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Listening Speaking 1
Dynamic Listening & Speaking 1
Byoung-man Jeon Michael Pederson

2009 Compass Publishing

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ISBN: 978-1-59966-408-8

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Byoung-man Jeon
Michael Pederson


01 Greetings and Introductions 07

Greeting someone
Introducing yourself
Saying farewell

02 Family 17
Talking about family
Describing relationships
Asking about ages

03 School 27
Listing schedules
Explaining habits
Requesting help

04 Food 37
Explaining preferences
Listing ingredients
Describing tastes

05 Time 47
Telling the time
Asking for the date
Asking about durations

06 Directions 57
Giving directions
Asking about distances
Describing locations
07 Travel 67
Asking for information
Recounting past experience
Stating opinions

08 Weather 77
Describing the weather
Asking about the weather
Predicting future conditions

09 Leisure 87
Talking about likes
Talking about frequency
Asking about abilities

10 Sports 97
Explaining preferences
Talking about abilities
Explaining frequency

11 Health 107
Asking about health
Giving suggestions and advice

12 Interviewing and Working 117

Interviewing for a job
Talking with co-workers
Talking with a manager
01 Greetings and Introductions


A Practice the dialogs using the expressions given in the box.

Greeting someone

Hows it going? Fine, thanks. And you? Good morning.

1 2 How are 3 __________

_________ you? ________
________ Pretty


Introducing yourself

Im Nick Wilson. I live in LA. My name is Lina Ellis. My major is history.

1 2

______________ ________________
Im a computer Im a freshman
programmer. at Chicago University.
__________ _____________

Saying farewell

OK. See you. Goodbye. You, too.

Take it
1 Bye. 2 See you 3 easy.


_________ __________

B Listen to the dialogs to check your answers. Track 1

Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions 7


What do you do? Track 2

A Look at the picture and read the statements. Circle T if you think the statement is true and
F if you think it is false. Then, listen to the dialog to check your answers.
1. The woman is talking to her doctor. T F
2. The man and woman have met before. T F

B Listen again and answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

C Listen again and fill in the blanks.

John Hello, Mary.

Mary Hi, John. (1)___________________?
John Pretty good. How about you?
Mary Busy. Ive been working a lot these days.
John (2)___________________ you do?
Mary Im a nurse.
John Thats interesting. (3)______________ do you work?
Mary I work at the city hospital.
John Do you like your job?
Mary I love it. What do you do?
John (4)___________________ these days. Im looking for a job.
Mary What kind of job are you looking for?
John Id like to work as a computer (5)___________________.
Mary Well, good luck.
John Thanks.

D Check your answers with a classmate. Then practice the dialog together.

8 Unit 1

I What are you doing? Track 3

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Brian Hi, Nancy. What are you doing?

Nancy Im sending an email to a friend.
Brian Do you (1)___________________?
Nancy Every day. How about you?
Brian Me, too. I also surf the net for news and sports.
Nancy The Internet is great, isnt it?
Brian It sure is. Hey, Nancy, would you (2)___________________? I want to check
my email, too.
Nancy No problem. Ill be finished in about five minutes.
Brian Thanks.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

II Where are you from? Track 4

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Mike Hello. Im Mike Quinlan.

Sally Nice to meet you, Mike. My name is Sally Stuart.
Mike Its a (1) ___________________.
Sally Where are you from?
Mike Im from Atlanta, Georgia. How about you?
Sally Im from Vancouver, Canada.
Mike What are you doing in the United States?
Sally Im traveling (2) ___________________.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions 9

III What should I say? Track 5

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Jack Im a little nervous about meeting Cynthia tonight.
Mary Who is Cynthia?
Jack She is (1) ___________________.
Mary Oh. I can see why you might be nervous.
Jack Yeah. I want to make a good (2) ___________________. Any advice?
Mary Just be yourself, and try to be polite.
Jack But how should I start the conversation? What should I say?
Mary Ask her about (3) ___________________ and her interests.

C Check your answers with a classmate.


Practice the dialog using information about yourself.

A Hi. Im ___________________.
B Hello. My name is ___________________ .
A Nice to meet you.
B ___________________, too.
A Where are you from?
B ______________________________________. How about you?
A ______________________________________.
B Is this your first week at university?
A ___________________. And you?
B ___________________.
A My major is ___________________. Whats yours?
B ______________________________________.
A Im sure Ill see you around. See you later.
B ___________________.

10 Unit 1

A Listen carefully to the following two sounds. Then pay attention to the difference in each
pair of words. Track 6

i / i


[ i ]

bit / beat lid / lead

bin / bean live / leave
it / eat ship / sheep

B Listen and circle the word you hear. Track 7

1. bit beat 5. lid lead

2. bin bean 6. live leave
3. it eat 7. ship sheep
4. hill heel 8. sill seal

C Check your answers with a classmate.

D Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying

close attention to the different sounds. Track 8

1. Three coffees, please.

2. This film is interesting.
3. We live in this green city.
4. Bill leaves his field at three.
5. Give it to me, Miss.


Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions 11


Listen and say your responses using information about yourself. Track 9

My . . .
May I have
your name?

OK, . . .

Im . . .

Im . . . My name is
John Kelly.

Nice . . .


Listen to the questions and write your answers. Track 10

1. ___________________________________________________

Where do you
come from?
2. ___________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________

I come from
Ohio. 4. ___________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________


12 Unit 1

Track 11

You will hear a series of dialogs and a talk, each followed by two questions.
Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. (A) (B)

2. (A) One (B) Two

(C) Three (D) Zero

3. (A) Linda Johnson (B) A teacher

(C) Orlando, Florida (D) History

4. (A) He is her blind date. (B) She wants to move.

(C) He is her husband. (D) She wants a job.

5. (A) They know each other. (B) They met once before.
(C) They have never met. (D) They will meet later.

6. (A) Husband and wife (B) Teacher and student

(C) Co-workers (D) Classmates

7. (A) Kiss each other on the cheek (B) Hug briefly

(C) Shake hands (D) Avoid eye contact

Greeks Italians British French

25 25 25
(A) (B) (C)
20 20 20

15 15 15

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0

percentage of people who touch during an average day

Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions 13


Part 1 --- Picture Description Track 12

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2 --- Questions and Responses Track 13

Listen and choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)

14 Unit 1
Part 3 --- Short Conversations Track 14 Part 4 --- Short Talks Track 15

You will hear two dialogs, each followed by You will hear two talks, each followed by
three questions. Listen carefully and choose three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question. the best answer to each question.

10. (A) One 16. (A) A new employee is being introduced.

(B) Two (B) A politician is being discussed.
(C) Three (C) A guest speaker is being introduced.
(D) Four (D) An employee is being fired.

11. (A) Something to eat 17. (A) Education

(B) Milk (B) Food production
(C) Sugar (C) Sales
(D) Milk and sugar (D) Marketing

12. (A) Buy some coffee 18. (A) Elizabeth Morgan was a science teacher.
(B) Make a sandwich (B) Elizabeth Morgans career at Allen &
(C) Pour some coffee Co. started in accounting.
(D) Give the man his food (C) Elizabeth Morgan launched Rice and
Flavors successfully.
(D) Elizabeth Morgan has worked in her
13. (A) She wants to ship a box overseas. current field for 35 years.
(B) She wants to make a new friend.
(C) She wants to visit Singapore.
(D) She wants to get a new job. 19. (A) Kate Murphy
(B) Seattle
14. (A) $100.20 per a hundred pounds (C) Anthropology
(B) $102 per pound (D) Washington DC
(C) $112 per a hundred pounds
(D) $120 per a hundred pounds 20. (A) Different ages of people
(B) Non-verbal communication
15. (A) It is interesting. (C) The connection between age and
(B) It is expensive. non-verbal behavior
(C) It is very cheap. (D) Touching and invasion of personal
(D) It is reasonable. space

21. (A) Non-verbal behavior of young children

(B) Non-verbal behavior of teens
(C) Non-verbal behavior of middle-aged
(D) Non-verbal behavior of senior citizens

Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions 15


Greetings and Introductions Track 16

hen you are introduced to someone in the US, often you will be given the name the
person wishes to be called. If a person has a title such as doctor, pastor, or professor,
it is appropriate to use the title when addressing them. If the person is the same age or
younger, it is all right to address him or her with only the first name. If you are uncertain, you may
5 use Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss. Most of the time, a person will indicate what they would like to be
called. When in doubt, just ask the person how you should address them. For the most part, the
average American is very informal with their greetings. However, its always best to be polite and
use a title with a business associate.
If you see good friends and family members giving a hug or kiss to one another, dont assume
10 that you should, too. A hug and kiss are used with people who know one another
well. It is not common to hug or kiss a person when first being introduced.
Personal space is also
important in the US. Americans
generally stand one arm
15 length from another person.
If you invade the personal
space of an American, he
or she might move to
avoid contact.

Discussion Questions

1. What are some different greeting customs in your country?

2. When should you use a persons title in the United States?

3. Do family members in the US hug and kiss when they greet each other?
What about in your country?

4. How much personal space do people in your country prefer?

16 Unit 1
02 Family


A Practice the dialogs using the expressions given in the box.

Talking about family

How many people are in your family? I have two brothers and one sister.
Do you have
1 any brothers or 2

____________ ____________
There are
_____________ _____________
four of us.
____________ ____________

Describing relationships

Im the middle child. Im an only child.

1 2

There are only three

____________ of us: my father, my
______________. mother, and me.
I have an older ______________
sister and a __________

Asking about ages

How old is your brother? Which year were you born? On April 12th.
1 2 Whens your 3 ________
In 1942. birthday?
____________ Hes twenty-
___________ five.

B Listen to the dialogs to check your answers. Track 17

Unit 2 Family 17

Do you have any brothers or sisters? Track 18

A Look at the picture and read the statements. Circle T if you think the statement is true and
F if you think it is false. Then, listen to the dialog to check your answers.
1. The man and woman are brother T F
and sister.
2. The man and woman are getting T F
to know each other.

B Listen again and answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

C Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Shelly So, where are you from?

Tom I was born in California, but I live in Seattle.
Shelly Can I ask you about your (1) ____________________?
Tom Sure, why not?
Shelly OK. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Tom Yeah, I have an (2) ____________________ brother and a younger sister.
Shelly How old are they?
Tom My brothers thirty-three and my sisters twelve.
Shelly I see. And which year were you (3) ___________________?
Tom In 1991. How about you?
Shelly I was born in 1991, too.
Tom Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Shelly Nope. Im an (4) ___________________ child.
Tom When is your (5) ___________________?
Shelly March 31st. Whens yours?
Tom June 11th. Youre three months older than me.

D Check your answers with a classmate. Then practice the dialog together.

18 Unit 2

I How large is your family? Track 19

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Peter Hey, Linda, how large is your family?

Linda I have a big family. There are seven of us.
Peter Wow. How many brothers do you have?
Linda Two. How (1) ___________________ your family?
Peter There are four of us.
Linda Do you have a brother or sister?
Peter A (2) ___________________. Hes (3) ___________________ than I am.
Linda Do you get along with him?
Peter Yeah, but sometimes I wish I was an only child.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

II When is your birthday? Track 20

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

David Hi, Sue. What are you doing?

Sue Hey, David. Im making a (1) ___________________.
David Whos it for?
Sue My sister.
David When is her birthday?
Sue Its the day after tomorrow.
David (2) ___________________ she going to be?
Sue Shell be twelve.
David How come you never make me a birthday card?
Sue Well, when is your birthday?
David On February 28th.
Sue OK, Ill make you a card next year.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

Unit 2 Family 19
III Are you the oldest? Track 21

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Harry Leslie, do you have any brothers or sisters?
Leslie Yes, I have three brothers and (1) ___________________.
Harry Thats a big family! Are you the oldest?
Leslie Well, Im the oldest girl. How large is your family?
Harry There are (2) ___________________.
Leslie It sounds like you have brothers or sisters, too.
Harry Right, I have an older sister and a younger brother.
Leslie Oh, so youre (3) ___________________.
Harry Yep. Im right in the middle.

C Check your answers with a classmate.


Practice the dialog using information about yourself.

A Can I ask you about your family?

B Sure, no problem.
A OK. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
B _____________________________________. How about you?
A _____________________________________.
B It sounds like your family is pretty ___________________.
A Thats right. There are ___________________.
B I see. My family has ___________________.
A By the way, when were you born?
B In ___________________. My birthday is
on __________________. Whens yours?
A ___________________.
B What year were you born?
A In ___________________.
B That makes you ___________________ than I am.
A Should I get you a present for your birthday?
B Maybe next year.

20 Unit 2

A Listen carefully to the following two sounds. Then pay attention to the difference in each
pair of words. Track 22




bet / bat pet / pat

led / lad bend / band
red / rat lend / land

B Listen and circle the word you hear. Track 23

1. bet bat 5. pet pat

2. led lad 6. bend band
3. red rat 7. lend land
4. met mat 8. vet vat

C Check your answers with a classmate.

D Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying

close attention to the different sounds. Track 24

1. Jenny said it again.

2. Bread is necessary for health.
3. Ted sells plaid pants and black jackets.
4. Tell your friend Ed to put a red hat into that plastic bag.
5. What happened to Fred's manager Saturday afternoon?


Unit 2 Family 21

Listen and say your responses using information about yourself. Track 25

There are . . .
When were
you born?

I have . . .

I was . . .

My . . .
I was born
5 in 1992.
My . . .


