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Ruglud’s Armoured Orcs were one of the original Regiments of Renown for Warhammer back in its earliest editions, and have now been updated to the sixth edition rules with some lovely new models. a R powerful and wealthy Ore mercenary who sells his services all across the known world, from the treacherous Badlands in the south up through the realm of the Border Princes and throughout the mountains surrounding the Empire. Rumours suggest that even the Empire itself has hired his services on occasion. Ruthless to the core, Ruglud’s only loyalty is to himself and he has been known to change sides during battle if offered more payment and, more importantly, more ‘opportunity to loot and pillage. Over the years the band has equipped itself with a motley assortment of equipment, stripping scraps of armour from countless defeated foes, and always taking the crossbows and bolts that they prize so highly. RUGLUD’S ARMOURED ORCS A Greenskin Regiment of Renown by Anthony Re; Ruglud Bonechewer was once a mighty Orc warlord, leading the Crooked Eye tribe to countless victories. Uniting the local tribes, his army stormed through the Grey Mountains and Worlds Edge Mountains. He staged numerous successful raids on Dwarf strongholds and Empire towns, as well as upon various Goblin tribes that refused to grovel before him. Ruglud suffered one devastating defeat, many miles to the east of the Old World, and in that defeat he also lost his position as warlord of the Crooked Eye. Caught in a cunning and well implemented ambush by a powerful Chaos Dwarf force, his tribe were cut down in their hundreds by the withering hail of missile fire that the Chaos Dwarfs sent into their midst. The Ores return fire was unsurprisingly inaccurate. The heavy armour worn by the Dwarfs deflected the few arrows that found their targets. ‘As Ruglud fled, many of his tribe turned on him, blaming him in typical Orcish manner for the defeat. Ruglud bullied a small group of the Orcs into staying by his side and fled with them to the south, pursued by the arrows and insults of his former tribe. ‘They came across an ancient, seemingly impenetrable stronghold built into the mountainside. It appeared to be deserted, and the superstitious Orcs cowered at the sound of the wind howling over its blackened battlements. As they picked their round the huge boulders at the base of the stronghold walls, the smallest member of the group the runt known only as ‘Maggot’, tripped and fell. Ruglud blinked Ruglud’s Armoured Orcs

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