Bing Passive Voice

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1. Rumus passive voice untuk simple present tense?

A. S + Is/am/are + Verb1.
B. S + Is/am/are + Verb3.
C. S + Is/am/are + Being + Verb3.

2. Rumus passive voice untuk present perfect tense?

A. S + Have/has + Been + Being + Verb3.

B. S + Have/has + Being + Verb3.

C. S + Have/has + Been + Verb3.

3. We are going to watch a movie tonight.

A. A movie was going to be watched by us tonight.
B. A movie are going to be watched by us tonight.
C. A movie is going to be watched by us tonight.

4. I will clean the house every Saturday.

A. The house will be cleaned by me every Saturday.
B. The house will cleaned by me every Saturday.
C. The house will clean by me every Saturday.

5. Agus painted the entire house.

A. The entire house was painted by Agus.
B. The entire house were painted by Agus.
C. The entire house were being painted by Agus.

6. The two kings are signing the treaty.

A. The treaty is been signed by the two kings.
B. The treaty are being signed by the two kings.
C. The treaty is being signed by the two kings.

7. The cleaning crew vacuums and dusts the office every night.
A. Every night, the office are vacuumed and dusted by the cleaning crew.
B. Every night, the office is vacuumed and dusted by the cleaning crew.
C. Every night, the offices is vacuumed and dusted by the cleaning crew.

8. Kemenangan akan dirayakan oleh Team besok.

A. The victory will have been celebrated by the team tomorrow.
B. The victory will have been being celebrated by the team tomorrow.
C. The victory will be celebrated by the team tomorrow.

9. Saat makan tadi malam, enam udang dimakan oleh Budi.

A. At dinner last night, six shrimp was eaten by Budi.
B. At dinner last night, six shrimp were eaten by Budi.
C. At dinner last night, six shrimp were ate by Budi.
10. Seorang teknisi telah memotong kabel telepon.
A. The telephone wire have been cut by an engineer.
B. The telephone wire has been cutted by an engineer.
C. The telephone wire has been cut by an engineer.

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

No Jawaban Penjelasan
Rumus passive voice untuk simple present tense tidak menggunakan being.
1 B
Semua rumus passive voice menggunakan verb3.
2 C Hanya menggunakan been, bukan being atau been dan being.
Ini bukanlah present continuous tense, namun simple future tense. Simple
future tense biasanya menggunakan rumus S + Will + Verb1, namun
3 C sebenarnya dapat juga dibentuk dengan rumus S + is/am/are + going to +
Verb1. Dan rumus passive voice untuk simple future tense adalah S +
Will/shall + Be + Verb3 atau S + is/am/are + Going to + Be + Verb3.
Sama seperti soal nomor 3, ini juga simple future tense, dan menggunakan
4 A
rumus S + Will/shall + Be + Verb3.
Rumus yang digunakan adalah S + Was/were + Verb3 (untuk simple past
5 A
tense). Dan subjek the entire house menggunakan was.
Menggunakan rumus S + Is/am/are + Being + Verb3 karena present continuous
6 C
tense. Subjek the treaty menggunakan is, bukan are atau am.
Rumus yang digunakan adalah S + Is/am/are + Verb3 untuk simple present
7 B
tense. Dan cobalah untuk memperhatikan penggunaan are dan is diatas.
Ini adalah simple future tense, jadi rumus yang digunakan adalah S + Will/shall
8 C + Be + Verb3 atau bisa juga menggunakan rumus S + is/am/are + Going to +
Be + Verb3.
Simple past tense, rumus yang digunakan S + Was/were + Verb3.
9 B
Menggunakan was karena subjek jamak. Verb3 dari eat adalah eaten.
Present perfect tense, rumus yang digunakan S + Have/has + Been + Verb3.
10 C
Verb3 dari cut adalah cut (irregular verb) bukan cutted.
11. A well-known architect is designing our new office. The passive form of the sentence
is Our new office by a well-known architect.
a. Designs
b. Designed
c. Is designed
d. Is being designed

12. The stewardess is now serving coffee to the passengers. The passive form of the
sentence is..?

a. The passengers are serving coffee now.

b. The passengers are now served coffee.

c. Coffee is now served by the passengers.

d. Coffee is now being served to the passengers.

13. Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane crash? ----
Yes, to the headquarters of Garuda.
a. They are faxed
b. It has faxed
c. It has been faxed
d. We fax it

14. Why does the baby next-door keep crying? ---- As usual, it by the babysitter.
a. Is neglecting
b. Is neglected
c. Neglects
d. Is to be neglected

15. We called the committee to ask whether the competition to begin that afternoon.
a. Was scheduled
b. To scheduled
c. Was scheduling
d. To be scheduled

16. The director agreed that the performance of the company has not been good these past
few years. In fact, its organization now for improvements.
a. Restructured
b. Is restructuring
c. Is being restructured
d. Is to restructure
17. Which paintings will be exhibited tomorrow? ---- We do not know yet, they by a
a. Are still being selected
b. Are still selecting
c. Still be selected
d. Still selected

18. Do you know that at the moment some amazing experiments by the university
research biologist?
a. Carried out
b. To carry out
c. Are being carried out
d. Be carried out

19. Dina: Can I borrow your laptop? --- Dita: Certainly, but whats wrong with yours?
--- Dina: It now.
a. Is being repaired
b. Repaired
c. Is repairing
d. Had repaired

20. Nothing since we left.

a. Has been changed
b. Is changed
c. Would be changed
d. Was changed

This is a very popular TV program. Every week it by millions of people.

a. Watches

b. Is being watched

c. Is watched

d. Has watched

12. The house by me before my father came.

a. Had been painted

b. To be painting

c. Has been painted

d. Be painted
Jawaban dan Pembahasan
No. Jawaban Penjelasan
kalimat active diatas merupakan kalimat present continuous tense, jika ingin
1 D mengubahnya menjadi passive maka menggunakan rumus passive voice untuk
present continuous, yaitu S + Is/am/are + Being + Verb3.
ini juga present continuous tense, maka menggunakan rumus passive voice
untuk present continuous tense juga. Ketika anda ingin mengubah active to
2 D passive, maka anda terlebih dahulu melihat tense yang digunakan kalimat
active tersebut, kemudian ubahlah menjadi passive voice dengan rumus
passive voice yang sesuai dengan tense kalimat active tersebut.
itu merupakan present perfect tense, maka rumus passive voice yang
3 C
digunakan adalah S + Have/has + Been + Verb3.
4 B simple present tense, maka gunakan rumus S + Is/am/are + Verb3.
5 A simple past tense, maka gunakanlah rumus ini S + Was/were + Verb3.
bagian yang kosong (kalimat kedua) merupakan present continuous tense,
maka gunakan rumus S + Is/am/are + Being + Verb3. Ingat ya, dalam
6 C menyusun passive voice, anda harus memperhatikan apa yang akan anda
bicarakan dan tense apa yang akan anda gunakan, kemudian sesuaikan
rumusnya dengan tense tersebut.
present continuous tense, rumus yang digunakan adalah S + Is/am/are + Being
7 A
+ Verb3.
ini juga merupakan present continuous tense, perhatikan time signal at the
8 C moment yang menunjukkan continuous. Maka menggunakan rumus S +
Is/am/are + Being + Verb3.
lagi-lagi ini juga present continuous tense, perhatikan time signal now yang
juga menandakan continuous. Maka menggunakan rumus S + Is/am/are +
9 A Being + Verb3. Ingat juga ya, untuk menentukan tense apa yang digunakan,
anda juga harus memperhatikan time signal (jika ada) atau bentuk verb dan
ini merupakan present perfect tense, perhatikan time signal since yang
10 A menunjukkan perfect. Maka menggunakan rumus S + Have/has + Been +
ini merupakan simple present tense, perhatikan time signal every week yang
11 C menunjukkan sebuah kebiasaan yang merupakan salah satu fungsi simple
present tense. Maka menggunakan rumus S + Is/am/are + Verb3.
ini merupakan past perfect tense, perhatikan time signal dan bagian before
my father came yang menunjukkan tanda past perfect tense. Maka
12 A menggunakan rumus S + Had + Been + Verb3. Sebelum anda mempelajari
passive voice, sebenarnya anda harus menguasai terlebih dahulu semua materi
tenses, agar anda tahu apa saja yang menjadi tanda-tanda suatu tenses tertentu.
Soal Passive Voice Pilihan Ganda
Pilihlah kata-kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini.

