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Example 1

Proof of Client Liaison and that the meeting that was planned and set out and that all of the
negotiating was happening.

I also then began to do milestone reviews which I will screenshot of below which indicated that I was
taking into consideration of the brief and the timings placed which were negotiated.

Milestone Reviews which were negotiated with the client.

Diary/Publish & Report

Here I started my director document and state set the stage to 832 x 624. But for some
reason I cant add anything in to my macromedia director. So I will need to make it in
premiere then add it in director when I can fix the technical difficulties.
In this image you can see where I added in my clips that I needed to make my TV ident, and I
did this by going to my folder where I have the clips saved, which in my case is Unit 32 Ass
4 and then Assets, so it was easy for me to get them, but if you dont
know where they are but youve just downloaded them, they will be
in your downloads folder which is easy to find because all you have
to do is type downloads into the search bar in the bottom left. As I
was saying, the little box you can see is found straight away when
you open up Adobe Premiere and youve clicked new project and
the box is found in the bottom left. All you have to do to get your
clips in your project and the little box is find the folder, highlight all of
your clips and then drag them into the box and voila, you have them
in your project. I got all the clips I needed from a website called clip
At the start of my TV ident I wanted to let people know what they were about
to watch straight away. So I needed to start off with my logo, and I added this
by going to my project tab where all my clips are stored and clicking on my logo
and dragging it onto my timeline which is to the right of the project tab,
basically right next to it. Once I added that in it looked very bland as is it was
only on a black background, so I needed to spice it up, so I went on YouTube
and try to find some background video I can use, they were mostly of space but
then one clip did catch my eye, it was an underwater video, which looking
peaceful and relaxing and calm, all traits I want for people when they watch
The Grid so I thought it was perfect. I then added the clip into my project and then put it
onto my timeline, and it looked a lot better, but something was still missing; sound effects. I
needed some sound to really spice it up so I went on YouTube once again and found some
logo sound effects and then added it into my project and added it onto my timeline. I then
went onto the effects tab and thought it would be good to add some transition effects and
so I did, this is really easy to do because all you need to do is go to the effects tab and then
find the transition you want and then drag it onto the clip which is on the timeline. Here is
what the timeline looks like at the minute.
I then wanted it to fade into my next clip of a show that will be shown on the channel, and
that show was Friends. So I added in the clip I needed of the show and then added it onto
my timeline but I only needed a part of clip and when I found it a use the cut tool, which
looks like this - . Once you have this selected you can click on any part of the video clip
and it will make an insertion and then I can drag the rest of the clip I dont need away and
then delete it by clicking on the clip and pressing delete on your keyboard. I then added in
a transition effect to the clip to make it look better when it goes off and
comes on to the screen. I then needed to add the music that I have, and so I
went on the project tab and dragged the music I have onto the time and I cut
it down to find the right part of the song that I need. I also had to make sure
that the song didnt play to loud so you can hear the TV show clip and what
they are saying. I did this by dragging the clip I need to the top left in the
source tab and then when its there I clicked on effect controls and adjusted
the volume to what I need. Heres my timeline so far.
Then I wanted to fade into my next show which will be a talk show of
Graham Norton. So I added in the clip I needed and then I cut it down
to the part I needed. I then added in some more transitions to make it
smoother to watch and then its smoother when running through
clips. I then needed to make the sound different and turn it up so the
music doesnt drown out the sound of the chat show. I did this by
dragging the clip I need to the top left in the source tab and then when
its there I clicked on effect controls and adjusted the volume to what I
need. Heres my timeline so far.
Then I wanted to fade into my next show which will be a TV show and this TV show is called
Game of Thrones. So I added in the clip I needed and then I cut it down to the part I needed.
I then added in some more transitions to make it smoother to watch and then its smoother
when running through clips. I then needed to make the sound
different and turn it down as I need the music needs to be
turned up because I want it to take you by surprise. I did this by
dragging the clip I need to the top left in the source tab and then
when its there I clicked on effect controls and adjusted the
volume to what I need. I then unlinked the sound from the clip
for the TV show clip and I deleted it just so its the TV show and I
did this by right clicking it and clicking on unlink. Heres my
timeline so far.
At the end of my TV ident I wanted to let people know what they were about to watch
straight away. So I needed to start off with my logo, and I added this by going to my project
tab where all my clips are stored and clicking on my logo and dragging it onto my timeline
which is to the right of the project tab, basically right next to it. Once I added that in it
looked very bland as is it was only on a black background, so I needed to spice it up, so I
went on YouTube and try to find some background video I can use, they were mostly of
space but then one clip did catch my eye, it was an underwater video, which looking
peaceful and relaxing and calm, all traits I want for people when they watch The Grid so I
thought it was perfect. I then added the clip into my project and then put it onto my
timeline, and it looked a lot better, but something was still missing; sound effects. I needed
some sound to really spice it up so I went on YouTube once
again and found some logo sound effects and then added it into
my project and added it onto my timeline. I then went onto the
effects tab and thought it would be good to add some transition
effects and so I did, this is really easy to do because all you need
to do is go to the effects tab and then find the transition you
want and then drag it onto the clip which is on the timeline.
Here is what the timeline looks like when finished.
I then had to publish my Ident so people could watch it. I did this by going to File Export
Media; after doing this you will be brought to a screen where you will have to choose which
format you want it in. We have to choose QuickTime so I click on the little drop down box at
the top of the screen where it says format, and I selected QuickTime and then click the
Export button and then it is published.
Production Management Report
Scheduling + Meeting Deadlines
The ILP will help me keep everything I have to do in line, as once I look at it I can see what I
have to do on that particular day, or if I'm ill one day I can then check the ILP to see what I
have missed on that day and catch up in my own time. These are very easy to make as all
you need is a word document then you need to think about your time and setting tasks up
to do in that specific time. The timeline will help me keep everything I have to do in line, as
once I look at it I can see what I have to do on that particular day, or if I'm ill one day I can
then check the ILP to see what I have missed on that day and catch up in my own time.
These are very easy to make as all you need is a word document then you need to think
about your time and setting tasks up to do in that specific time. I made milestones by adding
them into my Gantt chart and ILP which made it easier for me to keep up to meeting
deadlines and kept in line with what I need to do so it gives me a schedule to work off.

Management of Resources/Assets
I have to make sure that I have everything in order because if I dont I can get very confused
very easily. I made a folder and when I got all the assets that I had gathered I stored them in
there so it was easy to access and could find what I needed very quick.

