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Entry Test

Listening You will hear Alison Hellman, an HR manager, leaving a voicemail message for
her assistant. Look at her diary page below and then answer the questions. You
will hear the message twice.


Use of English





1 Where will Alison travel to this week?
2 Which days will she be away?
Speaking 3 Alison wants to reschedule the departmental meeting to
4 What else does Alison ask Sam to do about the meeting?
a) check if the meeting room is free at the new time
b) make sure the participants can come at the new time
c) change the agenda
5 The new deadline for the monthly report is .......... .
6 When does Alison suggest holding the meeting with Sam and Teresa?
7 What other rearrangement must be dealt with urgently?
8 When should Sam tell the trainees about the changes?
9 The meeting with the legal team will be .......... .
a) brought forward b) postponed c) cancelled
10 When will Alison be available to discuss other changes?

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mmar Skills
Entry Test

ctions Language A Complete the gaps in the article below with the correct alternative.

Toy success story launched
riting despite lost opportunity
Richard Tait and Whit Alexander It is strange to think that if the
aking like to tell the story of how they weather .17 sunny, they
came up with the marketing idea might never have thought of it.
for their new board game. In the Cranium .18 by just
spring of 1997, they ..11 in a $100,000 of their personal savings
Starbucks coffee shop in Seattle and promoted initially by word of
when they looked around and mouth. But it became a brilliant
.12 lots of potential success, and won the .19 toy
customers standing around. They of the year award for 2001.
.13 the deadline for taking Cranium .20 more than 11m
the game to the annual Toy Fair in games. The company .21
New York. So, instead of release total sales figures, but they
distributing their new game report that, in the past two years,
.14 they called Cranium they have increased sales .22
through the toy industrys about 30 per cent annually.
traditional distributors, they made
a deal with Starbucks. Later they
expanded to Amazon, .15
online retailer.
The idea for the game evolved
when Mr Tait and his wife spent a
rainy holiday weekend .16
board games with another couple.

11 a) are sitting b) were sitting c) had sat

12 a) saw b) were seeing c) have seen
13 a) have just missed b) just missed c) had just missed
14 a) who b) which c) whose name
15 a) b) which c) the
16 a) playing b) to play c) to playing
17 a) would have been b) would be c) had been
18 a) was funded b) they funded c) being funded
19 a) Associations of the Industry of Toys b) Toy Industry Associations
c) Industry of the Toy Associations
20 a) has now sold b) now sold c) has been selling
21 a) should not b) might not c) will not
22 a) of b) with c) by

Pearson Education
Entry Test

B Match the questions and statements to the responses below.

23 A: Whats your opinion about the new appraisal system?
B: .
24 A: How about Monday morning would that be convenient for you?
B: .
25 A: I think we should bring someone new onto the team.
B: .
26 A: Ive passed my law exam!
B: .
27 A: Im sorry Im late. The traffic was terrible this morning.
B: .
28 A: Can I interrupt you a moment? I have a question about finance.
B: .
29 A: Id like to know why I havent received the refund you promised me.
B: .
30 A: We really need delivery by the 15th.
B: .
31 A: Whats the food like in Indonesia?
B: .

a) I think so too.
b) Its very good but rather spicy.
c) I dont think its going to work very well.
d) Im afraid I cant make it then.
e) Thats all right were still on the first agenda point.
f ) Ill look into it right away.
g) Congratulations!
h) If you order now, that wont be a problem.
i) Id like to finish if I may.

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Name/Class: Listening
Entry Test

Vocabulary A Write a word in each gap to complete this covering letter for a job application.

Use of English
Dear Sirs

Position of Marketing Assistant

I am writing to . 32 for the position of marketing assistant, which is
. 33 in the magazine New Marketing this month.
I am enclosing my . 34 which gives details of my qualifications and
previous work . 35.

As you can see, I am currently employed in the marketing department at

Carwells Ltd, where I am . 36 for collecting and analysing market
research data. However, this is only a . 37 post which terminates at
the end of December and I am therefore looking for a permanent post to
start from January. I am available to attend an . 38 at any time.

I hope that you will . 39 my application for the post and look
forward to hearing from you.
Yours truly,

Brian Drake
Brian Drake

B Cross out the verb that cannot be used with each noun.
40 recruit / employ / fire / resign workers
41 relocate / grow / run / open an office
42 dominate / enter / decline / break into a market
43 raise / make / boost / charge money
44 amend / hold / call / postpone a meeting

Pearson Education
Entry Test

C Replace the words and phrases in italics in the memo with the best word or
phrase below.

To: Ramola Santos
From: Peter Stott
Subject: Prices

I would like to draw your attention to the attached price lists from two
of our main competitors. As you can see, both have reduced their prices
by about 3 to 4 per cent. I would like to suggest that we reduce 45 our
prices by at least the same amount.

As you know, we face intense 46 competition in this market, and our

revenue 47 from sales has fallen considerably 48 in the last year. It will
not be easy to market 49 our products if they are seen as overpriced 50.
Could we have a meeting as soon as possible to discuss this?

45 a) fall b) cut c) make lower

46 a) unfair b) open c) tough
47 a) income b) cash c) deposit
48 a) plummeted b) soared c) levelled off
49 a) reposition b) develop c) try to sell
50 a) inexpensive b) too expensive c) affordable

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Use of English Entry Test

Reading A Read the article below and complete the gaps with the extracts (ad).

Food companies target health
Functions consumers
Before Coca-Cola released an . 52. Its clearly a and vegetable drinks under its Knorr
American brand, Minute Maid, into matter for the chief executive or Vie brand. Analysts say these have
the UK market, the company spent chairman. been a success. In the future,
nearly two years trying to Britvic, one of the UKs biggest Unilever also expects to change the
understand what British consumers soft drinks producers and the owner composition of its ice creams.
wanted. of the Pepsi and 7UP brands in the Nestl, too, has been cutting back
It discovered that the British UK, is among those trying to adapt. on fat and salt in its products. It says
wanted something a little different Consumers have become more it has taken all artificial ingredients
from Americans. As a result, while knowledgeable and want a range of out of its Ski yoghurt range and
American Minute Maid orange juice drinks, it says. removed artificial ingredients and
is made from concentrate and water; Meanwhile, food companies are flavours from its confectionary
in the UK, it contains no concentrate focusing more closely on the range.
just fresh juice. nutritional value of their products. Clearly, food and drink companies
Cokes move reflects a growing Consultants say this marks a have spotted a market opportunity
awareness among food companies significant change from past and are chasing it for all it is worth.
that British consumers want more practice, when companies would Yet, anybody who has tried to find
fresh fruit juices, bottled water and concentrate on stretching the brand fruit yoghurt without added sugar
specialist health drinks. when they wanted . 53. knows that . 54.
The UKs leading food and Instead of using colours and
beverage producers know they must flavours as a way of differentiating
be more innovative and products, youre seeing more
. 51. differentiation on the ingredient
Michael Steib, an analyst at side, says Kathy Brownlie,
Morgan Stanley, says: Companies programme manager of the food
are taking [changes in consumer beverage ingredients practice at
tastes] quite seriously. He adds that Frost Sullivan, a consulting firm.
many are reconsidering their long- For example, Unilever has
term strategy rather than introduced three kinds of new fruit

a) just spending more money on research and development

b) to introduce new products or change existing ones
c) the industry has further to go
d) offer products that can offer some kind of health benefit

