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Assignment 2

In my game we need to make sure about everything the character does, the walking animation,
how he moves his/her body around and also how he or she talks and his/her face animation
when they are talking. Games like Final Fantasy 7, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening,
Mario, Donkey Kong are among the most popular that have ever been created according to
characters because of their story and their development in the game and thus makes the
audience fall in love with them. The games I have mentioned will give me inspiration into make
my game because these are unique characters in this game that everyone remembers so I will
want to make a character that everyone knows and loves and since my game is about space you
dont really see their face anyway so I will need to create vehicles more about the characters
but you will be able to customize your character to how you want and you will also be able to
customize your vehicle then. The vehicles will be spaceships and then I will have to design
several different kind of spaceships that you can unlock throughout the game and customize to
your will, which will include upgrades which will make your spaceship faster and more durable
whilst it is flying around in space and also you can upgrade the weapons on the spaceship to be
able to deal more damage to the enemy spaceships.

The genre will be sci-fi as you will be in vehicles flying around in space. The vehicles will be
spaceships and then I will have to design several different kind of spaceships that you can
unlock throughout the game and customize to your will, which will include upgrades which will
make your spaceship faster and more durable whilst it is flying around in space and also you
can upgrade the weapons on the spaceship to be able to deal more damage to the enemy
spaceships. You can also customise it to how you want by changing the colour of it to make it
your own. When you start the game you will be able to name your character and name your
spaceship, and you will also have to take a name for your crew and at first you start alone and
as you play the game you have more people want to join your crew who have specialities and
they give you bonuses that will help you complete the game. The world changes on every single
game ever made, depending on the game, the size of the world varies. There can be a set world
for you to be able to visit, or you can play an open world game which is where you can go
anywhere you want. 2D and 3D uses pixel art and it is a dying art in the game graphics
nowadays because of how great the systems are nowadays but they are still games that are
great classics. They used pixel art for video games back in the day but they don't anymore apart
from the few odd companies that like the style but people don't like the style anymore because
care for graphics not story anymore. The pixel art is a very simple design where the characters
and the world are just little blocks to make everything up. They are only 2d normally and that
means you can only see one side of the world and you can spin the camera around and see
around you in the video game like you can nowadays but in the olden days people thought this
was amazing. Lots of companies used to you this style when making games, and the games they
made were legendary and have went down in history as some of the best games in history,
games like Final Fantasy 7, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Mario, Donkey Kong are
among the most popular that have ever been created. First person and second person can be
can use any style of graphic and the first person style is where you can only see your hands and
whatever you see in front of you, third person is when you can see your character who you are
controlling and you can see all around you. Scrolling is where you can scroll around when you
play a game this is generally uses on mobile phones when you need to move around but you
scroll around to look at your things that you have taken or made depending on what the game
is about. Some are just set for particular things, like console only or playstation only. The most
used form of gaming is console gaming. Now there are a lot of different type of consoles but
the main type of consoles consist of PlayStation and Xbox but some also use Nintendo consoles,
for example, the Nintendo Switch. These are all very expensive, but people still play them on
these because they offer the best services for the average gamer. The biggest are obviously
PlayStation and Xbox, which continuously try to outdo the other by adding new features and
making game that are only playable on that certain console. My game will solely be on
PlayStation because this console has the better graphics, which will appeal to my target
audience very well, and just the console is better for what my game and what I want my game
to be able to do. Buying games for this platform is simple as they are all sold in stores such as
GAME, and even supermarkets. This makes it easier for the user to enjoy playing, as the games
arent scatted about everywhere like PC for example, they are in one place, where everybody
can buy without fuss. Another key thing about console gaming is the controllers they are very
manageable because you can charge them and then unplug them and sit however far away you
want from the console and play the game. I have chosen to use PlayStation because consoles
are a lot more in demand than anything else and the PlayStation is because I mentioned before,
this console has the better graphics, which will appeal to my target audience very well, and just
the console is better for what my game and what I want my game to be able to do. Playing
online is also very good but depending on your internet connection it can be very poor and then
not very good at all, but if you do the online experience is very good and second best behind

