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Choice of Possible Formats and Research

Appropriateness for Chosen Style: Stop-frame animation is a form of animation but unlike
most animations nowadays where it is all CGI it's normally drawn, or made out of some
object, for example, plasticine. How stop-frame animation works is that they get something
that they want to move and then either draw it or get a model and then get it in a starting
position then take a picture and then once again either draw it in a different position or
move the model in a different position, for example, walking you have to move each foot
and move it as slow as you want your short film, movie or show to be; depending on what
frames per second(frame rate) you want to use you should either move it quick but not to
quick or move it slowly. Stop-frame animation was one of the first forms of film making it's
first appearance on the big screen in 1898 for a film called 'The Humpty Dumpty Circus'.
People were astounded by this as it was the first time anyone had every made them and
people thought the creators (Albert E.Smith and J. Stuart Blackton) were magicians because
all of the things were moving on their own. Stop-frame animation is still used today by
companies such as Aardman Animations and director Tim Burton.
This is the best way to create the animation that I need to create for the client. I will be
using Adobe Flash as this is the best software to create animations, and also I have used this
in the past so I know how to use it efficiently. I will be using the stop-frame animation and I
will be doing this by using something known as the bone tool, which allows me to move my
characters and objects more efficiently, and this will allow me to get the best outcome for
my animation, and hopefully it will look professional and work
well. I wont be using any other form of techniques because
its not needed. To create the animation, it can take a lot of
time, especially doing this, because I have to move it a little
bit by each frame, and I if I move it a little out of place or too
fast it can ruin the whole animation and ruin the whole
illusion that its moving on its own.
Alternative Available Chosen Styles: There are a lot of different styles I couldve chosen
instead of stop-frame animation, for example, I couldve used the flip book style because its
a quick way of getting your idea and point across very fast, plus its very memorable, but it
isnt very efficient and it doesnt really fit in todays world because its very old fashioned.
Another style would be normal animation, now personally, this would be the best way to do
it as it is the most world renowned thing in the world within films, tv shows and adverts and
you can do a lot with it, you have your own freedom, but as we have a limited budget, and
by limited I mean no budget at all, so we have to use the resources given to us, and thats
why stop-frame is better. Another a style is filmstrip, this one is not very efficient as doesnt
easily get the message across and plus its really hard to make considering how inefficient it
is. Another style is time-lapse photography, now this one is good if we were taking pictures
but since we have to make out own objects and characters, it isnt the best style to use.
Another style is sequential photographs, now this could work as I create my objects and
chartacters on Photoshop and then just show them in order of the story but you cant make
them move, and this means it doesnt interact with the audience, so thats why I need to
make is stop-frame. Another style is collage, now this style isnt very good because its very
difficult to get your message across, and even if you do people wont remember it. Another
style is index cards, now this one is very inefficient, as people wont be really paying
attention, as its very boring thus meaning it wont grasp their attention, so having this style
isnt the best to get your point across to the audience. Another style is cutout animation and
this one could be okay to use it allows you to do what you
want to do and change the character and make it bend to
your will and make you do what you need to do, but stop-
frame is far better because you can do a lot more in terms
of moving your character and object. Another style is cell
animation, and this is where I draw them the character each
time and move them and the objects but this is a hassle to
do where I can draw a character and then make them move
whenever instead of drawing it all over again, and it will save me lots of time.
Suitability for Resources Available: This is the best way to create the animation that I need
to create for the client. I will be using Adobe Flash as this is the best software to create
animations, and also I have used this in the past so I know how to use it efficiently. I will be
using the stop-frame animation and I will be doing this by using something known as the
bone tool, which allows me to move my characters and objects more efficiently, and this will
allow me to get the best outcome for my animation, and hopefully it will look professional
and work well. I wont be using any other form of techniques because its not
needed. To create the animation, it can take a lot of time, especially doing this,
because I have to move it a little bit by each frame, and I if I move it a little out
of place or too fast it can ruin the whole animation and ruin the whole illusion
that its moving on its own. There isnt any software out there that costs so
cheap and does such a professional job and this why I chose this software and
not something else.