B The text contains a number of ideas and opinions. Match the statements
below to the companies that would agree with them.
55 People are now more aware of nutritional value and are demanding
more choice.
56 British consumers are more health conscious than Americans.
57 It is important to reduce the ingredients that may damage health.
58 A successful strategy is to introduce new products that have
healthy ingredients.
59 Food producers are recognising that healthier eating is an important
long-term trend.
60 The food industry is using different ingredients not just different
flavourings to distinguish new products.

a) Coca-Cola d) Kathy Brownlie, Frost Sullivan

b) Michael Steib, Morgan Stanley e) Unilever
c) Britvic f ) Nestl

Pearson Education
Entry Test
Use of English

Writing Tim Wilson, a business associate from the UK, will be visiting you at your office
Reading next week. You have not met before. He has just sent an e-mail to let you know
that he will be arriving at 10 p.m. on Sunday night. Write a polite, friendly e-mail
Speaking of 100150 words to him.
Grammar Include the following points:

company driver will meet Tim Wilson at airport (carrying a sign with
Functions his name)
room booked at Aspen Villas Hotel hotel normally used by your company
informed hotel about late arrival
Reading hotel: small, comfortable, quiet (see website:
you will meet him 8.30 a.m. at hotel and walk to office (5 minutes)
wish him pleasant trip

Speaking You are going to have a speaking test that will last 10 to 15 minutes.

The examiner will ask you to spend 5 minutes preparing the short presentation
below. You may make notes if you wish.

A group of eight Americans has just arrived in your country and will be
working at your company or college for the next six months. Make an
informal presentation of about 5 minutes and include the following:
Welcome the group
Inform them about any daily routines they will need to be aware of
(starting and finishing times, lunch, meetings, etc).
Describe any aspects of culture that may be different in your country
and the US.

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Progress Test 1 (Units 15)

Listening A Jason Fosse has a meeting with his manager, Denise Watts. Listen to the
conversation and answer the questions below. You will hear the
recording twice.
Vocabulary 1 Jason tells his manager that he wants to
a) leave the company.
b) move to another department.
Use of English c) try a different kind of work.
2 How long has Jason been in this job?
a) less than a year
Reading b) less than 5 years
c) more than 5 years
3 Denise Watts thinks
Grammar a) that Jason has performed badly in his job.
b) Jason is well suited to the job.
c) Jason chose the wrong job.
Functions 4 What is the main reason for Jasons decision?
a) He has been offered another job.
Reading b) He doesnt have a sense of fulfilment in the job.
c) He doesnt have a good relationship with his team leader.
5 Denise Watts
Writing a) accepts Jasons decision.
b) asks Jason to reconsider.
c) promises an immediate solution to Jasons problem.
6 At the end of the interview, Jason
a) keeps to his first decision.
b) changes his mind.
c) postpones making a decision.

B Listen to the conversation again. If you hear an example of any of the

functions below, tick them. Put a cross next to any you do not hear.
7 requesting a meeting
8 stating objectives
9 apologising
10 asking for repetition
11 showing sympathy
12 making a suggestion
13 agreeing
14 summarising

Pearson Education
Skills Name/Class:
mmar Progress Test 1

tions Language A Use a word from each of the columns A, B and C to create a noun phrase.
Match each noun phrase to the correct definition.

tight marketing system
automated sales revenue
riting retail monetary franchise
annual security strategy
aking global sales regulations

15 an electronic device that checks who is entering or leaving a building

16 a companys plan or policy for promoting its products worldwide
17 strict controls on the flow of money into and out of a country
18 the amount of income received by a company over a year from its business
19 an arrangement by which a company gives a shop the right to sell its
goods in return for a fee

B Complete the gaps in the article below with the correct alternative.

Deutsche Post moves on Exel

Deutsche Post looks set to logistics division. He .23 It . 25 already the world
announce a takeover of Exel, offered a place on the leader in air and sea freight.
the UK logistics company, which management board. Analysts have suggested that
could create the worlds biggest If the deal goes ahead, it rival bids from other companies
logistics group. The German would give Deutsche Post a might also . 26 once
group . 20 a supervisory leading position in supply-chain Deutsche Post reveals its offer.
board meeting yesterday to management, and would be its However, the price could alarm
approve the deal. Exel board largest acquisition so far. some investors, who . 27
members are due to meet next Deutsche Post . 24 keen in the group not to pay over 12 per
week to discuss the terms. recent years to diversify away share in recent days.
Deutsche Post . 21 a mix from its core postage and
of cash and shares that values package businesses into a
Exel at around 12.40 a share. broader range of logistics
John Allan, chief executive of services.
Exel, .22 head of the new

20 a) held b) have been holding c) had been holding

21 a) offered b) offers c) is offering
22 a) is made b) will be made c) will make
23 a) had also been b) has also been c) was also
24 a) was b) had been c) has been
25 a) is b) will be c) had been
26 a) be made b) make c) have made
27 a) had warned b) have warned c) will warn

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Progress Test 1

C The verbs in italics all have the wrong prefix. Correct them.
28 I think you have upcharged us. The price was 49 not 53.
29 The project was badly undermanaged and fell behind schedule.
30 I wanted the merger to go ahead, but I was overvoted at the meeting.
Listening 31 All the economy class seats were full, so I was regraded to Business Class.
32 When drawing up the budget, we misestimated the cost of materials.

Vocabulary A Complete the gaps in the memo below using the correct form of the words
and phrases in the box.

Use of English allocate break down develop duplicate face

interrupt save share trust waste


Grammar To: Skills
Simon Barnes
From: Tony Beech

Functions Language
Subject: Difficulties following merger

As you know, we are .......... 33 a lot of difficulties at present following the

Reading recent merger. We now have people from two different companies
working together, but they are not working effectively as a team. A lot of
the same work is being .......... 34 by different people, and this .......... 35 a lot
of time; meanwhile, other tasks are not being done at all.
Another problem is that the two groups of people have very different
ways of working, but they are not getting together to .......... 36 ideas.
Sometimes, communication .......... 37 completely and then work is .......... 38
while we try to sort the problem out. Everyone blames everyone else and
I think it will be a long time before the team members develop a good
relationship and learn to .......... 39 each other.

It would .......... 40 the company a lot of time and money if we could ..........
more effective working practices. We really need to .......... 42 some time
to this. I propose that we schedule a meeting for next Wednesday at 10
a.m. to discuss the issues involved and try to find some solutions.

Pearson Education
Progress Test 1

B Match the definitions to the words and phrases underneath.

