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Hello, and welcome to my writing 2 portfolio!

Writing 2 consisted of writing three major

writing assignments, all of which are related to genres and their conventions. Before this class, I

was unaware of the meaning and significance of conventions. The class, the assigned readings,

and essays assisted me in understanding and learning what exactly genre conventions are.

Throughout the quarter, I learned to apply the concept of conventions and interpret sources into

my writing; something I used to find difficulty in. Now that the quarter has come to an end, I am

more confident in my understanding of genres and their conventions. Due to my deeper

understanding, I have decided to revise essay 1 and essay 3 that were assigned throughout the

quarter. In essay 1 I took two completely different genres, tweets and a Rolling Stone article, that

discussed the same topic and wrote about their differences and the importance of those

differences. In essay 3, I translated one genre into another; I chose to transform a movie, 21

Jump Street, into a song. Within the essay I discuss the movie and the decisions I made to turn

the comedic film into a song about friendship. Revising these essays were difficult, but

nonetheless, I am proud of them and I hope you enjoy them!

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