1. Potatoes, black beans and chesnuts raw.

o were rarely consumed

o are rarely consumed

2. Fio by one of the waitress now.

o is being served

o is served

3. The new member enjoys into our support group.

o being received

o be received

4. You if you meet the minimum requirements for this job.

o would be contacted

o will be contacted

5. Nothing except his credit card.

o has been stolen

o has stolen
6. The buildings of marble and granite.

o were made

o was made

7. A negative anonymous letter on my car this morning.

o was left

o is left

8. with all my stories?

o did you bored

o were you bored

9. The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia by the

Committee for Examination of Indonesian Independence and the
Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence.

o were written

o was written

10.I want to know why a woman prefers by a man.

o to managed

o to be managed

1. are rarely consumed | Merupakan bentuk pasif dari simple present tense: is/am/are +
past participle.
Pelaku aksi (tidak disebutkan) merujuk kepada orang secara umum.

2. is being served | bentuk pasif dari present continuous tense: is/am/are + being +
present participle

3. being received | bentuk pasif dari gerund: being + past participle

4. will be contacted | Bentuk pasif dari simple future tense pada conditional sentence
type 1: will + be + past participle

5. has been stolen | bentuk pasif dari present perfect tense: has/have + been + present
6. were made | bentuk pasif dari simple past tense: was/were + past participle

7. was left | bentuk pasif dari simple past tense: was/were + past participle

8. were you bored | Versi active voice-nya: Did I bore you with all my stories?

9. was written | bentuk pasif dari simple past tense: was/were + past participle

10. to be managed | bentuk pasif dari infinitive: (to) be + past participle

1. Our bookselves _____ by the carpenter when you came.
a. Is being repaired
b. Was being repaired

2. The compressor _____ by that guy.

a. Has been sold
b. Has been being sold

3. She cant be _____ by this gun.

a. force
b. Forced

4. Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke passive voice He will change the password.

a. The password will be changed by him
b. The password would be changed by him

5. I didnt recognize when the room _____.

a. Was being painted
b. Is being painted

6. Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke passive voice I have taken the sauce.

a. The sauce has been taken by me
b. The sauce have been taken by me

7. The unique doll _____ by Mr. Sukirman last week.

a. was already bought
b. already Is bought

8. He is now _____ by the headmaster now.

a. Being punished sadistically
b. Been punished sadistically

9. The next year grammar examination _____.

a. would be passed perfectly
b. should be passed perfectly

10. Ubahlah kalimat berikut He took the medical care for his illness.
a. The medical care for his illness is taken by him
b. The medical care for his illness was taken by him
11. What is the formulation of passive voice for simple present tense?

a. Subject + Is/am/are + Verb1.

b. Subject + Is/am/are + Verb3.

12. What is the formulation of passive voice for present perfect tense?

a. Subject + Have/has + Been + Being + Verb3.

b. Subject + Have/has + Been + Verb3.

13. We are going to watch Insidious tonight.

a. Insidious was going to be watched by us tonight.

b. Insidious are going to be watched by us tonight.

14. I will clean the house every Saturday afternoon.

a. The house will be cleaned by me every Saturday afternoon.

b. The house will cleaned by me every Saturday afternoon.

15. Agus painted the car amazingly.

a. The car was painted by Agus amazingly.

b. The car were painted by Agus amazingly.

16. The two kings are encountering the treaty.

a. The treaty is been encountered by the two kings.

b. The treaty are being encountered by the two kings.

17. The cleaning crew vacuums and dusts the office every morning.

a. Every morning, the office are vacuumed and dusted by the cleaning crew.
b. Every morning, the office is vacuumed and dusted by the cleaning crew.

18. Kemenangan itu akan dirayakan oleh Team minggu depan.

a. The victory will have been being celebrated by the team next week.
b. The victory will be celebrated by the team next week.

19. Saat makan tadi malam, enam bakso udang dimakan oleh Budi.

a. At dinner last night, six shrimpball was eaten by Budi.

b. At dinner last night, six shrimpball were eaten by Budi.

20. Seorang teknisi telah memotong kabel listrik.

a. The electricity wire has been cutted by an engineer.
b. The electricity wire has been cut by an engineer.

1. b
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. a
6. a
7. a
8. a
9. b
10. b
11. b
12. b
13. b
14. a
15. a
16. a
17. b
18. b
19. b
20. b

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