43 A market for a special kind of product that may not have many buyers.
a) niche market b) captive market c) closed market
44 The purchasing behaviour of customers.
a) shopping trends b) buying habits c) procurement patterns
45 To offer a large quantity of a product for sale so that there is more than
people want to buy.
a) outsell the market b) overflow the market c) saturate the market
46 An amount of money offered to an employee when a company tells them
to leave.
a) exit package b) severance pay c) black handshake
47 The quality of workers who remain faithful to the company they work for.
a) corporate identity b) longevity c) employee loyalty
48 A breakdown in health due to stress and overwork.
a) burnout b) burn off c) burn up

C The five idioms below are incorrect. Correct them by replacing the final word
with a final word from one of the other idioms.
49 talk at cross picture
50 put you in the grapevine
51 beat about the wavelength
52 heard it on the bush
53 on the same purposes

D Rewrite the words or phrases in italics in the sentences below using the
correct form of the multiword verbs in the box.

call off count on draw up let down set up

54 We have successfully negotiated a deal and now we are drafting

the contract.

55 Weve scheduled a meeting with the French team tomorrow, but theyre
unable to travel so were going to have to cancel it.

56 Theyre planning to establish a new subsidiary in the Bahamas.

57 I hope we can rely on you to complete the report by the deadline.

58 Our new agent hasnt brought us any new business. He has
disappointed us.

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Progress Test 1

mmar Skills Complete the telephone conversation with appropriate phrases from the list.

A: Hello. You dont know me but Im Harriet Ford. .......... 59 by Doug Barlow
ctions Language we used to work together in the logistics department at Zenith.
B: Oh yes!
A: Im looking for a speaker for a conference were planning and Doug
ading .......... 60.
B: I see.
A: .......... 61 or shall I call you back later?
B: Well, Im expecting a client to arrive at any moment. But perhaps .......... 62
briefly what the conference is about and when it is.
aking A: OK. Well its a conference on supply-chain management which will be held
in Miami. And were looking for a well-known speaker to open the event on
October 14th.
B: Well, its .......... 63 to invite me, but unfortunately Im not free on October
A: Oh thats a pity. Well, maybe we could schedule your talk for the second
day of the conference. Would you be free on 15th?
B: The problem is Ill be in San Francisco on 14th and it will be quite a rush to
get across to Miami for the next day.
A: Yes, .......... 64.
B: But let me think about it and get back to you. Meanwhile, .......... 65 about
the conference?
A: Yes, of course. Ill e-mail all the details to you.

a) mentioned you might be able to help me

b) Is this a convenient time
c) I was given your name
d) very kind of you
e) I quite understand
f) you could explain
g) could you let me have more information

Pearson Education
Test 1of English

Reading A Read the article mark each of the statements below True or False.

In Grammar
someone elses job for a day
If you could do any job at all for I had chosen to spend the day at 55 various meetings about many
one day, what would it be? An his plant. things I did not understand.
easy question to answer, you 30 Our first task was to attend a By the end of the day at 4:30pm
may think. But when Campaign meeting of the senior team (or rather at the end of my day
5 for Learning, an education members who run the plant, Bob works from 5am to 6:30pm,
charity, said they would arrange which itself runs 24 hours a day, 60 and comes in at the weekends
for me to take on any job I want- five days a week, producing too), we must have walked five or
ed for a day, I was flummoxed. 35 622,000 engines a year. A six miles1. But in spite of the
Going through some news- manager got the meeting rolling pain in my feet, I was glad I went
10 papers, I found references to two by saying: The block and head for the Welsh factory option. It
studies: one suggesting that CMMS went down late yesterday 65 was nice to discover that there
workers in Wales have the evening, which delayed the are some management jobs that
highest job satisfaction in 40 change of the VCT. I couldnt do not simply involve chairing
Britain, another suggesting that understand a word of what they meetings and sitting at a
15 company directors are the were talking about. After the computer screen. And it was
happiest among all meeting, Bob Murphy told me: 70 interesting to meet so many
professionals. We are going to go for a walk people who seem to be content
Which is why I drove to an 45 around the plant now. I do three with the jobs they have.
engine plant in Wales last week walks a day. I dont think you can 1
8 10 kilometres
20 to be a company director for a manage from a desk the factory
day. I arrived to meet Bob floor is where the action is.
Murphy, the 42-year-old plant I thought these walks would
manager, at 9.30am. On the wall 50 last a few minutes each, but
of his office, there was a picture since the 25-year-old plant covers
25 of an eagle and the slogan: 6 hectares, they lasted some time
Focus: If you chase two rabbits, longer most of the day, in fact.
both will escape. I explained how They were interspersed with

66 It was the writers idea to take on someone elses job for a day.
67 He made his choice after reading articles in the press.
68 A survey has indicated that Welsh company directors enjoy their
jobs most.
69 The author spent a day at a factory that makes engines.
70 He arrived there at the same time as the plant manager.
71 He went to a meeting where people used a lot of jargon and abbreviations.
72 In between walking round the site, the author and Bob attended
several meetings.
73 Bob Murphy spends most of his day chairing meetings.
74 The author regretted having chosen to visit this factory.
75 His experience contradicted the findings of the studies he had
read about.

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Progress Test 1

B Choose the best answer to each question.

76 What do you think flummoxed (line 8) means?
a) completely confused
b) certain about how you fee
c) delighted
77 The message on Bobs office wall means
a) if you work hard, youll achieve more.
b) dont be afraid to set high targets.
c) if you try to do two things at once, youll fail.
78 The word itself in line 33 refers to
a) the meeting.
b) the senior management team.
c) the plant.
79 A manager got the meeting rolling (line 36). Do you think that means
a) started the meeting?
b) interrupted the meeting?
c) made everyone laugh?
80 Which statement best describes Bob Murphys attitude to management?
a) Dont get involved in everyday problems.
b) Face-to-face communication is vital.
c) To maintain authority, managers should distance themselves from
the workforce.

Pearson Education
Progress Test 1 Reading

Writing You work for a group of marketing consultants. Last week, you gave a
presentation at a conference in Warsaw about marketing on the web. After
your talk, a woman named Francesca Radici came to talk to you and
Speaking mentioned that her company might be interested in hiring your services.
Unfortunately, you didnt have time to discuss her requirements in detail, but
she gave you her business card.

Write a letter of 100-150 words to Mrs Radici, including the following points:
remind her about when and where you met
apologise for not having more time to talk to her at the conference
refer to her interest in your consultancy services
refer to a brochure you are enclosing, and to your companys website
point out that your company has a lot of experience in web marketing
offer to phone or visit her company to discuss her companys needs

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Progress Test 2 (Units 69)

Listening A You will hear five short extracts from meetings. In each case, match the
extract with the question or problem being discussed. There are three
problems that cannot be used.
Vocabulary 1 Extract 1: .
2 Extract 2: .
3 Extract 3: .
Use of English 4 Extract 4: .
5 Extract 5: .