Working to a Client Brief

We are given a client brief which tell us everything we need to do in order to meet the
clients needs. For the task we needed to make a new digital channel called The Grid, and it
is due to be launched next year. They have identified their target audience as 18-30 year
olds and are aiming to broadcast a mix of music videos, imported American sitcoms and
youth oriented chat shows. They need you to originate and plan a range of TV Idents for the
channel and produce at least one of them. This is a lot of work to do so I needed to plan and
I did this by making a timeline and an ILP which is key for this otherwise I would be all over
the place so it keeps me in line with what I have to do. I have a good record for meeting
deadlines and also working to what it is needed to a high standard so, so this puts me it a
good place.
Liaison with Clients
I had multiple meetings with the client as I can show them what I have made and it allows
them to see whether or not they like the direction the design is going in. I had the first
meeting when I made the logo and I had this to say I have shown my logo and dope sheets
to the client and she is very pleased with the amount of detail I have put into the storyboard
and she likes the simple effect I was going for and she really likes the little slant effect I
added into my logo, she also liked the amount of detail I added in my dope sheets and she
wants me to add how long each one will run for, which I have done and this should be find
now as it matches the 30 seconds it should last for. I then had a second meeting and had
this to say I have shown the client my TV ident and she believes that it is good. I told her
that I wanted to start my TV ident in macromedia director but I ran into problems and once I
added in my clips it would crash my file, so I had to create it in Adobe Premiere. I have
nearly finished and will finish on the deadline but I just need to add the transition effects.
Then I had a third and final meeting and had this to say The client said my TV ident was
great and I just need to export it now, she knows the reason behind doing my work on
Adobe Premiere. The client also said my dairy was really detailed but it just needed
spreading out a bit more as its all really contested and close together so I will do that, I also
need to finish off my diary and then Ive finished everything.

Client Negotiation
This is where if when I showed the client my work and they said I need to change anything.
But they said I didnt need to change anything which was really uplifting to me as they gave
me confidence in my abilities.
To conclude I believe that everything I have done as been a success from storing the assets,
to the client liaisons and to the scheduling and the meeting deadlines, it has been a success
for me, and I am very pleased with the outcome.
Statistical Report
I think the feedback I got was rather good as everyone said it was good and it was easy to
tell what the TV Ident is all about, and this is the aim. I believe the TV Ident was really
professional and looked good, I also added in a lot of transitions into the advert and a lot of
effects like text transitions and audio transitions which means the sound fades out which
helps a lot when trying to make it look professional. I started my TV Ident by using a
software called Adobe Premiere as this gave the best chance of making an Ident look
professional and plus it came with all the things needed to make my advert to the best it can
be, so this is why I chose this software. I had a few clips to choose for my Ident as this gave
me the best chance of making my advert the best it could be. I had some transition effects
in my Ident and this allowed me to make it look a lot better and a lot more professional so
this helps a lot. I also had to crop down video clips to make it the right length and I did this
by going on the timeline and adjusting the length by dragging it from the side into the length
they want. I then have added in a rewind effect and I did this by right clicking on the clip and
clicking on time/duration and ticking the reverse video box and this will make it look a lot
more professional.
Is it easy for you to tell what the channel is called and

Yes No

Here you can see I have done a graph of a question that I asked to the 10 people that
viewed my advert. This allows me to get a better understanding of the questions that I have
asked and I can gain a quick understanding of what people are thinking about my advert.
This helps me a lot when I need to gain some information very quick, I can look at this chart
and see how many people said something about a particular question.

Is my TV Ident too long?