Listen to the questions and write your answers. Track 26

1. ___________________________________________________


How many people 2. ___________________________________________________

are there in your
family? ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

There are
4. ___________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________


22 Unit 2

Track 27

You will hear a series of dialogs and a talk, each followed by two questions.
Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. (A) (B)

2. (A) Zero (B) Three

(C) Four (D) Seven

3. (A) Three (B) Four

(C) Five (D) Six

4. (A) June (B) Jane

(C) Jen (D) Jan

5. (A) At school (B) In a park

(C) At a party (D) In a store

6. (A) A birthday card (B) Some food

(C) A present (D) Pet supplies

7. (A) Rubber children (B) Boomerang kids

(C) Hula Hoop children (D) Frisbee kids

Men Women
60 60 60
(A) (B) (C)
50 50 50
40 40 40
30 30 30
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
1960 2002 1960 2002 1960 2002

percentage of young men and women living at home

Unit 2 Family 23

Part 1 --- Picture Description Track 28

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2 --- Questions and Responses Track 29

Listen and choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)

24 Unit 2
Part 3 --- Short Conversations Track 30 Part 4 --- Short Talks Track 31

You will hear two dialogs, each followed by You will hear two talks, each followed by
three questions. Listen carefully and choose three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question. the best answer to each question.

10. (A) Three 16. (A) A high-school student

(B) Four (B) The womans son
(C) Six (C) A houseguest
(D) Seven (D) The womans nephew

11. (A) Zero 17. (A) A pizza, vegetables, and ice cream
(B) One (B) A salad and ice cream
(C) Two (C) A hamburger and fries
(D) Three (D) Ice cream and cake

12. (A) Sixteen 18. (A) Before he eats his dinner

(B) Twenty (B) After he has a pizza
(C) Twenty-six (C) Before eight oclock
(D) Twenty-eight (D) When the woman comes home

13. (A) To tell her she has won a prize 19. (A) Chinese food
(B) To get some information (B) American families
(C) To sell her a computer (C) Family relationships
(D) To talk about a friend (D) Chinas customs

14. (A) Older sister 20. (A) She thinks its easier than the
(B) Middle sister American way.
(C) Aunt (B) She thinks its more confusing than the
(D) Wife American way.
(C) She thinks its inferior to the American
15. (A) Whether the womans family is large or way.
small (D) She thinks its the same as the
(B) Whether the woman lives with her children American way.
(C) Whether the children are boys or girls
(D) Whether the woman went to college 21. (A) Gu-Gu
(B) Dee-Dee
(C) May-May
(D) Jay-Jay

Unit 2 Family 25

Family Track 32

merican families are different today than they were
100 years ago. The biggest difference is that they are
smaller. In the past, most families lived on farms.
They needed lots of children to help with work. Today,
5 most families live in cities, and children do not work. Also,
many parents cannot afford a large family. Other parents
worry that if they have more than two children, it will
increase the worlds population.
Also, the types of families are changing. There are
10 more single parents than ever before. More unmarried
couples are having children, and many couples are
choosing to have no children at all. Today traditional
familiesa married couple with children compose less
than 25 percent of all US households.
15 One reason for this is the greater number of working
women. In the past, women depended on their husbands
for money. Now many women have jobs. They do not
have to be married to get money. Another reason is divorce.
This is when the husband and wife decide to end their marriage.
20 About half of all US marriages end in divorce. Finally, many
people are not getting married. They choose to live their lives
by themselves.

Discussion Questions

1. How large are most families in your country?

2. How have families changed in your country?

3. What are some reasons that families have or havent changed in your country?

4. What kinds of non-traditional families are most common in your country?

26 Unit 2
03 School


A Practice the dialogs using the expressions given in the box.

Listing schedules

y English,
g and Math. What time does class start? Its due on Monday.
1 2 What classes 3
are you
____________ taking?
When is the
It starts ____________
at 9:00. _____________
____________ _________

Explaining habits

Usually twice a week. About ninety minutes. In the libraryy or at home.

Where do you How long
1 2 3 does the exam
usually study?

____________ How often do

_________ ____________
you practice? ____________ _________

Requesting help

Can you help me out? Yes, here you go. Could you help me with this question?

1 2 ____________ 3 ____________

OK, whats
____________ Sure, what do the problem?
Can I borrow you need?
a pen?

B Listen to the dialogs to check your answers. Track 33

Unit 3 School 27

What do you need? Track 34

A Look at the picture and read the statements. Circle T if you think the statement is true and
F if you think it is false. Then, listen to the dialog to check your answers.
1. The two girls are arguing. T F
2. The two girls are in the same grade. T F

B Listen again and answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

C Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Lin Excuse me, can you help me out?

Leigh Sure. What do you need?
Lin Thanks! Im a new student here, and I cant find my classroom.
Leigh What class are you looking for?
Lin Math. Its in room (1) _____________. Where is that?
Leigh Hey, were in the same class. We can go together.
Lin Thanks. Oh, Im Lin.
Leigh Hi, Im Leigh. Nice to meet you.
Lin By the way, how long does math class last?
Leigh Every class lasts (2) _____________ minutes. Then we have a ten-minute break.
Lin Are you in any clubs?
Leigh Im on the (3) ___________________ and in the school band.
Lin Oh, Im in the band, too. Um, when do we practice?
Leigh Practice starts at 3:30 in the auditorium and lasts until (4) ___________________.
Lin Wheres the auditorium?
Leigh Ill show you later. Oh, hey! Wed better get to class. It starts in five minutes!

D Check your answers with a classmate. Then practice the dialog together.

28 Unit 3

I What time do you have lunch? Track 35

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Janice I cant believe its the first day of school again.

Kal I know. Summer went by so quickly. Hows your schedule for this semester?
Janice Lets see. First period is Chemistry, then History, then (1) ___________________.
Kal What time do you have lunch?
Janice My lunch is from 11:00 to 12:00. How about you? What are you taking?
Kal Im taking Geometry, Physics, English, French . . . and my lunch is at
(2) ___________________.
Janice What time is your English class?
Kal My schedule says it starts at (3) ___________________. The teacher is Mr. Brown.
Janice Uh-oh. Ive heard that Mr. Brown gives really difficult (4) ___________________ and
lots of homework.
Kal Youre kidding. I think Im ready for summer vacation already.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

II How often do you practice? Track 36

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Gina Hey, Mike. I havent seen you in a while. How have you been?
Mike Oh, hey, Gina. Ive been really busy lately.
Gina Really? (1) ___________________?
Mike Im in the orchestra, and we have a big concert next week.
Gina You must be practicing hard. How often do you practice?
Mike I have practice every day until 8:00, so I dont get home until (2) ____________ nine.
Gina So thats why you look so (3) ___________________.
Mike Yeah, and I have to wake up at 5:30 for (4) ___________________ practice!
Gina Wow. So when do you have time to study?

C Check your answers with a classmate.

Unit 3 School 29
III Can you help me out? Track 37

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Ann Hey, can you (1) ___________________?
Bill Sure, what do you need?
Ann Could you help me carry this equipment to the baseball field?
Bill No problem. It looks pretty (2) ___________________. By the way, hows the
baseball team doing?
Ann Were doing pretty well this year. We won our first three games.
Bill Hey, thats really good. I wish our basketball team would win for a change.
Ann What do you mean?
Bill Were (3) ___________________. Weve lost every single game this year.
Ann OK, were here. Can you put the bag down on the ground over there?
Bill Sure. Well, (4) ___________________ with the game on Saturday.
Ann Thanks. You, too.

C Check your answers with a classmate.


Practice the dialog using information about yourself.

A Hey, ___________________. Hows it going?

B Hi, ___________________. Im pretty good. What have you been up to?
A Im really busy. These days I have to ___________________.
B Wow, you do sound really busy.
A How about you? What classes are you taking?
B ___________________, ___________________, and ___________________.
A Im taking _______________________________. Do you want to study after school?
B I have ___________________ every day after school
until ___________________.
A What time do you finish?
B I usually finish at ___________________.
A OK, lets meet at ___________________.
B Sounds good.

30 Unit 3

A Listen carefully to the following two sounds. Then pay attention to the difference in each
pair of words. Track 38

e / ei


[ ei ]

led / laid let / late

bet / bait wet / wait
pen / pain test / taste

B Listen and circle the word you hear. Track 39

1. led laid 5. let late

2. bet bait 6. wet wait
3. pen pain 7. test taste
4. sell sale 8. men main

C Check your answers with a classmate.

D Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying

close attention to the different sounds. Track 40

1. Mr. Dane tells Mrs. Gray not to be afraid.

2. This telephone is special. It weighs eighty pounds.
3. The baby's birthday is the eighth of April.
4. Ellen was away on vacation.
5. Fred read the letter from Spain in May.

Unit 3 School 31

Listen and say your responses using information about yourself. Track 41

Sure, . . . When is my
music lesson? Its not until
It starts . . .

It lasts . . .

Yes/No, I . . .


Listen to the questions and write your answers. Track 42

1. ___________________________________________________

Can you help Sure, lets ___________________________________________________

me with this look at it.
Math problem? 2 ___________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________


4. ___________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________


32 Unit 3

Track 43

You will hear a series of dialogs and talks, each followed by two questions.
Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. (A) (B)

2. (A) One (B) One and a half

(C) Four (D) Four and a half

3. (A) She doesnt like action movies. (B) She has already seen it.
(C) She doesnt like Brad Pitt. (D) Its two hours long.

4. (A) The boy will drive. (B) They will ride their bicycles.
(C) They will take the bus. (D) The boys mother will drive.

5. (A) Freshman (B) Sophomore

(C) Junior (D) Senior

6. (A) The teachers will email him. (B) The secretary will call Mrs. Moreno.
(C) Joses friend will bring them to him. (D) His mother will pick them up.

7. (A) A textbook company (B) A student study group

(C) A teachers meeting (D) A science class

Sports Clubs Music Nothing

(A) (B) (C)

32% 40%
34% 21%
10% 40% 15%
38% 15% 30%

percentage of students involved

Unit 3 School 33

Part 1 --- Picture Description Track 44

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2 --- Questions and Responses Track 45

Listen and choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)

34 Unit 3
Part 3 --- Short Conversations Track 46 Part 4 --- Short Talks Track 47

You will hear two dialogs, each followed by You will hear two talks, each followed by
three questions. Listen carefully and choose three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question. the best answer to each question.

10. (A) He cheated on a test. 16. (A) Exercises

(B) He talks too much to his friends. (B) Practices driving
(C) He got a good score on the test. (C) Studies with friends
(D) He hasnt done his homework. (D) Works in a donut store

11. (A) Late at night 17. (A) In her first class

(B) During class (B) Before lunch
(C) In the afternoon (C) Right after lunch
(D) Early in the morning (D) After school

12. (A) To sleep during her class 18. (A) The books
(B) To go to bed earlier (B) The classmates
(C) To stop studying (C) The homework
(D) To concentrate on sleep (D) The teachers

13. (A) Next week 19. (A) They will take a trip to the beach.
(B) Next month (B) They will visit a museum.
(C) Tomorrow (C) They will see a movie.
(D) On Monday (D) They will go on a picnic.

14. (A) He failed an exam.

(B) He is not working hard enough. 20. (A) Thirty minutes
(C) He has too much work to do. (B) Forty-five minutes
(D) He does not have enough time to (C) One hour
study. (D) Ninety minutes

15. (A) He tries very hard. 21. (A) Take a tour of the theater
(B) He doesnt know about the essay. (B) Go to the museum cafeteria
(C) He isnt very organized. (C) Go to the sculpture garden
(D) He doesnt like his teachers. (D) Take a city bus back

Unit 3 School 35

School Track 48

or American high school students, two of the biggest
highlights of their student life are graduation and
the Senior Prom. These two events mark the last
chance they will have to see their high school friends
5 before beginning work or college. The graduation ceremony
takes place at the end of the school year, in May.
Graduating students wear a long gown and special cap
which are black or display the schools colors. At the end
of the ceremony, the graduates often throw their caps
10 into the air in celebration. Family members also attend
the ceremony and throw a party afterward.
The Senior Prom is a large, formal dance which is
held every Spring. Students typically go to the prom with
friends or invite a date. Many students spend a lot of
15 money on formal clothes for the prom. Boys generally
wear a tuxedo or suit, while girls wear dresses. Before
going to the dance, friends meet and go to dinner at a
restaurant. The prom will usually have music, dancing,
and snacks. Some students may go to smaller parties
20 afterward. Together, the prom and graduation ceremony
make the last weeks of Spring an exciting time for
seniors in American high schools.

Discussion Questions

1. Why do you think these celebrations are important for students?

2. Would you be interested in going to a formal school party like a prom?

3. What kind of school celebrations or festivals have you been to?

4. What do students in your country do to celebrate their graduation from high school?

36 Unit 3
04 Food


A Practice the dialogs using the expressions given in the box.

Explaining preferences

Id rather have chicken. OK, but I prefer coffee. I love sweet things.

1 Care for some 2 3

Would you like
hot chocolate? some tea?

Yes, please.
___________ Id like steak _________
________ tonight. ___________
Listing ingredients

Its made of flour, sugar, and chocolate. I use sesame oil and soy sauce.

1 2
I love to cook
steamed eggs.
This cake is _____________
my specialty.

Describing tastes

Theyre a bit too salty. its a bit too sweet. Its spicy. its delicious.

1 Does the pie 2 Hows that 3 4

taste OK? soup?

This dinner
is super! How do
you like __________
Its good, but Yes, _______ the fries? ______
___________ __________ ______
________ ______

B Listen to the dialogs to check your answers. Track 49

Unit 4 Food 37

How did you make it? Track 50

A Look at the picture and read the statements. Circle T if you think the statement is true and
F if you think it is false. Then, listen to the dialog to check your answers.
1. The woman cooked the food. T F
2. They are eating in a restaurant. T F

B Listen again and answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

C Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Adam Mmm, Jennifer. That dinner was (1)___________________!

