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STANDARD 1: Visionary Leadership

An education leader promotes the success of every student by facilitating the development,
articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and
supported by all stakeholders.

1. Collaboratively develop and implement a shared vision and mission.
2. Collect and use data to identify goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and promote
organizational learning.
3. Create and implement plans to achieve goals.
4. Promote continuous and sustainable improvement.
5. Monitor and evaluate progress and revise plans.

1. Introduction of Family Centered Early Intervention Handout

Standard 1 of the ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards identifies that an effective
leader creates and implements plans to achieve goals. The artifact selected for Standard 1 is a
handout that I created to help introduce early intervention practices to families. The goal of the
early intervention in Kansas is to used a family centered model for intervention. This practice is
vastly different than the traditional approach. Families have to be educated on why this practice
is mandated in order for them to embrace it. I give this handout to the families that I work with
during my initial visit. This is the first step to collaboratively developing and implementing a
shared vision and mission. This artifact exemplifies Standard 1 because it demonstrates the fist
step in creating and implementating of a shared plan to achieve goals that will promote a shared
vision of learning supported by all stakeholders.

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