Conclusion. Remembering Bodies, Becoming Cybor

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SRISHEARE DN reaNson WL Ws INAWEGARDE RIGOR ce aN MATEMAL EXCHANGE Cyborg Theatre Corporeal/Technological Intersections in Multimedia Performance Jennifer Parker-tarbuck Conclusion: Remembering Bodies, Becoming-Cyborg he xanga of arte made of pstelating thes ing gee ne Idd compe spre dsiplarent ‘aul smell romance Ths tons tp foward of he ager oe Statins Ii kl frp of ring reining and loan acl sit te pres of Freon aes ‘This chapter begins ith a sen years afer 2K, a organ ot Seiosnes permet lobule Sots in ou eveyaypacces we fort with “tbe machine” Cys are ound w, in Scene ad ‘cle fin, in dally Ife. The eationstip continues tobe proces fal echnologia continue to move forma suing Sopa fon your viewpoint, encroaching upon the hosan body. Teanaloes te more “subject? than ese belo. The matang stands of the DNA inept popes have formed tong tink between bess jac objec, ad subject ~ and a everdncrening abject tec ‘onto proauce te Deomings that fe eydonethea) sues, ‘Xe thee sands continue to ttt fregnng ihe dtinctions th Socal lteing and seking ath oer ot int newly titi a, ‘Songer and mre veable bond of cyborg subject Is poser In petxmance, his new stand Sued concepts OF at, ect and jc form trains = hese cal ot erst tthe peices each category hough inthe es age there te sl ey to be» fe) but rater allanes forte to shed [woblematicbingand fo foreground new figures with coli Wi stint cyborg prtermanes the former notion of “unis subject no lenge possible the shift produ gical aed, ay leon pata bi ae tne tio oeyborg siete. ‘The "poss" tht sounded the emergence of phon theatre prac tesndeate a ned foe raking sb eign previo upon ‘of for expe hom, dst madera fem, coonaie ‘nd thse "pot" ler though canterapray cute, eter oh tinue to accumu, signaling the ongoing need fr adaption and ctv in eversevelopg eae chnatesThisconson i tate the posites of eybort subject de pony the eer. Stengtheing strand of subject tecnology ad the now interwoven onceptions of bole. A the id tage of the gram in Chaps (gure I, prcitoners engage in syngas the boundases fps” impli Inthe formation of eee that nt new terres: posta, pos identty, pstspei, poston, ‘These ems poe anes qustons stot changing global contons ‘nd would argue, all Ha Yo avancing fos of estncoge, he revous posts hse terms neste sling oud - pharma, fer example, forces us to consior the nature of human i lato {© emvtonmentl and ees concer, Howey, te when tec ologis ne shaping Bodies ona clas fv! gh ngceing fr genetic modiation, Mathew Causey reminds that "he Hrs thgt our humannes has somehow disappeared or that our Boe re ote he sme carpi eth sth ail sd he easy eo Fenments that sound ware dangeoue mod (2006 59 eSbar, ‘heaters Us fo the ods i ecinlogla performance tat 2 ate seme that we dsc thoughout book ay wel 3s {he techtoigealelecvenes Jon McKee pt inh roe Senscof the pias, providing a necessary boar spat orcas) ‘human ecological Iostigtions “aia ies are coc sites precy for te semginatve and smotphote posites Whale the wrk of Scae or Oren as ‘eho hive physically mediied or embed tetnoogy nto eit fw Dies, te the mos erally éybrgean perfomance example, itis me mote metaphase posts of thi ark ha prowakes my vin a several Soleus "xosilton” in what might Bes be ead dace am encouraged to consid rao ect ome mentor how te deleatetlance of fsb an machine might sac 18 Cphe Tate humans tomar animaliy rater han the maary ce Gtnnacs, Doct yl, 2002) Os when | oo at Osa “Has Coat" Dc compra ofco-clared eso erent species constructed {he shape of» costo many-clrs, my inition goes 0 the owe fat posts ef a hybidiy that might at ig way of creating booted making tron Whe these ats experiments wih ‘eed and plc nrgery ecologies prove Heal model, nd ‘Spite tela refed tem “the body fo meats ow he more Taal mele donot ofr at many opportnites for eigarton: of ‘apse cyborg subjetvites bets the work skied th or Single bss, Te tecnolgial shit fom wat Causey ems sr tite eybrge cnet previa ls ast et warants reser tially sponsible and collective conden. Beas “poste™ ‘ow ily an negation with tedoloy that has oft nt achieved hay pet od ty plone mars bakes we ‘hia factual ot sake a enbeddedes, ate odes human, no ‘numa, sma ase. The metapre DNA of eybog tate poss 3 hops atemative to vey etal Bolg! sbeipuation. “Google the sem enti modietlon," Casey Sug, “ad 2 bewildering tralanche of information i detalis” 06 168) Ando, and to to is is of clon pgs, peti nginsing of tansgenic recom ina ota and una line egneting allo found many Ste on geneealy moded fos a ste aout genetic motion for animal wat, aad one on moving chen’ a Causey roids ew acs exapies amon) genetically ered ose hity to row bowed tan hip alongs quae man tocheck ‘inal ad ster chip embed nt at 0 ean bested ke ‘ethatial o. Cetainly how Rods re modi andy where are Inet coneasthat sound what sendy and wl ect Shope both aman and non-human animale alike. The bodies proposed thn these pages re neyo urea bloga genetic modi tin (or conte string), hough they may eroege within eres 1 motied "cata and eve chal technol move ‘etn teat rames bots ay be examined ar even ended Tt hey, ule the mlconcopis og Chapter 3 ae ative core Fel agen, Thee cyborg ae il crcl, mately metaphor Bods tt be Korot "hughes ook 1 have argue fer asbjectiiy though tes ated conceptons of abject jos and subj tha ets ting ot fed noms ua cn become “ones” ald an mute Ws nts Roentgen 15 ‘coded are those whose beds an pesorances have ised me to think deeply about the Bel relasonsip to technology on age ‘ow Walters nd ors not oly ways ting about id se ng bs, but bose themes Cyr ensormatons, ees ‘Meare and metaphoricone, exciange races intel muting es, roving the rptres in unvesalaing "human" nate, ng fuse and rosoking cur snagiation. Tecompanes aces hee st 1 pat ofthis matation, shaping thats! paces nd senses Ing eorporeal connection wth ehcp. They ar seca hee for thevimapinutive provocations, bees they uch with me and eased Ineo rete However, thee re, of couse other att an comps ‘tho hep t determine the geesogies an openetc” fo engsing onsgertons and pptation of cyborg theatre practices wh, ore Sons of eatin oof pace could not be given the depth they dese: the Uktnnd Staton Howse Opa his developed lee eborgan telationship wit ecologies screen tht tnsorms, clases sn tpands phys and tus sce Fribeard Fanta, anther Uk Inastay nave bee tts longer thn most, fhe i 1974 they ‘xpeiont ith animation, lim apd val aight of and” that Showcase the magical posites of manned interaction oer Praciioner sue at Robert Lage, Laure Anderson, Joan son, ‘otha anc, oho Maran, Bs Theory, ferporay isorton, Ri Protokol, Chameleons Company, Tato Cinema, Rank Caer, an Pollet, AbeaNation,“e-VR" PS Danse i Menke, Thee eae Dog. and Cybub Productions, re btw | hive encounters at cin onging engagement with borgean lnerections In peso nc (ee, for stance, Bulag, 2000, Sradhust ae Macho, 200; ‘An example of te sntiotc daioship between experimental prs: tse and the ante tecor tht of Cutia Productions,» pe Sion muted company founded in 199 by Ky Malone and Ga Scott White who, tn conjacton sith te Matimedla Perfrmance Stu a George Mason Unrest in Vigna have developed 3 le tt ve mover tht experiment ith the incorporation of cineatle fechniques within cy inmensve wal envionment Salone sid ‘Whit 2006; 200) Tis work, ke others fated an mse ‘cement, hat are sd exp tong et ‘Of protessionals stdens, and sat, woking lsortoy cond, 45 universes contin to tvestte what shaman” means or instance, Mark Reasey and Lance Chars work with