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Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122

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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / t e c t o

Thrusting evolution in the southern Cordillera Oriental (northern Argentine Andes):

Constraints from growth strata
Nria Carrera , Josep Anton Muoz
Departament de Geodinmica i Geofsica, Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Mart i Franqus s/n, 08028-Barcelona, Spain


Article history: Growth strata and unconformities in the Cenozoic synorogenic sediments in the southern Cordillera Oriental
Received 16 March 2006 of the northern Argentine Andes provide new evidence for the eastward migration of the Andean
Received in revised form 5 May 2007 deformation from the Puna to the Santa Brbara system. The growth sequences and unconformities allow us
Accepted 14 November 2007
to constrain the age of the structures with greater precision and to determine the distribution of this
Available online 1 April 2008
deformation in the thrust and fold wedge over time. Thrust evolution was mainly controlled by the
reactivation of earlier extensional faults of the Cretaceous Salta Rift Basin. The geometry of the inverted
Growth strata structures together with the general forward migration of the deformation gave rise to different thrust
Tectonic evolution sequences. The foreland dipping imbricate stack of the western Cordillera Oriental developed forwards
Argentina during MiddleLate Miocene, resulting in a break back thrusting sequence. Thrust propagation rate increased
Andes in Late Miocene-Early Pliocene times when the eastern part of the Cordillera Oriental developed. At that time
Cordillera Oriental a widespread deformation and synchronous thrusting occurred in the Cordillera Oriental. Subsequently,
Thrust and fold wedge deformation was mainly conned to the eastern part of the Cordillera Oriental. Finally, during the
Pleistocene-Holocene, deformation affected a wider zone, including the Cordillera Oriental and the Santa
Brbara System, giving rise to the reactivation of previously developed thrusts.

Resumen: La presencia de estratos de crecimiento y discordancias en los sedimentos sinorognicos

cenozoicos del extremo sur de la Cordillera Oriental (Andes del Noroeste de Argentina) demuestra que la
deformacin migr hacia el este desde la Puna hasta el Sistema de Santa Brbara. La migracin de la
deformacin hacia el antepas est aceptada y bien documentada en el cinturn de pliegues y cabalgamientos
oriental de los Andes. Sin embargo, la descripcin de las nuevas discordancias y geometras de crecimiento
nos permite precisar la edad de las estructuras y determinar la distribucin de la deformacin a lo largo del
tiempo en la cua orognica. La evolucin estructural de la zona fue controlada principalmente por la
inversin de las cuencas extensivas del rift cretcico de Salta, que superpuesta a la migracin general de la
deformacin hacia el antepas, result en diferentes secuencias de cabalgamientos. El sistema imbricado de
cabalgamientos de la parte occidental de la Cordillera Oriental, a pesar de ser vergente hacia el oeste, se
desarroll hacia el antepas durante el Mioceno medio-superior dando lugar a un sistema de cabalgamientos
de bloque superior (fuera de secuencia). La velocidad de propagacin de cabalgamientos aument en el
Mioceno superior- Plioceno inferior cuando se desarroll la parte oriental de la Cordillera Oriental. Durante
este estadio, en la Cordillera Oriental se observa una deformacin generalizada dando lugar a un sistema
sincrnico de cabalgamientos. Posteriormente, la deformacin estuvo restringida a la parte oriental de la
Cordillera Oriental. Finalmente, durante el Pleistoceno-Holoceno, la deformacin afect una zona ms
amplia, incluyendo toda la Cordillera Oriental y el Sistema de Santa Brbara, reactivando los cabalgamientos
desarrollados con anterioridad.
2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the Cordillera Oriental in the Andes of northern Argentina. The age of
these sediments has been mainly inferred from correlation with other
Thick packages (up to several kilometres) of Cenozoic continental areas (i.e.: Santa Mara Valley, Grier and Dallmeyer, 1990; Ro Iruya,
synorogenic sediments are very well preserved in the southern part of Reynolds et al., 1994). Fossil remains are scarce (Hongn et al., 2007)
and only few intercalated tuffs have been dated (Grier and Dallmeyer,
1990; Reynolds et al., 1994; Coutand et al., 2006). Timing of the
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 93 402 1373; fax: +34 93 402 1340. deformation has been mainly deduced from map and facies distribu-
E-mail addresses: (N. Carrera), (J.A. Muoz). tion (Vergani and Starck, 1989a,b; Ramos, 1999; Starck and Anztegui,

0040-1951/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
108 N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122

2001) and from apatite ssion-track (AFT) thermochronology of The Andean structures of the southern part of the Cordillera Oriental
Cenozoic clastic sediments (Coutand et al., 2006) and bedrock show a double vergence (Allmendinger et al., 1982). They are
(Deeken et al., 2006). characterized by the oblique inversion of extensional faults of the
Cretaceous Salta Rift Basin between Miocene and Holocene. Inversion
tectonics has been documented from surface data, in the Cordillera
Oriental (Grier et al., 1991; Kley et al., 2005; Carrera et al., 2006) and at
the northern edge of the Santa Brbara System (Kley and Monaldi,
2002). Moreover, inversion tectonics has also been deduced from
seismic data of the Santa Brbara System (Cominguez and Ramos,
1995; Cristallini et al., 1997; Kley et al., 2005). Thus, inversion tectonics
plays an important role in the Andean structures of the Cordillera
Oriental (Grier et al., 1991; Kley et al., 2005; Carrera et al., 2006; Hongn
et al., 2007).
Thermochronological data are commonly used to infer the exhuma-
tion evolution of orogenic systems and to interpret their temporal and
spatial pattern of structural development (Fitzgerald et al., 1999;
Deeken et al., 2006). Nevertheless, knowledge of the synorogenic
stratigraphic record, and an improved understanding of the geometric
and relative age relationships between synorogenic sediments and
structures have been instrumental in deciphering the kinematic
evolution of thrust and fold belts (Burbank et al., 1992; Vergs et al.,
2002). Recognition and understanding of the growth sequences require
detailed mapping to unravel their 3D geometry, the reliability of which
is enhanced if constrained with subsurface data.
Chronological methods such as AFT thermochronology and
magnetostratigraphy of the synorogenic sediments are valuable
complementary methods when combined with detailed studies of
growth strata and the deduced structural evolution. This combined
approach has proved to be successful in our understanding of the
Pyrenees and other mountain ranges of the world (Burbank et al.,
1992; Fitzgerald et al., 1999). Such comprehensive studies demand a
multidisciplinary approach and collaboration between different
research groups. In the Eastern Cordillera, recent thermochronological
studies in the basement uplifted blocks as well as in adjacent basins
have constrained timing of exhumation events (Coutand et al., 2006;
Deeken et al., 2006). However, the interpretation of these results do
not rely on detailed eld studies of growth sequences and few
geometrical and age relationships between outcropping synorogenic
sediments and structures have been described. Recently, north of the
studied area, Hongn et al. (2007) have documented growth geome-
tries related to the lower Cenozoic synorogenic sediments.
This work provides detailed maps and cross-sections of selected areas
in the southern Cordillera Oriental, revealing a large number of
unconformities and growth geometries in the MioceneHolocene sedi-
ments. This eld based study makes use of the excellent outcrops of the
area and of satellite images and aerial photographs. 3D stratal geometry of
many of the studied areas is well expressed in the eld because of the
quality of the outcrops and the variable plunge of the structures that
deform the synorogenic sediments and the bottom of the basins.
The geometries observed in the synorogenic sediments and their
facies distribution provide new constraints for timing of the Andean
deformation, yielding fresh insights into the tectonic evolution of the
southern Cordillera Oriental. Our conclusions provide a structural
background to better understand the timing of deformation and allow
the interpretation of results in terms of spatial distribution and
propagation of the deformation in the eastern Andean thrust and fold
belt of northern Argentina.

