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Lesson Plan Template Candidate Name:___Ann Alvarez_________

Strategy : Mystery
Understanding Climate

LESSON NAME Time Needed (Hours/Days)

Why can it be cold on a sunny day? 3.5 hours 5 hours

Grade Subject Course

1st Science Science

STANDARDS/ELEMENTS: CCGPS, GPS/GSE (where applicable) and TAG Standards- need numbers
and description of all standards listed

Mystery Question: Why can it be cold on a sunny day?

S1E1Students will observe, measure, and communicate weather data to see patterns in weather and climate.

a. Identify different types of weather and the characteristics of each type.

b. Investigate weather by observing, measuring with simple weather instruments (thermometer, wind vane, rain
gauge), and recording weather data (temperature, precipitation, sky conditions, and weather events) in a periodic
journal or on a calendar seasonally.

c. Correlate weather data (temperature, precipitation, sky conditions, and weather events) to seasonal changes.

Fulton County TAG standards:

Advanced Communication Skills (ACS) Elements 9. The student maintains a journal or log for self-reflection and/or self

Advanced Research Skills (ARS) Elements 2. The student formulates original and appropriate questions to test the
limits of an existing body of knowledge

Creative Thinking & Problem Solving Skills (CPS) Elements 10. The student monitors and reflects on the creative
process of problem solving for future applications.
Clearly stated, open-ended, thought-provoking, and transferrable among disciplines, calls for higher order
How can I reflect and monitor my progress in order to successfully determine the solution?
How can I formulate questions that will help solve the mystery?
How does the location of your city impact your climate?
How does weather impact me and my community?
Why are there different types of weather, and what are their characteristics?
How do you record weather data?
Why is weather different during different seasons?
Is weather always the same? Why or why not?
How does weather affect our daily activities?

TEACHER LESSON PREPARATION What would the teacher have to have ready, and what would the
students already need to know, to do this lesson?
Mystery to be solved. Why can it be cold on a sunny day?

Poster paper with Atlantas average temperatures for a year.

Post it notes for students to make their observations of the temperatures throughout the year.
Students will already understand what weather is and that it happens all over the globe.
Students will use the resources to investigate the reasons for seasons and ultimately why it can be cold on a
sunny day?
QR codes will be posted trough out the classroom in order for students to quickly access the material that
can help them solve the mystery of cold temperatures on a sunny day.
Students will use a graphic organizer to collect their data.
Contains all of these in a well-scripted format: motivating introductory activity (hook or mini-lesson), linked to prior
knowledge, aligned with essential questions and allows for active participation by all learners

Students will look at and make observations about the weather chart for Atlanta, Georgia for the last year.
Student will post their observations on a chart paper in the classroom. Teacher will answer questions about
any items on the chart for clarification. The students worked with a partner to make their observations.
Students were asked to write down what they noticed/observed. We discussed their observations and
answered any questions they had about the data. The students really made some outstanding observations!

Instructional Sequence and Activities including use of technology

Includes all essential aspects of strategy, demonstrating clear understanding of how to use the strategy.
The procedures are well-scripted and very clear.
Appropriate for intended standards/content/skills
When did you group them? How? Do you have mixed ability, different learning styles? The plan
does not mention this part or how they will move around the classroom. Do they have to wait for one
group to leave an area or do they just get the code for the site and then return to seats to investigate?
Students will be grouped ahead of time, ability levels will be mixed as well as gender. I will assign a girl to
work with a boy and vice versus. I will print multiple images of each QR code and have students begin with
QR code 6 and then go to the QR codes in any order after that. I have created another graphic organizer that
will allow students to organize their data collections better and allow students to sufficiently solve the

1. The four seasons have distinct weather patterns. Students will examine data collected to compare and
contrast the differences in weather among the seasons.
Students will identify the differences in the seasons and the timing of each season in their region.

2. What is climate and what influences can occur? Students will investigate what climate is and how it can
be impacted or changed. Still looking for the reason why it can be cold on a bright and sunny day. Student will access the QR codes to
investigate the idea of climate.
3. Position of the earth during the seasons.
Students can access the QR code to investigate the position of the earth in order to draw conclusions about
the idea of a cold temperature during a sunny day.

4. Students will investigate the idea of a tilt and length of day. Do these have a potential impact on the
temperatures during a sunny day?


Graphic organizer to collect data and generate questions. Each group will receive four copies for
each category.

Assessment Strategies
Assessment is: aligned to the essential question(s), includes either informal or formal assessment of student
learning, self and peer assessment is included, and any assessment tools or questions used are included
-Teacher Observations observe and guide students during their investigations
-Conferencing with class or individual student ask questions to check for understanding this will be done
during the final project presentation
-Students will work in partners(assigned by teacher) so they will be able to discuss their thoughts and ideas
with a similar peer Teacher will redirect students if they are displaying incorrect understanding
- Graphic organizer with data
- Self Reflection journal, students will reflect on their observations during this mystery task as well as their
ability to collaborate with a peer and consider the perspective of another student. Students will reflect at the
end of each day and we will take 5 minutes to reflect prior to picking our research up the next day. Due to
our schedule this lesson had to be spread over multiple days.
Use of the differentiated final projects for final understanding for each student. (see below, differentiation)
Lesson is clearly differentiated for gifted learners by use of three or more of the following: activity appears to lead students to the
same goal, activity is a respectful task, activity requires the students to stretch as much as possible, and the activity responds to the
student interests, readiness or learning profile, activity is based on pre-assessment data. Remember, you can differentiate product,
process or content based on the students readiness, interest or learning style.

1. Seasons Flip Book - students will include an illustration that models the position of the earth in relation
to the heat source(sun)

2. Paper Plate Illustration students can use paper plates to model the concept

3. Students can create a poster that displays and explains their new knowledge and understanding climate
and why it can be cold on a sunny day.

2. Students can choose to demonstrate their understanding through their weather journals including
collected data and illustrations.

3. Students can write a non-fiction teaching book about climate, earth position, tilt, length of day, and
distance from the sun

4. Students can create a 3D model of the earth and sun during the winter season.

5. Students can create a digital representation/movie explaining why the temperature can be cold on a
sunny day.

Materials/Links/Text References/Resources All references are cited and working links provided, all
handouts are included, list of all resources needed to implement lesson included.
Literacy Room:

1. Beginning to Learn About Summer

2. Beginning to Learn About Winter
3. 50 Words About Weather
4. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
5. Magic School Bus: Inside a Hurricane
6. Catch the Wind! All About Kites
7. Weather Mania
8. Weather Forecasting
9. Weather Words and What They Mean
10. Science in Our World: Weather

Digital resources: The weather song -

These videos are 4 to 6 minutes each and will be used at the beginning and end of class to give the
students a bit more background information on the topic. Seasons video - , , , , ,,,

National Geographic Weather -

People and Places: parents or community members that work in news/weather forecasts, The
Weather Channel


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