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To assist the recommender in representing you as accurately as possible in the letter, please read and respond
to the statements and questions below. The care and thought you give in addressing these prompts may
reiterate what the recommender already knows about you or may help them discover something previously
unobserved. In any event, take nothing for granted.

1. Explain the qualities that you feel you possess which might easily go unnoticed by others.
A major quality that I feel that I possess that goes unnoticed is my personality. Not many people have a
personality like me because they havent grow up with a family like mine, more specifically they
havent grown up with an autistic brother. My brother Tommy has autism, but even though he can not
speak he has taught me more than anyone could ever teach me. He has taught me so many life
lessons, but most importantly to appreciate everything you have and enjoy it. To give an example,
every time I take him out to eat or do an activity he is always extremely happy to a point where it is
impossible to not notice. With that big smile on his face, he doesnt give a care in the world who knows
about his autism or watches him as if he is an alien because he makes weird noises or twitches his
hands funny, he is just happy to be out and he enjoys every second of it.
2. Complete the following statement as clearly and directly as you can: I am especially proud of the
following achievement.
I am especially proud of being on Team North America for three years in a row because this means that
I was one of the ten best roller hockey players in the country for my age, which is a huge
accomplishment and what has driven my hockey career.
3. Mention any factors that have come up during your high school career which you feel have put you
at a disadvantage.
The biggest disadvantages that I feel that I have faced throughout high school are not having a laptop
or a quiet place to do my work. These are the two most important things for a student to be able to
complete their work with quality and accuracy and going without these crucial tools has been rough
especially when going through my junior year, which is the hardest year.
4. Do you feel you present grades are a fair representation of your academic ability? If not, discuss.
I do not feel that my grades are an accurate representation of my academic ability because most of
your grades are how much homework you do and not how smart you are. For example, in my physics
class I mostly get above 90% on all my test but because I missed some homework assignments my
grade falls in the B range. Nowadays getting all of your homework in does more for your grade then
doing good on tests, but homework doesnt show how smart you are it shows how much time you
have after to school to contribute to school work, which takes all the intellect out of grades and makes
it a game of who can spend the most time doing work outside of the seven hours we are already have
work to do.
5. What goals have you set for yourself and what are you presently doing to achieve them?
I have set a goal for myself to pursue a career in hockey and I have changed my diet and lifestyle in
order to put in the work to achieve this goal.
6. What activities have you pursued and to what extend? Mention any offices you have held and
awards won. Tell what you gained from this experience.
I have pursued hockey to an extreme extent to the point where it is the focus and agenda of my
everyday life. I have allowed myself to pursue a career in hockey because I have won countless awards
and attend major and national tournaments all throughout the country all year round. Because I have
been invited to so many hockey tournaments and events, I have gained the experience of flying on my
own and living on my own, which I would not have been able to gain without hockey.
7. In what community activities have you participated?
I have participated in leaf Raking for the community. It was a cool and fun experience that I would
definitely do again because It felt so rewarding knowing that I could do something for someone even
though it was small. It is nice to give back which is why I would definitely do it again.
8. Explain your personal contribution to the high school community.
In the high school community I think I have contributed myself as a person to talk to about anything. I
have talked to several people before about life and their problems which is nice to know that people
count on me for advice.
9. What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are Ice hockey and roller hockey.
10. Describe any independent study or special programs/projects in which you have engaged (science,
drama, music serious extra work in a subject.)
I have not had any extra independent studies or have done any special programs, but if I could do one
in any subject it would be in physics because physics is my favorite subject.
11. Describe any work experience you have had paid or unpaid. Describe your responsibilities, dates of
employment, average hours per week, etc.
I have had work experience at J&J spring Enterprises LLC. At J&J I kept inventory on all parts and
springs in the shop. This was actually a bigger responsibility then I thought and taught me that
organization is key to running a business smoothly. I only worked about ten hours a week and I was
unpaid, but I got paid in experience. From working this job, I could definitely see my self managing
inventory for a big business someday.
12. Describe your summer experiences and what you gained from them:
a. After freshman year: Had hockey most of the summer, but started working at J&J and learned
how to manage inventory.
b. After sophomore year: Had hockey most of the summer, kept working at J&J and learned more
advanced skills in inventory management.
c. After junior year: Has not happened yet.

13. Who are two Athens teachers to whom your counselor might go for further reference?
Mr.Mitchell and Mr.Preblich
14. Where will you apply/have you applied to college?
Oakland University
15. What is your intended major?
16. How did you become interested in this major?
Working at J&J spring enterprises LLC
17. What are your intended career plans?
Work my way up through the positions at J&J springs.

18. Rate yourself on the following assessment:

Unable to
Superior Good Average Poor
Course Selection *
Academic Preparation *
Academic Motivation
Creativity *
Reaction to Setbacks
Leadership *
Sense of Humor *
Emotional Maturity *
SelfDiscipline *
SelfConfidence *
Character *
Extracurricular *
Overall Assessment *

19. List activities (grades 912) from Athens and other organizations. Include parttime employment.
Activity 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade
Ice Hockey * * *
Roller Hockey * * *
J&J Springs Enterprises LLC

20. List awards (grades 912) from Athens and other organizations.

Activity 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade

Red Hawk of the Quarter *

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