the stated
purpose of the program cannot be
EXEMPTIONS achieved in a practicable manner with-
out performing one or more of the pro-
80.600 What are the requirements for hibited acts under this subpart.
obtaining an exemption for motor (3) To demonstrate the reasonable-
vehicle diesel fuel used for re- ness of the scope of the program:
search, development or testing pur-
poses? (i) An estimate of the programs du-
ration in time and, if appropriate,
(a) Written request for R&D exemption. mileage;
Any person may receive an exemption (ii) An estimate of the maximum
from the provisions of this subpart for number of vehicles or engines involved
motor vehicle diesel fuel used for re- in the program;
search, development, or testing (iii) The manner in which the infor-
(R&D) purposes by submitting the mation on vehicles and engines used in
information listed in paragraph (c) of the program will be recorded and made
this section to: available to the Administrator upon re-
(1) Director (6406J), Transportation quest; and
and Regional Programs Division, U.S. (iv) The quantity of diesel fuel which
Environmental Protection Agency, does not comply with the requirements
Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania of 80.520 through 80.525.
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460 (4) With regard to control, a dem-
(postal mail); or onstration that the program affords
(2) Director (6406J), Transportation EPA a monitoring capability, includ-
and Regional Programs Division, U.S. ing:
Environmental Protection Agency, 501 (i) The site(s) of the program (includ-
3rd Street, NW., Washington, DC 20001 ing facility name, street address, city,
(express mail/courier); and county, state, and zip code);
(3) Director (2242A), Air Enforcement (ii) The manner in which information
Division, U.S. Environmental Protec- on vehicles and engines used in the pro-
tion Agency, Ariel Rios Building, 1200 gram will be recorded and made avail-
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Wash- able to the Administrator upon re-
ington, DC 20460. quest;
(b) Criteria for an R&D exemption. For (iii) The manner in which informa-
an R&D exemption to be granted, the tion on the diesel fuel used in the pro-
person requesting an exemption must: gram (including quantity, fuel prop-
(1) Demonstrate a purpose that con- erties, name, address, telephone num-
stitutes an appropriate basis for ex- ber and contact person of the supplier,
emption; and the date received from the sup-
(2) Demonstrate that an exemption is plier), will be recorded and made avail-
necessary; able to the Administrator upon re-
(3) Design an R&D program to be rea- quest;
sonable in scope; and (iv) The manner in which the party
(4) Exercise a degree of control con- will ensure that the R&D fuel will be
sistent with the purpose of the pro- segregated from motor vehicle diesel


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80.600 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

fuel and fuel pumps will be labeled to (1) The volume of diesel fuel subject
ensure proper use of the R&D diesel to the approval shall not exceed the es-
fuel; timated amount in paragraph (c)(3)(iv)
(v) The name, address, telephone of this section, unless EPA grants a
number and title of the person(s) in the greater amount in writing.
organization requesting an exemption (2) Any exemption granted under this
from whom further information on the section will expire at the completion of
application may be obtained; and the test program or three years from
(vi) The name, address, telephone the date of approval, whichever occurs
number and title of the person(s) in the first, and may only be extended upon
organization requesting an exemption re-application consistent will all re-
who is responsible for recording and quirements of this section.
making available the information spec-
(3) The passage of sixty (60) days will
ified in this paragraph (c), and the lo-
cation where such information will be not signify the acceptance by EPA of
maintained. the validity of the information in the
(d) Additional requirements. (1) The request for an exemption. EPA may
product transfer documents associated elect at any time to review the infor-
with R&D motor vehicle diesel fuel mation contained in the request, and
must comply with requirements of where appropriate may notify the re-
80.590(b)(5). sponsible person of disapproval of the
(2) The R&D diesel fuel must be des- exemption.
ignated by the refiner or supplier, as (4) In granting an exemption the Ad-
applicable, as R&D diesel fuel. ministrator may include terms and
(3) The R&D diesel fuel must be kept conditions, including replacement of
segregated from non-exempt motor ve- emission control devices or elements of
hicle diesel fuel at all points in the dis- design, that the Administrator deter-
tribution system. mines are necessary for monitoring the
(4) The R&D diesel fuel must not be exemption and for assuring that the
sold, distributed, offered for sale or dis- purposes of this subpart are met.
tribution, dispensed, supplied, offered (5) Any violation of a term or condi-
for supply, transported to or from, or tion of the exemption, or of any re-
stored by a diesel fuel retail outlet, or quirement of this section, will cause
by a wholesale purchaser-consumer fa- the exemption to be void ab initio.
cility, unless the wholesale purchaser- (6) If any information required under
consumer facility is associated with
paragraph (c) of this section should
the R&D program that uses the diesel
change after approval of the exemp-
tion, the responsible person must no-
(5) At the completion of the program,
tify EPA in writing immediately. Fail-
any emission control systems or ele-
ments of design which are damaged or ure to do so may result in disapproval
rendered inoperative shall be replaced of the exemption or may make it void
on vehicles remaining in service, or the ab initio, and may make the party lia-
responsible person will be liable for a ble for a violation of this subpart.
violation of the Clean Air Act Section (f) Effects of exemption. Motor vehicle
203(a)(3) unless sufficient evidence is diesel fuel that is subject to an R&D
supplied that the emission controls or exemption under this section is exempt
elements of design were not damaged. from other provisions of this subpart
(e) Mechanism for granting of an ex- provided that the fuel is used in a man-
emption. A request for an R&D exemp- ner that complies with the purpose of
tion will be deemed approved by the the program under paragraph (c) of this
earlier of sixty (60) days from the date section and the requirements of this
on which EPA receives the request for section.
exemption, (provided that EPA has not (g) Notification of Completion. The
notified the applicant of potential dis- party shall notify EPA in writing with-
approval by that time), or the date on in thirty (30) days of completion of the
which the applicant receives a written R&D program.
approval letter from EPA.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.610

80.601 What requirements apply to tional security exemption, provided

motor vehicle diesel fuel for use in that such fuel is:
the Territories? (1) Used only in vehicles identified in
The sulfur standards of 80.520(a)(1) paragraph (a) of this section or this
and (c) do not apply to diesel fuel that paragraph (b);
is produced, imported, sold, offered for (2) Accompanied by product transfer
documents as required under 80.590;
sale, supplied, offered for supply,
(3) Segregated from non-exempt
stored, dispensed, or transported for
motor vehicle diesel fuel at all points
use in the Territories of Guam, Amer-
in the distribution system; and
ican Samoa or the Commonwealth of (4) Dispensed from a fuel pump stand,
the Northern Mariana Islands provided fueling truck or tank that is labeled
that such diesel fuel is: under the provisions of 80.570(c). Any
(a) Designated by the refiner or im- such fuel pump stand, fueling truck or
porter as high sulfur diesel fuel only tank may also be labeled with the ap-
for use in Guam, American Samoa, or propriate designation of the fuel, such
the Commonwealth of the Northern as JP8.
Mariana Islands;
(b) Used only in Guam, American 80.60380.609 [Reserved]
Samoa, or the Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands; VIOLATION PROVISIONS
(c) Accompanied by documentation 80.610 What acts are prohibited
that complies with the product trans- under the diesel fuel sulfur pro-
fer document requirements of gram?
80.590(e)(3); and No person shall:
(d) Segregated from non-exempt (a) Standard or dye violation. Produce,
motor vehicle diesel fuel at all points import, sell, offer for sale, dispense,
in the distribution system from the supply, offer for supply, store or trans-
point the diesel fuel is designated as port motor vehicle diesel fuel that does
exempt fuel only for use in Guam, not comply with the applicable stand-
American Samoa, or the Common- ards and dye requirements under
wealth of the Northern Mariana Is- 80.520.
lands, while the exempt fuel is in the (b) Additive violation. (1) Produce, im-
United States but outside these Terri- port, sell, offer for sale, dispense, sup-
tories. ply, offer for supply, store or transport
any motor vehicle diesel fuel additive
80.602 What exemption applies to for use at a downstream location that
diesel fuel used in vehicles having a does not comply with the requirements
national security exemption from
motor vehicle emissions standards? under 80.521(a) or (b), as applicable.
(2) Blend or permit the blending into
The motor vehicle diesel fuel stand- motor vehicle diesel fuel at a down-
ards of 80.520(a)(1), (a)(2), and (c) do stream location, or use, or permit the
not apply to diesel fuel that is pro- use, as motor vehicle diesel fuel, of any
duced, imported, sold, offered for sale, additive which does not comply with
supplied, offered for supply, stored, dis- the requirements of 80.521(a) or (b), as
pensed, or transported for use in: applicable.
(a) Vehicles for which EPA has grant- (c) Used motor oil violation. Introduce
ed a national security exemption under into the fuel system of model year 2007
40 CFR 85.1708 from motor vehicle or later diesel motor vehicles, or per-
emissions standards under 40 CFR Part mit the introduction into the fuel sys-
86; or tem of such vehicles of used motor oil,
(b) Tactical military motor vehicles or used motor oil blended with diesel
that are not subject to a national secu- fuel, which does not comply with the
rity exemption from motor vehicle requirements of 80.522.
emissions standards but for national (d) Improper fuel usage violation. (1)
security purposes (for purposes of read- Introduce, or permit the introduction
iness for deployment oversees) need to of, diesel fuel into model year 2007 or
be fueled on the same fuel as motor ve- later diesel motor vehicles, and begin-
hicles for which EPA has granted a na- ning December 1, 2010 into any diesel


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80.611 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

motor vehicle, which does not comply been correctly performed. Such evi-
with the standards and dye require- dence may be obtained from any source
ments of 80.520(a) and (b). or location and may include, but is not
(2) Produce, import, sell, offer for limited to, test results using methods
sale, dispense, offer for supply, store, other than the compliance methods in
or transport for use in model year 2007 this paragraph (a), business records,
or later diesel motor vehicles, or intro- and commercial documents.
duce or permit the introduction into (b) Compliance with other requirements.
such motor vehicles, motor vehicle die- Determination of compliance with the
sel fuel that is identified as other than requirements of this subpart other
diesel fuel complying with the 15 ppm than the standards described in para-
sulfur standard; and beginning Decem- graph (a) of this section and in 80.520,
ber 1, 2010, diesel fuel for use in or in- 80.521, and 80.522, and determination of
troduced into any diesel motor vehicle. liability for any violation of this sub-
(e) Cause another party to violate. part, may be based on information ob-
Cause another person to commit an act tained from any source or location.
in violation of paragraphs (a) through
Such information may include, but is
(d) of this section.
not limited to, business records and
(f) Cause violating fuel or additive to be
commercial documents.
in the distribution system. Cause motor
vehicle diesel fuel to be in the motor 80.612 Who is liable for violations of
vehicle diesel fuel distribution system this subpart?
which does not comply with the appli-
cable standard and dye requirements of (a) Persons liable for violations of pro-
80.520(a) and (b), or cause any motor hibited acts.(1) Standard, dye, addi-
vehicle diesel fuel additive to be in the tives, motor oil, and introduction viola-
motor vehicle diesel fuel additive dis- tions. (i) Any refiner, importer, dis-
tribution system which does not com- tributor, reseller, carrier, retailer, or
ply with the applicable sulfur, cetane, wholesale purchaser-consumer who
and/or aromatics standards of 80.521. owned, leased, operated, controlled or
supervised a facility where a violation
80.611 What evidence may be used to of 80.610(a) through (d) occurred, or
determine compliance with the pro- any other person who violates
hibitions and requirements of this 80.610(a) through (d), is deemed liable
subpart and liability for violations
of this subpart? for the applicable violation.
(ii) Any person who causes another
(a) Compliance with sulfur, cetane, and
person to violate 80.610(a) through (d)
aromatics standards. Compliance with
is liable for a violation of 80.610(e).
the standards in 80.520, 80.521, and
80.522 shall be determined based on the (iii) Any refiner, importer, dis-
level of the applicable component or tributor, reseller, carrier, retailer, or
parameter, using the sampling meth- wholesale purchaser-consumer who
odologies specified in 80.330(b), as ap- produced, imported, sold, offered for
plicable, and the appropriate testing sale, dispensed, supplied, offered to
methodologies specified in 80.580(a)(2) supply, stored, transported, or caused
for sulfur, or one of the alternative the transportation or storage of, motor
methodologies for sulfur as approved vehicle diesel fuel that violates
under 80.580(a)(3); 80.2(w) for cetane 80.610(a), is deemed in violation of
index; and 80.2(z) for aromatic con- 80.610(e).
tent. Any evidence or information, in- (iv) Any person who produced, im-
cluding the exclusive use of such evi- ported, sold, offered for sale, dispensed,
dence or information, may be used to supplied, offered to supply, stored,
establish the level of the applicable transported, or caused the transpor-
component or parameter in the diesel tation or storage of a motor vehicle
fuel or additive, or motor oil to be used diesel fuel additive which is used in
in diesel fuel, if the evidence or infor- motor vehicle diesel fuel that is found
mation is relevant to whether that to violate 80.610(a), is deemed in viola-
level would have been in compliance tion of 80.610(e).
with the standard if the regulatory (2) Cause violating motor vehicle diesel
sampling and testing methodology had fuel or additive to be in the distribution


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.613

system. Any refiner, importer, dis- tion of a prohibition under

tributor, reseller, carrier, retailer, or 80.612(a)(1)(i) or (iii), (a)(2), or (a)(3),
wholesale purchaser-consumer or any will not be deemed in violation if the
other person who owned, leased, oper- person demonstrates:
ated, controlled or supervised a facility (i) The violation was not caused by
from which motor vehicle diesel fuel or the person or the persons employee or
additive was released into the motor agent;
vehicle diesel fuel or additive distribu- (ii) Product transfer documents ac-
tion system which does not comply count for fuel or additive found to be in
with the applicable standards or dye violation and indicate that the vio-
requirements of 80.520 or 80.521, is lating product was in compliance with
deemed in violation of 80.610(f). the applicable requirements when it
(3) Branded refiner/importer liability. was under the partys control;
Any refiner or importer whose cor- (iii) The person conducted a quality
porate, trade, or brand name, or whose assurance sampling and testing pro-
marketing subsidiarys corporate, gram, as described in paragraph (d) of
trade, or brand name appeared at a fa- this section, except for those parties
cility where a violation of 80.610(a) oc- subject to the provisions of paragraph
curred, is deemed in violation of (a)(1)(iv) or (v) of this section. A car-
80.610(a). rier may rely on the quality assurance
(4) Carrier causation. In order for a program carried out by another party,
motor vehicle diesel fuel or motor ve- including the party who owns the die-
hicle diesel fuel additive carrier to be sel fuel in question, provided that the
liable under paragraph (a)(1)(ii), (iii) or quality assurance program is carried
(iv) of this section, as applicable, EPA out properly. Retailers, wholesale pur-
must demonstrate, by reasonably spe- chaser-consumers, and ultimate con-
cific showing by direct or circumstan- sumers of diesel fuel are not required
tial evidence, that the carrier caused to conduct quality assurance programs;
the violation. (iv) For refiners and importers of
(5) Parent corporation. Any parent motor vehicle diesel fuel subject to the
corporation is liable for any violations 15 ppm standard under 80.520(a)(1),
of this subpart that are committed by test results which:
any subsidiary. (A) Were conducted according to the
(6) Joint venture. Each partner to a test methodology required under
joint venture is jointly and severally 80.580 (a)(2) or an approved alternative
liable for any violation of this subpart test method under 80.580(a)(3); and
that occurs at the joint venture facil- (B) Establish that, when it left the
ity or is committed by the joint ven- partys control, the sulfur content of
ture operation. motor vehicle diesel fuel subject to the
(b) Persons liable for failure to comply 15 ppm standard did not exceed 15 ppm;
with other provisions ofthis subpart. Any and
person who: (v) For any person who, at a down-
(1) Fails to comply with the require- stream location, blends a diesel fuel
ments of a provision of this subpart not additive subject to the requirements of
addressed in paragraph (a) of this sec- 80.521(b) into motor vehicle diesel fuel
tion is liable for a violation of that subject to the sulfur standard under
provision; or 80.520(a)(1), except a blender who
(2) Causes another person to fail to blends additives into fuel trucks at a
comply with the requirements of a pro- truck loading rack subject to the pro-
vision of this subpart not addressed in visions of (d)(1) of this section, test re-
paragraph (a) of this section, is liable sults which are conducted subsequent
for causing a violation of that provi- to the blending of the additive into the
sion. fuel, and which comply with the re-
quirements of paragraphs (a)(4)(iv)(A)
80.613 What defenses apply to per- and (B) of this section.
sons deemed liable for a violation of (2) Any party deemed liable for a vio-
a prohibited act? lation under 80.612(a)(1)(iv), in regard
(a) Presumptive liability defenses. (1) to a diesel fuel additive subject to the
Any person deemed liable for a viola- requirements of 80.521(a), will not be


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80.613 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

deemed in violation if the person dem- tion on the additive product transfer
onstrates that: document pursuant to the require-
(i) Product transfer document(s) ac- ments of 80.591(b). The testing proce-
count for the additive in the fuel found dures applicable under paragraph (a)(2)
to be in violation, which comply with of this section, also apply under this
the requirements under 80.591(a), and paragraph (a)(3).
indicate that the additive was in com- (b) Branded refiner defenses. In the
pliance with the applicable require- case of a violation found at a facility
ments while it was under the partys operating under the corporate, trade or
control; and brand name of a refiner or importer, or
(ii) For the additives manufacturer a refiners or importers marketing
or importer, test results which accu- subsidiary, the refiner or importer
rately establish that, when it left the must show, in addition to the defense
partys control, the additive in the die- elements required under paragraph
sel fuel determined to be in violation (a)(1) of this section, that the violation
did not have a sulfur content in excess was caused by:
of 15 ppm. (1) An act in violation of law (other
(A) Analysis of the additive sulfur than the Clean Air Act or this Part 80),
content pursuant to this paragraph or an act of sabotage or vandalism;
(a)(2) may be conducted at the time the (2) The action of any refiner, im-
batch was manufactured or imported, porter, retailer, distributor, reseller,
or on a sample of that batch which the oxygenate blender, carrier, retailer or
manufacturer or importer retains for wholesale purchaser-consumer in viola-
such purpose for a minimum of two tion of a contractual agreement be-
years from the date the batch was tween the branded refiner or importer
manufactured or imported. and the person designed to prevent
(B) After two years from the date the such action, and despite periodic sam-
additive batch was manufactured or pling and testing by the branded re-
imported, the additive manufacturer or finer or importer to ensure compliance
importer is no longer required to retain with such contractual obligation; or
samples for the purpose of complying (3) The action of any carrier or other
with the testing requirements of this distributor not subject to a contract
paragraph (a)(2) of this section. with the refiner or importer, but en-
(C) The analysis of the sulfur content gaged for transportation of diesel fuel,
of the additive must be conducted pur- despite specifications or inspections of
suant to the requirements of 80.580(a). procedures and equipment which are
(3) Any person who is deemed liable reasonably calculated to prevent such
for a violation under 80.612 (a)(1)(iv) action.
with regard to a diesel fuel additive (c) Causation demonstration. Under
subject to the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section for any
80.521(b), will not be deemed in viola- person to show that a violation was not
tion if the person demonstrates that: caused by that person, or under para-
(i) The violation was not caused by graph (b) of this section to show that a
the party or the partys employee or violation was caused by any of the
agent; specified actions, the person must dem-
(ii) Product transfer document(s) onstrate by reasonably specific show-
which comply with the additive infor- ing, by direct or circumstantial evi-
mation requirements under 80.591 (b), dence, that the violation was caused or
account for the additive in the fuel must have been caused by another per-
found to be in violation, and indicate son and that the person asserting the
that the additive was in compliance defense did not contribute to that
with the applicable requirements while other persons causation.
it was under the partys control; and (d) Quality assurance and testing pro-
(iii) For the additives manufacturer gram. To demonstrate an acceptable
or importer, test results which accu- quality assurance program under para-
rately establish that, when it left the graph (a)(1)(iii) of this section, a person
partys control, the additive in the die- must present evidence of the following:
sel fuel determined to be in violation (1) A periodic sampling and testing
was in conformity with the informa- program to ensure the motor vehicle


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.614

diesel fuel or additive the person sold, 80.614 What penalties apply under
dispensed, supplied, stored, or trans- this subpart?
ported, meets the applicable standards. (a) Any person liable for a violation
(2) For those parties who, at a down- under 80.612 is subject to civil pen-
stream location, blend diesel fuel addi- alties as specified in section 205 of the
tives subject to the requirements of Clean Air Act for every day of each
80.521(b) into fuel trucks at a truck such violation and the amount of eco-
loading rack, the periodic sampling nomic benefit or savings resulting from
and testing program required under each violation.
this paragraph (d) must ensure, by tak- (b)(1) Any person liable under
ing into account the greater risk of 80.612(a)(1) for a violation of an appli-
noncompliance created through use of cable standard or requirement under
a high sulfur additive, that the diesel 80.520, or of causing another party to
violate such standard or requirement,
fuel into which the additive was blend-
is subject to a separate day of violation
ed meets the applicable standards sub-
for each and every day the non-com-
sequent to the blending. plying motor vehicle diesel fuel re-
(3) On each occasion when motor ve- mains any place in the distribution
hicle diesel fuel or additive is found system.
not in compliance with the applicable (2) Any person liable under
standard: 80.612(a)(2) for causing motor vehicle
(i) The person immediately ceases diesel fuel to be in the distribution sys-
selling, offering for sale, dispensing, tem which does not comply with an ap-
supplying, offering for supply, storing plicable standard or requirement of
or transporting the non-complying 80.520, is subject to a separate day of
product; and violation for each and every day that
(ii) The person promptly remedies the non-complying motor vehicle diesel
the violation and the factors that fuel remains any place in the motor ve-
caused the violation (for example, by hicle diesel fuel distribution system.
removing the non-complying product (3) Any person liable under
from the distribution system until the 80.612(a)(1) for blending into motor ve-
hicle diesel fuel an additive violating
applicable standard is achieved and
the applicable sulfur standard pursuant
taking steps to prevent future viola-
to the requirements of 80.521(a) or (b),
tions of a similar nature from occur- as appropriate, or of causing another
ring). party to so blend or add such an addi-
(4) For any carrier who transports tive, is subject to a separate day of vio-
motor vehicle diesel fuel or additive in lation for each and every day the
a tank truck, the quality assurance motor vehicle diesel fuel into which
program required under this paragraph the noncomplying additive was blend-
(d) need not include its own periodic ed, remains any place in the fuel dis-
sampling and testing of the motor ve- tribution system.
hicle diesel fuel or additive in the tank (4) For purposes of this paragraph (b),
truck, but in lieu of such tank truck the length of time the motor vehicle
sampling and testing, the carrier shall diesel fuel in question remained in the
demonstrate evidence of an oversight motor vehicle diesel fuel distribution
program for monitoring compliance system is deemed to be twenty-five
with the requirements of this subpart days, unless a person subject to liabil-
relating to the transport or storage of ity or EPA demonstrates by reasonably
such product by tank truck, such as ap- specific showings, by direct or cir-
propriate guidance to drivers regarding cumstantial evidence, that the non-
compliance with the applicable sulfur complying motor vehicle diesel fuel re-
standard and product transfer docu- mained in the distribution system for
fewer than or more than twenty-five
ment requirements, and the periodic
review of records received in the ordi-
(c) Any person liable under 80.612(b)
nary course of business concerning for failure to meet, or causing a failure
motor vehicle diesel fuel or additive to meet, a provision of this subpart is
quality and delivery. liable for a separate day of violation


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80.61580.619 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

for each and every day such provision 80.560 or 80.561 and does include in
remains unfulfilled. these compliance calculations when re-
ported to EPA.
80.61580.619 [Reserved] (7) Non-Certified DFR-Diesel
means DFR-Diesel fuel that a DFR for-
eign refiner imports to the United
States that is not Certified DFR-Die-
(b) Baseline. For any foreign refiner
to obtain approval under the diesel for-
80.620 What are the additional re- eign refiner program of this subpart for
quirements for motor vehicle diesel any refinery, it must apply for ap-
fuel produced by foreign refineries proval under the applicable provisions
subject to a temporary refiner com- of this subpart. To obtain approval the
pliance option or hardship provi- refiner is required, as applicable, to
sions? demonstrate a volume baseline for cal-
(a) Definitions. (1) A foreign refinery endar years 1998 and 1999 for motor ve-
is a refinery that is located outside the hicle diesel fuel produced for use in the
United States, the Commonwealth of United States under 80.595 and 80.596.
Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, (1) The refiner shall follow the proce-
American Samoa, and the Common- dures, applicable to volume baselines
wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and using motor vehicle diesel fuel in-
(collectively referred to in this section stead of gasoline, in 80.91 through
as the United States). 80.93 to establish the volume of motor
(2) A foreign refiner is a person who vehicle diesel fuel that was produced at
meets the definition of refiner under the refinery and imported into the
80.2(i) for a foreign refinery. United States during 1998 and 1999 for
(3) A diesel fuel program foreign re- purposes of establishing a baseline
finer (DFR) is a foreign refiner that under 80.595 and 80.596.
has been approved by EPA for partici- (2) In making determinations for for-
pation in any motor vehicle diesel fuel eign refinery baselines EPA will con-
credits program, motor vehicle diesel sider all information supplied by a for-
fuel temporary compliance option, eign refiner, and in addition may rely
hardship or GPA provisions of 80.530 on any and all appropriate assumptions
through 80.532, 80.540, 80.552, 80.553, necessary to make such determina-
80.560 or 80.561 (collectively referred tions.
to as diesel foreign refiner program). (3) Where a foreign refiner submits a
(4) DFR-Diesel means motor vehi- petition that is incomplete or inad-
cle diesel fuel produced at a DFR refin- equate to establish an accurate base-
ery that is imported into the United line, and the refiner fails to correct
States. this deficiency after a request for more
(5) Non-DFR-Diesel means motor information, EPA will not assign an in-
vehicle diesel fuel that is produced at a dividual refinery motor vehicle diesel
foreign refinery that has not been ap- fuel volume baseline.
proved as a DFR foreign refiner, motor (c) General requirements for DFR for-
vehicle diesel fuel produced at a DFR eign refiners. A foreign refiner of a re-
foreign refinery that is not imported finery that is approved under the diesel
into the United States, and motor vehi- foreign refiner program of this subpart
cle diesel fuel produced at a DFR for- must designate each batch of motor ve-
eign refinery during a period when the hicle diesel fuel produced at the foreign
foreign refiner has opted to not partici- refinery that is exported to the United
pate in the DFR-Diesel diesel foreign States as either Certified DFR-Diesel
refiner program under paragraph (c)(3) or as Non-Certified DFR-Diesel, except
of this section. as provided in paragraph (c)(3) of this
(6) Certified DFR-Diesel means section. It must further designate all
DFR-Diesel the foreign refiner intends Certified DFR-Diesel as complying
to include in the foreign refinerys with either the 15 ppm sulfur standard
compliance calculations under 80.530 under 80.520(a)(1) or the 500 ppm sulfur
through 80.532, 80.540, 80.552, 80.553, standard under 80.520(c).