Jennifer Thank you. Can I get you some coffee?
Adam Thanks, but (2)___________________.
Jennifer No problem. So the chicken was OK? It wasnt too salty?
Adam No, it was great! I liked the sauce you cooked it in. How did you make it?
Jennifer I used some sesame oil and a little (3)___________________.
Adam Oh, I see.
Jennifer Heres your tea and some cake for dessert.
Adam Wow, this cake is fantastic! Whats it (4)___________________?
Jennifer Its made of flour, sugar, eggs, and dark chocolate.
Adam Mmm, its (5)___________________. Youre a super cook, Jennifer!

D Check your answers with a classmate. Then practice the dialog together.

38 Unit 4

I I have a sweet tooth. Track 51

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Abraham Hey Claudia, I bought you something.

Claudia Really? What is it?
Abraham Here you are. Its a box of chocolates.
Claudia Thanks, Abraham. You know I have a (1) ___________________. You really shouldnt
Abraham Its my pleasure. Bob told me about your sweet tooth.
Claudia Its terrible, really. I eat too much sugar. Here, would you like one?
Abraham No thanks. I dont (2) ___________________________.
Claudia Yum! These are really delicious.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

II What are you going to have? Track 52

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Roger I think Ill have a T-bone steak. What are you going to have?
Suzanne Mmm, that looks good. But Id (1) ___________________ the flank steak.
Roger OK, one T-bone and one flank. How would you like yours cooked?
Suzanne Well-done is good.
Roger Ill have mine medium.
Suzanne Should we get some red wine to drink?
Roger (2) ___________________ white wine, if thats OK? Red wines too sweet.
Suzanne All right, lets get white.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

Unit 4 Food 39
III Can I have the recipe? Track 53

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Isabel Wow, (1) _______________________________________, Christopher.
Christopher Thanks, Isabel. Do you really like it?
Isabel You bet. Whats it made of?
Christopher Theres carrots, broccoli, asparagus, and vinegar. And I mixed in some basil and
chopped nuts.
Isabel (2) _______________________. Can I have the recipe?
Christopher Sure. Ill write it down for you. Its really simple.
Isabel (3) ___________________ did you cook it for?
Christopher Only twenty minutes.

C Check your answers with a classmate.


Practice the dialog using information about yourself.

A How did the ___________________ taste? Was it too

B No, it was ___________________. Whats
A Its made of ___________________.
B Can I have the ___________________?
A Sure. Would you like some ___________________?
B No, thank you. ___________________.
A Would you like some ___________________ or
B Thanks. I prefer ___________________.
A Here you are.
B ___________________.

40 Unit 4

A Listen carefully to the following two sounds. Then pay attention to the difference in each
pair of words. Track 54

u / u:


[ u: ]

foot / food should / shoed

soot / suit could / cooed
full / fool wood / wooed

B Listen and circle the word you hear. Track 55

1. foot food 5. should shoed

2. soot suit 6. could cooed
3. full fool 7. wood wooed
4. pull pool 8. look Luke

C Check your answers with a classmate.

D Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying

close attention to the different sounds. Track 56
1. Mr. Cook introduced Sue to Lou.
2. The new blue shoes look good.
3. Mrs. Woods took fruit juice Tuesday afternoon.
4. The woman put some sugar in her soup.
5. Lukes bookshelves look full of books
including cookbooks.


Unit 4 Food 41

Listen and say your responses using information about yourself. Track 57

1 How do you
I... like your meat
I like mine
well done.
Id . . .

Its made of . . .
I like mine . . .

Its . . .


Listen to the questions and write your answers. Track 58

1. ___________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________
Lets order
pork. Id rather
have beef. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________


4. ___________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________


42 Unit 4

Track 59

You will hear a series of dialogs and a talk, each followed by two questions.
Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. (A) (B)

2. (A) He wants to visit his friends brother. (B) He wants to eat dessert.
(C) He wants to see a movie. (D) He wants to go bowling.

3. (A) Eating dinner (B) Baking a pie

(C) Reading a recipe (D) Eating dessert

4. (A) Its the secret ingredient. (B) It makes the pie taste sweet.
(C) Its healthier than sugar. (D) She used a lot of it.

5. (A) He likes it mild. (B) He likes it hot and spicy.

(C) He likes it medium. (D) He likes it with no spice.

6. (A) Iced coffee (B) Banana juice

(C) Iced tea (D) Coconut milk

7. (A) Beef (B) Pork

(C) Fish (D) Poultry

Beef Poultry Seafood

80 80 80
(A) 70 (B) 70 (C) 70
60 60 60
50 50 50
40 40 40
30 30 30
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0

percentage of meat eaten by Americans

Unit 4 Food 43

Part 1 --- Picture Description Track 60

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2 --- Questions and Responses Track 61

Listen and choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)

44 Unit 4
Part 3 --- Short Conversations Track 62 Part 4 --- Short Talks Track 63

You will hear two dialogs, each followed by You will hear two talks, each followed by
three questions. Listen carefully and choose three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question. the best answer to each question.

10. (A) They are making dinner. 16. (A) Athletic equipment
(B) They are eating dinner. (B) Supplies for babies
(C) They are writing a recipe. (C) Travel products
(D) They are shopping. (D) Health care products

11. (A) Peppers 17. (A) Gold Card members get 20% off on
(B) Asparagus Tuesdays.
(C) Soy sauce (B) Gold Card members get 30% off on
(D) Onions Thursdays.
(C) Gold Card members get 20% off every
12. (A) Mild other Tuesday.
(B) Spicy (D) Gold Card members get 20% off every
(C) Hot day.
(D) Medium
18. (A) Anyone who pays the $20 membership
13. (A) A friend (B) All GFY customers
(B) A waiter (C) All customers over the age of 18
(C) A servant (D) Customers who spend over $50
(D) A president

14. (A) A T-bone steak 19. (A) Nutrition

(B) A hamburger steak (B) Exercise
(C) A New York steak (C) New Mexico
(D) A rare steak (D) Cooking

15. (A) A restaurant 20. (A) They use healthier ingredients.

(B) A friends house (B) They have become bigger.
(C) At home (C) They have become smaller.
(D) A bar (D) They require more exercise.

21. (A) 333

(B) 519
(C) 590
(D) 533

Unit 4 Food 45

Table Manners Track 64

orrect table manners are important in the United States.
People will judge you while you eat. If you have bad
manners, it might hurt your chances of doing business
or earning favor with someone. Good manners, on the other
5 hand, earn favor and respect and could help close a business
Before eating, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands. When seated
at the table, spread your napkin over your lap to protect your clothes from
spills. During the meal, it is impolite to eat noisily. Do not smack your lips as you
10 eat. When you drink, do not make slurping noises. If you accidentally burp, say
excuse me. If you have to sneeze, turn away from the table and sneeze into your napkin,
and if you cough, cover your mouth with your hand.
Do not talk with others at the table if your mouth is full of food. Chew your food
and swallow it before engaging in conversation. If there is something on the table
15 that you want but cannot reach, ask the person nearest to it. For example, you
could say, Stephen, would you please
pass the salt? If you cant remember the
persons name, simply make eye contact and
say, Could I have the salt, please?

Discussion Questions

1. What are the similarities and differences between American table manners and table manners in
your country?

2. Which American manners do you find strangest? Why?

3. How important are good table manners in your country?

4. What advice would you give to a foreigner about using good table manners in your country?

46 Unit 4
05 Time


A Practice the dialogs using the expressions given in the box.

Telling the time

At half past six. Its 2:30. Yes, its ten til nine.

1 What time 2 3
is it? _________

What time will ________
you meet her?
Could you tell
me the time?

Asking for the date

Whats todays date? What day of the week is it? When was your birthday?

1 2 3

____________ __________
_________ It was on the
first of the __________ Its
Its Monday.
month. ____________ May 26.

Asking about durations

It was two hours. It takes thirty minutes.

1 2

How long does

it take to get
How long was there? __________
the meeting? __________ ______

B Listen to the dialogs to check your answers. Track 65

Unit 5 Time 47

Whats todays date? Track 66

A Look at the picture and read the statements. Circle T if you think the statement is true and
F if you think it is false. Then, listen to the dialog to check your answers.
1. The woman feels bad. T F
2. The woman is trying to solve T F
the mans problem.

B Listen again and answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

C Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Mike Whats todays date?

Sue Its August 10th.
Mike Uh-oh. I (1) _________________________ a birthday card to my sister.
Sue (2) ___________________ her birthday?
Mike Its on the 12th.
Sue Oh, thats soon. You should send it today.
Mike (3) _________________________ the post office close today?
Sue I think it closes at noon.
Mike What? Why does it close so early?
Sue Probably because its Saturday.
Mike Oh, yeah. Well, (4) _________________________ then.
Sue But its only 11:45.
Mike I know, but (5) ______________________________________ to get to the post office
from here.

D Check your answers with a classmate. Then practice the dialog together.

48 Unit 5

I What time is it? Track 67

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Jennifer What time is it?

Juan Its almost five.
Jennifer Great! Its almost time (1) ___________________. Why dont we go get some dinner?
Juan Id love to, but I still have some work to finish.
Jennifer (2) _________________________ do you think itll take?
Juan Probably a few more hours.
Jennifer Really? OK then, (3) ______________________________________?
Juan Sure, thats fine. Ill be free anytime after four.
Jennifer Lets meet at five then.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

II What time did you go to bed? Track 68

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Yumi Hi Terence. Wow, you look really tired.

Terence Yeah, I am. I hardly (1) _________________________ last night.
Yumi What time did you go to bed?
Terence Around six in the morning. Then I got up at nine.
Yumi Why? Did you have trouble falling asleep?
Terence No, I had to finish the paper for history class.
Yumi You (2) ___________________ last night?
Terence Yes, it took about five hours to finish it.
Yumi Well, its good you wanted to finish it early, I guess.
Terence Wait a second. (3) ___________________ today?
Yumi Um, no. Its due next week, on May 5th.
Terence Oh, no.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

Unit 5 Time 49
III How long does it take to get there? Track 69

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Andrea Im going on a ski trip with some friends. Would you like to come, too?
Bert Maybe. How long is the trip going to be?
Andrea (1) ___________________ for five days.
Bert Sounds good. How are you going to get there?
Andrea Were traveling by bus. Its a lot cheaper than flying.
Bert How long does it take to get there?
Andrea It is (2) ___________________. It takes one full day.
Bert So well need two days just for traveling.
Andrea Thats right.
Bert Hmm. Let me think about it.

C Check your answers with a classmate.


Practice the dialog using information about yourself.

A Lets go see a movie.

B What do you want to see?
A How about ___________________?
B I didnt know that was showing already.
A Yeah, it started on ___________________.
B So its already been showing for ___________________!
A Right, so what time do you want to go?
B Well, do you know what time it is now?
A ___________________.
B Is there a show at ___________________?
A No, but theres one at ___________________.
B That sounds good to me.
A All right, lets leave at ___________________.
B Wait a second, how long does it take to get to the theater?
A ___________________.
B OK, Ill be ready at ___________________.

50 Unit 5

A Listen carefully to the following two sounds. Then pay attention to the difference in each
pair of words. Track 70


[d] []

day / they side / scythe

dare / there bade / bathe
doze / those breed / breathe

B Listen and circle the word you hear. Track 71

1. day they 5. side scythe

2. dare there 6. bade bathe
3. doze those 7. breed breathe
4. Dan than 8. dough though

C Check your answers with a classmate.

D Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying
close attention to the different sounds. Track 72

1. They would like to drink wine in the wood day by day.

2. This dark leather jacket is dressier and side
smoother than that one.
3. Dan lives in the northern part of
Denmark, though.
4. There are three feathers together
in the bedroom.
5. Dave does not feel under the
weather, either.

Unit 5 Time 51

Listen and say your responses using information about yourself. Track 73

Around . . . What day
would you like
to come in?

Its . . .

3 Tuesday.
About . . .

At . . .

I heard . . .


Listen to the questions and write your answers. Track 74

1. ___________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________

When does ___________________________________________________

class start? At eight.
3. ___________________________________________________


4. ___________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________


52 Unit 5

Track 75

You will hear a series of dialogs and a talk, each followed by two questions.
Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. (A) (B)

2. (A) To a restaurant (B) To work

(C) To a movie (D) To the airport

3. (A) She does not have to go. (B) She forgot about it.
(C) She is not interested. (D) She does not know when it will be.

4. (A) Where it will be (B) When it will be

(C) What to bring (D) What to wear

5. (A) California (B) New York City

(C) Disney World (D) Virginia Beach

6. (A) By plane (B) By car

(C) By ship (D) By bicycle

7. (A) South Korea (B) America

(C) Japan (D) Germany

Americans Koreans Japanese Germans

(A) 46 (B) 46 (C) 46

44 44 44
42 42 42
40 40 40
38 38 38
36 36 36
34 34 34

average time people spend at work

Unit 5 Time 53

Part 1 --- Picture Description Track 76

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2 --- Questions and Responses Track 77

Listen and choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)

54 Unit 5
Part 3 --- Short Conversations Track 78 Part 4 --- Short Talks Track 79

You will hear two dialogs, each followed by You will hear two talks, each followed by
three questions. Listen carefully and choose three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question. the best answer to each question.

10. (A) His sister told him. 16. (A) There are meetings with managers.
(B) Her sister told him. (B) There is a dinner with the staff.
(C) The woman told him. (C) There are some follow-up interviews.
(D) He remembered the date from last year. (D) He arrives.