Reading a) how to stay within budget

b) whether to recruit an extra team member
c) how to deal with a crisis
Grammar d) whether to take on a risky investment
e) how to help sales staff deal more efficiently with orders
f) how to overcome problems with deliveries and distribution
Functions g) whether to expand online retailing
h) how to improve communication between teams
Reading B Now listen again. In which extract do you hear someone doing each of the

Writing 6 identifying the cause of a problem Extract .

7 signalling a suggestion Extract .
Speaking 8 expressing concerns about an idea Extract .
9 resolving conflict Extract .
10 agreeing, but with a condition Extract .

Pearson Education
mmar Progress Test 2 Skills

ctions Language A In the job advertisement below, some lines contain a mistake. Identify the
mistakes and write the correct form on the line on the right. Mark any
correct sentences with a tick ().
We are a global-recognised brand and a leader in the world of collectibles. 11 .
We have a range of fantastically opportunities for sales executives 12 .
who are totally committed to achieving success. 13 .
We are looking for bright, energetic, high motivated individuals 14 .
aking who want to work hardly and earn the rewards they deserve. 15 .
Candidates must be flexibly and be prepared to travel at weekends 16 .
as well as during the week.

B Write the correct form of each of the verbs in brackets.

17 A promise: If you (call) me tomorrow, I (have) the answer
to your query.
18 A warning: Dont touch the wire, or you (get) an electric shock.
19 Speculation: If we (expand) our product range, we (be)
able to boost sales.
20 An invitation: If you (be) free on Saturday, perhaps you
(like) to come for dinner?
21 Reflecting on the past: If we (do) more market research, we
(find out) that no one wants to buy this kind of product any more.

C Write the most appropriate modal verb (positive or negative) in each gap.
The meaning is given in brackets.
22 You have gone to the presentation on team-building. It was
excellent! (it was recommended)
23 She have gone home already its only 3 p.m. (its impossible)
24 There were only two people who could have left this message. It wasnt
John, so it have been Manuel. (thats the logical conclusion)
25 You have made all those photocopies. Id already printed out
copies for everyone. (it wasnt necessary)
26 I have taken the airport bus, but the last one had left so I got a
taxi. (if there had been a bus)

D Write the correct preposition in each gap in the text below.

Venture capitalists specialise . 27 providing finance to new businesses.
They usually invest . 28 smaller, risky ventures and often dont ask . 29
security. Instead, they loan money . 30 the business in return for a share
. 31 business ownership. The entrepreneur may lose control of the
business, but benefits . 32 having access . 33 funds which could not be
raised any other way. For the venture capitalists, there is always a risk . 34
losing their money if the business fails. But by spreading the risk across a
number of different ventures, the investors hope that at least some start-ups
will eventually be highly successful and will bring them a big return . 35
their investment.

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Listening Progress Test 2

Vocabulary A Cross out the verb that cannot be used in front of each noun.
36 play / spread / minimise / eliminate the risk
37 surf / hit / search / browse on the Net
Use of English 38 arrange / secure / borrow / pay back a loan
39 solve / resolve / deal with / avoid conflict
40 reach / sign / break / share an agreement
41 pay / charge / receive / carry interest

B Match each person with the team where they will be best suited.
Grammar Skills
Alex: organised, efficient, practical
Barbara: communicative, sociable, flexible
Charlie: honest, reliable, stable
Functions Donna:Language
decisive, tough, focused

42 Were looking for someone who is open and trustworthy; someone who
Reading doesnt panic or get excited and who always gets the job done no
matter what.
Person: .
43 Ideally, our new team member should enjoy working with people and
should get on well with others. He or she should be able to explain things
Speaking clearly to customers. And as our work is never routine it is important to
be able to adapt quickly to changing situations.
Person: .
44 The ideal candidate must be able to deal with all kinds of difficult
situations, and take control when something goes wrong. He or she must
be able to keep a clear head and not get distracted when things happen
Person: .
45 We have some brilliant and creative people in our team but were not
always good at handling everyday routines. We need someone to remind
us about what to do and when someone who knows where everything is
kept, and can suggest the best way to do things.
Person: .

Pearson Education
Progress Test 2

C Match the words and phrases on the left with those on the right to create a
saying about money.
46 Money a) old rope
47 Money doesnt grow b) bad
48 Money cant buy c) talks
49 Money for d) the root of all evil
50 Dont throw good money after e) you love
51 A fool and his money f) on trees
52 The love of money is g) are soon parted

D Choose one word from column A and one from column B to make phrases and
match them to each of the definitions below.

delivery discounting
hire overdraft
business purchase
invoice grant
merchant charge
bank flow
government angel
cash bank

53 a facility that allows bank customers to take out more money from their
bank account than they had in it
54 buying expensive goods by making regular payments over a period of time
55 money given by the government to start or support a new business
56 the amounts of money going into and coming out of a company, and the
timing of these amounts
57 an amount added to the invoice that relates to the cost of transportation of
goods to the customers premises
58 a bank that deals with business rather than the general public
59 a private investor who contributes money and experience to new
60 lending a business an amount of money that is equal to that owed by its
suppliers or customers

20 MARKET LEADER UPPER INTERMEDIATE TEST FILE Pearson Education Limited 2006 Photocopiable
Limited 2000
Progress Test 2

mmar Skills Complete the dialogue with the phrases below.

Manager: We agreed a budget of $5,000. Tell me: . 61 more than that?
Vicky: Well, . 62 that were going to be visiting customers in
ctions Language remote parts of the country. So well need to hire a car. Petrol is
expensive and then there are some additional entertainment
ading Manager: But . 63 car hire shouldnt cost more than $250 to
$300. Even with petrol and additional entertainment costs, I dont
understand why you need more than $5,500.
Writing Vicky: . 64 hire a luxury car. It wouldnt impress our customers
if we turned up in a cheap model.
Manager: OK . 65. But Im afraid I cant approve a budget
eaking increase of $1,000. Its just too much!
Vicky: So . 66
Manager: Well . 67 go through all the other costs and see if you
can make some savings elsewhere.
Vicky: . 68 Ive already cut down on everything as far as I
Manager: Well, then you must go through it again in detail. I might agree to
an increase of $750 . 69 you can really justify it.

a) Id agree with you there

b) how do you think we should deal with this?
c) why do you need
d) hold on
e) Unfortunately, I think well probably have to
f) provided
g) one thing you could do is
h) my main concern is
i) I dont think that would do much good

Pearson Education
Test 2of English

Reading Read the article and answer the questions below.