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.620

(1) In the case of Certified DFR-Die- (d) Designation, product transfer docu-
sel, the foreign refiner must meet all ments, and foreign refiner certification.
requirements that apply to refiners (1) Any foreign refiner of a foreign re-
under this subpart, except that: finery that has been approved by EPA
(i) For purposes of complying with to produce motor vehicle diesel fuel
the compliance option requirements of subject to the diesel foreign refiner
80.530, motor vehicle diesel fuel pro- program must designate each batch of
duced by a foreign refinery must com- DFR-Diesel as such at the time the die-
ply separately for each Credit Trading sel fuel is produced, unless the refiner
Area of import, as defined in has elected to classify no diesel fuel ex-
80.531(a)(5). ported to the United States as DFR-
(ii) For purposes of complying with Diesel under paragraph (c)(3) of this
the compliance option requirements of section.
80.530, credits obtained from any other (2) On each occasion when any person
refinery or from any importer must transfers custody or title to any DFR-
have been generated in the same Credit Diesel prior to its being imported into
Trading Area as the Credit Trading the United States, it must include the
Area of import of the fuel for which following information as part of the
credits are needed to achieve compli- product transfer document information
ance. in this section:
(iii) For purposes of generating cred- (i) Identification of the diesel fuel as
its under this subpart, credits shall be Certified DFR-Diesel or as Non-Cer-
generated separately by Credit Trading tified DFR-Diesel, and if it is Certified
Area of import and shall be designated DFR-Diesel, further designation as
by Credit Trading Area of importation meeting the 500 ppm sulfur standard
and by port of importation. under 80.520(c) or the 15 ppm sulfur
(2) In the case of Non-Certified DFR- standard under 80.520(a)(1) pursuant to
Diesel, the foreign refiner shall meet 80.523; and
all the following requirements: (ii) The name and EPA refinery reg-
(i) The designation requirements in istration number (under 80.593) of the
this section. refinery where the DFR-Diesel was pro-
(ii) The reporting requirements in duced.
this section and 80.593. (3) On each occasion when DFR-Die-
(iii) The product transfer document sel is loaded onto a vessel or other
requirements in this section. transportation mode for transport to
(iv) The prohibitions in this section the United States, the foreign refiner
and 80.610. shall prepare a certification for each
(3)(i) Any foreign refiner that has batch of the DFR-Diesel that meets the
been approved to produce motor vehi- following requirements.
cle diesel fuel subject to the diesel for- (i) The certification shall include the
eign refiner program for a foreign re- report of the independent third party
finery under this subpart may elect to under paragraph (f) of this section, and
classify no diesel fuel imported into the following additional information:
the United States as DFR-Diesel pro- (A) The name and EPA registration
vided the foreign refiner notifies EPA number of the refinery that produced
of the election no later than November the DFR-Diesel;
1 of the prior calendar year. (B) The identification of the diesel
(ii) An election under paragraph fuel as Certified DFR-Diesel or Non-
(c)(3)(i) of this section shall be for an Certified DFR-Diesel;
entire calendar year and apply to all (C) The volume of DFR-Diesel being
motor vehicle diesel fuel that is pro- transported, in gallons;
duced by the foreign refinery that is (D) In the case of Certified DFR-Die-
imported into the United States, and sel:
shall remain in effect for each suc- (1) The sulfur content as determined
ceeding year unless and until the for- under paragraph (f) of this section, and
eign refiner notifies EPA of the termi- the designation of the fuel as com-
nation of the election. The change in plying with the 15 ppm sulfur content
election shall take effect at the begin- standard for motor vehicle diesel fuel
ning of the next calendar year. under 80.520(a)(1) or the 500 ppm sulfur


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80.620 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

content standard for motor vehicle die- eign refiner shall have an independent
sel fuel under 80.520(c); and third party:
(2) A declaration that the DFR-Diesel (i) Collect a representative sample of
is being included in the applicable com- the Certified DFR-Diesel from each
pliance calculations required by the vessel compartment subsequent to
EPA under this subpart. loading on the vessel and prior to de-
(ii) The certification shall be made parture of the vessel from the port
part of the product transfer documents serving the foreign refinery;
for the DFR-Diesel. (ii) Determine the sulfur content
(e) Transfers of DFR-Diesel to non- value for each compartment using the
United States markets. The foreign re- methodology specified in 80.580 by:
finer is responsible to ensure that all (A) The third party analyzing each
diesel fuel classified as DFR-Diesel is
sample; or
imported into the United States. A for-
(B) The third party observing the for-
eign refiner may remove the DFR-Die-
sel classification, and the diesel fuel eign refiner analyze the sample;
need not be imported into the United (iii) Review original documents that
States, but only if: reflect movement and storage of the
(1)(i) The foreign refiner excludes: certified DFR-Diesel from the refinery
(A) The volume of diesel from the re- to the load port, and from this review
finerys compliance report under determine:
80.593; and (A) The refinery at which the DFR-
(B) In the case of Certified DFR-Die- Diesel was produced; and
sel, the volume of the diesel fuel from (B) That the DFR-Diesel remained
the compliance report under 80.593. segregated from:
(ii) The exclusions under paragraph (1) Non-DFR-Diesel and Non-Certified
(e)(1)(i) of this section shall be on the DFR-Diesel; and
basis of the designations under 80.523 (2) Other Certified DFR-Diesel pro-
and volumes determined under para- duced at a different refinery.
graph (f) of this section. (3) The independent third party shall
(2) The foreign refiner obtains suffi- submit a report:
cient evidence in the form of docu- (i) To the foreign refiner containing
mentation that the diesel fuel was not the information required under para-
imported into the United States. graphs (f)(1) and (f)(2) of this section, to
(f) Load port independent sampling, accompany the product transfer docu-
testing and refinery identification. (1) On
ments for the vessel; and
each occasion that DFR-Diesel is load-
(ii) To the Administrator containing
ed onto a vessel for transport to the
the information required under para-
United States a foreign refiner shall
have an independent third party: graphs (f)(1) and (f)(2) of this section,
(i) Inspect the vessel prior to loading within thirty days following the date
and determine the volume of any tank of the independent third partys inspec-
bottoms; tion. This report shall include a de-
(ii) Determine the volume of DFR- scription of the method used to deter-
Diesel loaded onto the vessel (exclusive mine the identity of the refinery at
of any tank bottoms before loading); which the diesel fuel was produced, as-
(iii) Obtain the EPA-assigned reg- surance that the diesel fuel remained
istration number of the foreign refin- segregated as specified in paragraph
ery; (n)(1) of this section, and a description
(iv) Determine the name and country of the diesel fuels movement and stor-
of registration of the vessel used to age between production at the source
transport the DFR-Diesel to the United refinery and vessel loading.
States; and (4) The independent third party must:
(v) Determine the date and time the (i) Be approved in advance by EPA,
vessel departs the port serving the for- based on a demonstration of ability to
eign refinery. perform the procedures required in this
(2) On each occasion that Certified paragraph (f);
DFR-Diesel is loaded onto a vessel for (ii) Be independent under the criteria
transport to the United States a for- specified in 80.65(e)(2)(iii); and


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.620

(iii) Sign a commitment that con- of the underlying documentation that

tains the provisions specified in para- forms the basis of any report required
graph (i) of this section with regard to under this subpart. The attest engage-
activities, facilities and documents rel- ment must comply with the procedures
evant to compliance with the require- and requirements that apply to refiners
ments of this paragraph (f). under 80.125 through 80.130 and must
(g) Comparison of load port and port of be submitted to the Administrator of
entry testing. (1) Load port and port of EPA by May 30 of each year for the
entry testing requirements, as follows: prior calendar year. The following ad-
(i) Any foreign refiner and any ditional procedures shall be carried out
United States importer of Certified for any foreign refiner of DFR-Diesel:
DFR-Diesel shall compare the results (1) The inventory reconciliation anal-
from the load port testing under para- ysis under 80.128(b) and the tender
graph (f) of this section, with the port analysis under 80.128(c) shall include
of entry testing as reported under para- Non-DFR-Diesel.
graph (o) of this section, for the vol- (2) Obtain separate listings of all
ume of diesel and the sulfur value; ex- tenders of Certified DFR-Diesel and of
cept that Non-Certified DFR-Diesel, and obtain
(ii) Where a vessel transporting Cer- separate listings of Certified DFR-Die-
tified DFR-Diesel off loads this diesel sel based on whether it is 15 ppm sulfur
fuel at more than one United States content motor vehicle diesel fuel or 500
port of entry, and the conditions of ppm sulfur content motor vehicle die-
paragraph (g)(2)(i) of this section are sel fuel. Agree the total volume of
met at the first United States port of tenders from the listings to the diesel
entry, the requirements of paragraph fuel inventory reconciliation analysis
(g)(2) of this section do not apply at in 80.128(b), and to the volumes deter-
subsequent ports of entry if the United mined by the third party under para-
States importer obtains a certification graph (f)(1) of this section.
from the vessel owner that meets the (3) For each tender under paragraph
requirements of paragraph(s) of this (h)(2) of this section, where the diesel
section, that the vessel has not loaded fuel is loaded onto a marine vessel, re-
any diesel fuel or blendstock between port as a finding the name and country
the first United States port of entry of registration of each vessel, and the
and the subsequent port of entry. volumes of DFR-Diesel loaded onto
(2)(i) The requirements of this para- each vessel.
graph (g)(2) apply if: (4) Select a sample from the list of
(A) The temperature-corrected vol- vessels identified in paragraph (h)(3) of
umes determined at the port of entry this section used to transport Certified
and at the load port differ by more DFR-Diesel, in accordance with the
than one percent; or guidelines in 80.127, and for each ves-
(B) The sulfur value determined at sel selected perform the following:
the port of entry is higher than the sul- (i) Obtain the report of the inde-
fur value determined at the load port, pendent third party, under paragraph
and the amount of this difference is (f) of this section, and of the United
greater than the reproducibility States importer under paragraph (o) of
amount specified for the port of entry this section.
test result by the American Society of (A) Agree the information in these
Testing and Materials (ASTM). reports with regard to vessel identifica-
(ii) The United States importer and tion, diesel fuel volumes and sulfur
the foreign refiner shall treat the die- content test results.
sel fuel as Non-Certified DFR-Diesel, (B) Identify, and report as a finding,
and the foreign refiner shall exclude each occasion the load port and port of
the diesel fuel volume from its motor entry sulfur content and volume re-
vehicle diesel fuel volumes calculations sults differ by more than the amounts
and sulfur standard designations under allowed in paragraph (g) of this sec-
80.523. tion, and determine whether the for-
(h) Attest requirements. Refiners, for eign refiner adjusted its refinery cal-
each calendar year, must arrange to culations as required in paragraph (g)
have an attest engagement performed of this section.


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80.620 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(ii) Obtain the documents used by the where the diesel fuel was off loaded for
independent third party to determine each vessel selected.
transportation and storage of the Cer- (7) In order to complete the require-
tified DFR-Diesel from the refinery to ments of this paragraph (h) an auditor
the load port, under paragraph (f) of shall:
this section. Obtain tank activity (i) Be independent of the foreign re-
records for any storage tank where the finer;
Certified DFR-Diesel is stored, and (ii) Be licensed as a Certified Public
pipeline activity records for any pipe- Accountant in the United States and a
line used to transport the Certified citizen of the United States, or be ap-
DFR-Diesel, prior to being loaded onto proved in advance by EPA based on a
the vessel. Use these records to deter- demonstration of ability to perform
mine whether the Certified DFR-Diesel the procedures required in 80.125
was produced at the refinery that is through 80.130 and this paragraph (h);
the subject of the attest engagement, and
and whether the Certified DFR-Diesel (iii) Sign a commitment that con-
was mixed with any Non-Certified tains the provisions specified in para-
DFR-Diesel, Non-DFR-Diesel, or any graph (i) of this section with regard to
Certified DFR-Diesel produced at a dif- activities and documents relevant to
ferent refinery. compliance with the requirements of
(5) Select a sample from the list of 80.125 through 80.130 and this para-
vessels identified in paragraph (h)(3) of graph (h).
this section used to transport certified (i) Foreign refiner commitments. Any
and Non-Certified DFR-Diesel, in ac- foreign refiner shall commit to and
cordance with the guidelines in 80.127, comply with the provisions contained
and for each vessel selected perform in this paragraph (i) as a condition to
the following: being approved for a temporary refiner
(i) Obtain a commercial document of diesel fuel program option.
general circulation that lists vessel ar- (1) Any United States Environmental
rivals and departures, and that in- Protection Agency inspector or auditor
cludes the port and date of departure of must be given full, complete and imme-
the vessel, and the port of entry and diate access to conduct inspections and
date of arrival of the vessel. audits of the foreign refinery.
(ii) Agree the vessels departure and (i) Inspections and audits may be ei-
arrival locations and dates from the ther announced in advance by EPA, or
independent third party and United unannounced.
States importer reports to the informa- (ii) Access will be provided to any lo-
tion contained in the commercial docu- cation where:
ment. (A) Diesel fuel is produced;
(6) Obtain separate listings of all (B) Documents related to refinery op-
tenders of Non-DFR-Diesel, and per- erations are kept;
form the following: (C) Diesel fuel or blendstock samples
(i) Agree the total volume and sulfur are tested or stored; and
content of tenders from the listings to (D) DFR-Diesel is stored or trans-
the diesel fuel inventory reconciliation ported between the foreign refinery and
analysis in 80.128(b). the United States, including storage
(ii) Obtain a separate listing of the tanks, vessels and pipelines.
tenders under this paragraph (h)(6) (iii) Inspections and audits may be by
where the diesel fuel is loaded onto a EPA employees or contractors to EPA.
marine vessel. Select a sample from (iv) Any documents requested that
this listing in accordance with the are related to matters covered by in-
guidelines in 80.127, and obtain a com- spections and audits must be provided
mercial document of general circula- to an EPA inspector or auditor on re-
tion that lists vessel arrivals and de- quest.
partures, and that includes the port (v) Inspections and audits by EPA
and date of departure and the ports and may include review and copying of any
dates where the diesel fuel was off load- documents related to:
ed for the selected vessels. Determine (A) Refinery baseline establishment,
and report as a finding the country if applicable, including the volume and


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.620

sulfur content; transfers of title or cus- provisions of this section for violations
tody of any diesel fuel or blendstocks of the Clean Air Act or regulations pro-
whether DFR-Diesel or Non-DFR-Die- mulgated thereunder shall be governed
sel, produced at the foreign refinery by the Clean Air Act, including the
during the period January 1, 1998 EPA administrative forum where al-
through the date of the refinery base- lowed under the Clean Air Act.
line petition or through the date of the (4) United States substantive and
inspection or audit if a baseline peti- procedural laws shall apply to any civil
tion has not been approved, and any or criminal enforcement action against
work papers related to refinery base- the foreign refiner or any employee of
line establishment; the foreign refiner related to the provi-
(B) The volume and sulfur content of sions of this section.
DFR-Diesel; (5) Submitting a petition for partici-
(C) The proper classification of diesel pation in the diesel foreign refiner pro-
fuel as being DFR-Diesel or as not gram or producing and exporting diesel
being DFR-Diesel, or as Certified DFR- fuel under any such program, and all
Diesel or as Non-Certified DFR-Diesel, other actions to comply with the re-
or as meeting the 15 ppm sulfur stand- quirements of this subpart relating to
ard under 80.520(a)(1) or the 500 ppm participation in any diesel foreign re-
sulfur standard under 80.520(c); finer program, or to establish an indi-
(D) Transfers of title or custody to vidual refinery motor vehicle diesel
DFR-Diesel; fuel volume baseline (if applicable)
(E) Sampling and testing of DFR-Die- constitute actions or activities that
sel; satisfy the provisions of 28 U.S.C. sec-
(F) Work performed and reports pre- tion 1605(a)(2), but solely with respect
pared by independent third parties and to actions instituted against the for-
by independent auditors under the re- eign refiner, its agents and employees
quirements of this section, including in any court or other tribunal in the
work papers; and United States for conduct that violates
(G) Reports prepared for submission the requirements applicable to the for-
to EPA, and any work papers related to eign refiner under this subpart, includ-
such reports. ing conduct that violates Title 18
(vi) Inspections and audits by EPA U.S.C. section 1001 and Clean Air Act
may include taking samples of diesel section 113(c)(2).
fuel, diesel fuel additives or (6) The foreign refiner, or its agents
blendstock, and interviewing employ- or employees, will not seek to detain or
ees. to impose civil or criminal remedies
(vii) Any employee of the foreign re- against EPA inspectors or auditors,
finer must be made available for inter- whether EPA employees or EPA con-
view by the EPA inspector or auditor, tractors, for actions performed within
on request, within a reasonable time the scope of EPA employment related
period. to the provisions of this section.
(viii) English language translations (7) The commitment required by this
of any documents must be provided to paragraph (i) shall be signed by the
an EPA inspector or auditor, on re- owner or president of the foreign re-
quest, within 10 working days. finer business.
(ix) English language interpreters (8) In any case where DFR-Diesel pro-
must be provided to accompany EPA duced at a foreign refinery is stored or
inspectors and auditors, on request. transported by another company be-
(2) An agent for service of process lo- tween the refinery and the vessel that
cated in the District of Columbia shall transports the DFR-Diesel to the
be named, and service on this agent United States, the foreign refiner shall
constitutes service on the foreign re- obtain from each such other company a
finer or any employee of the foreign re- commitment that meets the require-
finer for any action by EPA or other- ments specified in paragraphs (i)(1)
wise by the United States related to through (7) of this section, and these
the requirements of this subpart. commitments shall be included in the
(3) The forum for any civil or crimi- foreign refiners petition to participate
nal enforcement action related to the in any diesel foreign refiner program .


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80.620 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(j) Sovereign immunity. By submitting (i) Be used to satisfy any judicial

a petition for participation in any die- judgment that results from an adminis-
sel foreign refiner program under this trative or judicial enforcement action
subpart (and baseline, if applicable) for conduct in violation of this subpart,
under this section, or by producing and including where such conduct violates
exporting diesel fuel to the United Title 18 U.S.C. 1001 and Clean Air Act
States under any such program, the section 113(c)(2);
foreign refiner, and its agents and em- (ii) Be provided by a corporate surety
ployees, without exception, become that is listed in the United States De-
subject to the full operation of the ad- partment of Treasury Circular 570
ministrative and judicial enforcement Companies Holding Certificates of Au-
powers and provisions of the United thority as Acceptable Sureties on Fed-
States without limitation based on eral Bonds (available from the De-
sovereign immunity, with respect to partment of Treasury website at http:/
actions instituted against the foreign / or from the Govern-
refiner, its agents and employees in ment Printing Office, phone (202) 512
any court or other tribunal in the 1800); and
United States for conduct that violates (iii) Include a commitment that the
the requirements applicable to the for- bond will remain in effect for at least
eign refiner under this subpart includ- five (5) years following the end of latest
ing conduct that violates Title 18 annual reporting period that the for-
U.S.C. section 1001 and Clean Air Act eign refiner produces motor vehicle
section 113(c)(2). diesel fuel pursuant to the require-
(k) Bond posting. Any foreign refiner ments of this subpart.
shall meet the requirements of this (4) On any occasion a foreign refiner
paragraph (k) as a condition to ap- bond is used to satisfy any judgment,
proval for any diesel foreign refiner the foreign refiner shall increase the
program under this subpart. bond to cover the amount used within
(1) The foreign refiner shall post a 90 days of the date the bond is used.
bond of the amount calculated using (5) If the bond amount for a foreign
the following equation: refiner increases, the foreign refiner
shall increase the bond to cover the
Bond = G $0.01 shortfall within 90 days of the date the
bond amount changes. If the bond
amount decreases, the foreign refiner
Bond = amount of the bond in U.S. dollars.
G = the volume baseline for motor vehicle
may reduce the amount of the bond be-
diesel fuel produced at the foreign refinery ginning 90 days after the date the bond
and exported to the United States, in gal- amount changes.
lons. (l) [Reserved]
(m) English language reports. Any re-
(2) Bonds shall be posted by: port or other document submitted to
(i) Paying the amount of the bond to EPA by a foreign refiner shall be in
the Treasurer of the United States; English language, or shall include an
(ii) Obtaining a bond in the proper English language translation.
amount from a third party surety (n) Prohibitions. (1) No person may
agent that is payable to satisfy United combine Certified DFR-Diesel with any
States administrative or judicial judg- Non-Certified DFR-Diesel or Non-DFR-
ments against the foreign refiner, pro- Diesel, and no person may combine
vided EPA agrees in advance as to the Certified DFR-Diesel with any Cer-
third party and the nature of the sur- tified DFR-Diesel produced at a dif-
ety agreement; or ferent refinery, until the importer has
(iii) An alternative commitment that met all the requirements of paragraph
results in assets of an appropriate li- (o) of this section, except as provided
quidity and value being readily avail- in paragraph (e) of this section.
able to the United States, provided (2) No foreign refiner or other person
EPA agrees in advance as to the alter- may cause another person to commit
native commitment. an action prohibited in paragraph (n)(1)
(3) Bonds posted under this paragraph of this section, or that otherwise vio-
(k) shall: lates the requirements of this section.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.620

(o) United States importer requirements. to off loading any diesel fuel from the
Any United States importer shall meet vessel;
the following requirements: (B) Obtain the compartment samples;
(1) Each batch of imported motor ve- and
hicle diesel fuel shall be classified by (C) Determine the sulfur value of
the importer as being DFR-Diesel or as each compartment sample using the
Non-DFR-Diesel, and each batch classi- methodologies specified in 80.580, by:
fied as DFR-Diesel shall be further (1) The third party analyzing the
classified as Certified DFR-Diesel or as sample; or
Non-certified DFR-Diesel, and each (2) The third party observing the im-
batch of Certified DFR-Diesel shall be porter analyze the sample.
further classified as complying with
(4) Any importer shall submit reports
the 500 ppm motor vehicle diesel fuel
sulfur standard under 80.520(c) or the within thirty days following the date
15 ppm motor vehicle diesel fuel sulfur any vessel transporting DFR-Diesel ar-
standard under 80.520(a)(1). rives at the United States port of
(2) Motor vehicle diesel fuel shall be entry:
classified as Certified DFR-Diesel or as (i) To the Administrator containing
Non-Certified DFR-Diesel according to the information determined under
the designation by the foreign refiner if paragraph (o)(3) of this section; and
this designation is supported by prod- (ii) To the foreign refiner containing
uct transfer documents prepared by the the information determined under
foreign refiner as required in paragraph paragraph (o)(3)(ii) of this section, and
(d) of this section, unless the diesel fuel including identification of the port and
is classified as Non-Certified DFR-Die- Credit Trading Area at which the prod-
sel under paragraph (g) of this section. uct was offloaded.
Additionally, the importer shall com- (5) Any United States importer shall
ply with all requirements of this sub- meet the requirements specified in
part applicable to domestic refiners 80.520, for any imported motor vehicle
subject to any diesel foreign refiner diesel fuel that is not classified as Cer-
program under this subpart. tified DFR-Diesel under paragraph
(3) For each diesel fuel batch classi- (o)(2) of this section.
fied as DFR-Diesel, any United States (p) Truck Imports of Certified DFR-Die-
importer shall perform the following
sel produced at a Foreign Refinery. (1)
Any refiner whose Certified DFR-Diesel
(i) In the case of both Certified and
is transported into the United States
Non-Certified DFR-Diesel, have an
by truck may petition EPA to use al-
independent third party:
ternative procedures to meet the fol-
(A) Determine the volume of diesel
lowing requirements:
fuel in the vessel;
(i) Certification under paragraph
(B) Use the foreign refiners DFR-
(d)(5) of this section;
Diesel certification to determine the
name and EPA-assigned registration (ii) Load port and port of entry sam-
number of the foreign refinery that pling and testing under paragraphs (f)
produced the DFR-Diesel; and (g) of this section;
(C) Determine the name and country (iii) Attest under paragraph (h) of
of registration of the vessel used to this section; and
transport the DFR-Diesel to the United (iv) Importer testing under paragraph
States; and (o)(3) of this section.
(D) Determine the date and time the (2) These alternative procedures must
vessel arrives at the United States port ensure Certified DFR-Diesel remains
of entry. segregated from Non-Certified DFR-
(ii) In the case of Certified DFR-Die- Diesel and from Non-DFR-Diesel until
sel, have an independent third party: it is imported into the United States.
(A) Collect a representative sample The petition will be evaluated based on
from each vessel compartment subse- whether it adequately addresses the
quent to the vessels arrival at the following:
United States port of entry and prior


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80.620 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(i) Provisions for monitoring pipeline (r) Early use of a foreign refiner base-
shipments, if applicable, from the re- line. (1) A foreign refiner may begin
finery, that ensure segregation of Cer- using an individual refinery baseline
tified DFR-Diesel from that refinery before EPA has approved the baseline,
from all other diesel fuel; provided that:
(ii) Contracts with any terminals (i) A baseline petition has been sub-
and/or pipelines that receive and/or mitted as required in paragraph (b) of
transport Certified DFR-Diesel, that this section;
prohibit the commingling of Certified (ii) EPA has made a provisional find-
DFR-Diesel with any of the following: ing that the baseline petition is com-
(A) Other Certified DFR-Diesel from plete;
other refineries. (iii) The foreign refiner has made the
(B) All Non-Certified DFR-Diesel. commitments required in paragraph (i)
(C) All Non-DFR-Diesel; of this section;
(iii) Procedures for obtaining and re- (iv) The persons who will meet the
viewing truck loading records and independent third party and inde-
United States import documents for pendent attest requirements for the
Certified DFR-Diesel to ensure that foreign refinery have made the com-
such diesel fuel is only loaded into mitments required in paragraphs
trucks making deliveries to the United (f)(3)(iii) and (h)(7)(iii) of this section;
States; and
(iv) Attest procedures to be con- (v) The foreign refiner has met the
ducted annually by an independent bond requirements of paragraph (k) of
third party that review loading records this section.
and import documents based on volume (2) In any case where a foreign refiner
reconciliation, or other criteria, to uses an individual refinery baseline be-
confirm that all Certified DFR-Diesel fore final approval under paragraph
remains segregated throughout the dis- (r)(1) of this section, and the foreign re-
tribution system and is only loaded finery baseline values that ultimately
into trucks for import into the United are approved by EPA are more strin-
States. gent than the early baseline values
(3) The petition required by this sec- used by the foreign refiner, the foreign
tion must be submitted to EPA along refiner shall recalculate its compli-
with the application for temporary re- ance, ab initio, using the baseline val-
finer relief individual refinery highway ues approved by the EPA, and the for-
diesel sulfur standard under this sub- eign refiner shall be liable for any re-
part I and this section. sulting violation of the motor vehicle
(q) Withdrawal or suspension of a for- highway diesel fuel requirements.
eign refinerys temporary refinery flexi- (s) Additional requirements for peti-
bility program approval. EPA may with- tions, reports and certificates. Any peti-
draw or suspend a diesel refiner tem- tion for approval to produce motor ve-
porary compliance option diesel fuel hicle diesel fuel subject to the diesel
sulfur program approval for a foreign foreign refiner program, any alter-
refinery where: native procedures under paragraph (p)
(1) A foreign refiner fails to meet any of this section, any report or other sub-
requirement of this section; mission required by paragraph (c),
(2) A foreign government fails to (f)(2), or (i) of this section, and any cer-
allow EPA inspections as provided in tification under paragraph (d)(3) of this
paragraph (i)(1) of this section; section shall be:
(3) A foreign refiner asserts a claim (1) Submitted in accordance with pro-
of, or a right to claim, sovereign immu- cedures specified by the Administrator,
nity in an action to enforce the re- including use of any forms that may be
quirements in this subpart; or specified by the Administrator.
(4) A foreign refiner fails to pay a (2) Be signed by the president or
civil or criminal penalty that is not owner of the foreign refiner company,
satisfied using the foreign refiner bond or by that persons immediate des-
specified in paragraph (k) of this sec- ignee, and shall contain the following
tion. declaration:


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.815
I hereby certify: (1) that I have actual au- pared to that refinerys or importers
thority to sign on behalf of and to bind [in- compliance baseline, where compliance
sert name of foreign refiner] with regard to has been achieved if
all statements contained herein; (2) that I
am aware that the information contained (i) For conventional gasoline, the an-
herein is being certified, or submitted to the nual average toxics value is less than
United States Environmental Protection or equal to the compliance baseline;
Agency, under the requirements of 40 CFR (ii) For reformulated gasoline and
Part 80, subpart I, and that the information RBOB, combined, the annual average
is material for determining compliance toxics value is greater than or equal to
under these regulations; and (3) that I have
read and understand the information being
the compliance baseline.
certified or submitted, and this information (A) Refineries that only produce
is true, complete and correct to the best of RBOB and importers that only import
my knowledge and belief after I have taken RBOB shall treat RBOB as reformu-
reasonable and appropriate steps to verify lated gasoline for the purposes of deter-
the accuracy thereof. mining compliance with the require-
I affirm that I have read and understand ments of this subpart.
the provisions of 40 CFR Part 80, subpart I,
including 40 CFR 80.620 apply to [insert name (B) Refineries that produce both RFG
of foreign refiner]. Pursuant to Clean Air Act and RBOB and importers that import
section 113(c) and Title 18, United States both RFG and RBOB must combine any
Code, section 1001, the penalty for furnishing RFG and RBOB qualities and volumes
false, incomplete or misleading information for the purposes of determining compli-
in this certification or submission is a fine of ance with the requirements of this sub-
up to $10,000 U.S., and/or imprisonment for part.
up to five years.
(2) The requirements under this para-
graph (a) shall be met by the importer
Subpart JGasoline Toxics for all imported gasoline, except gaso-
line imported as Certified Toxics-
FRGAS under 80.1030.
SOURCE: 66 FR 17263, Mar. 29, 2001, unless (b) The gasoline toxics requirements
otherwise noted. of this subpart apply separately for
each of the following types of gasoline
80.80080.805 [Reserved] produced at a refinery or imported:
(1) Reformulated gasoline and RBOB,
80.810 Who shall register with EPA combined;
under the gasoline toxics program?
(2) Conventional gasoline.
(a) Refiners and importers who are (c) Compliance baseline. (1) The com-
registered by EPA under 80.76 are pliance baseline of a refinery or im-
deemed to be registered for purposes of porter is determined in accordance
this subpart. with 80.915 or 80.855, as applicable.
(b) Refiners and importers subject to (2) Refiners who have chosen, under
the standards in 80.815 who are not subpart E of this part, to comply with
registered by EPA under 80.76 shall the requirements of subpart E of this
provide to EPA the information re- part on an aggregate basis, shall com-
quired by 80.76 by October 1, 2001, or ply with the requirements of this sub-
not later than three months in advance part on the same aggregate basis.
of the first date that such person pro-
(d) Compliance determination. (1) The
duces or imports gasoline, whichever is
gasoline toxics performance require-
ments of this subpart apply to gasoline
GASOLINE TOXICS PERFORMANCE produced at a refinery or imported by
REQUIREMENTS an importer during each calendar year
starting January 1, 2002. The averaging
80.815 What are the gasoline toxics period is January 1 through December
performance requirements for re- 31 of each year.
finers and importers? (2) The annual average toxics value is
(a)(1) The gasoline toxics perform- calculated in accordance with 80.825.
ance requirements of this subpart re- (e) Deficit carryforward. (1) A refinery
quire that the annual average toxics or importer creates a toxics deficit,
value of a refinery or importer be com- separately for reformulated gasoline


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80.820 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

and conventional gasoline, for a given set a toxics deficit created under this
averaging period, when subpart.
(i) For conventional gasoline, its an-
nual average toxics value is greater 80.820 What gasoline is subject to the
toxics performance requirements of
than the compliance baseline; this subpart?
(ii) For reformulated gasoline and
RBOB, combined, the annual average For the purpose of this subpart, all
toxics value is less than the compli- reformulated gasoline, conventional
ance baseline. gasoline and RBOB, collectively called
(2) In the calendar year following the gasoline unless otherwise specified,
year the toxics deficit is created, the is subject to the requirements under
refinery or importer shall: this subpart, as applicable, with the
following exceptions:
(i) Achieve compliance with the re-
(a) Gasoline that is used to fuel air-
finery or importer toxics performance
craft, racing vehicles or racing boats
requirement specified in paragraph (a)
that are used only in sanctioned racing
of this section; and
events, provided that:
(ii) Generate additional toxics credits (1) Product transfer documents asso-
sufficient to offset the toxics deficit of ciated with such gasoline, and any
the previous year. pump stand from which such gasoline
(f) Credit carryforward. (1) A refinery is dispensed, identify the gasoline ei-
or importer generates toxics credits, ther as gasoline that is restricted for
separately for reformulated gasoline use in aircraft, or as gasoline that is
and conventional gasoline, for a given restricted for use in racing motor vehi-
averaging period, when cles or racing boats that are used only
(i) For conventional gasoline, its an- in sanctioned racing events;
nual average toxics value is less than (2) The gasoline is completely seg-
the compliance baseline; regated from all other gasoline
(ii) For reformulated gasoline and throughout production, distribution
RBOB, combined, the annual average and sale to the ultimate consumer; and
toxics value is greater than the compli- (3) The gasoline is not made available
ance baseline. for use as motor vehicle gasoline, or
(2) Toxics credits may be used to off- dispensed for use in motor vehicles, ex-
set a toxics deficit in the calendar year cept for motor vehicles used only in
following the year the credits are gen- sanctioned racing events.
erated, provided the following criteria (b) Gasoline that is exported for sale
are met: outside the U.S.
(i) Reformulated gasoline toxics cred- (c) Gasoline designated as California
its are only to be used to offset a refor- gasoline under 80.845, and used in Cali-
mulated gasoline toxics deficit; con- fornia.
ventional gasoline credits are only to (d) Gasoline used in American
be used to offset a conventional gaso- Samoa, Guam and the Commonwealth
line toxics deficit. of the Northern Mariana Islands.
(ii) A refiner only offsets a toxics def- (e) Gasoline exempt per 80.995.
icit at a refinery with toxics credits (f) Gasoline exempt per 80.1000.
generated by that refinery.
80.825 How is the refinery or im-
(iii) Credits generated on an aggre- porter annual average toxics value
gate basis may only be used to offset a determined?
deficit calculated on an aggregate
basis. (a) The refinery or importer annual
average toxics value is calculated as
(iv) Credits used to offset a deficit
from the previous year may not also be
carried forward to the following year. n
Credits in excess of those used to offset
a deficit from the previous year may be (Vi Ti )
i =1
used to offset a deficit in the following Ta = n
(v) Only toxics credits generated
under this subpart may be used to off- i =1


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.845

Where: (4) Gasoline that has been included in

Ta = The refinery or importer annual the compliance calculations for an-
average toxics value, as applicable. other refinery or importer; and
Vi = The volume of applicable gasoline (5) Gasoline exempted from standards
produced or imported in batch i. under 80.820.
Ti = The toxics value of batch i.
n = The number of batches of gasoline 80.830 What requirements apply to
produced or imported during the oxygenate blenders?
averaging period. Oxygenate blenders who blend oxy-
i = Individual batch of gasoline pro- genate into gasoline downstream of the
duced or imported during the aver- refinery that produced the gasoline or
aging period. the import facility where the gasoline
(b) The calculation specified in para- was imported are not subject to the re-
graph (a) of this section shall be made quirements of this subpart applicable
separately for each type of gasoline to refiners for this gasoline.
specified at 80.815(b).
(c) The toxics value, Ti, of each batch 80.835 What requirements apply to
of gasoline is determined using the butane blenders?
Phase II Complex Model specified at Butane blenders who blend butane
80.45. into gasoline downstream of the refin-
(1) The toxics value, Ti, of each batch ery that produced the gasoline or the
of reformulated gasoline or RBOB, and import facility where the gasoline was
the annual average toxics value, Ta, for imported are not subject to the re-
reformulated gasoline and RBOB, com- quirements of this subpart applicable
bined, under this subpart are in percent to refiners for this gasoline.
reduction from the statutory baseline
described in 80.45(b) and volumes are 80.840 [Reserved]
in gallons.
(2) The toxics value, Ti, of each batch 80.845 What requirements apply to
of conventional gasoline, and the an- California gasoline?
nual average toxics value, Ta, for con- (a) Definition. For purposes of this
ventional gasoline under this subpart subpart California gasoline means
are in milligrams per mile (mg/mile) any gasoline designated by the refiner
and volumes are in gallons. or importer as for use in California.
(d) All refinery or importer annual (b) California gasoline exemption. Cali-
average toxics value calculations shall fornia gasoline that complies with all
be conducted to two decimal places. the requirements of this section is ex-
(e) A refiner or importer may include empt from all other provisions of this
oxygenate added downstream from the subpart.
refinery or import facility when calcu-
(c) Requirements for California gaso-
lating the toxics value, provided the
line. (1) Each batch of California gaso-
following requirements are met:
line shall be designated as such by its
(1) For oxygenate added to conven-
refiner or importer.
tional gasoline, the refiner or importer
shall comply with the requirements of (2) [Reserved]
80.101(d)(4)(ii). (3) Designated California gasoline
(2) For oxygenate added to RBOB, the must ultimately be used in the State of
refiner or importer shall comply with California and not used elsewhere.
the requirements of 80.69(a). (4) In the case of California gasoline
(f) Gasoline excluded. Refiners and im- produced outside the State of Cali-
porters shall exclude from compliance fornia, the transferors and transferees
calculations all of the following: shall meet the product transfer docu-
(1) Gasoline that was not produced at ment requirements under 80.81(g).
the refinery; (5) Gasoline that is ultimately used
(2) In the case of an importer, gaso- in any part of the United States out-
line that was imported as Certified side of the State of California shall
Toxics-FRGAS under 80.1030; comply with the standards and require-
(3) Blending stocks transferred to ments of this subpart, regardless of any
others; designation as California gasoline.


