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SAP Programs FI-CO

RFBILA00 Financial Statements

RFBILA00 Financial Statements

SAPF100 Foreign Currency Valuation

General Ledger Accounting

RFUSVS14 Annual Operations Report
RFITEMGL G/L Account Line Item Display
RFITEMAP Vendor Line Item Display
RFITEMAR Customer Line Item Display
RFPOSXEXTEND Correction: Change/Activate RFPOSXEXT
RFWT0020 Recreate and Change Withholding Tax Data with Witholding TaxRate of
RFBISA00 Interface for General Ledger Account Master Data
RFDOPR10 Customer Open Item Analysis by Balance of Overdue Items
RFUMSV25 Deferred Tax Transfer
RFBNUM00 Gaps in Document Number Assignment
RFGSTAUS Perform for the GST Calculation Sheet (F_RFUVAU___01)
RFEBCK00 Cashed Checks
RFCASH00 Cash Journal

Accounts Payable
SAPMF02K Vendor Master Data
RFFOUS_C International Payment Medium Check (with check management)
RFFOUS_T Payment Medium USA Transfers/Bank Direct Debits in ACH Format
RFFOEDI1 International Payment Medium Payment Orders by EDI
RFFOAVIS_FPAYM Payment Medium Correspondence for Generic Payment
Medium Program
RFWT0010 Adjustment of Withholding Tax Information to Relevant Types
SAPF110S Payment Program
RFFOCH_P Payment Medium Switzerland Postal Giro/SAD/BAD
RFFOM100 International Payment Medium SWIFT Format MT100
RFZALI20 Payment List
RFFOCH_U Payment Medium Switzerland Transfers, Bank Collection / DME
SAPMFCHK Check management module pool
RFFOAVIS Payment Medium International Zero Balance Notice
RFW1099M USA: Withholding Tax Report for 1099-MISC
RFFOGB_T Payment Medium Great Britain and Ireland BACWAY, BACSBOX, EFTS,

Accounts Receivable
RFDKLI20 SD, FI: Recreation of Credit Data after Organizational Changes
SAPMF02C Credit Management Master Data
SAPF150D2 FI Dunning Print Program
SAPMFKM0 Configuration Menu: Call Transactions and Dialog Modules
SAPF150D Dunning Notice Print (With Update of Line Items and Master Records)
RF150SMS Program RF150SMS
RFDRRANZ Accounts Receivable Information System
SAPF150V Module Pool for the Dunning Program (Parameter Maintenance and
RFDUZI00 Calculate Interest on Arrears
SAPMFKD0 Dunning Procedure Customizing
RFCORR14 Resetting of Dunning Run via MHNK/MHND
SAPMFBWE Bill of Exchange Presentation
RFDRRE05 Due Date Analysis Create Evaluations (Subroutine Pool)
RFDKLI41 Credit Master Sheet
RFDKLI40 Credit Overview

Asset Accounting
AW01N Asset Explorer
RAPOST2000 Depreciation Posting Run
RAALTD01 Legacy Data Transfer Program Asset Accounting
RACSTABL Asset Customizing: Calling Up Different Views
RAVCLUST FI-AA: Call of view clusters
RAFABNEW Automatic Opening of a New Depreciation Area
RABEST_ALV01 Asset Balances
RAUMFE20 Analysis of an asset and its environment: Data collect. and analysis
RAALTD11 Direct Data Import Asset Accounting
RAAFAR00 Recalculate Depreciation
RASIMU02 Depreciation Simulation
RAPERB2000 Periodic Asset Postings
RAGITT_ALV01 Asset History Sheet
RAUNVA00 Incomplete Assets Detail List

Bank Accounting
SAPFPAYM Payment Medium: Creation
RFCHKE00 Check Extract Creation
SAPFPAYM_SCHEDULE Payment Medium: Scheduling of Creation
RFBLBC00 Bank Chains for House Banks
RFBLBC01 Bank chains for bank account carry forwards
RFBLBC02 Bank chains for creditors/debtors
SAPFPAYM_MERGE Creation of Cross-Payment Run Payment Media
RFCCSSTT Payment Cards: Execute Settlement
RFCHKL00 List of Checks for Company Code &0..
RFCHKN10 Check Register
RFCHKD30 Reset Check Information Data
RFMPAY00 Status of Payments for Cross-Payment Run Payment Media
OFX_MSG_SELECT_DISPLAY Display Internet Messages
RFCHKD00 Delete Check Information on Payment Run
RFCHKD10 Delete Check Information on Voided Checks

Special Purpose Ledger

RGGBS000 Exit Routines for Substitutions
SAPMGCU0 Module Pool for FI-SL Customizing
RGUGBR00 Generates ABAP Coding for Validations/Substitutions/Rules
RGGBR000 Exit Routines for Rules
SAPMGSBM Module Pool for Set Maintenance
SAPMGSGM Maintain Variables
RGZZGLUX FI-SL XPRA: Generation GLU1, GLU2, FI-SL Programs
RGUREC10 Transfer Documents from Financial Accounting
RGURECGLFLEX Transfer of Opening Balance Actual Data to General Ledger
SAPMGTRA Transport of Customizing Objects
SAPFGVTR Balance carryforward
RGUREC00 Example of External Data Transfer into FI-SL
RGIMOVV0 FI-SL: Generate Variable Field Movements
SAPMGRWJ SAP Report Writer: Processing of Object Type Report Group

Profitability Analysis
RKES0101 Call View Maintenance for V_TKESV
RKEAGENV Regenerate View Maintenance for User-Defined Characteristics
SAPMKEI2 Create/Display LI
SAPMGPSP Maintain Distribution Key
RKEAGENF Delete, Refil, Display Internal CO-PA Field Table FIELDTAB
RKEB0601 Display Line Items
RKECADL1 Cancel CO-PA Line Items
SAPMKEFB Module Pool for Authorization Objects
RKEDRCHECK Characteristic Derivation: Check Table
RKEREOCE4 Reorganization of the Segment Table
RKETRERU Build Summarization Levels for Profitability Analysis
RKEB090F FORMs for Extra Processing in CO-PA Background Processing
RKEVRK2A_MULTICURR_2 CO-PA update: actual data, parallel currencies (fixed
SAPMKEDR Customizing for Characteristic Derivation

Product Cost Controlling

KARIN Message Call
RKKBRPTR Call for Reporting Tree
RKKBKIS1 Line Item Report Costing Items
SAPRCK23 Price Update
SAPRCKBA1 Transaction Handler for CKBA
SAPRCKBA CK Report for Batch Handling for Costing Run
RKKKS1N0 Variances: Manufacturing Orders and Product Cost Collectors
SAPMKKB5 Maintain Application-Dependent Reporting Parameters
SAPKKA07 Work in Process: List
SAPKKA12 Sales Orders: Set CO Status Under Specified Conditions
SAPMKKB2 Maintain User-Specific Reports for Costing KKB
MLCCS_STARTUP Creates actual cost comp. split for already productive ML
MLCCS_RESET Deletes All Data in Actual Cost Component Split
RKKBCAL2 Analyze/Compare Material Cost Estimates
RKKKS000 Background Processing: Variance / Scrap Calculation

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