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Interpretation #5: Moral Reform Movement

The file I have decide to interpret for this assignement is the Declaration of Sentiments

by Elizabeth Cady Staton. It was written in the year 1889. This can be considered a primary

source due to it being written straight from Staston herself as a speech to the first conference

that was called in Seneca Falls. In this declaration Staton begins to explain how God created

both men and women equally in this world and be able to serve one another with the same

respect and love. As she continues Elizabeth begins to state how this country was made up of

laws and practices that allowed each individual to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and

the right to vote, yet they are not practicing what they are preaching. It is making the entire

country look bad. Elizabeth views the decisions made by the government as evil and suffrage

rather than there being light and salvation. She explains how men have dominated for centuries

and have brought suffrage and pain to women and have treated them with no respect. As she

comes to an end of her declaration, she begins to states facts about men on how they have

removed the rights of a women with brutality. Elizabeth states in her declaration that men do

not allow these women to practice theyre right and believes. Everything that has happened

between a man and a woman, the blame always leads to the female and the man is glorified. As

she closes her declaration with facts and statements about the treatment of women, she begs

for half of the nation to please let the women practice what was once written for both men and

women, their right.

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