Unit Testing Embedded Code With Cmocka

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Unit testing embedded code with cmocka | Sam Lewis 12/06/2017, 10)49

Unit testing embedded code with

26 Sep 2016

Unit testing is a great software testing practice that gets a

lot of love in web and application development but
unfortunately isn't practiced as often in embedded/firmware
Sam development. This is a shame as the impacts of having a bug
in firmware can be considerably more catastrophic than
Lewis having a bug in a webapp. I've written this article in the hope
of demonstrating some of the benefits that come when
!"#$ writing unit tests for embedded software and have also given
% a small toy example of how it's possible to unit test firmware
using the cmocka framework.

Why unit test embedded software?

System level embedded software testing is notoriously

difficult, mainly because embedded software runs on bare
metal hardware. While you can never completely get away
from testing embedded software on real hardware, testing
the logic in the embedded software through unit testing is
very valuable and gets you a lot of the way there. If you still
need convincing, some of the things I really like about having
unit tests for my embedded code:

Allows you to develop your application layer logic

without the need for any hardware, saving lots of time

Gives you a greater appreciation and understanding of

your hardware periphereals, as you need to
understand their interfaces to write tests against them

Less 'wtf' bugs that are impossible to track down in


Allows you to test your code against edge cases that

otherwise hard to reproduce (eg: testing how your
firmware reacts when your temperature sensor is
used in negative temperatures)

Testable code tends to be cleaner, modular and

reusable code

Takes some amount of pressure off your systems level


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Unit testing embedded code with cmocka | Sam Lewis 12/06/2017, 10)49

Stops regressions, particularly if you integrate the

tests into your build

There are a lot of unit testing frameworks for C but for

embedded testing, the framework I like best is cmocka
cmocka. I've
looked at others in the past, such as cmock and cutest but
cmocka stands out as having all testing & mocking
functionality I need while having minimal dependencies.

On caveat worth mentioning is that to properly use these

frameworks, you'll most likely need to compiler your code
with a different compiler to what your compile with for your
hardware - both so that the framework can run and so that
you can execute the tests on your workstation. However, this
shouldn't present a major problem as long as you're not
relying on non-standard or undefined compiler behaviour.
Logic errors in your code will still be logic errors no matter
what compiler you use to compile the code.

An example of unit testing C in an embedded


To give a concrete example of how you could make use of

cmocka in an embedded context, I'll show the process of unit
testing code for a temperature sensor. I've chosen the TI
TMP101 as the temperature sensor, which is a temperature
sensor that works over I2C. The complete listing of code is
checked in on my github
github, the below text gives a rundown
of how it all comes together.

The first step as normal, is to write some code for the

tmp101 sensor that can fetch a temperature. You can find
the full code listing on my github
github. It's also reproduced

#include "tmp101.h"

static const float TMP_BIT_RESOLUTION = 0.0625;

float tmp101_get_temperature(void)
// Need to set the TMP101 pointer register
to point to the temp register
uint8_t pointer_address = 0;
i2c_transmit_blocking(TMP101_ADDRESS, 0,
&pointer_address, 1);

// The TMP101 stores 12 bit samples that

are retrieved in two byte blocks
uint8_t data[2];
i2c_read_blocking(TMP101_ADDRESS, 0,
&data[0], 2);

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// the 1st byte is bits 12 to 4 of the

sample and the 2nd byte is bits 4 to 0
// see page 16 of the TMP_101 datasheet
uint16_t temperature_bits = (data[0] << 4)
| (data[1] >> 4);

// The 12 bit sample is represented using

2s complement, for simplicity
// (and because there's no 12 bit int
representation), scale up the sample
// to 16 bits and adjust the bit resolution
when converting later
int16_t temperature = temperature_bits <<

// shift the sample back down and convert

by the TMP_101 bit resolution
return ((temperature / 16) * 0.0625f);

This function isn't the most complicated function but there's

enough bit manipulation to make me nervous and unsure if
it'll do exactly what I want all the time. Sure, we could run it
on my hardware platform and see how it responds but that'd
only prove that it works as whatever temperature it is now.
Instead, lets write some unit tests for this code.