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80.850 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

80.850 How is the compliance base- period between January 1, 1998 and De-
line determined? cember 31, 2000, inclusive, shall have
(a) The compliance baseline to which the following as its compliance base-
annual average toxics values are com- line for the purposes of this subpart:
pared according to 80.815(a) is cal- (i) For conventional gasoline, 94.64
culated according to the following mg/mile.
equation: (ii) For reformulated gasoline, 26.71
percent reduction from statutory base-
TBase VBase + TExist Vinc line.
TCBase =
VBase + Vinc (2) By October 31, 2001, EPA will re-
vise by regulation the default baseline
Where: values specified in paragraph (b)(1) of
TCBase = Compliance baseline toxics this section to reflect the final 1998
value. 2000 average toxics values.
TBase = Baseline toxics value for the re-
finery or importer, calculated ac- 80.86080.905 [Reserved]
cording to 80.915(b)(1).
VBase = Baseline volume for the refinery BASELINE DETERMINATION
or importer, calculated according
to 80.915(b)(2). 80.910 How does a refiner or im-
TExist = Existing toxics standard, per porter apply for a toxics baseline?
paragraph (b) of this section. (a) A refiner or importer shall submit
Vinc = Volume of gasoline produced dur- an application to EPA which includes
ing the averaging period in excess the information required under para-
of VBase. graph (c) of this section no later than
(b) The value of existing toxics stand- June 30, 2001 or 3 months prior to the
ard, TExist, is equal to: first introduction of gasoline into com-
(1) 21.5 percent, for reformulated gas- merce from the refinery or by the im-
oline and RBOB, combined; porter, whichever is later.
(2) The refinerys or importers anti- (b) The toxics baseline request shall
dumping compliance baseline value for be sent to: U.S. EPA, Attn: Toxics Pro-
exhaust toxics, in mg/mi, per 80.101(f), gram (6406J), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.,
for conventional gasoline. NW, Washington, DC 20460. For com-
(c) If the refinery or importer pro- mercial (non-postal) delivery: U.S.
duced less gasoline during the compli- EPA, Attn: Toxics Program, 501 3rd
ance period than its baseline volume Street NW, Washington, DC 20001.
VBase, the value of Vinc will be zero. (c) The toxics baseline application
shall include the following informa-
80.855 What is the compliance base-
line for refineries or importers with tion:
insufficient data? (1) A listing of the names and ad-
dresses of all refineries owned by the
(a) A refinery or importer shall use
company for which the refiner is apply-
the methodology specified in this sec-
ing for a toxics baseline, or the name
tion for determining a compliance
and address of the importer applying
baseline if it cannot determine an ap-
plicable toxics value for every batch of for a toxics baseline.
gasoline produced or imported for 12 or (2) For each refinery and importer
more consecutive months during Janu- (i) The baseline toxics value for each
ary 1, 1998 through December 31, 2000. type of gasoline, per 80.815(b), cal-
(b)(1) A refinery or importer that culated in accordance with 80.915;
cannot determine an applicable toxics (ii) The baseline toxics volume for
value on every batch of gasoline pro- each type of gasoline, per 80.815(b),
duced or imported for 12 or more con- calculated in accordance with 80.915;
secutive months during the period Jan- (iii) For those with insufficient data
uary 1, 1998 through December 31, 2000 pursuant to 80.855, a statement that
or a refinery or importer that did not the refinerys or importers baseline
produce or import reformulated gaso- toxics value is the default compliance
line and/or RBOB (combined) or con- baseline specified at 80.855(b), and
ventional gasoline or both during the that its baseline toxics volume is zero.


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.915

(3) A letter signed by the president, finery or importer petitions EPA to ex-
chief operating or chief executive offi- clude such data on the basis of data
cer, of the company, or his/her dele- quality, per 80.91(d)(6), and receives
gate, stating that the information con- permission from EPA to exclude such
tained in the toxics baseline deter- data.
mination is true to the best of his/her (b)(1) A refinerys or importers base-
knowledge. line toxics value is calculated using
(4) Name, address, phone number, fac- the following equation:
simile number and E-mail address of a
company contact person. n
(5) The following information for
each batch of gasoline produced or im-
(Vi Ti )
i =1
ported during the period 19982000, sep- TBase = n
arately for each type of gasoline listed
at 80.815(b):
i =1
(i) Batch number assigned to the
batch under 80.65(d) or 80.101(i); Where:
(ii) Volume; and TBase = Baseline toxics value.
(iii) Applicable toxics value deter- Vi = Volume of gasoline batch i pro-
mined as specified at 80.915(c). duced or imported between January
(d) Foreign refiners shall follow the 1, 1998 and December 31, 2000, inclu-
procedures specified in 80.1030(b) to es- sive.
tablish individual toxics baseline val- Ti = Toxics value of gasoline batch i
ues for a foreign refinery. produced or imported between Jan-
(e) By October 31, 2001, or 4 months uary 1, 1998 and December 31, 2000,
after the submission date, whichever is inclusive.
later, EPA will notify the submitter of i = Individual batch of gasoline pro-
approval of its toxics baseline. duced or imported between January
(f) If at any time the baseline sub- 1, 1998 and December 31, 2000, inclu-
mitted in accordance with the require- sive.
ments of this section is determined to n = Total number of batches of gasoline
be incorrect, the corrected baseline ap- produced or imported between Jan-
plies ab initio and the annual average uary 1, 1998 and December 31, 2000,
toxics requirements are deemed to be inclusive.
those applicable under the corrected M = Compliance margin.
(2) A refinerys or importers baseline
80.915 How are the baseline toxics toxics volume is calculated using the
value and baseline toxics volume following equation:
(a)(1) A refinery or importer shall use
the methodology specified in this sec-
i =1
tion for determining a baseline toxics Vbase =
value if it can determine an applicable Y
toxics value for every batch of gasoline
produced or imported for 12 or more
consecutive months during January 1, Vbase = Baseline toxics volume.
1998 through December 31, 2000. Vi = Volume of gasoline batch i pro-
(2) The determination in paragraph duced or imported between January
(a)(1) of this section is made separately 1, 1998 and December 31, 2000, inclu-
for each type of gasoline listed at sive.
80.815(b) produced or imported be- i = Individual batch of gasoline pro-
tween January 1, 1998 and December 31, duced or imported between January
2000, inclusive. 1, 1998 and December 31, 2000, inclu-
(3) All consecutive and non-consecu- sive.
tive batch toxics measurements be- n = Total number of batches of gasoline
tween January 1, 1998 and December 31, produced or imported between Jan-
2000, inclusive, are to be included in the uary 1, 1998 and December 31, 2000,
baseline determination, unless the re- inclusive.


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80.92080.980 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

Y = Number of years between 1998 and tions, used to determine the adjusted
2000, inclusive, during some or all values.
of which the refinery produced, or (h) The compliance margin, M, that
the importer imported, gasoline. will be added to the toxics baseline cal-
(c) The calculation specified in para- culated according to paragraph (a) of
graph (b) of this section shall be made this section shall be equal to:
separately for each type of gasoline (1) 0.7% for reformulated gasoline
listed at 80.815(b). or RBOB;
(2) 2.5 mg/mile for conventional gaso-
(d) The toxics value, Ti, of each batch
of gasoline is determined using the
Phase II Complex Model specified at 80.92080.980 [Reserved]
(1) The toxics value, Ti, of each batch RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING
of reformulated gasoline or RBOB, and REQUIREMENTS
the baseline toxics value, TBase, for re-
formulated gasoline and RBOB, com- 80.985 What records shall be kept?
bined, under this subpart are in percent (a) The recordkeeping requirements
reduction from the statutory baseline specified under 80.74 applicable to re-
defined in 40 CFR 80.45(b) and volumes finers and importers of reformulated
are in gallons. gasoline, RBOB and/or conventional
(2) The toxics value, Ti, of each batch gasoline apply under this subpart, how-
of conventional gasoline, and the base- ever, duplicate records are not re-
line toxics value, TBase, for conven- quired.
tional gasoline under this subpart are (b) Additional records that refiners and
in milligrams per mile (mg/mile) and importers shall keep. Beginning January
volumes are in gallons. 1, 2002, any refiner for each of its refin-
(e) All refinery or importer baseline eries, and any importer for the gasoline
toxics value calculations shall be con- it imports, shall keep records that in-
ducted to two decimal places. clude the following information:
(f) Any refinery for which oxygenate (1) The calculations used to deter-
blended downstream was included in mine the applicable compliance base-
line under 80.915.
compliance calculations for 19982000,
(2) The calculations used to deter-
pursuant to 80.65 or 80.101(d)(4), shall
mine compliance with the applicable
include this oxygenate in the baseline
toxics requirements per 80.815.
calculations for toxics value under
(3) A copy of all reports submitted to
paragraph (a) of this section.
EPA under 80.990, however, duplicate
(g) Baseline adjustment. (1) A toxics records are not required.
baseline determined differently than (c) Additional records importers shall
described in paragraphs (a) through (e) keep. Any importer shall keep records
of this section may be allowed upon pe- that identify and verify the source of
tition by the refiner or importer and each batch of Certified Toxics-FRGAS
approval by the Administrator or des- and Non-Certified Toxics-FRGAS im-
ignee. The petition must be included ported and demonstrate compliance
with the baseline submittal under with the requirements for importers
80.910. under 80.1030(o).
(2) A toxics baseline adjustment peti- (d) Length of time records shall be kept.
tion shall, at minimum, be accom- The records required in this section
panied by: shall be kept for five years from the
(i) Unadjusted and adjusted baseline date they were created.
fuel parameters, applicable toxics val- (e) Make records available to EPA. On
ues, and volumes; and request by EPA the records required in
(ii) A narrative describing how the paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this sec-
circumstances during 19982000 materi- tion shall be provided to the Adminis-
ally affected the baseline toxics value trators authorized representative. For
calculated under paragraph (a) of this records that are electronically gen-
section. The narrative shall also de- erated or maintained the equipment
scribe and show the calculations, and and software necessary to read the
the reasoning supporting the calcula- records shall be made available, or


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.1015

upon approval by EPA, electronic finer or importer, for a brief period, to

records shall be converted to paper doc- not meet the requirements of this sub-
uments which shall be provided to the part, separately for reformulated gaso-
Administrators authorized representa- line (and RBOB, combined) and conven-
tive. tional gasoline, provided the refiner or
importer meets all the criteria, re-
80.990 What are the toxics reporting quirements and conditions contained in
requirements? 80.73 (a) through (e).
Beginning with the 2002 averaging pe-
riod, and continuing for each averaging 80.1000 What are the requirements
period thereafter, any refiner or im- for obtaining an exemption for gas-
porter shall submit to EPA the infor- oline used for research, develop-
ment or testing purposes?
mation required in this section, and
such other information as EPA may re- Gasoline used for research, develop-
quire. ment or testing purposes is exempt
(a) Refiner and importer annual re- from the requirements of this subpart
ports. Any refiner, for each of its refin- if it is exempted for these purposes
eries and/or aggregate(s) of refineries, under the reformulated and conven-
and any importer for the gasoline it tional gasoline programs, as applica-
imports, shall: ble.
(1) Include in its reformulated gaso-
line toxics emissions performance aver- VIOLATION PROVISIONS
aging report per 80.75(e) the compli-
80.1005 What acts are prohibited
ance baseline and incremental volume, under the gasoline toxics program?
Vinc, for its reformulated gasoline and
RBOB, combined, per 80.850. No person shall:
(2) Include in its conventional gaso- (a) Averaging violation. Produce or
line report per 80.105 the compliance import gasoline subject to this subpart
baseline and incremental volume, Vinc, that does not comply with the applica-
for its conventional gasoline per ble toxics requirement under 80.815.
80.850. (b) Causing an averaging use violation.
(3) Exclude Certified Toxics-FRGAS Cause another person to commit an act
under 80.1030, if an importer. in violation of paragraph (a) of this
(b) Additional reporting requirements section.
for importers. Any importer shall report
the following information for Toxics- 80.1010 [Reserved]
FRGAS imported during the averaging 80.1015 Who is liable for violations
period: under the gasoline toxics program?
(1) The EPA refiner and refinery reg-
istration numbers of each foreign re- (a) Persons liable for violations of pro-
finer and refinery where the Certified hibited acts(1) Averaging violation. Any
Toxics-FRGAS was produced; and person who violates 80.1005(a) is liable
(2) The total gallons of Certified for the violation.
Toxics-FRGAS and Non-Certified (2) Causing an averaging violation. Any
Toxics-FRGAS imported from each for- person who causes another party to
eign refiner and refinery. violate 80.1005(a), is liable for a viola-
tion of 80.1005(b).
EXEMPTIONS (3) Parent corporation liability. Any
parent corporation is liable for any vio-
80.995 What if a refiner or importer lations of this subpart that are com-
is unable to produce gasoline con- mitted by any of its wholly-owned sub-
forming to the requirements of this sidiaries.
subpart? (b) Persons liable for failure to meet
In appropriate extreme and unusual other provisions of this subpart. (1) Any
circumstances (e.g., natural disaster or person who fails to meet a provision of
Act of God) which are clearly outside this subpart not addressed in para-
the control of the refiner or importer graph (a) of this section is liable for a
and which could not have been avoided violation of that provision.
by the exercise of prudence, diligence, (2) Any person who causes another
and due care, EPA may permit a re- party to fail to meet a requirement of


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80.1020 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

this subpart not addressed in para- States, and gasoline produced at a for-
graph (a) of this section, is liable for eign refinery with an individual toxics
causing a violation of that provision. baseline during a year when the foreign
refiner has opted to not participate in
80.1020 [Reserved] the Toxics-FRGAS program under
paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
80.1025 What penalties apply under
this subpart? (5) Certified Toxics-FRGAS means
Toxics-FRGAS the foreign refiner in-
(a) Any person liable for a violation tends to include in the foreign refin-
under 80.1015 is subject to civil pen- erys toxics compliance calculations
alties as specified in sections 205 and under 80.825, and does include in these
211(d) of the Clean Air Act for every compliance calculations when reported
day of each such violation and the to EPA.
amount of economic benefit or savings (6) Non-Certified Toxics-FRGAS means
resulting from each violation. Toxics-FRGAS that is not Certified
(b) Any person liable under Toxics-FRGAS.
80.1015(a) for a violation of the appli- (b) Baseline establishment. Any foreign
cable toxics requirements or causing refiner may submit a petition to the
another party to violate the require- Administrator for an individual refin-
ments during any averaging period, is ery toxics baseline pursuant to 80.915
subject to a separate day of violation for all gasoline that was produced at
for each and every day in the averaging the foreign refinery and imported into
period. the United States between January 1,
(c) Any person liable under 80.1015(b) 1998 and December 31, 2000.
for failure to meet, or causing a failure (1) The refiner shall follow the proce-
to meet, a provision of this subpart is dures specified in 80.91 through 80.93
liable for a separate day of violation to establish an anti-dumping baseline,
for each and every day such provision if it does not already have such a base-
remains unfulfilled. line.
PROVISIONS FOR FOREIGN REFINERS (2) In making determinations for for-
WITH INDIVIDUAL TOXICS BASELINES eign refinery baselines, EPA will con-
sider all information supplied by a for-
80.1030 What are the requirements eign refiner, and in addition may rely
for gasoline produced at foreign re- on any and all appropriate assumptions
fineries having individual refiner necessary to make such determina-
toxics baselines? tions.
(a) Definitions. (1) A foreign refinery is (3)(i) Where a foreign refiner submits
a refinery that is located outside the a petition that is incomplete or inad-
United States, the Commonwealth of equate to establish an accurate toxics
Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, baseline, and the refiner fails to cure
American Samoa, and the Common- this defect after a request for more in-
wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands formation, EPA will not assign an indi-
(collectively referred to in this section vidual refinery toxics baseline.
as the United States). (ii) If a foreign refiner does not al-
(2) A foreign refiner is a person who ready have an anti-dumping individual
meets the definition of refiner under baseline per 80.94, and if pursuant to
80.2(i) for a foreign refinery. 80.94(b)(5) EPA does not assign an in-
(3) Toxics-FRGAS means gasoline pro- dividual anti-dumping baseline, EPA
duced at a foreign refinery that has will also not assign an individual refin-
been assigned an individual refinery ery toxics baseline.
toxics baseline under 80.915 and that (c) General requirements for foreign re-
is imported into the U.S. finers with individual refinery toxics base-
(4) Non-Toxics-FRGAS means gasoline lines. A foreign refiner of a refinery
that is produced at a foreign refinery that has been assigned an individual
that has not been assigned an indi- toxics baseline according to 80.915
vidual refinery toxics baseline, gaso- shall designate all gasoline produced at
line produced at a foreign refinery with the foreign refinery that is exported to
an individual refinery toxics baseline the United States as either Certified
that is not imported into the United Toxics-FRGAS or as Non-Certified


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.1030

Toxics-FRGAS, except as provided in quirements of this section. Duplicate

paragraph (c)(3) of this section. submissions are not required.
(1) In the case of Certified Toxics- (d) Designation, product transfer docu-
FRGAS, the foreign refiner shall meet ments, and foreign refiner certification.
all provisions that apply to refiners (1) Any foreign refiner of a foreign re-
under this subpart J. finery that has been assigned an indi-
(2) In the case of Non-Certified vidual toxics baseline shall designate
Toxics-FRGAS, the foreign refiner each batch of Toxics-FRGAS as such at
shall meet all the following provisions, the time the gasoline is produced, un-
except the foreign refiner shall use the less the refiner has elected to classify
name Non-Certified Toxics-FRGAS in- no gasoline exported to the United
stead of the names reformulated gaso- States as Toxics-FRGAS under para-
line or RBOB wherever they appear graph (c)(3)(i) of this section.
in the following provisions: (2) On each occasion when any person
(i) The designation requirements in transfers custody or title to any
this section. Toxics-FRGAS prior to its being im-
(ii) The recordkeeping requirements ported into the United States, it shall
under 80.985. include the following information as
(iii) The reporting requirements in part of the product transfer document
80.990 and this section. information in this section:
(iv) The product transfer document (i) Identification of the gasoline as
requirements in this section. Certified Toxics-FRGAS or as Non-Cer-
(v) The prohibitions in this section tified Toxics-FRGAS; and
and 80.1005. (ii) The name and EPA refinery reg-
(vi) The independent audit require- istration number of the refinery where
ments under 80.1035, paragraph (h) of the Toxics-FRGAS was produced.
this section, 80.125 through 80.127, (3) On each occasion when Toxics-
80.128(a), (b), (c), (g) through (i), and FRGAS is loaded onto a vessel or other
80.130. transportation mode for transport to
(3)(i) Any foreign refiner that has the United States, the foreign refiner
been assigned an individual toxics shall prepare a written verification for
baseline for a foreign refinery under each batch of the Toxics-FRGAS that
80.915 may elect to classify no gaso- meets the following requirements:
line imported into the United States as (i) The verification shall include the
Toxics-FRGAS, provided the foreign re-
report of the independent third party
finer notifies EPA of the election no
under paragraph (f) of this section, and
later than November 1 of the prior cal-
the following additional information:
endar year.
(A) The name and EPA registration
(ii) An election under paragraph
number of the refinery that produced
(c)(3)(i) of this section shall:
the Toxics-FRGAS;
(A) Apply to an entire calendar year
averaging period, and apply to all gaso- (B) The identification of the gasoline
line produced during the calendar year as Certified Toxics-FRGAS or Non-Cer-
at the foreign refinery that is used in tified Toxics-FRGAS;
the United States; and (C) The volume of Toxics-FRGAS
(B) Remain in effect for each suc- being transported, in gallons;
ceeding calendar year averaging pe- (D) In the case of Certified Toxics-
riod, unless and until the foreign re- FRGAS:
finer notifies EPA of a termination of (1) The toxics value as determined
the election. The change in election under paragraph (f) of this section; and
shall take effect at the beginning of (2) A declaration that the Toxics-
the next calendar year. FRGAS is being included in the compli-
(4) In the case of information re- ance calculations under 80.825 for the
quired under this section which would refinery that produced the Toxics-
duplicate information submitted in ac- FRGAS.
cordance with 80.94, the refiner may (ii) The verification shall be made
indicate that such information is also part of the product transfer documents
submitted in accordance with the re- for the Toxics-FRGAS.


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80.1030 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

(e) Transfers of Toxics-FRGAS to non- parture of the vessel from the port
United States markets. The foreign re- serving the foreign refinery;
finer is responsible to ensure that all (ii) Prepare a volume-weighted vessel
gasoline classified as Toxics-FRGAS is composite sample from the compart-
imported into the United States. A for- ment samples, and determine the value
eign refiner may remove the Toxics- for toxics using the methodology speci-
FRGAS classification, and the gasoline fied in 80.730 by:
need not be imported into the United (A) The third party analyzing the
States, but only if: sample; or
(1)(i) The foreign refiner excludes: (B) The third party observing the for-
(A) The volume of gasoline from the eign refiner analyze the sample;
refinerys compliance calculations (iii) Review original documents that
under 80.825; and reflect movement and storage of the
(B) In the case of Certified Toxics- Certified Toxics-FRGAS from the re-
FRGAS, the volume and toxics value of finery to the load port, and from this
the gasoline from the compliance cal- review determine:
culations under 80.825. (A) The refinery at which the Toxics-
(ii) The exclusions under paragraph FRGAS was produced; and
(e)(1)(i) of this section shall be on the (B) That the Toxics-FRGAS remained
basis of the toxics value and volumes segregated from:
determined under paragraph (f) of this (1) Non-Toxics-FRGAS and Non-Cer-
section; and tified Toxics-FRGAS; and
(2) The foreign refiner obtains suffi- (2) Other Certified Toxics-FRGAS
cient evidence in the form of docu- produced at a different refinery.
mentation that the gasoline was not (3) The independent third party shall
imported into the United States. submit a report:
(i) To the foreign refiner containing
(f) Load port independent sampling,
the information required under para-
testing and refinery identification. (1) On
graphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section, to
each occasion Toxics-FRGAS is loaded
accompany the product transfer docu-
onto a vessel for transport to the
ments for the vessel; and
United States a foreign refiner shall
(ii) To the Administrator containing
have an independent third party:
the information required under para-
(i) Inspect the vessel prior to loading
graphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section,
and determine the volume of any tank
within thirty days following the date
of the independent third partys inspec-
(ii) Determine the volume of Toxics- tion. This report shall include a de-
FRGAS loaded onto the vessel (exclu- scription of the method used to deter-
sive of any tank bottoms present be- mine the identity of the refinery at
fore vessel loading); which the gasoline was produced, as-
(iii) Obtain the EPA-assigned reg- surance that the gasoline remained
istration number of the foreign refin- segregated as specified in paragraph
ery; (n)(1) of this section, and a description
(iv) Determine the name and country of the gasolines movement and storage
of registration of the vessel used to between production at the source refin-
transport the Toxics-FRGAS to the ery and vessel loading.
United States; and (4) The independent third party shall:
(v) Determine the date and time the (i) Be approved in advance by EPA,
vessel departs the port serving the for- based on a demonstration of ability to
eign refinery. perform the procedures required in this
(2) On each occasion Certified Toxics- paragraph (f);
FRGAS is loaded onto a vessel for (ii) Be independent under the criteria
transport to the United States a for- specified in 80.65(e)(2)(iii); and
eign refiner shall have an independent (iii) Sign a commitment that con-
third party: tains the provisions specified in para-
(i) Collect a representative sample of graph (i) of this section with regard to
the Certified Toxics-FRGAS from each activities, facilities and documents rel-
vessel compartment subsequent to evant to compliance with the require-
loading on the vessel and prior to de- ments of this paragraph (f).