Fig. 1. a) Structural units of the central Andes and location of the study area (Black
Square). Modied from Coutand et al., 2001. b) Chronostratigraphic diagram showing
the tectonostratigraphic units of the study area and the main tectonic events that
controlled their deposition. Formations cropping out in the area are represented. The
major unconformities bounding the main units are depicted by a wavy line, whereas
minor internal unconformities are indicated by a dash-dot line. This diagram results
from a compilation of our data and data from the literature (see text for references).
Modied from Carrera et al. (2006).
N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122 109

2. Geological setting MesozoicCenozoic succession. The Balbuena Subgroup unconform-

ably overlies both the Pirgua Subgroup and the basement of the basin
The southern edge of the Cordillera Oriental is located E of the margins, mainly north of the study area in the SaltaJujuy High (i.e.,
Puna, W of the Santa Brbara system, and N of the Sierras Pampeanas Escoipe and Cerro Tintin areas; Fig. 2).
(Fig. 1a). This area is characterized by the presence of extensive Above the Balbuena Subgroup, the PaleoceneEarly Eocene Santa
outcrops of Precambrian basement rocks, the absence of Paleozoic Brbara Subgroup is wider and overlies the Yacoraite Formation and
series and by the irregular distribution of very thick Mesozoic and the basement (i.e., Quebrada de La Yesera and San Lucas areas; Fig. 2).
Cenozoic continental clastic sequences (312 km) (Figs. 1b and 2). The This subgroup is made up of red uvial sandstones and shales with
arrangement of these units results from the superposition of different some greenish levels (Mealla, Maiz Gordo and Lumbrera Formations)
tectonic events. Before the Andean deformation, the studied area was (Fig. 1b) (Marquillas et al., 2005).
affected by the Ordovician Ocloyic Orogeny and the Cretaceous rifting
(Ramos, 1986; Mon and Hong, 1991). 2.1.3. Middle EoceneHolocene synorogenic strata (Payogastilla and
Orn Groups)
2.1. Stratigraphy The sedimentation of the Middle Eocene Holocene strata, which
unconformably overlie the Salta Group and the basement, is related to the
The chronostratigraphic diagram of Fig. 1b summarizes the main Andean Orogeny and was mainly controlled by tectonically induced
stratigraphic units of the studied area and their related tectonic events. subsidence (Jordan, 1984; Jordan and Alonso, 1987; Vergani and Starck,
1989a,b; Starck and Vergani, 1996). These synorogenic strata crop out
2.1.1. PrecambrianEarly Cambrian basement (Puncoviscana Formation) along the main valleys (i.e., Luracatao, Calchaqui, AmblayoEscoipe, Lerma
The basement mainly consists of a monotonous succession of thin and Pampa Grande) (Fig. 2). They have been classied into two main
bedded sandstones and shales, PrecambrianEarly Cambrian in age groups: the Orn Group (Russo and Serraiotto, 1979) and the Payogastilla
(Puncoviscana Formation; Aceolaza, 1979; Turner and Mon, 1979). Group (Daz and Malizzia, 1983) (Fig. 3), which correspond to distal and
These rocks were metamorphosed and intruded by granites during the proximal continental facies, respectively. These Groups have also been
Cambrian and Ordovician. Both metamorphism and granitic intru- subdivided into four major tectostratigraphic cycles or megasequences
sions increase southwards and westwards in the study area (Carrera et (Vergani and Starck, 1989a,b; Starck and Vergani, 1996) (Fig. 3).
al., 2006). During the Late Ordovician, this basement was deformed by In the study area, the oldest megasequence, Megasequence I
the Ocloyic orogeny, which resulted in west-directed thrusts and folds (Middle EoceneOligocene), was deposited in a single foreland basin.
with an axial plane cleavage dipping steeply to the east (Mon and The Megasequence II (Middle Miocene) is related to the breaking up of
Hong, 1991). The oldest sedimentary rocks unconformably overlying this foreland, especially in the western margin of the Cordillera
the basement belong to the CretaceousEarly Eocene Salta Group Oriental. The Megasequence III (Late Miocene) was deposited when
(Turner, 1959) (Figs. 1b and 2). this foreland basin was completely compartmentalised. Finally, the
Megasequence IV (PliocenePleistocene) was restricted to isolated,
2.1.2. CretaceousEarly Eocene synrift and postrift strata (Salta Group) intramontane basins generated by the breaking up of the earlier
The stratigraphic sequence of the Salta Group is well known in foreland basin (Vergani and Starck, 1989a,b; Starck and Vergani, 1996;
northwestern Argentina. It comprises three Subgroups, which from Starck and Anztegui, 2001).
bottom to top are (Fig. 1b): Pirgua, Balbuena and Santa Brbara The main features of these megasequences are summarized below
(Moreno, 1970; Reyes and Salty, 1973; Salty and Marquillas, 1981; in accordance with the descriptions of Starck and Anztegui (2001).
Gmez Omil et al., 1989). The Megasequence I of Vergani and Starck (1989a,b) (Fig. 3) is
The Cretaceous Pirgua Subgroup corresponds to the synrift unit composed of a Kilometre-thick coarsening and thickening upward
sedimented during the formation of the Salta Basin (Fig. 1b). This basin cycle that overlies both the Salta Group (i.e., San Lucas area, Fig. 2) and
was part of a wider rift system, which extended obliquely to the the basement rocks (i.e. La Via area, Fig. 2). The basal section of this
Andean Range from the central Andes of Peru and Bolivia to the cycle is made up of red siltstones of the upper member of the
ChacoParanense basin in the Andean foreland (Uliana et al., 1989). Lumbrera Formation. These ne-grained facies grade upwards into red
The Salta Basin has a complex overall shape with sub-basins of sandstones and conglomerates of the Quebrada de los Colorados
different trends around an uplifted area known as the SaltaJujuy Formation (Fig. 1b). Coarse facies grade eastwards into the silty facies
High (Salty and Marquillas, 1981; Marquillas et al., 2005). The of the upper member of the Lumbrera Formation. The deposition of
Cretaceous Pirgua Subgroup consists of alluvial and uvial deposits Megasequence I is believed to be controlled by subsidence related to
formed by red breccias, conglomerates, sandstones and shales. The the Incaic orogenic phase (EoceneOligocene) (Vergani and Starck,
thickness and lithology are strongly controlled by the extensional 1989a; Starck and Vergani, 1996), thus representing the initial stage of
faults of the Salta Basin. Maximum thickness is observed to the west the foreland basin. The Megasequence I was estimated to be Paleogene
(PucarVallecito and BrealitoMolinos areas; Fig. 2) and to the south in age by Marrett and Allmendinger (1990) in accordance with its
of the studied area where up to 4 km thick packages of breccias are stratigraphic position and by correlation with Geste Formation, which
observed (Sabino, 2005; Carrera et al., 2006). Pirgua Subgroup includes Palaeogene mammals. A Middle EoceneOligocene age has
sediments occupy a wide area in the southeast and are restricted to been recently proposed by the presence of fossil remains in La Poma,
certain areas in the west where basement outcrops predominate. They north of the studied area (Hongn et al., 2007). In this same area, Hongn
gradually thin out northwards towards the SaltaJujuy High (Fig. 2). et al. (2007) have recognized growth geometries in the Quebrada de
The Maastrichtian Early Eocene Balbuena and Santa Brbara los Colorados Formation related to the rst events of Andean
Subgroups belong to the postrift sequence (Fig. 1b) (Marquillas et al., deformation in the area, thus limiting the location of the orogenic
2005). They show an areal extension wider than the Pirgua Subgroup, front.
overlying basement rocks beyond the margins of the Salta Basin, The Megasequence II of Vergani and Starck (1989a,b), also known
except in the area of PucarVallecito where postrift sediments have as Calchaquense (Fig. 3), is represented in the Calchaqu Valley by the
not been observed (Fig. 2). Angastaco Formation, with more than 3 km of reddish and brownish
The MaastrichtianEarly Paleocene Balbuena materials are made strata. This unit comprises a basal, eolian, sandy member up to 600 m
up of the yellowish stromatolitic limestones and greenish shales of the thick and an upper, uvial coarsening-up, conglomeratic member fed
Yacoraite Formation (Fig. 1b). This unit is extensive and constitutes a from an orogenic front located to the west. East of the Calchaqu
good cartographic reference level in the predominantly red coloured Valley, the prograding pattern is maintained but involving ner
110 N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122