Conveniently, for this particular temperature sensor, TI are

kind enough to provide a table of example temperatures
with their corresponding 12 bit digital outputs. These prove a
nice place to start in testing our get_temperature function.

In essence, we want to control the data that

i2c_read_blocking returns to our
tmp101_get_temperature function so that we can check
against our function works as it should. A simple (but
somewhat ugly) way to this might be to have the function
look something like:

void i2c_read_blocking(uint8_t address, uint8_t

offset, uint8_t* pData, uint8_t data_size)

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Unit testing embedded code with cmocka | Sam Lewis 12/06/2017, 10)49

#ifdef TESTING

//normal i2c logic here


But mixing test code with production code is ugly and an

antipattern that should be avoided if possible. A much better
way that allows us to both completely separate our testing
and source code is to use the cmocka framework to help us
(dynamically!) control what our i2c_read_blocking
function does. The first step of using cmocka is to define
mocks for the functions you want to mock out. The two
mocked functions are shown below.

void __wrap_i2c_transmit_blocking(uint8_t
address, uint8_t offset, uint8_t* data, uint8_t
// allows the calling test to check if the
supplied parameters are as expected

void __wrap_i2c_read_blocking(uint8_t address,

uint8_t offset, uint8_t* pData, uint8_t
// allow the calling test to specify the
data it wants back
// and copy it back out
for(int i=0; i < data_size; i++) {
pData[i] = mock_type(uint8_t);

cmocka cleverly uses the linker to swap out the real function
calls for the mocked ones. To allow for this, mocked out
functions are prefixed with __wrap_. The linker is then
provided with the arguments --wrap=i2c_read_blocking
-Wl,--wrap=i2c_transmit_blocking which allows these
functions to be mocked out. For a complete example of
compiling/linking with cmocka, see the makefile in my
example project.

With the mocks in place we can now write some tests! A

complete look at the tests in my example project can be
found on my github but, as an example, here's a single

static void test_negative_temperature(void


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Unit testing embedded code with cmocka | Sam Lewis 12/06/2017, 10)49


assert_true(tmp101_get_temperature() ==

The two calls to will_return set what the

i2c_read_blocking function writes into the pData array. As
per the datasheet, the 12 bit sample is returned over two
bytes so these values correspond (from the above TI table)
to -25 degrees celsius, which we check against. Much easier
than having to stick the temperature sensor in the freezer!

Running all of the tests through a Makefile gives this cool

print out:

Although this is just a simple example, it hopefully

demonstrates the utility that having unit tests can provide.
Having a suite of unit tests for a project gives developers a
lot of confidence - I find unit tests especially useful in
developing application layer protocols on top of lower level

If you're interested in poking around a little at the

source for this example, see how it's all linked
together an run as a test or even run it yourself, all
code for this is avaliable on my github with
instructions of how to run.

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I hope you found this article interesting, if you have any

question please don't hesitate to let me know!

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Phillip Johnston 2 months ago

Thanks for writing this up. I was chatting with
my buddy about strategies for simulating
hardware for testing on your host PC. I had no
idea cmocka exists, so glad to know I don't
have to create it myself :).
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a3zzat 3 months ago

nice article
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ad3a 3 months ago

HI Sam,

nice article but here you're building for the host

system, i.e. you're running the test suite on a
host processor which will link against libcmocka
built for the host itself. What about building
cmocka directly for the embedded platform?
Any idea for that?
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Sam Lewis Mod > ad3a

3 months ago
Good point! I'd argue that the logic
you're unit testing should really work on
any (standard) compiler, and if it doesn't
I'd ask why not - platform independent

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Unit testing embedded code with cmocka | Sam Lewis 12/06/2017, 10)49

code is nice!

I do see your point though, it'd be nicer

to use the same compiler for testing and
production code. Depending on the
platform you're compiling for, it might
even be possible to use cmocka.
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ad3a > Sam Lewis

3 months ago
Right, actually I spent the last
couple of days trying to find if
anybody has ever tried to build
cmocka for some specific
embedded platform... actually the
cmocka documentation doesn't
help a lot in this sense.
My goal would be to have the
production code unit tested
running on a simulator of the
embedded platform, I really feel
this would speed up code
development and final integration
and verification.
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