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This Volume


Luisa Rodrigues

2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

A group of detainees at Joint Task Force Guantanamo bow and touch the forehead to the ground as they observe Morning
Prayer before sunrise inside Camp Delta. Detainees are afforded the opportunity to pray five times each day and are provided
prayer rugs and copies of the QuranPetty Officer 1st Class Marcos HernandezU.S. Navy

Prayer is the Souls desirebe it uttered or unexpressedand those desires,

if earnest and sincere, are prayers.

Sincere prayer always reaches to the throne of God. As thought is a primary creative
thought, prayer is thought with something else added to itthe Souls desire,
which is more than thought. When we cannot help another by acts or words,
we can still pray, for our prayers join in aspiration to the Divine. We feel His wish and
design. Our prayers cannot fail to be answered, although they may not always be
answered all at once.

Each Soul should use the prayer his Inner Self demands at any particular time, that is,
pray to God as the Spirit within you gives you utterance.

2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
Words are a necessary part of prayer and every word (and every letter) we speak
radiates a powerful force which helps greatly to carry that which we are seeking for,
not only to God Himself, but through every part of the world. For the right kind of
words, especially such words as the Prayer for World Harmony, vibrate to every
part of the Earth and bring about just that which they are intended to bring.

For this reason, recognise the vital use and help of words and repeat the prayers just
by word of mouth, even if the words seem to mean nothing to you. Repeat the
prayers and while you are thus repeating them have a little period of meditation
in which you try to put the words entirely out of your mind and simply seek to let your
aspirations and feelings go out. Also, often when we do not feel inclined to pray,
if you repeat the words, they bring you into the right attitude and do much good.

We need have no fear of the essence of any prayer which has been repeated with all
our heart ever being lost. It cannot be lost, for words rightly used can create and re-

Commit to memory the prayers in this little book as these cover various needs and give
us samples, if you like, of how to ask, so that suitable words spring to ones lips almost
instinctively in time of need.

BelowA man praying at a Japanese Shint shrineKalandrakas () from Kanagawa, JapanCreative

Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
Repeat morning, noon and nightor oftenerbut at least at noon each day,
the following Prayer for World Harmonywith a deep heartfelt realisation
of its significance and a scientific understanding of its dynamic psychological power
to awaken and stimulate into action every germ of good in our hearts.

As the Teacher* attests

It is noon somewhere every minute of the day, which, like a refreshing breeze,
should cool the heat of conflicting interests and blow off the karmic dust of the past,
which is settling upon and blinding individuals and nations to the Law of Life
harmony and co-operation,

See the Radiance which this Prayer invokes, dispelling the clouds of inharmony as
the Sun dispels the fog and stimulating the growth of the good in each heart as the
Sun stimulates the growth of the sprout when the fog has been dispelled
and the Sun can carry on its constructive work.

*Letters from the Teacher, Volume II, Universal Religious Fellowship Inc., Harriette Augusta Curtiss and F. Homer Curtiss,
Curtiss Book Company, California, 1924


Glory and honour and worship be unto Thee, O Lord Christ,

Thou who art the Life and Light of all mankind!

Thou art the King of Glory

To whom all the peoples of the Earth should give joyful allegiance and service.

Inspire mankind with a realisation of true Brotherhood.

Teach us the wisdom of peace, harmony and co-operation.

2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
Breathe into our hearts the understanding that only as we see ourselves

As parts of the one body of humanity

Can peace, harmony, success, and plenty descend upon us.

Help us to conquer all manifestations

Of inharmony and evil in ourselves and in the world.

Bless us all with the Radiance of Thy Divine Love and Wisdom

That we may ever worship Thee in the beauty of holiness.

In the Name of the Living Christ, we ask it.