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.1030

(g) Comparison of load port and port of gasoline types listed in 80.128(b) and
entry testing. (1)(i) Except as described (c).
in paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this section, (2) Obtain separate listings of all
any foreign refiner and any United tenders of Certified Toxics-FRGAS, and
States importer of Certified Toxics- of Non-Certified Toxics-FRGAS. Agree
FRGAS shall compare the results from the total volume of tenders from the
the load port testing under paragraph listings to the gasoline inventory rec-
(f) of this section, with the port of onciliation analysis in 80.128(b), and
entry testing as reported under para- to the volumes determined by the third
graph (o) of this section, for the vol- party under paragraph (f)(1) of this sec-
ume of gasoline and the toxics value. tion.
(ii) Where a vessel transporting Cer- (3) For each tender under paragraph
tified Toxics-FRGAS off loads this gas- (h)(2) of this section where the gasoline
oline at more than one United States is loaded onto a marine vessel, report
port of entry, and the conditions of as a finding the name and country of
paragraph (g)(2)(i) of this section are registration of each vessel, and the vol-
met at the first United States port of umes of Toxics-FRGAS loaded onto
entry, the requirements of paragraph each vessel.
(g)(2) of this section do not apply at (4) Select a sample from the list of
subsequent ports of entry if the United vessels identified in paragraph (h)(3) of
States importer obtains a certification this section used to transport Certified
from the vessel owner, that meets the Toxics-FRGAS, in accordance with the
requirements of paragraph (s) of this guidelines in 80.127, and for each ves-
section, that the vessel has not loaded sel selected perform the following:
any gasoline or blendstock between the (i) Obtain the report of the inde-
first United States port of entry and pendent third party, under paragraph
the subsequent port of entry. (f) of this section, and of the United
States importer under paragraph (o) of
(2)(i) The requirements of this para-
this section.
graph (g)(2) apply if:
(A) Agree the information in these
(A) The temperature-corrected vol-
reports with regard to vessel identifica-
umes determined at the port of entry tion, gasoline volumes and test results.
and at the load port differ by more (B) Identify, and report as a finding,
than one percent; or each occasion the load port and port of
(B) The toxics value determined at entry parameter and volume results
the port of entry is higher than the differ by more than the amounts al-
toxics value determined at the load lowed in paragraph (g) of this section,
port, and the amount of this difference and determine whether the foreign re-
is greater than the reproducibility finer adjusted its refinery calculations
amount specified for the port of entry as required in paragraph (g) of this sec-
test result by the American Society of tion.
Testing and Materials (ASTM). (ii) Obtain the documents used by the
(ii) The United States importer and independent third party to determine
the foreign refiner shall treat the gaso- transportation and storage of the Cer-
line as Non-Certified Toxics-FRGAS, tified Toxics-FRGAS from the refinery
and the foreign refiner shall exclude to the load port, under paragraph (f) of
the gasoline volume and properties this section. Obtain tank activity
from its gasoline toxics compliance records for any storage tank where the
calculations under 80.825. Certified Toxics-FRGAS is stored, and
(h) Attest requirements. The following pipeline activity records for any pipe-
additional procedures shall be carried line used to transport the Certified
out by any foreign refiner of Toxics- Toxics-FRGAS, prior to being loaded
FRGAS as part of the applicable attest onto the vessel. Use these records to
engagement for each foreign refinery determine whether the Certified
under 80.1035: Toxics-FRGAS was produced at the re-
(1) The inventory reconciliation anal- finery that is the subject of the attest
ysis under 80.128(b) and the tender engagement, and whether the Certified
analysis under 80.128(c) shall include Toxics-FRGAS was mixed with any
Non-Toxics-FRGAS in addition to the Non-Certified Toxics-FRGAS, Non-


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80.1030 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

Toxics-FRGAS, or any Certified graph (i) of this section with regard to

Toxics-FRGAS produced at a different activities and documents relevant to
refinery. compliance with the requirements of
(5) Select a sample from the list of 80.125 through 80.130, 80.1035 and this
vessels identified in paragraph (h)(3) of paragraph (h).
this section used to transport Certified (i) Foreign refiner commitments. Any
and Non-Certified Toxics-FRGAS, in foreign refiner shall commit to and
accordance with the guidelines in comply with the provisions contained
80.127, and for each vessel selected in this paragraph (i) as a condition to
perform the following: being assigned an individual refinery
(i) Obtain a commercial document of toxics baseline.
general circulation that lists vessel ar- (1) Any United States Environmental
rivals and departures, and that in- Protection Agency inspector or auditor
cludes the port and date of departure of will be given full, complete and imme-
the vessel, and the port of entry and diate access to conduct inspections and
date of arrival of the vessel. audits of the foreign refinery.
(ii) Agree the vessels departure and (i) Inspections and audits may be ei-
arrival locations and dates from the ther announced in advance by EPA, or
independent third party and United unannounced.
States importer reports to the informa- (ii) Access will be provided to any lo-
tion contained in the commercial docu- cation where:
ment. (A) Gasoline is produced;
(6) Obtain separate listings of all
(B) Documents related to refinery op-
tenders of Non-Toxics-FRGAS, and per-
erations are kept;
form the following:
(C) Gasoline or blendstock samples
(i) Agree the total volume of tenders
are tested or stored; and
from the listings to the gasoline inven-
tory reconciliation analysis in (D) Toxics-FRGAS is stored or trans-
80.128(b). ported between the foreign refinery and
(ii) Obtain a separate listing of the the United States, including storage
tenders under this paragraph (h)(6) tanks, vessels and pipelines.
where the gasoline is loaded onto a ma- (iii) Inspections and audits may be by
rine vessel. Select a sample from this EPA employees or contractors to EPA.
listing in accordance with the guide- (iv) Any documents requested that
lines in 80.127, and obtain a commer- are related to matters covered by in-
cial document of general circulation spections and audits will be provided to
that lists vessel arrivals and depar- an EPA inspector or auditor on re-
tures, and that includes the port and quest.
date of departure and the ports and (v) Inspections and audits by EPA
dates where the gasoline was off loaded may include review and copying of any
for the selected vessels. Determine and documents related to:
report as a finding the country where (A) Refinery baseline establishment,
the gasoline was off loaded for each including the volume and toxics value,
vessel selected. and transfers of title or custody, of any
(7) In order to complete the require- gasoline or blendstocks, whether
ments of this paragraph (h) an auditor Toxics-FRGAS or Non-toxics-FRGAS,
shall: produced at the foreign refinery during
(i) Be independent of the foreign re- the period January 1, 1998 through the
finer; date of the refinery baseline petition or
(ii) Be licensed as a Certified Public through the date of the inspection or
Accountant in the United States and a audit if a baseline petition has not
citizen of the United States, or be ap- been approved, and any work papers re-
proved in advance by EPA based on a lated to refinery baseline establish-
demonstration of ability to perform ment;
the procedures required in 80.125 (B) The volume and toxics value of
through 80.130 and this paragraph (h); Toxics-FRGAS;
and (C) The proper classification of gaso-
(iii) Sign a commitment that con- line as being Toxics-FRGAS or as not
tains the provisions specified in para- being Toxics-FRGAS, or as Certified


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.1030

Toxics-FRGAS or as Non-Certified the CAA, 42 U.S.C. 7413(c)(2), 18 U.S.C.

Toxics-FRGAS; 1001 and all other applicable provisions
(D) Transfers of title or custody to and shall be subject to the provisions
Toxics-FRGAS; thereof.
(E) Sampling and testing of Toxics- (4) United States substantive and
FRGAS; procedural laws shall apply to any civil
(F) Work performed and reports pre- or criminal enforcement action against
pared by independent third parties and the foreign refiner or any employee of
by independent auditors under the re- the foreign refiner related to the provi-
quirements of this section and 80.1035 sions of this section.
including work papers; and (5) Submitting a petition for an indi-
(G) Reports prepared for submission vidual refinery toxics baseline, pro-
to EPA, and any work papers related to ducing and exporting gasoline under an
such reports. individual refinery toxics baseline, and
(vi) Inspections and audits by EPA all other actions to comply with the re-
may include taking samples of gasoline quirements of this subpart J relating
or blendstock, and interviewing em- to the establishment and use of an in-
ployees. dividual refinery toxics baseline con-
(vii) Any employee of the foreign re- stitute actions or activities that sat-
finer will be made available for inter- isfy the provisions of 28 U.S.C.
view by the EPA inspector or auditor, 1605(a)(2), but solely with respect to ac-
on request, within a reasonable time tions instituted against the foreign re-
period. finer, its agents and employees in any
(viii) English language translations court or other tribunal in the United
of any documents will be provided to States for conduct that violates the re-
an EPA inspector or auditor, on re- quirements applicable to the foreign
quest, within 10 working days. refiner under this subpart J, including
(ix) English language interpreters conduct that violates Title 18 U.S.C.
will be provided to accompany EPA in- section 1001 and Clean Air Act section
spectors and auditors, on request. 113(c)(2).
(2) An agent for service of process lo- (6) The foreign refiner, or its agents
cated in the District of Columbia will or employees, will not seek to detain or
be named, and service on this agent to impose civil or criminal remedies
constitutes service on and personal and against EPA inspectors or auditors,
subject matter jurisdiction in the whether EPA employees or EPA con-
United States over the foreign refiner tractors, for actions performed within
or any employee of the foreign refiner the scope of EPA employment related
for any action by EPA or otherwise by to the provisions of this section.
the United States related to the re- (7) The commitment required by this
quirements of this subpart J. paragraph (i) shall be signed by the
(3) A foreign refiner shall be subject owner or president of the foreign re-
to civil liability for violations of this finer business.
section, sections 114, 202(l), 211, and (8) In any case where Toxics-FRGAS
301(a) of the Clean Air Act, as amended produced at a foreign refinery is stored
(42 U.S.C. 7414, 7521(l), 7545 and 7601(a)), or transported by another company be-
and all other applicable laws or regula- tween the refinery and the vessel that
tions and shall be subject to the provi- transports the Toxics-FRGAS to the
sions thereof. The Administrator may United States, the foreign refiner shall
assess a penalty against a foreign re- obtain from each such other company a
finer for any violation of this section commitment that meets the require-
by a foreign refiner, in the manner set ments specified in paragraphs (i)(1)
forth in sections 205(c) of the CAA, 42 through (7) of this section, and these
U.S.C. 7524(c) or commence a civil ac- commitments shall be included in the
tion against a foreign refiner to assess foreign refiners baseline petition.
and recover a civil penalty in the man- (j) Sovereign immunity. By submitting
ner set forth in section 205(b) of the a petition for an individual foreign re-
CAA, 42 U.S.C. 7524(b). A FR shall be finery baseline under this section, or
subject to criminal liability for viola- by producing and exporting gasoline to
tions of this section, section 113(c)(2) of the United States under an individual


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80.1030 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

refinery toxics baseline under this sec- shortfall within 90 days of the date the
tion, the foreign refiner, its agents and bond amount changes. If the bond
employees, without exception, become amount decreases, the foreign refiner
subject to the full operation of the ad- may reduce the amount of the bond be-
ministrative and judicial enforcement ginning 90 days after the date the bond
powers and provisions of the United amount changes.
States without limitation based on (4) Bonds posted under this paragraph
sovereign immunity, with respect to (k) shall:
actions instituted against the foreign (i) Be used to satisfy any judicial or
refiner, its agents and employees in administrative judgment, order, assess-
any court or other tribunal in the ment or payment under a judicial or
United States for conduct that violates administrative settlement agreement
the requirements applicable to the for- that results from an administrative or
eign refiner under this subpart J, in- judicial enforcement action for con-
cluding conduct that violates Title 18 duct in violation of this subpart J, in-
U.S.C. section 1001 and Clean Air Act cluding where such conduct violates
section 113(c)(2). Title 18 U.S.C. section 1001 and Clean
(k) Bond posting. Any foreign refiner Air Act section 113(c)(2);
shall meet the requirements of this (ii) Be provided by a corporate surety
paragraph (k) as a condition to being that is listed in the United States De-
assigned an individual refinery toxics partment of Treasury Circular 570
baseline. Companies Holding Certificates of Au-
(1) The foreign refiner shall annually thority as Acceptable Sureties on Fed-
post a bond of the amount calculated eral Bonds; and
using the following equation: (iii) Include a commitment that the
Bond = G $ 0.01 BondCG bond will remain in effect for at least
five (5) years following the end of latest
averaging period that the foreign re-
Bond = amount of the bond in U. S. dol- finer produces gasoline pursuant to the
lars. requirements of this subpart J.
G = the largest volume of gasoline pro- (5) On any occasion a foreign refiner
duced at the foreign refinery and bond is used to satisfy any judgment or
exported to the United States, in other obligation, the foreign refiner
gallons, during a single calendar shall increase the bond to cover the
year among the five preceding cal- amount used within 90 days of the date
endar years. the bond is used.
BondCG = amount of bond currently (6) The bond is used for payment of,
posted by the refinery pursuant to not in lieu of, any obligation arising
80.94. under any judgment, order, assessment
(2) Bonds shall be posted by: or settlement agreement. Nothing
(i) Paying the amount of the bond to herein is intended to waive any portion
the Treasurer of the United States; of any obligation except what portion
(ii) Obtaining a bond in the proper is actually paid by use of funds from
amount from a third party surety the bond.
agent that is payable to satisfy United (l) [Reserved]
States administrative or judicial judg- (m) English language reports. Any re-
ments against the foreign refiner, pro- port or other document submitted to
vided EPA agrees in advance as to the EPA by a foreign refiner shall be in
third party and the nature of the sur- English language, or shall include an
ety agreement; or English language translation.
(iii) An alternative commitment that (n) Prohibitions. (1) No person may
results in assets of an appropriate li- combine Certified Toxics-FRGAS with
quidity and value being readily avail- any Non-Certified Toxics-FRGAS or
able to the United States, provided Non-Toxics-FRGAS, and no person may
EPA agrees in advance as to the alter- combine Certified Toxics-FRGAS with
native commitment. any Certified Toxics-FRGAS produced
(3) If the bond amount for a foreign at a different refinery, until the im-
refinery increases, the foreign refiner porter has met all the requirements of
shall increase the bond to cover the paragraph (o) of this section, except as


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Environmental Protection Agency 80.1030

provided in paragraph (e) of this sec- (B) Prepare a volume-weighted vessel

tion. composite sample from the compart-
(2) No foreign refiner or other person ment samples; and
may cause another person to commit (C) Determine the toxics value using
an action prohibited in paragraph (n)(1) the methodologies specified in 80.730,
of this section, or that otherwise vio- by:
lates the requirements of this section. (1) The third party analyzing the
(o) United States importer requirements. sample; or
Any United States importer shall meet (2) The third party observing the im-
the following requirements: porter analyze the sample.
(1) Each batch of imported gasoline (4) Any importer shall submit reports
shall be classified by the importer as within thirty days following the date
being Toxics-FRGAS or as Non-Toxics- any vessel transporting Toxics-FRGAS
FRGAS, and each batch classified as arrives at the United States port of
Toxics-FRGAS shall be further classi- entry:
fied as Certified Toxics-FRGAS or as (i) To the Administrator containing
Non-Certified Toxics-FRGAS. the information determined under
(2) Gasoline shall be classified as Cer- paragraph (o)(3) of this section; and
tified Toxics-FRGAS or as Non-Cer- (ii) To the foreign refiner containing
tified Toxics-FRGAS according to the the information determined under
designation by the foreign refiner if paragraph (o)(3)(ii) of this section.
this designation is supported by prod- (5) Any United States importer shall
uct transfer documents prepared by the meet the requirements specified in
foreign refiner as required in paragraph 80.815 for any imported gasoline that
(d) of this section, unless the gasoline is not classified as Certified Toxics-
is classified as Non-Certified Toxics- FRGAS under paragraph (o)(2) of this
FRGAS under paragraph (g) of this sec- section.
tion. (p) Truck Imports of Certified Toxics-
FRGAS produced at a Refinery (1) Any
(3) For each gasoline batch classified
refiner whose Certified Toxics-FRGAS
as Toxics-FRGAS, any United States
is transported into the United States
importer shall perform the following
by truck may petition EPA to use al-
ternative procedures to meet the fol-
(i) In the case of both Certified and
lowing requirements:
Non-Certified Toxics-FRGAS, have an
(i) Certification under paragraph
independent third party:
(d)(5) of this section;
(A) Determine the volume of gasoline (ii) Load port and port of entry sam-
in the vessel; pling and testing under paragraphs (f)
(B) Use the foreign refiners Toxics- and (g) of this section;
FRGAS certification to determine the (iii) Attest under paragraph (h) of
name and EPA-assigned registration this section; and
number of the foreign refinery that (iv) Importer testing under paragraph
produced the Toxics-FRGAS; (o)(3) of this section.
(C) Determine the name and country (2) These alternative procedures shall
of registration of the vessel used to ensure Certified Toxics-FRGAS re-
transport the Toxics-FRGAS to the mains segregated from Non-Certified
United States; and Toxics-FRGAS and from Non-Toxics-
(D) Determine the date and time the FRGAS until it is imported into the
vessel arrives at the United States port United States. The petition will be
of entry. evaluated based on whether it ade-
(ii) In the case of Certified Toxics- quately addresses the following:
FRGAS, have an independent third (i) Provisions for monitoring pipeline
party: shipments, if applicable, from the re-
(A) Collect a representative sample finery, that ensure segregation of Cer-
from each vessel compartment subse- tified Toxics-FRGAS from that refin-
quent to the vessels arrival at the ery from all other gasoline;
United States port of entry and prior (ii) Contracts with any terminals
to off loading any gasoline from the and/or pipelines that receive and/or
vessel; transport Certified Toxics-FRGAS,


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80.1030 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

that prohibit the commingling of Cer- (ii) EPA has made a provisional find-
tified Toxics-FRGAS with any of the ing that the baseline petition is com-
following: plete;
(A) Other Certified Toxics-FRGAS (iii) The foreign refiner has made the
from other refineries. commitments required in paragraph (i)
(B) All Non-Certified Toxics-FRGAS. of this section;
(C) All Non-Toxics-FRGAS; (iv) The persons who will meet the
independent third party and inde-
(iii) Procedures for obtaining and re-
pendent attest requirements for the
viewing truck loading records and
foreign refinery have made the com-
United States import documents for mitments required in paragraphs
Certified Toxics-FRGAS to ensure that (f)(3)(iii) and (h)(7)(iii) of this section;
such gasoline is only loaded into and
trucks making deliveries to the United (v) The foreign refiner has met the
States; bond requirements of paragraph (k) of
(iv) Attest procedures to be con- this section.
ducted annually by an independent (2) In any case where a foreign refiner
third party that review loading records uses an individual refinery baseline be-
and import documents based on volume fore final approval under paragraph
reconciliation, or other criteria, to (r)(1) of this section, and the foreign re-
confirm that all Certified Toxics- finery baseline values that ultimately
FRGAS remains segregated throughout are approved by EPA are more strin-
the distribution system and is only gent than the early baseline values
loaded into trucks for import into the used by the foreign refiner, the foreign
United States. refiner shall recalculate its compli-
(3) The petition required by this sec- ance, ab initio, using the baseline val-
tion shall be submitted to EPA along ues approved by EPA, and the foreign
with the application for small refiner refiner shall be liable for any resulting
status and individual refinery toxics violation of the gasoline toxics require-
baseline and standards under 80.240 ments.
and this section. (s) Additional requirements for peti-
(q) Withdrawal or suspension of a for- tions, reports and certificates. Any peti-
eign refinerys baseline. EPA may with- tion for a refinery baseline under
draw or suspend a baseline that has 80.915, any alternative procedures
been assigned to a foreign refinery under paragraph (r) of this section, any
where: report or other submission required by
paragraph (c), (f)(2), or (i) of this sec-
(1) A foreign refiner fails to meet any
tion, and any certification under para-
requirement of this section;
graph (d)(3) of this section shall be:
(2) A foreign government fails to (1) Submitted in accordance with pro-
allow EPA inspections as provided in cedures specified by the Administrator,
paragraph (i)(1) of this section; including use of any forms that may be
(3) A foreign refiner asserts a claim specified by the Administrator.
of, or a right to claim, sovereign immu- (2) Be signed by the president or
nity in an action to enforce the re- owner of the foreign refiner company,
quirements in this subpart J; or or by that persons immediate des-
(4) A foreign refiner fails to pay a ignee, and shall contain the following
civil or criminal penalty that is not declaration:
satisfied using the foreign refiner bond
I hereby certify: (1) That I have actual au-
specified in paragraph (k) of this sec- thority to sign on behalf of and to bind [in-
tion. sert name of foreign refiner] with regard to
(r) Early use of a foreign refinery base- all statements contained herein; (2) that I
line. (1) A foreign refiner may begin am aware that the information contained
using an individual refinery baseline herein is being certified, or submitted to the
before EPA has approved the baseline, United States Environmental Protection
Agency, under the requirements of 40 CFR
provided that:
Part 80, subpart J, and that the information
(i) A baseline petition has been sub- is material for determining compliance
mitted as required in paragraph (b) of under these regulations; and (3) that I have
this section; read and understand the information being


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. A
certified or submitted, and this information to EPA and the baseline volume, if ap-
is true, complete and correct to the best of plicable, to determine the yearly incre-
my knowledge and belief after I have taken mental volume and agree that value
reasonable and appropriate steps to verify
with the value reported to EPA.
the accuracy thereof.
I affirm that I have read and understand (g) Calculate the compliance baseline
the provisions of 40 CFR Part 80, subpart J, per 80.850, and agree that value with
including 40 CFR 80.1030 [insert name of for- the value reported to EPA.
eign refiner]. Pursuant to Clean Air Act sec-
tion 113(c) and Title 18, United States Code, 80.1040 [Reserved]
section 1001, the penalty for furnishing false,
incomplete or misleading information in this ADDITIONAL RULEMAKING
certification or submission is a fine of up to
$10,000, and/or imprisonment for up to five 80.1045 What additional rulemaking
years. will EPA conduct?
ATTEST ENGAGEMENTS No later than July 1, 2003, the Admin-
istrator shall propose any require-
80.1035 What are the attest engage- ments to control hazardous air pollut-
ment requirements for gasoline ants from motor vehicles and motor ve-
toxics compliance applicable to re- hicle fuels that the Administrator de-
finers and importers? termines are appropriate pursuant to
In addition to the requirements for section 202(l)(2) of the Act. The Admin-
attest engagements that apply to refin- istrator will take final action on such
ers and importers under 80.125 proposal no later than July 1, 2004.
through 80.130, and 80.1030, the attest During this rulemaking, EPA also in-
engagements for refiners and importers tends to evaluate emissions and poten-
applicable to this subpart J shall in- tial strategies relating to hazardous air
clude the following procedures and re- pollutants from nonroad engines and
quirements each year, which should be vehicles.
applied separately to reformulated gas-
oline (and RBOB, combined) and con- APPENDIX A TO PART 80TEST FOR THE
(a) Obtain the EPA toxics baseline GASOLINE
approval letter for the refinery to de- 1. Scope.
termine the refinerys applicable base-
line toxics value and baseline toxics 1.1 This method was developed for the de-
volume under 80.915. termination of phosphorus generally present
as pentavalent phosphate esters or salts, or
(b) Obtain a written representation
both, in gasoline. This method is applicable
from the company representative stat- for the determination of phosphorus in the
ing the toxics value(s) that the com- range from 0.0008 to 0.15 g P/U.S. gal, or 0.2
pany used as its baseline(s) and agree to 49 mg P/liter.
that number to paragraph (a) of this
section. 2. Applicable documents.
(c) Obtain and read a copy of the re- 2.1 ASTM Standards:
finerys or importers annual toxics re- D 1100 Specification for Filter Paper for
ports per 1A80.75(e) and 80.105 filed Use in Chemical Analysis.
with EPA for the year to determine the
compliance baseline and incremental 3. Summary of method.
volume. 3.1 Organic matter in the sample is decom-
(d) Agree the yearly volume of gaso- posed by ignition in the presence of zinc
line reported to EPA in the toxics re- oxide. The residue is dissolved in sulfuric
ports with the inventory reconciliation acid and reacted with ammonium molybdate
and hydrazine sulfate. The absorbance of the
analysis under 80.128.
Molybdenum Blue complex is proportional
(e) Calculate the annual average to the phosphorus concentration in the sam-
toxics value level for each type of gaso- ple and is read at approximately 820 nm in a
line specified at 80.815(b) and agree 5-cm cell.
the applicable values with the values
reported to EPA. 4. Apparatus.
(f) Calculate the difference between 4.1 Buret, 10-ml capacity, 0.05-ml subdivi-
the yearly volume of gasoline reported sions.


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Pt. 80, App. A 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
4.2 Constant-Temperature Bath, equipped 1 litre of water, measured with a graduated
to hold several 100-ml volumetric flasks sub- cylinder.
merged to the mark. Bath must have a large
NOTE 3: This solution is not stable. Keep it
enough reservoir or heat capacity to keep
tightly stoppered and in the dark. Prepare a
the temperature at 180 to 190 F (82.2 to 87.8
fresh solution after 3 weeks.
C) during the entire period of sample heat-
ing. 5.5 Molybdate-Hydrazine ReagentPipet 25
NOTE 1: If the temperature of the hot water ml of ammonium molybdate solution into a
bath drops below 180 F (82.2 C) the color de- 100-ml volumetric flask containing approxi-
velopment may not be complete. mately 50 ml of water, add by pipet 10 ml of
N2 NNH2 H2 SO4 solution, and dilute to 100
4.3 Cooling Bath, equipped to hold several ml with water.
100-ml volumetric flasks submerged to the
mark in ice water. NOTE 4: This reagent is unstable and should
4.4 Filter Paper, for quantitative analysis, be used within about 4 h. Prepare it imme-
Class G for fine precipitates as defined in diately before use. Each determination (in-
Specification D 1100. cluding the blank) uses 50 ml.
4.5 Ignition DishCoors porcelain 5.6 Phosphorus, Standard Solution (10.0 g
evaporating dish, glazed inside and outside, P/ml)Pipet 10 ml of stock standard phos-
with pourout (size no. 00A, diameter 75 mm. phorus solution into a 1000-ml volumetric
capacity 70 ml). flask and dilute to the mark with water.
4.6 Spectrophotometer, equipped with a 5.7 Phosphorus, Stock Standard Solution
tungsten lamp, a red-sensitive phototube ca- (1.00 mg P/ml)Dry approximately 5 g of
pable of operating at 830 nm and with absorp- potasium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2 PO4 in
tion cells that have a 5-cm light path. an oven at 221 to 230 F (105 to 110 C) for 3
4.7 Thermometer, range 50 to 220 F (10 to h. Dissolve 4.3930.002 g of the reagent in 150
105 C). ml, measured with a graduated cylinder, of
4.8 Volumetric Flask, 100-ml with ground- H2 SO4(1+10) contained in a 1000-ml volu-
glass stopper. metric flask. Dilute with water to the mark.
4.9 Volumetric Flask, 1000-ml with ground- 5.8 Sulfuric Acid (1+10)Using graduated
glass stopper. cylinders for measurement add slowly (Note
4.10 Syringe, Luer-Lok, 10-ml equipped 2), with continuous stirring, 100-ml of con-
with 5-cm. 22-gage needle. centrated sulfuric acid (H2 SO4, sp gr 1.84) to
1 litre of water contained in a beaker placed
5. Reagents. in a bath of cold water.
5.1 Purity of ReagentsReagent grade 5.9 Zinc Oxide.
chemicals shall be used in all tests. Unless
NOTE 5: High-bulk density zinc oxide may
otherwise indicated, it is intended that all
cause spattering. Density of approximately
reagents shall conform to the specifications
0.5 g/cm 3 has been found satisfactory.
of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of
the American Chemical Society, where such 6. Calibration.
specifications are available. Other grades
may be used, provided it is first ascertained 6.1 Transfer by buret, or a volumetric
that the reagent is of sufficiently high pu- transfer pipet, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and
rity to permit its use without lessening the 4.0 ml of phosphorus standard solution into
accuracy of the determination. 100-ml volumetric flasks.
5.2 Purity of WaterUnless otherwise indi- 6.2 Pipet 10 ml of H2 SO4 (1+10) into each
cated, references to water shall be under- flask. Mix immediately by swirling.
stood to mean distilled water or water of 6.3 Prepare the molybdate-hydrazine solu-
equal purity. tion. Prepare sufficient volume of reagent
5.3 Ammonium Molybdate SolutionUsing based on the number of samples being ana-
graduated cylinders for measurement add lyzed.
slowly (Note 2), with continuous stirring, 225 6.4 Pipet 50 ml of the molybdate-hydrazine
ml of concentrated sulfuric acid to 500 ml of solution to each volumetric flask. Mix im-
water contained in a beaker placed in a bath mediately by swirling.
of cold water. Cool to room temperature and 6.5 Dilute to 100 ml with water.
add 20 g of ammonium molybdate tetra- 6.6 Mix well and place in the constant-tem-
hydrate ((NH4)6 Mo7 O244H2 O). Stir until so- perature bath so that the contents of the
lution is complete and transfer to a 1000-ml flask are submerged below the level of the
flask. Dilute to the mark with water. bath. Maintain bath temperature at 180 to
190 F (82.2 to 87.8 C) for 25 min (Note 1).
NOTE 2: Wear a face shield, rubber gloves,
6.7 Transfer the flask to the cooling bath
and a rubber apron when adding con-
and cool the contents rapidly to room tem-
centrated sulfuric acid to water.
perature. Do not allow the samples to cool
5.4 Hydrazine Sulfate SolutionDissolve more than 5 F (2.8 C) below room tempera-
1.5 of hydrazine sulfate (H2 NNH2 H2 SO4) in ture.


