Module Profex Upsr 2017 (Pemahaman 013) : Read The Passage Below Carefully and Answer The Questions That Follow

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. How did the mousedeer feel when he saw the crab at each checkpoint?

A. sad
B. happy
C. anxious
D. pleased

17. The phrase there is a trick in every trade shows that the crab ______________.

A. found a way to trick the mousedeer

B. did a trade with the mousedeer
C. was tricked by the mousedeer
D. did a trade with other crabs

18. What did the crab do after the mousedeer agreed to the crab?

A. She gathered her friends

B. She raced with her friends
C. She ran as fast as she could
D. She practised with her friends

19. Why was the mousedeer shocked?

A. The crab ran faster than him

B. There was more than one crab
C. The crab was at the checkpoint
D. The crab was not at the checkpoint

20. What is the main idea of the story?

A. The mousedeer is not a popular animal

B. We must always be nice to other people
C. The hermit crab is clever than the mousedeer
D. We shouldnt trick others as they can do the same to us

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the article below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca artikel di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Every doctor will tell us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Moreover, it should be a substantial meal as it fuels us for the day. Yet, many
people skip breakfast.

Children, especially, should never go without breakfast. It causes poor

performance at school and diminishes their learning chances in all areas of life. It
has been proven that children who start their day without breakfast are less able
to learn at school, have a short concentration span and are certainly more irritable.

On the other hand, children who eat breakfast generally do better in school,
are more likely to participate in physical activities and tend to be healthier overall.

The advice therefore is not to leave home in the morning on a empty

stomach. Instead, fuel it up with a healthy breakfast. You have a variety of choices
for breakfast. You can have local food such as thosai or a bowl of porridge. Or you
can enjoy a western breakfast of toast and eggs.

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. What is emphasised in the article?

A. Food to eat for breakfast

B. The varieties of breakfast
C. The importance of breakfast
D. The best time

17. Breakfast fuels us by ______________.

A. giving us energy
B. making us clever
C. making us look nice
D. giving us a nice figure

18. The word diminishes means

A. decreases
B. increases
C. makes
D. gives

19. Children who skip breakfast tend to _____________.

A. be lazy
B. fall sick often
C. become hostile
D. score lower grades in studies

20. To be on an empty stomach is to

A. fall ill
B. be fat
C. be hungry
D. lose weight

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the article below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca artikel di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. Another word for amazing is ________.

A. famous
B. modern
C. prosperous
D. breathtaking

17. If a place is remote, it is___________ .

A. small
B. crowded
C. dangerous
D. far from town

18. Visitors to the beaches can expect to

A. work
B. relax
C. worry
D. stress

19. The following are activities at the beach resort except

A. climbing
B. canoeing
C. swimming
D. snorkelling

20. Why is the best time to go to the beaches between November and May?

A. The humidity is low

B. The hotels are cheaper during these months
C. Few people go to the beach during these months
D. The beaches are cleaner during these months

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the dialogue below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca dialog di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Laura : Good morning, Bee Ling. May I come in?

Bee Ling : Oh Laura! Good morning. Do come in. Can I get you a cup of coffee?

Laura : No. Thank You. I just had a breakfast. At what time is your friend

Vivian arriving by train?

Bee ling : At 11 a.m.

Laura : You have to tell me what she looks like so that I will know who she


Bee Ling : Sure, she is slim and about 175 cm tall. She has straight, shoulder

length hair. She said that she will be wearing a light yellow blouse

with dark blue jeans and will be getting down at Platform 10.

Laura : Alright. I am also excited to see and get to know her.

Bee Ling : Oh yes! She is an interesting girl. Vibian is a very cheerful and lively

person. Anyway, you go ahead and do call me once you have fetched

her. I will be leaving to book our air tickets to Pulau Langkawi at the

travel agency. Vivian has not been there.

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. From the dialogue, we know that Vivian is travelling by

A. taxi
B. train
C. bus
D. car

17. How many times has Laura met Vivian?

A. Never
B. Once
C. Twice
D. Thrice

18. The person with straight shoulder-length hair is

A. Laura
B. Vivian
C. Bee Ling
D. Vivians brother

19. Who is Laura to Bee Ling?

A. Sister
B. Niece
C. Cousin
D. Friend

20. Why does Bee Ling want to take Vivian to Pulau Langkawi?

A. Vivian has never been to Pulau Langkawi.

B. Bee Ling wants to introduce her to Laura.
C. The travel agency has special rates to Pulau Langkawi.
D. Vivian is very interested to go to Pulau Langkawi

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the recipe below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca resipi di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Instant suji thosai

1. Mix contents of pack with 300 ml of water. Stir to a smooth batter

measuring about 400 ml.

