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WOU Enterprise Architecture - Microservices

Amanda Lyons
Craig Saunders
Tim Taylor

Course Registration
This service registers the classes a student takes with the registrar. The classes show what
instructor is teaching the class, what day and time the class is, how many credits it is, and what
location the class will take place. The course registration enforces registration holds. Also if two
classes chosen by the student are taken at the same day and time it will not allow the class to
register. The service also provides schedules for the student on their classes taken in a certain

Student: Will hold the names and other demographics of students such as v number and major
Classes: Will hold names, departments, crn, day and time of classes
Instructor: Will hold what classes the instructor will teach

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This service has a variety of functions. Students can receive assignments and then submit
assignments. Each assignment has an opening day and a deadline to submit. Instructors can
post what readings to read. Instructors can post additional readings from sources outside of the
required text. The instructor can post the syllabus. Students and Instructors can have group
discussions with a built-in forum. Students can take tests and quizzes. Instructors can grade
assignments, tests, and quizzes and upload the grades for students to view them.

Student: Will hold what classes the student is taking
Instructor: WIll hold what classes the instructor is teaching
Grades: Will hold the grades of the students
Classes: Will be the names of the classes available per term

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Student Administration
This service handles all interactions with the student body from application to graduation.
Student enrollment and enrollment verification are a fundamental part of these robust offerings.
Support for veterans and those with disabilities are also included as part of the available
resources. Students can receive advising on their degree plan or check in on their current
academic progression. Additionally, they can access their college records including transcripts,
grades, copies of an earned degree, or even request a name change. Student administration
also enforces academic dishonesty requirements and plagiarism violations. Assuming a student
is in good standing, they can choose to participate in an international study program coordinated
by student administration that earns them college credits while studying abroad. Lastly, alumni
offerings of the college allow past students to participate in meaningful college activities that
enhance the community.

Student: Information about the enrolled student including their V#
Degree Plan (DegreeWorks): Current progress that a student has made on their degree and a
tentative list of remaining requirements that need to be met
Transcripts: A detailed account of various college and university offered classes that a student
has successfully completed
Grades: A student's performance results in a particular subject or class

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Faculty Administration

This service helps all faculty to excel at their area of educational focus within the colleges
teaching policies and procedures. This establishes a guideline and rule of thumb for student
interaction and ensures that mandatory educational requirements are achieved. Faculty
administer class materials, quizzes, and tests that result in student grades. Additionally, faculty
receive performance reviews based on assessments from authority figures, peers, and the
student body. Faculty Administration provides benefits to the faculty members and even offers
opportunities of personal developmental leave and training stipends upon approval. Lastly,
faculty administration works in conjunction with various committees that help provide a
foundation of leadership to the college, its staff, and the students.

Faculty: Information about an employed faculty member including their V#
Performance Reviews: Results of how effectively a faculty member teaches a particular
subject to students based on feedback from supervisors, peers, and students
Policies and Procedures: The rules and regulations that a faculty member must follow to be
an employee of the college that teaches students

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Financial Resources

This service is responsible for student payment for college. Payment options are from loans,
grants, scholarships or out of pocket. Students are advised to apply for a FAFSA online which
helps with the cost of payment for college. A FAFSA is an application that determines a familys
expectancy of payment to the college. This application will estimate eligibility for financial aid.
Once a student enters WOUs information and sends it to the school, financial resources will
look to see if the student is able to be awarded financial aid. Financial aid will be awarded to a
student and will either be denied or accepted. If accepted, funds will be disbursed to the student
to cover expenses like tuition or learning materials. There are many loan options to cover the
cost of school available as well. Students can learn more about these loans when they contact
the financial aid office. Scholarship and grant options are also available. Scholarships and
grants have specific criteria that needs to be met and money from these aids do not need to be
paid back. Students will apply for scholarships and grants and will be turned in and reviewed by
financial resources by a certain deadline. These aids are based on need and based on a
student and or their families financial circumstances. Faculty may also be involved in the
financial resource department by needing to turn in a letter of recommendation of an exemplary
student they feel deserves a certain scholarship or grant. Faculty receives payment from the
financial resource department and their wages are dependent on student administration by
having students to teach. Lastly, financial resources is responsible for students payment
options. These may involve loans, scholarships, grants, financial aid or checks. A student can
pay their tuition online as well as in person at the financial aid office.

Student: The individual with a special V# responsible for financial aid and payment
Faculty: Teachers who earn an income through WOU
Scholarships & Grants: Money awarded to students to help pay for college
Financial Aid: Financial support to help pay for college
Loan Options: The different loans that may be offered to students
Payment Options: Ways the student is able to pay for college

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