11. (A) To explain why he cant go to the party 17. (A) Tuesday and Wednesday
(B) To ask the woman to have the party at (B) Thursday
a different time (C) Friday
(C) To find out if he has time to go to the party (D) Monday evening
(D) To emphasize that he did not know
about the party 18. (A) Monday
(B) Tuesday
12. (A) The party is at nine. (C) Thursday
(B) The woman didnt tell the man about (D) Friday
her birthday.
(C) The man can go to the party.
(D) The mans birthday is on the 18th. 19. (A) To give information about dinner plans
(B) To give directions to a party
(C) To recommend a new restaurant
13. (A) He wants to have dinner with his parents (D) To explain a cancellation
and the woman.
(B) He wants to meet the woman after dinner. 20. (A) They couldnt contact Zach.
(C) He wants to finish his work early on Friday. (B) Zach doesnt like Thai food.
(D) He wants to go to a meeting with the (C) Zach picked the restaurant last time.
woman. (D) Zach forgot about the get together.

14. (A) She is going to spend time with the 21. (A) He will go to the restaurant as soon as
mans parents. possible.
(B) She has to attend a meeting. (B) He will call the Thai Kitchen and make
(C) She always finishes her job late on reservations.
Friday. (C) He will call back and ask for directions.
(D) She enjoys working late. (D) He will cancel his appointment.

15. (A) Has dinner with Sam

(B) Works late
(C) Has meetings
(D) Has free time

Unit 5 Time 55

Time Track 80

n the United States, traveling often involves great distance and a lot of time. As a result, it can
be very tiring. For instance, if you want to travel from New York to San Francisco by car, train,
or bus, it might take up to five days. Flying is easier, but you would still be
traveling across four different time zones. If it is noon in New York, it is only
5 eight in the morning in California. The US has six different time zones all
together if you include Alaska and Hawaii.
People who travel great distances around the world are used to traveling
across different time zones. It can often be a little confusing when your
body has to change its rhythm. Some people will experience a short period
10 of strong tiredness after their arrival. This period is called jet lag. If someone
in Asia travels to the United States on business, it might take a few days for
that person to adjust to the new time zone. While the sun is rising in most of
Asia, it is setting in most of North America. When a person has jet lag,
they might be used to getting up at the same time everyday,
15 but after arriving in another time zone, their
body might be ready for bed in the middle of
the afternoon.
Its also important to remember the time
zone difference when doing international
20 business over the phone. If you schedule a
morning teleconference with a company
halfway around the world, youll want to
make a note of the time difference beforehand
so you dont miss your appointment.

Discussion Questions

1. How many time zones are there in your country?

2. Do you like taking long trips, or do you like travel time

to be as short as possible?

3. What do you think is a good way to get over jet lag?

4. How do you think a countrys size can affect its people?

56 Unit 5
06 Directions


A Practice the dialogs using the expressions given in the box.

Giving directions

Go straight for three blocks. Turn left at the intersection. Its on the right side.

1 2 3 ____________
____________ ___________
What side of the
street is it on? ___________

Excuse me, how Where should I

do I get to the turn for the
subway station? supermarket?

Asking about distances

How far is it to the museum? Is it far from here to the airport?

1 2

Its about three
No, __________ kilometers.
not very. ___________

Describing locations

Its on the corner of First and Main. its opposite the park. its on Third Street.

1 2 Is the middle 3
No, ________ school on
__________ Elm Street? __________
Is the zoo on
First Street ___________
or Main? ________

Excuse me, is
the bookstore
on Second
Street? Yes, ________

B Listen to the dialogs to check your answers. Track 81

Unit 6 Directions 57

Excuse me, could you help me? Track 82

A Look at the picture and read the statements. Circle T if you think the statement is true and
F if you think it is false. Then, listen to the dialog to check your answers.
1. The woman is giving directions to T F
the man.
2. The man knows which way to go. T F

B Listen again and answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

C Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Dan Excuse me, could you help me?

Amy Sure. What can I do for you?
Dan Im looking for the Miners Theater.
Amy Thats (1) _______________________ Fifth and Main.
Dan Is it far from here?
Amy No. Go (2) _______________________ this road for three blocks.
Dan OK.
Amy Then turn left at the (3) ___________________, onto Fifth Street.
Dan Left at the intersection? Onto Fifth?
Amy Yes. The theater will be one (4) _______________________ down on the right.
Dan Go three blocks and turn left, then one block down?
Amy Thats right.
Dan Thank you so much.
Amy (5) __________________________.

D Check your answers with a classmate. Then practice the dialog together.

58 Unit 6

I Does this bus go to Seoul Station? Track 83

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Douglas Does this bus go to Seoul Station?

Lola No, it doesnt. It goes to Cheil University.
Douglas Do you know which bus goes to Seoul Station?
Lola The number 12 bus, I think.
Douglas (1) _______________________ from here to the station?
Lola Its about two kilometers.
Douglas Is the station (2) ___________________ the airport?
Lola Not very far. About five kilometers.
Douglas I see. Thanks for your help.
Lola Youre welcome.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

II Is there a parking lot near here? Track 84

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Tammy Excuse me.

Mark Yes?
Tammy Is there a parking lot near here?
Mark Yes, there is. Its on Second Avenue.
Tammy Could you give me directions, please?
Mark Sure. (1) ___________________ at the first intersection. Its on the left.
Tammy On the left . . . How far down?
Mark About a block. Its (2) ___________________ the park.
Tammy OK. Thanks a lot.
Mark No problem.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

Unit 6 Directions 59
III Is it far from here? Track 85

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Jerry Excuse me, how can I (1) _______________________ from here?
Donna You could go by bus or by taxi.
Jerry Is it far from here?
Donna Yes, a bit far. Its about ten kilometers.
Jerry How often (2) _______________________? Do you know?
Donna Yes, every fifteen minutes.
Jerry How long does it take?
Donna About twenty minutes by bus.
Jerry Where is the nearest bus stop?
Donna Its one block down, (3) _______________________.

C Check your answers with a classmate.


Practice the dialog using information about yourself.

A Excuse me.
B ___________________?
A Im looking for the ___________________.
B Its on ___________________.
A Could you tell me how to ___________________,
B Sure. Go ___________________, then turn
A Will it be on the ___________________ or the
B It will be on the ___________________.
A Is it ___________________?
B No, not very. About ___________________.
A ___________________.
B Youre ___________________.

60 Unit 6

A Listen carefully to the following two sounds. Then pay attention to the difference in each
pair of words. Track 86



hut / hot done / Don

cut / cot run / Ron
cup / cop suck / sock

B Listen and circle the word you hear. Track 87

1. hut hot 5. done Don

2. cut cot 6. run Ron
3. cup cop 7. suck sock
4. luck lock 8. rubber robber

C Check your answers with a classmate.

D Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying

close attention to the different sounds. Track 88

1. Tomorrow will be hot and sunny.

2. Don wants a lot of oranges and some nuts.
3. This is a marvelous modern carpet. cop
4. Mr. Buttons bought a couple of
brushes and a cup.
5. Ron does not want to wash socks.

Unit 6 Directions 61

Listen and say your responses using information about yourself. Track 89

Where is the
its . . . hotel?

About . . .
Its on State
3 Street.
Sure. Go . . .

4 then . . .
Its . . .

Theres . . .


Listen to the questions and write your answers. Track 90

1. ___________________________________________________


About eight 2. ___________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________
How far is it
from here to
the hotel? ___________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________


62 Unit 6

Track 91

You will hear a series of dialogs and a talk, each followed by two questions.
Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. (A) (B)

2. (A) On Pine Street (B) On Cotton Avenue

(C) On Thyme Street (D) On High Street

3. (A) Downtown (B) To the bookstore

(C) To the park (D) To the university

4. (A) By walking to 28th Street (B) By taking the number 6 bus

(C) By driving downtown (D) By going to Monson and Ninth

5. (A) A supermarket (B) A bookstore

(C) A museum (D) A bus

6. (A) Turn right (B) Go straight

(C) Look on the right (D) Turn left

7. (A) A teacher (B) The president of the US

(C) A scientist (D) An athlete

Men Women
100 100 100
(A) 90
(B) 90
(C) 90
80 80 80
70 70 70
60 60 60
50 50 50
40 40 40
30 30 30
20 20 20
10 10 10

Percentage who ask for directions.

Unit 6 Directions 63

Part 1 --- Picture Description Track 92

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2 --- Questions and Responses Track 93

Listen and choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)

64 Unit 6
Part 3 --- Short Conversations Track 94 Part 4 --- Short Talks Track 95

You will hear two dialogs, each followed by You will hear two talks, each followed by
three questions. Listen carefully and choose three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question. the best answer to each question.

10. (A) He looked on the wrong street. 16. (A) Across the street
(B) He did not get directions. (B) Next to the main lobby
(C) He turned the wrong way. (C) On top of the hotel
(D) He took the wrong bus. (D) On the third floor

11. (A) Pine 17. (A) It has glass doors.

(B) Pike (B) The door is very small.
(C) Bike (C) The hallway is long and wide.
(D) Fine (D) There is a desk in front of it.

12. (A) Hell miss the meeting again. 18. (A) At the hotel lobbys main desk
(B) Hell take Bike Street next time. (B) By calling a special number
(C) Hell carefully write down the directions. (C) At the spas reception desk
(D) Hell take his friend with him. (D) From any hotel employee

13. (A) To make an appointment 19. (A) At the corner of Mayberry and Ponzi
(B) To ask a question (B) Across from the opera house
(C) To give him advice (C) Near the bus stop
(D) To tell him some news (D) On Collins street

14. (A) The location of a hotel 20. (A) Three blocks

(B) The location of an airport (B) Four blocks
(C) The location of a city (C) Six blocks
(D) The location of the man (D) Ten kilometers

15. (A) Five Star 21. (A) ten minutes

(B) The Boston (B) twenty minutes
(C) Next Door (C) thirty minutes
(D) Red Dot (D) fifty minutes

Unit 6 Directions 65

New York Track 96

ew York City is known around the world for many things. People of New York call New
York City the capital of the world. There is always something to do or see.
The Statue of Liberty, near the southern tip of Manhattan Island, is a famous symbol
not only of New York, but all America. A little farther north is the Empire State Building, at the
5 intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. Both of these offer great views of the city skyline.
Times Square, in the middle of downtown, is another great place to visit. Its best to go at
night, with its bright neon lights and oversized televisions that display advertisements of all kinds.
A more relaxed part of the city is Central Park. This large park, between the Upper East Side and
Upper West Side, offers wide-open spaces of green grass and long paths for a walk or jog away
10 from the traffic and noise of the inner city.
New Yorkers love to visit Broadway, just south of Central Park. This is where many theaters
host a variety of musical and stage performances. Its possible to run into famous people right on
the street, as many celebrities have homes
in New York City.

Discussion Questions

1. What are some famous places in your city?

2. Where are these places located?

Could you tell someone how to get to them?

3. Which places in New York City would you like to visit? Why?

4. If you could visit any city in the world, which one would you choose?
What would you like to see there?

66 Unit 6
07 Travel


A Practice the dialogs using the expressions given in the box.

Asking for information

What did you do? Where did you go? How was your trip?
1 2 3 ________

To Paris and
_________ It was
________ great!
__________ sightseeing.

Recounting past experience

Once, in 1996. Have you ever been to Thailand?

1 2
Have you been
there before?

not yet.

Stating opinions

It was magnificent! How was the food? What was Bangkok like?

1 2 3
It was noisy
and crowded.

What did you _________
__________ think of the ____________
______ A little too Taj Mahal? _________

B Listen to the dialogs to check your answers. Track 97

Unit 7 Travel 67

What did you think of the city? Track 98

A Look at the picture and read the statements. Circle T if you think the statement is true and
F if you think it is false. Then, listen to the dialog to check your answers.
1. The man and the woman are friends. T F
2. They are going to take a trip together. T F

B Listen again and answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

C Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Jack How was your trip?

Jenny It was great!
Jack Where (1) ___________________?
Jenny I went to Singapore for the weekend.
Jack That sounds fun. What (2) ___________________?
Jenny I did a lot of sightseeing.
Jack How was the food?
Jenny I loved it. I tried something different every night.
Jack What was (3) _________________________?
Jenny It was really hot! I should have taken more shorts.
Jack What did you think of the city?
Jenny Oh, its clean and modern. The beaches (4) _________________________!
Jack Have you been there before?
Jenny No, this was my first time.

D Check your answers with a classmate. Then practice the dialog together.

68 Unit 7

I How was your trip to Canada? Track 99

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Tom Hi, how was your trip to Canada?

Kelly It was (1) ___________________! I really enjoyed it.
Tom Great. How long were you gone?
Kelly I was there for about six months.
Tom Thats a long time! Was the weather OK?
Kelly Yes, most of the time.
Tom What was the best thing about your trip?
Kelly Oh, thats difficult to say. But I guess I liked the (2) ____________________ the best.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

II How did you spend last weekend? Track 100

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Janet How did you (1) ___________________ last weekend, Ken?

Ken I went for a drive in the country on Sunday.
Janet That sounds nice. Where did you go?
Ken I drove along the coast to Busan. I had a great time! How about you? Did you do
(2) _________________________?
Janet Not really. I just worked on my term paper.
Ken Thats too bad. Maybe we can do something together next weekend.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

Unit 7 Travel 69
III Id like to book a flight. Track 101

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Frank Transnational Airlines. May I help you?
Maria Yes. Id like to (1) _________________________ to Los Angeles for this Saturday.
Frank What time would you like to leave?
Maria Could you tell me when the (2) _________________________ flight leaves?
Frank The earliest flight is at seven in the morning.
Maria Oh, I see. Can I (3) _________________________?
Frank Yes, would you like economy or first class?
Maria Economy, please.