lithologies. Basal eolian deposits are included in the Ro Seco Formation (Fig. 1b). This formation is composed of red and green
Formation and are overlain by the sandy Jess Mara Formation. shales with abundant gypsum, and constitutes the most distal and
Between them and interngering with both to the east is the Anta eastern facies of this megasequence. This unit has been related to the
N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122 111

Fig. 3. Stratigraphic units of the synorogenic sediments of the Cordillera Oriental and adjacent areas.

Miocene Paranense transgression (Uliana and Biddle, 1988; Ramos Syntectonic sediments above the Quebrada de los Colorados
and Alonso, 1995, among others). Formation have also been classied into the Metn and the Jujuy
In the study area radiometric ages from the Angastaco Formation Subgroups (Gebhard et al., 1974). The Megasequence II of Vergani and
(13.4 0.4 Ma, 40Ar/39Ar method on bitotite, Grier and Dallmeyer, Starck (1989a,b) corresponds to the Metn Subgroup whereas the
1990; 12.11 0.11 Ma,40Ar/39Ar single crystal, Marrett et al., 1994) and Megasequences III and IV correspond to the Jujuy Subgroup (Figs. 1b
the Anta Formation (14.5 1.4 Ma, Zircon Fission-track; Reynolds et al., and 3).
2000) date this megasequence as Middle Miocene. This age is
supported by scarce fossil remnants in the Angastaco Formation 2.2. Structure
assigned to MiddleLate Miocene (Daz et al., 1986). East of the study
area, in the Santa Brbara System, magnetostratigraphic and radio- The studied area comprises the southernmost part of the Cordillera
metric data have yielded ages between 15 to 10 Ma from the bottom to Oriental and its boundaries with the Sierras Pampeanas to the south,
the top of this megasequence (Reynolds et al., 1994, 2000). and the Puna to the west (Fig. 1a). The Andean structure of this area is
In the Calchaqu Valley, the Megasequence III of Vergani and Starck characterized by a fold and thrust system involving all the aforemen-
(1989a,b), also known as Araucanense (Fig. 3), consists of an up to tioned tectonostratigraphic units. The predominant vergence to the
3 km thick coarsening and thickening upward cycle. The proximal west of the Andean structures and their different orientations should
uvial and alluvial conglomerates of the lower part of the San Felipe be noted (Fig. 2). Contractional structures show NS, NNESSW, NW
Formation prograde eastwards into the more distal lacustrine and SE and EW trends. NS trending structures are present mainly in the
ne-grained uvial facies of the Palo Pintado Formation. East of the central and western parts of the study area, west of the Amblayo
Calchaqu Valley, Megasequence III is represented by the Ro Guanaco Valley and the Sierra de Santa Brbara (Fig. 2). These structures are
Formation (Fig. 1b), which consists of well-sorted uvial conglomer- perpendicular to the local EW Andean shortening direction (Hindle
ates alternating with silts and sandstones. et al., 2002). NNESSW trending structures predominate in the
Mammal remnants from the Palo Pintado Formation, an ash eastern part of the area whereas NWSE trending structures are
located at its top (5.27 0.28 Ma by the UPb method on zircon; present in the west. Such orientations of the contractional structures
Coutand et al., 2006) and ash-fall tuffs intercalated in the Ro Guanaco result in fold interference patterns at different scales in some parts of
Formation (8.73 0.25 Ma by K/Ar, Del Papa et al., 1993; Viramonte the study area. The fold pattern affecting the synorogenic Payogastilla
et al., 1994) indicate a Late Miocene age for the Megasequence III. Group around Angastaco and the folds of the syn and postrift
Moreover, in the Santa Brbara System, Reynolds et al. (2000) propose sediments in the Las Conchas River are prominent at map scale
a magnetostratigraphic age not older than 9 Ma for the bottom of the (Fig. 2). Structural style is dominated by tight asymmetric folds related
Guanaco Formation. to high angle thrusts showing thinned inverted limbs in the
The Megasequence IV of Vergani and Starck (1989a,b), also known as hangingwall anticlines (Fig. 2). Synclines are often observed in the
Jujeo (Fig. 3), is represented in the Calchaqu Valley by the upper part footwall next to the thrusts, suggesting a limited thrust displacement.
of the San Felipe Formation. The transition in the lower part of the Geometry and orientation of the Andean structures are strongly
formation is marked by a change in clast composition. This reects a controlled by the Andean inversion of the Cretaceous Salta Rift (Grier
change in the provenance of the clasts, which is attributed to the uplift et al., 1991; Kley et al., 2005; Carrera et al., 2006).
of new tectonic blocks to the east of the Calchaqu Valley (Starck and
Anztegui, 2001, Coutand et al., 2006). In the eastern areas, Mega- 3. Study areas
sequence IV is represented by the Piquete Formation, which is
composed of coarse conglomerates and agglomerates, deposited in Growth strata and different geometrical relationships between
alluvial fans sourced along the border of the valleys. In the central parts MioceneHolocene syntectonic sediments and Andean structures
of some valleys, distal facies are characterized by well-sorted, far- were observed in the Cordillera Oriental. Below, we describe the areas
sourced conglomerates. Malamud et al. (1996) reported a Pleistocene where the most signicant geometries of the growth sequences were
ssion track age from a tuff in the upper part of the Piquete formation at mapped in detail. Although these geometries have not been described
Lerma Valley. Given this age and a wider time span (52 Ma) based on previously, they are crucial to the understanding of the structural
magnetostratigrahic ages at Ro Metn (Reynolds et al., 2000) a evolution of the Cordillera Oriental, because they provide time
PliocenePleistocene age has been assigned to the Megasequence IV. constraints.

Fig. 2. a) Geological map of the Southern Cordillera Oriental. Squares correspond to the areas described in detail in this paper b) general cross-section AB from Molinos to the Lerma
Valley. See (a) for location. Tectonic style of the area is dominated by tight asymmetric folds related to high angle basement-involved thrusts showing inverted limbs in the
hangingwall anticlines. These features and the presence of synclines adjacent to the thrusts in the footwall constrain the maximum displacement of thrusts. Modied from Carrera
et al. (2006). There is no vertical exaggeration in any of the cross-sections.
112 N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122

Fig. 4. Geological map of the Pucar-Vallecito area furnishing evidence of inversion tectonics such as stratigraphic differences, preserved extensional faults and related short-cuts.
Coarse grained breccias are observed adjacent to the main fault bounding to the west the Pirgua Subgroup outcrops (JasimanVallecito Thrust). See Fig. 2(a) for location.

3.1. PucarVallecito area nized near Pucarilla in the hangingwall of the thrust (Fig. 5). All these
features demonstrate that the development of the JasimanVallecito
In the proximity of Pucar and Vallecito, at the western edge of the Thrust is related to the tectonic inversion of a Cretaceous rift basin and
Cordillera Oriental, there is a main thrust, known as the Jasiman that the main eastward dipping extensional fault bounding this basin
Vallecito Thrust. This westward directed thrust constitutes the SW was reactivated as a thrust.
boundary of the Cretaceous synrift sediments (Fig. 4). This thrust The JasimanVallecito Thrust has a general NWSE orientation
brings Cretaceous Pirgua sediments, that unconformably overlie with a reentrant near Vallecito, where it takes a NESW strike. A
basement rocks to the N and E, on top of Middle EoceneHolocene kilometric scale basement short-cut crops out in this area (Figs. 4
synorogenic sediments which in turn unconformably overlie base- and 6). This could be the result of the inversion of a relay ramp
ment rocks (Figs. 2 and 4). In the hangingwall of the Jasiman between two previous stepped NWSE oriented extensional faults.
Vallecito Thrust, the Cretaceous synrift Pirgua sediments are folded by The eastern portion of the JasimanVallecito Thrust presents a
the Cerro Colorado Anticline (Fig. 4). Coarse facies are located along hectometric scale basement short-cut beside its branch-point with the
the thrust in the western limb of this anticline, suggesting the NESW trending thrust (Fig. 6). At this locality, the extensional fault is
existence of a previous extensional fault subparallel to the Jasiman visible in the eld, displaying a high angle relationship with the
Vallecito Thrust. Hectometric scale basement shortcuts were recog- Cretaceous Pirgua beds.
N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122 113

Fig. 5. Frontal view of the JasimanVallecito Thrust at Pucarilla showing a hectometric basement shortcut related to the inversion of a previous extensional fault. See Fig. 4 for