Market Research
Audience: My target audience is a strange one to judge, because the game isnt overly violent
because there is nothing that you see that looks bloody or anything like that but youre blowing
things up. So as its a strange one to judge, but I suppose my target audience I any age because
the game is fun and addictive to play so anyone can play it no matter what age they are. I think
I would have to make it a 12 because at the end of the day it will blowing spaceships up and
things along those lines so I will aim it at everyone to play as this gives me a lot more freedom
to do what I want because if I try and make things to bloody or try and add swearing then I
would have to make it a 18 and not as many people would get to play it, so doing it this way
would help me sell more copies of the game and also attract a bigger fan base for it.
Similar Games in the Market: I have done a lot of research into games similar to my style and
genre and I was surprised that there wasnt too much out there that are well known and could
challenge our game, the biggest game that is around is an all-time classic and is called Space
Invaders which was the greatest space game of all time and you are a spaceship and you are
shooting alien spaceships and you are just moving from side to side trying to avoid them from
shooting your spaceship and destroying it, and as the game goes on it gets a lot harder and the
longer that goes on you will eventually reach a boss. But apart from this game there isnt too
many, it will be hard to top this game and turn it into a fan favourite because people love this
game as it was one of first games ever came out and it has a special place in everyones heart.
Space Invaders made a lot of money in 1981, Space Invaders had made Taito (the creator) more
than $1 billion, and continued to gross an average of $600 million per year, through to 1982, by
which time it had grossed $2 billion in quarters (equivalent to $4.6 billion in 2011). Another one
is Halo. Halo is a military science fiction first-person shooter video game franchise created by
Bungie and now managed and developed by 343 Industries, a subsidiary of Microsoft Studios.
The series centers on an interstellar war between humanity and a theocratic alliance of aliens
known as the Covenant. The Covenant, led by their religious leaders called the Prophets,
worship an ancient civilization known as the Forerunners, who perished in combat with the
parasitic Flood. The games in the series are praised as being among the best first-person
shooters on a video game console, and are considered the Xbox's "killer app". This led to the
term "Halo killer" being used to describe console games that aspire, or are considered, to be
better than Halo. Strong sales of the games led to the franchise's expansion to other media;
there are multiple best-selling novels, graphic novels, and other
licensed products. Halo Wars took the franchise into new video
game genre territory, as a real-time strategy game, while the rest
of the games in the series are first-person shooters. Beyond the
original trilogy, Bungie developed the expansion Halo 3: ODST, and
a prequel, Halo: Reach, their last project for the franchise.

Target Platforms
Desktop Computer: A great form of gaming is via desktop computer. The best kind of gaming
computer is called Alienware but most gamers will build their own PC so they can have the
best of everything and make it run the best it possibly can. The computer has amazing graphics
as well as others and are used by many but not as many as consoles for example. People love
computers because you can play almost every single game ever made on there and you can
access them with ease and without paying and this is why people love them. Buying games for
this platform is simple as they are all sold on sites such as Steam, and even a place called G2A
which allows you get them for ever cheaper. This makes it easier for the user to enjoy playing,
as the games arent scatted about. Another key thing about computers gaming is the
controllers, if you play with a controller it has to be permanently plugged
in so if you accidently pull the cored it may tip over your computer or
might break the controller, but if you dont use a controller you have a
keyboard and mouse although people love using these when gaming
using a controller is a far better option. Playing online is also far better on
computer than it is on console because, it allows you to do a lot more
because the console only has so much it can do but a computer is more
powerful and can store and run a lot more memory.
Console: The most used form of gaming is console gaming. Now there are a lot of different type
of consoles but the main type of consoles consist of PlayStation and Xbox but some also use
Nintendo consoles, for example, the Nintendo Switch. These are all very expensive, but people
still play them on these because they offer the best services for the average gamer. The biggest
are obviously PlayStation and Xbox, which continuously try to outdo the other by adding new
features and making game that are only playable on that certain console. My game will solely
be on PlayStation because this console has the better graphics, which will
appeal to my target audience very well, and just the console is better for
what my game and what I want my game to be able to do. Buying games for
this platform is simple as they are all sold in stores such as GAME, and even
supermarkets. This makes it easier for the user to enjoy playing, as the
games arent scatted about everywhere like PC for example, they are in one
place, where everybody can buy without fuss. Another key thing about
console gaming is the controllers they are very manageable because you can
charge them and then unplug them and sit however far away you want from