Yes No Could be shorter

Here you can see I have done a graph of a question that I asked to the 10 people that
viewed my advert. This allows me to get a better understanding of the questions that I have
asked and I can gain a quick understanding of what people are thinking about my advert.
This helps me a lot when I need to gain some information very quick, I can look at this chart
and see how many people said something about a particular question.
I think the feedback I got was very good as everyone said it was good and it was easy to tell
what the TV Ident is all about, and this is the aim. I believe the TV Ident was really
professional and looked good, I also added in a lot of transitions into the advert and a lot of
effects like text transitions and audio transitions which means the sound fades out which
helps a lot when trying to make it look professional.
Employer Expectations
Employability Skills
You are needed to work to a client brief which tell us everything we need to do in order to
meet the clients needs. For the task I needed to make a new digital channel called The Grid,
and it is due to be launched next year. They have identified their target audience as 18-30
year olds and are aiming to broadcast a mix of music videos, imported American sitcoms
and youth oriented chat shows. They need you to originate and plan a range of TV Idents for
the channel and produce at least one of them. This is a lot of work to do so I needed to plan
and I did this by making a timeline and an ILP which is key for this otherwise I would be all
over the place so it keeps me in line with what I have to do. This gives you an insight in to
what you need to do.
I barely had to use maths, but I used it when I needed to do a particular job, for example,
setting the stage size although I didnt need to do that because I had to change to Adobe
Premiere and this didnt need to be changed as it does it for you. Also doing a budget that I
needed for it and I needed to spend 4000 and I need to subtract sums away from that sum.
I used English throughout this entire assignment as Im writing a lot of text so I need to
make sure my spelling and punctuation is good otherwise it wont look professional and the
client wouldnt trust me again.
I was using a lot of software that could be deemed as hard to work, software like Adobe
Premiere, Photoshop, Director and many others as I need.
We communicate a lot throughout the entire assignment because I need to communicate
with the client all the time. We also communicate through things like a client liaison and this
helps us know what the client likes and doesnt like.
You always have to be on time, and I always am on time, this helps when doing this because
if you are not in on time you can lose time that need to work on a particular thing. Also
attendance is very key because if you dont attend you wont be able to get the work done
on time.
Work Placement
I dont have any work placement at the moment.
Legal & Ethical
Copyright design and patents which was made in 1988 - act was made for two purpose,
and two purpose only. Making sure people got rewarding for all the hard work they are
doing, and also the creator of whatever that may be, i.e. logo, protection so it cant be
Before the act, there was nothing people could do, to stop people from stealing their work.
This law applies to people who copy software, videos, mp3 songs and images. If you take a
something that is not yours, you can get in serious trouble without the permission of the
creator of whatever it is youre taking. That is today, if you steal something off someone and
without asking, you can go to jail for a very long time. Or if it is your first time doing and you
plead a good case and dont get jailed, you will be fined.
This applies to our work because we need to be getting images, videos and many more off
the internet. Some videos have a disclaimer in the description, saying you cant use this
video. Some other video descriptions will say you can use this video but you have to say
where you got the video from, or at least give some praise to the person who made the
video. If that is the case, I can then add it to my multimedia product. I also have to find
images off the internet, but the images can be a lot harder to find out if they are
copyrighted. There is a special website which you can put the image into the website to find
out if it has been copyrighted, if not I can use it in my energy drink advert if it has been
copyrighted I will have to find a different image. You can sometimes get away with using
that image though, but you have to take the image, put it in Photoshop and change it by
70% to make it your own, you might as well make your own graphic if you do that. I will then
be trying to find music and this will be tough because latest music tends to my copyrighted
and then I will have to find a different song which may not be as good. Luckily many songs
have a disclaimer in the description of YouTube videos and then I can find a different song
or if that song says I can use it and I like it I will use that song.
Working in any kind of social media products e.g. Facebook and Twitter, there are rules that
apply depending on what you say or what youre allowed to do on it. They do this to protect
people from hurtful comments, which could cause huge problems for themselves in the
For some reason people think these rules apply in the world but not on the internet. But
saying that its a lot easier to get away with it online. However, IP addresses can be tracked
from the people who say these nasty comments. They get tracked if they see these
comments and do not tolerate it, or the person receiving these nasty comments tells about
it. It all depend on how bad the messages are; everybody has a troll which is someone
who says things to annoy you up but people who say really nasty things are not trolls. If
you get caught doing this, you can get put in prison for a certain amount of time.
This applies to my TV ident because if we discriminate a certain race or gender people wont
watch my advert and then they will be very insulted and then they will report my advert
thus meaning the company will fail, and even if we make a good one next time, people will
always remember us for doing that. So we need to be careful. Because if someone finds
something offensive in any way shape or form and they make a complaint you can be in a
lot of trouble. But Im sure I wont do that. There are many types of ethical laws such as:
Decency. Decency is where you cannot break the rules. The main one is the Obscene
Publications Act. This can happen when you include in your product impolite information.
Another one is Libel. Libel is where you cant make a written report or statement about a
certain individual which could be deemed harmful towards their reputation or just them in
general. You have to be careful what your write if you are lying about what you write you
can get into serious trouble. Another one is Slander. Slander is where you cant make a
spoken statement about a certain individual which (once again) can be deemed harmful
towards their reputation or just them in general. This once again is very serious topic
especially when you say it to the wrong person. The main extreme type of slander is racism.
If you are caught being racist you can be thrown in prison. But it also can be many different
types such as: gender, disability, sexuality and nationality.
Web & TV copyright is the highest form of copyright known to man, its the most common,
and its the most dangerous. Copying something from the internet that isnt yours can get
you in serious trouble if you try and make money out of it anyway. If you try and take
something that doesnt belong to and put it on your TV show then you are going to get into
a lot of trouble, for example, using a song as your song intro and you didnt ask the band for
permission, that is copyright and that is stealing. You need to ask before you can use, and if
they say know find a different song. Its just like using a song on your website which you
make money off, or using a song half way through your YouTube video, if you didnt ask to
use it your account will have a copyright claim and then you can get your account closed
down and then you cant make any money; same thing with TV, use someone elses music
and then you will get fined the show could get cancelled, its better to be safe than sorry.
Clearances Clearances have always been tough to get a hold of, but since I wont need to do a lot
of shooting in multiple places I dont need to have permission from anyone to film there. I will need
to get permission to film at college so I will need to ask the head teacher and after I get the
permission I will be fine. Since I will be filming mostly at home I wont need permission so it isnt an
issue at all. I will also be needing to ask for the actors permission because if I dont get their
permission to be in the advert they can sue me which will look bad on the TV Ident.

Example 2

Planning Report
In this task I will ensure you that I have planned my production of my chosen product
which is a cereal bar in the form of a report.
Possible roles
There are lots of different roles when filming this advert and in the production of the advert.
Someone has to make everything, the logo and the cereal bar wrapper and other things
along those lines. Another role is actor, every single advert needs an actor otherwise the
advert wouldnt be very good, you may not need an actor, lets say youre making a cartoon
advert then you would need any physical actors, but you will still need a voice actor to have
the voice of the cartoon character or to have the voiceover in the advert. Another possible
role is a director, you need a director to keep everyone in line and to tell people what to do
and how the advert should be looking like and how they want it to look like. Another role is
cameraman, every single advert needs a camera man otherwise you would have to film it
yourself but it wouldnt look as good as someone who is paid to do it, so youre better off
hiring a cameraman. Another role is an editor, and his job is crucial because it is down to
him to edit all the film that the actors and the director has made, he also edits the sound
mostly although and they can get a sound expert or sound designer to it for him, but if the
advert is working on a low budget they can just have the editor.

Task Definitions and Deadlines

Time is a very unstable thing because of course it will have a deadline,
but you dont want to rush it and it be not the best it can be so you
have to take your time with things like this. I manage my time by
having an ILP, Timeline and Gantt chart will help me keep everything I
have to do in line, as once I look at it I can see what I have to do on
that particular day, or if I'm ill one day I can then check the ILP to see
what I have missed on that day and catch up in my own time. These
are very easy to make as all you need is a word document then you
need to think about your time and setting tasks up to do in that
specific time. A proposed schedule is the exact same thing but it is normally used on a
bigger scale, for example, in 2016 I plan a big movie and by 2017 it is actually has been
made and is finished editing; a proposed schedule is something along those lines, but it isnt
just about movies it can be about anything on a big scale.

Agreed Content
I have been asked to plan and create a media product where the outcome is a video TV
advertisement. I will need to be a project manager in order to create this TV advert, it can
be numerous things for example, it can be an advertisement for a new radio or a TV
program e.g. Heart, it can be an advertisement for brand new trainers, and it can be an
advertisement for a new cereal bar. I have weighed up my options and have chosen a cereal
bar. When the client looked at my work she said it was good and not a lot had to be
changed the only things that I need to do are show her my Gantt chart and also colour in my
storyboards and mood boards.
We havent had any meetings but we will have some form of a meeting when I am actually
making the advert I will be monitored in what I do, when Im doing little things, for example
when Im editing and I show the client she can decide whether she likes that effect or not or
if she doesnt like the whole layout of the advert and how it flows she can tell me and then I
can change it to best suit her. If she likes what Im doing, then thats great and I dont have
to change it much and just keep doing what Im doing.

