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VSP-DIR-135. Heat Related Activity and Iliness 10 Policy |L1 The Vermont State Police recognizes that Exertional Heat Stroke ison the rise in this country, and is currently among, the top three reasons why athlotes die during sporting activities, As such, this policy for planned physical activity in ‘the heat provides critical standards to protect members against heat related illnesses. 2.0 Procedure 21 This policy applies to all scheduled testing and physical activity where ‘participants are in a planned, controlled testing environment such as the department physical fitness assessment and special team tryouts and training, 2.2 Modifications to activity should be made ifthe environmental conditions put ‘participants at a greater risk for heat related illness. 23 In the event of a live mission, supervisors and members should be diligentin ‘the observation of personnel inthe heat 24 Members are expected to adhere to this policy for physical exertion activities ‘uring times of high heat and /or humidity. 25 These procedures identified inthis policy follow recommended guidelines from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, American College of Sports ‘Medicine, and the Korey Stringer Institute 26 Testing Protocol A. Saporvitors should be expecially vigilantand monitor participant's physical condition in extreme temperatures, B. Local EMS shall be notified of the planned physical test CA safety Incident Action Plan shall be completed by the safety oficer/test coordinator and filed at OPD. . A medical screening questionnaire Physical Readiness Questionnaire shall ‘be completed prior to the special team’s physical test and the participant will ‘be medically screened prior to engaging in the test. 2.7 Members should, when possible, employ the following preventative strategies forall special team assessments ancl physical fitness testing; A. Adequate supply of water at the site of each act B, Move scheduled activities toa cooer part ofthe day; early morning or carly evening base on Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Measuring Device wan). C, Meet with all supervisors prior tothe activity to discuss any or all ofthe ‘concerns and/or strategies D, Rotate personnel when possible E, Water breaks regularly and as needed. EF. Extended rest times to recover/ cool more completely, allow for participants to go to shaded areas G. Cold water/ice towels and/or fans can be used to cool participants 1H, Recommend removal of helmets and other equipment during rest periods or stoppage of activity 1. Have plenty of extra ice and water at the site in the event a participant needs immediate first aid /cooling, 1. Anon-ste cold/ ice water tub or supplies for a TACo/ TARP method of cooling for emergent immersion is recommended. 28 Hydration A. Ensure an adequate supply of water at the site of activity. B, Keep in mind individual fluid needs vary. Each participant should determine their own individual need, A. Supervisors or designee shall encourage participants to consume water during testing B, Asthe heat risk category increases, an increase in the number and duration of hydration breaks should be implemented, along with shortening participation time. 29 Clothing A. Itis essential that everyone is made aware of the importance of 1, Wearing appropriate clothing during activity (wear light colors, wicking quick dry fabric), 2. How equipment influences one's ability to dissipate heat effectively. 3. Appropriate application and se-application of SPF 30+ sunscreen, 3.0 Steps for Monitoring Hot Weather 3.1 The commander, or designee, responsible for a physical testing activity, shall, ’be responsible for monitoring whether conditions the day prior toa planned event. Ifthe potential for elevated heat and humidity exists the commander shall consider rescheduling the activity, 3.2 Designated members should use a Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Measuring Device (WBGT) to measure and monitor weather conditions. fers ambient temperature relative humidity, wind, and 344 WBGT can also be estimated from the chart below (Chart 1) in cases where there is full sun and light wind, and if no measuring device is available. 3.5 Weather readings shall be measured at the site of the activity, using a WBGT Device, Meastrements showld he obtained heginming at lonet1 have prior fy the ‘event/ warmups and monitored every 20.30 minutes thereafter ifin the moderate toextreme risk category. 3.6 Based on information from local/on-site weather measurements and from the ‘National Weather Service, Table below shall be used to make a determination ‘of the tisk of potential dangor to participants, 3 1. Synthetic Turf/Asphalt/Dask colored surfaces are signifianty hotter than the ambient air temperature, especially fin full sun 37 A warning and activity modifications shall be issued and distributed to all supervisors ofthe planned event prior to the start ofthe planned physical activity. 