the console and play the game. I have chosen to use PlayStation because consoles are a lot
more in demand than anything else and the PlayStation is because I mentioned before, this
console has the better graphics, which will appeal to my target audience very well, and just the
console is better for what my game and what I want my game to be able to do. Playing online is
also very good but depending on your internet connection it can be very poor and then not very
good at all, but if you do the online experience is very good and second best behind computer.
Mobile Device: Mobile device gaming is a very poor form of mobile device but everyone does it
because everyone has a phone, but it isnt taken that seriously . Buying games for this
platform is simple as they are all sold on the app store which is already on your phone,
or even a place called G2A which allows you get them for even cheaper. This makes it
easier for the user to enjoy playing, as the games arent scatted about. Playing online is
also very bad on mobile devices than it is on console or PC because, the connection is
so weak as mobile devices arent the strongest and youre playing against people all
over the world so its trying to connect properly but never can and this can result in lag
and that could then make you lose the game.
Television: Television gaming is very similar to console gaming. Now there are a lot of
different type of consoles but the main type of consoles consist of GameCube and NES which
are very old which allows you play on this. These are all very expensive, because they are so old
they are seen as collectables but people still play them on these because they offer the best
services for the average history gamer. The biggest are obviously GameCube and NES, which
continuously try to outdo the other by adding new features and making games that are only
playable on that certain console. Another key thing about television gaming is the controllers, if
you play with a controller it has to be permanently plugged in
so if you accidently pull the cord it may tip over your television
or console or might break the controller. . Buying games for this
platform is simple as they are all sold in stores such as GAME,
and even supermarkets. This makes it easier for the user to
enjoy playing, as the games arent scatted about everywhere
like PC for example, they are in one place, where everybody can
buy without fuss.
Online: Online is the biggest form of gaming around. Each one of this
has their own online goods and bads. Playing online is very bad on
mobile devices than it is on console or PC because, the connection is so
weak as mobile devices arent the strongest and youre playing against
people all over the world so its trying to connect properly but never can
and this can result in lag and that could then make you lose the game.
Playing online is also far better on computer than it is on console because, it allows you to do a
lot more because the console only has so much it can do but a computer is more powerful and

can store and run a lot more memory. Playing online on the console is also very good but
depending on your internet connection it can be very poor and then not very good at all, but if
you do have good internet the online experience is very good and second best behind
In my game we need to make sure about everything the character does, the walking animation,
how he moves his/her body around and also how he or she talks and his/her face animation
when they are talking. Games like Final Fantasy 7, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening,
Mario, Donkey Kong are among the most popular that have ever been created according to
characters because of their story and their development in the game and thus makes the
audience fall in love with them. The games I have mentioned will give me inspiration into make
my game because these are unique characters in this game that everyone remembers so I will
want to make a character that everyone knows and loves and since my game is about space you
dont really see their face anyway so I will need to create vehicles more about the characters
but you will be able to customize your character to how you want and you will also be able to
customize your vehicle then. The vehicles will be spaceships and then I will have to design
several different kind of spaceships that you can unlock throughout the game and customize to
your will, which will include upgrades which will make your spaceship faster and more durable
whilst it is flying around in space and also you can upgrade the weapons on the spaceship to be
able to deal more damage to the enemy spaceships. You can also customise it to how you want
by changing the colour of it to make it your own. When you start the game you will be able to
name your character and name your spaceship, and you will also have to take a name for your
crew and at first you start alone and as you play the game you have more people want to join
your crew who have specialities and they give you bonuses that will help you complete the
game. The world changes on every single game ever made, depending on the game, the size of
the world varies. There can be a set world for you to be able to
visit, or you can play an open world game which is where you
can go anywhere you want. But my environment will look
quite similar to everyone single map you play on because its
in space and there isnt really much you can change around in
space apart from the planet you see and some meteorites
floating around in space.
Doing thumbnail sketches will benefit my greatly when doing anything in correlation to drawing
because this will give me a good idea of what different ideas I could use when actually coming
to the final decision when it comes to my character or vehicle or the environment. This helps by
adding in little bits of each thing to see if they work and so if I think a character would look
good with a hat on and I want to try that out I can and I can decide whether or not I like how it