2. Grease a flat non-stick taval/griddle with teaspoon oil and heat on

medium flame.

3. Pour 40 ml of batter in the center of the tava and quickly spread it outward
in a spiral motion to form a thin pancake.

4. Sprinkle finely chopped onions, green chillies, curry leaves and tomatoes on

5. Dot the edged with a little oil and cook until brown. Using a spatula,
carefully turn over the suji thosai to cook the other side till golden brown.

6. Serve hot with choice of coconut chutney, dhal or tomato chutney. For a
tasty variant, top the suji thosai with grated cheese.

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. Suji thosai is a traditional

A. Malay food
B. Indian food
C. Chinese food
D. Western food

17. When are the topping added to the suji thosai?

A. While spreading the batter to form a pancake

B. While cooking the batter on the hot tava
C. While mixing the batter in a bowl
D. Just before serving it

18. The suji thosai will probably

A. bitter
B. spicy
C. salty
D. sweet

19. The mixture of suji thosai could probably make about

A. four pancakes
B. six pancakes
C. eight pancakes
D. ten pancakes

20. In your opinion, oil is used to grease the tava/griddle so that the thosai

A. would not be dry to the touch and taste

B. can turn golden brown on medium flame
C. can be easily spread with outward spiral motion
D. can be turn over smoothly and easily with a spatula

10 Khaidarwisys Collections@SKuaT 2017

Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the television guide below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca rancangan television di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.



7.00 a.m. News in Bahasa Malasyia

7.30 a.m. Exercise with Sally Bie

10.00 a.m. English Movie : The Return of Prince Narnia

12.00 noon News in Bahasa Malasyia

12.30 noon Documentary : The Wild Lions of South Africa

1.30 p.m. Comedy Show : Laugh, Laugh, and Laugh

2.30 p.m. The Greatest Circus in the World

4.30 p.m. Cartoons

5.30 p.m. News in Chinese

6.00 p.m. Sports for Everyone

7.00 p.m. Cooking with Desiree Lee

8.00 p.m. News in English

8.20 p.m. News in Tamil

8.30 p.m. Horror Movie : The Vampire Games ( Adults only )

10.30 p.m. Late Night Movie

12.00 midnight Service ends

11 Khaidarwisys Collections@SKuaT 2017

Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. Channel 201 provides service from _______________.

A. 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
B 8 a.m. to 12 noon
C. 7 a.m. to 12 midnight
D. 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

17. Which programme is aired after Exercise with Sally Bie?

A. Cartoons
B. Sports for Everyone
C. The Return of Prince Narnia
D. News in Bahasa Malaysia

18. When is the News in Tamil aired?

A. In the morning
B. At night
C. In the afternoon
D. At midnight

19. If your sister likes comedy, which programme would you sugget for her?

A. Cooking with Desiree Lee

B. The Return of Prince Narnia
C. Vampire Games
D. Laugh, Laugh, and Laugh

20. The horror movie shown at 8.30 p.m. should be watched by

A. adults
B. children
C. teenagers
D. adults and children

12 Khaidarwisys Collections@SKuaT 2017

Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the text below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

13 Khaidarwisys Collections@SKuaT 2017

Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. The process is about _______________.

A. cutting paterns in potatoes

B painting the potatoes
C. how to cut potatoes
D. potato printing

17. Why must you cover the table with old newspaper?

A. To keep it clean
B. To paint the newspaper
C. To read the news while painting
D. To do the potato printing on the newspaper

18. It is advisable to cut the pattern out with a _____________.

A. saw
B. fork
C. pencil
D. penknife

19. Arrange the sentences in the correct order.

1. Apply watercolour paint to the design

2. First, draw the design with a pencil
3. Then, cut it out carefully
4. Finally, press it on the art paper

A. 2, 1, 3, 4
B. 2, 3, 1, 4
C. 1, 2, 3, 4
D. 3, 2, 4, 1

20. Which of the following is not necessary for potato printing?

A. glue
B. paint
C. brush
D. art paper

14 Khaidarwisys Collections@SKuaT 2017

Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the email below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca emel di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

15 Khaidarwisys Collections@SKuaT 2017

Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. What is unhealthy ingredient in our food?

A. Pepper
B Butter
C. Turmeric
D. Cinnamon

17. From the email, we know that Marriane lives in ____________.

A. Holland
B. Thailand
C. Singapore
D. Indonesia

18. Spices in food ______________.

A. have medicinal value

B. make fried food healthy
C. do not make food delicious
D. add artificial flavouring to it

19. The word reduce means ________________.

A. let go
B. give up
C. pull out
D. cut down

20. What can a person who has chest infection from a cold do to cure it?

A. Cook spices to kill bacteria in food

B. Apply turmeric because it is an antiseptic
C. Eat pastries that have cinnamon in them
D. Drink milk with black pepper, honey, and turmeric in it

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the notice below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca notis di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

17 Khaidarwisys Collections@SKuaT 2017

Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. When does the event begin?