Holding on to the dotcom dream
Outside building not an office tested 78 different marketing
offices in south London is a products supplier, but the initiatives and hired a
poster showing Martin Luther next Google. 65 statistician to see which was
King saying: I have a dream. 35 To raise money, Mr the cheapest way to get the
5 It was put there by George Karibian was forced to most hits. Mr Karibian
Karibian, founder of the surrender control of the regularly profiles his clients
company that calls itself the business to a venture capital to see who merits the most
UKs biggest online office company, Net Partners, which 70 attention. Repeat customers
supplier. Its an important 40 has provided 2m in funding. are given the fullest service,
10 message for his young, eager Other dotcom competitors including loyalty prog-
employees, with their who received fortunes during rammes. Clients making big
designer jeans and spiky hair. the bubble years burned purchases are sent gifts. I
Most likely none of them through the cash and went 75 hate gifts. But the numbers
expected their careers to 45 out of business. But the tell us they work, he says.
15 involve selling dull items such Wharton graduate paid The company, he says, has
as pens, paper and other office fanatical attention to detail. grown at 65 per cent this year,
supplies to small businesses. From day one, he scrutinised but he remains insecure and
Even Mr Karibian admits he every aspect of cash 80 believes it needs to triple in
got there almost by accident. 50 management, the value of his size to ensure survival. He is
20 His company has thrived, marketing expenditure, the considering broadening his
even after the dotcom bubble functioning of his website small business supplies to
burst and he spent more than and the efficiency of an include insurance, for
a year struggling to raise cash internet business. 85 example.
to keep it going. Partly that is 55 Mr Karibian also set in His Google fantasy remains
25 because he sold a dream to place disciplines that he intact. The dream were
himself, his employees, his believes saved his business selling is growth, he says.
suppliers, and his financial where others failed. The first
backers, which kept them all was marketing, crucial to an
on his side. With overconfid- 60 online business that can only
30 ence typical of the dot-com survive if clients come to its
era, he was convinced he was site and stay there. Euroffice

70 How would you describe Euroffice?

a) a successful online retailer
b) a bricks and mortar retailer
c) an online auction house
71 Mr Karibians dream is
a) to expand to the size of Google.
b) to switch from selling office supplies to other products.
c) to be the UKs biggest online office supplier.
72 The people who work for Euroffice
a) wear formal clothes.
b) are mature.
c) are enthusiastic.
73 Who are the main customers?
a) the general public
b) small firms
c) large corporations
74 When the dotcom bubble burst, Mr Karibian
a) lost all the money that had been lent to him.
b) lost hope.
c) convinced everyone that the company would be successful.

22 MARKET LEADER UPPER INTERMEDIATE TEST FILE Pearson Education Limited 2006 Photocopiable
Limited 2000
Progress Test 2

75 How did Mr Karibian raise funding for his business?

a) He borrowed from family and friends.
b) He persuaded investors to put capital into his business.
c) He got a bank loan.
76 What happened to many of Mr Karibians dotcom competitors?
Listening a) They spent too much and went bankrupt.
b) They couldnt raise much money.
c) They were taken over by bigger companies.
77 What is Mr Karibians approach to marketing?
a) advertise on the Net
b) retain the best customers by offering rewards
Use of English c) provide fun and entertainment
78 How does Mr Karibian feel about the future?
a) He feels the business is at risk unless it expands.
Reading b) He is confident of continued success.
c) He doesnt worry about the future.
79 Who or what is the Wharton graduate (line 46)?
Grammar a) Net Partners
b) Mr Karibian
c) a dotcom competitor
Functions 80 What do you think the meaning of scrutinised (line 48) is?
a) pay negligible attention
b) disregard
Reading c) examine very thoroughly

Writing You represent a firm of venture capitalists. You have investigated three new
businesses that are all seeking venture capital funding. You should
recommend the one that is the least risky and offers the best prospects for a
Speaking good return on your investment.

Using the notes below, write a memo of 200250 words to the new business
funding committee. Give a brief assessment of each business and end with
your recommendation.

AccessFace Bandarama Chauffeur-de-luxe

Electronics engineer invented a A group of young computer An existing company offers luxury
security device based on facial professionals have devised a new chauffeur-driven car hire to
recognition seeks funding to computer game and want to market companies.
manufacture and market it. it. Two partners committed and
Invention is effective should have Game is fun and creative. The ambitious. Strong customer base
a good market. group has lots of other ideas. established.
They want to expand - open
Not yet patented. Will be difficult to enter this market
regional offices. Expansion often
Inventor has no business highly competitive.
difficult but prospects good if
experience. managed well.
Partners have demonstrated good
business skills.

Pearson Education

Progress Test 33 (Units

(Units 1014)

Listening A Listen to the conclusion of a presentation and answer the questions below.
1 The presentation was about
a) management styles.
Vocabulary b) why companies fail.
c) the importance of managing people.
2 The speaker was addressing
Use of English a) professional people running small firms.
b) employees of small firms.
c) trainee managers in a large corporation.
3 What were the three main issues that were covered in the talk?
a) communication
b) consistency
Grammar Skills
c) context
d) content
e) Language
f ) cooperation

B Listen to the question and answer session that follows the presentation and
Reading answer the questions below.
4 The first questioner wants to know
Writing a) what motivates employees.
b) how to give staff the chance to improve themselves.
c) how to reward staff for good work.
Speaking 5 The first questioner is
a) polite.
b) aggressive.
c) unclear about what she wants to know.
6 Tick the suggestions the speaker makes when answering the first
a) give people new things to learn
b) congratulate people when they do a good job
c) give people the chance to work overtime for more pay
d) help people who are inexperienced
e) offer staff long-term security
f ) offer financial rewards for good work
7 The second questioner
a) disagrees with the speaker.
b) asks for clarification.
c) asks for more information.
8 The second questioner is
a) polite.
b) aggressive.
c) vague.
24 MARKET LEADER TEST FILE Pearson Education Limited 2006 Photocopiable
Limited 2000
Progress Test 3

9 The speaker believes that

a) you need formal training to become a good manager.
b) you develop management skills mainly through experience.
ening c) different managers acquire skills in different ways.
10 The speaker believes that many managers may find it difficult to
a) manage the business side.
ulary b) manage people.
c) take time away from work for training.
11 The questioner wants to know
nglish a) the number of small firms in the UK.
b) the number of partnerships that fail each year.
c) the proportion of small firms that do not succeed because they have
poor managers.
12 When the second questioner asks another question, the speaker
a) gives a satisfactory answer.
mmar Skills
b) answers impolitely.
c) is unable to answer.

ctions Language A Complete the text below using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
. 13 (be) part of a team is much more interesting than . 14 (work) alone.
ading For one thing, different team members can alternate job tasks. So if one
person is tired of . 15 (repeat) the same task, he or she can stop . 16
(do) it and let someone else take over. By . 17 (develop) skills in a variety
of tasks, each team member is able . 18 (expand) their range of
experience, which can be useful when . 19 (apply) for jobs.
B Make complete sentences using the sentence halves and a linking word from
the box below. Remember to use correct punctuation.

although despite however in addition whereas

20 You cant predict when a crisis a) Mary Jones is a much more

might happen autocratic manager.
21 The company has not been b) that there will be a shortage of
successful in increasing sales at jobs at home.
22 Peter Clark always asks his team c) you can make sure you are
for their opinion before making a prepared for it when it comes.
23 Many companies are moving jobs d) there are a number of practical
offshore; this doesnt mean issues to consider.
24 Before agreeing to a merger, e) spending huge amounts on
companies need to be sure they advertising.
have common strategies and

Pearson Education
Progress Test 3

C Expand each of the following headlines into a full grammatical sentence.

