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Applied Learning Theory

Briefly describe how you would make use of each of these principles in your classroom. Use the
following format:

Number and list the principle.

Give your interpretation of what the principle means. You may want to use examples
from some of the research you read in the module to help make your point. (Remember,
the Caines based these principles on that research.)
In a few sentences or bullets describe how you would apply it to your classroom. Use
examples of specific activities, strategies, procedures when appropriate.
Repeat for each principle.

Principle Five: Emotions are critical to patterning.

Create a social hour in the class where kids are allowed to socialize for specified period of time that
does not involve school work.

Create work groups where kids will naturally socialize while engaging in school projects cooperative

Principle Ten: The brain understands and remembers best when facts
and skills are embedded in natural spatial memory.
The solution is to embed taxon learning by immersing learners in well-orchestrated, life-like, low-threat,
high-challenge learning environments. We need to take the information off the blackboard, to make it
come alive in the minds of learners, and to help them to make connections

Put knowledge in to practice. For a math segment have kids build a bird house or some such thing.

Principle Twelve: Each brain is unique.

This looks at learning styles and unique ways of patterning. We have many things in common, but we
also are very, very different. We need to understand how we learn and how we perceive the world and to
know that men and women see the world differently.

Differentiated assessments and or differentiated lesson plans

Principle Eleven: Learning is enhanced by challenge and inhibited by


Threat has to be done this way with this answer in this amount of time, It doesnt matter what you
have to say about it that is the way it is.

Challenge this is what needs to be learned you can learn this way this way or that way which way
will work best for you?

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