Research Campaigns Already Produced: Snacking, or eating frequently, can be part of a

healthy diet, provided we don't consume too many calories over the day and that we
choose a healthy balance of foods and drinks. The government suggests that snacks can
make up around 20% of our total daily calorie intake, about the same allocated to breakfast,
and the remaining 60% be split equally between lunch and dinner (30% of total intake at
each of these meals). For an average female, based on a 2000 kcal daily energy intake (8400
kJ), this is around 400 kcal each day (1700 kJ) and for males, 500 kcal per day (2100 kJ),
based on a 2500 kcal daily energy intake. If having two snacks a day then this would be
equivalent to around 200 kcal per snack (850 kcal) for females and 250 kcal per snack for
males (1050 kJ). Snacks can be a great way to increase variety in the diet and contribute to
your overall micronutrient intake. But its best not to include too many foods high in
saturated fat, salt and sugar. Instead, opt for foods high in fibre, starchy carbohydrates, fruit
and vegetables, as the UK population needs to increase their intake of these foods.
Lunch is an important meal for children to provide energy and nutrients to keep them going
throughout the afternoon. A packed lunch made at home can be a healthy and delicious
choice and gives you control over the foods and ingredients included. The key to a healthy
packed lunch is variety and getting the right balance of foods to provide children with all of
the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet involves eating the right sort of foods, in the
right amounts to provide energy and nutrients for our bodies to function. It is
estimated that an average women needs about 2000 calories a day and an
average man needs about 2500 calories a day. The exact amount you need
depends on a range of factors including, your age, sex, height and how active
you are.


