Consistency Control, EnTechReportV14 - 1

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The EnTech Report

he challenge of consistency control is as old as the paper
2002 T industry and it must be truly elusive since we are still chasing
the same challenge today. According to the dictionary, consis-
tency is defined as the degree of density of a thick liquid, or the
state of being consistent. The former describes the concept of pulp
consistency perfectly and the latter is synonymous with uniformity.
As We See It Today we tend to speak of the opposite term - variability - a slightly
by Bill Bialkowski
more "dramatic" term that we hope will somehow add visibility to the

n this EnTech Report we turn
issue and help us solve this age-old problem.
to consistency control -- the
As we all know, papermaking has a long history. The Egyptians
most important process vari-
made papyrus sheets in about 1000 BC, and the Chinese were the
able in the mill. This is not new
first to make paper by hand as early as 105 AD. We do not know how
to us because for the last twenty successful these ancient craftsmen were at meeting the variability
years we have been focusing on expectations of their customers -- the scribes of the day. However,
process variability and inventing we do know that the first mechanized paper machine is attributed to
ways of reducing variability in the Fourdrinier brothers in 1804, and ever since then consistency
order to make mills run more control has been a challenge in this type of continuous operation.
efficiently and to make better, Making paper is a simple enough concept: fiber for paper manu-
more uniform product. facture is transported in a water-born slurry. Eventually the slurry is
It is interesting that the word ejected as a thin wide jet onto a moving fabric web, the water drains
consistency means "uniformity" though and presto - we have a paper sheet that simply needs to be
the very opposite of variability, pressed and dried. The thicker the slurry the higher the consistency,
the in-vogue term today. And which is a measure of the mass percentage of fiber. If the slurry is
from the beginning of time con- too thick we need to add some water to thin it out. If it varies acci-
sistency control has captured the dentally we will make off-spec paper or have a paper break - bad
spirit of the pulp and paper news!
industry's drive towards unifor- It should be fairly easy to automate this -- all you have to do is
mity. Since we are still attempt- invent a way of measuring consistency, then add dilution water in a
ing to achieve that elusive goal controlled way to keep the consistency on setpoint not a compli-
these attempts have obviously cated idea! Solving this consistency control problem promises uni-
not been completely successful, form fiber delivery to the paper machine and uniform finished paper.
at least not on a long-term basis. Yet consistency control remains a challenge to this very day.
Over the years, we at EnTech In a way consistency control represents a microcosm of the paper
Please see page two Please see page two

Leaders in the design, application and implementation of process control technology

The EnTech Report

As We See It
from page one Consistency Control - An Elusive Goal
from page one
have provided many dynamic
specifications to help the paper industry in which the challenge is becomes more viscous and flows
maker achieve reduced variabili- multi-faceted and success requires more slowly. This principle was
ty. The best known of these is all the parts to work together as a used to build the first consistency
the EnTech Control Valve system. The many people involved measurement in about 1940 the
Specification that became avail- each understand their own part, but "Gooseneck". The pulp to be sam-
able in 1993. This specification few see the whole picture as a sys- pled flowed into a small tank at a
significantly changed how con- tem. "fixed rate". The level in the tank
trol valve suppliers design their Enter the chemical engineer/ built up and propelled fluid out of
control valves and the good process designer. As was noted, the the tank through a long curved pipe
news is that, today, as a direct concept of making paper is a simple called the "Gooseneck". The level in
result, control valve performance one. However, to make good paper, the tank would stabilize when the
"uniform paper, we need to design a height was great enough to push the
2 has improved substantially. Our
other specifications include the
EnTech Automatic Controller
mass-balance for the paper process,
and calculate exactly the right
pulp out through the Gooseneck --
the higher the consistency, the high-
amount of fiber and water for each er the level. At this time, pneumatic
Dynamic Specification on which level measurements were available.
grade we are going to make. We will
at least one modern DCS system This device did work after a fashion,
feed each process unit from an agitat-
design is based. ed stock tank, and in that way we will but the inlet flow was not quite con-
With this issue of the EnTech provide some assurance that any con- stant; the level in the tank introduced
Report we are launching a new sistency variability will be leveled a time lag, the pulp sample took a
specification: the EnTech out. That done, we need to have the long time to reach the Gooseneck
Consistency Control Loop piping designers size the pipes so that creating deadtime, the flow resis-
Dynamic Specification. we will get exactly the flows and con- tance was sensitive to particle size,
EnTech engineers have been sistencies that we need. Then all we and there were a few other problems
working with consistency con- have to do is have our instrument also.
trol for nearly two decades and people specify the valves and trans- Enter the physicist again (and
our experience is that the condi- mitters they need to control these again over the years). If we sub-
tions have to be just so to flows just right. This way the steady merge a rotating disc or impeller in
allow consistency control to state consistencies and flows will be the pulp and turn it with an electric
function really well. Like many as required to make the paper grades motor, the thicker the pulp, the more
other process and control issues, we need. current will be needed to maintain a
The problem is the instrument constant speed. We have only to
success requires good process
engineers need a consistency trans- measure the current and this will be
design, good equipment selec- proportional to consistency! True
tion, and good tuning. It has to mitter that measures consistency
accurately. Enter the physicist. but unfortunately, big fibers cause
work as a system. This specifica- much more drag than little fibers or
How to measure consistency? The
tion sets out the conditions need- other particles such as ash, and
lab people do the test by drawing a
ed by the consistency loop for physical pulp sample, weighing it, therefore, the measurement can be a
this to be true under most condi- extracting the fiber and weighing it bit off.
tions. after it has been dried in an oven. Well then, suppose we just insert
We hope you find this to be The answer is obtained by calculat- a blade in the pipe. As the pulp
a useful addition to the tools ing the percentage of fiber over the flows by the blade it will cause a
already available to the mill staff total and this cannot be automated drag force proportional to consisten-
in order to forge the right ideas as a continuous measurement. It cy. We have only to measure the
to achieve greater success. took a physicist to learn that when drag force. Great idea, but, again, the
the consistency goes up, the fluid Please see page three
The EnTech Report

