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Zamani 1

Dylan Zamani
Colleen Stevenson
Humanities Honors
Final Reflection

This week was the final discussion of the year and to end the year we are comparing 2 of

the readings that we have done in the past. The two readings I chose are case for reparations

chapters 1-4 and case for reparations chapters 5-10. It seems obvious to pick the two readings

that were in chronological order and with one having references to the last but I think that the

combination of the 2 readings really opened my eyes to what was really happening prior and post

to the civil rights movement. The first four chapters focused on the unjustness of the real estate

market especially in chicago as the chapters take place there. Then with the 5th-10th chapters I

felt it was very jumpy as it went all over the place with when it was talking about (e.g. Lincoln

assassination in 1865 and Nazi Germany 1933-1945) but over all covers acts of discrimination.

Knowing about chapters 1-4 before you dive into chapters 5-10 will help a lot since of course

they are the chapters before the other chapters but also because they help in understanding

todays problems with discrimination and the second article talked more of how it built up to

today I believe. This shows in the second reading, chapters 5-10 when it was mentioning

Lincoln's assassination and his assassins words before taking our 16th president's life This

country was formed for the white, not the black man.... Then in the first reading, chapters 1-4

showed it in today's view of discrimination with how only recently had the black residents of

Chicago were even offered (and still most lost their homes) housing without a contract. Which

meant that they had to pay monthly payments on the house which were usually inflated for

families of color and also had to deal with any problems that the homeowner would have. So any
Zamani 2

expenses to the house was at their expense and when they couldnt pay the monthly contracts

anymore the people that sold them the contracts would just remove them from the property and

just start the process all over again.

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