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. A
NOTE 6: Place a chemically clean thermom- 8. Procedure.
eter in one of the flasks to check the tem-
8.1 Transfer 20.2 g of zinc oxide into a con-
ical pile in a clean, dry, unetched ignition
6.8 After cooling the flasks to room tem- dish.
perature, remove them from the cooling NOTE 9: In order to obtain satisfactory ac-
water bath and allow them to stand for 10 curacy with the small amounts of phos-
min. at room temperature. phorus involved, it is necessary to take ex-
6.9 Using the 2.0-ml phosphorus standard in tensive precautions in handling. The usual
a 5-cm cell, determine the wavelength near precautions of cleanliness, careful manipula-
820 nm that gives maximum absorbance. The tion, and avoidance of contamination should
wavelength giving maximum absorbance be scrupulously observed; also, all glassware
should not exceed 830 nm. should be cleaned before use, with cleaning
6.9.1 Using a red-sensitive phototube and 5- acid or by some procedure that does not in-
cm cells, adjust the spectrophotometer to volve use of commercial detergents. These
zero absorbance at the wavelength of max- compounds often contain alkali phosphates
imum absorbance using distilled water in which are strongly adsorbed by glass sur-
both cells. Use the wavelength of maximum faces and are not removed by ordinary rins-
absorbance in the determination of calibra- ing. It is desirable to segregate a special
tion readings and future sample readings. stock of glassware for use only in the deter-
6.9.2 The use of 1-cm cells for the higher mination of phosphorus.
concentrations is permissible.
8.2 Make a deep depression in the center of
6.10 Measure the absorbance of each cali-
the zinc oxide pile with a stirring rod.
bration sample including the blank (0.0 ml
8.3 Pipet the gasoline sample (Note 10) (see
phosphorus standard) at the wavelength of
7.2 for suggested sample volume) into the de-
maximum absorbance with distilled water in
pression in the zinc oxide. Record the tem-
the reference cell.
perature of the fuel if the phosphorus con-
NOTE 7: Great care must be taken to avoid tent is required at 60 F (15.6 C) and make
possible contamination. If the absorbance of correction as directed in 9.2.
the blank exceeds 0.04 (for 5-cm cell), check NOTE 10: For the 10-ml sample use multiple
for source of contamination. It is suggested additions and a syringe. Hold the tip of the
that the results be disregarded and the test needle at approximately 23 of the depth of
be rerun with fresh reagents and clean glass- the zinc oxide layer and slowly deliver 2 ml
ware. of the sample: fast sample delivery may give
6.11 Correct the absorbance of each stand- low results. Give sufficient time for the gaso-
ard solution by subtracting the absorbance line to be absorbed by the zinc oxide. Follow
of the blank (0 ml phosphorus standard). step 8.6. Cool the dish to room temperature.
6.12 Prepare a calibration curve by plotting Repeat steps 8.3 and 8.6 until all the sample
the corrected absorbance of each standard has been burned. Safetycool the ignition
solution against micrograms of phosphorus. dish before adding the additional aliquots of
One millilitre of phosphorus standard solu- gasoline to avoid a flash fire.
tion provides 10 g of phosphorus. 8.4 Cover the sample with a small amount
of fresh zinc oxide from reagent bottle (use
7. Sampling. the tip of a small spatula to deliver approxi-
7.1 Selection of the size of the sample to be mately 0.2 g). Tap the sides of the ignition
tested depends on the expected concentra- dish to pack the zinc oxide.
tion of phosphorous in the sample. If a con- 8.5 Prepare the blank, using the same
centration of phosphorus is suspected to be amount of zinc oxide in an ignition dish.
less than 0.0038 g/gal (1.0 mg/litre), it will be 8.6 Ignite the gasoline, using the flame
necessary to use 10 ml of sample. from a bunsen burner. Allow the gasoline to
burn to extinction (NOTE 10).
NOTE 8: Two grams of zinc oxide cannot ab- 8.7 Place the ignition dishes containing the
sorb this volume of gasoline. Therefore the sample and blank in a hot muffle furnace set
10-ml sample is ignited in aliquots of 2 ml in at a temperature of 1150 to 1300 F (621 to 704
the presence of 2 g of zinc oxide. C) for 10 min. Remove and cool the ignition
7.2 The following table serves as a guide for dishes. When cool gently tap the sides of the
selecting sample size: dish to loosen the zinc oxide. Again place the
dishes in the muffle furnace for 5 min. Re-
Phosphorus, milligrams Equivalent, grams per Sample move and cool the ignition dishes to room
size, milli- temperature. The above treatment is usually
per liter gallon liter
sufficient to burn the carbon. If the carbon is
2.5 to 40 ...................... 0.01 to 0.15 ................ 1.00 not completely burned off place the dish into
1.3 to 20 ...................... 0.005 to 0.075 ............ 2.00 the oven for further 5-min. periods.
0.9 to 13 ...................... 0.0037 to 0.05 ............ 3.00
1 or less ...................... 0.0038 or less ............ 10.00
NOTE 11: Step 8.7 may also be accomplished
by heating the ignition dish with a Meker


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Pt. 80, App. B 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
burner gradually increasing the intensity of To convert to grams of phosphorus per U.S.
heat until the carbon from the sides of the gallon of sample, multiply mg P/litre by
dish has been burned, then cool to room tem- 0.0038.
perature. 9.2 If the gasoline sample was taken at a
temperature other than 60 F (15.6 C) make
8.8 Pipet 25 ml of H2 SO4 (1+10) to each igni-
the following temperature correction:
tion dish. While pipeting, carefully wash all
traces of zinc oxide from the sides of the ig- mg P/litre at 15.6 C = [mg P/litre at t]
nition dish. [1+0.001 (t15.6)]
8.9 Cover the ignition dish with a
borosilicate watch glass and warm the igni- where:
tion dish on a hot plate until the zinc oxide t = observed temperature of the gasoline, C.
is completely dissolved. 9.3 Concentrations below 2.5 mg/litre or 0.01
8.10 Transfer the solution through filter g/gal should be reported to the nearest 0.01
paper to a 100-ml volumetric flask. Rinse the mg/litre or 0.0001 g/U.S. gal.
watch glass and the dish several times with 9.3.1 For higher concentrations, report re-
distilled water (do not exceed 25 ml) and sults to the nearest 1 mg P/litre or 0.005 g P/
transfer the washings through the filter U.S. gal.
paper to the volumetric flask.
8.11 Prepare the molybdate-hydrazine solu- 10. Precision.
10.1 The following criteria should be used
8.12 Add 50 ml of the molybdate-hydrazine
for judging the acceptability of results (95
solution by pipet to each 100-ml volumetric
percent confidence):
flask. Mix immediately by swirling.
10.2 RepeatabilityDuplicate results by
8.13 Dilute to 100 ml with water and mix
the same operator should be considered sus-
well. Remove stoppers from flasks after mix-
pect if they differ by more than the following
8.14 Place the 100-ml flasks in the con-
stant-temperature bath for 25 min. so that g P/U.S. gal (mg P/litre) Repeatability
the contents of the flasks are below the liq-
uid level of the bath. The temperature of the 0.0008 to 0.005 (0.2 to 1.3) .. 0.0002 g P/U.S. gal (0.05 mg
bath should be 180 to 190 F (82.2 to 87.8 C) P/litre).
(NOTE 1). 0.005 to 0.15 (1.3 to 40) ....... 7% of the mean.
8.15 Transfer the 100-ml flasks to the cool-
ing bath and cool the contents rapidly to 10.3 ReproducibilityThe results sub-
room temperature (NOTE 6). mitted by each of two laboratories should
8.16 Allow the samples to stand at room not be considered suspect unless they differ
temperature before measuring the absorb- by more than the following amounts:
ance. g P/U.S. gal (mg P/litre) Reproducibility
NOTE 12: The color developed is stable for
0.0008 to 0.005 (0.2 to 1.3) .. 0.0005 g P/U.S. gal (0.13 mg
at least 4 h.
8.17 Set the spectrophotometer to the 0.005 to 0.15 (1.3 to 40) ....... 13% of the mean.
wavelength of maximum absorbance as de-
termined in 6.9. Adjust the spectrophotom- [39 FR 24891, July 8, 1974; 39 FR 25653, July 12,
eter to zero absorbance, using distilled water 1974]
in both cells.
8.18 Measure the absorbance of the samples APPENDIX B TO PART 80TEST METHODS
at the wavelength of maximum absorbance
with distilled water in the reference cell.
8.19 Subtract the absorbance of the blank METHOD 1STANDARD METHOD TEST FOR
from the absorbance of each sample (NOTE 7). LEAD IN GASOLINE BY ATOMIC ABSORPTION
8.20 Determine the micrograms of phos- SPECTROMETRY
phorous in the sample, using the calibration
curve from 6.12 and the corrected absorb- 1. Scope.
1.1. This method covers the determination
9. Calculations. of the total lead content of gasoline. The
procedures calibration range is 0.010 to 0.10
9.1 Calculate the milligrams of phosphorus gram of lead/U.S. gal. Samples above this
per litre of sample as follows: level should be diluted to fall within this
range or a higher level calibration standard
P, mg/litre = P/V
curve must be prepared. The higher level
where: curve must be shown to be linear and meas-
P = micrograms of phosphorus read from urement of lead at these levels must be
calibration curve, and shown to be accurate by the analysis of con-
V = millilitres of gasoline sample. trol samples at a higher level of alkyl lead


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. B
content. The method compensates for vari- 1,321 g Pb/ml, which is equivalent to 5.0 g
ations in gasoline composition and is inde- Pb/gal.
pendent of lead alkyl type. 4.10 Lead, Standard Solution (1.0 g Pb/
gal)By means of a pipet, accurately trans-
2. Summary of method. fer 50.0 ml of the 5.0 g Pb/gal solution to a
2.1 The gasoline sample is diluted with 250-ml volumetric flask, dilute to volume
methyl isobutyl ketone and the alkyl lead with 1 percent Aliquat/MIBK solution. Store
compounds are stabilized by reaction with in a brown bottle having a polyethylene-
iodine and a quarternary ammonium salt. lined cap.
The lead content of the sample is determined 4.11 Lead, Standard Solutions (0.02, 0.05,
by atomic absorption flame spectrometry at and 0.10 g Pb/gal)Transfer accurately by
2833 A, using standards prepared from rea- means of pipets 2.0, 5.0, and 10.0 ml of the 1.0-
gent grade lead chloride. By the use of this g Pb/gal solution to 100-ml volumetric flasks;
treatment, all alkyl lead compounds give add 5.0 ml of 1 percent Aliquat 336 solution to
identical response. each flask; dilute to the mark with MIBK.
Mix well and store in bottles having poly-
3. Apparatus. ethylene-lined caps.
3.1 Atomic Absorption Spectometer, capa- 4.12 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK). (4-
ble of scale expansion and nebulizer adjust- methyl-2-pentanone).
ment, and equipped with a slot burner and
5. Calibration.
premix chamber for use with an air-
acetylene flame. 5.1 Preparation of Working Standards
3.2 Volumetric Flasks, 50-ml, 100-ml, 250- Prepare three working standards and a blank
ml, and one litre sizes. using the 0.02, 0.05, and 0.10-g Pb/gal standard
3.3 Pipets, 2-ml, 5-ml, 10-ml, 20-ml, and 50- lead solutions described in 4.11.
ml sizes. 5.1.1 To each of four 50-ml volumetric
3.4 Micropipet, 100-l, Eppendorf type or flasks containing 30 ml of MIBK, add 5.0 ml
equivalent. of low lead standard solution and 5.0 ml of
lead-free gasoline. In the case of the blank,
4. Reagents. add only 5.0 ml of lead-free gasoline.
4.1 Purity of ReagentsReagent grade 5.1.2 Add immediately 0.1 ml of iodine/tol-
chemicals shall be used in all tests. Unless uene solution by means of the 100-l
otherwise indicated, it is intended that all Eppendorf pipet. Mix well.1
reagents shall conform to the specifications 5.1.3 Add 5 ml of 1 percent Aliquat 336 solu-
of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of tion and mix.
the American Chemical Society, where such 5.1.4 Dilute to volume with MIBK and mix
specifications are available. Other grades well.
may be used, provided it is first ascertained 5.2 Preparation of InstrumentOptimize
that the reagent is of sufficiently high pu- the atomic absorption equipment for lead at
rity to permit its use without lessening the 2833 A. Using the reagent blank, adjust the
accuracy of the determination. gas mixture and the sample aspiration rate
4.2 Purity of WaterUnless otherwise indi- to obtain an oxidizing flame.
cated, references to water shall be under- 5.2.1 Aspirate the 0.1-g Pb/gal working
stood to mean distilled water or water of standard and adjust the burner position to
equal purity. give maximum response. Some instruments
4.3 Aliquat 336 (tricapryl methyl ammo- require the use of scale expansion to produce
nium chloride). a reading of 0.150 to 0.170 for this standard.
4.4 Aliquat 336/MIBK Solution (10 percent 5.2.2 Aspirate the reagent blank to zero the
v/v)Dissolve and dilute 100 ml (88.0 g) of instrument and check the absorbances of the
Aliquat 336 with MIBK to one liter. three working standards for linearity.
4.5 Aliquat 336/MIBK Solution (1 percent v/
v)Dissolve and dilute 10 ml (8.8 g) of 6. Procedure.
Aliquat 336 with MIBK to one liter. 6.1 To a 50 ml volumetric flask containing
4.6 Iodine SolutionDissolve and dilute 3.0 30 ml MIBK, add 5.0 ml of gasoline sample
g iodine crystals with Toluene to 100 ml. and mix.2
4.7 Lead Chloride. 6.1.1 Add 0.10 ml (100 l) of iodine/toluene
4.8 Lead-Sterile GasolineGasoline con- solution and allow the mixture to react
taining less than 0.005 g Pb/gal. about 1 minute.3
4.9 Lead, Standard Solution (5.0 g Pb/gal)
Dissolve 0.4433 g of lead chloride (PbCl2) pre-
viously dried at 105 C for 3 h in about 200 ml 1 EPA practice will be to mix well by shak-

of 10 percent Aliquat 336/MIBK solution in a ing vigorously for approximately one

250-ml volumetric flask. Dilute to the mark minute.
with the 10 percent Aliquat solution, mix, 2 The gasoline should be allowed to come to

and store in a brown bottle having a poly- room temperature (25 C).
ethylene-lined cap. This solution contains 3 See footnote 1 of section 5.1.2.


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Pt. 80, App. B 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
6.1.2 Add 5.0 ml of 1 percent Aliquot 336/ 2. Summary of method.
MIBK solution and mix.
6.1.3 Dilute to volume with MIBK and mix. 2.1 The gasoline sample is diluted with
6.2 Aspirate the samples and working methly isobutyl ketone (MIBK) and the
standards and record the absorbance values alkyl lead compounds are stabilized by re-
with frequent checks of the zero. acting with iodine and a quarternary ammo-
6.3 Any sample resulting in a peak great- nium salt. An automated system is used to
er than 0.05 g Pb/gal will be run in duplicate. perform the diluting and the chemical reac-
Samples registering greater than 0.10 g Pb/ tions and feed the products to the atomic ab-
gal should be diluted with iso-octane or un- sorption spectrometer with an air-acetylene
leaded fuel to fall within the calibration flame.
range or a higher level calibration standard 2.2 The dilution of the gasoline with
curve must be prepared. The higher level MIBK compensates for severe non-atomic ab-
curve must be shown to be linear and meas- sorption, scatter from unburned carbon con-
urement of lead at these levels must be taining species and matrix effects caused in
shown to be accurate by the analysis of con- part by the burning characteristics of gaso-
trol samples at a higher level of alkyl lead line.
content. 2.3 The in-situ reaction of alkyl lead in
gasoline with iodine eliminates the problem
7. Calculations. of variations in response due to different
alkyl types by leveling the response of all
7.1 Plot the absorbance values versus con-
alkyl lead compounds.
centration represented by the working
standards and read the concentrations of the 2.4 The addition of the quarternary am-
samples from the graph. monium salt improves response and in-
creases the stability of the alkyl iodide com-
8. Precision. plex.
8.1 The following criteria should be used 3. Sample handling and preservation.
for judging the acceptability of results (95
percent confidence): 3.1 Samples should be collected and stored
8.1.1 RepeatabilityDuplicate results by in containers which will protect them from
the same operator should be considered sus- changes in the lead content of the gasoline
pect if they differ by more than 0.005 g/gal. such as from loss of volatile fractions of the
8.1.2 ReproductibilityThe results sub- gasoline by evaporation or leaching of the
mitted by each of two laboratories should lead into the container or cap.
not be considered suspect unless the two re- 3.2 If samples have been refrigerated they
sults differ by more than 0.01 g/gal. should be brought to room temperature prior
to analysis.
SPECTROMETRY 4.1 AutoAnalyzer system consisting of:
1. Scope and application. 4.1.1 Sampler 20/hr cam, 30/hr cam.
4.1.2 Proportioning pump.
1.1 This method covers the determination 4.1.3 Lead in gas manifold.
of the total lead content of gasoline. The 4.1.4 Disposable test tubes.
procedures calibration range is 0.010 to 0.10 4.1.5 Two 2-liter and one 0.5 liter Erlen-
gram of lead/U.S. gal. Samples above this meyer solvent displacement flasks. Alter-
level should be diluted to fall within this natively, high pressure liquid chroma-
range or a higher level calibration standard tography (HPLC) or syringe pumps may be
curve must be prepared. The higher level used.
curve must be shown to be linear and meas-
4.2 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
urement of lead at these levels must be
(AAS) Detector System consisting of:
shown to be accurate by the analysis of con-
4.2.1 Atomic absorption spectrometer.
trol samples at a higher level of alkyl lead
4.2.2 10 strip chart recorder.
content. The method compensates for vari-
ations in gasoline composition and is inde- 4.2.3 Lead hollow cathode lamp or
pendent of lead alkyl type. electrodeless discharge lamp (EDL).
1.2 This method may be used as an alter- 5. Reagents.
native to the Standard Method set forth
above. 5.1 Aliquat 336/MIBK solution (10% v/v):
1.3 Where trade names or specific prod- Dissolve and dilute 100 ml (88.0 g) of Aliquat
ucts are noted in the method, equivalent ap- 336 (Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis-
paratus and chemical reagents may be used. consin) with MIBK (Burdick & Jackson Lab.,
Mention of trade names or specific products Inc., Muskegon, Michigan) to one liter.
is for the assistance of the user and does not 5.2 Aliquat 336/iso-octane solution (1% v/
constitute endorsement by the U.S. Environ- v): Dissolve and dilute 10 ml (8.8 g) of Alquat
mental Protection Agency. 336 (reagent 5.1) with iso-octane to one liter.


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. B
5.3 Iodine solution (3% w/v): Dissolve and 8.2.3 Fill the 2-liter MIBK dilution dis-
dilute 3.0 g iodine crystals (American Chem- placement Erlenmeyer flask (reagent 5.5)
ical Society) with toluene (Burdick & Jack- and the 0.5 liter Aliquat 336/MIBK 1% v/v (re-
son Lab., Inc., Muskegon, Michigan) to 100 agent 5.2) displacement flask and place the
ml. rubber stopper glass tubing assemblies in
5.4 Iodine working solution (0.24% w/v): their respective flasks.
Dilute 8 ml of reagent 5.3 to 100 ml with tol- 8.2.4 Fill a 2-liter Erlenmeyer flask with
uene. distilled water. The water will be used to dis-
5.5 Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) (4- place the solvents. Therefore, place the ap-
methlyl-2-pentanone). propriate lines in this flask. This procedure
5.6 Certified unleaded gasoline (Phillips is not relevant if syringe pumps are used.
Chemical Co., Borger, Texas) or iso-octane 8.2.5 Fill the final debubbler reverse dis-
(Burdick & Jackson Lab, Inc., Muskegon, placement 2-liter Erlenmeyer flask with dis-
Michigan). tilled water and place the rubber stopper
glass tubing assembly in the flask.
6. Calibration standards. 8.2.6 Place the appropriate lines for the
6.1 Stock 5.0 g Pb/gal Standard: iodine reagent (reagent 5.4) and the wash so-
Dissolve 0.4433 gram of lead chloride lution (reagent 5.6) in their respective bot-
(PbCl2) previously dried at 105 C for 3 hours tles.
in 200 ml of 10% v/v Aliquat 336/MIBK solu- 8.2.7 Start the pump and connect the aspi-
tion (reagent 5.1) in a 250 ml volumetric ration line from the manifold to the AAS.
flask. Dilute to volume with reagent 5.1 and 8.2.8 Some initial checks to assure that
store in an amber bottle. the reagents are being added are:
6.2 Intermediate 1.0 g Pb/gal Standard: a. A good uniform bubble pattern.
Pipet 50 ml of the 5.0 g Pb/gal standard into b. Yellow color evident due to iodine in the
a 250 ml volumetric flask and dilute to vol- system.
ume with a 1% v/v Aliquat 336/iso-octane so- c. No surging in any tubing.
lution (reagent 5.2). Store in an amber bot- 8.3 Calibration.
tle. 8.3.1 Turn the chart drive on and obtain a
6.3 Working 0.02, 0.05, 0.10 g Pb/gal Stand- steady baseline.
ards: 8.3.2 Load standards and samples into
Pipet 2.0, 5.0, and 10.0 ml of the 1.0 g Pb/gal sample tray.
solution to 100 ml volumetric flasks. Add 5 8.3.3 Start the sampler and run the stand-
ml of a 1% Aliquat 336/iso-octane solution to ards (Note: first check the sample probe posi-
each flask. Dilute to volume with iso-octane. tioning with an empty test tube).
These solutions contain 0.02, 0.05, and 0.10 g 8.3.4 Check the linearity of calibration
Pb/gal in a 0.05% Aliquat 336/iso-octane solu- standards response and slope by running a
tion. least squares fit. Check these results against
previously obtained results. They should
7. AAS Instrumental conditions.
agree within 10%.
7.1 Lead hollow cathode lamp. 8.3.5 If the above is in control then start
7.2 Wavelength: 283.3 nm. the sample analysis.
7.3 Slit: 4 (0.7mm). 8.4 Sample Analysis.
7.4 Range: UV. 8.4.1 To minimize gasoline vapor in the
7.5 Fuel: Acetylene (approx. 20 ml/min at laboratory, load the sample tray about 510
8 psi). test tubes ahead of the sampler.
7.6 Oxidant: Air (approx. 65 ml/min at 31 8.4.2 Record the sample number on the
psi). strip chart corresponding to the appropriate
7.7 Nebulizer: 5.2 ml/min. peak.
7.8 Chart speed: 10 in/hr. 8.4.3 Every ten samples run the high cali-
bration standard and a previously analyzed
8. Procedures. sample (duplicate). Also let the sampler skip
8.1 AAS start-up. to check the baseline.
8.1.1 Assure that instrumental conditions 8.4.4 After an acceptable peak (within the
have been optimized and aligned according calibration range) is obtained, pour the ex-
to Section 7 and the instrument has had sub- cess sample from the test tube into the
stantial time for warm-up. waste gasoline can.
8.2 Auto Analyzer start-up [see figure 1]. 8.4.5 Any sample resulting in a peak
8.2.1 Check all pump tubing and replace as greater than 0.05 g Pb/gal will be run in du-
necessary. Iodine tubing should be changed plicate. Samples registering greater than 0.10
daily. All pump tubing should be replaced g Pb/gal should be diluted with iso-octane or
after one week of use. Place the platen on unleaded fuel to fall within the calibration
the pump. range or a higher level calibration standard
8.2.2 Withdraw any water from the sample curve must be prepared. The higher level
wash cup and fill with certified unleaded gas- curve must be shown to be linear and meas-
oline (reagent 5.6). urement of lead at these levels must be


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Pt. 80, App. B 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
shown to be accurate by the analysis of con- 10.1.1 Duplicate analysis for 156 samples
trol samples at a higher level of alkyl lead in a single laboratory has resulted in an av-
content. erage difference of 0.00011 g Pb/gal with a
8.5 Shut Down. standard deviation of 0.0023.
8.5.1 Replace the solvent displacement 10.1.2 Replicate analysis in a single lab-
flask with flasks filled with distilled water. oratory (greater than 5 determinations) of
Also place all other lines in a beaker of dis-
samples at concentrations of 0.010, 0.048, and
tilled water. Rinse the system with distilled
0.085 g Pb/gal resulted in relative standard
water for 15 minutes.
8.5.2 Withdraw the gasoline from the wash deviations of 4.2%, 3.5%, and 3.3% respec-
cup and fill with water. tively.
8.5.3 Dispose of all solvent waste in waste 10.2 Accuracy.
glass bottles. 10.2.1 The analysis of National Bureau of
8.5.4 Turn the AAS off after extinguishing Standards (NBS) lead in reference fuel of
the flame. Also turn the recorder and pump known concentrations in a single laboratory
off. Remove the platen and release the pump has resulted in found values deviating from
tubing. the true value for 11 determinations of 0.0322
8.5.5 Shut the acetylene off at the tank g Pb/gal by an average of 0.56% with a stand-
and bleed the line. ard deviation of 6.8%, for 15 determinations
9. Quality control. of 0.0519 g Pb/gal by an average of -1.1% with
a standard deviation of 5.8%, and for 7 deter-
9.1 Precision. minations of 0.0725 g Pb/gal by an average of
9.1.1 All duplicate results should be con- 3.5% with a standard deviation of 4.8%.
sidered suspect if they differ by more than 10.2.2 Twenty-three analyses of blind ref-
0.005 g Pb/gal.
erence samples in a single laboratory (U.S.
9.2 Accuracy.
9.2.1 All quality control standard checks EPA, RTP, N.C.) have resulted in found val-
should agree within 10% of the nominal ues differing from the true value by an aver-
value of the standard. age of -0.0009 g Pb/gal with a standard devi-
9.2.2 All spikes should agree within 10% of ation of 0.004.
the known addition. 10.2.3 In a single laboratory, the average
percent recovery of 108 spikes made to sam-
10. Past quality control data. ples was 101% with a standard deviation of
10.1 Precision. 5.6%.


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. B


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Pt. 80, App. B 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
METHOD 3TEST FOR LEAD IN GASOLINE BY X- target tube operated at 50 kV, a lithium fluo-
RAY SPECTROMETRY ride analyzing crystal, an air or helium opti-
cal path and a proportional or scintillation
1. Scope and application. detector.
1.1 This method covers the determination 4.2 Some manufacturers of X-ray Spec-
of the total lead content of gasoline. The trometer units no longer allow use of air as
procedures calibration range is 0.010 to 5.0 the beam path medium because the X-ray
grams of lead/U.S. gallon. Samples above beam produces ozone, which may degrade
this level should be diluted to fall within the seals and electronics. In addition, use of the
range of 0.05 to 5.0 grams of lead/U.S. gallon. equipment with liquid gasoline in close prox-
The method compensates for variations in imity to the hot X-ray tube could pose flam-
gasoline composition and is independent of mability problems with any machine in case
lead alkyl type. of a rupture of the sample container. There-
1.2 This method may be used as an alter- fore, use of the helium alternative is rec-
native to Method 1Standard Method Test ommended.
for Lead in Gasoline by Atomic Absorption
Spectrometry, or to Method 2Automated 5. Reagents.
Method Test for Lead in Gasoline by Atomic 5.1 Isooctane. Isooctane is flammable and
Absorption Spectrometry. the vapors may be harmful. See precautions
1.3 Where trade names or specific prod- in Annex Al.1.
ucts are noted in the method, equivalent ap- 5.2 Lead standard solution, in isooctane,
paratus and chemical reagents may be used. toluene or a mixture of these two solvents,
Mention of trade names or specific products containing approximately 5 gm Pb/U.S. gal-
is for the assistance of the user and does not lon may be prepared from a lead-in-oil con-
constitute endorsement by the U.S. Environ- centrate such as those prepared by Conostan
mental Protection Agency. (Conoco, Inc., Ponca City, Oklahoma). Iso-
octane and toluene are flammable and the
2. Summary of method.
vapors may be harmful. See precautionary
2.1 A portion of the gasoline sample is statements in Annex Al.1 and Al.2.
placed in an appropriate holder and loaded
into an X-ray spectrometer. The ratio of the 6. Calibration.
net X-ray intensity of the lead L alpha radi- 6.1 Make exact dilutions with isooctane of
ation to the net intensity of the incoher- the lead standard solution to give solutions
ently scattered tungsten L alpha radiation is with concentrations of 0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.50, 1.0,
measured. The lead content is determined by 3.0 and 5.0 g Pb/U.S. gallon. If a more limited
reference to a linear calibration equation range is desired as required for linearity,
which relates the lead content to the meas- such range shall be covered by at least five
ured ratio. standard solutions approximately equally
2.2 The incoherently scattered tungsten spaced and this range shall not be exceeded
radiation is used to compensate for vari- by any of the samples. Place each of the
ations in gasoline samples. standard solutions in a sample cell using
3. Sample handling and preservation. techniques consistent with good operating
practice for the spectrometer employed. In-
3.1 Samples should be collected and stored sert the sample in the spectrometer and
in containers which will protect them from allow the spectrometer atmosphere to reach
changes in the lead content of the gasoline, equilibrium (if appropriate). Measure the in-
such as loss of volatile fractions of the gaso- tensity of the lead L alpha peak at 1.175
line by evaporation or leaching of the lead angstroms, the Compton scatter peak of the
into the container or cap. tungsten L alpha line at 1.500 angstroms and
3.2 If samples have been refrigerated they the background at 1.211 angstroms. Each
should be brought to room temperature prior measured intensity should exceed 200,000
to analysis. counts or the time of measurement should be
3.3 Gasoline is extremely flammable and at least 30 seconds. The relative standard de-
should be handled cautiously and with ade- viation of each measurement, based on
quate ventilation. The vapors are harmful if counting statistics, should be one percent or
inhaled and prolonged breathing of vapors less. The Compton scatter peak given above
should be avoided. Skin contact should be is for 90 instrument geometry and should be
minimized. See precautionary statements in changed for other geometries. The Compton
Annex Al.3. scatter peak (in angstroms) is found at the
wavelength of the tungsten L alpha line plus
4. Apparatus.
0.024 (1-cos phi), where phi is the angle be-
4.1 X-ray Spectrometer, capable of excit- tween the incident radiation and the take-off
ing and measuring the fluorescence lines collimator.
mentioned in 2.1 and of being operated under 6.2 For Each of the standards, as well as
the following instrumental conditions or for an isooctane blank, determine the net
others giving equivalent results: a tungsten lead intensity by subtracting the corrected


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. B
background from the gross intensity. Deter- 6.3 Determine the corrected lead intensity
mine the corrected background by multi- ratio, which is the net lead intensity cor-
plying the intensity of the background at rected for matrix effects by division by the
1.211 angstroms by the following ratio ob- net incoherently scattered tungsten radi-
tained on an isooctane blank: ation. The net scattered intensity is cal-
culated by subtracting the background in-
Background at 1.175 angstroms tensity at 1.211 angstroms from the gross in-
tensity of the incoherently scattered tung-
Background at 1.211 angstroms sten L alpha peak. The equation for the cor-
rected lead intensity ratio follows:

Lead L alphabackground
Incoherent tungsten L alphacorrected background

6.4 Obtain a linear calibration curve by 8.2 All quality control standard check
performing a least squares fit of the cor- samples should agree within 10% of the
rected lead intensity ratios to the standard nominal value of the standard.
concentrations. 8.3 All spiked samples should have a per-
cent recovery of 100% 10%. The percent re-
7. Procedure. covery, P, is calculated as follows:
7.1 Prepare a calibration curve as de- P = 100 (AB)/K
scribed in 6. Since the scattered tungsten ra- where
diation serves as an internal standard, the A = the analytical result from the spiked
calibration curve should serve for at least sample, B = the analytical result from the
several days. Each day the suitability of the unspiked sample, and K = the known addi-
calibration curve should be checked by ana- tion.
lyzing several National Bureau of Standards 8.4 The difference between independent
(NBS) lead-in-reference-fuel standards or analyses of the same sample in different lab-
other suitable standards. oratories should not exceed 0.01 g Pb/U.S.
7.2 Determine the corrected lead intensity gallon or a relative difference of 12%.
ratio for a sample in the same manner as was 9. Past quality control data.
done for the standards. The samples should 9.1 Duplicate analysis for 26 samples in
be brought to room temperature before anal- the range of 0.01 to 0.10 g Pb/U.S. gallon re-
ysis. sulted in an average relative difference of
7.3 Determine the lead concentration of 5.2% with a standard deviation of 5.4%. Du-
the sample from the calibration curve. If the plicate analysis of 14 samples in the range 0.1
sample concentration is greater than 5.0 g to 0.5 g Pb/U.S. gallon resulted in an average
Pb/U.S. gallon or the range calibrated for in relative difference of 2.3% with a standard
6.1, the sample should be diluted so that the deviation of 2.0. Duplicate analysis of 47 sam-
result is within the calibration span of the ples in the range of 0.5 to 5 g Pb/U.S. gallon
instrument. resulted in an average relative difference of
7.4 Quality control standards, such as 2.1% with a standard deviation of 1.8%.
NBS standard reference materials, should be 9.2 The average percent recovery for 23
analyzed at least once every testing session. spikes made to samples in the 0.0 to 0.1 g Pb/
7.5 For each group of ten samples, a U.S. gallon range was 103% with a standard
spiked sample should be prepared by adding deviation of 3.2%. For 42 spikes made to sam-
a known amount of lead to a sample. This ples in the 0.1 to 5.0 g Pb/U.S. gallon range,
known addition should be at least 0.05 g Pb/ the average percent recovery was 102% with
U.S. gallon, at least 50% of the measured a standard deviation of 4.2%.
9.3 The analysis of National Bureau of
lead content of the unspiked sample, and not
Standards lead-in-reference-fuel standards of
more than 200% of the measured lead content
known concentrations in a single laboratory
of the unspiked sample (unless the minimum
has resulted in found values deviating from
addition of 0.05 g Pb/U.S. gallon exceeds
the true value for 14 determinations of 0.0490
200%). Both the spiked and unspiked samples
g Pb/U.S. gallon by an average of 2.8% with
should be analyzed.
a standard deviation of 6.4%, for 11 deter-
8. Quality control. minations of 0.065 g Pb/U.S. gallon by an av-
erage of 4.4% with a standard deviation of
8.1 The difference between duplicates 2.9%, and for 15 determinations of 1.994 g Pb/
should not exceed 0.005 g Pb/U.S. gallon or a U.S. gallon by an average of 0.3% with a
relative difference of 6%. standard deviation of 1.3%.