Abu Sami, a Bedouin from the eastern desert of Jordan, prays in a nomad's mosque pointing towards MeccaSima shimony
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
One of the greatest buoys we can have in the ocean of life is prayer. And if, when we
feel depressed, we force ourselves to say, for instance, the Prayer for Light, if we keep
on saying it and try hard to believe it, the Light will never fail to come because we are
sending up our highest spiritual power, which will cleave the darkness and let the
Light come through. Remember the Christ has said I will never leave thee nor forsake


0 Christ!

Light Thou within my heart

The Flame of Divine Love and Wisdom,

That I may dwell forever in the radiance of Thy countenance

And rest in the Light of Thy smile!


I have within me the power of the Christ!

I can conquer all that comes to me today!

I am strong enough to bear every trial

And accept every joy

And to say

Thy will be done!

2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
Sailors acting as flag bearers bow their heads during a prayer at a burial at sea ceremony aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln on
19 August 2007Petty Officer 3rd Class James R. Evans, U.S. Navy

BelowAttitudes of prayer, BiskraTupper Scrapbooks CollectionWilliam Vaughn Tupper

2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
Try to repeat the Healing Prayer and the Prayer of Protection each day at noon.
Send out this great protecting living force and rest absolutely in this knowledge of the
great love which is leading you in the right way.


O thou loving and helpful Master Jesus!

Thou who gavest to Thy disciples power to heal the sick!

We, recognising Thee, and realising Thy divine Presence with us,

Ask Thee to lay Thy hands upon us in healing Love.

Cleanse US from all OUR sins,

And by the divine power of Omnipotent Life,

Drive out the atoms of inharmony and disease,

And fill our bodies full to overflowing with Life and Love and Purity.


O Christ!

Surround and fill me with the Flame of Divine Love and Wisdom,

That it may purify, illumine and guide us in all things.

May its Spiritual Fire form a rampart of Living Flame around me

To protect me from all harm.

May it radiate to every heart, consuming all evil and intensifying all good.

In the name of the Living Christ! Amen

2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
Elderly Tibetan women holding a prayer wheel on the Lhasa's pilgrimage circuit of Barkhor. The Barkhor, a quadrangle of
streets that surrounds the Jokhang Temple, is both the spiritual heart of the holy city and the main commercial district for
TibetansLuca Galuzziwww.galuzzi.itCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic

When we are down, we need to pray with all our hearts that we may counteract

the downward sweep and not let ourselves sayThere is no use trying. On the

contrary, that is the time to work. And when we are down that is the time to pray.

Never pray that you shall have such-and-such a thing but simply lay all problems

upon the altar and in perfect faith and confidence know that your prayers have been

heard; that the loving Christ wants you to have the thing which is best for you;

consequently, if it is wise and best, then it will be done. If not, it means that for some

reason, there is something greater waiting for you and that your loving Father does

not want you to be hampered.

2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

I am a child of the Living God!

I have within me the all-creating power of the Christ!

It radiates from me and blesses all I contact.

It is my Health, my Strength, my Courage,

My Patience, my Peace, my Poise,

My Power, my Wisdom, my Understanding,

My Joy, my Inspiration, and my Abundant Supply.

Unto this great Power I entrust all my problems,

Knowing they will be solved in Love and Justice.

Mention all problems connected with your worldly affairs, visualise each and
conclude with the following words

O Lord Christ!

I have laid upon Thy altar all my wants and desires.

I know Thy Love, Thy Wisdom, Thy Power and Thy Graciousness.

In Thee, I peacefully rest, knowing that all is well.

For Thy will is my will.


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2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
The AnchoriteTeodor Axentowicz (18591938)National Museum in Warsaw (MNW)

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2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Come, O Lord of Life and Love and Beauty!

Thou who art myself and yet art God!

And dwell in this body of flesh,

Radiating all the beauty and holiness and perfection,

That the flesh may out-picture all that Thou art within!

Even so come, O Lord.