The hangingwall of the JasimanVallecito Thrust is characterized The aforementioned features demonstrate that the Miocene
by the NS trending Pucar Syncline with continental Miocene Holocene sediments were deposited and folded during the inversion
Holocene clastics cropping out at its core (Figs. 4 and 7). These of the Cretaceous extensional basins. In order to account for the
sediments correspond to the lower part of the Payogastilla Group geometrical relationships between the MioceneHolocene strata and
(Vilela and Garca, 1978; Grier, 1990). The angular relationships of Cretaceous synrift beds, the latter must have undergone a tilting in the
these sediments with respect to the unconformity at their base and hangingwall of the extensional faults. This tilting could have occurred
the Cretaceous Pirgua beds below should be pointed out. In general, either before the onset of the inversion or in its early stages.
synorogenic beds are steeper than the Pirgua ones despite the fact that The onlap of the MioceneHolocene sediments in the eastern limb
they onlap the synrift Pirgua sediments eastwards (Figs. 4 and 7). In of the Pucar Syncline and the truncation of the folds east of Pucar
the western limb of the Pucar Syncline, MioceneHolocene sedi- suggest that syntectonic sedimentation occurred after and during the
ments are parallel to the unconformity that truncates the eastern limb onset of inversion in the eastern part of the Pucar Basin. These folds
of the Cerro Colorado Anticline at an approximate angle of 25. In the are interpreted as buttress folds during minor reactivation of the
eastern limb of the Pucar Syncline, these sediments unconformably extensional fault.
overlie folded Cretaceous Pirgua beds in the hangingwall of a west Growth sequences were recognized in the footwall of the
dipping extensional fault (Figs. 4 and 7). This fault was preserved, JasimanVallecito Thrust. A spectacular progressive unconformity
although partially reactivated, and folded in the footwall of the (Vallecito Progressive Unconformity) was mapped in the Quebrada
westward directed Sierra de Quilmes Thrust (Figs. 4 and 7). Carrizal, providing time constraints for the inversion of extensional

Fig. 6. Detailed map of CarrizalVallecito where different scale shortcuts are preserved along the JasimanVallecito Thrust. The upper sediments of the Vallecito Progressive
Unconformity unconformably overlie the kilometric scale short-cut. Ignimbrites interbedded with this succession have been dated at 12.11 0.11 Ma,40Ar/39Ar single crystal, by
Marrett et al. (1994), constraining the age of the inversion of this area. See Fig. 4 for location.
114 N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122

Fig. 7. Cross-section (aa') of Pucar providing evidence of tectonic inversion such as a partially inverted rollover (Cerro Colorado Anticline) and a folded extensional fault. Note the
angular relationships between the synorogenic sediments and the Pirgua Subgroup. See Fig. 4 for location.

structures (Figs. 4, 6 and 8). The fanning attitude of the lower beds of activity (Figs. 9 and 10). At Peas Blancas, the upper synorogenic
the growth sequence demonstrates the synchronicity of thrusting and sediments and the unconformity below (Peas Blancas Unconformity)
sedimentation. The upper beds of these growth strata unconformably display a syncline over an anticline of Pirgua breccias (Figs. 9 and 10).
overlie the basement shortcut, although they are slightly folded. In This superposition may be derived from the reactivation of a fold
this area a lahar deposit interbedded with these upper growth below an angular unconformity (Alonso, 1989). At Peas Blancas, the
sediments yields an age of 12.11 0.11 Ma (40Ar/39Ar single crystal) anticline involving Pirgua sediments below the unconformity was
(Marrett et al., 1994). interpreted as a Cretaceous extensional rollover, subsequently
reactivated during the Andean deformation.
3.2. AngastacoSan LucasPeas Blancas area West of the Calchaqu Thrust, synrift sediments are absent at
surface and the Middle EoceneHolocene synorogenic Payogastilla
NW of San Carlos the Calchaqu River ows across a very thick Group unconformably overlies both the PaleoceneEarly Eocene
succession of synorogenic Tertiary deposits (Figs. 2 and 9). This area is well
known for the magnicence of the outcrops as well as for their accessibility.
However, little is known about the internal structure of these sediments
and their relationships with the structures in the area. Detailed mapping of
this area revealed the existence of numerous unconformities and growth
geometries that enable us to decipher the age and the kinematic
relationships between sediments and structures. Moreover, this area is
located between the thrust structures of the western margin of the
Cordillera Oriental and the basement-involved folds of the Sierra de
Quilmes, at the northern tip of the Sierras Pampeanas (Fig. 9).
The Middle EoceneHolocene sediments recorded the Andean
evolution of the boundary between the Cordillera Oriental and the
Sierras Pampeanas. They correspond to a 6 km thick succession of the
Payogastilla Group, which lled a NNWSSE tectonic depression
where all its formations were identied (Figs. 3 and 9).
The eastern boundary of these synorogenic sediments is a
westward directed thrust, which displaced synrift sediments of the
Cretaceous Pirgua Subgroup in its hangingwall. This thrust, known as
the Calchaqu Thrust, exhibits a sinuous geometry, with a general
NNWSSE trending. This geometry has been related to the inversion of
a Cretaceous stepped extensional fault system (Carrera et al., 2006)
(Figs. 2 and 9). Oblique NWSE ramps of the thrust system resulted
from the reactivation of the extensional faults, whereas the NS
frontal ramps developed across the extensional accommodation zones
(Fig. 2). Hangingwall folds, involving a thick sequence of Cretaceous
synrift sediments, also show a stepped geometry, parallel to the
Calchaqu Thrust (Figs. 9 and 10). In the footwall, next to the thrust,
folds involving MioceneHolocene synorogenic sediments also follow
the trend of the Calchaqu Thrust (Fig. 9). Fig. 8. Cross section (bb') of Vallecito showing the main shortcut of basement rocks,
which is unconformably overlain by the upper part of the synorogenic sediments of the
The Calchaqu Thrust is unconformably overlain by sediments of Vallecito Progressive Unconformity. In this upper part, an interbedded ignimbrite dated
the upper Payogastilla Group in different parts of the studied area at 12.11 0.11 Ma,40Ar/39Ar single crystal, (Marrett et al., 1994) constrains the age of the
(Sierra de Tonco, Peas Blancas), providing time constraints for its inversion in this area. See Fig. 4 for location.
N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122 115

