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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 86, 041144 (2012)

Efficiency at maximum power for classical particle transport

Christian Van den Broeck
Hasselt University, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium

Katja Lindenberg
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and BioCircuits Institute, University of California San Diego,
9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093-0340, USA
(Received 9 August 2012; published 24 October 2012)
We derive the explicit analytic expression for efficiency at maximum power in a simple model of classical
particle transport.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.041144 PACS number(s): 05.70.Ln, 05.40.a, 05.20.y

I. INTRODUCTION index being zero by definition):

Over the past few years, there has been considerable interest pn = Wn,n1 pn1 + Wn,n+1 pn+1 (Wn+1,n + Wn1,n )pn ,
in the study of small scale systems, with special emphasis
on the issue of efficiency [1]. It was shown, on the basis of
general thermodynamic arguments [2] and using stochastic where Wn+1,n and Wn1,n are the rates (probabilities per unit
thermodynamics [3], that the efficiency at maximum power  time) for transitions n n + 1 (the system gains one particle)
of a thermal engine, operating between a hot and cold bath at and n n 1 (loses one particle), respectively.
temperatures T (1) and T (2) , respectively, possesses universal From here on we are interested in the steady state operation
properties when expanded in terms of the Carnot efficiency of our system. The corresponding probability distribution pst
C = 1 T (2) /T (1) : is determined by the set of equations
C 2 st
Wn,n1 pn1 + Wn,n+1 pn+1
(Wn+1,n + Wn1,n )pnst = 0,
 = + C + . (1)
2 8 (4)
This result is valid for strong coupling, meaning that the
particle and energy fluxes are proportional to each other. The or (since the flux is zero at the boundaries n = 0 and )
value 1/8 for the coefficient of the quadratic term in addition st
Wn,n1 pn1 = Wn1,n pnst . (5)
requires a left-right symmetry, i.e., reversal of fluxes upon
inversion of forces. The above universality ultimately derives Note that the one-step hopping dynamics of our master
from the reversibility of the underlying microscopic laws [4]. equation has the peculiarity that the above formal condition of
It has been verified in various models [1], including transport detailed balance is satisfied, at least with respect to the total
of electrons through a quantum dot [5] and of photons in a transition rates W . This however does not necessarily corre-
maser model [3]. The purpose of this brief report is to present spond to true equilibrium, which requires detailed balance at
an analogous calculation for the transport of classical particles. the level of each of the separate processes taking place in the
As expected, universality is reproduced. An additional benefit system, as we will see below.
is that, contrary to the case of quantum transport, an explicit To proceed further, we have to specify the transition rates.
analytic expression is obtained for  , namely, We first assume that the exchanges of particles with different
C2 2 reservoirs are independent, so that the corresponding rates
 = = + C + . (2) W () add up to the total rate W , that is,
C (1 C ) ln(1 C ) 2 8  ()
Wn+1,n = Wn+1,n , (6)

Wn1,n = Wn1,n . (7)
We consider a (small) reservoir of classical noninteracting
particles which for simplicity all have the same energy . This Second, statistical mechanics imposes physical constraints on
small reservoir constitutes our system. The number of particles the separate rates W () . Let us suppose that the contact is
in the system will be denoted by n. This system exchanges par- broken with all reservoirs except for reservoir . The stationary
ticles with several other particle reservoirs with temperatures state should in this case reproduce the equilibrium state of
T () and chemical potentials () , respectively. We assume that the system in contact with this reservoir, pst = peq,() . As
the exchange can be described by Markovian dynamics. This is well known from equilibrium statistical mechanics, this is
is the case, for example, if the transitions between system and the so-called grand canonical distribution, which for classical
reservoirs correspond to thermally activated processes over noninteracting (ideal) particles is a Poisson distribution [6]:
sufficiently high potential barriers. The probability distribution
pn (t) for the system to be in state n at time t thus obeys the {n() }n n()
following master equation (n N, quantities with negative n pneq,() = e . (8)

1539-3755/2012/86(4)/041144(3) 041144-1 2012 American Physical Society


The average particle occupation while in contact with reservoir [cf. Eqs. (8) and (14)]. The above Poissonian steady state
, n() , is given by Eq. (14) does not, in general, obey detailed balance with
respect to the separate rates W () , and implies the following
n() = ex , (9)
nonzero entropy production:
where we have introduced the dimensionless quantity x ,
 () ()
 Wn,n1 st
x = ( ),
() ()
(10) Si = kB Wn,n1 st
pn1 Wn1,n pnst ln ()
n Wn1,n pnst
and = 1/kB T (kB = Boltzmanns constant). One can
() ()
  () () 
rewrite this equation in the more familiar form () =  + k+
= kB k+ k n ln ()
kB T () ln n() . k n
The requirement that pst = peq,() for W = W () leads to  () ()
the following genuine condition of detailed balance for these = JN XN  0, (19)

