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~ Weekly Description of Topics Covered

W1 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics.

Basic concepts: definition of a fluid
fluid, continuum hypothesis
hypothesis, stress
pressure and momentum flux, density and viscosity, momentum transport
by molecular and bulk motions, rheology (Newtonian, power-law and
Bingham fluids), types of flow (1D vs. 3D, steady vs. unsteady, laminar vs.
turbulent, compressible vs. incompressible, potential flow)

W2 Mass, linear momentum and energy conservation laws for closed

t Static
St ti fluids
fl id and
d applications.
li ti

W3 Mass, linear momentum and energy conservation laws for open systems.
Bernoulli s equation and applications

W4 Momentum and kinetic energy correction factors. Fluid friction loss and
pump work. Applications

W5 Dimensional analysis

W6 Steady laminar flow in pipes and thin layers: differential form of mass and
linear momentum balances. Connection between the integral
(macroscopic) and differential (microscopic) forms of conservation laws
W7 Turbulent flow in pipes: universal velocity profile and friction factor.
Analysis of pipe networks

W8 Laminar and turbulent flow of non-Newtonian fluids in pipes

W9 Skin and form friction. Flow metering (orifice and Venturi) and control

W10 Flow past immersed bodies. Drag coefficient

W11 Friction in flow through beds of solids. Fluidization and filtration

Set 1. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Fundamental Concepts

D fi iti off a Fluid
Fl id Fluid as a Continuum
Basic Equations Velocity Field
Methods of Analysis Stress Field
Dimensions and Units Viscosity
Surface Tension
Description and Classification
of Fluid Motions
Fluid can be defined as a substance which can deform
continuously when being subjected to shear stress at any

In other words, it can flow continuously as a result of shearing

action. This includes any liquid or gas.

When a shear stress is applied:

Fluids continuously deform
Solids deform or bend
as c Equations
quat o s

In general we need forms of the following

C ti off mass
Newtons second law of motion
The principle of angular momentum
The first law of thermodynamics
The second law of thermodynamics

Not all basic laws are always required to solve any one problem
System, Control Volume, and Control Surface

A fluid system is a continuous mass of fluid that always contains the same
fluid particles. By definition, the mass of a system is constant.

A control volume is some selected volume in space which can deform,

o eaand
d rotate.
o a e Mass
ass ((i.e.,
e , pa
c es) ca
can flow
o into
ooor ou
out o
of the
e co

A control surface is the surface that encloses the control volume.

Methods of Description

Use of the basic equations applied to a fixed quantity of mass, keep

track of identifiable elements of mass(in particle mechanics: the
Lagrangian method of description)
Example: the application of Newtons second law to a particle of fixed

Consider a fluid to be composed of a very large number of particle

whose motion must be described
With control volume analyses, the Eulerian on the properties of a flow at
a given point in space as a function of time
Dimension and Unit

A dimension is a physical specification of a system ( mass, length, time, etc.)

There are primary dimensions and secondary dimensions.

A primary dimension is one which is arbitrarily defined.

For example,
e ample one dimension is length whichhich has units
nits of foot
foot. The foot was
defined as the physical length of a king's foot; a rather arbitrary definition.

A secondaryy dimension is one which is defined in terms of pprimaryy dimensions;

e.g., volume (secondary) is defined in terms of a cubic length (primary).

SI (kg, m, s, K)
British Gravitational (lbf, ft, s, oR)
English Engineering (lbf, lbm, ft, s, oR)
Fluid as a Continuum

Fluids (liquids and gases) are composed of molecules.

The continuum assumption in FM, however, considers fluids

f to be continuous.

Properties (density, pressure, temperature, and velocity.) are assumed to vary

continuously from one point to another.

How to define?

Ideally, mathematical definition: = lim
V 0 V

But in practice it is not correct (in most point it would provide 0, no particle at point)
To resolve this issue V should be not 0, but as small as possible

By doing this procedure the fact that the fluid is made up of discrete
molecules is ignored and Fluid is considered as a Continuum!
= F(T, P)

T=const P

For liquids when pressure is fixed, and temperature of a liquid is increased,

its density decreases because a fixed mass of fluid expands (usually) with
increasing temperature. When temperature is fixed and pressure acting on a
liquid increases
increases, it is compressed and the density rises

The same variations in density occur for a gas when subject to changes in
pressure or temperature, but these changes are much larger for a gas than
for a liquid.
In typical flow situations for liquid flow T is considered constant (isothermal conditions),
We are not going to consider density variations for liquids.

In general it is not always acceptable (strong shearing, for example engines lubricants)

Ideal Gas: g = Real Gas: g =
P= Absolute pressure
M = molecular weight z = compressibility factor
T= Absolute temperature
R=Universal gas constant
Co p ess b e vs
s Incompressible
co p ess b e

All fluids are compressible - even water - their density will change
as pressure changes.
Under steady conditions, and provided that the changes in pressure
are small, it is usually possible to simplify analysis of the flow by
i iit iis iincompressible
ibl and dhhas constant d

U Characteristic flow velocity

Criterion is Much Number: N Ma =
c Speed of sound in media
(1400 m/s in water, 340 in air)

N Ma < 0.3 Incompressible

N Ma > 0.3 Compressible

Equivalent derivatives:

Specific volume
Volume per unit mass, the inverse of density v= 1/ .

Specific weight
Weight per unit volume g.

specific gravity SG:

It is sometimes convenient to express the density of a fluid as a ratio to
the density ref

This ratio is specific gravity SG= / ref

For liquid ref corresponds of water density at 4oC and at atmospheric

for gas ref is the density of air at standard condition (be careful, no single
standard). 15oC and at atmospheric pressure in the text.
Continuum or field description is used for both scalar (density,
temperature) properties and vector (velocity) properties:

Velocity field

ec o

In general, all fluids flow are 3D, with pressures and velocities and
other flow properties varying in all directions.
But in many cases the greatest changes only occur in two directions
or even only in one.
In these cases changes in the other direction can be effectively
ignored making analysis much more simple
simple, so we have 1D
1D, 2D and
in general 3D Flows
1D 2D

What about time?

steady: A steady flow is one in which the conditions (velocity,
pressure) may differ from point to point but DO NOT change
with time.

unsteady: If at any point in the fluid, the conditions change with time,
the flow is described as unsteady (transient).

(In practice there is always slight variations in parameters,

but if the average values are constant, the flow is
considered steady.)
Laminar and Turbulent flows
For pipe:



Also known as streamline flow

Occurs when the fluid flows in parallel layers, with no
disruption between the layers
The opposite of turbulent flow (rough)
Re Reynolds number

V velocity of flow (m/s)

D diameter of pipe (m)
density of water (kg/m3)
dynamic viscosity (kg/m

Surface and body forces:

body force: gravitational body force g dV

There are surface forces:

Imagine any surface within a flowing fluid, and consider the contact force F
applied to the fluid surface A , surrounding point C

the force may be resolved in two components, one normal to and the
other tangent to the area.
The normal stress and a shear stress are then defined as:

Fn Ft
n = lim n = lim
A 0 A
n A 0 A
n n

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