The equipment I will needs is: For this project I will need:
A camera.
A camera stand or multiple.
I will need multiple blank cereal bars.
I will need a computer.
I will need some editing software whether that be for making the logo in Adobe
Photoshop or editing the advert in Adobe Premiere.
I wont be using too many locations as my advert is quite simple, I will
be using my own home and maybe the college. I will be using these
because they have everything I need for my advert and that is a bed which I will be waking
up from, a bathroom to show me getting ready and then leaving my home for college and
then I will need the college to show me walking about the college and then working at the
college, but if I cant get any clearances for filming at the college then I will just do it all at
home as I have computer there too so it wont be too much of a lost.
Identify any Risks to the Project


Battery Dies. Me. It can happen if When using the camera, I must make
the battery hasnt sure it is fully charged until use,
been charged otherwise I could be filming outside
fully or I forgot and then the battery begins to die so
to charge it up. I go and charge it again and then the
weather is bad. To avoid this, I could
bring some spare batteries so it
wont affect me.
Bad Weather. Actors/Me We live in There is no real scale of action for
England, so very this as I cant control the weather
likely. but I have to make sure that when
the weather is okay, I need to be
filming otherwise I will never end up
recording anything.
The Camera Could Be Me. Not likely, but is a Make sure I am wearing a harness of
Broken. possibility. some sort and then it cant be
dropped. I can also make sure the
camera is on a stand so it cant be
Illness. Actors/Me Could happen, but If anyone is ill, make sure I ring in
probably wont. college the day before to say I wont
be in so someone else can use the
camera and the equipment.

We need to make sure that everything has a backup otherwise we could lose a lot of work
that we have done. The advert itself needs to have at least 2-3 backups otherwise if one
save file corrupts then I will lose all my work and will have to start again. If Im filming with
a camera I will need to make sure that I bring a backup battery for the camera in case the
battery life dies, so will need to be careful. If Im not using a camera and Im
using my phone I need to make sure the video files work on Adobe Premiere
because if they dont I wont have any work after recording it all, so I will need
to make sure I have tested it beforehand otherwise I can be in serious trouble.
I started my advert by using a Adobe Premiere as this gave my the best chance of making
advert look professional and plus it came with all the things needed to make my advert to
the best it can be, so this is why I chose this software.
Here you can see I added in my first part of my video on my timeline, I did this by importing
my videos by highlighting all the clips I want to use and then dragging them into the project
tab and there I can see all my clips that I have recorded them I have got the first clip that I
want to use then I have dragged it on to the timeline into the place I want it to be.

Here you can see I added in my second part of my video on my timeline, I did this by getting
the second clip that I want to use then I have dragged it on to the timeline into the place I
want it to be.

Here you can see I added in my third part of my video on my timeline, I did this by getting
the third clip that I want to use then I have dragged it on to the timeline into the place I
want it to be.
Here you can see I added in another part of my video on my timeline, I did this by getting
the other clip that I want to use then I have dragged it on to the timeline into the place I
want it to be.

Here you can see I added in another part of my video on my timeline, I did this by getting
the other clip that I want to use then I have dragged it on to the timeline into the place I
want it to be.

Here you can see I added in another part of my video on my timeline, I did this by getting
the other clip that I want to use then I have dragged it on to the timeline into the place I
want it to be.
Now I need to have a rewind effect and to do this I needed to right click on the clip that
needs to be rewinded and then click on speed/duration, and from there you will see a little
box that says reverse speed and what you need to do is click on that and then it's checked
and then it's done. And I have done this for every clip that is needed it for.

Here you can see I have added in the other parts of my video that I need on my timeline, I
did this by getting the other clips that I want to use then I have dragged it on to the timeline
into the place I want it to be.
Here I have added in my logo and slogan to the ending so people know what it is about and what the
product is called.

Here I have selected effects and I am choosing some transitions between every single clip to add so
it looks more professional and just more appealing to watch instead of rubbish jump cuts.

Here I have exported it to the best quality I can possibly make as this is now able to be put out for
people to watch.


Production Management Report

In this task I will ensure you that I have managed my production of my chosen product
which is a cereal bar in the form of a report.
I need to get everything I need to start and I need to make sure I use the time I have
available carefully. Time is a very unstable thing because of course it will have a deadline,
but you dont want to rush it and it be not the best it can be so you have to take your time
with things like this. I manage my time by having an ILP, and this ILP allows me to look at
what I was supposed to be doing that day and then crack on with the work, and this helps
me a lot, as if I miss a day due to illness, I can check up on the ILP and see what I was
supposed to be doing for that day and then carry on with the work in my own time. I have
created dope sheets and storyboards which will help me know what I am doing. Creating
storyboards will be key when making our advert and logo and the wrapper of the cereal bar.
These storyboards will contain drawings of what the logo will look like and what the cereal
bar wrapper will look like. On the sides there will be notes of the
drawings and in the notes section I will be able to discuss whats
going through my head whilst I was drawing these, for example,
what kind of logo and what effect it will have on it and what kind of
wrapper itll be and what effect it will have on it, everything that I
dont draw on will be in the notes section to give people a better
understanding. I will also have to colour it in so people will gain an
understanding about the colours I want the logo and the wrapper
to be as the cereal bar has to be unisex I have to be careful with the
wrapper and logo.
Production Phase
Once making it I have to do everything that I said I was going to and once again I have to be
careful with my time because if I go over I can easily fall behind and not match the deadline
so I have to go off the ILP and go off the dope sheets. I will be filming mostly at home as it
has everything I need to be used there, and I will start off waking up then getting ready for
college and then I will leave the house but bump into the door
and this will show that Im clearly not on the ball. I will then fall
asleep in class and then it will rewind and I will wake up again
and get ready but before I walk out of the door I get a cereal
bar and I eat it and leave normally and then at college Im
working much better. I will work in this manner and hopefully
get it done in one if not I will struggle a lot but I believe I will be
I now have to edit everything on Adobe Premiere. I also need a lot of software but the main
software I will use is called Premiere, this is the easiest way to make the cereal bar advert
for the band because it has a lot of special effects on it already which you can add like rolling
images and rollover images. You can also set the stage to whatever you want you can also
add in all the images you want. It also has buttons ready made for you which all you have to
do is drag onto an image or a button and you can also add text and you can change it into a
scrolling textbox which allows people to view more text when they are viewing on the page
on your product. I am also using Adobe Premiere for editing the videos to the right size and
length, I can also make the sound louder in the software. We are using Adobe Premiere
because you can adjust the video a lot on this software because there is a lot of features
instead of a free software, for example, 'Windows Live Movie Maker'. I then have to export
it so people can watch it.

Management Techniques
Agile methods offer a different alternative to the more traditional style of project
managements. This kind of method is usually used in software development and it helps the
team working on this being able to work a lot faster than they are used too because of the
method that is in play, and normally when they work this fast they tend to call it sprints.
Companies tend to use agile methods to get work done a lot faster as they have to meet a
deadline or something along those lines. Using a scrum method is the most popular method
in the workplace as its the most efficient way to get work done in a workplace. This method
is usually used when they have a short project that needs being made it gets feedback from
employees and has team management skills in it.