the tsi fot the Exploration of Vata Reali, LV, a he Unive Kass ‘Sites Intec Peslormance Eboratry at Univer of Geog ot work dane at te Cente for Contemporary and Digi Rerforman {Cotes werk, om» boundary Skiing of film, +-D animtion, pro ‘alte ap, andgyte to terete songs and soundscape: (alone and wre, 2006 45) ‘ence fonegrounding te note and songs o he human actor eons Big Art Group's body politic evelop a radically inclusive example of eyborg possi, Tait web> ‘with bodies abject, object, and subject through their exploration of ‘he mage production, ut Big it ges beyond the consimocon oft ‘kar cent age ty bring bur of boda scene The shows that make up this tlogy have similar stage and screen Seaton are setup eve ators ve se he fn chest pars 198 yy rare lowsntage ren. Howe of No Mor hee disse sae, Us 5 they produce the seen image In ll te show, the sp ‘te fe of action ae fed bak together on the ager sere) cr ‘ing posi or conn esa clon, gets o {son the center serena fumed composite image by tw ators “kissing ino cameras at opposite se ofthe sage A see nage ot two ators no appen to be ting teach others ans ot one See scaly crete ec a thd actor reaches Between the cers Stations an ake each ofthe actor hands uniting the on sere The bodies on sree, ke hy sage of Kae Valk tthe Being of impor fey re not rate inva be, bat el pon the content material bodies around tem t9 be unesod While ‘ayng with popalture topes teen oro, ere ale lm, ‘elodromatielevson syle and using ovraatt cting tyes ale. "ating at presentational spl with one bordering on ea, ig At |S working policy within these gee o expone tee bores rad Suet expectations race and ett wit Hee faa ope. Ja te-heroe” of Hons er example ea amore Bonde pj tyrseveral cat members in dileent circa tgs wha an er moment ny appear th the lp of etc wig) at mite moma, ‘ra black an the character are compote cf he cs’ bes, "he ban ge and en aie se he fea Stout pecs ining and camera choreography he many chic {hey embody. Jason Farman desis We Bodies in th branch o Big |r woe as proplonptve semiotic bi (200: 189, 3 trm tat oul Suge seal tangles ten aco, un, and teh nologies t-a mtualy peeing expesene A we watch, fo exam ple the moweneat of one stor arm reaching ftw in font ofthe fnmera Bet appearing a another bao sre, salar oid totes are destabilized, mules ate formed sds vnc, bat ‘ot unpleasant, sensation produced 4 tor subjects app The ‘Company investment in he etbliaton of atone baie win thet marae hasbeen commented intel eviews, ny wes Sch 3 Marin Carson and Fata, whose analy of Fler copa the complexes oboe in his proc, He sugies that Real Tine Pith techniques “capture olen lifer gene sd rs ‘which ema tnt onthe mater! stage and wre the togeter saint cabeave body on the dg seen 18), Howes, vithin he cyborg hea, thee sujstivitsar never singular et thes but ate ke Braet “peed, gente” and et oe ft aa serountte embodied toes 2006 4) These or Hes re fonmed inal elaton th te tes aout, cllaortve ‘ater bods in conjunction with tose an sren. None ofthese oes onstage then, ae ever sigur fly oe in Fer Tone 2010, an extension of the ogy sy work staged similarly to She Life an Fk, ig At cosine to aocate siguat identities as he coney th story ele, they debe a "onHon- Ing odo uer of economic aa envionment degdstion, © ‘coed tational payche, and vansonned bodes” character fetus {othe Unites States after yar abroad a contacto with is fase ‘stg oman sein an nds a rmbt clare he 0 ot tsi. The production ealtualy encod ext da together ts of war, srvellnce, ecologic deraction, economic downturn, ad Sapesitingidntes tobe Yea Mans exp the inet "entlonineent inthe “coding” of ig ts pradctions= You cn ed he cove ty cn wach the show You ae sis eon ai ou eating the cde you ges eentepinse than our thingie sow when yout the so he ‘otk ly ith