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6. MMark all thesee points propperly and joinn all 7.

Do similar connstruction in right side paart
along with ennds A and D iin smooth allong with lowwer half of thhe rectangle.
ppossible curvee. Jooin all points in smooth cuurve. It is
reequired ellipsse.

Fig. 1.22 Radial linee Ellipse givven

majoor and minoor diameter

1.2 Auxiliary (Concen

ntric) circlee method

1. DDraw both axxes as perpenddicular

bbisectors of eaach other & name
n their ennds
as shown.
2. TTaking their iintersecting ppoint as a cennter,
ddraw two conncentric circlees considerinng
bboth as respecctive diameteers.
3. DDivide both circles in 12 eequal parts &
nname as show wn.
4. FFrom all poinnts of outer ciircle draw
vvertical lines downwards aand upwards
5. FFrom all poinnts of inner ciircle draw
hhorizontal linees to intersecct those verticcal
6. MMark all interrsecting pointts properly aas
thhose are the points
p on elliipse.
7. Jooin all these points along with the endds F 1.3 Connstructing ann Auxiliary circle Ellipse
oof both axes in smooth possible curve. It
iss required elllipse.

1.3 To Draw w an Approoximate Elllipse

i. Draww major and minor axess AB and CD D intersectinng at O
ii. Join AC
A with a light construuction line
iiii. With O as and O OA as radiuss, strike the arc AE
iv. With C as centerr and CE as radius, strikke the arc EF
v. Draww perpendicuular bisectorr GH of the line AF; the points K aand J, wheree it intersectts
the axxes are the ccenters of thhe required arcs

vi. Find centers M and
a L by settting off OL L=OM=OJ
vvii. Usingg centers K,, L, M and JJ, draw circuular arcs, the points of tangency
t T are at the
junctuures of the arcs
a on the llines joiningg the centers

Drawing an Approximaate Ellipse

Fig. 1.4 D

1.4 To Draw
w an Ellipsse using thee Trammel Method

i. Draww major and minor axes aat right angles, as shown iin Fig. 1.5
ii. Usinng a strip of ppaper for a traammel mark on it half thee major and minor
m axes, bboth measureed
m the same ennd. Let the pooints on the trrammel be E,E F, and G.
iii. Posittion the tram
mmel on the ddrawing so thhat point F alw ways lies on the major axxis AB and
pointt G always liies on the minnor axis CD..
iv. Markk the point E with each poosition of thee trammel, annd connect thhese points too give the
required ellipse.


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