¿Prwwñhe ¿X"R'KL: Vocabulary

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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. The plot was so ari prka
I couldn't put the book down. (grip)
7. I was really prWWhe film, I thought it was going to be great but it was really
boring! (disappoint)
3. My favourite actor is George Clooney. I always get really x"r'kl whenanewfilm
comes out with him in it. (excite)
4. Personally, I prefer watching things that are thought --reyg<Laf . (provoke)
5. I found the plot really con{*ti$t . I really didn't understand what was happening.
6. The story was so sad that i felt really overrwhulnoland I had to stop watching the film before
I started crying. (overwhelm)
7. I was sa an fi^l i/,\3 . How could they ruin a good story like thafl (annoy)

Complete the text with the phrasal verbs in the box, Use each phrasal verb only once.
yell at me brought up tucked rne in tell me off cared for me
When I was young I was (l) Wwrh p by my aunt and uncle. My aunt was very strict and
would (2) -tel{ n+o( for the smallest things. For example, everything had to be in its right
place and if it wasn't she would 21 Yeq a,t n q at the top of her voice - it really scared me.
Unlike a lot of parents she never (4) o+d rr r+ at nght or read me a bedtime story. Looking
back it was all a bit sad. But, I know she (5) lql&.t n i^, I just think that it was difficult for her
as I was her sister's child.

Match the words in the box to the correct definitions. There are three extra words.
witty a tearjerker a plot an orchestra hilarious a grill desperate
a court considerate a burglar
a) A person who steals things from houses.
b) A book or a film which makes people cry. e,rywoy
c) An adjective meaning'very funny'. h) la,riot-r
d) The place where criminals Eo to be sentenced by a judge. courf
An adjective describing someone who thinks about other people's feelings . c-e"**,ar(
0 A large group of musicians using many different instruments to play classical music. q,- o,ro/rr{V,
s) Astoryline. o [.f

Underline the correct words.

1" History is a subject that / who is important to learn.

2. A teacher is a person which /1gtries to help students learn.

3, A laptop is a small computer which / who is easy to carry around.

4. A babysitter is someone th! / which looks after young children when the parents go out in

the evening.

5. Your parents are the people which / who take care of you when you are young.

Underline the conect words,

a) I know that Mary's at home so that can't / ould be her in that car.

b) They warned that ls not to go out late at night.

c) Steve asked me who it was / was it.

d) I think it's important you say I tell sorry to him.

e) Tony knew he hadn't be /!g there before.

0 I really can't stand to wait / waiting when I'm at the airport.

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