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A Synopsis submitted in partial fulfilment

Of the requirements for the project of



Himachal Pradesh

Submitted By


Roll NO. 311018017

Under the supervision of

Er. Raman Bhoria, Er. Abhilesh Kant Sharma

Department Of CIVIL Engineering



Need And Objective
Various Tests To Be Conducted On Project Work
Learning Resources/References To Be Used On Project Work

The road network is the system of interconnected roads designed to accommodate wheeled road
going vehicles and pedestrian traffic. The road network consists of a system of interconnected
paved carriageways which are designed to carry buses, cars and goods vehicles; the road network
generally forms the most basic level of transport infrastructure within urban areas, and will link
with all other areas, both within and beyond the boundaries of the urban area.

A road network can be divided into parts such as:

Controlled Or Uncontrolled Intersections
Urban Roads
Rural Roads
Bicycle Lanes
Footpaths And Pedestrian Areas
Bridges, Tunnels, Flyover

Furthermore, several road-side systems and monitoring systems are used to control the traffic,
such as

Intersection Control With Traffic Lights

Variable Message Signs (VMS)
Dynamic Road Information Panels (DRIPs)
Loop Detectors

Roads networks are vital means of communication on land. The entire progress and development
of a country depends upon the efficient and widespread networks of roads. The major benefits or
needs and objectives of roads are listed below:

Road network facilitate the traffic to go easily and conveniently from one place to another.
Roads networks helps in the growth of trade and related economic activities by quickly
marketing and distributing the produce of the country side to the towns and cities.
Development of road system not only provides direct employment in road construction,
maintenance and other fields but employment facilities are also increased to a great extent
through movement of people from one place to another. It has been estimates that every
1crore rupee invested in road construction provides employment to 6500 people.
Roads serve as feeder lines for railways, waterways and airways and thus act as connecting
link between other modes of transportation.
Roads help in establishing cultural, social, religious and educational contacts between people.
This results in minimising the difference in standard of living between towns and villages
which in turn reduces the urge to migrate to the towns and cities..
Good road network help in the defence of a country against external aggression or war and
at the same time, it helps in maintaining internal security by mobilising the military resources
whenever required without loss of time. Thus, better law and order can be kept within the
country through a good road network.
Road provides opportunities to various classes of people to develop buildings, hotels,
schools, cultural and business centres along road sides. The growth of these important
educational and trade centres by road sides increases the land value of the region.
Roads are helpful in mobilising medical aids and other health services for the people in case
of any emergency like accidents , riot break, fire etc. or natural disasters like Earthquakes,
Thunderstorm etc.
Good roads allow tourist inflow in the country and thus contribute largely towards economic
growth of state.
Roads are the symbol of a countrys progress and well being. Good roads are prerequisite to
speed and speed is a necessity to progress. The country having comparatively more mileage
of good roads is said to be more advanced and prosperous country. Indeed, roads are the
lifelines of a nations economy.
Various Tests To Be Conducted On Project Work

Determination of penetration value of bitumen.

Determination of softening point of bitumen.
Determination of ductility of bitumen.
Determination of impact various and crushing value of the aggregate.
Determination of abrasion value (Los Angeles) of road aggregate.
Determination of the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) for the sub-grade soil.
Learning Resources / References:

Text Books:

1. Khanna S.K., and Justo, C.E.G. Highway Engineering, Nem Chand and Brothers, Roorkee,

2. Kadiyali, L.R. Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering, Khanna Publishers, New
Delhi, 1997.

3. Flaherty, C.A.O. Highway Engineering, Volume 2, Edward Arnold, London, 1986.

4. Sharma, S.K. Principles, Practice & Design of Highway Engineering, S. Chand & Company
Ltd., New Delhi, 1985.

5. Khanna S.K., and Justo, C.E.G. Highway Material Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem Chand
and Brothers, Roorkee, 1997.

6. Jagroop Singh, Highway Engineering, Eagle Prakashan (Regd.) Publishers, Jalandhar, 2014
Edition .

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