Fig. 9. Geological map of the AngastacoSan LucasPeas Blancas area where the Payogastilla Group crops out. Several unconformities related to the growth of specic structures are
recognized. See Fig. 2(a) for location.

postrift sediments of the Santa Brbara Subgroup in the San Lucas area signicant displacement as suggested by the occurrence of the Middle
(Figs. 9 and 11) and the basement further W near la Via and EoceneOligocene Quebrada de los Colorados Formation all along the
Angastaco (Fig. 9). The contact between the Payogastilla Group and contact (Fig. 9). The basement of the Sierra de Quilmes is thrusted to
the basement shows a NWSE trend. This is characterized by a set of the E on top of the Payogastilla Group, thus showing a pop-up
stepped NS trending folds and subordinated thrusts (Fig. 2). Folds are geometry with the Sierra de Quilmes Thrust (Figs. 4 and 7). Other
west-verging, tight, north-plunging and involve the synorogenic thrusts were identied in the western limbs of the La Via and San
sequence and the Puncoviscana Formation. Thrusts do not involve a Lucas Anticlines (Fig. 9).
116 N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122

Fig. 10. General cross-section (cc') of AngastacoSan LucasPeas Blancas along the Quebrada la Via. Note the Desarenador Unconformity located in the middle of the Angastaco
Formation, which is related to the growth of the San Lucas Anticline. See Fig. 9 for location.

An angular unconformity between the Middle EoceneOligocene Angastaco sediments in both limbs. In the hinge, the upper Angastaco
Quebrada de los Colorados and the Middle Miocene Angastaco Forma- Formation rests on top of the Middle EoceneOligocene Quebrada de
tions was observed at Angastaco near the cemetery, whereas these los Colorados Formation (Fig. 11). In the eastern limb of the San Lucas
formations are parallel in the La Via Anticline and farther E (Fig. 9). Anticline, sediments of the San Felipe Formation rest unconformably
The San Lucas Anticline shows a very steep plunge to the north, on top of older formations (Fig. 11). These sediments are folded and
which enables us to observe the complete structure in map view unconformably overlain by the younger sediments of Peas Blancas, as
(Figs. 9 and 11). This anticline is cored at its northern tip by a thin described above (Figs. 9 and 10).
sliver of basement rocks. Paleocene Postrift sediments (Mealla and East of Angastaco, where the Calchaqu River shows a WE
Maz Gordo Formations) only occur in the eastern limb, whereas orientation, different trending folds involving the Middle Eocene
sediments of the Middle EoceneOligocene Quebrada de los Colorados Holocene Payogastilla Group display an interference pattern resulting
Formation are involved in both limbs. The latter unconformably in a structural depression located S of Santa Rosa (Fig. 9). In the south,
overlie the postrift sediments in the hinge of the anticline and rest folds are NS trending and plunge to the N (i.e., La Via Anticline), in
directly on top of the basement in the western limb. The facies of the the west (near Angastaco) folds are WE oriented and plunge to the E
Paleocene postrift sediments (heterometric breccias) suggest that and in the north (near Quebrada Piscuyaco) folds are NNWSSE
these sediments were deposited in the margin of the postrift basin. trending and plunge to the S (Fig. 9).
The lower Angastaco Formation is folded and unconformably overlain
by the upper Angastaco Formation, which displays growth geometry 3.3. PlioceneHolocene structures
around the San Lucas Anticline (Figs. 9, 10 and 11). The bottom of the
growth sequence is an angular unconformity (El Desarenador Contractional structures continue to be active until Recent as
Unconformity) giving rise to a high angle relationship between evidenced by the geometries observed in the sediments of

Fig. 11. Detailed map of San Lucas showing a growth sequence of the upper part of the Angastaco Formation above the Desarenador angular unconformity around the San Lucas
Anticline. This geometry was related to the growth of this anticline. See Fig. 9 for location.
N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122 117

The PliocenePleistocene Piquete Formation lies parallel to the

lower postrift and synorogenic units in the Lerma Valley and farther
east (Fig. 2), where it dips steeply and is involved in the main
contractional structures. Seismic lines in the northern part of the Lerma
Valley corroborate the parallelism between these units, one of which
shows a fanning of the beds in the Piquete Formation (Fig. 12). However,
westwards, at Tintin, the PliocenePleistocene Piquete Formation
shows a prominent angular unconformity over older synorogenic
units of the Payogastilla Group, which lie parallel to the units of the
Salta Group (Fig. 13). At Quebrada Tintn, the Piquete Formation is
gently folded into a syncline with the western limb overlying the
strongly tilted beds of the Payogastilla Group in the footwall of the Cerro
Negro Thrust, and the eastern limb unconformably overlying the synrift
Salta Group sediments in its hangingwall (Figs. 2 and 13).
Younger deposits, herein referred to as PleistoceneHolocene
owing to their relationship with the present topography, were also
involved in the contractional structures in several areas (i.e., Head-
waters of Quebrada la Via, Quebrada de la Cruz, Ro Tintin, Escoipe).
The precise age of these sediments and the location of the boundary
with the Piquete Formation below are unknown.
In the headwaters of the Quebrada la Via, the basement of the
Sierra de Quilmes is thrusted to the E on top of the sediments of the
MiddleUpper Miocene Angastaco Formation. In its footwall, a splay
Fig. 12. Eastern part of the Seismic line 02439 in the northern Lerma Valley where growth
of the main thrust brings Angastaco sediments on top of Pleistocene
strata are observed in the Piquete Formation. Note that the basal Piquete Formation lies Holocene deposits, which are very thick (over 50 m) and exhibit a
parallel to the lower synorogenic sediments in this area. See Fig. 2(a) for location. subtle growth geometry related to the development of this splay. The
upper part of the PleistoceneHolocene sediments unconformably
overlie this thrust splay and is affected farther north by a west dipping
Megasequence IV (PliocenePleistocene) and in younger Pleistocene extensional fault (Fig. 14). This fault changes the orientation of a creek
Holocene rocks as well as by the recorded seismic activity (Cahill et al., located further north and exerts a control on the geometry of its
1992). related alluvial fan.