rates with respect to its equilibrium distribution:
() eq,()
() where we have introduced the thermodynamic forces:
Wn,n1 pn1 = Wn1,n pneq,() . (11)
In the following we will adopt the standard choice of transition XN() = kB ln . (20)
rates [7] that satisfy this condition (cf. law of mass action),
namely, Of particular interest to us is the situation in which a heat
current from a hot to a cold reservoir is used to drive particles
() () () ()
Wn+1,n = k+ Wn1,n = n k , (12) uphill from low to high chemical potential. To investigate this
with the n-independent rates obeying the balance condition case in more detail, we henceforth focus on the case of only
two reservoirs = 1,2, with reservoir 1 the hot reservoir and
() () ()
k+ = k n . (13) 2 the cold one, T (1)  T (2) . Note that we have not taken the
thermal energy of the particles into account as this would
require the consideration of a third thermal reservoir, making
III. THERMAL ENGINE the comparison with Carnot efficiency more involved. At the
Having identified the thermodynamically correct expres- steady state, one finds, using Eqs. (9) and (13), the following
sions Eqs. (12) and (13) for the transition probabilities, we can explicit results for the fluxes:
proceed to a stochastic thermodynamic analysis (see [8] for a JN(1) = JN(2) = (ex1 ex2 ), (21)
brief review) of a system coupled to several reservoirs, with
different temperatures and chemical potentials. One easily JE(1) = JE(2) = JN(1) , (22)
verifies that the steady state solution of Eq. (4) is again a
Poisson distribution: JQ(1) = kB T (1) x1 JN(1) , (23)
pnst = en , (14)
n! where we have introduced the rate
with a steady state average number of particles reflecting the (1) (2)
k k
influence of each reservoir [compare with Eq. (13)]: = (1) (2)
. (24)
k + k
n =  + ()
. (15) The entropy production reduces to the simple expression
k Si = kB (x2 x1 )(ex1 ex2 )  0. (25)
This is most easily demonstrated
 by showing that the generat-
ing function is given by n s n pnst = e(s1)n The power P of the engine, being the amount of net
Even though Poissonian, this distribution corresponds to a chemical energy produced per unit time, is given by
nonequilibrium steady state. Using Eqs. (12)(15), we find the P = ((2) (1) )JN(1)
following explicit expressions for the separate particle, energy,
and heat fluxes from each reservoir into the system: = kB T (1) [x1 (1 c )x2 ] (ex1 ex2 ). (26)
JN() = st
Wn,n1 pn1 ()
Wn1,n pnst = k+() ()
k n, (16) The corresponding efficiency reads
n ((2) (1) )JN(1) x2
JE() = JN() , (17) = = 1 (1 c ) . (27)
JQ(1) x1
JQ() = JE() () JN() = ( () )JN() . (18) Before turning to the main issue of efficiency at maximum
power, we first note that equilibrium, i.e., zero entropy
Note that the fluxes from each reservoir to the system are production [cf. Eq. (25)], is attained when x1 = x2 . This does
strongly coupled; i.e., energy, heat, and particle flux are not require that the temperatures T (1) and T (2) and chemical
proportional to each other. This is a result of our assumption potentials (1) and (2) be separately equal, a feature which is
that all particles have the same energy . Furthermore, the well known for strongly coupled systems [9]. In the vicinity
fluxes from reservoir are only zero when n = n() , i.e., when of such a point, the machine can operate reversibly, and its
the steady state distribution is the equilibrium distribution efficiency attains Carnot efficiency, = C [cf. Eq. (27)].


Let us now turn our attention to the point of maximum where n represents the number of particles of species X, which
power. From can transmute into the species X() whose chemical potential
is fixed by reservoir constraints. This representation is most
= = 0, (28) natural in an isothermal system, T () = T .
x1 x2 Finally, we mention a similarity of the model studied here
one finds with that of an underdamped Brownian particle in contact with
ln(1 C ) several heat baths. The Langevin equation for such a particle
x1 = 1 (1 C ) , (29) has the following form:
ln(1 C )  
x2 = 1 . (30) mv = { () v + () T () () }, (33)

The corresponding efficiency reads ()

where are independent normal white noises. The noise
intensity is chosen in accordance with the fluctuation-
C2 C C2
 = = + + , (31) dissipation theorem so that the stationary distribution when
C (1 C ) ln(1 C ) 2 8 in contact with each reservoir separately reduces to the
which displays the expected universality announced earlier. corresponding Maxwellian velocity distribution. As in the
model studied here, the stationary distribution of the system
IV. DISCUSSION in simultaneous contact with multiple reservoirs has an
equilibrium shape, i.e., a Maxwellian distribution, however
We close with a number of additional comments. The above at a temperature which is the geometric mean of the bath
result is identical to the one obtained for a model based temperatures. Detailed balance is broken at the level of the
on particle transport via Kramers escape [10]. This can be exchange between particle and separate reservoirs, with the
understood from the fact that our model reduces to this case Brownian particle functioning as a thermal contact between
when the outgoing rates k become very large. In this limit the reservoirs. This Brownian model has been studied in great
number of particles in the system goes to zero, and the only detail, revealing detailed properties of the corresponding
remaining processes are the thermally activated transitions nonequilibrium steady state [11]. The model presented here
from one reservoir into another, via fast passage through the has the additional advantage of allowing both heat and particle
system, which plays the role of a short-lived activated state. transport. We therefore expect it to be an interesting candidate
The fact that our more general model reproduces the same for revealing further properties of nonequilibrium steady
result as Kramers escape suggests that Eq. (2) may have a states.
wider applicability in classical transport. The above results for
particle flux, power, entropy production, and efficiency at max-
imum power are also reproduced by taking the classical limit ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
in the problem of electron transport through a quantum dot [5].
This research is supported in part by the research network
The above model for particle transport can be represented
Exploring the Physics of Small Devices of the European
as a simple chemical reaction, namely,
Science Foundation and by the NSF under Grant No. PHY-
X  X() , (32) 0855471.

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