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A real number is a value that represents a quantity along a continuous number

line. Real numbers can be ordered. The symbol for the set of real numbers is
, which is the letter R in the typeface "blackboard bold".
The real numbers include: counting (natural) numbers ( ){1, 2, 3, ... },
whole numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, ... }, integers ( ){... , -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...},
rational numbers ( ) (such as -, 6.25, ) and

irrational numbers (such as ).

FYI: The series of three dots ( ... ), seen within the sets above, is called an ellipsis.
As used in mathematics, the ellipsis means "and so forth".
The properties of the Real Number System will prove useful when working
with equations, functions and formulas in Algebra, as they allow for the
creation of equivalent expressions which will often aid in solving problems. In
addition, they can be used to help explain or justify solutions.
Property (a, b and c are real Examples Verbal hints
numbers, variables or algebraic
1. Distributive Property 3 (4 + 5) = 3 4 + 3 5 "multiplication
a (b + c) = a b + a c distributes
2. Commutative Property of 3+4=4+3 "commute = to
Addition get up and
a+b=b+a move to a new
location :
switch places"
3. Commutative Property of 34=43 "commute = to
Multiplication get up and
ab=ba move to a new
switch places"
4. Associative Property of 3 + (4 + 5) = (3 + 4) + 5 "regroup -
Addition elements do
not physically
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
move, they
simply group
with a new
5. Associative Property of 3 (4 5) = (3 4) 5 "regroup -
Multiplication elements do
not physically
a (b c) = (a b) c
move, they
simply group
with a new
6. Additive Identity Property 4+0=4 "the value that
a+0=a returns the
7. Multiplicative Identity 41=4 "the value that
Property returns the
8. Additive Inverse Property 4 + (-4) = 0 "the value that
a + (-a) = 0 brings you
back to the
element under
9. Multiplicative Inverse "the value that
Property brings you
back to the
element under

10. Zero Property of 40=0 "zero times

Multiplication any value is 0"
11. Closure Property of Addition 10 + 5 = 15 (a real number) "the sum of
a + b is a real number any two real
is another real
12. Closure Property of 10 5 = 50 (a real number) "the product of
Multiplication any two real
a b is a real number numbers is
another real
13. Addition Property of Equality If x = 10, "adding the
If a = b, then a + c = b + c. same value to
then x + 3 = 10 + 3
both sides of
an equation
will not change
the truth value
of the
14. Subtraction Property of If x = 10, "subtracting
Equality the same value
then x - 3 = 10 - 3
If a = b, then a - c = b - c. from both
sides of an
equation will
not change the
truth value of
the equation."
15. Multiplication Property of If x = 10, "multiplying
both sides of
Equality then x 3 = 10 3
If a = b, then a c = b c. an equation by
the same value
will not change
the truth value
of the
16. Division Property of Equality If x = 10, "dividing both
If a = b, then a / c = b / c, sides of an
then x / 3 = 10 / 3
assuming c 0. equation by the
same non-zero
value will not
change truth
value of the
17. Substitution Property If x = 5, and x + y = z, "a value may
If a = b, then a may be be substituted
then 5 + y = z.
substituted for b, or for its equal."
18. Reflexive (or Identity) 12 = 12 "a real number
Property of Equality is always
a=a equal to itself"
19. Symmetric Property of "quantities that
Equality are equal can
be read
If a = b, then b = a.
forward or
20. Transitive Property of If 2a = 10 and 10 = 4b, "if two
Equality numbers are
then 2a = 4b.
equal to the
If a = b and b = c,
same number,
then a = c. then the two
numbers are
equal to each
21. Law of Trichotomy If 8 > 6, then 8 6 and "for two real
Exactly ONE of the following numbers a and
8 is not < 6. b, a is either
holds: a < b, a = b, a > b
equal to b,
greater than b,
or less than b."
(common sense)
FYI: Regarding the term "natural numbers", there is no universal agreement about whether to include zero in
this set. Most mathematicians hold with the older traditional and define natural numbers to be the counting
numbers [positive integers {1, 2, 3, ...}]. Computer scientists, set theorists, logicians and other mathematicians
define natural numbers to be the whole numbers [non-negative integers {0, 1, 2, ...}]. This site will use the
term "natural numbers" to refer to the counting numbers {1, 2, 3, ...}.

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