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As my genre was aimed towards younger people, due to the 5-a- day fruit campaign, then I
have decided to use fictitious characters to help me portray this. Genre began as an absolute
classification system for ancient Greek literature. Poetry, prose, and performance each had a
specific and calculated style that related to the theme of the story. Speech patterns for
comedy would not be appropriate for tragedy, and even actors were restricted to their genre
under the assumption that a type of person could tell one type of story best. In later periods
genres proliferated and developed in response to changes in audiences and creators. Genre
became a dynamic tool to help the public make sense out of unpredictable art.
Content and style
The content and style, I wanted to keep it simple but effective. Content is what you are writing
about the information you are trying to convey or plot of the story you are telling. Style is the
way in which you present that information your word choice, organization, and other details
of the writing. In publishing, art, and communication, content is the information and
experiences that are directed towards an end-user or audience. Content is something that is
to be expressed through some medium, as speech, writing or any of various arts. Content can
be delivered via many different media including the Internet, television, audio CDs, books,
magazines, and live events, such as conferences and stage performances.

I wanted to make the Narrative professional sounding but include homemade voices, by this
I included actual people, these being ones that I chose from my class, the narration enabled
me to set the scene for my viewers.
As my characters were fruity characters, this meant that it was fairly simple, the fruity
characters enabled me to continue working with different types of fruits, for example; Ben
the Banana and Steve the Strawberry, and so on. A character sometimes known as a fictional
character is a person or other being in a narrative work of art such as a novel, play, television
series, or film. The character may be entirely fictional or based on a real-life person, in which
case the distinction of a fictional versus real character may be made. Derived from the ancient
Greek word, the English word dates from the Restoration although it became widely used
after its appearance in Tom Jones.
Narrative technique, also known, more narrowly for literary fictional narratives, as a literary
technique, literary device, or fictional device, is any of several specific methods the creator of
a narrative uses to convey what they want in other words, a strategy used in the making of a
narrative to relay information to the audience and, particularly, to develop the narrative,
usually in order to make it more complete, complicated, or interesting. Literary techniques
are distinguished from literary elements, which exist inherently in works of writing.
Technical Qualities:
The technical qualities that I have used are actually quite broad. What are 'Technical Skills?'
Technical qualities are the knowledge and abilities needed to accomplish mathematical,
engineering, scientific or computer-related duties, as well as other specific tasks relating to
technology. Those with technical skills are often referred to as technicians, such as audio
technicians, electronics technicians or engineering technicians. Technical skills can also refer
to the ability of a certain type of stock trader who uses technical analysis to buy and sell

Aesthetic qualities:
The Aesthetic qualities that I have used are actually quite broad. It is generally, although not
universally, agreed among philosophers that there is an important distinction to be drawn
between the aesthetic qualities of objects, especially art objects, and their no aesthetic
qualities: between being serene, stunning, or grating, and being square, in the key of A-minor,
or weighing seven pounds. The concept of an aesthetic quality is a philosophical one, not in
general use, but aestheticians appeal to it in clarifying the practice of art criticism, justifying
aesthetic judgments, and evaluating artworks.
Creative Qualities:

Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. The
created item may be intangible such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or
a joke Scholarly interest in creativity involves many definitions and concepts pertaining to a
number of disciplines: engineering, psychology, cognitive science, education, philosophy
(particularly philosophy of science), technology, theology, sociology, linguistics, business
studies. Song writing, and economics, covering the relations between creativity and general
intelligence, mental and neurological processes, personality type and creative ability,
creativity and mental health; the potential for fostering creativity through education and
training, especially as augmented by technology; the maximization of creativity for national
economic benefit, and the application of creative resources to improve the effectiveness of
teaching and learning.

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