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Significance of Havan (homam) in Hinduism | Online Art & Store - Ganges India's 03/06/2017 09*57

Significance of Havan (homam)

in Hinduism

Hinduism- the oldest living religion in the

world- strongly believes in eradicating
inner as well as outer imperfections by
destroying undesirable elements and
enriching positive energies in the

To attain the goal of energizing and

protecting the inner self and environment,
Hinduism has given a significant place to
havan/ homam, which is said to be created
by Lord Brahma for mans livelihood & the
Wise men performing Yanjna or
attainment of his desires. Homam

Havan is a sacred purifying ritual performed by Hindu pundits in temples,

homes and working places by involving a sacred fire, Agni God because
Hinduism is well aware of the fact that the Sun is the main source of
energy and a fire is a representation of the Suns energy. As per ancient
Hindu texts on havans, any offering to Fire (Agni God) is actually an
offering to the Sun. Offerings such as ghee, rice, dry fruits, honey, herbs,
wood etc are offered to the sacred fire while reciting Sanskrit mantras.

Mantras are recited to ask Fire God to take the offerings & prayers to the
wished-for divinity. For instance, if the host wants to perform a havan for
enhancing his/her health, he/she can direct the offerings to the Surya (Sun
God). If he/she wants to increase luck and prosperity he/she can ask the
sacred fire to take the offerings & prayers to Lord Ganesha and Goddess
Lakshmi. Page 1 sur 2
Significance of Havan (homam) in Hinduism | Online Art & Store - Ganges India's 03/06/2017 09*57

A havan has a purifying effect not

only on the performer but also on
the environment. Offering
environmental-friendly goods to
fire and chanting of mantras re-
energizes ones chakras, producing
a re-vitalized and invigorating
effect for ones the body as well as
mind that leads to further success
by swapping negative energies such
as anger, rashness & irrational
Folkart Painting of The Sun God riding his thinking with positive ones like
chariot with seven horses calmness, tranquility and
controlled attitudes.

Havan dispels negative and untoward energies by creating a protective

shield around the place where the ceremony is performed. This kindles
peace of mind, good health, which improves mental faculties and increases
discriminating power, ensuring success in all goings-on.

Different scientific experiments have already proven that havans destroys

harmful bacteria in the environment. Experiments have also shown that a
patient suffering from typhoid disease can get rid of this bane by exposing
his/her self to the smoke of havan for just half-an-hour.

Havans attach humans to the divine nature by providing them with a way
to burn away ones karma and get closer to the Almighty. Thus, havans are
performed by believers of the Hinduism at almost all religious ceremonies
and important events. Page 2 sur 2

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