Visual Style: I will be using cell-shading when I make my game. Cell-shading is a dying art in the
video game industry because as the subject I previously talked about is taking over the video
game industry so not many companies use this style and make this game anymore. Cell-shading
is when the game is made my colouring in the character on a sheet step by step and thus
making the games take a while to be made thus giving the game a unique feeling for it and plus
gives the game creators great pride when they make it because of the length it took to make
them. They are still done in high quality as they hand-draw them then they animate them with
their software and make them look very good but in a cartoon style of format. As I previously
mentioned not many companies use that style of format anymore but the main company who
still use that company is 'Level 5' who make games like 'Ni No Kuni', 'Professor Layton' and
other games like that, they are mainly aimed at children but a lot of adults like them as well and
they are very well received and have a very strong and loyal fan base because of the cell-
shading feature they use in their game. I have decided to use this because as I mentioned its a
dying art by has a very loyal and strong fan base and starting of an early company whos making
a game, this can be key when generating a fan base as they will get the game out there and well
known. I will also use this style because it suits my idea the best, and although it would look
really good in photorealism it wouldnt have the same effect, the game is supposed to be fun
and youre supposed to enjoy it but if I used photorealism it takes that cartoon fun way away
from it and makes the game that little more serious and it would be hard to have that same
feeling when playing the game.

2D and 3D uses pixel art and it is a dying art in the game graphics nowadays because of how
great the systems are nowadays but they are still games that are great classics. They used pixel
art for video games back in the day but they don't anymore apart from the few odd companies
that like the style but people don't like the style anymore because care for graphics not story
anymore. The pixel art is a very simple design where the characters and the world are just little
blocks to make everything up. They are only 2d normally and that means you can only see one
side of the world and you can spin the camera around and see around you in the video game
like you can nowadays but in the olden days people thought this was amazing. Lots of
companies used to you this style when making games, and the games they made were
legendary and have went down in history as some of the best games in history, games like Final
Fantasy 7, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Mario, Donkey Kong are among the most

popular that have ever been created. First person and second person can be can use any style
of graphic and the first person style is where you can only see your hands and whatever you see
in front of you, third person is when you can see your character who you are controlling and
you can see all around you. Scrolling is where you can scroll around when you play a game this
is generally uses on mobile phones when you need to move around but you scroll around to
look at your things that you have taken or made depending on what the game is about. This
could be very good to use in my video game. The world changes on every single game ever
made, depending on the game, the size of the world varies. There can be a set world for you to
be able to visit, or you can play an open world game which is where you can go anywhere you
want. Set world maps tend to be games like Call of Duty or Battlefield where there is places you
can go but there isnt much for you to be able to do, whereas an open world game would be
games like Skyrim or The Witcher where you can walk around and do whatever it is you feel
like. These games tend to have a map with them because the games are so large and there is so
many places you can visit. Terrain is what the world is, for example, is the world a wasteland or
a desert biome or something along those lines. Most open world games have various terrains
like Skyrim once again or Minecraft as they have hate set parts of the world, so they have a
snowy terrain and then a forest terrain and things along those lines. Set world games also have
this, but games like Call of Duty has a set terrain because they have different maps, and this
means that they have several places to play the game, but you cant leave that place. They have
lots of terrains but the main ones tend to be forest, grassy plain, snow, city, and space. All
games have terrains, it doesnt matter if its a city, its still a terrain. Architecture is what the
world built around you is, for example, the buildings and things along those lines. You have to
take architecture in to account when making your game because you need to make sure it
matches your storyline, for example, a post-apocalyptic world, a lot of games take this
architecture in to account because they are the storylines in fashion at the moment. Games like
Gears of War take on a post-apocalyptic world as that is what the storyline is based on and this
makes players fall in love with the game more because they feel immersed into the game and
the world that they are playing in thus making it more enjoyable to play. They tend to be cities
as they are easiest to show it's a post-apocalyptic world because you can show buildings falling
down and stuff like that, rather than showing the open plains as they will be quite untouched
and you wouldnt know the world.
This applies to my video game because if we discriminate a certain
race or gender people wont watch my advert and then they will be
very insulted and then they will report my advert thus meaning the
company will fail, and even if we make a good one next time, people
will always remember us for doing that. So we need to be careful.
Because if someone finds something offensive in any way shape or form and they make a
complaint you can be in a lot of trouble. But Im sure I wont do that. There are many types of
ethical laws such as: Decency. Decency is where you cannot break the rules. The main one is