Contingency Plans
I will not be doing this myself as I will need someone to record for me and I will need
numerous people to act in my advert. I will be moving around locations a lot so I will need to
have travel taken care of and as I cant drive or have a bike, I will need to rely on someone
else for travel whether that be a bus or a train or get someone to give me a lift in their car. I
will maybe need some people to act in my advert as I may have people sitting near me doing
work as well or the sound of typing of the keyboards or the sounds of talking in the
background but if I couldnt get anyone to work with me to act in my advert then I can
always make the sounds myself, and I can do this by taking a phone recording of the
keyboard typing and then convert it into a sound file and then I can use it in
my advert. For this project I will need:
A camera.
A camera stand or multiple.
Multiple actors.
Multiple locations, whether that be at home or out and about.
I will need multiple blank cereal bars.
I will need a computer.
I will need some editing software whether that be for making the logo
in Adobe Photoshop or editing the advert in Adobe Premiere.
Monitoring and Reviews
I made milestones by adding them into my Gantt chart and ILP. I did this because it allows
me to see what I am working towards and it gives me a goal to work towards when Im
doing my work. I like doing this because it helps me and it looks good for the future because
I like to set goals, and this will help me when I start to make advert as I will need to make
sure that I finish filming in time for the deadline and so I will make sure I add milestones
such as finish a particular part of filming and this will allow me to meet the deadline
efficiently as Im doing everything in sections.
Crisis Management
There is a lot of crisis when filming an advert anything can happen, here are a few things
that can happen: battery dies, bad weather, the camera could be broken, or illness. You can
deal with these crisis by taking a lot of precautions and here are some: when using the
camera, I must make sure it is fully charged until use, otherwise I could be filming outside
and then the battery begins to die so I go and charge it again and then the weather is bad.
To avoid this, I could bring some spare batteries so it wont affect me;
there is no real scale of action for this as I cant control the weather but I
have to make sure that when the weather is okay, I need to be filming
otherwise I will never end up recording anything; make sure I am wearing a
harness of some sort and then it cant be dropped. I can also make sure
the camera is on a stand so it cant be dropped; and finally, if anyone is ill,
make sure I ring in college the day before to say I wont be in so someone
else can use the camera and the equipment.
Quality Control
The quality control is key when making an advert as I need to make sure it is good quality so
I will make sure that the camera I use will be good quality. I will be using my iPhone to
record with as this is very good HD quality which will make it look a lot more professional
and the sound quality of the iPhone is very good too which will help when people will be
talking in the advert. I have chosen to use my iPhone instead of a
camera because its a lot more practical than taking a camera home
from college to film this advert so its easier to film off my phone, and
if you think that well it will lack video quality because its being filmed
on a camera instead of an iPhone, you are wrong because my iPhone
has the same video quality if not better. I also chose to film at home
rather than at college because it was more practical for my advert as its mostly leaving
home before going to college, so it made sense to film at home.
Meeting Submission Dates
I meet submission dates by creating ILPs and Gantt charts so I can
have time to create my product. Time is a very unstable thing
because of course it will have a deadline, but you dont want to rush
it and it be not the best it can be so you have to take your time with
things like this. I manage my time by having an ILP, Timeline and
Gantt chart will help me keep everything I have to do in line, as once
I look at it I can see what I have to do on that particular day, or if I'm
ill one day I can then check the ILP to see what I have missed on that
day and catch up in my own time. These are very easy to make as all
you need is a word document then you need to think about your
time and setting tasks up to do in that specific time.
Modifications after Pitch or Completion
I have been asked to plan and create a media product where the outcome is a video TV
advertisement. I will need to be a project manager in order to create this TV advert, it can
be numerous things for example, it can be an advertisement for a new radio or a TV
program e.g. Heart, it can be an advertisement for brand new trainers, and it can be an
advertisement for a new cereal bar. I have weighed up my options and have chosen a cereal
bar. When the client looked at my work she said it was good and not a lot had to be
changed the only things that I need to do are show her my Gantt chart and also colour in my
storyboards and mood boards.

Questionnaire Statistical & Evaluation

I think the feedback I got was rather good as everyone said it was good and it was easy to
tell what the advert is about, and this is the aim. I believe the advert was really professional
and looked good, I also added in a lot of transitions into the advert and a lot of effects like
text transitions and audio transitions which means the sound fades out which helps a lot
when trying to make it look professional.
Technical Qualities
I started my advert by using a software called Adobe Premiere as this gave the best chance
of making advert look professional and plus it came with all the things needed to make my
advert to the best it can be, so this is why I chose this software. I had a few clips to choose
for my advert as this gave me the best chance of making my advert the best it could be. I
had some transition effects in my advert and this allowed me to make it look a lot better
and a lot more professional so this helps a lot. I also had to crop down video clips to make it
the right length and I did this by going on the timeline and adjusting the length by dragging
it from the side into the length they want. I then have added in a rewind effect and I did this
by right clicking on the clip and clicking on time/duration and ticking the reverse video box
and this will make it look a lot more professional.
Aesthetic Qualities
The aesthetic qualities I used made the advert a lot better in my opinion which helps a lot
when trying to make people watch my advert and buy my cereal bar. I used sound effects in
my advert for when I woke up, an alarm made a noise to give the illusion of an alarm clock
going off and waking me up like a normal day. This is to show that is an everyday occurrence
in peoples lives and people could relate to the advert. The music I used I got off the internet
and I made sure that it isnt copyrighted which helps a lot when making the advert as I dont
have to worry about people making a complaint about the advert and the music I used so
this is why I did this.
Realisation of Proposal
Creating storyboards will be key when making our advert and logo and the wrapper of the
cereal bar. These storyboards will contain drawings of what the logo will look like and what
the cereal bar wrapper will look like. On the sides there will be notes of the drawings and in
the notes section I will be able to discuss whats going through my head whilst I was drawing
these, for example, what kind of logo and what effect it will have on it and what kind of
wrapper itll be and what effect it will have on it, everything that I dont draw on will be in
the notes section to give people a better understanding. I will also have to colour it in so
people will gain an understanding about the colours I want the logo and the wrapper to be
as the cereal bar has to be unisex I have to be careful with the wrapper and logo. This went
to according to plan and so did the dope sheets which I created to make my advert off and
this went according to plan as well.

Fitness for Purpose

I have been asked to plan and create a media product where the outcome is a video TV
advertisement. I will need to be a project manager in order to create this TV advert, it can
be numerous things for example, it can be an advertisement for a new radio or a TV
program e.g. Heart, it can be an advertisement for brand new trainers, and it can be an
advertisement for a new cereal bar. I will weigh up my options and choose which on is the
best to use by brainstorming.
Target Audience

6 to 10 10 to 17 18+

Here you can see I have done a graph of a question that I asked to the 10 people that
viewed my advert. This allows me to get a better understanding of the questions that I have
asked and I can gain a quick understanding of what people are thinking about my advert.
This helps me a lot when I need to gain some information very quick, I can look at this chart
and see how many people said something about a particular question.