There is no need to write abbreviations in full (e.g. EU).
25 GE profits up 15%
26 EU and US to resume flight talks
27 Nokia, China Putain announce joint venture
28 New Burberry chiefs $27m package
29 China and US fail to strike textile deal.
30 ASCO boss told: up profits or quit

D Rewrite the sentences below using the words in brackets.

31 We will definitely have the results by Friday. (We are certain)
32 It is likely that our profits will fall in the next quarter. (probably)
33 Maybe our competitors will launch their product first. (It is possible)
Listening 34 I doubt whether anyone will notice the mistake. (It is unlikely)
35 Im afraid it will be impossible for me to get to the meeting. (Theres
no chance...)

Vocabulary A Choose the correct word from the box to complete each sentence.

compensate disclose handle monitor set take

Use of English
36 Telephone calls are sometimes recorded so that we can . the
performance of sales staff.
Reading 37 It is our policy to . customers for any loss of business they have
suffered as a result of delays.
38 We feel it is important to . high standards of service.
Grammar Skillsnot to . any confidential information to third parties.
39 We guarantee
40 Weve appointed two new customer service staff to . complaints.
41 If a customer reports a problem, we will . action to resolve it.
Functions Language
B Match the management styles in the box to the descriptions of the
people below.
collaborative delegating empowering hands-on task-oriented

Writing 42 Jan believes in working closely with her team to make sure they do
everything right. .
43 William likes to give his staff responsibility for and control over their own
Speaking job area. .
44 Patrick is totally focused on getting the job done. He doesnt always think
about the feelings of his people. .
45 Katrin is very good at bringing people together and creating harmony in
her team. .
46 Luisa runs her department by involving her staff and giving them
responsibilities. .

26 MARKET LEADER TEST FILE Pearson Education Limited 2006 Photocopiable

Limited 2000
Progress Test 3

C Choose one of the idioms to complete each sentence below.

ahead of its time pass the buck ground rules

nitty-gritty get to the bottom of it steam-rollered
at the cutting edge

47 This hydrogen cell car is of new technology.

48 None of the staff wants to take responsibility when things go wrong they
just to their manager.
49 OK, weve talked a lot in general terms. Now lets get down to the .
50 Before we start working on this project together, we need to establish
some .
51 There seems to be some sort of disagreement between the two production
teams and we have to .
52 I didnt really agree with the new directive, but I was into
accepting it.
53 I dont think society is ready for this kind of technology its really .

D Match the terms in the box with their definitions below.

acquisition bid contingency joint venture liability MBO stake

54 a business activity in which two or more companies have invested together

55 when a companys top managers buy the company they work for
56 when one company buys another one
57 a price offered to buy goods or shares
58 money invested in a business; a shareholding
59 responsibility for an action, or for damage or loss
60 an event that might happen especially one that might cause problems

Pearson Education
Reading Progress Test 3

rammar Skills Match the questions and statements to the responses below. There is one
response that cannot be used.
61 A: Do you mind if I use your phone?
nctions Language B: .
62 A: So you think there could be problems meeting the new deadline?
B: .
Reading 63 A: Just how many new customers have you gained?
B: .
64 A: Did you know that Perrys has taken over JCT?
B: .
65 A: How was your trip?
peaking B: .
66 A: Would you like to join us for a drink?
B: .
67 A: Were opening a new office in Kuala Lumpur next month.
B: .
68 A: It takes hours to go through all my e-mails!
B: .

a) Id love to.
b) Yes I do.
Listening c) Are you?
d) I know what you mean.
e) Not bad.
Vocabulary f) No really?
g) I think so too.
h) Not at all.
Use of English i) Im afraid I cant answer that.

Reading A Read the article and identify the paragraph (ivii) in which you can find
information about the following:
69 how US retailers are using information about their customers
Grammar Skills
70 Best Buys five main customer segments
71 the impact on sales of Best Buys new strategy
72 a comparison of the way different stores have been segmented
Functions Language
73 Best Buys objective for the next half year




28 MARKET LEADER TEST FILE Pearson Education Limited 2006 Photocopiable

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Progress Test 3

Customised shops bring in the customers

i) Manhattans 23rd Street lies broader strategy by Best Buy, the Street, the other main focus group
between New Yorks fashion largest US retailer of consumer is early adopting people: mostly
district, with its small stores electronics. Within six months, it young males who want the latest
including flower shops and plans to have over half of its 700 in personal technology. The recent
jewellers, and Chelsea, with its stores across the US converted to store conversion included
architects offices, advertising what it calls its customer installing two separate stations
agencies and upmarket centricity model. Each converted for testing computer games
apartments. So when the local store will cater to one or more of products. In contrast, the Best
Best Buy electronics store was five distinct customer groups, Buy in the wealthy Long Island
trying to identify its main with the appropriate store fittings suburb of Huntington includes a
customer groups, small business like the business help desk and carpeted studio area for listening
was an obvious choice. John product selections. to top-of-the-range home
Zittrauer, a store salesman, iv) The strategy reflects a broader entertainment systems and staff
estimates that one out of every trend in the US retail sector. trained to visit customers homes
three customers who enters the National retailers are learning to and advise them on planning and
store has some connection with analyse the vast quantities of data installing. Stores targeting the
small business. now available on their customers, busy suburban woman include
ii) This summer, Mr Zittrauer was allowing them to adapt their personal shoppers who can be
designated as a business stores and their staff to meet the booked in advance to offer
technology professional after tastes of the local market. shopping advice.
spending two weeks training to v) Best Buy first launched its vii) The segmented stores have
respond to the likely needs of segmented store programme delivered rapid results; in its most
individuals running a business at after two years of customer recent quarter, the converted
home, or from a small office. The research and testing that led it to stores delivered comparable sales
store he works in has undergone identify its five target customer growth of 9.4 per cent, against the
drastic remodelling and now groups: business users, early 3.5 per cent seen in the rest of the
includes a business help desk and adopting people, older family chain.
a broader range of business males, affluent professionals and
software. busy suburban women.
iii) The changes are part of a vi) At the Manhattan store on 23rd

B In the following questions about the article, more than one answer is
correct. Tick all the correct answers.
74 Changes at Best Buys electronics stores include:
a) closing poorly-performing stores
b) extending each stores customer base
c) sending sales staff on special courses
d) offering a broader range of products at each store
e) refitting stores to appeal to certain types of customer
f ) providing a more personal service to wealthy customers
75 Which two groups were identified as the main customers at the 23rd
Street store?
a) people who run small businesses
b) well-off professional people
c) females who live outside the city centre and lead active lives
d) those who are the first to buy any new technology
76 Which of the following are provided at the Huntington store?
a) a business help desk
b) comfortable facilities for trying out high quality music systems
c) computer games stations
d) sales staff who can call at your house

Pearson Education
Progress Test 3

Writing Read the first paragraph of a summary of a consultants report below, and
the notes underneath it. Then write the rest of the summary using the sub-
headings and information given. You should write about 200-250 words.