Fig. 13. a) Cross-section along Ro Tintin. See Fig. 2(a) for location. b) Detail of the unconformity between Megasequence IV (Piquete Formation) and Megasequence I (Angastaco
Formation). c) Detail of the Payogastilla Thrust cropping out at Ro Tintn where PleistoceneHolocene sediments are controlled by the youngest displacement of the thrust.
118 N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122

Fig. 14. a) Panoramic view of the eastern margin of Sierra de Quilmes in the headwaters of the Quebrada de la Via. In this picture, an E directed thrust places basement rocks on top of
synorogenic sediments of the Angastaco Formation and the PleistoceneHolocene. PleistoceneHolocene beds show a gentle growth geometry related to the movement of the thrust.
b) Detail of the growth strata in the footwall of the thrust. c) Note the extensional fault involving the most recent sediments north of the cross-section. See Figs. 9 and 10 for location.

East of Calchaqu River, structures of the western Cordillera parts of these alluvial fan successions are dissected in the creeks,
Oriental also involve PleistoceneHolocene sediments. A ne pro- allowing the observation of the most deformed PleistoceneHolocene
gressive unconformity, which crops out at Quebrada la Cruz, west of sediments. At Quebrada la Cruz progressive unconformity, dips of
Cerro Negro, is related to the growth of the Payogasta Anticline (Figs. 2 PleistoceneHolocene beds in the southern limb of the anticline
and 15). This anticline has a topographic expression in the alluvial fans gradually change from 45W in the lower panel to 5W in the upper
of the westwards owing tributaries of the Calchaqu River. The lower one, which unconformably overlies the lower tilted beds (Fig. 15).

Fig. 15. Progressive unconformity involving recent sediments at Quebrada La Cruz, near Cerro Negro. See Fig. 2(a) for location.
N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122 119

Northwards, at Ro Tintin, the thrust related to the growth of the sediments, which show a progressive unconformity in the footwall
Payogasta Anticline is exposed at surface. At this locality, there is a (Fig. 2).
thick package of sediments of the Salta and the Payogastilla Groups on
top of PleistoceneHolocene sediments, displaying a growth geometry 4. Discussion: tectonic evolution and timing of the
related to the thrust development (Figs. 2 and 13). Andean deformation
The thrust located east of the Cerro Negro Thrust, rests atop at
PleistoceneHolocene beds as was observed in several places (i.e. Most of the aforementioned growth sequences and unconformities
Quebrada La Cruz, Quebrada de Montenieva, Quebrada La Cabaa). involving Miocene to Holocene synorogenic sediments have not been
This thrust is a planar sharp contact dipping 45E. No clear evidence of described before. Many of these unconformities have been mapped as
growth geometry was found in the PleistoceneHolocene although faults and the growth geometries have not been documented. The
this thrust was sealed by upper PleistoceneHolocene sediments and study of the growth strata revealed a complex thrust evolution for the
its hangingwall was onlapped at Quebrada La Cabaa (Fig. 9). structures of the Cordillera Oriental and surrounding structural units
Farther east, at Escoipe, PleistoceneHolocene sediments uncon- and provided time constraints for the development of some particular
formably overlie the overturned synorogenic units (probably of the structures.
Angastaco Formation) in the backlimb of a westward verging syncline. A forward thrusting sequence has been assumed for the develop-
Basement rocks thrust to the W on top of these PleistoceneHolocene ment of the eastern Andes of northern Argentina from the Puna to the

Fig. 16. Tectonic evolution of the Andean deformation in the studied area based on the facies distribution and on the unconformities related to the growth of specic structures. See
text for details about methods and references of the ages.
120 N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122