Proposal Consideration of Audience Appeal

Definition of Audience: Target audience for stop-frame animation can vary depending on
what company it is, because clay-motion is usually for kids but some companies make it for
some mature audiences. You have your common children shows that are clay-motion
animation such as Pingu, Shaun the Sheep and The Morph Files, and films such as Shaun the
Sheep the Movie and Wallace and Gromit. Clay-motion animation shows aimed at adults are
shows such as Creature Comforts, and to some extent Wallace and Gromit because of some
jokes they do that kids wont be able to understand. However, as I said clay-motion
animation is usually aimed at children. The biggest clay-motion animation company is
Aardman Animations. Aardman animations are a company with a great and long history.
Aardman animations was created in 1972 by two people called Peter Lord and David
Sproxton. It was first created on a very low budget, but today has become a very wealthy
company. They first started making animations for the BBC for children who are deaf. Their
show they made for these deaf children was called Greeblies and this was made in the year
1975. This show was the inspiration behind one of Aardman animations biggest characters
in Morph. Aardman's reputation began to grow rapidly after they did some great work in
animation and then were asked to do some animation on Channel 4. The age, just like the
target audience the age is aimed at young kids. They tend to make the age suit to people at
around 3-10 year olds. However, most of their shows and films are also suited to older
people as well, this is because they try to get the biggest audience they can reach, and this
then allows them to make the most money they can and gain a wider age range. The age,
just like the target audience the age is aimed at young kids. They tend to make the age suit
to people at around 3-10 year olds. However, most of their shows and films are also suited
to older people as well, this is because they try to get the biggest
audience they can reach, and this then allows them to make the most
money they can and gain a wider age range. Gender is hard because
if can be deemed as sexist or slander. Slander is where you cannot
make a spoken statement about a certain individual, which (once
again) can be deemed harmful towards their reputation or just them
in general. This once again is very serious topic especially when you say it to the wrong
person. The main extreme type of slander is racism. If you are caught being racist you can be
thrown in prison. However, it also can be many different types such as: gender, disability,
sexuality and nationality. But most animations arent affected by this because they make
them unisex.
Viewing Context: Using YouTube via animation for advertising is a really clever well to get
the job done, although it may take a little longer than a normal advert would take the
rewards are definitely worth it and here's why. It grabs the watchers attention, it draws
them in so they can't look away and plus they will remember the advert and the company
and what the company are selling or what the company is. It keeps the watchers engaged,
this means that will want to find what this product or company is about and will continue to
watch. The animated advert with communicate quickly, this means that in a short period of
time you will find out what the company is about or what the product is about and you
know how to contact them or access them. Lastly, you gain an understanding of the whole
company or product and what it is you are trying to do or sell, this means people will
remember this and go and find out more online or ring up. Animation is used all over TV
nowadays but not just for kids, it's also for adults. With shows like South Park, Family Guy
and The Simpsons these shows prove that animations aren't just for kids, with their witty
and dark humour which kids wouldn't understand. The animation industry in TV is huge and
is growing because there is something very unique about a adult show that is animated,
people just find it funnier, for example, South Park uses very unique characters in their 4
main cast, who are called Stan, Kenny, Cartman, and Kyle these characters are set in a town
called South Park in America and so they are in school and they are 9 th graders which means
they are around 9-10 years old which people find funnier because these kids are doing really
stupid stuff and saying witty things and swearing but they still act like kids in the way they
go about things, this is why people watch the show, and this is why people watch most
animation adult TV shows. Just like mobile phones websites have tons of animations on
them, whether it be just closing down the website or clicking on a new page on the website,
this is still an animation. These animations are very key in making a website because it gives
you visual interest, if something looks nice and swoops down from the screen somewhere
your going to enjoy the website a lot more than just a plain white
background that doesn't do anything. Animations on websites also
acts as a response whether that be scrolling over a image to tell you
what that image is and where the image is taken you can find out
with ease. Also animation on a website acts as a notification whether
this be a little help box that pops in the corner or a little help chat,
these are still notifications.
Proposal Consideration of Audience Appeal
Characters: My characters will have to be unique and stand out because if they dont people
wont remember them. My main character will be a human sitting there and hes hungry,
and some bad food comes along and good food. So I will have to make the character in
Photoshop and also in Photoshop create the junk food and the good food. The main
character will be a boy with a blue top, and hes sitting there for a while, luckily as Im using
flash I only have to draw him in the position I want, and then Flash I can use the bone tool
and I can move him any way I want. I will also have to draw each different bad food and
good food, and once again the bone tool will allow me to move them in any way I want too.
I will draw some storyboards to decide what kind of character and food design I want; I will
probably do about three or four to see what design I like best and go with that, I will
research some characters in animation to see how they look and get some inspiration.
Backgrounds: The background will just be one background, I dont want it getting
overcomplicated, so the background will be at the main characters house you will see a
table, and some of his chair and his wall with some paintings and
lights on it. This is because I want it to be simple and I want you to
get the message straight away, and I want it to be relatable with
people, and as it will be at his home, people will straight away get
a similar understanding. People will relate to the story because of
the background, so it will work well.
Storyline: I want it to be a simple storyline because I dont want over complicate things to
get such a simple message across. So itll start off with the main character sitting there
eating burgers and pizza, this will relate to kids as this is majorly what they eat, and then a
voice will come out of nowhere and tell the character to eat more fruit and vegetables, and
the main character tries some fruit and realises he really likes it, so then hes happy, this can
relates because kids are so busy eating junk food then dont
realise that fruit is actually very nice also, so this storyline will
work very well. I want it to be simple and I want you to get
the message straight away, and I want it to be relatable with
people, and as it will be at his home, people will straight away
get a similar understanding. People will relate to the story
because of the background, so it will work well.
Visualisation: My character will have to be unique and stand out because if they dont
people wont remember them. My main character will be a human sitting there and hes
hungry, and some bad food comes along and good food. So itll start off with the main
character sitting there eating burgers and pizza, this will relate to kids as this is majorly what
they eat, and then a voice will come out of nowhere and tell the character to eat more fruit
and vegetables, and the main character tries some fruit and realises he really likes it, so then
hes happy, this can relates because kids are so busy eating junk food then dont realise that
fruit is actually very nice also, so this storyline will work very well. The background will just
be one background, I dont want it getting overcomplicated, so the background will be at
the main characters house you will see a table, and some of his chair
and his wall with some paintings and lights on it. This is because I want
it to be simple and I want you to get the message straight away, and I
want it to be relatable with people, and as it will be at his home,
people will straight away get a similar understanding. People will relate to the story because
of the background, so it will work well.
Script: The script will be very simple as I want to get the message across very quick, so
keeping it simple is the best option for this. So itll start off with the main character sitting
there eating burgers and pizza, this will relate to kids as this is majorly what they eat, and
then a voice will come out of nowhere saying no. dont eat junk food its very bad for you,
eat fruit and veg, youll like meeee and tell the character to eat more fruit and
vegetables, and the main character tries some fruit and realises he really likes it,
so then hes happy, this can relates because kids are so busy eating junk food then
dont realise that fruit is actually very nice also, so this storyline will work very
well. I want it to be simple and I want you to get the message straight away, and I
want it to be relatable with people, and as it will be at his home, people will
straight away get a similar understanding. People will relate to the story because
of the background, so it will work well.
Audio: The audio was very simple to do, the only audio I will have is a narration saying
no. dont eat junk food its very bad for you, eat fruit and veg, youll like
meeee, and apart from that, I will have a simple theme song throughout the entire
animation just playing away quietly in the background. The song will be a happy
audio, but nothing overly happy, more like elevator music, just nice and calming so
that kids can relate to the entire thing.
Working within Technical Limitations: I will have no technical limitations as Ive kept it very
simple, so I dont have to worry about not be able to do anything.

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