BelowVesper BellsRudolf Eickemeyer

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2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
Taiwanese in Mengjia Longshan Temple CEphoto, Uwe Aranas


0 Divine Mother!

Illumine me with Divine Wisdom,

Vivify me with Divine Life

Purify me with Divine Love,

That in all I think and say and do

I may be more and more Thy child.


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2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
Taiwanese woman praying after bringing her offerings to Mengjia Longshan Temple CEphoto, Uwe Aranas


I am a creator.

By the power of my spiritualised will

I consciously gather all the forces from this food,

And use them to create health, strength, and harmony in all my bodies.
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2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
As to prayers for children, the Teacher prescribes first the Prayer for Light
and the Morning Prayer, also the Healing Prayer.

Now I lay me down

to sleep,

I pray the Lord

my soul to keep.

See me safely
through the night,

And wake me with

the morning light.

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep is more potent than
a magicians spells.

You might also add the Prayer of the Four Angels

Four corners to my bed.

Four angels round my head,

One to watch and one to pray,

And two to drive all harm away.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Bless the bed that I lie on.

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2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
Refugees in Surrey, 1942Five-year-old Andrew and his three-year-old sister Jacqueline say their prayers before settling
down to sleepImperial War Museum on the IWM Non-Commercial licence

Another is the Prayer of the Three Doors

O Lord Christ,

Open the door of my body to perfect health.

O Lord Christ, open the door of my mind to perfect understanding.

O Lord Christ, open the door of my heart to perfect spiritual realisation.

Say this again and again until your subconscious mind knows it and says it

even without your volition and builds it into your consciousness and into your


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2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
Give us this day our daily bread, a photograph by American photographer Rudolf Eickemeyer, JrUnited States Library of
Congress' Prints and Photographs division


As the physical sun

Disappears from our sight,

May the Spiritual Sun

Arise in our hearts,

Illumine our minds,

And shed its radiant blessing

Upon all we contact. Amen

InvocationEvening Prayer

O divine and loving Father, as we rest through the darkness on thy breast, help us to
draw close to thee in love and to realise the almighty power of thy divine Son
filling and comforting us. For as the earth and air retain the magnetic and life-giving
forces of the sun to bring forth for the new day as it withdraws each night, so may we
retain in our Souls through the darkness the light and warmth of his shining, knowing
that as the sun rises for the new day, we too shall rise stronger, truer, sweeter and
more beautiful because we have rested in thy love in abiding faith and trust.

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2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
Affirming Prayers

O Christ, the Divine Power within me, help me to unfold and develop the great love-
force and the great understanding that back of the mind and back of all life, there is a
Divine Something which can accomplish that which nothing mundane can touch.

Let me learn my lesson. I know that my heavenly Father will take care of me
and will bring to me whatever is necessary, even though I have to pass through more or
less poverty and conditions which seem to be harrowing and discouraging.
Yet ultimately I will emerge into the light of Divine Truth.

Father, preserve me from all falsehood. Put around me the armour of Divine Truth
and give me only that which is helpful to me.

Extracted from the bookLetters from the Teacher, Volume II, Universal Religious Fellowship Inc., Harriette Augusta Curtiss
and F. Homer Curtiss, Curtiss Book Company, California, 1924

BelowEthiopiaInnocent Prayers of a Young ChildSteve Evans from Citizen of the WorldCreative Commons Attribution
2.0 Generic

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2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.
Other Volumes in the Series

Made With LoveAll For Love

Made With LoveBeautiful Maxims

Made With LoveCopybook Maxims

Made With LoveGlimmerings of Spiritual Things

Made With LoveGod In His Works

Made With LoveGodwards

Made With LoveMother Love

Made With LoveWords from the Heart

Made With LoveWords of Comfort and Good Cheer

Made With LoveWords of Spiritual Wisdom

Made With LoveSoul Seeds

Made With LoveThe Best of Some Things

Made With LoveThe Soul of Things

Made With LoveWords of Power

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2017 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

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