Gender Aimed At

Male Female Both

Here you can see I have done a graph of a question that I asked to the 10 people that
viewed my advert. This allows me to get a better understanding of the questions that I have
asked and I can gain a quick understanding of what people are thinking about my advert.
This helps me a lot when I need to gain some information very quick, I can look at this chart
and see how many people said something about a particular question.


Task 3
I have been asked to plan and create a media product where the outcome is a video TV
advertisement. I will need to be a project manager in order to create this TV advert, it can
be numerous things for example, it can be an advertisement for a new radio or a TV
program e.g. Heart, it can be an advertisement for brand new trainers, and it can be an
advertisement for a new cereal bar. I will weigh up my options and choose which on is the
best to use by brainstorming.
Radio/TV Program

It can be easy to get the message across for a radio or a TV program as there isnt
much information to tell, for example, a radio show you just have to play music that
will be played on that radio station.
Easy to film for a TV program, you only have to show a part of the TV show so people
know what theyre watching straight away.
Other radio adverts have always had rememberable adverts, so if I made a radio
advert it will take a lot to match the other standards of other radio stations, so this
will make it difficult.
Will need to make a logo and a catchphrase, the logo and catchphrase will have to
be rememberable and catchy because people wont remember a stupid catchphrase
that makes no sense and poorly made logo, so I will have to be careful in that
The trainers I will have to make myself as they are a new brand, I have looked up the
latest trends of trainers and they all have a very similar design, so it shouldnt be too
hard to make some trainers that everyone will like and people will buy.
The advert has to be rememberable otherwise people will forget about the shoes
and they wont take the adverts seriously and they want tell other people about the
shoes, so the advert is key. I have looked up a lot of trainer adverts and most of
them are doing running to show what the trainers are actually made for and they
also show them for comfort or just walking around but mostly doing running and
going the gym.
I also need to make a logo and a catchphrase, the logo and catchphrase will have to
be rememberable and catchy because people wont remember a stupid catchphrase
that makes no sense and poorly made logo, so I will have to be careful in that
I also need to think about social media because thats what all the teenagers are
using these days and if the trainers are linked somewhere to the trainers because
thatll mean they will all then look into the trainers.
Cereal Bar

Making a cereal bar advert is very easy to get your point across as people need to
know what the cereal bar is needed for and what kind of cereal bar it is and why it is
needed in your diet. This will have to be clear when making it otherwise people
wont even know what it is for.
The advert has to be rememberable otherwise people wont buy the cereal bar as
people wont even know it exists and if doesnt get into peoples minds it will be a lot
harder to sell the advert to people.
I will also need to make a logo, and maybe a catchphrase, although the catchphrase
isnt really important its nice to have a slogan as people will remember that went
eating the bar, for example, a snickers bar yes it may not be a cereal bar but it still
has a catchy slogan has the slogan Snickers, get some nuts, people always
remember this and this helps them sell the advert and the product, so I may have to
do something similar.
I have looked around at other cereal bars and they always end on a witty line or a
slogan, and they always have social media links as this helps people get involved
easier if they want to find out more or have any problems, they also have the
adverts short and straight to the point, they dont beat around the bush so this is
needed when I make the advert.

Because I am making an advert for a college and a particular course it will need
to friendly and have a chilled vibe out it because if it seems hectic, young people
arent going to be interested in the college and the course.
Social media links would be needed because the target audience for people
watching the advert would be young people and they all use social media so if
they are thinking about joining the college this would prove useful.
I would need permission from the college to film there and get some peoples
views, for example, interview where I ask students what they think about the
college and the course.
I wouldnt have to make a logo and catchphrase as this is already made for me so
this would require less work done in this area so it will take quicker to make.
To conclude I believe the advert will be hard no matter what I choose, but I decided to
choose cereal bar as this advert will be the best for my abilities as I have a good idea in my
mind about what I could do that will capture my target audience. My target audience is
aimed at ages 15-20 but anyone can have the cereal bar but at this target audience I have a
lot of freedom to make my advert.
Task 4 Research
Audience Research
Age I need to think very carefully about my target audience as I dont want to have a
specific gender as its only a cereal bar and it doesnt matter who eats it. The target
audience is very key when making an advert so I need to make sure that target audience is
stupid for the product Im doing, for example, I shouldnt make my target audience for 2-6
year olds as they really wouldnt care about a cereal bar so I would need to make sure my
target audience is a silly age. My target audience is 15-20 year olds as this the age when
people are rushing around and cant get a breakfast, so this will fulfil their needs in that
aspect so I would need to think about what time would be best to show my advert; the
prime time would be normally around 5pm - 10pm as this is when teenagers and young
adults are most active on TV, so that time is the best to do it at. I would also have to take
into consideration the channel I would show my
advert on as teenagers and young adults only
watch certain TV channels, for example,
channels like Comedy Central and Dave these
channels would be perfect to showcase my
advert on. I will also need to make sure the
actual advert isnt too childish or isnt too
mature either.
Gender Gender, just like target audience is very crucial when making a new product
because you dont want to come across as being sexist. The
cereal bar will be made for boys and girls so it doesnt matter
who eats it, but I need to make sure the advert and the product
isnt to masculine or to feminine either. This does mean it will be
more difficult when Im designing the cereal bar as its much
easier to design it for a particular gender and also the same story
for making the advert it cant be to gender set so I will have to
be careful when making it.
Socio-Economic Grouping Socio-economic grouping is something you can look at to see
how high up someone is in a company and how much their income is for that particular skill
set or job. The cereal doesnt need to take this in to account as much as something like
trainers because cereal bars dont cost a lot of money but it still needs to be taken into
consideration anyway. The cereal bar is aimed at 15-20 year olds so as it doesnt require a
lot of money to be bought the socio-economic grouping chart is useless, because at the max
the cereal bar would be sold for about 1 and since my target audience wont be bringing in
a lot of money anyway, its really cheap so it wont break the bank.
Lifestyle The lifestyle of my target audience is a busy
lifestyle as they have to be rushing around for college or
university or even their job, so they are always on the
go. This means the cereal bar will fit perfectly with their
lifestyle as they may not get time to eat breakfast as
they are rushing one day so then the best alternative is the cereal bar that we have made,
this will appeal to this age as it has all the things you need to make sure theyre ready for
their day. It doesnt matter where they are, train, car, bus or even bike they can still eat
their cereal bar without any hassle whatsoever.
Audience Figures
RAJAR RAJAR stands for Radio Joint Audience Research and what they do is they look at
TV channels and measure and record how many people are watching that channel at that
one given time. They are owned by the BBC and the Radiocentre which they co-own
together. RAJAR was created in 1992 to identify radios viewing figures and record them
unlike nowadays where they identify and record TV channel viewing figures, but they still do
it in the same place, the United Kingdom. They dont just identify viewing figures for TV
channels they also identify where the TV channel is being watched from, whether that be
from home or at work or just somewhere else entirely it doesnt matter as they will identify
This can help me as I can find out the viewing figures of a particular channel and place my
advert there so the most people see the advert, this will help my cereal bar grow and will
also let people know about it. I will also need to be careful with the time, I need to choose
the time wisely so I will look up when the channel is most viewed at specific time on RAJAR.

