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What is writing?

Writing is the process of using symbols such as letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces
to express and transmit feelings, thoughts and ideas in a readable form. Generally, writing can be done
through handwriting and/or typing. In order to write clearly, it is vitally necessary to understand the
basic system of a language. This includes knowledge of grammar, punctuation and sentence structure,
vocabulary, as is correct spelling and formatting. Furthermore, writing can be categorized into many
different styles from informal to formal.

What are the purposes why people write?

Writing has always been a fundamental part in the long run of humankind. Basically, people
write to transfer their thoughts into readable form that tends to communicate to ones self, to
someone, or to a certain audience. For some people writing is a career. For some, it is a passion and
even more, for some people, writing is their life. Others write just to pass time, others want to make a
point or prove something, others write to inform, to express, to elaborate, to tell stories, to escape, to
share ideas or experiences, to preserve a moment as if a picture, to create art out of the ordinary, to
build a world for his own and his only, to set a name, to persuade, to make others understand, to reach
out, to help others, to inspire, to change the world, to discover a meaning and to give meaning to the

What is academic writing?

Academic writing is based on analysis - the process of breaking down ideas - to increase one's
understanding. It uses deductive reasoning (reasoning from the general matter followed by the
supporting examples and details to make complicated ideas easier to understand), semiformal voice (no
slang, colloquialism or common expressions of ordinary speech, and contractions of nouns and verbs),
and third person point-of-view.

Academic writing addresses fundamental theories and causes governing processes and practices
in everyday life, as well as exploring alternative explanations for these events. Academic topics focus on
abstract things such as ideas and concepts. Academic writing adheres to traditional conventions of
punctuation, grammar, and spelling to maintain clarity and avoid ambiguity in expression. Like all
varieties of writing, academic writing follows a particular tone, which dictates the choice of words and
phrasing. Some kind of structure is required, such as a beginning, middle, and end. It is significant in
academic writing to use citations and/or referencing.

Professional writing?
Professional writing is a form of written communication used in a workplace environment that
allows various types of professionals (e.g. businesspeople, professors, doctors, lawyers, etc.) to
communicate ideas to each other despite their different areas of expertise or to convey informed
decision to readers within a workplace context. For instance, an engineer can explain his project to the
sales team through writing a paper. Typically, professional writing has a formal tone. Its specific
purposes can be one or a mixture of the following, depending on context: to encourage action; to
instruct; to persuade; to inform; and to establish or strengthen shared goals.

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