C Check your answers with a classmate.


Practice the dialog using information about yourself.

A Youre finally back! So how was your trip?

B It was ___________________. I really
A Where did you go?
B ___________________.
A Have you been there before?
B ___________________.
A So, what did you do there?
B ___________________.
A Thats ___________________. Did you
B ___________________.
A How was the ___________________?
B ___________________.
A Do you want to go there again?
B ___________________.

70 Unit 7

A Listen carefully to the following two sounds. Then pay attention to the difference in each
pair of words. Track 102

S /

[S] []

so / show sells / shells

see / she lass / lash
sin / shin brass / brash

B Listen and circle the word you hear. Track 103

1. so show 5. sells shells

2. see she 6. lass lash
3. sin shin 7. brass brash
4. same shame 8. sigh shy

C Check your answers with a classmate.

D Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying lash

close attention to the different sounds. Track 104

1. Sally sells the same things as Shelly.

2. Its a shame I didnt see the show.
3. Did she say Seymour?
4. She sighed because she had to wash the sheets.
5. She sells seashells on the seashore.


Unit 7 Travel 71

Listen and say your responses using information about yourself. Track 105

It was . . .

How was
2 your trip?
I was . . .

I went . . .
4 but long.

Yes/No, . . .


Listen to the questions and write your answers. Track 106

1. ___________________________________________________

What do you
think of 2
2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________
I love it!

4. ___________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________


72 Unit 7

Track 107

You will hear a series of dialogs and a talk, each followed by two questions.
Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. (A) (B)

2. (A) He thinks its too big. (B) He thinks its magnificent.

(C) He thinks its too crowded. (D) He doesnt like it anymore.

3. (A) Australia (B) Austria

(C) America (D) Africa

4. (A) They are brother and sister. (B) They are husband and wife.
(C) They are strangers. (D) They are friends.

5. (A) She cant book a ticket. (B) She wants to visit Thailand.
(C) She doesnt know the man. (D) She wants to know about Singapore.

6. (A) To visit Thailand (B) To stay out of the jungle

(C) To book a ticket early (D) To go to the beach

7. (A) For business (B) For leisure

(C) To visit friends or family (D) To immigrate

Leisure Business Visit friends

(A) (B) (C)

16% 13%
30% 27%
60% 27% 60%
10% 51%

reasons people travel

Unit 7 Travel 73

Part 1 --- Picture Description Track 108

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2 --- Questions and Responses Track 109

Listen and choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)

74 Unit 7
Part 3 --- Short Conversations Track 110 Part 4 --- Short Talks Track 111

You will hear two dialogs, each followed by You will hear two talks, each followed by
three questions. Listen carefully and choose three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question. the best answer to each question.

10. (A) Mexico 16. (A) Summer vacation specials

(B) Cabo San Lucas (B) Winter vacation packages
(C) Paris (C) Cruises
(D) To see a movie (D) Hotels

11. (A) He dislikes traveling. 17. (A) Breakfast

(B) He is not interested in other countries. (B) Guided tours
(C) He doesnt have enough money. (C) Dinner
(D) He has no time. (D) Car rental

18. (A) By visiting a branch directly or calling

12. (A) She thought it was too expensive. a special hotline
(B) She didnt like it. (B) By visiting the Pearsons website
(C) She thought it was too hot. (C) By sending off an application form
(D) She liked it very much. (D) By ordering a catalog

13. (A) She wants to ask a question. 19. (A) She went to Tiananmen Square.
(B) She wants to book a flight. (B) She learned Chinese.
(C) She wants to take a trip. (C) She drank lots of tea.
(D) She needs to get some money. (D) She ate Peking duck.

14. (A) On the 16th 20. (A) They were rude.

(B) On the 6th (B) They were smart.
(C) On the 7th (C) They were friendly.
(D) On the 17th (D) They were helpful.

15. (A) The earliest 21. (A) She went with a tour group.
(B) The fastest (B) She hired a Chinese guide.
(C) The easiest (C) She had a friend show her.
(D) The latest (D) She had been to China before.

Unit 7 Travel 75

Travel in the USA Track 112

he United States has many wonders that attract tourists from all over the world, including
Americans themselves. One of its most famous natural sites is the Grand Canyon. Another
is Niagara Falls. The Redwood trees in California are the largest in the world. Some of the
nations most beautiful scenery can be seen in national parks. People come to these parks to hike,
5 camp, and watch wildlife.
The United States also has many human-made wonders. The elegant Statue of Liberty, with
her torch held high, has always welcomed people to the United States. The Arch in Saint Louis is
an amazing structure that stands as tall as it is wide. One of the most beautiful bridges in the
world, the Golden Gate Bridge, is near San Francisco. In South Dakota, the heads of four
10 famous presidents have been carved from stone at Mount Rushmore. The nations
capital, Washington D.C., has the majestic Lincoln Memorial.
Wherever you go in the United States, there are beautiful things to see. There
are deserts, mountains, oceans, and sandy
beaches, as well as all kinds of buildings.
15 Whether you like natural wonders or
manmade ones, the United States has
something for everyone.

Discussion Questions

1. Describe the scenery in your country. What kinds of things can you see?

2. If you go on vacation, would you like to spend time in a city or in nature?

3. Do you like traveling, or would you rather stay at home?

4. What types of natural and human-made wonders can be found in your country?

76 Unit 7
08 Weather


A Practice the dialogs using the expressions given in the box.

Describing the weather

Its cloudy and cold. I like sunny days. No, it's too hot and humid.
Whats the
1 2 weather like? 3 Lets go for
What kind of a walk.
weather do
you like? _________

_________ _________

Asking about the weather.

Is it going to rain today? Hows the weather?

1 2 _______

_________ It looks
like it. Its nice
and cool.

Predicting future conditions.

Yes, itll be freezing. its going to stay warm. It looks like snow.

1 2 3 Will it be cold
this weekend?
Is it going to
cool off soon?
Hows the
weather going
to be today?
No, ________ __________
_________ ______

B Listen to the dialogs to check your answers. Track 113

Unit 8 Weather 77

Did you hear the weather report? Track 114

A Look at the picture and read the statements. Circle T if you think the statement is true and
F if you think it is false. Then, listen to the dialog to check your answers.
1. They are upset about the rain. T F
2. They will stay inside today. T F

B Listen again and answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

C Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Ernesto Whats the weather like?

Karen Its still (1) ___________________, dark, and (2) ___________________.
Ernesto Did you hear the weather report?
Karen Yes. They said it wont (3) ____________________ until tomorrow.
Ernesto Thats too bad. I dont like rainy days.
Karen Really? Why not?
Ernesto I think theyre (4) ___________________. Theres nothing to do.
Karen So what kind of weather do you like?
Ernesto Warm and sunny, of course.
Karen Thats OK, but I hate hot and (5) ___________________ weather.
Ernesto Me, too. Thats almost as bad as rain.
Karen So do you want to go out?
Ernesto No. Lets just stay (6) ______________ and watch TV.
Karen Thats a good way to spend a rainy day.

D Check your answers with a classmate. Then practice the dialog together.

78 Unit 8

I Its a beautiful day! Track 115

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Mei The weather is so nice today.

Taki Yeah, theres hardly a cloud in the sky.
Mei Even though its sunny, its really (1) ___________________, too.
Taki And theres only a slight breeze.
Mei Its been so rainy this week. Im glad its finally cleared up.
Taki Me, too. This is perfect weather for (2) ___________________________.
Mei Right. It might not be so bright and (3) ___________________ tomorrow.
Taki Id love to go swimming or just take a walk.
Mei Its too bad we have to stay inside.
Taki Oh well, time to get back to work.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

II Whats it like outside? Track 116

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Paul Are you ready to go?

Ruth Yes, almost. By the way, whats it like outside?
Paul It looks pretty (1) ____________________.
Ruth Whats the (2) ___________________?
Paul Ill check the thermometer. It says 85 degrees.
Ruth I didnt realize it was that (3) ___________________. Id better take off this sweater.
Paul We should probably bring umbrellas, too.
Ruth Did the weather report say it was going to rain?
Paul I didnt hear it. Its really cloudy, though.
Ruth OK, better safe than sorry.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

Unit 8 Weather 79
III We can expect snow tomorrow. Track 117

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Cammy Are you looking forward to winter break?
Trevor Of course. I cant wait to go skiing.
Cammy Me, too. I hope theres going to be enough snow.
Trevor I heard its supposed to get a lot colder next week.
Cammy Really? How long is it (1) ___________________ last?
Trevor The weather report said that it would stay (2) ___________________ freezing for a
few weeks.
Cammy Thats good news! Therell definitely be a lot of snow.
Trevor Dont be too excited. You never know how the weather will turn out.

C Check your answers with a classmate.


Practice the dialog using information about yourself.

A The weather today is so ___________________!

B Yes, I really like ___________________ days like this.
A Whats your favorite kind of weather?
B I like ___________________ and ___________________
days the most. How about you?
A Its great when its ___________________. I dont like
___________________ days, though.
B Speaking of which, whats the weather going to be like
A Its supposed to be ___________________.
B Do you think its going to be ___________________, too?
A I dont know. Wed better watch the ___________________.
B OK. If its ___________________ tomorrow, lets
A Sounds good.
B See you tomorrow!

80 Unit 8

A Listen carefully to the following two sounds. Then pay attention to the difference in each
pair of words. Track 118


[f] [v]

fine / vine leaf / leave

fan / van half / halve
few / view proof / prove

B Listen and circle the word you hear. Track 119

1. fine vine 5. leaf leave

2. fan van 6. half halve
3. few view 7. proof prove
4. feel veal 8. belief believe fan

C Check your answers with a classmate.

D Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying

close attention to the different sounds. Track 120

1. Victor moved to the village on the first of November.

2. Vivian loves a fantastic view of the valley. van
3. Do you live in front of his office?
4. Mrs. Fuller, give the fan to the farmer
on the first of February, please.
5. Fran felt better on Friday and
waved at her friends driving a van.

Unit 8 Weather 81

Listen and say your responses using information about yourself. Track 121

Its . . .

Hows the
2 weather?
No, . . .

I think . . .
It looks
4 like rain.
They said . . .

Its usually . . .


Listen to the questions and write your answers. Track 122

1. ___________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________
Yes, very
Do you like
rainy days?
3. ___________________________________________________


4. ___________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________


82 Unit 8

Track 123

You will hear a series of dialogs and a talk, each followed by two questions.
Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. (A) (B)

2. (A) Spring (B) Summer

(C) Fall (D) Winter

3. (A) Hot and humid (B) Cool and cloudy

(C) Hot and rainy (D) Clear and mild

4. (A) He likes spending time inside. (B) He thinks it is good for going swimming.
(C) He likes to exercise outside. (D) He is uncomfortable when it is cold.

5. (A) Drive to class (B) Take an umbrella

(C) Wear a coat (D) Stay home

6. (A) There will be rain. (B) It will clear up.

(C) It will get colder. (D) There will be less snow.

7. (A) Friday (B) Saturday

(C) Sunday (D) Monday



high high high high high high high high high high high high
16 18 18 14 62 80 82 67 65 81 92 44

Unit 8 Weather 83

Part 1 --- Picture Description Track 124

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2 --- Questions and Responses Track 125

Listen and choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)

84 Unit 8
Part 3 --- Short Conversations Track 126 Part 4 --- Short Talks Track 127

You will hear two dialogs, each followed by You will hear two talks, each followed by
three questions. Listen carefully and choose three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question. the best answer to each question.

10. (A) Not as hot as last summer 16. (A) 22o

(B) Not as humid as last summer (B) 32o
(C) Hot and dry (C) 39o
(D) Hot and wet (D) 42o

11. (A) It will be very rainy. 17. (A) Partly cloudy

(B) It will be rainy as well as hot. (B) Raining
(C) It will not rain very much. (C) Snow flurries
(D) It will be much hotter than normal. (D) Windy

12. (A) It was hotter than usual. 18. (A) At 6 a.m.

(B) Hot weather lasted a long time. (B) At 11 a.m.
(C) There was not much rain. (C) At 5 p.m.
(D) It became cool in October. (D) At 10 p.m.

13. (A) It is cold and cloudy. 19. (A) To recommend a good time to visit
(B) It is cold and clear. Korea
(C) It is cold and snowy. (B) To describe summer weather in Korea
(D) It is cold and windy. (C) To explain which season in Korea has
the best weather
14. (A) A week (D) To show that weather during the rainy
(B) Two weeks season is uncomfortable
(C) Four weeks
(D) For many weeks 20. (A) Mild at first, then rainy
(B) Cloudy and rainy
15. (A) It is going to snow today. (C) Rainy at first, then hot and humid
(B) It will be cold for several weeks. (D) Clear but very hot
(C) It will become warm soon.
(D) They do not know. 21. (A) Hot and dry, no rain at all
(B) Very warm and humid, rains everyday
(C) Very hot and humid, but almost no rain
(D) Very comfortable, but lots of clouds

Unit 8 Weather 85

Weather Track 128

eather in the United States is very diverse. It
is possible to find almost every kind of
weather across the country, and each region
is known for particular conditions.
5 The Northeast region has four distinct seasons,
with cold, snowy winters and hot summers. It is clear
and mild in fall, but clouds and rain are common in
spring. In the Midwest, summers are short and mild
while winters are long and extremely cold and are also
10 very snowy. Conditions are different in the Pacific
Northwest, where temperatures are typically mild in
both summer and winter. The weather there can be very
cloudy and rainy, though there is not much snow compared
to other areas. Going south to California, the weather
15 gets drier and warmer. Days are clear and sunny, but in
the evenings, it can become very cool.
The Southwestern states are hot and dry much of
the year, though the higher areas are cooler and get
significant amounts of snow in the winter. Continuing
20 farther east, weather in the Southern states can also be
very hot in the summer, but it is very humid there as
well. Winters can be cold, but snow is very rare.