Consistency Control
from page two

big fibers cause more drag than lit- degree and vary in accuracy, sen- measurement is higher than set-
tle ones, and also, as the pulp flow sitivity and cost. Each consisten- point, then add a bit more water -
rate changes the drag will also cy installation has struck a com- - problem solved. Well of course
change so we may have invent- promise on these various issues. there are a few complications.
ed a flow meter instead of a con- Fortunately, the mill process One of which is that source of
sistency meter. We must also keep designers thoughtfully added agi- dilution water under pressure.
the blade far away from any pipe tated stock tanks to smooth out This is called a dilution header,
turbulence, so we locate it far the consistency through mixing which draws water from a tank,
down the pipe after any pump or action. All chemical engineers via a pump and supplies dilution
pipe elbow - hence more dead- are familiar with the theory of water to as many users as there
time. mixing. The tank volume and the might be. When one user, a con-
Well then, here is a sure-fire
way why not shine some light
flow rate determine the "mixing
time and the bigger the tank, the
sistency control loop, needs more
dilution water it takes it by open- 3
ing its valve. Unfortunately this
inside the pipe and measure how
causes the water pressure to drop
much light is reflected? If there
for the whole header and this
are no fibers present no light will
be reflected! The more fiber, the
more reflected light! Except that
the light reflection depends on
They are all
results in a reduced water flow to
all other consistency dilution
users. Suddenly all of the other
consistency loops experience a
which way each fiber is pointing
higher consistency and a nasty
relative to the light so the
reflected light does not "see" the
some degree squabble ensues in which the real
loser is the paper machine.
fiber mass properly. Besides, Clearly, this is a process design
what if the fiber is brown? Well issue that was not apparent to the
then, eureka, here is the real more mixing as long as there is process designer when calculating
answer (the physicist again): adequate agitation horsepower the steady state mass balance for
Microwave energy travels through provided to achieve "perfect mix- the mill design. At the very least,
a medium at a speed determined ing". Unfortunately this theory tight pressure control of the head-
by its dielectric constant. The assumes liquids, not slurries. er pressure is needed.
dielectric constant of fiber and Stock tank agitation design today
water are quite different. If we is based only on rules of thumb Those are only some of the
shine microwaves through the derived from experience. Mill issues, there are many others. The
pipe the speed of travel will be the variability audits show that few consistency transmitter or mea-
average between the speed in stock tanks achieve the recom- surement has to be located after
water and the speed in fiber and mended 12 minutes of mixing the point of injection of the dilu-
hence a direct measure of consis- time, and many have much less. tion water. This creates transport
tency. Indeed this is a good mea- Nevertheless, the stock tanks do delay or deadtime. Deadtime
surement. Unfortunately, if air is help smooth out some of the fast makes control very difficult, and
present in the pulp and it often is, process variability. the controller cycles as it "chases"
its dialectic constant is close to the delayed measurement, thereby
Now for the easy part creating a new source of variabil-
that of fiber and this throws the adding dilution water in a con-
measurement off. Today, all of ity. Slowing down the control can
trolled way to regulate consisten- reduce but not eliminate this ten-
these inventions plus a few others cy. All you need is a source of
are used to measure consistency. dency. To make matters worse,
dilution water under pressure and
They are all imperfect to some a control valve. If the consistency Please see page four
The EnTech Report