BARB BARB stands for Broadcasters Audience Research Board and what they do is that
they look at TV channels and measure and record how many people are viewing that
channel at that specific time, but they just view the figures of how many people are
watching they also record television ratings of what people rate the channel and TV shows
as well. BARB was created in 1981 to replace two old TV channels viewing companies and
this meant ITV had to use a different company and so did the BBC. Now, BARB is co-owned
by multiple channels, some include Channel 4, Sky, ITV, BBC and the Institute of
Practitioners in Advertising.
This can help me as I can find out the viewing figures of a particular channel and place my
advert there so the most people see the advert, this will help my cereal bar grow and will
also let people know about it. I will also need to be careful with the time, I need to choose
the time wisely so I will look up when the channel is most viewed at specific time on BARB.

ABC ABC stands for Audit Bureau of Circulations and what they do is they look at TV
channels and also see if the TV adverts that are playing on there are up to scratch and real
and look good and they then give them ABCs industry Stamp of Trust and when they have
this you know is has been put through the system and you know you can trust the channel
and also trust the product that the advert is selling. The Audit Bureau of Circulations is
based in the United Kingdom and goes through every single channel and advert on that
channel to make sure it is safe.

This can help me as I can find out the viewing figures of a particular channel and place my
advert there so the most people see the advert, this will help my cereal bar grow and will
also let people know about it. I will also need to be careful with the time, I need to choose
the time wisely so I will look up when the channel is most viewed at specific time on BARB.
CAA CAA stands for Cinema Advertising Association and what they do is maintain,
monitor and promote cinema advertising. This includes all cinema commercials to be a high
standard, they wont play adverts from anyone they need to be good and you need to be
have monitored by someone else beforehand or be already be a big company and if thats
the case its okay. The Cinema Advertising Association is based in the United Kingdom and
will be based there until further notice.
This can help me as I can get an advert published for the cinema then more people will find
out about the cereal bar and plus it attracts my target audience as most teenagers go to the
cinema to watch the latest films so this will help me get the cereal bar out there and also get
the advert more known.

ELSPA ELSPA stands for Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association and
what they do is they look at video games and they set their rating for them, whether that be
16 or 12 or even 18, whenever you see a rating on a game the ELSPA are the company who
rated it. They also have had a history for rating other things other than video games, they
have rated things such as films and adverts, so this can help us because they have also rated
food in the past, and having a rating on the cereal bar because it will have an age rating on
them to tell people the max age of someone can eat the cereal bar.

Primary Content Research

Interviews Interviews can be crucial for making our advert and getting our cereal bar
known and getting people to believe in it. These can be done very easily when putting it in
an advert because all you have to have is someone talking about the cereal bar or not even
in the advert, it could be online, for example, social media for anyone who has watched the
advert they then can go on the social media if they are interested in the cereal bar and they
can watch the interviews or read the interviews which will make it easier for us to get our
point across. They can also help in making the advert by speaking with a few directors or
people like that and they can tell us how to make something memorable or we could talk to
graphic designers about the best way to make a logo, or we could talk to a doctor and ask
the best way to make a cereal bar so it has everything you need in it.

Questionnaires Using questionnaires are a very easy and quick way to gather information,
you can ask easy questions and you can have very simple answers. Using questionnaires, we
can discover what people like and dislike in a matter of minutes and this will help us when
we are making the advert as we can ask things that we are thinking of using in the advert
and also once the advert is made we can ask what people thought of the advert before we
actually release it, but we could only ask our target audience otherwise we wouldnt get a
very good understanding of what they like.

Secondary Content Research

Newspapers Using newspapers wouldnt be ideal for advertising because it doesnt match
my target audience as most 15-20 year olds dont read newspapers, so it would be a waste
of time. But although it could be useful as people between 30-45+ read the newspaper so it
could be good because if someones parents see the cereal bar then they can go out and
buy some for they son or daughter. Plus, its stupid to think all 15-20 year olds dont read
newspapers because they can be accessed on busses and trains so if they are
bored they might read the newspaper and see the advert, so it wouldnt

Internet Using the internet to advertise my cereal bar or any product is a great way of
getting your product out there and known. Using the internet will make it easier for me to
get my cereal bar out to my target audience because of sites such as YouTube, and the
average age of people who use YouTube is 9-23, this matches my target audience easily, so
this will be the best way to get it out there and known. The internet isnt just a good way to
advertise its also the best way to research the competitors that Im up against and how
their adverts are like, this way I can study there adverts and get the best material from all of
theirs but make it better and make it my own.

Research into Competitors & Market

There isnt a lot of competition in the cereal bar market, but the main one is Frosties cereal
bar. These dont make a lot of adverts as they are mainly a cereal brand and not a cereal
bar, but they do still make a fair few trailers for them. The trailers consist of Tony the Tiger
which is Frosties mascot, this is remembered by everyone so as soon as you see this you
know what it is for before its even came up, which we should do as it makes it memorable
and he is walking around telling you about a new cereal bar that is available to be bought
and they it short and snappy and straight to the point. This will need to be like our advert as
we need to be able to get what we want to be sold across to the audience in a matter of
seconds, so I need it to be short and snappy like the other cereal bar adverts. The Frosties
cereal bar has been advertised as a healthy option to people who dont have the time to
make breakfast and need to be quick however, they have been discovered that they have a
whopping 42% sugar in each bar, this helps my cereal bar greatly as the cereal bar is healthy
and good for you, so this just makes it easier to sell. My target audience is 15-20 year olds as
this the age when people are rushing around and cant get a breakfast, so this will fulfil their
needs in that aspect so I would need to think about what time would be best to show my
advert; the prime time would be normally around 5pm - 10pm as this is when teenagers and
young adults are most active on TV, so that time is the best to do it at.