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Pt. 80, App. D 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
9.4 Eighteen analyses of reference sam- with the Reid vapor pressure (RVP) stand-
ples (U.S. EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC) ards set forth in 80.27.
have resulted in found values differing from
the true value by an average of 0.0004 g Pb/ 2. Summary of method.
U.S. gallon with a standard deviation of 0.004 2.1 It is necessary that the samples be
g Pb/U.S. gallon. truly representative of the gasoline in ques-
tion. The precautions required to ensure the
representative character of the samples are
A1. Precautionary Statements numerous and depend upon the tank, carrier,
container or line from which the sample is
A1.1 ISOOCTANE being obtained, the type and cleanliness of
DangerExtremely flammable. Vapors the sample container, and the sampling pro-
harmful if inhaled. cedure that is to be used. A summary of the
Vapor may cause flash fire. sampling procedures and their application is
Keep away from heat, sparks, and open presented in Table 1. Each procedure is suit-
flame. able for sampling a material under definite
Vapors are heavier than air and may gather storage, transportation, or container condi-
in low places, resulting in explosion haz- tions. The basic principle of each procedure
ard. is to obtain a sample in such manner and
Keep container closed. from such locations in the tank or other con-
Use adequate ventilation. tainer that the sample will be truly rep-
Avoid buildup of vapors. resentative of the gasoline.
Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray
3. Description of terms.
Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. 3.1 Average sample is one that consists of
proportionate parts from all sections of the
A1.2 TOLUENE container.
WarningFlammable. Vapor harmful. 3.2 All-levels sample is one obtained by sub-
Keep away from heat, sparks, and open merging a stoppered beaker or bottle to a
flame. point as near as possible to the draw-off
Keep container closed. level, then opening the sampler and raising
Use with adequate ventilation. it at a rate such that it is 7085% full as it
Avoid breathing of vapor or spray mist. emerges from the liquid. An all-levels sample
Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with is not necessarily an average sample because
skin. the tank volume may not be proportional to
the depth and because the operator may not
A1.3 GASOLINE be able to raise the sampler at the variable
DangerExtremely flammable. Vapors rate required for proportionate filling. The
harmful if inhaled. rate of filling is proportional to the square
Vapor may cause flash fire. root of the depth of immersion.
Keep away from heat, sparks, and open 3.3 Running sample is one obtained by low-
flame. ering an unstoppered beaker or bottle from
Vapors are heavier than air and may gather the top of the gasoline to the level of the
in low places, resulting in explosion haz- bottom of the outlet connection or swing
ard. line, and returning it to the top of the gaso-
Keep container closed. line at a uniform rate of speed such that the
Use adequate ventilation. beaker or bottle is 7085% full when with-
Avoid buildup of vapors. drawn from the gasoline.
Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray 3.4 Spot sample is one obtained at some
mist. specific location in the tank by means of a
Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. thief bottle, or beaker.
3.5 Top sample is a spot sample obtained 6
[39 FR 24891, July 8, 1974; 39 FR 25653, July 12, inches (150 mm) below the top surface of the
1974; 39 FR 26287, July 18, 1974, as amended at liquid (Figure 1).
47 FR 765, Jan. 7, 1982; 52 FR 259, Jan. 5, 1987; 3.6 Upper sample is a spot sample taken at
56 FR 13768, Apr. 4, 1991] the mid-point of the upper third of the tank
contents (Figure 1).
APPENDIX C TO PART 80 [RESERVED] 3.7 Middle sample is a spot sample ob-
tained from the middle of the tank contents
PROCEDURES FOR FUEL VOLATILITY 3.8 Lower sample is a spot sample obtained
at the level of the fixed tank outlet or the
1. Scope.
swing line outlet (Figure 1).
1.1 This method covers procedures for ob- 3.9 Clearance sample is a spot sample
taining representative samples of gasoline taken 4 inches (100 mm) below the level of
for the purpose of testing for compliance the tank outlet (Figure 1).


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. D
3.10 Bottom sample is one obtained from 4.3 Cleaning procedure. The method of
the material on the bottom surface of the cleaning all sample containers must be con-
tank, container, or line at its lowest point. sistent with the residual materials in the
3.11 Drain sample is one obtained from the container and must produce sample con-
draw-off or discharge valve. Occasionally, a tainers that are clean and free of water, dirt,
drain sample may be the same as a bottom lint, washing compounds, naphtha or other
sample, as in the case of a tank car. solvents, soldering fluxes, and acids, corro-
3.12 Continuous sample is one obtained sion, rust, and oil. New sample containers
from a pipeline in such manner as to give a should be inspected and cleaned if necessary.
representative average of a moving stream. Dry either the container by passing a cur-
3.13 Mixed sample is one obtained after rent of clean, warm air through the con-
mixing or vigorously stirring the contents of tainer or by allowing it to air dry in a clean
the original container, and then pouring out area at room temperature. When dry, stopper
or drawing off the quantity desired. or cap the container immediately.
3.14 Nozzle sample is one obtained from a 5. Sampling apparatus.
gasoline pump nozzle which dispenses gaso-
line from a storage tank at a retail outlet or 5.1 Sampling apparatus is described in de-
a wholesale purchaser-consumer facility. tail under each of the specific sampling pro-
cedures. Clean, dry, and free all sampling ap-
4. Sample containers. paratus from any substance that might con-
4.1 Sample containers may be clear or taminate the material, using the procedure
brown glass bottles, or cans. The clear glass described in 4.3.
bottle is advantageous because it may be ex- 6. Time and place of sampling.
amined visually for cleanliness, and also al-
lows visual inspection of the sample for free 6.1 When loading or discharging gasoline,
water or solid impurities. The brown glass take samples from both shipping and receiv-
bottle affords some protection from light. ing tanks, and from the pipeline if required.
Cans with the seams soldered on the exterior 6.2 Ship or barge tanks. Sample each prod-
surface with a flux of rosin in a suitable sol- uct after the vessel is loaded or just before
vent are preferred because such a flux is eas- unloading.
ily removed with gasoline, whereas many 6.3 Tank cars. Sample the product after
others are very difficult to remove. If such the car is loaded or just before unloading.
cans are not available, other cans made with NOTE: When taking samples from tanks
a welded construction that are not affected suspected of containing flammable atmos-
by, and that do not affect, the gasoline being pheres, precautions should be taken to guard
sampled are acceptable. against ignitions due to static electricity.
4.2 Container closure. Closure devices may No object or material should be lowered into
be used as long as they meet the following or suspended in a compartment of a tank
test: The quality of closures and containers which is being filled. A recommended wait-
must be determined by the particular labora- ing period of no less than five minutes after
tory or company doing the testing through cessation of pumping will generally permit a
the analysis of at least six sample pairs of substantial relaxation of the electrostatic
gasoline and gasoline-oxygenate blends. The charge for small volume vessels such as tank
six sample pairs must include at least one cars and tank trucks; under certain condi-
pair of ethanol at 10 percent and one pair of tions a longer period may be deemed advis-
MTBE at 15 percent. The second half of the able. A recommended waiting period of no
pair must be analyzed in a period of no less less than 30 minutes will generally permit a
than 90 days after the first. The data ob- substantial relaxation of the electrostatic
tained must meet the following criteria and charge for large volume vessels such as stor-
should be made available to the EPA upon age tanks or ship tanks; under certain condi-
request; tions a longer period may be deemed advis-
n = number of pairs able.
d = duplicate bottles-initial bottles vapor 7. Obtaining samples.
t = student t statistic; the double sided 95% 7.1 Directions for sampling cannot be
confidence interval for n1 degrees of free- made explicit enough to cover all cases. Ex-
dom treme care and good judgment are necessary
to ensure samples that represent the general
d/n(2)1/2 * t * (( d2( d)2/n)/(n1))1/20.38
character and average condition of the mate-
rial. Clean hands are important. Clean gloves
4.2.1 Screw caps must be protected by ma- may be worn but only when absolutely nec-
terial that will not affect petroleum or pe- essary, such as in cold weather, or when han-
troleum products. A phenolic screw cap with dling materials at high temperature, or for
a teflon coated liner may be used, since it reasons of safety. Select wiping cloths so
has met the requirements of the above per- that lint is not introduced, contaminating
formance test upon EPA analysis. samples.


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Pt. 80, App. D 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
7.2 As many petroleum vapors are toxic 10.1.2 Name of the sample;
and flammable, avoid breathing them or ig- 10.1.3 Name or number and owner of the
niting them from an open flame or a spark vessel, car, or container;
produced by static. Follow all safety pre- 10.1.4Brand and grade of material; and
cautions specific to the material being sam- 10.1.5Reference symbol or identification
pled. number.
7.3 When sampling relatively volatile
products (more than 2 pounds (0.14 kgf/cm2) 11. Sampling procedures.
RVP), the sampling apparatus shall be filled 11.1 The standard sampling procedures de-
and allowed to drain before drawing the sam- scribed in this method are summarized in
ple. If the sample is to be transferred to an- Table 1. Alternative sampling procedures
other container, this container shall also be may be used if a mutually satisfactory
rinsed with some of the volatile product and agreement has been reached by the party(ies)
then drained. When the actual sample is involved and EPA and such agreement has
emptied into this container, the sampling been put in writing and signed by authorized
apparatus should be upended into the open- officials.
ing of the sample container and remain in 11.2 Bottle or beaker sampling. The bottle
this position until the contents have been or beaker sampling procedure is applicable
transferred so that no unsaturated air will for sampling liquids of 16 pounds (1.12 kgf/
be entrained in the transfer of the sample. cm2) RVP or less in tank cars, tank trucks,
8. Handling samples. shore tanks, ship tanks, and barge tanks.
11.2.1 Apparatus. A suitable sampling bot-
8.1 Volatile samples. It is necessary to pro- tle or beaker as shown in figure 2 is required.
tect all volatile samples of gasoline from Recommended diameter of opening in the
evaporation. Transfer the product from the bottle or beaker is 34 inch (19 mm).
sampling apparatus to the sample container 11.2.2 Procedure.
immediately. Keep the container closed ex- All-levels sample. Lower the weight-
cept when the material is being transferred. ed, stoppered bottle or beaker as near as pos-
After delivery to the laboratory, volatile sible to the draw-off level, pull out the stop-
samples should be cooled before the con- per with a sharp jerk of the cord or chain and
tainer is opened. raise the bottle at a uniform rate so that it
8.2 Container outage. Never completely fill is 7085% full as it emerges from the liquid.
a sample container, but allow adequate room Running sample. Lower the
for expansion, taking into consideration the unstoppered bottle or beaker as near as pos-
temperature of the liquid at the time of fill- sible to the level of the bottom of the outlet
ing and the probable maximum temperature connection or swing line and then raise the
to which the filled container may be sub- bottle or beaker to the top of the gasoline at
jected. a uniform rate of speed such that it is 7085%
full when withdrawn from the gasoline.
9. Shipping samples. Upper, middle, and lower samples.
9.1 To prevent loss of liquid and vapors Lower the weighted, stoppered bottle to the
during shipment, and to protect against proper depths (Figure 1) as follows:
moisture and dust, cover the stoppers of Upper sample middle of upper third of the
glass bottles with plastic caps that have tank contents
been swelled in water, wiped dry, placed over Middle sample middle of the tank contents
the tops of the stoppered bottles, and al- Lower sample level of the fixed tank out-
lowed to shrink tightly in place. The caps of let or the swing-line out-
metal containers must be screwed down let
tightly and checked for leakage. Postal and
express office regulations applying to the At the selected level pull out the stopper
shipment of flammable liquids must be ob- with a sharp jerk of the cord or chain and
served. allow the bottle or beaker to fill completely,
as evidenced by the cessation of air bubbles.
10. Labeling sample containers.
When full, raise the bottle or beaker, pour
10.1 Label the container immediately after off a small amount, and stopper imme-
a sample is obtained. Use waterproof and diately.
oilproof ink, or a pencil hard enough to dent Top sample. Obtain this sample
the tag, since soft pencil and ordinary ink (Figure 1) in the same manner as specified in
markings are subject to obliteration from but at six inches (150 mm) below the
moisture, oil smearing and handling. An in- top surface of the tank contents.
delible identification symbol, such as a bar Handling. Stopper and label bottle
code, may be used in lieu of a manually ad- samples immediately after taking them, and
dressed label. The label shall reference the deliver to the laboratory in the original sam-
following information: pling bottles.
10.1.1 Date and time (the period elapsed 11.3 Tap sampling. The tap sampling proce-
during continuous sampling); dure is applicable for sampling liquids of


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. D
twenty-six pounds (1.83 kgf/cm2) RVP or less placement of the product within the tube as
in tanks which are equipped with suitable a result of variation in gravity of the flowing
sampling taps or lines. This procedure is rec- stream. The sampling probe should be lo-
ommended for volatile stocks in tanks of the cated preferably in a vertical run of pipe and
breather and balloon roof type, spheroids, as near as practicable to the point where the
etc. (Samples may be taken from the drain product passes to the receiver. The probe
cocks of gage glasses, if the tank is not should always be in a horizontal position.
equipped with sampling taps.) The assembly The sampling lines should be as
for tap sampling is shown in figure 3.
short as practicable and should be cleared
11.3.1 Apparatus.
before any samples are taken. Tank taps. The tank should be
equipped with at least three sampling taps Where adequate flowing velocity
placed equidistant throughout the tank is not available, a suitable device for mixing
height and extending at least three feet (0.9 the fluid flow to ensure a homogeneous mix-
meter) inside the tank shell. A standard 14 ture at all rates of flow and to eliminate
inch pipe with suitable valve is satisfactory. stratification should be installed upstream Tube. A delivery tube that will not of the sampling tap. Some effective devices
contaminate the product being sampled and for obtaining a homogeneous mixture are as
long enough to reach to the bottom of the follows: Reduction in pipe size; a series of
sample container is required to allow sub- baffles; orifice or perforated plate; and a
merged filling. combination of any of these methods. Sample containers. Use clean, dry The design or sizing of these de-
glass bottles of convenient size and strength vices is optional with the user, as long as the
or metal containers to receive the samples. flow past the sampling point is homogeneous
11.3.2 Procedure. Before a sample is drawn, and stratification is eliminated.
flush the tap (or gage glass drain cock) and To control the rate at which the
line until they are purged completely. Con-
nect the clean delivery tube to the tap. Draw sample is withdrawn, the probe or probes
upper, middle, or lower samples directly should be fitted with valves or plug cocks.
from the respective taps after the flushing Automatic sampling devices that
operation. Stopper and label the sample con- meet the standards set out in may be
tainer immediately after filling, and deliver used in obtaining samples of gasoline. The
it to the laboratory. quality of sample collected must be of suffi-
11.4 Continuous sampling. The continuous cient size for analysis, and its composition
sampling procedure is applicable for sam- should be identical with the composition of
pling liquids of 16 pounds (1.12 kgf/cm2) RVP the batch flowing in the line while the sam-
or less and semiliquids in pipelines, filling ple is being taken. An automatic sampler in-
lines, and transfer lines. The continuous stallation necessarily includes not only the
sampling may be done manually or by using automatic sampling device that extracts the
automatic devices. samples from the line, but also a suitable
11.4.1 Apparatus. probe, connecting lines, auxiliary equip- Sampling probe. The function of the ment, and a container in which the sample is
sampling probe is to withdraw from the flow collected. Automatic samplers may be classi-
stream a portion that will be representative fied as follows:
of the entire stream. The apparatus assem- Continuous sampler, time cycle
bly for continuous sampling is shown in fig- (nonproportional) type. A sampler designed
ure 4. Probe designs that are commonly used and operated in such a manner that it trans-
are as follows: fers equal increments of liquid from the pipe- A tube extending to the center of line to the sample container at a uniform
the line and beveled at a 45 degree angle fac-
rate of one or more increments per minute is
ing upstream (Figure 4(a)).
a continuous sampler. A long-radius forged elbow or
pipe bend extending to the center line of the Continuous sampler, flow-re-
pipe and facing upstream. The end of the sponsive (proportional) type. A sampler that
probe should be reamed to give a sharp en- is designed and operated in such a manner
trance edge (Figure 4(b)). that it will automatically adjust the quan- A closed-end tube with a round tity of sample in proportion to the rate of
orifice spaced near the closed end which flow is a flow-responsive (proportional) sam-
should be positioned in such a way that the pler. Adjustment of the quantity of sample
orifice is in the center of the pipeline and is may be made either by varying the fre-
facing the stream as shown in figure 4(c)). quency of transferring equal increments of Probe location. Since the fluid to be sample to the sample container, or by vary-
sampled may not in all cases be homo- ing the volume of the increments while
geneous, the location, the position and the maintaining a constant frequency of trans-
size of the sampling probe should be such as ferring the increments to the sample con-
to minimize stratification or dropping out of tainer. The apparatus assembly for contin-
heavier particles within the tube or the dis- uous sampling is shown in figure 4.


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Pt. 80, App. D 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition) Intermittent sampler. A sampler The tank sample should be taken under the
that is designed and operated in such a man- following conditions:
ner that it transfers equal increments of liq- The batch pumped during the
uid from a pipeline to the sample container test interval should be diverted into a clean
at a uniform rate of less than one increment tank and a sample taken within one hour
per minute is an intermittent sampler. after cessation of pumping. Standards of installation. Auto- If the sampling of the delivery
matic sampler installations should meet all tank is to be delayed beyond one hour, then
safety requirements in the plant or area the tank selected must be equipped with an
where used, and should comply with Amer- adequate mixing means. For valid compari-
ican National Standard Code for Pressure son, the sampling of the delivery tank must
Piping, and other applicable codes (ANSI be completed within eight hours after ces-
B31.1). The sampler should be so installed as sation of pumping, even though the tank is
to provide ample access space for inspection equipped with a motor-driven mixer.
and maintenance. When making a normal full-tank Small lines connecting various delivery from a tank, a properly secured
elements of the installation should be so ar- sample may be used to check the results of
ranged that complete purging of the auto- the sampler if the parties (including EPA)
matic sampler and of all lines can be accom- mutually agree to this procedure.
plished effectively. All fluid remaining in the Receiver. The receiver must be a
sampler and the lines from the preceding clean, dry container of convenient size to re-
sampling cycle should be purged imme- ceive the sample. All connections from the
diately before the start of any given sam- sample probe to the sample container must
pling operation. be free of leaks. Two types of containers may In those cases where the sampler be used, depending upon service require-
design is such that complete purging of the ments.
sampling lines and the sampler is not pos- Atmospheric container. The at-
sible, a small pump should be installed in mospheric container shall be constructed in
order to circulate a continuous stream from such a way that it retards evaporation loss
the sampling tube past or through the sam- and protects the sample from extraneous ma-
pler and back into the line. The automatic terial such as rain, snow, dust, and trash.
sampler should then withdraw the sample The construction should allow cleaning, in-
from the sidestream through the shortest terior inspection, and complete mixing of
possible connection. the sample prior to removal. The container Under certain conditions, there should be provided with a suitable vent.
may be a tendency for water and heavy par- Closed container. The closed con-
ticles to drop out in the discharge line from tainer shall be constructed in such a manner
the sampling device and appear in the sam- that it prevents evaporation loss. The con-
ple container during some subsequent sam- struction must allow cleaning, interior in-
pling period. To circumvent this possibility, spection and complete mixing of the sample
the discharge pipe from the sampling device prior to removal. The container should be
should be free of pockets or enlarged pipe equipped with a pressure-relief valve.
areas, and preferably should be pitched 11.4.2 Procedure.
downward to the sample container. Nonautomatic sample. Adjust the To ensure clean, free-flowing valve or plug cock from the sampling probe
lines, piping should be designed for periodic so that a steady stream is drawn from the
cleaning. probe. Whenever possible, the rate of sample Field calibration. Composite sam- withdrawal should be such that the velocity
ples obtained from the automatic sampler of liquid flowing through the probe is ap-
installation should be verified for quantity proximately equal to the average linear ve-
performance in a manner that meets with locity of the stream flowing through the
the approval of all parties concerned (includ- pipeline. Measure and record the rate of sam-
ing EPA), at least once a month and more ple withdrawal as gallons per hour. Divert
often if conditions warrant. In the case of the sample stream to the sampling container
time-cycle samplers, deviations in quantity continuously or intermittently to provide a
of the sample taken should not exceed five quantity of sample that will be of sufficient
percent for any given setting. In the case of size for analysis.
flow-responsive samplers, the deviation in Automatic sampling. Purge the
quantity of sample taken per 1,000 barrels of sampler and the sampling lines immediately
flowing stream should not exceed five per- before the start of a sampling operation. If
cent. For the purpose of field-calibrating an the sample design is such that complete
installation, the composite sample obtained purging is not possible, circulate a contin-
from the automatic sampler under test uous stream from the probe past or through
should be verified for quality by comparing the sampler and back into the line. With-
on the basis of physical and chemical prop- draw the sample from the side stream
erties, with either a properly secured contin- through the automatic sampler using the
uous nonautomatic sample or tank sample. shortest possible connections. Adjust the


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. D
sampler to deliver not less than one and not 12. Special Precautions and Instructions.
more than 40 gallons (151 liters) of sample
during the desired sampling period. For 12.1 Precautions. Vapor pressures are ex-
time-cycle samplers, record the rate at tremely sensitive to evaporation losses and
which sample increments were taken per to slight changes in composition. When ob-
minute. For flow-responsive samplers, record taining, storing, or handling samples, ob-
the proportion of sample to total stream. serve the necessary precautions to ensure
Label the samples and deliver them to the samples representative of the product and
laboratory in the containers in which they satisfactory for RVP tests. Official samples
were collected. should be taken by, or under the immediate
11.5 Nozzle sampling. The nozzle sampling supervision of, a person of judgment, skill,
procedure is applicable for sampling gasoline and sampling experience. Never prepare com-
from a retail outlet or wholesale purchaser- posite samples for this test. Make certain
consumer facility storage tank. that containers which are to be shipped by
11.5.1 Apparatus. Sample containers con- common carrier conform to applicable Inter-
forming with section 4.1 should be used. A state Commerce Commission, State, and
spacer, if appropriate (figure 6), and a nozzle local regulations. When flushing or purging
extension device similar to that shown in lines or containers, observe the pertinent
figures 7, 7a, or 7b shall be used when nozzle regulations and precautions against fire, ex-
sampling. The nozzle extension device does plosion, and other hazards.
not need to be identical to that shown in fig- 12.2 Sample containers. For nozzle sam-
ures 7, 7a, or 7b but it should be a device that pling, use containers of not less than 4
will bottom fill the container with a min- ounces (118 ml) nor more than two gallons
imum amount of vapor loss. (7.6 liters) capacity, of sufficient strength to
11.5.2 Retail sampling procedure withstand the pressure to which they may be If a nozzle extension as found in subjected, and of a type that will permit re-
figure 7 or 7a is used, 3 gallons of gasoline placement of the cap or stopper with suitable
should first be dispensed from the pump noz- connections for the transfer of the sample to
zle to purge the pump hose and nozzle. Then the gasoline chamber of the vapor pressure
a small amount of product should be dis- testing apparatus. For running or all-level
pensed through the nozzle extension into the sampling procedures, use containers of not
sample container to rinse the sample con- less than one quart (0.9 liter) nor more than
tainer. A pump nozzle spacer (figure 6) may two gallons (7.6 liters) capacity. Open-type
be used if the pump is a vapor recovery type. containers have a single opening which per-
Rinse the sample container and discard the mits sampling by immersion. Closed-type
waste product into an appropriate container. containers have two openings, one in each
Insert the nozzle extension (figure 7 or 7a) end (or the equivalent thereof), fitted with
into the sample container and insert the valves suitable for sampling by purging.
pump nozzle into the extension with slot 12.3 Transfer connections. The transfer
over the air bleed hole (when using figure 7). connection for the open-type container con-
Fill the sample container slowly through the sists of an air tube and a liquid delivery tube
nozzle extension to 7085 percent full (figure assembled in a cap or stopper. The air tube
8). Remove the nozzle extension. Cap the extends to the bottom of the container. One
sample container at once. Check for leaks. end of the liquid delivery tube is flush with
Discard the sample container and re-sample the inside face of the cap or stopper and the
if leak occurs. If the sample container is tube is long enough to reach the bottom of
leak tight, label the container and deliver it the gasoline chamber while the sample is
to the laboratory. being transferred to the chamber. The trans- If a nozzle extension as found in fer connection for the closed-type container
figure 7b is used, 3 gallons of gasoline should consists of a single tube with a connection
first be dispensed from the pump nozzle to suitable for attaching it to one of the open-
purge the pump hose and nozzle. Then screw ings of the sample container. The tube is
a dry and dirt free 4 oz sample bottle con- long enough to reach the bottom of the gaso-
tainer onto the bottle filling fixture. Insert line chamber while the sample is being
the nozzle into the nozzle extension. Insert transferred.
the discharge end of the modified nozzle ex- 12.4 Sampling open tanks. Use clean con-
tension into a gasoline safety can or into the tainers of the open type when sampling open
filler neck of a vehicle. Obtain the sample by tanks and tank cars. An all-levels or a run-
pumping at least 0.2 gallon through the sam- ning sample obtained by the bottle procedure
pler. Remove the sample bottle from the fix- described in 11.2 is recommended. When the
ture. The sample must be 7085 percent full. question exists of stratification of the con-
Cap the sample container at once. Check for tents of the tank, it is recommended that ei-
leaks. Discard the sample container and re- ther a running or all-levels sample be taken
sample if a leak occurs. If the sample con- along with upper, middle, and lower spot
tainer is leak tight, label the container and sampling. Before taking the sample, flush
deliver it to the laboratory. the container by immersing it in the product


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Pt. 80, App. D 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
to be sampled. Then obtain the sample im- that the sample container will be 7080 per-
mediately. The sample must be 7085 percent cent full. If the vapor pressure of the product
full. Close the container promptly and con- is not high enough to force liquid from the
firm it is not leaking. Label the container container, open both the upper and lower
and deliver it to the laboratory. valves slightly to remove the excess.
12.5. Sampling closed tanks. Containers of Promptly seal and label the container, and
the closed type may be used to obtain sam- deliver it to the laboratory.
ples from closed or pressure tanks. Obtain
the sample using the purging procedure de- TABLE 1SUMMARY OF GASOLINE SAMPLING
12.6 Purging procedure. Connect the inlet
valve of the closed-type container to the Type of container Procedure Paragraph
tank sampling tap or valve. Throttle the
outlet valve of the container so that the Storage tanks, ship and Bottle sam- 11.2
barge tanks, tank cars, pling.
pressure in it will be approximately equal to tank trucks.
that in the container being sampled. Allow a Storage tanks with taps ..... Tap sam- 11.3
volume of product equal to at least twice pling..
that of the container to flow through the Pipes and lines ................... Continuous 11.4
sampling system. Then close all valves, the line sam-
outlet valve first, the inlet valve of the con- pling.
tainer second, and the tank sampling valve Retail outlet and whole-sale Nozzle sam- 11.5
purchaser-consumer fa- pling.
last, and disconnect the container imme- cility storage tanks.
diately. Withdraw enough of the contents so


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. E

[54 FR 11886, Mar. 22, 1989; 54 FR 27017, June 27, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 25835, June 25, 1990;
58 FR 14485, Mar. 17, 1993; 58 FR 19152, Apr. 12, 1993]

APPENDIX E TO PART 80TEST FOR DE- 1.2 The values stated in pounds per square
TERMINING REID VAPOR PRESSURE inch absolute are standard.
(RVP) OF GASOLINE AND GASOLINE- 2. Summary of method.
2.1 A known volume of air-saturated fuel
METHOD 3EVACUATED CHAMBER METHOD at 3240 F is introduced into an evacuated,
thermostatically controlled test chamber,
1. Scope.
the internal volume of which is or becomes
1.1 This method covers the determination five times that of the total test specimen in-
of the absolute pressure, measured against a troduced into the test chamber. After the in-
vacuum of a gasoline or gasoline-oxygenate jection the test specimen is allowed to reach
blend sample saturated with air at 3240 F thermal equilibrium at the test temperature,
(04.5 C). The absolute (measured) pressure 100 F (37.8 C). The resulting pressure in-
is observed with a system volume ratio of 1 crease is measured with an absolute pressure
part sample and 4 parts evacuated space at measuring device whose volume is included
100 F (37.8 C). in the total of the test chamber volume. The


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Pt. 80, App. E 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
measured pressure is the sum of the partial or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800
pressures of the sample and the dissolved air. North Capitol Street, NW., Washington, DC.
2.2 The total measured pressure is con-
verted to Reid vapor pressure by use of a cor- 4. Reagents and materials.
relation equation (see Section 9).
4.1 Quality control standards. Use chemi-
3. Apparatus. cals of at least 99% purity for quality control
standards. Unless otherwise indicated, it is
3.1 The apparatus shall employ a
intended that all reagents conform to the
thermostatically controlled test chamber
specifications of the committee on Analyt-
which is capable of maintaining a vapor-to-
ical Reagents of the American Chemical So-
liquid ratio between 3.95 and 4.05 to 1.00.
3.2 The pressure measurement device ciety where such specifications are available
shall have a minimum operation range from (see section 7.3). Specifications for analytical
0 to 15 psia (0 to 103 kPa) with a minimum reagents may be obtained from the American
resolution of 0.05 psia (0.34 kPa). The pres- Chemical Society, 1155 16th Street, NW.,
sure measurement device shall include any Washington, DC 20036.
necessary electronic and readout devices to 4.1.1 2,2,4-trimethylpentane
display the resulting reading. 4.1.2 2,2-dimethylbutane
3.3 The test chamber shall be maintained 4.1.3 3-methylpentane
at 1000.2 F (37.80.1 C) for the duration of 4.1.4 n-pentane
the test except for the time period after sam- 4.1.5 acetone
ple injection when the sample is coming to 4.2 n-pentane (commercial grade-95%
equilibrium with test temperature of
1000.2 F (37.80.1 C).
3.4 A thermometer that meets the speci- 5. Handling of samples.
fication ASTM 18 F (18 C) or a platinum re-
sistance thermometer shall be used for meas- 5.1 The sensitivity of vapor pressure
uring the temperature of the test chamber. measurements to losses through evaporation
The minimum resolution for the tempera- and the resulting change in composition is
ture measurement device is 0.2 F (0.1 C) and such as to require the utmost precaution in
an accuracy of 0.2 F (0.1 C). the handling of samples. The provisions of
3.5 The vapor pressure apparatus shall this section apply to all samples for vapor
have a provision for the introduction of the pressure determinations.
test specimen into the evacuated or to be 5.2 Sample in accordance with 40 CFR
evacuated test chamber and for the cleaning part 80, appendix D.
or purging of the chamber following the test.
5.3 Sample container size. The minimum
3.6 If a vacuum pump is used, it must be
size of the sample container from which the
capable of reducing the pressure in the test
vapor pressure sample is taken is 4 ounces
chamber to less than 0.01 psia (0.07 kPa). If
the apparatus uses a piston to induce a vacu- (118 ml). It will be 70 to 85% filled with sam-
um in the sample chamber the residual pres- ple.
sure shall be no greater than 0.01 psia (0.07 5.4 Precautions.
kPa) upon full expansion of the test chamber 5.4.1 Determine vapor pressure as the first
devoid of any material at 1000.2 F test on a sample. Multiple analyses may be
(37.80.1 C). performed, but must be evaluated given the
3.7 Ice water or air bath for chilling the stated precision for the size of the sample
sample to a temperature between 3240 F (0 container, and the order in which they were
4.5 C). run in relation to the initial analysis.
3.8 Mercury barometer, 0 to 17.4 psia (0 to 5.4.2 Protect samples from excessive heat
120 kPa) range. prior to testing.
3.9 McLeod vacuum gauge, to cover at 5.4.3 Leaking samples should be replaced
least the range of 0 to 5 mm Hg (0 to 0.67 if possible. Analysis results from leaking
kPa). Calibration of the McLeod gauge is sample containers must be marked as such.
checked as in accordance with Annex A6 of
5.4.4 Samples that have separated into
ASTM test Method D 289284, (Standard test
method for distillation of Crude Petroleum two phases should be replaced if possible.
(15Theoretical Plate Column)). ASTM D Analysis results from samples that have
289284 is incorporated by reference. This in- phase separated must be marked as such.
corporation by reference was approved by 5.4.5 Sample handling temperature. In all
the Director of the Federal Register in ac- cases, cool the sample to a temperature of
cordance with 5 U.S.C 552(a) and 1 CFR part 3240 F (04.5 C) before the container is
51. Copies may be obtained from the Amer- opened. To ensure sufficient time to reach
ican Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 this temperature, directly measure the tem-
Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. Copies may perature of a similar liquid at a similar ini-
be inspected at the U.S. Environmental Pro- tial temperature in a like container placed
tection Agency, Air Docket Section, room in the cooling bath at the same time as the
M1500, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460 sample.


