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Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Average Annual Cost

You first need to identify the approximate cost of attendance which includes:
o Tuition_____________________________________
o Room & Board_____________________________
o Transportation____________________________
o Insurance__________________________________
o Other_______________________________________

Personal Funding
Check how much of the funds you can arrange on your own.
Check with family and friends for funding options.

Company Sponsorship
Check if the organization you are working for is ready to fully or partly sponsor your
further education.
You might have to sign a contract officially committing to resume employment with them.

University Aid
Research if your university provides merit-based scholarship, based on your academic
record or skills.
Explore the option of need-based scholarship.
Need-based scholarships are awarded based on financial need. You will be required to
demonstrate need at a predetermined level to be eligible.
Regularly check the financial aid and international students sections of college websites for
specific information about the colleges that you are interested in.
Speak to international students and alums of the University - they will be able to not only
provide you with insight on aid options but also a realistic cost picture for that institution.

External Agencies
Research options from External Agencies such as - Community organizations, companies,
foundations, and Government agencies that offer financial assistance for students.
Check if you fit the application criteria for the agencies that you shortlist. Only then apply.
Some agencies might need you to complete a comprehensive application form that generally
includes essays detailing why you are the right candidate.

Bank Loans
Check with banks for their education loan options and what the rate of interest is.
Some loans will require collateral like property or assets or a co-signor.
Check if you can get secured loan from family/friends, if bank loan is not an option.

Explore if you can take up a job on or off campus.
Eg: Opportunities such as tutoring, research assistant, a desk job in the library or
administrative office.
Check for opportunities such as teaching and research assistantships.
Check for opportunities to work full time during academic breaks.


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