Consistency Control
from page two
usgpm. The recirculation line "T"
the deadtime varies with flow, and T his quiz is about the same con-
sistency loop example as in the
Audit Example on Page 5. Figure 1
was a flush mounted weld into the
14" stock line about 5 feet after the
variable deadtime compounds this
difficulty to the extreme. And of the Audit Example shows the pump discharge. The transmitter
there are still more problems. P&ID, while Figure 2 shows the was located 25 feet after the "T" in
There are process design problems, consistency variability before and order to comply with the transmit-
instrumentation problems, control after tuning of the Blend Chest con- ter installation instructions, includ-
theory problems and more. What sistency controller (NC-101). The ing interference from elbows and
are the chances that all of these machine chest consistency (NT- other pipe fittings. The dilution
problems can be understood and 104) is uncontrolled, and no dilu- valve was an eccentric plug type
solved at the mill? Our experience tion water is added at the suction of with approximately linear inherent
4 is that they are not very high.
At EnTech we have con-
the machine chest pump. The mix-
ing time constant of the machine
flow characteristic.
Bump tests revealed that the
tributed many ideas on how to chest was determined to be 5 min- deadtime for the Blend Chest
minimize variability. One of the utes based on bump tests. Details Consistency was 18 seconds and
best known was the EnTech Control for the Blend Chest consistency did not vary substantially with
Valve Dynamic Specification. control loop are as follows (NC- stock flow to the paper machine.
When this came out in 1993 many 101). The blade type consistency The bump tests also gave a process
control valves did not move con- transmitter was located on a 4" gain = -0.54%Span/%Out and time
sistently, having as much as 5% recirculation line with a flow con- constant = 5 seconds. The loop was
deadband or backlash. This made troller (FC-102) in order to main- tuned for a Lambda value of 50 sec-
control almost hopeless. The spec- tain a constant flow as the transmit- onds. Explain how the design and
ification changed how the paper ter was known to be flow sensitive. tuning of the consistency loop (NC-
industry regarded control valve The flow setpoint was maintained 101) can be improved based on the
performance and how control at 100 usgpm, while the demand EnTech Consistency Control
valve manufacturers designed flow to the paper machine was typ- Dynamic Specification.
their control valve products. As a ically in the range of 1900 to 2800
result the industry now has much
better control valve designs and Q1: List the design errors as per the specification.
digital positioners available today Q2: If you could replace equipment as desired what would you change
giving a much improved control and how much could you improve the control performance?
capability. Along these same lines
we are launching the Consistency Q3: Calculate how much your new design & tuning combined with the
Control Loop Dynamic Spec- M/C mixing would attenuate Machine Chest consistency variability at
ification with this issue of the 100 min/cycle, 10 min/ cycle 1 min/ cycle.
EnTech Report. As this article dis-
cussed, the consistency control ANSWERS TO CONTROL ENGINEERING QUIZ
loop is a dynamic system with VOLUME 13, ISSUE 3
many interacting and sometimes
conflicting elements. We hope that A1: Clearly the process gain is a A2: This phenomenon can be over-
the consistency specification will strong function of the operating come by gain scheduling. Adapt
help address these in a balanced point. The gain progressivley gets the controller gain as a function of
way. smaller as the flow increases. the opering point so the the loop
gain remains effectively constant.
The EnTech Report

This audit example shows consistency control on a paper machine. Fig 1 shows a simplified P&ID. Fig 2
shows the variability before and after tuning with the top graphs showing Machine Chest consistency and bot-
to Stuffbox