Discussion Questions

1. In your opinion, which part of the United States has the best weather?

2. What is the weather like in your country?

3. In some places weather is seasonal while in others it doesnt change much over the course of a
year. Which sounds better to you? Why?

4. How do you think the weather affects people?

86 Unit 8
09 Leisure


A Practice the dialogs using the expressions given in the box.

Talking about likes

What do you like to do? I like action movies the most. I enjoy playing golf.

1 2 3

I like reading
What do you
and hiking.
do in your free
____________ ____________
time? What kinds
k of _____________
_________ _________
movies do you _____________
like? _________

Talking about frequency

How many times have you visited Canada? Once or twice a month.

1 How often do you 2

go dancing?

Three times.

____________ ______________
_________ __________

Asking about abilities

Can you play tennis? I can play pretty well. Are you good at skiing?

1 2 ____________ 3

_________ How well can
Yes, but Im you play
not very good. guitar?
No, Im __________
terrible. ______

B Listen to the dialogs to check your answers. Track 129

Unit 9 Leisure 87

Have you ever come out here before? Track 130

A Look at the picture and read the statements. Circle T if you think the statement is true and
F if you think it is false. Then, listen to the dialog to check your answers.
1. The couple is enjoying the weekend. T F
2. The man and woman are having coffee T F
together outside.

B Listen again and answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

C Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Hanna Its such a beautiful day today.

Tim Yes, Im glad we have some (1) ___________________ to enjoy it.
Hanna Have you ever come out here before?
Tim Sure, I come to the lake a lot.
Hanna Really? How often?
Tim Usually (2) ___________________ if I have time.
Hanna Wow, you must really like boating.
Tim Thats right, I enjoy it very much. Its so relaxing.
Hanna I agree. Actually, this is my (3) ___________________ to go boating here.
Tim What? You mean youve never come here before?
Hanna No, never. I think Ive only gone boating (4) _________________________________.
Tim Well, I hope you know how to swim.
Hanna Dont worry, Im an excellent swimmer.
Tim Good, then you can save me if I fall in.
Hanna Youre joking, right? You must be (5) _________________________, too.
Tim The truth is, Im just a beginner.

D Check your answers with a classmate. Then practice the dialog together.

88 Unit 9

I How do you spend your spare time? Track 131

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Tricia What do you usually do in your spare time, Keith?

Keith Oh, I probably (1) ___________________ more than anything else.
Tricia What sorts of things do you like to read?
Keith All kinds, but I really (2) ___________________.
Tricia Whos your favorite novelist?
Keith I think Hemingway is (3) ___________________.
Tricia I like him, too. Which of his books have you read?
Keith Ive read A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls. Theyre great!

C Check your answers with a classmate.

II Where are you going to go for your vacation? Track 132

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Ann Hi, Jack. Its been a while. What are you (1) ___________________?
Jack Not much. Whatve you been doing?
Ann (2) _________________________. Do you have any plans for the holidays?
Jack Yeah, but its a secret.
Ann Come on, tell me. Where are you going to go for your vacation?
Jack OK, OK, I might go to England. My sister lives there.
Ann (3) ___________________? How exciting!

C Check your answers with a classmate.

Unit 9 Leisure 89
III How often do you go swimming? Track 133

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Naomi Hey, Ben, what happened? I was (1) _________________________ all afternoon.
Ben Oh, sorry. I mustve been at the pool.
Naomi Really? I didnt know you were swimming these days.
Ben Yeah, Im swimming three times a week. I (2) ___________________.
Naomi Are you going tomorrow, too?
Ben No, I dont have any plans.
Naomi Well, why dont we (3) ___________________? I really need to practice.
Ben Sure, that sounds fine.

C Check your answers with a classmate.


Practice the dialog using information about yourself.

A What sports do you like?

B _____________________________________.
A How often do _____________________________________?
B _____________________________________.
A What are your hobbies?
B _____________________________________.
A What else do you like to do in your free time?
B _____________________________________.
A Are you good at ___________________?
B ___________________.
A What kind of ___________________ do you like?
B _____________________________________.

90 Unit 9

A Listen carefully to the following two sounds. Then pay attention to the difference in each
pair of words. Track 134


[s] []

sing / thing pass / path

sink / think sin / thin
sum / thumb sick / thick

B Listen and circle the word you hear. Track 135

1. sing thing 5. pass path

2. sink think 6. sin thin
3. sum thumb 7. sick thick
4. mouse mouth 8. tense tenth

C Check your answers with a classmate. mouse

D Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying

close attention to the different sounds. Track 136

1. The Smiths house is south of here.

2. Theodore thought Roth was at the theater on Thursday.
3. Arthur thought it was worth thirty thousand dollars.
4. Judith is the author of The Truth of Moths.
5. Both Edith and Roth felt thirsty.

Unit 9 Leisure 91

Listen and say your responses using information about yourself. Track 137

My favorite
sport . . . How often do
you exercise?

I like . . .

Yes/No, I . . .
I run five
4 kilometers
Im . . .
every day.

I watch . . .


Listen to the questions and write your answers. Track 138

1. ___________________________________________________

What kind
of music do
2. ___________________________________________________
you like?

3. ___________________________________________________

Mostly pop
and jazz.
4. ___________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________


92 Unit 9

Track 139

You will hear a series of dialogs and a talk, each followed by two questions.
Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. (A) (B)

2. (A) Jogging (B) Reading comics

(C) Playing volleyball (D) Swimming

3. (A) Science fiction (B) Comedy

(C) Thriller (D) Romance

4. (A) They are violent. (B) They are loud.

(C) They are unpopular. (D) They are boring.

5. (A) Bowling (B) Taking pictures

(C) Computer games (D) Most sports

6. (A) Bowling (B) Taking pictures

(C) Computer games (D) Most sports

7. (A) A school (B) A professional baseball team

(C) A convention of sports writers (D) A sporting-goods shop

basketball goods baseball goods soccer goods

$500,000 $500,000 $500,000

(A) (B) (C)
$400,000 $400,000 $400,000

$300,000 $300,000 $300,000

$200,000 $200,000 $200,000

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

profits from sales (in US dollars)

Unit 9 Leisure 93

Part 1 --- Picture Description Track 140

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2 --- Questions and Responses Track 141

Listen and choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)

94 Unit 9
Part 3 --- Short Conversations Track 142 Part 4 --- Short Talks Track 143

You will hear two dialogs, each followed by You will hear two talks, each followed by
three questions. Listen carefully and choose three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question. the best answer to each question.

10. (A) To have a picnic 16. (A) A package tour

(B) To sing karaoke (B) A chain of hotels
(C) To hike or bike (C) A vineyard
(D) To hike and fish (D) An airline and travel destination

11. (A) Visit the museum 17. (A) Wildlife

(B) Go hiking (B) Beaches
(C) Have a picnic (C) Wines
(D) Go to karaoke (D) Skiing

12. (A) He thinks it is boring. 18. (A) One

(B) He thinks it is a good idea. (B) Two
(C) He thinks it is interesting. (C) Three
(D) He thinks it is expensive. (D) Four

13. (A) Sunny and no rain 19. (A) After 8 p.m.

(B) Sometimes sunny but mostly rainy (B) Before twelve
(C) Partly sunny and partly rainy (C) Every night
(D) Sunny and sometimes rainy (D) Friday night

14. (A) She went hiking. 20. (A) Ten dollars

(B) She went surfing. (B) Nothing
(C) She went sightseeing. (C) Eight dollars
(D) She visited national parks. (D) One dollar

15. (A) She likes to spend time inside. 21. (A) A hot dog
(B) She likes to try new things. (B) A drink
(C) She is not good at swimming. (C) A hot dog and a drink
(D) She takes a vacation every year. (D) A hot dog or a drink

Unit 9 Leisure 95

Leisure in the U.S. Track 144

mericans enjoy a wide variety of pastimes. While traditional
hobbies are still enjoyed today, new technologies and
changing lifestyles are leading Americans to change the
ways they spend their free time.
5 Baseball, basketball, and American football have traditionally
been the most popular sports in the US. They remain extremely
popular with people of all ages. In addition, many people exercise
regularly. Weightlifting, swimming, and jogging are very
common. For some, outdoor activities like hiking, camping,
10 and skiing are a good way to get away from the city.
Some sports that were not popular traditionally have
become more common in recent years. Soccer, yoga, martial
arts, snowboarding, and others have all gained in
15 On the weekends, a lot of people enjoy going to
concerts, restaurants, or dance clubs. Others would
rather relax at home. Going to the movies is not as
common as it once was, since people watch movies at
home and can even have DVDs delivered by mail. Many
20 people also enjoy video games. Surfing the Internet,
communicating with friends, and online gaming are
among the most common pastimes for younger people.
As a consequence, exercise, reading, and sports have
gradually become less popular than they were in
25 preceding generations.

Discussion Questions

1. What kinds of sports are popular in your country?

2. Have peoples leisure activities changed in recent years? If so, how?

3. What are some popular recreational activities in your country?

4. What do you like to do in your free time? Compare your choices with those in the reading.

96 Unit 9
10 Sports


A Practice the dialogs using the expressions given in the box.

Explaining preferences

Whats your favorite sport? What do you do for exercise? Do you like to play football?

1 2 ___________ 3

______________ I really like ______________

I usually go
______________ tennis. ______________
Yes, its a jogging.
_________ _________
lot fun.

Talking about abilities

Yes, Im really good at it. Ive never tried it. I am pretty good.

1 2 3

Are you good How good are

Are you good
at taekwondo? No, ______ you at biking? _________
at basketball?
_____. _______

Explaining frequency

No, I hardly ever go outside. How often do you run?

1 2

____________ About three ______________
_________ times a week. Do you _________

B Listen to the dialogs to check your answers. Track 145

Unit 10 Sports 97

Are you good at it? Track 146

A Look at the picture and read the statements. Circle T if you think the statement is true and
F if you think it is false. Then, listen to the dialog to check your answers.
1. The man and woman are talking T F
about sports.
2. The man and woman are going hiking. T F

B Listen again and answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

C Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Michelle Wow, Jim, you look really tired!

Jim Yeah, Ive been (1) ___________________ these days.
Michelle Really? When did you start?
Jim Just (2) ___________________ ago. Im still not used to it.
Michelle What exactly are you doing?
Jim I joined a wrestling club!
Michelle Huh? I didnt know you liked wrestling.
Jim Actually, I like it a lot. Its (3) ___________________ than other sports Ive done.
Michelle Are you good at it?
Jim No, Im really terrible. I always lose!
Michelle Well, (4) _________________________, after all. How often do you practice?
Jim I try to go three times a week.
Michelle Thats a lot, I can see why youre tired.
Jim Why dont you try, too? You might enjoy it.
Michelle Oh, no, I hate fighting sports. (5) _________________________ play tennis.
Jim Maybe I should try that next.

D Check your answers with a classmate. Then practice the dialog together.

98 Unit 10

I Whats your favorite sport? Track 147

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Catherine Whats your favorite sport, Trevor?

Trevor Id have to say fishing.
Catherine Fishing? Um, isnt that sort of boring?
Trevor Not to me. I think its (1) __________________________.
Catherine I guess you dont like active sports very much.
Trevor Well, actually I like watching them, just (2) ___________________ them.
Catherine I see. Anyway, (3) ___________________ at fishing?
Trevor Sure. I usually catch at least five fish.
Catherine What do you do with them?
Trevor I eat them, of course!

C Check your answers with a classmate.

II Lets go see a soccer game. Track 148

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Holly Why dont we do something this weekend?

Alec What do you suggest?
Holly Lets go see a soccer game.
Alec I dont like soccer very much. Theres (1) __________________________.
Holly Well, do you know if there are any other games?
Alec Theres a baseball game (2) ___________________ every Saturday night.
Holly Hmm. Baseballs OK.
Alec Actually, I love baseball. I (3) ______________________ it at least once a month.
Holly Im glad you like something. Lets go then.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

Unit 10 Sports 99
III How often do you exercise? Track 149

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Miguel You look pretty healthy, Kat. Do you do any sports?
Kat Ive practiced taekwondo for a few years.
Miguel I had no idea. So you like martial arts?
Kat Not really. I just like taekwondo because (1) _________________________.
Miguel How often do you practice?
Kat These days Im practicing four times a week.
Miguel Wow, that sounds like hard work. Why do you train so much?
Kat Theres a (2) _________________________ soon, and I want to do as well as I can.
Miguel You must be really good by now.
Kat I guess so. I got (3) ___________________ in the last tournament, anyway.
Miguel Thats great! Just dont kick me.

C Check your answers with a classmate.


Practice the dialog using information about yourself.

A What kinds of sports do you like?

B ______________________________________.
A Can you play ___________________?
B ___________________. How about you?
A ___________________. Its ___________________.
B Do you like ___________________ sports?
A ___________________. Theyre really ___________________ for me.
B How good are you at ___________________?
A ___________________. Are you ___________________?
B ___________________.
A Do you like to watch ___________________?
B ___________________.
A How often do you usually go to see it?
B ______________________________________.
A Why dont we go together next time?
B ___________________.