the Obscene Publications Act. This can happen when you include in your product impolite
information. Another one is Libel. Libel is where you cant make a written report or statement
about a certain individual which could be deemed harmful towards their reputation or just
them in general. You have to be careful what your write if you are lying about what you write
you can get into serious trouble. Another one is Slander. Slander is where you cant make a
spoken statement about a certain individual which (once again) can be deemed harmful
towards their reputation or just them in general. This once again is very serious topic especially
when you say it to the wrong person. The main extreme type of slander is racism. If you are
caught being racist you can be thrown in prison. But it also can be many different types such as:
gender, disability, sexuality and nationality. Player actions are key when it comes to making
characters. Characters are key when making a video game because if you don't have any
characters then you can't play the game. Characters need to go through intense making. Visual
development artists will use the story and characters that they have created to build a basic
idea that they have made beforehand that is used as a guideline for an entire video game. To
begin with and the artist will make a rough sketch of the world and the characters and items
throughout the game, and after given the okay by the project manager, they will then make
them on 3D to turn them into the video game style that is needed for them to be put into the
video game. They need to make sure about everything the character does, the walking
animation, how he moves his/her body around and also how he or she talks and his/her face
animation when they are talking. Games like Final Fantasy 7, The Legend of Zelda: Link's
Awakening, Mario, Donkey Kong are among the most popular that have ever been created
according to characters because of their story and their development in the game and thus
makes the audience fall in love with them.

All games need goals and challenges because if you don't the game will be very boring. Every
single game that has ever been made has some sort of goals or challenges. Whether the goal be
to find something or someone, and the challenges can be anything from complete something in
a certain amount of time. Games like Call of Duty have great challenges and goals when you
play online you get a ton of goals and challenges in order to get better at the game and unlock
better weapons and items. You have to do a certain amount of things in order to get this item,
their challenges tend to be get a certain amount of kills or a certain way of how to kill an
enemy, for example, get 5 headshots in a single game, or get 500 kills with this weapon which
has no attachments added on to it. Doing this goals and challenges results in you getting really
good rewards, it might be some better armour or a new knife or a secret bow if you're lucky

Every single game ever made has a difficulty setting because this is what makes the game
challenging or unchallenging. Most games just have 3 settings, easy, moderate, hard. But games
like Wolfenstein has 5 game difficulties and they all have different names than the generic
name, their names are 'can I play, daddy?' - which is equivalent to very easy, their next one is
'Don't hurt me' which means easy, the next one is 'Bring'em On' which is normal difficulty, the
next one is 'I am death incarnate' which means hard difficulty and the final one is 'Uber' which
means very hard. So as you can see some games do a lot more difficulties to make the game
more challenging than others.

Console: The most used form of gaming is console gaming. Now there are a lot of different type
of consoles but the main type of consoles consist of PlayStation and Xbox but some also use
Nintendo consoles, for example, the Nintendo Switch. These are all very expensive, but people
still play them on these because they offer the best services for the average gamer. The biggest
are obviously PlayStation and Xbox, which continuously try to outdo the other by adding new
features and making game that are only playable on that certain console. My game will solely
be on PlayStation because this console has the better graphics, which will appeal to my target
audience very well, and just the console is better for what my game and what I want my game
to be able to do. Buying games for this platform is simple as they are all sold in stores such as
GAME, and even supermarkets. This makes it easier for the user to enjoy playing, as the games
arent scatted about everywhere like PC for example, they are in one place,
where everybody can buy without fuss. Another key thing about console
gaming is the controllers they are very manageable because you can charge
them and then unplug them and sit however far away you want from the
console and play the game. I have chosen to use PlayStation because
consoles are a lot more in demand than anything else and the PlayStation is
because I mentioned before, this console has the better graphics, which will

appeal to my target audience very well, and just the console is better for what my game and
what I want my game to be able to do.


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