Develop and Idea

Mood Boards Mood boards can be a great way to gain an understanding of what to be
added in an advert. Mood boards can also help you what kind of logo you want to design, as
you can look up a lot of logos and see how memorable they are and making something
completely different but similar in the way that its memorable but dont copy it exactly
otherwise you can be done for copyright. Creating a mood board would also be very handy
because we would need to look at the different designs of the wrapper of cereal bars and
normal chocolate bars in general and we can discuss how to make it okay for both boys and

Storyboards Creating storyboards will be key when making our advert and logo and the
wrapper of the cereal bar. These storyboards will contain drawings of what the logo will
look like and what the cereal bar wrapper will look like. On the sides there will be notes of
the drawings and in the notes section I will be able to discuss whats going through my head
whilst I was drawing these, for example, what kind of logo and what effect it will have on it
and what kind of wrapper itll be and what effect it will have on it, everything that I dont
draw on will be in the notes section to give people a better understanding. I will also have to
colour it in so people will gain an understanding about the colours I want the logo and the
wrapper to be as the cereal bar has to be unisex I have to be careful with the wrapper and
Task 5
Time Time is a very unstable thing because of course it will have a deadline, but you dont
want to rush it and it be not the best it can be so you have to take your time with things like
this. I manage my time by having an ILP, and this ILP allows me to look at what I was
supposed to be doing that day and then crack on with the work, and this helps me a lot, as if
I miss a day due to illness, I can check up on the ILP and see what I was supposed to be
doing for that day and then carry on with the work in my own time.
Costs The costs would include two or three cereal bars with a white canvas so there isnt
any mark on them. I would also need to make sure if that the filming takes longer than
couple of hours I would have to make sure food is covered. I would also need to take into
consideration travel and make sure that is paid for.
Personnel I will not be doing this myself as I will need someone to record for me and I will
need numerous people to act in my advert. I will be moving around locations a lot so I will
need to have travel taken care of and as I cant drive or have a bike, I will need to rely on
someone else for travel whether that be a bus or a train or get someone to give me a lift in
their car.
Resources - For this project I will need:

A camera.
A camera stand or multiple.
Multiple actors.
Multiple locations, whether that be at home or out and about.
I will need multiple blank cereal bars.
I will need a computer.
I will need some editing software whether that be for making the logo in Adobe
Photoshop or editing the advert in Adobe Premiere.
Copyright design and patents which was made in 1988 - act was made for two purpose,
and two purpose only. Making sure people got rewarding for all the hard work they are
doing, and also the creator of whatever that may be, i.e. logo, protection so it cant be
Before the act, there was nothing people could do, to stop people from stealing their work.
This law applies to people who copy software, videos, mp3 songs and images. If you take a
something that is not yours, you can get in serious trouble without the permission of the
creator of whatever it is youre taking. That is today, if you steal something off someone and
without asking, you can go to jail for a very long time. Or if it is your first time doing and you
plead a good case and dont get jailed, you will be fined.
This applies to our work because we need to be getting images, videos and many more off
the internet. Some videos have a disclaimer in the description, saying you cant use this
video. Some other video descriptions will say you can use this video but you have to say
where you got the video from, or at least give some praise to the person who made the
video. If that is the case, I can then add it to my multimedia product. I also have to find
images off the internet, but the images can be a lot harder to find out if they are
copyrighted. There is a special website which you can put the image into the website to find
out if it has been copyrighted, if not I can use it in my energy drink advert if it has been
copyrighted I will have to find a different image. You can sometimes get away with using
that image though, but you have to take the image, put it in Photoshop and change it by
70% to make it your own, you might as well make your own graphic if you do that. I will then
be trying to find music and this will be tough because latest music tends to my copyrighted
and then I will have to find a different song which may not be as good. Luckily many songs
have a disclaimer in the description of YouTube videos and then I can find a different song
or if that song says I can use it and I like it I will use that song.
Working in any kind of social media products e.g. Facebook and Twitter, there are rules that
apply depending on what you say or what youre allowed to do on it. They do this to protect
people from hurtful comments, which could cause huge problems for themselves in the
For some reason people think these rules apply in the world but not on the internet. But
saying that its a lot easier to get away with it online. However, IP addresses can be tracked
from the people who say these nasty comments. They get tracked if they see these
comments and do not tolerate it, or the person receiving these nasty comments tells about
it. It all depend on how bad the messages are; everybody has a troll which is someone
who says things to annoy you up but people who say really nasty things are not trolls. If
you get caught doing this, you can get put in prison for a certain amount of time.
This applies to my cereal bar advert because if we discriminate a certain race or gender
people wont watch my advert and then they will be very insulted and then they will report
my advert thus meaning the company will fail, and even if we make a good one next time,
people will always remember us for doing that. So we need to be careful. Because if
someone finds something offensive in any way shape or form and they make a complaint
you can be in a lot of trouble. But Im sure I wont do that. There are many types of ethical
laws such as: Decency. Decency is where you cannot break the rules. The main one is the
Obscene Publications Act. This can happen when you include in your product impolite
information. Another one is Libel. Libel is where you cant make a written report or
statement about a certain individual which could be deemed harmful towards their
reputation or just them in general. You have to be careful what your write if you are lying
about what you write you can get into serious trouble. Another one is Slander. Slander is
where you cant make a spoken statement about a certain individual which (once again) can
be deemed harmful towards their reputation or just them in general. This once again is very
serious topic especially when you say it to the wrong person. The main extreme type of
slander is racism. If you are caught being racist you can be thrown in prison. But it also can
be many different types such as: gender, disability, sexuality and nationality.
Web & TV copyright is the highest form of copyright known to man, its the most common,
and its the most dangerous. Copying something from the internet that isnt yours can get
you in serious trouble if you try and make money out of it anyway. If you try and take
something that doesnt belong to and put it on your TV show then you are going to get into
a lot of trouble, for example, using a song as your song intro and you didnt ask the band for
permission, that is copyright and that is stealing. You need to ask before you can use, and if
they say know find a different song. Its just like using a song on your website which you
make money off, or using a song half way through your YouTube video, if you didnt ask to
use it your account will have a copyright claim and then you can get your account closed
down and then you cant make any money; same thing with TV, use someone elses music
and then you will get fined the show could get cancelled, its better to be safe than sorry.
Clearances Clearances have always been tough to get a hold of, but since I wont need to do a lot
of shooting in multiple places I dont need to have permission from anyone to film there. I will need
to get permission to film at college so I will need to ask the head teacher and after I get the
permission I will be fine. Since I will be filming mostly at home I wont need permission so it isnt an
issue at all. I will also be needing to ask for the actors permission because if I dont get their
permission to be in the advert they can sue me which will look bad on the cereal bar.


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