SLJ P4u1 201718

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BCC Intensive English Program

Student Learning Journal

Name: _____________________ Class: _____ Teacher: ____________

Year 4 - Unit 1 Friends Old and New 2017/2018 May 22- June 9
Over the course of this unit students will be working on the unit titled Friends Old and
New During this unit students will learn to describe people, emotions and learn about
friendships. They will also learn to use comparative adjectives.

Communication Objectives Language Objectives

To describe peoples appearances. To use comparisons with -er.

To describe emotions and feelings. To use get + adjective (get excited)
To name relationships of people. To use questions using when
To make comparisons. To use when clauses

Spelling Words

Week 2: straight, curly, hair, eyes, glasses, feel, wear, older, younger, different

Week 3: bigger, smaller, excited, impatient, best friends, guess, secrets, problems, join, shy

Week 4: move, laugh, help, meet, friendly, funny, remember, mad, easy, hard

Teachers Suggestions
Parents can help their child with this unit by reviewing the work covered in class
each day and asking questions relevant to the unit. Please do not complete any
exercises in the book unless it has been assigned as homework.
Please check your sons homework book everyday. If the teacher has assigned
homework, please make sure that he completes it. Sign your name in the box headed
Parents signature when the assignment is finished. You will also find a box for
behaviour, which the teacher will tick at the end of each week. Please discuss this
with him.
Parents comments:
( )

Parents Signature ______________________________ Date _________________

(Please sign this Student Learning Journal and ask your son to return it next lesson)
In this unit I will learn about:
Describing peoples appearances
Talking about emotions and feelings
Talking about relationships between different people

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