Sub-Andean belt (Kley et al., 1999; Ramos et al., 2004). The structures of (Figs. 4 and 7). The Sierra de Quilmes Thrust would have subsequently
the eastern Puna would have been active during Late OligoceneEarly developed on account of the onlap geometry of the Megasequence II
Miocene (2618 Ma) as documented by seismic data further north of beds in its footwall (Fig. 7). This thrust would have been synchronous
the study area (Gangui, 1998; Coutand et al., 2001). Subsequently, a with the JasimanVallecito Thrust, which continued to be active since
general uplift of the Cordillera Oriental would have occurred from about the earliest stages of inversion as recorded by the syntectonic
17 Ma to 11 Ma (Marrett et al., 1994), and, nally, in a forward directed sedimentation in its footwall (Vallecito Progressive Unconformity)
sequence, the Sub-Andean belt would have developed from 8.5 Ma to (Fig. 7). The ignimbrites interbedded with the upper panel of the
Recent (Hernndez et al., 1996). This forward thrusting sequence has Vallecito Progressive Unconformity unconformably overlie the Jasi-
been corroborated by the combination of thermochronological and manVallecito Thrust. Their age (12.11 0.11 Ma, 40Ar/39Ar single
clast provenance studies (Coutand et al., 2006; Deeken et al., 2006). crystal, Marrett et al., 1994) constrains the timing of the subsequent
Despite this forward migration of thrusting, a synchronous thrust stages of the inversion in this area (Figs. 6 and 7). Deformation
sequence has been recognized in the Sub-Andean belt from the progressed forwards during the sedimentation of the upper part of the
available seismic data (Ramos et al., 2004). Angastaco Formation when the growth geometries around the San
Thick synorogenic packages in the Cordillera Oriental mainly Lucas Anticline developed. This is the beginning of the partition of the
developed in the areas where the synrift sequences of the Salta Group foreland basin in the Cordillera Oriental domain (Fig. 16). The growth of
were not deposited or where they are relatively thinner than in structures in the Angastaco basin such as the San Lucas Anticline
adjacent areas (Fig. 2). This distribution and these structural limited the thickness of superposed sediments. This would account for
geometries resulted from the inversion of the Salta rift depocenters. the lateral stacking of the sediments in this basin and the absence of FT
Thus, not only the structures observed in the synorogenic sequences, annealing at the bottom of the Angastaco Formation as suggested by
but also the tectonic evolution derived from their record are strongly Coutand et al., 2006.
related to the tectonic inversion of the previous extensional basins. Deformation continued forwards and the Calchaqu Thrust devel-
Megasequence I has been interpreted as the beginning of the oped during Megasequence III. This thrust probably started to form
Andean foreland basin in the Cordillera Oriental (Galli, 1995). In the earlier during the sedimentation of the upper part of the Angastaco
study area this megasequence is made up of medium to ne grained Formation as suggested by the unconformity at the base of the San
sediments of the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation in the west and Felipe Formation at Peas Blancas (Figs. 9, 10 and 16). However, we
of shales in the upper member of the Lumbrera Formation in the east found no evidence such as growth geometries. The main deformation
(Fig. 16). We did not observe a basal unconformity (except for the San related to the Payogasta and the Cerro Negro Thrusts occurred during
Lucas Anticline) or internal growth geometries, although these have Megasequence III as evidenced by the unconformable attitude of the
been described at La Poma, north of the study area (Del Papa et al., Piquete Formation (Megasequence IV) on top of the strongly folded
2005; Hongn et al., 2007). All these features suggest a depositional and tilted Angastaco Formation beds which lie parallel to the postrift
setting for Megasequence I in an autochthonous and continuous sediments (Fig. 13). The synchrony of the Calchaqu, Cerro Negro and
foreland basin with emergent structures located further west along Payogasta Thrusts, which together form a westward directed
the eastern margin of the Puna (Fig. 16). The unconformity observed in imbricate stack, should be noted (Fig. 2). However, there is no
the San Lucas Anticline may be related to a tilted margin of the synrift evidence of such synchronous thrusting at San Lucas, west of the
basin as evidenced by the proximal facies observed in the postrift Calchaqu Thrust despite the fact that the Sierra de Quilmes structures
sediments (Mealla and Maz Gordo Formations) and their wedging are aligned with the Payogasta and the Cerro Negro Thrusts (Fig. 2).
geometry above the basement (Figs. 10 and 11). The absence of During Megasequence III, deformation would already have reached
