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Letter sentences to start:

1. Greeting
Friendly Letter:
- Dear,
To the Company:
- To whom it may concern
- To the management of ____________
- To the president of the ____________
2. Purpose
Friendly Letter:
- I hope you have been keeping well.
- I hope this letter finds you in good health.
- I am writing to you regarding ______.
Allow me to describe/recreate the situation for you.
3. Details
- Last week, I unfortunately
- I am happy to inform you that
- I was hoping you could share some insight as to whether I should (move to London,
pursue a career in biology)
4. Request
Friendly Letter:
- I would be grateful if you could (why my TV is not working, if you could find time to
answer my questions, get back to my as soon as possible in this matter)
I expect immediate action to be taken on your side to resolve this issue

5. Sign-of
Friendly Letter:
- Looking forward to your reply,
- Hoping to hear back from you soon,
- Expecting prompt action, (two days after purchasing bad snow Mobil)


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