FC 104
Furnish Stocks A, B, C, D 102

Blend Chest Machine Chest


Figure 1 P&ID
NT104.PV - Ind. 2500aa.dat NT104.PV - Ind. 2601aa.dat
Machine Chest Consistency Machine Chest Consistency

%Cons Time Series %Cons Time Series

3.850 3.850

3.800 3.800

3.750 3.750

3.700 3.700

3.650 3.650
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Sec Sec
Mean=3.72709 2Sig=0.0346 (0.928%) Mean=3.73247 2Sig=0.02017 (0.541%)
NC101.PV - Auto 2500ae.dat NC101.PV - Auto 2601ae.dat
Blend Chest Consistency Blend Chest Consistency

%Cons Time Series %Cons Time Series

3.850 3.850

3.800 3.800

3.750 3.750

3.700 3.700

3.650 3.650
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Sec Sec
Mean=3.75813 2Sig=0.03179 (0.846%) Mean=3.75737 2Sig=0.01143 (0.304%)

Figure 2 Machine Chest (upper) and Blend Chest (lower) consistency Blend
variability before (left) and after (right) Lambda Tuning

tom showing Blend Chest consistency before and after tuning of the Blend Chest consistency loop for a
Lambda of 50 seconds. Note that the machine chest consistency is measured only and not controlled. Note
also that the Blend Chest dilution valve is closed for part of the run from second 1000 to 1800 before tuning
while it stays open after tuning.
Q1: By how much did the variability improve as a result of retuning and what impact might this have on PM
basis weight variability?
Q2. Does the existing control (NC-101) violate the new EnTech Consistency Control Loop Dynamic
Specification in any way based on the data presented?
The EnTech Report

Consistency Control is Easy

reduce total variability. As it tries to controllers as the primary tool.
C onsistency control seems like a
simple little loop -- and tuning
should be easy -- a little bit of gain
reduce slow variability, the fast
variability will increase for a net
PCE I is the foundation for
everything else. PCE II builds a
and reset and the problem is solved. change of zero (due to resonance solid foundation in process vari-
Or so it would seem. HOWEVER, whatever that is). Unfortunately ability auditing based on time
if you really want to stabilize the consistency control has deadtime series analysis how to find and
paper machine and make more sal- and this cannot be canceled by a isolate variability sources. For the
able tons -- the above tune-by-feel controller, not even a deadtime EnTech Toolkit user, PCA I exer-
6 knee-jerk reaction is guaranteed to
increase fast process variability, not
compensator. What should we do?
The story is too long to tell in one
cises all of the extensive features of
this EnTech variability reduction
reduce it! paragraph, BUT come to EnTech's software to build an understanding
Using the tune-by-feel ap- Process Control for Engineers of how these apply practically in a
proach will result in the loop courses to find out. We have a process setting. PCA II and PCA
cycling at about 30 seconds and series of courses designed for mill IV apply the optimization tech-
you can be confident that you and plant engineers and technicians niques from PCE I and II to the
will enjoy sheet breaks on the including: paper machine (PCA II) and pow-
paper machine. Not what you PCE I Process Dynamics, erhouse (PCA IV). Each of these
intended? Why? Hendrick Bode Control & Tuning Fundamentals courses also presents a thorough
(of Bode Plot fame - about 1940) builds a solid foundation in process review of the operating principles
predicted that unless the control dynamics and control. It links theo- of each process.
algorithm can cancel the process ry and practice and allows practical
dynamics - (something called pole- insight to be gained. It also adds Course information may also be
zero cancellation - whatever that Lambda Tuning a new technique found on our website
means?) that feedback control cant for process optimization using PID


Courses are held in Toronto.
PCE I Process Dynamics, Control & Tuning Fundamentals April 1, May 6, June 3, Sept. 9, Nov. 4
PCE II Process Analysis & Minimizing Variability May 13, Sept. 16, Nov. 11
PCA I EnTech Toolkit Training March 11, Oct. 21
PCA II Paper Machine Applications & Problem Solving June 10
PCA IV Boiler & Furnace Applications & Problem Solving October 7 (rescheduled)
For more information or to register for the courses of your choice, please call
EnTech at (416) 626-6908, fax (416) 626-7691 or email

The EnTech Report is published three times per year by:

EnTech, a Division of Emerson Performance Solutions
Suite 100, 16 Four Seasons Place, Toronto, Canada M9B 6E5
Telephone: (416) 626-6908 Fax: (416) 626-7691
Email: Web site:

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