A comparative study of team-work in Hungary and Japan

Company X (Japanese) and Company Y (Hungarian) are to set up a joint venture in
which a team of software engineers from each company will work together to build
a state-of-the-art computer-aided design system. Consultants & Co were requested
to carry out a study into the working patterns of teams in each company.

Identify areas of difference possible friction?
Make recommendations (how to improve cooperation between teams?)

Two week study period: consultants followed teams, observed patterns of communication
and decision-making.

Hungarian team Japanese team
work as individuals work as a group
engineers specialised engineers more generalised
meetings rare meetings frequent
communication via e-mail or through brainstorm ideas together
team leader communication face-to-face
leader coordinates and directs. decisions by consensus.

Very different! serious problems possible joint venture at risk.
Important to establish common approach

30 MARKET LEADER TEST FILE Pearson Education Limited 2006 Photocopiable

Limited 2000

Exit Test (general review)

Listening A Listen to an interview with Jon Larsen, CEO of a Danish advertising agency,
and complete the sentences below.
1 Jon Larsens company was founded in ............... .
Vocabulary 2 The company is changing its name from Verner-Martins to ............... .
3 The proportion of spending on internet advertising is (at the time of the
interview) ............... per cent.
Use of English 4 In a few years, Jon expects this percentage to be ............... .
5 In Jons example, a car manufacturer arranged a series of ...............
............... to promote its new model.
Reading 6 To attend these events, people had to register their ............... or ............... .
7 Last year, the advertising industry grew by ............... per cent.
8 The total value of the industry worldwide is ............... .
Grammar Skills
B Now listen again and choose the best answer to each of the
following questions.
9 Jon says that his company is changing its name because
Functions Language
a) they want to market their services in the UK.
b) they want to show that they are up-to-date with new ideas.
Reading c) the old name is hard to pronounce.
10 The use of TV commercials in advertising campaigns is
a) growing.
Writing b) at a peak.
c) no longer as important as it once was.
11 What is Jons opinion of pop-up ads?
a) they are effective
b) people often feel annoyed with them
c) people dont pay attention to them
12 Jon believes the advertising industry will
a) decline in the long term.
b) stay at the same size for the next few years.
c) continue to expand.
13 In what way is the industry changing, according to Jon?
a) advertising is becoming more expensive
b) it is becoming more global
c) agencies have to offer more things
14 Jon gives an example of a new promotional technique in which
a) people sell the product to their friends.
b) no direct advertising is used.
c) consumers receive text messages about products.

Pearson Education
mmar Skills Name/Class:
Exit Test

ctions Language A In the article below, there is one mistake on each line. Identify the word that
is wrong and write the correct word in the gap.

From high to low in just seven days
riting A week ago Refco is one of the worlds biggest finance companies, 15 .
with a market value of $3.6bn following its high successful flotation in August. 16 .
aking Now the company has collapsed and trading in its shares have been suspended. 17 .
Initially, internal investigators have been unable to find anything fundamentally 18 .
wrong. But on Monday the company found out that a $430m debt was owing by 19 .
the chief executive. On the same day, he paid it forward, with interest. 20 .
The problem was that the statement the company put out explaining what has 21 .
happened left many unanswered questions. Refco is completely dependent of the 22 .
confidence of its customers. If they fear of the security of their assets they will 23 .
attempt to withdrawing them, which is exactly what happened this week. 24 .

B Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence below to create a noun phrase.
Do not use relative clauses (clauses with who, that or which).
We have to review our strategy because the conditions in the market are
increasingly difficult.
We have to review our strategy because of the increasingly difficult market
25 We are looking for a person who is professional and has good
We are looking for . .
26 Our sales have declined rapidly in recent months.
In recent months, we have seen . .
27 He has been consistent in producing reports which are accurate.
He has produced . .
28 The company has demonstrated that they are extremely effective in
planning for disasters.
The company has demonstrated . .
29 is a service company which operates online and has been
highly successful. is a . .

32 MARKET LEADER UPPER INTERMEDIATE TEST FILE Pearson Education Limited 2006 Photocopiable
Limited 2000
Exit Test

C Complete the sentences below with the appropriate multiword verb. Where
there is a pronoun in brackets, decide whether to put it between the two
parts of the verb or at the end.

break into break off bring out cut off look into put off

30 We have discontinued that line and we are going to . . a new line

next month.
31 The company is strong in Europe and the US and now they want to .
. the Asia Pacific market.
32 Hello? Are you still on the line? Oh dear I think weve been . . .
33 Im afraid I wont be able to come to the meeting on Friday. Can we .
. . till next week? (it)
34 Im sorry to hear youve got a problem. Dont worry. Leave it with me and Ill
. . . . (it)
35 The negotiations were not going well, so we decided to . . . .

D Choose the best answer to complete each gap in the article.

Smiles, white lies, um, er...What I

mean is no
Saying no to invitations can be very difficult. A standard answer to Can you come
to lunch? is: Thank you but Im a bit busy at present. But what would you say if
the next question .......... 36: When will you be free?
.......... 37 you tell a lie or be honest?
If you .......... 38 want lunch with someone it may be because they are boring, or not
important enough, or because you would prefer to have a sandwich at your desk. It
is easier and less rude to tell a lie.
I would not advise anyone to say no to their boss. A manager I know asked his
secretary if she would mind typing a letter for him. Id rather not, if you .......... 39
mind, she replied. A month later, she was selected for redundancy in a company
reorganisation. If she .........., 40 Yes, of course she might still be working there.

36 a) was b) is c) would be
37 a) Would b) Will c) Wont
38 a) did not b) do not c) would not
39 a) would b) wont c) dont
40 a) said b) had said c) would have said

Pearson Education
Listening Name/Class:
Exit Test

Vocabulary A Choose a word or phrase from the list to replace each of the underlined words
or phrases without changing the meaning.

fringe benefits dire independently old-fashioned remuneration

Use of English
retreat rosy succinct uncertain

Reading 41 We dont see any future in this market so weve decided to withdraw.
42 Our sales subsidiaries operate autonomously.
43 Ive been offered an attractive pay package with the new job.
Grammar 44 The job also comes with a number of perks.
45 Hugo got excellent exam results and his future looks promising.
46 His speech was short and to the point.
Functions 47 Share prices are falling fast and the financial analysts have issued
dreadful warnings.
48 Im afraid your chances of success are somewhat doubtful.
Reading 49 That managers attitudes to women are a bit behind the times!