100 Unit 10

A Listen carefully to the following two sounds. Then pay attention to the difference in each
pair of words. Track 150

/ t

[] [ t ]

sheep / cheap ship / chip

shop / chop cash / catch
shoes / choose wash / watch

B Listen and circle the word you hear. Track 151

1. sheep cheap 5. ship chip

2. shop chop 6. cash catch
3. shoes choose 7. wash watch
4. mush much 8. shows chose

C Check your answers with a classmate.

D Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying

close attention to the different sounds. Track 152

1. Shall we buy cheddar cheese and chicken broth?

2. Fisher bought some Danish cherries and Swiss chocolate
to make an Irish dish.
3. Watch the Spanish washing machine shake.
4. Show Charlie a special British machine.
5. This dish is a mixture of fresh French bread
and Swedish salad.

Unit 10 Sports 101

Listen and say your responses using information about yourself. Track 153


Whats your
favorite sport?
Yes/No, I . . .

3 I really love
I go . . . soccer.

Yes/No, I . . .

5 Im . . .


Listen to the questions and write your answers. Track 154

1. ___________________________________________________

How do you ___________________________________________________

like hockey?
2. ___________________________________________________


Its a lot of 3. ___________________________________________________


4. ___________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________


102 Unit 10

Track 155

You will hear a series of dialogs and a talk, each followed by two questions.
Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. (A) (B)

2. (A) Both tennis and basketball (B) Basketball

(C) Tennis (D) Neither tennis nor basketball

3. (A) One (B) Two

(C) Three (D) Four

4. (A) Racquetball (B) Lifting weights

(C) Aerobics (D) Running

5. (A) Once a week (B) Twice a week

(C) Twice a month (D) Once month

6. (A) Tennis (B) Bowling

(C) Table tennis (D) Badminton

7. (A) Once a week (B) Every day

(C) Three times a week (C) Whenever she has the time

swimming basketball skiing

(A) (B) (C)

approximate of time spent on sports

Unit 10 Sports 103


Part 1 --- Picture Description Track 156

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2 --- Questions and Responses Track 157

Listen and choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)

104 Unit 10
Part 3 --- Short Conversations Track 158 Part 4 --- Short Talks Track 159

You will hear two dialogs, each followed by You will hear two talks, each followed by
three questions. Listen carefully and choose three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question. the best answer to each question.

10. (A) She was very interested in it. 16. (A) Baseball
(B) Her coach introduced her to it. (B) Rock climbing
(C) Her parents made her start. (C) Tennis
(D) She wanted to go to the Olympics. (D) Wrestling

11. (A) Because her coach made her do it. 17. (A) Famous athletes from this sport
(B) Because she wanted to go to the (B) How to keep score
Olympics. (C) Special actions before starting
(C) Because she liked to practice. (D) How to play
(D) Because she was very good at it.
18. (A) To eat during rest periods
12. (A) She enjoys teaching it. (B) To make things dry
(B) She wishes she could practice more. (C) To purify things
(C) She doesnt like it. (D) To trick the other player
(D) She likes it more than any other sport.

19. (A) Rugby

13. (A) The woman usually wins. (B) Football
(B) The man usually wins. (C) Soccer
(C) The man and the woman are equally (D) Volleyball
(D) There isnt enough information in the 20. (A) Students who are good at throwing
dialog. (B) Students who can jump high
(C) Students who are fast
14. (A) Two days a week (D) Students who are good at running
(B) Two hours a day
(C) Two hours a week 21. (A) One week
(D) Two days a month (B) One month
(C) Two months
15. (A) Baseball (D) All summer
(B) Tennis
(C) Soccer
(D) Hockey

Unit 10 Sports 105


Sports in American High Schools Track 160

ports have traditionally been very important in American schools. People believe that sports
help students develop positive qualities, such as teamwork, persistence, and a competitive
spirit. From this perspective, when students are struggling in competition, they are preparing
for hard work later in life. Also, sports help build up students loyalty to their schools and each
5 other.
Probably the main high school sport is football. It is common in schools
throughout the U.S. Other high school sports include basketball and track-and-
field, but football is definitely the most popular. During the school year, there are
many football games. These are held with the teams of other schools, so there is
10 usually strong rivalry between them. Both students and teachers go to football
games to cheer for their teams. These games foster a sense of community and
provide many pleasant memories. Teammates often maintain friendships
with each other for life.
The power of sports in American schools is also shown by the
15 respect students have for top players. Often, the best players on a
football team are very popular in school. All the students
recognize them. Some have criticized this, saying that it
gives high school athletes too much attention. However, it
does not look like this situation will be changing any time
20 soon.

Discussion Questions

1. Do you think sports help build positive qualities

in students? Why or why not?

2. Why do parents like their children to play sports?

3. What is a popular sport in your country?

Why do you think it is popular?

4. Who are some famous athletes in your country?

106 Unit 10
11 Health


A Practice the dialogs using the expressions given in the box.

Asking about health

Im fine. Its gone. I feel much better. I have a bad stomachache.

1 2 Yes, ______ 3
You look
pale. Are
you OK? Do you
feel well? Hows
No, ______ your flu?
___________ ___________
_________ ___________

Giving suggestions and advice

You should eat less and exercise more. Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest.

1 2
I really want to
lose weight.

What do you ___________

do when you ___________
have a cold? __________


My skin is so dry and itchy! Im so sick of this toothache. My legs are killing me!

1 2 3
____________ __________
_____________ ____________
________ ________
___________ Do you want
Did you try ________ to sit down
putting on for a while?
Youd better see
some lotion?
a dentist.

B Listen to the dialogs to check your answers. Track 161

Unit 11 Health 107


Are you OK? Track 162

A Look at the picture and read the statements. Circle T if you think the statement is true and
F if you think it is false. Then, listen to the dialog to check your answers.
1. The man is upset that his coffee is cold. T F
2. The man is at home to rest from his cold. T F

B Listen again and answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

C Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Jessica Hey, Tyrone. Your nose is all red. Are you OK?
Tyrone I have (1) __________________. Theyve been bothering me all week.
Jessica Im sorry to hear that. What are your symptoms?
Tyrone My nose is really runny, and Ive got (2) _____________________ that wont go away.
Jessica That sounds pretty bad. Did you take any medicine?
Tyrone I did. But it hasnt helped. Actually, it seems like (3) __________________.
Jessica Youd better go see a doctor.
Tyrone I dont know, maybe itll get better soon.
Jessica Even if (4) _____________________, you should still have it checked out.
Tyrone I guess youre right. Can you recommend a doctor?
Jessica Mine is pretty good. I can give you his number.
Tyrone Thanks. Do I need to (5) _____________________?
Jessica Of course. Just call the office, and a nurse will set it up for you.
Tyrone I should probably do that as soon as possible.
Jessica I hope you feel better soon.

D Check your answers with a classmate. Then practice the dialog together.

108 Unit 11

I Hows your cold? Track 163

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Karen Hi, Robert, hows your cold?

Robert Oh, hi Karen. Its better, but now Ive got this cough.
Karen Im sorry to hear that. Have you had it long?
Robert Yeah, its lasted for two weeks. Im really (1) ___________________.
Karen Are you (2) _____________________?
Robert Just some regular cough medicine, but it doesnt help much. My throat
is still (3) ___________________.
Karen Why dont you try drinking hot water with honey? It works pretty well for me.
Robert Ive never had that. Ill try it and see what happens.
Karen Im sure youll be better soon.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

II I think Ive got the flu. Track 164

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Pharmacist May I help you?

Scott Yes. I think Ive got the flu.
Pharmacist What are your symptoms?
Scott Well, Im really sore, I have a lot of congestion, and a high fever. Im not
coughing or sneezing, though.
Pharmacist You need some extra-strength flu medicine.
Scott How much (1) ___________________?
Pharmacist Two tablets every six hours is enough. You shouldnt take more than that.
Scott Should I do anything else?
Pharmacist (2) _____________________ and drink a lot of fluids. If your flu doesnt clear up
in a week, youd better see a doctor.
Scott Thanks for your help.

C Check your answers with a classmate. Unit 11 Health 109

III Why dont you tell me whats wrong? Track 165

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Doctor Why dont you tell me whats wrong?
Eileen My stomach (1) __________________!
Doctor Is there anything else?
Eileen I have really bad indigestion, too. Its awful.
Doctor Hmm. When did it start?
Eileen Early this morning after I got up. (2) ___________________________ since then.
Doctor Did you eat or drink anything unusual last night?
Eileen Well, it was my birthday, so I ate a lot of cake and other stuff.
Doctor Thats probably the reason. Overeating usually (3) ____________________________.
Eileen But its never made me feel this bad before!
Doctor I understand. Its just a sign that youre getting older.

C Check your answers with a classmate.


Practice the dialog using information about yourself.

A You look ___________________. Are you OK?

B I feel ___________________. My ______________________________________.
A Thats too bad. When did it start?
B ___________________.
A Have you ___________________ any ___________________?
B ___________________.
A I think you should ___________________.
B That sounds ___________________.
A Do you have any other symptoms?
B ___________________.
A Hows your ___________________?
B ___________________.
A I think youd better ___________________.
B Thanks a lot.

110 Unit 11

A Listen carefully to the following two sounds. Then pay attention to the difference in each
pair of words. Track 166

[l] [r]

low / row pool / poor

liver / river collect / correct
feel / fear Blake / break

B Listen and circle the word you hear. Track 167

1. low row 5. pool poor

2. liver river 6. collect correct
3. feel fear 7. Blake break
4. heel hear 8. clue crew

C Check your answers with a classmate.

D Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying

close attention to the different sounds. Track 168

1. The crew collected clues by the river.

2. Poor Miss Lee cant get a lucky break.
3. Larry is really lonely.
4. Hell feel better later.
5. Well leave when we're ready.

Unit 11 Health 111


Listen and say your responses using information about yourself. Track 169

No. I think
Im . . .

I visit . . .

How are you

3 feeling?
When I have a
headache, I . . .
4 Yes/No,
Im . . .
I feel better
I think . . .


Listen to the questions and write your answers. Track 170

1. ___________________________________________________

About a
year ago. 2. ___________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________
When was
the last time
you had a ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________


112 Unit 11

Track 171

You will hear a series of dialogs and a talk, each followed by two questions.
Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. (A) (B)

2. (A) Her nose (B) Her eyes

(C) Her stomach (D) Her head

3. (A) He has difficulty driving. (B) He has trouble seeing at night.

(C) He cannot see. (D) He is unable to concentrate.

4. (A) He needs new glasses. (B) He has a serious disease.

(C) He shouldnt drive at night. (D) He should have an eye exam.

5. (A) In the morning (B) Twice a day

(C) As much as possible (D) With every meal

6. (A) Exercise at the gym (B) Eat more fruits and vegetables
(C) Walk instead of drive (D) Eat breakfast every day

7. (A) That people should exercise more (B) That people should stop dieting
(C) That people should choose better diets (D) That people should exercise as well as go on
a diet

8. Diet Exercise
8 8 8
(A) 7 (B) 7 (C) 7
6 6 6
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
Start Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Start Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Start Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4

amount of pounds lost

Unit 11 Health 113


Part 1 --- Picture Description Track 172

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2 --- Questions and Responses Track 173

Listen and choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)

114 Unit 11
Part 3 --- Short Conversations Track 174 Part 4 --- Short Talks Track 175

You will hear two dialogs, each followed by You will hear two talks, each followed by
three questions. Listen carefully and choose three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question. the best answer to each question.

10. (A) Sore throat 16. (A) People who exercise

(B) Swollen glands (B) People who do not exercise
(C) Fever (C) People who like easy exercise
(D) Difficulty swallowing (D) People who plan to exercise

11. (A) He has trouble swallowing. 17. (A) By doing hard exercises too soon
(B) He may have an infection. (B) By not exercising
(C) He did not finish his appointment. (C) By having a check-up
(D) He needs to have his throat checked. (D) By walking

12. (A) You should get some rest now. 18. (A) Anytime
(B) You should go back to the doctor (B) After doing easy exercises
now. (C) After walking
(C) You should go to work now. (D) After getting a check-up
(D) You should make some food.

19. (A) To advertise

13. (A) In a hotel (B) To inform
(B) On an airplane (C) To sell
(C) In a hospital (D) To warn
(D) In a restaurant
20. (A) Wash your face
14. (A) On the aisle (B) Take some painkillers
(B) Near the window (C) Wash your hands
(C) In the middle (D) Take a hot bath
(D) In an exit row
21. (A) Buy clothes on sale
15. (A) So she will be more agitated. (B) Wear long underwear
(B) So she can have something to do. (C) Get a flu shot
(C) So she wont bother other people. (D) Fight germs
(D) So her legs wont fall asleep.

Unit 11 Health 115


Health Track 176

major health problem in the United States is obesity. An obese person is so overweight that
it is harmful to his or her health. Some of the effects of obesity include increased risk of
heart disease, diabetes, and even certain kinds of cancer. Reducing obesity is an important
5 Obesity is mainly caused by a poor diet and lack of physical activity. Bad eating habits include
eating too many foods that are high in fat or carbohydrates. This includes most kinds of fast food.
Another problem is that many people simply eat too much. This is a particular problem in the US,
where portions at restaurants are often much more than a normal person needs.
Lack of exercise also contributes to obesity. Many Americans do not get enough exercise. This
10 includes those who are not obese. Many people say that they do not have enough time or are simply
too tired after getting home from work. Whatever the reason, lack of
exercise makes a bad diet worse.
In recent years, Americans have become more aware of
these problems. Many are trying to live healthier lives. This
15 includes eating better. People who cut down on fast food
often find that they lose weight very quickly.
People are also realizing that finding time
to exercise more increases their energy
and reduces stress. Because of these
20 changes, public health officials hope
that obesity rates will continue to
decline in the future.

