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Organizational Behavior and Management

15 de junio de 2016

Managing Diversity
Case Study

According to Mike Pitcher, who is the actual President and Executive Director of the
LeasePlan Enterprise, one of the most convenient investments for an enterprise is
creating a strategy which encompasses diversity. Within the LeasePlan there are
more women working than men; however, the majority of the positions of the senior
executives are still predominated by the masculine gender. In this sense, it is
notorious that within the enterprise there is a basic diversity regarding to the gender;
therefore, they started an initiative with the intention of transforming the corporative
culture, in other words, to change the old system, which consisted on hiring men,
and so start promoting women as well. Then, the executives of LeasePlan decided to
create a program in which women would be trained and evaluated in the same way as
men, with the objective of giving women the chance to reach higher responsibility
positions, and by doing so, they could increase the qualified people working for the
enterprise based on the organization competitiveness

"Our sustainable competitive advantage is our people," he says (Tuna C.,2008).

In the book Kreitner & Kinicki (2013), it is claimed that the implementation of diversity
is not only about retaining effective and efficient employees but also about the benefit
for the organization in the sense of generating a better relationship among the
employees and in consequence, an improved teamwork. In addition, it also improves
the satisfaction of the employees while they work; and then we refer again to the
LeasePlan company, in which after a year of the implementation of this program, the
percentage of satisfaction among women and their perception of this management
was improved notoriously, and it was useful as an example that motivation and a good
management of diversity by CEO can make the difference.


The investigators Alice Eagles and Linda Carli, say that women have reached higher
positions such as Directors and Senior Executives in 2009, in comparison with the
80s and 90s decade; with these results, it becomes impossible not to see that the
strategies and the programs done by enterprises were only based on the masculine
gender to fill this kind of positions. Now they started to show positive results for
women, which means that the enterprise gets a positive working. Nowadays, the
successful company LeasePlan manages within its payroll a variation which shows
that three out of eight senior executives are women. In contrast to the past years when
only one senior executive out of eight was a woman.

LeasePlan uses a strategy that has many main points, one of them relapses on the
eight options of generic diversity expressed by R Roosevelt Thomas Jr. In these eight
diversity generic options, Roosevelt refers to one of the one principal strategy
objectives was to promote women within the organizational structure of the company,
due to the fact that it is an advantage to obtain excellent results. In this way, we can
see how the mutual adaptation takes place in the case of LeasePlan, with this I want
to make understandable that managers and women are interested in participating in
this change. Therefore, LeasePlan gave a huge step forward by giving the chance to
women in the important decision making which have clearly helped the enterprise to
reach its current success.

From my point of view, the Executives of the LeasePlan company are open-minded
people who are highly prepared. These facts helped to create a new way of working
organization by giving women the chance of making decisions and taking higher
responsibilities within the enterprise. Once these actions were implemented, excellent
results were showed, due to the fact that women were useful at first as an
administrative support, then they were more willing to take higher obligations and to
improve the level of preparation and the work can be done in a better way that leads
to the success of the organization.



Kreitner, R., y Kinicki, A. (2013). Gestin de la Diversidad: (. 10 ed) Liberar el
comportamiento Potential.Organizational de cada empleado. Nueva York, Nueva
York: McGraw-Hill / Irwin.

Atn, C. (2008, 20 de octubre). Teora y prctica: Iniciativa mueve las mujeres hasta
la escalera corporativa; LeasePlan contrata a consultor, ofrece asesoramiento y
revisita plan de pago para transformar su cultura y promover las empleadas. Wall
Street Journal Obtenido de

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