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NYE COUNTY SHERIFF’S Cale Saenreaeestcinie PRESS RELEASE ‘The Nye County Sherif’s Office is aware of concerns belng expressed regarding the shooting of 2 Pit Bull {in Pahrump, Api 10", 2017 and allegations regarding the inappropriately handling ofthe dog's remains. Immediately upon viewing the Body Camere Footage I stated an internal afars investigation into the actions that occurred that day. That investigation is continuing andl can assure you appropriate action ‘wll be taken by the Nye County Sherf’s Office upon the completion of the investigation. \am committed to ensuring all contacts with the public and their pts are appropriate ad within the scope of training that the Deputies have received. Ihave been an animal owner my entie adult life and yinetce wills Mr. Miles on Ue loss Of his fanily pet, 160 tae this oe lightly ‘This incident highlights exactly why Ihave been dedicated to ensuring that the Nye County Sheriff's Office has body cameras on all staff. Video ofthis incident demonstrates exactly how body worn camera footage allows me, the Sherif, to see exactly what took place and take appropriate action Deputy Tlle was provided immediate remedial taining prior to bs return to patrol responsibities to ‘ensure his interactions with the public and their pets is appropriste while the investigation is being conducted The Animal Control Officer that was responsible for the handling ofthe do's remain son administrative leave pending the outcome ofthe investigation. "hold my employees to 2 high standard inthe way they interact withthe public and do not take the shooting or my staf’ subsequent actions and conversation light. Upon the conclusion ofthe Investigation willbe taking appropriate action aginst any indviuals found to have acted in a manner not consistent with the standards they are expected to satisfy wihin the confines ofthe law. ‘Upon the conclusion ofthe investigation | wil release the results ofthat Investigation and ation that was taken ‘Thank you for your patence, sharon a Whey “Sherif

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