A. 9.00 a.m. on 19 July

B 8.00 a.m. on 18 July
C. 9.00 a.m. on 10 July
D. 9.00 a.m. on 18 July

17. What is the main reason for the even above?

A. To collect money
B. To help other people
C. To join the Boy Scouts
D. To buy things for the Boy Scouts

18. Sheena wants to take part in the event. She must ____________.

A. see Kiran Impaseelan

B. wait at the canteen on 19 July
C. donate some money to the Boy Scouts
D. give her name latest a week before the event

19. In the notice,the word you refers to the ________________ of SK Bukit


A. pupils
B. teachers
C. Boy Scout members
D. secretary of the Boy Scouts

20. From the notice, we know that_________________.

A. the fun-raiser lasts for three days

B. pupils will take care of peoples pets
C. Fresh Organic Farm needs gardening done
D. proceeds will be used to purchase desktops

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the letter below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca surat di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. Why did Suzanne write to Amy?

A. To give her points for an essay

B To get Amys advice about an essay
C. To inform her about an essay competition
D. To suggest how to be a better communicator

17. The word points can also be replaced with

A. advice
B. items
C. ideas
D. plans

18. When you look at someone in the eye when you talk, they will

A. understand your message

B. know you are honest
C. also listen to you
D. not get confused

19. Using simple and short sentences can

A. be very confusing
B. help your listeners
C. help from good opinions
D. create interest in the topic

20. Which of the following statements did Suzanne agree with?

A. Talk more and listen less

B. Show the listener that you want to talk
C. Listen as well as talk to the other person
D. Show knowledge in the topic of conversation

20 Khaidarwisys Collections@SKuaT 2017

Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the diary below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca diari di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

21 Khaidarwisys Collections@SKuaT 2017

Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. What is the diary mainly about?

A. A visit to a cactus farm

B A visit to a strawberry farm
C. A day in Cameron Highlands
D. An outing with Uncle Eddy

17. Mabel had hot chocolate and scones ________________.

A. in a famous restaurant
B. at Uncle Eddys house
C. in Brinchang
D. on a farm

18. What did Mable do after lunch?

A. She plucked some strawberries

B. She took a lot o photographs
C. She bought two pots of cacti
D. She helped her cousins

19. The word rare can best be replaced with _____________.

A. green
B. thorny
C. colourful
D. uncommon

20. Mabels diary tells us that she _________________.

A. spent the whole day with Rosie and David

B. had a good day with her relatives
C. bought a jar of strawberry jam
D. had nasi lemak for dinner

22 Khaidarwisys Collections@SKuaT 2017

Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the pictorial map below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca peta bergambar di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

23 Khaidarwisys Collections@SKuaT 2017

Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. Danisha and her friends came to Pulau Batik by ____________.

A. bus
B. taxi
C. ferry
D. motorboat

17. What did Danisha and her friends do on the morning of the second day?
A. They had a meal in the hotel
B. They visited a batik factory
C. They went swimming
D. They went sailing

18. On the third day, Danisha nad her friends

A. watched how batik is made

B. walked through a jungle
C. had seafood for lunch
D. played in the sea

19. What did the girls see on the north of the island?

A. An old castle
B. A fishing village
C. A waterfall
D. A jungle

20. How many nights did Danisha and her friends stay on the island?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

24 Khaidarwisys Collections@SKuaT 2017

Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

Read the advertisement below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca iklan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

16. What is the advertisement about?

A. A sale
B. A free gift
C. A lucky draw
D. A drawing competition

17. How long will the sale be on?

A. 18 days
B. 15 days
C. One week
D. A fortnight

18. I want to buy a tie for my father. I should go to the ____________.

A. Childrens Department
B. Ladies Department
C. Gents Department
D. Furnishing Department

19. Which of the following is not true of the advertisement?

A. Customers will get a free gift for purchases of RM80.00 and above in a single
B. There will be a drawing competition for children below 12 years of age on the
last day of the sale.
C. All discounts are up to 70%
D. The sale is on for 14 days

20. How much does Ena have to pay for her bottle of perfume, priced at RM420.00
after the discount of 50%?

A. RM 370.00
B. RM 210.00
C. RM 110.00
D. RM 84.00

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Module ProFEX UPSR 2017 ( PEMAHAMAN 013 )

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