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. E
6. Preparation for test. tainer. The syringe must be capable of ob-
taining, upon filling with the sample charge,
6.1 Verification of sample container filling.
a quantity of sample that has an entrained
With the sample at a temperature of 3240 F
gas volume of less than 3% of the necessary
(04.5 C), take the container from the cool-
ing bath, wipe dry with an absorbent mate- sample volume.
rial, unseal it, and examine its ullage. The 7. Calibration.
sample content, as determined by use of a
suitable gauge, should be equal to 70 to 85 7.1 Pressure measurement device.
volume % of the container capacity. 7.1.1 Check the calibration of the pressure
6.1.1 Analysis results from samples that measurement device daily or until the sta-
contain less than 70 volume % of the con- bility of the device is documented as having
tainer capacity must be marked as such. less than or equal to 0.03 psi (0.2 kPa) drift
6.1.2 If the container is more than 85 vol- per unit of the appropriate calibration pe-
ume % full, pour out enough sample to bring riod. When calibration is necessary, follow
the container contents within the 70 to 85 the procedures in sections 7.1.2 through 7.1.4.
volume % range. Under no circumstance may 7.1.2 Connect a properly calibrated
any sample poured out be returned to the McLeod gauge to the vacuum source line to
container. the test chamber. Apply vacuum to the test
6.2 Air saturation of the sample in the chamber. When the McLeod gauge registers a
sample container. With the sample at a tem- pressure less than 0.8 mm Hg (0.1 kPa) adjust
perature of 3240 F (04.5 C), take the con- the pressure measurement devices zero con-
tainer from the cooling bath, wipe dry with trol to match to within 0.01 psi (0.07 kPa) of
an absorbent material, unseal it momen- the McLeod Gauge.
tarily, taking care to prevent water entry,
7.1.3 Open the test chamber to the atmos-
re-seal it, and shake it vigorously. Return it
phere and observe the pressure measurement
to the bath for a minimum of 2 minutes. Re-
devices reading. Adjust the pressure meas-
peat the air introduction procedure twice,
urement devices span control to within 0.01
for a total of three air introductions to com-
psi (0.07 kPa) of a temperature and latitude
pletely saturate the sample.
6.3 Prepare the instrument for operation adjusted mercury barometer.
in accordance with the manufacturers in- 7.1.4 Repeat steps 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 until the
structions. instrument zero and barometer readings read
6.3.1 Instruments with vacuum pumps. Clean correctly without further adjustments.
and dry the test chamber as required to ob- 7.2 Thermometer. Check the calibration of
tain a sealed test chamber pressure of less the ASTM 18 F (18 C) thermometer or the
than 0.01 psi (0.07 kPa) for 1 minute. If the platinum resistance thermometer used to
pressure exceeds this value check for and re- monitor the test chamber at least every six
solve in the following order; residual sample months in accordance ASTM E186, (Stand-
or cleaning solvent, sample chamber leaks, ard Specification for ASTM Thermometers).
and transducer calibration. ASTM E186 is incorporated by reference.
6.3.2 Instruments without vacuum pumps. This incorporation by reference was ap-
The sample purges the sample chamber proved by the Director of the Federal Reg-
through a series of rinses before the analysis ister in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
occurs. Errors due to leaks in the plunger, CFR part 51. Copies may be obtained from
piston seals, or carryover from previous sam- the American Society for Testing and Mate-
ples or standards may give erratic results rials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.
(see Note of section 6.3.2). The operator must Copies may be inspected at the U.S. Environ-
run a quality control standard for at least mental Protection Agency, Air Docket Sec-
one in twenty analyses or once a day to de- tion, room M1500, 401 M St., SW., Wash-
termine if there is carryover from previous ington, DC 20460 or at the Office of the Fed-
analyses or if leaks are occurring. eral Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW.,
NOTE: When using a self cleaning apparatus Washington, DC. Check the reading of the
some residual product may be carried over thermometer against a National Institute of
into subsequent analyses. Carryover effect Standards and Technology traceable ther-
should be investigated when conducting se- mometer.
quential analyses of dissimilar materials, es- 7.3 Quality assurance. The instruments
pecially calibration standards. Inaccuracies performance must be checked at least once
caused by carryover effect should be resolved per day using a quality control standard list-
using testing procedures designed to mini- ed in section 4.1. In the case of the non-vacu-
mize such interferences. um pump instruments the frequency is stat-
6.4 If a syringe is used for the physical in- ed in section 6.3.2. The standards must be
troduction of the sample specimen, it must chilled to the same temperature, have the
be either clean and dry before it is used or it same ullage, and saturated with air in the
may be rinsed out at least three times with same manner as the samples. Record total
the sample. When cleaning the syringe, the measured pressure and compare against the
rinse may not be returned to the sample con- following reference values:


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Pt. 80, App. E 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

Compound Lower control limit Upper control limit

2,2,4-trimethylpentane ......................... 2.39 psia (16.5 kpa) ..................... 3.03 psi (20.9 kpa)
3-methylpentane .................................. 6.86 psia (47.3 kpa) ..................... 7.26 psi (50.1 kpa)
acetone ................................................ 7.97 psia (55.0 kpa) ..................... 8.12 psi (56.0 kpa)
2,2-dimethylbutane .............................. 10.64 psia (73.4 kpa) ................... 10.93 psi (75.4 kpa)
n-pentane ............................................ 16.20 psia (111.7 kpa) ................. 16.40 psi (113.1 kpa)

If the observed pressure does not fall be- and inserting/securing the syringe or trans-
tween the reference values, check the instru- fer connection into the sealed test chamber
ment for leaks and its calibration (Section shall not exceed one minute.
7). 8.2 Follow the manufacturers instruc-
7.3.1 Other compounds, gasolines, and gas- tions for injection of the test specimen into
oline blends may be used as control stand- the test chamber, and for the operation of
ards as long as these materials have been the instrument to obtain a total measured
statistically evaluated for their mean total vapor pressure result for the test specimen.
measured pressure using an instrument that 8.3 Set the instrument to read the test re-
conforms to this procedure. sults in terms of total measured pressure. If
7.3.2 The control limits can be calculated the instrument is capable of calculating a
with the following formula: Reid Vapor Pressure equivalent value ensure
that only the parameters in section 9.2 are

9. Calculation and record of result.

9.1 Note the total measured vapor pres-
sure reading for the instrument to the near-
est 0.01 psi (0.07 kPa). For instruments which
do not automatically display a stable pres-
Standard Deviation sure value, manually note the pressure indi-
cator reading every minute to the nearest
0.01 psi (0.07 kPa). When three successive
readings agree to within 0.01 psia (0.07 kPa)
note the final result to the nearest 0.01 psia
(0.07 kPa).
9.2 Using the following correlation equa-
Upper Control Limit (UCL) tion, calculate the Reid Vapor Pressure
(RVP) that is equivalent to the total meas-
UCL=X+(tn1,0.975) * (Sx) ured vapor pressure obtained from the in-
strument, in order to compare the vapor
Lower Control Limit (LCL) pressure standards set out in 40 CFR 80.27.
LCL=X(tn1,0.975) * (Sx) Ensure that the instrument reading in this
equation corresponds to the total measured
where: pressure and has not been corrected by an
xi is the individual analyses of the control automatically programmed correction fac-
standard, n is the number of analyses (for tor.
a new instrument or a new control stand-
ard this should be at least ten analyses); RVP psi = (0.956 * X)0.347
(tn1,0.975) is the two-tailed student t sta- RVP kPa = (0.956 * X)2.39
tistic for n-1 degrees of freedom for 95% of where:
the expected data from the analysis of the X = total measured vapor pressure in psi or
standard. kPa
9.3 Record the RVP to the nearest 0.01 psi
8. Procedure. (0.07 kPa) as the official test result.
8.1 Remove the sample from the cooling 9.4 EPA will use the above method as the
bath or refrigerator, dry the exterior of the official vapor pressure test method. EPA will
container with absorbent material, unseal, recognize correlations from regulated parties
and insert the transfer tube, syringe, or if the correlations are established directly
transfer connection (see section 6). Draw an with EPAs test laboratory. Any test method
aliquot (minimize gas bubbles) of sample may be used for defense as long as adequate
into a gas tight syringe or transfer the sam- correlation is demonstrated to this method
ple using tubing or transfer connection and (i.e., any vapor pressure defense test method
deliver this test specimen to the test cham- could be used if adequate correlation exists
ber as rapidly as possible. The total time be- directly to this method, which can then be
tween opening the chilled sample container converted to Reid Vapor Pressure by use of


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. F
the EPA Grabner correlation equation in dure must be familiar with the chemicals in-
section 9.2 of this method). volved and all precautions applicable to
[58 FR 14488, Mar. 17, 1993]
5.1 Extractions and dilutions must be per-
APPENDIX F TO PART 80TEST FOR DE- formed in well-ventilated areas, preferably
TERMINING THE QUANTITY OF ALCO- under a fume hood, away from open flames
HOL IN GASOLINE and sparks.
5.2 Rubber gloves must be worn during
METHOD 1WATER EXTRACTION METHOD the handling of gasoline and alcohols.
5.3 Avoid breathing fumes from gasoline
1. Scope. and alcohols, particularly methanol.
This test method covers the determination 5.4 Gas cylinders must be properly se-
of the type and amount of alcohols in gaso- cured and the hydrogen FID fuel must be
line. segregated from the compressed air (oxi-
dizer) tank.
2. Summary of method.
6. Visual inspection.
Gasoline samples are extracted with water
prior to analysis on a gas chromatograph 6.1 Ensure that the samples do not certain
(GC). The extraction eliminates hydrocarbon sediment or separated phases prior to extrac-
interference during chromatography. A tion.
known quantity of isopropanol is added to 6.2 Ensure adequate quantities of GC sup-
the fuel prior to extraction to act as an in- ply gases to maintain a run.
ternal standard. 7. Test article preparation.
3. Sample description. 7.1 Gas chromatographyUse carrier gas,
3.1 Sample in accordance with 40 CFR flow rates, detector and injection tempera-
part 80, appendix D. tures and column as specified in the GC man-
3.2 At least 100 ml. of gasoline suspected ufacturers specifications.
of containing ethanol and/or methanol are 7.2 Sample extraction, preparation and
required. analysis.
7.2.1 Label two 6 ml. vials with the sample
4. Apparatus. identification number supplied with the
original sample. The estimated percent alco-
4.1 Gas chromatographA gas chro- hol from any screening tests must also be in-
matograph equipped with a flame ionization cluded on the label.
detector. 7.2.2 Pipet 4 ml.0.01 ml. of sample into
4.2 ColumnA gas chromatograph col- one of the vials. Label as vial #1.
umn, glass, 1800 by 6.35 cm. outside diameter, 7.2.3 Measure 100 ul. (0.1 ml.)0.5 ul. of
packed with chromosorb 102. isopropanol into vial #1.
4.3 RecorderA 1-mv recorder with a 1
second full scale response and a chart speed NOTE: This adds an internal standard to
of 10 mm. per minute (0.4 inches per minute). the sample which is required for accurate
4.4 Syringe (100 ul.) for adding the inter- analysis.
nal standard. 7.2.4 Add 1 ml.0.2 ml. of distilled water to
4.5 Pipet. the gasoline sample in vial #1 and shake for
4.6 Injection syringe (10 ul.). 10 seconds.
4.7 Extraction syringe (15 ml.) with 3- 7.2.5 Allow the mixture to separate into
inch needle. two phases (at least 5 minutes).
4.8 250 ml. (12 pint) glass sample bottles 7.2.6 Carefully draw off the aqueous
with screw caps or equivalent. (lower) phase using a 5 ml. syringe and long
4.9 Calibration standard solutions ex- needle.
tracted from gasoline containing known
quantities of alcohols. NOTE: Be careful not to allow any of the
4.10 Reference standard solutions ex- gasoline phase to get into the needle. Leave
tracted from gasoline containing known a small amount (approximately 0.2 ml.) of
quantities of alcohols. the aqueous phase in the vial.
4.11 Distilled water. 7.2.7 Transfer the aqueous phase into the
4.12 Reagent grade isopropanol. other 6 ml. vial (vial #2).
4.13 Rubber gloves. 7.2.8 Repeat steps 7.2.4 to 7.2.6 two more
4.14 I.D. tags. times.
7.2.9 Fill vial #2 (the aqueous phase) to 4
5. Precautions.
ml.0.05 ml. with distilled water.
NOTE 1: Gasoline and alcohols are ex- 7.2.10 Retain the remaining original gaso-
tremely flammable and may be toxic over line sample (not the gasoline phase).
prolonged exposure. Methanol is particularly 7.2.11 Discard the extracted gasoline
hazardous. Persons performing this proce- phase in vial #1 in an appropriate manner.


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Pt. 80, App. F 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
7.2.12 Perform a second extraction on one curacies caused by incomplete extraction of
sample in every 20. This sample is to be la- alcohols.
beled with the sample number and as a dupli- 8.3 The addition of isopropanol as an in-
cate and run as a normal sample. ternal standard reduces errors caused by
7.2.13 Transfer approximately 2 ml. of the variations in injection volumes, and further
aqueous solution to vials compatible with reduces inaccuracies caused by incomplete
the autosampler. Tag the vial with the sam- extraction of alcohols.
ple number. 8.4 Sufficient sample should be retained
7.2.14 Perform analysis of the sample ac- to permit reanalysis.
cording to the GC manufacturers specifica- 8.5 Running averages of reference stand-
tions. ards data must not exceed 0.75% of applica-
7.3 Standards. ble limits or investigation should be started
7.3.1 Calibration standard solutions (made for the cause of such variation.
in gasoline).
9. Calculations. Reagent grade or better alcohols
(including undenatured ethanol) are to be di- 9.1 Calculate purity of component as fol-
luted with regular unleaded gasoline. The lows:
isopropanol internal standard is to be added
during extraction of the alcohols. Newly ac- A i expressed as a decimal
quired stocks of reagent grade alcohols shall Pi =
be diluted to 10% with hydrocarbon-free A fraction, that is 0.999
water and analyzed for contamination by GC where:
before use. Required calibration standards (% Pi = purity of component i,
by volume in gasoline): Ai = area of response of component i, and
A = total area response of all components.
Range Standard 9.2 Calculate response factors as follows:
Alcohol (percent) (MIN)

A is Wi Pi
Fi =
Methanol ............................................ 0.512 5
Ethanol .............................................. 0.511 5
A i Wis Pis
The standards should be as equally spaced where:
within the range as possible and may contain
Fi = response factor for component of inter-
more than one alcohol. est i,
NOTE: Level #1 must contain all of the al- Ai = area response for component of interest
cohols. i,
Ais = area response of internal standard,
8. Quality control provisions. Wi = weight of component of interest i (be
8.1 Alcohol(s) in water solution may be sure to consider all sources),
used to characterize the GC. The resulting Wis = weight of internal standard,
characterization always reflects the absolute Pi = purity of component of interest i as de-
sensitivity of the instrument to each alco- termined in 9.1 expressed as a decimal, and
hol. Pis = purity of internal standards as deter-
mined in 9.1 expressed as a decimal.
8.2 Calibration standards are made by ex-
traction of known alcohol(s) in gasoline 9.3 Calculate the percent alcohols as fol-
blends. These standards account for inac- lows:

Wis A i Fi
Ci = 100 = weight % component i
Wi A is


Ai = peak area component i, 11.1 PrecisionThe precision of this test
Ais = peak area of internal standard, method has not been determined.
Wi = weight of sample, 11.2 AccuracyThe accuracy of this test
Wis = weight of internal standard, and method has not been determined.
Fi = response factor for component i.

10.1 Report results to the nearest 0.1%.


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. F
METHOD 2TEST METHOD FOR DETERMINATION 3.5 WCOTabbreviation for a type of cap-
OF C1 TO C4 ALCOHOLS AND MTBE IN GASO- illary column used in gas chromatography
LINE BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY that is wall-coated open tubular. This type
of column is prepared by coating the inside
1. Scope. of the capillary with a thin film of sta-
1.1 This test method covers a procedure tionary phase.
for determination of methanol, ethanol, 3.6 TCEP1,2,3,-tris-2-
isopropanol, n-propanol, isobutanol, sec-bu- cyanoethoxypropanea gas chromatographic
tanol, tert-butanol, n-butanol, and methyl liquid phase.
tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) in gasoline by 4. Summary of test method.
gas chromatography.
1.2 Individual alcohols and MTBE are de- 4.1 An internal standard, tertiary amyl
termined from 0.1 to 10 volume %. Any sam- alcohol, is added to the sample which is then
ple found to contain greater than 10 volume introduced into a gas chromatograph
% of an alcohol or MTBE shall be diluted to equipped with two columns and a column
concentrations within these limits. switching valve. The sample first passes onto
1.3 Sl (metric) units of measurement are a polar TCEP column which elutes lighter
preferred and used throughout this standard. hydrocarbons to vent and retains the
Alternative units, in common usage, are also oxygenated and heavier hydrocarbons. After
provided to improve the clarity and aid the methylcyclopentane, but before MTBE
user of this test method. elutes from the polar column, the valve is
1.4 This standard may involve hazardous switched to backflush the oxygenates onto a
materials, operations, and equipment. This WCOT non-polar column. The alcohols and
standard does not purport to address all of MTBE elute from the non-polar column in
the safety problems associated with its use. boiling point order, before elution of any
It is the responsibility of the user of this major hydrocarbon constituents. After ben-
standard to establish appropriate safety and zene elutes from the non-polar column, the
health practices and determine the applica- column switching valve is switched back to
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. its original position to backflush the heavy
2. Referenced documents. hydrocarbons. The eluted components are de-
2.1 ASTM Standards: tected by a flame ionization or thermal con-
ductivity detector. The detector response,
D 4307 Practice for Preparation of Liquid
proportional to the component concentra-
Blends for Use as Analytical Standards 1
tion, is recorded; the peak areas are meas-
D 4626 Practice for Calculation of Gas
ured; and the concentration of each compo-
Chromatographic Response Factors 1
nent is calculated with reference to the in-
E 260 Practice for Packed Column Gas
ternal standard.
Chromatographic Procedures 2
E 355 Practice for Gas Chromatography 5. Significance and use.
Terms and Relationships 2
2.2 EPA Regulations: 5.1 Alcohols and other oxygenates may be
40 CFR Part 80 Appendix D added to gasoline to increase the octane
number. Type and concentration of various
3. Descriptions of terms specific to this standard. oxygenates are specified and regulated to en-
sure acceptable commercial gasoline quality.
3.1 MTBEmethyl tertiary butyl ether.
Drivability, vapor pressure, phase separa-
3.2 Low volume connectora special
tion, and evaporative emissions are some of
union for connecting two lengths of tubing
the concerns associated with oxygenated
1.6 mm inside diameter and smaller. Some-
times this is referred to as a zero dead vol-
5.2 This test method is applicable to both
ume union.
quality control in the production of gasoline
3.3 Oxygenatesused to designate fuel
and for the determination of deliberate or
blending components containing oxygen, ei-
extraneous oxygenate additions or contami-
ther in the form of alcohol or ether.
3.4 Split ratioa term used in gas chro-
matography using capillary columns. The 6. Apparatus.
split ratio is the ratio of the total flow of the
carrier gas to the sample inlet versus the 6.1 Chromatograph:
flow of carrier gas to the capillary column. 6.1.1 A gas chromatographic instrument
Typical values range from 10:1 to 500:1 de- which can be operated at the conditions
pending upon the amount of sample injected given in Table 1, and having a column
and the type of capillary column used. switching and backflushing system equiva-
lent to Fig. 1. Carrier gas flow controllers
shall be capable of precise control where the
1 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. required flow rates are low (Table 1). Pres-
05.03. sure control devices and gages shall be capa-
2 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. ble of precise control for the typical pres-
14.01. sures required.


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Pt. 80, App. F 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)


Temperatures Flows, mL/min Other parameters: Carrier gas, helium

Column oven, C ....................... 60 To injector ................... 75 Sample size, L ....................................... 3

Injector, C ................................. 200 Column ....................... 5 Split ratio .................................................. 15 : 1
DetectorTCD, C .................... 200 Auxiliary ...................... 3 Backflush, min .......................................... 0.20.3
FID, C ................................ 250 Makeup ....................... 18 Valve reset time, min ............................... 810
Valve, C .................................... 60 Total analysis time, min ........................... 1820

6.1.2 DetectorA thermal conductivity for determining the detector response. Peak
detector or flame ionization detector may be heights or areas can be measured by com-
used. The system shall have sufficient sensi- puter, electronic integration or manual tech-
tivity and stability to obtain a recorded de- niques.
flection of at least 2 mm at a signal-to-noise 6.3 Columns, two as follows:
ratio of at least 5 to 1 for 0.005 volume % con- 6.3.1 Polar columnThis column performs
centration of an oxygenate. a preseparation of the oxygenates from vola-
6.1.3 Switching and backflushing valveA tile hydrocarbons in the same boiling point
valve, to be located within the gas chromato- range. The oxygenates and remaining hydro-
graphic column oven, capable of performing carbons are backflushed onto the non-polar
the functions described in Section 11. and il- column in section 6.3.2. Any column with
lustrated in Fig. 1. The valve shall be of low equivalent or better chromatographic effi-
volume design and not contribute signifi- ciency and selectivity to that described in
cantly to chromatographic deterioration. can be used. The column shall perform Valco Model No. CMVSV10HT, at the same temperature as required for the
1.6-mm (116-in.) fittings. This particular column in 6.3.2.
valve was used in the majority of the anal- TCEP micro-packed column, 560
yses used for the development of Section 15.
mm (22 in.) by 1.6-mm (116-in.) outside diame- Valco Model No. C10W, 0.8-mm (132-
ter by 0.38-mm (0.015-in.) inside diameter
in.) fittings. This valve is recommended for
stainless steel tube packed with 0.14 to 0.15g
use with columns of 0.32-mm inside diameter
of 20% (mass/mass) TCEP on 80/100 mesh
and smaller.
Chromosorb P(AW). This column was used in
6.1.4 Although not mandatory, an auto-
the (ASTM) cooperative study to provide the
matic valve switching device is strongly rec-
Precision and Bias data referred to in Sec-
ommended to ensure repeatable switching
tion 15.
times. Such a device should be synchronized
with injection and data collection times. If 6.3.2 Non-polar (analytical) columnAny
no such device is available, a stopwatch, column with equivalent or better chromato-
started at the time of injection, should be graphic efficiency and selectivity to that de-
used to indicate the proper valve switching scribed in and illustrated in Fig. 2 can
time. be used.
6.1.5 Injection systemThe chromato- WCOT methyl silicone column, 30m
graph should be equipped with a splitting- (1181 in.) long by 0.53 mm (0.021-in.) inside di-
type inlet device. Split injection is necessary ameter fused silica WCOT column with a 2.6-
to maintain the actual chromatographed m film thickness of cross-linked methyl si-
sample size within the limits of column and loxane. This column was used in the (ASTM)
detector optimum efficiency and linearity. cooperative study to provide the Precision
6.1.6 Sample introductionAny system and Bias data referred to in Section 15.
capable of introducing a representative sam-
ple into the split inlet device. Microlitre sy- 7. Reagents and materials.
ringes, automatic syringe injectors, and liq- 7.1 Carrier gasCarrier gas appropriate to
uid sampling valves have been used success- the type of detector used. Helium has been
fully. used successfully. The minimum purity of
6.2 Data presentation or calculation, or the carrier gas used must be 99.95 mol %.
both: 7.2 Standards for calibration and identi-
6.2.1 RecorderA recording potentiom- ficationStandards of all components to be
eter or equivalent with a full-scale deflection analyzed and the internal standard are re-
of 5 mV or less. Full-scale response time quired for establishing identification by re-
should be l s or less with sufficient sensi- tention as well as calibration for quan-
tivity and stability to meet the require- titative measurements. These materials
ments of 6.1.2. shall be of known purity and free of the
6.2.2 Integrator or computerDevices ca- other components to be analyzed.
pable of meeting the requirements of 6.1.2,
and providing graphic and digital presen- NOTE 1. WarningThese materials are
tation of the chromatographic data, are rec- flammable and may be harmful or fatal if in-
ommended for use. Means shall be provided gested or inhaled.