yu and lens your capstone ‘rho wis ssp an of pa duo mreceaton and wee qc them i tae Stee people pont the wa ee ppl wo ot el sqrt opty pally he wor ‘oss, 2010 ‘The io oft forme in contemporary clare a ow hey reterated ae theaveridng codes ths production. om the sa {sama tums the United Sates sn enters castors ad nme on, his eens beth produced and sumed thr heat shoies ike Sipe Vrs bordrcroting tweet, tis tan ete {ustoms to id that his damaged yey. scared ges ad re ‘raves all mak his for negation, ke deo tempt Tse his defy asa wbulding contactor ha intentionally ambi fs but wartern zone ~ the teas cies ret ts iy. THe moment hes dete Yo look nt the camera rhe" bores seve ‘extending ito a platy ste vary diferent eyes appear on the tee segments of seen Theughout the pice, Bods intent 2nashapest, an ae mip ough anes ers oF mle 200 cpg Taste end” actort in Wena wg and corte. Tough thelr com. ‘al pillomphi tecnologia mater! intrpetations, ig Ar ‘tera seathing equ of ongoing ad xed contemporary nations of Subj: te inmigrations offer question the mans sapcous" ok» stad of entity writen bya collet" a tnt aver ce. ‘ry constructed between one hed on ope ee and tent fn the eacview mtr on the aher. Te dive Is as regent formed atthe eam ofthe srens allowing fr example, bck male half rd Asan woman half to form the eer face; we ete actors ends fore te seen and thet tees In mers avert, whileon Seren Sees agente mage, lose wp an oreo tht sae shit acre frend a lyin nunc rin bsinte ruined by corvpton, a empty devcopment rounded by de rcs Yo a tanspan. thn ear i trmer lent tas appeared "he no Longer pos Sle tote ed the foes main crater (who appens with» Back "sqare covering bef foe tes tae sow ie Bu encmters the man dsolves ito an “indeterminate crete” a al wen at ner the camer wang plaid ork shirts and blond eis, "becoming ch others as hey neg on een nto alo ods, SINE touching, het ss tngments and yet cach Menible wt hs ered not opie and wot yet fly hntions, but tenn In 2007, Manson and Nelson began to shi thelr work an deweop more “expan,” as they rer to sigs of mesa exploration Trerested i or that would encmpas the whole stage, these x0. radon were designed to achieve “a mich more dynamic reatonship bree the vide seen andes” whlch area erent ies a. Ing predation in ont of obs by oben the eens anon ne Neon, 2010). One pace hat has ene rom tls expansion 2m “expetinenal lboratery”colaboration wth museans elle, The Sip 7) which they cll “sestrough cinema ~ blending Been text here ape fc MPS 901 navel Phe pe Cla, ey Sinema techniques, and contemporary visuals and sampling, Using Simla cmponents to Coates prdutons, the feel of he Sp Teguteaifren. and whe saenes are damn tnoug the ofen rmenmersing muti ofthe lee, the visual lok sno tlt {red apd intentionally fet fal of the Seams of constuction, With the fet ofan ecloglealy naive rock cance Manton apd Nebo Cm Roti ds Beaming 201 Silt Sry sbous anne eum fens ee pe a Sims pons pre doa cv hath al an the The bodies and technologie of The Stop ate nternoven In aes ‘sng Fast of imag, te, and ator, ting leaf eel ‘eration trough that exchanges ile conblningeeagect ca ‘ting uratingsngng,opertng en een ad tion ogi a ut of tet and rojcons A ge tastocn ees ta replaced the segmented een se of te hogy te se ood rough pois pt pups an scree sae ae Ing iy ta ante apd es tester hs fe Jag sed Hox. As the mesic and non tin, te act se front of cameras projected coe the Sen aos Hn ‘mere at termining with backan-te nes tase ‘he sory A nerator ufos the let an epee othe Nh ae !nd how he happened ob cece of, shal seem cares ‘ftheships sen of rows and ions champagne ces the ship =slony appear onthe scwen atom sage etree {hs image Resting einoloy’ dominator seat oven lon the tae aye eh fe, “het AS these “set pecs gi Tonos te ight igen ad we se