Assessment Task Notification - Social Inclusion and Exclusion

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Assessment Task

HSC Assessment Task 3

Oral and Visual Research Presentation

Assessment Task: 2 Date Due: Weighting: 25%

Subject: HSC Society and Culture Unit: Depth Study 2 Social Inclusion and Exclusion
Faculty: Class: 12SAC Teacher:

Type of Task Oral and Visual Research Presentation

Topic HSC Depth Study: Social Inclusion and Exclusion
Task Weight 25%
Component Weights 10% Knowledge and Understanding of course content
10% Application and evaluation of social and cultural research
5% Communication of information, ideas and issues in appropriate
Outcomes H1 evaluates and effectively applies social and cultural concepts.
H2 explains the development of personal, social and cultural identity.
H3 analyses relationships and interactions within and between
social and cultural groups.
H5 analyses continuity and change and their influence on personal
and social futures.
H7 selects, organizes, synthesises and analyses information from a
variety of sources for usefulness, validity and basis.
H9 applies complex course language and concepts appropriate for a
range of audiences and contexts.
H10 communicates complex information, ideas and issues using
appropriate written, oral and graphic forms.

Task Description Social Inclusion and Exclusion

Throughout your study of this unit you have gained an understanding of the
ways individuals and groups in societies and cultures can be effected by
social inclusion and exclusion.

For this assessment task you are required to use the country and racial
group which has been studied in class and evaluate the social inclusion or
exclusion of the group in relation to access to ONE of the following socially
valued resources:
health care
the justice system
Once you have selected a socially valued resource you need to conduct
research, create and present an innovative and engaging FIVE (5) minute
oral and visual presentation answering the following question:

How has social inclusion or exclusion of Indigenous Australians, in

relation to ONE of the socially valued resources, impacted upon the life
chances of its members?

Presentations will be in small groups, whilst the rest of the class work in a
different classroom (with a supervising teacher present). When one group of
four finishes the next group will begin. The order of presentations will be
sequenced at random for each class and these will be made available on the
first day of the presentations.

Preparation Guidelines:
The visual component of your presentation should be created using
one of the following programs:
o Microsoft PowerPoint
o Presi
o Other (This needs to be approved by your classroom teacher
before commencing the task).
To assist your oral presentation you are able to use palm cards with
written notes. These cards should only contain a brief list of key
words or phrases, you should not read your oral presentation.
Your oral and visual presentation will be presented to your Society
and Culture teacher/s and 4 students from your class. One student
will be allocated to complete a peer assessment of each oral, using
the same marking scheme as the teachers. Peer assessment will be
used to inform, but not necessarily change teacher assessment.
You will be assessed on how well you:
examine and evaluate the ways social inclusion and exclusion impact
upon the life chances of the members of the group you have studied.
integrate and explain the relationship between Indigenous
Australians and ONE socially valued resource.
research and prepare an innovative and engaging FIVE (5) minute
oral and visual presentation.
give an effective presentation within the given timeframe.

Submission Details You must submit a digital copy of the original presentation, via student email,
to your classroom teacher by 9am on the day the assessment is due.
Failure to complete the task, will result in an N-Award warning unless illness
or misadventure can be proven. Delay in informing teachers of possible
scheduling conflicts will result in penalties in accordance with the
assessment and reporting document issued to students.
Assessment Marking Rubric
Society and Culture: Depth Study: Social Inclusion and Exclusion
Assessment Task 2: Oral and Visual Research Presentation 25 marks
Student Name: Start time: Finish time:

Criteria Marks
Within the given timeframe.
Well-structured overall presentation that uses sentence structure and vocabulary
appropriate to audience and situation. 21 - 25
Effectively uses volume, pace, eye-contact, gesture and emphasis appropriately to convey
ideas and information.
Demonstrates extensive knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts.
Applies highly developed skills and processes in selecting and evaluating social and
cultural research methods in context.
Demonstrates creative and critical thinking skills using perceptive analysis and evaluation.
Effectively communicates complex ideas and information.
Within the given timeframe.
Overall presentation is structured and sentence structure and vocabulary is appropriate to
audience and situation. 16 - 20
Uses volume, pace, eye-contact and emphasis to convey ideas and information.
Demonstrates thorough knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts.
Applies well-developed skills and processes in selecting and evaluating social and cultural
research methods in context.
Demonstrates creative and critical thinking skills using analysis and evaluation.
Clearly communicates complex ideas and information.
Within the given time frame.
Oral and visual presentation is structured and the vocabulary is appropriate to audience
and situation. 11-15
Generally uses volume, pace, eye-contact, gesture and emphasis to convey ideas and
Demonstrates knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts.
Applies developed skills and processes in selecting social and cultural research methods
in context.
Demonstrates skills in selecting and using information and communicate relevant ideas in
a descriptive manner.
Oral and visual presentation with basic overall structure and basic recognition of audience
and situations.
Very basic use of volume, pace, eye-contact, gesture and emphasis to convey ideas and 6-10
Demonstrates basic knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts.
Applies some skills and processes in selecting social and cultural research methods in
Demonstrates skills in selecting and using information and communicate relevant ideas in
a descriptive manner.
Oral and visual presentation with limited overall structure and limited recognition of
audience and situation.
Very limited, or inappropriate, use of eye-contact, gesture and emphasis to convey ideas 15
and information.
Demonstrates an elementary knowledge of content and understanding of course
Applies some skills and processes with guidance.
Demonstrates elementary skills in recounting information and communicating ideas.

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