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Fighting AIDS In The Home (F.A.I.T.

H) Project


14 Fidelity Couple Clubs formed

During the last quarter,
HCU was involved in the
“Be Faithful” interventions
through the FAITH PRO-
JECT, an acronym for
Fighting AIDS In The
Home. Plot 181, Bombo,
The FAITH Project is a Road,
UHMG/AFFORD funded P.O Box 29985, Kampala,
project implemented by Uganda
Humanitarian Care Uganda Tel/fax: +256 41434063
(HCU) in the four districts Mobile: +256 392946852
of Kanungu, Kabale, Lira Email:
and Wakiso. The project
was developed to promote Website:
fidelity and faithfulness as One of the Directors of Humanitarian Care Uganda Posing with
the norm for couples living couples in Wakiso before a Training
in stable unions, and one
of the strategies to address PROJECT OBJECTIVES
the increasing HIV infection
rates due to multiple con- To provide factual information on HIV/AIDS emerging is-
sues and human sexuality to 100 civic and religious lead-
currence phenomena. ers in Apac, Lira, Gulu, and Kitgum districts. CLICK HERE
Support the establishment of fidelity clubs as social sup-
port networks for couples in stable unions. TO DONATE
Support couples to popularize and sustain their commit-
ment to fidelity.
To determine the effectiveness of the approach through
continuous monitoring and evaluation.


The following were the successes of tive in enhancing behaviour change The Project has proven an effective entry-
the faith project: among couples and by so doing im- point for male involvement in activities
Couple fidelity clubs have pro- prove families by contributing to the aimed at contributing to the reduction of
vided ideal and convenient plat- reduction of marital HIV/AIDS infec- HIV/AIDS infection among married people
forms for interactive family/ tions. in long term stable unions.
community discussions on issues
affecting married people and may Cases of noticed behaviour change as Gender equity as a strategy to reduce HIV/
lead to infidelity without any fear. a result of improved interpersonal com- AIDS has also been promoted. The involve-
munication skills among spouses are ment, support and good will of civic and
Couples clubs have opened the visible among couple club members. religious leaders in the program and cam-
issue of fidelity to public debate, paign is crucial to the success of the pro-
which openness has proven effec- ject.
Support received so far by the FAITH Project
Because of the success of the pro- constituency coordination committee
gram and campaign, the program has USAID-funded AFFORD/UHMG
received acclaim and support from (Uganda Health Marketing Group)
the following stakeholders: and many others just to mention a
1. Ministry of Gender, Labour and
Social Development,
2. Uganda AIDS Commission
3. AMICAALL: Alliance of Mayors
Initiative for Community Action on
AIDS at the Local Level,
4. UNASO: Uganda Network of
AIDS Service Organizations,
A couple analyzing their certifi-
5. CICC: Civil society inter- cates shortly after receiving them

Project Outputs
200 civic and religious leaders communication skills.
reached 34,560 individuals reached
with fidelity messages. 34,560 individuals
14 fidelity couple’s clubs of 12
couples (24 members) established 4 retreats held (one per dis- reached with fidelity
and functional in the districts of trict.
Kitgum, Gulu, Apac and Lira. messages.
96 couples equipped with
presentation and interpersonal

The Be Faithful Foundation Cause on Facebook

We started up a cause called “Be The Be Faithful Cause was started on
Faithful Foundation” on facebook the 30th of June 2010.
in order to promote the FAITH pro-
ject and fundraise for its activities.
We urge every well wisher or eve-
ryone sharing the same cause to
Couples attending one of the
TION” FAITH Workshops
The Problem Statement:
P.O. Box 181
Bombo road
Kampala, Uganda
HIV infection rates are high and rising among people in
Phone: +256 414340630
marriage or long-term sexual relationships in Uganda.
Fax: +256 414340630
E-mail: This revelation calls for interventions that seek to address
Website: the factors that influence marital HIV transmission in
Uganda hence targeting delivery of related services to the
married couples in stable unions.

We call upon the support of all well wishers to this project

for its success.

We Care for Humanity


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