What Are Mood Boards?: Interface Design Interior Design Marketing Communication (Commercials) Storyboard Product Design

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What are Mood Boards?

A mood board is a type of poster design that may consist of images,

text, and samples of objects in a composition of the choice of the
mood board creator.
Designers and others use mood boards to develop their design
concepts and to communicate to other members of the design team.
The mood board may be used as a frame of reference during the
design process in the following disciplines...
Interface design
Interior Design
Marketing communication (commercials)
Product Design
What are Mood Boards?
Mood boards are often used by designers to enable a person to
illustrate visually the direction of style which they are pursuing.
In short, Mood boards are not limited to visual subjects, but serve as a
visual tool to quickly inform others of the overall 'feel' (or 'flow') that a
designer is trying to achieve. In this case, the proverb "a picture is worth
a thousand words" goes a long way
Creating mood boards in a digital form may be easier and quicker, but
physical objects often tend to have a higher impact on people because of
the more complete palette of sensations physical mood boards offer.
Vague descriptions of "we're trying to create a clean interface" or "the
website will feel very 'yellow'" can be supported by a suggestive mood
board which shows elements of the subject with the atmosphere the
creator wants to use during the entire design phase. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

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