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. F
7.3 Preparation of calibration blendsFor 10. Sampling.
best results, these components must be
10.1 Gasoline samples to be analyzed by
added to a stock gasoline or petroleum naph-
this test method shall be sampled in accord-
tha, free of oxygenates (WarningSee Note
ance with 40 CFR part 80, appendix D.
2). Refer to Test Method D 4307 for prepara-
tion of liquid blends. The preparation of sev- 11. Preparation of apparatus and establishment
eral different blends, at different concentra- of conditions.
tion levels covering the scope of the method,
is recommended. These will be used to estab- 11.1 AssemblyConnect the WCOT col-
lish the linearity of the component response. umn to the valve system using low volume
connectors and narrow bore tubing. It is im-
NOTE 2. WarningExtremely flammable. portant to minimize the volume of the
Vapors harmful if inhaled. chromatographic system that comes in con-
7.4 Methylene chlorideUsed for column tact with the sample, otherwise peak broad-
preparation. Reagent grade, free of non-vola- ening will occur.
tile residue. 11.2 Adjust the operating conditions to
those listed in Table 1, but do not turn on
NOTE 3. WarningHarmful if inhaled. High the detector circuits. Check the system for
concentrations may cause unconsciousness leaks before proceeding further.
or death. 11.3 Flow rate adjustment.
11.3.1 Attach a flow measuring device to
8. Preparation of column packings.
the column vent with the valve in the
8.1 TCEP column packing: RESET position and adjust the pressure to
8.1.1 Any satisfactory method, used in the the injection port to give 5.0 mL/min flow (14
practice of the art that will produce a col- psig). Soap bubble flow meters are suitable.
umn capable of retaining the C1 to C4 alco- 11.3.2 Attach a flow measuring device to
hols and MTBE from components of the same the split injector vent and adjust flow from
boiling point range in a gasoline sample. The the split vent using the A flow controller to
following procedure has been used success- give a flow of 70 mL/min. Recheck the col-
fully. umn vent flow set in 11.3.1 and adjust if nec-
8.1.2 Completely dissolve 10 g of TCEP in essary.
100 mL of methylene chloride. Next add 40 g 11.3.3 Switch the valve to the BACK-
of 80/100 mesh Chromosorb P(AW) to the FLUSH position and adjust the variable
TCEP solution. Quickly transfer this mix- restrictor to give the same column vent flow
ture to a drying dish, in a fume hood, with- set in 11.3.1. This is necessary to minimize
out scraping any of the residual packing flow changes when the valve is switched.
from the sides of the container. Constantly, 11.3.4 Switch the valve to the inject posi-
but gently, stir the packing until all of the tion RESET and adjust the B flow controller
solvent has evaporated. This column packing to give a flow of 3.0 to 3.2 mL/min at the de-
can be used immediately to prepare the tector exit. When required for the particular
TCEP column. instrumentation used, add makeup flow or
TCD switching flow to give a total of 21 mL/
9. Preparation of micro-packed TCEP column.
min at the detector exit.
9.1 Wash a straight 560 mm length of 1.6 11.4 When a thermal conductivity detec-
mm outside diameter (0.38mm inside diame- tor is used, turn on the filament current and
ter) stainless steel tubing with methanol and allow the detector to equilibrate. When a
dry with compressed nitrogen. flame ionization detector is used, set the hy-
9.2 Insert 6 to 12 strands of silvered wire, drogen and air flows and ignite the flame.
a small mesh screen or stainless steel frit in- 11.5 Determine the Time of Backflush
side one end of the tube. Slowly add 0.14 to The time to backflush will vary slightly for
0.15 g of packing material to the column and each column system and must be determined
gently vibrate to settle the packing inside experimentally as follows. The start time of
the column. When strands of wire are used to the integrator and valve timer must be syn-
retain the packing material inside the col- chronized with the injection to accurately
umn, leave 6.0 mm (0.25 in.) of space at the reproduce the backflush time.
top of the column. 11.5.1 Initially assume a valve BACK-
9.3 Column conditioningBoth the TCEP FLUSH time of 0.23 min. With the valve
and WCOT columns are to be briefly condi- RESET, inject 3 L of a blend containing at
tioned before use. Connect the columns to least 0.5% or greater oxygenates (7.3), and si-
the valve (see 11.1) in the chromatographic multaneously begin timing the analysis. At
oven. Adjust the carrier gas flows as in 11.3 0.23 min., rotate the valve to the
and place the valve in the RESET position. BACKFLUSH position and leave it there
After several minutes, increase the column until the complete elution of benzene is real-
oven temperature to 120 C and maintain ized. Note this time as the RESET time,
these conditions for 5 to 10 min. Cool the col- which is the time at which the valve is re-
umns below 60 C before shutting off the car- turned to the RESET position. When all of
rier flow. the remaining hydrocarbons are backflushed


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Pt. 80, App. F 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
the signal will return to a stable baseline volume of 3 L with a 15:1 split ratio has
and the system is ready for another analysis. been used successfully.
The chromatogram should appear similar to 13.3 Interpretation of chromatogram
that illustrated in Fig. 2. Compare the results of sample analyses to
11.5.2 It is necessary to optimize the valve those of calibration analyses to determine
BACKFLUSH time by analyzing a standard identification of oxygenates present.
blend containing oxygenates. The correct
BACKFLUSH time is determined experi- 14. Calculation.
mentally by using valve switching times be-
14.1 After identifying the various
tween 0.2 and 0.3 min. When the valve is
oxygenates, measure the area of each oxy-
switched too soon, C5 and lighter hydro-
genate peak and that of the internal stand-
carbons are backflushed and are co-eluted in
ard. Calculate the volume percent of each
the C4 alcohol section of the chromatogram.
oxygenate as follows:
When the valve BACKFLUSH is switched too
late, part or all of the MTBE component is
VS PA j 100
vented resulting in an incorrect MTBE meas-
Vj =
urement. Chromatograms resulting from in-
correct valve times are shown in Figs. 3 and
4. where:
12. Calibration and standardization. Vj = volume percent of oxygenate to be de-
12.1 IdentificationDetermine the reten- VS = volume of internal standard (tert-amyl
tion time of each component by injecting alcohol) added,
small amounts either separately or in known
VG = volume of gasoline sample taken,
mixtures or by comparing the relative reten-
tion times with those in Table 2. PAj = peak area of the oxygenate to be deter-
12.2 StandardizationThe area under mined,
each peak in the chromatogram is considered PAS = peak area of the internal standard
a quantitative measure of the corresponding (tert-amyl alcohol), and
compound. Measure the peak area of each ox- Sj = relative volume response factor of each
ygenate and of the internal standard by ei- component (relative to the internal stand-
ther manual methods or electronic inte- ard).
grator. Calculate the relative volume re- 14.2 Report the volume of each oxygenate.
sponse factor of each oxygenate, relative to If the volume percent exceeds 10%, dilute the
the internal standard, according to Test sample to a concentration lower than 10%
Method D 4626. and repeat the procedures in sections 13 and
15.1 PrecisionThe precision of this test
Relative reten- method as determined by statistical exam-
Component Retention tion time (t- ination of the interlaboratory test results is
time, min amyl alcohol = as follows:
15.1.1 RepeatabilityThe difference be-
Methanol ................................ 3.21 0.44 tween successive results obtained by the
Ethanol .................................. 3.58 0.50 same operator with the same apparatus
Isopropanol ............................ 3.95 0.56 under constant operating conditions on iden-
tert-Butanol ............................ 4.31 0.61
n-Propanol ............................. 4.75 0.68
tical test materials would, in the long run,
MTBE ..................................... 5.29 0.76 in the normal and correct operation of the
sec-Butanol ............................ 5.63 0.82 test method exceed the following values only
Isobutanol .............................. 6.33 0.93 in one case in twenty (see Table 3).
n-Butanol ............................... 7.55 1.10
Benzene ................................ 7.88 1.17 Methanol 0.086 Isobutanol 0.064
(V+0.070). (V+0.086)
Ethanol 0.083 sec-Butanol 0.014 V
13. Procedure.
13.1 Preparation of samplePrecisely add Isopropanol 0.052 tert-Butanol 0.052
a quantity of the internal standard to an ac- (V+0.150). (V+0.388)
curately measured quantity of sample. Con- n-Propanol 0.040 n-Butanol 0.043
centrations of 1 to 5 volume percent have (V+0.026). (V+0.020)
been used successfully.
13.2 Chromatographic analysisIntroduce
a representative aliquot of the sample, con- MTBE 0.104 (V+0.028)
taining internal standard, into the chro-
matograph using the same technique as used where
for the calibration analyses. An injection V is the mean volume percent.


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. F
15.1.2 ReproducibilityThe difference be- n-Propanol 0.163 n-Butanol 0.415
tween two single and independent results ob- (V+0.026). (V+0.020)
tained by different operators working in dif-
ferent laboratories on identical material
would, in the long run, exceed the following
MTBE 0.244(V+0.028)
values only in one case in twenty (see Table
3). where
Methanol 0.361 Isobutanol 0.179 V is the mean volume percent.
(V+0.070). (V+0.086) 15.2 BiasSince there is no accepted ref-
Ethanol 0.373 sec-Butanol 0.277 V erence material suitable for determining
(V+0.000). bias for the procedure in the test method,
Isopropanol 0.214 tert-Butanol 0.178 bias cannot be determined.
(V+0.150). (V+0.388)
Volume percent
0.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00


Methanol ............................................... 0.02 0.05 0.09 0.18 0.26 0.35 0.44 0.52
Ethanol .................................................. 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.17 0.25 0.33 0.42 0.50
Isopropanol ........................................... 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.11 0.16 0.22 0.27 0.32
n-Propanol ............................................. 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24
tert-Butanol ............................................ 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.12 0.18 0.23 0.28 0.33
sec-Butanol ........................................... 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03
Isobutanol .............................................. 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.13 0.20 0.26 0.33 0.39
n-Butanol ............................................... 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.22 0.26
MTBE .................................................... 0.02 0.05 0.11 0.21 0.31 0.42 0.52 0.63


Methanol ............................................... 0.10 0.21 0.39 0.75 1.11 1.47 1.83 2.19
Ethanol .................................................. 0.07 0.19 0.37 0.75 1.12 1.49 1.87 2.24
Isopropanol ........................................... 0.07 0.14 0.25 0.46 0.67 0.89 1.10 1.32
n-Propanol ............................................. 0.04 0.09 0.17 0.33 0.49 0.66 0.82 0.98
tert-Butanol ............................................ 0.10 0.16 0.25 0.43 0.60 0.78 0.96 1.14
sec-Butanol ........................................... 0.12 0.20 0.28 0.39 0.48 0.55 0.62 0.68
Isobutanol .............................................. 0.05 0.10 0.19 0.37 0.55 0.73 0.91 1.09
n-Butanol ............................................... 0.09 0.22 0.42 0.84 1.25 1.67 2.08 2.50
MTBE .................................................... 0.05 0.12 0.23 0.45 0.68 0.90 1.13 1.35


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[54 FR 11903, Mar. 22, 1989]


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Pt. 80, App. G 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)

APPENDIX G TO PART 80SAMPLING 3.7 Middle sample is a spot sample ob-

PROCEDURES FOR DIESEL FUEL tained from the middle of the tank contents
(Figure 1 of appendix D).
1. Scope 3.8 Lower sample is a spot sample obtained
at the level of the fixed tank outlet or the
1.1 This method covers procedures for ob-
swing line outlet (Figure 1 of appendix D).
taining representative samples of diesel fuel
3.9 Clearance sample is a spot sample
for the purpose of testing for compliance
taken 4 inches (100 mm) below the level of
with the cetane index and sulfur percentage
the tank outlet (Figure 1 of appendix D).
standards set forth in 80.29.
3.10 Bottom sample is a spot sample ob-
2. Summary of Method tained from the material on the bottom sur-
face of the tank, container, or line at its low-
2.1 It is necessary that the samples be est point.
truly representative of the diesel fuel in 3.11 Drain sample is a tap sample obtained
question. The precautions required to ensure from the draw-off or discharge valve. Occa-
the representative character of the samples sionally, a drain sample may be the same as
are numerous and depend upon the tank, car- a bottom sample, as in the case of a tank
rier, container or line from which the sample car.
is being obtained, the type and cleanliness of 3.12 Continuous sample is one obtained
the sample container, and the sampling pro- from a pipeline in such manner as to give a
cedures that are to be used. A summary of representative average of a moving stream.
the sampling procedures and their applica- 3.13 Nozzle sample is one obtained from a
tion is presented in Table 1. Each procedure diesel pump nozzle which dispenses diesel
is suitable for sampling a material under fuel from a storage tank at a retail outlet or
definite storage, transportation, or container a wholesale purchaser-consumer facility.
conditions. The basic principle of each proce-
dure is to obtain a sample in such manner 4. Sample Containers
and from such locations in the tank or other
4.1 Sample containers may be clear or
container that the sample will be truly rep-
brown glass bottles, or cans. The clear glass
resentative of the diesel fuel.
bottle is advantageous because it may be ex-
3. Description of Terms amined visually for cleanliness, and also al-
lows visual inspection of the sample for free
3.1 Average sample is one that consists of water or solid impurities. The brown glass
proportionate parts from all sections of the bottle affords some protection from light.
container. Cans with the seams soldered on the exterior
3.2 All-levels sample is one obtained by sub- surface with a flux of rosin in a suitable sol-
merging a stoppered beaker or bottle to a vent are preferred because such a flux is eas-
point as near as possible to the draw-off ily removed with diesel fuel, whereas many
level, then opening the sampler and raising others are very difficult to remove. If such
it at a rate such that it is about 34 full (max- cans are not available, other cans made with
imum 85 percent) as it emerges from the liq- a welded construction that are not affected
uid. An all-levels sample is not necessarily by, and that do not affect, the diesel fuel
an average sample because the tank volume being sampled are acceptable.
may not be proportional to the depth and be- 4.2 Container closure. Cork or glass stop-
cause the operator may not be able to raise pers, or screw caps of plastic or metal may
the sampler at the variable rate required for be used for glass bottles; screw caps only
proportionate filling. The rate of filling is shall be used for cans to provide a vapor-
proportional to the square root of the depth tight closure seal. Corks must be of good
of immersion. quality, clean and free from holes and loose
3.3 Running sample is one obtained by low- bits of cork. Never use rubber stoppers. Con-
ering an unstoppered beaker or bottle from tact of the sample with the cork may be pre-
the top of the gasoline to the level of the vented by wrapping tin or aluminum foil
bottom of the outlet connection or swing around the cork before forcing it into the
line, and returning it to the top of the top of bottle.
the diesel fuel at a uniform rate of speed Glass stoppers must be a perfect fit. Screw
such that the beaker or bottle is about 34 full caps must be protected by a cork disk faced
when withdrawn from the diesel fuel. with tin or aluminum foil, or other material
3.4 Spot sample is one obtained at some that will not affect petroleum or petroleum
specific location in the tank by means of a products. In addition, a phenolic cap with a
thief bottle, or beaker. teflon coated liner may be used.
3.5 Top sample is a spot sample obtained 6 4.3 Cleaning procedure. The method of
inches (150 mm) below the top surface of the cleaning all sample containers must be con-
liquid (Figure 1 of appendix D). sistent with the residual materials in the
3.6 Upper sample is a spot sample taken at container and must produce sample con-
the mid-point of the upper third of the tank tainers that are clean and free of water, dirt,
contents (Figure 1 of appendix D). lint, washing compounds, naphtha, or other


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. G
solvents, soldering fluxes or acids, corrosion, room for expansion, taking into consider-
rust, and oil. ation the temperature of the liquid at the
New sample containers should be inspected time of filling and the probable maximum
and cleaned if necessary. Dry the container temperature to which the filled container
by either passing a current of clean, warm may be subjected.
air through the container or by allowing it
to air dry in a clean area at room tempera- 9. Shipping Samples
ture. When dry, stopper or cap the container 9.1 To prevent loss of liquid during ship-
immediately. ment, and to protect against moisture and
5. Sampling Apparatus dust, cover with suitable vapor tight caps.
The caps of all containers must be screwed
5.1 Sampling apparatus is described in de- down tightly and checked for leakage. Postal
tail under each of the specific sampling pro- and express office regulations applying to
cedures. Clean, dry, and free all sampling ap- the shipment of flammable liquids must be
paratus from any substance that might con- observed.
taminate the material, using the procedure
described in 4.3. 10. Labeling Sample Containers
6. Time and Place of Sampling 10.1 Label the container immediately
after a sample is obtained. Use waterproof
6.1 When loading or discharging diesel and oilproof ink or a pencil hard enough to
fuel, take samples from both shipping and re- dent the tag, since soft pencil and ordinary
ceiving tanks, and from the pipeline if re- ink markings are subject to obliteration
quired. from moisture, oil smearing and handling.
6.2 Ship or barge tanks. Sample each An indelible identification symbol, such as a
product after the vessel is loaded or just be- bar code, may be used in lieu of a manually
fore unloading. addressed label. The label shall reference the
6.3 Tank cars. Sample the product after
following information:
the car is loaded or just before unloading.
10.1.1 Date and time (the period elapsed
NOTE: When taking samples from tanks
during continuous sampling);
suspected of containing flammable atmos-
10.1.2 Name of the sample;
pheres, precautions should be taken to guard
10.1.3 Name or number and owner of the
against ignitions due to static electricity.
Metal or conductive objects, such as gage vessel, car, or container;
tapes, sample containers, and thermometers, 10.1.4 Brand and grade of material; and
should not be lowered into or suspended in a 10.1.5 Reference symbol or identification
compartment or tank which is being filled or number.
immediately after cessation of pumping. A 11. Sampling procedures
waiting period of approximately one minute
will generally permit a substantial relax- 11.1 The standard sampling procedures de-
ation of the electrostatic charge; under cer- scribed in this method are summarized in
tain conditions a longer period may be Table 1. Alternative sampling procedures
deemed advisable. may be used if a mutually satisfactory
agreement has been reached by the party(ies)
7. Obtaining Samples involved and EPA and such agreement has
7.1 Directions for sampling cannot be been put in writing and signed by authorized
made explicit enough to cover all cases. Ex- officials.
treme care and good judgment are necessary
to ensure samples that represent the general TABLE 1SUMMARY OF DIESEL FUEL SAMPLING
character and average condition of the mate- PROCEDURES AND APPLICABILITY
rial. Clean hands are important. Clean gloves
Type of container Procedure Paragraph
may be worn but only when absolutely nec-
essary, such as in cold weather, or when han- Storage tanks, ship and Bottle sampling ..... 11.2
dling materials at high temperature, or for barge tanks, tank cars,
reasons of safety. Select wiping cloths so tank trucks.
that lint is not introduced, contaminating Storage tanks with taps .. Tap sampling ........ 11.3
samples. Pipe and lines ................. Continuous line 11.4
7.2 As many petroleum vapors are toxic
Retail outlet and whole- Nozzle sampling ... 11.5
and flammable, avoid breathing them or ig- sale purchaser-con-
niting them from an open flame or a spark sumer facility storage
produced by static. Follow all safety pre- tanks.
cautions specific to the material being sam-
pled. 11.2 Bottle or beaker sampling. The bottle
or beaker sampling procedure is applicable
8. Handling Samples for sampling liquids of 16 pounds (1.12 kgf/
8.1 Container outage. Never completely cm2) RVP or less in tank cars, tank trucks,
fill a sample container, but allow adequate shore tanks, ship tanks, and barge tanks.


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Pt. 80, App. G 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
11.2.1 Apparatus. A suitable sampling bot- 11.3.2 Procedure
tle or beaker as shown in figure 2 of appendix Before a sample is drawn, flush
D is required. the tap (or gage glass drain cock) and line
11.2.2 Procedure. until they are purged completely. Connect All-levels sample. Lower the the clean delivery tube to the tap. Draw
weighted, stoppered bottle or beaker as near upper, middle, or lower samples directly
as possible to the draw-off level, pull out the from the respective taps after the flushing
stopper with a sharp jerk of the cord or chain operation. Stopper and label the sample con-
and raise the bottle at a uniform rate so that tainer immediately after filling, and deliver
it is about 34 full as it emerges from the liq- it to the laboratory.
uid. 11.4 Continuous sampling. The continuous Running sample. Lower the un- sampling procedure is applicable for sam-
stoppered bottles or beaker as near as pos- pling liquids of 16 pounds (1.12 kgf/cm2) RVP
sible to the level of the bottom of the outlet or less and semiliquids in pipelines, filling
connection or swing line and then raise the lines, and transfer lines. The continuous
bottle or beaker to the top of the gasoline at sampling may be done manually or by using
a uniform rate of speed such that it is about automatic devices.
34 full when withdrawn from the diesel fuel. 11.4.1 Apparatus Upper, middle, and lower samples. Sampling probe. The function of
Lower the weighted, stoppered bottle to the the sampling probe is to withdraw from the
proper depths (Figure 1 of appendix D) as fol- flow stream a portion that will be represent-
lows: ative of the entire stream. The apparatus as-
sembly for continuous sampling is shown in
Upper sample .. middle of upper third of
figure 4 of appendix D. Probe designs that
the tank contents
are commonly used are as follows:
Middle sample middle of the tank con- A tube extending to the center of
tents the line and beveled at a 45 degree angle fac-
Lower sample .. level of the fixed tank out- ing upstream (Figure 4(a) of appendix D).
let or the swing-line out- A long-radius forged elbow or
let pipe bend extending to the center line of the
At the selected level pull out the stopper pipe and facing upstream. The end of the
with a sharp jerk of the cord or chain and probe should be reamed to give a sharp en-
allow the bottle or beaker to fill completely, trance edge (Figure 4(b) of appendix D).
as evidenced by the cessation of air bubbles. A closed-end tube with a round
When full, raise the bottle or beaker, pour orifice spaced near the closed end which
off a small amount, and stopper imme- should be positioned in such a way that the
diately. orifice is in the center of the pipeline and is Top sample. Obtain this sample facing the stream as shown in figure 4(c) of
(Figure 1 of appendix D) in the same manner appendix D.
as specified in but at six inches (150 Probe location. Since the fluid to
mm) below the top surface of the tank con- be sampled may not in all cases be homo-
tents. geneous, the location, the position and the Handling. Stopper and label bottle size of the sampling probe shoud be such as
samples immediately after taking them, and to minimize stratification or dropping out of
deliver to the laboratory in the original sam- heavier particles within the tube or the dis-
pling bottles. placement of the product within the tube as
11.3 Tap sampling. The tap sampling pro- a result of variation in gravity of the flowing
cedure is applicable for sampling liquids of stream. The sampling probe should be lo-
twenty-six pounds (1.83 kgf/cm2) RVP or less cated preferably in a vertical run of pipe and
in tanks which are equipped with suitable as near as practicable to the point where the
sampling taps or lines. The assembly for tap product passes to the receiver. The probe
sampling is shown in figure 3 of appendix D. should always be in a horizontal position.
11.3.1 Apparatus The sampling lines should be as Tank taps. The tank should be short as practicable and should be cleared
equipped with at least three sampling taps before any samples are taken.
placed equidistant throughout the tank Where adequate flowing velocity
height and extending at least three feet (0.9 is not available, a suitable device for mixing
meter) inside the tank shell. A standard 14 the fluid flow to ensure a homogeneous mix-
inch pipe with suitable valve is satisfactory. ture at all rates of flow and to eliminate Tube. A delivery tube that will not stratification should be installed upstream
contaminate the product being sampled and of the sampling tap. Some effective devices
long enough to reach to the bottom of the for obtaining a homogeneous mixture are as
sample container is required to allow sub- follows: Reduction in pipe size; a series of
merged filling. baffles; orifice or perforated plate; and a Sample containers. Use clean, dry combination of any of these methods.
glass bottles of convenient size and strength The design or sizing of these de-
or metal containers to receive the samples. vices is optional with the user, as long as the


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. G
flow past the sampling point is homogeneous In those cases where the sampler
and stratification is eliminated. design is such that complete purging of the To control the rate at which the sampling lines and the sampler is not pos-
sample is withdrawn, the probe or probes sible, a small pump should be installed in
should be fitted with valves or plug cocks. order to circulate a continuous stream from Automatic sampling devices that the sampling tube past or through the sam-
meet the standards set out in may be pler and back into the line. The automatic
used in obtaining samples of diesel fuel. The sampler should then withdraw the sample
quality of sample collected must be of suffi- from the sidestream through the shortest
cient size for analysis, and its composition possible connection.
should be identical with the composition of Under certain conditions, there
the batch flowing in the line while the sam- may be a tendency for water and heavy par-
ple is being taken. An automatic sampler in- ticles to drop out in the discharge line from
stallation necessarily includes not only the the sampling device and appear in the sam-
automatic sampling device that extracts the ple container during some subsequent sam-
samples from the line, but also a suitable pling period. To circumvent this possibility,
probe, connecting lines, auxiliary equip- the discharge pipe from the sampling device
ment, and a container in which the sample is should be free of pockets or enlarged pipe
collected. Automatic samplers may be classi- areas, and preferably should be pitched
fied as follows: downward to the sample container. Continuous sampler, time cycle To ensure clean, free-flowing lines,
(nonproportional) type. A sampler designed piping should be designed for periodic clean-
and operated in such a manner that it trans- ing.
fers equal increments of liquid from the pipe- Field calibration. Composite sam-
line to the sample container at a uniform ples obtained from the automatic sampler
rate of one or more increments per minute is installation should be verified for quantity
a continuous sampler. performance in a manner that meets with Continuous sampler, flow-re- the approval of all parties concerned (includ-
sponsive (proportional) type. A sampler that ing EPA), at least once a month and more
is designed and operated in such a manner often if conditions warrant. In the case of
that it will automatically adjust the quan- time-cycle samplers, deviations in quantity
tity of sample in proportion to the rate of of the sample taken should not exceed five
flow is a flow-responsive (proportional) sam- percent for any given setting. In the case of
pler. Adjustment of the quantity of sample flow-responsive samplers, the deviation in
may be made either by varying the fre- quantity of sample taken per 1,000 barrels of
quency of transferring equal increments of flowing stream should not exceed 5 percent.
sample to the sample container, or by vary- For the purpose of field-calibrating an in-
ing the volume of the increments while stallation, the composite sample obtained
maintaining a constant frequency of trans- from the automatic sampler under test
ferring the increments to the sample con- should be verified for quality by comparing
tainer. The apparatus assembly for contin- on the basis of physical and chemical prop-
uous sampling is shown in figure 4 of appen- erties, with either a properly secured contin-
dix D. uous nonautomatic sample or tank sample. Intermittent sampler. A sampler The tank sample should be taken under the
that is designed and operated in such a man- following conditions:
ner that it transfers equal increments of liq- The batch pumped during the
uid from a pipeline to the sample container test interval should be diverted into a clean
at a uniform rate of less than one increment tank and a sample taken within one hour
per minute is an intermittent sampler. after cessation of pumping. Standards of installation. Auto- If the sampling of the delivery
matic sampler installations should meet all tank is to be delayed beyond one hour, then
safety requirements in the plant or area the tank selected must be equipped with an
where used, and should comply with Amer- adequate mixing means. For valid compari-
ican National Standard Code for Pressure son, the sampling of the delivery tank must
Piping, and other applicable codes (ANSI be completed within eight hours after ces-
B31.1). The sampler should be so installed as sation of pumping, even though the tank is
to provide ample access space for inspection equipped with a motor-driven mixer.
and maintenance. When making a normal full-tank Small lines connecting various delivery from a tank, a properly secured
elements of the installation should be so ar- sample may be used to check the results of
ranged that complete purging of the auto- the sampler if the parties (including EPA)
matic sampler and of all lines can be accom- mutually agree to this procedure.
plished effectively. All fluid remaining in the Receiver. The receiver must be a
sampler and the lines from the preceding clean, dry container of convenient size to re-
sampling cycle should be purged imme- ceive the sample. All connections from the
diately before the start of any given sam- sample probe to the sample container must
pling operation. be free of leaks. Two types of container may


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Pt. 80, App. G 40 CFR Ch. I (7101 Edition)
be used, depending upon service require- 11.5.2 Procedure. Immediately after diesel
ments. fuel has been delivered from the pump and Atmospheric container. The at- the pump has been reset, deliver a small
mospheric container shall be constructed in amount of product into the sample con-
such a way that it retards evaporation loss tainer. Rinse sample container and dump
and protects the sample from extraneous ma- product into waste container. Insert nozzle
terial such as rain, snow, dust, and trash. extension (Figure 7 or 7a of appendix D) into
The construction should allow cleaning, in- sample container and insert pump nozzle
terior inspection, and complete mixing of into extension with slot over air bleed hole.
the sample prior to removal. The container Fill slowly through nozzle extension to 7080
should be provided with a suitable vent. percent full (Figure 8 of appendix D). Re- Closed container. The closed con- move nozzle extension. Cap sample container
tainer shall be constructed in such a manner at once. Check for leaks.
that it prevents evaporation loss. The con-
struction must allow cleaning, interior in- 12. Special Precautions and Instructions.
spection and complete mixing of the sample 12.1 Precautions. Official samples should
prior to removal. The container should be be taken by, or under the immediate super-
equipped with a pressure-relief valve. vision of, a person of judgment, skill, and
11.4.2 Procedure. sampling experience. Never prepare com- Nonautomatic sample. Adjust the posite samples for this test. Make certain
valve or plug cock from the sampling probe that containers which are to be shipped by
so that a steady stream is drawn from the common carrier conform to applicable Inter-
probe. Whenever possible, the rate of sample state Commerce Commission, State, and
withdrawal should be such that the velocity local regulations. When flushing or purging
of liquid flowing through the probe is ap- lines or containers, observe the pertinent
proximately equal to the average linear ve- regulations and precautions against fire, ex-
locity of the stream flowing through the plosion, and other hazards.
pipeline. Measure and record the rate of sam- 12.2 Sample containers. Use containers of
ple withdrawal as gallons per hour. Divert not less than one quart (0.9 liter) nor more
the sample stream to the sampling container than two gallons (7.6 liters) capacity, of suf-
continuously or intermittently to provide a ficient strength to withstand the pressure to
quantity of sample that will be of sufficient which they may be subjected. Open-type con-
size for analysis. tainers have a single opening which permits Automatic sampling. Purge the sampling by immersion. Closed-type con-
sampler and the sampling lines immediately tainers have two openings, one in each end
before the start of a sampling operation. If (or the equivalent thereof), fitted with valves
the sample design is such that complete suitable for sampling by water displacement
purging is not possible, circulate a contin- or by purging.
uous stream from the probe past or through 12.3 Transfer connections. The transfer
the sampler and back into the line. With- connection for the open-type container con-
draw the sample from the side stream sists of an air tube and a liquid delivery tube
through the automatic sampler using the assembled in a cap or stopper. The air tube
shortest possible connections. Adjust the extends to the bottom of the container. One
sampler to deliver not less than one and not end of the liquid delivery tube is long enough
more than 40 gallons (151 liters) of sample to reach the bottom of the diesel fuel cham-
during the desired sampling period. For ber while the sample is being transferred to
time-cycle samplers, record the rate at the chamber. The transfer connection for the
which sample increments were taken per closed-type container consists of a single
minute. For flow-responsive samplers, record tube with a connection suitable for attach-
the proportion of sample to total stream. ing it to one of the openings of the sample
Label the samples and deliver them to the container. The tube is long enough to reach
laboratory in the containers in which they the bottom of the diesel chamber while the
were collected. sample is being transferred.
11.5 Nozzle sampling. The nozzle sampling 12.4 Sampling open tanks. Use clean con-
procedure is applicable for sampling diesel tainers of the open type when sampling open
fuel from a retail outlet or wholesale pur- tanks and tank cars. An all-level sample ob-
chaser-consumer facility storage tank. tained by the bottle procedure described in
11.5.1 Apparatus. Sample containers con- 11.2 is recommended. Before taking the sam-
forming with 4.1 should be used. A spacer, if ple, flush the container by immersing it in
appropriate (Figure 6 of appendix D), and a the product to be sampled. Then obtain the
nozzle extension device similar to that sample immediately. Pour off enough so that
shown in figures 7 or 7a of appendix D shall the container will be 7080 percent full and
be used when nozzle sampling. The nozzle ex- close it promptly. Label the container and
tension device does not need to be identical deliver it to the laboratory.
to that shown in figure 7 or 7a of appendix D 12.5 Sampling closed tanks. Containers of
but it should be a device that will bottom fill either the open or closed type may be used to
the container. obtain samples from closed or pressure


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 80, App. G
tanks. If the closed type is used, obtain the enough to force liquid from the container,
sample using the water displacement proce- open both the upper and lower valves slight-
dure described in 12.8 or the purging proce- ly to remove the excess. Promptly seal and
dure described in 12.9. The water displace- label the container, and deliver it to the lab-
ment procedure is preferable because the oratory.
flow of product involved in the purging pro- 12.7 Purging procedure. Connect the inlet
cedure may be hazardous. valve of the closed-type container to the
12.6 Water displacement procedure. Com- tank sampling tap or valve. Throttle the
pletely fill the closed-type container with outlet valve of the container so that the
water and close the valves. While permitting
pressure in it will be approximately equal to
a small amount of product to flow through
that in the container being sampled. Allow a
the fittings, connect the top or inlet valve of
volume of product equal to at least twice
the container to the tank sampling tap or
that of the container to flow through the
valve. Then open all valves on the inlet side
of the container. Open the bottom or outlet sampling system. Then close all valves, the
valve slightly to allow the water to be dis- outlet valve first, the inlet valve of the con-
placed slowly by the sample entering the tainer second, and the tank sampling valve
container. Regulate the flow so that there is last, and disconnect the container imme-
no appreciable change in pressure within the diately. Withdraw enough of the contents so
container. Close the outlet valve as soon as that the sample container will be 7080 per-
diesel fuel discharges from the outlet; then cent full. If the vapor pressure of the product
in succession close the inlet valve and the is not high enough to force liquid from the
sampling valve on the tank. Disconnect the container, open both the upper and lower
container and withdraw enough of the con- valves slightly to remove the excess.
tents so that it will be 7080 percent full. If Promptly seal and label the container, and
the vapor pressure of the product is not high deliver it to the laboratory.

[55 FR 34140, Aug. 21, 1990]


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