the aor ps is sews sod pre a bos the 9s puppet hat, es inet cr Sage ler let on tage, and eg to ove he past an ca te toe. Tis tam point ot nl the hes one in {ons ako pes othe rng bd, sage hand ome os os ates li o easy gles ote The ets eben ‘occ syeling that shits the sudienes Ratonship rn ‘spin: tnd the frontal sens another despre ec 1 Hlmed Images ofthe ec, wih anal apn rv By casing waves projec acess» fow stip srs the age ane secen. Engng on tis italy direst plan acute pcos ti is genty puted crn the een bys alo ge Pee ‘Tae fet suptingy, not moro but eer sit acre ve te not ite expecting ths “hand on appre wl dog i tneesive staging Tes has soon teint the mene ‘od ke poesia upper esate tem i tie none ‘mages, bly restenng hem sone an keer tht sane acs ora my of ferius partes In hua om ie g ‘us pat of his suroundings. The explorer returns to his ship, unaware appeared. Interacting lage on his own within the technological {in theatrical technologies the looming and important questions ofthe ‘supersaturated, hyperacgubltve society” ht egatgroup com woth tame pack anal cot) wander tough oes fecha rings, wile Manson dl ot wat them tobe animate adr ood epeseations of acta annals, bt athe moe humanoid, copy ofan anima, caught ina copy ofa oes (Manson ard Neon Consumption nz. We afe ao et wit animal bodes, bat ony the Sinlatons hat provokes rptre nthe chaos esti ee ‘he bodies at the fort ecnaogy. In the overloaded fechnolandcaper that Big At produces, here xe perhaps spaces fo corporeal ruta semen th cybors ‘bjecttes | find om ther sage point to Technology rst umaniy igh finda way to ackoplege the specifiy witha al ple These tenets pinto the ols etn to apie technol Expansion, too nigh oraulatons of bjecty, and get ows ‘netic inereonrete velop th the nomman other In any Riguton ota posthoman word. What Is the eho a pos. Numan world? How mht er abject esate» uraty foment neces ppc rhe ano ongbg for survival o the ves lost = fmm, planta animal = loaing liner thik layer of sped if The ecologies hut have become subject” on age ate reminders of the soca, cal, cononic, str, commutative atest focinologes thats, control. An ater ar acta odie, Cyborg te remennber odie, Postscript: re-remembering bodes Descbing thee pace. Rand Acts of Mama, Lie Hand Helen screen positioned at eye level pay continwousy, ering BD ai Ination af symp anions tn the aia wth the 194s Technicolor Footage of Esther Wilms so that sap nets save to eos sf sng nin ee ng nh“ ‘women eco and ply tack hes remot, bh hewn, a those ‘feach eter retold and copied ile competing and ineracting with Projected “clone of cles” Ave sgl between the Moma nd loned inte eaten "sx Dolly Pato at projet int the Space which then morph unneringy lost percep, to sk ‘Daly the cone sep” ibd) tstangely unc tanson ‘mation hua teint aia bat the Daly eg fo overpoe rc: Roomy Basing 205 ‘he space the uma alr pl he plug" and the pofctions vanish Iesing ll nd ar with thelr memories, seeming. “This nalmage, th omen soe te ectnlogoed cone the StUg- te between fy an ecnloge bodies reruns eto my memo, {othe uge to tow and wo becomes rt ecneloyzed sl, Ble ‘Woman aime Sommers to» deste to beconccytong, Now ined Ina word where technloges ae real npn ad where the oss ofa “oe” becoming Daly Parton morphing Into Daly the aeep are mot a atch sone ight agin, instead stage 1 return to poeally, meaptoncaly,thestelyéyborg wes + ‘roid ip nth odie ca tet the contain retort {ecologies in ways har stengthen and empower and teach then. ‘The cyborg perormance practies tat have unfolded on these pugs Conn ont, endoubedly tomar more complex mutton fost. Rot 5 ook ead at the posses or radially ica nines” afiaions and hua oor subjects betwen man and norman sie, we aso have to remember fo "ake op the

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