38 Scheduling training or testing should be avoided during the hottest part of the day (between [lam and 4pm) if in the high to extreme risk categories, 3.9 Shaded areas should be accessible to participants during rest/luid breaks with adequate fluids available 3.10 In instances when a WBGT is not available, the following charts may be used ‘as a substitute in determining if activity modifications need to be made based on ‘weather conditions. Planned Activiy/Tatting Modification Chart Ta sx ___weuer= _opinecariowse 3.11 Step 1: Ifyou DO NOT have a WBGT measuring device, measure the temperature and humidity so you can estimate the WBGT using Chart 1 above, ‘Note: Ths is only accurate in light wind and full sun conditions. 3.12Step 2: Once you have determined an Estimated WBGT, use Table 1 above to see what activity modifications should be implemented. 4.0 Heat Illness Definitions, Facts and Treatment Options 4.1 Brercise ina hot environment, with associated fluid loss and elevated body ‘temperature, can lead to: Dehydration, Heat Exhaustion and Exertional Heat Stroke (EHS). EHS is a potentially fatal condition and must be recognized and ‘treated immediately 4.2 Participants who take certain medications, have chronic health problems or are overweight may be more susceptible to heat illness. 43 Dehydration A, Fluid loss and heat loss occurs during exercise/ exertion, due to conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation, B, Itmakesa participant more susceptible to fatigue and muscle cramps. Inadequate fluid replacement before, during and after exertion will lead to excessive dehydration and may lead to other heat illnesses, C. Treatment 1. Fluid replacement before, during and after activity until urine is a light lemonade color and until the individual has replaced fluid losses within 2% of their pre-exercise body weight. 44 Heat Exhaustion A, Dehydration can lead to heat exhaustion and an inability to sustain adequate cardiac output. Symptoms include: 1 Fatigue, weakness 2Headache, dizziness 3. Pale, clammy, sweaty skin 4. Loss of endurance/skaill 5. Light-headedness 6, Nausea, [Participants will pass little urine, which will be highly concentrated. C. Mascle cramps may be associated with heat exhaus D. Treatment 4, Cool participant in shade or air conditioning, ice towels, remove ‘equipment, elevate legs. 2. Fluid replacement before, during and after activity until urine isa lightlemonade color and until the individual has replaced fluid losses within 2% oftheir pre-exercise body weight 45. Fxertional Heat Stroke (FHS) A Severe overheating, thermoregulatory failure may lead to exertional heat stroke, 1, EHS can happen at any time and in the absence of high ‘environmental temperatures, 7 'B. Dehydration influences the body's ability to dissipate heat, Regular intake of fluids is important to help maintain body temperature regulation, HEAT STROKE is LIFE THREATENING and TREATABLE, ©. Symptoms include: 4. Pale or white skin, usually sweating 2 Fatigue 8, Confusion, Mental Status Change 4, Headache, dizziness 5. Increased body core temperature (> 104 6. Nausea - 7. Increased heart rate, respirations 8. Collapse D. Caution: there may bea lucid interval when the participant has other symptoms present. This participant should be monitored closely. E. Exertional Heat stroke may arise in an individual who has not been identified as suffering from heat exhaustion and has persisted in further activity. P. Treatment: 1 Immediate, drastic on-site cooling in ice/cold water immersion, fans, ice cold wet towels replaced every 2 minutes over the entire body surface; then FMS to hospital after cooling, (SEE BELOW FOR DETAILS) 2. COOL FIRSI, until appropriate medical personnel arrive. 4.6 Treatment Details for Exertional Heat Stroke A. Gaul Une allete as quickly as possible within 50 axinutes B, Remove all equipment and excess clothing if possible. CC. Maintain Airway, Breathing and Circulation D. AFTER cooling is initiated, activate EMS by calling 911 E. Monitor vital signs such as heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, ‘monitor CNS function and rectal temperature (if available) F. If rectal temperature is not available, DO NOT use an alternative ‘method (oral, tympanic, axillary, forehead sticker, etc.) These devices are not accirate and showld naver he saad to acsone an inlividal exoncicing, in the heat. G.COOL FIRST, TRANSPORT SECOND! 4.7 Cooling Methods TCE WATER IMMERSION Place whole body in ice water immersion tub Jce and water approximately 35- 58F Submerge as much as possible (ap tofincluding shoulders) Circulate water during cooling process ‘Coot head with wet, cold towel Usea sheet or towel around the torso, under the shoulders to hold the head out of water ‘Cease cooling when rectal temperature reaches 101-102" (@83-38.9°C) if thermistor is available TACo METHOD (Tarp-Assisted Coe Place whole body onto tarp Dump cold water and ice into tarp ‘covering as much of the body. surface as possible Agitate water and ice by shaking. tarp Use wet towels as necessary to place on head, other body areas. May choose to wrap the person in ‘the tarp withthe ice and water Continue dousing body with water and ice (Cease cooling when rectal temperature reaches 101-102°F (983.88.°C) if thermistor is, available Fifective April 1, 2017 “The Vermont State Poe Mana ot intended apply in any rnin orci proceeding outside of itera Departent proceedings No ple lade inthe ulation sould be canara acteting ihe ep sanded of ey or aren an crete sue with cpt ni that for civland rnin atone eopaan juicing ety ine, Viton a i aloe 10

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