B Choose two verbs from the list that could both be used in each
Writing sentence below.

accept achieve admit damage deal with enter give

handle jeopardise make penetrate provide reach take

50 We employ 5 staff to . customer complaints.

51 Normally the departmental manager should . the decision.
52 The project failed because we failed to . our goals.
53 The delegates at the conference were asked to . feedback.
54 The company is refusing to . liability for the loss.
55 He warned that taking this action could seriously .
international relations.
56 The plan is to . the market with our new design.

34 MARKET LEADER UPPER INTERMEDIATE TEST FILE Pearson Education Limited 2006 Photocopiable
Limited 2000
Exit Test

C Match the words in column A to the words in column B to make phrases and
match them to the definitions below.
auction centre
distribution package
income house
takeover distribution
ening retail bid
severance chain

bulary 57 money and other advantages offered to an employee when a company

tells them to leave
58 the way in which wealth is shared by people in a country
nglish 59 an attempt to get control of a company by buying most of its shares
60 the location where goods are stored before being sent out to customers
61 a number of shops or stores owned or managed by the same company
ading 62 a company that arranges sales in which items are sold to the highest

Match each of the functions to the most appropriate phrase below.

mmar Skills
63 State the goals of a meeting
64 Ask for opinions
65 Encourage contributions at a brainstorming.
ctions Language
66 Signal that you want to say something.
67 Resolve a conflict.
ading 68 Soften a request.
69 Summarise the points so far.

Writing a) Id like to make a suggestion.

b) Lets recap before we go on.
aking c) What we need to achieve today is
d) Does anyone have any feelings about ?
e) We were hoping to pay a little less.
f) Fire away!
g) How do you think we should deal with this?

Pearson Education
Use of English
Exit Test

Reading A Read the article and complete the gaps with the extracts (af ).

the bureaucracy and bring in the bulldozers
The table in Jean-Franois Dehecqs heavy bureaucracy, Mr Dehecq Despite the fact that Aventis was
chief executive suite in Paris has believes he .......... 71. He cites the plan larger, Mr Dehecq launched an
room for no more than a handful of of a group of his managers to build a aggressive takeover and went on to
people to gather round. Sanofi- Language
new $100m vaccines plant in the US. acquire his rival in a 50bn deal.
Aventis, the company he runs, may We challenged it, and then we said After the merger, most of Aventiss
have become one of the worlds Right, lets go. The reaction of top management lost their jobs, as
largest pharmaceutical companies, these guys was, So which he .......... 74. Otherwise we would be
but he believes this table remains committee do we go to now? I said stuck in the mud like all the big
big enough for all those needed to tomorrow morning you get the mergers with only 2 or 3 per cent
take the key decisions. bulldozers on the site and start revenue growth this year, while we
Apart from Mr Dehecq, that means building. We .......... 72. are generating 11 per cent.
just three other long-standing That same small group of As for the future, he hints that any
colleagues in whom he has total executives came into play when of his three close colleagues could
confidence. We .......... 70, he says. engineering Sanofis largest take- take on his role when he comes up
We sit around this little table and over with the purchase of the rival for retirement in three years, and
make decisions and apply them the French group Aventis in a highly with the boards approval he has
next morning. There are no unusual, hostile takeover battle. Mr chosen a preferred successor
committees, no mucking around. Dehecq says the saga began as a whose identity he will not reveal
This is one of a number of his survival strategy for Sanofi, who shares his vision. The essential
defiantly distinctive approaches to indicating that Pfizer, the worlds thing is that we dont end up working
management. While executives in largest drugs group, .......... 73 that by committees. If we .......... 75.
many big pharma groups complain were eyeing his business for
that they are spending too much acquisition because of its
time in large committees, trapped by profitability.

a) can best keep his company alive by retaining a direct approach that
cuts away bureaucracy
b) imposed Sanofis vision and style
c) was among a number of pharmaceutical companies
d) do that, we are dead
e) just took the decision
f ) dont need to talk to understand each other

B Now answer these questions about the article.

76 How would you describe Jean-Franois Dehecqs approach to
a) cautious b) consultative c) decisive
77 What characterises other pharma groups decision-making?
a) a long, complex process b) a fast, direct approach
c) a lack of red tape
78 Why did Jean-Franois Dehecq initially decide to acquire Aventis?
a) his own company was threatened with a takeover
b) Sanofi couldnt compete with the large pharma groups
c) he wanted to improve profitability
79 As a result of the merger
a) Jean-Franois Dehecq has had to change his management style.
b) the company is growing slowly.
c) senior managers at Aventis were sacked.
80 What do we know about the next CEO of Sanofi-Aventis?
a) He or she will make radical changes to the way the group is run.
b) He or she has already been chosen.
c) His or her appointment has already been announced.
36 MARKET LEADER UPPER INTERMEDIATE TEST FILE Pearson Education Limited 2006 Photocopiable
Limited 2000
Use of English
Reading Exit Test
Writing You work in the engineering department of a manufacturing firm. Your firm needs
to purchase a new motor for the pumping system at your plant and you have been
Grammar Skills
asked to investigate three models that would all be suitable from a technical
Speaking point of view.

Use the data below and write a memo of 200 to 250 words to the Purchasing
Functions Language
Manager. Tell him which motor you would recommend and give your reasons.

Motor A Motor B Motor C (*new model)

Reading Purchase price $1,300 $1,900 $2,900
Annual running cost (based on energy use) $3,066 $3,942 $2,628
Guarantee 1 year 3 years 5 years
Writing Cost of service contract (after guarantee expires) $80 per year $100 per year $100 per year

Speaking You are going to have a speaking test that will last about 15 minutes. There
will be two parts:
Part A: You will be asked to prepare a short (34 minute) presentation.
Part B: You will have to ask for information about a conference venue, which you
should then summarise and evaluate.

Part A: Presentation
Choose one of the topics below and prepare a short presentation. You should
begin with a suitable introduction, divide the main information into about
three main parts, and end with a conclusion. You can make notes, but should
not try to read the whole presentation. You will have about 15 minutes to
1 Make a presentation about a company. Give information about its activities
(products or services), its size, nationality of main offices or plants,
subsidiaries etc, and its strengths in the market.
2 Make a presentation about a job: either the job you have, or one you
would like to have. Describe what the job involves, why you chose it, and
what is most challenging or rewarding about it.
3 Make a presentation about a business person: either someone you work
with or a well-known person. Talk about what this person does, what they
have done or achieved in the past, and what special skills they have that
you admire.

Part B: Gathering information and summarising

You work for a media company. Your company wants to take over a video
games producer as a way to enter the video games market. Ask the examiner
for information about two possible companies: StarSports (based in the US)
and Silver Clouds (based in France).
Try to get the following information about each company:

type of game the company produces market value

sales performance: how well they are selling profit last year
when the company was set up share price trend

You can ask as many questions as you like to get facts and check your
understanding. You can make notes. When you have all the facts, you will be
asked to make a summary comparing the two companies. You should then say
which one you think offers the best potential for a takeover.

Pearson Education

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