evidence for growth strata in the study area, its presence farther north the easternmost Cordillera Oriental as suggested by the onlap of the
(Hongn et al., 2007) and a consistent facies pattern from proximal in Guanaco Formation over the Jess Mara Formation. This is observed
the west to distal in the east suggest that the structures in the in the seismic lines along the western margin of the Metn Basin
Cordillera Oriental are older north of the studied area. Alternatively, (Cristallini et al., 1997).
structures of that age could have developed in the study area but no The eastwards migration of the deformation during Megasequence
sedimentary record has been preserved associated with it. IV is corroborated by the angular relationships between the Piquete
The sediments of the lower part of the Megasequence II (lower Formation and older synorogenic sediments. Megasequence IV
Angastaco Formation) onlap the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation displays a high-angle angular unconformity at its bottom and is
near the Cemetery of Angastaco but lie parallel to those of parallel to the lower synorogenic sediments involved in the main
Megasequence I further E (Fig. 9). These features together with facies structures in the Lerma Valley (Fig. 13). This suggests that deformation
changes from W to E (conglomerates and sandstones of the Angastaco began in the west before the deposition of the Piquete Formation,
Formation to shales of the Anta Formation) lend further support to the whereas in the east it was younger. However, some growth geometries
view that deformation progressed from the W (Fig. 16). The lower part were observed locally in seismic lines in the Lerma Valley, suggesting
of the Angastaco Formation, which onlaps Megasequence I, includes folding during the sedimentation of the Piquete Formation (Figs. 12
the Corte el Caon tuff (13.4 0.4 Ma, 40Ar/39Ar method on bitotite, and 16).
Grier and Dallmeyer, 1990). This succession could correspond to the The easternmost structures of the Cordillera Oriental and the Santa
lower part of the Vallecito Progressive Unconformity given the age of Brbara System developed during the PleistoceneHolocene. Simul-
the ignimbrites interbedded with the upper panel of the unconformity taneously, many structures of the Cordillera Oriental were reactivated
(12.11 0.11 Ma,40Ar/39Ar single crystal, Marrett et al., 1994), and given and consequently controlled the position and geometry of Pleisto-
the signicant thickness of the sediments below (Fig. 6). Despite the ceneHolocene sediments (Figs. 13, 14, 15 and 16). The youngest
absence of datings, and the uncertainties of the proposed correlation deformation observed in the western parts of the study area along the
between synorogenic sediments, we can infer that the oldest boundary between the Cordillera Oriental and the Puna consists of
structures that affect the western margin of the foreland during extensional faults. These faults have a geomorphic expression giving
Megasequence II are the ones related to the inversion of the Pucar rise to well preserved fault scarps which controlled the uvial
Basin and the uplift of the Sierra de Quilmes at the northern tip of network (Fig. 14). Simultaneously, the easternmost frontal thrust
Sierras Pampeanas (Fig. 16). zone in the Santa Brbara System continued to be active as evidenced
The Pucar Basin would have been slightly folded in the hangingwall by the seismicity of the area and by the focal mechanisms, which are
of the JasimanVallecito Thrust during the early stages of its inversion consistent with an EW compression (Cahill et al., 1992). Our ndings
before the sedimentation of Megasequence II in the Pucar Syncline suggest that the eastern Andes thrust and fold belt evolved during the
N. Carrera, J.A. Muoz / Tectonophysics 459 (2008) 107122 121

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This work was funded by the projects DGSIC BTE2000-0571, geocronolgica del Grupo Orn en el Ro Iruya. Boletn de Informaciones Petroleras,
Tercera Serie XII (45), 8093.
CGL2004-05816-C02-01 and CGL2007-66431-C02-01/BTE and was Hindle, D., Kley, J., Klosko, E., Stein, S., Dixon, T., Norabuena, E., 2002. Consistency of
carried out in the Grup de Geodinmica i Anlisi de Conques, 2001 geologic and geodetic displacements during Andean orogenesis. Geophysical
SGR 0074, of the Comissionat d'Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat Research Letters 29.
Hongn, F., del Papa, C., Powell, J., Petrinovic, I., Mon, R., Deraco, V., 2007. Middle Eocene
de Catalunya.
deformation and sedimentation in the Puna-Eastern Cordillera transition (23
26S): control by preexisting heterogeneities on the pattern of initial Andean
shortening. Geology 35 (3), 271274. doi:10.1130/G23189A.1.
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