Discussion Questions

1. Do you think you are healthy? Why or why not?

2. What are some things you could improve about your heath?

3. Is there a difference between being healthy and enjoying life?

4. What do you usually do when you are sick?

116 Unit 11
12 Interviewing and Working


A Practice the dialogs using the expressions given in the box.

Interviewing for a job

What skills do you have? Why did you apply to this company? Its M-I-L-L-E-R.
1 2 Would you 3 ____________
spell your last
name, please? _________

I can design
web pages.
_________ Id like to work
________ in a fast-growing
Talking with co-workers

I just started last week. How do you like it here? What made you decide to move here?

1 ____________ 2 3

I wanted
Its great. How long have ____________ __________ to live
Everybodys you been _________ ____________ somewhere
really working here? __________ warm.

Talking with a manager

How long is it going to take you? Are you going

g to finish on time? Can I have time off next week?
1 2 ____________ 3
At least two or
No, were behind three hours.
__________ schedule.
__________ Im sorry, __________
but were too
busy right now.

B Listen to the dialogs to check your answers. Track 177

Unit 12 Interviewing and Working 117


Can you spell your last name for me? Track 178

A Look at the picture and read the statements. Circle T if you think the statement is true and
F if you think it is false. Then, listen to the dialog to check your answers.
1. Two friends are meeting for lunch. T F
2. The two people dont know T F
each other well.

B Listen again and answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

C Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Cathy Whats your name?

Sam (1)___________________ Samuel Getta.
Cathy Can you spell your last name for me?
Sam Its G-E-T-T-A.
Cathy Youre applying for a position in our I.T. department. (2)___________________ skills
do you have?
Sam Im trained to set up and maintain computer networks.
Cathy Why do you want to work for us?
Sam Id like an opportunity to work for a large company.
Cathy Are you willing to (3)___________________?
Sam Yes, maam.
Cathy When can you start?
Sam I can start two weeks, (4)__________________________ at my current job.
Cathy OK. Well (5)___________________ next week, Mr. Getta. Thank you for your time.
Sam Thanks.

D Check your answers with a classmate. Then practice the dialog together.

118 Unit 12

I When can you start? Track 179

A Listen to the dialog. Then listen to the questions and answer them.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Interviewer Can you tell me about yourself?

Liz Yes. My name is Liz Williams. Im twenty-three years old. I (1) ___________________
from Indiana University last year. My major was music, and I specialized in piano. I
received the first prize at a major (2) ___________________ in Indiana two years ago.
Interviewer Thats very impressive! Do you have any teaching experience?
Liz Yes, Ive been a private piano teacher for (3) ___________________.
Interviewer When can you start?
Liz I can start any time.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

II How do you like it here? Track 180

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Miki Youre (1) ___________________, arent you?

Grant Yes, I just started last month.
Miki So how do you like it here so far?
Grant Its great. Everybodys pretty friendly, and I like having a flexible schedule.
Miki What did you do before you (2) ___________________?
Grant I was working in a printing shop.
Miki What made you decide (3) ___________________ jobs?
Grant I had to commute an hour every day, so I wanted something closer to home.
Miki So how long does it take to get to work now?
Grant Its only five minutes by motorbike.

C Check your answers with a classmate.

Unit 12 Interviewing and Working 119

III Id like to take some time off. Track 181

A Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions at the end of the dialog.
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

B Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Paul Excuse me, Ms. Yang?
Ms. Yang Oh. Hi, Paul.
Paul Do you have a moment?
Ms. Yang Sure, come on in. Sit down. What is it?
Paul Would it be possible for me to take a (1)_________________________ next month?
Ms. Yang Is everything OK?
Paul Oh, yes. Its just that my sisters getting married, and I have to
(2)___________________ for the wedding.
Ms. Yang Will you be able to get all your work done? Its going to be (3)___________________.
Paul Yes, maam. Ill get everything finished on time.
Ms. Yang OK, Paul, that should be no problem. Just remember to fill out the Leave
Request form.
Paul Thanks, Ms. Yang.

C Check your answers with a classmate.


Practice the dialog using information about yourself.

A Can you tell me your full name? And spell your surname please.
B ___________________.
A Whats your major at university?
B ___________________.
A When will you graduate?
B ___________________.
A Youre applying for a ___________________ job. Why?
B ___________________.
A Do you have any skills that will help you in this job?
B ___________________.
A If youre hired, when could you start?
B ___________________.
A Thank you. ___________________.
B Thank you.

120 Unit 12

A Listen carefully to the following two sounds. Then pay attention to the difference in each
pair of words. Track 182

z / d

[z] [ d ]

zest / jest buzz / budge

Zack / Jack fuzz / fudge
zoo / Jew Zoe / Joey

B Listen and circle the word you hear. Track 183

1. zest jest 5. buzz budge

2. Zack Jack 6. fuzz fudge
3. zoo Jew 7. Zoe Joey
4. Z G 8. zany Janie

C Check your answers with a classmate.

D Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying

close attention to the different sounds. Track 184

1. Janie is very zany.

2. Does Zoe begin with Z or G?
3. The judge won't budge.
4. In the fridge there's fudge, jelly, and jam.
5. Jack and Zoe are going to the zoo.

Unit 12 Interviewing and Working 121


Listen and say your responses using information about yourself. Track 185

My . . . Whats your
main skill?


I live . . .

Yes/No, I . . .

I speak . . .


Listen to the questions and write your answers. Track 186

1. ___________________________________________________

Why do you ___________________________________________________

want to be a
2. ___________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________

I love ___________________________________________________
creating new
4. ___________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________


122 Unit 12

Track 187

You will hear a series of dialogs and a talk, each followed by two questions.
Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. (A) (B)

2. (A) Her co-workers are unfriendly (B) The desks are not comfortable.
(C) There are too many people. (D) She doesnt have her own computer.

3. (A) Friday (B) Monday

(C) Tuesday (D) Today

4. (A) He doesnt have enough money. (B) The weather has been bad.
(C) He has been on vacation. (D) Workers have been sick.

5. (A) Since 2000 (B) Five years

(C) Six months (D) Just over one year

6. (A) To make more money (B) To get more responsibility

(C) To work fewer hours (D) To be closer to his home

7. (A) Door-to-door (B) Online

(C) By telephone (D) At a shopping mall

money doing something I like peaceful environment other

(A) (B) (C)

15% 20% 15% 20%
40% 30%
20% 20% 25%
25% 28%

what people find important in a job

Unit 12 Interviewing and Working 123


Part 1 --- Picture Description Track 188

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2 --- Questions and Responses Track 189

Listen and choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)

124 Unit 12
Part 3 --- Short Conversations Track 190 Part 4 --- Short Talks Track 191

You will hear two dialogs, each followed by You will hear two talks, each followed by
three questions. Listen carefully and choose three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question. the best answer to each question.

10. (A) Design 16. (A) On the telephone

(B) Photography (B) In an office
(C) Communications (C) On the television
(D) Computer science (D) On the radio

11. (A) Travel photographer 17. (A) Clerical

(B) Graphic designer (B) Quality Control
(C) Magazine editor (C) Bank Management
(D) Computer programmer (D) Factory Assembly Supervision

12. (A) Conduct rules of the company 18. (A) Call later
(B) The job contract (B) Send their resume
(C) The duties of the job (C) Fax their application
(D) The company insurance policy (D) Schedule an interview

13. (A) At a taxi company 19. (A) Two days

(B) At a department store (B) Three days
(C) At a supermarket (C) One day
(D) At a restaurant (D) Four days

14. (A) He has no experience. 20. (A) People who have information technology
(B) He cannot work every day. jobs
(C) He does not have a car. (B) People living in Dallas
(D) He lives too far away. (C) People who majored in hotel
15. (A) The man has no job. (D) People with computer skills
(B) The woman is a friend.
(C) The man is tired. 21. (A) A movie special effects company
(D) The man is not a good cook. (B) Construction companies
(C) Army recruiters
(D) Teachers from worldwide schools

Unit 12 Interviewing and Working 125


Job Satisfaction Track 192

hat kinds of jobs do Americans find the most satisfying?
A study in 2006 by the University of Chicago found
some interesting answers. The study asked almost
30,000 people about how happy they were with their work.
5 These people came from diverse backgrounds and had many
different kinds of jobs.
People who reported being the happiest had jobs caring for,
teaching, or protecting other people. Jobs involving creativity
rated very highly as well. Almost 50% of the study participants said
10 they were happy with these kinds of jobs. In fact, the job with the
highest reported satisfaction was being a clergy member. This
was followed by firefighters, physical therapists, authors,
and teachers. Doctors and lawyers did not report
similar levels of satisfaction. According to the study,
15 this was because of the high degree of responsibility
and stress their jobs entail.
In contrast, the jobs that provided the least
satisfaction were service jobs and low-skilled work.
First on this list was manual labor, not including
20 construction work. Next was clothing sales and
then food packing. Food preparation and serving did not
seem to provide much satisfaction either. Caring for others seems to
be the key to job satisfaction in the U.S.

Discussion Questions

1. What are the most popular or desired kinds of jobs in your country?

2. Is personal satisfaction more important than making money? Why or why not?

3. Why do people respect certain kinds of jobs and disrespect others?

4. What kind of job would be most satisfying to you?

126 Unit 12
Unit Contents Track Number Unit Contents Track Number
Functions Track 1 Functions Track 97
Model Dialog Track 2 Model Dialog Track 98
Short Dialogs Track 3 / Track 4 / Track 5 Short Dialogs Track 99 / Track 100 / Track 101
Pronunciation Track 6 / Track 7 / Track 8 Pronunciation Track 102 / Track 103 / Track 104
1 Oral Responses Track 9 7 Oral Responses Track 105
Written Responses Track 10 Written Responses Track 106
Listening Quiz Track 11 Listening Quiz Track 107
Listening Test Track 12 / Track 13 / Track 14 / Track 15 Listening Test Track 108 / Track 109 / Track 110 / Track 111
Cultural Reading Track 16 Cultural Reading Track 112
Functions Track 17 Functions Track 113
Model Dialog Track 18 Model Dialog Track 114
Short Dialogs Track 19 / Track 20 / Track 21 Short Dialogs Track 115 / Track 116 / Track 117
Pronunciation Track 22 / Track 23 / Track 24 Pronunciation Track 118 / Track 119 / Track 120
2 Oral Responses Track 25 8 Oral Responses Track 121
Written Responses Track 26 Written Responses Track 122
Listening Quiz Track 27 Listening Quiz Track 123
Listening Test Track 28 / Track 29 / Track 30 / Track 31 Listening Test Track 124 / Track 125 / Track 126 / Track 127
Cultural Reading Track 32 Cultural Reading Track 128
Functions Track 33 Functions Track 129
Model Dialog Track 34 Model Dialog Track 130
Short Dialogs Track 35 / Track36 / Track 37 Short Dialogs Track 131 / Track 132 / Track 133
Pronunciation Track 38 / Track 39 / Track 40 Pronunciation Track 134 / Track 135 / Track 136
3 Oral Responses Track 41 9 Oral Responses Track 137
Written Responses Track 42 Written Responses Track 138
Listening Quiz Track 43 Listening Quiz Track 139
Listening Test Track 44 / Track 45 / Track 46 / Track 47 Listening Test Track 140 / Track 141 / Track 142 / Track 143
Cultural Reading Track 48 Cultural Reading Track 144
Functions Track 49 Functions Track 145
Model Dialog Track 50 Model Dialog Track 146
Short Dialogs Track 51 / Track52 / Track 53 Short Dialogs Track 147 / Track 148 / Track 149
Pronunciation Track 54 / Track 55 / Track 56 Pronunciation Track 150 / Track 151 / Track 152
4 Oral Responses Track 57 10 Oral Responses Track 153
Written Responses Track 58 Written Responses Track 154
Listening Quiz Track 59 Listening Quiz Track 155
Listening Test Track 60 / Track 61 / Track 62 / Track 63 Listening Test Track 156 / Track 157 / Track 158 / Track 159
Cultural Reading Track 64 Cultural Reading Track 160
Functions Track 65 Functions Track 161
Model Dialog Track 66 Model Dialog Track 162
Short Dialogs Track 67 / Track 68 / Track 69 Short Dialogs Track 163 / Track 164 / Track 165
Pronunciation Track 70 / Track 71 / Track 72 Pronunciation Track 166 / Track 167 / Track 168
5 Oral Responses Track 73 11 Oral Responses Track 169
Written Responses Track 74 Written Responses Track 170
Listening Quiz Track 75 Listening Quiz Track 171
Listening Test Track 76 / Track 77 / Track 78 / Track 79 Listening Test Track 172 / Track 173 / Track 174 / Track 175
Cultural Reading Track 80 Cultural Reading Track 176
Functions Track 81 Functions Track 177
Model Dialog Track 82 Model Dialog Track 178
Short Dialogs Track 83 / Track 84 / Track 85 Short Dialogs Track 179 / Track 180 / Track 181
Pronunciation Track 86 / Track 87 / Track 88 Pronunciation Track 182 / Track 183 / Track 184
6 Oral Responses Track 89 12 Oral Responses Track 185
Written Responses Track 90 Written Responses Track 186
Listening Quiz Track 91 Listening Quiz Track 187
Listening Test Track 92 / Track 93 / Track 94 / Track 95 Listening Test Track 188 / Track 189 / Track 190 / Track 191
Cultural Reading Track 96 Cultural Reading Track 192

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