Facies Concepts

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Sedimentology concepts

The facies concept refers to the sum of characteristics of a

sedimentary unit, commonly at a fairly small (cm-m) scale
Grain size
Sedimentary structures
Biogenic content
Lithofacies (physical and chemical characteristics)
Biofacies (macrofossil content)
Ichnofacies (trace fossils)

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Sedimentology concepts

Facies is a body of rock characterized by a particular

combination of lithology, physical and biological structures that
bestow an aspect that different from the bodies of rock above,
below and laterally adjacent
Facies associations :
constitute several facies that occur in combination, and typically
represent one depositional environment (note that very few
individual facies are diagnostic for one specific setting!)
groups of facies genetically related to one another and which
have some environmental significance (Collinson, 1969)
Facies successions (or facies sequences) are facies
associations with a characteristic vertical order

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Sedimentology concepts

Facies analysis is the interpretation of strata in

terms of depositional environments (or depositional
systems), commonly based on a wide variety of
Facies Model is a general summary of a particular
depositional system, involving many individual
examples from recent sediments and ancient rocks

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Sedimentology concepts

Genetic Stratigraphic Sequence / Genetic Unit / Unit Genesa :

the sedimentary product of a depositional episode (after Galloway,
Architectural elements are
the two- or three-dimensional building blocks of a sediment or a
sedimentary rock
a morphological subdivision of a particular depositional system characterized
by a distinctive assemblage of facies, facies geometry, and depositional
Depositional Environment : geographic and/or geomorphic area

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Sedimentary Environments


Braided Stream

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Sedimentary Environments


Alluvial Fan

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Walthers Law (1894) states that two different facies found superimposed on
one another and not separated by an unconformity, must have been deposited
adjacent to each other at a given point in time

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Sedimentary facies

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Fluvial environments

Bars are sandy or gravelly macroforms in channels that are emergent,

mostly unvegetated features at low flow stage, and undergo
submergence and rapid modification during high discharge
Point bars form on inner banks and typically accrete laterally,
commonly resulting in lateral-accretion surfaces; mid-channel or braid
bars accrete both laterally and downstream
Bars are always associated with channels; a genetically related bar/bar
complex and channel/channel complex is known as a storey

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Fluvial environments

Lateral accretion involves higher-order bounding surfaces dipping

perpendicular to paleoflow direction and associated lower-order
bounding surfaces; in the case of downstream accretion higher-
order bounding surfaces dip parallel to paleoflow direction
Braided rivers are characterized by a dominance of braid bars exhibiting
both lateral and downstream accretion; meandering rivers primarily
contain point bars with lateral accretion; in straight (and most
anastomosing) rivers bars are commonly almost absent

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Fluvial environments

Facies successions in sandy to gravelly channel deposits typically fine

upward, from a coarse channel lag, through large-scale to small-scale
cross stratified sets (commonly with decreasing set height), and finally
overlain by muddy overbank deposits
Facies successions produced by different fluvial styles can be extremely
The geometry and three-dimensional arrangement of architectural
elements therefore provides a much better means of inferring fluvial
styles from the sedimentary record

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Fluvial environments

Channel belts consist of channel-bar and channel-fill deposits;

the proportion of the two generally decreases markedly from braided
rivers to anastomosing rivers
The geometry of a channel belt (width/thickness ratio) is a function of
the channel width and the degree of lateral migration; values are
typically much higher for braided systems (>>100) than for straight or
anastomosing systems (<25)
Sheets have width/thickness ratios of >50
Ribbons have width/thickness ratios of <15
Residual-channel deposits are predominantly muddy (occasionally
organic) deposits that accumulate in an abandoned channel where flow
velocities are extremely small

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Fluvial environments

Overbank environments are dominated by fine-grained facies

(predominantly muds)
Natural-levee deposits are wedges (wings) of sediment that form
adjacent to the channel, dominated by fine sand and silt exhibiting planar
stratification or (climbing) ripple cross stratification
Crevasse-splay deposits are usually cones of sandy to silty facies with
both coarsening-upward and fining-upward successions, and are formed by
small, secondary channels during peak flow
Flood-basin deposits are the most distal facies, consisting entirely of
muddy sediments deposited from suspension, and are volumetrically very
important (mainly in low-energy fluvial settings)

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Fluvial environments

Paleosols (well drained conditions) and occasional peats (poorly

drained conditions) occur frequently in overbank environments and are
important indicators of variations of clastic aggradation rates and the
position relative to active channels (proximal vs. distal)
The pedofacies concept refers to the maturity of a paleosol,
irrespective of the specific set of pedogenic processes operating, in the
case of floodplains mainly controlled by distance to the active channel
Lacustrine deposits can be important in overbank environments
characterized by high water tables, and are also found in distal
settings; they are more likely to contain primary sedimentary structures
(horizontal lamination) than their frequently bioturbated subaerial

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Fluvial environments

Facies models highlight conspicuous differences between different

fluvial styles:
Channel-belt width/thickness ratio (braided: high; meandering: intermediate;
straight/anastomosing: low)
Channel-deposit proportion (braided: high; meandering: intermediate;
straight/anastomosing: low)
Overbank-deposit proportion (braided: low; meandering: intermediate;
straight/anastomosing: high)
Overbank-deposit geometry (meandering: wedge-shaped;
straight/anastomosing: highly irregular due to numerous crevasse channels)
Overbank facies (meandering: well-drained paleosols common;
straight/anastomosing: peats and lacustrine deposits common)

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Fluvial environments

Avulsion is the sudden diversion of a channel to a new location on the

floodplain, leading to the abandonment of a channel belt and the
initiation of a new one
Avulsions are the inevitable consequence of the increase of cross-valley
slope (typically through a crevasse channel) relative to down-valley
slope along the channel, associated with the growth of an alluvial ridge
An avulsion belt constitutes an extensive network of rapidly
aggrading, narrow, crevasse-like channels with genetically associated
overbank deposits, that may surround the new channel belt

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Fluvial environments

Alluvial architecture refers to the three-dimensional arrangement of

channel-belt deposits and overbank deposits in a fluvial succession
The nature of alluvial architecture (e.g., the proportion of channel-belt
to overbank deposits) is dependent on fluvial style, aggradation rate,
and the frequency of avulsion
When alluvial architecture is dominated by channel-belt deposits, the
separation of channel belts from storeys can be extremely difficult

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